#one of those prompts that is awesome for fanart
pethfics · 7 months
ZUTARA WEEK 2021 (Catch-up), Day Two: Disguised
Title: Unceremonious Unmasking Summary: Sometimes, the most elaborate masks were also the subtlest. People had developed so many ways of concealing themselves beyond just changing their appearance, and it was these quirks that Toph loved to explore. Read on FF.net
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erin8411 · 23 days
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That One Annoying Sibling
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Main Prompt: "Stop touching me!" // "I’m not touching you!" (Week 13)
Alt. Prompt: Lula (Week 8)
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Crosshair: Stop touching me, Wrecker!
Wrecker: I‘m not touching you, Lula is!
In TBB S1E1 Wrecker whacked Lula several times in Crosshair‘s face and I‘m sure it wasn’t for the first time. So here is cadet Wrecker, grating Crosshair by touching him with stuffie Lula. The latter tells his older brother to stop -- not a chance! And technically, it’s only Lula who touches Cross.
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It‘s been such a long time since I’ve last drawn something. And when I looked at Summer of Bad Batch prompts, I was internally debating, if I should try it.
Me: Hey, look at all those entries! So many awesome ideas. Why not draw something too? It looks fun.
Also me: Maybe later. I‘m not feeling up to it.
And it only took me the whole summer and early September to finally grab my pencil and become active for a turn. Played with a filter afterwards so that the colors appear more washed out like on one of those old instant photos.
It’s simple and I like it. And it feels good to draw something without pressuring myself to make an outstanding creation. Self-pressure often kills that little motivation I have.
(Funny fact, this is the first time I created some fanart for TBB series.)
I got inspired by @locitapurplepink's
and the last two seconds from High Ground Animation‘s "CLONES - The Clone Wars Fan Animation Compilation". That eye-roll is so good.
(Seriously, when I first watched the clip, I didn’t realized it was fan-made. I thought, I can‘t remember that particular cutout, where in the TCW series is it?)
Aaand that wraps it up. Thank you for dropping by.
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cagebladeweek · 5 months
CageBlade 2024 Info!
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[image credits to @asweetlovesong - thank you again, so much, for doing the banner!]
Event Info
Dates: 17-23 June (Mon-Sun)
All forms of fanworks will be accepted - fanfic, fanart, gifset, playlist whatever it may be! 
If we somehow missed your post after the end of the event, let us know so we can reblog it! We might be a little slow on the day-to-day but we don’t want to miss anything. The only things we won’t be reblogging are NSFW with minors and explicit noncon. We will reblog late posts.
Make sure to tag your posts with #cagebladeweek (within the first 5 tags, thanks algorithm) and/or @ this blog so we can find and reblog everything.
Participate one day or every day - it doesn’t matter! If you post on an external site (AO3, FFN, DeviantArt) please at least drop a link here so we can reblog it and promote it. There will be an AO3 Collection started closer to the date.
Day 1: reunion / answers
Day 2: challenge / night and day
Day 3: clothing / hourglass
Day 4: growth / storm
Day 5: celebration / survival
Day 6: disaster / an AU of your choice
Day 7: Free Day!
You may interpret these prompts as strictly or as loosely as your heart desires. You can stick as close or as wide from the prompts as you want. Want to combine two? Go for it! Want to have some other characters cameo or tell a more ensemble tale? Sure - as long as it has Sonya and Johnny at the heart of it.
If you have any questions about prompts and submissions, send us an ask here! We look forward to seeing all the wonderful contributions!
1) Do I have to write in English?: No, you do not! This is a multi-language-friendly event. Post in your language of choice and users can machine translate if neededl. If you choose to write in one language and later post translations to English, those translations can also be added to the AO3 collection.
2) Can I write an OT3 fic?: The mods support polyamorous shipping, this week is for CageBlade specifically. We'd like that contributions focus on Sonya & Johnny's relationship.
3) Well, what if I write a breakup fic and have them hook up with other people? It's still CageBlade, right?: Not for this event. This week is a celebration of CageBlade and how awesome they are together. Want to give us some hurt/comfort, breakup & reconciliation, sure! Whump? Go wild! But we want to see them coming together and realizing how great they are as a couple.
4) What if I don’t like any of the prompts and have ideas of my own?: Then go ahead and write them! Want to explore their friendship before they hooked up? Want to write all AUs? Do you have some art ideas you’re just itching for an excuse to post and draw? Go wild.
Reblogs welcome. If you want to share it off tumblr, we have a Notion site now that we'll be updating with links to the collection, etc. as well as here.
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sofasoap · 1 year
Love at first sight - life and death
Pairing: Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra x F!reader ( aka Mini MacTavish)
Summary: Life doesn't always play a fair game. Takes place after Epilogue of the main series.
Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,Part 5,Part 6,Epilogue
Warning: M Rating. inaccuracies to medical and military related. discussion of injuries. ANGST.
A/N: Thanks @gamergirlbones helping me with Spanish phrases. and to @siilvan for putting up with me for breaking her heart. not beta nor properly proofread. sorry.
Part of RUDY FEST fic. Thank you @glitterypirateduck the wonderful CoD fanfic and fanart curator for organising another festival :D you are awesome. Prompt used: I'm not leaving you, You have to leave, your life's in danger
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How ironic. 
The rescuer needs to be rescued. 
Your ears are ringing, vision blurred with all the dust in the air. Without looking down, you know you are bleeding out. 
Slowly turning towards your left, you can see two of your fellow medics lying motionless on the ground. 
Are they still alive? If not… 
Who are their next of kin? Oh, you need to retrieve their dog tags. The paper work.. 
Ouch. Why does it hurt so much? That’s right.. You are injured. But where?  
“MINI! Stay with me!” 
You know that voice. But where is he? 
“Oh, hello love. There you are.” you replied, blinking your eyes a few times, trying to flush out the blood that is currently blurring your vision. Finally you spotted the owner of the voice.“ You shouldn’t be here.It’s not safe.” Bit of deja vu? Last time this happened, you were the one who was on the other side, trying frantically to save Rudy’s life. How the tables have turned. 
