#once I finished SoJ
Like most adults, I have a limited amount of time to play video games. Other things must be done. And this is causing a problem, because I recently started playing a new game on my Switch, and I’m finding that I don’t want to play SoJ, which is, quite frankly, a shitty game, and instead I want to play the switch port of OneShot, a game I love so much I have a framed poster in my room and has been such a joyful experience. But OneShot isn’t part of a series I’m going for completion on.
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mailperson · 20 days
I like that the ema/lana skye case was so enjoyable (despite being ten million years long) that they put Em’s silly little forensics minigame in every game she appears in at some point
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" Heya! I'm Athena Cykes, here to help! "
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"Hello! I'm Athena Cykes, and this is Widget! We're happy to be here!!
I'm a defense attorney, and I also studied psychology abroad in Europe."
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ooc: yippee athena blog!!
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Info about Athena:
she/her (subject to change if i feel like it)
timeline tbd, but junithena will be the main ship here as my partner has a juniper blog!! @sunflowers-enthusiast
mod has not finished dd/soj yet! i’ve seen the first case (of dd) and a little of the second case but i know a fair bit of athena’s lore from being spoiled and my own research :)
i will be basing my knowledge off the wiki and the game as i play/watch it, but i can't guarantee a full in-character response (sometimes regarding other characters) D:
list of hcs at the end once i add it!!
this will be mainly an ask blog for now, but i might poke in the rp blog territory if i feel like it! :3
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Info about meeee:3
main account is @bitesizedgummie (i mainly post aa stuffs :p)
he/they but a bit more they heavy at the moment
I AM A MINOR!!!! this is different for others, but please don't direct NSFW towards me OR character blogs. >:(
call me pickle!! :3
non-weird interactions are always welcome, even with non-fandom characters!!
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headcanons coming sooooonnnn ooowoooowoo
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evelinessa · 2 months
Response to the hot takes: Phoenix is a better Dad in DD than AJ.
Reason I think this is because in AJ he abandons Trucy to work on the Jurist system for all of case 3, with no warning and apparently this isn't the first time he's done this to her. Sure you could argue he wasn't leaving his 15 yr completely alone cuz he knew Apollo would watch her but, given he doesn't know Apollo very well at this point, nor asks him to babysit his daughter makes the situation worse imo.
Meanwhile in DD he is busy with work yes but to me is much more present in her life and communicates with her regularly even while working as a lawyer, still far from a fantastic Dad in DD but seems to be better. So I'm curious as to why people think he's a better Dad in AJ cuz I just don't see it that way but maybe I'm forgetting some important details?
Also I haven't finished SOJ yet (only finished the first case yesterday and yet to start case 2) but given he risked his life in a foreign country to defend a stranger (who to be fair is 9 but it's still concerning how fast he jumps into accepting the death penalty imo) when he has a 17 daughter doesn't give me much hope for how good of a Dad he's gonna be in SOJ (but please don't spoil the future cases for me)
Strongly agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly disagree
Apologies in advance for this long response. It turns out I feel very strongly about a certain thing in DD, and how it pertains to Phoenix as Trucy's dad.
I won't say anything about SOJ for spoiler reasons, though I do have issue with some things in that game as well (which contributes to my feelings about Phoenix on this topic overall). Also, it's worth mentioning that I haven't played or watched the second trilogy since my first playthrough back in early 2021, so there could be important things I'm forgetting or misremembering.
I do have issues with some things in AJ, as well as things mentioned about the 7yg, but my opinion on Phoenix’s parenting there is still much more favorable than in the following two games.
For DD, Trucy isn't present much, from what I can recall. She's there occasionally at the office and says a few lines, mainly, but her largest role happens in 5-5, which is also the case where my issue lies (despite really enjoying that case overall).
Her role starts well as Phoenix's investigation assistant, but it kinda falls apart once they separate. From what I remember, she suddenly runs into the space center (to go after Apollo, I believe), and I can't remember if there's any sign of potential danger at that point, so I can't definitively say whether Phoenix should be faulted for letting her go/not going in after her.
