#on top of all the horrible audio issues
spacedlexi · 1 year
trying to abide by the arbitrary rules ive set for myself
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nu-carniviva · 9 months
A censored version of Nu: Carnival is coming to the app store... Which is not good
When this was first brought to my attention, I honestly didn't believe it at first. I mean, why would I? Nu: Carnival has advertised itself as an adult-only game since it's release. I rarely go on Twitter since it's a total shithole, but that's how I found out that the rumors were true. Nu: Carnival - Bliss, they're calling it. The overall plot, events, and gameplay will be the same. But many crucial changes will be done to the dialogue, CG, and audio. Long post ahead, but I'll be ranting about it below
Why is this a bad move?
There are multiple reasons as to why making a censored, teen friendly version of Nu: Carnival is a horrible decision. I might not get them all, but here are a few I can think of off the top of my head:
It is literally impossible to separate the nsfw from the source. Whether the devs like it or not, they made an nsfw game. After the first half of the prologue, the game opens with porn. You are introduced to two characters at the time — Aster and Morvay. That right there is already an issue. Morvay is an incubus. He is a sex demon who wears leather lingerie. While there is certainly more to his personality, his is very existence is sex. Sex is what keeps him alive and fed. Morvay is very open about his sexual desires and the topic of sex as a whole. He doesn't find it shameful or taboo. So... What are they going to do with Morvay? He can't be removed since he's bonded with Aster. Censoring him will have him take a MAJOR hit. Now that leads me to the second part of this bullet point: sex is a crucial part of the plot. Essence is what keeps Klein stable. Eiden and his clan's job is to use their essence to fix the gem altars so said altars can keep the essence regulated throughout the continent. While there are several ways to replenish one's essence, the most effective way is through sex. Sex also plays a crucial role in expanding on the plot and the characters. Sex scenes aren't just there for entertainment, there is genuine lore within the dialogue. Through sex, Eiden bonds with his clan members in the most intimate and personal ways. He sees his clan members at their most vulnerable moments, and through that they share a deep connection. You can see when sex scenes go from Eiden and whoever the clan member is having sex just to have it to having sex because they genuinely care for each other and want to physically bond. I could delve deeper into this topic, but I'm sure you all understand by now what I'm trying to say. Sex is not just an accessory or perk. It's part of the worldbuilding
Minors will not be able to escape nsfw within the fandom. Since the game's release, the fan base has been entirely made up of adults. Since we are all adults, we freely talk and post about the nsfw parts of the game. You go on any social media platform where Nu: Carnival is discussed, and you will see nsfw. It's a very casual topic in the fandom, and in a way it's something that bonds us together… As weird as that may sound. My point is, making a censored version of the game is pointless, because the source itself in inherently nsfw and the fan base is full of adults making nsfw content which is usually uncensored since the artists expect for anyone in the fandom to only be adults
Minors in fandoms often bring drama... Hear me out on this one. Not to sound like one of those "grr minors dni I hate minors" people, but kids in fandoms often bring drama and discourse. As aggravating at it is, I have to admit that it isn't entirely their fault. When you're in your early teens, you're starting to discover yourself. You become very opinionated and defensive over your beliefs because you're trying to figure out who you are and where you stand in life. You're trying to gain independence and autonomy. It's normal... But it's very draining. Since Nu: Carnival has an all-adult fandom, there isn't a lot of drama at all. Sure, you're going to have stupid people saying stupid shit to start drama, that happens everywhere, but those people are typically ignored because it isn't too common. With kids coming into the fandom and starting unnecessary drama, it'll be so much harder to avoid. Not only that, but kids don't have as much media literacy as adults do. It's not an insult, but simply a fact. Nu: Carnival delves in a LOT of heavy themes in the game. Some of which are stated outright while others require you to read in between the lines to pick up on them. Since the fandom is all adults, it's easier for us to handle these topics and discuss them maturely
Why are the devs doing this?
My guess? Money. The devs are part of a company after all. At the end of the day, all companies want to make money. By making a game they can put on app stores, the game becomes more visible to a broader audience. People who have never heard of Nu: Carnival before will see what appears to be an innocent anime game when it's far from that. All it will take is a simple google search for people to see the the game is very much nsfw and not something minors should indulge themselves in. It's dangerous for both parties involved, both the minors and the adults
But hey, whatever's bringing in the money, right? Sigh...
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not to cause drama or anything but I HATE SCYTH ASMR! (Tw fictional domestic abuse, and fictional abuse of power)
Hate is a strong word, and my feeling might be a little over the top but, I do wanna talk about some of his stuff. I was a big fan of his when his first V vid was made. I joined the discord and followed all his posts. And then he posted a video that happened to have domestic violence in it, MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING FOR THAT PAST THIS!!!! this vid has the listener character “cheeky” (I will not be calling her that cus that’s is a cringe ass nickname btw) and V, the romantic interest training, then after some flirting (one sided on V’s part, I’ll get into this later) a cargo truck full of scientists drives by! V quickly gets into the trunk and kills everyone in there, the listener character tries to stop him from killing what she think is an innocent person, he kills the guy in front of her, and then throws her out of the car, chokes her, talks about how he’s going to kill her and pin her death on the people in the cargo truck, and then says “how about one more kiss before you go” before letting her go. He then afterwards explains that the reason he killed all of them, was because of some in story lore about werewolves. It’s explained that what they did basically caused a werewolf to go feral and become evil and kill people. So obviously! These scientists who were probably forced by the government to do this, deserved to die! That makes sense! Anyway the moral of this vid was that the listner character should always listen to V no questions asked! I hate this vid for a number of reasons. The biggest one is the number of comments sexualizing and romanticizing the fucking horrible and traumatic abuse this listener faced, even bigger then that was the fact scythe audio fed into it.
The worst comment (trigger warning, victim blaming)
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As you can see, scythe not only condoned this behaviour, he feed into it. This comment makes me sick. I accidentally watch this video without reading the description and became very triggered at the video. (this is not scythe audios fault, I must make this clear) seeing people make jokes like “I asked to be choked but not like this” and talking about how the listener character deserved and even enjoyed the attack was and still is repulsive.
The relationship between V and the listener character was also extremely abusive, but it was always shown as loving, or something like that. The listener has to stay with V and basically do whatever he asks (including kissing and I assume sexual favours) or be tossed to the streets to be picked up by either the evil shadow government or the actual government. Both wanted her dead. So, she’s trapped staying with a man who threatens violence if she doesn’t follow his every whim, who sexually harasses her daily, who diminishes her trauma, and who treats her like trash, just so she doesn’t her tormented and eventually killed. My issue with this isn’t the fact he’s an abusive ass hat, my issue is that instead of giving him any actual character growth, V was given orphans. He was made into an adopted dad to a shit ton of orphans cus he has ZERO REDEEMING TRAITS OTHER THEN HOT. Scythe audio must have realized this guy was his money maker and realized he had to make this guy actually redeemable if he wanted to have him to keep Marlon him money. Anyway it was unconvincing cus right after introducing the fact there were cute kids in the equation, he dropped the domestic abuse.
Another thing, less about the videos and more about how he interacted with fans. His discord sever had rolls for age! They specifically had one labeled “16 and under”, now, I’m not against having minors in asmr fandom spaces, but having minors especially such young ones in a sever he made? It just felt like a weird choice, especially seeing as he had and still has, and I’m going to say it bluntly, porn up on YouTube. Now you can say “but the video said 18+!” We all know that has never ever stopped a minor from doing anything. With this said, a large amount of his fandom was under 18, I’ll give him this, I don’t think i ever saw Scythe interact with an under 18 fan, but he knew they where there, he knew they watched his content. And yet knowing this, he wrote stories that glorified domestic abuse as a way to teach your partner how to fall in line he wrote stories glorifying the horribly toxic relationship that was V and the listener character. This type of thing affects kids greatly, especially if they have no clue it is abusive. Even in the video with the domestic abuse the description says “this may be triggering to listeners in regards to domestic based violence” not “Trigger warning, this video contains Domestic abuse!” It says it more like “it’s kinda domestic abuse, but only if that triggers you”
In Redacted, the description will always tell you what to expect. “Gaslighting, manipulation, toxic relationship” he will make sure you know that a toxic relationship is toxic, he makes sure your aware that the abuse shown, isn’t love. The most scythe does is say “well V is a villain! He’s not a good guy!” And yet her tries to make him redeeming so people like him.
Now, I get that this was over 2 years ago, scythe audio could have totally moved past this weird glorifying abuse thing, who knows! I mostly wrote this as a vent cus my friend reminded me he existed. Anyway if you made it this far have a nice day. If you where or still are a scythe fan, tell me what you think of all this (without being mean please) if you happen to be scythe himself block me I don’t want you near me. Anyway have a nice day!
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danthediamondminecart · 2 months
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Finally posting the references for the revamped RBB / TMA AU, hooray! Its alternate title is the Top Of The Food Chain AU, but that’s subject to change.
The new premise of the AU is this:
Kreek Craft is a budding ghost-busting YouTuber living in a fictional city in the USA (I'm thinking Pennsylvania, but that's still being decided), where the RB Foundation also operates. He and his friends have been trying to make it big for some time now, to no success - everything he tries has already been done before. However, after Kreek has a genuine supernatural encounter with…something, and the video he posts of it goes viral, he starts to sink deeper into the supernatural world…and what comes with it.
…Yeah, I'm aware that premise is toeing the line between character ad creator, but I just really want to create a Hunt-focused story where the hunt is for something metaphorical like fame or information, and the brainworms made me do it here.
Character bios under the cut, and I’ll post more about the AU when I have more to show for it LEL
Main Cast:
Kreek Craft
The main protagonist. An excitable guy with dreams of being a famous YouTuber, and runs/hosts a ghost busting channel under the name KreekCraft - though growth is slow at the moment. However, an encounter with and subsequent murder of a creature of the Dark changes that for him. Due to this dedication to his craft and the chase for views, the Hunt soon claims him, whether he wants it to or not.
Steak Wads
Kreek’s co-host who’s one of Kreek’s best friends. He does all the odd jobs on the channel that Kreek doesn’t do. He’s a little…too upbeat despite some of the crazier circumstances they get into, but I’m sure that won’t lead to any issues. He gains a valuable connection with the Flesh avatar in this story, and later, the Hunt takes him as well. 
Bella Cinder
The camerawoman for the more produced episodes, who also runs her own more casual YouTube channel on the side. She finds herself in possession of a cursed camera, which gives her the attention of the Eye - as well as this, she ends up bringing the Institute’s attention to the goings on of the YouTube channel.  
Lana Raee
A make-up artist hired to cover Kreek’s tracks, she ends up asking to stick around and see more of the supernatural goings on. She ends up drawing in the attention of the Stranger due to her own fears of being replaced and the way she advises the cast. Very much the only sane woman. 
Booshot Mistr
The final member of the crew, and the audio guy for the more produced videos. Booshot is more no-nonsense than the rest of the crew and finds Kreek a little annoying, but he sticks around for Bella’s sake. In the final arc of the story, he is targeted by the Lonely.
Supporting Cast:
Ominous Nebula
Night-Foxx’s younger brother and Pink’s roommate. A musical theatre student that’s always upbeat and ready to do something to help others, but he has a lot of hurt he is hiding. He was adopted into the Nebula family as a sacrificial lamb to the Vast, not that he knows it until later of course. Where Lana is more desensitised but still an outsider, Ominous is the true ‘only sane man’ of the extended cast. 
Night-Foxx Nebula 
Kreek’s other best friend and Ominous’ older brother. He’s in a privileged position, already being the owner of the space travel division of the Nebula Travel Corporation at his relatively young age. Though, that’s most likely because his father passed the role down to him. However, he’s hiding a secret related to his father’s demise, and his connection to the Vast. 
Pink Leaf 
Bella’s childhood friend and one of the first ‘interviewees’ on Kreek’s channel, at Bella’s suggestion to ‘put himself out there!’, talking about an interaction with some creepy mannequins. However, something horrible happens as a result of this choice, leading Pink’s resentment towards Bella and Kreek to grow and for the Lonely to claim him. 
Justin ‘Think’ Noodles
An avatar of the Dark with ties to the Slaughter through his trusty pickaxe, Think was in some way related to the creature that Kreek killed. He tries to get revenge, but realises he could capitalise on it, and offers Kreek a deal - he’ll tell Kreek about other creatures he can make content about, in exchange for Kreek’s life when he retires. Kreek accepts, and Think something of a mentor to Kreek - however, this dooms the both of them. 
RB (Research of the Abnormal) Foundation Archival Employees: 
Russo Talks
The Head Archivist of the RB Foundation, and a 'world-building protagonist', so to speak. Has been at this for a few years, and is doing alright despite what his job really entails - but knows when to get serious. Has a lot of experience dealing with the entities. Is watching the events of Kreek’s life changing from afar, getting statements from those involved, and only getting involved if Kreek wishes he does. 
Deejay Monopoli
Russo’s assistant and Sabrina’s loving husband. A Hunter who became after Sabrina’s initial disappearance. He isn’t technically employed at the RB Institute, instead being a music producer full time, but he helps Russo out with the more…problematic missions. He finds out about Kreek’s predicament and takes it upon himself to ‘help’, becoming Kreek’s second mentor, as well as having a bet going with Think on Kreek’s fate. 
Sabrina Brite
DJ’s loving wife and Russo’s other assistant. She had an encounter with the Not-Them, but was revived by an artefact of the End and a researcher of cursed artefacts. She lived a double life for a while before DJ hunted her down and she returned to her original life. 
Not pictured: Jay Piercer
The head of the RB Foundation, and an avatar of the Eye (with connections to the Web..?). Tried to sacrifice Russo to the Eye. Failed. Not too important to Kreek’s story. 
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DIABOLIK LOVERS LUNATIC PARADE Imajin Webshop Tokuten Drama CD ”Being a Popular ★ Guy is Rough ~Greetings from Inside the Kigurumi~”
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Original title: モテ★オトコは辛いよ~着ぐるみの中からこんにちは~
Source: Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE Imajin Webshop Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu:  Hirakawa Daisuke & Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Laito & Kou are a really fun combination because they’re always dissing each other, yet they fail to realize how similar the two of them actually are. :p I didn’t think I would witness the day on which Laito gets ganged up on by a bunch of girls and doesn’t enjoy it though haha. The smell of his costume must have been really bad if it prevented him from enjoying that sort of situation. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Gosh…What did I -  Mukami Kou-kun, super idol in both the human and the Demon World - do to be forced to wear this stupid kigurumi…? I mean, I can’t imagine my agency would ever give green light for this! Haah~ …And on top of that, I’m paired up with Laito-kun out of all people. Ah-aah~ I would have much preferred M-neko-chan. 
ーー Well, Laito-kun’s a big freak who gets a kick out of these kinds of humiliating situations, so I’m sure he has no issue dressing up like this.
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Cut me some slack, will you…? What makes you think I’ll willingly put on this stuffy and kind of smelly costume of some kind of strange creature which is neither cute nor cool-looking…!? None of this would've happened if it weren’t for that guy forcing us with the words ‘go and make yourself useful to others for once’. …Hic…Uu…Honestly, who wore this before us? I can’t deal with this stench…!
Kou: Why don’t you try and push through by telling yourself it was a girl who wore it previously? You’ve got a vivid imagination, don’t you? 
Laito: …Ah! I see! If I imagine it was Bitch-chan completely drenched in sweat…!
Kou: There you go. I bet you’re starting to feel a bit worked up, aren’t you~? Come on, admit it~
Laito: Worked up…
Kou: Worked up~? 
Laito: ーー No way! I mean, this stench is too much! I mean, you don’t get excited from this either, do you? 
Kou: Well, mine doesn’t smell~ 
Laito: Haah…!? What do you mean? 
Kou: I asked the lady in charge to arrange a brand-new Kigurumi for me beforehand, so mine is fresh out of packaging~
Laito: Hah!? Excuse me! That’s not fair!
Kou: Of course it is! I’m just using my knowledge as someone in the entertainment business. …Or rather, I’ve learnt from painful experiences in the past, you could say. 
Laito: Which means you’ve had to wear a smelly Kigurumi once before? 
Kou: For one of the TV programs I featured in, yeah. It was truly horrible…I thought I was in Hell.  
Laito: I guess there’s a hidden dark side to the flashy showbiz industry. ー Wait! That’s not what matters right now! If you knew these would smell beforehand, couldn’t you have told me about it!? 
Kou: Eeh~? But you know, I figured that maybe you’d be into that sorta thing so I wouldn’t want to ruin the fun for you~
Laito: Ugh…Nfu~ Aren’t you a nice guy? (2)
Kou: Fufufu~
*Knock knock* 
Kou: Hm? 
You enter the room. 
Kou: Ah, M-neko-chan.
You tell them to get ready to go on stage. 
Kou: Hm? Get ready? Okay, rogar! We’ll be right there! …Come on, Laito-kun! Sounds like we’re up next. I’ll zip up your costume so turn around? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: Uu…The stench is only getting worse…It’s giving me goosebumps…I’m positive it was a guy who wore this before me…!! That’s the only way to explain why my body is reacting so negatively to iーー 
Kou: Yeah, yeah, sure. 
Kou zips up his costume. 
Kou: There you go, ready to go!
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: Blergh…Uurgh…Cough, cough…Uu…Cough, cough…
Kou: Oh come on. You’re obviously overreacting. 
Laito: Cough, cough…Then why don’t you try getting inside this costume as well? Cough, cough…Blergh…
Kou: Yeah, yeah, I know. M-neko-chan is waiting for us out front so let’s get going, okay? …Ah, all I have to do is put on this rabbit mask and then I’ll be good to go too. 
Kou puts on his mask. 
Kou: There we go! Let’s go, Laito-kun!
Laito: Easy for you to say, but my vision is very limited, I can barely tell where I’m going! …And the bad smell hasn’t gotten any better either!
Kou: Geez, guess I have no other choice. Come on, I’ll pull you by your hand, so let’s go. 
Laito: Uu…What did I do to deserve this…!? 
Kou: Come on, stop complaining and let’s just get going. 
The two of them leave towards the main street.
Kou: Hey there, M-neko-chan~!
Laito: Haah…
You ask Laito if he’s alright.
Laito: Huh? What makes you think I’m doing okay? 
You seem puzzled by his costume.
Laito: This costume? Good question. At first I thought it was meant to look like a worn-out gardening glove or some kind of wilted summer vegetable…
Kou: I’m pretty sure I was told it’s meant to resemble a rabbit? 
Laito: Haah!? In what way!? 
Kou: Don’t ask me! 
Laito: Actually, your costume is a rabbit as well, isn’t it? Yours is brand-new and actually looks like a proper rabbit, so why was I stuck with this monstrosity which looks like an old dish rag? 
Kou: I guess it’s bad karma? You were making inappropriate remarks to the lady in charge of the costume earlier, weren’t you? Anyway, we better get work soon! M-neko-chan, you’ll guide us, right? Let’s go! 
Laito: W-Wait! Hold up! I can’t see very well, remember!? …Bitch-chan, please give me your hand.
You grab hold of Laito’s hand.
Laito: Okay…I should be able to walk like this…
Kou: Hey? Why are you abusing the situation to have M-neko-chan hold your hand? 
Laito: Maybe you just have bad karma~ Nfu~
Kou: …Hmph. That’s my line!
Girls start squealing in the background. 
Laito: …Woah!? Come on, Kou-kun, it’s your time to shine. Why don’t you go keep those girls over there busy? In return, I’ll make sure to keep Bitch-chan company~
Kou: Haah!? You better do your job properly as well!
Laito: I mean, I won’t accomplish much when I look like rotten cabbage, will I?
Kou: Woah!?
Laito: Well then, Bitch-chan. Come here. Just ignore that guy and enjoy your time with me instead~ 
 You frown.
Laito: Work? Like I said earlier, Kou will do that in my place. Ahー You’re a very serious person, so I guess you’re scared of being scolded, aren’t you? In that case…Why don’t you join me inside this costume? It’s a little smelly, but I don’t dislike the sound of being pressed up against each other in this already stuffy costume to the point of it becoming even more sweaーー Uwah!? 
Laito is attacked by some of the fangirls. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: Eh? Eeh!? What is happening…!? Uwaahーー 
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Huh? 
You seem confused.
Kou: What’s happening? I’d like to know as well, honestly. For some reason, those girls are more into the rabbit which looks like it was used as a doormat than my proper rabbit costume. 
Laito: H-Hey…! C-Calm down…!! …K-Kou-kun…! Bitch-chan! Save me…!!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Fufu~ Why don’t you keep that hoard of girls busy for a while? ーー That being said…
Kou takes off his mask. 
Kou: …Phew~ Haah…Aaaahー! It was so hot in there! I’m drenched in sweat!
You give him a towel. 
Kou: Hm? A towel? How considerate of you, M-neko-chan! But while you’re at it…Won’t you wipe me down? I mean, just look at all this sweat!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Yeah, just like that. …Ah, there’s still a lot of sweat on my nape over here, it feels really icky. 
*Rustle rustle*
Kou: Aah~ Amazing, M-neko-chan…It’s kind of making me excited. Say, rather than staying here amongst the crowd, why don’t we go over there to have some ‘fun’? 
The girls suddenly run up to Kou. 
Kou: …Huh? Wait? What? …Uwah!!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Waaah!! Y-You girls…! Calm down…!
Laito: Ugh…
You walk over to Laito and ask if he’s alright.
Laito: ….Hm? I’m pretty sure you asked the same thing earlier and once again…Do I look alright to you? I’m a complete mess after a whole group of girls had their way with me…You were watching as well, weren’t you? ーー Anyway, I’m gonna take this costume off now, so could you please unzip the back? 
You help him out of the Kigurumi. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: …Pwah! Haah, haah…
Laito takes a couple of deep breaths. 
Laito: Aah~ Nothing like…fresh air…
You seem worried. 
Laito: Nfu~ Thanks to you, I’ve been revived. Ahー I went through hell and back. I’d much rather have girls flock around me while I’m in this state. I mean, you want to experience the direct touch of skin, don’t you? Besides, I couldn’t exactly enjoy the situation while bathing in that horrible stench. 
Kou: Excuse me!? Why are the two of you having a leisurely chat over there!? Save me already!! …I’ll apologize for what I did earlier, okay!? 
Laito: You heard him. Say, Bitch-chan, what do you think we should do? 
You suggest that you help him. 
Laito: Eeh~? Don’t you think you’re spoiling Kou a little too much? Do you have any idea what I had to go through? 
Kou: Hurry…!!
Laito: Eeeh~? Let me think~? Unlike Bitch-chan, I’m not that forgiving~
Kou: Uwaaah…!!
Laito: Geez, guess I have no other choice. Well then…Huh!? T-They’re coming after me now!? Why!? 
The fangirls ask if he’s Karlheinz’ son. 
Laito: Eh? If I’m Karlheinz’ son? I mean, yeah but…? 
They go even more crazy. 
Laito: Why!? Who cares about that!? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: H-Hold up…Calm down!
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: E-Excuse me!? W-What is happening!? Help me…!!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: That’s my line! Stop coming after me…!
Laito: I mean, you’re an idol but I’m just your every-day pervert! Let me gーー Uwah!
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: I know I asked to be ganged up earlier but when you keep pushing from all sides…My body won’t last…! Uwah! Waiーー Stop…!!
You start walking away.
Kou: H-Hold up…M-neko-chan, where are you going!? 
Laito: Do something about these girls!
You shake your head. 
Laito: Eh? We should fix it ourselves? No wayー! How could you!? 
Kou: Exactly, M-neko-chan! Do you really not care about me at all!? Don’t leave me behindーー!!
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito & Kou: Save me, Bitch-chan/M-neko-chanーー!!
ーー THE END ーー
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alex-the-moss · 10 months
Sorry for another question(i think i should deal with it somehow), but i saw a new mini special episode with 14th(???) and i wanted to know your opinion on it, if you have watched it
That’s OK, you just gave me the right opportunity to talk about it! And there’s a long text) Most important take: change in appearance is not the problem, change in character is!
Regarding the episode itself: I find it aesthetically pleasing and it was kinda funny at certain moments, but I couldn’t help but think that for the sake of those jokes something more impressive have been mercilessly sacrificed. For example I didn’t like how much Doctor had interfered with the act of creation of the daleks. It neglects how personally important to Davros are his children and how overprotective he’s over them. The Doctor shouldn’t have been involved in the genesis of the most horrible race in the universe this much either. Also the choice of their name is a spit straight in the face for all BF fans. And there’s an issue with kaled clothes: Davros is dressed like a security commander while there’s no reason why someone who’d always put scientists above soldiers and politicians would wear a military uniform in his own laboratories. He looks like a part of the military elite, but ranks exist for a reason and hence there’re different uniforms to distinquish them from one another. Also you have to wear light colored clothes in laboratories to be able to notice immediately any dirt or if anything have spilled)
Now addressing the elephant in the room: uncrippled Davros. First of all: I do not mind the way he looks, except for the fact that character’s iconic look is lost completely. But I may find this appearance of his attractive too. His new face isn’t something overly tragic. The problem is about the timeline and the statement RTD made on the topic: Davros was never crippled. And just like that it means that Davros never had to survive the bomb, he is not in constant pain and he does not need any physical assistance. Which leads to a number of results: he doesn’t have a trauma from burning alive, completely changing the way he looks and then going through a medical hell with all its pain and restrictions; he never had to choose to live and carry on with his work, because he was never inferior to the kaleds due to his condition and hence he was never separated physically and socially from other "pure" kaleds by his condition; he also have never formed a special villain&henchmen bond with Nyder, bc half of his services and fanatical sensitivity to changes in Davros’ mechanical voice aren’t required anymore, as well as him being ready to follow a “crippled kaled". I feel like some people completely forget what the character development is. And most seem to not understand the peculiarities of it for a person with special needs that lives in a fascist society. That’s the biggest problem. It’s not the same character anymore. And the cherry on top: "new Davros" idea undoes the work of everyone involved in creating 6-disk BF audio series that tells the story of Davros as we know him (btw in BF stories his trauma was something that lead us to be able to experience empathy even towards Davros. And empathy is a good thing, you know)
Isn’t it also offensive that the bosses of the show speak as if the trauma of losing half of one’s body means nothing so you can just toss it out of character development. How many people with special needs are really OK with that idea? That their trauma and impact on their life it had is no big deal?
Then there’re good and bad people in every demographic. Saying that special needs people aren’t evil sounds pretty stereotypical to me. Also I’ve literally never heard anyone complain about Davros’ needing a life-support chariot before. But what a way to ruin a great character. Davros wasn’t even a person with special needs for the reason "the RTD statement" suggests. He was supposed to look like this, to emphasise how far away he’s from other kaleds while much closer to daleks, and to visually represent how he’d put everything he is himself into his creations. Bonus argument: he’s not even in a wheelchair. What people view as such is actually his life-support system that also allows him to move normally. The best part in my opinion: they said no bad guys with special needs and now we have NO REAPPEARING CHARACTERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. So why couldn’t they just stop creating villains that have special needs for the future episodes, leaving old ones as they were. For me you either do that or you go and re-film EVERY EPISODE OF CLASSIC WHO that contains, for example, SEXISM. And they could have included a full time compainion who is wheelchair bound or something.
Also Davros had appeared in New who two times or so. He isn’t around most of the time, there was no reason to mess with this specific character! 48 YEARS it has existed peacefully and no one cared
The money are the key to everything but I’m convinced that changing a 50yo design of a well known villain will not help the bosses earn more!
So the more you think about it from each perspective the less logical this decision seems. And this is what I dislike just as much as the fact that my favorite character won’t continue to exist. Because if he dies, at least tell me WHY
And all of this distraction bosses of the show have managed to squish in only five minutes! Daleks would envy them)
This episode was such a backstab overall! If given a choice I’d prefer Davros to never appear again at all(
This is absurd and insanity
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sunshinechay · 1 year
Im glad I made you laugh, i've read the tweet like 10 times trying to dissect it. Im assuming this is a love triangle and these are their ship/their names? Info dumping is welcomed
Yes hello, I apologize for how long it took me to answer. I was spending time with friends and completely forgot this was in my inbox.
The show I’m talking about it Only Friends or Only Friends The Series (ofts for short). Which is about a group of messy gays being messy bitches who live for the drama. It’s directed by a man named Jojo Tichakorn, who is an amazing writer/director who is himself gay. It’s been compared to Queer as Folk a lot which I think is fair because it does have some similarities though there are a lot of differences too.
It is and it isn’t a love triangle. That being said, it consists of three characters
Sand my beloved doe eyed boy and resident furious bisexual™️ (also sassy and hiding pain)
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Ray, the resident asshole with a heat of gold and self esteem issue self destructive alcoholic
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And Mew, the only one capable of keeping a plant alive
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To make a very long story short,
Mew and Ray have been friends for a long time (it is not mentioned how long) and 2 years prior to the series beginning, Mew saved Ray from dying by suicide (after Ray calls Mew to leave his suicide note). Ray has been in love with Mew since then while Mew had exactly 0 romantic interest in Ray, which Mew had made very clear to Ray more than once.