“I am not leaving you.” Rudy replied adamantly, with a hint of panic as his eyes scanned your body, and the surroundings. “You are going to be ok, cariño, I promise. Stay with me. Please.” he pleaded as he started to open his emergency med kit, doing whatever he can to save his love from dying in front of him. 
“Go. Don’t worry about me.” You tried to lift your arm, but you couldn’t. That’s when you notice half of your body and arm are pinned underneath the boulder and debris. 
“Oh.That’s not good.” you try to laugh, but all you could manage was a shuddered breath. “You muppet, of course it’s not good.” A lower, grumpier voice joined in. “How can you still be laughing in this situation?” 
“Oh, hello,Captain.” You slurred. It’s harder and harder to keep your speech and head straight. “You have to leave, your life's in danger. Take that man with you too, while you are there.” you jerked your head towards Rudy, who is currently radioing for medevac, causing a pounding headache. Everything is starting to hurt. It’s getting so hard to breathe. You thought. 
“Tell Soap and the team I love them…” you wheezed as you tried to convey your last messages to Price. “Tell Soap I’m sorry I ate his chocolate cookies….” “Stop giving out your last words. Medevac is on their way.” he reassures you, or is he trying to reassure himself? The sadness you can see through his eyes, you know you are probably not going to get out of this. 
“What.. is.. them…are my teammates ok?” you look at the two bodies again, worrying. “We can’t lose those two.. They are the best we got…” tears start to flow out. They are your brother and sister in arms, three of you have been through countless life and death situations. Is this where the three of you will partway?
“They are still breathing, last time we checked. We don’t want to move them. Worry about yourself first, cariño. Just concentrate on your breathing.” Rudy replied as he caressed your hair, soothing you. You always love his hand, how calming it is, how safe it makes you feel. 
“Oh good.” you slowly close your eyes. At least someone will stay alive today. 
“Come on, keep your eyes open for me, cariño, talk to me.” Rudy’s voice is getting desperate, trying to keep you awake until the medevac arrives. The help just doesn’t seem to come fast enough. He can’t lose you. Not here, not now, not for another long time to come.
“Hey Rudy.” “Yes love.”
“Do you remember the day we first met?”
“Of course cariño. How could I forget?”
“Hey Rudy.”
“Yes mi vida.”
“You love me??”
“Of course.Mi corazón late por ti”.
The last thing you heard before you sank into the complete darkness was the anguish cry of Rudy, screaming out for you. 
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Mi corazón late por ti : My heart beats for you.
NOTE: Sorry it's a short one. I am just so tired from work conferences and travelling. part 2 might not come out in time for end of Rudy fest :(
Tag list :
@jynxmirage, @siilvan
@glitterypirateduck, @homicidal-slvt
@sprout-fics @cumikering @preciouslittlecreature @crazymela
@liyanahelena @abbeyrjm-blog @alypink @devcica @nrdmssgs
@okayyadriana @caramlizedtomatoes @random-thot-generator @random0lover
@nightingal3-tales, @deakyspuff
@deadbranch, @roosterr, @gamergirlbones, @b1rds3ye, @writeforfandoms @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @onewattson6529
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marshal-huntress · 7 months
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▶ Date : March 29 - 31 2024 ▶ Hosted by : The Kotaloy Sanctuary (@marshal-huntress)
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Here comes the sunnier days for our blorbos! 🌸
The first Kotaloy Days event: Spring in my Heart 2024 will run from from 29th to 31st of March with those Prompts:
- DAY 1 - ▷ Flower crown ▷ Alternative Prompt : “What are you staring at?”
- DAY 2 - ▷ Lingering glances ▷ Alternative Prompt : “I just want to lay here all day”
- DAY 3 - ▷ Waterfall ▷ Alternative Prompt : “I really missed this”
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Anyone is welcome to join, whether you’re part of The Sanctuary or not! You can do both prompts, mix both, do either for each day or even all of them in one mix, in any medium!
We’ll be using the tag #Kotaloy Spring Event for every post related to this prompt. On AO3, you can put your fics in ‘The Kotaloy Sanctuary events’ collection.
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▶ Guidelines :
🔸Please, use the tag #Kotaloy Spring Event, in the first five tags, so we can have a higher chance to find your post and reblog. You can also use #theKotaloySanctuary, #MarshalHuntress or you can ping us @marshal-huntress.
🔹You can interpret the prompts as any way you wish! As long it’s Kotallo and Aloy.
🔸Any medium is very welcomed! Fanfics, fanarts, videos, VP edits, gifsets, playlists, headcanons, and more!
🔹NSFW works is acceptable but be careful with tumblr’s rules about those if you’re planning to post them here.
🔸There are no submission deadlines! Even if you’re late, we will reblog your entry.
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We will do a Masterpost for each event, so no worries if you ever missed the awesome entries.
If you have any questions concerning the event, feel free to send an ask! We’re looking forward to everyone’s creation!
Enjoy! 🌸
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fyeahghosttrick · 1 year
Ghost swap - 1 emergency pinch hit
Can anyone pick up one of these prompts asap? Please reply privately via message or ask if you want to work on this, the sooner the better. Details under readmore
Recipient: okiroash
Format: Fanart or fanfiction
found family, angst, fluff, humor/silly.. basically almost anything that's related to those (hurt/comfort, friendship, etc..) I also love psychology related things,, a tiny bit of horror, and anything dream-like, they're awesome Canon divergence is OK! I really like things that weren't expanded much in the game or simply new scenarios,, compared to scenes that have already been shown ingame (doesn't mean I dislike it though!!)
romance............ (OK if it's not the main focus, canon pairs only) no nsfw/sexual content please
[for this and the other prompts, it's super fine to put other characters!!]
