#one last strong boys hug for Miche
hangedalladalla · 4 years
Hello everyone this is a fanfic commission for someone. I do fics about different ships and reader inserts as well. This is part of my COMMISSION FOR A CAUSE for my mom’s previous chronic illness and to support her medications and medical needs (please see my pinned post for images of mri scans and interpretations).This is a short fic about Levi and Hange. Please message me if you want to donate or commission me.
Hange Zoe was one to find out that death is definitely not a one way trip. She had always wondered what is to happen once death comes to you.Was there going to be tranquility and hope? Was there some place wherein your soul can finally rest? Was it some place wherein her soul will meet those that she have lost along the way? Or will she just turn into dust and just let her remains just scatter around into the air. The truth was half of her assumptions was true, half of them were not. Just like how she always thought when she was a child they were there those that she have lost along the way. She can name them not all of them but she can name them.
Her ever loyal assistant squad leader Moblit, her dear friend and former commander Erwin, her comrades and friends Nanaba and Miche. Her old squad Nifa,Abel and the others. She even saw Sasha whom she felt like she have failed. Hange looked back to how disappointed she was of herself when Sasha died. She was supposed to live a long life. With those whom she have loved but she felt like she took that away from her. Nonetheless, all of her fears and anxieties all went away when Sasha turned at her and engulfed her in a huge bone breaking hug if she wasn’t dead she would have groaned in pain but in all honesty she did not feel anything at all but relief, that Sasha wasn’t blaming her. She can finally feel at peace there in that tranquil silent place wherein she can spend the rest of her not-so-life with her comrades.
There was something missing. Hange had been spending a few days now there in the afterlife but something was missing. She cannot fathom the feeling of emptiness and sorrow but there it was, why was it there. Why is it that at the back of her non existent beating heart there was a voice calling out her name in agony. She then felt a surging pain on her left temple followed ny her arms and back. The urge to scream was too strong and yet she couldn’t. She couldn’t ask or scream for rescue. She tried reaching out to her dead comrades but they all just stared at her in solitude. She tried reaching out to Erwin’s hand but he just gave her a sullen and knowing smile, something she had grown accustomed to. The warm sullen smile of his comrade who was now letting go of her hand to kick her back into her reality.
The agonizing painful moment of silence wherein Hange Zoe realized that she was alive and barely breathing. The pain in her back keeps growing stronger and stronger and the screams of Gabi and Annie were muffled by the long deafening ringing in her ear.
There was a name, there it was the agonizing pain in her heart it wasn’t just a voice it was his. It was Levi’s. What was she even thinking trying to find peace in an own realm she created for herself.What was she even thinking leaving Levi all alone when all he had was her and all she had was him.
Everything was just blurry she cannot even decipher which was real and which was her imagination,all she knew was she was flying with Gabi yelling her name while Annie tries to bandage her burnt back that is far from being healed. Maybe this was her imagination as well, there was no way she would be flying right at that very moment because the reason of her death was solely for the flying boat to fly. But there she was being held by Gabi and Annie as they screamed out her name. It doesn’t even matter all she knew and all she could ever think of was the person whom she left. The person who dedicated his heart to her and vice versa. She could only laugh with a fitting cough as she miserably tried to ease the pain of her burning back. Then everything went black.
The next thing Hange knew there was a battle on going already. Who wins and who loses it does not even matter anymore wether it be them or Eren or the Marleyans or the world it does not even matter anymore. As she opened her eye and see through the horizon there he was. Riding a flying titan while here she is being held by Onyankopon. The rumbling had stopped everything was just in shambles and there he was silver orb staring at her own brown one. She does not even know if Levi lost his other eye as well or if the others were fine all she knew at that moment was that returning was the right choice. She does not need the eternal tranquility when right there at that moment of chaos everything just seemed to fall right into place he was there and alive and so was she and that’s all that mattered. Nothing else did it was just Levi and her and the two of them staying alive for each other.
Hange does not even remember when the war ended, or if it already ended all she knew and remember was Levi’s right arm reaching out to her and her taking it then everything just went black. She immediately rose from where she was laying and pain immediately resurfaced from her back. It felt like it was burning again and it was just really painful. She immediately reached out for her glasses that was at the bedside table when Yelena entered right at the moment.
“Hey, Hange you’re awake.” The blonde said as she placed a cup of water beside her then later on helped her drank it.
“Thanks Yelena.” She said as she looked far away. “Where are the others?”She asked as she continued sipping from her cup. “Where’s Levi?” Again, she asked as panic ate her whole system.
“Fine. They are fine Jean and the others were all still healing as they try to fix the damage of the rumbling. If there even is anymore to recover.” The blonde said with a scoff as she looked faraway. She looked different,tired and empty.
“Your Levi is resting as well. He’s just in the room next to yours. He was so beaten up that I don’t think he will ever fully recover.” The blonde stated still looking in a far distance.
“What happened? How did we all end up here?” Hange asked again to gain Yelena’s attention.
“You don’t remember? Falco’s titan grew tired and fell, luckily all of you who were riding it was okay. Pieck and the others are fine as well. Reiner is still recovering alongside the other shifters.”
“And, Eren? Where is he? What happened to him? Is he okay? Did you get to him? Did you manage to capture him? Was he safe along with the others?” Yelena looked at Hange dumbfounded. Eren was the sole reason why she nearly died and here she was asking about his whereabouts and conditions.
Yelena just raised her head up and looked into the ceiling while shooking her head no. It was more than enough of an explanation. There was no need for further elaborating about where Eren was and how he was. Yelena’s sullen expression was more than enough for Hange to understand and for tears to well in her eyes, because in all honesty she had raised Eren even if only for just a few years. She created a bond with Eren and it breaks her heart to see him that way. Maybe, they will never now what his sole reason is. Maybe, it was just for him to know and for them to never find out. It doesn’t matter anymore. She shook her head, wiped her tears and looked up into the window staring at the bright horizon, with an empty wish that hopefully wherever Eren is he had reached the freedom that he is fighting for.
It has been three days since Hange had gained consciousness. She have been visiting Levi’s room from time to time tending to his wounds. Her wounds still hurts as hell but being with Levi, it just somehow lessens. She stared as his face as she wiped the towel down ro clean his wounds. There was nothing wrong with,minus the wounds nevertheless Hange felt guilty, of trying to leave him when he needed her most. For trying to escape from all of her responsibilities and just be there in that tranquil solitude with her comrades. She felt guilty for trying to leave him alone in chaos when the world was in shambles and there she was trying to hold on to the solitude that she probably created for herself. How selfish of her. She heald Levi’s knuckles close to her face and leaned into it before heading out and speaking to Jean and the others.
“Hange! What brought you here aren’t you supposed to be resting? You can barely walk.” Jean said as he guided Hange to the sofa in their shared room with Reiner and Connie as well as Falco. We are still trying to see what we can fix. The other Eldians from Paradis also flew here to help with what they can to rebuild Marley. Afterall, not long after Historia gave birth through the help of the scouts and alliance that Hange built Historia is working with a truce with all the people around their world. To avoid impending wars and such.
“I want to build something.In the forest, near the sea, just a small cottage. Just enough for two people.” Hange said as she fidgeted with her makeshift clutches.
“It does not have to be perfect, just enough to be able to live comfortably in it.” She went on as she explained what she wanted to build. In a span of two weeks do you think you can finish it? Hange asked as she picked her clutches and held the two boys by their shoulders and smiled. The two boys shocked their heads in disbelief then agreed with what she wanted.
Levi awakened with a sickening pain throbbing in his head. He felt like it was being broken into half. He does not even remembered when was the last time he was awake all he knew was that his body was aching. He checked his body for any signs of bleedings or injuries, turns out they were almost completely healed. He tried sitting up when suddenly Gabi and Falco entered his room to bring him some water.
“Mr. Levi!” Falco shouted in panic as he grabbed the bottle of water from Gabi and went to Levi’s side to allow him to drink.
“You’ve been out for more than a month Captain. Everyone else was already up and about. Reiner and Pieck are helping in rebuilding Marley, or what’s left of it. Mikasa and the others are building whatever they were working on.” Gabi rambled as she carefully placed pillows at the back of Levi.
Levi just stared at the two of them. The others were alive and well and he was the only one who had not awoken for more than a month. Him, humanity’s strongest soldier, took the longest time to recover, what was wrong with him. He started having flashbacks of the previous memories of him when he stopped at his tracks. He stared at the two kids in front of him. Where was she, he was so sure that he was reaching out to her before Falco’s titan came crashing down. He was sure it was her. He will never forget those brown orb afterall. Levi noticed something about his vision as well. He can still see from both eyes, although the other one was really blurry and barely functioning but it can still recognize figures.
“Hange? Where was Hange?” He asked, afraid that they will give him an answer that will break his heart again.
“She was with Jean,Mikasa and the others, they were trying to build something we’re not really sure what it is though, just that it’s-” Gabi immediately kicked Falco in his legs when he was about to continue.
“Won’t you shut up! You’re just going to ruin everything!” She yelled as she pushed Falco out of Levi’s room while waving Levi goodbye and rambling on about training and things.
Three weeks have flew by faster and Levi could already feel himself regaining his strength. Everyone already visited him. Everyone except her. She was nowhere to be found. There was even no news about her. Whenever he would ask about her they would just shrug their shoulders and change the topic about how they are working on the truce. Or they will just simply answer ‘she’s fine’ or ‘she’s doing well’ like it’s something that is going to ease his mind that easily. Every single day that he was not seeing her his anxiety just grew larger and larger. What if she really did not survive and they were just lying for his sake. What if he was just hallucinating and the others were just going through with his craziness. He abruptly stood up thinking that it was enough and that he had to see her for the sake of his sanity.