At the beginning of the series, Mew is introduced to Top while Ray meets Sand. (Side note, Top and Sand have their own history with each other that is not relevant right now but goes to the messy gays being messy). Top is Mew’s first serious relationship and a good deal of their relationship development revolves around the fact that Mew is a virgin while Top is the “top-tier” aka the Chad. Still they end up dating and falling in love and having sex, only Mew finds out that Top slept with another of his and Ray’s friends, Boston (both before the series starts and again just as Mew and Top are ending the ‘casual seeing each other’ stage of their relationship. Needless to say, Mew breaks up with Top.
Meanwhile Ray meets Sand at the beginning of the series. As stated, Ray is an alcoholic with a bucket load of self esteem and self worth issues that Sand decides to help take care of because he is just like that and also Ray is cute. The two end up forming a sex friends type relationship that is clear to everyone and the moon could very easily turn into a romantic relationship if the two would ever actually talk about their feelings, which they don’t, instead they dance (and fuck) around their growing feelings for each other until their budding relationship gets torpedoed by aforementioned friend Boston (Boston is gay and slutty and bitchy and kind of the worst and I love him so much!) when Boston reveals to Sand that Ray is in love with Mew (while also lying that Ray and Mew have hooked up in the past, which has not happened. They did kiss but that’s it and it was years prior to the start of the series).
This most recent two episodes has Mew finding out about Top and Boston having sex via a secretly recorded audio of them fucking nasty in Boston car (which was recorded by Boston friends with benefits/sex friend Nick which is it’s own can of worms. When I said this show is wild I fucking meant it). Mew ends up getting a bit of revenge against Boston by almost showing a different sex tape featuring Boston to Boston’s dad (who is also a politician). (Side note, this show is really attempting to hammer home the even horrible people don’t deserve to have bad things happening to them as yes you counted right Boston has been recorded without his consent, having sex, twice. One audio, one video. It’s creepy and gross and Boston 100% does not deserve it at all).
By the end of the most recent episode, Ray decides to shoot his shot by confessing to Mew (third times the charm I guess), despite Sand being there. Sand had been taking care of him early in the episode after Ray got into a car accident while driving drunk due to him calling out all of his friends at the end of the previous episode…at Mew’s birthday party no less. Ray has a lot of issues and one of them is that he’s a rich selfish asshole that you love anyway because his actor (Khaotung) is just that charismatic and because you have to feel for Ray because no one (but Sand) really treats him well at all. Mew accepts him this time in a very lack luster fashion that you can tell he is only doing because Mew is upset and angry and just wants to let go.
So the tweet essentially is saying that if Ray and Sand stand a chance at being any kind of couple, Ray has to get with Mew and it has to end badly because Ray needs to actively make the choice to be with Sand instead of being stuck on Mew, which Ray has already proven that he isn’t going to be able to move on any other way.
Ray and Sand as a couple have a hell of a lot more issues to work through but Ray’s love/gratitude towards Mew for saving his life is one of them. (The other being that Ray is, again, a rich asshole who needs to learn that you can’t buy everything and while Sand is poor, he has still a person who has value and is worth of respect, which Ray doesn’t give him much of because again rich selfish asshole. They are the anti Cinderella and I love it and I need Ray to learn this lesson, not because I want Ray and Sand to end up together, I’m on the fence about whether I want any of the couples in ofts to end up together all, but because no matter what it’s a lesson Ray needs to learn anyway).
…Have I mentioned it’s only episode 7 of a 12 episode series? We aren’t even close to being done. Like I said, messy gays being messy. It’s so much fun to watch this toxic af “friends” ruin lives, both their own and each others. Honestly if Top and Sand were smart, they’d be running for the fucking hills but alas, they are not smart.
The show is free to watch on YouTube if you like. It does have a fair amount of sex in it, nothing too explicit though. Jojo have talked repeatedly about how he wants it to be true to life and how it’s not really a romance but rather a drama about gays being young and messy and gay. It’s pretty fun so far and isn’t shying away from the things it wants to focus on, such as sex, addiction (both alcohol and drugs) and friendship.
In conclusion, Only Friends is messy and Ray, Sand and Mew are locked into a love triangle that none of them are even really aware exists. Mew and Ray need to happen for Ray to be able to move on, though most fans are on the fence about whether or not SandRay should end up together or not. I lean towards maybe, but only under highly specific conditions that I doubt the show will meet (which is not a knock nor shade on the show, it would be hard to do even on a drama that is dedicated to it). None of these characters are really actually good people and there is lot of drama I’m leaving out.
…Also this happens
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mermaidsirennikita · 21 days
ARC REVIEW: Twisted Knight by K. Bromberg
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4.5/5. Releases 9/24/24 (in audio).
The Vibes: Succession but make it romance, highKEY revenge, legit enemies to lovers in contemporary, match my freak etc etc
Heat Index: 7.5/5
The Basics:
Raised in a privileged but misogynistic community, Rowan Rothschild is determined to pick up the pieces after her grandmother's death and take her spot in the family business... whether or not her family actually supports that. Just as she's about to do so, her brother, Rhett, stabs her in the back with a plan to sell the majority of the company to the mysterious Holden Knight, a man who came out of nowhere to make his money in tech. So what does he want with the Rothschilds' spirits company? Rowan hates him off the bat, and he delights in it—while seeing something in her that the other men in the company don't. As the two enter into an untrusting—and very physical—alliance, both Rowan and Holden hurtle towards a clash with a price neither one is ready to pay.
The Review:
Well. That was a surprise.
I've never read K. Bromberg before, and in truth I kind of just went off the "enemies to lovers with angst" vibe. This was at the time (and maybe still is) categorized as fantasy romance on Goodreads, and the title and cover made me feel like it was? But it's very much not—this is a contemporary, Rich People Problems book. And I am... good with that. Because I gotta say, this kind of knocked it out of the park.
The problem with a lot of billionaire~ romances (and I'm not sure anyone is here—the Rothschilds definitely have a LOT of money, but not that money, and Holden is mentioned to be a multimillionaire but later appears to have more cash than Rowan expected) is that there's a lot of 'em.... and they have become very tropey, I've found. An enemies to lovers book theoretically set around the corporate world would often end up feeling like the heroine is just stomping her foot and saying HMPH, never actually opposing the hero on a serious level. The business is barely noted.
And billionaire alphas? So hard to write well these days. They don't talk like... people. They say the types of things I expect real life men who consider themselves "alphas" to say. But I don't want a real life "alpha male", I want a good one! (A fake one. From books.)
Twisted Knight seems to completely understand these issues and sail over them with ease. Rowan is a FABULOUS heroine. In a way, she gave Shiv Roy, but way more competent and way less of a horrible person (I say as someone who does love Shiv Roy, for the record). She's defiant of her family, but not unrealistically so. She's aware of her privilege... most of the time. But that doesn't mean she wasn't raised in it and doesn't unconsciously (or consciously) indulge in it. She has heart, but she also has her own goals, her self-centered aims, a willingness to, ultimately, be ruthless to get what she wants. And she's QUITE bratty.
Holden, on the other hand, has a more tragic backstory than Rowan... But he's also lost the plot, and the book paints him in a way that's hot and impressive but also HUMAN. Bromberg doesn't write him as if she's fawning over him, as if we should all just be sooooo impressed with this dude. He's a smug bastard. But the book is not smug ABOUT HIM. It's something that's kind of difficult to explain, but you can feel it in the writing. The writing is just... better.
Also, I felt like this guy was one step ahead of everyone for most of the book. But I never felt like he was INFALLIBLE. He could be aggressive with Rowan, but I never felt like she couldn't throw it right back at him (and she usually did). It felt to me like both of them were weakening in the face of love, not just her. Additionally, while they definitely have a caustic dynamic for the first half of the book or so... It's never over the top. Never did I feel like he was BULLYING her. Fucking with her head, yeah. However, these were evenly matched adults going to bat, and that, along with the higher stakes, put this in the category of enemies to lovers versus the softer rivals to lovers or the (in my opinion) dumber bully romance.
(All this being said, he does have a very classic but good revenge motivation, and you know. I supported those wrongs. Mostly.)
The thing is that I actually felt like I could see the progression of Holden and Rowan falling in love. The physical attraction is there off the bat... But even once they start hooking up? It's not love just yet. It's one of my favorite things, when done right: a physical fast burn and an emotional slow burn. And yes, this does it perfectly. These are sharky people, and they don't STOP being sharky people because they're falling in love. They're BOTH deeply uncomfortable with their feelings, not just him (how refreshing!). Rowan being like "oh no ew" to this man being SOFT and HUMAN in the afterglow? Amazing. Holden internally screaming while sitting in his car and watching her turn her lights off after she kicks him out for the night? Fabulous. GIVE ME IDIOTS WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO EMOTION.
At the same time, you have an interesting set of dynamics informing their relationship. There's the pressure from Rowan's family, who want her to settle down, marry the very stable and very boring CHAD WILLIAMS (that name...), there's here delightfully complex relationship with her douchey brother Rhet... I really appreciated that just because Rowan knows her brother is the worst, doesn't mean she doesn't love him. Because what else are you gonna do?
In a way, Holden's frustration with Rowan's loyalty to her family only made me feel like he truly LIKED her more. He respected her enough to know that she could do better.
I will say—while this book isn't a dark romance by any means, it IS angsty in the best possible way. And you do end on a cliffhanger. And as I realized this wasn't going to wrap up in one book, I was so hoping she wouldn't pull the punch, as I'd seen other authors do in the past.
Dude. She did not pull the punch. AT ALL. I was grinning as this ended.
(On an audio note: very well done, both actually performed it, and if you like a male narrator who... gets into it.... Patrick Zeller does the work.)
The Sex:
Oh, also, this was stellar. Numerically there are 4 full scenes and one that comes... very close... but stopped short. And not because it was fade to black. Because someone Deserved It. Rowan runs Holden RAGGED, and he's fully aware.
There's a great variety here, not so much in terms of what is done, but in terms of the emotionality. You have the "get it out of our systems (but not really)" vibe, the fun vibe (uhhhh this book has sexy hide and seek, and it was the hottest thing I've read in a contemporary in a while), the "fraught intensity where we can't own our feelings" vibe, the "oh nooooooo we've gotten twisted up in the game" vibe.
Holden is very "I'M IN CHARGE" in the beginning, and as delightful as that was, I did kind of go "maybe this is where the book starts to slip and Rowan just becomes his willing little doll". NAH. She owns him. If you enjoy a scene where the hero gets so worked up that he basically embarrasses himself... YEAH.
I loved all of it.
Look man, I am STRAPPED. IN. Delighted to have found a new author, and excited to gobble up what else she has to offer (her backlist is expansive). Absolutely recommend this, especially if you're trying to find a billionaire romance that WORKS.
Thanks to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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iloveabunchofmovies · 2 years
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Around the time of my tenth birthday, a British friend told me about a show called Teletubbies. Nothing he said sounded real, especially the part about it being massively popular. Imagine my surprise, just weeks later, when my younger sister was watching PBS and I saw that this show existed, was exactly as he'd described it, and would soon make its American television debut. I lost my mind. I was obsessed, catching every episode I could, talking about it with my likewise astounded friends on the playground. How was this a show? Why was is so compelling? I thought my interest had run its course, but this morning, I watched the first episode of the Teletubbies Netflix reboot, and I have thoughts:
◦ The sun baby no longer has a yellow/orange filter. It's just a regular baby head with solar flares behind it. It's cuter than the old way, and it shows off their commitment to racial diversity, which is good and makes it a worthwhile change, but the smooth gradient they used to crop out the baby looks bad. It was easier to cheat that effect when the tinted baby more closely matched the sun.
◦ More importantly, the sound of the baby sun's laughter doesn't match the image of the baby sun at all. You couldn't get a baby to laugh on camera?
◦ I hate the new Teletubbyland. It's no longer a set. It's not a real place I could visit. It's all CG, and they've cranked up the saturation. It looks awful, and again, the compositing is rotten. The Teletubbies do not look like inhabitants of an idyllic land. They look like dorks jumping around in front of a green screen.
◦ There are still real bunnies hopping around Teletubbyland, but since Teletubbyland is no longer real, it's really just blurry bunny videos playing on top of a hideous CG eyesore.
◦ The costumes mostly look good, except for the tellies on their tummies. This change probably happened in an earlier iteration of Teletubbies, but since I haven't seen much since outside of the original run, I can't say. I mean, I could spend a second doing an image search, but I'd rather spend ten times as long explaining why I can't say. Anyway, the problem is that television sets have changed in the 1990s. They've gone from a 4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9, and that translates to tummy tellies that occupy far less vertical space. It throws off the entire visual design.
◦ More over, they're not properly sewn on to the costumes?? When the Teletubbies bend or sit, the whole TV part bends outward so you can see behind it, like they were just safety pinned roughly in place but the costume department didn't get around to finishing the job before shooting.
◦ The chosen Teletubby's antenna and TV light up, just like before, but now it has a big, YouTube play button that another Teletubby needs to press. I have no issue with this update for video playback in the Internet age, even if it seems a bit silly that they've retained the imagery of an antenna. My concern is that there are clear visual and audio clues to inform the audience that one Teletubby has been chosen by a higher power to receive and display the signal. Who is deciding which Teletubby gets to press play? Does each Teletubby have a designated partner? Is it just which ever one happens to be closest, or the one who moves fastest? Perhaps more episodes will reveal a pattern. Or perhaps they'll reveal carelessness.
◦ The videos on the tummies. Originally, they were ordinary British kids welcoming us in to their ordinary lives. "Come and see us play," they'd mumble before politely sitting down for a lesson in their preschool. This was raw, documentary filmmaking. In the episode I watched, "Bubbles," we get a highly produced music video starring an adult, American woman on a garish set, accompanied by the spawn of pushy stage parents. Ready for the twist?
◦ These horrible music segments are amazing. The Bubbles song is like nothing like you'd see on classic Teletubbies, and that means it's the one part that has its own identity. It is not surreal like Teletubbies, but it is surreal. It is the standout segment of the episode. Mark my words, Netflix Teletubbies songs will be the hottest TikTok trend by the end of the week, if not the end of today.
◦ I didn't know if they'd show it twice. "Again! Again!" is one of the things that put Teletubbies on the map, but the Netflix episodes are half the length of the original. Sadly, none of the other segments get to happen againagainagain, but the Bubbles song does. Yes!
◦ Every single shot in this show does that obnoxious thing where they crank up the playback speed for a second and then slooooow it down, like it's a direct-to-DVD sequel from 2004. One of those where the first one wasn't really that popular, but it's a known property and the rights were cheap, so it will probably turn a profit even though none of the original cast and crew returned. This is the state of Teletubbies in 2022.
◦ The Teletubbies never. Shut. Up. Remember all the silence in the original? They got rowdy, don't get me wrong. But sometimes they just...were. Or they'd mumble to themselves, but softly, soothingly. American Teletubbies are deathly afraid of any situation that might leave them alone with their thoughts.
◦ The Noo-noo has a new look, and it's pretty sharp. I'm not saying it's better than the original, but everyone needs to shake it up now and then, and Noo-noo knows how to shake it up. I don't even care about the chipped paint on the front vent.
◦ I'm aware of Tiddlytubbies. I appreciate them conceptually, but I've never clicked with the execution, and that has not changed today. On a show with a lot of notably bad CG, these little abominations are the worst, no contest.
◦ Oh, I almost forgot! The inside of the Teletubby's home is a real set! Possibly a computer-enhanced set, but there are real photons bouncing against both the Teletubbies and the floor! It don't even care that it looks worse than the cheap old British set in every way. It's an actual location!
◦ I didn't notice until a familiar name jumped out in the credits—the narrator is Tituss Burgess. Now, Tituss is probably an affordable actor, especially for someone of his talent, but what do you get from putting a name in this role? His voice is pleasant. I like him in everything, including this, but it's not a demanding role. Are you expecting legions of Tituss Burgess fans who would otherwise ignore Teletubbies to sign up for Netflix subscriptions en masse? Is he such a fan that he offered his services pro bono? You've cheaped out on everything else. Why did you hire someone who is, if not a real celebrity, at least enough of a celebrity to land a spot on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune?
◦ And finally, the personalities. Each Teletubby still has a unique name, hue, height, and antenna shape, but what of the soul? Watch the original Teletubbies play, and you will see that Dispy's movement's are nothing at all like Po's. Perhaps I'm being unfair. I've only watched a single episode, and it was only fifteen minutes. But the old show didn't need fifteen minutes to show me that every Teletubby is beautiful and special.
This is not a pale imitation of a classic. It is an assault on the senses with no understanding of what it's trying to imitate.
Bubbles is a banger, though.
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
Rules : 🎶 when you get this, list 5 songs you’ve been listening to & tag 5-10 people.
i was tagged by @nothingelsematterswrites which means now i have to expose my absolutely horrendous taste in music. like it’s bad
1. I Ain’t Worried - OneRepublic
guess what i Also associate this song with logan sargeant (i’ve never seen top gun) and therefore i cannot stop listening to it. we (i) love logan <3
2. Hands up! - 6arelyhuman
uhhh. this song is in a bunch of fucking tiktoks and i kept seeing them and it kept getting stuck in my head so i just resorted to listening to it. regularly. every day. i was listening to it like 10 minutes ago it kinda hits
3. Jalebi Baby - Jason Derulo
this is another issue where i woke up and one line of this was stuck in my head then i listened to it on loop All Day and now i cannot stop. like it’s just horrendously catchy. can’t stop won’t stop … listening to jason derulo. :)
4. Hostage - Nothing But Thieves
this one is probably the least Shame of all the songs i’ve listed. i love this song i love it lyrically and it’s catchy. banger across the board. i love this whole album but this song is my fav hands down
5. Meddle About - Chase Atlantic
i spend too much time on tiktok. catchy stupid edit audio makes me open spotify and loop a horrible song: redux. this one actually came first which means now i listen to it less but still a lot. whoops
don’t judge me too hard?
i tag @albertparks @dm3rv @oversteerey soz if you have already done this
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
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contains adult themes such as sex and sexuality, drug use, violence/assault, and misogyny; other things to be prepared for include complete irrelevance to the canon of stranger things, 17-year-old jason is trying to bang 15-year-old elle which makes me wanna peel my face off (but it's accurate to the film), reader is adopted and has some issues with her bio parents, mileven and lumax with background robin/vickie, and dad!hopper being MVP as per usual
note: significant sections of dialogue were lifted directly from the film, because why mess with perfection? I still took liberties with it, but for some of those really iconic scenes, please know that I'm not the reason those lines are so hilarious. credit for the scenes I transcribed go to Karen McCullah & Kirsten Smith, the screenwriters of 10 Things I Hate About You, who of course themselves based the work on The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare.
length: 20k words
for @get-your-fics midsummer night's writing challenge!! thank you for hosting rosie!
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As his hand slid up her creamy white thighs, she could feel his huge member pulsating with desire…
Mike was looking down at his hands, interlaced in his lap, until Ms. Kelley shut her laptop.  She smiled at him politely, and he smiled back.  “So!” she began, checking his file again.  “Michael—”
“Just Mike,” he nodded.
“Right.  Well, we’re glad to have you at Hawkins High— it shouldn’t be too different from your last high school!  You were well-behaved your freshman year, correct?”
“Uh, mostly… one or two tardies, that’s it,” he assured.
“Great!  That means if you see me again, something’s gone horribly wrong.”
“This is where kids with behavior problems get sent.  Deviants, misfits, sluts, weirdos, creeps— they all have to come in and chat with me to get their shit straightened out.”
“Their what?” Mike repeated.  “Are you— am I in the right office?”
“Not anymore, my novel isn’t gonna finish itself,” she announced.  “So scoot.��
He didn’t, at first, too stunned.
He jumped up, trying to process what conversation just occurred, only to bump into someone as he backed out of the doorway.  “Watch it!” a firm voice warned him, and he spun to look up in ill-suppressed terror at the guy he’d just collided with.
Mike was too intimidated to even choke out an apology; it’s hard to say where to start with what scared him most.  Maybe the chains, maybe the leather jacket and denim vest, maybe the glare?  Yeah, it was definitely the glare— that was what made Mike cower and dart away before it could get any worse.
“Ah, Mister Munson!” Ms. Kelley greeted with faux sweetness.  “I see we're making our visits a weekly ritual.”
As her smile fell, Eddie’s grew.  “Only so we can have these moments together,” he cooed, taking another step inside.  “Should I hit the lights?”
“Oh, very clever, trailer park boy,” she offered flatly as she examined the incident report already in his file.  “Apparently you exposed yourself in the cafeteria?”
“I was just joking around with my bandmates,” he promised.  “It was a bratwurst.”
“Bratwurst,” she repeated, raising an eyebrow and glancing down— ostensibly at his handcuff belt buckle.  “Aren’t we the optimist?”
A hint of Eddie’s resolve faded as she tilted her head and smiled at him cheerily again.
“Next time, keep your dangler in your Wranglers, mkay?” she suggested, chipper yet hollow.
Eddie shook his head as he left, leaving Ms. Kelley to return to her desk and re-open her computer.  Examining her screen, she erased one word and replaced it.
…she could feel his huge bratwurst pulsating with desire…
“Hey!  Mike, right?” 
Mike turned, seeing another sophomore standing in front of him with a high top on his head and hightops on his feet.  “Yeah!” Mike answered.
“I’m Lucas,” the other student offered with an extended hand for a shake.
Mike sighed with relief as he returned the handshake energetically, noticing Lucas’ basketball uniform.  “You know, normally they send down one of those audio/video geeks.”
Lucas nodded; “Yeah, I know— I know what you mean.”
Right on cue, Dustin Henderson rolled by with the A/V cart.  “Hey, Lucas,” Dustin nodded, “where should I put the radio equipment?”
Lucas coughed and brushed Dustin away.  “Lucas?” he shook his head, pretending he had no idea who that could be, as he ditched a bewildered Dustin and guided Mike along down the hall.
As they walked past a crowd of popular seniors, Lucas motioned towards them.
“So, over here, you’ve got your basic beautiful people,” he explained, “unless they talk to you first, don’t talk to them.”
“Is that your rule or theirs?”
“Watch,” Lucas offered, nodding in their direction.  “Hey there,” he greeted.
“Who are you talking to?” Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington asked with a sneer.
“See?” Lucas smiled at Mike, who shook his head as they moved along.  “Anyways, you’ve got your Diet Coke drinkers,” he explained as he motioned toward a crowd of students all holding red cans.  “Very edgy, don’t make any sudden movements around them.”
Mike nodded in understanding, trying to keep up— literally, since Lucas kept walking quickly, but also in terms of the explanation of Hawkins High’s social dynamics.
“You’ve got your basic stoners—”
A senior with long black hair and bloodshot eyes caught Mike’s attention.  “Hey, nice threads, man,” the stoner complimented with a smile, “Ocean Pacific?”
“And your surfers—”
Mike gawked at the muscular, tan guy with a blonde mullet and, for some reason, no shirt on.  “Does he walk around like that at school?” he wondered aloud, but Lucas didn’t notice.
“— even though the closest they’ve been to the ocean is when they drink Ocean Spray cranberry juice.”
As Lucas laughed at his own joke, they walked through the courtyard.  
“And this is our fearless Hawkins High basketball team!” Lucas explained, setting his hands on one of the player’s shoulders as they passed their lunch table.  “Go Tigers, huh?”
The players scowled at him as Lucas’ hand was shrugged off; he crossed his arms.
“Yesterday I was their up-and-coming star,” Lucas recalled with a roll of his eyes.
“What happened?” Mike asked.
“Patrick McKinney started a rumor that my Converse were fake,” Lucas explained with a sigh.  
“So they’re freezing you out?” Mike realized, offended on his behalf and concerned that everyone here was that superficial.
“I’ll get back in, don’t worry,” Lucas assured, but Mike wasn’t really worried about him so much as himself.
It was right then that Elle Hopper walked by, carrying with her the essence of youthful beauty and ingenue-ity.  Her busy patterned jumpsuit was every bit as colorful as her spirit; she laughed lightly with the redhead at her side, a few words of a conversation about a trip to the mall floating through the air.  
As time seemed to slow just for her, she tossed her hair over her shoulder, sending a wave of the scent of candy-sweet perfume right in Mike’s direction.
“Oh— wow,” Mike sighed like the wind had been knocked out of him.  “Who’s she?”
“She’s out of your league is who she is,” Lucas warned.
“And she’s got this super scary dad— won’t let her or her sister date.  Ever,” Lucas announced firmly.
“How bad could he be, is he a hardened criminal or something?”
“Worse,” Lucas shook his head, “he’s the sheriff.”
“That’s worse?” Mike frowned.
“A criminal will just kill you.  The sheriff will actually get away with it.”
“So,” Ms. O’Donnell began, “what did everyone think of The Sun Also Rises?”
Bethany Walters raised her hand instantly, and you rolled your eyes— because of course she would.  “I loved it,” she cooed when she was called on.  “I was soooo romantic!”
You grimaced, unable to stop yourself from commenting (a habit of yours).  “Romantic?  Hemingway?!  Please— he was an abusive alcoholic misogynist—”
The rest of the class was already groaning and rolling their eyes, a few mutters of not this again here and there, but you kept going.
“— who squandered half his life hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers.”
Yes, it was just like you to say something like that when Bethany was just trying to express a perfectly harmless opinion, but it was just like Jason to take it further.  “As opposed to an unlikeable, self-righteous loser with no friends?” he quipped.
You weren’t planning on saying anything, but thankfully Ms. O’Donnell stood up for you anyway.  “Quiet, Jason,” she scolded lightly— she was never that hard on him, because he was the star of the basketball team, but she also didn’t let him bully you that openly in class.
“I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time,” you concluded, shooting Jason a look over your shoulder, who simply smirked back at you.
And if it was just like you to say something snarky and politically-charged, and just like Jason to use it to insult you, then it was just like Eddie to show up late as if it were no trouble at all.  “What did I miss?” he asked with a smile as he burst in.
You answered instantly, without looking back: “The oppressive patriarchal values that dictate our education.”
“Great,” Eddie nodded, spinning on his heel and walking right back out again.
“W-wait!” Ms. O’Donnell called out, but Jason spoke again and took her attention away.
“How about we make a new rule— don’t come to class if you can’t handle your PMS,” he suggested jokingly.
“Jason!” she snapped.  “Watch your attitude.”
You smirked to yourself smugly, but that moment of righteous indignation didn’t last long.  
“And you,” she added, turning her attention to you, “go to the office.”
“What?  Why?!” you protested.
“Because— because you’re being disruptive!” she decided.
Sighing, you got up from your seat and slung your backpack over your shoulder.  As Jason snickered at you gleefully, you ‘accidentally’ let your textbook swing into his face, smacking that shit-eating look right off of him.
It was only a minute-or-so walk to the office, where you heard Ms. Kelley calling out to her assistant as you walked in. 
“What’s another word for engorged?” she asked her, stumping the receptionist.
“Tumescent?” you offered.
“Great!” she smiled, typing at her laptop; you had some inkling what she was using that word for, though you wish you were blissfully ignorant to her erotic exploits.  “So, were you terrorizing Ms. O’Donnell’s class again?”
You frowned.  “Terrorism is a pretty strong word for simply expressing my opinion.”
“How about the way you expressed your opinion to Billy Hargrove?  By the way, his testicle retrieval operation went quite well, if you were wondering.”
“In my defense,” you smirked, “I didn’t know he actually had balls when I kicked him.”
“The point is,” he sighed, less amused, “you tend to make a bad impression on others, and that’s not actually something to be proud of.  People see you as—”
“The term used most often is ‘heinous bitch’,” she corrected.
The words themselves didn’t bother you too much— yes, they were sexist, but that was nothing new here— but the knowledge that people were actually saying this to Ms. Kelley gave you pause.  Were you really so traumatizing that they had to discuss you with the counselor?
“So, you might want to work on that,” she offered.  “Bye!”
You scoffed.  “As always,” you began as you stood, “thank you for your excellent guidance.  I’ll let you get back to writing about aching cores and quivering members.”
As you turned, quietly proud of yourself for standing up to her, you heard her ponder to herself, “huh… quivering member, I like that…”
In the parking lot, you and Robin were walking side-by-side to your car (since she’d gotten a ride from you today, and also every other day for the past year and a half) when you were nearly run over by Jason screeching up to the curb in his car; it was just like him: shiny and new, overvalued, a fabulous body with subpar machinery under the hood.
“Hey,” he nodded at you, flashing that taunting grin, “didn’t anyone ever tell you that you dress like a bog witch?”
“Aw, do you really mean that?” you beamed excitedly, and he frowned at his failed insult as he pulled his car up a little further.  If only he would’ve kept driving straight forward forever— he would’ve gone over the edge of the quarry eventually; but instead, he stopped… in front of your sister.
