#on my pokemon cards folder too
siren-mic · 6 months
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being really autistic about it
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straightyuri · 2 years
oauuu aauauuuuu...
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pampanope · 12 days
Story time!
The origin of Red11~ posted here because it’s too long for the discord server💀
Emile ([REDACTED]) belongs to @kings-out-of-pocket-hell
Efren|7-11 (here in spirit lol) is mine~
Guest starring Russell Adler✨
Emile watched his scarred mentor lay flat three manila folders, each of varying thickness. The room was of the sterile variety that Langley as whole was fond of with nothing but the blandest tables and folding chairs.
He leaned forward, eyes filled with unbridled delight. The bland setting did nothing to dampen the excitement bubbling in his chest.
Finally, after years of lectures, rigorous physical conditioning, the marksmanship training, lessons on field craft, torture resistance, and the skepticism from his peers, this is it. No more tagging along on an op, no more hanging back when shit got interesting. His first operation as lead.
As if sensing the glee coursing through him, Adler raised a brow from across the table. The older man tapped at the middle folder to direct Emile’s attention, which, in Emile’s opinion, was completely unnecessary. He‘d never been this locked in.
“I’ve got a job for you,” Adler began. “Something I trust you can handle. We have the location of a suspected terrorist cell, embedded deep inside a mountain, too deep for satellites to confirm. You’re gonna have to go in and get visual and signal confirmation, as well as the layout of the compound.” The man paused, placing a thick folder on the table. It was heftier than the other three. “Here’s the full brief. Memorize it.”
Emile gave the thick brief the barest glance before immediately snapping his eyes back to the first three folders. Yeah, no. That’s not what he’s here for.
Actually, technically, it was what he woke up at the ass crack of dawn for. But it’s not what he wants. Not really.
Adler chuckled beneath his breath. “Fine, I see how it is.”
“‘Course you do. You’ve got me on pins and needles here, old man,” Emile grinned, “don’t keep me in suspense. Gimme.” The blonde crept a hand towards the rightmost folder. It was lightly smacked away by the other man.
Adler pinched the bridge of his in exasperation. “Kid, you’re being assigned an asset. It’s no big deal. This is a standard component of field operations.”
Nope. Adler wasn’t gonna dress this down as something mundane. “Yes, it is...But! Only fully trained intelligence officers get to be Handlers. Which means I am now a fully fledged intel officer. Today I’m getting my government sanctioned Scary Dog privilege. I’m over the fucking moon, sir.”
Adler, for his part, sighed and leaned back in his seat, as if drained by the exchange. He took a long sip of what must be lukewarm coffee, before making a ‘have at it motion’ with his free hand.
Emile snatched the rightmost file his hand had crept towards earlier. Azure eyes scanned every detail, eating up the feast of personal intel before him, all of it laid bare to pick at and examine within the palace of his mind. He sank into the deep concentration he’d adopted for analysis.
Huh. No photos. Not even a name, Emile mused. Must be to eliminate all bias. Relax, Adler. Pretty privilege won’t be a factor here.
The master, meanwhile, silently watched his protege work. He observed the younger man shuffle through page after page, folder to folder, noted which of the dossiers he spent the longest time examining.
Adler had his own guess as to who the younger would pick.
“Well? Your thoughts?” Adler asked after what he felt should’ve been enough time had passed.
Emile blinked, seemingly resurfacing from the depths. He stretched languidly before placing all sheets of paper in their proper folders.
“This is exactly what I imagined choosing my first starter Pokemon would feel like.”
“…I’m gonna pretend I understand what you said for the sake of moving on.”
Emile chuckled. “Heh. Sorry. Couldn’t help it.” He carded a hand through his hair briefly.
“Okay, to start with,” he pushed the file to the left the slightest bit but forward, “this one’s skilled, as expected. Service record’s impeccable and squeaky clean. He’s shiny. Perfect. Boring.” The blonde waves a dismissive hand.
“Boring?” Adler tilted his head, a clear order to elaborate.
Emile tapped at the table in thought. “Boring, as in the guy’s record may be stellar, but his résumé’s full of the basic ‘breach a target building and spray everything with bullets’ kind of work, which I’m sure he’s very good at, but I need more nuance, more variety. I also get the impression subtlety is lost on him and he won’t be finding it anytime soon.”
“Hm. Next?” Adler asked.
Odd. The man would normally needle him for more.
“Right…” Emile eyed the other with suspicion. He pushed the middle file forward. “This one? I hate to say this, it’s such a ridiculous nitpick, but he’s a bit of a yes man. I don’t need or want one. If I happen to fuck up, i need someone to set me straight. Get in my face about it. Everything else about him is great. Really. But…not what I want.”
He was being picky, sure, but he wasn’t gonna leave anything to chance. He needed someone with a spine, someone who won’t let themselves get steamrolled by him.
Again, Adler gave a noncommittal answer, this time a grunt of acknowledgment, and motioned for him to get to the final dossier.
Just like previously, that seemed too easy. Emile began to suspect something was afoot. If it was anyone else sitting before him, alarm bells would’ve been ringing in his head by now; and yes that’s a wild statement considering the reputation of the man before him.
