#on to finish my secret santa fic
andiwriteordie · 2 years
christmas fic #1: i keep my distance (but you still catch my eye) 
tuesday. be there or be 🟩🟥!
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froggyrights · 9 months
Sometimes I remember that in mangoball dream moved to tumblr and got thousands of notes on his posts while on twitter he had like. 1 like and idk it was funny to me like yeah his stupid goofy ass life would do numbers here
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tj-dragonblade · 10 months
#14 for the spotify wrapped game!!!!!!!!
14 - The Islander by Nightwish
This is a longtime favorite song, but I've never necessarily thought about it for fic. So I pondered a bit, and pondered some more, and got an idea, and then it ran away with me. Oops.
Sea without a shore for the banished one unheard He lightens the beacon, light at the end of world Showing the way, lighting hope in their hearts The ones on their travels homeward from afar
On an island at the end of the Space Between Worlds, there sits a lighthouse. Many are the doorways on this island, many are the worlds which can be reached from this twilight convergence, and the lighthouse stands steadfast in their midst, shrouded in perpetual night. The landscape shifts endlessly, never the same for any two travelers, and the lighthouse guides each to the doorway that they seek.
The Lighthouse Keeper is old, and young, and ageless; he is male and female and neither, human and inhuman both, everything and nothing at once. He would appear different to every person who looks upon him, but none ever do and he gives it no thought.
The Lighthouse Keeper is a solitary being, devoted to his duty; he keeps the light burning, keeps travelers on their intended paths. This is his purpose. This is why he exists. Travelers are barely aware that the lighthouse is there, and that is as it should be. Travelers do not enter the lighthouse.
Until, one day, someone does.
"Well met, Stranger!" the Traveler calls, hand raised in greeting, and the Lighthouse Keeper can only stare.
"You should not be here," is what he says at last.
"I'm sorry for intruding, then," the Traveler replies, "only I pass by your lighthouse time and time again, and I had wished to give you my thanks for your steadfast guidance! I'll be on my way!"
"No one enters the lighthouse," is what the Keeper says next, for he still cannot fathom this anomaly.
"Oh, well. Perhaps I'll pop in to say hello again next time I pass," the Traveler says then, and the words are steeped in something which might be pity or might be curiosity, and the Keeper watches the Traveler depart and wonders at the oddity of the meeting.
It vexes him, this impossibility made possible. Travelers do not perceive the fullness of the lighthouse. It lights their way from beneath their conscious mind, guiding them through the perpetual twilight on the paths they cannot see to the doorway that they need. It should not be possible for a traveler to enter.
And yet.
"Hello, Stranger!" the Traveler calls, some passage of time later. "A pleasure to see you again!"
"I do not understand," says the Keeper, perplexed. "How is it that you are here?"
"I was passing by again," says the Traveler, "and since I told you last time I'd say hello—"
"You should not know of this place," the Keeper interrupts. "It is not possible."
"But you're right here," the Traveler protests, "your lighthouse is right here, every time I pass by. You always help me see which way I need to go."
"None see this place, none know of this place," the Keeper insists.
"Except you, of course," says the Traveler. "And me?"
"And you," the Keeper agrees, his worldview shifting to accept the undeniability of this truth. "Well met, Traveler."
The Traveler visits each time he passes, a mere exchange of greetings at the start, pleasantries that the Lighthouse Keeper at first finds tedious; but more and more they become appreciated as they continue to occur. And when the Traveler begins to share details of his travels, the Keeper finds that he appreciates this as well.
"I am bound for the shores of Toor Naghen," says the Traveler, "to ply my trade as a sailor awhile."
"May the seas bring good fortune to you," the Keeper replies, pouring tea into a pair of small china cups that had appeared in the lighthouse kitchen two visits ago.
"The mountains of Vanaheim call to me," the Traveler confides when next he passes through. "I don't know what awaits me there, but it will surely be worth the journey."
"Most assuredly," the Keeper agrees, and offers a tentative hint of a smile in parting.
"Have you ever seen the first spring blooms in Tír na nÓg?" the Traveler asks at their next meeting, eyes shining. "Only, you seem like a person who appreciates beauty, and I have never seen anything that could compare."
The Keeper shakes his head and gazes across the table, where the soft golden-brown aura of the Traveler brings life to the grey of the lighthouse keep, where the light in his eyes and the warmth of his smile chase the chill from the whole of the empty room.