“Hi, ladies,” he greeted suavely, “care for a ride?”
You and Robin watched from beside your car— it was just like you, too: classic, older on the inside than it was on the outside, and debatably in need of a polish— in horror as Elle and Max hopped into the back of Jason’s convertible with all the girlish glee of two ingenues in over their head.
“Well, that’s a… charming new development,” Robin frowned.
“It’s disgusting,” you spat, hopping into the driver’s seat and turning the engine over.  As you pulled out of your spot, you nearly slammed into one of those varsity basketball dweebs speeding by on his bike.  “Hey!” you shouted at him, leaning out your window.  “Didn’t your mommy tell you to look both ways before riding that thing in the street?”
The kid cowered and biked away, and you shook your head as you pulled it back into the car.  
“I swear, these kids are getting dumber every year,” you sighed.  “I think there’s a little too much chlorine in the Hawkins gene pool.”
As Lucas pulled over by the curb by Mike, the new student stared at you and Robin driving away in the beat-up vintage.  “Are you okay?  She almost hit you,” Mike noticed.
“Oh, that’s nothing with your beloved’s older sister,” Lucas scoffed.  “I’m lucky I still have all my parts.”
“Wait, that’s Elle’s sister?!” Mike realized.
“Uh huh, in the legal sense,” Lucas agreed.  “Sheriff Hopper adopted them both when they were little— I assume he found his first daughter abandoned by a tribe of rampaging bitches or something.”
That was just one of many theories about how exactly your dad came to adopt you and your sister, though the real story was much less interesting; speaking of him, he usually got home from the station after you returned from school, with him working later in the afternoons and all.  When he returned home that particular day, he found you reading Jane Eyre on the sofa, and he smiled at you.  
“Hello, honey,” he greeted.  “Make anyone cry today?”
“Not yet,” you returned, “but it’s only four-thirty!”
He hummed and leaned in to kiss you on the forehead as you turned your page.  Right about then, Elle walked through the door— and you knew that she thought she would’ve just made it in time to beat Dad home by the cringe that crossed her face when she saw him.  “Hi Daddy!” she beamed, trying to play it cool.
“And where have you been?” you asked, getting a grimace from her for your shameless sell-out.
“Nowhere,” she dodged.
But Dad missed the exchange entirely, still going through the mail.  “What’s this?” he asked when he saw a massive white envelope.  “It says Sarah Lawrence?”
You hopped up off the couch at lightning speed, snatching the letter away and shredding it open like a kid on Christmas— but not you, some other generic kid, because even when you were little you liked to open presents carefully (it helped you temper your expectations).  “Oh my god!” you shrieked when you saw a massive congratulations.  “I got in!  I got in!!”
“Honey, that’s great,” your dad offered, “you can use that to negotiate better scholarships at Indiana State!”
You frowned.  “I know you want me to stay here—”
“We decided that you would stay here,” he countered.
“You decided.”
“So, what, you’re just gonna leave?” he realized with a saddened frown.
“We can dream,” Elle mumbled to herself— but not quite enough to herself, because you caught it and you raised your eyebrows in challenge.
“Why don’t you ask Elle who drove her home?”
“Don’t change the…” Dad trailed off, turning to Elle as he took the bait completely.  “Who drove you home?”
“N-now, don’t get upset, Daddy,” she pouted, “but… there’s this boy—”
“Who’s about as sharp as a marble,” you interjected.
“And I think he might ask me—” Elle continued, but this time your dad interrupted her.
“I think I know what he’s going to ask you.  And I think I know the answer: No!” he announced proudly.  “It’s always no!  You know the house rules: one, no dating until you graduate.  Two, no dating until you graduate!  Pretty simple stuff!”
“Daddyyyy,” Elle whined, making you roll your eyes at her.  “It’s so unfair!”
“You know what’s unfair?” he returned, looking at you too.  “Last week I had to drive a girl to the hospital, she went into labor alone in her car on the side of the road— and she’s fifteen.  You know what she said to me in between bouts of screaming in my backseat?”
“I’m a crackwhore who should have made my sleazy boyfriend wear a condom?” Elle assumed.
“No,” Dad frowned, “she said I should have listened to my father.”
“Oh, she did not,” Elle scoffed disbelievingly.
“Okay, no, she didn’t— but she was probably thinking it!” he insisted.
“Can we focus on me for a second please?” Elle pouted.  Like everything isn’t already focused on you, you thought to yourself.  “I’m the only girl in school who’s not dating.”
“No you’re not— your sister doesn’t date,” your dad reminded her.
You chimed in quickly: “And I don’t intend to.”
“And, why is that again?” he asked you with a pleased smile.
“Have you seen the unwashed champions of idiocracy that go to that school?!” you replied.
“God, where did you come from?  Planet Loser?” Elle spat.
“As opposed to Planet ‘Look at me! Look at me!’” you offered in your best passé, vapid voice with your eyes rolled back halfway.
“Okay, here’s a solution,” Dad decided suddenly, making you both perk up.  “Old rule’s stricken, new rule: Elle, you can date—”
She lit up immediately.
“When she does,” he finished, pointing at you.
“B-but, she’s a total freak!  What if she never dates?!” Elle whimpered.
“Then you’ll never date!  Oh, I like that,” he announced proudly.  “And I’ll get to sleep at night— the deep slumber of a father whose daughters aren’t out being impregnated.”
His police radio went off and he sighed.  
“I don’t have time for this right now,” he decided, directing his attention at you specifically for a moment: “We’ll talk about college later.”
Elle tried to get him to stay with a whine, but he was gone, and she was pissed at you once more.  “Can’t you find some loser sad enough to wanna go out with you so I can be normal?” she pouted.
“Sorry,” you shrugged, “guess you’ll miss out on some fabulously witty banter with Jason.”
“You suck!” she exclaimed as she stormed off.
“You suck!” you imitated her quietly before you went to your own room.
Mike’s patient, anxious waiting paid off when Elle sat down at the library table, setting down her books with a sigh.  
“Can we make this quick?” she asked, sounding a little exhausted already.  “Tammy Thompson and Tommy Hagan are having a horrendous, public break-up in the courtyard.  Again.”
“O-oh, yeah, okay,” Mike agreed, still a little stunned that he was sitting across from the object of his affection.  “I thought we’d start with pronunciation…”
“That’s the worst part,” Elle pouted, “I feel like I’m trying to cough up a loogie.”
“Well, then how about we start with cuisine?” he suggested, heart racing even though he’d practiced this a thousand times in the mirror at home.  “We could go to that French place on the square, maybe Saturday night?”
“You’re asking me out?” Elle realized, gentle shock lifting into a wide smile.  “That’s so cute!”
Mike’s eye twitched.
“What’s your name again?”
“Uh, it’s Mike,” he answered, “listen— I know your dad doesn’t let you date, but I thought if it was for French class—”
“Wait a minute, Mark,” she interrupted.
“My dad just came up with a new rule!  He says I can date if my sister does,” she recalled.
“Really?” Mike perked up.  “Well, then let me ask you, do you like D&D?  ‘Cause we should totally do a oneshot together—”
“Uh, big problem, Mick,” Elle reminded him, “my sister is a perfect specimen of freakazoid.”
“Yeah, I noticed she’s… antisocial,” Mike offered sympathetically.  “Any idea why?”
“I don’t know,” Elle considered, glancing upward as she thought about it.  “She used to be, like, really popular, but it was like she got sick of it.  I’m pretty sure she’s just incapable of human interaction.  That or she has a brain tumor or something.  Either way, she’s a bitch.”
“Well, yeah,” Mike agreed half-heartedly, “but there’s plenty of guys who wouldn’t mind going out with a… difficult girl.  I mean, she’s not ugly; and people do crazier stuff all the time!  Jump out of airplanes, ski off cliffs, swim with sharks… it would be like extreme dating.”
Elle knitted her eyebrows together.  “You think you could find someone that extreme?”
“Why not?” Mike shrugged.
“And you’d do all that for me?” she pressed softly, reaching out to brush her hand over his arm.
Mike would do anything for her to touch his arm like that again.  “I-I mean, I could look into it…” he offered as his brain short-circuited.
And so he was determined. Which was why he and Lucas weren't actually paying any attention in science class that same day.
As they pretended to make progress on their frog dissection, Mike and his new friend were really scoping the room for local talent to potentially date Hawkins’ resident mega-bitch.  Their search so far had only turned up men like themselves: that being men afraid to get the Hargrove treatment and have their future generations compromised.  Turns out guys are generally pretty protective of their nuts.
“I told you it was impossible,” Lucas sighed, “no one will go out with her.”
Mike’s attention was taken by the partners two tables over— a massive, freckled kid with a leather jacket, and his buddy with a mess of rocker hair and a custom denim jacket; the latter was fooling around with butterfly knives, before using them to impale the frog carcass, because apparently the little pins provided just weren’t doing it for him.
“Hey, what about him?” Mike wondered, watching with a tilted head.    
“Woah, no, you don’t want to mess with that guy,” Lucas shook his head, “don’t even look at him.  He’s a criminal, he deals the harder stuff around school— you know, more than just pot.  I heard he lit a state trooper on fire.  He just did a year at Rikers.”
“Hey, well at least we know he’s horny,” Mike shrugged.
“I’m serious, he’s unhinged!” Lucas warned.  “He sold his own liver on the black market for a new set of speakers.”
Meanwhile, the metalhead had taken out a cigarette and was leaning down to light it on a Bunsen burner.  The display should’ve deterred anyone, but it made Mike smile optimistically.  “He’s our guy,” he insisted.
The basketball team was joking around at lunch as Chance shared an X-rated story from his date the night before, and Lucas took a deep breath as he waited for the perfect moment.
When all the guys laughed at something Chance had said, Lucas quickly slipped in and tried to blend in as he laughed along.
“Oh my— oh my god,” he got out breathlessly as he laughed, “wow, Chance, you’re hilarious.”
He wiped his eye, still laughing as the rest of the table’s reaction died down and they all glared at him.
“Are you lost?” Jason asked coldly.
Lucas sighed.  “No, I just… I thought maybe it was all water under the bridge by now.”
“It’s been less than forty-eight hours,” Andy noticed.
“Wow, nice counting, Andy— tomorrow we’ll work on shapes,” Lucas encouraged flatly.
Andy nearly jumped across the table, but Jason put a hand on his chest to hold him back.  
“Actually, truth is, I came here to… make a suggestion,” Lucas added, making Jason’s eyebrows raise.
“Go on…”
“You want Elle Hopper, right?  The sophomore?” Lucas continued.
“Yeah,” Jason shrugged, “she’s cute.”
“But she can’t date until her sister does,” Lucas went on.  “Your problem could be solved if you found someone to take her out.”
Jason laughed.  “Does anyone hate themselves that much?”
“Probably not, but people do like money…”
As Lucas bounced his eyebrows up and down, Jason seemed to put together what he was implying.  “You want me to pay someone off to date her?”
“I mean, I don’t want you to, but it’s an idea,” Lucas corrected.
“Do you know anyone that desperate for cash and unfazed by the prospect of emasculation?” Jason returned.
“Meet Eddie Munson,” Lucas beamed, motioning to the opposite end of the cafeteria where Eddie was ‘subtly’ trading a bag of pills for a twenty-dollar bill with another student.
“Munson?  The Freak?  I heard he ate a live duck once,” Jason grimaced.
“Everything but the beak and feet!  Clearly he’s a great investment,” Lucas beamed, but Jason remained suspicious.
“What’s in this for you?” he wondered.
“I think you know,” Lucas sighed, “I want back in— I know I’m still on the team, but I wanna be really on the team again.  I miss you guys!”
“You miss your chance to be popular,” Jason corrected.
“Also that!” Lucas agreed in a continued upbeat tone.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do,” Jason agreed cautiously.  “Now, back to the loser table with you.”
As Jason shooed him away, Lucas moved across the way to the table where Mike was watching it all go down disapprovingly.  “Why do we need to get him involved again?” he wondered with a shudder.
“Calm down, he’s just our money man,” Lucas soothed.  “We let him think this is all his idea, meanwhile he’s busy dealing with Eddie and you have time with Elle.”
Mike sighed, concerned, but knowing he was out of other options.  Still, in a battle for ‘the girl’, he didn’t feel equipped to face a popular, handsome senior.
But when Eddie looked at Jason, he didn’t see a popular, handsome senior; none of that mattered to him.  He just saw: douche with a quaff.  So, while he was out taking a smoke break on the stands by the soccer field, he was surprised to see that very quaffed douche approaching him.
“Hey,” Jason offered Eddie with a nod— that very nod that made girls want him and guys want to be him, but it was powerless on Eddie, who just glared back at him while exhaling a cloud of smoke.  “How are you?”
Eddie blinked forward, barely aware of the Tiger-pride-green blur beside him.
Jason stammered as he tried again to break the ice.  “I, uh, had some great duck last night—”
“Do I know you?” Eddie wondered.  “Shit, are you buyin’?”  He didn’t seem the type, but hey— as long as he had cash, he was Eddie’s type, customer-wise.
“Uh, no,” Jason shook his head nervously.  “Well, actually, yes— but—”
“I don’t sell roofies, Romeo,” Eddie warned him.
“I’m not buying drugs!” Jason barked, a little too loud for something that’s supposed to be secret.  “I’m buying a date.”
Eddie’s eyes widened.  “Listen, Carver, you’re a good-looking guy, but—”
“No no!” Jason rushed out, face turning pink.  “Not for me!  For her!”
Jason pointed down the field to where you were running drills, sweating and determined, grunting as you kicked the ball across the grass.  “The Hopper chick?” Eddie noticed.
Eddie laughed sharply, and so did his friend beside him.  “Yeah, sure thing, champ— I’ll get right on that,” Eddie agreed sarcastically.
“Look, until someone goes out with her, I can’t bag her sister,” Jason explained with a sigh.
“What a shame,” Eddie stuck out his bottom lip, “how many years of therapy will you need to cope with this trauma?”
“I know you don’t care about me,” Jason crossed his arms, “but I’m thinking you care a bit about Andrew Jackson?”
“That racist son of a bitch?  He was a piece of—” Eddie began, but then Jason pulled the twenty out of his pocket and brandished it proudly, making Munson shut his mouth.
“Whaddaya say?” Jason prompted.  “For a crisp twenty, you could take out the lovely Miss Hopper—”
As they glanced down the field, the guys winced at the sight of you roughly body-checking another player, who fell to the ground with a cry.
“For a crisp thirty—” Jason began again, summoning a ten from his pocket.
“Well, now, let’s think about this,” Eddie pondered aloud.  “You’re paying me to take her out, but I’ve gotta actually take her somewhere: we’ll say the movies.  That’s fifteen bucks for two tickets.  We get popcorn, that’s… fifty.”
Jason scoffed.  He knew there was more than a little inflation going on in those numbers, but he also knew that the freak had him under his thumb in these negotiations.
“She’s gonna want Junior Mints, what do you know, we’re looking at seventy-five already,” Eddie smirked.
“What kind of gold-plated Junior Mints are you buying?” Jason rolled his eyes.
“What kind of girl is this chick’s little sister?” Eddie countered.  “Is she really worth it, or are you just blowing hot air?”
Jason was powerless to even such an obvious trap— he could never say no to a dare.  Eddie was really saying, are you chicken?  And Jason could probably be talked into fighting a bear while only armed with a butter knife if it was all to prove he was not, in fact, chicken.  “Fifty,” Jason spat, “final offer.”
A bill was produced from Carver’s designer wallet, and Eddie’s ring-covered fingers snatched it away and stuffed it into his pocket.  “Pleasure doing business with you,” Eddie offered with a sarcastically-saccharine smile, but Jason only rolled his eyes and wandered off.
Just then, Coach Hastings blew the whistle.  “Good hustle, girls, good hustle!” he offered to the team.  “Take a water break!”
Seeing the group of players disperse, Eddie waited until you were on your way to the cooler to snuff his cigarette and jog up beside you.  You shot him a look before he even said anything.  “Hey there, girlie,” Eddie greeted you, “how ya doin’?”
“Uh, sweating like a pig,” you answered, wiping your face on your uniform, “and yourself?”
“You sure know how to get a guy’s attention, huh?” he laughed nervously.
You seemed amused, but in more of an at way than a with way.  "My mission in life," you quipped.  "But, hey, clearly I captured your attention.  Lucky me."
He grinned as he watched you chug your water.  "So I'll pick you up Friday then?"
You choked, laughing as you nearly spit the water right onto him.  "Yeah," you agreed sarcastically as you wiped your chin, "sure, Friday."
"I'll take you places you've never been before," he promised lasciviously.
"Like where, the crackhouse on Miller Street?" you rolled your eyes.  "Do you even know my name, screwboy?"
"I know more than you think," he challenged.
"Well, for that to be true," you returned, "you'd have to know more than the average eighth-grade dropout."
You turned to leave, walking away with a shake of your head.  "Well that's easy!" he laughed as he called after you.  "I did eighth grade twice!"
From across the field, Mike and Lucas watched you ditch Eddie with cringes on their face.
"We're screwed," Mike sighed.
"Now wait a minute, where'd all your optimism go?  I wanna hear you upbeat!" Lucas beamed.
"We're screwed!" Mike repeated, a forced, cheesy smile glued to his face between two thumbs-up.
"That's better," Lucas approved, patting Mike on the back.
As you exited the local records store, empty handed due to the continued lack of good punk records available, you sighed at the sight of Eddie Munson leaning against your hood.
"Nice ride," he noticed.  "Vintage fenders?"
"Are you stalking me?" you asked instead, brushing past him to try to unlock your door, but he slid in front of you with crossed arms.
"I was in the laundromat," he assured, tilting his head to the washateria across the street, "I saw your car, that's all."
"Funny, you don't strike me as someone who washes their clothes," you mocked.
"Well, if you must know, I was there to make a sale," Eddie admitted.
"And what are you here for, blocking my door?" you wondered.
"To say hi!"
You tried to reach around him again to get the key in the lock but he put his hand over it.  "Not much of a talker, are you?"
"Not much of a listener, are you?  I'm not interested."
"Are you scared of me?" he asked— not a threat, not hopeful or disappointed, just a genuine question.
"Why would I be?"
"I dunno, most people are."
"Well, I'm not."
"Okay, you're not scared of me— but I bet you've thought about me naked," he purred, leaning in a little closer.
"Am I that transparent?" you gasped, faux worry dropping into deadpan disdain.  "I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby."
Just when he let you get into your car, finally, Jason Carver and his dick-compensation-mobile pulled up and screeched to a halt right behind you, blocking you in.
"The fuck?!  Is there some kind of creep convention going on at the record store?" you groaned, laying on your horn.  "Carver!" you barked as he hopped out and strolled by you.  "Move your gaudy-ass car!"
"No, thanks," he smiled at you as he walked along towards the storefront.
You felt helpless, until you got a dangerous idea— and fed up as you were, you couldn't resist it.  Flooring it in reverse, those vintage fenders of yours piercing right through the cherry-red paint and imported metal underneath.
Jason sure whipped his head around fast and gaped his mouth at the damage.  "You bitch!" he screeched.
Hearing Eddie's belly laugh, you looked at Jason and offered him only a flippant shrug and a "whoops!"
"WHOOPS?!" your dad repeated, pacing around the kitchen as you sat at the table.  "My insurance doesn't cover teen angst!"
You shrugged again.  "Then tell them it was a seizure or something."
"Are you punishing me?" he wondered.  "Because I don't want you to go to Sarah Lawrence?"
"Are you punishing me for standing up for myself?" you countered.
“No, but I’d prefer you didn’t do it in such an expensive way!”
You scoffed.  “I’d prefer that you stopped making my decisions for me.”
“Well—” he began, but he was cut off by his police radio sounding off.  
“Chief Hopper, come in— Chief Hopper, this is dispatch, we have a 10-54…” the nasal feminine voice came through.
You both sighed and he picked up the radio.  “Chief here, I’ll head there now.”  He turned to you with a pointed finger.  “We’ll discuss this later,” he promised, or threatened, depends on how you look at it.  As he left, Elle stormed in, fuming at you.
“Did you just maim Jason’s car?!” she yelped.
"Allegedly," you grinned.  "Looks like little miss princess is gonna have to ride the bus with the unwashed masses.”
As Eddie shut his locker, he was startled by Jason glowering on the other side.  “Shit,” Eddie blurted out.
“When I shell out fifty, I expect results,” Jason frowned.
“I’m working on it,” Eddie insisted, brushing Jason off as he grabbed his books and shut his locker.
“Standing by while she violated my car doesn’t count as a date,” Jason reminded him.  “I don’t get any if you don’t, so you better figure out how to charm this chick or—”
“I just upped my price,” Eddie decided suddenly.
Jason had just turned to walk away, but that made him look at Eddie again.  “Excuse me?”
“A hundred bucks a date, in advance,” Eddie announced.
“Forget it,” Jason dismissed.
“Then forget her sister,” Eddie shrugged.
Jason hesitated, wondering if Elle was really worth all the trouble.  Maybe she wasn’t, to him— but the street cred he’d get if he deflowered her was.  He groaned as he reached for his wallet, and Eddie grinned proudly.  “You’d better be as smooth as you think you are, Munson,” Jason warned as Eddie snatched up the bill.
The interaction still had Eddie in a particularly bad mood during shop class, making Mike even more hesitant to approach him;
“Wh-why can’t you talk to him?” he asked Lucas.
“I talked to Jason,” Lucas replied.
“Yeah, but you know Jason,” Mike reminded him, “and Jason isn’t… unstable.”
“Just go, chicken,” Lucas rolled his eyes, shoving Mike forward— and he stumbled, but made his way over to Eddie’s workstation.  
When he got a glare from under a curly fringe, Mike just blurted it out: “We know what you’re trying to do… with Hopper?”
“Yeah?  And what are you gonna do about it?” Eddie challenged.
“Uh— help you!  We wanna help you,” Mike explained quickly.
Eddie wrinkled his eyebrows together, standing up straighter and crossing his arms.  “Why, exactly?”
Lucas appeared behind Mike, resting his hands on his shoulders.  “You see, my friend here is… mildly obsessed with her sister, Elle.”
“What’s the deal with this girl, her tits shoot fireworks or something?” Eddie scoffed, and Mike nearly jumped on him for saying that— as if that fight wouldn’t be pitifully uneven.
“Mike’s love for her is… a little purer than that,” Lucas promised, “especially purer than Jason Carver’s.”
“Look,” Eddie leveled with the two of them, “I’m in this for the cash.  Carver can plow whoever he wants.”
“Okay, there will be no plowing!” Mike exclaimed, voice cracking.
“Listen, Eddie— uh, Ed,” Lucas smiled, “this whole thing— we set it all up!  We told Jason to pay you off, so Mike can get the girl.  Mr. Popular is just a pawn.”
Eddie seemed to like that; maybe even someone as detached from the popularity hierarchy could still enjoy a little humiliation for the star point guard.  “So, are you gonna help me tame the beast, then?” 
“Are you talking about Hopper, or your hair?” Lucas joked, though he dropped his smile when Eddie glared at him.  “O-okay, yeah, we’re gonna do some research, we can find out what she likes and stuff.  We’re your guys.”
“In a strictly non-prison-movie way,” Mike added anxiously.
Mike and Elle were walking around the old bridge— she promised to show him the prettiest place in Hawkins, he thought about turning it into a line but he resisted the urge, and he delicately broke the pleasant silence.  “So, have you heard about the party Steve Harrington is throwing at his parents’ lake house?”
“Yes,” Elle pouted, “and I really really wanna go, but I can’t.  Not unless my sister goes.”
“I’m working on that,” Mike promised, “but she’s not going for my guy.”  He paused before he continued, narrowing his eyes.  “She’s not a, uh…”
"A friend of Billie Jean?” Elle finished.
“No, I’m not asking if she’s a Michael Jackson fan,” Mike corrected, “I meant—”
“I know what you meant!” Elle rolled her eyes.  “Billie Jean King?  Tennis player, women’s rights advocate, giant flaming lesbian?”
“O-oh,” Mike stuttered, “I don’t really watch tennis…”
“Or the news, apparently,” Elle sighed.  “The point is, no, I don't think so.  I found a picture of Rob Lowe in her drawer once so she's at least got some interest in men.  Jury's still out on her bestie Robin Buckley, though…"
"But that's the kind of guys she likes?  Pretty guys?"
Elle shrugged.  "All I know is she said she'd never date a smoker."
“Okay, no smoking,” Mike nodded, “what else?”
“Listen, I try not to get too deep into my sister’s twisted psyche,” Elle sighed.
“But we need to know more!” Mike insisted.  “We need to go behind enemy lines…”
Even though it was his idea, Mike felt a little out of his depth watching Elle go through your room; it looked sort of how he imagined it might, except for missing a giant cork board with pins and red yarn outlining your plan to cause men as much suffering as possible.
“Okay, here we go!” Elle announced excitedly as she rifled through a drawer.  “Class schedule, reading list, concert tickets… ha!  Black panties!”
Mike cleared his throat as she held up the offending pair of lacy underthings.  “What does that tell us?”
“That she wants to have sex some day.”
“Couldn’t she just like the color?” Mike wondered, flustered.
“You don’t buy lingerie unless you want someone to see it,” Elle insisted.
“Oh,” Mike nodded, perking up slightly.  “So… can I see your room?”
Elle blinked quickly, getting a bit tender all of a sudden.  “No… a girl’s room is very personal…” she explained shyly.
“Right,” Mike agreed nervously.
Two sophomores didn’t exactly blend in at The Hideout— it was a dingy old hole-in-the-wall, with grimey old bikers getting drunk in every corner… and Eddie, shooting pool by himself in the back.  He straightened up when they approached him, nursing his beer with a raised eyebrow.
“We have information for you,” Mike explained.
“Don’t say it like that, it sounds weird,” Eddie frowned, “she’s just a girl, not a… spy or something.”
“Right,” Lucas agreed as Eddie took another sip from the brown bottle.
Mike narrowed his eyes.  “Should you be drinking alcohol when you don’t have a liver?”
“What?!” Eddie scrunched up his nose.
“Nothing,” Lucas shook his head.
“The first thing is she hates smokers,” Mike explained.
Eddie groaned.  “I’m gonna have to quit?  Fuck, this is getting more unpleasant by the minute—”
“Just for now!” Lucas bargained.  
"And there’s another problem: Elle said that her sister likes, uh, pretty guys,” Mike added.
There was a tense pause, until Eddie’s eyes widened.  “Are you saying I’m not a pretty guy?”
“H-he’s very pretty!” Lucas smacked Mike on the back.  “He’s gorgeous, look at him!”
“S-sorry, I wasn’t sure,” Mike mumbled awkwardly.
Eddie brushed off the insult quickly, taking a big puff off of his cigarette— maybe he appreciated it more, knowing he’d have to cut back for a while after this.  Meanwhile, Mike pulled out a folded up piece of heart-shaped mini-notebook paper (borrowed stationary from Elle, obviously) and read the list aloud.
“Okay, ‘likes: Thai food, feminist prose, and—’” he cleared his throat before he continued— “‘angry girl music of the indie-rock persuasion.’  Here’s a list of CDs that she has in her room.”
Eddie looked at the list in disdain.  “So I’m supposed to, what, take her out for noodles and spoken word and sit around listening to chicks who can’t play their instruments?”
“Have you ever been to Club Nina?” Lucas wondered.
“Her favorite band is playing there tomorrow night,” Mike explained, and Eddie sighed as he pressed his lips together.
“I can’t be seen at Club Nina,” Eddie shook his head.  “First of all, that’s rival turf, second of all—”
“She’ll be there, she’s already got tickets for her and Robin,” Lucas pressed.  “Just… tolerate it, for a night.  And maybe don’t deal any drugs there.”
“Can I at least do some drugs there?” Eddie frowned.
“As long as you’re not too out of sorts to do some major seducing,” Mike offered.  “She has a pair of black underwear!  If that helps.”
“I mean, it couldn’t hurt, right?” Lucas elbowed Eddie playfully, who jerked away.
As stupid as it was, Eddie found himself still wondering about your alleged black panties as he walked into the club to look for you the next night. He found you horribly frustrating, sure, and the feeling was mutual, but picturing you in something like that was... not too terrible.
Eddie noticed the looks he was getting from the girls at Club Nina, and they weren’t exactly approving; a man invading their space was bad enough, but a metalhead in the land of the soft-rockers was turning heads.
He ignored it for the most part and sat down at the bar, ordering something light enough that he could keep his wits about him, but hard enough that he could tolerate this whole situation.  Believe it or not, he didn’t actually like getting repeatedly insulted and degraded by you— it wasn’t even the sexy kind of degrading, just your incessant hatefulness chipping away at his dignity.  But damn, he could feel the added weight of Carver’s money in his wallet, and he liked that.
Thankfully, it didn’t take too long for you to show up at the bar, ordering two waters like the lightweight you were.  He pretended not to see you, but you didn’t offer the same courtesy, making a groan of disgust at him.  “If you’re planning on asking me out again, just get it over with,” you pleaded distastefully.
