#one nation one election debate in hindi
rightnewshindi · 6 months
एक देश-एक चुनाव के लिए संविधान के इन पांच अनुच्छेदों में करना होगा बदलाव, जानें क्यों
एक देश-एक चुनाव के लिए संविधान के इन पांच अनुच्छेदों में करना होगा बदलाव, जानें क्यों
One Nation-One Election: एक देश-एक चुनाव के लिए राष्ट्रपति द्रौपदी मुर्मू को रिपोर्ट सौंप दी गई है. पूर्व राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविंद की अध्यक्षता वाली उच्चस्तरीय समिति ने 18626 पेज की इस रिपोर्ट में वन नेशन-वन इलेक्शन के लिए संविधान में संशोधन की सिफारिश की है. रिपोर्ट में समिति ने पांच अनुच्छेदों का जिक्र किया है. इसमें कहा गया है कि यदि देश में लोकसभा-विधानसभा चुनाव एक साथ कराने हैं तो इन…
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A few stories about the Tangerine Tyrant caught my eye today, and they all point to his increasing desperation - so I figured I’d go around the horn and celebrate his continuing dissipation.
First: Criminal Defendant and Adjudicated Rapist Donald Trump yesterday predicted a “bloodbath” if he didn’t get reelected, and the media quickly devolved into outlets condemning his use of violent rhetoric and others - Fox and Newsmax - concern trolling over how he was talking specifically about the automobile industry. So, whatever. If you’re interested in parsing the event along those lines, have at it - but I think there’s a more interesting, deeply indicative phenomenon just below the surface that speaks not just to Trump’s mentality but that of his whole bonkers cult.
If you’re looking for the atavistic pull of Donald Trump on his followers, it’s in his power to do whatever the hell he wants and face no consequences. NO ONE can tell him what to do. NO ONE can keep him from attacking whomever he wants. NO ONE can prevent him from sating his desires. NO ONE.
Now, we know that’s not true - as evidenced by his exile to Mar-a-Lago for the past three years, but it’s part of the mystique. In a lot of ways, it makes sense if you look at his cult following - people who are, by and large, deeply disempowered and enraged at a culture that is stripping away their traditional privileges and social entitlements. They WANT Trump to keep shitting the punch bowl as a sort of wish fulfillment of their own stifled rage. Maybe they can’t rape the woman they want to rape or kill the immigrants they hate for speaking Spanish or Hindi at the Gas-n-Sip – but they sure as hell can dream about it when Trump gives a cross-burner of a speech. That’s all standard form.
But what we saw last night - and in the fascist outrage-trolling today - was something new. It’s been creeping into the 2024 election cycle here and there, but yesterday, it entirely broke through, and it’s this: NOT EVEN TRUMP’S BRAIN IS ALLOWED TO CENSOR TRUMP’S MOUTH WHEN IT COMES TO RAGE AND ANGER.
Look, Trump KNOWS that using words like “bloodbath” is going to cost him non-MAGA voters. He knows that calling people “vermin” is going to hurt his chances of navigating the very narrow path ahead if he hopes to return to the White House. Yet, he can’t stop himself. Trump is unable to act in his own easily achieved best interest if it means not being a monster, and while it’s lamentable that he’s bringing such hatred to our national debate, I encourage him to keep it up.
You be you, Donald!
Every single time you let your id out of its box, it’s like sending America an unsolicited, mushroom-shaped dick-pic. Sure, your fans are going to love it, but the rest of us grossed the fuck out.
So, please! Rage on!
Trump’s lawyers in the NYS civil fraud case settlement submitted a filing today that it is “a practical impossibility” for Trump to post a bond for the half-billion dollars he needs to cough up in order to appeal the decision. According to reports, he approached 30 different surety companies, and they all turned him down. Why they would do that might indicate what’s got him tuned to “bloodbath” and “vermin” levels of rage.
It might be a simple point, but it bears a paragraph of explanation.
Most folks who don’t work in the NYC real estate market – or any real estate market – might think, “Hey, he’s a rich guy. Why not just sell a few of those buildings he owns? They’ve gotta be worth a pretty penny.”
Or, alternatively, “Why won’t anyone take Trump Tower as collateral for a loan?”
The simple answer is he doesn’t really OWN any of that shit outright. It’s ALL mortgaged to the hilt. To get a clearer picture of this, let’s look at 40 Wall Street – one of Trump’s “prestige” properties.
The numbers are a bit hard to come by, but an hour of reading suggests that the building is presently worth about $200 million. Mind you, part of the fraud charges – now proven – included his valuation of the building in 2015 at over $750 million, but it’s just not worth that at all.
So, take the $200 million as a starting point and note that Trump’s mortgage on the property, according to a Bloomberg report in November of 2023, stands at $122 million. So, if Trump were to liquidate his stake in the property fully, he’d only net about $78 million – and that is BEFORE the capital gains taxes, NYS taxes, and NYC taxes on the sale. According to a few articles I’ve scanned this evening, that would be up to about 40% of his earnings. That means, even if he drops one of his most precious assets, he would only raise about $50 million.
He owes TEN TIMES that number by next week.
Play that out another round, and realize that if Trump tried to sell ten or twenty office buildings in NYC all at once, the price of ALL of them would plummet to fire-sale prices.
He’s fucked. Moreover, he knows it and is desperate to find a way out.
This brings us to news item number three: The Return of Paul Manafort.
News leaked today that Trump is considering bringing convicted felon and former campaign manager Paul Manafort back into his 2024 bid for the White House. Manafort, primarily due to his complete lack of a moral center, would be a tremendous asset for Trump. He’s a solid political operative, but what he REALLY brings to the table is a direct line back to the Russian oligarchy and their money. That, obviously, is an enormous threat to national security, and I’ve got to hope that the intelligence services in DC and around the world will be on heightened alert for any covert – or overt – entreaties to Putin or his cronies for a loan. I’ve got to hope there are ways of making such entreaties known to the public through selective leaks if nothing else.
But that brings us back to observation number one.
Trump knows that going to Putin for help with his financial difficulties if it becomes known, would be a dagger to the heart for his chances of returning to the White House. Yet, if I’m right, he will be unable to stop himself when it comes to finding a fix for his hemorrhaging empire. His brain will tell him this is a terrible idea, but it won’t matter. NO ONE is allowed to stop Donald Trump from doing whatever the hell he wants to do – not even Donald Trump.
In 1776, James Otis, a thoughtful supporter of the Revolutionary War, noted about politics, “When the pot boils, the scum will rise.”
Trump is proving that to be true, even when there’s only one evil, arrogant, rapist bastard in the soup. He’s so screwed.
Love to you all.
Michael J. Tallon
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werindialive · 1 year
Indian-American Caucus Balances Dual Roles During Modi's US Visit
As Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on his highly anticipated visit to the United States, the Indian-American community found itself at a unique crossroad, straddling two worlds. The Indian-American Caucus, comprising members of Congress with Indian heritage, faced the delicate task of representing their constituents while balancing the expectations of the Indian government. This the latest political news India.
The visit, which aimed to strengthen the strategic partnership between the United States and India, presented a momentous opportunity for both nations. For the Indian-American community, it symbolized a chance to celebrate their cultural heritage and engage with their ancestral homeland.
Throughout the visit, the Indian-American Caucus played a significant role in bridging these worlds. Their responsibilities included advocating for the interests of their diverse constituencies, while also acting as a conduit for communication and collaboration between the two governments.
Representative Ami Bera, co-chair of the Indian-American Caucus, emphasized the importance of maintaining a delicate balance. He stated, "We have a dual role to play. We must advocate for issues that impact our communities here in the United States, while also fostering a strong bilateral relationship between the United States and India."
During the visit, the Caucus organized a series of events to facilitate dialogue and cultural exchange. They hosted receptions, roundtable discussions, and forums, providing a platform for Indian-Americans to voice their concerns and aspirations. These gatherings not only showcased the vibrant Indian-American community but also served as a bridge between the two nations, fostering mutual understanding and collaboration.
One of the key discussions within the Caucus revolved around human rights concerns in India, with members advocating for open dialogue and peaceful resolution. They highlighted the importance of addressing issues such as religious freedom and democratic values while recognizing the strides India has made in economic development and regional security.
However, navigating these conversations proved to be a delicate task, as the Caucus sought to balance their responsibilities as elected officials and their commitment to their heritage. They faced internal debates and external pressures, acknowledging the diverse viewpoints within the Indian-American community.
Senator Kamala Harris, herself of Indian heritage, reflected on the significance of the visit. "We have an opportunity to strengthen the bond between our nations while addressing important issues. As Indian-Americans, we can contribute to this process by ensuring that diverse perspectives are heard."
The Indian-American Caucus strived to create an inclusive and constructive environment, encouraging dialogue that encompassed the complexities of the relationship between the two countries. They recognized that their role extended beyond political diplomacy and involved representing the aspirations of Indian-Americans and fostering a sense of belonging within the broader American society.
As Prime Minister Modi concluded his visit, the Indian-American Caucus reflected on the impact of their engagement. Their ability to navigate the intersection of identity and diplomacy exemplified the strength of a diverse democracy, where individuals could advocate for their communities while maintaining an unwavering commitment to democratic values.
The visit served as a reminder of the importance of cultural diplomacy, collaboration, and mutual respect in strengthening global partnerships. The Indian-American Caucus played a crucial role in ensuring that the voices of their constituents were heard, demonstrating the power of bridging two worlds for the betterment of both nations. For more international news in Hindi, keep reading our articles.
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andremae · 2 years
Former VP Robredo: The Last Man Standing is a Woman
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In her candidacy as vice president of the Philippines, Robredo stood against male candidates who had previously held positions in the national government. In one memorable debate, she said: “I am a mother who will always look after her children. I will always look after our country. To the six of us, may the best woman win.” She was elected Vice President of the Philippines in 2016 and ended her term last 2022.
Robredo was propelled to the national political scene after the tragic death of her husband in a plane crash in August 2012. She was urged her to run for Congress, and she won a seat representing Camarines Sur province. And by surprise, in 2016, she was asked to be the vice presidential candidate to the Liberal government’s frontrunner Mar Roxas.
Robredo won by a margin of 200,000 votes ahead of Marcos Jr. the son of the late dictator President Marcos. Leaving him unsatisfied with the results, Marcos filed an election protest in the Supreme Court. She soon found herself out of the cabinet formed by the current populist (that time) President Duterte.
Robredo has spoken out against President Duterte’s brutal drug war, which saw the killings of suspected drug dealers in the slums of Manila. She is effectively the leader of the opposition although she prefers to roam the countryside for her “Angat Buhay” (Lifting Life) social campaign for the underprivileged.
Angat Buhay seeks to empower the marginalized sector, including women, in partnership with the private sector and civil society partners.
Part of this endeavor is putting an end to domestic abuse and empowering women toward financial independence.
In one interview, she said “Karamihan sa nasalubong namin na mga problema, kahit inaabuso na, parang they would choose to go back to the abusive environment dahil ang pakiramdam niya, hindi niya kayang buhayin iyong sarili niya at saka mga anak.”
(Most of the problems that we’ve encountered involved women who chose to remain in an abusive environment. This is because a woman feels like she can't provide for herself and her children.)
