#one direction preffs
sometimesallyne · 7 years
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Harry on the Today Show 5.9.17 -This is my photography, please don’t repost without credit.- Insta- allydelmonte twitter- @idkusuk
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1dsongpreferencess · 4 years
“Baby, I seen the chick you're with, wish that I never did Freakin' perfect and five foot ten, just wanna punch her lip, yeah”
Breaking up with Louis was hard, being part of the same group make it worst. You ended up things in the most peaceful way to not separate your friends and that was working out or that’s what you thought. Tonight, you both had a birthday party of one of your friends, it was the first time in two months you were going to see him since he was on tour. You were super nervous but did your best to look great and maybe make him regretting your break up. You came a little bit early to help your friend organize and hours later people started to arrive. Then, you saw Louis and he looked so handsome that you almost didn’t notice he was holding hands with a girl that truly looked like a model, and you almost faint. When your friend saw the whole scene tried to cheer you up and you knew you needed to keep it cool. Officially he has moved on, and well that broke your heart but tonight you will have a good time for your friends. When Louis saw you he awkwardly smiled at you and you smiled back. As you were talking with the birthday girl he came close to congratulate her and then he presented his date. “This is Madison” he said proudly and you acted your best and said hi. But she knew you were his ex, so she wasn’t very kind and everyone noticed but you didn’t pay attention. You were dancing and drinking and trying not to watch the new couple but somehow, they would always end up close to you until Madison pushed you in your back. You turned around and she tried to act like it was an accident but you saw Louis’s face and knew it wasn’t. You decided it wasn’t worth it to stay there knowing she would act like that and you went out to the backyard to have some water and try to keep it calm when you saw Louis next to you. “I’m sorry y/n, I didn’t know she would act like that and we’re just knowing each other it’s not that serious” he said. “Lou, it’s ok I get it. But yeah it’s not that nice she acts like that I wasn’t even paying attention to her. But congrats, she’s beautiful” you replied trying to be sincere. He went silent for a second and said lowly “Nobody compares to you” and you smiled trying not to act on it. Then he keeps talking “Truth is I’m trying so hard to move on but I can’t help but think about us” “This is not fair to her, Lou” you replied trying not to run into her arms because you haven’t moved on either. “Let’s talk tomorrow, please. I will be clear with her and then we can try” he said looking straight to your eyes. “Ok Louis, but I can’t promise anything” you said trying to not be that easy, knowing that maybe tomorrow you might be starting over.
“'Cause I know I've been wasting time tryna catch your eye, uh Yeah I know that I been so blind thinking that I'm your type”
Some people can handle drinking but you were the part of the group that couldn’t and that’s why when you went out with your friends you always tried to drink as little as possible. But tonight you were celebrating, you just graduated from your specialization and you wanted to have a great time. You went to a fancy bar in LA and you were dancing and drinking when you saw Liam Payne dancing too. You were shocked, he was your celebrity crush and since you were a little bit drunk you decided to make a move, your friends tried to stop you but you were the stubborn drunk type. As you walk with confidence towards him he danced and it was good until some other girl that looked really beautiful arrived and move you to dance with him. At first, he didn’t do anything but as he saw you walking away to be with your friends he took your hand. “Hey, where are you going?” he said, a little bit drunk too. “Well, you were dancing with her now so… and well she’s more your type” you replied a little bit unconfident. He didn’t say a word and brought you closer to him to dance. Suddenly you weren’t drunk and you were having the night of your life with him. Not knowing if this was only about one night or something more.
“Uh-huh, yeah baby, I'm gonna keep it real, boy you da one I want
I don't own any five-inch heels, just got my Nike's on”
You were probably the shyest woman in the world and that wasn’t a big deal until you had a crush on someone because you couldn’t even say hi to that person without being too obvious. But when you met Harry it felt different, for some reason you felt so secure of yourself that even though you really liked him you could talk to him about anything. Your friend worked for his crew in the advertising area and since she knew you loved his music she invited you to one private gig and she presented you to him and it felt like an instant click. He was so kind and so easygoing that you felt good talking to him. Since that day you started to hang out a lot and you felt like you could be yourself around him and you could tell he felt the same way. You feel so much trust that you decided you were going, to be honest with him, you wanted him to be more than a friend and you invited him to your place. You decided to make sushi at home and were having a good time trying to make it right when it was ready you sat together to eat and you had a moment of bravery and started talking “Ok, I’m about to be very honest with you and you will try to do the same. And if you don’t agree with me I’ll get over it” you said, preparing him and since he had food on her mouth he nodded and let you keep talking. “I really like you, Harry, as a friend and as something more and I think it’s so cool we get to be so true to each other that it might be great if we gave us a chance to date or something and yeah this is my not being shy for the first time in a while” you said looking at him trying to read his reaction he smiled and put your hand on your lips because you had a little bit of sauce soy. “You won this time because I was working in a way to talk to you about this because I have this huge crush on you and I really want us to be more than friends too” you smiled. “Loved that you took the initiative, though it makes me like you more” he said. And that’s how you ended up dating the boy that was about to make you the happiest girl in the world.
“Never thought I was insecure, boy look at what you done (What you done)”
You always thought Niall, your best friend’s friend didn’t like you too much but after last night you were pretty sure he hated you. And you couldn’t understand why, because you were always kind to him and when you met him you even though you might become really close, he looked so sweet and fun. But, he always changed his attitude when you arrived and last night’s party he didn’t even say hello to you. Not even your best friend knew why he acted like that and whenever she tried to talk to him about it he would avoid the subject. You were done with his acting and you decided you were going to talk to him, and as he was neighbors with your BFF it was easier. You knocked on the door and he was surprised to see you there. “Hi Niall, can we talk?” you said really serious. “What do you need, y/n?” he replied. “Why do you have to be so rude to me? I’m here trying to talk to you” he didn’t say a word but made you come in. You sat and you started talking “I need to understand why you hate me so much, we have friends in common and it makes me really uncomfortable to feel like you don’t want me there. If I did something to you I’m so sorry and it’s ok if you don’t want to be my friend or something but at least be decent if we are in the same place” his face changed completely and he didn’t look mad, he was moved or something. “This is going to sound so cliché and I hope you understand me. But the truth is I do like you y/n, it’s just is more than that. Since the day I met you I had a crush on you, and you are so beautiful that I knew I didn’t have a chance with you so I decided to stay away as much as I could. But I didn’t know I was hurting you, please forgive me.” You were shocked and couldn’t talk because it was really a surprise for you that he felt that way. You stayed silent for a few seconds. “Ni, you just can’t assume that. If you showed me how you felt we wouldn’t be in this situation.” You replied nicely. “I was just afraid of rejection, you know?” he said nervously. “I’ll tell you what. We are going to start again, and we will talk and be friends and maybe if we do things good something more. Let’s give it time” you said. He smiled and agreed standing up to give you a hug.  
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daisylaura13 · 5 years
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1dpreffss · 7 years
You love him, but he loves her.
You stood from a distance, your heart skipping a beat when you saw him. You bit your lip, thinking about everything that could have been. Harry had been your closest friend since you met when you both were just five years old. The two of you grew up together, shared baths and had sleepovers. He was your best mate, from start to finish. His fame never pulled him away, never for too long at least, and he had always been there for you no matter what. When his career with the boys had really taken off, Harry did all he could to keep you close. You'd been introduced to his band mates early on, forming life long bonds with them as well. You could think back to the first time you had really opened up to them, when Louis had caught a look in your eye when Harry had mentioned another girl. Harry of course was oblivious, and probably always would be. “What's up your butt?” Louis asked, as Harry had exited the bus to make a phone call. Your face turned a lovely shade of red, as all eyes were on you. “Nothing?” You question, worried Harry would return any second. Louis pressed further of course, and with the boy's curiosity growing, you mumble a quick, “I think I like him, I don't know.” and they all go silent for a moment. “You should tell him.” Louis urged, but you never did. Now, almost five years later, you were dolled up for Harry's birthday party, your heart racing just at the sight of him.
“You alright?” Louis appeared next to you, his hands shoved into his pockets as if he knew just how you were feeling. “Mhm.” You shoot him a small half smile and let your eyes float back to Harry. Louis and you had become tremendously close over the years. You told him everything, you opened up to him completely. For the past five years, Louis was your shoulder to cry on, and the only person to encourage you to tell Harry the truth. You and Louis found the table were the rest of the boys sat, a drink in each of their hands. “Here ya go, love.” Niall hands you a full glass of champagne. You take a seat next to him, and open your mouth to ask the lads how they all are, but something stops you. Cheering was heard and an applause followed, and slowly you turn to see what all the commotion was for. You watched as Harry stood back a distance from the leggy blonde, who was proudly showing off a large diamond ring. Your heart drops...
