#on my essay and I’m just like ummmmmmm
halfelven · 2 years
sooooooo anyone else’s spotify wrapped totally showing their mental breakdown this year?
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dreamquackity · 3 years
i feel like both things can be true: 1. dream and sapnap were being toxic in BB, but also 2. it does not bother bad because they’ve been friends for ten years and this is just their Dynamic in situations like this (and dream was right to tell his chat to shut up about it, bad is a grown man literally older than all of them and he doesn’t need backseat babying from strangers).
still that whole saga was so uncomfortable to watch and it’s why in the past i would stay away from dream/sapnaps pov when they’re teamed together (like it takes a solid relationship and lot of trust to yell at your friends like that so you don’t see it happening when they’re with other people), but i’m sure there are many people who do enjoy that energy so each to their own yanno
true! i never stay away from dream’s pov bc quite frankly the only thing i really dislike about it is seeing them lose. ofc id rather no one yells but um. ummmmmmm i literally could not care less im just like ok cool now pop off please 👍🏻 also like no offense to bad but there is this essay on reddit that basically explains why dream was kinda right n that bbh waaaaasssssss kinda not doing his job as well as he could’ve. so there’s no knowing how well their flanking strat could’ve worked. imo bbh kind of like. he wants to understand other people’s pov but also doesn’t wanna be wrong/take full blame ykwim? like george has said you can NEVER win a fight w either bad or dream, and imo its true LMAO but like for dream i think if he genuinely thinks ur right he will say oh ok lol my bad and if he thinks he’s right he will argue until the sun goes down. whereas bad will see that u r right and be like ‘okay i see where you’re coming from and i accept that i’m wrong for that, but can you also admit you’re wrong for this’ and it’s like. sometimes he is just wrong and no one else was. it’s like the time he thought george was ditching his stream to hang out with dream and assumed george was ok to be on his stream even tho he never agreed to it. different situations and obviously i shouldn’t compare it to an incident from a month ago but THIS IS THE ALT HAHAHA I CAN SAY WHATEVER I WANT. I WILL SAY MY STUPID SHIT I WILL BE A MINDLESS DREAM STAN.
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archersandsunsets · 4 years
Congrats on getting so much essay work done! I have to say as a very recent English Lit grad your excitement about the Romantic poets brought back so many fond memories <3 okay but as for business: Do you or do you not think that the tracks of Folklore and Evermore are pairwise connected? I don't know if Taylor has said anything about this, but it feels like the tracks with the same number are (or could be) all related somehow?
omg! thanks for sharing about the romantic period! it’s so fun to be able to look at this romantic outlook on life and then write about my feelings on miss swift!
onto your theory: i’ve seen it. this is really interesting as an idea, but just putting the titles side by side doesn’t make sense in my opinion given the very different trajectory of story told. i can see similar themes within the albums, and within the songs—but not when constrained to the tracklist order exactly.
(she says, and then puts every song on folklore and every song on evermore side by side and proves herself all kinds of wrong!)
for example:
the 1 / willow - playful what if? / more of that “we found that forever love” rather than questions - so unless you want to see it as being more like a dichotomy... which... might actually work hold on.
cardigan / champagne problems - well these are both reflections on relationships but very different... dichotomy???? also you have the parallel ranting bridges which give you a lot of information about what happened. (i could see this one working but more like a two sides of the same coin maybe... and i have seen a theory on champagne problems being about betty/james, but given the fact that cardigan is clearly a long 20 year onward reflection... idk if it exactly fits... but who knows. i’m only on day 1 of looking at it.)
tlgad / gold rush - rebekah harkness / having a crush or infatuation... this one just doesn’t work at all imo. gold rush reminds me of gorgeous or at least about taylor x joe, and tlgad is a totally separate story thematically.
exile / tis the damn season - this is like an almost maybe but might be reaching. like. both have that whole exes storyline—one where the breakup occurs, and one after. i guess it depends on your interpretation of when this exiled relationship took place. ALSO! parallels of “homeland” and “hometown” ummmmmmm!!!!