She then tries to address this by equipping women with skills that would help them start a business and become entrepreneurs. Robredo explains that “academic studies have shown that in order to close the gender gap, at least four things should happen: first, make it safe and fair for women to do trade-related businesses; second, bring more women into the workforce and achieve gender parity in the workplace; third, make spaces for female-led enterprises; and fourth, facilitate equal access to technology.”
Atty. Leni G. Robredo has taken up the torch to keep the dying flames of democracy alive. The space that she creates for women empowerment sparks the flame.
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indiejones · 2 years
(Repost from June 2022, from previous id, to further h/l how strict public broadcasting norms were till 1975, & how post-Emergency times cut PM's hands off & gave rise to the free-for-all (in every way) we know over past half decade)
Few incidents from film related history, contemplating on the 'art imitating life or the vice versa' tussle. 1952 & it's film 'Shin Shinaki Boobla Boo' is among the first few times, we know of, the independent Indian Govt exercised it's given powers to censor entertainment content in society. (Though we know of more than a handful such incidents during British Indian times, starting from 1920, but for non-moral anti-Govt reasons). For it being the first out-&-out 'revenge action drama', making the Govt reason how 'it glamorizes & endorses jungle-like inhumane non-Gandhian principles, that too at the hands of the protagonists'. And how 'it promotes negative tendencies in people, using the cinematic crutch of justification'. Another even finer & most famous example of such proposed Govt interference in mass art, being this song from 1957 released & Indie All-Time Top 5 'Pyaasa'! Where no less than India's premiere film voice then, Nargis, in semi-retirement & in the 2nd last year of her 15 yr long film career as leading lady, stood in Parliament, in her capacity as Rajya Sabha member, and demanded this Guru Dutt song to be outright banned! Reasoning how it seemed to be promoting prostitution in India, moreover manufacturing more discord & discontent in the nation in general, in the garb of bemoaning it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ta4BmumQKc&list=PLm1v8VeYLVlmERFjKGjgAcxJiwPLNfx54&index=2 Such high artistic & mass communication standards set by our predecessors, as compared to just 25 or so years later, when the same Govt, in continuing reign, by late 1970s, came to give a veritable open pass to anything & everything in the name of art. Perhaps, & we can only speculate, borne outta a post-emergency India, where the Central Govt, was so heavily scarred by the criticism to it's over-reaction in imposing Emergency rule in India, even if on account of frivolous & perhaps unbecoming Oppn tactics (in allegedly conniving to get it's leader Indira Gandhi banned from elections over a trifle matter)..that it veritably turned a blind eye to every entertainment related matter, the germ, leading to the infamous 'Bollywood mutation of the 1980s'..one that totally transformed a once thriving & highly hailed industry, to a cheap medieval-aged pittance in existence, in comparison. One can well take their own sides, as to the chronological art-leading to- life or life-leading to art debate, though whether mass mutation of a entire society, & 2nd largest ever society of world at that, is easier, or that of a set of few thousands in the field of drama, I leave open to the public to mull over.
Another most entertaining report, from columns of film writers of 1970s, all connected to the 'art imitating life or vice versa' debate: Further confirming the Indie theory that film censorship was well-enforced, to keep movie content as non-corrupting to the Indian masses, as grossly possible, till as late as 1975 atleast, ie till Emergency times (1975-77)! Didya know that 4 major changes/cuts were forced by the Film Censor Board, upon 'Sholay'(75), one of the biggest b.o. hits in the history of Hindi cinema, in Indies All Time Top 125 (& by eons the greatest gangster flick of Bollywood - a gangster flick, as hardcore fans of today esp might say, whose raw biting teeth were quietly removed by out-house docs before release) ?! 1. Film goers & film writers hailing from Calcutta testify to how, 'Sholay' in it's 1st week of release, showed Gabbar Singh as an ex-army man, who was convicted for the murder of his senior officer, & twas that conviction he ran outta jail from. (Army man turning civilian murderer, was ofcourse wrong, so swoosh swoosh) 2. The 2 protagonists, Jai & Veeru, whose biggest charm was how they turned their life from being recidivist crooks to saviors, were actually shown stealing the bike, that the famous "Ye dosti hum nahi todenge" was shot on, from a guy at a dhaba they had another needless altercation with! (Nope, not done. Cut) 3. The murder of Ahmad (played by Sachin Pilgaonkar) was infact shown quite graphically in the first cut, so graphic, that the entire scene was ordered to be deleted, to be replaced by the famous 'ant killing' scene. The joke that carried on thereafter was, that Censors replaced a monstrosity with outright devilry, by replacing a screen murder with an actual one-of the poor ant. *Rofl. Slap* 4. The climax of the film in 1st cut had Thakur (Sanjeev Kumar) incidentally murdering Gabbar in course of their final brawl. But Emergency times couldn't have had a police-officer, even a retd one, taking law into his own hands, so replaced with the proper done thing. Bravo, to everyone. That's how All-Time Blockbusters were & are/ought be made!
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kunalsoriginals · 4 years
Pearls of Wisdoms for Pakis
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Beloved Janta of Pakistan,
I would also like to share a secret with you, which you might never apprehend from a person from any other country, especially from an Indian. We LOVE YOU, We are obsessed with you. We enjoy infatuation comparable to that of a 14-year boy who has one on a girl living in his neighborhood, like that teenager whose heart warms up with the girl's sight. Still, he tends to tease her or plays whimsical pranks on her. It is his way of showing his affection.
Accept it, my fellow former Countrymen, you guys are in deep love with us as well. I have felt it first-hand. You folks love watching our Movies and fantasy our starlets. Sing Bollywood songs while proposing to your love. Ache to enjoy Mumbai and Delhi's nightlife. Some of you would even love to reside permanently here for a better future. There is also constant discrimination in every viewpoint; it may be Cricket or politics; in all honesty, you think of our day and night.
Keeping this indefinable affection for each other aside for a while, there is a bitter revelation that you people will have to accept and even feed it in the brains of the future generations to come. I am sure that maximum people over your side of the border should by now have conceded that India will never ever surrender Kashmir in your Lap. It won't be possible in at least another century ahead.
You see, in the manner where India's GDP had expanded from 10 Thousand Crores in the 1950s to more than 10 Lacs Crores in 2019, our sentiment of Nationalism has additionally, grown in a comparable pattern. There was a phenomenal hike in this feeling after India's general elections 2014 onwards; the reason for such an increase is unknown to me. So, the moral is, with such a vast Nationalism level in the hearts of the Aam Janta here, I don't think so parting away an inch of land to anyone would be possible.
Won't it look dishonorable for us in the front of the entire world if we lose the land to you guys who are quite behind then us in all the aspects? You will have to accept that technically both our countries are 73 years old this year. Over this side of the border, we have gradually upgraded in all aspects a Nation has to grow. I could virtually challenge you in where you guys can prove to be better in any improvement zone. This is the land wherein the year 1981 Indian Actor Amitabh enacted on the evergreen song "Dekha Ek Khawab " and his Dame Rekha in the movie Silsila hence parting away with Kashmir is painful to us as it will not only hurt our Ego and furthermore offer grief to Amitji.  
Forget the BJP led NDA, Even the Congress-led UPA cannot think of such a gormless deal. The primary reason is that they want to come into power next term too to provide Public service. Now you people only tell which government will be such dimwits to kick their own rear and be signed on the history textbook of 10-year-old kids as the People who gave away Kashmir.
Realize this, Pakistani Government, Your Army and also ISI can't withhold the idea of getting the region of Kashmir in your Nation's Map, even they know that your national flag will never rise in Capital of Srinagar but since it was an Inaugural Political Agenda when your Country was created in where the principal objective of this agenda was to collect vote from you guys and funds from other countries in the name of Kashmir. It is their lollypop for you fellows that their respective parties if came in power, an ideal environment will be created where; a newly wedded couple from Lahore can drive to Srinagar for their honeymoon without a stamp on their Passport and enjoy a bite of Kashmiri Apple laying in the front deck of a Shikara in Dal Sarovar. It's All Fake, acknowledge it, and move on.
So to my Indian friends,
There was a massive inspiration for me to compose this article. It was shocking that it came from the other side of the border. In the great Indian lockdown of 2020, I who was ideally workless like many of us all, I went through many videos of this Pakistani Newsreader and Political Debate Show Host Dr. Fiza Akbar Khan on YouTube. By her venomous language, the passion for thrashing India and people over here and that high pitched voice made me think of another Indian Debate Show Host.  I am convinced that they are unquestionably biologically related to each other. So I should not have a problem with her blabbering rubbish towards my Country as her Bhaiya here likewise.  
But I have to admit that her language did hurt me because, unlike her Bhaiya over there who trashes Pakistan in the English language, she uses Urdu, which sounds quite similar to the Hindi language to illuminate unpleasant garbage, the reason is entirely psychological for me being hurt. For example, If somebody calls you a Motherfucker, you might not be offended in the same manner if you are called Madar***d (Pardon my Language).
This Pakistani Anchor goes on and on that How Poor, Uneducated, Physically and Mentally Weak, Shelterless, we Indians live in this Country where our economy is going into the drain. We are foolish people to elect Shri Modi as PM of our Country and that too twice. There is a vast level of discrimination on minorities over here. The world's biggest Democracy is over. In the distant future, if Kashmir is not given to them its freedom, then Islamabad will be the next capital of Pakistan and India.
Can you believe this, she has mentioned all this on her show and that too in a language which can easily pierce in our heart. Let's not get also angered about this and start calling her names. She is just doing her job. She is giving favored content to people of over there what her Bhaiya is doing over there.
As pragmatic as I can get about whatever she says on her show about us, I just can't accept it, I am too egoistic as an Indian to even reply or curse on her Video on YouTube comment section. Hence, I planned to dedicate this entire blog to Dr. Fiza Khan, whom I seriously don't mean to offend as Women, her Nation, and especially not her Religion and would like to give her some advice.
Avoid Echoing about Nukes: A round of applause towards Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan for building Nuclear Weapons, a program from a stolen uranium centrifuge design and a network of grey-market suppliers. But stop jabbering in your show that Pakis can nuke India in case a War erupts between us. Even If Jinnah Sahab from Heaven above commands your Arm Force to it, they will effortlessly deny his orders and don't stress. We likewise won't squander our atomic weapon on you. These weapons are like those expensive Portraits which you can proudly hang in your Living Room, but can't take it out on a date. Stop even using the word Nuke in your show.
Comparison between the PMs: PM Imran Sahab seems to be a jolly good fellow who also appears to try to administrate better than any other PMs or Military leaders of your Country. Let me tell you bluntly that there is no comparison with his Counterpart over here; in fact, he even doesn't stand anywhere nearby India's previous Prime Minister.    
Paki's Diplomatic Policies Debacle: This is a typical miscue. You and many colleagues of you have repeatedly misguided your Citizens that Pakistan can easily use the benefit of its diplomatic relationship with a few First World Country and pressurize India on Kashmir Issue. Well, Honey, This is an open challenge to your PM, along with Mr. Qureshi Sahab go to any so-called super Power for assistance or call end numbers of meeting in OIC ( Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ). Nobody will be ready to intervene in the Valley issue for one of the main reason, Why would any country create enmity with the Country will more than 100 Million Population which is a significant business open doors for their corporates.