Yes, he appreciates beauty.
"This is for you," his Traveler announces on his next visit. "The artisans in Shangri-la, they do remarkable work, and…it made me think of you."
It is a piece of dark stone, masterfully hewn to cylindrical smoothness, a brilliant bluish gem fixed in the narrower end so that it does suggest a lighthouse, in its most basic shapes.
"You are kind," the Keeper says, closing his hand around the stone, and his Traveler's smile only grows warmer.
And so the time passes, his Traveler coming and going and growing no older, full of stories and wonders and beautiful things from all manner of worlds that he shares with the Lighthouse Keeper, who grows quietly ever more fond of his visitor.
"Do you never leave this place?" asks his Traveler, when next they meet.
"Who would tend the lighthouse, were I to go?" replies the Keeper, serenely, but the question strikes him deeply. He has been the Lighthouse Keeper since the beginning of everything; he has always been here. He is the lighthouse and the lighthouse is him. This is his duty; this is his function.
But sometimes, he is. So tired.
"Have you no one to share your burden, then?" his Traveler inquires, kindly, "no one to ease your loneliness?"
The Lighthouse Keeper is stung, unduly, by his Traveler's perception, and he bares his teeth to hide the wound. "You dare suggest I have need of companionship?"
"Yes. Yes, I do," his Traveler confirms, with aching sincerity in his voice, and the Keeper is incensed.
"What need have I of company, of one such as you?" he sneers, vicious and cruel. "Begone, and leave me in peace." And he retreats to the top of his tower, where the perpetual moon shines upon him, alone.
His Traveler leaves him be, for a time, and the warmth he had brought to the lighthouse begins to fade. The Keeper laments that loss, laments the creeping chill that had never troubled him in all the long eons of his duty but is now unbearable for having known the warmth he might have in its stead. Still, when his Traveler at long last returns, his pride does not permit that the Keeper bend.
"My friend, please, let me apologize," his Traveler begs, but the Keeper refuses to see him.
"You are unwelcome here," he declares, and tells himself it is satisfaction that he feels when his Traveler departs at last, spirits low.
It is not so long a wait before his Traveler again returns. "My friend," he begs once more, "do not turn me away, let me make amends—"
"You are unwelcome here," the Keeper repeats, refusing to open his door, and weeps in the cold of his empty keep when his Traveler finally retreats.
A third time his Traveler returns, with little of hope in his bearing. He is weary, bedraggled, but his call at the door is resolute. "My friend, I beg of you. Let me make right the offense I have given, please do not turn me away."
The Keeper moves to speak, to tell him once more that he is unwelcome, but his heart stays his tongue. If he speaks it a third time, then it will be true, and…the Keeper is prideful, and unyielding, but…he does not wish for this to be made true. After all. His Traveler has named him Friend, three times now, and so that must be true—and a friend would not be unwelcome, no matter how the Keeper's pride might sting to admit that he had erred, to allow his vulnerabilities to be perceived.
He opens the door.
"My Friend," breathes his Traveler, relief lighting every line of his body, his beautiful face, and the Keeper cannot pretend any longer that his pride matters more than this being of warmth and life and joy.
"I apologize," he offers, before his Traveler can say ought else. "I have treated you poorly, and I would. Make amends. Please. Come in."
His Traveler smiles, and it chases the cold from the Keeper's limbs effortlessly.
"It was callous of me to presume you lonely, and I am sorry for the offense," his Traveler begins as they sit at the kitchen table, as the Keeper pours them tea, and oh how he has missed the warmth of this ritual, the brightness his Traveler brings.
"I took offense because it was true, and it vexed me to be so easily known," he replies. "I am lonely, my friend, and I have missed you fiercely."
"I have missed you, as well," his Traveler declares, eyes shining, and the Keeper's heart is overfull.
"Where do your travels next take you?" he inquires, through the soft smile that will not leave his face.
His Traveler grins, brighter than the sun. "Here, to your door," he declares. "I'll not travel on til you bid me leave. If you'll have me?"
"I will, old friend," the Keeper agrees.
His Traveler leans across the corner of the table between them, and places his big hands gentle and warm on the Keepers face, and kisses him full on the lips. "Then I shall stay," he murmurs.
And, for the first time in the memory of anything, dawn breaks over the lighthouse on the island at the end of the Space Between Worlds.