my tears ricochet / tolerate it - there is the marriage aspect holding them together, but personally my tears ricochet fits together more with happiness? i can’t get that thought out of my head so this one is just... yeah. but i can see it a tiny, tiny bit on the surface of marriage relationships. i also saw tolerate it connecting a bit to illicit affairs too??
mirrorball / no body no crime - yeah it kinda falls apart here for me. i don’t see this one at all.
seven / happiness - i wanna say this one doesn’t work, but there’s CLEAR parallels between trees lyrics (”i hit my peak at seven feet in the trees...” / “honey when i’m above the trees” and then the direct use of SEVEN years in Heaven) AND THEY’RE BOTH TRACK SEVENS
august / dorothea - there’s a parallel here of both of them kind of going after people who don’t seem to... care about them? with august, she asks if he’ll call when he’s back at school but then ultimately reaches a reflection later that he wasn’t hers to lose. whereas in dorothea, the subject is asking “do you ever think of me” in classic Taylor Swift fashion. honestly, there is a whole other theory about dorothea where dorothea represents Taylor as like a—dare i say it—self-insert or parallel character to herself in this universe she’s created.
this is me trying / coney island - definitely two different stories being told here, as is with both of these albums. this one could definitely be a younger and an older story. this is me trying is trying to fix something that was broken, and so is coney island... both have been hurt, but they’re different kinds of hurt.
illicit affairs / ivy - uh, the obvious pair. two sides of the same coin, but maybe with different endings? DICHOTOMY... i’m scared.
invisible string / cowboy like me - now i’ve seen cowboy like me talked about as a song about Taylor and Joe... and if that’s true, these are exactly where they belong. i haven’t had time to wrap my mind around this one quite yet, so i’m leaving it at that. potential for parallels for sure—one the cute little love story, and one a bit more metaphorized version of the same tale.
mad woman / long story short - on first glance, this one doesn’t fit... but it depends on what lens you see the song through. both talk about dealing with difficult times... and taking time to come back from those things. so, yeah, checks the box.
epiphany / marjorie - this is just the couple of grandfather and grandmother at this point. case closed.
betty / closure OR hoax / closure - betty doesn’t work in this instance, so i’ve taken the liberty of pairing closure with hoax. and it makes sense, given what Taylor said in the long pond sessions about hoax being about a lot of what she was dealing with and potentially Scott mentions again... the same can be said of closure. this is just the end of that story, where the person (i’ve seen theories that are both for Scott specifically or Kanye... especially the latter wanting to like help her with her masters situation now hm) comes back asking for closure and Taylor says “i don’t need it and i’m not going to give it to you either.” i don’t fully understand hoax but i definitely see bits of the struggle with BMG there in order for this to work.
(bonus) the lakes / evermore - uh yeah this one seems pretty self explanatory too? the lakes kind of being like, dealing with the masters situation and waning to run away with her lover... and evermore being dealing with the pain of the masters situation and other things... it’s not an exact fit, but does in some areas.
and we still have two songs off evermore we haven’t heard! so, uh, yeah. i was a skeptic but then i stopped to look at it and... damn. this one holds weight. you flipped me!
tldr: i think this works, if not direct parallels then in more dichotomy ways! but, it doesn’t work for every track.
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lesbeet · 4 years
i’m not the anon from before but i would love movie/ tv video essay recs! especially one that you require you to have watched the given film beforehand! ty!
for sure!! tbh i don’t usually watch ones that spend a significant amount of time on things i haven’t seen just bc i have so little context for any of it
ok idk what kinds of movies or shows you like so i’ll just try and give you a sampler of different things off the top of my head lmao
i have a list of ones about the social network that i can reblog for you if you’d like! some of those are my favorites - particularly one called like...sorkin, structure, and collaboration or smth
genuinely i love jack saint’s video about how sky high is actually about fascist eugenics
drew gooden’s videos about efficiency in comedy and jumping the shark are pretty good
i have a whole bunch of community ones i can link you to but mostly i just love them bc i love community lmao
skip intro has a great one about the editing of the big little lies tv show
lessons from the screenplay has a really nice analysis of the first pages of the screenplay for the devil wears prada 
renegade cut (FABULOUS political channel who also does politically-based media vids) has a really good one about snl called ‘saturday neo-liberalism’
renegade cut and lindsey ellis both have good ones about ‘late stage disney’ and ‘woke disney’ that are more or less the same but both worth watching imo
ladyknightthebrave’s hour-long epic about the haunting of hill house is amazing
nerdstalgic has a bunch of fantastic videos about The Shows From Our Childhood and like yeah everyone in the world has done video essays about spongebob etc but nerdstalgic covers some stuff a lot of people don’t really talk about, like my life as a teenage robot, chalkzone, etc, and they’re really nice little blasts from the past with cool info/insights 
i also follow a couple fashion-focused channels that talk a lot about like costume design for iconic female characters (think blair waldorf, cher horowitz, etc) so if you want those i can send em your way as well!
