#on pastry and the st pastry order
uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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Quick things I made with the comic creator (187/?)
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elystelleven · 2 months
A Pretty Cool AU Concept I Have In Mind:
The Dark Flour War never happened, and the Ancients spend a hundred more years letting their kingdoms flourish and keeping Earthbread as prosperous as ever. Thanks to their efforts, they decide to establish some kind of alliance/union dedicated to improving an area of cookiekind they most excel in (e.g. Dark Cacao in combat and White Lily in knowledge) and are given the opportunity to visit each other and enlighten on whatever problems they have. You know, the typical ancient shenanigans but on a much grander scale!
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Hoooowever, this doesn't entirely mean their world is free of conflict. On the other hand, the St. Pastry Order and dark magic practitioners (that cake monsters happen to be apart of) manage to set aside their differences and join together to form a bigger, more dangerous underground organization with the intention of changing cookiekind in a similar vain to Dark Enchantress's motives and the Order's original belief to "walk with the truth in mind", whatever that means. Their conflict with the Ancients will hold much more nuance since their beliefs clash with one another, not to mention the Order being too good of a group to just be... ignored by the canon for some reason... (devsisters if I catch your hands--)
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Oh and of course, the Beasts will find a way to meddle with these antics and play a much bigger part in the story than we realize.
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There's also gonna be lore elements from Witch's Castle too! The story of the Witch of Light and the "First" cookies are just too intriguing and I don't really see them being integrated in fan stories (from what I've seen, at least) so why not sprinkle them here as well?
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jaspbi · 1 month
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Silent Salt seems the most mysterious out of all the beast cookies
(This is one of the first digital drawings I did)
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lolo3h · 7 months
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Shadow Milk would be pretty mad about the soul jam being passed around like a hot potato
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sundove88 · 7 months
Theory: The St. Pastry Order is Worshipping The Five Beasts.
This is gonna be a speculation theory of mine about the five newest characters in Cookie Run Kingdom- The Five Beasts and how they could be connected to the St Pastry Order!
And like always…
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First of all, let’s start with Exhibit A- aka that one scene in Cookie Odyssey.
Ya know how Millie-Feuille Cookie was leading a CULT of kids with fragments of the Soul Jams?
Well, I theorize that they were gonna give those shards to the St Pastry Order so they can revive the 5 Beasts for good.
Heck, Mystic Flour Cookie LOOKS like someone from the St. Pastry Order!! Especially with the headpiece and the outfit!
And Eternal Sugar Cookie looks like a fallen Angel- because in her design, she has Angel wings and a halo + devil wings and a devil tail!
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And not just that, in Exhibit B, aka the opening cinematic for the Beast Yeast update, they’re all sealed in Forks. And you know what else has forks? The St. Pastry Order!
And you know what that could mean as well? THE ST PASTRY ORDER COULD HAVE A LOCATION IN BEAST YEAST!!!
And not only that, I personally predict they’re gonna return in a future world exploration episode/Special Episode where it’s revealed that the FIVE BEASTS are the ones they’ve been worshipping.
TL;DR: The St Pastry Order is worshipping the Five Beasts.
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pinkvaquita · 4 months
Ok I don't know how but I'm suddenly changing my mind from: "St Pastry Order was made by Mistic Flour" to "St Pastry Order was made by SILENT SALT"
LIKE... the order in the name is not that much in the religious meaning, but more like in the "Paladin Order" meaning
Like, now that we finally have a look of how Mistic Flour's mentality and powers works. It doesn't makes sense for her to make an order of warrior nuns if she has a philosofy of "everything is meaningless". (There is also the whole detail of Mistic Flour having more inspiration of Buddhism and chineese mithology. Wich conflics with the catholic/christian similarities of the order)
But silent salt is a KNIGHT. Knights are more realated to medieval kingdoms. And the whole "The order hides the truth about the witches" does fit more the silence factor.
... Maybe Im just desperate. Send help please.
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xaytheloser · 3 months
updated designs for Egg Tart and Profiterole Cookie!
the investigator, Egg Tart Cookie (he/they)
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(he looked to close to Beignet and Sable Cookie, so I changed him, I think he looks much nicer :33)
the silencer, Profiterole Cookie (she/her)
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(her veil was just hard to draw, I also think her hairstyle here looks nicer)
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lazilybeinglassie · 12 days
Cult Of The Beasts AU
Created by LazilyBeingLassie
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After the events of the Cake Tower, Pastry Cookie is struggling with her doubts and fears. Too afraid to turn back on the Order that raised her, too hurt to feel like she should stay. Where else would she go?
It isn't until she stumbles upon a book that calls her name. One made from burnt dough and crystalized jam. Within it's pages are the secrets of the Beast Cookies. All of their knowledge, recorded and printed down in silver ink. Through this, she is able to contact the Beast who could speak to her through the cracks of his prison. Shadow Milk Cookie.
The story progresses as Shadow Milk speaks to Pastry on multiple occasions, whispering words of deceit and knowledge to make her trust him more. Eventually, she gains enough courage to leave the St. Pastry Order, and becomes a follower of the Beasts.
From there, a cult is slowly formed for those who follow the will of the Beast Cookies. Pastry Cookie being the founder as she gets her orders from Shadow Milk. Awaiting for the day when they will be released into the world . . .
The story will be expanded on more and more as I write one shots and story bits here and there. I'll debate opening asks since I'm not sure if I have enough people curious in the AU enough to start those. Do comment if you would like asks. Until then, I'll use this as the master post and add links when I have info or fics to add to this.