Playing Second Fiddle: I initially watched your Debate show of earlier years. You always mentioned the US as your elder brother and will still stand next to you along with Saudi Arabia. These were the two countries which you saw as your personal ATM. Lately, these ATM machines stopped removing Cash and Kinds, which they earlier showered on your Country, so you bashed them and accused both these Super Power for adultery. These started leaning towards us. Then you went to China and become a Virtual Puppet who dances on their tunes. Now the problem arises that the entire world started forming against your elder brother and accused them as the creator of the Pandemic of 2020. So you began a rigid assembly against them as well, and now your nation is in an arrangement for another development with Malaysia and Turkey. Understand this dear Fiza ben that in distant future you will have to abuse these two countries also while your government will go and beg to some other countries, maybe North Korea.
Last but not least, which I have already mentioned why Kashmir will never be part of Pakistan earlier in the blog. Read repeatedly till the concept is glued by heart, and if possible, explain it to your people there.
Defense products will be purchased in the name of Kashmir. For Fiscal Year 20-21 Defense expenditure of Pakistan is 1,289 Billion Dollars. India's expenses on the same would be around 66 Billion Dollars. Can you believe these Figures? This Moolah could otherwise be used in Infrastructure and improving the lifestyle of citizens of the respective Country. Civilians and Soldiers' blood will be shed on the name of Kashmir. Approximately 120000 deaths have been registered since 1989, which also includes unsympathetic deaths of militants and terrorists. Television Media will go on with Live debates inviting aficionados and enthusiasts to increase their TRP on the name of Kashmir. Newspapers and magazines will publish viperous articles vocalizing each other's blame for being troublemakers on Kashmir's name. Many commercial Movies and Web Series will also be produced on Kashmir's name. Still, by endeavoring all means of Peace or War, this dream of some of yours will never be fulfilled.
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esytes69 · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://acqro.in/most-controversial-films-in-indian-cinema/
Most Controversial Films in Indian Cinema
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Indian cinema has no scarcity of films which either courted major controversy or faced complete ban and were never released in the country. Interestingly, these pictures have garnered rave critical reviews and been well-received at international film festivals. From themes that deal with communal violence to homosexuality and politics, these are some of the most controversial films ever made in India.
Garm Hawa (1973)
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Garm Hawa is a film based on an unpublished story by eminent Urdu writer Ismat Chughtai. In 1947, India gained independence from the British colonial rule, but it also came at a heavy price—the division of the country to India and Pakistan. Garm Hawa tells the poignant story of a Muslim businessman who is torn between staying back in India, the land of his forefathers, or joining his relatives in Pakistan. It is one of the best films to showcase the plight of the Muslims in the country in a post-partition era. The film was deferred for eight months, fearing communal violence, before it was released.
Aandhi (1975)
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This political drama centres around a woman politician whose appearance was uncannily similar to that of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. This led the film to face allegations that it was based on her, especially Gandhi’s relationship with her estranged husband. However, the filmmakers had only borrowed the protagonist’s look from the Prime Minister and the rest had nothing to do with her life. Even after its release, the director was asked to remove scenes which showed the lead actress smoking and drinking during an election campaign and the film was completely banned during the national Emergency later that year.
Kissa Kursi Ka (1977)
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Directed by Member of Parliament Amrit Nahata, the film is a satire on the administrative regime of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay Gandhi. Kissa Kursi Ka was submitted for certification from the Central Board of Film Certification in 1975 but the country was put under Emergency the same year and so the film was banned during that entire period. All movie prints, including the masterprint, were confiscated and destroyed during the time, a move which even landed Sanjay in jail.
Bandit Queen (1994)
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The biographical film is based on the life of Phoolan Devi, a feared woman dacoit who led a gang of bandits in northern India. Phoolan belonged to a poor low caste family and was married to a man three times her age. She later took to a life of crime. The film, directed by Bafta-winner Shekhar Kapur, was criticised for its excessive use of abusive language, sexual content and nudity. Despite the backlash, Bandit Queen went on to win the National Film Award for Best Feature Film.
Fire (1996)
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Fire is the first instalment in the Elements trilogy directed by acclaimed filmmaker Deepa Mehta. It is considered a pathbreaking film for being the first Indian cinema to explore homosexual relationship. But on its release, it faced adverse reactions with vandals burning posters and destroying cinemas where the film was being screened. Following the scandal, Fire was retracted briefly and Mehta even led a candlelit protest in New Delhi to oppose the move.
Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love (1996)
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Kama Sutra: A Tale Of Love, directed by Mira Nair, was banned in India with the officials stating the film’s sexual content was too harsh for Indian sensitivities. An ironic suggestion, considering the book Kama Sutra originated in India and is easily available for purchase. Protesters labelled the film as unethical and immoral, but it received widespread critical acclaim. Kama Sutra: A Tale Of Love explores the relationship of four lovers in 16th-century India.
Paanch (2003)
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Anurag Kashyap is a pioneer filmmaker, but also one of the most controversial in the Indian film industry. He has never shied away from broaching bold topics, which may not sit well with many in the Indian community. His directorial debut Paanch, which revolves around the life of five band members entangled in a kidnapping plot gone wrong, remains unreleased to this day. Inspired by true life incidents, the drugs, violence and sex depicted in the film was considered inappropriate for the Indian audience.
Hava Aaney De (2004)
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Hava Aney De is an Indo-French film which works with the sensitive subject of India-Pakistan war. The Censor Board of India demanded over 21 cuts in the film, but the director Partho Sen-Gupta would hear nothing of it. Hava Aney De, therefore, was never released in India. It did win multiple awards at film events held abroad including Best Film at Durban International Film Festival and the BBC Audience Award at the Commonwealth Film Festival.
Water (2005)
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Water is the third and final instalment in Deepa Mehta’s trilogy of films. It tackles the subject of ostracism and misogyny through the lives of widows at an ashram in Varanasi. Water was believed to show the country in a bad light, and even before filming started, right-wing activists wrecked film sets and issued suicide threats. Mehta was eventually forced to move the filming location to Sri Lanka. Not only that, but she had to change the entire cast and shoot the film under a pseudo title, River Moon.
The Pink Mirror (2006)
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The Pink Mirror is the first mainstream film to have two transsexuals as protagonists. While it was a groundbreaking moment in Indian cinema, the Central Board of Film Certification had other opinions, calling the film “’vulgar and offensive”. The Pink Mirror remains banned in India but it went on to win the Jury Award for Best Feature at the New York LGBT Film Festival and the Best Film of the Festival at Question de Genre in Lille, France. You can catch the film on Netflix now.
Black Friday (2007)
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Black Friday, another Anurag Kashyap venture, also faced a temporary ban. It deals with the 1993 Mumbai bombings, and the Bombay High Court decided to suspend the release until the trial was over. This meant that Kashyap had to wait for another three years until Black Friday hit cinemas. The film received praise from both international and national media with the New York Times comparing it to Academy Award nominees Salvador and Munich.
Parzania (2007)
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Parzania is inspired by the true story of a 10-year-old boy, Azhar Mody who disappeared after the 2002 Gulbarg Society massacre during which 69 people were killed. This is one of the many incidents which led to the Gujarat riots, one of the worst acts of communal violence the country has ever witnessed. Cinema owners in Gujarat were allegedly threatened not to screen Parzania and the film went on to face an unofficial ban in the state.
Inshallah, Football (2010)
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Inshallah, Football is a documentary film about a young boy from Kashmir who dreams of becoming a famous footballer. But his ambitions are crushed when he is not allowed to travel abroad because his father is an alleged militant. Critics felt the documentary showcased the reality of violence-afflicted Kashmir, but it failed to get the green light from the authorities for release in India as they felt the film was critical of how the Indian military operated in the politically sensitive region of Kashmir.
India’s Daughter (2015)
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India’s Daughter is a documentary by British filmmaker Leslee Udwin and is based on the horrific Delhi gang rape and murder of 23-year-old student Jyoti Singh in 2012. The film includes an interview with Mukesh Singh, one of the four men convicted in the case. India’s Daughter was banned in India because the rapist airs certain views on gender which show the country in a poor light. These incendiary comments were believed to disturb the peace restored after a countrywide protest following news of the rape.
Padmavati (2017)
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Padmavati is the latest Hindi film to court serious controversy as some right-wing groups felt that the film misrepresents history and thus tarnishes the reputation of certain communities in Rajasthan. A bounty was also put on the director and the lead actress, who portrays the historical queen Padmavati in the film. The film was scheduled for release in December 2017 but remains shelved so far. Historians, however, have debated the real life existence of the queen, with many saying she was a fictional character in an epic poem.
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rvdsperspective · 5 years
A South Indian’s Perspective of North India
This is an opinion blog written during my trip to North India. I covered around 4 states (Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan) in 30 days in June 2019. It was my first extensive trip to the North after being in Tamil Nadu for almost my entire life. The places were so beautiful with amazing food and culture. Every state had its uniqueness. I got a chance to learn a lot about history, diaspora, religion and its impact on the region. At the end of the trip, some incidents kept coming back whenever I tried to reminisce. It had both good and somewhat uncomfortable situations that I came across. The good times were the most wonderful ones but I wanted to write about the disturbing ones to show what I went through during those moments.
Some people might find the article being unfair towards North India but that is not my intention. These issues happen everywhere in the world depending on the idea of each nation. Development needs to be given the first priority rather than religion, language or caste. When people unite leaving their differences aside for the welfare of one’s family, community, region – their surroundings will be a better place to live in. South India too has its own set of issues that needs to be solved like caste and minority discrimination, corruption, some religious and language fights, water crisis, quality of education, skill development, productive welfare measures, intensive environmental friendly measures, innovation, etc. to grow collectively.
• Religious animosity:
I’ve only heard in the news about the strong religious sentiments people have in North but it came quite as a shock when I could witness them in person. There was an incident in Jammu when after we checked into a hotel, we were intrigued to ask the hotel manager about the best locations in the region and state. He was nice enough to reply to us the best destinations in Jammu but when we asked him about Srinagar (which happens to be our next stop), all he had was disgust and warnings about the region. We knew Kashmir had a history of insurgency but that was not the response we were looking for, it had a lot to do with the religious differences that he had against the region. Most of his comments were targeted on the premise of the region which is predominantly Muslim dominated and nothing about the beauty of the region.
The next stop was Srinagar which was nothing like he mentioned, it was a calm state but with the military infusion. We asked the same question about J&K to a Kashmiri. He had an exact animosity but towards Jammu people which happens to be a predominantly Hindu populated. He also had a similar hatred but towards other north Indian regions for the treatment of Kashmiri people in their respective states. He didn’t have a sense of belongingness with the nation due to this reception.
My friends and I were walking down Dal lake when we happened to see an ice cream cart. We decided to have one when he was watching the India – Pakistan world cup match. We were intrigued to know the score and we started to have a conversation. He was a worker from some part of Uttar Pradesh. There was a shattering noise at a far distance, he noticed that and said that some people are happy because Pakistan hit a six. We were shocked and asked him if was being serious. He went on to say about the insurgency that going around the region, the militant’s distress, the majority religion, etc. It was then we understood that we have another version of India Pakistan at Jammu and Kashmir. What he said may or may not be true but it came as a surprise when that was the first reaction he had for the noise.
Another incident occurred in Agra. I was visiting the place for only a day and I wanted to spend most of the time at the Taj Mahal. So I booked a room near the Taj Mahal and boarded an auto. Halfway through the journey after a small chit chat with the driver, he suggested me not to stay at that area next time I visited Agra since it was Muslim dominated. I was baffled only wondering the significance of one of the greatest wonders. People from all across India and the World visit the unique monument every day and such a racist tag would ruin the beauty of the remarkable wonder.