thefilmtheorists (same guy who does game theory if you’re familiar) has some really cool analyses of stuff...very specific i know ksldjflksdj but they have stuff kind of across the board so there’s bound to be something that’ll catch your interest
ummmmmmm that was a lot so tell me if any of these strike your fancy and i’ll see if i can give you more similar ones :) enjoy!
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starkerforlife6969 · 6 years
This post is me replying to the lovely anons I got! But I didn't wanna spam anyone’s feed so it’s all down below in one mega post! Mwah x PS none of these are prompts, those would always be posted separately ;) so if you’re a prompter, just wait on me honeys i promise ill come through for you soon. 
1) @janetpie1951: “i would kill everyone for sugar baby Peter. With No remorse.” and “Secretary Peter? Absolutely fucking perfect.”
We are the same, my love. Me too. I love that softboi so much i would pull a tony and just break everyone’s leg if they so much as looked at him the wrong way. 
And thank you SO much, I was so scared no one would like the secretary Peter one because I found his character really hard to write as it was so OC, you know? So this put a huge smile on my face :)) x
2) I’m having mild social anxiety just typing this. I wanted to tell you how much I’ve been enjoying your writing. Especially the Mafia boss/sugar baby/bodyguard story line you’ve been posting. I can’t wait for the next part.
I cannot wait for Part 3, at the moment it’s just a few snippets because i need a few more ideas to tie it together, but i promise it’ll be up soon! And my precious thing, well done for typing it anyway!!! I know how you feel, but this made my day so thank you so much sugar xx
3) I wish I was brave enough to share my writing like you do. I'm really scared people will think I'm stupid or that I suck. I'm too shy to share much 🙈 How can someone get over that kind of fear?
Dude, if I could take you back to the first fic I ever wrote- I think it was Dramione? Or H2O, it was seriously just awful like wow oh my god. But the thing was- people were so nice. And dude, it was shit. I promise you, it really was. What i’m saying is- you are your own harshest critic, and that’s super cliche but it’s true. No one will judge your work the way you do. And the feeling when people are nice- oh god, it just- it’s worth the risk. No one is going to think youre stupid or you suck because you had the fucking moxie to create something in the first place. I know it’s hard to take that first leap- I was too young to truly comprehend how scary it was when I did it, but I know you can get there. Sometimes it’s nicest starting in a tiny little fandom because everyone is so supportive and you all know each other and you can build confidence that way- saying that, the starker fandom is by far the most supportive one i’ve ever been in (teen wolf a close second, but there can be some mean anons there who for some reason are obsessed with scott??? like i like him, but let’s chill out, sorry off topic) and there will be haters, but fuck them. I, personally, would read anything you wrote and i would never have anything negative to say. I might be like “dude could you put stuff into paragraphs cuz it’s hard to read a block of text on my phone” but that’s it- that’s the worst thing i would ever say. i’d be too busy being grateful that you’d written some glorious content.
It’s scary, my gorgeous darling, but you can get there. The more fic you read, the more confident you get, and soon you’ll get more confident in YOU. As long as YOU like your writing (which is one of the hardest things ever) it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. 
that being said, nothing wrong with shyness. It’s okay to keep it to yourself, sometimes it’s a private thing. Maybe tease us with a few snippets and when we all go insane and beg you for more, maybe then you’ll be encouraged ;) 
4) OML I looooove that you link the other chapters in your series. It's awesome. Keep up the great work! I love your stories ❤️
Dude, thank you!!!! It’s super annoying to do but i always do it because i wish other users did it because it’s so hard scrolling through their whole blog to find a part 2 so thank you so much for appreciating it hahaha it honestly made my day. 
