#one isnt Ira but still
solplease · 1 month
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the-banana-0verlord · 8 months
Yeah so i dont believe lenore killed annabel, but i DO believe annabel thinks lenore killed her.
During the flash-back of episode 90(webtoon isnt letting me take screenshots grr), we see lenore angry, with a gun. Annabel thinks lenore is mad at her, but i think lenore was actually trying to warn annabel that someone was behind her and was going to kill her. Lenore used the gun in annabel's direction, but it wasnt the shot that killed annabel. Lenore shot the assaillant either missing or touching the assaillant superficially(or she couldve missed and actually shot annabel by mistake, making annabel's belief of betrayal stronger.) After that, the assaillant shoots lenore in the head and they both die.
Why do i think lenore didnt kill annabel(intentionally)? Because even after divorcing her and discovering she walled up duke, lenore still called for her in the staircase. She still blushed after receiving the pendulum. What could have annabel done that was worse than attempted murder on lenore's Best friend? Sure, the conditions are different but the point still stands.
But if lenore didnt kill annabel, who did? We have two options: a)the deans lied to further annabel's belief of betrayal and the killer doesnt have to be loved by her, making them either her dad or her old fiancé, or b) she was indeed killed by one of the only three person she ever loved(aka people she didnt see as pawns): her parents and lenore. It wasnt lenore, and i think her mom is dead so it must've been her father, ira. I know their relationship was a bit strained and probably rocky, but he was still her father, so even if she hated him, she probably still loved him deep down.
And why did annabel help lenore even after she thought lenore killed her? Because shes a self-destructive down bad lesbian thats why.
So yeah thats my theory
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remi-harbinger · 1 year
Breaking news: Bingyuan is more toxic than u believe?? (not clickbait) (reaL)
ok so ive been thinking long and hard about their relationship and it doesnt make sense to me its so toxic and idk why theyd be the main pair of svsss that has so much potential for healthy loving ships (re: liuyuan)
Firstly: their relationship as a whole Binghe is notoriously sticky, and because we are sort of reading the novel through shen yuans eyes its an endearing trait. But if you think about it isnt it suffocating? It also shows an innate lack of trust in SY to do his own stuff and come back afterwards because of Binghe’s trust issues (ofc id have trust issues too if someone pushed me off a cliff but still). Binghe needs to work this out because the smothering is so toxic…
Next: love bombing and semi stockholm syndrome? this relationship is so funny to me because its like stockholm but weirder. SY literally lived in fear that LBH would murder him in the future and this causes him to cling to any affection LBH is giving because he’s taking it as reassurance to himself that he’ll live to see another day. Also im going to be honest the way SY treated LBH is sort of love bombing. He acts like a stern shizun at the start of the novel to not be OOC, then suddenly starts treating LBH as the sole star shining in the dark, then throws him off a cliff… It really gives a guy whiplash yk? Especially when you consider that aside from the washer woman, LBH has never been treated with love in his whole life up till this point. Hes been bullied so badly and even his own shizun hates him. He’s a literal child at this point in time, he’ll crave any love given and it is easy to see how this thirst for love could spiral into the more obsessive tendencies.
Now: Binghe and Bingmei I think that as Demons, you could sort of boil both OG!Binghe and Binghe (Bingmei)‘s treatment of SQQ into the base 7 deadly sins. Binghe would be Ira (Wrath/Hatred) and Bingmei would be Greed (Obsession). Their growing years as children under their respective shizuns has shaped their views and their feelings towards said shizuns have been carved deeply into their hearts. You can see how strong these emotions are in both Binghe’s elaborate and drawn out torture of OG!SQQ and Bingmei’s stickiness and overall yandere tendencies towards SY. Judging from the scale of LBH’s hatred towards OG!SQQ and drawing a parallel, current Bingmei’s obsession and greed for SY’s love is off the charts.
So what would happen if SY didnt reciprocate these feelings? If he did something that made Bingmei irrevocably angry? Emotions are wildly changing and never constant, and thus Bingmei’s affections is and will always be a damocles sword above SY’s head. SY may think he loves Bingmei, but he clearly doesn’t trust the constancy of the reciprocated feelings, and he definitely thinks about LBH getting blackened.
LBH and SY’s befuddling relationship dynamics: Now, they started off as master-disciple. This may seem not as important, but in Chinese there’s this saying “teacher for a day, father for a lifetime”. Do you understand what this means now that theyre in a relationship? Its a really weird power dynamic. Not to mention the whole “Demon lord/Person who swallowed said Demon Lord’s blood”. As I mentioned previously, because we are seeing SVSSS out of SY’s perspective, the importance of this is sort of glossed over with a “but its Binghe! Binghe’d never hurt me…”. LBH is able to control the blood to harm on scales unimaginable. He can kill, torture, cause you to be in excruciating pain, etc. LBH forcing his demon blood in SY is equivalent to LBH ripping out SY’s beating heart and holding it in his palm. He can literally crush the heart at any given moment and end SY’s life. Much motivation to convince yourself that you are in love with the one holding your life in his hands, right?
Wrapping this up because idt people will actually even read this: SY and LBH’s relationship may look like love up close, but its really toxic and they clearly lack the trust needed in a relationship. If there isn’t mutual respect and trust, can you even call their relationship love? I personally am of the opinion that it isnt love, especially considering the obsessive tendencies of LBH.