Yomiel feeling cat!sissel's fur for the very first time
Yomiel just being a dad/uncle to cat!sissel or to kamila, hell even lynne
an exploration/depiction of yomiel's loneliness, even if he has cat!sissel he is still *disconnected* from people..
ok I kinda feel bad for all the yomiel centered prompts so here's this:
[post game] sissel slowly gaining in popularity through the people he saved, they are from the detectives' cases "have you heard about the cat? if you've seen it, then you must have died"
back to yomiel 😦 AU where Cabanela/Jowd crosses path with Yomiel 3 years after the park incident, will they confront him? maybe he'll get thrown into the scp jail /j or something more angsty.. it's up to you
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bcbdrums · 1 year
I see it much more likely for Ron to turn into a full blown villain than Kim.
I can even see Shego having a redemption (highly unlikely) before Kim turning to villainy.
If somebody wants to make a fanfic or an Au that’s fine, but there’s nothing in the show that supports that. And like you said is very suspicious that this asks tend to lean toward Kigo.
And I bet there’s plenty of fanfics with that premise already. Also why so many ask like these on a blog that is focused on Drakgo?
to answer the latter first lol, it's fine i'm happy with any and all KP-related asks (except those trolls and pedos those ppl can leave...notice how i didn't answer those ones).
fanfic is awesome in how we can explore possibilities... personally i love seeing all the different turns on a single situation. such as, Emotion Sickness aftermath. it was out there a couple of years ago as a fic prompt and lots of people responded both with fanfic and fan art and boy oh boy was that amazing. so much creativity in the fandom! such diversity of thought and opinion! i loved seeing new ideas i hadn't conceived of as potential outcomes to that sitch, because...let's face it. nearly all people's creative output is going to come from...their experiences, their biases, their personal world view. which is 100% okay, fine, good, great. let it be so. let all thoughts and opinions and creative explorations be put out there. so for me it was amazing to see all the different spins on a single concept. one person's fanart even inspired me to write fic for the sitch. and that's another thing i love, is how creativity and new ideas can...spark deeper creativity and new ideas in others.
fandom can be awesome.
so back on topic... while canonically i completely agree with you, i definitely see Ron turning to evil or Shego being redeemed before i see Kim turning to villainy, i'd love if someone wrote it convincingly! so far the things i've seen on the topic are pretty self-insert though and thus out of character. for me, it's not convincing. but that doesn't mean those tales shouldn't exist! let all the creative explorations happen.
but yeah for Kim to be Kim, she cannot have a moral flaw. not one that matters. i read an outstanding meta just the other day which is here (click that link!) that says it better than i ever could. but yeah, canonically Kim just...wouldn't turn evil. there's not too much to discuss. but i can see Ron going the evil route for selfish reasons, Shego going good...also for self-serving reasons...
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I will study how to draw 2k3 turtles for you
For I wish to draw fanart of the radio fic when it comes out
“When it comes out” man that really makes me remember that I gotta work on it ahsjdjgkgn ^^’ I have so many ideas and some of them are a little shorter so those might come out sooner (I have. More than one fic that’s legit just Donnie having a breakdown about events of sainw. I didn’t even notice that that episode had me in a grip like that wtf) but seeing people so excited about it is definitely prompting me to actually work on it!
The hardest part’s gonna be figuring out the overarching plot (there is one I just need to y’know. Sand the edges down, polish it a little) but the moment that’s done I’m gonna be able to post the first three chapters which are already finished, so we’re gonna get there eventually I swear :D
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veilchenjaeger · 2 years
It's that time of the year again and this is my SXX Exchange letter! Just keep scrolling if u see this on the dashboard!
Hello, nameless friend! (And hello mod who might check this for matching reasons!) Thank you for joining me at the Yi City campfire! The following novella contains some hopefully helpful information on what to get at the farmers' market and inspiration for what you could make for dinner. I hope you won't have to threaten any potato merchants! ||-)
General DNW:
Incest (Mentions of Jin Guangyao and Qin Su are okay, but nothing explicit, please.)
Anything to do with age play or DDLG
Explicit underage sex or adult/underage relationships
Noncon between the main ship if there’s a happy ending
A/B/O or animalistic traits
Bathroom kinks or emetophilia
Feminisation as a kink
PWP (I’m a lesbian and don’t enjoy porn about men for the porn’s sake, so I prefer my smut plotty/with a focus on feelings.)
Quick “fixes” for disabilities (e.g. Song Lan magically getting a new tongue instead of learning how to speak without one)
First person POV or POV switches within the same scene (I’m always confused when that happens. POV switches in separate scenes are very cool tho!)
A’ight here come the oddly specific ones:
Violent sex or sexy punching/fistfighting/whatever you call that, especially involving Song Lan. (Rough sex is fine, especially between Xuexiao!) Generally, portrayals of Song Lan as an aggressive or violent person are not my vibe.
Fics set in the US.
Mean Dom (or generally mean) Xiao Xingchen or Song Lan. (Xue Yang can be as mean as he likes. He’s a free spirit who does what he wants.)
Exclusive sub Xue Yang.
General likes:
Mysophobic Song Lan
Blind Xiao Xingchen
Xue Yang being a terrible person <3
A-Qing is one of my favourite characters in MDZS and I adore her (potential) dynamics with all of the Yi City boys, so if she fits into the story/art, I’d love to see her!
Closed triangle SXX :,) <3
Songxiao’s BDE (Big Divorced Energy), no matter whether they’re exes or still/back together.
I periodically go feral over how Songxue spent all those years together in Yi City and thus probably know each other pretty well, and how they and A-Qing are the only ones left who loved Xiao Xingchen. I love odd Songxue companionship, is what I’m saying.
Catharsis and tenderness born from pain, and any mixture of dark themes and softness.
Found families and close platonic relationships.
Non-sexual (and non-physical!) intimacy. Not that sexual intimacy isn’t great too, of course.
Genderbends! (In the “All of them are always women” sense.) Feel free to make SXX girls for any of the prompts.
I vibe with both novel and CQL canon as well as amalgamations of the two.
Any setting/AU is good! My personal favourites are canon verse/jianghu, historical settings (especially if they teach me something about that period in time), and Modern/Modern with Cultivation, but if inspiration strikes for, like, a SciFi AU, that’s cool.