He looked at you with an irritated frown, pointing at the band behind him.  “Keep it down, maybe?  I’m trying to listen.”
That seemed to throw you off, and he enjoyed your moment of bewilderment.  “Did you leave your cancer sticks behind?” you asked.
“Yeah, permanently,” he nodded.  “Turns out they’re bad for you.”
He shrugged, and you dropped the sarcasm for a split-second.  “You did?” you pressed, surprised.
“You know,” he changed the subject instead, “these guys are no Adolescents or Souixsie and the Banshees, but they’re alright.”
“You know Souixsie and the Banshees?” you repeated, flabbergasted.
“Why, don’t you?” he joked.  He got down another sip of watered-down liquor, before turning to face you directly.  “You know, I was watching you before,” he admitted, yelling to be heard over the crescendo of the song, “I’ve never seen you look so sexy!”
Of course, that was right about when the song ended, and Eddie looked around the club as he realized the entire swarm of alt chicks had heard him.  As they laughed at the scene, he smiled awkwardly and watched you get visibly embarrassed— good to know you had emotions other than rage, contempt, and boredom.
“Why don’t you come to Steve Harrington’s party with me?” he challenged, and the moment faded as the next song began.
“You never give up, do you?” you frowned, starting to walk away and back into the dancing crowd.
“Was that a yes?” he wondered.
“No!” you shouted back to him.
“Was it a no?” he added.
“No!” you said again, and he smiled.
“I’ll pick you up at nine-thirty, then!” he called to you, but you were lost to him again— for now.
Elle and Max, dolled up in their finest party gear, crept carefully across the foyer towards the front door.  Elle knew all the creaky floorboards to avoid, yet even in their silence they seemed to trigger Chief Hopper’s sixth sense.  “You should have used the window,” he announced as they deflated.
“H-hi Daddy,” she greeted as if all were normal.
“Hi,” he returned as he looked at them.  “Where are we going?”
“Um, just a small study group of friends,” Elle insisted, and Max nodded along.
“Otherwise known as an orgy?!” Dad barked.
“Mr. Hopper— Chief, sir— it’s just a party,” Max soothed.
“And Hell is just a sauna!” he returned.
As you came walking down the stairs into the middle of the argument, oblivious, your dad snagged your attention.  
“Are you aware of this party?” he asked.  You simply shrugged, on a mission for snacks.  
“People expect me to be there!” Elle complained.  “I have friends waiting for me!  Daaaddddyyy!!”
“If your sister’s not going, you’re not going,” he stood fast.
Of course, that turned her ire towards you.  “Why can’t you be normal?” she whined.
“Define ‘normal’,” you challenged as you crossed your arms.
“Going to Steve’s party is normal!”
You scoffed.  “Steve’s party is just a lame excuse for all the youthful morons of Hawkins High to drink beer and rub up against each other in hopes of distracting themselves the pathetic emptiness of their—”
Elle and Max interrupted to finish your rant: “meaningless, consumer-driven lives,” they groaned in unison.
You hadn’t realized you were so predictable, and your shock gave Elle an opportunity to make one more plea.
“Can you just, for one night, forget about your crusade against all things enjoyable and just be my sister?  please?  C’mon,” she begged, stepping up closer, “please, do this for me.”
It was more sincere than you were used to from her, and it reminded you of simpler times, of when she thought you were the coolest big sister ever and she was your favorite person— before she was spoiled by the world and you were soured by it.  Those memories were what convinced you to somberly nod.  “I’ll make an appearance,” you agreed, and she squealed as she hugged you joyfully.
“Oh god, it’s starting,” your dad mumbled to himself in a daze.
“It’s just a party,” Elle promised him, but he stiffened up suddenly.
“I want you to wear the belly,” he announced.
Elle whimpered out her “Daddy, no!” but it was too late, he’d already gone to fetch it from the closet, and you watched with schadenfreude as he pulled out the padded faux-pregnancy jacket.  
“Not all night,” he promised, “just around the living room for a minute while you contemplate the weight of your decisions.”
She held her arms out in defeat as he slipped it on over her dress, smiling proudly at his work.
“Every time you even think about kissing a boy,” Dad lectured, “just imagine wearing this all the time.”
“You’re such a space cadet,” she sighed.
“Okay, we’re going now,” you announced as you headed for the door, but he stopped you.
“Wait a minute: no drinking, no drugs, no kissing, no tattoos, no piercings, no getting in vans, no— no ritual animal slaughter!” he enumerated.  “Oh god, I’m giving them ideas…”
You startled when you opened the door and saw Eddie standing there, fist raised as he was about to knock.  “What are you doing here?” you asked him flatly.
“Nine-thirty, right?” he smiled, “I’m early.”
“Whatever, I’m driving,” you insisted.
He leaned to the side to look over your shoulder, raising an eyebrow.  “Who knocked up your sister?”
Lucas held on tight to his drink in a plastic cup as he attempted to keep Max Mayfield’s attention for at least a few minutes at a time.
“You know, I’m on the basketball team,” he reminded her with a grin.
“Right,” she mumbled, unimpressed, but he was a little too tipsy to notice that his lines weren’t working.
“Do you, uh, play any sports?” he asked.
“I skate, if that counts,” she shrugged.
“Oh, rollerblading is cool!” Lucas beamed, but Max rolled her eyes and walked away at his incorrect guess of what kind of skating she meant.  “Ever been to Rink-O-Mania?” he called after her, sighing when he realized he’d officially struck out.
You brushed past him, knocking into his shoulder as he pouted.  Eddie was still following you, for some reason, dodging dancing girls and kissing couples along the way.
Jason clicked his tongue at you as you passed by.  “Lookin’ fresh,” he cooed, in that way that was mostly mocking yet probably a real come-on if you went for it: Schrödinger’s pick-up line, if you will.
“Oh my god, did you feel that?” you looked around at the air.  “My pussy just dried up so fast it actually dropped the humidity in here!”
Jason seemed a little too interested in an update on your genitals, but you were already walking away, trying to lose him and Eddie now.  “Hey, is your sister here?” he asked you loudly.
“Stay away from my sister,” you warned.
“I will,” he promised, “but, you know, I can’t guarantee that she’ll stay away from me…”
You shook your head as you shoved your way into another room of the Harrington’s massive lodge, accidentally stumbling upon two jocks wrestling and throwing punches on the floor.  A crowd had gathered around the scene to cheer them on, and you sneered in disgust at the uncivil display.
“Hey, hey!” Steve himself appeared, trying to break it up.  “Take it outside!”
One jock pulled the other up by his shirt, and the two of them went tumbling back— right through the window.  They didn’t even stop swinging as they fell onto the grass, and Steve’s face went blank with numb shock.
“Th-thanks,” he mumbled to himself, and you gave him a pat on the shoulder as you passed by.
“At least we’re on the ground floor,” you offered him quickly, but a tap on your shoulder pulled your attention away.  
“Hey,” Jason smirked as he let you get a good look at him with his arm around your sister’s shoulders, “look who found me.”
You weren’t even angry— which was a nice break, really— you were just worried now.  “Elle, wait,” you called to her as they walked away.          
“Please don’t address me in public,” Elle requested with a roll of her eyes.
“I just wanna tell you something!” you pleaded.
“I’m being a normal teenager for a night— you should try it,” she suggested, and the two of them disappeared into the crowd again.
Just in time for your impending breakdown, some guy walked by holding a tray of shots.  “Shots, anyone?  Ladies?”
You grabbed one with each hand and tossed them back in rapid succession.  You reached for a third when Eddie reappeared, snagging it out of your hand.  “What are you doing?” he asked, concerned.
“I’m getting trashed, dude,” you offered in a fake party-boy voice.  “Isn’t that the point of all this?”
Eddie shrugged.  “Think the point is to just… be yourself.”
You snorted.  “You might be the only person who thinks I should be myself.”
At the same time that you were ditching Eddie again, Mike was finding Lucas.  “Have you seen her around anywhere?” he asked as he scanned the crowd.  For all his excitement to find her, he seemed to get overwhelmed when he saw Elle coming down the stairs with Max.
“Come on, man, relax,” Lucas assured as he patted his shoulders.  Mike took a deep breath.  “Just be yourself.”
Nodding, Mike summoned his courage and approached the girls.  “H-hey, Elle,” he greeted politely.
“Hey,” Elle returned, “Mike, um— do you know Max?”
Elle grabbed the redhead and shoved her towards Mike so she could try to break away.
“Oh, yeah,” Mike nodded, “we have Math together, right?”
Max hummed as she crossed her arms; “Great,” she offered unenthusiastically.
“You, uh, look really amazing tonight,” Mike offered Elle, and Max cringed as he failed to take the hint.
“Oh— um,” Elle stalled, and Jason descended the stairs to slip his arm around her.
“And we all know I look amazing,” he interjected, making the girls giggle and Mike roll his eyes.  “C’mon, Elle, let’s go— there are jell-o shots in the kitchen.”
He was already turning her around to guide her away, forcing her to look over her shoulder to wave at Mike: “See you around, okay?” 
Mike watched helplessly as Jason took his dream girl from right in front of him— the blonde even offered him a thumbs up on his way out, to add insult to injury.
Eddie found you again in the study, starting to work on another drink.  “Hey hey hey,” he interrupted as he gently lifted it away from you, watching you whine and make grabby hands for it.  “Why don’t you let me have this one, hm?”
“No!” you pouted, jumping for it, but he held it up higher— it forced you to push yourself up against him to try to get it, and he forced himself not to notice how it felt to be close to you.
Someone walked by with their own drink, just about to have a sip when you snatched it away instead, running off before Eddie could set down the cup and catch up.  “Shit,” he hissed to himself.
As he tried to navigate past other partygoers to get to the kitchen, he heard the blasting stereo change songs to something not actually awful (in his opinion): Def Leppard.  Unfortunately, you seemed to like Pour Some Sugar On Me, too— considering you hopped up on a table and started dancing there instead.
“How’d you get her to be normal?” Jason laughed as he appeared beside Eddie— and he couldn’t decide if he was more disgusted by Carver’s glee watching you, or Carver’s chumminess with him.
“Hey!” Eddie called to you, getting through the crowd of cheering guys as quickly as he could, but you couldn’t hear him through the overwhelming sound and the haze of drunkenness.  He watched you dance, a mix of concern, embarrassment, and arousal stirring in him as your moves became more and more suggestive.  “HEY!” 
When he shouted the second time, it didn’t quite get you to look at him but it did startle you, making you whack your head on the chandelier— which in turn made you stumble and fall.  When you came down dramatically, he held out his arms and managed to catch you, looking at your startled, panting face.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly, but you looked angry at him again.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, trying to wiggle out of his embrace, but failing.
“You’re not fine,” he groaned, “c’mon…”
He didn’t exactly carry you, mostly because you wouldn’t let him, but he didn’t let you walk on your own when he saw how wobbly your legs were.
The sounds of the party faded into the distance as you walked in the grass, up to the shore of Lover’s Lake where the Harrington’s had some rustic old swings hanging from under a massive tree by the water.
“I-I just need to lie down somewhere,” you insisted, stumbling again as Eddie had to grab at your waist to keep you upright.
“No, you can’t lie down right now,” he sighed.  “If you lie down you’ll go to sleep.”
You pouted as he set you down on a swing.  “I like sleep,” you protested.
“Can’t sleep if you might have a concussion,” he explained, watching you slump against the rope beside you.
He was about to fuss over you a little more, try to keep you awake somehow, but he saw Mike storming down across the grass.  
“Hey,” Mike greeted as Eddie stepped past you slightly to meet him.  “We need to talk.”
“I’m a little busy at the moment,” Eddie informed him, gesturing towards you.
“Well— it’s over, okay?  All of this— the deal’s off,” Mike frowned.
“She never wanted me,” he realized with a sigh.  “She wanted Jason the whole time.”
Eddie rolled his eyes.  “Listen— do you really like this girl?”
“Yeah!” Mike assured.
“And she’s worth going through all this trouble?” he pressed, stepping forward towards the new kid.
“I— I think so.”
“Either she is or she isn’t,” Eddie frowned, “and considering we made it this far, she must be— so you need to keep fighting for her!  You’re twice the man that Jason is, if she’s got two brain cells to rub together she’ll figure out she’s better off with you.  Capice?”
Mike puffed up his chest a bit.  “O-okay!” he decided.  “I’m gonna go for it!”
“Yeah, that’s the spirit!” Eddie cheered, slapping Mike on the shoulder before he ran off back to the party.
Eddie was smiling as he turned to you, only to lose his grin and rush over as you started to fall forward out of the swing.
“Woah woah!” he yelped as he knelt down in front of you and held your face with both hands.  “Gotta stay awake, remember, sweetheart?”
You stuck your bottom lip out.  “You’re so patronizing.”
He smirked.  “Leave it to you to use your vocabulary words when you’re totally shitfaced.”
When you fluttered your eyes shut, he lightly smacked your cheek, the rings hitting a little extra hard on your jaw as you groaned.  “What are you hitting me for?”
“Because you might have a concussion,” he reminded you.  
“And you want to add to it?” you assumed, awake enough for him to let go of your face, which he did.
“If you go to sleep now, you might not wake up.”
“You don’t care if I never wake up,” you dismissed.
He smiled at you, a little too amused by such a morbid sentiment.  “Sure I do!”
He almost let his smile falter.  “If you died, I might have to go out with a girl who actually likes me,” he answered.
“If you could find one,” you snorted, eyes still shut but face curling into a proud grin at your own joke.
“See?  Who needs affection when I have blind hatred?” he teased.
You sniffled and sat up a little straighter, so Eddie stepped back and sat down on the swing beside you.
“So, why’d you let him get to you?” he wondered, looking out across the lake sparkling under the glow of a half-moon.
“Jason.  You’re normally so unaffected.”
“He always drives me crazy,” you admitted, “but messing with my sister is crossing the line.”
“Well, you’ve chosen some creative revenge,” he laughed, “by drinking through the Harrington’s liquor cabinet.”
You laughed along with him, a rare moment where you two overlapped— and not even in a negative emotion!  “You know what they say,” you replied.
“What’s that?” he wondered.  But you didn’t continue.  He looked to the side and saw you falling down again.
“Shit,” he spat, leaning forward and catching you at your shoulders, tilting your face up to his.  “Wake up!  C’mon, look at me, sweetheart, listen to me— open your eyes…”
He was a little overwhelmed by the way you did exactly as he’d asked, fluttering your eyes open at him, something entirely new in them that he’d never seen on you before— or maybe anyone, at least this up close.  “Hey,” you smiled softly.  “Did you know your eyes are a little bit hazel?”
He smiled back at you, examining your face, wondering for a split second if he should go for it.
But before he could, you keeled over and wretched— right on his white Reeboks.  “Shit,” he said again.
Elle was waiting out in the cool night air, her thin cardigan not doing much for her as she watched Jason drive off with a slew of girls in tow; he’d tried to get her to go to another party, but along with her curfew coming up, it turned out that he was sort of a dud.  For all his alleged charisma as one of the most popular guys in school, he didn’t know how to talk about anything but basketball, plus his ‘boys’ and their misadventures— usually drunken ones.  She tried to cut him some slack since he was likely a little tipsy, but she still couldn’t justify the way he talked about his ex-girlfriend.  It was just tacky!
As she waited for you to hopefully reappear soon and drive her home, Mike brushed by.  “Have fun tonight?” he asked, somewhat sharply.
“Tons,” Elle sighed, expecting him to stop and getting a little more shy when he didn’t. “Hey, um, Mike?” 
He stopped and turned, and she gave him a pitiful look.
“Any chance you could give me a ride home?”
Eddie hadn’t driven a car as small as yours in a while— and it wasn’t even small, it just felt that way compared to his van.
You reached forward and turned up the stereo, a Patti Smith song getting louder as you did.  “I should do this,” you announced.
“What?” he wondered.
“This!” you said again, pointing to the radio.  “Make music, start a band!  Aren’t you in a band?”
“Yeah, I didn’t know you knew that,” he admitted.
“Yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do, too,” you decided with firm defiance.  “My father would love that.”
“I didn’t think you were the type to worry about what your father thought,” Eddie noticed.
“Oh, so now you’ve got me all figured out?” you scoffed.
He shrugged.  “I’m getting there.”
You deflated slightly as you looked out the window.  “Nobody knows anything about me,” you admitted, “except that I’m ‘scary’ or whatever.”
He smirked slightly at your air quotes.  “I’m not known to be particularly enjoyable either.”
When you looked at him, he felt a little penetrated by your stare, so he looked back at the road ahead.
“Look at us, having a little talk about real stuff,” he blurted out, trying to break the tension.  “I mean, you’re usually so closed off and now I think you might spill your guts or something.  Oh, right— you already did…”
And you stiffened up again.  Right on cue.
Whereas your conversation with Eddie died a few minutes before you pulled up to your house, Elle and Mike’s only began when he put the car in park.  “You never wanted to hang out with me, did you?” he realized, irritation tinting his voice.
“I— I did!” Elle lied, trying to be nice.  But she was always trying to be nice, and that wasn’t enough; Mike scoffed in frustrated disbelief.
“You didn’t!”
Elle deflated.  “Yeah… okay.  Not really.”
“Well, then that’s all you had to say!  You could’ve just said you weren’t interested and none of this would’ve happened— but then you wouldn’t have gotten your night with Jason.  That’s what this was all about, wasn’t it?”
“But I—” she began, cut off by Mike’s rant.
“You know, you can’t just treat people however you want because you’re beautiful.  Lucas told me you were vapid, and I defended you!  I— I learned French for you!  And then you just—”
She cut him off with a kiss— a sweet kiss, not too short, but exactly the sort of kiss two sophomores should share in a car after a party.  When she pulled away, she smiled a little, and Mike blinked at her a couple times.
“Goodnight,” she offered softly, getting out of the car and walking up the steps to her front door.
Mike turned to face forward again, dumbfounded expression morphing slowly into a grin.  “And I’m back in the game!” he beamed, pumping his fist triumphantly.
As you walked into class, you tried to avoid the eyes on you— but you couldn’t, just like you couldn’t avoid throbbing in your head.
“Nice moves last night, señorita,” one of the stoners in class nodded approvingly as you came in.
“That was radical, dude,” a surfer boy offered with a ‘hang tight’ hand symbol.
And then there was Jason.  “What do you owe you for the table dance, babe?” he taunted.
Shuddering, you sat down as Ms. O’Donnell began.  “Settle down, please,” she begged the class.  “Whatever happened outside of school hours is not to be discussed now.  Wouldn’t you rather hear about your midterm assignment?”
The class groaned in unison.
“You’ll be writing a sonnet,” she explained, “in the style of William Shakespeare.”
When you raised your hand, you saw the look on her face, and you knew what she was expecting.  And you didn’t blame her.  You spoke when she pointed towards you.  “Should it be in iambic pentameter?”
She seemed suspicious of such a simple question.  “Um, no, it doesn’t have to be,” she replied.  “Why?”
“I just wanted to know…” you mumbled sheepishly.  “Is that so wrong?”
“Um, no,” she decided.  “That’s a good question, Miss Hopper… and it doesn’t.  Thank you for asking.”
She wasn’t the only one shocked by your sudden interest in her teaching, and you noticed the way the entire class was looking at you.  “What?” you scoffed, and you shook the moment off as Ms. O’Donnell began lecturing again.
Mike and Eddie sat beside each other as they watched your soccer practice from a safe distance.  “What’d you do to her?” Mike wondered.
“What?  I didn’t do anything— did you see how drunk she was?” Eddie shook his head.  “What made you think something happened, anyways?”
“The fact that the plan was working,” Mike answered.
“Why do you care?  I thought it was over.”
“It was,” Mike agreed, smiling, “until she kissed me.”
“Aw, that’s sweet,” Eddie congratulated, “I told you to go for it.”
Lucas, meanwhile, was running the track— and he stopped when he passed the two other boys.  “Alright, I talked to her,” he informed them, “I got the scoop.”
“What’d she say?” Mike wondered excitedly.
“Hates him with the fire of a thousand suns,” he announced with a sarcastic smile.  “That’s a direct quote.”
Eddie sighed, looking a little defeated.
“H-hey,” Mike tried to comfort him, “maybe she just needs a day to cool off?”
But the three of them had to lean away to dodge a soccer ball that came flying over, narrowly avoiding nailing Eddie in the head.  When they looked up together at the source, they caught your glare coming their way.
“...or two,” Eddie added.
You groaned as you sat with Robin on the bench, watching the prom committee hang up posters all over the courtyard for the wretched event.
“Can you imagine going to that brainless display of teenage vapidity?” you rolled your eyes.  
“Uh, I can,” Robin admitted, “if I had a date.”
“I thought things were going okay with Vickie,” you frowned at her.  
“Well, yeah, they’re okay, but it’s not like that, yet,” she explained.  
“You’re sparing yourself by not going,” you insisted, “the whole thing is a patriarchal sham anyways.”
“Even if you go with a girl?”
“Yes,” you groaned, “because you’re still supporting the institution.  It’s basically a mating ritual you have to dress up for!”
“Alright, we won’t go,” she promised.  “I didn’t have anything to wear, even if I knew how to ask Vickie…”
“You’re looking at this all backwards,” you sighed, “we’re not missing out— we’re making a statement!”
“Oh, great,” Robin beamed sarcastically, “something new and different for us!”
Across the courtyard, Elle was busy reviewing her Science homework at a table when Jason popped in beside her.  “Hey there, cutie,” he cooed.
“Hey…” she mumbled, focusing still on her textbook, in fact she hadn’t even looked up at him.
“Studying hard, huh?” he noticed, trying to prompt her again.         
“Can I help you?” she wondered flatly.
“Well, it would help me a lot if you say yes when I ask you to prom,” he quipped.
Elle only sighed, turning the page in her book.  “You know the deal, Jay— I can’t go if my sister doesn’t go.”
“Good thing she will.”
That got Elle to tear her eyes away from cell biology so she could look at the senior beside her.  “Since when?!” she gasped.
“Let’s just say,” Jason purred, scooting closer to her, “I’m taking care of it.”
Eddie chewed on the inside of his cheek as Jason rambled about the money he’d just handed him.  “That’ll cover flowers, limo, tux, the whole enchilada.  I don’t care what you do, just make sure she gets to the prom.”
Eddie suddenly handed the money back.  “You know what?  I’m sick of being a pawn in your little game, okay?”
Jason scoffed at the money.  “Then make it two hundred,” he decided, summing another bill to add onto the small pile in Eddie’s palm.
Hesitating, and then sneering, Eddie stuffed it into his pocket.  The money felt like it would burn a hole through the denim if he left it there too long— he went to the music store first, wondering if he should spent it; wondering if he should try to talk to you instead of just watching you play around on a bass you’d borrowed from the wall of instruments.
In a moment entirely out of character for him, Eddie just couldn’t muster up the courage to do it, to tap you on the shoulder and get your attention.  He could stand on tables in the cafeteria and make a fool of himself playing at the Hideout for whatever crowd of drunks accidentally stayed for Corroded Coffin’s show, but he couldn’t just… say hi to you.  You just looked so at peace sitting there on the amp, rocking your head between the big headphones that dwarfed your face; he was happier just watching you play for a few minutes, leaving before you opened your eyes and noticed him.
He watched you from between the stacks at the bookstore, too, swallowing as you flipped through Sylvia Plath.  What was it that was making him so nervous to approach you all of a sudden?  It’s not a crush, is it?  No…  no, it’s probably my natural aversion to pain.
Just when he was afraid you were about to leave and he would miss his chance, he jumped up from behind Adult Non-fiction and surprised you before you could head for the door.  “Excuse me,” he smiled, “have you seen The Feminine Mystique?  I lost track of mine.”
You looked appropriately disappointed and unamused, but he was used to that by now.  “What are you doing here?” you asked him flatly.
“I heard there was a poetry reading,” he replied, not even trying that hard to sound believable, since you’d never believe it.  You knitted your eyebrows together and opened your mouth, apparently searching for the exact words to cut him down.
“Y-you… you’re so…” you started a few times, and Eddie grinned as he realized he’d stumped you for the moment.
“Charming?” he finished for you.
And in a moment entirely out of character for you, you gave up, shaking your head and trying to step past him to walk away.  He side-stepped and planted himself in front of you.
“Irresistible,” he offered instead.
“Unavoidable,” you corrected.
“Inevitable,” he agreed with a wink.  “Love always is.”
“Love?!  Jesus Christ,” you spat, laughing sharply at how absurd it was.
“You do realize you’re not as mean as you think you are, right?” Eddie wondered, following you closely as you kept marching towards the door to leave.
You spun to look at him as you replied, “and you’re not as badass as you think you are.”
“Ooh,” he winced playfully, “someone still has their panties in a twist.”
“Don’t even for a minute worry that you have any effect whatsoever on my panties,” you snapped.
“Then what did I have an effect on?” he encouraged.
“Other than my gag reflex, not much,” you frowned.
“Gag reflex, huh?” he purred, and you grimaced as you rolled your eyes.
“God, you’re barbaric!” you announced as you shoved a book into his chest— The Feminine Mystique, of course— and utilized the moment he spent looking at it to exit the store.  He didn’t even really process that you were already gone until he heard the little bell on the door chime, and he sighed.
Eddie just wanted to get his lunch in peace, but those two pipsqueak sophomores flanked him as he moved through the line.  “What’s the word?” Mike asked.
“Well, you were right— she’s still pissed,” Eddie replied.
“Sweet love, renew thy force!” Lucas exclaimed, and Eddie made a face at him.
“Don’t say shit like that to me, people can hear you,” Eddie warned him.
“Look,” Mike interjected, “she’s embarrassed!  Sacrifice yourself on the altar of dignity and even the score.”
Rolling his eyes, Eddie departed the lunch line early— he didn’t want green bean casserole anyways— and left Mike and Lucas to look at each other.  “Don’t say shit like that to him,” Lucas soberly instructed Mike, “people can hear you.”
They were right, though, and the next day, he acted on their advice.
You were out on the field with the team, running drills, clearing your head in the only way you knew how.  Of course, Eddie couldn’t stay out of your head for long— or out of your way.  
You didn’t notice the speakers turning on at first; you heard it, but you didn’t think much of the static buzz of silence.  It wasn’t silent for long, though, and everyone turned their heads when they heard an electric guitar begin playing.  You looked up in the bleachers, and widened your eyes at the sight of Eddie hopping up into view as he played, a long black cord trailing behind him.  The marching band had left some of their equipment up after practice, including the microphone intended for the national anthem singer, and Eddie leaned into it as he began to sing along with his own playing.
“I gotta tell you what I'm feeling inside, I could lie to myself, but it's true—”
“Oh my god, is that—?” you heard a teammate of yours whisper to another, and they were all looking at you suddenly— and so was he.
“There's no denying when I look in your eyes,” he continued to sing, “girl, I'm out of my head over you…”
You turned around when drums and bass began to play as well, from the other side, and you laughed at the sight of the other members of Corroded Coffin— the logo made in tape on the kick-drum was a good sign that that’s who they were.
“And I lived so long believing all love is blind,” Eddie continued, “but everything about you is telling me this time, it’s forever—”
You finally recognized the KISS song and laughed in some impossible combination of disbelief and unsurprise: because of course Eddie would pick a KISS song to serenade you, but oh my god, was he really serenading you right now?  In front of everyone?
“This time I know, and there’s no doubt in my mind,” he sang passionately as he played, “forever, until my life is through, girl I’ll be loving you forever…”
The other musicians were singing harmonizing vocals, and your team was staring at you in shock as Eddie pointed at you in a break from his guitar playing; they knew before then that he was singing to you, but apparently even further confirmation continued to blow their minds.  You couldn’t believe it either, because, you know… it was you, and this was some kind of modern-fairytale bullshit, and you realized that you only never wanted it because you never thought it could happen.  Romantic surprises, sudden music, kisses in the rain?  Maybe for other girls— girls like Elle— but never for you.
Except here it was happening to you.  “I never thought I’d lay my heart on the line,” Eddie sang into the microphone, “but everything about you is—”
It came to a literal screeching halt, and everyone covered their ears at the feedback from the speakers.  Vice Principal Owens apparently didn’t take too kindly to the noise and disruption, as he appeared on the side of the field to chew Eddie out.  “What is the meaning of this?!” he yelled, and the drummer bailed first, tossing his sticks and grabbing a hi-hat and tom and making a break for it.  As the soccer team cheered and clapped for the performance, Eddie unplugged his guitar and sprinted from the Vice Principal.  “That’s school property!  That’s school equipment you stole!”
You laughed as the chase began, and Eddie caught your gaze for a second to give you a shrug as he swung the Gremlin over his back and dove off the bleachers.
“I hope you enjoy detention, Munson!” Owens yelled his threatening promise as he shook his fist— obviously incapable of keeping up with a freak on the run.