As I started to openly talk about this issue to various people I could assume a root problem to this. The hatred might have come from the notorious rulers from the Islamic dynasties in the past. People have it in their history books or a random discussion about the religious fights that happened during the Islamic rule. Temples were destroyed, Hindu’s sentiments were tarnished. These incidents lie in their mind.
I guess forgiveness and looking at people individually instead of seeing their larger background ( religion, caste) is the way to move forward as a society. The religious identity should not be used too much to make decisions especially those who do not try to live the life of people whom they worship. I guess most people do not want to live a life like their gods whom they worship. The sense of tolerance is not there. Also, they love their god(s) and religion so much that they want to do something for them to show their true faith. But that should not be by discriminating and exploiting those who agree with them. It goes for all religions. We should try to move forward trying not to think too much with this identification.
We as a country have always been oppressed by anyone who ruled over us. Whether it may be the Mughals, Britishers or any other regime, we were being exploited one way or the other. So, we wanted to be free from all sorts of dictatorial and colonial ruling and start governing ourselves. There are still evil factors ruling over the society like corruption, discrimination, exploitation, etc; especially by the people who govern and have an influence on us like the Britishers. But we never were so angry at them and sometimes we go to the extent of voting for them. Maybe its because we see them as one of our people with a nationalistic or regionalist identity. Caste hatred comes in because of the same identification. We don’t see people individually. We see their closest circle that binds them, whether it might be their religion or caste or region. When a person in a different religion commits a crime, some people go against that whole community even though the crime was only done by an individual or a small group of people. But the same people won’t react similarly when it was someone from their respective religion for the same crime. This is the hypocrisy that comes along with too much blind identification and faith.
I’m not saying that these incidents don’t happen down south. They do take place. Extremists are everywhere in the world but its all about how prominent we keep them in society. As long as we respectfully disagree with their radical opinions and keep them on reality check, it’s alright. But once we start making them into powerful people who rule us or form a cult with radical ideologies, it’s very dangerous – whether it might be a Politician or a Godman.
• Ignorance about the national language:
My Hindi was a little weird but most people can understand the context of what I’m trying to convey but yet people were sort of advising me that it was Rashtra Basha (national language) and I had to learn it to be a true Indian.
The language debate is getting heated up these days mainly due to the lack of single language policy in the country. India being a union of states even before Independence had its own unique culture and language depending on the state. British rule made English spread all over India adding as a language widely used in higher education, high paying jobs, research & development, etc. It’s still the most widely spoken language in the world. On the other hand, Hindi is a widely spoken language in North India but when it comes to its usage in other fields like corporate jobs, R&D, etc, it is very limited. My opinion is that one should learn a language and master it only if it serves some purpose. With the FDI pouring into India and all the multinational jobs needing a good communication skill, English is the language that needs to be given importance to.
India being a diverse nation with 16 official languages, needs a link language to unite people from north to south. Many believe that it’s Hindi since its predominantly spoken. But one needs to look at the significance of a predominantly spoken language. When a unifying language is only a mere communication tool to converse and does not serve any other purpose is not the right language to be chosen. But when a language like English which is widely used in reading, writing but not as a spoken language is baffling. It’s also a language having international recognition but some people still want Hindi to be unifying language for the country without looking at the larger picture. If some people eagerly want to have a language originated from India, we can start calling English as Indian English like how other British occupied countries have Australian English, Canadian English, American English with its dialect.
• The fear among a certain section youth and intellectuals:
Elections in India are never fought based on the economy or employment. It’s mostly fought on religion, caste, language and regional identity. Politicians have grouped their vote banks based on those identities. I discussed with many youths living there regarding the trend of extreme conservative politics that is going all around the world. India has never seen such right-wing populism trending ever since Independence. When people don’t talk about the constitution as a holy article but rather think of it as a scrapbook that can be rewritten without total consensus is quite scary. Many liberal youths are threatened by the route that North India has taken. They fear their voice and opinion could go baseless when people start shifting far right.
• Attraction towards populism:
Since there are not many regional parties in the north, elections are usually fought between two major parties. End of the day, it comes down to which leader attracts the most with the speeches. I met a person who said he voted for a particular party since he was solely drawn by its leader’s speeches, charisma, and attitude. He said he was a huge fan of the leader which made him vote for the party. Maybe that’s the problem when someone looks at leaders as heroes rather than politicians. We may love a hero for their performance on screen for their sense of humor, dialogue delivery, attitude but an actor/hero’s job ends when the movie ends. We usually don’t judge an actor for what he does offscreen. No matter what he/she might have done in their personal life, a mass dialogue can render a million claps. A politician’s role should be judged for the offscreen performance where their actual job lies like the policies undertaken, rather than the polarized speech.
Some media publishers should be blamed for this scenario. Media needs to act as a medium to educate people and provide unbiased opinions but most mainstream media fail to do it these days. The main propaganda of media these days is gaining TRP through populism coverage instead of factual coverage.
We call media the Fifth pillar of democracy. Its called a pillar since it stands straight and strong holding onto the country’s holiness. When it tilts extreme right or left, the system is meant to fail and the idea of us being a nation will be questioned.
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jorjdsfeadle-blog · 5 years
mainly as regards to international terrorism
worldwide tensions between Islam and the West. Striking examples of this style encompass Kabir Khan's New York (2008), Karan Johar's My Name is Khan (2010), Rensil D'Silva's Kurbaan (2009) and Apoorva Lakhia's Mission Istanbul, to name a few. Films like Anil Sharma's Ab Tumhare Hawale Watam Sathiyo (2004) and Subhash Ghai's Black and White (2008) consciousness on terrorist problems in the Indian subcontinent itself. The latter films have continued inside the subculture of pre 9-11 terrorist movies like Vidhu Vinod Chopra's Mission Kashmir (2000), Mani Ratnam's Dil Se (1998) and Bombay (1995). Ratnam's Bombay treated the devastating Hindu and Moslem riots in 1991, which value over a one thousand lives. Study in Canada after Graduation Chopra's Mission Kashmir dealt with a situation of neighborhood terrorist activity inside the Kashmir location sponsored by global terrorist cells operating from Afghanistan. In this manner the terrorist style is not a wholly new style in Bollywood, nor is terrorism an strange phenomenon in the day to day sports of the Indian subcontinent (the maximum current and brutal terrorist assault was the Mumbai bloodbath in 2008). What makes the current spate of terrorist movies thrilling is that they have entered the global sphere and have emerge as component and parcel of a transnational talk between East and West and Islam and the opposite.
To make the terrorist style extra palatable, Bollywood has traditionally spiced up the violence and suspense with the hallmark Bollywood music and dance interludes and sentimental romantic exchanges among the hero and heroine. Mission Kashmir is infamous for its swish dances and stirring emotional exchanges between the primary protagonists, played out on the violent backdrop of terrorism in Kashmir. Mani Ratnam's Bombay likewise mixes up the maximum brutal scenes of Hindu and Moslem hatred and violence with scrumptious comedy and a forbidden love affair between a pious Moslem woman and a boy from a highly positioned Shaivite Hindu circle of relatives. His father is the trustee of the village temple and each the family patriarchs are violently opposed to the youngsters marrying out of doors their caste and non secular community.
Karan Johar's My Name is Khan
Following inside the Bollywood lifestyle of blending genres (known inside the enterprise because the masala or highly spiced recipe movie), Karan Johar's My Name is Khan blends comedy and romance with the political hot potato of post Sep 11 bigotry and racial hatred inside the US. The film's theme of ultra-nationalist extremism culminates in the senseless killing of a younger Indian boy Sam or Sameer, who's overwhelmed to dying with the aid of youths within the soccer ground, in part due to the adopting of his stepfather's name Khan. Overflowing gushes of emotion and coronary heart stirring romantic songs, inclusive of the integration of the 1960's counter tradition anthem "We Shall Overcome" (sung in both Hindi and English), arise at some point of the film to both lighten the tension and to exemplify the presence of light and hope in a global darkened with the aid of the bitter shadow of world terrorism. The truth that the imperative protagonist Rizvan Khan is a pious Moslem, and politically impartial to the hysteria of the debate, is considerable. Brought up by using his mom that there aren't any constant labels including Hindu and Moslem, however best good and bad human beings, Rizvan Khan freely practises his religion with identical love and admire for all other races and creeds, simplest differentiating among what is within the hearts and minds of humans, now not to what religion they profess, or to what race, culture and nationality they belong.
My Name is Khan is also considerable for Bollywood fanatics in that it reunites the most important heart throb couple of Hindi cinema from preceding decades, Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan. The duo was previously paired in of Karan Johar's in advance blockbusters Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1995) and Kabhi Kushi Kabhie Gham (2001). Both of these movies had been sentimental gushy romances, literally overflowing with juicy outpourings of emotion and feeling; a phenomenon which is termed rasa in India. The song and dance sequences were also very elaborately staged and blended a stability of the traditional Indian music and dance forms (Hindustani tune and traditional folk dances) in addition to contemporary Western forms. This ensured the movies' immense reputation in both India and diaspora countries like Canada, the USA and the UK.
Karan Johar continues to utilise the Bollywood masala formula in My Name is Khan, exploiting a sentimental and once in a while drawn out love affair between the autistic hero Rizvan Khan and his eventual Hindu spouse Mandira, a proprietor of a a hit hair dressing salon in San Francisco (the "town of love" which symbolizes the 1960s counter lifestyle motion exploited through Johar inside the "We Shall Overcome" sequence). In the preliminary scenes of the movie, America is portrayed because the land of freedom and opportunity, the nation wherein all races and religions are given the opportunity to move forward and gain prosperity and happiness in a way that is visible to be nearly not possible in a rustic like conventional India, buffeted as it's miles with caste and non secular prejudices and between half of and two thirds of its population living in poverty.
For overseas nationals or NRI's (non-resident Indians), however, Sept. 11 radically adjustments this formulation and shatters the American dream nurtured for decades by using an Indian diaspora which has merged its Indian cultural roots with American beliefs of person freedom and patron prosperity. According to Johar's film, this is now the plight of the Khans who, instead of persevering with to act as fully included contributors of the mainstream community, now find themselves at the outer edge of a post-9-11"us and them" rhetoric, fuelled through an ultra-nationalist Republican President, who perceives the sector in black and white realities, that have little to do with the ordinary lives of the average character. It isn't any accident that it's miles the newly elected President Barack Obama (played by means of his appearance alike Christopher B. Duncan) who greets Rizvan Khan on the quit of the film and applauds him for his faith in God and his humanity and perseverance. For Karan Johar, Obama's election is symbolic of the "us and them" divisions within the US psyche being delivered to a close in conjunction with the restoration of the innate beliefs for which the American Republic and its people stand.
Before the nation's divisions are healed, however, the Khan's revel in intense non-public hardships due to their ethnicity. These hardships culminate within the tragic death in their teenage son Sameer, overwhelmed to death in the school playing field by way of racist youths. In her grief, Sameer's mother Mandira blames her husband Rizvan, accusing him of the truth that if she and her son had not taken the call of Khan, he would now not be dead. She then tells him that the handiest way he can make amends for this stigma of being a Khan and, by means of implication a Moslem, is to fulfill the United States President (at the time it's miles George W. Bush) and to inform him that: "My Name is Khan and I am now not a Terrorist." This easy phrase turns into a form of mantra throughout the film, powerfully confronting the viewer's post-September 11 prejudices by way of refusing to link the two standards of Islam and terrorism together: i.E. My call is Khan, therefore I am a Moslem, however on the identical time just because I am a Moslem, does this mean that I am a terrorist? Unhappily, for the duration of the hysteria that followed inside the wake of September 11 for many Westerners the two terms, Moslem and terrorist became quite plenty synonymous.