He was about to go to Jean’s quarters when Gabi came in bringing a rolled up paper that looked like a map.
“Hey! Someone tasked me to give you this!” GAbi said as she immediately ran out of the door. Levi stared at the piece of paper. It was a map. At the side of the map was a tiny scribble with a note that says ‘meet me here’. There was no name or signature but he knows too damn well who wrote it. He felt his heart beating loudly with just the sight of her scribbles. He immediately took his bag and began travelling. With his condition riding a horse is no big deal already. That is why he immediately took off to go to the said place. The place was suprisingly near. Just a three hour ride from a horse to there and it will be quicker if he had used the innovative car that the Marleyans and the others used.
The forest looked peaceful and serene seems like the part of the forest where his travellung at did not get damaged by the rumbling. It was also near the sea and it brings solitude to his mind. Soon, he already reached the said cottage. IT was a very simple cottage,just enough for 2 or 4 people to live in. It was neat as well and there were fruits,vegetables and flowers growing outside the garden. He immediately reached out for the door knob, heart reaching in his throat he carefully twisted the knob. Nervous and panic, anxious of what he will really find there. Finally he succeeded in opening the door. He didn’t dare to look straight, he did not want to get disappointed immediately. Lucky for him he wasn’t, because right there was the love of his life, the person whom he dedicated his heart for. His other half. Smiling at him tears brimming in her eyes as she looked at him with her beautiful brown orb.
“Hange.” It was like a whisper, he did not know to whom he was calling to. He felt his legs buckle and he fell on his knees. Hange as well let go of her crutches as she held on to him. Levi who was holding tightly to Hange just kept on calling her name as he held he body tighter to his. In return, Hange had muttered a series of apologies for being selfish and trying to leave him alone. They just stared right there on the floor just holding on to each other muttering apologies and promises that only they will know and remember.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was selfish wanted to escape. I wanted to be free so I left. I’m sorry” Hange continuously said as she buried her face on Levi’s shoulder. Levi in return just stroked her hair as he continuously try to calm her and saying that he was forgiving her.
Soon there were no more tears left to cry and they just sat there in the silence, just the two of them feeling each others warmth. Levi tried to touch Hange’s back when she flinched because some of the burns haven’t dried up yet.
“Sorry.” Levi muttered while Hange just smiled at him and laced her head on his shoulder again. “Does it hurt?” Levi asked as he carefully traced her back.
“No, just sometimes. How about yours?” she asked as she carefully touched his damage eye softly with her fingers the reaching out to place a sullen kiss into it.
“No it doesn’t hurt anymore” he stated as he continued stroking her hair.
“What’s the purpose of this place Hange?” He asked as he stared at her. “I told you that we will live in the forest. I made myself a promise as well that I would run away with you once we both survived, and we did. Welcome to our new home, Levi. That is if you accept.” She explained and stated with a small and embarrassed smile.
“You know I can’t say no to you right four eyes?” He stated as he smiled lovingly at her and reached out to her face. There were no more need for confessions. The two of them already knows it. No more words was to be said for what they have was something that not everybody could have. For what they had was a chance and a miracle.
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102 notes · View notes
tsuki-xoxo · 4 years
One Day At A Time
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Overview: The moment you first saw Shinso’s performance at the first year Sports Festival set off a chain of fateful interactions and an unrequited declaration of rivalry. Now, as you stand hand in hand with your husband-to-be, you can’t help but think back to everything that brought you here. 
Pairing: Shinso Hitoshi x Reader
Word Count: 3741
Genre: Scenario, Fluff 
A/N: I had so much fun writing this for the POCuties Server Collab: ‘A Wedding to Remember!’ My heart went binkie boom doom. I hope you all enjoy best boi Shinso!! And thank you to @tui-lah​ for beta reading, I appreciate it! You can find the rest of everyone��s amazing works here.
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The flowers entwined between your fingers twinge with sweat from your palms as the beating of your heart ran a mile a minute. Exhaling a breath, you briefly glanced at the bouquet of beautifully arranged flowers before the double doors broke you from your reverie. On either side stood your best friend, Mina, in a beautiful gown that accentuated her figure, and Kaminari, your husband-to-be’s best friend. 
Mina beamed, the black sclera of her eyes twinkling as she caught onto the small sigh of contentment that left your lips as you basked in the physique of the love of your life in a tuxedo at the end of the peddle-filled aisle. The light reflected from the vibrant bouquet, which made you look dazzling in the spotlight. Carrying on an otherworldly trance before the two left your side, not before the blonde sent you subtle thumbs up. 
Facing your groom, your eyes roamed his figure, giving him a once-over. The tuxedo hugged him perfectly, highlighting his broad shoulders and slim build. The black of his suit had a velvet quality to it, and brought something out of him, a self-respecting pride and confidence that had you nibbling your bottom lip. 
“Oh, hello, Mr. Bond,” you whispered with a cheeky grin. You couldn’t help yourself, Shinso looked like the perfect action man with a license to thrill. His typically messy indigo hair was slicked back, or at least tried to be, you had to give him an ‘A’ for the effort. You peaked at the tips that were haphazardly pushed back, intertwining into a beautiful chaos-- you’d fix it later into his naturally ruffled tufts. 
You heard a breathy snort from the man across you. Looking up, your eyes latched onto an all-too-familiar pair of glaciers that resembled hyacinths and the lazy-smirk that had the corner of your eyes softening. 
Shinso reaches out to you as soon as the one to wed you both begins to speak, his calloused hands holding yours. It’s funny actually, as you gaze at your intertwined hands and the paleness of his skin of how the two of you ended up in the aisle together, rings readied to be worn, and a life promised to spend together forever.
You remembered it like it was just yesterday.
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After his fight with Midoriya during the first year Sports Festival, you left the stands to find the General Studies student in the hall. Luckily for you, you saw him in no time, the striking lavender hair and familiar U.A. uniform that he wore was hard to miss. You quickly fell into step with his languid steps.
“Shinso Hitoshi, right? I’m (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you.”
With his ashy lilac and deeply sunken eyes, he faced you with a bored expression on his face. “Okay.”
The two of you walk in silence for at least a few minutes, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck before he speaks. “Uh--” he clears his throat a little awkwardly, “why are you following me?” It was a simple question, not one that harbored an accusing tone, and you were almost shocked by the fact that he made no effort to chase you away.
“Oh shit,” you cursed, smacking your forehead, having forgotten to announce the reason why you followed him in the first place. “My bad, dude, I can’t believe I forgot. You’re my rival.”
“What?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows, his pace slowing even more until they stopped. 
“Rival, y’ know where two people compete for the same objective or superiority.”
He clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes, “I know what a rival is, but why are you declaring that you’re mine.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. You thought that at this point, it was obvious enough for him to catch on. Maybe he was a bit slow; the bags under his eyes may have killed a couple of brain cells over the years. “‘Cause we have the same goal,” you shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “We want to prove everyone who doubts us wrong.” Mich like him, growing up with an ‘evil’ Quirk, you’ve had a fair share of gossip surrounding you. That’s why you wanted to be a hero, to end the discrimination against labeling Quirks as villainous. 
“Really?” he paused, “what would a student from the heroics course know about being deemed as a criminal.” One look into his eyes, and you already knew. The bitterness in his orbs was unmistakable.
“More than you know,” you murmured, refusing to break eye contact. 
The mauve haired boy’s uninterested expression softened at the dispute in your eyes, the corner of his mouth tugging into a small grin. Looking at you properly this time, like he really saw you as a person, not just some random stranger that decided to follow him around.
“Sorry, but no,” Shinso stated, the usual indifference lacing his tone, the smile falling from his face. “I’m not looking to make friends or rivals.”
You giggled mischievously at him, the purple of his eyes side-eyeing you with weariness. “You’re cute,” you state bluntly, bouncing on the balls of your feet. His expression is replaced with a gawk at the pure boldness from you, red splotching on the apple of his cheeks. “You actually think you have a choice! See ya soon, rival!” 
With that, you turn on your heel, searching for your homeless-looking homeroom teacher. You have the perfect recommendation for an intern.  
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“(L/N)?” he demanded, stunned by your sudden appearance.
You turned your head from your position on the floor, stretching, glancing toward his direction. “Hey, rival.” The boy looked slightly different from the last time you had seen him, with a bandage-like material wrapped around his neck, similar to Aizawa’s.
Hopping onto your feet, you brushed the dust off your hands, walking onto the mat placed in the middle of the gym as Aizawa spoke up. “Shinso, you’re training with (L/N) today. It’s a joint training to access your weaknesses, first to get knocked down or pushed off the mat loses,” he said, his expression never changing.
Bending down a bit, you prepared to make a move before the boy with lavender hair stopped you in your footsteps. “How the hell did you get Aizawa-sensei to agree to this?” he asked with an amused look in his eyes. 
Smirking, you peered up through your lashes, looking at him with faux innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Yes, you do. At the Sports Festival, you told Aizawa about the general studies student, but Aizawa was already aware of the male since he had taken note of him. Unsurprisingly to you, your teacher decided to mentor the student, and it took a lot of bribing and coaxing for you to convince him to join just one training session, but that’s all you needed. 
You stiffened immediately, your eyes glazing over as you become immobile, not even able to process or think properly. You watch the white of your rival’s teeth move, and the next thing you know, you blink, conscious, and off the mat. The stoic male wore a bored expression on his face as your eyes widen in realization, he just brainwashed you. 