Emile glanced at the final dossier, his right hand splayed wide over it like a possessive spider over captured prey. He’d saved the interesting one for last.
“This one,” Emile pushed the last dossier towards the center after sweeping the rejects aside, “Clearly, like the last two, his record’s fantastic; several successful missions, solo and team, as well as variety in his skillset and experiences. His evals paint him to be a free thinker when necessary yet easily falls into line and can take orders. When you put all this together, this guy pulls ahead of the others by a small margin… ”
“But..?” Adler prompted, shifting forward in his seat.
Although Emile couldn’t see the man’s eyes, shielded behind Oakleys as they were, he felt the heat of them. Years of exposure had never made them any less unsettling.
“I noticed some strikes against him on an otherwise impressive record.” Emiles pulled the relevant page out of the folder. “Guy’s got a record of violent outbursts and—-well, reports of him ripping out two men’s throats. Two. I have questions.”
”Of course you do.” Adler, the bastard, didn’t bother to hide the smugness coloring his voice. “The torn throats happened during a raid two years into his time as a vanilla Marine, very close quarters. He’d been jumped and lost his firearm in the scuffle, but managed to dispatch both—“
“Wait, I’m sorry, ‘both’? As in, within the same instance? He chomped two throats, in a row? Consecutively?!” What the fuck. Why am I fixated on this?
“You’re fixated on this.”
“No. Nope. It’s just…impressive is all. Please, continue,” said Emile. He fought off the sudden urge to press a hand against his throat.
The scarred man obviously didn’t fall for his bullshit with how the corner of his mouth was lifted. “The violent outbursts, on the other hand, were actually two separate instances. Well…more like cases than instances,” Adler said.
“Yeah?” Emile asked,leaned closer.
“The first case happened during his early days of basic. A couple of recruits from his cohort thought it would be cute to mess with the moody guy. Repeatedly. Moody guy had enough and sent them to the infirmary.”
Emile let out a low whistle at that. A spine. This was promising. “Nice. And the powers that be at the time didn’t boot him from the Marines?” Honestly, beating the crap out of your bullies screamed devil dog behavior, really on brand of them.
“No need.” Oh. That was a full blown smirk on Adler’s face. Holy shit. “Kid got squared away and humbled by a passing spec ops operator at the behest of a drill instructor. He’s been well behaved and obedient ever since. Mostly.”
Wow. Note to future self: conduct an extensive, invasive background check of this guy’s past. Because he needs more, dammit. And he’s the goddamn CIA now, no need to jump through hoops to unlock someone’s backstory.
“That’s one. What about the second case?” Emile found himself mentally cataloging the gear they’d be needing. Heh. I guess I’ve made my mind up.
Adler downed the last of his, now frigid, coffee before continuing. “The second happened a year into his time as a Force Recon operator. Heard a rumor about a Captain abusing his rank to coerce members of the lower ranks into acts of…that nature.”
The younger scowled. Jesus.
Adler nodded. “Yes, Exactly. Our guy caught this captain in the act with one of his fellow squad mates. From the official reports I’ve read, that officer was absolutely mauled.”
Emile took in a ragged breath. Just what exactly are you gifting me, Adler? Because… “Okay but this time, he had to have been punished severely.”
“Three month’s suspension,” the other man chuckled, “a slap on the wrist. They couldn’t punish our guy in a meaningful way for this, the optics would be terrible. Not to mention the uproar it would cause among the enlisted. But they had to do something.” Adler shrugged. “So, slap on the wrist it was.”
Emile let out a bark of laughter, giddy and light with elation. He took a deep breath, leaned back in his seat, mind warm and fuzzy, and closed his eyes for a moment before speaking.
“I want him. Gimme the spicy one.”
I want him. I want the one who’s gonna literally fight tooth and nail to survive when the odds are stacked against him. I want the one who’s gonna take matters into his violent, vicious hands when a comrade can’t protect themselves. I want all of that for myself. I’ll be the one to hold his leash. I’m gonna point all that teeth and violence at the enemy. He’s dangerous. But screw safe. Safe doesn’t get shit done. It’s why I’m here.
Emile thought of Oscar. He thought of how he’d gladly suffer countless sentences for him if it meant keeping him safe.
The younger man blinked. ”Eh?” Whoops. He’d been fantasizing about the new murder puppy. In front of Adler. Fuck.
Adler snorted. “Good to know you approve of this one. I won’t have to tell the Marines to cancel all the arrangements made.”
Emile stared down the smug face across the table.
“…You’re a bastard, you know that?” he asked in disbelief. “Why even ask me to go through the others? Did I even have a choice?”
Adler stood, gathering the two rejected folders. “Yes. If you chose any of the other two, I’d have taken care of it. But I know you. You were never gonna take them. I knew you wanted someone who matched you psychologically. But you had to make that decision for yourself.”
Great, Emile thought. His mentor knew him enough to find the right candidate to match his freak. The man should consider matchmaking as a side hustle if the CIA no longer worked out.