Dead doves are fine! I currently kinda prefer happy endings, but I’m also not opposed to being hurt if you have a really cool idea to hurt me with.
Kisses. Honestly, if you just give me a sketch/1000 words of them kissing, I’m happy.
A word for a nameless artist friend:
My brain is extremely focused on storytelling, which is probably obvious from how I write prompts. I adore fanart so, so much tho and I want to make sure you, hypothetical artist friend, aren’t overwhelmed by the storytelling focus, hence this section. Anything inspired by the prompts would be awesome to see, whether it’s something with the same aesthetic or a scene from one of the prompted scenarios. Pick and choose whatever vibes or details inspire you; I’m excited to see the results.
Art-specific general likes (though I like all art): Intimate moments and intimate touches, visible emotions, fashion designs, symbolism and compositions with Meaning that I can analyse like an art historian, fun homages to aesthetics like Tarot cards or Art Nouveau or, idk, medieval altar paintings, and yet again the kisses.
The requests for your convenience:
All of the details included in these prompts are meant to inspire, not to limit you! Feel free to ignore what doesn't work for you.
Request 1: Xue Yang re-ignites Songxiao’s passion for their old dream
I so want to see Songxuexiao sit around the Yi City campfire (or somewhere else), discuss politics and ethics together, and collectively bitch about the Great Sects. That's enough of a prompt already, but I picture the following scenario:
Things in Yi City have somehow worked out in everyone’s favour, no one is dead, and Songxuexiao and A-Qing have decided on some sort of truce. (Whether or not it already involves SXX kisses is up to you.) However, the events leading up to this fragile peace have left Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan disillusioned, and although they are slowly rebuilding their relationship, they no longer believe in their old dream of founding a sect. The fact that they did go through a divorce and have grown apart in the process probably doesn’t help.
Enter Xue Yang, who has strong opinions on the established sects being hypocritical bastards and the backstory to back those opinions up. Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen are shocked to find out that they agree on a lot when it comes to politics, although they obviously have vastly different approaches to reacting to this unjust system. Even worse – discussing this with Xue Yang (and possibly finding out about Chang Ci’an) lights a spark of old passion – surely someone should DO something about this – and suddenly someone’s having persistent thoughts of sect-building again.
Optional wants:
It might be fun if initially, only one daozhang experienced a Xue Yang-induced activism relapse – especially if it’s Song Lan; just imagine him reacting to the fact that Xue fucking Yang made him feel like he could make a difference in the world again.
The results of all this (Songxuexiao sect?? Dreams of one? Taking the first steps towards building one?) would also be very fun to look at, especially for the art side of things.
Request 2: Song Lan and Xue Yang take care of a distressed Xiao Xingchen
That’s it, that’s the prompt. I have a specific scenario in mind (see below), but if inspiration strikes in a different way, go wild.
I’m imagining a setting where Xiao Xingchen is pretty fragile and questioning his ability to be a good person, and Xue Yang is sort of aware of how fragile Xiao Xingchen is and knows that he doesn’t want to lose him. So, post-fix-it Yi City or something the like? Where Xiao Xingchen is either back from the dead or got very close to shattering himself? It can also be an AU with similar vibes, of course.
The idea is that Xiao Xingchen fucks up and accidentally really hurts Song Lan and/or Xue Yang. Because he’s Xiao Xingchen and his entire self-image is built around being a good and helpful person, he can’t deal with that at all. (This is the guy who ripped his own eyes out and then left Song Lan on a celestial mountain to make up for something that wasn’t his fault, and also the guy who didn’t kill Xue Yang but shattered his own soul upon learning that he’d been tricked into doing awful things! He’s a mess!) Anyways, I’d like to see Song Lan and Xue Yang deal with that by gathering up the puddle that is Xiao Xingchen and showing him – in their own odd ways – that he’s forgiven, he’s loved, and he’s allowed to make one (1) mistake every now and then.
Optional wants:
Song Lan and Xue Yang having very different styles of comforting Xiao Xingchen, and both of those maybe not working super well! Xue Yang probably hasn’t comforted anyone in his life! His goal is to make Xiao Xingchen happy again (so that Xiao Xingchen doesn’t do stupid things like shattering his soul) and otherwise he’s completely out of his depth! Song Lan’s sort of idealized image of Xiao Xingchen might not be super helpful either! It might be fun if they’d both fail on their own, but manage to make it work together. Two negatives make a positive.
I’d love to see that very odd careful/caretaking side of Xue Yang that he shows when he’s cleaning Xiao Xingchen’s corpse or offering A-Qing advice on how to take revenge on her enemies.
Generally, I like Hurt/Comfort and complicated emotions better than pure fluff, so lean into the angst if you want to.
An A-Qing can be freely added to this scenario.
Request 3: Xiao Xingchen comes down from the mountain, but it’s the 21st century
Everything’s the same: Xiao Xingchen, disciple of the immortal Baoshan Sanren, leaves the celestial mountain never to return, hoping to be able to help the people of the world – only that it’s 2022 (or 1950 or another year of your choosing) and he ends up in modern China. Baoshan Sanren’s mountain, meanwhile, is firmly stuck in ancient ways, and Xiao Xingchen has thus never even heard of electricity. Cue one confused Xiao Xingchen, on his own in this strange world until he runs into some handsome boys (and possibly a cheeky girl), an equally confused Song Lan who’d like to get this beautiful man a goddamn ID, and a probably delighted Xue Yang who just gained a new, very ethereal toy.
Optional wants/further musings:
I adore Modern with Cultivation settings and thinking about how a world where ghosts and demonic beings are an observable part of reality might be different from our own, so if you like that, too, I’d love some worldbuilding details.
Wei Wuxian might be fun to add as a supporting character! I enjoy the thought of him and Xiao Xingchen being friends, and Xiao Xingchen might try to look for his shijie’s son? That’s like, super optional tho.