Coach Hastings stalked the columns of uniform plastic seats-and-desks, eyeing his quarry of quivering detention-goers.  A split-second of eye contact with one of them, before the kid jolted and stared down into his lap, made the coach smile somewhat menacingly and approach his desk.
“You look nervous, son,” he noticed with a grin, and the boy hesitantly blinked up at him.
“Yes, sir,” he agreed.
“You’re sweating like a pig,” the coach continued.
“Y-yes, sir,” the student agreed again.
“Your eyes are red!  You’ve got pot, don’t you?”
Apparently too scared (and stoned) to deny it, the kid awkwardly pulled a baggy out of his pants pocket and let Hastings snatch it away.
“I’m confiscating this,” he announced as he took it, marching back down the row and snagging a snack bag of Cheetos on his way as well.
Eddie scoffed slightly to himself as he saw it; not exactly a subtle plan, especially to Eddie, whose occupation at the school’s main dealer gave him unique knowledge of the coach’s habit.
He was just preparing to space out for an afternoon of mind-numbing boredom when you came in through the door, and he sat up slightly in surprise.
“Um, sir?” you got the Coach’s attention, meeting him at his desk at the front.  “I… have some ideas for practice tomorrow.”
“Now’s not the best time, Miss Hopper,” he replied quickly.
As he turned his back to the class, you made quick eye contact with Eddie to motion to him, pointing towards the window.  He sat up further, but tilted his head.  “The window!” you mouthed.
When Hastings turned around to look at you again, you played it off with a forced laugh.  
“Y-you know, we have that really big game soon against the Paxville Poodles…” you began again, stalling poorly.  Eddie quietly got up from his seat, just as Hastings made a move to turn around, and you unthinkingly reached out and grabbed his arm, making him look at you suspiciously.  “Your bicep is huge!” you blurted out.  “Wow— and look—” you grabbed the other— “this one’s even bigger.  You don’t take steroids, do you?  Because I’ve heard steroids can cause some shrinking of the, uh, package.”
The other students murmured and snickered to each other as Eddie crept around the back of the room, towards the open window at the front; you repositioned yourself and Mr. Hastings to keep Eddie’s path exactly behind him.
“But I didn’t come here to talk about your package!” you added.
“God, I hope not,” the coach agreed.
Eddie’s next step made a bit of noise— that damn chain on his jeans wasn’t very quiet— but you stopped him from turning to look by talking more.  “The point is, they always beat us,” you continued, “and I’ve got this plan to help us win this year!”
“Which is?”
“That… thing you taught us!” you answered chipperly as Eddie kept creeping towards the open window.
“What thing?” Hastings wondered.
He narrowed his eyes.  “I taught you that?”
“Yeah!  You, o-or, you know, Siegfried and Roy— anyway—”
When he tried to turn his head over his shoulder, you had to reach out and grab his chin to turn his bewildered face towards you.
“They look left, we go right!  Bang, we score, we win,” you tilted your head and smiled wide.  Panic was setting in because you really thought Eddie would’ve made it out by now— he was close, but not there, and the coach was clearly losing his patience.
“But, how do we make them look left?” he wondered.  Eddie was halfway out the window, no looking back now… literally, meaning he didn’t see what you were about to do.
“Uh— like this!”
A rush of adrenaline compelled you to do it— or maybe it came right after you did it, honestly it was all a blur— and you lifted the bottom of your shirt up to your chin.  The classroom gasped, the coach’s chin dropped, and you cringed internally as you realized how far you’d gone: but you didn’t regret it, yet.  Actually, it was pretty funny, if you thought about it… not that you had exactly thought this through.
Hastings stared at you, dumbstruck and more concerned than aroused, the thoughts of what the hell is wrong with this girl? and oh god, am I gonna lose my job? obvious on his face.  The detention attendees began to whoop and holler as you dropped your shirt and Eddie was long-since freed.  “Okay!” you said with a thin voice, clearing your throat.  “Well, now that you’ve seen… the plan… I’m gonna go… and show the plan to someone else.  Okay.”
He said nothing, watching you walk away, and the classroom applauded you on your way out.
“I can’t thank you enough for breaking me out,” Eddie smiled as he paddled the rickety canoe.
“Oh, I do that all the time,” you dismissed jokingly.  
“How’d you keep him from seeing me?” he wondered.
You snorted a bit.  “I, uh, dazzled him with my… wits.”
Eddie shrugged and looked out at the water on every side, pulling the oars in now that you were stuck in the smackdab middle of Lover’s Lake.  “So, what’s your excuse?” he asked suddenly.
“For acting the way we do.”
You considered that for a second, glancing out over the lake.  “Maybe it’s, like, daddy issues— ‘cause I don’t know my biological parents or anything.  Elle’s write her letters and stuff but mine don’t want anything to do with me.”
“Okay, maybe it’s that,” he nodded, “or…”
You sighed.  “I don't like to do what people expect.  Why should I live up to other people’s expectations instead of my own?”
He smiled, clearly proud of himself for getting you to fess up.  “So you disappoint them from the start and then you're covered, right?” he suggested, and you shrugged.
“Something like that.”
“Then you fucked it up,” he laughed.
“Huh?” you frowned.
His eyes seemed to sparkle more right before he said it— did he have some way of voluntarily doing that?  “You never disappointed me.”
You smiled a bit, but hoped he wouldn’t see that stupid, girlish emotion on your face.  “What about you?” you countered quickly.  “What’s your damage?”
“Oh, gosh, where to start,” he began, tapping his chin as he looked up and to the right like he was picturing it all, and you laughed.  “Daddy’s in prison, mommy’s… god knows where— last I heard she was in Washington?”
“Wait, the state, or D.C.?” you asked.
“I don’t even know!” he chuckled..
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve got no clue where my mom is, either,” you shrugged. 
“I know misery allegedly loves company but, no, that doesn’t make me feel better.”
“There were a lot of rumors about what your parents were up to,” you admitted.  “Cult and traveling band were both popular.”
“Well, there are a lot of rumors about a lot of things,” he replied, “but they’re all bullshit.”
“So, the state trooper?” you challenged.
“Ridiculous,” he shot it down.  “You made out with a chick at a party?”
“Fantasy,” you rolled your eyes.  “Of theirs!  Not mine— I don’t wanna kiss anyone in public.  The duck?”
“Hearsay,” he smirked.  “Billy Hargrove’s balls?”
“Well, that one’s actually true,” you admitted, “but he deserved it!  He groped me in the lunch line.”
“Ah, don’t tell me that,” Eddie warned, “or I’ll go kick ‘em back up again myself.”  He clicked his tongue and tossed his fist as if to demonstrate.
“Why were you held back again?  I know the porn career’s a lie.”
“Do you?” he challenged.
You tried not to get too flushed imagining that.  You were strictly against porn, on feminist grounds, but… it was an interesting mental image.
He laughed first, then you followed suit.  “I missed a lot of classes, yeah, but I don’t have any good excuse.  I— to be honest, I have a lot of trouble with reading.  It takes me hours, gives me a headache… so I keep failing English.  And it’s not like I’m making ‘A’s in anything else…”
You tilted your head as you looked at him.  “Eddie, are you dyslexic?”
He raised an eyebrow.  “No, I’m bisexual,” he corrected.
“Dyslexia is a learning disorder, it causes difficulty in reading,” you explained.
“Not even gonna react to the bisexual thing, huh?” he pressed.
“Maybe you should see a doctor,” you encouraged.
“No cure for it,” he shook his head.
“For the dyslexia, dumbass!” you snapped, and he laughed.
“Okay, okay, I will,” he promised, “if you go see about getting that stick up your ass surgically removed.”
You rolled your eyes, but you still couldn’t stop a smile from filling your face.  “I thought you didn’t mind it.”
“I don’t,” he smiled.  “‘Cause I know you’re actually just a hopeless romantic under all that venom.”
You glanced down at the floor of the boat, at Eddie’s Reeboks across from your worn-out Converse.  You heard him whisper your name, so you looked up again, and he pulled you into a sudden kiss.
Kissing in a boat on Lover’s Lake— a little on-the-nose, maybe, and another one of those things you never expected to happen to you.  You never expected to like it so much, either, but you smiled into it and wrapped your arms around his neck.  Pulling you back with him, he fell into the front end of the canoe with you on top of him, kissing you harder.
Unfortunately, you both got a little carried away… and when he tried to roll you onto your back so he could lay above you, it knocked the small boat off-balance and sent you both tumbling into the lake.
You came up with a gasp, and a laugh, as Eddie came back facing the wrong way and yelling your name fearfully— like you’d drowned in the last three seconds.  Hearing your laugh, he spun around and put on a self-effacing smile before swimming a little closer and kissing you again.  You let him, even though that warm feeling in your chest was just getting hotter until you worried it would burn you up from the inside out; you brushed dripping, limp curls out of his face and grabbed him by the back of the neck to keep him close.
Half-dry from the journey home, Eddie walked beside you up to your front porch.  Not exactly wanting to bring in a lake-damp drug dealer, you guided him to sit next to you on the steps, and he seemed to look somewhat reverently out at the surrounding neighborhood.  “Beats the trailer park?” you assumed.
“Yeah,” he smiled, “but it’s not as bad as people think it is— I guess neither are we, though.”
“Okay, then tell me the truth,” you requested.
“The truth?  I’m afraid of the dark,” he grinned.
“No, something real,” you protested.
“Okay…” he agreed, lowering his voice and leaning in to kiss your neck.  “You’re sweet.”
You smiled, and he moved around to kiss the other side, giving you an eyeful of his fringe.
“And sexy,” he added.  “And completely hot for me.”
“You’re… very self-assured,” you giggled, “anybody ever told you that?”
“I tell myself every morning,” he agreed with a smile, “part of my daily affirmations.”
Your eyes drifted over his face— over his gentle eyes and soft lips and strong jaw— and you wondered how you never noticed how perfect he was before.
“Go to prom with me,” he said suddenly.
The moment left and you felt a little suspicious.  “Um, are you asking me, or telling me?” you wondered with a raised brow.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun,” he promised.
“No it won’t, it’ll be a circus of patriarchy and the hypersexualization of the American teenager,” you insisted.
“It’ll be fun if you come with me,” he clarified.  “I thought you liked doing what nobody expects?  The only one who expects you to go to prom is me.”
“Why do you even wanna go to the prom?!” you wondered.
“Maybe I’m more conventional than I look!” he defended.  “Maybe I only never went because I never had a beautiful girl to take.”
“I don’t buy it,” you scoffed.  “Why are you so insistent on this?  What’s in it for you?”
“Do I need to have a reason to want to be with you?”
“You tell me,” you challenged.
“You know something?  You need therapy,” he frowned.  “Maybe a shrink can help you unpack this inability to accept affection.  Were you not hugged as a child or something?”
“Right,” you snapped, “because all my problems are caused by being adopted— I forgot.”
“I didn’t— that’s not what I was saying,” he defended.
“So, what are you saying?  If I’m not madly in love with you, something must be wrong with me?”
“I think if you don’t trust me by now—!”
“By now?  One kiss and you’re totally trustworthy?” you tilted your head.
“We kissed twice,” he reminded you.
“Yeah, my mistake,” you scoffed, leaving the question of whether the number or the kisses were the mistake hanging in the air.  Shaking his head, Eddie pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his vest pocket.
“Damn it, they’re soaked,” he groaned as he opened it.
You snatched it away.  “I’ll throw them out for you,” you offered sharply as you stood up and stormed inside, slamming the door behind you.
Max Mayfield startled when she opened her locker, a flood of folded papers spilling out— origami stars.  She tilted her head as she knelt down, picking one up to unfold.  Because you’re funnier than people realize, it had written inside in somewhat poor, yet meticulous, handwriting.  Wrinkling her eyebrows together, she snagged another from on top of her textbooks.  Because you’re the most beautiful when you’re in class, listening and thinking.  It was cheesy, but she bit her lip as she imagined who this… extravagant secret admirer might be.  About to unfold another, Lucas leaned beside her at the lockers.
“Huh,” he noticed, “wonder who did all this just to ask you to prom.”
As he crossed his arms in front of his chest, she noticed the band-aids around the ends of many of his fingers.  “Basketball injury?” she assumed.
“No,” he denied sheepishly, “just, uh, papercuts…”
She smiled as she raised an eyebrow at him.  “So, you think this… stalker guy is asking me to prom?” she noticed.
“I— um, I assume,” he shrugged.
“That’s presumptuous of you,” she laughed.
Across the hall, Vickie was emphatically agreeing to Robin’s more tree-friendly prom invite: no letter or origami or notes or anything, just the courage to finally ask, and that was all she had wanted anyways.
All across the school, plans were being made, except for Elle: she had more options than most for her date, yet was forced to choose none because you were still resisting Eddie with what little fight you had left in you. 
After catching her glare each time you passed in the hall at school, you decided to attempt a peace offering at home.
You hesitantly knocked on her bedroom door after dinner.  “Come in,” she called from the other side, but her annoyance was obvious.  Especially when you entered and found her sitting on the bed, reading a book, ignoring you completely.
“Listen,” you sighed, “I know…”
She didn’t shut her book or look up at you.  You sat down near her feet and carefully took the book away; she crossed her arms as she finally returned your gaze— though hers was much sharper.
“I know you hate having to sit around at home because I’m not, you know, popular or dating or anything,” you informed her.
“You don’t care,” she rolled her eyes.
“I do care!” you insisted.  “But I believe you should do things for your own reasons, not someone else’s.”
“I wish I had that luxury,” Elle snapped, “but I can’t do anything because you don’t want to!  You know I was the only sophomore asked to prom?  And I can’t go because you’re too uptight and feminist-y to just go out with that Eddie guy.”
You frowned.  “How do you know about Eddie?”
She rolled her eyes.  “I’m sixteen, I’m not stupid.  And everyone heard about him serenading you on the soccer field anyways.”
Your cheeks warmed at the memory.  “Well, that’s not the point.  I can go out with him if I want, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to prom.”
“Prom is actually gonna be fun you know, it’s not this horrible institution that you think it is,” Elle promised.  “And Jason asked me and—”
“He never told you we went out, did he?” you interrupted, and Elle’s jaw dropped.
“You’re joking, right?” she assumed; you shook your head.  “You and Jason?!”
“For a few months, freshman year.”
“Why?” she asked.
“Because he’s sooo cute,” you answered with a Valley-girl-voice, but it didn’t do as much to diffuse the tension as you’d hoped.
“You hate him!” Elle noticed.
“I do now.”
“What happened?” she wondered, and you looked away because you thought it might be easier to say it if you weren’t looking right at her.  Even if she hated you, you didn’t want your little sister to think of you in the way she might when you admitted it.
“Well…” you trailed off, but she beat you to it.
“No,” she sighed, “you didn’t— you did it?!”
“Once,” you interjected firmly, as if that made it any better.  “Just once, because, you know, everyone was doing it.  I wanted to be cool— I wanted to feel normal.  But afterwards, I told him I didn’t wanna do it anymore because I wasn’t ready.  Aaaaand he dumped me.”
Elle blinked at you in bewilderment.
“After that, I decided to never do anything else again just because everyone else was doing it.  I haven’t since!  Well, except, you know, going to Steve Harrington’s party and getting wasted.”
“How did I not know about this?” Elle wondered.  Apparently she confused being popular with being omniscient.
“I warned him that if he told anyone, all the cheerleaders would find out how small his dick is,” you snorted.  Elle didn’t seem as amused, though.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she wondered.
“I wanted you to make up your own mind about him,” you replied.
“Then why did you help Daddy keep me hostage here?!”
She got up off the bed and stood, frustration switching to anger, and you wrinkled your eyebrows as well.  “Because I wanted to protect you!” you replied.
“By not letting me experience anything?” she countered.
“Not everything is worth experiencing, Elle!” you snapped.  “Not everyone can be trusted!”
“I wouldn’t know!” she announced furiously.  “You were too busy worrying I’d make the same mistakes as you to let me make my own!”
She stormed out of her own room and left you alone in it with a slam of the door.  You sat on the bed for a minute, considering what she’d said.  Noticing the picture on her nightstand, you sighed at the shot your dad had taken of the two of you, years ago, in line at Disneyland.  She used to think you hung the moon back then… why couldn’t things still be that easy?
You glided down the stairs quickly, holding up the end of your dress, and passed Dad as he watched TV.  “Bye, I’m going to prom,” you offered him flippantly as you passed.
“Ha ha, very funny,” he returned flatly.  Of course, when he caught you and your outfit in the corner of his eye, he realized you were serious.
Before he could even ask what was going on, you were out the door.  He would’ve chased you in search of more information, but he was distracted by Elle marching by next in her sparkly, colorful gown.
“What’s that?” he asked when he saw the midriff-baring garment.
“A prom dress!” she answered joyfully.
“I seem to be hearing that word a lot lately,” he frowned.
The doorbell rang, and Elle scampered across the foyer to answer it.  On the other side, Mike was waiting in a suit with a corsage in hand ready to give her— but he stalled when he got a look at her all dolled up (even more than usual).  “Wow,” he beamed, “you look… bitchin’.”
She smiled and started to leave with only a wave to her dad, but he crossed his arms.  “Stop,” he insisted, and Elle sighed as she froze.  “Turn.” 
The young couple turned, Mike looking a bit anxious as Elle prepared for the usual.
“Explain,” Hopper demanded.
“Well, you know how you said I could date if my lovely, wonderful big sister dated?” she batted her eyelashes.  “Turns out she found this guy who’s sort of perfect for her, which is sort of perfect for me, because Mike invited me to the prom—” she squeezed her date’s hand for emphasis— “and I really wanna go and I’m technically allowed since she’s going, and I know you’re a man of your word so you’ll stick to the rule you made.  Right?”
There was a heavy pause; Mike extended his hand to the Chief politely.  “Nice to meet you,” he greeted.
Elle took his hand instead and guided him out the front door.  Powerless, Hopper stepped up to the open doorway and watched them run to the waiting limousine together.  “Back by eleven, you hear me?” he called out.  “One minute past and the entire police department will be looking for you!”
They got in the car and drove off as he watched with a sigh.
You’d sort of been expecting Eddie to wear a t-shirt with a tuxedo pattern printed on it… maybe that’s what everyone expected of him.  But he was wearing a real one, in a dark cranberry color that seemed to bring out that little bit of hazel in his deep brown eyes.
It was stupid how easily his one simple glance over your body could make you fight the urge to blush.  You knew you looked good, you actually felt good, but it was different to see Eddie acknowledge it.  “Wow,” he offered with a wide smile.
“Yeah,” you agreed, “uh, you too.”
He handed you a rose before you hooked your arm in his to walk inside to the decorated gymnasium.
“Where’d you get a tux?” you wondered.
“Wayne had one,” Eddie shrugged.
“Really?” you pressed, and Eddie laughed.
“Hell no, he couldn’t even help me with my tie!  I… had a friend help me get this,” Eddie admitted, internally disgusted with himself for referring to Jason Carver as a friend.  Then again, he was disgusted with himself for doing this for Jason’s benefit at all, but at least there was a real benefit for himself, too: the only girl he’d ever really fallen for walking arm-in-arm with him to prom.  “Where’d you get the dress?” he wondered.
“Oh, um,” you blinked quickly, “I guess I really was a hopeless romantic deep down after all… ‘cause I had a nice dress in the back of my closet, just in case someone ever wanted to see me in it.”
There was a little moment of pause as Eddie imagined you saving a dress like this for someone special, hardly believing it was him.
“Listen, I shouldn’t have questioned your motives for asking me out,” you blurted out suddenly.  “I was wrong.  I’m sorry.”
He’d never seen you so… humbled?  And it made his heart twist.  “Don’t sweat it,” he encouraged, “you’re here with me now— that’s all that matters.”
Jason was already wearing his tux— and a sparkling-white smile— as your father opened the door.  “Hello, Mr. Hopper,” he offered charmingly, even though anyone with half a brain knows to call him Chief Hopper.  “I’m here to pick up Elle for the prom?”
Saying nothing, the Chief shut the door as suddenly as he’d opened it.
As you walked in to the room, dancing and general merriment in every direction, you caught Elle and Mike dancing cheek-to-cheek not too far off— and your sister offered you a quick wave and a gentler smile than you’d seen on her (directed at you, at least) in years.
Robin and Vickie, as always, were dancing to the beat of their own song, ignorant and uncaring to the judgment of others; Lucas guided Max to the dance floor, and you were one of many who noticed how good the unlikely pair looked together.
You were so caught up in it that you almost didn’t notice the music changing to another song— your favorite song.  Eddie nudged you with his elbow and pointed at the stage, where the band from Club Nina joined the musicians already playing, and you gasped.  “Oh my god!” you choked.  “It’s—!”
“I had a friend help me with that, too,” Eddie grinned at you, drinking in your ecstatic excitement.  You looked like a kid in a candy store as the lead singer waved at you; first humbled, then unabashedly joyful… so many new emotions that Eddie wasn’t used to seeing you show, but he liked this one so far.  He liked how beautiful you were when you let yourself be openly happy— it reminded him of the way you looked dancing to this song at that club all those weeks ago.  He hadn’t just been putting on the moves, he really thought you looked sexy when you let go and enjoyed yourself.  And now you looked that way again, but you were dancing with him.  You looked, and felt, freer than ever.
Elle was on her way to freshen up in the girls’ room— because the last thing she needed now was a lifting false lash with everything else going so perfectly— when Andy and Patrick stopped her.  “Woah, hey,” Andy said as he grabbed her shoulder, “what’s going on?”
“What?” she wondered.
“Where’s Jason?” they pressed.
“I dunno, probably off somewhere picking his nose?” she replied sarcastically.
“Oh my god,” Patrick laughed.  “I knew he couldn’t do it!”
“Huh?” she asked.
“He was so sure he could pop your cherry tonight,” Andy explained, bemused, “but he was full of shit— as per usual.”
Elle stepped back.  “What a creep!” she spat, but they weren’t even paying attention anymore, just chuckling to each other about how they wouldn’t let their team captain live this one down for a while.
As for Jason, he wasn’t too far away after all— he was angrily storming through the dancing crowd towards you and Eddie.  “Hey, freak!” he yelped just before grabbing him by the collar of his jacket and pulling him aside, though not quite far enough away.  “What’s Elle doing here with that pipsqueak?!  I didn’t pay you to take out her sister just so some little weirdo could get with her instead.”
Eddie whipped his head around, praying to whatever deity would listen that you hadn’t heard, but it only took a split-second to see the look in your eyes.  And there was a third emotion he’d never seen on you before: real heartbreak.  No anger, no rage, just devastation.
“Wait,” he pleaded as you began to walk away.
“I can’t believe I was right about you,” you replied with a shake of your head, “the first time.”
Jason let Eddie go to unsuccessfully chase after you; he was disinterested in the Freak versus Bitch drama unfolding once again, much more focused on getting back at Mike Wheeler for screwing him over.
Lucas tried to intercept him, but he got shoved roughly to the ground on the way to Mike.  “You messed with the wrong guy,” Jason informed him with a sneer, “and now you’re so done.  You and that prissy bitch.”
“Watch what you say about her,” Mike warned angrily, but Jason wasn’t exactly intimidated— in fact, he almost looked amused right before his fist collided with the sophomore’s face.  Mike crumpled to the ground, not exactly a match for Jason’s strength… but then again, neither was Elle, and she was the one who swung back— right in the nose.
“That’s for making my boyfriend bleed!” she explained as he clutched his face.  “That’s for my sister,” she added as she kneed him in the gut, “and this… is for me.”
A swift kick to the crotch sent him to the ground, and Elle stepped over him to offer a hand to Mike.  He took it, looking up at her in awe as she helped him stand again.  “Uh, boyfriend?” he noticed.
It was the kind of move you would’ve been proud of, if you were there to see it; apparently ball-kicking ran in the Hopper family, and not just in the soccer sense.
“Please, let me explain,” Eddie begged as he chased you out of the gym.
“I think it’s pretty self-explanatory!” you returned sharply.  “It was all a set-up, by fucking Jason!  I should’ve known it was too…”
Too good to be true.  You couldn’t admit that, you’d already given away so much.  “It wasn’t— that was just how it started!” Eddie promised.  “But I really fell for you.”
“Yeah?  Funny what money can do to a person.”
“I never cared about the money!” he insisted, and when you spun around to challenge that, he grabbed your shoulders.  “I only cared about you.”
“You’ve got a funny way of showing it,” you sneered, and he did want to show you— he wanted to wipe that all-too-familiar look off your face and go back to how things were.  He kissed you, hard and forceful, but you pushed him off with a whine.  “I hate you!” you spat as you managed to fight him off— not that he was trying that hard to force you to stay, he knew that was wrong… though he wished he could.  He wished he could hug you tight enough to keep you here until you would listen, but you were too stubborn for it to work anyways.  It was that stubbornness that made him resent you in the beginning, then it was one of the things he fell for— and now it was the reason you were walking away, and he was just watching you go, unwilling to hurt you anymore.
“You’re sure you don’t wanna come?” Elle asked again, pityingly, as Mike held her hand.  You shook your head.  “Okay, well, we’ll miss you.”
It was sweet, but it was a lie; a young couple didn’t want you chaperoning their movie date.  Lies can be so sweet that way, the best ones usually are.  You watched them walk together down the sidewalk, knowing it wouldn’t cheer you up to go with them.  “Is she gonna be okay?” Mike whispered to his girlfriend, though not quietly enough.
“I hope so,” Elle replied softly.
As they left, your dad appeared and sat next to you on the steps, groaning as his older joints made it a bit more of a task.  “Where’s she going?” he wondered.
“To meet a bunch of bikers,” you offered quickly.  “Big ones… full of sperm.”
“Not funny,” Hopper frowned.  You gave him a look, and he smiled slightly.  “A little funny.”
It still wasn’t enough to make you smile back, and you looked forward at the houses across the street again.  
“So… the dance,” he remembered, “was it groovy?”
Even that couldn’t make you crack a smirk, though you wanted to.  “Some parts…”
“Which parts?” he wondered.
“The part where Elle beat the crap out of some loser,” you recalled— the stories around school were already glorious.  You were pretty sure the rumor that she pulled some Karate Kid moves and spin-kicked him in the face was just a rumor, but you liked picturing it anyways.
“Elle did what?” he gasped.
“What, are you afraid she’s taking after me?” you challenged.
“No,” he answered quickly, “I’m impressed.”
You looked at him again, soaking in that all-too-rare approval.  It’s not that he wasn’t affectionate… well, he wasn’t, but it was only because he had trouble expressing himself.  It made his eloquence going forward even more unexpected.
“You know, fathers don’t like to admit when their daughters become capable of running their own lives,” he explained.  “It means we’re obsolete… we’re spectators.  Elle still lets me play a few innings— you’ve had me on the bench for years— and when you go to Sarah Lawrence, I won’t even be able to watch the game.”
You were about to complain about the baseball metaphor until you realized what he was really saying.  “When I go?” you repeated excitedly.
“Don’t tell me you changed your mind now!  I already sent them a check,” he answered with a slightly mischievous smile.  Exclaiming in joy, you threw yourself on him for a tight hug.
“I assume you’ve all prepared your sonnets for today?” Ms. O’Donnell looked over the room.  She frowned when she saw Jason sinking into his chair.  “Mr. Carver?”
“Uh… I, uh, have a doctor’s note,” he explained.
“Oh— well, regardless, sunglasses are not permitted indoors,” she reminded him.
Sighing, he took the aviators off, and the class snickered at the sight of two black eyes on either side of his bandaged nose.
“Would anyone else like to read theirs for us?” she encouraged, and you waited a second before raising your hand.
That seemed to surprise everyone— most of all Eddie, who lifted his head from where it had been resting on his desk.  Some of your classmates assumed the worst— here we go and time for a feminist lecture that rhymes and all that— but some seemed to sense what was really coming.  Ms. O’Donnell, pleasantly surprised, stepped aside to let you come stand at the front.
You opened your notebook and did your best not to look at everyone looking at you.
Clearing your throat, you began.  “I hate the way you talk to me,” you read aloud, “and the way you cut your hair.  I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare.”
Your reading was particularly flat and unemotional, just hoping to get this over with, yet at the same time, so many emotions were flooding you inside.
“I hate your stupid white Reeboks, and the way you read my mind— I hate you so much it make me sick, it even makes me rhyme.”
You spared one half-second glance up, and even just in your peripheral you saw Eddie’s face, and you had to fight getting choked up.
“I hate… I hate the way you’re always right, I hate it when you lie,” you whimpered, voice breaking, “I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when— when you make me cry.”
As a hot tear crossed your cheek, you fought the instinct to defiantly wipe it away— for once, you wanted to feel this, and you wanted to be seen even at your most vulnerable.
“I hate it when you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call,” you continued, approaching the end.  “But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you; not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.”
The way Eddie was looking at you was just too much; the way everyone was looking at you was just too much.  You stormed out of the class, leaving them in stunned silence, crying harder as you ran down the hall.