(Hob does leave again eventually; he is the Traveler, not the Stays-in-One-Place-er. But he always spends ample time between journeys at the lighthouse with his Dream. And eventually they find another unique individual who becomes the Apprentice Lighthouse Keeper (hello Daniel) and Dream can join Hob on some of his travels and finally see the worlds he's been guiding people to his entire existence)
Spotify Wrapped Askmeme Post
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lavellenchanted · 9 months
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The Courtship of Peggy Carter (fic coming soon)
When Steve returns to the 1940s, he knows he wants to be with Peggy, but he can't help but worry about how the years they have both lived through have changed them - so he proposes that they start dating and get to know each other again. But Peggy has her own ideas about how their courtship will go, and is a woman determined to get what she wants. Namely Steve. In her bed. Sooner than he seems to be planning to get there.
Happy holidays @margarethcarter! I'm your Secret Santa this year - I'm so sorry your gift is so ridiculously late, but this month has just been incredibly full on. I am hoping to get your gift finished and up soon, but I didn't want to end the year without you getting anything.
You said you prefer post-Endgame time period and mentioned Peggy finding out that Steve's acquired some game since she last saw him, which what inspired this fic, so I hope when it's finally finished you will enjoy it, but in the meantime here is a little preview for you!
“And this . . . you being here . . . is it for good? Or do you have to go back?”
Steve held her gaze, serious and steady, the way he always did whenever he wanted her to know that what he was about to say was something he had thought over carefully.
“I’d like it to be. I came back because this place, this time, is where I belong. I wanted to come home, to have the life I never got a chance to have. And I want, very much, for that life to be with you.” 
For a moment Peggy felt as if she had forgotten how to breathe, her chest tight and her heart beating painfully hard against her ribs. She opened her mouth to tell him yes, that she wanted a life with him as well, but before the words could form he had brought a finger to her lips to keep her from speaking.
“But,” he continued softly, a tenderness in his expression that made her glow with warmth, “I don’t think that’s a decision either of us should be making right now.”
A faint frown creased Peggy’s forehead. “Why not?”
“Because of how good this feels.”
She couldn’t help quirking an eyebrow, one corner of her mouth curling upwards. “That’s a bad thing, is it?”
Steve chuckled. “No. I just mean . . . I’ve dreamed about being here with you for so long, it would be easy to rush into this. To forget that . . . a lot of time has passed, for both of us. And that we’re probably both different people than we were when I went into the ice.”
Peggy let out a slow breath. Part of her - the part that for the last four years had been filled with grief, sorrow and longing whenever she thought of Steve - was afraid, terrified that this moment of joy in finding him again was going to be cut short, and leave her with nothing but echoing silence of his absence once more. She wanted to cling on to him as tightly as she could, to hold him to her so she didn’t have to face the pain of losing him again.
Another, regrettably more sensible part of her, recognised that what he was saying was true. The four years she had spent being overlooked at the SSR had left their mark as surely as the war had, and now she was reinventing herself again as the Director of SHIELD. She felt very far from the young agent that had worked on Project Rebirth. 
And Steve . . . right now she could only guess at the sort of things Steve had lived through, the reasons for the weariness that lurked at the back of his eyes, the sadness  that seemed etched into his face, mingling with his joy when he had asked her if he could finally claim his dance.
“So what are you suggesting?” she asked, forcing a calmness she didn’t entirely feel. 
But to her surprise - and a little to her relief - Steve smiled.
“I’m suggesting that we date. Like we would have - should have - if things had gone the way we planned. Get to know each other as we are now. And if after we’ve dated for a while, we’re both sure this is still something we want . . .  well, then we can talk about what’s next.” 
Peggy almost wanted to laugh. “Are you telling me you travelled back nearly a century in time just to ask me on a date?”
His smile widened to a grin. “To start with, anyway.”
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hotcat37 · 10 months
Cooking rn (working on a Jance fic)
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
The Perfect Hill
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII @crimpie I WAS YOUR SECRET SANTA!!! I loved both your prompts so much but this is the one I went with! I really hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️ This was created for the 2022  MCYT G/T Secret Santa under the theme ‘winter wonderland’.  @mcyt-gt-events
cw: fear, death mention (but no actual death), I think that’s it? Its pretty fluffy :3
word count:  3089
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
“Come on George! You’ve got to see this Hill!!” Sapnap said as the hunter trudged through the snow behind him. “It’s perfect for luging down with the sleds!!” 
