#one piece kingdew
Round 4!
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lowqualityonepiece · 2 months
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serving cunt in 10dpi
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stillxnunpxidintern · 5 months
I had a thought earlier this afternoon when I was out, about who are the best dancers of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Izou and Marco were at the top (This phoenix likes when Marco dances cause birds do mating dances).
Ace is in middle but I can see him moving to high middle.
Thatch is at the bottom with two left feet. While Thatch has amazing footwork when he's fighting but as soon as he's dancing with someone he suddenly has two left feet.
Top - Izou, Marco, Whitey, Tate, Vista, Haurta, Rayuyo,
Middle - Ace, Whitebeard in his youth/healthy, Fossa, Blenheim, Kingdew, Speedy Jiru
Bottom - Thatch, Joza, Namur, Blamenco, Curiel, Atmos,
I only did the commanders with Whitey and Tate. I did think about putting Oden, Toki and the some of the spade pirates on it but decided not.
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fuckyeahanimebirthdays · 10 months
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Kingdew (One Piece)  » November 13
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
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pardon-my-scifi · 7 months
Every time I see Kingdew, I wonder why He-man is on Whitebeard's crew.
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ninel251 · 1 year
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I love this crew so much
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optreasurecruise · 1 year
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Tell us a bit about the Whitebeard commanders. What do they do for a living?
Wowoo lets go !! I love the wbp so much
Jozu: owns a trading company with Haruta who’s more of the salesperson than anything he just does all the transportation and stuff, his pokemon are Tauros and Two Machamp
Thatch: owner of a small bakery company that got so popular he had to open several branches across the Grandline to meet the growing demand, he often swings through all of them to ensure they’re meeting his standards n stuff, his main shop is in Sphinx tho, bc he can’t leave Pops without fresh croissants!! His Pokémon are Fidough (ee new pokemon!) and Dartrix
Vista: fashion designer, usually has his brothers and sisters model the clothes he designs, well decorated in the field for providing unique and flattering bespoke fashion for all body types, his pokemon are Gardevoir, Gallade and Kirlia (yeah. Haha) he’s absolutely enamoured with Ace’s proportions though and Ace really does not want to be alone in a room with vista just because he won’t be able to say no to him asking for a moment of his time to model some things (last time he said yes he was occupied for a whole weekend LMAO sorry Ace, Vista got INSPIRED hard)
Blamenco: physics professor, specifically interested in the Ultra Beasts phenomenon and worme hole pocket dimesions, has published several papers on the subject and his prized Pokemon is indeed an ultra beast, the highly dangerous Guzzlord, as such he’s under strict monitoring to ensure he doesn’t let it go on a rampage, his other pokemon are: Granbull, Mr Mime and Goliscopod, he lovingly calls these three his Guzzlord insurance policy haha (because theyre all super effective type countersagainst Guzzlord)
Rakuyo: game show host and popular radio host of an opinion based channel that talks about news and reacts to it etc ( the reason Izo keeps getting invites to do tv appearances ZBDBD) his pokemon are Elekid and Braixen (theyre both game show pokemon mascots!)