It was as if a match sparked over you as you glared at him. Lunging forward instantly, taking the purple-haired boy by surprise, you brought your leg up to kick him in the shin as he lost balance. Without giving him a chance to catch his breath, you pounced, both arms wrapping around his torso as you tackled him, or at least tried to. It seemed that Aizawa had been training his student well because the tackle didn’t do anything besides move him backward. Quickly, you leaped back, creating a space.
The boy’s ruffled hair from his night’s sleep and current fight had strands sticking together, slick with sweat. “What, that’s all you got?” Shinso asked, but you bit back a sharp remark, refusing to take the bait again. 
Failing to evade the knee that came straight for your abdomen, the impact knocked you back slightly but lacked to knock you down. You were taken aback by his speed and accuracy, and for a second, you wanted to smile at the growth of the male that stood in front of you, it was like he wasn’t the same boy that had lost to Midoriya. 
Focusing on the match at hand, you dodged his next onslaught of attacks, moving efficiently to evade them with the slight knowledge of his fighting style from the Sports Festival. Thanking yourself for forcing all those hours you spent training your physical abilities, you moved forward the moment you noticed Shinso starting to take labored breaths from his never-ending assaults. However, before you could even register what was happening, Shinso loosened the material around his neck, effectively capturing you amid some ridiculously strong bandages. With the help of the capture tape, he swung you around, gathering momentum before releasing you. Before you were thrown off the mat, though, you grabbed the white scarf and pulled yourself safely in bounds. 
With record speed, you raced across to meet Shinso, the capture material moving forward to shield its wielder from an attack, but you abruptly shot your arm up, tensing the male’s muscles you pushed it out of your way, continuing your route to the lilac haired male. Using your remaining strength before your sight dotted from vertigo, a drawback to your Quirk, you used both of your arms to grasp onto his, crouching you flip him over. 
Falling flat on the mat, you heaved a breath and closed your eyes to regulate the spottiness surrounding you. When you heard shuffling, you peaked an eye open, pointedly-eyeing the hovering male. 
“You’ve gotten better,” you commented. 
Shinso let out a soft chuckle. “You’re not half bad,” he countered, crossing his arms before adding, “besides when you became a sore loser and just hopped back in here without a word.”
You gave him a non-threatening pointed look, “hey! I forgot about the brainwashing bit for a second there. Can you blame me?”
Scoffing, you took his outreached hand and pulled yourself up with his combined effort. 
“I mean for a rival, that was just sad,” mused Shinso, running a hand through his hair, tufts of purple sticking out in random directions, suiting him. 
The corners of your mouth lifted up into a smile, a slight stinging sensation from the cut on your lip from the fight somehow, but you didn’t care as your smile widened into a brilliant grin since Shinso finally acknowledged you. “Rival, huh?” you laughed, feeling absolutely delirious. 
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After Shinso acknowledged you as his rival, you both became training partners and soon enough close friends. Before either of you knew it, you were already in your second year at U.A., and your purple-haired friend had been accepted into the hero course. 
You’re not exactly sure when you started developing feelings for the boy. Maybe it was the moment he exposed his perfectly aligned teeth, glowing with happiness and hope. Or it was his innate ability to spark a conversation with anyone, despite having a reserved and calm attitude. Even stating that he had no interest in making friends, yet you swiveled your way in and surrounded him with support, along with Kaminari, the greenette, Midoriya, and even the cerulean blue-eyed Monoma. Or it’s his aspiration to usurp anyone who walked the same path as him to become a Pro. Either way, there was no denying the flutters roaming around in your stomach. 
As you heaved, trying to catch your breath,  your exercise friend was doing the same, but talking about something, you weren’t really paying attention to his words. Just hearing his voice made your stomach tingle and your heart beat erratically in your chest so hard that it felt it’d burst. You followed the beads of sweat trickle down his face and run onto his lips, focusing how the red of his tongue would peak out to catch the salty droplets. 
When your eyes met, you swore that your heart thumped so hard that it was audible, even for him. His eyes, those deep magenta orbs that could tell a whole story just by looking at them, felt like you were injected with liquid adrenaline into your bloodstream, and the entire zoo grew rampant in your chest. Shinso’s cat-like eyes felt like looking into the sun for too long-- a maze you could get lost in and soon enough be blinded by. He was so effortlessly looking handsome. 
And his hands. The same slender ones that have been on you time and time again, training after training. The image of his hands brushing against your own as you walk flickers throughout your mind, growing into a daydream of your own intertwining. Suddenly you speak, “Hitoshi, I like you.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise at your confession, mouth ajar, and hand frozen on his capture material. The intensity of his gaze put a crack in your steely disposition as you glance the other way. “But don’t worry. I don’t expect you to say anything, I just wanted to get that off my chest. 
You watched as Shinso grinned, shaking his head in disbelief, his arm rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He wasn’t one to smile much, never having much reason to and the fact that it took too much effort. But every time you spoke, you somehow made the corners of his mouth tug upwards each time. You didn’t merely speak words with no meaning behind. With every word you spoke, they were curt, straight to the point, and your conversations didn’t need the time-consuming falsehood of small talk. So, it was no surprise when you bluntly admit your feelings to your crush. 
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Like you promised, you never forced Shinso to speak up about your confession, not once asking if he felt the same way. You guys’ relationship continued to grow without a hitch, but that never stopped you from making flirtatious remarks with the male from time to time. A cheeky grin permanently painted across your face every time you were with him. 
Scrambling up to your feet, you hurriedly made your way over to him despite your aching muscles. Clasping your hands around his neck in a chock-hold, you used your legs, dropping him on the ground right then and there.
“What were you saying about beating me?” you asked, laughing in between pants. 
After three years of regular quirkless and quirkful combat with Shinso, you both had improved drastically every battle with one another. It took you everything to drop him over your shoulder like before, but you collapsed on the ground next to him, panting as soon as you did. 
“I’m going to kick your ass,” Shinso retorted, looking at you. Picking up on your exhaustion, he rolled over, immediately entrapping you with his weight as he grabbed both arms with his own, pinning you down. 
“That’s not fair! The match was already over,” you pouted, however made no effort to push him off. He grinned, breathing out, his breath fanning over your face. It took mere seconds for him to realize the close proximity of your two faces, his own heating up, instantly taking on a rose hue. He hastily scrambled off of you, looking away as he tried to calm his face. 
“Damn, I was hoping to be wrapped in your arms for longer,” you teased, whipping a fake tear delicately from your face. 
He coughed at your words, choking on the water as his head snaps at you from the comment, hints of pink still present on his cheek. “Huh? Wha--”
“Relax,” you scoffed, propping yourself up with your elbows. “I’m just fucking with you.” As you made your way to your bags that were thrown onto the floor, you patted the male’s toned back as to acquiesce that everything’s alright. But before you can maneuver around him, Shinso’s hand latches itself on your wrist.
“Wait,” he murmurs, pulling you toward him. You make no move to pull away, feeling safe and secure in his arms, not the edge of intensity that comes with dancing with danger in your daily life as a hero-in-training. Subconsciously, you find yourself leaning into Shinso’s embrace, even more, an affectionate smile on his face. 
He tugs your cheek softly. “I like you too.” You stay silent, holding your breath as the pad of his thumb brushes against the skin he just pulled, and fingertips lightly grazing your jaw, you find yourself leaning into his palm, the ends of your lips tipping up slightly. You two focus on one another’s eyes, and all your common sense shuts down because the attention he’s giving you his startling, the vibrant violet of his orbs near closer, stealing your breath. 
You brought your hands to the back of his neck, and in an instant, his lips found yours with a content sigh. Your eyes flutter shut, and even in darkness, you see light exploding. Although his movements were gentle and slow, his lips were firm, the two of you moving in perfect sync, sending shivers down your back. With each move, the blurred lines of your friendship beginning to clear, forming something new entirely. Parting your lips, you sighed as he slowly pulled away from the kiss, his lips plump and red. 
Fluttering your eyes open, you find Hitoshi wearing a sweet smile on his face, filled with affection. His smile was one of happiness growing, much like spring flowers. You could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. While your heart was pounding, and your lips were still pulsing from the way he kissed you, the silly smile never fell from your face.  
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You and Shinso have been dating for five years now, debuting and growing as Pro Heroes. As time passed, your love for him got even stronger. Whenever he looked at you, it was like every ounce of air was taken from your lungs, floating in the sky like a midnight smoke cloud. Every time your lips tangled, the world would stop, leaving just the two of you wandering the earth together. When the two of you cuddle, and he holds your face between his hands, it’s like he’s keeping you in an eternity of security.
When the two of you were patrolling the streets, you came across chaos and panicked citizens. In the distance, there were flickering flames that hinted something deadly. 
“Stay near me, (Y/N), and be careful,” Hitoshi announced as you catch up to his hurried pacing, nodding in acknowledgment, walking right into the heat of battle. The scene you were met with was unlike the disarray clues you had witnessed from the running citizens earlier. 
All around, you could see the burning of bright orange flames as they devoured everything in their path. Your nose scrunched up in alarm from the smell of charred concrete and ash as they dusted the air. The moment you observed your surroundings, you wished you hadn’t. You narrowed your eyes as a menacing creature hovered around a horde of panicked civilians that desperately tried to scramble away. The beast had an ugly beak head with wings and extra limbs, and bloodlust radiating out of its beady eyes. It’s what every Pro has been acquainted with, a Nomu.
“Ready?” he grunted, quickening his pace to match yours. 
“Always,” you answered, reaching out an arm, and in an instant, you immobilized the Nomu-like creature grasping hold of one of the unfortunate bystanders, your boyfriend running by you with his capture scarf in tow. 