“Yes Sapnap, I know. You’ve said so like 20 times already.” George said as he tugged his jacket on closer. It wasn’t really fair that his friend, the literal fire born demon hybrid, didn't need to stay rugged up to stay warm. It’s not that he wasn’t accustomed to the cold though as a Hunter. Harsh terrain and cold nights out on long hunts were part of the job, but still. He didn’t like exposing himself to the cold weather when he didn’t have to. But no one else wanted to join Sapnap on his escapade when he returned to the village one day, claiming he found the greatest Hill with the most perfect slope to sled down or ‘luge’ down, as he claimed was the proper term. But it was just too cold for most people and while George had reluctantly agreed, the more Sapnap described the location, the more something felt off about this supposed ‘Hill’. He knew the land better than anyone and well, the Hill Sapnap described, didn’t exist. Not to George’s knowledge anyways.  
“But that’s because it is George!!” Sapnap stated as he adjusted his grip on the sled. “And you’re taking forever to get there!!!”
“Hey you’re literally melting snow as you walk making it easier to get through. Not all of us are walking furnaces!” George remarked as he tried to catch up to his friend. Winter was in full swing now with every night leaving a fresh layer of white powdered snow in its wake. The world a glowing; but cold, Winter wonderland. 
“Oh come on George! Lighten up! It’s not that cold.” Sapnap exclaimed, shoving a jab at the hunters arm.
“Uh huh. Sure it isn’t.” 
After several more minutes of walking, George began to get impatient. They’d been walking for ages and he swears he’d seen that same tree for the 3rd time this trip. “Snapmap, you’re supposed to know where this great Hill is, BEFORE you make someone walk all the way there..” George muttered as he saw the same bush for the 4th time. “If you call me Snapmap again, we're gonna have issues George.” A glaring Sapnap responded as they continued on. “Just saying Sapnap, I swear if we walk past the same ruined portal again for the 5th time I’m going to-”
“THERE IT IS!” George watched as his friend ran to the ‘very real’ Hill that was presented before him. The angle just right to slide down at a controlled speed. No trees in the way, or bulges of snow that could hide potential hidden boulders. Completely flat and smooth from the fresh layer of powdered snow. Just as Sapnap described: The perfect Hill. But something was off about it. George was positive he’d never seen a Hill like this before in all the time he’s been in the area. Not even in the warmer months of Summer could he recall a hill being so bare that snowed over it would look as good as this. But none of George’s inner concerns seemed to phase Sapnap, as his friend began to climb the Hill. 
“Come on George! Hurry up!” Sapnap called as he continued the climb up. George raced to catch up. Panting a little as the icy winds filled his lungs. By the time Geroge finally did catch up to Sapnap, they had reached the top of the Hill. It had quite the view and was just high enough that they could see parts of their home further off in the distance where some of the lower trees stood.
“It’s perfect, isn’t it?” Sapnap turned to George expectedly, a gleam in his eyes.
“Sapnap, don’t you think it’s a little too perfect? I know these woods better than anyone and I swear I’ve never seen this hill before.” Sapnap simply shrugged. 
“You’ve probably just never come through this part of the forest before George.” he replied as he placed the sled down and began to get situated atop of it. “Now come on, get on already. I’ve waited long enough for someone to join me.” 
George wanted to believe Sapnap he really did, but he couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong. It just didn’t make sense that such a hill like this could just magically exist. He’d seen map after map and couldn’t pin ever seeing this Hill around ever! Or maybe he was just tired and the cold was getting to him? Sometimes he got a little weird when he was tired enough. At least he had the dagger attached to his belt if something was wrong. 
Reluctantly, the Hunter eventually sat down on the sled and the two began their descent. They did a few runs down the slope taking turns on who sat in front. At first, George was able to let his mind relax. It was a good day and Sapnap was right, the Hill was perfect for sledding down. Every run down the hill had been smooth and allowed for them to gain some great speed, but after the fourth run, the little nagging voice in George’s mind started to whisper.
‘Why have there been no bumps on the slope? Why have there been no rocks to avoid coming down? Mother Nature is a wonder, but surely there should be something, anything to cause a rough run of the slope?
It was George’s turn to steer the sled as he and Sapnap boarded the sled once more. But George just couldn’t shake the feelings. Something wasn’t right.
“Sapnap,” George began as he turned to face his friend. “Don’t you think it’s a bit odd that we haven’t had a single ditch or rock to avoid for any of the runs?”