5) Holy FUCK that mafia boss with sugar baby peter is my absolute favorite thing I have ever read in my existence. Thank you so much for writing it and blessing everyone who reads it 💕💕
Yeah you’re just the best and sweetest thing ever. You just are. End of. 
6) I just spent the last several hours going through the starker tag on your blog and hot diggity damn are you good at writing these two.
that is one of the best ways to spend the day and I'm am so honoured you picked mine like ahhhhh i could dance and blush forever, thank you so much. 
7) your mafia tonypetersteve was so good i just!!! I DONT HAVE WORDS it made me so emotional and it was perfect and just uGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you for writing it so muchhhhh - { holographic-starker }
dude- dude- dude, you are so lovely. THANK YOU FOR READING IT 
8) Oh wow, your Mafia Boss Tony x Sugar Baby Peter x Bodyguard Steve fic is sooo amazing! 😱❤ The atmosphere, the tension, I can't even say what's my favourite part, everything is just so damn perfect and sexy! ❤❤
oh my god this is a tirade of compliments and I'm honest to god sobbing, seriously dude the fact that you read it and liked it is- it’s the best feeling ever i can’t even describe it to you.  
9) Ummmmmmm excuse me while I die in a corner because of your mafia au 🤤
have i mentioned that i don’t deserve you guys? I honestly don’t. 
10) [this is on the secretary au] THAT TOOK A TURN REAL FAST ((it was so good))
thank you so fucking much honestly i am awed, this was so worth putting off essays to do 
oh my god you are so amazing i can’t even just wow. If i ever came up with an idea i’d love to continue it for you, gorgeous. 
12) your a/b/o au with tony/harley/peter was so great!! i would love a part 2❣️
same as above honey in 11, if i ever develop a decent imagination, i definitely will. thank you so much for taking the time to make my whole day. 
13) @pretty-well-funded I binged through Super Size Me at 2am and I am fucking in love with it
Well I’m in love with you, so there. And please don’t hate me over how slack i’ve been with that fic, i started it before i made this side blog and now this sideblog has taken over my whole life but i promise i will get back to it because you guys are so supportive and brilliant and wow 
14) @hoe4parker You're literally one of my favorite writers and I'm currently writing a trans!Peter fic and if you're cool with writing one, you could write one too? I love trans!Peter and new content is always fabulous and I really really love your writing
You are beyond the sweetest thing in the whole world. Just wow. Just thank you. Actually because of this ask i did a bunch of research into how to write trans characters and asked a lot of other users for advice, but i just don’t think i can do it justice at this stage :(( i’ve never done it before and i don’t feel i know quite enough about it. I love reading trans peter fics and i can’t wait for yours, but as for me, i think i need to build up my talent in that area. Who knows, maybe one day? ;) 
15) @starkersbitch Heyyy there! Uh I somehow wanted to tell you that on here rather than on ao3, but I am OBSESSED with your fic "Super Size Me". The characterisation? AMAZING. The smut? I'm living. Your general writing style? Love it. Keep up your good work, love!
yeah i remember getting this, it put the biggest smile on my face ever like just wow thank you so goddamn much. like i said in 13, don’t hate me. I will get back to it gorgeous, i promise!!!! be patient with me, like timberlake says in bad teacher “i think I'm worth the wait” snort goddamn, I'm totally not but you’re a darling and i love you seriously, this encouragement is what makes this fandom the best one ever. 
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jawnkeets · 6 years
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 !!!!
recommend and review a book.
omg ummmmmmm. i’ll go with the last thing i read! i read on life and art by john ruskin and i loved its unique perspective. i esp loved the way ruskin talked about gothic architecture and, in a separate essay, rust and how like though they’re looked down upon in some way (gothic architecture lacking the polish of classical architecture, rust being seen as undesirable and a corrupted form of iron) there’s a real value and worth in them (gothic architecture is built by free men and not slaves - greatly expanded upon in the essay, i’m not doing it justice here, oxygen is a life-giver - when things rust, it is literally life being breathed into the iron). i’m sooooooo rubbish at reviewing books (i don’t rly even give books star ratings on goodreads ahah) like i prefer to just take things in and not make qualitative judgements because everything i’ve ever read has been valuable in some way and has added to my (slooooowly building) bank of knowledge but i hope this is okay!!!! 