I’m imagining this with Ghibli vibes/visuals. No idea why and this as well is super optional, but maybe it’s inspiring.
Request 4: Resurrected (?) Xiao Xingchen is miserable, and Song Lan tries to bring back Xue Yang
Somehow (Wei Wuxian? An old plan of Xue Yang’s? Time and patience?), Xiao Xingchen’s soul gets restored and he is resurrected. Song Lan gets to apologise, Songxiao get to travel the world together again, it’s all Song Lan hadn’t dared to hope for in his wildest dreams. The only problem is that Xiao Xingchen is doing horribly. He 1) obviously isn’t over what happened in Yi City 2) still blames himself for the innocent people he killed, Song Lan’s and A-Qing’s deaths, and having trusted Xue Yang 3) probably also blames himself for the fact that he misses and mourns his nameless friend, and no matter what Song Lan does to make things better, it doesn’t work. Maybe his earnest devotion isn’t what Xiao Xingchen needs. Maybe Xiao Xingchen needs someone who can take his mind off things, someone who makes him laugh. Maybe he needs Xue Yang.
That’s the idea Song Lan gets, anyways. Maybe Xiao Xingchen (or A-Qing or Wei Wuxian?) told him a little about how Xue Yang helped Xiao Xingchen recover after Baixue Temple, or maybe Song Lan just remembers Xue Yang’s unexpected devotion to Xiao Xingchen and figured he might be able to help? Or the reasons are less emotional and the resurrection went wrong in a way Wei Wuxian can’t fix? Either way, Song Lan is desperate to find a way to make Xiao Xingchen not try to shatter himself again, and getting Xue Yang’s help is his last resort. So he sets out to find/contact/resurrect Xue Yang. Xiao Xingchen might or might not be horrified by that.
The Xingchen resurrection part is optional; it can also be another brand of “Xiao Xingchen lives after the events of Yi City” OR even a complete AU. (Song Lan tries to contact Xiao Xingchen’s horrible ex bc he can’t figure out how to make Xiao Xingchen less depressed?)
Optional wants:
If Song Lan is a fierce corpse, it would be fun if his insecurities re.: being dead played into his decisions here. How could he, a monster, ever be what Xingchen needs?
Some odd sort of companionship between Songxue (+ A-Qing) as the ones who’d do anything for Xiao Xingchen and know that about each other would be dope.
Xiao Xingchen immediately forgiving Xue Yang.
Zichen is my dearest beloved, so the flavour I’m looking for here is “Song Lan has a hard time helping Xiao Xingchen, blames himself and goes overboard looking for a solution bc Songxiao are bad at communicating” rather than “Song Lan is actually incapable of helping Xiao Xingchen/not what Xiao Xingchen needs”.
It wouldn’t sit right with me if A-Qing weren’t mentioned at all. I’d love to see her involved in all this, of course, but even if she doesn’t end up playing a role, I feel like there should be a reason for that? I’d have a hard time believing that Song Lan would try to get Xue Yang to help if A-Qing were an option.
Request 5: Fierce corpse issues
This one’s super vague! I’d like to see something focused on the specific trials that come with Song Lan being a fierce corpse, both for Song Lan himself and for the rest of the Yi City crew. Here are some optional ideas:
Song Lan dealing with the fact that he runs on resentful energy now and that his control over said energy can slip. I bet that’s scary for him specifically, seeing that losing his temper usually doesn’t go well for him!
Fierce corpse maintenance! Either in the form of regular maintenance, or Xue Yang “updating” Song Lan with new features, adding things that he finds useful or “installing” updates Song Lan would like to have (better control of his resentful energy, less rigor mortis, a working dick – something like that).
How does being dead (inherently unclean!) interact with Song Lan’s mysophobia? How does he feel about maybe having to be touched regularly for maintenance?
Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing could learn some basic demonic cultivation, if so inclined, to help with fierce corpse maintenance or to be able to calm Song Lan down if he ever loses control. (How would Song Lan feel about Xiao Xingchen learning demonic cultivation for him?)
Fierce corpse management as (platonic, romantic, or sexual) intimacy! That might help Song Lan with any insecurities he might have regarding the fact that he's dead.
Speaking of insecurities, a potentially fun dynamic: Song Lan, who avoids touching Xue Yang because 1) he is mysophobic 2) he is dead and would potentially contaminate others with his unclean energy vs. Xue Yang, who already took Song Lan’s mysophobia reaction extremely personally in the Villainous Friends extra and assumes that Song Lan avoiding touch = Song Lan thinking Xue Yang in particular is disgusting.
There’s of course the option of Xiao Xingchen (or someone else) also being a fierce corpse and Song Lan maybe helping out as the senior fierce corpse.
Wants/DNW/further musings:
I’m imagining either a (fix-it?) setting where they’re all alive/undead, or alternatively a more depressing version where Xiao Xingchen is a shattered soul in a bag, and fierce corpse maintenance could go hand in hand with soul fragment maintenance? I’m not picky.
I’d really like to see A-Qing here, with her and Song Lan platonically bonding. Maybe she’s part of the fix-it crew, or she is working together with Xue Yang and Song Lan to bring back Xiao Xingchen?
I’m not into explicit gore, but feel free to go grotesque with this if you want to!
I hope something here piqued your interest! Have fun creating <3
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taperwolf · 1 year
I am overthinking sending an ask to a webcomic artist, inquiring as to their awareness or opinion of a Love Live character.
See, one of their characters had a storyline in which she toyed with the affectation, modeled after the Elcor from Mass Effect, of providing explanatory statements as to mood and tone in her speech. Since this artist is known to watch anime as well, It's not a far jump from there to me wondering, hey, what do they think about Love Live's Rina Tennouji, who compensates for not having facial expressions by drawing faces representing her moods to use as masks (or uses a computerized mask to depict pixel-art versions of the same)? Are they aware of her? Do they have an opinion?
Part of the overthinking is just the parasocial aspect of it all; I don't know them, and there's no established relationship beyond my passive enjoyment of their output, so it feels weird inserting my question. But part is wondering: just what do I think I'm getting out of asking this question?