“No, not really.” Sapnap replied. “I mean, I did say this Hill was perfect but now that you mention it, we haven’t had a single bad run yet have we?”
“And you don’t find that strange?” George inquired as he turned to face his friend. “I know these woods Sapnap. I’ve never come across this hill ever and even if I had, no hill is this perfect!”
Sapnap suddenly stood and got off the board moving to position himself in front of George. He then proceeded to crouch down into the snow. “Well if you’re so sure that there’s something wrong about my ‘perfect Hill,” Sapnap said he leaned forward planting a hand in the snow. “Then let’s take a look at it without the snow in the way.” Without a second thought, Sapnap began to melt the icy soft blanket of snow, revealing a very bright green patch of ground. At first glance you’d think it was grass. But George knew better. They were in the middle of December. The season of Winter. Grass was never that green. Curiously, George reached forward to touch the baffling green ground. Although damp from the snow, George recognised the texture. Fabric. And by the feel of it, Jersey knit. 
“It’s a blanket?” George said flatly to Sapnap, confusion evidently painted across his face. 
“Why on earth would someone leave a blanket here?” Sapnap replied. George then tried to pull the blanket up from the ground. However, it did not budge. In fact, it barely lifted from the ground at all. Perhaps too much of the blanket was buried? Clearly also complexed by the odd blanket before them, Sapnap began to melt away more of the snow, revealing more of the green fabric. Why on earth was this thing so big? 
“Maybe if I melt enough of this snow away, we’ll be able to lift it up?” Sapnap said as he melted away another patch of snow. It just didn’t make sense. None of this dumb Hill made sense!!! That feeling of dread George had before began to seep back into consciousness. Why would someone leave a blanket out here? And such a huge one at that! Fabric like this cost a lot of emeralds when trading from villagers and why on this Hill that shouldn’t exist in all its perfectness? Before George’s thoughts could spiral once more, the ground suddenly shifted. And then again. And again. Earthquakes weren’t completely uncommon in the area but this didn’t feel right. 
“Sheesh this blanket is huge!” Sapnap said as he melted another patch of snow away, oblivious to the building tremors. “I could make like 6 giant hoodies with this stuff!”
And then it all clicked. Why he’d never seen this Hill before. How it was so smooth and perfect. Why this green fabric was here and so huge! 
“Sapnap, get on the sled now.” George said as he slid himself slightly towards him. “Oh come on George,” irritation clear in the hybrid's voice as he continued to melt some more snow. Not wanting to waste anymore time, George reached over and grabbed Sapnap, yanking him into the board. “WHAT THE HECK GEORGE??? I JUST WANTED TO GE-“ 
“Sapnap you don’t understand this isn’t a hill!!!” George cut Sapnap off as he got situated on the board. “It’s a flippen AHH!” The sled suddenly lurched forward into motion, nearly throwing the two riders off. The Hill was moving. 
“What the Heck???” Sapnap said as he tried to regain his balance. The Hill suddenly moved again, launching them both back into motion. George gripped the controls of the sled harder trying to steer the sled down the hill on the moving terrain. He turned to the right aiming straight for the tree line at the bottom. If they could just make it into the trees then they could get away. “GEORGE! SLOW DOWN!!!” Sapnap yelled as he latched onto the Hunter in an effort to not be thrown off from the speed and unevenness of moving terrain. But he couldn’t stop! Not when the ground was shaking and they were sledding on top of a sleeping-
“WATCH OUT!!” Sapnap screeched as a wall suddenly appeared before them. Unfortunately, the warning came too late and the two slammed into the upright surface. In fact they slammed so hard that the upright wall was now horizontally flat. 
“Ugh ouch that hurt.” Sapnap dazedly said, rubbing at his head. George pushed himself up on the surprisingly squishy surface. But George didn’t have very long to process because all at once, the ground they were on was moving. George latched onto the closest thing his arms could wrap around and tightly shut his eyes. He felt gravity shift as he was lifted up higher and higher from the ground to his impending doom. He’d heard the urban myths and legends of what was supposedly a terrifying creature living in the woods. A tale to keep young children within the safety of the village walls. But never before had George ever considered the stories true. And he was certainly  not equipped for what would be a losing battle. Warm air suddenly washed over his body. Shakily, he lifted his head and opened his eyes to reveal his worst nightmare. A giant.