Ofc I have more to say and I hope you guys will discuss with me, but its late now so im keeping this quite short. If you’ve read the entire post marry me and pls still read SVSSS its a gem :)
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sentience-if · 1 month
Wait, I'm genuinely having trouble keeping track of the poly combos, please help me
I know Klaus/Val is one
And I know Connie/Ira is another
I? Think?? Kat isnt in any poly, or am I wrong??? Did my brain lie to me?
I know you are anti-Val/Connie (which I will go cry over in a corner about, don't mind me)
Is Klaus/Connie a poly option or did my brain lie to me x2? Because I thought that was an option but I am playing through the update (Finally, hooray, I have time in my schedule!!) and am realizing that, nope, that is not one of the options I can select(?)
Am I missing anyone else?
(btw I would love if, under the Masterpost's Read More, the poly options could be added after the ROs but before the Content Warnings or something, because I tried to use tumblr-search to find a list (and either this hellsite is still broken or there isn't one) and I skimmed through the Masterpost and I would love to not have my irl memory-loss (yes, I am just THAT much like Io, cosplayers WISH they could get as close to Io as I can 💁‍♀️💅 (what debilitating inability to shift short-term memories into long-term and then, instead, just get memory-loss somehow, what are you TALKING about)) eat up my memory of already asking this and tumblr's likely broken search-feature not be able to find this post/any other list again, a million thanks and pardons if I could request that and not accidentally bother you with the same question again in the future because I know for sure I would, like I did before sending this Ask, check the Masterpost before asking "hi, what are the Poly Options again?", I'm so sorry but thank you for hearing out my accomadation request xoxo)
fair enough I say a lot of nonsense lol. the polys are:
theres no Kat poly bc the only other character who can stand her is Ira, and I like them better as platonic
the Klaus/Connie thing you're thinking of was either from an ask of someone joking about io/klaus/val/Connie, or bc I've alluded to there being some kind of relationship in the past between klaus and guinefort
(and yeah I can make an FAQ once I'm back at my computer :^) )
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swordofsuns · 3 months
to be honest I was still on tumblr a lot of the time so it wasnt really gone. but. I now have time to present to you:
ARC 4!
CONTINUED!!!! (explosion sfx in the background) (guitar riff) (bald eagle screech) (in case you cant tell I have been waiting for this all week)
small recap for where we left off: Ira and Braxton left to get to Axum to try and kill the Flesh Baron and kidnap some of our NPC friends who got kidnapped. We all jumped into the feywild to follow them. not sure if I mentioned this but we met up with a half fey shapeshifting druid (Actaeon killed his parents on accident)(it was a whole thing), and he joined up with our party. Turns out Red's crazy ex girlfriend has gone on a slight murder spree. We met up with some old friends. we learned some lore about the immenent end of days. we accidentaly gave another one of our friends a magical mind connection with an evil appocalyptic eldritch god (oopsies). Red's magical protection amulet broke in her sleep.
(oh also for context everything that is about to go down happened in the course of a single, increadibly hectic session)
Red doesnt know her amulet is broken, only suddenly feels her conciousness pulled from the blissful dreamlessness shes had for only a month, back into the all to familiar almost-reality of dreams. this time, however, she does not find herself in a forest of black pines and snow, or in the blood and fire of her past, but instead in a very different corner of the feywild. and this time she isnt even in her own body, or even her own mind. Currently she has her mind mixed with that of Manti, as her vision doubles between her bed in the walking castle and of a slaughtered chapel, with its last resident begging for mercy. Manti, pauses, right before delivering the killing blow, as it seems the connection between the two of them goes both ways. suddenly, without a word, she turns, and gives chase.
Back in the castle, Max has realized what is happened and is quickly casting as many protections as he can around Red, eventualy managing to block out the power of a LITERAL GOD, though by then Manti has figured out where we are, and is on her way. We try to come up with a plan, and realize that despite practicaly everything Manti is interested in being in the material world, shes spent practicaly her entire time in the feywild, even though she has interdimentional portals at her fingertips. we come to the conclusion that because of her fey ancestry, she probably either straight up cant get into the material plane, or at least would be extremely weak after doing so. We also realize through a tracking spell that our other two party members have already made it through to Axum.
Our plan is pretty simple: step 1, leave the castle. step 2, remove protections on Red so Manti is able to follow us, and doesnt go after castle. step 3, make it to the portal to Axum before she does. step 4, meet up with Ira and Braxton, and if she can come through we fight her on home turf and if she cant then were all safe.
we hop out of the castle and make run as fast as we can for the portal to Axum (though it is several miles away so its more of a "hike quickly" than a run). We manage to make it to the portal in time, but right before we pass through, Manti appears out of nowhere and closes it, though in the process Ira and Braxton get swept through the portal and we all reunite.
At this point Manti barely resembles anything even vaguely human. she is approxamitely 15 feet tall, with a chitinous and segmented body, twisted features, and two twisted unnatural portaling sickles melded into her hands. She offers the party the option to give her Red, and in return they all live, but we say no and a fight breaks out. Absolute chaos breaks out as portals are opened everywhere, reality itself begining to crumble at all of the wholes in it, as well as having several extremely powerful adventurers, some of whom have literal gods as pets, effectively warping the fabric of reality like a black hole.
We manage to do some good damage, but Manti is also the vessel of a god so the fight is long and painful. Around halfway through the fight, with a single swipe from a sickle, Manti cuts Iras broom in two, sending her plummeting to her death.