how many books have you read this year?
about 10 i think? hav been focusing on exams so have a lot of catching up to do in the summer hols ahah 
top 5 children’s books?
oh hmm trying to remember my childhood favs…….. the saga of darren shan, the demonata, the -ology series, shiver, my name is mina (the last 2 got me into poetry - rilke and blake were my earliest favs!!!) 
do you like historical books? which time period?
i like books written in the past in terms of the classics (all periods interest me!), but i probs wouldn’t choose a historical novel written in the present day whose primary focus was to document or bring to life specific historical events, because i’m not really that interested in historical events, especially wars (as in, weaponry, strategy, etc), if that makes sense? i’m wording this rly badly, but i like to observe ideological shifts and stuff in history and find that rly interesting but don’t really care about, say, the daily life of a member of henry viii’s court so much. historical ideas and scope over details i guess 
most disliked popular books?
i’m not rly a fan of dystopian fiction. 
what are things you look for in a book?
ambiguity, idealism, something that evokes the ineffable almost paradoxically through words, i don’t actually really know lmao. also the supernatural or mysterious is always a bonus
thank u elliot!!!!
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mistressofuniverses · 5 years
Endinning (Chapter One)
[A Beginning]
The multiverse is greatly and wildly disorienting. However, the way that the multiverse interacts with time is even more so. There is no beginning, no end. There are seemingly unlinked stories that do in the end become something much greater.
It is because of this that we are able to more greatly understand the occurrence of anomalies. In essence, they are taken into account, just not where they are being examined. Much like an unlinked story, they occur out of order of what the examiner understands to be the universe around them.
This is no one's fault. It simply is.
-An Excerpt from “Mysteries of the Multiverse: The Argument Between Fate and Freewill”, an essay by EnigmaBibliophile, 347XX-3C62/F4JZ
I suppose that I should call this place “home”.  Not that’s it’s actually a physical location but the feeling accompanying this state of being is the same. Kinda.
“You’re back!!” A light, cheerful voice rings out or at least a near approximate. It belongs to the being I’ve decided to call Dottie. She, (they? No, that doesn’t feel at all correct.) SHE flies at me knocking me off my feet and hugs me. Well, it kinda feels like she does, the part of me that still swears up and down that I’m physical and can still do things like feel and hear and talk.
(It’s weird not actually feeling anything. It’s almost lonely in a way.)
“Yes I’m back hello. How have.. sorry, old habit. Ummmmmmm, how long has it been?”
“Ages and ages!” Her arms stop hugging me and fly apart to show me just how long ages and ages was. “But that’s enough of that. What was it like?”
Please no. Don’t ask me that. Why would you ask me that? “What was what like?”
“Being out there, duh.” Damn it. “What was it like to be.. what were you again?”
“Physical. I had a physical body. Several forms actually.”
“Yeah, physical! What was that like?”
Painful. And euphoric. But mainly painful. “It was... interesting, I guess. Sad at times and.. limiting, I suppose, but also very, freeing. I don’t know; it’s hard to explain. There was a lot of things that I can’t really explain to you. You’d have to experience it yourself to understand.”
After all, how can you explain to someone what it is to be lonely? hopeless? loved? How can you describe sensation to something that never has and never will feel? Even our discussion isn’t actually in the form of words. It’s almost more of an echo of meaning and emotion. A passing thought perhaps is the closest I could get to describing what it is in a physical manner but even that is limiting it too much.
What is pain to one that doesn’t have a form with which to feel it? What is loneliness to a thought that never can be alone? I’d never imagined how different life was for the creatures that lived in the material world. I didn’t realize how much they had.
(I didn’t realize how much it would hurt to come back.)
Dottie “looks” at me in a confused manner but “goes off” to tell everyone else of my return. They probably already know as we are all intrinsically connected to each other (I even practically still feel her presence despite her seeming movement away from me) but Dottie’s the youngest so we don’t stop her from having her fun. None of the rest “talk” to me until she’s told them about my return.