“Here,” Adler said, sliding a small photo towards Emile. “A peace offering for bamboozling you. It was fun.”
“Tch. I was not bamboozled.“ Emile muttered. He snatched the offered photo eagerly.
Maybe Adler made the right call withholding photos. Impartiality would’ve been thrown out the window.
Pretty, was Emile’s immediate impression. The eyes in the photo were fierce, the hair a non-regulation mess, and a beauty mark sat at the corner of the left eye. Emile then noticed the name scribbled in Adler’s neat handwriting.
Efren Torres Aldrich.
Efren. EfrenEfrenEfren. Heh. Effy. Emile ran a reverent thumb over dark eyes, wondering what they would see once they’ve peered into his own dark blue. He gently tucked the photo into his shirt pocket, a hot brand nestled against his heart.
Adler slid the neglected brief closer to Emile. “Like I said, memorize it. You’ll meet him tomorrow at Langley Air Force base, 0500.” He gathered his empty mug, files tucked under arm, before reaching over to ruffle Emile’s hair. “Don’t scare the poor guy away, kid. I actually put effort into pairing you with someone who’d watch your back.”
Emile let warmth wash over him as he leaned into the affectionate touch. “I make no promises,” he teased. Hm. Would Efren like having a hand in his hair, too?
He felt Adler make his way towards the door as he settled in, ready for hours of reading, careful planning, deciding which insertion points would be the least detectable, which exfil routes were the least hazardous in all that mountain terrain, maybe study a topographical map of the area, and if he needed to make contact with a trustworthy local source to have—
Deep blue eyes blinked into awareness, mind resurfacing.
From the open doorway, Adler gazed at Emile. The man appeared to consider something.
“Good luck out there. Remember…” Adler paused, voice heavy with faint emotion the younger man can’t quite identify, “as handler you’re responsible for the well being and, to an extent, actions of your asset in the field. Call the shots and he’ll follow. Got it?”
Somber and pensive Adler was a rare creature, one Emile wasn’t well versed in dealing with even after years of knowing the man.
“Understood,” Emile said, nodding, matching the other man’s tone.
The mood possessing Adler was gone in an instant. He gave a brusque nod before shutting the door.
I’m gonna steal his jacket when I get back, Emile thought fondly with a chuckle as he went back to reading. And gotta have all my prep finished early enough so that dear Efren won’t have to put up with my sleep deprived whining.
Emile spent the rest of the day quietly poring over mission intel, hand occasionally reaching to cup his throat.
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poketcg-art · 2 months
is there any rhyme or reason to which cards you upload when? like do you try to space out types/generations/artists so there aren't too many in a row or do you just post what you have?
I try to post one of every region and bookend it with a trainer card. I also try not to have adjacent regions post next to each other if I can help it (hoenn right after johto, etc.) to help it feel as random as I can. Sometimes I shake it up a little and double up on gens I have a TON of cards for (gens 1-5 + 9), and recently I've been running out of gen 6-8 cards really quickly (they have small pokedexes as it is and they're less new so there's less circulating) so there's gonna be some big pockets of just gen 1-5 + 9 in the queue for a while.
Usually I just post whatever's at the top of the folder, but sometimes if I feel like its too monotonous (too many new cards in a row, for example) I go to the bottom of the folder instead or go to a random place in the middle or find places where the same Pokemon are right next to each other in the folder so I can break them up and not worry about it in the future.
I have a jpeg file of the full card and a png file of the art itself so I have a reference with the artist listed, then I drop both into another folder within each region (I have the folders sorted by region) so I know I've posted it already. I try my best to check for duplicates but sometimes they just slip past me. Its hard to remember thousands of cards I've looked at and posted and its a lot to scroll through.
So yeah, that's a peek into my method. :)
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onthewaytosomewhere · 6 months
Wednesdays are for WIPs
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i feel like everyday is for WIPs lately since i have so many going but yes it's wednesday to that means posting about them not just attempting to slog through and get them done lol
thanks so much for the tags @anincompletelist @suseagull04 @itsmaybitheway @sophie1973 @heysweetheart-writes @magicandarchery @sunnysideprince @firenati0n @taste-thewaste @piratefalls @hgejfmw-hgejhsf - can't wait to go check out what ya posted today ❤️
so i'm sticking with this tzp inspired acd one 'gotta sign 'em all' as i need to get it out of my WIP folder and hopefully posting more here will make me write more - and figure out how to weave the past and present bits properly lol (YIKES!)