Namur: handyman, jack of all trades he’s always on the move and can’t settle down, Marco’s a little worried about Namur because every time he calls/chats with him, Namurs gone and got fired or has a new job but it doesn’t seem to bother him because he says all of it is experience gained anyway, his pokemon: Whiscash, Quagsire and Wobbuffet
Blenheim: pokemon police force, originally was part of his home island’s military but then he left and instead drafted into law enforcement, his pokemon are Arcanine and Golbat
Curiel: pokemon ranger, he’s always wanted to be one since he was a kid, because he was rescued by one when he got separated from his parents (later confirmed deceased F curiel…) in a national park that had flash floods, his pokemon are Swampert, Pidgeot and Golem
Kingdew: prowrestler, famous just like Izo and often has to comment on Izo’s latest contest win and vice versa and Kingdew shrugs like you’re asking the wrong guy, Izo’s pretty but is he gorgeous like me? No, we are not the same (he means it in a joking way haha Izo indulges him like oh Kingdew? He’s too fabulous for little old me and all the press are like ???????? Huh???), his pokemon are Hariyama, Incineroar and Hawlucha
Haruta: co-owner of a trading company with Jozu, the sales and spokesperson, they mostly deal in mineral goods, his pokemon are Bisharp and Sir fetche’d
Atmos: currently unemployed, he stays with Pops to keep him company, but has recently found out he’s got quite the green thumb, and is apparently really good at trimming hedges into decorative art pieces, he’s looking to take gardening gigs soon, his pokemon are Bellossom, Sunflora and Shroomish
Speed Jiru: a bodyguard, currently employed by Izo who hired his brother due to two things: Jiru won’t judge him for his reasoning to hire a bodyguard and because Izo prefers if it was family anyway, his pokemon are Aggron, Ferrothorn, Drapion, Stuntank and Sharpedo, he’s one of the only WBP siblings to have as many Pokémon as Marco, he’s second in battling prowress to him and should Marco ever resign his elite four seat, the next in line would be Jiru unless he declines
Fossa: fisherman, it started as a hobby and now its a real thing for him, he’s good at rearing water pokemon and currently farms Chinchou, Magikarp, Goldeen and Clampearls, he has a Poppilo friend that visits (begs for scraps) his only Pokemon is a Volbeat
Izo: fashion blogger, popular pokemon coordinator, well known for his beauty tips and how to train your Pokémon to become top tier beauty contestants, often appears on game shows for local celebrities, his Pokémon are Oricorico (blue one) and Froslass (aesthetic matches his)
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op-grand-collection · 2 years
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opmarcozine · 3 years
Merry Christmas!! 💙✨
Interest checks are opened! Sharing is Appreciated!
Interest check
Original meme
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mushroomgrenade · 3 years
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Happy birthday to my one and only DAD-
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ask-wbp-b · 4 years
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The new episode was great
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karinzany · 5 years
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Whitebeard Pirates - the OG crew
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hiddenmangaka · 5 years
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Whitebeard Pirates + Flora the Nun
A few fan art doodles I made from @silver-kitsuneneko’s fanfic “A New Start,” including the infamous Flora the Nun!!! 🤪🤪🤪
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pops-and-kids · 5 years
And finally, part 3 of the Christmas 2019 ficlets!! I wanted to do something fun for this year and honestly? This was the most fun I’ve had writing in months. I really hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
It was time. They had docked. Curiel took in a breath of freezing air and exhaled, watching it turn into a cloud. His creation was on the deck next to him, waiting to go after everyone had their hot coco and final snow fun. His hands were tucked under his arms, red and numb from patting down so much snow. The tenth division didn’t win the snowman competition again this year, (snow is different from mechanics) but to everyone's surprise the third had. Jozu was awfully smug about it, making him a prime target for the snowball war. Poor Ace was banned from playing as he would have melted his own divisions fort, but he got to help Pops decide the winner if it came down to the wire.
Speaking of which it was starting soon, Pops and Ace were the last members they were waiting for to come out and supervise. Thankfully Pops had allowed him and Blamenco to be on the same team, despite the round boy claiming they wouldn’t need the support. Curiel couldn’t tell if he was trying to be fair to the other teams or if he was just in denial that no one on his division would hit a target off the battlefield.
The thudding of heavy feet down the hall was like music to his ears and he smiled as Pops finally emerged on deck with Ace on his shoulder.
“Gurararara! Gets colder every year. I’m telling you.” The captain laughed as he sat down on his heated chair.
“I can’t feel it.” Ace said with a shiteating grin.
“And how lucky you are, son. Now, I take it everyone is re--”
“YES!!” Hundreds of voices yelled at once from both the deck and snowy field.
“GURARARA!!! Very well then! POSITIONS!!”
He gave the command and before he even realized Curiel had vaulted off the side of the railing, machine in hand and excited smile on his face. Landing in the snow puff right against the side of the ship he waded through the snow to his shared “barracks” with Blamenco. The huge pile of snow the men had gathered for him would be plenty of ammo for his little friend. The blue eyed man gave him a smile as a few of their brothers shoved last minute items into his side of safekeeping and dashing away to their divisions.