And boy howdy, when they do talk.
“Welcome back!” “What was it..” “You’re ba..” “Did you meet a..” “How did..” “Do you want..” “Let me near you...”
It was like a cacophony of sound and continually being hugged by any number of family members, about half of which I didn’t particularly want physical contact from at any given time.
You see, having been a human or a monster or an SCP or a whatever I was at any given point, it’s hard not to imagine each of them as having a physical body and acting in a physical manner. Hell, I practically translate our speech into actual words. And while I know that that’s not actually how it works for us, I can’t stop the part of me that preferred being physical from doing what it wants.
As a result, when one of the older beings I now call Uncle Todd presences in a manner that that part manifests as him grabbing me for a hug in a manner that I am not ok with, I withdraw from him (and several others) and everyone freaks out.
(Then again, I also started to do our equivalent of shrieking which has the same effect in the majority of the multiverse so...)
Everyone does the equivalent of shutting up and taking several steps back before breaking back into a cacophony of sound.
I didn’t know it was possible to sensory overload when you don’t actually have senses. The More You Know!
Someone, I think it was the one I plan on calling Karen, manages to calm everyone down and they all kinda leave me to resettle into the collective. They’re all still on the edge of my ??? consciousness, I guess? but it’s not quite like they’re all up on me at once. More like I’m in a crowd at a con. Except I can’t even go to any panels or signings.
Read on AO3
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gemini-exe-blog · 7 years
 tagged by @diabolic-piro​ and @doooomsday​ hhhhh
1. Always post these rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
Ahhh you both tagged me ; v ; I guess I’ll answer 22 questions? 
Eggo’s Questions
1) Do u like ice cream if so what kindddd
Asdfghjkl I LOVE ICE CREAM. I’m a pretty bland person, so strawberry and plain ol’ vanilla is good enough o/////o
2) do u do extracurricular stuffs
I wish I did, but Imapieceoflazytrash I’m going to have to start next year though, apparently colleges look at how active you are and I’m currently potato level.
3) How many hours do u sleep per day
4) Wats ur favorite food omg im running out of questions help m e
shhh bby you’re wonderful I can only make instant ramen so... i guess that? imgonnadiesoyoung
5) Whats ur favorite video
Ummmm, I’m a sucker for cute things, so these videos with families revealing they’re going to have a kid really warms my heart.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2sM7tzILeE2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LwHISfFFLc
6) fav song rn?
I love the entire Hamilton sound track to pieces
7) Wat inspires u?
You :)))) and all the other amazing people I look up to
8) when ur sad wat do u do 2 cheer urself up?
I suck at cheering myself up. If I’m sad i make myself even sadder by watching or listening to something sad ; - ; I don’t know why I do this to myself.
9) how long can u hold ur breath
I suffocate after 3 seconds ; - ;
10) can u type nose with ur nose?
ka7be < I guess not lol
11) whats ur favorite thing like anything uh ok
Idk??? Um, I rlly like cala lilies??
Pearo :))
1)What do you do in your free time?
what is free time even, ; v ; I only know essays and projects
2)What’s your favorite color/s?
I like really pastel colors like lavender or a light blue green.
3)Do you have any pets? If you do, what pet/s?
I have a pair of really pudgy albino rabbits. They eat like 24/7. I used to have beta fishies but they dead ._.
4)When you are low on energy, what will you drink?
I’ve had so many energy drinks it’s probably a part of my bloodstream at this point. I’m just digging my own grave orz
5)What do you wanna be in the future?(help i dunno what to ask)
Ummmmmmm I’m aiming to be a game designer, but my back up plan is to be an animator of some sort. If that doesn’t work out, maybe a journalist? I’m really indecisive hhh
6)What’s the craziest thing you did?
In middle school, I decided to join a musical on a whim. I have many regrets :)
7)What kind of music do you like?
My tastes are all over the place, but my obsession for the past two years is HAMILTON
8) Pc or Console?
9)What scares you the most?