However, once he finds out about the danger of the hostage situation, I found his reaction to that and attitude towards it for the rest of the case to be extremely underwhelming/inappropriate, to say the least.
He doesn't show nearly enough concern for his daughter's safety and life when he finds out and throughout the case, even when her life is repeatedly threatened. And as much as I love the banter between Phoenix and Miles in that case, it probably makes the relative lightheartedness (despite the high stakes for numerous people involved) stick out even more.
We're also in Phoenix’s POV—we can see his thoughts. So there can't be the excuse that he's putting on a brave face and is struggling more than we can see.
But what makes his reaction stick out the most to me is that we've seen how Phoenix has dealt with a similar situation to this before: in JFA (which I'm assuming you've played, as I'm about to mention major spoilers for it).
The rest is under the cut for 2-4 spoiler reasons, and also because this post got quite long.
Maya gets kidnapped. Her life in exchange for a not guilty verdict. Phoenix was in despair when he found out, nearly passing out, and he worried for her throughout the entire case. He even went to some questionable lengths (at first) to secure her safety.
Now, this is fine by itself. I don't have any issues here, and I think he acted appropriately. 2-4 is actually my favorite case in the series. My problem comes from when we compare the two scenarios and see how 5-5 Phoenix handles it.
Firstly, his concern should be, at the very least, the same level he showed back then. But it isn't anywhere close, when in reality, he should be much more upset at the circumstances in 5-5.
We have Maya, who was only a friend to him, an adult at the time, and also someone he'd only known for a little over a year at that point. Then we have Trucy, his daughter, not even 18 yet and Phoenix is still legally responsible for, and someone he'd raised for the last 8 years (half of her life).
Then the difference in their captors. De Killer is a cold, logical, professional assassin. He doesn't act hastily. His actions are very calculated. Maya is also his only hostage and the only insurance he has to keep Phoenix working with him and trying to defend Engarde. He wouldn't kill Maya unless there's absolutely no way for Phoenix to still defend Engarde. In that situation, Maya is too valuable. There's a certain safety and comfort in that, as Phoenix would have less worry that Maya would be killed, as long as Matt isn't declared guilty.
Let's compare this to Aura, who is acting in the opposite way to De Killer. She's not a professional killer, and the hostage situation was an act of desperation. She's more prone to acting rash and killing hostages because she's acting out of emotion and desperation to save her brother, as well as to avenge Metis.
She isn't able to think carefully and logically in that instance. It's not just business to her like it is for De Killer (his “aftercare” as he would call it). She also has numerous hostages and far more leverage than De Killer had. She could kill Trucy and still have influence over the prosecutor’s office, as they still had other hostages to worry about. Phoenix also had other reasons to take that case and keep defending, considering Athena was the defendant (though, if Trucy actually died, it could be too difficult for him to continue the case).
So, not only should the person who was taken hostage be more important to him in this instance, he should be more concerned as, logically, Trucy was at a higher risk of being killed than Maya was.
Again, I think Phoenix’s reaction in 2-4 was appropriate. The problem is with how he handles the situation in 5-5.
Even though he should be reacting more severely in the 5-5 situation, due to the increased chance of death and due to whose life is in danger—he doesn't. The concern he shows is a sliver of that, and because we have seen how he's reacted in that type of situation before, it makes the incongruity here even more obvious.
How it was handled here in comparison to 2-4 left such a bad taste in my mouth, that it significantly dragged down my opinion of Phoenix as a parent (and that's without getting into the issues I have with SOJ).
Even with that, I don't think he's a bad dad. Especially considering the amount of bad dads in this series. In a lot of ways, he probably did the best he could with the situation he and Trucy were in (during the 7yg), especially as he wasn't planning to become a father at that time and with everything going on. So I think he's good overall. But he isn't the best in the series to me.
See the fandom hot takes ask game here.
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oodlyenough · 4 months
Maybe it's tad early since you're still in the 5th game but whats your opinion with the new characters for the 2nd triology?
HMM. I'm going to assume you just mean the major ones and not the one-off victim/defendant types.
Honestly I think my overall impression so far (mid-AA5) is that they're varying degrees of interesting but underbaked. Some of this I expect to change as I finish 5 and 6, and some I expect... won't.