You rushed over to the person ungracefully falling with its captor. Grabbing the man’s arm, you slung him over your shoulder as you hauled him to safety. The man gasped out a thank you, slumping over a wall a fair distance away from the fighting, trying to catch his breath. 
When you ran back into action, you and Hitoshi captured villains, the Nomu, and protected citizens. Multiple other heroes had arrived at the scene at this point, and the creature had been dragged out of by policemen, sirens echoing down the streets.
You had been rambling to your boyfriend about your costume, mentioning that you’d need to see Hatsume soon for some upgrades, but as you glanced over at him, you recognized the far offness in his eyes. 
“Hitoshi?” you ask with furrowed brows, snapping your finger in front of him.
He blinks, his hands finding purchase around your waist. He pulls you closer as he nudges his head between your neck, and you wrap your arms around him. “I love you,” he whispers into your hair. Pulling back slightly, he reaches for your hands, interlocking them. A light smile adorned your face as you looked into his unblinking dark purple eyes.
“Will you marry me?”
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Now, as you stand in front of your soon to be husband, you feel the way your heartbeat picks up while your lungs fill with more air, but at the same time, you feel incredibly light. This is it. You’re seriously going to marry the love of your life. 
There is so much to admire about him like his raw honesty. The way his words spill out real slow as if the truth can take its time. There’s like a force behind them, yet the kind that is respectful and quiet-- an observant and patient determination. He supports your pure, unadulterated personality, the good and bad. But of everything, it was looking in his eyes you loved the most. That’s all you ever needed to connect, just you and him, eyes, no words.
“You may now kiss.”
Shinso ran the tip of his tongue along his lower lip, gently drawing you closer to him, placing both hands on either side of your face. You two share a brief but deep kiss, yet you two are still grinning afterward as cheers from friends and families surround the two of you like magic, causing you to shiver in complete pleasure and ecstasy. 
In a world of chaos, the two of you find a place where togetherness means peace, where savage winds cease, and no clouds can block the warmth of the brightening rays. 
And neither of you would want to have it any other way. 
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Thank you for tagging me, @tuliharja! Your responses were absolute pleasure to read <3
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Ans. I've a brilliant relationship with my mother, and my father wants to kill me, so that's that.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
Ans. My grandmother.
03: Do you regret anything?
Ans. Yes, horribly.
04: Are you insecure?
Ans. Somedays I am, somedays I'm not. Just like everyone else.
05: What is your relationship status?
Ans. I'm single and sometimes sleep deprived.
06: How do you want to die?
Ans. You know, I've experienced a lot of things that should have killed me, but I really said no♥️.
Okay, this one is going to be long, because I feel the need to overshare. In 2018, a person I know and his friends played a ""harmless"" prank on me , and I ended up drowning quite deep. You know those dramatic movies where everything looks slow-mo? Yeah, that's how it felt like. Anyhow, I got out somehow and a kind stranger pulled me up so I was pretty away from water. I always found that prank weird because they took away everyone including life guards, distracted my buddy, barricaded all the shallow areas, but maybe it was simply harmless.
I didn't swim since then, and I was planning to get over my fear this year, but well, 2020 happened.
But having experienced that, when I die of age 2357754367 years, I'd like to die by drowning. I really really do.
If not, an assassination will do. Just make sure it's for a good cause.
07: What did you last eat?
Ans. Gouda.
08: Played any sports?
Ans. Yes, basketball and tennis, mostly. Sometimes, shooting.
09: Do you bite your nails?
Ans. Well no but actually yes.
10: When was your last physical fight?
Ans. I don't remember. I'm more of a pacifist.
11: Do you like someone?
Ans. Do fictional people count?
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
Ans. Yes, unfortunately. Never again.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Ans. Hate is a pretty strong word, so I'll pass.
14: Do you miss someone?
Ans. Yes, terribly.
15: Have any pets?
Ans. I used to have two chicks, and my grandmother, till recently, had two Labradors.
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Ans. Melancholic.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Ans. Yuck. Never have, never will.
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Ans. Absolutely not. I think they're adorable.
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Ans. I've been reading too many isekai manga, so yes.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
Ans. I've never kissed anyone in that sense of the word.
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
Ans. Give tests, study, and organize a bit.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Ans. I'm an ace. But when I actually have the financial income for it, I'll like to foster some kids, get them great degrees, and send them an emergency fund. I feel as if not many people are talking about the things foster kids face, especially teens and once they age out of the system. I'll pull an evil scientist and clone myself, if a need for someone young with my gene arises.
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Ans. My ears were pierced traditionally.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
Ans. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Politics, Economics, Geography, Statistics and Languages.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
Ans. Yes.
26: What are you craving right now?
Ans. Something I cannot name, for I don't know. Probably water.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Ans. No, none that I know of, and definitely not on purpose.
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
Ans. As I said, mich Asexual. I've not been in a romantic relationship.
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Ans. See above.
30: What’s irritating you right now?
Ans. These extremely important exams that are coming in few months.
31: Does somebody love you?
Ans. Yes, and it baffles me so.
32: What is your favourite color?
Ans. Blood Red and Prussian Blue.
33: Do you have trust issues?
Ans. Maybe. Not extremely, but just a bit. Harmless enough to not need intervention.
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
Ans. Well, yesterday I had a dream that my favourite characters were there and I was loved, and day before yesterday (Ereyesterday, if you will) I was getting chased by two murderous, ghostly, serial killing cows. They got me in the end, I think.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Ans. I don't cry in front of people. I cry alone.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
Ans. Unfortunately, yes.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Ans. Mostly, it is easier to forgive. But that's not an absolute answer or argument.
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
Ans. Well, the fate of this year depends on those super-important exams.
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Ans. I've been kissed before I could even walk, I think. If you are thinking in the other sense of the word: well, I've never been kissed that way.
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
Ans. Once, into the ocean. I was six.
51: Favourite food?
Ans. Tomatoes and Bell peppers. Shakshuka, Kuleybyaka, Thukpa, pickles—you name it. I guess anything traditional/homemade. Anything really, I love food.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Ans. Yes, it does.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Ans. I prayed.
54: Is cheating ever okay?
Ans. No, it isn't.
55: Are you mean?
Ans. Nope. Not until you hurt people.
56: How many people have you fist fought?
Ans. As in, actually fought and not practiced, yes? Around six, all in self defense.
57: Do you believe in true love?
Ans. Yes, but not in the way it is portrayed.
58: Favourite weather?
Ans. Cold, with loads of sunlight, Snowing or Thunderstorms—I love the rain.
59: Do you like the snow?
Ans. Yes!
60: Do you wanna get married?
Ans. No♥️
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Ans. No, it activates my fight-or-flight.
62: What makes you happy?
Ans. Stars, books, people being happy, the way you see a stranger's day getting better, winning/accomplishments/success, stationary, hugs, libraries, zoos—it doesn't take much, really.
63: Would you change your name?
Ans. I might. Not change it, but add more names to it.
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Ans. Nope, it was my mother. Not hard at all.
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Ans. Tell them, as lovingly and kindly as I can, that I do not like them that way, that I'm not looking for a relationship, and that I'd rather be friends. Also tell them that I'll be the world's coolest winggirl ever, so....
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
Ans. Yes.
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
Ans. It was a classmate.
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Ans. A family member.
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
Ans. Yes, but I don't believe anyone is "perfect" for you. You've got to work on your relationships, no matter what kind they are. Also, soulmates are not necessarily only one, and not necessarily romantic, or so I hope.
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
Ans. Yes, many. Without second thoughts or regrets.
Tagging: @biganimeaesthetictree @somethingpretentious @chaoticneutralcinnamonroll @microwavedsaladisevil @notyouraveragejulie @screechingnightchild @grace-k-sterling @oscarwildeismyidol @porcupinesauce
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alsanjxde · 4 years
Chapter 6
[Y/N's POV]
(5 Years Later)
It's been 5 years since me and Levi joined the scouts, 5 years since the start of our new life. It's ben peaceful so far Levi now has his own squad with specially picked people in it, me being one of those people in it. Me and Miche are still together it's been a nice life so far. We've been on plenty of missions over the past few years. We're actually currently getting ready for another mission in Wall Maria. Getting on my uniform and gear I remember the plan that was for this upcoming mission, we go all the way to the forest and then come back once we've seen what else there is about the titans. Finishing off the last strap on the restraints I exit the room and head towards the shed to get my ODM gear. On the way there I bump into Miche and the rest of my old squad. "Morning" I say to them smiling, but edging closer to Miche to give him a hug. The rest of them just nod and leave to go get ready.
"Morning love, are you ready for the mission today?" Miche replies wrapping his arms around me suffocating me in his warmth. "I'm nearly ready, I just need my gear." I reply while nodding my head. "Mhm okay. Make sure not to die on this mission okay?" He says jokingly. "I won't I promise. You make sure you dont die on me" I say hitting his chest lightly earning a chuckle. "I won't die on you either." He pats my head and gives me a forehead kiss. "Lets go get our gear then" I say grabbing his and and dragging him with me. We approach the place that holds our ODM gear and separate our ways with a quick peck and embrace. Entering the squad Levi shed I see Petra and Oulo standing there arguing about Oulo trying to act like Levi, as usual. "Are you trying to act like Captain Levi again?" Petra crosses her arms and looks at him in disgust while saying that. "I've always spoke like this, what do you mean?" Oulo responded acting confused. I just listened in while getting my gear on. "Hm sure just don't bite your god damn tounge from acting all high and mighty" "Oh I wo-" And he bites his tounge of course. "I'm not even suprised that happened to be honest." Petra said and then just rolled her eyed walking out. Finishing off getting my gear on I walk outside and head towards the stables where the horses are kept.