The first person to approach Alex is a newer resident from the shelter. Alex is helping her with her emancipation, and she has one of the copies of the book that Alex brought in a few weeks ago after hearing from Pez that the shelter was out of copies. He loves that Henry is so loved, and everyone wants to read his book. He hears so many places he goes how Henry’s book has spoken to them in some way. She walks over almost shyly, even though Alex is around her enough to know she’s definitely not. Still, he also knows there’s a difference between them talking at the shelter after school/work or on the way to or after court and now when there is a whole store full of people in just this one part of the store. He decides to help her out and says, “Hey, I see you got your copy of Henry’s book; glad ya got one before the vultures at that shelter swooped in.” She giggles and is almost instantly the girl Alex is used to, “ACD, now that I have my copy, I hear you do this thing, and I have a pen,” she opens the book and continues, “And look, here it’s the dedication page. Seriously you two are fucking saps; I read that damn thing when I got it; I almost lost all respect for you. I was drowning in so much sap knowing you go around sighing all over and signing your name to it.” Alex smiles as Pez nudges him from the next chair, laughing, “Are you sure you want me to sign it then? I wouldn’t want it to be too much sap for you.” “Bullshit, I need bragging rights. Do you know how many people at school will be going crazy when I say I collected the pair of signatures? It’s like getting some elite Pokemon card; I can ride off that fame for weeks.” Alex laughs and takes the book, “Well, I guess if it’s going for a good cause, I must.” He signs and hands it back, and she is off, back towards the group of kids she came with, with a parting, “Later, ACD.” She is no more than gone when June pipes up, “Jesus Christ, no wonder you get along so well with the kids at the shelter; they’re all just like you.” “I am much more mature than a bunch of teenagers-“ Alex gets out before being interrupted by Nora.
ok so it's tagging time and i hafta assume most the rest of ya have done this if ya were gonna but if i check to verify that it'll be even later so - i'm just a tagging and assuming there was an open tag if ya already did it and i'll probably find it lol ❤️ @adreamareads @agame-writes @bitbybitwrites @dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @england-would-fall @firstsprinces @forever-fixating @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @nocoastposts @priincebutt @stellarm @typicalopposite and well open tag for anyone who's even later than i am and wants to still do this lol
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theamazingian · 1 year
How to Shiny Hunt Mew
Alright, I'm gonna share how I hunted Faraway Island Mew in Pokemon Emerald!
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You'll need a DS Lite, a copy of Pokemon Emerald, a Micro SD and an R4 card (which you can get here. If you've never used one before, you'll need to look up a different tutorial to set it up). You'll also need to download the Gen3 Event Tool by clicking 'NDSEventTool.nds.' Make sure you have Mystery Gift, too! Go to any Pokemart (shown below) and enter 'LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL.'
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Once everything is prepared, save your game in a Pokemon Center. Put the Micro SD into your computer and drag 'NDSEventTool.nds' to the root folder. Remove the Micro SD and put it back into your R4. With Emerald in the GBA slot, insert the R4 into your DS Lite and turn it on. Run NDSEventTool.nds and select 'Old Sea Map.'
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Once it says 'done' turn off your console, remove the R4 and turn on Emerald. Go upstairs of any Pokemon Center and claim your Old Sea Map!
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Once received, head to Lilycove's shipyard so Mr. Briney can take you to find Mew on Faraway Island. It's crazy this event was never received out of Japan, so being able to experience it (let alone shiny hunt a Mew) is really cool! Hope this was helpful, or at the very least interesting!
Wanna see my own shiny Mew?? Check it out here!
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sawtrap · 1 year
i have too many sideblogs i always forget to use and update because my desire to do things changes rapidly with each depression cycle lol but now i keep thinking about making a pokemon card sideblog just to store card art i really like + find inspiring.
+ i keep taking photos from listings and i know im going to delete them all someday because i'm like fuck the screenshot folder
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The way I organize my cards is based on their number in the Pokédex and the style of the cards. As for the older ones 90’s base cards I have it organized by Pokédex number and their set, so if it’s base 2 they go in the base 2 section, fossils, rocket set ect. Also their style, so when they came out with the clay models for the cards or yarn models they get organized that way.
As for the full art I have three full binders of them to separate from the 90’s cards (I also have them set by the years in different folders). I try to keep them together as best as I could so let’s say I have three different of the same Pokémon full art I try and keep those together but if I have three same and one different they go in a row that way.
Rainbow cards go with rainbow cards, gold cards go with gold, full trainer cards are put in the trainer section and set with Gen 1 trainers and onward. Same with energy cards too.
Movie cards also go in the full art binders as well but I haven’t opened them since the movie came out.
Oh also forgien cards have a separate binder as well.
I am so sorry for the long rant on cards.
that sounds like an intense collection. I've just been organizing them by PokeDex number and that I was just getting at least 1 card for each pokemon, including regional forms, form changes (Castform's Weather forms, Rotom's Appliance forms, the Genie Trio's Therian formes, etc etc) and Mega Evolutions (if available, not every Mega got a card). There are a few that I'm considering getting as well such as Burmy and Wormadan's cloaks, Deerling and Sawsbuck's season forms, Meowstic and Indeedee's male/female variations, etc etc but atm I just want it complete and once I get the last of Gen 1-8 complete then I'll consider getting those types of variations. I'm also not caring about the art or rarity atm but once I have it done then I'll get better art for the 'mons that I like. I'm also trying to get the important NPCs such as the Region Professors, Player Characters, Rivals, Team Bosses/Grunts/Henchmen, Gym Leaders and Elite 4 but that one will take longer since not every gym leader has a card and so I have to wait until they do to fill in that slot...whenever that'll be.