“Y/N?” Niall asks, his innocent voice so full of concern. His words fall on deaf ears as your senses begin to fade. You can't hear anyone, all you can focus on is the sight in front of you. The boys stare at you, eyes wide. “I-I've got to go.” Your voice is barley audible, but they shout for you as you stand up from the table and head for the front of Harry's place. Tears burned your eyes, and you quickly wiped them away, not wanting to cause a scene. You had waited too long, your chance was over. Harry was happy, and who were you to ruin that for him. “Hey, where you goin'?” His voice calls out for you, as you try to sneak past him. Harry steps away from his fiance, who is still showing off her new ring. You grip the handle of his front door, tears streaming down your cheeks. You couldn't face him. “Y/N? What's wrong? Why are you leaving?” Hurt was evident in his voice, it broke your heart. You smile, and face him, his brows furrowing in concern when he meets your eyes.
“Congratulations, H.”
This is part one of a three part series. Lemme know what you think. 
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writersblog1d · 7 years
We’re not lovers, we’re just strangers - Harry Styles One-Shot
Part 2 for this one shot, but can be read alone.
People talk about how falling love is a beautiful and magical thing. They say love can save the world and to be able to experience something so pure and good is a gift. They tell you falling in love is the best thing someone could ever do, is the best thing it could ever happen to you. Everyone talks about it, because everyone wants to believe it.
Falling in love can be a beautiful thing, staying in love is another story.
All it took for Y/N to break was a smile.
The same smile he wore on his face the day the first met, the same smile it had never been directed at her, the same smile she had always enjoyed from afar. A smile so treacherous, so full of intentions and secrets, that Y/N almost wished she could erase from her memory.
First time Y/N saw Harry after having her heart broken, she thought she would cry.  
Y/N had gone to a friend's party, knowing that he was going to be there and thinking that she could handle it. He was one of the first persons she saw when she entered the house, she didn't know if it was because her eyes were trained to find him after so long or if destiny was playing a prank on her.
For Y/N, it became pretty clear that Harry was ignoring her, and she was sure it was clear to everyone else too. It wasn't subtle, it was actually everything but.
Harry didn't look her in the eye when she tried to make conversation. He didn't stay too long in the same room, or group, as her. He never talked to her first. And when saying hello or goodbye, he would do it so quickly it was almost as if he hadn't done it at all.
He was still the same with the others, joking around and smiling to everyone, so it was obvious she was the problem. It brought tears to her eyes just thinking about it.
"Harry, is everything okay?" Y/N asked when she found Harry looking kind of down in a corner during the party.
"Yeah." he shrugged, not looking at her.
"Are you sure?" she pressed, silently begging him to look at her and smile, tell her it was okay, notice that maybe he should be the one making the questions, because she sure wasn't okay.
However, Harry didn't even bother with words, just nodding before walking away.
A few moments later, Y/N saw Harry smiling at a girl. It wasn't a smirk, like he had used on her all those months ago, one that had meant problem and pain. It was a smile, the beautiful one only him had. The sight made her knees weak and her mood drop even more than before.
All it took for Y/N to break was a smile directed at someone else and the knowledge that it would never be directed at her.
Y/N knew for a fact the joke was on her.
As proud as Y/N was, never texting first and not trying to run after anyone, Y/N had a feeling everyone knew about her feelings for Harry.
By the time Y/N found herself sitting around a fire with her friends and Harry, she not only had long realized he was ignoring her in the most obvious way, she has also realized how his friends would always laugh when she failed at starting conversation.
The mood of the small gathering was a good one. They were all sitting in a circle, talking and singing calm songs as someone else played the guitar. Everything seemed perfect and although Harry was there too, Y/N wasn't letting it affect her too much.
That was until he used the same spider-man joke he had used on her house right in the beginning of their relationship, if you could ever call that.
The way he tried to grab a cup by pretending he was spider-man and had a web falling out of his arms, sent Y/N into a spiraling mess.
"Seems like my powers are not working today." He joked, laughing after it and going back to some random conversation.
Y/N's mouth was dry and her heart was racing, her mind going through the memories of him doing that for the first time around her. Much like the first time, she thought she was going to faint.
She felt like suffocating and it only got worst when Harry and his friends started talking about Star Wars, a topic that had been part of Y/N and Harry's conversations many times before.
They were talking about how pretty the girls on the movie were and before she could stop herself, Y/N was opening her mouth. "Oh, Harry, remember when we ranked the girls of Star Wars from the most pretty to the least one? As if they weren't all gorgeous?"
"Me? No. We never did that." Harry glanced at her like she was crazy, quickly adverting his gaze back to his friends.
Y/N's heart stopped and she tried to play it cool, plastering a smile on her face and joking. "You are just saying that cause you don't want to admit that you don't find Leia as beautiful as everybody else."
"Or I just never did such a thing, don't be crazy." He got up and walked away right after finishing talking, leaving Y/N with a hurt look on her face and a awkward atmosphere behind.
After that, Y/N stayed quiet for most of the night, avoiding directing her words to Harry or to any topic he was related to. She still tried to joke with him a couple of times, but she was shut down all of them until she didn't try anymore.
There was a time where Harry would joke along with Y/N all the time, now the only joke on their relationship was her and her stupid hopes of getting him to act normal around her again.
All it took for Y/N to be trapped under the curse that was loving Harry was a few words.
Words that stopped being said to her. Words that were once part of their jokes and were now being directed at everyone else but her. Words she had thought were just for her, and yet, were for anyone to hear.
When Y/N thought her week couldn't get worse, she was told that Harry was tagging along on her trip with her friends to the beach.
She knew what would happen before it did: Y/N would try and make a fool of herself talking to Harry, only to have him ignore her and brush her aside, making her feel bad about herself and wanting to go back home.
Y/N just wanted a nice day at the beach, trying to work on her tan, relaxing after a whole month of finals. Just this once, she wanted not to worry about anything.
However, that became impossible the minute Harry tagged along. She wished she could just brush him aside like he did with her, she wished she could ignore that he was there and relax, she wished more than anything that she didn't care as much as she did.
She wished for all that, and yet none of it became true.
At first, having Harry around on the trip was a disaster.
Y/N was ten times more worried about her appearance and how her stomach wasn't flat, than normal. She was stressing about him being too close and yet so far. She was freaking out about him completely ignoring her all the time she tried to start small conversation.
The situation only got worse when Harry started to talk about things he and Y/N used to talk about, when he pretended he had never had a conversation about who he would have been if their were on 'How I Met Your Mother'.
There was nothing more that Y/N wanted than to be part of the conversation, to joke together, but Harry shot her down each time.
Or at least he did, until the very end of the trip.
"If you hit me with that ball, I swear I will kill you, Harry." Y/N announced, sitting on the bench outside the train station and praying that the ball Harry was kicking next to her would't hit her.
"Like this?" Harry asked laughing, before kicking the ball right on Y/N's leg.
In that moment, Y/N swore she forgot how to breath. She must have looked like an idiot, a incredibly surprised idiot. All Y/N wanted was to remember the moment Harry had finally talked to her again in months, forever.
"Oh, fuck off!" She bite back, laughing along.  
After that, Harry joked some more around Y/N. And when they shared a taxi home, he said good bye with a hug and a gentle smile on his face.
"Good night, Y/N"
"Night, Harry." She replied, her cheeks blushing.
For the first time in months, Harry had directed words at her again and Y/N was over the moon about it. However, the happiness didn't last long when she realized that she getting happy about it only meant she wasn't nearly as close as she thought on getting over him. It only meant she was still under the curse that was Harry.
For a few days, Y/N let herself dream about building a new friendship with Harry.
She let herself think about how good would be to not have someone ignoring you. How fun it would be to be part of the jokes again. How nice it would feel being close to him once more, even as just friends.
Two days was all it took for Y/N to have her dream and hope of talking to him again destroyed.
It was late at night and Y/N was at bed already, watching Netflix and trying to see if sleep would come to her. Then, she decided that scrolling through snapchat would be a good idea.
It wasn't.
Harry had posted a new My Story and as usual, Y/N didn't hesitate to click on it to watch it. She should have.
There, on the small screen of her cellphone, Harry was kissing another girl, heart emojis spread across the picture and a simple 'girlfriend' written as caption.