Manti lets out a horrifying shriek, though whether from victory or from horror we cannot tell, and Red, uninjured, falls to the ground unconsious. Actaeon rushes to her aid, but he she is already somewhere else.
(this right here is my favorite scene in the entire campain)
Red wakes up in an all too familiar forest. the pines are black and the snow is thick underfood. this time, she finds herself in a clearing in the trees, without a cloak, and with only a rusty iron sword as a weapon. the snow in sprinkled in drops of blood, and, all around the clearing, she can sense the Leech circling around her. she cant see him, aside from the occasional insectoid leg, a glint on one of his many, many teeth, and his seven gleaming red eyes. his true form is massive, easily 100 feet long, easily encircling her and bringing his circles slowly closer and closer. and then he begins to speak. (Now listen brief side not but I dont think that I have properly communicated to you just how much Red and The Leech absolutely fucking despise eachother. their first interaction had Red threaten to kill herself just to ruin his day, and it has only gone downhill from there. basicaly any time one of them mentions the other it is followed by a series of insults and curses. its made even funnier by the fact that everybody else is great freinds with their godly patrons, while Red is continously willing to do whatever she possibly can just to spite him. but I digress). The Leech just begins absolutely ripping red to shreads (metaphoricaly), pointing out how all of her acheivments and victories were because he was rigging it to give her a confidence boost. how she claims to fight to avenge the people she lost, and yet, cannot even remember her parents faces. how in the end, every adventure she has gone on has only lead to more death. after all, she released the Lost Brother, she made a deal with Benny for her own sake, she gave Manti everything she needed to free him, She shot Kraka, she led Manti to them, and in doing so got Ira killed. how even after everything, all her supposed growth and change, the reason that every time she finds herself in the forest she appears as a child is because a scared child was all she has ever been. In fact, he offers, why not embrace it. She has always wanted power, and now, he can offer it to her. She and Manti can be his two knives, breaking this world she has always hated in two, and creating her own world, a new world all of her own. (Red cant quite tell how far away he is still, but he has certainly grown closer) Red takes a breath. She calms herself, and prepares to deliver her elequant and informed rebuttal: "FUCK YOU YOU BLOODSUCKING COWARD! IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!". The Leech snarls in anger, and simply responds "you are free to die trying", before he closes in, fully encircling her. Only 10 feet away. then 5. Hes fully encircled her now, and she has nowhere to run. She swings her sword down at his side, but it simply brakes against his chitin. she tries to punch him but only gets a few broken fingers in return. He lowers his titanic almost-face down to hers, showing her his thousands of clistening, sharp teeth, and his 7 glowing red eyes level with hers. "do you have any last words". Red doesnt respond, but reaches out in anger and panic, grabbing hold of one of his eyes. with all of her strength (and a nat 20) she tears out his largest eyeball. The Leech SCREAMS IN AGONY, and back in the fight with Manti, she suddenly collapses on the floor in pain. With the last of The Leech's power, he lunges at her, attempts to devour her very essence for daring to defile him, but, (with another nat 20)(the dice were insane that day) she survives the assault of a god through shear stubbornness and spite.
Back in the real world, the fight with Manti has taken a bit of a chaotic turn, as, right in the middle of the battle, she collapsed onto the floor, and then, suddenly, all of the transformation on her body begins to dissolve into a black ichor. Red suddenly wakes up, and finds that Manti has returned to her origional form, though her hands are still portal sickles. she considers just killing her right there, but decides that even if she doesnt forgive her for what she did she still was being manipulated by the literal god of manipulation, and was later sorta fully mind controlled, so decides to let her live.
We also remember the fact that oh right Ira died, and decide to try to kill two birds with one stone (or I suppose save 2 birds with 1 castle) by taking both of them back to the castle to try and heal Manti (she is practicaly mortaly injured now that all of her magical protections are gone) as well as trying to see if they have the ability to revive Ira, who is now been dead for too long for us to revivify. We go back to the walking castle of Cisero and King, and beg them to pretty please help us again. they agree the heal up Manti and deliver her to our little village for Diana and Brandon to take care of her.
However, they tell us that they have no way of reviving Ira, as they just aren't powerful enough for that. Thing is though, Kings old teacher, The Duke of Thorns and Fruit (I mentioned him briefly in my recap of the second arc), does have the ability to do that and is located nearby, though King warns us that he will probably just kill us on sight. In the end she sends us off with a signed note from her telling him that we are freinds and to pretty please help us and not kill us. We make it to his corner of the feywild, which is a giant thornbush maze, though the thorns sometimes grow these juicy red fruits, that kit decides to snack on as we travel, though nobody else does. Finaly, we make it to the center of the maze, where we meet the Duke himself. hes this weird regal deer man, who does try to kill us on sight, until we prove were friends of King, to which he decides that hes not going to kill us instantly, but, because one of us stole one of his fruit, he will still kill us unless we do him a favor.
Each of us must tell him our greatest regret, or we will be killed. he also promises that he will revive Ira, but that will come with its own price. Braxton goes first, and admits that his greatest regret was finding The Bear for the first time, but, instead of the words leaving his mouth, the world around us shifts, as Braxton is forced to relive finding The Bear as a child, chained up in cold iron. how he took pity on the animal and chose to free it. how his body changed and was morfed into something unfamiliar. how his parents through him out after they saw what he had become.
second is Kit, who admits that their greatest regret is stepping through the portal he found when they were a child, and relives them and their best friend finding the portal, stepping inside, and seeing it close behind them as they became trapped in a dimmention of infinite everchanging light, blinding and maddening.