Oh and if it couldn’t get any worse, it was looking straight at him. Or we’ll at least it was trying to? Said giant only looked to be half awake. Its green eyes were trying to focus on him but seemed to be covered in a sleepy haze. Wait. Sleepy? Oh. They’d been sledding on a sleeping giant. And they just went and woke it up…
Said giant yawned and rubbed at its eyes. He was still tired and the world felt cold. Too cold. Spring isn’t normally cold? Giants normally slept all through Winter so he wasn’t used to being awake when it was chilly.. At least he had thought to catch whatever it was on him before moving to sit up, but now he was annoyed because he was awake waaaaay too early and cold!  He was acutely aware of the two humans sitting in his hand and had been semi aware they had been crawling all over him in his sleep which normally, wouldn’t be an issue. But he’d started to get really itchy on this one spot on his arm and it was extremely irritating. Irritating enough that he was awake. Great. 
“Ughhhhhhhhh why’d I have to be woken up so early.” The giant exclaimed as it drew out a yawn. 
George froze at the sight of the massive teeth the giant displayed as it yawned. They were too close and this giant sounded annoyed. Not good. 
“And all because of an itch. Like seriously, I’ve slept through blizzard upon blizzard and a dumb itch wakes me up.” The giant said, as it sat up. George watched as the giant then used its free hand to scratch at a spot on its lower arm. The spot on the fabric of what George now recognised as a massive hoodie, was slightly different in colouration. It appeared slightly dryer. That was the spot Sapnap had melted snow on wasn’t it? And the giant was complaining about it. They were dead. Oh so totally dead. George turned to Sapnap, who had the same look of realization on his face. George grabbed Sapnap's wrist and pulled him closer to him, and the edge of the giant's palm. He eyed Sapnap off from him, to the ground, silently communicating what he had planned. They were going to have to jump. There was no way they could fight off a giant. But as the two were about to jump, the giants' other hand appeared and cupped around the other, effectively trapping them both within its grasp.
“Careful.” The giant said, its tone laced with concern. “We wouldn’t want you falling now.” 
Well there goes that idea. What could they possibly do now? 
“Please,” Sapnap said suddenly. “Please don’t hurt us! We didn’t mean to wake you up!” George turned to face his friend. “It's my fault you woke up. I just wanted to luge!” George’s heart panged at the response of his friend. Sapnap had just wanted to go sledding and no doubt felt it was his fault they were in this mess, if the fear and guilt weren’t evidence enough on his face. 
“No. It’s not his fault. It’s mine.” George said, conviction in his voice. He had urged Sapnap to melt the ground. He was the reason he had melted the snow, skeptical of what lay beneath. He’d been right of course, that it wasn’t a hill, but it was still unfair to Sapnap to take the blame. “Sapnap didn’t mean to melt the snow and wake you up! I just didn’t believe you were a real hill we were sledding on, and told him to melt the ice.” George then moved to be in front of Sapnap as he continued. “Please, let him go. You can do whatever you want to me, just don’t hurt Sapnap.”
The giant just stared at the two humans in his hands, its expression changing from one of sleepy concern to confusion. 
“Hurt him?” The giant furrowed its brow. “Oh Prime no I’m not going to hurt either of you!” the giant said. “I knew you were crawling all over me and that’s normal when I go into hibernation for the winter, and sure you woke me up from the itchiness of the heat,” the giant raised George and Sapnap higher to its face to be eye level with it as it spoke. “But that’s no reason to hurt you. I could have been woken by anything. You were just curious, that's all.” Well George collapsed to his knees right there and then, adrenaline leaving him exhausted. He was still wary of what this giant could do, but the assurance that he and Sapnap weren’t going to die was good. 
“You alright there little guy?” The giant said as it lifted a thumb towards George for support. “Yeah yeah, I’m alright.” George said as grasped the giant appendage to help get his bearings. “Oh the name is Dream by the way.” The giant, Dream said. “George and he’s Sapnap.” George replied. “We’re sorry for using you as a sled slope.” Sapnap said to the giant. “It’s just well, snowed over, you really were the perfect Hill.” Sapnap said awkwardly as he fiddled with his shirt. The giant simply threw his head back and laughed before doubling over wheezing.  
“Oh so that’s what you were doing.” Dream said as he tried to compose himself. “Honestly I was so confused about what you were doing by how you moved around, but was too sleepy to worry about it.” George and Sapnap looked at each other before also bursting out laughing. 