This got really long so here's a cut. Spoilers for AA4 and a bit of 5.
I like Trucy a lot, probably my favourite of the lot, although in no small part because she's so tied to Phoenix, whom I am still more invested in than any of these other people lol. They hinted at Trucy having more complicated feelings under her very cheery, performative persona -- Phoenix comments he's the only one who knows how she "really" feels -- but it doesn't seem like we the player are ever going to get to know more about that, so :P.
It's weird that she's basically dropped into a cameo role in AA5 and been more-or-less replaced by Athena -- like -- objectively that's just a jarring transition. But for Trucy lmao I guess she's probably having a better time now, going to school and doing magic and not having to partake in case stuff anymore.
I love Klavier, in that I am always having a good time when he's around, I find him hilarious. But as a character I think he's really underwritten. They haven't really spent any time giving him much in the way of motivation or depth or emotional response to any of the insane things that happen to him, he's just there to flirt and have a laugh. Like Trucy, he's pretty personally involved in all the events in AA4 but you'd never know it bc he very rarely reacts to them. I don't understand why the conclusion of 4 was that he quits music instead of law. He loves music. Aside from "horny", music is his entire personality. We aren't given a reason he's passionate about or interested in law nor does it seem to be tainted by Kristoph at all even though rationally it should be. So that's just... weird imo.
But I like him, he's prob my fave prosecutor after Franziska and Edgeworth. He's the kind of character I can see fandom having a lot of fun elaborating on. In AA5 he comes across like a depressed burnout, and I like that even though I think it was totally unintentional from Capcom lol. It's like when you see a celeb on tv and think "huh are they ok?" and then six months later you hear they've checked into rehab. Hang in there buddy.
Apollo is very likable but so far has not much going on in the way of character. In AA4 I thought he felt more like Phoenix's courtroom avatar than a participant in the story, because even when he is personally implicated like with Kristoph or Thalassa, he either doesn't know or doesn't react. (Are you seeing a pattern...? lol) Unlike Trucy and Klavier, I believe Apollo will actually get more material in DD and SOJ, for better or worse, so we'll see how that changes things. I like him, but don't currently feel invested in him. If they had started DD with just Athena and Phoenix I'm not honestly sure I'd be upset about it. Sorry, Apollo.
Ema's not a "new" character although adult Ema feels pretty different to kid Ema, in a good way. Kid Ema was fun but forgettable to me -- adult Ema fucking rules lmao my favourite detective for sure, I wish we got to keep her. Cranky and competent and disillusioned. I loved her.
Kristoph was fun but overhyped by fandom imo. I liked him and his weird gay frienemyship with Phoenix, and in the pantheon of AA villains I see why he's pretty memorable, the 7 year gap is very rich material. But his motivations were silly and I anticipated so many better ones that didn't materialize at all lmao. I thought he was going to be some criminal mastermind building his defense empire on falsified evidence ... he just did it once and then panicked for 7 years?? Kristoph wants what Dahlia Hawthorne has.
Athena still feels like I've only just met her, so I don't have a solid opinion. I like her though. There are not enough women practicing law in this stupid franchise so I was predisoposed to like her, and I like her overzealous energy and stuff. I don't love mood matrix as a minigame, and I don't know what her tragic backstory is yet btu I know one exists, so the jury's out on that. I wish DD would just let me play her more often.
Blackquill is doing nothing for me lmao which, tbh, is what I expected. I find him tedious and his design is ludicrous to me I hate it lfhadhflkhfl he looks like he belongs in a different franchise. I know he's a fan fave and he's going to have some big sad backstory too, so maybe he'll win me over, but right now he's a big eye roll. I think his prison gimmick would at least be more fun if every time he cited his friends from jail they were easter eggs from previous culprits or something. Feels like a missed opportunity for gags.
Fulbright is... fine. Probably my least fave detective. He gets a laugh out of me once in a while. Maybe my opinion will improve as the game goes on since I fucking hated 5-2 and it's all I've really seen him in so far lol.