This is a movie consequently which, in contrast to its predecessors, isn't always simplest aimed at teaching Indians and West Asians (it broke all data in Pakistan), however is also geared toward teaching and enlightening Westerners. This it does in a completely diffused and didactic way, no longer simplest thru its exploitation of acquainted West Asian icons, however additionally thru its exploration of issues and photographs established to the USA and the West: the 1960s counter way of life, the plight of the coloured people in the South and references to the civil rights movement through the film's subject matter tune "We Shall Overcome." This well-known anti-establishment song from Sixties when sung in Hindi via a religious Moslem in a black gospel church offers the target audience an nearly surreal feeling of each merging and, at the equal time transcending, national, racial and socio-spiritual cultural borders: a direction to global brotherhood and solidarity which has been courageously expounded via of the 20th century's brilliant non secular leaders, India's Mahatma Gandhi and America's Martin Luther King.
Karan Johar therefore attracts upon both the Western ideals of liberty and individualism, as well as propounding the roots of West Asian non secular piety and communal solidarity. By doing this My Name is Khan proposes an alternate version of worldwide brotherhood and transnational identities and exchanges. This new worldwide model for Johar is one that attracts its notion and ideals from the grass roots level- from the terrible coloureds of Georgia, from the socially ostracised Moslems, and from the autistic and mentally handicapped. All of them are an integral a part of this international humanity and in the end the parent of Shah Rukh Khan, the most important megastar in the worldwide forum today (such as Hollywood), speaks for all of them, when he says my call is Khan and I am not a terrorist, now not an outcaste and now not a hazard to the US or the crucial values which it seeks to export to the relaxation of the sector. Rather, as pious Moslems, those like Rizvan Khan have some thing of value to contribute to america and the West, and while the ones in strength allow them to do so, the vital values which have made the US excellent can no longer most effective be maintained however extended and broadened. On the other hand, ultranationalist extremist practises will handiest create increasingly hatred and division, in order that even the ones who have assimilated the American Dream will grow to come to be its maximum sworn enemies. This is the main topic of Kabir Khan's New York, which I will briefly discuss in part of this article.
Kabir Khan's New York
Although now not as a hit on the box workplace as Karan Johar's blockbuster, Kabir Khan's New York is possibly an even more exciting example of the transnational trend in the Bollywood terrorist genre. Released in 2008, New York makes a speciality of the lives of three brand new young Indians analyzing at New York State University together. The usual Bollywood masala romance dominates the first 1/2 of the movie, specializing in a sentimental love triangle between Maya (Katrina Kaif), Sameer or Sam (John Abrahams) and Omar (Neil Mukesh). Both Katrina Kaif and John Abrahams, in addition to Irrfan Khan (gambling the FBi agent Roshan) are properly installed stars in Bollywood (Irrfan Khan also starred as the policeman who interrogates the primary protagonist in Slumdog Millionaire). And the presence of these stars, along with the solid musical score and the dramatic love triangle situation, assured the film's success despite its debatable subject. Significantly, Sam and Maya fall in love and shatter Omar's emotional world at around the same time as the two hijacked passenger planes are driven into the Twin Towers. As with My Name is Khan, real pictures of the terrorist attack at the World Trade Centre is utilised in the film.
From this factor onwards, a film which has been mainly concentrated upon a sentimental love conflict between three friends now becomes a political indictment of the Bush administration's post-9/11 terrorist policies. Sam, as part of the FBI's nationwide hunt for terror suspects, is arrested, incarcerated and tortured. These tortures are graphically depicted within the film and are apparently primarily based on actual life debts of harmless victims, who have been illegally arrested and incarcerated for no other purpose than their having the wrong ethnic historical past and spiritual persuasion. During the final credits a grim word to this impact informs the visitors of the records that: "In the days following 9-11 greater than 1200 guys of overseas origin within the US had been illegally abducted, detained and tortured for as lengthy as three years. The government did not discover proof linking a unmarried one among them to the 11th of September assault.
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missvinaelaine · 2 years
Yes, hindi pa ‘ko buhay during martial law. Ni wala pa nga ‘ko sa isip ng mga magulang ko during those times - so why BBM?
I have only read history (some of it, I guess) - those stories that can only be considered as facts by those who wrote them. The closest and truest remnants of history I WILL consider as facts, were the ones that were told by my family members who were already thinking individuals at those times, who were aware of what’s going on. Mind you, I am not a loyalist - no one in the family is. But before I tell you why I chose to cast my vote for BBM and his team, let me tell why in this freaking hell of time I wouldn’t vote for the opposition - Leni. Buhay na buhay na ‘ko during the 2016 elections, and this may be an accusation since sobrang tagal ng delaying tactics at hanggang ngayon wala pa ring napuntahan ‘yung pagpaparecount ni BBM - I know I’m not politically inclined pero hindi naman siguro kailangan na maging sobrang talino bago mo masabing “may pandarayang” naganap. Again, walang final say ang court at tapos na rin ang term ni Leni pero - OMG, she wasn’t my VP. In other words, I wasn’t here when all the accusations for the Marcoses started, but I saw it on my own eyes how incapable Leni was as a leader for the WHOLE NATION. Pero to be honest ha, before BBM announced his candidacy I was rooting for him already not because asar na asar ako kay Leni. I was rooting for him simply because nafeel ko na kaya n’yang alisin ang Philippines in being a third world country. But come election period - NAPAKATOXIC ng supporters ni Madam. At first, patawa-tawa lang ako sa mga napapanood ko kasi nakakagigil - but when it happened to me, kahit katatapos lang ng confession ko - GUSTUNG-GUSTO KO TALAGANG MAGMURA SA SOBRANG FRUSTRATION KO. But that’s another story to tell. One for the books talaga, hay naku po. Matatapos ang election, pero hinding-hindi na ko babalik sa mga “kaibigan” ko.
So, Elaine, bakit nga ba si BBM? Hehe. Eh kasi, magnanakaw, hindi nagbabayad ng tax, mamamatay-tao, sinungaling, duwag, at walang diploma.
MAGNANAKAW - Ano po ba’ng ninakaw sa inyo? Ilang taon na po na issue ‘yan - naupo na nga si Leni ‘di ba? Bakit hindi n’ya pinakulong? Feeling ko kasi, iniisip ng mga tao na kung ibabalik ng mga Marcoses ‘yung “ninakaw daw” nila, lahat tayo share share, ganon po? ANO PO BA KASING NINAKAW, UTANG NA LOOB ilang presidente na dumaan anuna? Bakit wala ni-isang Marcos nakakulong? Isang Marcos lang ang kilala kong magnanakaw, si Vinny. Ninakaw puso ko. HAHAHAHAHAHA
HINDI NAGBABAYAD NG TAX - Isa pa ‘to. Again ulitin ko lang ano po, bakit ‘di pinakulong ni Leni? Dami-dami nyang akusasyon noong 2016 vice presidentiable debate - naupo na s’ya as VP - asan na? Bakit hindi inimbestigahan? And as far as I know (by watching not-so mainstream media), kulang ang tax na binayaran noong pang 1990′s sa kadahilanang mali po ang pag-compute ng accounting at hindi naman din ho kalakihan ang kulang, source is RJ Nieto/Thinking Pinoy. Saka eto pa ha, let me do an analogy - kung ako kunwari magnanakaw, ‘yung ninakaw ko ba idedeclare ko sa BIR para kaltasan nila ng tax? Hehe, so ano po - pili nalang po tayo, magnanakaw o hindi nagbabayad ng tax.
MAMAMATAY-TAO - Yes, this may be true na maraming namatay during martial law. Pero alam ba natin kung sinu-sino ang namatay at kung sino talaga ang totoong pumatay? Saka hello, panahon ni Marcos Sr. yon so bakit si BBM magbabayad? Ika nga ni Leni, “wala na si Jesse to defend himself, ‘wag na sanang idamay ‘yung mga anak nila.” So kapag kay BBM pwede s’ya idamay? Tha audacity, Madam.
SINUNGALING - Aren’t we all? Char.
DUWAG - Kasi hindi pumupunta ng debate? Hindi na kailangan, I can just rewatch the 2016 debate for sure ‘yun at ‘yun lang din naman pag-iikutan ng debate. Siguro duwag nga, kasi hindi gumaganti eh. Weakling, BBM. Kami nga ang ingay sa social media eh, ano chill ka lang jan Mr. President?
WALANG DIPLOMA - Edi sige, si Madam na may natapos. Pero bakit ganon, hindi ba naturo sa university and graduate school nila ‘yung pakikipag-kapwa tao? Ang plastik eh. Hehe, joke lang po. May natapos naman si BBM ah. Labas mo na kasi diploma mo, BBM, gusto din yata nila hanapan ng mali. Hay nako ka. HAHAHAHAHA
Vice Governor (1980-1983)
Governor  (1983-1986; 1998-2007)
Click n’yo nalang po yung mga link, kasi kahit naman sabihin ko isa-isa - sasabihin n’yo na naman magnanakaw sila. Kakapagod na eh. Hindi naman ako nang-rerecruit so bahala nalang kayo kung gusto n’yo basahin o buo na loob n’yo na #NEVERAGAIN. Hehe
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johnvazhathara · 3 years
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In Kerala, a humane lockdownLockdowns should be imposed only after adequate preparation and planning
At a time when several States are already under one form of lockdown or another, it seems facile to debate whether there should be a national lockdown or not. Indians are witness to never-before-seen sights of bodies floating in the Ganges, drought of medical oxygen, collapsing health infrastructure, a faltering vaccination drive, and the pandemic stretching its tentacles rapidly into rural areas.
With a national positivity rate of about 20% and over 4,000 daily deaths, India must do what it needs to do — a national lockdown if unavoidable; if not, regional lockdowns/micro-containment zones. It should, however, ensure that the implementation of any lockdown is humane and protects the interests of those likely to be worst affected. Lockdowns should be imposed only after adequate preparation and planning, involving experts. Moreover, adequate notice should be given to the affected people so that they have enough time to prepare themselves.
The Kerala model
The lockdown in Kerala offers some important lessons. Realising that night curfews and weekend lockdowns were insufficient to halt the rapid rise in infections, a complete lockdown from May 8 to 16 was announced on May 6. This provided the State with about two days to prepare for the event as compared to the national lockdown imposed last year with a four-hour notice.
From the beginning of the pandemic last year, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan took command and was the main face of the government’s response. Through daily press briefings, he provided detailed information on the rate of infections and fatalities; the availability of beds, ICUs, oxygen and vaccines; as well as measures taken to deal with the crisis. This paid handsome dividends in the recently concluded Assembly elections for the Left Democratic Front. The people liked the idea of a strong leader presiding over their interests and acting as a guardian in a time of crisis. Assured now of a second term, Mr. Vijayan has provided a smooth continuum in leadership and decision-making. He has continued his daily press briefings and communicated the gravity of the situation with facts and figures, steps being taken by the government, and the need for the public to cooperate.