Your face was dry by the time you got to your car; maybe you’d let Eddie play with your heart and invade your mind and cry way too much, but you decided that was over now— no more tears over boys.  Especially dumbass, annoying, sexy, horrible, gorgeous boys who play you for a fool and have the audacity to fall for you in the process.
You were about you open your driver’s side door when you saw the sparkling white resin in the front seat, and you bent down, greeted by the Fender Stratocaster you’d been eying resting in your seat.
Reaching in through the open window, you pulled it out delicately and inspected it like it was magic— because maybe it was.
“Nice, huh?”
Eddie’s voice behind you made you jump and spin, and he smiled at you expectantly as he shoved his hands in his pockets and tilted back on his heels for a second.  “A Fender Strat?” you noticed.  “Is this— is this mine?”
“I figured you could use it,” he shrugged, “when you start your band.  Or join mine.”
You smiled slowly as you looked at it again, and then back at him.
“Besides, I had some extra cash,” he explained.  “Some jerk paid me to take out this amazing girl…”
“Yeah?” you smirked.
“Yeah,” he nodded, “but, uh, I kinda fucked it up.  ‘Cause I totally fell for her.”
You loved the way he looked with a flush tinting his cheeks.  “Really?” you pressed.
“Of course,” he grinned.  “Very rare to find a girl who’ll flash someone to break you out of detention.”
It was your turn to feel your face warm, then, wondering how long ago he found out about that.  Dropping your forehead into one of your hands in embarrassment, you laughed shamefully at the memory, hardly believing you’d done something so impulsive.  As risky as it was, you actually kind of liked the person you were when you were with Eddie.
With a gentle grip on your wrist he moved your hand away from your face, the other tilting up your chin so he could kiss you.  You let him, for a moment, but before you could properly melt into him you carefully pushed him back by his shoulders.  
“You know you can’t just buy me a guitar whenever you screw up, right?” you asked.
“I know,” he agreed, “but hey!  There’s always drums, bass, tambourine… triangle…”
You snorted your laugh and he kissed you again.  You pushed him away again.  “And don’t just think you can—”
He kissed you again, a little harder, and you gave in to it willingly.
Yeah, all that cheesy romance stuff? Sappy poems, public serenading, making out in front of everyone as the bell rang and the day ended? Turns out it really can happen for a girl like you. It can happen for a guy like Eddie, too; neither of you expected it to, but it did. And as you spent the rest of your senior year getting to know him better, you found a lot more things about Eddie Munson that you would've hated if you learned them before— but they only made you love him more instead.
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
Trust in Him
TW: Depictions of sexual harassment and sexual assault
You love your job, so when one of your coworkers begins to harass you, you're scared that you'll have to choose between your job and your safety. Luckily, Artem is here to support you.
This is my first time writing about sexual harassment/assault, so I apologize in advance if it's not a perfectly accurate portrayal.
Word Count: 3.3k
You needed this job, those words alone were all that kept you from doing something rash, but your resolve was growing thinner and thinner by the day. Every day you worked in the office, which, luckily for you, grew less frequent after becoming partners with Artem and joining NXX, one of your co-workers in particular was bound to come speak with you. This wouldn't be an issue if he were speaking to you about work issues, or a case, hell, even the weather but he, Julius, never came over for any productive reasons. The two of you had worked a case together a few months ago, but other than that, you should be complete strangers.
You could see Julius approaching from the corner of your eye, a nasty smirk plastered on his, and you hated to admit this, conventionally attractive face. While others might swoon at his good looks, you had to hold back a gag as he placed his hand firmly on your shoulder, enveloping your senses in his stale scent. He then slowly leaned down, his lips almost touching your ear, and whispered "That shirt makes your tits look great," his disgustingly wet breath sent shivers through your body as he gave your shoulder a squeeze and headed off like nothing happened.
As far as you knew, you were his only victim. The other ladies in the office swooned over him, speaking highly of his good looks and "great" skills as a lawyer. A few who had witnessed his advances towards you and misinterpreted your blush as shy interest complained of how envious they were that such a handsome, successful man was interested in you, and you kept quiet. You had heard enough horror stories of women who had come out about work-place harassment who were fired, never given or even considered for promotions, and even sued for slander, and you couldn't let any of that happen to you, you had to tolerate it. A job at Themis law firm is a dream for many law students, you included, and you wouldn't let that slip away. Even if you had to endure harassment, even if you had to leave your desk to escape to the bathroom some days because you couldn't keep the tears out of your eyes, even if you couldn't fall asleep some nights because images of what he's done to you and what he's capable of doing to you infect your mind, even if you had to start wearing ill-fitting clothes to hide your figure in an attempt to get him to leave you alone, and even if you were terrified to be in a room alone with him, lest he become bolder, you had to persevere. If everything in your life went right, you'd become his boss one day, and when that day came, you could fire his ass.
Of course, though, you weren't the boss, and you had to listen to what yours said. So, when your manager approached you a few days after Julius's latest incident telling you you'd be assisting him in a case, there wasn't much you could do to get out of it. Artem and you weren't working on any urgent cases at the moment, so he gave them permission to steal you away for the case. You were very skilled in working the case type Julius was "stuck on" so your manager said you the obvious choice for the job. There was no way out.
Julius invited you into his office with a sickly-sweet smirk and an almost impermeable wink as a knot settled in your stomach. Something in you screamed at you, don't go in there, it yelled, anywhere else. Just not his office.
"Well, I wouldn't want to intrude in your personal space," You said, trying to keep an aura of professionalism while also trying to protect yourself. There were still others around, if you start to show your discomfort, you'd be found out. You felt like you were lying, in a way, maybe you were? Guilt ran up and down your spine, and you hoped the feeling didn't translate to your expression.
"Oh, MC." His voice was outwardly cheery with an undertone of something, though you couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was, "You could never be an intrusion to me. Let's use my office, I insist."
No, no no, the voice within you screamed again, you felt your breath hitch slightly, but you forced your breaths to be normal, despite how badly your lungs wanted you to gasp for air. "I would prefer it if we worked somewhere else, Julius." His name tasted disgusting on your tongue, "My desk for example," the two of you squeezed together, trying to work at the same small desk, his smell surrounding you, "or an empty conference room," still alone in a room together, his hands reaching out to touch your body, "or-"
"Mc, this would all be much simpler if we just worked in my office, I promise you, I don't mind." There was a hint of aggravation in Julius's voice, but it disappeared the longer he spoke. "There won't be any meeting halls open, now come on, let's go to my office."
You stood still for half a second, debating just running away, job be damned, but you didn't have time to start walking. You hadn't even decided which way to go, towards Julius's office or towards the main exit, when a voice rang out, "Mc, Julius, conference room six is open." You turned around, eyes meeting the bright sapphire eyes belonging to Artem. His brows were slightly furrowed, looking you up and down.
"Great," You said before Julius could say a word, "thank you Artem." You turned back to Julius, his eyes were much less kind than Artem's, and all you wanted to do was turn back to face the man with the beautiful eyes and put Julius in the depths of your memories, but you plaster on a fake smile as you say, "conference room six it is, then!" You quickly passed Julius, feeling two sets of eyes burning into you as you walked away. Julius's office was past conference room six, so as you entered the room Julius walked towards his own office instead, muttering something about needing to grab his case files.
You were glad that you didn't end up in his office, but the conference room wasn't much better, panic began building up in your chest again. There were large windows leading out into the hallway, which you sat right in the middle of giving anyone who walked by a perfect view of you and whatever you were doing. Conference room six was the most open of the conference rooms, but the hallway around here was never too busy. The windows also left a few blind spots, places he could back you into if he really wanted to. With slightly shaky hands you opened your laptop, opening an audio recording app. There weren't any security cameras in this conference room, and even though your gut stopped you from telling anyone about Julius, something within you told you to record.
The door to the conference room quickly opened and shut. You minimized the recording app, the pulsing red dot indicating that it’s recording disappears along with it. Julius throws a few case files onto the conference table before walking around to sit directly next to you. You rolled your chair away from him slightly, trying to escape his revolting stench. You began speaking about the case, reading the case files, and making comments about the stranger details, details you could use to defend your client.
The two of you continued to talk about the case for a while, the anxiety that had grown so high before began to dwindle, maybe you were wrong. Maybe Julius wasn’t going to take this chance to do something horrible to you, maybe he never was going to do anything to you. Had you just imagined his threats? “Mr. Johnson’s embezzlement of the school’s funds could be grounds for-”
"Tease," Julius interrupted you, his voice much darker, almost an inhumane growl, than what it was when you were surrounded by your coworkers. Darker than it was even a few seconds before when you were talking about the case.
"E-excuse me?" you asked, your professional front slipping, anxiety raising in your stomach once again.
Julius inched closer to you, holding the back of your chair to prevent you from rolling further away from him, "I said, you're a fucking tease Mc. Making me go back and forth like that." The undertone you couldn't pinpoint from before was back, but it was much more pronounced now. Anger mixed with desire, his unkempt nails dug into the skin of your thigh as he pushed himself onto you, "but you're not gonna tease me anymore."
Desperately, you pushed your feet against the floor as hard as you could, propelling your chair into the one behind you, allowing you to stand up and try to make it to the door. Julius's hand violently grabbed your wrist, yanking you back towards him. “Come on, Mc,” he growled in your ear, “everyone in the office knows you’re whoring around to get to the top. You can’t refuse me.”
You struggled against his grip, but every movement you made had him tightening his hold around your wrist, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Julius.” you gasped as the pain of his hand on you became too much.
This seemed to enrage Julius, who suddenly stood up from his chair, forcing you against the wall furthest from the door. Your head smacked violently into the wall sending sparks of pain through your vision. “Oh, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Everyone knows you’re putting out for Artem. Why else would he choose some sub-par slut of a lawyer to be his partner?”
“I-I didn’t-” Julius put more pressure on you as you tried to speak, stopping your words completely.
“Let’s put it this way, Mc,” Julius's hands snaked in opposite directions, one reaching your throat, putting suffocating pressure on it, the other gripping your ass, pulling you unwillingly closer to his body, “You put out for Artem to advance your career, and if you’re a good little slut for me, you can keep your career.” He pulled you somehow tighter into him, his mouth ghosting your ear before delivering a harsh bite into its flesh. “If not, you can kiss being a lawyer goodbye.”
The knot in your stomach twisted, the job you were passionate about, the coworkers you loved, Artem, your senior partner who had already taught you so much, could he really take all of that away from you? Was it really worth it to lose all that to him? Maybe you should just let him have you, once to save your job. But, as Julius’s hand moved from your ass forward, threatening to touch you in a much more intimate place, something in you broke. No. You wouldn’t let him take your career away, but you also wouldn’t let him have you. Throughout your career as a lawyer, you fought and fought and fought for your clients, day in and day out so they could find justice, and it was time for you to fight for yourself.
You thrust your knee upwards into Julius’s groin, and in the split second where he was caught off guard, you used all your strength to push him off of you. You ran for your laptop, his angered cries of pain filling the room as he stood motionless in the spot you left him in, grasping at his groin, trying to ease the pain. You took the opportunity to haphazardly grab your laptop and head for the door. Julius’s hand grazed your arm again as he regained some of his movement, but you were too far away from him at this point. He couldn’t reach you.
Escaping the suffocating air of that conference room could have been the happiest moment of your life. You saw Julius staring at you from the corner of your eye, still standing in the conference room, slightly doubled over. He wouldn’t dare chase you through the office, and he was out of sight before you could figure out what his next move would be. Adrenaline pumping through your body, you made your way across the office. You weren’t sure where your legs were taking you until you were already knocking at the door you sought out, Artem’s office.
The moment you saw Artem as he opened the door, his face going from stoic as always, then softening at the sight of you, and finally, his eyebrows furrowing in concern as he got a better look at you all in a matter of seconds, the emotions you had kept hidden for months suddenly broke free. Tears threatened to escape your eyes, so you broke your gaze away from Artem, opting to look down at your own shoes instead. You really didn’t want to cry in front of Artem. You so desperately wanted to be a great lawyer like him, famous for winning countless cases. He wouldn’t be so vulnerable as to cry in front of a coworker, and you wanted to follow in his footsteps. You tried to push them back, but they refused.
Artem put a gentle hand on your upper back as he led you into his office, closing the door behind him, and placing his jacket on you. It smelt strongly of him. You could detect hints of vanilla from his cologne which made you want to envelop yourself further into the cloth. He led you to the sofa in his office, Artem himself sitting down on the coffee table in front of you. His kind, gentle movements, so contrasting from Julius’s threats, made the tears stream down your face harder. You began to shake from the loss of adrenaline, and you buried your face in your hands.
Artem was at a loss for what to do. He’d never seen you cry before, he felt helpless as he watched you heave from your tears. One thing was certain in his mind, however: Julius had something to do with this. He could sense your discomfort earlier when he’d suggested the two of you use conference room six to discuss business. He could tell you were trying your hardest to suppress the feelings, but they were prevalent enough on your person for him to detect, but his actions had failed to protect you further. A part of him wanted to leave the office immediately, find Julius, and beat him to a pulp wherever he stood, but a more sensible part of him knew you needed him right now. Julius could be dealt with later.
Slowly, Artem stood up from his place on the coffee table and sat down on the couch, a good few feet away from you in order to give you space. You finally looked up at him when you felt his weight on the couch. Your eyes were red and irritated from the tears, makeup running down your face in light gray streaks. You desperately wiped away at them, but it didn’t make a difference. Artem’s soft voice finally broke the silence between the two of you, “Mc, can I hug you?” The hysterical part of your brain was surprised by his words. In your emotional state, you expected him to reject you, and act disgusted by your emotions. You nodded slightly, desperately wanting his comfort.
Before you knew it, Artem had slid closer to you on the couch, taking you in his arms, and gently pressing you into his chest. This simple action started your tears anew. You began crying harder than before, gasping for breath. Clumsy words spilled out of your mouth as you tried to tell Artem what had happened. You thought he deserved to know why you came to his office crying, but Artem simply gently shushed you, rubbing comforting circles into your back. “You don’t need to say anything yet, Mc,” he whispered
The two of you stayed like that for a long time until your tears eventually slowed to a stop. At that point, you pulled away from Artem, desperately missing his warmth as soon as you did so. Artem slid his hand in yours, giving it a gentle, supportive, squeeze before speaking again, “If you’d like to tell me what happened, I’ll be here for you, okay?” Artem’s comforting words, his warm hand in yours, and his beautiful blue eyes made everything that’s happened with you in relation to Julius spill. You couldn’t look at him as you told him about everything: the case you worked on together, how he’d continue to go to your desk even when the case was over, how that escalated to the harassment you had to endure, what just happened in the conference room, and the audio recording of the incident.
When your gaze finally settled back on Artem, he was wearing an expression you had never seen on him before. It was anger, it was concern, it was... it was something else you couldn’t quite place. Artem pushed himself up from the couch, his eyes on the door to the office. You tightly grasped his arm, stopping him from moving towards the door. The door meant he’d tell, the door meant all your fears would come to fruition, the door meant you’d have to face the world outside Artem’s warm embrace again, and you didn’t want that. “Please don’t,” you whimpered, new tears stinging your eyes, “don’t tell anyone, please.” A sob escaped your throat, making Artem sit back on the couch next to you. “I love my job here, I love working with you and Kiki. I love being your partner and working on NXX cases with you. I don’t want to lose it all.”
Artem was back to rubbing circles into your skin, this time at the base of your shoulder. “You won’t lose your job, I promise.”
“B-But, so many people have b-been fired because they r-report assault, I-I can’t l-let that happen.”
“Mc,” Artem said, his voice slightly stern, but still gentler than you’d ever heard it before, “please look at me.” Your eyes trailed up his body, which was still holding you, and finally met his eyes. “I won’t let that happen, okay?” His hand found your hair, gently combing through it with his fingers, “I promise you that you’ll be okay, that your job will be okay. I’ll put Julias in jail if it’s the last case I ever take, just please, please let me help you.” Before that day, you could never imagine Artem crying, but you knew the sight of his eyes filled with tears was real. He allowed you to see his emotions just as you’d allowed him to see yours. He wasn’t some emotionless lawyer who would allow his coworker to be fired because they told the truth. He was a man who’d openly share your emotions with you, even if that meant sharing your tears. You could trust him, you knew that now.
“Okay,” you let the word with a shaky breath, “I trust you, Artem.”
Artem stood up from his place next to you, not letting your hand go quite yet. He leaned over you, giving your forehead a gentle kiss, before looking into your eyes, determination filling his own sapphire ones. Your body slightly tensed when Artem finally removed his hand from yours, you quickly grew cold at the lack of his warmth, but you let him go. You watched his figure as he reached the door, taking one more glance behind him towards you, and left, shutting the door behind him. Eventually, you knew, everything would be okay again.
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Here's my characters I relate to list
Updated because I found out about kin discourse and don't want to bother anyone
Ruvyzvat (Friday Night Funkin' Mid Fight Masses/Date Night Masses) - I'm an antisocial, prickly motherfucker more often than not. I also have a strong and lawless sense of justice. I would love to see objectively horrible people (ex, war criminal) get smited by vigilantes. I also have a very tight group of people I trust in real life. Only like, one. My social skills are so bad that they get me shit-canned sometimes.
Sarvente (Friday Night Funkin' Mid Fight Masses/Date Night Masses) - I'm seen as a sweetheart by some people, and several also claim that I'm a great singer. I'm also very accepting of diverse people, cultures, etc. People are people, fuck whatever the bigots think. I've studied flower symbolism and would absolutely use it in floral themed AUs, too.
Whitty/Whitmore (Friday Night Funkin' Vs. Whitty, which was sadly taken down because of Twitter drama. sigh) I hate social interactions with a burning passion because I always feel like the elephant in the room, so I hide. I also feel like there's always someone who's gonna come after me for whatever I'm doing. I have a 'fuck you' punk rock attitude, until someone comes after me, then I'm timid as shit and kinda have a lowkey panic attack. I'm rarely seen not wearing a jacket of some kind.
Dark Choco Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I feel detached and disconnected from my family. I also am so incredibly insecure that it's depressing. I berate myself regularly and don't believe I'll be able to change much, if at all. My family hasn't been able to help much with this, on the rare occasion that they try. I also still struggle with mental illness along with my habitual 'oh I forgot to take my ADHD meds NO WONDER I CAN'T SLEEP'. I'm also afraid that other people are going to hurt me and don't trust on a personal level all that easily.
Dark Cacao Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I hide some of my inner workings expertly, because I may have repressed them into practical nonexistence. I also hold a few of my mistakes in the past against myself to this day. I also tend to self-isolate whenever given the opportunity to do so. I'm also cynical as shit and take kindness towards me as a fleeting act that will likely not come again.
Milk Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I care a lot about what others are going through, even if I don't know how to help and even if my politics are always in the back of my mind.
Truffle Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) I'm reclusive as shit when allowed to self-isolate. I just hide in my own little corner of existence and stay there until I absolutely have to leave. Feel free to step into my little bubble of paradise in the blighted hellscape that is planet Earth. Be warned, there's some crazy shit in my little bubble that might scare you.
Purple Yam Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I can get irritated at the slightest, most insignificant detail in some of the things that I do and perceive around me.
Red Velvet Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I love animals and get along with animals better than some people. I would likely never leave my room if allowed to stay there forever.
Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - When I work on something I'm passionate about, I may not stop working on it for hours, and will fuss over every little detail. I'm also not afraid to call people out on their hypocrisy, to the point that it can cause issues when our situations differ dramatically. I also have sudden moments of 'I can't fucking sleep' because I enjoy roleplaying with friends over Discord too much. My bluntness has been a small problem in the past. To top it off, I habitually listen to audio that will keep me awake at that time.
Madeleine Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - Let me stay in my own little bubble, because everything outside of it has done, at best, nothing.
Peacock/Patricia Watson (Skullgirls Franchise) - I'm a little unhinged sometimes, and what I wear can lend a dubious aura to me, but don't be frightened by my mayhem. It's fun for me, and I normally mean well, even when someone gets mad at me for my antics. I also have random spaz moments sometimes that can be glorious and hilarious to behold. I've also had a rough past that still haunts me on some level, though what that level is, I don't know.
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pumpkinpaix · 4 years
Hi! Loving your meta on suibian :)) Just wondering what were your frustrations with cql, especially considered you've watched this in multiple mediums? (I've only watched cql)
Hi anon! thank you so much!
Oh boy, you’ve unlocked a boatload of hidden dialogue, are you ready?? :D (buckle up it’s oof. Extremely Long)
@hunxi-guilai please consider this my official pitch for why I think the novel is worth reading, if only so you can enjoy the audio drama more fully. ;)
a few things before I get into it:
I don’t want to make this a 100% negative post because I really do love CQL so much! So I’m going to make it two parts: the changes that frustrated me the most and the changes I loved the most re: CQL vs novel. (again, don’t really know anything about donghua or manhua sorry!!) Sound good? :D
this will contain spoilers for the entirety of CQL and the novel. just like. All of it.
talking about the value of changes in CQL is difficult because I personally don’t know what changes were made for creative reasons and what changes were made for censorship reasons. I don’t think it’s entirely fair to evaluate the narrative worth of certain changes when I don’t know what their limitations were. It’s not just a matter of “gay content was censored”; China also has certain censorship restrictions on the portrayal of the undead, among other things. I, unfortunately, am not familiar enough with the ins and outs of Chinese censorship to be able to tell anyone with certainty what was and wasn’t changed for what reason. So I guess just, take whatever my opinions are with a grain of salt! I will largely avoid addressing issues related to how explicitly romantic wangxian is, for obvious reasons.
OKAY. In order to impose some kind of control on how much time I spend on this, I’m going to limit myself to four explicated points in each category, best/worst. Please remember that I change my opinions constantly, so these are just like. the top contenders at this specific point in my life. Starting with the worst so we can end on a positive note!
Henceforth, the novel is MDZS, CQL is CQL.
CQL’s worst crimes, according to cyan:
1. Polarizing Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao on the moral spectrum
I’ve heard rumors that this was a censorship issue, but I have never been able to confirm or deny it, so. Again, grain of salt. 
The way that CQL reframed Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao’s character arcs drives me up the wall because I think it does a huge disservice to both of them and the overarching themes of the story. Jin Guangyao is shown to be responsible for pretty much all the tragedy post-Sunshot, which absolves Wei Wuxian of all possible wrongdoing and flattens Jin Guangyao into a much less interesting villain.
What I find so interesting about MDZS is how much it emphasizes the role of external forces and situations in determining a person’s fate: that being “good” or “righteous” at heart is simply not enough. You can do everything with all the best intentions and still do harm, still fail, still lose everything. Even “right” choices can have terrible consequences. Everyone starts out innocent. “In this world, everyone starts without grievances, but there is always someone who takes the first blow.”
It matters that Wei Wuxian is the one who loses control and kills Jin Zixuan, that his choices (no matter how impossible and terrible the situation) had consequences because the whole point is that even good people can be forced into corners where they do terrible things. Being good isn’t enough. You can do everything right, make every impossible choice, and fail. You can do the right thing and be punished for it. Maybe you did the right thing, but others suffer for your actions. Is that still the right thing? Is it your fault? Is it? By absolving Wei Wuxian of any conceivable blame, it really changes the narrative conclusion. In MDZS, even the best people can do incomprehensible harm when backed into corners, and the audience is asked to evaluate those actions with nuance. Is a criminal fully culpable for the harm they do when their external circumstances forced them into situations where they felt like they had no good choices left?
Personally, I feel like the novel asks you to forgive Wei Wuxian his wrongs, and, in paralleling him with Jin Guangyao, shows how easily they could have been one another. Both of them are extraordinarily talented sons of commoners; the difference lies in what opportunities they were given as they were growing up and how they choose to react to grievances. Wei Wuxian is adopted early on into the head family of a prominent sect and treated (more or less—not going to get into it) like a son. Jin Guangyao begs, borrows, steals, kills for every scrap of prestige and honor he gets and understands that his position in life is, at all points, extraordinarily unstable. Wei Wuxian doesn’t take his grievances to heart, but Jin Guangyao does.
To be clear, I don’t think the novel places a moral value on holding grudges, if that makes sense. I think MDZS only indicates that acts of vengeance always lead to more bloodshed—that the only escape is to lay down your arms, no matter how bitter the taste. Wei Wuxian was horribly wronged in many ways, and I don’t think I would fault him for wanting revenge or holding onto his anger—but I do think it’s clear that if he did, it would destroy him. It destroys Jin Guangyao, after all.
(It also destroys Xue Yang, and I think the parallel actually also extends to him. Yi City, to me, is a very interesting microcosm of a lot of broader themes in MDZS, and I have a lot of Thoughts on Xue Yang and equivalent justice, etc. etc. but. Thoughts for another time.)
Wei Wuxian is granted a happy ending not because he is Good, but because public opinion has changed, because there’s a new scapegoat, because he is protected by someone in power, because he lets go of the past, and because the children see him for who he is. I really do think that the reason MDZS and CQL have a hopeful ending as opposed to a bleak one hinges on the juniors. We are shown very clearly throughout the story how easily and quickly the tide of public opinion turns. The reason we don’t fear that it’s going to happen to Wei Wuxian again (or any other surviving character we love) is, I think, because the juniors, who don’t lose their childhoods to war, have the capacity to see past their parents’ prejudices and evaluate the actions of the people in front of them without having their opinions clouded by intense trauma and fear. They are forged out of love, not fire.
In CQL however, it emphasizes that Wei Wuxian is Fundamentally Good and did No Wrong Ever, so he deserves his happy ending, while Jin Guangyao is Fundamentally Bad and Responsible For Everything, so he got what was coming to him (even if we feel bad for him maybe). That’s not nearly as interesting or meaningful. 

(One specific change to Jin Guangyao’s timeline of evil that I find particularly vexing, not including the one I will discuss in point 2, is changing when Jin Rusong was conceived. In the novel, Qin Su is supposedly already pregnant by the time they get married, and that matters a WHOLE LOT when evaluating Jin Guangyao’s actions, I think.)
2. Wen POWs used as target obstacles at Baifeng Mountain
I know the first point was “here’s an overarching plot change that I think deeply impacts the narrative themes” and this second one is “I despise this one specific scene detail so much”, but HEAR ME OUT. It’s related to the first point! (tbh, most things are related to the first point)
Personally, I think this one detail character assassinates like. almost everyone in attendance, but most egregiously in no particular order: Jin Guangyao, Jin Zixuan (and by extension, Jiang Yanli), Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen.
First, I think it’s a cheap plot device that’s obviously meant to enhance Jin Guangyao’s ~villainy while emphasizing Wei Wuxian’s growing righteous anger, but it fails so spectacularly, god, I literally hate this detail so much lmao. I’ll go by character.
Jin Guangyao: I get that CQL is invested in him being a ~bad person~ or whatever, but this is such a transparently like, cartoon villain move that lacks subtlety and elegance. Jin Guangyao is very dedicated to being highly diplomatic, appeasing, and non-threatening in his bid for power. He manipulates behind the scenes, does his father’s dirty work, etc. but he always shows a gentle, smiling face. This display tips his hand pretty obviously, and even if it were at the behest of his father, there’s literally no reason for him to be so “ohohoho I’m so evil~” about it—if anything, this would only serve to drive his sympathizers away. It’s a stupid move for him politically, and really undercuts his supposed intelligence and cleverness, in my personal opinion.
Jin Zixuan: yes, he is arrogant and vain and likes to show off! But putting his ego above the safety of innocent people? Like, not necessarily OOC, but it sure makes him much less sympathetic in my eyes. I find it hard to believe that Jiang Yanli would find this laudable or acceptable, but she’s given a few shots where she smiles with some kind of pride and it’s like. No! Do not do my queen dirty like this. She wouldn’t!
Wei Wuxian: where do I start! WHERE DO I START. Wei Wuxian is shown to be “righteously angry” about this, but steps down mutinously when Jiang Cheng motions him back. He looks shocked and outraged at Jin Zixuan for showing off with no concern for the safety of the Wen POWs, only to like, two seconds later, do the exact same thing, but worse! And at the provocation of Jin Zixun, no less! *screams into hands* The tonal shift is bizarre! We’re in this really tense ~moral quandary~, but then he flirts with Lan Wangji for a second (tense music still kinda playing?? it’s awful. I hate it), and then does his trickshot. You know! Putting all these people he’s supposedly so concerned about at risk! To one-up Jin Zixuan! It’s nonsensical. It’s such a conflict of priorities. This is supposed to make him seem honorable and cool, I guess? But it mostly just makes him look like a performative hypocrite. :///
Lan Wangji: I cannot believe that Lan Wangji saw this and did not immediately walk out in protest.
Lan Xichen: this is just one part of a larger problem with Lan Xichen’s arc in CQL vs MDZS, where his character development was an unwitting casualty of both wangxian censorship and CQL’s quest to demonize Jin Guangyao. One of the prevailing criticisms I see of Lan Xichen’s character is that he is a “centrist”, that he “allows bad things to happen through his inaction and desire to avoid conflict”, and that he is “stupid and willfully blind to Jin Guangyao’s faults”, when I don’t think any of this is supported by evidence in the novel whatsoever. Jin Guangyao is a subtle villain! He is a talented manipulator and liar! Even Wei Wuxian says it in the novel!
