#once again a reocurring theme
lucindarobinsonvevo · 10 months
I like when a neighbours character has a reocurring theme in their storylines. like, with Carmella it's obviously finding independence. First, from her mob boss father, then from religion, then from her relationships with men, and finally, finding total independence by managing her own cafe.
Which is why, to me, it feels so reductive to simply say her happy ending is being with Oliver, a man who treated her like property, cheated on her, and then felt fine abandoning her with a new born under the guise of 'finding himself'. A man who quite literally said I don't want you, but I don't want anyone else to have you either. Sending her to a country where she has no support system and is now once again, reliant on another person for everything and this time, she quite literally CANNOT leave. that's not a happy ending. that's a god damn nightmare.
oh, and don't think I've forgotten about Rebecca telling her she should consider it so Chloe can have her dad in her life. as if her DAD didn't leave of his own accord. so gross. carmella deserved so much better.
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theshadowsanctum · 4 years
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cherry-shipping · 3 years
friendship ended with ultimate witch dr self insert now ultimate dreamer is my best friend
#cherry chats#yea im thinkin its kinda messy to have two different talents and i cant even figure out what the ultimate witch would be useful for#however their execution being burned at the stake is great#and i realized it fits better for an edgy moody character like yohane from love live sunshine rather than....... me#so now im just the ultimate dreamer!#the only relevant thing i can think of them doing during a killing game is if one participant has a reocurring dream that they can analyze#other unimportant parts is that they zone out easily and fall asleep during class trials#they throw slumber parties (which in a killing game leads to someone being murdered & thats like a whole chapter)#they daydream a lot about many various things so sometimes other characters snap them out of something#and often times its just a regular daydream but in a killing game thanks to plot convenience they might unknowingly be plagued by Visions™️#and as for a non despair au they always fall asleep in class and bring different pretty pillows with them everyday like that girl in the uhh#musaigen no phantom anime#cant remember her name.#i havent watched it in years man#if you want Deep Lore then the reason they wanna sleep all the time is simply cause they do not like life as it is#their theme is id rather sleep by kkb#‘i feel so funny these days / id rather sleep than stay awake / trees used to talk to me / now i know whats real and what is fake#are we from outer space? / this doesnt feel like the right place / and well try anything / just to be a kid once again’#so yeah thats their agenda they seem easygoing and ditzy at first but they really arent afraid to be mean or hold back when theyre angry#maybe not physically but theyll definitely be cold and insult you#though it isnt easy to get them that worked up mostly they just bottle things up and act distant#hey! thats more insight on me as a person too. cool.#anyway bye bye ultimate witch i loved ur design tho
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pure-o-soft · 5 years
Is it normal to have reocurring intrusive thoughts that aren't connected to your current OCD theme? I have recently started to have really mean, insulting intrusive thoughts and they are often even racist in nature. It's not the first time I've had them but it's been getting worse recently as my POCD gets better. It's like whenever I get worried that I'll have another intrusive thought like that, it happens. Can you even have more than one OCD worry at a time?
Hey friend!
To answer your question, it is fairly common to have intrusive thoughts unrelated to your current theme! Everyone gets intrusive thoughts, and if they aren’t bothering you then it isn’t anything to worry about. Although, I know because you’ve had this experience with POCD it can be worrisome that other intrusive thoughts will spiral into something similar! However, to answer your other question, you can have more than one OCD obsession at a time! For some people, they can obsess about multiple themes at once, and for others it’s as though the themes take turns every so often. I’ve noticed a lot of other people with OCD saying how when one of their obsessions becomes more manageable and better, they’ll develop a new one or a pre-existing one starts acting up again. 
Because you have OCD and are prone to obsessing, it would be a good idea to watch and manage how you’re reacting to these new intrusive thoughts so that it doesn’t get out of control! You can use coping mechanisms like responding sarcastically to these thoughts, writing down these thoughts, acknowledging the thoughts (so as to not perform any avoidance). If you have any common compulsions, it would be a good idea to make sure you’re not doing those with this new theme (I know it can seem harmless, but trust me, it’s not!)
I hope this is somewhat helpful, dear! I’m wishing you all the best in the future, you can get through this! If you have any others questions, or if you ever want to talk, don’t be shy to message me
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countdeworde · 7 years
Alternative interpretation of Ever After High
This is just me playing with possibilities. It's not meant as serious guess or probable headcanon. It's just me taking the story apart to see if the gears still work if I rearrange them. (This theory is old, like almost the whole EAH brand itself old, I somehow didn't get to publish it sooner)
What if the story of Ever After High isn't about the fairy tales and the workings of the world where stories come to life. Maybe it's a different kind of meta than that. What if there's one more layer. What if somewhere in the real world a girl has an active imagination and is daydreaming (or writing) this story because she loves storytelling (particularly fairy tales and magic) that much. This unnamed girl is the Author in the background and Ever After High and the characters are her ideas, her way of coping with her life. (That's the reason they are aware of being fictional, of living in a story.)
How would it work? Simply: Each of the girls represents a part of her own personality or people she interacts with. First, let's take a look at the central heroines of the story. It's Apple and Raven. What if they stand for the core of the main personality and the biggest problems and worries the unnamed girl faces. We can even make a guess that she's an only child since a lot of girls don't have any siblings.
Apple - is studious, follows rules, booksmart - is popular and has earned headmaster Grimm's approval - the 'good girl' persona - wants to be like her mother - has fear of the unknown
Raven - unconventional, has conflicts with the mainstream society - doesn't get along with headmaster Grimm - chaotic, wisdom gained through life experiences - doesn't want to be like her mother - she wants to find a new path, a place just for herself
BOTH - want to be really good at what they do (they just go different paths) - are helpful and kind to others (again the style differs) - they believe that what they do is benefiting the society somehow (freeing people from shackles of convention X the stability and peace that is ensured when everyone follows basic rules)
the budding relationship between the two future queens may in reality be a quest for self love and self-discovery.
Cerise as a symbol of her feeling like an outcast, an outsider perhaps. Holly for her love of making up stories and writing them down.
Faybelle and Duchess may have dual roles. They may just as easily stand up for some outside world bullies she encountered or they may represent her own less stellar qualities. Or both at once. There's even the reocurence of the theme of being studious and busy with school work.
Darling as the fighter against sexism. Even Ginger 'fights' for the right to be able to do what she loves. Also there is the theme about learning how to appreciate your mother as her own person even if it means coming to terms with her flaws.
The boys are underdeveloped because they represent boyfriend archetypes like the perfect heartthrob Daring, bad boy rocker Sparrow, nerdy geek Dexter and Humphrey, gentleman adventurer Alistair etc.
EDIT: Due to the Kiss/CPR scene in Dragon games we can even assume the girl is either bisexual or she was in the process of discovering her homosexuality which would explain why the first big damn kiss scene was about two girls kissing.
the Wonderland girls are charmingly eccentric but they don't really fit among the rest of the fairy tales. Again the theme of being weird, feeling out of place.
Headmaster Grimm is the symbol for the older generation. The Apple part adores him, even idolizes. The Raven part questions his world view. He isn't meant to be seen as a villain but the girl is getting aware of his prolematic opinions. This may reflect the Author's view of her own parents - as in they are not evil just oldfashioned and the girl is coming to terms with it.
In short, the whole Royal and Rebel drama is a way for one imaginative mind how to cope with the fear of uncertainty and how a person is trying to find her purpose in the world.
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