I think that's all the big characters I've met so far? For the one-offs, I liked Valant a lot he cracked me up. Zak was nasty and I'm not entirely sure if the game realized it or not. Thalassa continued the noble Ace Attorney tradition of hands-off motherhood. I don't have much to say about Junie as a character but I do love Athena's unfortunately-one-sided gay pining.
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snezfics-n-shit · 1 year
Sicktember Day 11: Beginner's Guide to Faking Sick
Fandom: Ace Attorney Characters: Larry Butz, Apollo Justice, Trucy Wright, Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth Notes: Despite an ill-fitting reputation as a slacker, Larry has never faked being sick in his life. There are over a hundred good excuses out there, should he ever need one. Pretending to be sick was far too risky, anyway. However, as the time for his visit to his boyfriends grows shorter, and his boyfriends’ work days grow longer, Larry may just have to step out of his comfort zone with help from two unlikely sources. Post-SoJ, one mention of Apollo’s whereabouts following the game, but he’s in Japanifornia focusing on the here and now, so assess how risky you personally find it if you haven’t finished SoJ. You know the drill, married Wrightworth mutually dating Larry, and Trucy is in college (they grow up so fast!)
“Another one!?” 
Even if the phone couldn’t hear him, it felt good for Larry to shout his frustrations at his latest received texts. 
“What’s up?” A muffled form of Apollo’s voice came from inside one of Trucy’s magic boxes. “Is it a good enough excuse to get out of this box?” 
“No,” Larry groaned as he rested his cheek on Phoenix’s desk, “Edgey just had to call in another witness, so he and Nick are gonna be working all day again.”
“Damn, I guess you’re stuck here with us, then.” Apollo helped himself to opening the top of the box to climb out, provoking merely a look of disappointment from Trucy once she entered the office just in time to catch him in the act. “Funny how even after I’ve been gone for a while, the boss still hasn’t given Athena her fair share of cases.”
“That’s not true, Polly!” Trucy eagerly corrected him. “This was actually Athena’s case originally, but,” she couldn’t help but giggle, “she’s playing hooky to go on a date!” 
“What?” Apollo raised a brow. “I could’ve sworn I heard you tell everyone here that she had the flu, and in graphic detail at that.” 
“That’s what I told you, yes.” Trucy blew a quick, playful raspberry. “She needed a good excuse to take time off, so I came up with one.”
“Jeez, I wish an excuse like that could be enough to get someone else to stay home,” Larry lamented, “then the days leading up to my next book fair appearance wouldn’t be so lonely.” 
“Who said they couldn’t, Uncle Larry?” Even though Larry was now dating both of Trucy’s dads, the ‘Uncle’ part still stuck. “When I got my appendix out, Daddy and Papa dropped everything just to stay with me.” 
“Well, yeah, they’re your parents and you had a major surgery.” Larry countered. 
“Didn’t the boss and Mr. Edgeworth take a week off when you had the flu, Larry?” Apollo wondered aloud. 
“Yeah, but I was actually sick, and it was awful.” 
“Who said you have to be actually sick?” 
The cogs in Larry’s brain needed a moment to turn.
“Oh, no! No way!” Larry refused the potential suggestion adamantly. “I have never faked sick in my entire life. It would be too risky to start now.”
“But that would make you more believable!” Trucy insisted. “Didn’t you say Papa used to get away with faking sick all the time because he was so well behaved?” 
“Yeah, but I’m not.” 
“Sure you are! You have, um,” Trucy pressed a finger to her cheek, “a record of credibility! Yeah! Daddy and Papa would never suspect a thing!” 
“But I don’t know the first thing about faking sick!”
“Polly and I can show you the ropes!” Trucy giggled once she saw Apollo’s reaction to being volunteered. “Polly pretended to be sick so we wouldn’t find out he got backstage passes to–”
“Hey!” Apollo interrupted, even though it was obvious those backstage passes were a privilege earned by being the boyfriend of Klavier Gavin. It wasn’t even that big of a deal, since everyone and their mother already knew that, but Apollo liked pretending his relationship was still a well-hidden secret. “I’ll help, just… Just be quiet in exchange!”