(forgive my rough translations /o\)
Chapter 49, as Wei Wuxian (through Empathy with Nie Mingjue’s head) listens to Lan Xichen defend Meng Yao immediately following Wen Ruohan’s assassination:
Wei Wuxian shook his head to himself: “This Zewu-jun is still…… too pure and kind.” But then he thought again—he could only be so guarded because he already knew of all of Jin Guangyao’s suspicious behavior, but the Meng Yao before Lan Xichen was someone who had had no choice but to suffer in silence for his mission, who placed himself in grave danger, alone, undercover. The two of them had different perspectives, so how could their feelings be compared?
Chapter 63, after Wei Wuxian wakes up in the Cloud Recesses, having been brought there by Lan Wangji:
It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand Lan Xichen. He had seen Jin Guangyao from Nie Mingjue’s perspective, and so had seen all of his treacherous and cunning obsession with ambition. However, if Jin Guangyao had for all these years only shown Lan Xichen a disguise, there was no reason for [Lan Xichen] to believe a famously violent person [Wei Wuxian] over his own sworn brother.
Lan Xichen, throughout the story, is being actively lied to and manipulated by Jin Guangyao. His only “mistake” was being kind and trying to give Meng Yao, someone who came from a place of great disadvantage, the benefit of the doubt instead of immediately dismissing him as worthless due to his birth or his station in life. Lan Xichen sees Meng Yao as someone who was forced to make impossible choices in impossible situations—you know, the way that we, the audience, are led to perceive Wei Wuxian. The only difference is that the story that we’re given about Wei Wuxian is true, while the story that Lan Xichen is given about Meng Yao is… not. But how would have have known?
The instant he is presented with a shred of evidence to the contrary, he revokes Jin Guangyao’s access to the Cloud Recesses, pursues that evidence to the last, and is horrified to discover that his trust was misplaced.
Lan Xichen’s willingness to consider different points of view is integral to Wei Wuxian’s survival and eventual happiness. Without Lan Xichen’s kindness, there is no way that Wei Wuxian would have ever been able to clear his name. Everyone else was calling for his blood, but Lan Wangji took him home, and Lan Xichen not only allowed it, he listened to and helped them. To the characters of the book who are not granted omniscient knowledge of Wei Wuxian’s actions and circumstances, there is literally no difference between Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao. Lan Xichen is being incredibly fair when he asks in chapter 63:
Lan Xichen laughed and said, “Wangji, how can you determine exactly who should and should not be believed?”
He looked at Wei Wuxian and said, “You believe Wei-gongzi, but I believe Jin Guangyao. Neither of us saw with our own eyes whether Da-ge’s head was in his possession. We base our opinions on our own understandings of someone else, our belief in their testimony.
“You think you understand Wei Wuxian, and so you trust him; I also think I understand Jin Guangyao, so I trust him. You trust your own judgment, so can’t I trust my own judgment as well?”
But he hears them out, examines the proof, and acts immediately.
I really do feel like this aspect of Lan Xichen kind of… became collateral damage in CQL. Because Jin Guangyao is so much more publicly malicious, Lan Xichen’s alleged “lack of action” feels much less understandable or acceptable.
It is wild to me that in this scene, Lan Xichen reacts with discomfort to the proceedings, but has nothing to say to Jin Guangyao about it afterwards and also applauds Wei Wuxian’s archery. (I could talk about Nie Mingjue here as well, but I would say Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen have very different perspectives on morality, so this moment isn’t necessarily OOC for NMJ, but I do think is very OOC for LXC.) This scene (among a few others that have Jin Guangyao being more openly “evil”) makes Lan Xichen look like a willfully blind bystander by the end of the story, but having him react with any action would have been inconvenient for the plot. Thus, he behaves exactly as he did in the book, but under very different circumstances. It reads inconsistently with the rest of his character (since a lot of the beats in the novel still happen in the show), and weakens the narrative surrounding his person.
None of these overt displays of cruelty or immorality happen in the book, so it makes perfect sense that he doesn’t do or suspect anything! Jin Guangyao is, as stated, perfectly disguised towards Lan Xichen. You can’t blame him for “failing to act” when someone was purposefully keeping him in the dark and, from his perspective, there was nothing to act upon.
This scene specifically is almost purely lighthearted in the novel! If you take out the Wen POWs, this just becomes a fun scene where Wei Wuxian shows off, flirts with Lan Wangji, gets into a pissing match with Jin Zixuan, and is overall kind of a brat! It’s great! I love this scene! The blindfolded shot is ridiculous and over-the-top and very cute!
I know this is a lot of extrapolation, but the whole scene is soured for me due to you know. *gestures upwards* Which is really a shame because it’s one of my favorite silly scenes in the book! Alas! @ CQL why! ;A;
3. Lan Xichen already being an adult and sect leader at the start of the show
This is rapidly becoming a, “Lan Xichen was Wronged and I Have the Receipts” essay (oh no), but you know what, that’s fine I guess! I never said I was impartial!
CQL makes Lan Xichen seem much older and more experienced than he is in the novel, though we’re not given his specific age. In the novel, he is not sect leader yet when Wei Wuxian and co. arrive at the Cloud Recesses for lectures. His father, Qingheng-jun, is in seclusion, and his uncle is the de facto leader of the sect. Lan Xichen does not become sect leader until his father dies at the burning of the Cloud Recesses. Moreover, my understanding of the text is that he is at most 19 years old when this happens. Wen Ruohan remarks that Lan Xichen is still a junior at the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign in chapter 61. (If someone has a different interpretation of the term 小辈, please correct me.) In any case! Lan Xichen is young.
Lan Xichen ascends to power under horrific circumstances: he is not an adult, his father has just been murdered, his uncle seriously injured, his brother kidnapped, and his home burnt to the ground. He is on the run, alone! Carrying the sacred texts of his family and trying to stay alive so his sect is not completely wiped out on the eve of war! He is terrified, inexperienced, and unprepared!
You know, just like Jiang Cheng, a few months later!
I see a lot of people lambasting Lan Xichen for not stepping up to protect the Wen remnants post-Sunshot, but I’m always flummoxed by the accusations because I don’t see criticisms of Jiang Cheng with remotely the same vitriol, even though their political positions are nearly identical:
they are both extraordinarily young sect leaders who came to power before they expected to through incredible violence done to their families
because of this, they are in very weak political positions: they have very little experience to offer as evidence of their competence and right to respect. if they are considered adults, they have only very recently come of age.
Jin Guangshan, who is rapidly and greedily taking the place of the Wen clan in the vacuum of power, is shown to be more than willing to mow people down to get what he wants—and he has the power to do so.
both Yunmeng Jiang and Gusu Lan were crippled by the Wen clan prior to Sunshot. And they just fought a war that lasted two and a half years. they are hugely weakened and in desperate need of time to rebuild, mourn, etc. both Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen are responsible for the well-being of all of these people who are now relying upon them.
I think it’s very obvious that Jiang Cheng is in an impossible situation because he wears his fears and insecurities on his face and people in power (cough Jin Guangshan) prey upon that, while we, as the audience, have a front row seat for that whole tragedy. We understand his choices, even if they hurt us.
Why shouldn’t Lan Xichen be afforded the same consideration?
I really do think that because he’s presented as someone who’s much more composed and confident in his own abilities than Jiang Cheng is, we tend to forget exactly what pressures he was facing at the same time. We just assume, oh yes, of course Lan Xichen has the power to do something! He’s Lan Xichen! The First Jade! Isn’t he supposed to be Perfectly Good? Why isn’t he doing The Right Thing?
I think this is exacerbated by CQL’s decision to make him an established sect leader at the start of the show with several years of experience under his belt. We don’t know his age, but he is assumed to be an Adult. This gives him more power and stability, and so it seems more unacceptable that he does not make moves to protect the Wen remnants, even if in essence, he and Jiang Cheng’s political positions are still quite similar. He doesn’t really have any more power to save the Wen remnants without placing his whole clan in danger of being wiped out again, but CQL implies that he does, even if it isn’t the intention of the change.
It does make me really sad that this change also drives a further thematic divide between Lan Xichen and the rest of his generation. Almost everyone in that generation came of age through a war, which I think informs the way their tragedies play out, and how those tragedies exist in contrast to the juniors’ behavior and futures. Making Lan Xichen an experienced adult aligns him with the generation prior to him, which, as we’re shown consistently, is the generation whose adherence to absolutism and fear ruined the lives of their children. But Lan Xichen is just as much a victim of this as his peers.
(the exception being maybe Nie Mingjue, but it’s complicated. I think Nie Mingjue occupies a very interesting position in the narrative, but like. That’s. For another time! this is. already so far out of hand. oh my god this is point three out of eight oh nO)
(yet another aside because I can’t help myself: can you believe we were robbed of paralleling scenes of Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen’s coronations? the visual drama of that. the poetic cinema. it’s not in the book, but can you IMAGINE. thank u @paledreamsblackmoths​ for putting this image into my head so that I can suffer forever knowing that I’ll never get it.)
I said I wasn’t going to talk at length about any changes surrounding Wangxian’s explicit romance for obvious reasons, but I will at least lament here that because a large percentage of Lan Xichen’s actions and character beats are directly in relation to Lan Wangji’s love for Wei Wuxian, he loses a lot of both minor and major moments to the censors as well. Many of the instances when he encourages Lan Wangji to talk to Wei Wuxian, when he indulges in their relationship etc. are understandably gone. But the most significant moment that was cut for censorship reasons I think is when he loses his temper with Wei Wuxian at the Guanyin temple and lays into him with all the fury and terror he felt for his brother’s broken heart for the last thirteen years.
Lan Xichen is only shown to express true anger twice in the whole story, both times at the Guanyin temple: first against Wei Wuxian for what he perceives as gross disregard for his little brother’s convictions, and second against Jin Guangyao for his massive betrayal of trust. And you know, murdering his best friend. Among other things.
I’m genuinely so sad that we don’t get to see Lan Xichen tear Wei Wuxian to shreds for what he did to Lan Wangji because I think one of the most important aspects to Lan Xichen’s character is how much he loves, cares for and fears for his little brother. The reveal about Lan Wangji’s punishment in episode 43 is a sad and sober conversation, but it’s not nearly as impactful, especially because Wei Wuxian asks about it of his own volition. I understand that this isn’t CQL’s fault! But. I can still mourn it right? ahahaha. :’)
I’ll stop before I descend further into nothing but Lan Xichen meta because that’s. Dangerous. (I have a lot of Feelings about how there are three characters who are held up as paragons of virtue in MDZS, how they all suffered in spite of their goodness, and how that all ties directly into the whole, “it is not enough to be good, but kindness is never wrong” theme. Anyways, they’re Xiao Xingchen, Jiang Yanli, and Lan Xichen, but NOT NOW. NOT TODAY.)
So yes, I’m a Lan Xichen apologist on main, and yes, I understand my feelings are incredibly personally motivated and influenced by my subjective emotions, but no I do not take concrit on this point, thank you very much.
4. all of the Wen remnants turning themselves in alongside Wen Qing and Wen Ning
Okay, back to plot changes. This change I would be willing to bet money was at least partially due to censorship, but it hurts me so deeply hahaha. It makes literally no sense for any of the characters and it completely janks the timeline of events post Qiongqi Dao 2.0 through Wei Wuxian’s death.
It’s not ALL bad—this change makes it easier for the Peak Wangxian moment at the Bloodbath at Nightless City (You know. Hands. Cliff. etc.) to happen, which I did very much enjoy. It’s pretty on-brand for CQL to sacrifice plot for character beats that they want to emphasize, so like. I get it! This moment is a huge gift! I Understand This. CQL collapses the Bloodbath at Nightless City and the First Siege of the Mass Graves into one event for I think a few reasons. One, Wangxian moment without being explicitly Wangxian, which is excellent. Two, it circumvents the Blood Corpse scene, which I do not think would have made it past censorship.
I’ll get to the Blood Corpse scene in a minute, but despite being able to understand why so much might have been sacrificed for the impact of the cliff scene, I still wish it had been done differently (and I feel like it could have been!), if only for my peace of mind because the plot holes it creates are pretty gaping.
The entire point of Wen Qing and Wen Ning turning themselves in is specifically to save their family members and Wei Wuxian from coming to further harm. That’s explicit, even in the show. Jin Guangshan demands that the Wen brother and sister stand for their crimes and claims that the blood debt will be paid. The Wen remnants understand that Wei Wuxian has given up so much for their sakes, that he has lost his family, his home, his respectability, his health, all in the name of sheltering them. To throw all of that away would be the greatest disrespect to his sacrifices. Wen Qing and Wen Ning decide that if their lives can pay for the safety of their loved ones and ensure that Wei Wuxian’s sacrifices matter, they are willing to go together and give themselves up.
So. Why did they. All go?? For… moral support???? D: Wen Qing says that Wei Wuxian will wake up in three days and that she’s given Fourth Uncle and the others instructions for his care–but then Fourth Uncle and the others all go with them!! To die!! There’s also very clearly a shot of Granny Wen taking A’Yuan with them, which like. Obviously didn’t really happen.
Wen Qing, who loves her family more than anything in the world, agrees that they should all go to Lanling and sacrifice themselves to…. protect Wei Wuxian? Wen Qing, pragmatic queen of my heart, agrees to this absurdly bad exchange?? Leaves Wei Wuxian to wake up, alone, with the knowledge that he had not only killed his brother-in-law but also effectively gotten everyone he had left killed also??
I can’t imagine Wen Qing doing that to Wei Wuxian. Save his life? For what? This takes away everything he has left to live for. You think Wen Qing doesn’t intimately understand how cruel that would be?
(Yes, I’m complaining about all of this, but I’m still about to cry because I rewatched the scene to make sure I didn’t say anything untrue, and  g o d  it manages to hit hard despite all of that, so who’s the real clown here!!)
Anyways. So that’s all just like. Frustratingly incoherent. It’s one of several wrongs I think CQL committed against Wen Qing’s character, but my feelings about Wen Qing in CQL are pretty complicated (I love her so much, and I love that we got more Wen Qing content, but that content sure is a mixed bag of stuff I really enjoyed and stuff I desperately wish didn’t exist) and I decided I wasn’t going to get into it in this post. (is anyone even still reading god)
This change also muddles Lan Wangji’s choices and punishment in ways that I think diminishes the severity of the situation to the detriment of both his characterization and his family’s characterization. The punishment scene is extremely moving and you should read this post about the language used in it but. sldfjsljslkf.
okay well, several things. In the context of CQL, which really pushes the “righteousness” angle of Wei Wuxian (see point 1), I think this scene makes a lot of sense in isolation: both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are painted as martyrs for doing the right thing. “Who’s right and who’s wrong?” The audience is asked to see the punishment as “unjust”. That’s perfectly fine and coherent in the context of CQL, but I don’t think it’s nearly as interesting as what happens in MDZS.
Because CQL collapses both the First Siege and the Bloodbath into one event, Lan Wangji’s crimes are sort of unclearly defined. In episode 43, when Lan Xichen is explaining the situation, we see a flashback to when Su She says something along the lines of, “We could set aside the fact that you defended Wei Ying at Nightless City, but now you won’t even let us search his den?” (of course, this gives us the really excellent “you are not qualified to talk to me” line which. delicious. extremely vindicating and satisfying. petty king lan wangji.) Lan Xichen goes on to say something like, “Wangji alone caused several disturbances at the Mass Graves. Uncle was greatly angered, and [decreed his punishment]”. (Sorry, I’m too lazy to type out the full lines with translations, just. trust me on this one.)
Lan Wangji’s actions are shown to be motivated by a righteous love. Wei Wuxian is portrayed as someone innocent who stood up for the right thing against popular opinion and was scapegoated and destroyed for it, having done no wrong. (See, point 1 again.)
In MDZS, Lan Wangji’s crimes are very specific. It isn’t just that he caused some “disturbances” (this is just Lan XIchen’s vague phrasing in CQL—we don’t really know what he did). He steals Wei Wuxian away from the Bloodbath at Nightless City, after Wei Wuxian killed thousands of people, and hides him away in a cave, feeding him spiritual energy to save his life. When Lan Wangji’s family comes to find him, demand that he hand over Wei Wuxian (who is, remember, a mass murderer at this point! we can argue about how culpable he is for those actions all day—that’s the whole point, but the people are still dead), Lan Wangji not only refuses, but raises his hands against his family. He seriously injures thirty-three Lan elders to protect Wei Wuxian.
I don’t know how to emphasize how serious that crime is? Culturally, this is like. Unthinkable. To raise your hand against members of your own family, your elders who loved and raised you, in defense of an outsider, a man who, by all accounts, is horrifically evil and just murdered thousands of people, including other members of your own family, is like. That’s a serious betrayal. Oh my god. Lan Wangji, what have you done?
Lan Xichen explains in chapter 99:
When I went to see him, I said, “Wei-gongzi’s great wrongs are already set in stone, why take the pains to add wrongs upon wrongs?” But he said…… he had no way to ascertain the rights and wrongs of your actions, but regardless of right or wrong, he was willing to bear all the consequences with you.
I think this is very different than what’s going on in CQL, though the differences appear subtle on the surface. In CQL, Lan Wangji demands of his uncle, “Dare I ask Uncle, who is righteous and who is wicked, who is wrong and who is right?” but the very act of asking in this way implies that Lan Wangji has an opinion on the matter (though perhaps not a simple one). 
Lan Wangji in MDZS specifically says that he doesn’t know how to evaluate the morality of Wei Wuxian’s actions, but that regardless, he is willing to bear the consequences of his choices and his actions. He understands that his actions while sheltering Wei Wuxian are not clearly morally defensible. He did it anyways because he loved Wei Wuxian, because he thought that Wei Wuxian was worth saving, that there was still something good in him, despite the things he had done under mitigating circumstances. Lan Wangji did not save Wei Wuxian because he thought it was the right thing to do. He saved him because he loved him.
He is given thirty-three lashes with the discipline whip, one for each elder he maimed, and this leaves him bedridden for three years. Is this punishment horrifyingly severe? Yes! But is it unjustly given? I think that’s a much harder question to answer in the context of the story.
Personally, I think that question underscores the broader questions of morality contained within MDZS. I think it’s a much more interesting take on Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji as individuals. This asks, what can be pardoned? The righteous martyr angle is uncomplicated because moral certainty is easy. I think the situation in MDZS is far more uncomfortable if you examine its implications. And personally, I think that’s more meaningful!
(Not even going to touch on the whole, 300 strokes with a giant rod, but he has whip scars? And they were also sentenced to 300 strokes as kids for drinking alcohol…? CQL is not. consistent. on that front. ahaha.)
God, every point so far in this meta is just like “here’s one change that has cascading effects upon the rest of the show” dear god, okay, I’m getting to the Blood Corpse scene.
So in MDZS, the Wen remnants (besides Wen Ning and Wen Qing) do not go to Lanling. After the Bloodbath at Nightless City, Lan Wangji returns Wei Wuxian to the Mass Graves. Wei Wuxian lives with the Wen remnants for another three months before the First Siege, where he dies and the rest of the Wens are killed (except A’Yuan).
(Sidenote that I won’t get into: I love the dead spaces of time that MDZS creates. There’s very clear gaps in the narrative that we just never get the details on, most notably: Wei Wuxian’s three months in the Mass Graves post core transfer, and Wei Wuxian’s three months in the Mass Graves post Jiang Yanli’s death. They’re both extremely terrible times, but the audence is asked to imagine it instead of ever learning what really happened, what it was like. There’s something really cool about that narratively, I think.)
The Wen remnants are not cremated along with the rest of the dead. Their bodies are thrown into the blood pool.
At the Second Siege, when Wei Wuxian draws a Yin Summoning Flag on his clothes to turn himself into bait for the corpses in order to allow everyone else to escape to safety while he and Lan Wangji fight them off, there’s a moment when it gets really, truly dangerous—even with the help of the juniors and a few of the adults, they probably would have been killed. But then a wave of blood-soaked corpses come crawling out of the blood pool of their own accord and tear their attackers apart.
At the end of it, the blood corpses, the Wen remnants, gather before Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning. Wei Wuxian thanks them, they exchange bows, and the blood corpses collapse into dust. Wen Ning scrambles to gather their ashes, but runs out of space in his clothing. Several juniors, seeing this, offer up their bags to him and try to help.
It’s just. This scene is so important to me. Obviously, it couldn’t be included in CQL because of the whole undead thing, but it’s such a shame because I maintain that the Blood Corpse scene is one of the most powerful scenes in the whole goddamn book. It ties together so many things that I care about! It’s the moment when the narrative says, “kindness is not a waste”. Wei Wuxian failed to save them, but that doesn’t mean that his actions were done in vain. What he did matters. The year of life he bought them matters. The time they spent together matters.
This is also the moment when the juniors finally see Wen Ning for who he is—not the terrifying Ghost General, but a gentle man who has just lost his family for a second time. This is the moment when they reach out with kindness to the monster that their parents told them about at night. It matters that the juniors are able to do that! That they see this man suffering and are moved to compassion instead of righteous satisfaction.
(Except Jin Ling, for very understandable reasons, but Jin Ling’s moment comes later.)
It’s also the moment that we’re starkly reminded that many of the adults in attendance were present at the First Siege and directly responsible for the murders of the Wen remnants, including Ouyang Zizhen’s father. We’re reminded that he’s not just a comically annoying man with bad takes—he also participated in the murder of innocent people and then disrespected their corpses. But what retribution should be taken against him and the others? What retribution could be taken that wouldn’t lead to more tragedy?
There’s someone in the crowd in this scene named Fang Mengchen who refuses to be swayed by Wei Wuxian’s actions. “He killed my parents,” he says. “What about them? How can I let that go?”
“What more do you want from me?” Wei Wuxian asks. “I have already died once. You do not have to forgive me, but what more should I do?”
That is the ultimate question, isn’t it? What is the only way out of tragedy? You don’t have to forgive, but you cannot continue to take your retribution. It is not fair, but it’s all you have.
okay. so. those were my four Big Points of Contention with CQL, as I am currently experiencing them.
Honorable mentions go to: Wen Qing’s arc (both excellent and awful in different ways), making 13/16 years of Inquiry canon (I think this is untrue to Lan Wangji’s character, though I can understand why it was done), Mianmian’s departure from the Lanling Jin sect being shortened and having the sexism cut out (there’s something really visceral about the accusations against Mianmian being explicitly about her womanhood that I desperately wish had been retained in the show), cutting the scene where Jin Ling cries in mourning for Jin Guangyao and is scolded for it by Sect Leader Yao (my heart for that scene because it also matters so much)
but now!! onto the fun part, where I talk effusively about how much I love CQL!! this will probably be shorter (*prays*) because a lot of my frustrations with CQL are related to spiraling thematic consequences while the things I love are like. Simpler to pinpoint? If that makes sense? we’ll see.
CQL’s greatest virtues, also according to cyan:
1. this:
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[ID: Wei Wuxian, trembling in fear, screaming “shijie!” as Jiang Cheng threatens him with Fairy in episode 34 of The Untamed drama. /end ID]
I understand that this is like, a very minor, specific detail change, but oh my GOD, it is like. Unparalleled. Every time I think about this change, I get so emotional and disappointed that it’s not in the novel, because I think it strengthens this scene tenfold. In the novel, Wei Wuxian calls out for Lan Zhan, which like, I get it. The story at this point is focused on the development of his romantic feelings for Lan Wangji, so the point of the scene is that the first person he thinks of in a moment of extreme fear is Lan Zhan, which surprises him. That’s fine. Like, it’s fine! But I think it doesn’t have nearly the same weight as Wei Wuxian calling for his sister to save him from his brother. 
Having Wei Wuxian call out for his sister drives home the loss that the two of them have suffered, and highlights the relationship they all once had. Jiang Yanli is much more relevant to shuangjie’s narrative than Lan Wangji ever was, and this highlights exactly how deeply the fracturing of their familial relationship cuts. Wangxian gets so much time and focus throughout the rest of the novel. I love that this moment in the show is just about the Yunmeng siblings because that relationship is no less important, you know?
Calling out for Jiang Yanli in the show draws a much cleaner line through the dialogue. “You dare bring her up before me?” to “Don’t you remember what you said to Jin Ling?” It unifies the scene and twists the knife. It also gives us more insight into how fiercely Wei Wuxian was once beloved and protected by his siblings. Jiang Cheng promised to chase all the dogs away from Wei Wuxian when they were children. It’s clear that Jiang Yanli did as well.
Once upon a time, Wei Wuxian’s siblings defended him from his fears, and now one of them is dead and the other is using that fear to hurt him where he’s weakest. The reversal is so painfully juxtaposed, and it’s done with just that one flashback of Wei Wuxian as a child leaping into Jiang Yanli’s arms and calling out her name. Extremely good, economical storytelling. The conversation between shuangjie is much more focused on their own stories independent from Lan Wangji, which I very much appreciate. Wangxian, you’re wonderful, but this ain’t about you, and I don’t think it should be.
2. Extended Jiang Yanli content (and by extension, Jin Zixuan and Mianmian content)
Speaking of absolute goddess Jiang Yanli, I really loved what CQL did with her (unlike my more mixed feelings about Wen Qing). Having her in so many more scenes makes her importance to Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian a lot clearer, and we get to experience her as a person rather than an ideal.
On a purely aesthetic level, Jiang Yanli’s styling and character design is so stellar in CQL. The more prevalent design for her is kind of childish in the styling, which I don’t love (I think it’s the donghua influence?). And even I, someone who’s audio drama on main 24/7, personally prefer her CQL voice actor. There’s only a few characters in CQL that I look at and go “ah yes, that’s [character] 100%” and Jiang Yanli is one of them. I was blessed. I would lay down my life for her.
I’m really glad that CQL showed her illness more explicitly and gave her a sword, even if she never uses it! Her weak constitution is only mentioned once in the novel in chapter 69 in like two lines that I blew past initially because I was reading at breakneck speed and was only reminded of when my therapist who I conned into reading mdzs after 8 months of never shutting up oof brought it to my attention like two weeks ago. /o\
We never read about Jiang Yanli carrying a sword in the novel, though we are told that her cultivation is “mediocre”, so we know that she at least does cultivate, even if not very well. Highlighting her poor health in CQL makes her situation more clear, I think, and explains a little more about the way she’s perceived throughout the cultivation world as someone “not worthy of Jin Zixuan”. The novel tells us that Jiang Yanli is not an extraordinary beauty, not very good at cultivation, sort of bland in her expressions, and, very briefly, that she’s in poor health. I really love that description of Jiang Yanli, because it emphasizes that her worth has nothing at all to do with her talents, her health, her cultivation, her physical strength, or her beauty. She is the best person in the whole world, her brothers adore her, and the audience loves and respects her for reasons wholly unrelated to those value judgments. We love her because she is kind, because she is loyal, because she loves so deeply. Tbh, her only imperfection is falling for someone so tragically undeserving of her. (JK, I love you Jin Zixuan, and you do deserve her because you are an excellent boy who grows and changes and learns!! I can’t even be mean to characters as a joke god.)
Anyways, I just think the detail about her health is compelling and informs her character’s position in the world in a very specific way. I’m happy that CQL brought it to the forefront when it was kind of an easily-missed throwaway in the novel. It does mean something to me that Jiang Yanli, despite her poor physical health, is never once seen or treated as a burden by her brothers.
Something partially related that really hit hard was this:
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[ID: two gifs. Jiang Yanli peeling lotus pods, looking up uncomfortably as her mother loses her temper about the Wen indoctrination at the table from episode 11 of The Untamed drama. /end ID]
D8 AAAAHHH this was VISCERAL. The novel is quite sparse in a lot of its descriptions and lets the audience fill in the missing details, so Jiang Yanli’s expression and reactions are not described when, after Jiang Cheng quickly volunteers to go to Qishan, Madam Yu accuses her of continuing to “happily peel lotus seeds” in such a dire situation.
“Of course you’ll go,” she snaps to Jiang Cheng. “Or else do you think we should let your sister go?”
This scene triggered me so bad lmfao, so I guess it’s kind of weird that I love it so much, but I felt Seen. Something about the way her nail slips in the second gif as she breaks open the pod is like. Oh, that’s a sense memory! Of me, as a child, witnessing uncomfortable conflict between people I cared about. I know this is an extremely personal bias, but hey, so is this whole meta. Because Jiang Yanli is often silent and quiet, it’s more her behavior and expressions that convey her character. It’s why the moment she lets loose on Jin Zixun is so powerful. We don’t get to see a lot of it in the novel, but because CQL is a visual medium, her character is a lot easier to pin down as a human as opposed to an abstract concept.