And if that wasn't enough to break Y/N's heart, to dissolve her into a puddle of tears, the fact that he was standing right where Y/N and Harry had shared their first kiss, was.
Crying, Y/N threw her phone to side and yelled into the pillow.  
For a few days, Y/N didn't dream at all.
If there is one thing that Y/N knows, is that when you are trying to ignore someone, she suddenly appears everywhere.
That wasn't different with Harry's girlfriend.
She was in every snapchat he send, in every Instagram story Y/N's friends posted, on every Facebook photo shared, at every event Y/N got invited to.
She was everywhere, just like Harry.
Because Harry was everywhere too, always with her by his side. And for the first time, Y/N wished Harry was nowhere to be seen.
People don't talk about how falling in love it's not always rainbows and flowers. They don't say how it could destroy someone and how twisted and blind the feeling could feel. They don't tell you falling in love without someone to catch is the worst thing someone could ever do, is the worst thing it could ever happen to you. No one talks about it and yet, almost everyone knows it.
Falling in love is a easy thing, staying in love is the most difficult one.
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msawesomeworld · 7 years
Partners in crime Chapter 5
A/N: look at me, posting, for the first time in forever. Yay me! Am i gonna start posting frequently again? Probably not. but i hope you will still read my fics as i do intend to finish them.
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Read the previous chapters here.
Zayn’s P.O.V.
After hanging out with the group for a couple of months I felt more and more included. They would visit me at the restaurant I was a waiter at. When I was not home I was with one of them. The boys would copy off my homework but I figured it was worth it to have friends. Maxx even made Zack lend me his comic books as a thanks. Having had other friends at the school before I had no idea why anyone would look down at these people. They were so lovely so none judging, so nice, I did not get why everyone else hated them. I remember being one of the more popular kids, sitting around judging others. I remember looking at these people like they were beneath me. I did not understand why they were so weird and stuck out. But their individuality are what makes them so great, I know that now. They were freaks. Their words not mine. I had mentioned it to the group once and they had laughed about how they were possibly the worst circus in the world. I am glad I am not a popular kid anymore, I just wish everything did not have to happen for me to end up there.
I was walking down the hall of school with my friends, I had on my varsity jacket. And my girlfriend was talking about how we should visit the summer house that weekend. We left and they dropped me off at my house. They did not live far away. It was a nice house with a big well kept garden, our Gardner made sure of that. I walked into the house dropping my bag to the floor. I walked by the kitchen and grabbed a snack. I went to Lily’s room to say hi, she said mom and dad were fighting. I hoped they would resolve it as usual. I comforted her for a little before going to my parents bedroom to see what was up with them. I walked in to see things scattered all over the floor. My mom sat on the bed crying and my dad was packing a bag quickly. I looked at him confused. He closed the bag and walked over to me. He smiled at me caring padding my shoulder heavily before walking out the door. I heard him tell lily that he was going on a trip for a while. I just stood there frozen. I ran after him.
“Dad, what are you doing? What is going on?” I yelled. He stopped at the cab and turned around as I walked towards him.
“I can not do this anymore, this lie. Your mother. I just can't” He said putting his bag into the trunk of the car. I looked at him confused.
“But what about Lily, what about me? You can't just leave your children,” I said and he sighed.
“I'm sorry Zayn.” Was all he said and I looked at him frustrated.
“No. Just stay. Dad, you can't leave your children.” I half yelled. he has turned away from me and paused for a second before turning to me looking angry.
“I don't even know if you're mine. I mean look at you and Lily. Do you honestly think you're mine?” He yelled out just as frustrated.
I took a step back shocked that he could say something like that. he sighed and got in the cab driving away. And that was the last time I ever saw my dad.
Everything went to shit from there. I was kicked off the team because I could not focus on the game. We had to move to the south side because our old house was way too expensive now, my girlfriend dumped me, I got a shitty job at a gas station. My friends did not want to hang out with me anymore saying: “You have just changed so much lately, we don't know who you are anymore.” It seemed like a rabbit hole of bad and I just kept falling deeper into it. One day an especially concieted transfer student was walking down the hall with all the other jocks. I was just walking in the opposite direction minding my own business sulking about the series of unfortunate (to say the least) events of my current life situation. I bumped into him, I kept walking but he grabbed my arm turning me around glaring at me.
“Hey South side, didn't your daddy teach you any manners? Apologise.” He said.
I took a deep breath to contain my rising anger I had always had a problem controlling my emotions. I pulled my arm to me and stayed silent. He grabbed me again glaring down at me.
“What? Cats’ got your tongue? Or did daddy take it with him when he left. Why was that again? Oh right, cuz your mums a whore.” He said I heard laughs around him from his friends.
The next thing I remember is my English teacher, my favorite teacher, nearing me looking scared. I was on the ground, in a fetal position, I could feel myself involuntarily rocking back and forth. I remember the look in his eyes, in everyone's eyes, they were scared, I did not know why. I was taken to a hospital where my mom picked me up. My hands hurt and we drove home in silence. When we got there she told Lily to go to her room. She bandaged me up and told me what happened, according to the school.
I had gotten into a fight with those guys. I had beat the transfer guy so hard he was unconscious, some of the jocks had with much struggle pulled me off him. But then I had yelled. Yelled at them, at everyone. She told me people thought I was losing it. and had stopped only to drop to the ground rocking back and forth, talking low, and starring at the ground.
*End of flashback*
I was at the psychward at the hopital where they diagnozed me. I went there as long as I could. Luckily my moms insurance from her second job covered the pills or else I would not have been able to afford them. Naturally, I was a freak at the school since that incedent. I changed, got more panic attacks, got even more quit. All the teachers were informed they seemed to not care and just ignored me in classes.
I promised myself after that day that I would never be reckless ever again, I could not risk hurting anyone else. If I kept blacking out who knows who I might hurt? My mom? Lily? I could not risk that.
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I started misspelling "pretty" and what popped up was "one direction preffs". I don't even know what that means.
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sometimesallyne · 7 years
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Harry on the Today Shoe 
-This is my photography, please don’t repost without credit.-
Insta- allydelmonte
twitter- @idkusuk
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1dsongpreferencess · 4 years
“Straight off the plane to a new hotel
Just touched down, you could never tell”
You knew going on tour with Harry was going to be crazy, but missing him that much when he was gone was way worse. Good thing you were able to do your work in any place in the world and that, at least make you feel stable and well this tour was only 3 months. At first, your parents weren’t that happy with your decision, even though they loved Harry and approved your relationship, but as weeks passed by and you talked to them almost every day and they saw how happy you looked, they started to feel different about it. The funny thing was that sometimes you wouldn’t even know for you where you were located for a few days and they would make fun of you but in a good way. You were having the time of your life, being able to sleep every night next to the love of your life, and waking up with him. Every day he would do something sweet for you like a nice breakfast in bed or a new place in the city to know because he knew the sacrifice you were making for him and he appreciated it, and that was love. 
“A big house party with a crowded kitchen
 People talk (shh) but we don't listen”
Your friends couldn’t believe it when you told them you were dating Niall Horan, it was crazy knowing how much you loved him and his music when you were a teenager and now being with him was a lot to process but in a good way, because they were truly supportive. As you have been together for 3 months with Niall you decided it was time for him to meet them and that’s when you decided to take him to a party that your group was going. When you arrived, you presented him and all your friends were really nice to him and that made you happy. The sad thing you didn’t know that of course some people at the party were nice and the others not so much and you started seeing some girls making fun of you and making videos of Niall without his consent and well, that made you feel terrible because you wanted your boyfriend to have a good time and when he saw your expression he took you out of the house so you could talk. “Babe, that kind of thing is going to keep happening and that sucks and I wish we could not have to live it but that’s life. And you know what? It’ doesn’t matter, they can say, they can record and they can do anything they want but we won’t let it affect us. We’re better than that” he said as he grabbed you close and gave you a hug that for the first time in a while made you feel really secure. And at that moment, you realized you were going to be brave for your relationship because that boy was so worth it.  
“Don't look back, baby, follow me
 I don't know where I'm going but I'm finding my way”
One of the things about Zayn that you loved the most was how brave he was. Even since you started dating and you realized how vulnerable he would be and how in love he was with her music you knew he was special and being able to have a serious relationship with him it has been a great journey to learn about so many things like love and hard work that you felt really lucky and really believed and trusted him. And remembering this made you realize that you were making the right choice by leaving your hometown and moving in with him. Of course, you were scared, and he knew it but he was there making you feel secure and that meant the world to you. He helped you find a job, he organized future trips for you to see your family again and that was amazing, knowing how much he cared about you and how serious your relationship was going. It was new for him too, and of course, you knew he was a little bit scared too but knowing that you were going to be together made him feel stronger and that was how leaving your only known home with him felt so right. 