A while later we're all on our horses sitting near the gate embracing to exit the gates into the area which was once ours; Wall Maria. "56th expedition mission. Embrace for start! 3! 2! 1! Dedicate your hearts!" Erwin yelled setting off out of the gates the rest of us follow behind him. Letting the wind harshly hit against my face causing me difficulty to breathe but eventually adjusting to it. "Immerse yourselves into long range formation!" Erwin demanded shooting off a smoke signal to let the people further away know to take formation. Taking formation me and the rest of the Levi squad moving forward more and slightly towards the right. As soon as we're in formation the ground starts to shake obviously being from titans running towards us. Slotting a blade into each of the handles and pulling them away from the ODM gear, and shooting an anchor into one of the titans and zooming down and slicing the nape. The titans blood spewing everywhere, the smoke rising from out of the titans corpse which is already starting to dis-integrate. Landing back on the floor the titans blood evaporated, jumping back on my horse and getting back into the formation.
Getting closer and closer to the forest we slay more and more titans draining our supplies as fast as anything. "We're nearing the base now make sure not to die before we get there." Levi said while whipping his horse's reigns to make it go faster. We all nodded or hummed in response also whipping our horse's reigns. Less and less titans seem to be appearing now, which is obviously a good thing. The last few titans ahead of us are an easy kill; a 7 metre and a 4 metre. Once again just like we had done to the rest of the titans we flew our anchors into their skin and slice their napes. One thing I've always noticed about the titans is that their limbs seem to be lighter than you'd expect but I've never thought anything of it, getting back on our horses to see a small building- big or enough for about 3 squads- in the distance. "Alright, here we are" Levi said riding off towards the house. The sun had already started to set so the sky was a pretty purple like colour. Arriving at the stables outside the house we get off of our horses and put them in. My horse is like a deep black colour, distictivently different from everyon else horses. I named it Midnight as that is what I first thought of when I saw it.
Entering the small building we see two squads already in there; Squad Hange and Squad Miche, well at least I have someone. We all decided on Levi being the 'leader' in this building and with that he stated "Everyone go to sleep now no dilly dallying if we want to stay alive tomorrow morning we have to be up before sunrise." Everyone nodded understanding it and went to the places they'd be sleeping in and fell asleep. Unable to sleep I lay down staring at the ceiling craving some sort of comfort and affection, a sudden wave of emotions rushing over me. I look around to see practically everyone asleep except Levi but he wouldn't mind me going out for a breathe of fresh air. Standing up I put my jacket on and stand outside letting the night sky breeze slap me in the face. I stand there looking at the sky remembering Isabel and Furlan and just smiling to myself "I still miss you guys you know." I chuckle to myself my voice cracking during it. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrap around me giving me the comfort I craved I instantly knew who it is. I turn around returning the embrace sniffling to myself, Miche notices that and moves his hands to my face and cups my face making me look upwards, "What's the matter love? Why are you crying?" He says softly while he rubs my cheeks comforting me. 
"I wonder what life would be like if it was normal, without titans, without the walls, without the underground. So many people have died from countless things, whether it be murdered; eaten or naturally. I've lost so many people I don't want to lose anymore. I miss them. I miss Furlan and Isabel." I cried out to him letting more and more tears form a stream.                                                "Sh, it's okay darling. I'm here and won't be leaving any time soon I've already promised that remember" He pulled me back in hugging me tighter and giving me the usual forehead kisses. I nodded back, "I'll see them again one day won't I?" I ask wanting to know the truth.                          "One day you will just not anytime soon. Now I suggest we should both get some rest love" He said picking me up as I yawn.                                                                                                                            Walking back into the house he places me where he will be sleeping and joins me "Goodnight Darling" "Goodnight." We exchange our goodnights followed up by a kiss and then we fall asleep in each others amrs.
"Oi you two, get up." Levi says while nudging us with his foot abruptly waking us up.                          At first I sit up in confusion but then I remember we're still on a mission "Oh I forgot sorry." Standing up I go to where I was supposed to sleep and grab my jacket. 'Today really will be a long day' I think to myself while huffing and puffing. Once everyone is ready it hits sunrise and we set back off towards home. Slaying the odd titan or so as we go, not as many as yesterday but still a reasonable amount of them. Nearing the walls we call home it is once again around sun set. Suddenly the hole in the wall is sealed up by a massive boulder being hurled into it. "What the...?" Everyone questioned obviously confused. "Over the wall!" Erwin shouts while latching his anchors into the wall before anyone else does. Following him everyone follows over to see a whole bunch of titans around everywhere. "Slaughter the titans and find out what happened here!" Erwin commanded
Swerving around the city slicing titans napes. Me and Levi notice 3 cadets by a decaying titan one of them fainted, then we notice two titans running towards them. We both swerve down from bellow and take out a titan each and stand on the bodies looking at the scene that occurred in front of us. "Oi brats one of you better tell us what happened here, for now lets just get back to the wall." Levi spat out harshly and set off into the distance to slay more titans. Suddenly the armed artility (the canons) started going off, this must have been planned surely it was planned. If it was planned it was a quick plan hence the amount of people who died. Once all the titans had been killed, I took a stroll around the city to see the masacre of dead bodies which lay upon it. There was headless bodies, bodyless heads, bodies with chunks bitten out of them. One death seemed to hit more, it was a young looking boy half of his face missing sat up against a house, he looked around 15, freckled and like he'd be kind, he was in the cadet corps still. Rest well cadet, whoever you are. 
Going back to the wall I see the squad leaders standing in a crowd, I decide to go and join them as they treat me like a squad leader anyway. "Does anyone know what happened here?" Erwin said just as confused as anyone else. We all shook our heads giving a no, "Wouldn't it be best to ask Commander Pyxis?" I suggest while looking slightly up at them all. "I guess so, well for now us scouts can rest for a while before our next expedition." Ending the conversation on that we all use our ODM gear to get to the ground. The image of that dead cadet replaying in my mind making me feel sick, I gag unable to handle what I saw. "I should be used to this" I grumble in annoyance; heading towards the headquarters we see kids happy that we're back calling us heroes. 'Please whatever you do little kid, don't join the military' I think to myself not wanting anyone else to end up like that cadet.
Getting back to headquarters we head straight to our rooms taking a show to clean ourselves up. Getting changed into normal clothes was like a dream at the moment it felt free. Suddenly every single bad memory or death I had witnessed played in my mind causing me to rush to the toilet and be sick. Disgusting, I look at what I had thrown up into the toilet bowl. Flushing it I go back to my room only to be greeted by the one and only living teddy bear, Miche. Jumping on him I nuzzle my head into my neck. "Hi." He chuckles out rubbing the back of my head. I cling to him like a panda again "Hi Teddy bear." I say giggling at the nickname I gave him. "Teddy bear? That's new.." "Well your hugs are comforting and like a teddy bear so I just thought it suits you." "It's cute baby, anyway it's time for sleep now." He says while smiling at me. "Awe, can't we talk more?" I say disappointed that I have to sleep. "We can talk more tomorrow, Okay?" "Okay." I nod lying down with him suddenly sucked into his embrace even more and the blankets. "Goodnight love" "Goodnight Teddy bear." I reply and then give a goodnight kiss like usual.
(A/N: I haven't got much time but as my laptop is gonna die but thank you for all the love and support I love every one of you. Stay safe and take care of yourselves. And sorry this chapter is late I've had no motivaition but here you go.)
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nackrosor · 5 years
Michael Myers x Reader  One-Shot
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[This was requested by a poor soul on A03 a whole lot ages ago... Well, I finally found time/will/mental condition (?) to write this one-shot and I hope you'll like it.]
WARNING= very NOT sfw lol (like really, if you're not into rough sex, don't read it), a lot of angst and a little bit of fluff as well. 
-I am in trouble... Oh, I am SO dead! I am so very dead!!- you chanted in your mind, scolding yourself as you frantically searched for the keys in your jeans pockets, an indecipherable rumble of curse words escaping your trembling lips. The keys dropped a couple of times before your shaking hands managed to insert them into the keyhole, not without leaving a few scratches over the wooden door
You were late, so terribly late! When your friend Y/F/N begged you to help him with schoolwork a little bit after classes, you carelessly accepted, positive that in a few minutes you'd be able to come back home. Oh, but you were so wrong. Two whole hours passed since classes were over and as soon as you noticed you felt your heart begin to race, your blood rushing in your ears. In a blink of an eye, you were out in the streets, running as faster as ever, headed straight home. 
You already had the pleasure to face an angry Michael in the past but you managed to get by with only silent scoldings and a bunch of bruises all over your body since you were only a few minutes late. However, you have never been so terribly late before - how would Michael react was beyond you, but something told you that you were going to be punished for good this time. Just the thought of it gave you the chills. 
-This is my end. I know it.- you whined, squeezing your eyes shut, your jaw clenching tight. 
Placing your hand on the surface of the door, you slowly pushed it open, wide eyes now eyeing the hall; no Michael in sight.
You proceeded by closing the door behind you and stepped forward into the hall, cautiously looking all around you to catch any sign of your boyfriend's presence.
One after another all the ground-floor rooms were scanned; the possibility of being alone in the house wore down part of your tension.
Could it be that Michael was out killing someone perhaps? In such a case then he wouldn't know about your tardiness, would he? 
A deep sigh escaped your lips as you bent down on the kitchen table, the grip on your purse loosened and your shaking hands ran through your hair, before resting palms open on the cold marble surface. 
How do they say.. "all's well that ends well?"