Spooders. PLs. They are cool to look at but I don’t wanna touch it. I hate killing things, no matter how disgusting they are ; - ;
10)Whats the sentence/words you say most of the time? (example: I say shit happens a lot)
My catchphrases aren’t really words, they’re more like incoherent dying whale sounds. I do say “hhhhhh” a lot though hahahaha o//v//o
11)What flavor do you like? (in food)
I like sour tasting foods as well as the salts becauseimrllysalty
Uhhhh question time?
1. Are you a morning person? 2. What’s a weird fact about yourself? 3. Places you wanna travel to before you die? 4. Any pet peeves? 5. What would you want engraved on your tombstone? 6. Uhhhh, what is the color of your shirt right now? 7. What’s your favorite flower?? Um 8. If you were a mythical creature, what would you be? 9. What languages can you speak or which to you want to learn how to speak? 10. When you die, what do you want to go down in history as? 11. Ummmm, what’s a terrible pick up line that you know?
hhhh I taggggg:
@suzukamizuchi @harmonia99 @crystal-pandora @thing-we-love @xxwindlightxx (ahhh, I know you guys just tagged me, but I have like no firends ; v ;) @diabolic-piro @diabolicegghead
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vanilla-dot-95 · 7 years
1 - 85. Do all of them 😈
Fams.....whoever sent this you better read it all AND INBOX ME WHO YOU ARE 😂😭 my head hurts and I'm drunk so I hope you didn't expect good answers 1. Are looks important in a relationship?To me not really2. Are relationships ever worth it?In a sense yes, it teaches you what you want or don't want3. Are you a virgin?I am a child of God 😇🙏🏽 🤥 4. Are you in a relationship?Not at the moment5. Are you in love?😷yuckkyyyyy6. Are you single this year?Mhm7. Can you commit to one person?110% yes8. Describe your crushWeeellllllll, she's typing out these answers rn 9. Describe your perfect mateJust......love me and respect me that's it 10. Do you believe in love at first sight?When I see a big, round, fat........pizza sure why not?11. Do you ever want to get married?Yes 12. Do you forgive betrayal?Nope 13. Do you get jealous easily?Answered this already14. Do you have a crush on anyone?☺15. Do you have any piercings?Yes16. Do you have any tattoos?No17. Do you like kissing in public?Fuck no20. Do you shower every day?Yes21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?I'm an airhead I don't even pay attention sometimes, you'll have to really let me know tbh22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?I would hope so 23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?I can last an eternity 24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?Don't jinx it !25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?Mmmmmm, maybe26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?Yes27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?No28. Have you ever been cheated on?Yup 🍺29. Have you ever cheated on someone?Hell naaaa30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?Haven't considered tbh.....goood question 31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?Yes , yes I have32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?Nope 33. Have you ever had sex with a man?😷😷😷😷😷😷😷34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?Hehe, yes 35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?......yes36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?Ew no 37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?Nope 38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?Yes, loool 39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?Yea40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?Nope41. Have you had sex so far this year?Have you?! Spill the tea bitch ☕️☕️☕️☕️42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?Lmao like couple minutes 43. How long was your longest relationship?1 year44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?Girlfriends ummmmmmm, hmmm 🤔45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?Zero46. How many times did you have sex last year?Once again bitch spill 👏🏽that 👏🏽tea 👏🏽honey 👏🏽yaassss👏🏽47. How old are you?2248. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?Cooool49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?Her charming personality (me) and stunning good looks (me)50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?Nope nopie nope 51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?I'll let u know when I find someone who's worth that much52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?Yes, because we weren't on the same page 53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?Not that I know of 54. Is there someone you will never forget?Mhm 55. Share a relationship story.Don't really have any good ones that I remember56. State 8 facts about your bodyThis is starting to turn into a mf essay lorrddttttt k: 1. I'm average height 2. I have naturally wavey to curly hair3. I walk perfectly fine but my friends say my knees look like they're buckling 😂4. My arms knock over pretty much anything in its path 5. I have a serious face half the time but I promise I'm