“Yeah that must have felt so weird with the sled suddenly racing down your backside, or uh arm. Wherever we were sliding.” George replied as he tried to compose himself. 
“Yeah it’s a shame though. You really were the most perfect bill for luging down.” Sapnap said a tad sheepishly. 
“Well,” Dream began as he searched the ground for something. “I don’t mind if you use me to luge down.” Dream then shifted George and Sapnap into one hand as he used the other to pluck something from the ground. Opening his hand, the giant presented the two with the sled. “You’re welcome to slide down me as often as you like.” Sapnap's face lit up at the notion. 
“For real? You wouldn’t mind?” 
“Not at all! Just, don’t go around melting things on me in my sleep.” Dream said as he winked. 
“Done deal.” George piped up. “And I’ll make sure of it that even in the future, no one lights fires on you while you rest.” 
“I appreciate that George.” Dream replied. “While I don’t mind being used as slope, I’d rather not be woken mid sleep.” Dream laughed. George looked to Sapnap and then to the giant. 
“We will make sure no one knows you’re even here.” He said as he smiled .
And so it went, after that fateful day a tradition of sorts was formed. Every snowy winter season, when the earth was painted white, and the air a chilly ice, Sapnap, George and anyone who wished would journey to the mysterious perfect Hill and have a fun day filled with sledding. And while no one knew what happened to the Hill during the warmer months, George and Sapnap were off exploring the world with their very special friend. A perfect Hill.
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iceunhie · 9 months
writing is actually an out of body experience that physically drains you and I'm feeling that first hand writing this fic good lord 😭
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pethfics · 9 months
VERY, VERY LATE GIFTS BUT I COULD NOT LET ANOTHER CHRISTMAS PASS ME BY WITHOUT POSTING THESE. I don't know if this is a "better late than never" situation, but I still feel like I owe these two great people the gifts that I had promised AND big apologies for not getting to give them on time.
The last few years have been crazy for me in RL, but I won't bore you with dumb excuses, only these simple ways of making amends for not fulfilling my old promises. I will try to do better.
ESS 2020: For @gasexplosionatthescalpelfactory Some Measure of Happiness
ESS 2021: For @pikafwance Overdue Acknowledgment
Also, apologies to @radical-rad1986 for messing up ESS during those years and thank you for your patience.
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bellysoupset · 9 months
guys darlings gays, i'm forcefully logging myself off so i finish my vanilla stuff before my bloody deadline. Everyone in my inbox <3 i love you i'll answer as soon as i'm back.
if you guys see me online or even lurking, pls feel free to yell at me/spray me with water/hit me with a newspaper
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knightzp · 9 months
finally on winter break yayyyyyyy
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mamawasatesttube · 10 months
on the one hand i have plenty on my plate already on the other hand what if koncass gender fic.
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As Through a Window In Late Afternoon
Jester draws in a gasp. She has cast magic before, has blown open far away windows and scabbed over a cut in seconds and turned her face into that of a stranger’s, but she has never done this. The fire in Caleb’s hand was air a moment ago, and now it is flame, it is heat — a mini version of the sun that she has come to learn makes her sweaty when she is in it for too long. It is pure, wonderful magic.
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees the wizard look at her, and frown.
Five instances of light in the life of Jester Lavorre.
(4.5k words, a little bit of post-cannon fix-it for you <3, read here on ao3)
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kickis-conan-king · 9 months
Tumblr media
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shubaka · 10 months
when you ask for more work hours because you need the money and you get delegated a really time-consuming data-heavy project that makes you want to slip into the ocean and never resurface 🥲
my brain and my eyes feel so tired
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aparticularbandit · 10 months
As of right now, between the prompts I have (assuming I complete them all) and finishing Thrall (one chapter left, I would like to finish that this month) and another chapter in Life is but a Dream (because I have one started and could probably finish and get that up this month) and a couple of other things I'm thinking about (something for Agatha's birthday on the 21st, Danganronpa Fragments holiday something (I have a very clear picture involving Junko, don't ask me why))--
between all of these, if I get them all done and posted daily, that's seventeen days of content. (two of these have specific dates attached, so this doesn't actually get me through the seventeenth, it gets me through the fifteenth with two additional days later.)
if you have more prompts or requests or ideas, feel free to send them in! i'm trying to do the thing, but brain may not here are ideas for things until later.
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thelov3lybookworm · 10 months
We need more remember me poses
Also how are you??
im fine babeee how you doin 😏
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