I mean, probably my desired outcome is one where they say "no, but this is fascinating, tell me more" and I get them to watch S1E06: "The Shape of Smiles (〃>▽<〃)" and they love it and become a huge fan of Love Live and Rina especially and they draw fanart and we become besties because I showed them this.
Which is all patently ridiculous.
The more likely desired response is either "Oh, yes, she's awesome" or "No, thank you for telling me about her, she's awesome". But it's probably much more likely to be "Oh, I guess I've seen her before" or "I don't really pay attention to idol anime" or even "I specifically hate Love Live because of X/Y/Z" or "Really she annoys/offends me", and what am I supposed to do with any of those? And probably the most likely response is no response at all, and then in thinking about all that, I start to feel bad, like I'm pressuring them into giving a positive opinion.
And so then I'm feeling compelled to include a paragraph in the ask about how they don't have to respond positively, or at all, and how I won't be offended by either. But then I'm all, how presumptuous is it to feel like I have to say that? Like the default of dropping something into somebody's Ask inbox is demanding a prompt answer, and look at how magnanimous I'm being in not doing that.
And then I'm writing this post out instead of asking at all.
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shadowmonkeysbb · 2 years
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So! Sign-up starts tomorrow, June 30th. Everyone excited? Good. So am I.
Here's what you all need to know:
Starts tomorrow and closes a day before Prompt Claiming, i.e., on July 8th. That's whole nine days to make up your mind if you want to participate or not!
Simple: tomorrow I'll post the link for the form and the participant will be the able to choose which category in which they want to play: prompter, writer, fanartist, vidder or fanmixer.
Sure. Knock yourself out. Just keep in mind that once you do, you're committing to those roles. Don't try to bite more than you can chew. If you think you're not gonna be able to juggle more than two or three positions, it's best to let someone else play.
Awesome! However, this is a collaborative effort. Meaning: your fanart can absolutely be for a prompt, but it needs to be an illustration for a fic for that prompt.
If no writer claims a prompt by the end of the claiming period, then yeah, you absolutely can fly solo for that one.
Just bear in mind: the idea is to have the community supporting each other. That is, it wouldn't be cool to leave a writer hanging, ok?
No. Go balls to the walls. The only limit is your imagination. In fact, AUs and crazy ideas are more than encouraged! Let's flex those creative muscles.
Did I stutter? Nothing's off-limits. Just tag accordingly and don't forget the warnings. Every idea has an audience for it, but let's not trigger anyone unnecessarily, alright?
minors, proceed with caution. Creators must add the relevant tags and warnings, so don't go reading/looking at 18+ stuff you shouldn't. Also, and this goes without saying, do not create explicit stuff if you're a minor.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Hey! This is a bizarre ask but hopefully a welcome one after *gestures at the destruction and fire*. I’m completely new to the Loki/thorki fandom, having essentially come in via the exit door by watching the Loki tv series first. I was honestly just watching it for junk value to have something in the background while I knit. However, when I realized that I didn’t understand anything by the middle of Ep. 1, I went back to watch Thor 1 so I could get what was going on. And HOLY SHIT I was utterly captivated by Loki’s character in the original movie, as well as by the Loki-Thor and Odin family dynamics. I’ve now watched through the films and have been increasingly disappointed by the portrayal of Loki (since Avengers 1 frankly) save a few glimmers of good characterization here and there.
I can’t believe that I’m getting myself into another queer coded (and now more than coded wtf) “villain” with a tragic backstory who’s done dirty by the fandom at large, but here we are! I’m also super into thorki because goddamn… they sure do have a Dynamic™.
So I guess my question is, what is actually good here? I feel like I’ve been trying to fight my way back to Kenneth Branagh!Loki, and have been largely unsuccessful within canon content. Do you have suggestions for a newcomer re: fics, fanart, and meta that actually treats Loki seriously? (and thorki as well?)
Hey! Welcome! Sorry about the mess *gestures at the garbage fire that is the TVA Show The Larry Show The "Loki" Show*
And this isn't a bizarre ask at all. It was really nice to receive actually! And yeah! I'm so glad you went back and watched the originals. The TV Show character is a completely new character played by the same actor who has nothing in common with the original character (who yes is absolutely fascinating and captivating and multilayered). Honestly I just think of the tv character as Larry, Loki's dumb lookalike cousin bc they have nothing in common lol. So glad the show led to you discovering good content...and thorki. And yeah Thor 2011 is amazing! It's so underrated. If you want meta relating to that and also just gushing about the film you can def check out my Thor 2011 tag.
My thorki tag of course has thorki stuff including art etc. I've also got an art tag which has both thorki and non-thorki works. If you want fic recs you can look in my fic rec tag which has a bunch of good stuff both thorki and gen.
Also here are some good thorki fics to start out with that I've really enjoyed. Most are ones I read early on when I just discovered the ship. Also @illwynd has a great thorki blog btw that you should def check out (and also their sideblog @throwbackthorki). Edit: I’ve also added some gen fic recs.
Thorki Fic Recs:
Chaos War by astolat (words: 34,203 | rating: E)
It was never easy to find Loki when he wanted to hide, but he wasn't doing a particularly good job of it at the moment. Probably he didn't think anyone from Asgard would be wasting their time hunting for him while the shining ones churned their way steadily through all the realm.
Loyalty at Any Price by seidrade (words: 22,663 | rating: E )
“This whole time, I’ve been searching the Nine Realms— alone— for answers to questions I barely know how to ask. I thought Heimdall at his watch, our father upon the throne, and most grievously… I thought you lost to me forever.” Thor’s resurgence of anger gives way to something like despair. He can’t tell whether he wants to pummel Loki into one giant bruise, or hold him and weep like a child.
When Thor returns to Asgard and exposes Loki’s deception, his demands for answers and Loki’s reluctance to give them soon bubble over into a cathartic confrontation.