Oh, but you spoke too soon.
Strong, firm hands grabbed your wrists and moved them on your back, holding them down only with one hand as the other slid to wrap around your neck. One palm pressing on your jugular until your back found his rigid chest. 
Michael bent over you, his mask popping up from one side of your face. You struggled to turn your head and look at him, but his grip was so strong it was crippling, allowing you to barely even breathe, let alone move one single muscle. 
You heard him sniff you, the sound amplified by his mask. He lingered at your hair, neck, the fabric of your t-shirt.
Your eyes instantly flushed shut in fear, your jaw clenching once again; there was no way his bloodhound's nose couldn't detect your friend's smell on you. Y/F/N hugged you a bunch of times during the day, your clothes must be doused in his cologne. 
Michael's sudden angry growl sent a shiver to your whole body. 
-Ple.. ase, Mich.. ael..- you choked, struggling to find oxygen, -let me ex..plain-
You felt his hand tightening threateningly around your throat and for a ghastly moment you seriously feared he would choke you to death right then and there, but he released it all of a sudden; his other hand abruptly freed your wrists as well.
You instantly turned around, throwing a worried look at him as your trembling hand moved on your throat to trace where his fingers had just been, wheezing and coughing as you struggled to stabilize your breathing again.
Before you could speak, his hand soon found again one of your wrists, clenching his calloused fingers around it as he brought it closer to his eyes to examine it. He studied your bracelet, roughly turning your arm side to side to take a better look at it. It was new, Y/F/N gave it to you that exact morning as a gift for your lasting friendship. It meant a lot for you.
Michael’s gaze fell on your face, menacing and severe, boldly looking straight into your eyes.
-Michael..- you barely whispered, unable to divert your eyes from his. He could see your fear, he could sense it.
His other hand slowly moved on your bracelet, fingers teasingly tugging at it, while he kept staring down at you with dead eyes. Then, with a brief and clear movement of his wrist, he yanked at it, sending its beads flying into the air and crawling onto the floor, the broken thread spilt to the ground as well.
You let out a muted scream, your wide-opened eyes fixed on the floor.
Sadness took over you. The memories of Y/F/N's contented face when he was delicately tying the bracelet on your wrist replayed over and over in your head. Then as you focused back on Michael's actions, anger enflamed your whole body. 
Clenching your hands in fists, you abruptly looked up at the man before you, placing your fuming stare on his blank face. 
-Why do you have to be such a jerk?! Uh?!-
You took one pace toward him, pointing out your finger at him. 
-Why did you have to bust it?! What was that for?!-
You were too angry to think about the consequences of your behaviour. How could you speak to him like that? Raising your voice at him?! There was no way Michael would let it pass.
As you realized what you had just done, you felt your heart stop for a ghastly moment, your breathing dropping, panic slowly taking over you. However, you boldly kept your stance, your eyes daringly fixed in his. Even though you'd be punished for your actions, you knew you had all the rights to get angry. 
You kept the eye contact for a few more seconds as a terrifying tension enveloped you both. 
Michael was giving no sign of making any move, tough you noticed his chest was raising and lowering quite excessively - was he too worked up and about to lash out or was he just trying to calm himself down? 
You quietly begged it was the last option and in that hope you cautiously stepped forward, getting closer to him and speaking in a feeble reassuring tone. 
-Michael, let's just calm down... okay?- 
You slowly raised your hand and softly placed it over his forearm while he bent down his head a little to look at you. 
-I forgive you for the bracelet. I know you didn't mean to break it... you were just angry because I got home too late. I understand.-
You almost whispered those words as you eyed him cautiously, your hand caressing his arm over the fabric in a tender touch. 
There was no way you were already over his previous actions. Yes, it was just a bracelet but it meant a lot to you and to your friend as well. How would you explain it to Y/F/N next time? "Hey sorry but my boyfriend broke it out of jealousy... please forgive me." 
It was stupid. Only a toxic person would react like that and you were pretty much aware of it. Your relationship with Michael was toxic, it has been since the very beginning, but you somehow didn't care. You were willing to overlook all its negative aspects, all its drawbacks and all the pain it caused you because you felt something very strong for that man. You couldn't even explain it with words, there was something about him that magnetised you. You truly loved him, all his flaws included. And you knew it was a mutual sentiment. You knew you meant the world to him as well and you wholeheartedly believed that he would never ever hurt you for real and just for the sake of it. He could get angry, get bruises all over your body, getting rougher with you in bed and leaving marks on your skin, but he would never harm you in a severe way. Never. 
-Do you forgive me for being late and raising my voice?- 
You just looked up at him, an innocent look in your eyes, as you waited for a sign from him. 
Every time something happened and Michael got furious, eventually, you were always able to reassure him and placate his anger. You had a way with Michael and helping him overcome his issues and struggles. 
You slowly got even closer, still eyeing him with discretion until you encircled his midsection with your arms, squeezing him in a delicate embrace. 
He didn't react; that alone made you pull a sigh of relief and you closed your eyes, resting your head on his chest. 
That embrace, however, didn't last long. The doorbell suddenly rang once, twice, then a familiar voice spoke from outside the door. 
-Y/N? Are you at home? Are you okay? You suddenly rushed out of the library without saying anything... And you didn't even answer my calls! Is everything alright?-
Your heart skipped a bit once again and a lump formed in your throat. 
"Oh no, what a disaster! Why did Y/F/N come here? He shouldn't have! It was a stupid careless move! Michael might kill him!!" 
You swallowed hard, your throat dry as you raised your head a little to look at Michael. His head was turned toward the hallway. You could feel all his muscles tensing and his breathing getting laboured once again. 
-Michael, don't mind him, please! Just let him go.- 
You murmured in a timid voice, tightening your grip around his back - as if you could stop him from moving if he wanted to get to the door. You were sincerely hoping it wouldn't come to that.
-Y/N??? Please answer me if you're home! I'm getting worried!!-
"No no!! Go away, please! Go away, you stupid boy!! Ugh!" you chanted in your mind as you squeezed Michael tighter and tighter, holding on him for dear life. You could feel him losing his patience, though. 
He knocked harder on the door, keeping on calling your name over and over again. 
You heard a guttural growl coming from Michael and you instantly took a step back, frantically waving your hands in front of him to get his attention. Colour fade from your face as panic took over you. 
-Michael! Michael! Don't! Please! Don't!-
However, Michael totally ignored you, taking a few rapid steps toward the hallway. 
You instantly ran in front of him, rushing to the door. 
-Y/F/N, you FOOL! GO AWAY NOW! GO!!-
You screamed behind the door, pounding on it in order to scare your friend off. 
-Y/N?! What's happening?! Let me in!!-
You suddenly felt two strong hands grabbing your arms from behind and roughly pushing you aside. Michael's back was towering over you now, standing right in front of the door, his hands grabbing the doorknob to open it.
-RUUUN!!!- you yelled one last time before launching yourself on Michael, throwing him off balance, causing you both to crash over the ground in a loud thud. 
Michael's sturdy body fell on top of yours, his weight crushing your legs and lower stomach, making you unable to slip out from under him.
In a moment of silence, you thought you heard someone stomping away from behind your door but you weren't sure of it, so you throw your arms around Michael's neck once again, squeezing just a little bit - you didn't want to hurt him in any way, just to keep in place as long as possible and give Y/F/N the time to get the hell away from there. 
As was easy to foresee, Michael soon slipped out of your grip, pushing your arms aside - he must have heard Y/F/N running too because he didn't get up to open the door, instead, he turned around to face you, his dark angry stare fell on you. 
"Great. You've really done it, Y/N." 
You scolded yourself, clenching abruptly your jaw and squeezing the inside of your cheeks between your teeth. You eyes ashamedly darted from his face as they began to fill with tears. 
-You don't scream now?- 
A low husky voice startled you and you instantly looked back at Michael - your eyes wide open for the shock. Did he talk? Was it his voice?! 
-M... Mich...ael?- you tentatively whispered, a dumbfounded mouth-agape look on your face. 
Michael, however, didn't reply, instead, he took advantage of your confusion shoving two fingers straight inside your mouth, deep down your throat; your gag reflex kicked in right after. 
In a rush, he ripped your jeans off with his free hand and tossed them aside - your panties soon joined them. Your t-shirt was sharply torn open and left hanging around your arms.
You nearly choked as you tried to whine in protest, struggling from his grip; sadly his fingers didn't budge, on the contrary, he shoved them even deeper just to pull them back again; then he began to thrust them in and out in a rough manner. 
He focused back on your bottom body, quickly unzipping his suit and spreading your legs wide open on either side as he positioned himself between them. Without any further ado, he thrust deep inside you, obtaining a chocked scream of pain from you. He then started pounding in and out at a fast pace, too fast for you to get any pleasure from it; that presumably was Michael's intention anyway. 
He kept on thrusting for a minute or two until he slid out of you and pulled back his fingers from your throat at the same time, barely giving you the time to cough and stabilise your breath before he got up on his feet and wrapped his large hand around your neck, squeezing it as he dragged you to the nearest wall. He raised you by your neck against it until your feet wouldn't touch the ground anymore and then he entered you again, pounding even rougher than before. 
You squeezed your eyes in pain, hot tears streaming down your cheeks as your boyfriend fucked you roughly and shamelessly, with no concern for your wellbeing. Your throat was sore, your neck hurt, your lungs ached from the lack of oxygen and your cunt was literally burning.
You couldn't take it much longer.
Michael- who has been watching you intently all along- suddenly raised his free hand to your face. You flinched inadvertently in response, eyes squeezing shut as you anticipated his palm to collide against your cheek in a hard slap. Instead, you felt his chapped hand wiping your wet cheeks in a considerate gesture.