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
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What If: In Your Name
About time I tried one of these Baker or Creator type of deals
You were bringing new cookies to your kingdom by the day. Just bring them into the world and then…allow them to do whatever they wished. You had no wishes to eat them, it was just a hobby to create whatever cookies you can and let them spend their days peacefully in your kingdom.
Who’d knew that by doing that, you’d have essentially a religion being made out of bakers like you. Every visit to this place belonging to the group, the St. Pastry Order, has had these cookies waiting for you. Being a human, you towered over the little cookies, requiring an elevated spot around your waist area to be created.
Every visit was went as usual, you’d emerge before them, then one of these cookies would approach you…
before crumbling a part of their bodies to offer to you, wishing that they’re delectable enough to have the whole piece be eaten entirely.
The Order member would watch you in anticipation as you brought the piece to your mouth and would shiver as you bit into it. Witches did they wish they could offer more to you…
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Reverend Mother Cookie would be quick to remind the other members that having their pieces be accepted and eaten was an honor of the highest regard, an honor you never should take for granted.
These offerings were their biggest way of showing their appreciation for you and want to appease you in any way possible. The slightest refusal or hesitation will greatly offend the Reverend Mother and other members of the Order, but fortunately they never had a cookie hesitate at the opportunity
In fact, everyone seemed almost eager to be the cookie chosen to feed you, to nourish you with themselves. If they didn’t learn the means of self-control, they’d likely be shoving the offering to your hand and plead for you to eat it.
Err…you didn’t want to be rude and reject the offerings, so you reluctantly ate the pieces of the cookie given to you as you could see the offerer’s face brighten up at the notion you enjoyed their flavor.
What you say goes. What you say and your opinions matter more above all else. Objections were, of course, met with scrutiny.
Slander and the questioning of your righteousness was met with immediate hostility from Reverend and the Order members. They could send certain cookies to help straighten out the nonbelievers. If it wasn’t the Reverend Mother, then Shadow Sister Cookie was carrying out your will.
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Reverend Mother Cookie was the only cookie among the rest that had the means to guarantee that you’ll visit the cathedral and she would invite you to return back once the offerings were over.
She wanted to personally display her levels of devotion by cracking off whole limbs like an arm to offer to you. For you see, the cookies who are giving offerings are not allowed to offer more then the Reverend Mother does. Nobody will ever surpass the devotion she has for you. Her Beloved Baker
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alex-frostwalker · 11 months
I hope this'll be brought up and at some point in the Cookie Kingdom Story
GingerBrave is the one who released Dark Enchantress Cookie.
The Trio (GingerBrave, Strawberry, Wizard) Knew about the Witches. Kept that information from others.
GingerBrave's guilt and struggle.
Dark Enchantress and GingerBrave parallels during confrontation.
Might get another similar scenario during Cookie Odyssey where the Ancients' reactions that White Lily is Dark Enchantress but it's about GingerBrave knew about the Witches.
St. Pastry Order, if they found out the Trio and their knowledge of the Witches. Might send assasins like Pastry Cookie
Reverend Mother
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ashuribbon · 5 months
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Imagine having your CRK OC lore be related to two WC OCs you have. Couldn't be me. c:
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snail-noodle · 8 months
(Posted this on Twitter but I'll post it here too)
The St. Pastry Order will be the true antagonist!
I rewatched The Heroes of the Light and I just had to see what their motives were again. I know we have Dark Enchantress as our main villain right now, especially with her wanting to release the Beasts. The First Five Cookies. However, it's been clear that there's another antagonistic group in the background!
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The St. Pastry Order.
Clearly, they're set on believing the cookies should embrace their "destiny" to be eaten. Pretty gruesome.
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The fact they're indoctrinating children makes them absolutely vile to the core. Very creepy and downright awful cult.
(Look at next reblog)
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angelicalchaoticabyss · 6 months
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One of the newer saints
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Banana Meringue is VERY loyal to St Pastry and has been a Saint longer than Maple syrup. Annually she goes to the witches castle and hunt down some of the cookies living there to feed them to the Shadow Witch as an offering.
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As you look around this new found home of sorts, one of the nuns approaches you.
“Allow me to guide you.”
Her uniform is perfect and her veil is straight, but her eyes show nothing but sleepless nights. Yet she still does as shes told anyway, for she cannot afford to waver.
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The St. Pastry Cathedral is now an available location!
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Cookie Run Kingdom 3rd Anniversary Update spoilers
call me crazy but I think they could be connected
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Connections to White Lily (Silent Salt holding her Soul Jam, and Dark Enchantress' creation via discovering the witches' true goal and exposing Pastry to the lies of her beliefs)
Silent Salt's color scheme looking very similar to the Shadow Sisters
The St Pastry Order's fork symbol looking similar to the marking around Silent Salt's Soul Jam
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pinkvaquita · 5 months
Headcanon of the day:
Before the whole inccident in Odessey with the St Pastry Order, none of the Cream republic seemed to care too much about how constantly kids were dissapearing. Since the majority were from the choco mud town, not to mention some didn't even were reported missing because none knew them.
Financier defenetly wanted to say something about it since she keep hearing that kids in orphanges sometimes dissapeared in thin air, and so did Captain Caviar everytime a little kid that he found alone suddenly was no longer there. But the Elders never heard them.
They finally did when they found out the kids were being abducted by a fucking cult tho. And only because the cult was a problem because they too wanted the soul-jams.
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