Red is next, revealing her greatest regret to be that she is still alive, though everything she survives always kills everyone around her. she sees herself surrounded by every person who has ever died from her actions, or who she has been unable to save, which at this point includes her entire extended family, 2 small towns, an adventuring caravan, Kraka, Ira, a major city and a good portion of the feywild. The worst part is, she cant even remember any of their faces. she simply curls up into a ball on the floor and cries.
Actaeon goes next, hesitentaly admiting that his greatest regret is that Red had him as a father, and how he was only able to fill her head with imposible dreams and fail her in the end. he also reveals that he is getting old and is probably going to die in about a year.
Acris (that one druid who was with us that I mentioned) says that his biggest regret was leaving home to travel the world, seeing as the second he left home Actaeon immediately showed up and accidentaly murdered his parents in cold blood (im not going to explain this its a whole thing)
Val admits that his biggest regret was running away from home, but leaving his sibling behind with his parent who was doing human/demon expirementation on them.
The Duke of Thorns and Fruit accepts this as payment for trespassing and stealing, but says that in payment for him reviving Ira, one of us must give up our Happy-Ever-After. whoever does this will permanantly lose the ability to have a happy ending to their story and their life will be endless heartbreak and tragedy.
Everybody goes dead silent and refuses to accept, until Red steps foward, claiming that at this point she has nothing to lose, and shakes the Dukes hand. The image of Red living a comfortable life, in peace, with no paranoia, no threat of violence or death around every corner appears, before crumbling and being consumed by the Duke.
with that he takes a fruit and squeezes some of the juice on Ira, instantly reviving her. he opens a portal for us to Axum, and cheerfuly bids us good luck. As we all step through the portal, however, he pull Val aside and reveals to them that he knows that they're part demon, and that if they meet again he can help Val "reach his true potential".
Actaeon also tells Red that with the eye that she gouged from The Leech, she could use it as a sacrifice to the Huntsman, who would almost certainly reward her by turning her into an Ent-Jaren, or that she could use it as a powersource for her Bloodhide Cloak, which would unlock its magical potential. at this point shes extremely depresed and has given up on all of her dreams, and uses it to complete the cloak, giving her a bunch of nifty power ups and blood magic.
wow this is long. this was probably the most insane and chaotic session of the campain, but also definitely my favorite. I cant properly convey it to you but Red and The Leech have a absolutely perfect dynamic so any session that allows them to bicker with each other is always great. plus we get to give Red turbo deppression. hooray. I love hurting my characters.
to be honest I am very tired and Im not sure any of this even makes sense to anybody who is not me. I wrote this in a state of pure manic energy (really not sure what came over me) and it is all gone now.
Red no.
Red no
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azuresins · 5 days
I promise this is going somewhere. The Live Action Movie was generally poorly received and we all know this. However, it did in fact foreshadow and pay homage to events in the manga, even before certain events were revealed in-manga. There were character-equivalents within the movie and similar events. The best example I can give I think, was that the movie came out and in it we find out that Shiori was actually not the rightful heir and was crossdressing and posing as her dead brother. This movie came out 2014... YEARS before the in-manga twin reveal. But it still gave us a huge hint that the manga was doing something similar, so I wonder if anything else was paralleled? This movie concludes with Shiori poisoned and having to choose between continuing to pursue revenge and saving her own life or saving the life of the Lizzie-equivalent (and tons of innocent people) by stopping a bomb from going off. They're very torn, and Sebastian coldly tells her in his own words that if she chooses to stop the bomb... that's a breach of contract, and he absolutely will not help her survive, she will die, and she wont get what she wants. She chooses Lizzie and the people. She stops the bomb. ...Sebastian still helps her survive. Both of them are big gigantic frosted flakes. Sebastian's excuse is 'I dont want an uncooked soul!!!!!!' or some bullshit and acts like her comparing him to a fallen angel didn't make him go soft. There's a WIDE open-ending to this movie and it ends with it being anyone's guess what may happen next and if she gets revenge or not. Roll credits. My question is (and please don't think I'm being anti-irish or weird) do you think the manga might also have a similar route in the climax, that a bomb may be involved, but the bomb-in-question could be IRA related? Since. You know... that's kind of what they were infamous for. Bombs, and bomb threats. Do you think Our!Ciel would face some terrible decision like that... and do you think unlike his ancestor he'd actually do something different? What if we get an OPEN ending?