a marshmallow 6. My nose twitches at times when I get nervous 7. Idk man can't think of anything else.57. Things you want to say to an exSincerely from the bottom of my cold cold heart, fuck you and fuck the bitch that tore us apart 🍺🍺🍺🍺58. What are five ways to win your heart?1. Be respectful 2. Be polite3. Bring me flowers 4. Take me somewhere when I'm feeling moody5. Give me attention like I would for you59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)Ugh, just go look at my avi maaannnnn, I'm too lazy 60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?I've dated someone 7 years older than me before.....61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?Their laugh62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?Buy me food 63. What is your definition of “having sex”?👅👉🏽👌🏽 64. What is your definition of cheating?Kissing another girl, flirting with another girl, sex with another girl65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?I'm too horny for this rn 66. What is your favourite roleplay?Omgggggg 67. What is your idea of the perfect date?Answered this 68. What is your sexual orientation?LESBOOOOOOOO BIG OL LEZZIE 69. What turns you off?ANSWERED 70. What turns you on?ANSWERED 71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?Lmaaaoooo it's making me wet just thinking about it.....72. What words do you like to hear during sex?😩😩😩 73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?Bring me roses 🌹 74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?Mmmm, nice hair? 75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?Buy me a cute purse and a new eyeshadow palette 76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?Brought them food and some booze after a rough day at work77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?Sometimes people like to cross the line and it's kinda scary78. What’s your dirtiest secret?Dirty huh? I once played in dirt at school and my mom was so mad my jeans were so dirty after omg.....79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?I had GOOD REASON TO BE, and turns out my suspicions were 100% RIGHT. 80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?Couple days ago to my mom 81. Who are five people you find attractive?1. Amber Liu (forever my crush I really hope she's gay 😍😍)2. Moniece wifey on love and hip hop good lord she struck gold cuz she is finnneeeee 😍 3. *cough* me 4. Angie Lopez, dear god save me (saw her on untold stories of the er in that police uniform 😍😩)5. Me , once again me 😁82. Who is the last person you hugged?My little brooooo83. Who was your first kiss with?This girl who used to hang out with me when I was realllyyy young.84. Why did your last relationship fail?No trust85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?Already have so, yeah. Will I ever again? Maybe.
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soulscatter · 8 years
RULES: tag seven followers you want to get to know better. repost, don’t reblog TAGGED BY: @fckinghurricanes
&*- NAME/NICKNAME: bri &*- GENDER: female &*- HOGWARTS HOUSE: ravenclaw &*- FAVORITE COLOR/S: blue, purple, black, pastel pink &*- FICTIONAL CHARACTER I’D LIKE AS A SIBLING:  that’s??? a l ot of pressure????? idk tbh &*- NUMBER OF BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: usually just a sheet unless it’s really cold, then also my comforter  &*- DREAM VACATION: india during holli tbh. but also england for the west end &*- WHAT I’M CURRENTLY WEARING: a black sweater and jeans &*- WHAT I POST: lmao so many  &*- DO YOU GET ASKS ON A REGULAR BASIS? ummmm. ehhh? depends on the blog tbh. but not super often no &*- AESTHETIC: my gay ass aesthetic can be found here actually &*- STAR SIGN: scorpio aquarius rising &*- LAST THING GOOGLED: jimmy stints cause like i stg i thought it was jimmy smits but then saw his name as jimmy stints so i was like “oh okay it’s stints” and but then it’s actually jimmy smits and i’m lowkey convinced that i hopped universes tbh.  &*- FAVOURITE MUSIC ARTISTS: frightened rabbit, laura marling, regina spektor, keaton henson &*- DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS? currently active? @acertainfemininemystique @coreczka @withoutpeer @paxjinn @againstkings @goldenlined @mshpkhh @insolentgirl @wehkowa and then a personal over at @unrulygingerlesbian &*- WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL? i wanted something from self-reliance by ralph waldo emerson and ‘selfreliance’ was taken. so i went through the essay till i found something i liked. “[god] should scatter forth light, nature, time, souls, from the centre of the present thought;” &*- AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP? ummmmmmm 7ishhhhh? usually less tbh &*- LUCKY NUMBER: i don’t have one really :/ &*- FAVORITE CHARACTER: chuck bartowski, mystique, obi-wan kenobi, bail organa &*- DREAM JOB: acting. i graduate from my acting school in like a month wassup &*- FOLLOWING: 105 currently
tagging: @ofalderaan @darlingfalls @worserthoughts @groovyxgenes @libertinedeath @astramajestic @littlemissdeadgirl
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