Curiel looked down at his creation, testing the handle to make sure the oil was keeping in from freezing. Wouldn’t be too good if he had to destroy it to make it stop.
“Are you sure it's ...safe?” His fellow commander asked.
“Yeah yeah! Even if it explodes there’s not too many pieces that could become shrapnel. We’re good!” He says with a thumbs up.
Blamenco only gave a nervous smile at the comment.
Once the field had been cleared of last minute holder uppers Whitebeard stood up, coming to the head of Moby, and took a large breath of air in. Everyone tensed, locking eye contact with other targets.
At that very second, chaos broke out. A battle cry crashed over the island as snowballs flew, every division barracks was pelted. Curiel readied himself, held the handles tight, and flicked the on switch. The snowball machine roared to life! The cups spun and starting flinging snowballs faster than he had expected! It was like a gun, but with snow bullets!
“HELL YEAH BABYYYY!!!” He cheered. Everyone screamed.
He first blew apart Marco’s build, watching the men scatter in panic and confusion! The commander himself shot into the air, yelling something at him that he couldn’t hear over his new precious baby. He guessed it was curses based on his expression. The snowball machine went faster the longer it was going, eating through snow quickly but utterly decimating everyone’s defenses. He’d lost count of how many he’d hit, but now Marco, Atmos, and Thatch’s teams were all running around like scattered mice.
“Isn’t this a bit much?!” Blamenco yelled over the noise.
“No!! This is perfect!” He laughed in glee as he watched Haruta go down next.
He was clearing the field! He should have made this sooner! Curiel was about to voice his thoughts when something hard and cold hit the back of his head. He hadn’t realized it, but Izou, in all his fucking camo, had snuck up on him and his men. Curiel was out, and by extension so was his little friend.
“FUCK!!” He yelped as the snow slid down the back of his coat.
He jerked back, unintentionally pointing his gadget straight up into the air. Turning back to yell at Izou he lost his train of thought when he saw the man's expression. Izou was staring up at the sky in shock, backing away from the barracks.
Looking up his own eyes widened. Curiel only had time to duck as snowballs rained from above on him and everyone in their fort. Flicking the machine off quickly he  waited for the ‘paff’ noises to stop, looking up.
Everyone was staring at them, watching Curiel pop out from behind the snow fort.
“....So who wants me on their team next year?” Everyone laughed and booed him, tossing snowballs at him as he left the field, his arms wide open and accepting every hit.
“That was SO worth it.”
“Ugh, I got snow in my pants!” Thatch complained, shaking from the cold.
The snowball fight was fun as always, and he wasn;t too surprised Curiel had finally attempted to automate his battle. No one would admit it, but they were surprised at how long it took him to finally make something. Still, it was cold and the cook did NOT appreciate it. He was still better off then Namur he 
He sat in the kitchen, waiting to warm up as everyone put out the cookies they had panicked over just hours before. It was rewarding to see them be snatched up immediately by his family, making up for the losses on the way. Thatch smiled, ignoring how his teeth chattered.
“I ‘ink ne’t yea’ we shou’ ha’ three or four people wa’ the ov’ns, hm?” Bob asked as he bobbed his commander on the back of the head playfully.
Thatch sighed and nodded. His brother was right, that was an accident they couldn;t repeat the next year. But for now seeing all their hard work go out onto the table and be devoured by happy folks was all he needed to help heal from the tragedy.
“...Yer still yellin’ a’ L’n righ’?”
“Oh yeah, for sure.”
Poor Leon wouldn’t know what peace was for a whole two weeks after that.
Pops smiled and swayed side to side as Fossa, Kingdew and their men sang Bully in the Alley. It didn’t matter to anyone that it wasn’t a holiday song, his sons and daughters were having the time of their life stomping their feet along with the singers and cheering them on. Taking a drink of his spiced wine he mentally gave thanks to whatever higher being was listening for moments like this. The frigid wind outside may have been whistling, the snow may have been falling, but his heart was warm.
Curiel antics, the kitchen misadventures, Haruta becoming an impromptu tree temporarily, he commited all of it to memory. Singing softly and deeply in his chest he helped his children finish the last few verses strongly, chuckling at the wave of cheers and applause everyone gave for them. 
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