The response to the second wave at the national level and in Delhi has been marked by confusion, conflicting authorities, lack of transparency and no clear assumption of responsibility or willingness to answer uncomfortable questions. People have been forced to use personal networks to scrounge for oxygen and beds in hospitals. In refreshing contrast, in Kerala, there is clarity on where the buck stops. Most Chief Ministers value their engagement with the media and are open and accessible. It is, however, not known how many of them engage with the media on the COVID-19 issue as intensely as Mr. Vijayan does and that too on a daily basis. The Prime Minister, Home Minister and Health Minister as well as Chief Ministers of the worst-affected States would be well advised to follow suit and see transparency as an important part of the COVID-19 response toolkit. A direct, open and proactive approach in this regard would go a long way in building popular trust and confidence that the crisis can be overcome.
A commendable aspect of the current lockdown in Kerala has been a clear articulation of the principle that no one in the State should suffer from hunger or lack of medical attention. To this end, food kits are being delivered to homes. Community kitchens and Janakeeya hotels (people’s hotels) have been opened. First-level treatment centres and second-level treatment centres have been set up to ensure that patients are screened and treated appropriate to their symptoms. Only the most serious cases reach the district and specialty COVID-19 hospitals. Domiciliary care centres have also been created to provide shelter, food and treatment to those who do not have the space at home to be quarantined. In private hospitals, 50% of the beds have been declared as COVID-19 beds. Focused efforts are underway to assure migrant workers that they need not flee to their hometowns in panic because of the lockdown. Communications in Hindi have been issued, clarifying that they will be provided food as well as vaccination.
Similar to the ‘Mumbai model’, beds are allotted through centralised control rooms in each district. These rooms also monitor requirements of oxygen and ambulances. Orders have been issued pegging the cost of RT-PCR testing and treatment charges in private hospitals at a reasonable level. The Kerala High Court has stepped in to supervise the government’s response. It has dismissed challenges from private labs to the reduction of charges and in response to a PIL, approved a rate card for hospitals prepared by the government. Coming down on private hospitals, the court pointed out how shocked it was at the usurious charges levied by some for the simplest of services.
Having empowered local bodies and devolved finances to them long before the crisis, elected officials at the grassroots level are Kerala’s first line of defence in the fight against COVID-19. Panchayat members and municipal councillors, irrespective of their political affiliations, function as foot soldiers. They look out for fresh infections amongst their constituents, motivate people to get vaccinated, supervise the implementation of the lockdown and ensure the supply of medicines and provisions to those in need. Commendably, the Opposition led by the Congress has called upon everyone to work together. Leaders from both the Opposition and ruling party have been setting up help desks, providing ambulances and organising food packets.
As a new government assumes office on May 20, the crisis will continue to be the most important item on its agenda. While good systems have been set up, there are complaints that the health workers are unable to cope. There are also reports of oxygen shortages in some parts of the State. There is fear that if numbers continue to rise, bed and oxygen shortages will become unavoidable.
Preparing for future waves
Clearly, the war against COVID-19 is going to be long-drawn and even a well organised State like Kerala will be kept on its toes. The second wave will pass but preparations still need to be made for a third and fourth wave. More lockdowns will be inevitable until such time the vaccination programme makes adequate progress and herd immunity is acquired. What is important is to mitigate the impact of these lockdowns on the lives of the poor by guaranteeing food and equitable access to healthcare. The Kerala model deserves attention in this regard. There are also best practices from other States which could be emulated across the country, such as the Tamil Nadu government’s announcement of incentives for healthcare workers.
Twelve Opposition parties have in a joint letter urged the Centre to immediately begin a free universal mass vaccination campaign and ensure uninterrrupted supply of medical oxygen and vaccines. They have also called for the invoking of compulsory licensing to expand domestic vaccine production. The convening of an online meeting of non-BJP Chief Ministers to support and reiterate these demands would be good follow-up to the letter. This could serve as a useful exercise in cross-learning amongst States. It could also reinforce the need to protect the people and formulate a just and equitable response to the pandemic.
Venu Rajamony is former Ambassador of India to the Netherlands and former Press Secretary to President Pranab Mukherjee
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werindialive · 3 years
Deduct 52 crores as tax penalty and return the remaining amount, says Piyush Jain’s lawyer
In his plea to the court, the arrested Kanpur-based businessman Piyush Jain asked the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) to return him the large sum of money seized from his home and offices after deducting the rightful tax amount and penalty. Jain is currently in a 14-day judicial custody as he was arrested for tax evasion charges against him.
The arrest of the businessman has become a great controversy in the state as Uttar Pradesh is soon to have its assembly elections. In such conditions, a staggering amount of 195 crore INR confiscated from the premises of Piyush Jain has started a debate between the two leading political parties BJP & Samajwadi Party.
Special Public Prosecutor Amrish Tandon representing DGGI in the case told a special court on Wednesday that Piyush Jain has accepted that he invaded tax from the Government of India and owes a penalty of Rs. 52 crore.
Piyush’s lawyer, however requested the court to instruct the DGGI to deduct the tax penalty of Rs. 52 crore and return back the rest of the amount to the trader.
Amrish Tandon, on the other hand argued that all the proceeds come from the tax evasion and hence must be confiscated and not returned to the guilty party. The Special Public Prosecutor said that if the trader is willing to pay an additional 52 crores on top of the original penalty, then the return can be considered.
Tandon informed the court that the amount of Rs. 177 crore seized from Tandon’s residence has been deposited in a bank account with State Bank of India, held by the Government of India.
Jain’s case makes one of the largest seizures in the history as Rs. 195 crore in cash, 6 crore worth sandalwood oil and 23 kilograms of gold was seized from different premises linked with Jain.
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phgq · 4 years
Velasco hopes for 'peaceful transition' of House leadership
#PHnews: Velasco hopes for 'peaceful transition' of House leadership
MANILA – Newly-installed Speaker Lord Allan Velasco on Monday expressed hope for a "peaceful transition" of the speakership of the House of Representatives.
In a speech after being elected as Speaker by 186 lawmakers during a remote session at the Celebrity Sports Plaza in Quezon City, Velasco said he would like to extend his hand and sit down with Taguig-Pateros Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano as they comply with the 15-21 term-sharing agreement brokered by President Rodrigo Duterte at the start of the 18th Congress in July last year.
"With this compelling proof that has installed me as Speaker of the House, I would like to extend my hand to Speaker Cayetano and hope that he would be amenable to sit down with me as we comply with the agreement for a peaceful transition for the benefit of our members and the country," Velasco said.
Velasco said he wanted to become Speaker in response to the "call of service", even as the country grapples with the coronavirus disease (Covid-19 pandemic).
"The true measure of leadership comes not when things are easy, but especially when things are most difficult. Whether famine or feast, poverty or plenty, a leader will always rise to the challenge and respond to the call of service," he said. "It has been a difficult journey to get to where we are, one fraught with many frustrations and complications, but then we are all here, and this is a testament to our indomitable spirit and our collective commitment to honoring our word.”
Velasco said the House, under his leadership, would continue to support President Rodrigo Duterte’s legislative agenda and contribute to the "shining legacy that the Duterte administration will leave behind".
He also vowed to pass laws that are responsive to the needs of Filipinos, as well as the passage of the proposed PHP4.5-trillion national budget for 2021.
“We commit to pass laws that are responsive to the needs of our fellow Filipinos here and abroad, laws focused on jobs, the economy, healthcare, food on the table, peace, and order, and clean and sustainable energy. And most of all, today’s events would ensure that the President’s call for a timely, legal and constitutional approval of the 2021 budget will be complied with,” he said.
He thanked the President, as well as Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte, Deputy Speaker Paolo Duterte, and Senator Bong Go for their support.
“Higit sa lahat, ako’y nagpapasalamat sa ating mahal na Pangulo, -- a man of his word -- may isang salita, sa mabuting halimbawa and for inspiring young government servants like me na hindi hadlang ang pagiging probinsyano para tayo ay makapag serbisyo (Most importantly, I’d like to thank our beloved President -- a man of his word -- for being a good example and for inspiring young government servants like me that being someone from the province should not be a hindrance to serve [the public]),” he said. “That a young probinsyano congressman from a small province like Marinduque can be elected Speaker of the House of Representatives... this can only happen in the age of Duterte when anything is possible for the benefit of the Filipino people.” 
‘Fake’ session
Cayetano, however, slammed the session held by lawmakers outside the Batasang Pambansa complex as “fake”.
“Ang purpose nila, manggulo (Their purpose is to cause disruption). The last time I checked, ang Celebrity Sports Club ay hindi Kongreso (the Celebrity Sports Club is not Congress). They are throwing the Constitution to waste. Fake session ang ginagawa nila (They held a fake session)," Cayetano said in a press conference at the same time the pro-Velasco lawmakers held their remote session.
Cayetano’s camp also released a copy of a manifesto signed by a total of 200 House members showing their support for him amid alleged ouster moves by the Velasco camp.
“Following the President’s call for the individual members of the House of Representatives to vote freely and without reservation on who we wish to lead this chamber, we the undersigned hereby manifest our full and unequivocal support for the continued leadership of Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano,” the lawmakers said in the manifesto.
In signing the manifesto, the 200 lawmakers said they were declaring their “common desire to heed the call of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and the entire nation” for the swift passage of the proposed 2021 national budget.
“We likewise join the call of Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano and the leadership of the House of Representatives for unity and cooperation among our colleagues in all priority legislation that are in line with the efforts of the Duterte administration in combating the Covid-19 pandemic and providing a safe, prosperous, and comfortable life for all,” they said.
The lawmakers said they believe Cayetano’s resignation as Speaker on Sept. 30 had in effect rendered the term-sharing agreement between him and Velasco “moot and academic” as the majority had already spoken.
“We, therefore, call on Congressman Velasco to respect the collective desire of his peers to allow the continuation of Speaker Cayetano’s exemplary leadership,” they said.
They also reaffirmed their commitment to the people “to do what is right and stand up for the honor” not just of Cayetano but the entire House.
"We forge this agreement with you, our fellow citizens, to uphold your best interest against the pressures of partisan politics and personal interests,” they said.
Another manifesto circulated to the media, wherein 187 lawmakers have called to assemble, declare the speakership post vacant, and elect Velasco as the House’s next top leader.
"In accordance with Section 13, Rule 3 of the Rules of the House of Representatives, of the 18th Congress, we call to assemble, move to and cast our vote to declare the position of Speaker VACANT on Monday, October 12, 2020," the manifesto read. "Further, also in accordance with the same section, we will move to and cast our vote to declare Representative Lord Allan Velasco of Marinduque as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the 18th Congress."
The lawmakers slammed the move of the House leadership to “unceremoniously” terminate the budget deliberations and approve the 2021 General Appropriations Bill on second reading on Oct. 6.
“The current House leadership deprived the Filipino people of exercising, through their duly-elected Representatives, their right to participate in crafting a national budget that would best serve the country," they said. “The House members were stripped of their legislative duty to scrutinize the spending plan of various important agencies.”
The lawmakers pointed out that the creation of a “small committee” that will accept alterations to the budget is an “invalid delegation” that effectively railroads and replaces the important budget process, which consists of sponsorship, debate, and amendments. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Velasco hopes for 'peaceful transition' of House leadership." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1118249 (accessed October 13, 2020 at 12:39AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Velasco hopes for 'peaceful transition' of House leadership." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1118249 (archived).