You couldn't hide your surprise as you gazed back at him - his dark empty eyes looked somehow softer than before. At once, his pace drastically slackened and the stranglehold on your neck loosened as well. Michael thrusts became deep but slow causing his throbbing length to rub on your clit in the process. In no time the lack of moisture only turned into a memory as the newfound pleasure took over you - your soft low moans soon filled the room.
Michael's free hand grabbed your right breast, the palm gently massaging it as his thumb playfully rubbed your nipple.
His demeanour had completely changed.
Could it be that your punishment was finally over? That thought made you sigh in relief, your tensed muscles loosened a little.
In a brief movement, his hand pulled away from your chest and moved to the fake hair of his mask, tugging at it to remove the silicon skin from his head.
Even though his face was no surprise for you anymore, Michael showing his sharp masculine features always made you gasp and shiver involuntarily; your body reacting to a jolt of pleasure caused by the powerful attraction you felt toward him. Besides, having his piercing eyes on you in a mask-free stare could only make your skin burning with more pleasure.
As you could feel his thrusts become more and more erratic and your walls clutching tighter and tighter around his member, an overwhelming hunger for a kiss made you whine and struggle to free your neck from his grip. Michael's hand, however, didn't budge and a shadow of a smirk crept over his lips; he had other things in mind.
His free hand pushed yours on the wall, pinning it down while his face moved closer to you, only to stop at your shoulder - his lips brushed lazily on your skin, sucking here and there until he reached the crook of your neck. His teeth sank into the tender skin ferociously making you moan from both pain and pleasure.
That was the last straw; he slammed your hips down harder, his arms constricted, his body going rigid and you whimpered and shuddered, losing yourself in ecstasy. A low growl escaped his lips as he jerked a few more times inside you, burying his cum deep into your core - a deed to remind you that you were his and his only.
Your feet finally touched the ground as he brought you down, his hand moving away from your neck only to clench around the back of your skull, fingers digging into your hair, thumb pressing under your jaw to lift your head up.
He was staring down at you, eyes piercing into yours. You could see anger, jealousy, arrogance but also passion, hunger and... love, all burning into his dark irises. It felt like he was silently asking you something and you found yourself nodding lightly at his questioning stare, without knowing what it meant if it even meant something.
Michael's face softened into a little smile, his hand squeezing lovingly your scalp as he slowly bent down to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead. Then he turned around, leaving you alone in the room with your heart beating like crazy and a stupid cheeky smile creeping on your face.
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dontdietwd · 4 years
Day 140
There was a knock on the front door. I was alone at the house, wearing pajamas and socks and slowly got up from the couch to go open it. I could smell a cake baking. It was all peaceful, quiet, just warm enough, and yet… I felt empty. There was no joy even if I knew things were good in this house. I moved robotically to the door and opened it. Light came from outside, white and bright, blinding me. I raised my hands to cover my eyes and try to see who’d knocked but for long seconds I couldn’t.
“Who’s there?” I asked
“It’s me.”
That voice… My heart burst in my chest. It was him. It was Daryl!
“I can’t see you!” I said lowering my hands trying to see even with the light.
“I’m here. I’m right here,” he told me.
I took a step to go thought the door, to try and see him, touch him, but as soon as I crossed it I was in the woods, the light gone, Daryl gone. I was alone there, looking around confused, still frantically calling out to him.
There was a walker fallen on the ground and I moved there to see it. Looking down, I saw it had been taken down with an arrow. It was stick perfectly in the middle of its forehead. Daryl. I bent down and pulled it off the skull and held it to my face to see it. He’d been here. Finally, a sign that he was around after so long!
“Daryl!!” I called, hoping he’d hear me. “Daryl, where are you?!”
Movement behind me got me turning suddenly, arrow still in hand and then… I screamed. My heart stopped, my chest was ripped and my world crumbled. He was there, right in front of me… Turned and stumbling to me, jaws open and hungry like every walker, but this was Daryl, his eyes dead, his body decaying, smelling putridly. And he was coming to me and I couldn’t move, hand clutching the arrow. Something moved in me and I looked down at my stomach and could see the baby moving in there, strongly, visibly. And then Daryl was on me, too close for me to be able to defend myself, grabbing me, scratching, inches away from biting me.
I screamed and cried and tried to fight him by my limbs felt heavy and his hands were tight on my shoulders, now shaking me strongly.
“Sam? Sam!” It was Michonne and I was in my bed, still screaming. Reality came back to me slowly as I looked at my sister, breathing hard. “Just a dream! You’re okay. Look at me, you’re fine, you’re okay…”
She hugged me like she would hug a child and shushed me, petting my hair, rocking me in her arms as I sobbed. I tried to speak as I cried but I don’t think Michonne could understand a word. I was saying I had seen him, he’d been there but he wasn’t there, and that he’d been turned, and that I needed him, I needed to find him.
I missed him like hell, my life only half happening, the other half frozen, waiting to move on, at the last night we spent together, when he told me he loved me and that this was his child.
Where was he? Where the fuck was he?
He had to be here now. We had a place. We were safe, we were eating well, growing things, we had chickens! The baby was growing and moving, and he had tried to feel it once, he could feel it now! He had to be here, why wasn’t he? Why did this had to happen, what kind of fucked up life was that that brought us something so, so good and then ripped it off our hands like that? He had to be here! They all had to, this could be the community I had dreamed of for everyone, why weren’t them all here?
It was all good. We had problems, of course, but overall, things were good. We’d found very smart chickens inside the walls, hiding and finding their own food on the grass and under the trees, able to escape the walkers that had been in there by hiding. Smart, smart chickens. When we cut off the grass with gardening tools we looted from a store in the nearest little town, they showed up scaring the living hell out of us, and then we started feeling them and they grew used to us, becoming more docile with time. They were all free, out of the chicken coop, going in there on their own to sleep at night. We needed to find a rooster now and we’d have eggs and more chickens. We had fruit trees, some that would not normally be found in Georgia, and we were eating well, and soon the vegetables we’d planted from the seeds we found at the same gardening store would be blooming.
The water part was not easy but it was manageable. The house had none, of course. It would be dreaming too much hoping there would be a well inside the property like there was at the farm… But we did find a small farm nearby that had it. The farmhouse had been destroyed by a fire and nothing in there could have helped us, except for the well. Twice a week we went there with a truck and several barrels and buckets we’d gathered and brought back enough water for the tree of us to drink, cook, wash and flush, for the chickens, and for the plants when it didn’t rain for long.
So it was working. Michonne, Andrea and I had been together for about two months now. My relationship with Andrea had taken a complete turn, it was something else. I had taught her to fight with no weapons, self-defense, and now really knowing now to fight she felt more confident, but not as she tried to be before. Not it was real, now it didn’t seem forced anymore like it had been. She was going though many changes, physically and psychologically, and I had decided I’d be there for her for whatever she needed. She was my sister now.
Now, with Michonne… We had a history. We had a past, and a strong one at that. When she moved away from Savannah on 11th grade I thought I’d never see her again. I had let her down multiple times during out two-year friendship then and I had been sure she was better off without a friend like me.
“Why the hell would you think that?” Michonne asked me once when I told her that.
“I broke promises to you, Mich… More than once.”
“You had a problem, Sam,” Michonne told me firmly. “I knew that every time you promised, you wanted to go through with it.”
“I did want to…”
“So that’s what counts. At the moments you made the promises, you were being truthful. But your decease, your addiction was stronger than you. I went through it the wrong way, I know now… Keeping asking you to promise me you would quit, that was not the right way to go.”
“It was your best, that’s what’s important. Don’t matter if it was the right or wrong way to do it. It was more important to me to have someone that cared as much as you did.”
She nodded with a sad smile, looking down, “You were my best friend. I just wanted to see you well.”
“I know… I wish I had been well enough for it to be… You know… Enough. Today it would be, with the person I am now.”
She smiled, “That’s gotta count for something.”
“Well, life did bring us together again, right? You were always supposed to be my sister!”
She laughed nodding and we hugged tearfully. Michonne had been so, so special to me… I had known her for a long time at school but then one day in the first week of 10th grade I walked up to her, asked her about her dreads because I’d been wanting to get them done too, and that was it. We were together until her parents had to move away from Savannah at the second semester of 11th grade, and we’d never met again. I’d quit school not even a week after her departure.
Michonne had been opening up a bit more, slowly. At the beginning she didn’t even explain the walkers she had on leashes, just told us that they kept the other walkers away for some reason, and they did help quite a lot while we were on the road, but they didn’t keep all of them away. Big crowds still closed in on us even with them. One day Michonne had one of their heads cut off by accident when we got surrounded, and when the fight was over she was kind of shocked with that. Quietly she moved to the second one and killed it too, and never spoke of it. Andrea and I still didn’t know what they had meant or what had happened to her before finding us, but she would tell us on her own time, we didn’t press.
And it was on this day that she did. It got me crying ‘till the end.
Michonne had a son. A baby boy, two years old, named Andre. She lived with her boyfriend and had gone to a refugee center at the outbreak with him, Andre and a friend. It all went well for a while, but one time she went out to go find useful stuff, food, medicine, and when she returned to the center, it was all gone, overrun, nobody had survived. She found her friend and boyfriend turned near the drugs they had been taking, making them useless to defend themselves and Andre. Michonne had lost her son, her everything. My heart was tiny I my chest just to imagine her pain. She was so mad with grief, so enraged, that she made sure the two walkers were not able to bite or scratch and had tied them to chains. Michonne was looking at a wall, not seeing anything, her eyes filled with tears as she told me.