Anyways, in this moment, which I also think is a tangential reference to her weak constitution (it doesn’t feel like, “your sister can’t go because she’s a girl”; it feels like, “your sister can’t go because she couldn’t handle it”), we get to see Jiang Yanli’s own reaction to her perceived inadequacy. We see it in other places too—like how upset she is when Jin Zixuan dismisses her in several scenes, but this is the one that hits me the hardest because it’s about how her weakness is going to put her little brother in grave danger.
Last Yunmeng siblings with focus on Jiang Yanli scene that isn’t in the novel that I’m just absolutely wrecked over: the dream sequence in episode 28, when Jiang Yanli dreams about Wei Wuxian sailing away from her, but no matter how she shouts, or how she begs Jiang Cheng to help her, she can’t bring him back home.
I’m not going to gif it because I literally just like, fast-forwarded through it and started sobbing uncontrollably in front of my laptop, dear god.
I don’t know where the CQL writers found the backdoor directly into my brain’s nightmare center, but?? they sure did! IDK, I can see how this might be kind of heavy-handed, but it just. The sensation of being in a dream where something is going terribly wrong, but you’re the only one who seems to see it happening? But there’s nothing you can do? I feel like it’s a very fitting nightmare to give Jiang Yanli, who is acutely aware and constantly reminded of how little power she has in the world: not good enough for the boy she likes, not healthy enough to cultivate well, not strong enough to keep her family together.
The whole, elder siblings trying and failing to protect their younger siblings pattern is A Lot in the story, but there’s something particularly painful about seeing it happen to Jiang Yanli because of that awareness. All the other elder siblings are exceptionally talented or powerful in obvious ways. All Jiang Yanli has is the force of her will and the force of her love, and she knows it isn’t enough.
I care a lot about the Yunmeng siblings, okay! And I think CQL did right by them!
I’m only going to spend two seconds talking about Jin Zixuan and Mianmian, but I DO want to mention them.
Anyways, because we get more Jiang Yanli content, we ALSO get more soft xuanli, which is Very Good. Literally my kingdom for disaster het Jin Zixuan treating my girl right!! CQL said het rights, and I’m not even mad about it! I’m really happy that we get to see a little more of how their relationship plays out, and how hard Jin Zixuan works to change his behavior and apologize to her for his mistakes. The novel is from Wei Wuxian’s POV, so we miss the details, alas. Jin Zixuan covered in mud, planting lotuses? Blessed.
I think part of making Mianmian a larger speaking role is for convenience’s sake, but oh boy do I love that choice. Especially the Jin Zixuan & Mianmian relationship. Like, they’re so clearly platonic, and Mianmian is never once portrayed as a threat to Jiang Yanli. They just care about and respect each other a lot? Jin Zixuan’s distress when she defects from the Jin sect gets me in the heart, because it’s just like. God. I think there’s a lot of interesting potential there for her own thoughts re: Wei Wuxian. After all, she leaves her sect in defense of him, but he later kills a friend that she respects and loves. The moments shared between her and Jin Zixuan are minor, but they hint at a deeper relationship that I’m really glad was in the show.
3. To curb the strong, defend the weak: lantern scene (gusu) + rain scene (qiongqi dao 1.0)
I think I basically already explained why I love this so much in this post (just consider that post and this point to be the same haha), but just. Okay. A short addendum.
As much as I love novel wangxian, I really think that including this scene early on emphasizes why Lan Wangji loves Wei Wuxian so deeply. Of course he thinks Wei Wuxian is attractive, but this is the moment when he realizes, oh, this is who I love. Having that moment to reflect upon throughout Wei Wuxian’s descent is so excellent. I have enumerated all of my issues with the “perfectly righteous Wei Wuxian” arc that CQL crafted, but having this narrative throughline in conjunction with the novel arc would be like. My favored supercanon ahaha. (It would need some tweaking, but I think it would work.) It shows us exactly who it is that Lan Wangji sees and is trying to save, who he thinks is still there, underneath all the carnage and despair and violence and grief. This is the Wei Wuxian Lan Wangji loves and is unwilling to let go. This is the Wei Wuxian that Lan Wangji would kill for, that Lan Wangji would stand beside, that Lan Wangji would live for.
4. Meeting Songxiao
As much as I love the unnameable ache of Wei Wuxian never meeting Xiao Xingchen and learning only about his story through secondhand sources in the novel (and the really cool parallel to that where Xiao Xingchen tells A’Qing the story of Baoshan-sanren’s ill-fated disciples: both Xiao Xingchen and Wei Wuxian learn of each other only through the eyes of others, and that is Very Neat), I think the reversal that this meeting in episode 10 sets up wins out just slightly.
I said once in the tags on one of my posts that “songxiao is the tragic parallel of wangxian” and like. Yeah. Basically! If we take songxiao as romantic, the arc of their relationship happens inversely to wangxian, and that parallel is so much clearer and stronger when we have wangxian meeting songxiao in their youth.
The scene of their meeting really does have that Mood™ of uncertain youth seeing happy and secure adults living out the dreams that they’re afraid to name. Wei Wuxian’s eager little, “oh! just like me and Lan Zhan!! Right, Lan Zhan??” when songxiao talk about cultivating together through shared ideals and not blood is. Well, it’s Something.
When they meet again at Yi City, there’s a greater heaviness to it. So this is what happened to the people you once dreamed of becoming! Wangxian have already come to a point where they have an unspoken understanding of their relationship, but Songxiao have lost everything they once had. When Song Lan looks at wangxian, it’s like looking at a mirror of his past, and everyone in attendance knows it.
To me, that unspoken parallel is really emotionally and thematically valuable. All that good, and here is the tragedy that came of it.
okay, look! I managed to keep it shorter!! here are my honorable mentions: that scene where Jin Guangyao tries to hold Jin Ling and Jin Guangshan refuses to let him (it’s hating Jin Guangshan hours all day every day in this household), the grass butterfly leitmotif for Sizhui (im literally crying right now about it shut up), the Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing sideplot (look I know it’s wild that I actually liked that given that I headcanon JC as aspec, but I actually really like how it played out, specifically because Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian are NOT romantic—it sets up an unexpected and interesting comparison)
um. Anyways. I uh. really care about this story. And have a lot of thoughts, which I’m sure will continue to evolve. Maybe in 8 months I’ll return to this and go well, literally none of this applies anymore, but who knows! It’s how I feel right now. I cried literally three times while writing this because MDZS/CQL reached into my chest and yanked my heart right out of my body, but I had fun! *finger guns*
and like, I know I had a LOT to say about what frustrated me about CQL, but I really really hope it’s clear that I adore the show despite all of that. I talk a lot because I care a lot, and my brain only has one setting.
anon, this was like 1000% more than you bargained for, I’m SURE, (and I’m still exercising some restraint, if you can. believe that.) but I hope that you or someone out there got something out of it! if you made it all the way to the end of this meta, wow!! consider me surprised and grateful!!
time to crawl back into my hovel so I can write Lan Xichen fic and cry
(ko-fi? ;A;)
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scarfacemarston · 4 years
Hey there! Thank you for uploading and sharing all those audio files with us! Don't feel like you need to but I am curious about your thoughts regarding John being "Dutch's fav" as Arthur, Bill, and now apparently Micah all comment on. Like unless I missed some sort of Dutch and John interaction I never really got that vibe and generally assumed it was Arthur and Bill's insecurities that caused those comments. But with Micah now I'm like....did I miss something?
I loveeeeee this question.  We all know both Arthur and John had it rough, but in different ways. Arthur had a loving mother, but a horribly abusive father and then was on the streets ever since. He was 14 when taken in. John never knew his mother and was neglected and abused by a drunk, senile blind man. He was put into an orphanage at eight, ran away, and then lived on the streets on his own until he was rescued.
In my opinion, Arthur was “easier” to deal with because he craved love and affection. He had that from his mother and really wanted that again. He wanted nothing more than to please Dutch and Hosea. I do believe that Dutch cared for him. They had a lot of “happy” - at least in comparison - years. That’s like being the only child and then having an obnoxious sibling come in and steal the thunder. Arthur had tons of time to bond and Hosea really appreciated Arthur’s softness, but I absolutely believe he was turned off by John’s roughness. You can’t act softly if you’ve never experienced it. That’s why John was the more wild and aggressive one. I know Arthur was the same because Dutch and Hosea say he was - but he still had some balance. You sadly see both types in foster homes all the time. 
I think Dutch has always been firey and we know he’s all about beating the system so I think he encouraged John’s anger and wildness whereas that is the exact opposite of what Hosea would want. John was likely physically and emotionally stunted. I speak from experience. I’m still not considered “right” from my time in the orphanage system, but I promise I’m not John.  Physically, John reallllllyyyyyy lucked out. Honestly, most of the gang kind of did in a way if we’re going for realism. 
I say this because Dutch and Hosea basically had to teach him everything you needed to be a (mostly) proper person so to speak. So I think what happened is, Dutch loved seeing how headstrong and opinionated John was and became, but then it wasn’t so convenient or funny to Dutch because instead of being a bit sassy - he’s not able to control John. That’s firmly why I believe he hated John. One of his “creations” took their own path. He kind of hints at that, too. That’s why I think he’s drawn to Micah. He was drawn to Lenny, but when saw that Lenny saw through a lot of his crap, he gave up. Same with Abigail. I can’t explain Molly except he got bored because she hung onto his every word. Maybe that’s different? Mary-Beth is an idealist so she’s easy for Dutch to talk to. Tilly and Dutch seem neutral. Those are the youngest in the gang that he would feel could influence the most. 
So I think for Arthur, some of that is sibling jealousy. There is quite the age difference,  but I think a lot more of it is that he’s still hurting from John leaving the gang. I have found sooo much audio where John is basically lamenting how much he misses their relationship. I honestly was stunned and I have only heard a little bit of it in the game. Arthur is downright brutal, but he feels justified. I know a lot of people think it’s because he’s furious he abandoned Abigail and his newborn son. I totally agree, especially given what he knows about his background. However, I think he also thinks about how unfair it was to him to leave the gang and come back without an issue. To be fair though, We don’t know how often Arthur was gone with Mary or Eliza or if he told anyone, but it certainly wasn’t a year. On top of that, I personally see it as Arthur feeling personally betrayed. I don’t think that’s touched on enough - he feels betrayed that the person he helped care for decided to abandon everyone, but especially him. So that’s where I think it came from. For Bill, it’s absolutely his insecurities. There’s no doubt. He doesn’t fuss at Arthur because he’s scared of Arthur. I will say, Bill is also one of the oldest members of the gang as in - he’s been there the longest, so he would have seen more of John being spoiled by Dutch. However, It’s interesting that Bill doesn’t seem to crave Hosea’s affection. Just Dutch’s. Maybe it’s an “intellectual vs practical” type of thing? I’m not sure if I’m saying that right.  For the rest of the gang, they weren’t really there beforehand. They can’t comment on before Jack’s birth and John obviously came back differently. Heck, it wouldn’t surprise me if he came back to camp and saw a whole bunch of new people. Really, it wouldn’t be hard to say “Oh, Dutch raised him” and have it make sense about John’s treatment.  The rest of the gang doesn’t really seem to care or respect him. Weirdly enough, listening to the conversations - I don’t really feel like most of the members like each other despite their claims of being a family. Like there is definitely an underlying affection as seen with rescuing Jack, but I don’t know. There are so many people that don’t interact with each other but that could be game logistics? 
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HASO, “Indicted.”
Working on a new arc for the story. I hope you enjoy :)
Dr Krill was up late, but then again, he was usually up late. Unlike the humans he didn’t sleep, and that left him at least eight hours of the day to himself to be engrossed in his studies, a time which he cherished. Granted there were occasions when emergencies would happen and he would be forced to attend to them, but those were few and far between these days.
Ever since the Burg war had ended, there hadn’t been much danger to the galaxy, and the Omen spent most of its time fulfilling its exploratory duties.
He spent a good portion of his time hunkered in the back office of the medical bay, but on occasion he'd like to take walks around the ship at night comforted by the darkness. The days had long since past when he was afraid of the humans, and he actually found the ship to be comforting and safe during the night. Granted Conn was sometimes a nuisance, but nothing that he couldn’t handle generally.
He was just walking past the command deck when he heard footsteps on their way down the hall.
He assumed it was one of the night crew coming down from fixing a problem up on the bridge, but was surprised when light passed over a familiar face. The two of them stopped staring at each other.
Admiral Vir paused in the hallway a duffel bag in one hand, his neatly pressed uniform glittering dimly in the light above. A few colorful swatches on the left hand side of his chest was the only color that distinguished him in the middling darkness.
Waffles -- the dog -- sat quietly at his side, panting softly. 
“Going somewhere?”
Krill watched as the man’s fingers curled slowly around the bag, “I have some… business to attend to back on earth.I already talked with Simon about it, and I am going to allow her to  take command of the ship while I am away.”
Krill took a long hard look at the human. 
There was something strange about him, something you could only understand if you were another human or if you had spent hours and hours studying them and spending time with then.
“Is something wrong?”
The man shook his head, though his single eye was… sad.
“No Krill, everything is fine.”
“Would you…. Like sme company?” he knew it was a longshot. If Adam really wanted some company, than surely he would already have asked Sunny to come with him.
The man opened his mouth, closed it and looked round. Krill was surprised that the man actually seemed to be considering his offer. Eventually he sighed, 
“I would…. Appreciate it…. Dr.”
Krill was surprised, but nodded and simply requested a few minutes to leave a note for Dr. katie. The Admiral willingly obliged the request, and efoe long they were on their way, stepping out of the cargo ramp and onto the -- mostly quiet-- cargo deck of the Europa station.
For the longest moment it was only the sound of feet echoing over the metal flooring before Krill finally had to speak up, “What is all of this about Adam, leaving secretly in the middle of the night, leaving your ship in the hands of a rookie officer… not telling Sunny. I think you can see why I am worried.”
Admiral Vir sighed and then inclined his head, the gold threading on the top of his officer’s cap glittering in the dim overhead light.
“There is something I need to do… and I don’t think Sunny would understand. I also don’t think that it would be a  good idea to bring her.
Krill tilted his head in curiosity and concern, “Are you two ok?”
Adam shrugged and sighed, “I…. well…. I don’t know. Most times it feels like we are, and at other times we just…. Aren’t. I think that is supposed to be normal, but there are things about each other that we just don’t understand sometimes.”
“That would make sense considering your species.”
He shrugged, “I guess. Either way I needed to do this myself, and I… needed a break…. That sounds horrible, and now how I meant it but I…. well whatever.”
The two of them walked down the nearest hallway to the launch bay on the other side of the hall. It was a little more crowded here, mostly officers and other crew members with their suitcases and bags, wearing their uniforms and standing in line to board a smaller ship. The ship would be a class D-1 ship with a small warp core on board.
As he approached, eyes fell on them as they usually did. Men and women in uniform saluted and parted ways to allow the two of them to pass as they made their way towards the shuttle. The Admiral refused to head to the front and stopped at the back of the line to wait patiently. No one spoke to them, but there sure were plenty of staring eyes.
The admiral handed his bag off to one of the cargo officers before boarding the ship with Krill. Waffles was taken with them too, and placed into a crate. She didn’t seem pleased about it but went willingly. It was likely that she was going to have to be put to sleep for the warp, which Krill almost envied. It was a cramped fit, though due to his status, they were allowed to sit in the roomier seats at the front. Bright lights beamed down on them from above as the pilot came over the intercom preparing them for warp.
“Thank you for boarding the trans-space flight to Lunar 1. Our approximate flight time will be ten minutes arriving at 12:45 local time. Please make sure to fasten your seatbelts. Officers and passengers with cardiac dysfunctions, lung disease, or high blood pressure are advised against taking this flight. If you fit into any of these categories please let a flight officer know for your safety and comfort. To the front of your seat you will find airsickness bags, and a safety card. Please take a few minutes to review the safety card before the launch.”
Admiral vir pulled the straps tight over his shoulders and pulled off his cap to rest it gently in his lap.
On the other row beside them another officer already had their eyes closed and was taking a few long-deep breaths.
“One last warning before launch, we will warn you that this is a D-1 Class warp core and does not have any internal dampening. Side effects of launch include, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, blackout, loss of bladder control and heart palpitations. These side effects are expected and the cabin has been designed to deal with these issues, however if you do not feel comfortable continuing we advise you to exit the aircraft immediately.”
Adam leaned back in his seat eyes shut.
Krill gripped the harness waiting for the moment to come.
Adam almost looked peaceful. No one got off the ship and after a few more minutes of waiting, the cabin lights dimmed and the ship rose into the air. As soon as they were shot out of the airlock, the gravity field was gone, and he could feel his body beginning to float against the harnesses. Admiral Vir had to hold his hat in palace as they accelerated into the night.
They traveled for a good five minutes before warning lights began blinking overhead.
“Prepare the cabin for warp.”
All around him the humans were preparing themselves for the violent folding of space. A few leaned down to tuck their head between their knees in a crash position.
He sort of wish he hadn’t agreed to come.
Adam just took a deep breath and leaned back in his seat.
“Launch in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”
Krill fet the universe around him collapse inward and then suddenly expand outward. Things that were far away seemed close and things that were close seemed far away. He jerked against his harness, and just like that it was over.
That didn’t mean his head wasn’t spinning, and all around the cabin he could hear the  groaning of the other humans.
Once he could finally see and tell what he was seeing, he looked over at the Admiral who looked none the worse for war in comparison to some of the other officers.
One poor woman was as white as a sheet and holding a bag in front of her for dear life. Some of the others were in similar states of distress.
Admiral vir just smiled and leaned over to Krill whispering, “Not nearly as bad as the first interstellar warp. I thought I was going to die.”
Krill believed him
Just outside the window they watched as the Earth’s single moon drifted closer and closer, growing large in their field of vision as they stopped to land on the glowing white lunar surface. They disembarked inside the atmospheric bubble and were ushered onto another shuttle that headed down for earth. Despite earth being closer, this trip took much longer, about an hour longer, warping past the worst of the debris field which was still being cleaned by drag ship.
They landed at two in the morning local time at Fort Harmony.
As they stepped off the shuttle, bags in tow, there were already two military men waiting for them on the platform with a mat black hover car. Waffles’s crate was rolled out with them, though it seemed as if she was still asleep. 
They saluted as he approached, “Admiral.”
He nodded to them, “Gentlemen.”
One of them opened the car door, and the Admiral stepped inside, while the other took his bag to place it in the back.
Krill floated up to sit beside him watching as the vehicle slowly accelerated and rolled through the darkness, lights of the nearby city and civilization glowing in the darkness. Streetlights passed overhead, casting the human’s brooding face into sharp relief one moment and into almost complete blackness the next.
“Are you going to tell me where we are going?” krill wondered 
The admiral didn’t look at him, instead looking down at his hands. There was a long pause where Krill thought he wasn't going to answer, before, “I got a call from Admiral Kelly last night.”
Krill waited.
“Last month, extend documents on Operation Steel Eye were leaked. The UNSC tried to declassify them before it became more of an issue, but by then it was too late. The files were leaked onto the web by some unknown source and that included all video, Audio and written footage of the testing as well as documentation from the war itself.” Krill was surprised, extremely surprised that he had not heard more about this, and sooner,, but he stayed quiet as Adam continued, “UNSC officers in term during the project and a few members of the Steel eye team are being indicted on counts of torture, massive ethical violations, and potentially, war crimes… I was asked to be a witness at the trail of The People Vs The United Nations Space Corpse.”
Krill stared at him in shocked silence, “You,.... what?” He looked away, “Why didn’t you tell anyone, why didn’t you speak with someone!”
He sighed and leaned back in his seat, “What was I supposed to say? Hey everyone, the people who almost ruined my life are being put on trial and I am in need of some serious moral support because I expect I may have to watch some of it over again, and I don’t think I am ready for it.” His hands clenched in his lap, and krill saw. He looked back at the back seat to where waffles was still sleeping in her kennel.
Adam took a couple of deep breaths, “I have come as far as anyone can be expected when it comes to recovering from what happened to us, but that shadow, these scars will NEVER be gone. I’ll always have dreams. I will always wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat just remembering what happened to me. I will always hear the hissing of those machines in the back of my head. And I will always have some sick and twisted need to put the suit back on again because not once in my entire life since then have I ever felt so powerful…. Some days it feels like the only thing I have that can protect everyone, like putting it on will make me invincible, even though I know that logic is flawed. I hate it more than anything at the same time that I NEED it.”
Krill paused looking down at his arms and hands, “And that is why you got the Iron eye implants.”
He nodded and sighed, “Yes, yes it is.”
Krill didn’t know what to say, so they drove in silence.
“WHere are we going then.”
“We are heading up to one of the rehabilitation facilities between Arlington and the Ruins at Capital hill. From there we are going to be shipped over to Geneva where the trail is going to be held.”
“A rehabilitation facility…. For who?”
He looked down at his feet, “You’ll see.”
The nit went silent and krill was forced to wait in the darkness with light zipping by the windows as they headed into the night. The Admiral fell asleep during this time at some point with his cheek pressed against the cool glass of the window, his ribbons still glittering in the darkness. A soft whimpering came from the back of the car, and Krill took some time to let Waffles out of her cage, pressing himself up against the door as she crawled over the seat and sat between them curling up in a tight ball with her head resting on her master’s knee. 
Adam seemed to relax in their sleep.
Krill watched out the window and took some time to think as the trees spd by in a dark blur. At one point it began to rain, and he tried not to think about the water pelting down on them from the sky above to obscure their vision.
Outside the sky lightened though the day was cloudy.
Adam awoke groggy and despondent, unusually quiet and unresponsive in comparison to his usually cheerful self.
They continued to drive in the silence, the only sound being the occasional whimper from the dog who sighed deeply, and stood to move to manuver into a more comfortable position. It was well into early morning by the time they made it to their next location, and their shadows were cast long and low across the ground.
Their vehicle was ushered through a large metal gate and onto the lawn of a restored Victorian mansion. Admiral Vir shifted uncomfortably as they pulled up the gravel drive and stopped before the wide porch and its white painted support pillars.
The door opened for them, and the Admiral stepped out with Waffles leaping onto the gravel behind him, taking a few moments to sniff around at the grass and the bushes.
Admiral Vir straightened his uniform and pulled on his cap as Krill floated out to join him.
A man was waiting for them on the porch and walked down the stairs to greet them with an open hand and a wide smile.
He was a small human, a bit older with greying hair and a nice suit. He clasped hands with the admiral and looked him over with a critical eye.
“A pleasure to meet you Admiral.”
“And you as well doctor.”
The man took a step back eying up the admiral as he did. Adam shifted uncomfortably, “Forvie my scrutiny, admiral.” The man said a bit sheepishly, “I have been working with the steel eye veterans for so long, and you are….. The first I have seen in such good condition.”
Adam tugged at the collar of his shirt in mild embarrassment, “Uh, I suppose I am extraordinarily lucky, doctor.”
The man held out a hand and motioned to the door, “Please come inside, there is much to show you, and the others have been expecting your arrival.”
He turned to look at Krill then and smiled,”Dr. Krill I assume?”
Krill was more than a little surprised to hear his own name spoken, “Have we met.”
The man laughed, “No, no, but I am familiar with your work. It is so interesting to see how other species view humans. I find it enlightening and entertaining.” The big white doors opened before the, and together they stepped into a large room with a spiraling staircase and a bustling room crumbs wearing attendants.
Somewhere in the distance, they could hear the sound of a piano playing.
“Welcome to Machinaw Hall, sounds a little more pleasant than the UNSC sponsored state rehabilitation facility.”
“Less of a mouthful for sure.” Adam responded.
The man waved a hand about the room, “I started all this about three years ago when my Nephew died during the steel eye operation of meningitis.”
“I...I’m sorry to hear that.”
The man sighed, “My family was obviously devastated, and I couldn't let it go, so I thought there was something I could do. At that time my wife and I flipped houses on the side and we came in possession of this old rundown Victorian. It's already been refurbished a couple of times since it was originally built. It was in such disrepair that no one wanted it, but I bought it for cheep and renovated it, and then set it up for other members of that same group. Unfortunately things were not completed until a few years after the incident, and it took us a while to find those who remained from participation in the trials and… well as well as from the war itself.” He sighed, “I only wish I had started this sooner. Who knows, we may have been acquainted earlier in that case.”
Krill watched Adam’s expression from the corner of his eye. He knew how the man felt about these sort of facilities.
“Perhaps. But what’s past is past.”
They made their way up a checkered hallway and through a large doorway into a sunny and spacious living room. Despite how old the house was, the furniture was all well kept and in good condition. The people on the other hand were… less so.”
One or two of them were sitting on the floor in the sunny day room rocking quietly back and forth. Others sat on chairs or sofas with grim expressions on their face, and only one or two managed to appear as functioning humans.
One of them was playing the grand piano in the back.
As soon as he stepped in the room went mostly quiet, even the ones sitting on the floor looked up, and with surprise their eyes widened and they smiled. More than a few came over to meet him reaching out their hands and clasping his with firm grips.
“Admiral Vir!”
“Admiral, so good to see you.”
“You look well.”
“Glad you could make it.”
He smiled easily despite his unease, “Thank you. Glad to see you all up and about.”
“Mostly functional.” one of them piped up.”
Looking around Krill noticed the tell-tale hitch in their steps, and even the glittering of silvered metal on a robotic arm.
The two of them turned quickly and krill was surprised to find a dark haired young woman appear from up the stairs jogging down and throwing her arms around him hugging him tight. He had to step back at the force of her greeting but hugged her bak with some shock and pleasure, “Jane!” He stepped back beaming, “You look good…. I’m a little surprised to see you.”
“Well after the… incident, I was able to get in contact with some people who pointed me to this place. The Doctor was kind enough to let me stay while I get back on my feet.”
He sat dow, offered a chair by one of the other steel eye members, and they sat around him.
He rubbed Waffle’s ears and let her off leash, giving her permission to go around the circle sniffing at hands and arms that were offered towards her.
Eventually she took a seat next to one of the soldiers sitting on the ground, and shoved her head into his space forcing him to pet her. A smile cracked over his face fr the first time since they had arrived .
“And getting bacon on your feet, how is that going.”
She sighed, “ I have found some temporary work at a mechanic shop, though its only temporary until I can find something that I really want to do.” She glanced at him with a look of guilt on her face, “I can’t go back to the UNSC not after….”
He nodded quickly in understanding, “I get it.” One of the other soldiers looked at him, his mouth turning down into a frown, “How could YOU go back to them after everything they did.”
The Dr. Scooted closer over the floor and rested a hand on the man’s shoulder in a warning sort of manner.
He relaxed a bit, but the anger was still plain on his face.
Adam kept his face still and neutral, “Some people say I’m a little too forgiving. But honestly, they gave me a spaceship which, all things considered, is good enough compensation for me.” 
A few of the people in the room laughed, others didn’t seem so satisfied with that answer but let it go.”
“So…. are you ready?” Jane wondered
Adam tilted his head up slightly.
One of the men leaned forward, “Ready, for what?”
Another hand on his shoulder, “Admiral Vir is going to be representing you all during the upcoming trial.”
A few of the group members frowned, ‘Wait, I thought we were all going to testify as witnesses.”
The doctor sighed, “We have gone through this before, not everyone is ready for something like that, but Admiral Vir has graciously offered to help and be the representative.”
“I am not having a UNSC lover represent me at the trail! He’s going to try and get them off easy.”
Krill scooted to the side a little watching as a sharp light flared in the man’s eyes, “You better watch-your-tongue BOY!’
The room went very silent.
“You act like I didn’t go through the exact same thing as you. Well tell you what I remember choking on the ash as my blood seeped into the moss, and I remember the pain, and I remember wishing I could just die, and afterwards, I remembered months and months of hopelessness wondering when it would all be over. I remember the drug withdrawls. YES i chose to go back, but that's because I am rational enough to realise that most people in the UNSC had no idea what was going on, and the people who ran things back then are either retired, pending investigation or already in prison.” He leaned forward in his seat, “So go ahead, question my motives one more time.”
The room was very silent, and the man who had first spoken up sat back in his seat sulkily.”
Someone cleared their throat in an obvious attempt to lighten the mood.
“So what are the rest of us going to do.”
“ I am putting something together with the courts, and will be using interviews from you as evidence with your permission. I think that that will be more constructive. Admiral Vir will be there as a live witness, and due to his status, his testimony is likely to have the kind of pull we need to convict.”
There was a murmur of approval around the group.
“That makes sense, I guess.”
“Plus as a member of the UNSC himself the testimony will be more accepted especially considering his track record. Furthermore, he also has the most experience speaking in public and we want to make as good an impression as we can.”
The room was quiet now as the group thought about the points the doctor was making.
A hand reached across the circle, and he looked down to See Jan’s hand resting on his shoulder, “Are you sure you can do this…. I… Well I don’t know if I could were I in your shoes.”
He sighed, “It won’t be easy, but someone has to do it, and as of right  now, I am about as operational as we are going to get.”
There was nodding from around the room.
This was going to have to do 
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