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thegldngwy · 4 years
“Fallacies Observed”
Full title: "Fallacies Observed from a Contradictory Speaker"
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2020 is a year full of landmines as everyone knows by now. Covid-19 as the crowning blight of this year is a phenomenon that swept away our normal lifestyles and plunged us into an uncertain future. Though there were chances for countries to contain and eventually stamp out this plague, the Philippines seemed to have lagged behind.
It wasn't long after the 2016 elections that the world has come to know about the country's strong-man president, Rodrigo Duterte. He was an elected mayor of Davao who, with his iron fist, had transformed the crime-ridden city into a safe haven with acts that earned him the nickname of "the Punisher" for his rough but effective handling of crime. As he assumed presidency, he had also put to action the controversial "War on Drugs" that had sparked outrage by human rights defenders, considering that there was roughly 6,000 victims of said war.
Lately, Duterte has once again rose to the approval of 92% of Filipinos in handling the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Pulse Asia, a public opinion polling body in the Philippines.
Though the country's polling body isn't to be questioned, the president's statements and speech misconducts should be reviewed closely, bearing in mind that some of those statements are disputable. Just recently on October 8, Duterte once again held a virtual press conference, opening the floor with a tirade about wanting to serve the country in a "right way."
    A few fallacies that are taken to consideration on the statements on the president in this conference are: Appeal to ignorance where an arguer argues their point without substantial evidence at hand but pressing their point, the Red herring where the arguer raises a point that doesn't have connection with the main topic, and the fallacy that appeals to pity (argumentum ad misericordiam) that depends on emotional manipulation however may emotions could also be relevant to an argument.
"Now, you would notice dito sa ating bayan na kung magkal****-l****, hindi ‘yan sila magtanong kung sino ang may kagagawan o responsable for the mess that we are in right now. Hindi sila magtatanong, wala silang pakialam."
This first statement is a fallacy that appeals to ignorance. The pandemic has hit the country's economy hard. The first thing that Filipinos now have to contend with is hunger and joblessness, with those living at the slums taking it harder than most. People would mind those who were supposed to be responsible for their health and safety, but in response to the protests on said issues, the police had them beaten and even arrested. Duterte, on the other hand, granted himself emergency powers to deal with trouble or violence, rather than the pandemic he said it was intended for.
"Ang gobyerno natin maraming problema. Iyang COVID na ‘yan hindi ‘yan umaalis sa Pilipinas matagal na. Lumilipad lang ‘yang mikrobyo na ‘yan diyan sa — dito sa atin. Kung sino lang ang malas madapuan, iyon na ‘yon."
This second statement could be ruled by the Red herring fallacy. Despite the drawbacks of the government, to mention the coronavirus in such a careless way came out like it's nothing more than a minor inconvenience that people now have to live with.
"Pero ang pakiusap ko, ayusin ninyo at isipin ninyo ang Pilipino na nasa ospital ngayon na kailangan ng medisina at iyong mga Pilipinong mamamatay ngayon, ganitong oras na walang gamot, wala lahat, kulang. At hindi ko talaga maintindihan isa pa ito na may mamatay sa ospital ng gobyerno dahil walang medisina."
This last statement is considered to the fallacy of appealing to pity, which seemed ironic considering that there had been P2.2 billion worth of DOH drugs expired in their inventory. Filipinos indeed have a need for medicines; shouldn't the national budget, which was the main topic of these statements, concentrate more on improving services of delivering these medications to hospitals and drugstores so that it wouldn't be as excessively wasted away in their inventories?
Duterte had introduced himself as a "doer" more than a "talker," but in the continuing years, instead of concrete plans, his speeches centered more about trivialities, barely giving out good end goals to remedy the Coronavirus. It's no wonder how his statements are likened to be a cesspool of fallacies and controversies that could give reporters a field day trying to discern which one was debatable because of an older statement or conflicting actions taken by the government under him.
Published on: October 10, 2020 (Editorial Writing #6)
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xtruss · 4 years
Why India’s ‘Godi Media’ Spreads Hatred and Fake News
How the leading players in the Indian media, loyal to the governing BJP-RSS combine, have been openly peddling fake news, hate and bigotry targeting religious minorities, especially India’s marginalised and dispossessed Muslims and why they have been getting away with murder all these years
— April 24, 2020 | S K Husain | Clarion India
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GODI (Lapdog), Bikau (Venal), Dalal (Agent) and Bharkau (Inflammatory). These are some of the labels with which a major section of India’s mainstream electronic media is identified by a majority of Indians, especially Muslims and low-caste Hindus, as well as the remaining section of the national media.
This chunk of the media, which consists of nearly a dozen 24-hour national and regional TV news channels, is infamous for biased reporting and fanning communal hatred in society. Their journalists and anchors routinely engage in spreading fake news and causing hatred towards the country’s 200 million Muslim community and Islam. They, in fact, nourish Islamophobia. As someone rightly remarked, “the Indian media is not doing journalism but waging a jihad (holy war) against Muslims. It acts like hyenas”.
On one hand, these channels demonstrate a clear bias against the country’s low-caste Hindus, the poor, and less privileged and weaker sections of society. On the other, they promote the agenda of the Hindutva forces including the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), its ruling political wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its National Democratic Alliance (NDA) partners in the government, as well as their leaders. They also favour the rich and powerful and promote their interests.
Prominent among these Pro-BJP/RSS news outlets are English television channels Republic TV, Times Now, India Today and CNN-News18, and Hindi TV channels Zee News, ABP News, Aaj Tak, India TV, Sudershan News, News Nation and News24 (India). All the above-mentioned titles fit these channels for one reason or the other.
The term “Godi media” was coined for these channels by Ramon Magsaysay award winner journalist Ravish Kumar of NDTV. He inherently spoke of the lap of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government and its lapdogs.
Besides these channels, there are many more news and at least 18 Hindu religious channels in regional languages across India that promote the agenda of the Hindutva forces to establish a Hindu Rashtra (nation) and impose Hindi as the national language all over the plural, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual country of 1.37 billion people.
Among the key reasons why these channels and their anchors so aggressively support the BJP, RSS and Modi, as well as the rich and powerful, are:
1) Absolute majority of the BJP-led NDA in Parliament and its government at the centre and in many states, and growing irrelevance and inconsequentiality of a largely obliterated opposition;
2) Hindu viewership by the BJP’s 100-million-plus primary members and their massive support for the party and government, and the cult-like following of a “monolithic” Modi;
3) A high TRP achieved because of the majority Hindu viewership. (TRP, or target rating point, is a metric used in marketing and advertising to indicate the percentage of the target audience reached by a campaign or advertisement through a communication medium);
4) Funding by big business houses, which might be chummy with a particular party which supports their growth and in return they support that party;
5) Ownership or stakes of certain BJP and RSS leaders, MPs and supporters in some of these TV channels;
6) Owners’ political connections or affiliations with the BJP and RSS;
7) A huge revenue earned from government advertisements which these channels receive in return for their pro-BJP/RSS/government policies;
8) Commercial interests of these channels as business entities rather than as social service non-governmental organisations;
9) Government advisories/directives and restrictions on news presentation;
10) Fear of being targeted by the government for failure to toe the line.
Let’s take a close look at what these Hindutva TV channels are, who owns or runs them and what are their policies.
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HIS MASTER’S VOICE…Republic TV’s Arnab Goswami interviews Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Credit: narendramodi.in
English Networks
Republic TV — This news channel was co-founded and is majority-owned by a 47-year-old Assamese, Arnab Ranjan Goswami. He is also the channel’s editor and news anchor. Earlier, he was the editor-in-chief and a news anchor of Times Now and ET Now.
The channel is infamous for its brazen support for the BJP and RSS. Arnab is noted for his opinionated reporting in favour of the BJP and RSS and their Hindutva push across a wide spectrum of situations, including uncritically reproducing government narratives, avoiding criticism of BJP/RSS figures, and presenting their political opponents in a negative light. He very clearly, cleverly and shamelessly shows his bias. No one can beat him in spreading hatred and fake news.
Arnab is the son of Manoranjan Goswami, an army man who later joined the BJP, and a maternal nephew of Siddhartha Bhattacharya, who is a BJP MLA and minister in Assam’s state government.
Launched in 2017, Republic TV was partly funded by, among others, Asianet News (ARG Outlier Asianet News Private Limited), which was primarily funded by Rajeev Chandrasekhar, then an independent member of Rajya Sabha with intricate links with the BJP and vice-chairman of the NDA in Kerala.
Son of an air force officer, Chandrasekhar, however, resigned from the Asianet board after he officially joined the BJP in April 2018 and was elected as a BJP MP.
Republic TV has been accused of propagating fake news and running several news items based on the defamatory tweets posted by certain BJP leaders. It has also been convicted of breaching telecommunication regulatory and news broadcasting rules, leading to censures and subject to a high-profile defamation case by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor.
The channel is described by experts as a “noisy, chaotic place where coherent debate without shouting, screaming and name-calling is impossible”. Its shows have been dubbed a “battle of babble”, judgmental, brash and hawkish.
It has even been compared to North Korean media for its extreme pro-government affinity and muzzling of dissent, and America’s Fox News which practises biased reporting in favour of the Republican Party.
Prominent among these pro-BJP/RSS news outlets are English television channels Republic TV, Times Now, India Today and CNN-News18, and Hindi TV channels Zee News, ABP News, Aaj Tak, India TV, Sudershan News, News Nation and News24 (India). The term “godi media” was coined for these channels by journalist Ravish Kumar of NDTV. He inherently spoke of the lap of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government and its lapdogs
Times Now – Owned and operated by The Times Group (Bennett, Coleman and Company Limited), this channel always wants to go with the winning horse. Previously generally neutral, it has turned pro-BJP since the election of the Modi government. Anchor and managing editor Navika Kumar froths and fumes each time someone is critical of the BJP, but loses her interrogating prowess whenever given the rare chance to interview Modi or Home Minister Amit Shah.
With Arnab, the channel was ultra-BJP and ultra-nationalist; after he left it, it has become a lot more ultra-nationalist and outright BJP supporter. One wonders if this change of stance is because its chairperson, Indu Jain, was awarded Padma Bhushan by the Modi government in 2016.
India Today — Owned by Living India Media Group (India Today Group), the channel was launched in 2003 as a sister channel of the Hindi news channel AajTak. It is one of the four news channels from the TV Today Network stable, the other two being Tez and Delhi AajTak. Aroon Purie is the group’s chairman.
Top journalists associated with India Today TV channel are Rajdeep Sardesai and Rahul Kanwal. While Rajdeep is anti-BJP, Rahul has tried to lean a lot to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Although India Today is a “fence-sitting” channel, in the last one or two years it has clearly tilted towards the BJP.
Rahul and his India Today team had severely lobbied against the BJP and its students wing Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP ) over the Shaheen Bagh and Jamia Millia Islamia shooting incidents. He was also quick to point fingers at BJP leader Anurag Thakur and claim that Delhi was sitting on a powder keg.
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Narendra Modi with Mukesh Ambani at the convocation of Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University in 2013 when the former was chief minister of Gujarat (Photo – Website of Narendra Modi)
CNN News 18 is owned by billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries, considered close to PM Modi. The channel was originally owned by Network18 Group, which was taken over by Reliance Industries in 2014. The group owns as many as 65 channels
In an apparent punishment for his “biased” reporting in favour of AAP, Rahul was sent on a “sabbatical”. Since his return, he seems to have dropped his determination to follow in the footsteps of Rajdeep and joined the bandwagon of the godi media anchors.