“I was somebody else, Sam. Not me. Not the one you knew. I was gone, faraway. I kept them with me as a reminder to not trust anyone. He was Andre’s father and yet didn’t protect him. If this had not been trustable, nothing else would ever be. So I walked, and walked. Moved south. Wanted to find Savannah but I don’t even know why. I just… Walked. My mind went blank for long periods; I’d be faraway when I came back to myself. I was not me.”
Then she blinked and looked at me, the tears rolling down her face. “And then I found you. You and Andrea brought me back. Your dreams and plans brought me back. Your hope to find somewhere safe and to find your group, your family, brought hope back to me. It brought me back.”
She got me crying like a baby.
 * * *
 I had never been much into cars. Couldn’t figure what was the big deal. I’d wished I had one for transportation, but wouldn’t have cared about brands or models or whatever. But now I’d found this black H3 Hummer in a locked up garage and I adored it. It was my car. With time each one of us had found a good one and took it for ourselves.
I looked fucking great in it.
I’d go out alone at least one a week. Michonne and Andrea didn’t approve it, but it was something I just had to do. Had to. I’d go back to the main road, sometimes nearly got back to the farm, then circled back, entered the side roads, the neighborhoods, other farms. Always looking… For them, for any sign they’d been there, for arrows, just anything that’d help me keep my hopes up, and it was always the same. There were signs of people, but no way of knowing if it was them, no goddam arrows. If Daryl had been there, anywhere I was, he was taking the used arrows back so he wouldn’t run out of them. That was smart… But I wished he’d leave at least one behind.
Please just leave one behind…
Nothing… Again. But I refused to let my hopes die. What would I be without them? What would I de fighting for? I had to still believe, as I returned on my way home, that next week there would be something. Someone, some sign, some trail, anything.
The worst part of it all was that I knew nobody was looking for me. Daryl was not trying to find my trail. He’d be just moving on with his life, protecting the group, making sure they found a place, but not looking for me. He thought I was dead, why would he? He’d have found me already, my Daryl, such an outstanding tracker. He’d have found me. I wished I’d learned it from him. I’d have asked him to teach me if I’d known…
But how would I have known?
If I wasn’t distracted thinking about this one more failed search, I’d probably have noticed, but I didn’t. I just drove straight home and brought this group of men straight no our gate.
I’d been back for about half hour when there was a strong, loud knock on the wooden gate. We froze where we were at the car as we unpacked things I’d gathered today – of course, I didn’t just wander around looking for them, I’d also take useful things back home. Today it had been real long parachute cord, a few pairs of boots and a box of ground coffee – and were silent for a long moment, minds working fast, hearts accelerating.
“Come on, I know you’re in there!” a male voice said when we didn’t make a sound. “Saw you getting in. Blond girl in a huge Hummer?”
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Our weapons were in our hands already as we thought of what to do, who the fuck was this? It was not a voice I’d heard before. Someone had followed me, stupid, stupid distracted, dreamer ass!
“What do we do?” Andrea whispered.
“We just wanna talk!” the man said again. “You gotta have a group in there, just let me talk to your leader! It’s all I want, to talk!”
“Ok”, I whispered to them, who turned to look at me waiting for instructions. “I’ll go up the latter and talk to them. They don’t know it’s just us, they don’t have to know. I’ll say… I ain’t the leader, the leader’s a man and he’s inside and sent me to see who it was.”
They nodded, agreeing it was important for them to think the leader was a man. Fucking sexist world even after the goddam apocalypse.
So I replaced my weapons around my waistband, had guns on a holster, took a deep breath calming down as we walked over to the gate. We had a tall wooden ladder there on the ground, which they helped me put up, and I climbed it.
There were four cars parked there. At least four man out and by each of them, heavily armed with fire weapons, all heads turning to me as I appeared over the wall. In front of them it was clear who was the leader. He smiled pleasantly up at me.
“Ah, the Hummer girl!” and he opened his arms, not carrying guns but with a pistol on his waistband. “Nice to see you up close!”
“How can we help you?” I asked.
“Let me introduce myself first. My name is Philip, but they call me Governor,” don’t laugh, Sam. Seriously, Governor? What a haughty ass. “I run a community a few miles south of here. And you?”
What now? Real name, fake one, who’s our leader? Go with middle name.
“I’m Lynn, nice to meet you. How can we help you, Governor?”
He took a second to answer, a little smile playing on his lips, and then said with the most condescending tone I’d ever heard, “Are you the leader?”
“Jack is our leader,” I said easily, my father’s name flowing out of my lips without a thought. “He sent me. You can tell me how we can help you and I’ll let him know.”
He laughed. The mothefucker actually laughed and I just knew then. No good. No good at all. My wrist ached my I just tilted my head, not laughing with him as he looked back and around at his men, who were laughing quietly as well, and I waited.
“Well, as I am certain that Jack is right inside this gate listening to every word I say, I’ll go with it then, Lynn.”
“Please go ahead,” I told him, trying to keep my cool.
“I see you have a community going on here, just like I do. My town’s called Woodbury. I’d like to invite you… And Jack, for a meeting where we can discuss the potential future of our communities regarding trading and partnerships that I am certain would benefit us all.”
Would have sounded good if I believed a single word he was saying.
“I see. Interesting… But what do you have that might interest us?”
He laughed again, quicker this time. “A whole town, Lynn. People, supplies, food, water… Artillery. Everything that is of interest these days.”
I was quiet, thinking for a moment. Artillery, he said. I looked at the men behind him and, sure enough, there were rifles, pistols and more than one fucking machine gun. Machine guns! If he ordered them to attack now we’d be done.
I needed time.
“South, you said?”
“Thirty miles or so,” he said nodding. “It’s on the maps, there’s no missing it.”
I paused and looked around. I knew those looks. The Governor was at least acting, but he should take more care with his men. Their intentions were all but written on their faces. Most of them eyed me with that look some men eye women as if they’re a product, something to consume.
There would be no business with this man. No trade, no relationship. This would end bad and we were just three when he clearly had a whole town and artillery. I needed to buy time, needed to gather my thoughts, decide what to do.
“Sounds interesting. Too good to be true?” I asked him.
“Not at all. It can be good, and this is up to you.”
I nodded, “We’ll gather to discuss it and come to a decision. We might show up for a visit at Woodbury, to see the town and have a meeting with you. How does that sound?”
He nodded quietly with a little smile for a few seconds before finishing. “Sounds terrific. I’ll be looking forward to your visit.”
And at that he looked back over his shoulder, nodded and all the men started getting into the cars again. He looked at me again, nodded and held my look with his head down, his eyes betraying him. No friendship here.
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dragonwishes · 8 years
1: Are you named after someone? Gosh, I’m not sure?? I don’t believe so. Slowly and steadily assimilating the name ‘dan into my life, though, which is after, ah, Eridan, so eventually a yes.
2: When is the last time you cried? Last night. Convinced myself some of my friends hated me. Got over it in a few hours, lmao. That was dumb.
3: Do you like your handwriting? Actually, yeah? Kinda.
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? Honeyed ham!
5: Do you have kids? Nope, but do my fish and dog count?
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? ... I don’t know. I don’t want to know the answer
7: Do you use sarcasm? Nooooooooooo. /s Yeah I totes do, it’s actually a problem in my daily life.
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yeah, almost got em out once but opted out. 
9: Would you bungee jump? Hell nyeah.
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? Fruit Loops....
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nah. Kick em right off. 
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? Honestly yeah? Been through a lot of shit, but I’m still here. Also I’m swole so fight me,
13: What is your favourite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip mother fucker
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Hair and smile are up there. Also like... how loud they are?
15: Red or pink? Red! Still love pink, but red is for blood and love and sunrises.
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? /check all. Haha i’m not even in the right body.
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Fuck shoes!!!!! and im in PJs rn. Black withlittle white dots in the shape of diamonds.
18: What was the last thing you ate? Pizza, maybe?
19: What are you listening to right now? Lion King OST. caaaAAAAN YOU FEEEEEEL THE LOOOOVVVVEE TONIIIIGHT
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? A nice lavender? Broken.
21: Favorite smell? Meat and blood is good. Also: Lavender. I like lavender. 
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? A driving academy. She didn’t have what I needed despite me callling 7 fuckin times
23: Favorite sport to watch? Hockey or soccer.
24: Hair color? Brown. I want it black or violet.
25: Eye color? Brown also.
26: Do you wear contacts? Glasses!
27: Favorite food to eat? Sweets. Or pomegranates, you really gotta work for every morsel.
28: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy! I like to laugh.
29: Last movie you watched? ...... why is this so hard????
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? Matches the PJ bottoms my dude
31: Summer or winter? SUMMMERRR!!! Give me that GOOD GOOD HEAT
32: Hugs or kisses? Hugs. I would very mich like kisses too.
33: What book are you currently reading? Nah... nah. None rn.
34: Who do you miss right now? Some a my canonmates.
35: What is on your mouse pad? Don’t have one, but I use my sheet as a mousepad, so... me?
36: What is the last TV program you watched? Does anything by the McElroy Boys count?
37: What is the best sound? Good music. Or the repetitive click of my fan at night - it’s loose.
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? I prefer not that. Not any of that.
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Australia. Great place. My true love is Arizona, though.
40: Do you have a special talent? Mimicry! I’m a good mimic. Also, does being forgotten count? [rimshot]
41: Where were you born? Hospital. In Jax, where I live. 
Tagging some folks:
@geliophilia, @aloeblooms, @celestial-goddess-of-space, @angry-alto, @staranos, five is probably enough
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