“You and me and all our friends
 I don't care how much we spend
 Baby, this is what the night is for”
You loved your boyfriend and your mutual friends, you weren’t a big group only 6 people but you were always having a great time together. It was a great idea having this trip to Las Vegas and for the past 2 days, you’ve been drinking and dancing and fooling around. You woke up hangover next to Louis and as you saw him peacefully sleeping you decided to not make any noise and go take a shower. You took your time and when you went outside to the bedroom you saw a beautiful breakfast served and your boyfriend waiting for you, you couldn’t help but smile. “Good morning my love” he said as he saw you. “Good morning to you too, my amazing boyfriend who ordered us breakfast” you sat next to him and you both ate a lot, you were talking about your amazing trip and silly stuff until he makes a really serious face. “Love, I’ve been sure about a few things in my life, about how much I love my family, about my music but most importantly about who I want to spend the rest of my life with and that person is you. These 3 years together have been enough for me to realize that you’re my other half and I’ve been having this crazy idea about asking you to marry me here because I know you love spontaneous things as much as me and I would love to get married here with you” He said while he grabbed a beautiful ring on his hand. Your eyes were full of tears, happy tears because this proposal was perfect. “I would love to marry you, Louis. Here, any place. Now, today, tomorrow. You’re the love of my life, I love youuuu” you sad while kissing him. And that’s how that night you were getting married in a beautiful chapel with your closest friends being present.
“I know nothing's making sense
 For tonight let's just pretend
 I don't wanna stop so give me more”
Liam was your best friend, you’ve been friends for more than 5 years almost since you moved to London. And you were inseparable when he was in town almost every time except when some of you had a relationship and that’s why you were so excited about him coming home next week because it was the first time in a long time that you were both single and that only meant you could really have quality time. You were that excited to see him that you decided to surprise him at the airport. He looked serious, mostly because of paparazzi but when he saw you his expression changed completely, he had a big smile and ran to hug you. You went to his car and you decided to have a sleepover but the ones you had always ended up in getting really drunk. You went to your place and put pajamas. As drinks started to get some effect you started noticing he was coming really close to you and you were ok with it but of course you were scared you loved him very much and nothing compared to that kind of friendship so you decided to slowly back off. “y/n, I can’t help it I know it’s weird but knowing you’re single and being single makes impossible to control how I feel about you.” He said. And you would like to say you were surprised but to be honest you both knew that you were attracted to each other but never acted because of your past partners. “I just don’t want to thing get weird between us, Li” you said feeling shy. “I know this is crazy but let’s give it a try” he replied as he slowly kissed you. YOU FELT SO MANY BUTTERFLIES IN YOUR BELLY, IT WAS CRAZY. You ended up sleeping together and you fell sleep worried about tomorrow. When you woke up the next day he wasn’t next to you and you felt a terrible pain in your chest, you were about to cry when you saw him coming in with two big coffees from Starbucks and you smiled. He got closer and kissed you on the lips and boom, you felt the butterflies all over again. Maybe this wasn’t a crazy idea at all.
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teddybearliamxx · 8 years
Six Years of Celibacy – Any Boy
Y/n stared at the stranger with wide eyes. He was still down on his knee holding out the ring. What randomness for something like this to happen to her. What was this man up to? A prank? She had been wishing that one day she’d fall in love with someone. Someone kind and caring, but too many heart breaks sent her into a life of celibacy for many years.
Now at the age of the 30, her friends and family wondered when she would find a suitable boyfriend—eventually husband. Most of them couldn’t understand her decision of celibacy. But they hadn’t gone through what she had gone through so how could they.
The people in the park were now staring, some even taking out there phones to document this lovely unfolding. But they had no idea. The man, still on his knee, began to blush in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, I think you have the wrong person.” She too was blushing. She studied his face. There was something about him that seemed vaguely familiar. Had she seen him before? Maybe in a distant memory? Or another life—if there even was such a thing.
“No, I know I have the right person. I don’t think you remember me, though.” He put away the ring but stayed on the ground, now on both knees with his hand on the arm of the bench where she sat. His English accent surprised her.
The time she studied in England came back to mind. Had he known her from there? She was only 18 when she left to study there. It was a good time away from her hometown. She’d hoped she’d have better luck at love there—better schooling as well. When she went, though, her schooling worked out but her love life didn’t go as planned. She mainly went for the tough guys, but those tough guys only brought problems. Most only stayed till she consented to sex then left saying “it isn’t working out.” She thought it was her. That she couldn’t please them well enough.
She continued to stare at the man’s face. His futures were kind, somewhat child-like but also manly. His short hair moved with the gentle gust of wind. Who was he? How could she not remember someone so handsome? He said his name, but it didn’t shake her memory. It was a good name for him though. It fit his features well.
“Sorry, I don’t know you.”
The man sighed and stood. His disappointment showing as his shoulders hung and his head lowered. “Oh…” He sighed and turned to leave, but stopped when she stood and grabbed his shoulder.
“Wait!” She paused and fidgeted with her fingers; a light blush rising to her cheeks as she shyly stared at him. “This is so unlike me, but could I have your number?”
The man chuckled. “My number? Are you sure? I could be some creep.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say you’re a creep, really… More weirdo.” They both chuckled at their little joke, both still feeling embarrassed from his sudden proposal. She wanted to slap herself after the words left her mouth, but was glad he didn’t take it to heart.
Days went by. His number now in her contact list but she couldn’t bring herself to text or call him. Try as she might she couldn’t remember who the man was but something inside her knew she had seen him before.
A few days turned into weeks and she continued to pry and probe her mind. She went through her photos during that time in college on Facebook and other social media looking for that face, or more his eyes. There was something about those eyes. She knew she’d seen them before, but where? And why come up to her like that? To propose?
Work got in the way when she wanted to call. It wasn’t all just nerves. Or was that her excuse?
“Okay, Y/n! I’m so done with work! We need to go to a party or something!” Her friend Janice said as they left their work office. She sighed shaking her head. She was too tired to do anything after all that. Office work always tired her out. She wanted to crash and sleep the whole weekend. They took the elevator down to the building garage.
“Janice, you know I’m not one for parties. I’m so awkward around large groups of people…”
“Oh come on!” Janice hung on Y/n arm as they walked through the building’s garage to their cars. “It’ll be fun!”
“You don’t need to drink to have fun. And besides, that’s what you said last time we went to a party and I got thrown up on.” Janice let out a boisterous laugh, throwing her head back as the memory came back. “Stop it! It wasn’t funny. I almost threw up myself.” She pouted.
“Well, how bout a club then?”
“No,” she whined as she pulled herself free of Janice’s clutch. “I am not going to a party or club or any sort of gathering that involves alcohol!”
Alcohol? The memory suddenly came back in a flash. A young man helping her in her dorm room. She was drunk, half hanging onto him to keep on her feet. He was helping her to the bed when she tripped when they both fell on the bed, him on top of her. She remembered that face. His eyes. It was him!
She gasped and grabbed Janice, shaking her in excitement. “I know who it is! I figured it out! Janice, it’s him!”
“Him who? What you on about?”
“The man I told you about. The one at the park! I remember who it is!”
“Holy! How?”
She told Janice about the memory but there was no other that came to mind after that. That was all she had. How could she be sure it happened and wasn’t just something her mind conjured up.
“You have to call him!”
Y/n stared at Janice in disbelief. “What? No.”
“Why not? How else will you know if it’s him unless you talk to him?”
“Because… I have to be sure.”
“Oh cut the BS! Don’t let this fear stop you! He seems like a nice person, at least he’s not crazy.” They soon stopped at Janice’s car. She opened the driver’s door but didn’t enter.
“Maybe he is. He just up and proposed to me. Who does that?”
“Listen, we have the weekend off. If you two make plans to meet, I’ll go with you if it will make you feel better.”
She sighed, shaking her head. Could she do something so daring now? After 6 years of celibacy should she even try now?
Janice sighed. “Just think about it. I’ll meet you at your apartment later.”
Y/n paced her living room, picking at the dry skin on her lip. Her heart was pounding like she was running a race. Janice would be there soon. She’d obviously make her call him. It was what she was good at. Janice was kind of like her rock. The step up and push that Y/n needed for her to do things. Sometimes it was good, sometimes very bad.
