iknaenmal · 1 year
Fh DVD to a CV bl NV UTV h it omty eta nnp
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bringbackgoth · 1 year
My oldest Nibling is 6 and she’s currently going through the “is Omtie a boy or a girl?” Phase. I keep telling her I’m not a boy or a girl and she miiiight be starting to get it.
Tonight she decided she ALSO wasn’t a boy or a girl and I just smiled and said “oh really?” And then her parents and my mother were all like “no no you’re totally a girl, you’re alllll girl, definitely a girl” and I was just a little miffed like… why does it matter.
She’s always been a very feminine kid, loves pink and shiny things, wants to play dress up and be a princess. But she also looooves Mothra and King Kong and she thinks my big scary dog is her sweet baby(which is totally true) and like… she’s 6 years old for Christ’s sake, let her explore the different options in the world.
It was just a bit disheartening to see three people who “support” me immediately invalidate her gender exploration while I was sitting right there in the room.
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haber-euro-turk · 15 days
Konferanslardaki dil engeline "mobil çeviri" çözümü
OSTİM Teknik Üniversitesi Yazılım Mühendisliği Bölümü’nden bu yıl mezun olan 4 genç, üniversite bünyesinde yürüttükleri çalışmalar kapsamında 12 farklı dil seçeneği ile anlık çeviri yapan “OMTİS” adlı uygulamayı hayata geçirdi. UYGULAMA QR KOD ARACILIĞIYLA KULLANILIYOR Yerli ve milli imkanlarla geliştirilen program, yapay zeka destekli doğal dil işleme (NLP) kütüphanesi ve QR kod aracılığıyla…
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gravitymirage · 7 years
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A lil omti by yours truly
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mega-moobloom · 3 years
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omty init
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grenkids · 4 years
“As an English student at (omitted) I was able to participate in our university’s 2017 Student Language and Literature conference where I presented an original work of fiction based on the life of Mary Shelley.”
admitting to these people i wrote modern mary shelley roleplay fanfiction and read to people at school, but wording it in a way that makes it sound AcademicTM for clout
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bluesman56 · 5 years
Conflict by Tony
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bringbackgoth · 2 years
My brothers family visited today to celebrate my mom's birthday. I was hanging out on the couch with my niece(6) who said something like 'You're a girl' and I said 'nah I'm not a girl.' and so she tried 'You're a boy!' and I said 'not that one either! I'm a secret, third thing.' and so she started saying a little limerick and ending it with 'Omtie is a....' and then choosing a random object she could see or think of and I'd give my opinion about it and honestly it was adorable.
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haber-euro-turk · 16 days
Konferanslardaki dil engeline "mobil çeviri" çözümü
OSTİM Teknik Üniversitesi Yazılım Mühendisliği Bölümü’nden bu yıl mezun olan 4 genç, üniversite bünyesinde yürüttükleri çalışmalar kapsamında 12 farklı dil seçeneği ile anlık çeviri yapan “OMTİS” adlı uygulamayı hayata geçirdi. UYGULAMA QR KOD ARACILIĞIYLA KULLANILIYOR Yerli ve milli imkanlarla geliştirilen program, yapay zeka destekli doğal dil işleme (NLP) kütüphanesi ve QR kod aracılığ��yla…
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bluville · 6 years
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Omti is anti's brother that loves his knifu, oranges, and blankets. If you search omti then you will probably find it's blog... Tell me if you do I have a story :p
:O I may have heard of him you just jogged my memory!!!He sounds adorable but also stabby
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piligy · 7 years
omti told me to look here for the discord where omti was made... is this true?
Omti has told you the truth. Welcome to the bunny mansion.
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gigglegangster · 6 years
omti, eggs, your friends, schneep, blue salvias and our love for you
it will, indeed, summon me
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