Born to be Kings by Kadorienne (words: 66,618 | rating: T)
When the princes of Asgard made their ill-fated jaunt to Jotunheim, Odin arrived to fetch them before the frost giant grabbed Loki's arm. Odin was able to carry out his plan to make Loki his puppet king of Jotunheim. But how long will Loki remain an obedient puppet?
Yidrigar by epistolic (words: 5,174 | rating: M)
Sometimes I am envious, but never doubt that I love you.
The Heavy Crown by orphan_account (words: 10,024 | Rating: M )
Odin is dead. Loki must take up the mantle of King even as war threatens Asgard, Thor remains bereft of both Mjolnir and his immortality, and stress coupled with the knowledge of his heritage drives Loki to the brink.
No Common Thing by ravenbringslight (words: 8,283 | rating: E)
Loki follows Thor to a brothel and gets the shock of his life.
On the Eagle's Wings by illwynd (words: 2,975 | rating: T )
After Loki falls from the Bifrost, Thor begins to write him letters every day.
How long we were fooled by Ark (words: 28,227 | rating: E )
Loki is not a good man, he knows; there is something rotten in the core of him; and even a much better man might let Thor kiss him, since Thor still tastes of sizzling lightning, like gathering rain, like a desire so fierce and so awful to him that when released it could bring Asgard to its knees.
sunshine by thorvaenn (words: 18,257 | rating: E )
A post Infinity War fluffy piece.
Thor and Loki are among those who are trying to pick up the pieces, but must first fix each other.
Edit: And Some Gen Fic Recs too:
lose my idols to find my voice by Lise (words: 1,548 | rating: T)
This is no homecoming.
monstrare by Lise (words: 1,174 | T )
Loki is Asgard's second prince, brother to Thor, son of Odin and Frigga.
Isn't he?
farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear by Lise (words: 3,113 | rating: T)
Loki and the terrible, horrible, no good, very long delayed reckoning.
Five Times Loki Could Have Been A Villain by Kadorienne (words: 3,344 | rating: G | Character Death)
Five AUs where Loki is not a mere antagonist, but an actual villain.
He would have acted very differently.
When It Sings, When It Lies by dreamsthebirds (words: 14,145 | rating: G)
Thor AU, based on an awesome norsekink prompt for a scenario in which Heimdall doesn't open the Bifrost to Jotunheim, Odin doesn't ride to the rescue, and Loki is forced to take matters into his own hands.
Interdimensional journeys, shattering emotional revelations, and walking trees ensue.
Ichor in Violet by tirsynni (Words: 14,574 | rating: T)
When Thor learns that Loki can travel to other realms without Heimdall seeing, of course he convinces Loki to take them both to Jotunheim to hunt Frost Giants. There an accident unravels centuries of lies and threatens to unravel Loki, too.
The Sinking Feeling of Anticipation by JaggedCliffs (words: 8,624 | rating: G)
When Æsir come of age, they receive a gift from their parents, one meant to aid them in their adult lives. When a prince of Asgard comes of age, their gifts are not just for themselves, but for the realm.
Loki watched Thor receive Mjolnir at his coming of age ceremony – one of the greatest weapons in the realms, for one of its greatest warriors. Now, it's Loki's turn, and he knows Odin will grant him something just as magnificent.
Won't he?
Exsanguination by Lise (words: 8,610 | rating: G)
exsanguination /ex·san·gui·na·tion/ v.intr. To be drained of blood. (And all the rest.)
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Regarding your latest post about the VillainxSupervillain story snippet thing... uh... okay so... I am now super invested... and want to make fanart for this.... and man this needs to be a book cuz I have never been the type for love stories especially from villains but this one caught my attention and I am in love with it.... but I just wanted to say that your writing is super amazing, and are there any good villainxvillain story reccomendations or anything??? cuz I seriously need to see more of this type of thing. ANYWHO IT WAS AWESOME AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!
Oh my gosh thank you!! I’m so glad you enjoyed! If you ever do fanart of them I would love to see it!! I'll probably do a continuation after I've whittled down some of my asks first.
Also, yeeees join the side of villain x villain shippers mwahaha 😆 Hmmm as for suggestions, I can’t really think of any villain x villain stuff I’ve seen in any actual books or tv shows, I think that’s why I gravitate toward that dynamic so much, because it’s not often used. As for on tumblr, I have a whole lot of other villain x villain fics in my master list if you haven’t read those yet. Also @some-messed-up-writing-for-you does a lot of really fun villain x villain prompts and fics. (I get a lot of inspiration from them)
Hmmm…as I look at the villain x villain tag page now, it looks like smuwfy and I are the ones pretty much running the market 😂😂 I know there are more out there, I'm just blanking. I can recommend a couple favorite specific stories off the top of my head though!
@selene-stories wrote this lovely supervillain x villain snippet.
@yourheartonfire wrote this scientist x villain piece that I adored. It’s kinda civilians x villain, but I count it since the scientist is involved in villainous projects.
If anyone else has any good suggestions, please put them in comments! 😁
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It’s time to get ready for an other Swanfire Week!  ( The most anticipated time of the year!) This year I want to thanks Teresa ( @swanthief ) and Red ( @redbone135 ) for help me to put all the ideas together, without you I wouldn't have been able to post today 。゜( ▰˘◡˘▰ )゜。  Let’s celebrate our favorite OTP together. The event will run from August 2 to August 8, but if you can’t do it those days don’t worry. Our babies thieves will always wait for you 〆(・∀・✿)
Please use this week to celebrate Swanthive in any way you want to, whether it’s making gifs, graphics, mixes or fanvids, writing fic or meta, creating fanart, etc…
🦢🔥 Day One: Partners In Crime or Enchanted Forest AU // “I hope if everybody runs you choose to stay”
🦢🔥 Day Two: Tallahassee AU or Summer Love // "Are we written in the stars, baby, or are we written in the sand?"