Janice was pretty much the closest friend that she had. Her best friend. Janice knew all about all her heartache and about her vow to celibacy. She didn’t argue about it, just let her be. But there was something that Janice could see behind all those walls. Something that Janice knew Y/n really wanted.
The knock at the door made Y/n jump and grab at her chest. She sighed and went to open the door. Okay, calm down. It’s just Janice.
“Okay first thing’s first,”—Janice entered, went over to the couch with two hot cups of their favourite coffee from Starbucks, and set the on the table—"coffee!“
Y/n laughed, or more like scoffed in a not-so-humoured humoured manner. “I don’t need coffee. My heart already feels like it’s gonna break my ribs and jump out of my chest!” She sighed as she sat beside Janice but still accepted the coffee. It was scalding hot still. Just the way she liked it. Janice shook her head, still unable to comprehend how she could drink something so hot.
“It’ll be fine, honey. If he was as nice to you at the park as he was in the memory you had, he’s got to be the real deal.”
“I was drunk then, I don’t even know if he took advantage of me that day…” She covered her face with her hand and sighed. Too many men—boys to put it crudely—had done that. She vowed to never let it happen again.
“I assure you he didn’t do that.”
“How? How can you prove that? You don’t even know him; I don’t even know him. I feel like I’m sticking my neck out on the chopping block for some stranger!” She sighed. She was tired. She didn’t want to think of this anymore. Not about relationships or men or even him.
Janice thought for a moment. “Do you remember what year that happened?” Y/n nodded. “Get your yearbook from that year.”
“Just get it and I’ll explain.”
She took another long drink of her coffee then went to get the book. After a minute or so she came back with the book and a skeptic look on her face. “I don’t know what you aim to find but I already looked through these…”
“Oh, well another look won’t be a big deal. Maybe you skipped a page.” Janice took the book and opened it on her lap, going through the pages.
There were so many pictures of students and sororities. Of parties and clubs. Then came the students. There were so many that Janice had to ask Y/n for his name again. After a while of searching and chatting about the cute boys, Janice found him. “Ha!” Janice said his full name and the sound of it gave Y/n shivers. Why did his name sound so full of bliss to her ears.
Y/n stared at his face. The soft shape of his face and his haircut gave him a youthful look. So young. He looked so nerd-like with his glasses but adorable none the less.
“Wow! If this is what he looked like back then he’s gotta be a killer now!”
The corner of Y/n mouth turned up at Janice’s comment. “I wouldn’t put it like that but yes he is handsome.”
Janice let out a little squeak of excitement and shut the book. “Okay! You have to call him.”
“I can’t!” She was already feeling exhausted from saying the same thing over and over. She didn’t feel she could. She knew if she even tried her voice would falter and her speech would be a babbling mess. She was so out of—dare she say it—practice. She never had it in her mind to talk to men that way again. Not in a seeking a relationship kinda way, until now.
“Yes, you can! Hey, why don’t I do it? Then you won’t have any problems”
“Nooo…” Y/n whined and hid her flushed face in her hands. “He wouldn’t know who you were.”
“I’ll say I’m your friend.”
“But then it would show I was scared.”
Janice sighed heavily. She wasn’t getting anywhere and was starting to tire. “Okay… I won’t push anymore… But honey, I really think you’re missing out. I’m not asking you to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I’m just saying to give it a try. Get to know him a little.”
“Janice, I’ve told you before, I’m done with looking. I’m done with everything that goes with relationships.”
Janice stared hard her eyes. “Are you really? Can you look me in the eye and wholeheartedly say that to me?”
Y/n looked away with a soft sigh and shook her head. “No.” Her eyes began to water but she held the tears back and kept her head down. “I do still want… someone… But I’m scared. I’ve tried and tried and been hurt too much to love someone that way again. You could even say that my heart has been put through the meat grinder from how many times I’ve been hurt. I–” The tears were flowing now, to the point she could no longer speak. She covered her face and began to sob. Who could possibly fix her now?
Janice pulled Y/n to her chest and rocked her gently as she rubbed her back. “It’s gonna be Okay. You just gotta give it time honey.”
“I’ve given it time! 6 years! Didn’t I tell you?”
“Yes of course. But then you need someone to help with that time. And he sounds like he will.”
Y/n pulled back and wiped her tears to stare at Janice. “How are you sure of this?”
Janice sighed deeply. She couldn’t really answer. “I don’t really know how to tell. But I can see that he’s not the type of person to be horrible to a woman.”
She looked away, her mind swarming with scenarios of what could happen and almost all were bad. Almost. She stared at her phone which was on the coffee table. She had set it there earlier before Janice came and she was pacing the room. What could go wrong?
Would he laugh and tease her for falling for it? Or say that she had the wrong number. Or maybe it wouldn’t even be his number. Maybe he had given her a wrong number on purpose.
The huffed and glared at her phone like it was him. She imagined he was there in the room staring back. The look she imagined he’d give back was of one would call a puppy dog look. Innocent. One who wouldn’t do anyone any harm.
“Ugh!” She huffed and grabbed her phone, tapping and swiping through her phone address book. She tapped on the message symbol when she found his name.
“What are you doing?” Janice gave her a confused look.
“I’m texting him.”
The soft chatter of people in the small coffee shop made Y/n slightly antsy. Her hands were wrapped around her coffee cup. The sleeve on the cup was warm to the touch calming her slightly, unlike the coffee inside. She took another drink. Her heart jumped when the chime of the bell went off when a customer entered. She turned to see if it was him. It wasn’t. She turned back when Janice touched her hand from across the table.
“Calm down, honey.”
“I can’t. What if he stands me up?” So many had done it before she was used to it. She was hoping he wasn’t like that.
“He’s not coming till another 10 minutes. We got here early.” Janice sipped on her coffee. She wouldn’t admit it but she was nervous too. She was nervous for Y/n. Nervous of what this man could be like and how he would treat her.
The bell chimed and they glanced at the door again. Still not him. She checked her phone again for the time. 1:23pm. They had gotten there 30 minutes early. She had a tendency to be early for everything. It was always embarrassing to be late. People staring at you in awkward silence as you take a seat or interrupting the person talking.
She remembered there was one person in business class who always got there late. She remembered how he’d blush the whole way to his seat. His seat? She furrowed her brows trying to remember the face. He always sat in front of her so she never really saw him but the back of his head.
“What?” Janice’s asked puzzled by Y/n distant look.
She shook her head. “Nothing. Just a memory from back in college.”
“Of him?”
She shook her head ‘no’. “I’m not sure. I don’t think so.”
Janice sat up straight from her forward position and stared at something behind Y/n. Alarmed, Y/n looked as well. It was him. He was there. He looked different somehow. His hair was still the same but his dress shirt and dark jeans seemed to give him a more mature look than last time at the park (which were cargo pants and a tank top).
She didn’t realize she was staring till he approached the table.
“Hi?” He smiled kindly and introduced himself to Janice before his eyebrows moved to one of a confused look. “Am I late?”
“Oh no!” Janice gestured for him to sit. “Y/n just likes to be early.” Both chuckled making her blush and look away. “You’re on time. I’m Janice.” Both shook hands before he took his seat.
Y/n pulled her arms close to her and leaned on the table. She wasn’t sure what to say. He was looking so she smiled. He smiled back. They were quiet, unknowing what to say.
“Would you like a drink? Coffee or somethin?” Janice stood, ready to take his order to the counter.
“Sure!” He handed her a five dollar bill. “I’ll have tea. Two sugars please.”
“Alrighty! Anything to eat?”
“Oh I’m alright for now.”
Janice nodded and left leaving Y/n in a very awkward situation with him. She didn’t even know where to start her list of questions.
“Nice day out there?”
“I don’t know if I’d call it nice. It’s too cloudy for my liking.” He chuckled. “You think I’m being funny?”
“No, you just still speak the same as you did in college.”
“Oh…” She was unsure whether to feel offended or smile. She didn’t think the way she spoke should have an affect on him.
“It’s a compliment, love.”
She blushed and looked away to hide it. So many boys had called her that during her time in England and it still gave her exact same reaction.
Both went to say something then awkwardly chuckled.
“Lady’s first.”
“Well, Okay. I remember who you are.”
“You do?” A grin came across his face, wide-eyed and excited.
“Well, sort of. All I can remember was when I was drunk that you took me back to my dorm.”
This time, it was his turn to blush. “Oh… That was actually—”
“Your tea!” Janice sat down happily and gave him his cup. “And change.” The change chingled softly as she put it on the table.