I haven't kept tabs on how expensive my collection has been but from the sound of yours, it's must've taken a lot of cash (a lot more that I'd both see and spend, lol)
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penguinsixteen · 1 year
Procrastinating 16042023
Currently, on my desk I have:
3 jars of pens, 3 cans of pens (ones an olive can), a finished Milkis can (been on my desk since sometime last year - constantly craving Milkis but it's not available in any local stores), 3 boxes of Instax photos (working on labelling them all), my pencil case (zipper open), a plate with an unfinished orange and a fork (forgot about the orange and had potato waffles), a thick stack of history flashcards, a second much thinner stack of history flashcards (working on them), various other flashcards scattered around (all history probably), an empty mug, a shallow bowl (empty) and flower-patterned chopsticks, a black ball-point pen refill, an uncapped orange Bic pen, two A5 postcards of Cezanne (he's staring into my soul), a cactus-shaped fan, black nail polish, a box containing a jar of black ink, a fountain pen, a cable (dunno what its for), a bag of cables I never use, a bluetooth speaker (playing Floating Dream - Kumi Tanioka), a history revision booklet from my teacher (this flashcard checklist is so long hhhhhhh), two pencil sharpeners (a pig and a chicken), giraffe scissors, a 5p coin, a small tea tin, a plastic pink penguin, a mini brush, a 20p coin, a broken compass, two plastic candles I got from school (electric, one doesn't work), an empty mini photo album, 4 photo cards in top loaders, a yellow origami crane, my planner (open to my easter homework), my diary, last years diary, a plastic case of 3DS games, Catcher in the Rye in bubble wrap, a shoe box of miscellaneous things, a black and white Instax cartridge, a red lanyard, a glue stick (probably empty), an unopened plastic pot of honey, a zip-loc bag with a copy of my teeth (3D printed, from the orthodontist), a new 2DS XL (green ver), a green and purple octopus keychain (those ones you can flip inside-out), dust, a very large lego technic set (covered in cardboard to keep dust off), a calculator, 4 mini plastic toy planes that I couldn't fit on my shelf, two empty Kidrobot figurine boxes, a CD player (still in box - haven't used it yet, I have no money to buy new albums), my credit card (balance: 48p), a hairband (why do I have this? My hair is too short to tie up), an empty plastic folder (hiding beneath my diary and planner and CD player and Catcher in the Rye and 3DS game box, a second big pencil case of unused pens, a tall stack of Pokemon cards, a box of stickers and tapes, Beats, my phone (it's got a huge crack and a hole in the corner, but it still works), a small cardboard car (made out of sheer boredom by a friend in FPAN) (the car was for the pink plastic penguin) (it's falling apart), my keys, a Hu Tao keychain, a penguin keychain, my zip card (nearly expired), a clamp clip (dunno how they're called), and double sided tape. Also my computer, keyboard, and mouse.
On my computer I have Teams, Spotify (working on a long playlist, 11 hours so far), and Safari open. I have two Mangadex tabs open (was reading the Arknights Ifrit manga - sad), a Tumblr tab (trying Tumblr because Twitters word count is depressingly low - not that I ever post anything), a Pinterest tab, Instagram, Twitter, a Notion tab (the app stopped working for some reason), Youtube, and two google tabs (Alfonse Maria Mucha) (Indian independence 1947).
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mcalhenwrites · 10 months
10 11 20 and 25
Thank you for the ask, anon! 🧡 10. I did answer this already, you can read that here~ 11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve? I do and don't. I understand the advice for professional authors who want to traditionally publish - it's competitive and you have to play the game right. But I do not kill my darlings often enough. When I do, I used to put them in separate documents (MS Word) until I got Scrivener, now they sit in separate folders on the story. I have deleted chapters and scenes and sentences piled up, and some of them I was so fond of... But they had to go. It's a shame. Still not entirely fond of killing my Stargazers' Hill darling, which was the original opening line. A friend suggested I change it, and I did, but I think a part of me still sees the original as a darling, even if the new one is better. So I'd say I do grieve. :') 20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch I love this question bc my brain just goes "AROMANTIC FTW" hahahaha... Yeah, sorry, this isn't even a sacrifice. Even if it's only for one WIP, I choose the WIP~ And it would be TEACUP btw :D ...Unless someone finds out my one true love is writing. Then I'm fucked. I'm not sure I can sacrifice writing to have only one of them come out just as I envision it. Heh. Don't tell? :D 25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story? I know so many random, silly things about all of them that are irrelevant. Off the top of my head, Hade plays Pokemon (which doesn't exist in his world, this is a fictional place, but he WOULD play it if he COULD)... And I see him as one of those people who wants to complete his Pokedex too... And he has to get the legendaries. ALL OF THEM. ALL THE GAMES. The bedroom closet is like partially clothing (mostly Toryn's) and 90% all Hade's video game stuff, and a good chunk of it is Pokemon cards, old systems, old games, plushies, toys, etc. (Toryn hates it. Toryn's a no-fun-allowed jerkface.) But yeah, they live in my dragon universe and Pokemon def doesn't exist. So it's not canon? Only it IS. But for legal reasons, it is not. ;) Weird Questions for Writers
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mmorgbenefits · 2 years
Cps2 emulator for android
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#Cps2 emulator for android for free
#Cps2 emulator for android android
#Cps2 emulator for android software
#Cps2 emulator for android ps3
#Cps2 emulator for android windows
) On a PC, use shortcut "CTRL+F" to search for games. Pokemon Fire Red Version Final Fantasy - Tactics Advanced. Load up the emulator and select the Pokemon rom you downloaded. This handheld console was a step up from the Gameboy Colour, allowing the players to enjoy the best GBA games without any issues. This video game was developed by the same group of people that created Street Fighter III.