“Alright, alright.” Trucy needed a moment to settle down. “First thing’s first: looking the part!” 
. . .
The makeup was so itchy. 
Sure, it helped Larry look like he was at death’s door, but why did it have to be so uncomfortable? This was the stuff Trucy wore for every magic show? This was the stuff Nick wore for Ivy University’s theatre productions? Larry was so thankful that despite his very long résumé, such heavy makeup was never required; even the Steel Samurai live shows just needed the costumes and that was it. 
“He looks like a zombie…” Apollo muttered. “I thought we were going for a few days of bedrest, not the walking dead.” 
“That’s because I haven’t applied the blush yet, Polly!” 
Oh god, there was more. 
“How much longer is this gonna take?” Larry didn’t mean to sound like he was complaining, but it did feel like forever. 
“Just a few finishing touches, aaaaand… We’re done!” Trucy presented a hand mirror for Larry to assess the results. 
“Wow, I look like shit.” If it had been any other situation, that wouldn’t even be close to the compliment it was right now. 
“Perfect!” Trucy bounced on the balls of her feet. “That means Polly can help you with the next part!”
“What?” Why me?” Apollo pointed to himself, almost hoping there was somehow another ‘Polly’ in the room. 
“You lose your voice all the time from yelling stuff like,” Trucy took a deep breath, “‘I’M FINE!!’” She cleared her throat. “You know, like that.”
“I don’t do it on purpose.” Apollo retorted. 
“Well, how else is he going to sound sick?” 
“Um,” Larry chimed in, “I could just take a nap with Pess and get congested that way; that’d make me sound pretty sick.”
“Nope! Not allowed!” Trucy was quick to dismiss the decision. “You’ll ruin all my hard work on your makeup if you do that!” 
“Alright,” Apollo conceded with a sigh, “let’s get shouting.” 
. . . 
It took until dusk for the excess yelling to do a number on Larry’s vocal chords, but what mattered was that it worked. Even when Apollo suggested he just give up, Larry kept going. 
Now he looked, sounded, and honestly kind of even felt sick enough for even the most perceptive of lawyers to fall for his performance. 
Trucy and Apollo had opted to leave the office and grab something to eat, mostly because Trucy couldn’t stop giggling and Apollo feared she would give everything away. For a girl who took the art of the poker face so seriously, Trucy sure had a difficult time maintaining one whenever her dads were involved. 
All Larry needed to do was just wait for just the right moment to pull the thermometer from the mug of hot water that Trucy had prepared, and all would be right. His boyfriends would immediately take pity on him, call in some substitutes, and spend all their newly gained freetime pampering him. 
Life would be so good. 
As soon as the door creaked open, it was showtime. Larry quickly plucked the heated thermometer to slide under his tongue, wincing as it slightly burned the inside of his mouth. 
“Sorry we’re late.” Phoenix spoke mid-yawn as he and Miles hung their coats on the office coat rack; surely this meant yet another late night of going over case notes… that is, if it weren’t for Larry’s brilliant ruse. “Good news, though: the trial wrapped up today.” 
“It actually wrapped up earlier today, but we needed to run some more errands.” Miles explained.
“Miles and I were actually–” Phoenix’s attention was soon grabbed by the sound of the beeping thermometer. “Larry?” He gently pulled the device from his boyfriend’s mouth and sighed at the numbers it displayed. “A hundred, on the dot.” He kissed Larry’s forehead. “Pretty low, so that’s probably why you don’t feel very warm…” 
“If you’re feeling unwell enough to need to check your temperature, I’d say that alone calls for getting some rest.” Miles propped Larry up on his shoulder. “Let’s get you home. We can postpone tomorrow’s plans for a later date.”
“Wha–” Larry tried to ask what plans Miles was referring to, but his voice was just completely gone. 
“Oh, geez.” Phoenix made a noise in sympathy. “Yeah, it wouldn’t be much fun riding a rollercoaster with that nasty case of…” He started to snicker. 
“Darling, don’t.” Miles advised.
Larry instinctively glowered. He forgot how much Phoenix loved that pun whenever he lost his voice. First missing out on a roller coaster, and now this. Good grief!