Well... I think anything is possible right now regarding the climax and the ending to this manga, Yana herself said she's not sure how it'll end the last time anyone asked, and no one can say for sure, how it's going to end or what events will make up the climax or anything like that... The movie did have a lot of character-equivalents and manga-parallels within it, as you said, but it was also a stand-alone piece and there was... a lot of odd things happening within it as well. That being said, it would be really, really, really easy for a bomb to be involved, narratively. It wouldn't be the first time weapons, even 'human weapons', and serious mentions of upcoming war were being discussed in the story. Finny. Sieglinde. The bizarre dolls. Much more. If this story is going...where I think, it's going, if the Fenian Brotherhood is in any way shape or form going to be involved in the end for better or for worse when it comes to our!Ciel, even... second-hand, maybe he is only involved because his father was involved... it's not outside the realm of possibilities something happening with similar components might also happen in the manga. However as 'safe' as it is, I don't think an open-ending, would be a good idea. Simply because those are rarely satisfying and the funny thing about this series, is that in a way, Yana has gotten a 'taste' of what other endings look like and has gotten a fan response to them... Some people enjoyed the SI ending where Sebastian wins. Some people enjoyed the SII ending where Ciel wins. The movie wasn't "really" involving our!Ciel (they did every single thing they could to make sure the audience knew AcTuAlLy ThIs IsNt 'our CiEl' tHiS iS sOmEoNe SO sososososos orIginal and NEW) but the point is, I didn't see many people saying "I loved this movie!" or "I thought the ending of this movie was so satisfying!" where they... both didn't get what they wanted but still lived to chase it some more and fight another day. ...It felt lukewarm. Like. Cool, what was the point of all that, actually? It felt like the ending to the movie was written because, specifically, no one knows how it will actually end. I think it would be fun if we got an ending where BOTH Sebastian AND our!Ciel tragically and wickedly got what they wanted but for the worse... both somehow lost, to each of their own doom. No do-overs, no second-chances. Simply because that's the only kind of ending we haven't seen, yet. Revenge, but it's not satisfying. Eating the soul, but it's miserable. I think it would be beautiful if there were a few innocents and people who still benefitted from Sebastian and our!Ciel's meeting, and got to live out the rest of their lives peacefully for having met them... But as far as the two main characters go, I think it would be absurdly funny if they both somehow lost. Also because, I don't know what such an ending would look like. But that doesn't mean that's necessarily what's going to happen. The only one who can decide that is Yana and whatever ending she chooses is one I'll respect.
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ludinusdaleth · 6 months
I think I'll go for 4, 5 and 24—dealer's choice as to which of Artagan, Ludinus or Ira (or any npc, really. They don't get enough love.)
oh you have no idea the can of warms you've opened, lol.... i will happily do all 3!
this got so long i actually had to put a read more:
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
artagan - it isnt media per say but i really want to set him loose in our own reality and see what he'd do (there have been some hints i think, if half-jokingly said, that hes been here - boy do i think about that often.)
ira - we really should just let him star in his own horror movie. you could put him in a guillermo del toro film, and no one would bat an eye.
ludinus - i want to see how lud would react to faerun. a world so close to his own, but where the weave of magic is directly controlled by a god. there is an odd dichotomy in that faerun is more controlled than exandria and yet breaking that universe's laws are infinitely easier, and i think he would fall into obsession with that.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
so.... im gonna (un)ashamedly plug my playlists for them here.... please ignore that they can go as long as twelve fucking hours.... ill try to narrow down specific songs that REALLY hit about them, though.
artagan - "within you" by david bowie, from labyrinth, is a perfect fit. not only is arti based on jareth but the song's meaning directly ties into him & jester. jareth is terrified of being nothing more than a lost concept, a lost celebrity crush made fae king, as sarah is metaphorically maturing. "how you turn my world, you precious thing/You starve and near exhaust me/Everything I've done, I've done for you/I move the stars for no one..." i mean, c'mon. "family of me" by ben folds, "celebrity status" by mariana's trench, "lapis lazuli" by the oh hellos, and "due west" by kelsey lu also really hit as arti songs for me.
ira - "mad iqs" by i dont know how but they found me is a really good song for ira's hatred of ludinus. "a mask of my own face" by lemon demon is self explanatory and far too specific, due to his fascination with ashton's mask of him, with the song mentioning "dancing with all the bells". he would go wild for and try to emulate "thriller" by michael jackson or "i cant decide" by the scissor sisters.
ludinus - if i did a speedpaint of lud, id set it to "science fiction" by church of the cosmic skull. "and all the people, they stood on their chairs, and they stared, at the man with the silver hair/taken the findings of the science man/raising his hands to the air!/so he's making the minds up of the millions, and they'd never deny that he's right/cause he's taken a prize of many a size/if ever he dies he'll have a tombstone of a very high height". "brutus" by the buttress is ABSOLUTELY a ruby vanguard trio song and i even used it in my art of them before. "all history is vengeance" by brad derrick from the eso soundtrack is what goes through my head at the malleus key. "blood upon the snow" by hozier & "never look away" by vienna teng also really work for him. i think "survivors guilt" by emily axford (yeah, prism) also has lyrics FAR too tailored to him - "i see you in my dreams/young, and brave, and pre-calamity/i will tell you a story/i will be the voice you lost too soon/because even in your absence, even in your death/im still your moon".
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
(i wouldnt say im in the fandoms for all of these, but)
artagan - i think it somewhat obvious he's based off of jareth in labyrinth - his voice is basically david bowie's singing voice. to a lesser but still strong degree he's very much marvel's loki, down to the voice - if, honestly, an infinitely better take on the trickster god. as a past extreme loki fan the pipeline is there for sure.
ira - ashley said she & matt based fearne's story off a guillermo del toro film and i can see that in many fae this go-round, especially ira. he is basically a doug jones character. it's very easy to compare him to creepypastas like the russian sleep experiment or slenderman, too.
ludinus - he has some heavy similarities to emperor belos of owl house, vyrthur of tes, prince nuada from hellboy, and other characters who fit the archetype of a white-haired, ancient, pale elven (or elven passing) man, from a different time, who murders & (in some cases) colonizes to exact vengeance on gods, humans, or similar entities he feels have destroyed those around him. characters clearly in the wrong but who do bring up important topics of the endless cycle of brutality they were caught in, mixed with their privelege in every other circumstance. he also reminds me of mannimarco of tes. they look exactly alike and both shadow run an empire, somewhat in cahoots and yet at odds with a balding white haired pale human man within that same empire. oh! and fëanor from the silmarillion.
thanks for asking! sorry this is so long, floodgates are opened when i discuss men i wish were my fictional partners, lol.