#Cps2 emulator for android for free
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure game is available to play online and download for free only at Romsget. The Powerpuff Girls - Mojo Jojo A-Go-Go (U) (Mode7) ROM. Download Links can be found at the bottom of the page. The initial arcade release of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure was December 1998. Free direct download for Pokemon GBA ROMs. Ive only tried a handful of games and all ran perfectly on the xperia play.Popular MAME emulators include MAME32 v0. Works great with the games that are compatible, hope to see more games added in the future. This emulator is silky smooth and its so awesome to bust out STF3 and it play flawlessly Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App.
#Cps2 emulator for android ps3
When I press up dpad (on a ps3 controller mapped to the phones hardware dpad) for the first key, the clear button turns blue (highlighted) and it doesnt map the keypress and move on to the next one. In any case good work with these projects.:edit: I realize this is verison 1.0 and you probably have changes and additions in mind already.Ī couple other things I noticed, in Marvel vs Capcom the lower buttons are punches and the uppers are kicks.Īnd the option to disable sound would be nice.:edit 2: Im having a little trouble mapping hardware buttons. Perhaps an option Also have you considered using the menu button to open a menu with settings, email, exit, rather the the icons at the top For devices with a small screen and lots of roms, every bit of screen space helps. I will test on my EVO 3d and report back. That said, 19xx plays butter smooth, although the on screen controls could be better (ie the cross pad a bit larger as it is very easy to run your fingers out of it). One other thing is that I couldnt change directory and the device did not look on my SD card to see if the roms were there or not. When creating the cache images of any other game like mvc, I kept on getting error messages, something about crc and CPU1 (sorry, I forgot exactly what the message said, but I will check later). Thanks to frandroid for providing an xperia play device to improveadd control codecompatibility LEGAL NOTICE: - YOU MUST OWN THE ORIGINAL GAME BEFORE DOWNLOADING A ROM - No roms are included with this emulator - Capcom is a registred trademark of Capcom Co. You can put your roms anywhere on your device, but a cache file is created for every (parent) games in a cache forlder in your roms directory. Hi, here is the first release of my CPS2 emulator for android.
#Cps2 emulator for android software
All individual games screen shots or audio that are simulated by CPSEmu software are property of their respective copyright holders and are only used for the purpose of informing the customer of the softwares functionality. Thanks to frandroid for providing an xperia play device to improveadd control codecompatibility LEGAL NOTICE: - This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Capcom Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries.Ĭapcom is a registered trademark of Capcom Co. 18 baras ki kuwariĬPSEmu use a cache file when running, if you have some slowdown in the emulation, try to move your roms on another partitionsdcard. If you move your roms, move that folder too. Use the same GUI as my NeoGeo emulator NeoDroid, so NeoDroid will benefit of all the changes added for this release.
#Cps2 emulator for android android
If you like my work you can support me by buying the donation version on the market CPSEmu is a Capcom CPS2 emulator for android.Ĭapcom, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Progear, Mars Matrix and more on your android device. Ltd.įor a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thanks to frandroid for providing an xperia play device to improveadd control codecompatibility LEGAL NOTICE: - YOU MUST OWN THE ORIGINAL GAME BEFORE DOWNLOADING A ROM - No roms are included with this emulator - Capcom is a registred trademark of Capcom Co. CPSEmu use a cache file when running, if you have some slowdown in the emulation, try to move your roms on another partitionsdcard. Street Fighter, Metal Slug, The King of Fighters, all of them can be now in your computer.
#Cps2 emulator for android windows
C Emulator Windows Android For Providing.
C Emulator Windows Ps3 Controller Mapped.
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pocketfullofjoltiks · 2 years
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I like them a Normal Amount
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spark-circuit · 4 years
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god I WISH these were worth the same amount of money that Shining Fates one is, sjfkgkv
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kyuublu · 4 years
Let it happen
Kuroo Tetsuro x reader
song rec: Belly (The Grass Stains) - Rex Orange County
We were just kids when we met. Tetsu sparked my interest as soon as he entered the room, more precisely Kenmas room. The boy stood in the doorway with a volleyball in one of his hands, a little shaky as he nervously asked if we wanted to play with him.
I never really understood the passion the captain had behind the sport. Sure it looked fun at times, but I wondered why he sacrificed so much time for it outside of practice, to even go as far as inspiring other people to go for it too.
Once after a game I even admitted to Kenma that I admired him for that exact reason. He made people feel like they had a purpose.
„But god don’t tell him I said that.“
Kenma had laughed at me but also agreed since we both didn’t want to push this guys ego even more.