“Of course, it could be something that will pass fairly quickly, like a 24-hour bug.” Miles speculated, much to Larry’s relief. “We’ll just have to see how you’re faring tomorrow.”
“Yeah, now that I think of it, it did come on fairly quickly.” If Phoenix was saying that out of suspicion, given the new circumstances, Larry would not have minded at all. “Maybe what you need is a nice hot cup of tea with lots of honey.”
That sounded so nice, to be allowed a night of pampering and an amusement park date with his boyfriends. It would be like that one saying, having a cake and eating it too, even though Larry didn’t quite understand what the point would be to have a cake and not eat it. 
All he had to do now was hope his voice would be back in shape in the morning, and all would be well. 
. . .
Alas, Larry’s voice was, in fact, not back in shape in the morning. 
Well, at least he’ll have his day of pampering, which, he would have to sullenly admit, was not nearly as fun as a date at the amusement park.
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characteroulette · 10 months
okay you know what. this has delayed me by an entire two days in writing the apolluke fic (should really come up with an acronym or something) so I have to outsource the question
riddle me this! I don’t know what detective to have on the case.
my first thought was ema! but, the fic’s in 2028 and I know that we’re retconning SoJ’s 2028 events but she’s 100% gotten her promotion to a forensic scientist by this point and I refuse to believe she hasnt. she DESERVES.
and I adore ema as a character but honest to god despite finishing my Apollo Justice playthrough recently could NOT get a grasp on her personality?? she’s just kinda very moody and as funny as it is, that isn’t very present on SoJ from what I’ve seen (don’t own a copy and still watching the game) but she is more likely, I just have no will to write her yet nor the confidence.
the thing is?? I don’t really have other options. because we’re post DD so no Fulbright and as much as I am the biggest Gumshoe fan to walk the earth iii think he isn’t gonna work here. I could always do an OC and that is my second option if I can’t figure out how the hell I’m gonna write Ema but I do have the OCs for this case worked out and there’s no space for the detective to be really case relative. a new detective would be so fun to write though and honest to god I already have plenty ocs that can do that legwork
sorry to yell here about this!! this was. um. super long and also ema Skye appreciation I adore her but I dont know if I can’t write her she’s delayed me by days already and I hope to have this up by Monday (my time) . On the other hand if I do plan to make more casefics/side fics for the Apolluke Penpal Cinematic Universe, a dedicated detective could be fun but would require introducing to the audience
Ooohh yeah I hear ya there. Figuring out a solid Detective for a case is a bit tricky, especially when it comes to Ema. She seems like a normal, easy character on the outset (how hard can it really be to write a jaded once bright-eyed lover of all things forensic sciences?? She's a nerd to boot, should be easy!), but lots of difficulties once you get into the weeds. (She's jaded, but in a similar way to Hobohodou. She hates Klavier Gavin with a passion. She's excited for her job but she's stuck with all these damn fussy boys!) (SoJ is pretty excellent for her character, love to see her though my poor dear goes through some of it ;w; ;;; ) I, too, love her, though, so no worries, I love hearing the take on her!! =w=
A new detective would be cool to see, tbh!! I'm all for Ace Attorney OCs (I have my own and all lol) (Prosecutor, his Mortician siblings, and their twin Detective buds) (duality is a theme I lean into a lot hahaha), so if it works better like that, then go for it! Could also like, make Kay the Detective if you prefer a familiar face, I know popular fanon is that she's Detective by the AJ era.
A wild chaotic third option, force Luke to fill the Detective role lmao-- (/I am removed for being too chaotic)
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Aaaaaand finish! The first trial starts in the next part.
Well well well... I don't think they quite managed such a personally hateable antagonist for Case 2 since Redd White. Instead of pulling the law in his favour through blackmail, Retniz is using shady contracts and public opinion to drive us into a corner. Attention is power and this man has all the power he needs to put the A-Team on the backfoot it would seem. Seems Bonny and he have a mutual grudge to settle with Little Miss Gramarye... and they make quite an effective duo too. The former has the know-how and experience working with Trucy to help pull this off while he handles the crowd. Seems we're getting a jealousy arc for her.