🦢🔥 Day Three: No Curse (Our World) AU or Season 3 AU // “But now I don’t care, I could go anywhere with you and I'd probably be happy”
🦢🔥 Day Four: Red String Of Fate/True Love or Movie Of Your Choice AU //  “You’ll save all your dirtiest jokes for me and at every table i’ll save you a seat”
🦢🔥 Day Five: Teenage Swanfire or Family Time// "And she'll never know your story like I do..."
🦢🔥 Day Six: Actors AU or Social Media AU // “I haven't ever really found a place that I call home, I never stick around quite long enough to make it” 
🦢🔥 Day Seven: Regency Era AU or Free Day // “There was a time I met a girl of a different kind. We ruled the world. I thought I'd never lose her out of sight, we were so young.”
Don’t feel limited by the intention of the prompt! If you’d like to do something that’s not in the prompts, go ahead!
✔ The tag will be sfweek2021 so make sure to use it in the first five tags.
✦  Special thanks to @ljf613 for remind me of this important event and @lokiluafeyson for her awesome ideas
To everyone thanks for been part of this and don’t forget to have fun. ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━☆゚.*・。゚
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holidaysat221b · 2 years
Rec of the Week - 5/25/22
Over the years we’ve had a lot prompt fills submitted to us.  I thought it would be nice to shine a spotlight on those individual submissions.  Please give the author or artist a bit of love.
A Favorite Model by @theresadunn - Based on this Sherlolly Tumblr prompt:
Original Prompt: Your soulmate was an artist of centuries ago, and currently, you’re an art student at university (or not but you’re taking an arts class). Then one day for a field trip, you go to a far-away museum and you just find yourself staring at what was your reflection, wearing different clothes to fit the timeline but it was definitely a split-image of you, on one of the framed displays. (A fanart answer for this prompt would also be awesome!)  -  @mousedetective
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This Week in Gundam Wing, March 13-26, 2022
Hey Gundam Wing fam!  You get a two-fer this week - check below the cut for the latest roll-up, and be sure to show your fellow fans some love!
--Mod LAM
I Reincarnated as a Minor Villainess... (CH.43) by @thaiteaaddict
Characters: Full Cast
Pairings:  Heero x Duo, Trowa x Quatre, Wufei x Meilan, Dorothy x Relena
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings:  AU - Fantasy, AU - Isekai, POV First Person, Unreliable Narrator
Summary:  After being killed in a traffic accident, Duo wakes up in a medieval fantasy novel - except he's woken up as one of the novel's minor villains who was supposed to have died in a main character's backstory. Intent on righting the wrongs of his novel counterpart, Duo sets out to change his fate and just maybe improve the relationship between himself and his estranged husband, Duke Heero Yuy. (Duo is isekai'd into the body of a novel's villainess character and runs with it.)
Teaser: Ouroboros (rewrite) by @the-reanimated-bhg (follow @gw-ouroboros​ for updates)
Cabbapple Sunset by @lemontrash
Characters: The pineapple, the cabbage, and Heero Yuy
Pairings: Cabbage x Pineapple
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: Crack, pure crack
Summary:  A Cabbage/Pineapple fanfic because certain people on Tumblr are horrible enablers and I have zero self control. If any of my fics deserves a read and review, it's this one. I sold my soul to be able to write this kind of crap.
Heero Yuy by @meat-dream
Wufei and Sally by @darksharinganz
Some awesome mixed media pieces by @miyurinq​
Meet Me, The Sun, Music, Kind Eyes, and Pain​ (3x4)
Prince of the Desert (Quatre)
Duo Maxwell by @ghost-proof​
Valentine’s Day Comic (Trowa & Quatre) by @theboringbluecrayon​
Heero Yuy by @ghost-proof​
Heero Yuy by @vivi-mire​
Heero Yuy by @alphaikaros​
Tallgeese Sketch by @cromwell300​
Leo Sketch by @cromwell300​
Deathscythe Hell by @naaaaaaaaaash
Heero and Duo by @ghost-proof, inspired by @doctormegalomania‘s “Dirty C​omputer”
Other Fanwork
Gunpla and Cosplay
Heavyarms Igel by @christianmswanson
Some Gunpla Memes featuring Wufei by @seikunsbuilds
Wing Gundam by @erika-mr
Wing Proto Zero by @bellasar 
Some Cosplay pics by @reiayanamismom
Lowkey Quatre
Patterning, sizing, & Zechs coat beginnings
Mecha Make-Up (Epyon)
Mecha Make-Up Series: Wing Gundam, Deathscythe Hell, Heavyarms, Sandrock, Altron, 
Headcanon and Discussions
@a-river-of-stars​ shared some analysis of Episodes 35-38
Other Fun Stuff
@incorrectgundamwingquotes​ continues to make us laugh (Exhibit A)
@gundayum shared this little video of their Duo itabag
Some doujinshi scans courtesy @perfect-justice
@the-reanimated-bhg has shared some official art from the Gundam Perfect Files and other sources of Epyon, Tallgeese, Heavyarms, Wing Zero, Shenlong (again), Sandrock, Zero vs Serpent, and Endless Waltz group shots
Some excellent meme-age by @the-reanimated-bhg
Zechs and Noin are in love
Quatre is Heero’s Emotional Support Blonde
Colonel Une was Made for Politics
Forging Report Cards
Treat Yo Self
Your Move Bane by @onihcinimkcin
Part 2 of the Gundam moving shared by @not-so-dead-fandoms
Self Destructing with the Boys by @jadesdumbstuff
Calendar Events
@gwcocktailfriday's latest prompt is here.  Be sure to post your response by this Friday (April 1) between 3-5PM.
@gwlemonyshenanigans has returned for 2022!  Be sure to follow for regular creator spotlights.  Posting will happen daily May 1-31.
It’s almost time for @weedgrandpacookbook release (April 20).  In addition to the zine, the creative team is also hosting weekly “Half-Baked” prompts throughout the month of April for those who missed sign-ups.
@gundam-wing-pride is looking for some ideas about this year’s pride event and other LGBTQ content.
Help us fill up the 2022 GW Event Calendar!  If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates!  We’ll add them to the calendar and reblog your notices to help spread the good GW word.
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