For awhile the thought of loving something as much as he did, stayed in the back of my mind, only fleetingly resurfacing when I thought about my future plans. But now we were third years, applying for colleges and speculating where we’d be in ten years. Am I going to have a good job? Will I be married to someone I actually adore? Will I be happy? And the most important one that I kept going back to, thanks to the raven haired boy I called my bestfriend: Will I ever find my true passion?
„Hey, you spacing out on me again?“
„Huh?“ Catching a glimpse at Tetsuro‘s face, it became clear to me that I had yet again stopped listening to his rambling.
„Come on! I’m here spilling my heart out to you and you’re staring at the clouds with your mouth open.“ I frowned at his exaggerated comment, only to sigh at the realisation of my behaviour.
„Sorry, I was just thinking...“ I mumbled as I kicked at some pebbles on the ground. Tetsu glanced over my face, then my hands that were fidgeting with the straps of my backpack.
Suddenly his long arms landed on my shoulder, roughly pulling me into his side as he grinned. „Look if you gotta crush on me, you better say it know 'cause I’ll be leaving for college soon, sooo..”
„Oh my god, you-" I groaned in disbelief as I jabbed my elbow into his side.
„Alright, alright- geez!“
The poor guy rubbed at his rib, holding his other hand out in defense. I strudded further, not acknowledging his looming presence behind me. We stayed like that for a bit, me walking infront and him trudging behind me with a pout.
„You know I was just kidding, right?“
Kuroo was never good at keeping quiet, whereas our other friend Kenma had always been somebody you could have a comfortable silence with. „I know, dude. I’m not mad at you.“
The boys pace quickened until he was back at my side again, tilting his head at me.
„Wanna hang out at your place?“ I quirked a brow at his suggestion, a soft smile forming on my lips.
„At my place? Aren’t you supposed to invite people over to your own house?“
„Come on, you know how my parents get.“ His eyes travelled back to the road ahead of us. The tone of the captains voice hadn’t shifted, but I could read his face pretty well by now.
„They still fighting?“
„Most of the time.“ He snorted, casually placing his hands back into his pockets. „Thank god, I don’t have to hear that for another year.“
My eyes flickered down to the ground again. Oh yeah, he was leaving for college. He was moving on, just like everybody else was.
„Yeah, let’s just go to my place.“
„You seriously still got these?“
I stifled a laugh as my best friend waved an old folder filled with pokemon cards infront of my face. I turned in my chair and looked at the boy that was now sitting down on my bed.
„Kenma told me to keep those! He said I could sell them for good money in like 20 years, but I think he’s just waiting for a moment where he can sneak that special Mewtwo card away from me.“
Kuroo chuckled as he went through the folder. „You really can’t trust that kid.“ He shook his head, landing at the last page.
„I’m gonna miss those cards.“ His voice had become more quiet now as looked over the last page a bit longer.
„Wow, really? That’s the last thing I thought you were going to miss.“
Tetsus eyes had stayed on the page until he mumbled out the first thing he had in mind.
„What did you think I’d miss the most?“
My eyes widened as I stared at him in a bit of shook. Usually I put aside his flirty nature, but at times I couldn’t help but think that what he said felt genuine.
„The volleyball team?“
He looked up at me for a second, searching for something in my eyes, until he broke out in laughter.
There goes him being actually ‚genuine‘, I guess.
„What? You love your team!“ I reasoned, visibly confused and semi annoyed at his sudden outburst.
„Yeah, of course I love them but those idiots aren’t like my number one of all things.“ He tried to keep in his chuckles and finally closed the pokemon folder. I quickly stood up to break the weird tension he had built yet again, to gather some of the extra blankets I had stuffed in a box under my bed.
He watched me approach him and grinned as I pulled out the box. Tetsu was used to this routine; he always stayed longer than he promised to and then slept over at my place. Even my parents didn’t mind anymore, since they saw him as a good kid from the neighborhood they knew all their lifes.
„I think I’ll miss you the most.“
My head turned to his figure looming over me on the bed. I chuckled until I saw the boy staring at me with a feeling I couldn’t describe. „And Kenma, of course..“
He casually leaned back on one of his hands, rubbing his neck awkwardly with the other. I could only desribe the image in front of me as, flustered.
My eyes flickered back to the box infront of me as I pulled out the usual blanket I always gave him. „I mean, it’s not like we’re never gonna see each other again. I’m still figuring stuff out but the train tickets aren’t that expensive since your university ain’t that far.”
“What do you mean you’re still figuring stuff out? I thought you had something planned already?”
I sighed thinking about the topic I had dreaded for all this time. My body slowly moved back up from the ground and onto the space next to him on the bed.
“I don’t know if I’m really gonna go through with it. Like what if I won’t even like what I’m studying and I’ll be wasting my time for something I wasn’t even 100% sure of in the first place.”
“So what? You think anyone got it figured out right now?”
I scrunched up the blanket in my hands as I thought his question over. “No, but most people seem really good at hiding the fact that they don’t.”