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fallowtail · 2 years
i keep thinking about an au where sam does die when she falls down the stairs and becomes a ghost, and the story becomes jay deciding to follow through on creating the b&b in memory of her (similar to ira with daisy’s coffee in memory of flower), bela comes and decides to stay and help him
to get sam to be a ghost on the property instead of at the hospital maybe she breaks her neck instead of hitting her head or something?? (idk it doesnt really need to make sense lmao) insert fun scene of ghost!sam waking up to pete and trevor freaking out because "oh my god we killed her oh god she's staying haha hiiii uh listen this isnt what it looks like--" (cue jay running down the stairs in terror and sam completely losing it)
& i think it'd be fun if she had the ghost power to like, be the thing that you see out of the corner of your eye but when you turn around there's nothing there, in reference to how if she didnt die she would have been able to see the ghosts + to give jay more reason to decide to stay & commit (he keeps thinking he's seeing her) so she's just slightly more tangible to the living plane than the other ghosts are, but still not capable of much interaction because half the plot would be sam and the other ghosts (once they warm up to her, and get over the idea of the b&b happening because they feel sad for her and also because her dying is kind of their collective fault) trying to convince jay (or bela) that sam is actually there.
also ghost!sam fruitlessly trying to micromanage everything that jays doing with the b&b if you want a funny idea rather than a sad one (<- guy who thrives off of angst and drama)
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writingwoe · 2 years
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sorry if youve seen this before on my other blog but this bit right here is still one of my favourite Ira moments - this man is walking down the highway in the middle of the night while its pouring rain and hes just covered in blood, and then a van pulls up next to him and hes like "yeah this might as well happen" and then reveals this isnt even the first time hes been kidnapped
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crispynori · 4 years
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Partners in crime  🔪
Ira and Maki drawings I’ve made so far. Ira belongs to @irascibleshadowscape
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kiranerysismyhero · 5 years
so far watching What We Left Behind if there's so much Marc Alaimo, WHERE IS LOUISE FLETCHER
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flamboyant-king · 7 years
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breitzbachbea · 3 years
Day 1: Language [GreSic]
Here is my first entry for @aphrarepairweek2021! No intimacy like finding traces of a shared past on your tongue.
Ship: Greece/Sicily [OC] (Herakles Karpuzi/Michele Vento) Set in an Human/Organized Crime AU Read it here on ao3
All Sicilian & Greek words are translated at the bottom - I marked the words in red, so that you can easily find where you left off if you jump to the translations!
Much thanks to @amber-isnt-a-precious-stone for betareading this Oneshot & to @crispyliza for helping me with the Greek transcription. Love you guys <3
Since I don't describe Michele in the oneshot itself, here's also a Teenage GreSic kiss, drawn by my friend @/C0FFINATED from twitter! (They're 16 & 15 here; in the Oneshot, they're somewhere between 18 and 20)
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In Una Lingua Familiare
They sat in Herakles’ old and battered kitchen. It must have been the height of Greek Luxury back in the 50s, when it had been renovated. Now it felt cosy, with all its chipped tiles and worn handles.
Something flew past the window and they both turned their heads.
It flew past the window again.
“Taddarita,” Michele told Herakles with a content smile.
Herakles smiled back. “Nychterida.”
“Oh, I think that’s the same word,” Michele said and lifted the small coffee cup to his lips.
“It’s not,” Herakles said. “After you butchered it.”
Michele chuckled about it. He still hadn’t taken a sip. Herakles had made them Greek coffee and Michele was careful with it. He dreaded the thought of reaching the bottom and ending up with a mouthful of coffee grounds. “We didn’t butcher them, we’ve made them our own. But we’ve kept them, regardless.” He finally drank some before he glanced back to Herakles with eyes half lidded. “Carusu,” he said.
“Agori”, Herakles replied.
They had drifted off and talked about history and linguistics again. A safe topic. No business. No nightmares. Michele had tried his best to get rid of the bags under his eyes before he came to Greece but he had no idea if he succeeded. Herakles hadn’t said a word about it and he was grateful for it.
He just wanted to go back to the days when he learnt Ancient Greek at the liceo classico and Herakles did the same at his lykio. When they had found another shared passion to fill the time of the rare afternoons spent together in Palermo or Athens.
“Modern Greek is still Greek” Herakles said. “The words we kept, we didn’t change.”
“Even if we changed them to suit our tongues, we haven’t replaced them,” Michele answered. “After the Phoenicians and the Romans came. And the Arabs and the Germans, the French and the Spaniards. None of them could take the words from us.” His voice was low and he wondered if it even left his mouth or just stuck as vibrations to his lips.
Herakles gave away nothing as he looked into Michele’s eyes. His form was mostly in the shadows, with only the dim light of the moon, the city and a dingy lamp in the corner of the room.
Almost nothing. His tongue darted out and licked delicately over his upper lip.
Michele watched him intently. “Liccu,” he said.
“Lihoudis,” Herakles replied.
They said nothing for a while, broke eye contact and Herakles took a sip of his coffee.