CNN-News18 — This channel is owned by billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries, hence no words are required to explain its bias against Muslims and the less privileged Hindus. This channel was originally owned by Network18 Group, which was founded by businessman and investor Raghav Bahl in 2011 but was taken over by Reliance Industries in 2014.
The group owns as many as 65 channels: one national English news channel, one national Hindi news channel and 14 regional language news channels; three national and one regional business news channels, three Hindi entertainment channels, two Hindi movie channels, two youth channels, four English and Hindi music channels, four kids English and Hindi entertainment channels, four factual entertainment channels, two shopping channels, 14 regional entertainment channels, and 10 upcoming regional news and other channels.
Hindi Channels
Among the most biased and anti-Muslim and po-BJP/RSS Hindi TV news channels and their anchors are:
Zee News — This is one of the several Hindi, English and vernacular news channels owned by the Essel Group. The channel’s owner, Subhash Chandra, became a Rajya Sabha member with the BJP’s support. Hence, he definitely needs to give something back to the party by promoting its Hindutva agenda and launching an anti-Muslim tirade.
Sudhir Chaudhary is the channel’s editor-in-chief and the anchor of its prime time. He is the Hindi version of Republic TV’s Arnab as he openly supports the BJP, RSS and Modi. A few years ago, Sudhir was arrested for allegedly trying to extort one billion Indian rupees (approximately US$23 million) from the Jindal Group. Since then, some people call him Sudhir “Tihari” because he was lodged in Delhi’s maximum-security Tihar Jail in the extortion case.
Zee News has been involved in broadcasting fabricated news stories on multiple occasions. Most recently, it aired an unverified and false report on the coronavirus and linked it to Tablighi Jamaat, and later expressed regrets for running the false report.
India TV – This channel was launched by Rajat Sharma and his wife Ritu Dhawan in 2004 from a studio in FilmCity in Noida, near Delhi. Sharma is the chairman and editor-in-chief of India TV, a subsidiary of Independent News Service which was co-founded by the couple in 1997. During his college days, Sharma was a member of ABVP. He and the late finance minister Arun Jaitley were very close friends.
India TV is biased, too. It conceals plenty of news that would make headlines. It doesn’t show fake news but is selective in its presentation of news according to its political impact. When Sharma was asked a question about his channel’s integrity in the United States in view of his friendship with Jaitley, he got infuriated. An otherwise calm person, he was all irritated and critical of the person who asked it.
According to tech analyst Amol Raj Pandey, when Sharma “was ousted from his FilmCity office by Century Comm, his new office was completely funded by the BJP. India TV kept on working as BJP propaganda unit after that.” He further says the most important point to show this is — he was awarded Padma Bhushan for literature, although he never wrote a single literary piece. However, he wrote fiction for the BJP during its election campaign.
In 2015, Sharma was awarded Padma Bhushan by the BJP government for his contribution in the field of journalism. Last month, he was conferred with an honorary doctorate in of literature by the Nainital-based Kumaun University. All this explains his unstinted support for the BJP and RSS.
AajTak — Owned by Arun Purie’s India Today Group, AajTak has some of the most poisonous anchors — Anjana Om Kashyap, Rohit Sardana and Sweta Singh — known for their vitriolic attacks against Muslims and spreading communal hatred. The trio routinely indulge in Muslim-bashing, while showcasing a ­deferential surrender to anything the BJP does.
A former Zee News and News24 journalist, Anjana has been engaged in aggressively propagating Hindutva-centred ideologies and biased reporting in favour of the BJP across a variety of situations. She has spread fake news via her news shows on multiple occasions. A favourite of Modi, she was one of the few reporters who were allowed an interview by Modi in the run-up to the 2019 general election. Rohit Sardana tops the list of the worst journalists sponsored by the right wing.
ABP News — Owned by Bengali journalist Aveek Sarkar of the pro-BJP ABP Group, this channel is the reincarnation of Star News. Earlier, ABP News used to be neutral, but it turned pro-BJP a couple of years ago. This came after the Modi government objected to criticism of the BJP by some ABP News journalists including Punya Prasoon Vajpyee and Abhisar Sharma in their Master Stroke show. After the channel took action against these journalists, Rubika Liyaquat became the commander-in-chief of its news anchors. A former Zee New anchor, Rubika joined ABP News in 2018. A Muslim, she is disliked by many for her angry rhetoric against Muslim leaders called by the channel for debates on TV.
Sudarshan News — This channel disseminates anti-Muslim content and manufactures fake news with communal overtones, earning it tiltles such as “bigot” and “dangerous”.
Its chairman, Suresh Chavhanke, was a long-term RSS volunteer and associated with ABVP. He asserts practicing ideology-driven journalism and prefers that the news programmes over his channel be viewed as opinionated campaigns.
In April 2017, he was arrested for inciting communal hatred through multiple episodes of a flagship programme. Recently, Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren ordered state police to take action against Chavhanke for his communal hate speeches.
News Nation — Owned by News Nation Network Pvt Ltd, this channel’s consulting editor Deepak Chaurasia has an inclination towards the BJP and is known as a puppet of Modi. Portuguese politician and political scientist Bruno Macaes compared Chaurasia’s journalism to Fox News, which has often been criticised for being extremely vocal in its support of the Republicans and President Donald Trump.
India 24 (India) — Owned by B.A.G. Films and Media Limited, this channel is promoted by Anuradha Prasad, sister of BJP minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, along with her husband, Congress politician Rajeev Shukla. Its anchor Amish Devgan has modelled himself on Republic TV’s Arnab and routinely indulges in Muslim-bashing.
All the above channels are Pro-BJP because they need government advertisments for revenue to operate. And most of their anchors and journalists are enamoured by Modi’s “superman image ” created by his online fans. As they aren’t bold enough to go against this fan club fearing trolling and reprisals, they find it easy to ride with the wind.
In this media environment, can Muslims expect to be heard and their case to be pleaded by these biased media houses? They have to either put up with this or mull over focusing on creating their own media giants. There’s no dearth of financial and other resources, technical expertise and journalistic talent in the community. All that is needed are sincerity, will and resolve to start own TV news channels.
— The writer is a senior journalist based in Singapore. He can be reached at [email protected].
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bigyack-com · 5 years
From nation-state to state-nation - analysis
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Is India a “nation-state” or a “state-nation”? This may seem like semantics, but the answer will determine India’s democratic future. In their 2011 book, Crafting State-Nations: India and other Multinational Democracies, political scientists Juan Linz, Alfred Stepan, and Yogendra Yadav argued that ethnically diverse societies have one of two options when balancing the twin objectives of nation-building and democracy-building. One route is the construction of a nation-state in which the political boundaries of the State mirror the cultural boundaries of the nation. The historian Eugen Weber famously described how French leaders in the wake of the Revolution transformed “peasants into Frenchmen” by moulding a common cultural, linguistic, and national identity that was uniquely — and exclusively — French.But for societies that possess strong cultural diversity, at least some of which is territorially based and backed by strong sub-national identities, the nation-state model is ineffective at best and counterproductive at worst. For these complex cases, Linz, Stepan, and Yadav suggest an alternative path — what they term a “state-nation”. Whereas a nation-state insists on alignment between the boundaries of the State and nation, a state-nation allows for a multiplicity of “imagined communities” to coexist beneath a single democratic roof. It recognises that citizens can have multiple, overlapping identities that need not detract from a larger sense of national unity.Although the Constituent Assembly debates did not frame arguments in precisely these terms, India’s founders grappled with this choice between a unitary Indian nation-state or a flexible state-nation. They shied away from the prevailing European model not out of weakness, but rather a conviction that India’s unprecedented diversity could not be corralled into such a hegemonic framework. The power and force of this idea of India was that there was, in fact, no single idea of India. Citizens could belong to an Indian “nation” but also express their pride as Tamils, Urdu-speakers, Hindus or Yadavs. The ability to possess multiple, complementary identities was a key element of the state-nation model, but not the only one. Asymmetric federalism, an embrace of individual rights and collective recognition, and a belief in political integration without cultural assimilation were also critical. Most of India’s social cleavages — caste, region, and language — do not pose an existential threat to democratic balancing, thanks to their cross-cutting nature. The only cleavage that can be reduced to a bipolar majority-minority contest is religion. Indeed, advocates of Hindu nationalism have consistently expressed unease with the state-nation model. VD Savarkar’s maxim of “Hindu, Hindi, Hindustan” mirrored European-style nationalism based on religious identity, common language, and racial unity. Loyalty to the nation — in this case, the Hindu nation — was paramount. The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) 2014 electoral triumph laid the groundwork for Hindu nationalism’s resurgence and its present ideological hegemony. In the eyes of Hindu nationalists, India’s Hindu identity is not only important on its own terms, but also because it has the potential to foster the kind of coherent national community needed for stability at home and recognition abroad. Since being re-elected in 2019, the BJP has moved with an impressive clarity of purpose in implementing this vision. The abrogation of Article 370 undermines the promise of asymmetric federalism. The fact that asymmetric arrangements in India’s Northeast remain untouched creates the perception that such an accommodation was verboten in Jammu and Kashmir because it was India’s only Muslim-majority state. In November, the Supreme Court delivered a second longstanding BJP objective in its Babri Masjid judgment. Although the verdict was the product of judicial, not executive, action, the ruling was widely seen as a foregone conclusion. This feeling of inevitability had little to do with the legal merits of the case, but rather the political context in which it was adjudicated.And last week, Parliament passed the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which grants expedited citizenship to non-Muslim religious minorities originating from three of India’s neighbours. It is impossible to view this legislation without recognising its connection to the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam. Frustrated by the fact that a large proportion of the 1.9 million residents left off the NRC rolls are Hindus, the BJP has pledged to move the CAB in order to end their purgatory. In fact, the party has campaigned on implementing an NRC on a nation-wide basis. These moves suggest a departure from the state-nation model. But India’s political leadership should think long and hard before uprooting the negotiated framework that has made India the envy of the democratic world. Of the handful of longstanding multinational federal democracies, only India lacks an advanced industrial economy.This does not mean India’s model is flawless. The unusual definition of Indian secularism — whereby the State maintains a principled distance from all religious faiths, as opposed to a clear firewall — may have run its course. The opportunistic violation of this doctrine by secular politicians has hollowed out its core. Similarly, it might be time to revisit the idea of separate personal laws for different religious faiths. While one option is to usher in a uniform civil code, another possibility — as Yadav has recently argued — is retaining separate family laws while removing their illiberal provisions.In 1947, if forced to wager, political analysts would have bet that Sri Lanka — not India — would emerge as South Asia’s democratic success story. It boasted better human development indicators, higher per capita income, and fewer politically sensitive social cleavages. As India was busy building its state-nation, Linz, Stepan and Yadav note that Sri Lanka was lured down the nation-state path by the siren song of religious hegemony, linguistic uniformity, and cultural assimilation. Sri Lanka’s majoritarian experiment is a protracted tragedy that still haunts the island nation. The push to redefine India as a nation-state could lead the country down a similarly precarious road, one whose enduring consequences Indians only need to look southward to grasp.Milan Vaishnav is senior fellow and director of the South Asia program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DCThe views expressed are personal Read the full article
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