“Thank you.” His sipped his tea and smiled. A frown came to Janice’s face went she noticed Y/n was glaring at her.
Y/n rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Never mind.” The awkward silence was back and she was finding it hard to say something now that Janice was there.
He cleared his throat. “Back to what I was saying, that was actually the first time you talked to me.”
“It was?”
“What was? What are we talking about?” Janice’s looked sat both with a confused expression. Y/n huffed with a glare of annoyance but explained to Janice what they were talking about.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “You never talked to me, ever. Even when I would say ‘hi’ every time I saw you.”
“You’d say hi? I don’t remember that.”
“You never heard or noticed me back then though. You were too popular for me. Even when I’d say ‘hi’ in business class you were too busy with your friends.”
“Wait, business class?”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I was the one who was always late and interrupted. I sat in front of you.”
She stared at him bewildered and shocked. He was the one who kept interrupting her favourite class. The one who would awkwardly fumble with his his stuff when she caught him staring at her.
“Holy shit! Okay, so you really know each other? And all this time you’ve had a crush on her?” Janice was jumping and shaking with excitement in her seat. The boy with a crush was now a man and had looked all over to find her best friend!
He smiled with a nod. Y/n was at a loss for words. The awkward nerd in class had the biggest crush on her and was here now. She wouldn’t call him awkward or nerdy now. He was all grown up like herself. Being the popular girl in college brought many friends but many didn’t stay “friends” or even keep in touch after they graduated.
“Yeah. After all this time I was wondering if you’d still remember me. I know we only talked once when I brought you back from that graduation party, but I never forgot you. I left you my number… Before I left but I guess you didn’t see it or didn’t care…”
The hurt in his eyes wasn’t hard to catch. She felt bad for not finding his number even though she didn’t remember that night and it was a long time ago. What he must have gone through to find her and all those days thinking of her. What a man.
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be, love. It was a while ago. But now is another matter. I found you and that’s all that matters to me.” He smiled. It was like he had found his world. Like a pirate who had found the most valuable treasure. He wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers of he could help it. Not again.
She stared at him, a big question still lingering in her mind. What was the proposal about? Her nerves got to her as she was about to ask. She swallowed hard at the lump in her throat. What if he was serious about it?
“Why in the world did you propose to me? I mean, it got my attention but did you really mean it?”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Not exactly…” He took another sip of his tea and she took a few gulps of her coffee. She grimaced as she pulled the cup from her lips. It had gotten cold. “Back when I started looking for you, I thought you’d remember me when we saw each other again. I– I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I guess my mind got ahead of me. I see now that it was sort of a bad idea but it did get your attention.”
“Well, it certainly did. But did you mean it?”
“For now, no. In the future though, maybe.” They stared each other in the eyes. She was in awe. He had spent nearly 10 years looking for her, the person he had a crush on. Most would give up after a few months bunch this? This was far more than a crush.
“You’re crazy.” She didn’t mean it in a rude way. More humorous that he seriously was crazy. He chuckled.
“I guess so. But, if you wanna try?” Heat consumed his body. He suddenly felt like he was on fire. He was asking, practically a stranger, to see if they would work out.
She smiled slightly at how his ears turned a slight shade of red when his face flushed. He was interesting and cute to say the least. And he did look for her for so many ears. Maybe it was meant to be?
There were so many questions she wanted to ask. Like how did he find her? And had he stayed single for all those years. Surely not.
She cleared her throat and looked at Janice who told her with her eyes to go for it. “Okay.” She nodded. “I'd–” she took a deep breath. Like a leap of faith. This was it. “I’d like to try.”
A/N: This short story came to me a few weeks ago and I hope you enjoyed it. I am taking Preference and Personal imagine request if wanna drop me a note here I’d be happy to write it for you  :)
xx RJ 
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Preference #220 TiO
Liam- I can taste it on your mouth/ And I can't leave it/ You're a freak like me/ Can't you see? Learning from your last break-up you wanted to take it slow with Liam but one kiss made your judgement cloud and what you learned as of o use. Your lips connected and nothing could break you apart, in seconds you understood what you both needed, how you both liked to unravel under lust.
Louis- Push me up against the wall/ Don't take it easy/ You like it hard like me/ It's what you need Done with the same location and position, Louis surprised you, indulging in something hard, rather than romantic. You liked his raging attitude and let him have his way with you, “Don’t stop,” you’d keep whispering while he showed you how much he needed you and you, him. It was a wonder the wall remained intact.
Niall- Let's get naked and explore/ Our inner secrets/ For what it is/ It's what it is Usually the sheets or the lack of lighting in the bedroom allowed Niall to be confident and be in control but this time you proposed to be naked, and unashamed of all the imperfections, secret marks and untraveled places of each other’s bodies. This allowed for the two of you to fully accept every physical aspect and be rid of unnecessary insecurities.
Harry- I, I, I, I just want to watch you when you take it off/ Take off all your makeup baby take it off One of his favorite parts of your romantic nights was when you were ready to get comfortable, removing makeup and clothes that clouded your real self. He saw the rawness and beauty that was your body and face; it took all his strength to wait for you to finally reach him. He made you blush every time.
Zayn- I just can't wait to see it all/ I'm so turned on/ And it's all mine Zayn was waiting for you to come out of the bathroom; it was a strategy you had developed to tease him, and see how long he could wait before seeing you in your favorite lingerie. Zayn was restless yet tried to keep cool knowing that he was the only lucky man to ever see you looking so sexy. The effect you had on him once out of the bathroom, was seen days after as you saw your reflection and his, full of love bites and passionate scratches.
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writersblog1d · 7 years
Love At First Sight - Harry Styles One-Shot
There are many people who believe in true love. There are many people who believe in love at first sight. Y/N thinks of herself as one of those people. Maybe because she was a romantic at heart, maybe because she needed to something good to believe on when life got too hard. Either way, Y/N believed those things to be true and could only hope one of them would happen to her.
Until it did.
All it took for Y/N to fall was one smile.
A smile that was never directed at her, but still, a smile that made her insides twist and her fingers fidget. A smile so beautiful, so full of joy and youth, that Y/N almost wished she could stop the time and frame it, save it for later, when the smile wasn’t something she would be able to enjoy anymore.
First time Y/N saw Harry’s smile, she didn’t even knew him.
Y/N was at Mc Donald’s with her friends when this gorgeous guys walked in, laughing along with his friends, smiling. The minute he opened the door, her eyes were on him and her body was frozen, her emotions going insane inside her.
For her, it was love at first sight.
(Or at least, crush at first sight)
Although she knew for a fact that she has stared at him long enough for him to realize, Harry never looked back. He never looked at her direction, while he walked inside the restaurant and went towards the cashier.
In that moment, Y/N thought about how unfair life was. There he was, an extremely handsome guy, in reaching distance, and she would probably never get to talk to him. He was just one of those ‘I’ve crossed you on the streets and fell in love for you for two whole seconds before going another way and never seeing you again’ type of crush.
Therefore, Y/N just sighed and went back to talking to her friends. However, some part of her knew that mysterious guy was bound to be more than a crush. Some part of her knew that what she had felt was more than a fleeing feeling.
And when Harry sat at the table she was at, saying hello to her friends, Y/N realized that she should listen more to her instincts, because she was right.
(That also meant she should’ve probably listen to the part of her that alerted her he was trouble, but she didn’t).
“I’m Harry.” he said to her, curious eyes.
“I’m Y/N.” she said back, her heart beating fast against her chest. 
“Well, Y/N, it’s nice to meet you.” he smirked, before turning away and going back to his previous conversation.
Y/N should’ve notice there, in that moment, that Harry hadn’t smiled at her, he had smirked, one of those jock smirk you only see on TV. She should’ve noticed the difference, and maybe things would’ve been different.
Back then, all it took for Y/N to fall was a smile. But now, this same smile is all it takes for Y/N to break.
All it took for Y/N to swoon was a joke. 
It wasn’t just the joke; otherwise Y/N would have loved all the boys she ever met. It was the situation, along with the sneaky spider-man reference and the wonderful laugh that followed. 
First time Harry ever been to Y/N’s house, she almost broke a cup.
Y/N lived alone, so when her friends suggested going to her house to talk and have a little fun, she was quick to say yes. She hated living by herself and company was always welcomed. What she didn’t expected, was for Harry to come along. 
It’s not like she had a problem with him going to her house, it’s just that he made her too nervous and giggly for her own good. Y/N didn’t think she could take it any longer. 