The fluffy material in my hands was now thrown at the boys face, making him dramatically fall back into my pillows.
“That might be true.”
“Are you one of those people?” I asked with genuine curiosity laced in my voice, fixated on my friends reaction. He let out a huff as he sat back up again.
“Sometimes I think I’m not, but I doubt my decisions at times. I think everyone does, it’s normal.”
Suddenly a wave of emotions went through me, filling me with some sort of heaviness. My throat tightened as I was hit with the reality of my childhood friend leaving me and everything behind soon.
“Do you think it’s normal to be this scared of the future?”
I gulped, trying as hard as I could to stop myself from grtting emotional. He quirked a brow as he dipped his head lower to meet my eye.
“Y/N, I’ve never been this scared in my life.”
Nodding my head slowly, I really began to take in his expression and the worried look he had on his face.
“But I’m thankful to have friends like you by my side that are going through it just like me, it’s comforting in a way.”
Tetsu gave me a small smile as he shifted to the left side of the bed and layed down flat. After staring mindlessly at my wall, the raven ahired boy padded the place next to him.
“Oi, stop being all sappy. It’s really having an effect on me and I’m not sure if I like it.”
A breathe escaped my lips, or more of a sad attempt at a chuckle, as I followed his movements to lay down next to him.
“The girls are gonna love it, trust me.”
Suddenly the cocky guy became silent again.
“Who cares...” He mumbled out as a faint blush crept onto his face.
“Excuse me? Who’s the one that said he’s gonna be a player in college?”
I giggled at his flustered form until the softness of one of my pillow hit my head. Letting out another fit of giggles, I took away the pillow and stuck it under my stomach as I leaned on it, and watched the boy closer.
“I’m gonna miss you the most too.”
His eyes flickered back to me and stayed for a bit longer.
“...And Kenma!” I added with a teasing grin and rolled onto my back.
“Oh shut up.” My friend groaned as he placed a hand over his face to hide his own grin.
I wanted this moment to last just a bit longer...
Another short comfort fic cause I’ve been feeling pretty down recently but i hope ya like it anyways ^^
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pawacelsus · 3 years
(A letter arrives for you in your Tumblr ask box. Inside is a pair of shiny trading cards and a short letter.)
(Examining the cards more closely, you see foil-backed artist's portraits of yourself on one card, and Bio on the other. They're autographed in iridescent ink behind the flavor text, confirming their status as first-edition prints.)
Pawacelsus - Learned Scholar (Strength: 9; Resistance: 7) Special Ability: Potent Salve - Exhaust this card to double the Strength and Resistance of another card until the beginning of your next turn. "A scholar and a lady, seeking the panacea for death itself. What batter laboratory than the blood-soaked battlefield?"
Biohazard - Unstoppable Nightmare (Strength: *; Resistance: *) Special Ability: Unstable Biomass - At the beginning of each turn, roll a D20 to determine this card's strength, then roll again to determine this card's Resistance. "An otherworldly amalgam of runaway flesh and bone, masquerading in a tattered human skin. This...Thing is beyond the laws of nature, man, and God alike."
oh fuck oh shit first edition? fuck hold on lemme get my sleeves one second
*I grab a binder filled with different collectors cards from multiple different sources, with folders dedicated to different media, from Magic to Pokemon--flipping to the back, I add in a new label: "Super Weirdo Wars." I slide the cards into sleeves, before adding those to the binder. Hardly proper storage. I do not know any better. I have never collected cards in my life. never too late to start*
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latenightagain · 4 years
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QUARANTINE CRYSTAL DEMO OUT NOW! what started as just an art project to make a retro dex while we have this free time quickly took on a life of its own and is now a crystal hack! find the patch for the demo here! please help us test it and find and eliminate any bugs! http://www.mediafire.com/folder/xloskjsavrwqc/QuarantineDex this is the second demo and goes all the way up to just beyond goldenrod and features more than 100 pokemon! we have eliminated the most gamebreaking bugs, but please tear it apart as much as you can looking for glitches and references to old mons that we missed. current list of stuff we are aware of to fix for the next patch: -some walking animations in and near goldenrod are bugged -sprout tower needs new tiles -game corner needs some new game graphics -graphical error when you catch a pokemon at the same time as you level up where the ball appears on top of the level up info (thanks to the tester who found this one just now!) -qwail should learn cut but doesn’t -dev testing artefact when interacting with sign in new bark town -hot damn bugsy needs serious nerfing, everyone gets swept -a few dex typos -one of the swarm phonecalls says the old pokemon instead of the new fakemon -a pair of the new card flip graphics are switched, so that two are the wrong colour and the wrong card is assigned to a winning state -pokefans have old pokemon in their trainer sprite -when moving pokemon around in your party, items briefly change to the palette of the pokemon we’d also like your feedback on the adjusted difficulty curve, if the viability and evolution levels of mons feel appropriate, what pokemon you like and what team you ended up with, etc etc. please send me screenshots and general thoughts, dm me or post them and tag me, whatever you like! if you want to draw your mons i’d love to share it when it gets to their day in the dex too! whenever a new patch is out i will make a note in my daily posts :) 
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