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Phoenix... Nick... good ol' Nicky-Nacky-Noo himself. I think he's both in a much better role here than in most of DD and a much more impactful presence than in 5-2. 5-2 was more of a laugh-it-off sort of affair so Phoenix doesn't get to pull the sheer reverence and weight his presence allows (AJ not withstanding anyways). It's a rare thing for me to be relieved at 3D Phoenix's presence in a case, so consider my respect earned on that front, Spirit of Justice. Of course, I AM talking from the perspective of someone who's treating these cases as standalones and not taking the plot as a whole from start to finish. I know Phoenix dominates SoJ in a similar way to DD. It's tastefully done here at least.
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You see this? You see. THIS!? This is the kind of thing I think Athena and Simon were a little bereft of before. Yutie's slight smile upon being told Apollo is going to stand in court tells of a warm history between the two... or maybe melancholic? It's a moment like this that should have been present in the prior game given how important Simon and Athena were (whether that would cheapen him being closed-off I'll have to think about).
SoJ just does a lot of little things that DD doesn't seem to have bothered to do until the last couple cases that help bouy each moment up. The latter definitely has good moments and the overarching story is a nice one, but something about SoJ so far clicks better for me during parts that aren't as closely attached to the main story. I may even be tempted to go through the entire game based on this. Maybe I'll tackle Nick's cases once I'm done with the dorks? We'll see.
While I'm here, I might as well expunge on why it is I find Trucy much better here than in DD and it's pretty simple; she's given a lot more in terms of emotional stakes than in DD. She's a hard-working girl with a grand lineage to carry, and a very elaborate show to keep afloat. Apollo and Athena are shown to care about and support her endeavours. Trucy - seemingly unshakeable as her adoptive father - is put in a vulnerable spot, which we get to see and feel over much more than when she was kidnapped in 5-5. She feels a lot more grounded here, with more strongly established personal motivations and character than before. I thought DD had a fine enough start in 5-2, but had to ditch her in favour of Athena and she never got much to do since. I love Thena to death but even I can see how that's a dirty way to treat a former assistant character.
The gravy boat's rolling strong! I'll see you another night for the trial!
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myimaginedcorner · 1 year
Sorry for the delay, but with August and family on holidays, I'm running slightly behind schedule! TORN PAGE will be updated TOMORROW; SoJ is getting written, but a bigger update on its state will come once I finish one more scene of it!!
Hope everyone is enjoying their time and taking a deserved moment of rest!! ^^
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moonknightproductions · 2 months
I promise once I finish SoJ and gaac I’ll post aa stuff on a specific blog
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thisdayinaceattorney · 2 months
Once I've finished playing DD, SOJ and AAI1 I'll start posting on this blog! I'm working on a comprehensive calendar for dates in the AA universe haha. I might not include PLVPWAA because I can't get hold of it.
-Nelyo (@maglorthecrab)
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milesdadworth · 1 year
"we're doing the dlc" excuses excuses to not go see my boys ray and knightley. smh. :p anyway yeah go finish soj! you guys got this! even if it's terrible! I'll go do some meta in your inbox later once you start playing and I'm not spoiling you!
LMAOOOOOO TBF WE HAVE MET KNIGHTLEY and did we meet raymond? i literally cannot remember BC WE STARTED AAI2 but decided to stop and save it for last and boy howdy i am so glad we did
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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney + troubled birds
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ashenberry · 3 years
no but really it’s insane to me that the original trilogy was made in 3 years that is like a game a year and I’m sure part of it comes from just the crunch culture that the game industry and Japan have but also like please treat your employees like people it’s a silly lawyer video game you do not need it done within the year let them polish it and work everything out
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intomybubble · 3 years
i watched that icarly binge video at x2.8 on my computer, and now watching apollo justice on my phone feels so slow bc the most you can officially speed up videos is x2 ㅠㅠ
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astriline · 4 years
So I finished soj and I felt awful bc I had finally finished aa then I remembered I have not played the dlc cases of soj so I have something left but then,,, after this,,, I'll be done with my replay of the main aa series
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