“There’s an Italian version of Herakles, too,” Michele said and Herakles lazily raised an eyebrow. “I could call you Erculi.” His accent was heavy when the name rolled off his tongue.
Herakles' thumb rubbed over the edge of his cup. His lips were slightly parted and Michele didn’t miss the attentive spark in his eyes.
He tried to distract himself by taking another sip of coffee.
“Mihalis,” Herakles said and Michele swallowed coffee grounds and sugar.
His hairs stood on end. He wanted to take Herakles’ hand and call him Erculi and babble sweet nothings in Sicilian at him. He wanted to be reminded of the touches they had shared when they had been kids, behind the safety of a schoolbook and the wild growth of a garden or sometimes tucked away in the corner of a dock wall.
Now they weren’t kids anymore, however, freed from their parents' watchful eye. He could do all that.
Herakles chuckled and despite the hour, it was a joyful little sound. Michele had put the coffee cup down and thought to get a glass of water to wash the coffee out of his mouth. He didn’t dare look at Herakles.
“You know who also changed my name?” Herakles asked and Michele glanced at him.
“Who?” The grounds stuck to his tongue and the walls of his mouth, but he wouldn’t say anything. Not unless Herakles said something first.
“Natasa. She calls me Iraklis, because she thinks Herakles is pretty pretentious in this day and age.” He chuckled again, his eyes on the table instead of Michele, and a faint smile on his face. “Maybe that’s also the reason why we Greeks changed all the words you Sicilians kept.”
Michele chuckled to himself. He got up to fetch a glass of water.
“She's been a big help in navigating this Shark Tank. Calls me Ira for short,” Herakles said and Michele nearly choked on the water. One last chuckle left Herakles, more of an amused sigh.
“Oh,” Michele said, as steady as his voice could manage.
Herakles looked at him from the corner of his eyes. “Yeah?”
In Italian, Ira means wrath.
They weren’t kids anymore, Michele thought. He wanted to sleep.
So he put his glass of water down, walked over to Herakles and peered inside his coffee cup. Empty, but so carefully drunk that he didn’t inhale the grounds.
“Iri means to go in Sicilian,” Michele said. Herakles had turned towards him. “I think I want to go to bed.”
Up close, he saw the dark circles underneath Herakles’ eyes. There was a cut on his thumb that hadn’t yet fully healed. Scratch marks peaked out underneath his hair and shirt.
And Michele didn’t care one bit for any of it, because it didn’t change that Herakles was so beautiful it knocked the breath out of Michele’s lungs.
Herakles scooted back with his chair, a dull sound on the old tiles, and welcomed Michele onto his lap. His hands steadied him as he sat down and one found its way into Michele’s hair as he kissed him. He liked the warm and heavy weight against his head and his own thumb brushed over Herakles’ cheek. Herakles’ lips were soft and warm and when his tongue darted out into the other’s mouth or it willingly met Herakles’ in his own, there was a faint taste of sugar and coffee.
Herakles broke their kiss and pulled back. When Michele opened his eyes, they went wide upon meeting Herakles’ stare. The pleading in his eyes scared him.
“Mihalis,” Herakles then whispered and Michele was ready to keel over.
“Erculi,” he got out, voice on the verge of tears and held onto Herakles for dear life as they kissed again.
"Taddarita/Nychterida [νυχτερίδα]" = Bat
"Carusu/Agori [αγόρι]" = Boy (In Greek, it can also be used to mean "Boyfriend". Since the Italian ragazzo works the same way, I assume the Sicilian carusu can also refer to a boyfriend. Do with that information what you will.)
"Liccu/Lihoudis" = Greedy; To have a sweet tooth
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pandapupremade · 3 years
How does Lizzy get on with the rest of the characters they and Ira live with? Were her first impressions of anyone particularly different to how she feels about them now?
thank u for this ask!!! her relationships r pretty much the same as I had before, but ofc its been . nearly a year and not on this blog so i am gonna go over it again below the cut
Mr. Lynn: Lizzy honestly kinda thinks of him as a dad - they get along surprisingly well, despite Lizzy sharing Damao’s problem with shedding and transfroming. Lizzy does a lot of carrying for him, bc shes strong and willing to help - you know. carrying laundry in or groceries or w/e else. Lizzy was intimidated by him at first, but like i said now their relation is familial and surprisingly chill
Neil: knwoing that he harbors the demon lord, Lizzy is very timid about him, but much like Damao learns that Neil himself is very kind and starts to trust in him too, wanting to protect him rather than destroy him. however Lizzy’s first impression was not fear bc they didn’t recognize him at first. no at first they went GOAT!!!!!!!! ITS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! and nearly crushed him in a hug
Abu: theyre friends. Lizzy is the only one who acknowledges him as usual, and feels bad nobody else does. first impression was what the fuck whos that why isnt anyone ever talking to him does he even exist. lizzy likes to howl along w any guitar he plays
Lily: Lizzy and Lily can’t be in the same room bc Lily is cute and will be suffocated in a hug. she doesnt mind though. her and Lizzy’s first impression though was much like the others’, who thoguht Lily was gonna be as strict as Lynn
damao: Lizzy has known him most of their life, but not all of it! Lizzy was adopted by damao as his little sister when he found her wandering the streets of their village when she was like . 6. lizzy was nervous at first abt having a brother but now theyre attached at the hip
Nick: ...god fuck ifi  know Lizzy is probably terrified by and doesnt like him and STILL doesnt like him much. grudge against him for what he did in the first episodes of season 2 with ira
AND THERE U HAVE IT i think thats everyyone
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swordofsuns · 4 months
dnd arc 2 continued continued continued
also by the way while all of this with Red is going on Max and co are having shenanegans and accidentaly murdering a gay bar with bad kareoke. this session is also where the traditional gnomish deathmetal bagpipes comes from, but all of that is barely plot relevant.