Like the good host she was, Y/N offered everyone something to drink and proceed to make them go to the living room, while she got the drinks on the kitchen. When she came back, she found some of them sitting on the couch, others on the chairs around the table and then there was Harry, sitting on the floor and playing with a toy that came with a bag of M&M she had bought.
“Harry?” he looked at her. “Don’t you wanna sit on the couch? There is space.” 
“I’m fine here, love. Thank you.” He declined, smirking when he saw her getting frustrated over the pet name.
“Okay.” She whispered, sitting down and inserting herself on the conversation, trying to avoid looking at Harry’s direction. 
The whole avoiding thing was working, until Harry sent the toy flying to the other side of the room and caught Y/N’s attention. At first, she thought he was going to get up and get it, but instead, Harry laid on the floor and stretched his arm, trying to reach it. This action alone made Y/N burst into a bundle of giggles, which she was trying to contain.
What really made Y/N laugh out loud and completely swoon, was when she saw his fingers bend into the Spider-Man classic pose, and his mouth try to make a noise that imitate the sound of the web leaving his body.
Her laugh made Harry stop what he was doing and look at her. “Do you think I’m an idiot or you just really like spider-man?”
“Both.” Y/N answered, smiling at him.
This whole interaction started an entire conversation about Peter Parker and other heroes, taking up most of the time Y/N and her friends stayed there at her living room.
Y/N should’ve notice them, how Harry was storing information about her so he could use later, when trying to flirt. She should’ve notice he never truly was interested, but she didn’t.
A joke was all it took to make her swoon, but now, Y/N feared that the joke was on her.
All it took for Y/N to be trapped under his spell was a few words.
Words that soon turned into flirting, words that taunted her in her dreams. Words so carefully crafted, said and typed only to make her fall and go after him. Words that everyone should have the pleasure of listening to, just maybe in another situation. 
First time Harry texted her, Y/N was sure she would pass out.
If there was one thing she was not expecting that night was a text from the cute boy she had met only hours prior. 
It was simple, a joke really, but it made her heart race like never before.
‘I think I forgot my keys with you. I’m coming back to get them, ok?’.
If the fact that it was Harry who was texting her was not enough to nearly give her a heart attack, the fact that she was already on her pajamas, lying on bed and he was supposedly coming back, was. 
‘Wait!! Really??’ she texted back, already jumping out of bed and running around her bedroom in order to find more proper clothes. 
‘Yes.’ He replied.
Tossing her phone on the bed, Y/N dressed the first pants she found and a hoodie (cause he didn’t need to see her batman pajama). In that moment, while she searched for her clothes and tried to get her hair to collaborate with her, Y/N swore she was on verge of dying. 
So many thought were going through her head in that moment, but one of them was sticking out and making her hands all sweaty.
“Maybe he is coming back with other intentions.” She said to her reflection, before running to the bathroom to brush her teeth. “Oh my God!”
Y/N didn’t know either to be happy with the fact that he was coming back, or nervous about the kind of image he had of her, if he thought it was that easy.
Sighing, Y/N picked up her concealer, but gave up using it and turned back to her bedroom. She was just about to leave the room again, phone in her hand, when she saw she had a few unread texts.
‘I was joking, I’m already at home’ 
‘Shit, did you get up for me?’
Lying back at the bed and sighing, Y/N couldn’t help but nervously laugh at herself. She got so worked up and in the end it was all a joke, she felt pathetic and it was her own fault.
‘Yeah… I changed clothes and everything! Thanks for that hahah’ she replied, trying to play it all off.
‘hahaha I’m so sorry! It was just a joke’ came his answer. 
‘It’s fine, I’m already lying down again, so everything is perfect :)’ she sent.
‘Good. So tell me, how would you pack a bag when you are going to travel two destinations in the spam of a week? Keep in mind that one of them is going through summer and the other is in the middle of the winter.’
Smiling to herself, Y/N began to type, engaging in a conversation that would take up hours of her night, but she wouldn’t regret, at least not in that moment.
Harry seemed to be everything she ever wanted and she had just met the guy. He was funny, handsome, goofy, smart and a good talker. Y/N was over the moon about meeting him, even if it never led to anywhere other than friendship. 
Y/N should’ve noticed then, that it was never going to be just a friendship, and it was never going to be more than some hookups. She should’ve noticed how much he sounded like a player, but she didn’t.
Back then, a few words from him was all it took for Y/N to be trapped under the spell that was Harry Styles. But now, words were the last thing that Harry ever directed at her.
———–// ——————-
For months, Y/N and Harry spoke to each other every day.
There was always something new to tell, some new movie to comment on, a new bet to make, new pickup lines to test, flirting to give continuation to.
Talking to him became a routine, so when they finally hooked up, after months of playing a game of mouse and rat, Y/N expected things stay the way they were. Of course she would love to engage in a relationship with him, but she was happy to just maintain his friendship for now and then, maybe, it would blossom into something else.
What happened was the opposite.
The day after the first time they kissed, Harry didn’t spoke to Y/N, but she barely thought anything about it, especially since it didn’t take him more than three days to talk to her again. The day after second time they kissed, though, it was like someone had slapped her in the face.
Harry was bluntly ignoring her. It wasn’t just about not texting or snapchatting, it was about running from her every time she walked into the room. However, Y/N was never one for confrontation, and so she stayed quiet and tried to ignore him back.
It didn’t work for long, because less than a month later, Harry was in her room, kissing her neck as she tried her best to stay quiet. The words she had been dying to say for the last month seemed to have died in her throat, all forgotten with which kiss he gave her.
The only thought in her head were about how good she was feeling, how handsome he was and how she wished this time, things would be better.
They didn’t.
Between kissing her mouth and kissing her neck, Harry whispered: “This is the last time we can do this.”
It was like that first drop of rain when you are walking down the street without an umbrella. That moment when you realized that you are fucked, because you have nowhere to go and the rain it’s going to stop anytime soon, the sunny day is over.
The moments after that were blurred by heartache and the will to not let him know what she was truly feeling. It was a mix of pretending to be tired, so he could go away, and smiling, so he wouldn’t think she was as upset as she was.
After that, came silence.
For months, Y/N and Harry barely spoke more than a word to each other.
If there was one thing that Y/N noticed, was that when you are trying to get over someone, this person is suddenly everywhere. And that was the case with Harry.
He was on the songs she listened to, on the recent playlist she made on Spotify, on her most viewed on Youtube (because he had a knack for watching dumb videos on her television), on her Facebook feed, on her favorite character, even on her bed.
He was everywhere and yet, he was nowhere.
There are many people who don’t believe in true love. There are many people who don’t believe in love at first sight. Y/N never thought of herself as one of those people. Maybe it was because she couldn’t believe in a world where love didn’t win, maybe because she didn’t want to believe that heartbreak turned people into cynical. Either way, Y/N believed in love and believed that even after a heartbreak, she would continue to think of love as something incredible. Y/N could only hope she would never suffer enough to turn cynical.
Until she did.
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harrieatthemet · 9 years
Fights (Harry)
“I’m getting so fucking sick of this, Harry.” You hissed rudely as he rounded the corner.
It was just like last week, and the week before that, and the week before that. He would come tip-toeing in , drunk off his ass , at all hours of the night. The times could vary between anywhere from 2 , 3 , 4 , or even 5 on some occasions. And every time you would ask for details, like who he was with or where they may have went, you were answered with nothing more but a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders.
He walked right on past you and tossed his coat across the room , your eyes watching intently as it slid off the marble counter and onto the floor tiles. He rummaged around the kitchen before turning to head upstairs. As usual , you were ignored as if he was the only one in the room.
“Who were you with?” And then he stopped, dead in his tracks. The room fell silent and you could feel the weight on your chest grow.
“Stop asking the same questions. It’s the same people every time.” He mumbled as he headed towards the staircase.
“Why is it so fucking hard for you to answer something so simple?”
The only response your question was met with was the pounding of Harry’s feet up the staircase. You could practically feel your blood boiling as a rush of anger coursed through your body. You were not far behind him , speeding up the steps and following him into the bedroom. As if he could feel your eyes burning a whole through him , he turned for a mere second and then turned back , clearly annoyed by your presence.
“You know what fuck you. At least have the decency to tell me who you’re screwing behind my back.” Your voice raised , and now it was over.
Now he was mad. You could see it in how quickly his body tensed up before turning to face you. His hands were in fists , his knuckles whitening from the pressure. With his nostrils flared and his eyes dark from pure anger , it was evident he was ready to lose his temper.