back to Red, it turns out she accidentaly made a deal with an ancient dead god of desire (like you do). he does this whole "I have been known by many names" thing so she just calls him Steve. She also only really manages to have a conversation with him by constantly threatening suicide with the logic that "Steve" probably needs her alive, so this way he has no choice but to answer her questions. All she really learns from him is that he was a god, before he was killed by the Martyr and replaced, that he is a god of desire, that he claims that his name of "the father of lies" is the greatest lie ever made, and that she accidentaly swore her soul to him when she shot Ira in that one "take the shot" dream (whoopsies). She lays down some boundries with him, on the condition that she doesnt just die, that he will only speak when spoken to, never control her body without her consent, and only take drastic action if necesary to save her life.
outside the rest of the party track down the satyr they were tasked with skinning but decide to spare his life out of compassion. he gives them one of his horns (which is a magic horn of plenty), though it goes missing after Cisero and King confront them about going against the wishes of the court
the party meet up afterwards and discuss what happened, though Red only tells the bear minimum. (basicaly you have to understand they're a found family, but like a found family of exclusively fueding siblings)
that night Red dreams and meets Steve again, in the same black pine forest as where she met Benny. He has a thousand masks around the place, but wears one he says "belonged to a Steve". they chat a bit more, but they both do still kinda hate each other, Red because he tricked her and removed her free will, and "Steve" because she isnt going along with his plans.
Steve explains the alchemists circle (image below) and the five base elements that make up the world. He used to be the embodiment of Ichor, and the Ira has ties to Gale through Perro, which is the element that loses to Ichor.
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We have around a week of downtime until the last trial, so we all go and do our own things. Red works with Prometheus to fix up her marble and work on turning her Hide into a new cloak. Ira tries to fix up the broom, and in the end sacrifices Lady Penelopes broken ring to fix up the broom, so she can fly now. Manti ends up approaching Ira for help in making a potion, though she never fully explains what the potion is, she just gets awkward and mumbles and says its something for Red. Kraka and Kit do a bit of investigation into the missing people and the rumors that the Pied Piper caused them and is on his way to the Court. We still have no idea who was stealing the silver, only that they hired both the hag and the thief to help them gather it. Kit gets some training from Kings bodyguard. (oh also forgot to mention hes not very relevant for another few arcs but Kings patron is this weird deer man who has magic fruits)
okay this is getting long so ending it here but the next ask should be the end of the fae arc
You're campaign is wild, and I say this as someone who has to pull THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE into secrets because my players kept trying to cast detect thoughts on ancient and powerful beings.
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bookofjudith · 4 years
I got tagged by @bauliya
name: meg. but u can call me wild thing ;)))))))))))
gender: i am a girl in the sense that i was a tomboy as a child and now i am far more comfortable w femininity, but getting in trouble for playing with the boys and being messy at catholic schools has permanently imprinted itself on my soul
starsign: gemini!!
height: 5'5
birthday: i am a june baby!!!
favourite band: girl what kind of question i literally can’t answer this. let me check my stats rq. Ok they say i’ve been listening to a shit ton of the oh hellos, lumineers, vampire weekend, and florence + the machine, so i’ll take it!
favourite solo artist: bro come ON. im not picking one. Hozier and Sufjan Stevens are probably my all-times, but i’ve also been listening to a ton of Mitski and Andrew Bird recently.
song stuck in your head: Drunk Walk Home - Mitski. every few minutes i just think FUCK YOU AND YOUR MONEEEEYYY
last movie you watched: i think it was soul?? which was VERY cute and made me cry.
last show: .....fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood.  i’ve literally seen it twice thru but i cant put it down yet :/
when you created this blog: lmao 2013. try that on for size. if u scroll back far enough youll find stuff from when i was a high school freshman and now im GRADUATING college. (dont scroll back that far im begging you)
last thing you googled: confutatis maledictis flammis acribus addictis, which is a line from Dies Irae. will provide no further context. 
other blogs: wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy
how many are you following/how many followers do you have: too many of you follow me. i wield too much power. unfollow while you still can. 
lucky number: 420
instruments: i used to play piano!! i haven’t played in years but i can still bang out a tune if i mess around long enough. 
what are you currently wearing: uhhh, sweats? im on month two of break. i don’t know what clothing is. 
dream job: ahahha, uh, i don’t know? I would eventually like to become a physician and work with children in some respect, and would like to publish writing, get involved in local politics and NGOs. u know how it goes. 
favourite food: i had fried shawarma rolls last week and i literally can’t stop thinking about them i think i’d sell a sibling to have one right now
dream trip: MEDITERRANEAN. WE GOIN ON A TRIP. greece, italy, cyprus, and then we doin a hop skip and a jump to visit armenia and then beruit and my sitti’s hometown. 
nationality: american yeehaw. 
top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: does the fictional universe where i’m achieving my goals count. In all seriousness id totally visit avatar or literally anywhere studio ghibli related. 
I'm tagging @agentcalliope @liathgray @isnt-it-pretty godspeed
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