Your face drops and you can feel your body starting to shake a little bit. Harry’s entire demeanor changes as he realizes what he just said. And he can feel a lump in his throat form as he watches the tears start to form in your eyeS.
“(Y/N) I- I didn’t mean it I-“ He stutters , baffled by his words himself.
You quickly throw your hand up to your cheek to wipe away the one lone tear that somehow managed to slip down your face. After that , in attempt to shield yourself from Harry , you scamper out of the room. But of course , he’s right on your heels.
“Baby please I love you. I do I love you so much please wait I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
“Maybe , maybe you should go.”
A/N: I love you guys :( come back to me and my inbox! Working on some new stuff. Maybe a part 2? And finish the rest of the boys too. Let me know ❤️
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holographicniall · 9 years
Preference #12: Mistakes (Part 3)
Read part 1 here // Read part 2 here //  Read part 4 here
Masterlist // Request
A/N: I’m trying to post often... Also I’m really sorry this is so late! This was requested and I plan to do a part 4. I was trying to end it here but I didn’t and it just kept going. I have another pref to write, and then maybe I’ll start on part 4? Anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyyyy!!!
Over the past month, you were never able to get Harry of your mind. He wasn’t anywhere to be seen, and maybe that’s what made you think about him so much. A month until you last heard his voice, or seen his smile… It hurt to even think about that. Was he missing you and much as you were missing him?
It was another sunny, warm day in LA. You decided to stay in the area, because you fell in love with the glamour and fame of the city. Sure, it reminded you of Harry, but maybe that was another reason you chose to stay.
Maybe it was all a mistake.
The thought hit you, and all you wanted to do was go and apologize to him. You were so confused at this point, and you didn’t know who to call, or how to get in touch with Harry. The time zones were so different, and you never really knew where he was now. He was on tour, you knew that, but where?
It should be easy to find where he’s at though, right? You thought about it for awhile, and a million “what if’s” rushed through your mind.
What if he was dating someone else already? What if he didn’t really care about you anymore and completely forgot about you? What if he did take you back? What if Harry actually missed you and- Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock at your door. You sighed and got up from your couch, and opened the door to find a completely disheveled Harry. You didn’t really know what to say, but he came at just the right moment.
“Y/N, I think we need to talk.” was all he said.
You thought you would be able to handle Louis moving on. You were definitely wrong. A year had gone by, and you thought things were going pretty good for you. The press stopped asking for questions, you were actually doing pretty well at school, and you were able to find a part-time job at the café two blocks from your flat.
Today was a rough day. It was not only a Monday, but it was a long day of school and work. At school, you had completely forgotten to study, and you fell right into a muddy puddle, ruining one of your favorite sweaters. At work, a middle-aged woman came in, and demanded a refund on her drink because it was “too thick.” Then, she complained to your manager, which didn’t help at all. Luckily, the day was almost over, and you’d be able to leave while you still had your job.
“Hey Y/N, can you take those customers? I’m unloading some stuff out back.” Your coworker asked. You nodded, and finished the table you were cleaning. You went behind the counter and began taking orders, and giving them to the person behind you. You were about three people in when your day only got worse.
“Hi, what can I get you today?” You said, looking down at the register, still clearing the last order.
You looked up and faced your customer right in the eyes.
“Y/N? How’ve you been?” Louis asked. “Are you still at university?”
“Uh, yeah I am. It’s been rough I guess, but I manage to get food and keep warm so… “ You trailed off. Was this as awkward for him as it was for you? “So what brings you here?” You began to bite your lip, and it was one of the things you did when you were anxious.
He seemed to notice how you were biting your lip, and he broke the eye contact between you, and looked down.“Just visiting with my friend… It’s her hometown. She wanted to show me around and meet her family.” He smiled.
That really didn’t sound like friendship to you. “Louis, baby, hurry up please, it’s cold and my parents are waiting!” A distant voice whined. You looked over and saw the owner of the voice. She was a small red-head, and she was heavily made up.
“Okay, in a sec!” Louis called back to her, obviously annoyed.
You two awkwardly stood there for a few seconds, forgetting that you were supposed to be working, and he was supposed to be getting a drink for his little “friend.” Breaking the silence, your phone in your pocket began to beep, and you realized your shift was over. That was probably the best that had happened to you all day.
“Oh my shift’s over! I could get someone else to take care of you, or I could quickly take your order?” You said, hoping he would want someone else to take it.
“No, it’s okay, you can go home Y/N. I’ll see you around. Be careful of the rain.” You nodded, and slightly smiled. You went in the back and told someone to take care of the counter. Maybe he regretted his mistake, or maybe he was happy to be free of you.
You went home and this terrible day ended right when you fell asleep.
You wanted to break up with him, you really did, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. It had been a few weeks now, and there still wasn’t much conversation between you two. You loved him, you knew that, but why was it so difficult to love him now? It had come so easy for the past 2 years, but now loving him was like loving a cactus. It was hard, because it hurt. Liam always seemed to care about his fans, and always do what they wanted most of the time.
You never knew what went wrong between you two, but somewhere you two made a wrong turn, and it all went downhill from there.
Your phone buzzed beside you, and looked down to see Liam’s face pop up on the screen. You sighed, and hesitated to answer it, but you eventually did.
“Y/N, can we please talk?” Liam sounded desperate, but you weren’t about to let him back in that easy.
“Why, just so you can go back to ignoring me? Why don’t you go talk to your fans or one of the boys? You seem to pay attention to them just fine!” You snapped. You didn’t want to sound so mean, but it kind of just came out.
“I’m not asking to be the center of your world, I’m just asking to be in it! For the past few months all you cared about is the people around you, and I’m sorry I can’t always be right next to you, because I have a life, too! I’m trying to pay off my student loans and it’s not easy, okay? I know you can pay them for me, but I want to do something on my own!” You cut him off, and you knew talking to him was a bad idea. Angry tears began to stream down your face, because right now it was all too much. It was hard not having him around, and you felt like a terrible person for exploding.
“I’m sorry Liam, it’s been rough…” The tears were now just tears, and your anger was replaced with sadness.
“I’m sorry, too. Can we please try to work this through? You can come stay with me the next couple of weeks. I’ve missed you, and I know you’ve missed me, too.”
“I don’t think I can. Not yet. We’ve barely talked for the past three weeks… I think we should start slow.” You managed to sound sympathetic.
“Oh…” He sighed. “Sure. Whatever gets us back on track.”
“Talk to you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, bye.”
Answering that phone was a big mistake.
The next morning you woke up, and there were flowers on your doorstep. A little note was scribbled on the card:
Sorry if I woke you up. Hope you can come over tonight!
From, Ni
You still felt like this was a joke, and that he didn’t really mean what he was saying. You regretted ever telling him how you felt, because you lost your best friend, and instead of a best friend, you got a “love interest”, and that wasn’t what you wanted.
You decided to go over his house because you couldn't just leave him there, after all, you still cared about him.
When he opened his door and saw you, his face lit up. “I didn’t think you’d come. But I’m glad you did!” He smiled.
“Why wouldn’t I? We’re friends right?” You tried to keep things simple, and not make this awkward. His face fell when you said “Friends.”
“Yeah, friends…” He looked down, and then back at you. “Come on in, I was thinking we could have a movie night.” Niall smiled again and welcomed you into his messy flat.
“You need to clean up. Last time I was here all we did was clean. It also smells…” You frowned and scrunched your nose.
He chuckled. “Sorry, I guess I just don’t really think it’s that bad. Anyways, you can choose a movie, and I can order pizza.” You nodded, and this night didn’t seem so bad. Maybe it wasn’t a mistake.
You guys chose to watch Pitch Perfect, and Niall said it was a dumb movie, but he seemed to be enjoying it.
You just hoped he didn’t think it was a date. You were having a fun time, and you could see a relationship with Niall, but he was famous, and you were just you. You weren’t famous, and you weren’t even the slightest bit popular. You didn’t want to ruin his reputation by dating him. He should be dating a model, or an actress. Not a small town girl.
You didn’t think he was trying to mess with you anymore. He seemed so hurt when you said “friends” earlier. You didn’t want to reject him or anything like that, but you had to do what was right.
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sinning-styles · 5 years
Harry blurb requests
I’ve been in a creative funk, so if some of you have requests for blurbs or situations you’d want me to write about harry for, please ask them in my inbox!
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sometimesallyne · 7 years
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Harry on the Today Shoe
-This is my photography, please don’t repost without credit.-
Insta- allydelmonte
twitter- @idkusuk
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