thestylesproject · 6 years
#53 Coffee and Sandwiches Does Not Mean a Date PART 2 (Harry Styles)
Thank you for all the responses to this! Here is part 2! 
Summary: Harry Styles is the class heartthrob, and Y/N is the girl he goes out for lunches with, and that is all.
I had to switch off for a few days after that. It wasn’t even voluntary.  I just kept sleeping and working the hours I was up. I didn’t respond to messages - his messages. They weren’t asking for much. Just if we’re on for lunch, or that he found a new place. I skipped lunch. It was reasonable in my head. I just didn’t have it in me. I just didn’t want to have to face him and be like, “oh, we are back to the normal, only now I know I don’t have any hope of you liking me.”
Come to think of it, that is what happened. He caught up to me while I was on my way back home, and practically made me talk to him. Not much, just about how I hadn’t responded to any f his messages and if everything was okay.
“Everything is okay,” I responded. “I just have been really caught up in work. Let’s meet for lunch day after? Usual time?”
He agreed and was glad that I was okay. Said, he got worried, and I believed him. It was just my head that was expecting more. Things went on as usual, and a few more weeks passed with more lunches and discussions of his classes, and how he felt about things. I used him as an outlet too. He was doing the same to me, so I thought why not? It wasn’t like anyone knew about our meetings.
“Are you putting that picture on Instagram?” He asked. We had come out of a theatre and I was just taking a picture of the tickets. I said yes. “I mean, that has my name on it,” I asked, so? “No, it’s just everyone will know I was out with you.”
I didn’t know how to respond to that. “I can delete it if you like.”
“No, it’s already on now. People have seen it,” he walked forward, and I quietly followed him, cutting the walk shorter and taking the earlier tube, than walking to the one on my line as planned.
I didn’t take pictures after that and noticed how he always uploaded pictures of him with others of almost everything he did, but never with me. Not one picture documenting our hangouts to even some cool places. Was I too ugly and not up to his standards on Instagram? Only pretty people to see and upload, please.
In my head, I rationalised why I went to places with him. He was one of the only few interested in some places I’d like to go, and it wasn’t too bad. Hanging out with him, made the time pass and I saw the things I wanted to see. It was a little too much when his birthday came along. He acted like a stranger when we met at one of the meetings for the entire cohort and, people wished him, and because some of the people in my group were friends of his, we were invited to the pub, where I could have been fooled, if the memories of so many lunches weren’t in my head.
Why was he doing this? Were people this petty? Yeah, they were - I didn’t have to look too far. My friends were enough to validate all his points, and I didn’t have any energy to disagree.
Then, there was the club party, and it would have been fine if my friends who didn’t know him weren’t invited, but they were. Personally added to some group, where the party plans were discovered. I just saw all the stories on the app. I had had enough by then. This was a little too demeaning.
‘Hey, are you busy? Didn’t respond to the coffee shop message.’
‘I hope you enjoyed your birthday party’
‘What? Yeah, yeah. It was just that group. We went to a club like usual.’
Liar. ‘Yeah, your group and most of the batch. Except a few obviously. We must have not made the cut.’
‘What? What cut? Let’s meet and talk. I’ll explain.’
‘Let’s not meet anymore, Harry.’
He didn’t respond after that, must have thought how I didn’t feel grateful enough to have the opportunity to spend time with him.
My lunches were suddenly empty so, I started hanging out with other people in the cohort. It was nice meeting new people. New people hurt less than the ones you know. I crossed him many times, and he looked at me like he wanted to say something. My mind imagines things.
Harry sat beside me in class, the other day. “Hey,” He smiled. “Good morning.”
“Hey,” I smiled back, getting my notes ready, and then, turning to talk to a person, confirming the plans for the evening.
I turned back, “you’re going for the play?”
“Yeah,” I responded, nodding.
“I thought we were supposed to go together.”
“When?” I asked.
“We always go for plays together. That’s what we do, right?” He turned towards me.
“That was before you were ashamed of being seen with me in public,” I laughed. “Oh wait, is that why you didn’t want to go for Hamilton together? Too high end for you - a lot of people - your friends - will go for it, and you can’t be seen with me…”
“Stop,” He closed his eyes. He was really pretty. It hurt to see him even flinch. Lucky him. “Where are you getting all this from?” I rolled my eyes. The professor walked in and started speaking. “Look,” Harry whispered, “I didn’t make the list for the club. I didn’t know who was invited. I was just made a part of it, and Cindy made the list.”
“And, you didn’t bother inviting me?”
“I didn’t think that you weren’t there! The entire cohort was so, I thought you were too!”
“I’m not an idiot, Harry. I can’t believe I’m even talking about not being invited to a stupid party.”
“Then, why are you pushing it?” Now angry, I could see him tightening his fists.
“Because you know it is more than that!” I almost was too loud, but was safe and, the professor continued talking. He didn’t say anything until the class ended.
“So, what are you mad about? How I don’t take pictures with you? Is that it? Come let’s take one! What would you like to do with it?” I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He was daft. “No, you wait here,” He held my arm. Everyone cleared out quickly, and we were the last two left. “What is this about? Why does this picture mean so much to you? Why can’t me being with you be enough?”
“Because it proves that experiences with me are worth sharing with others!” I shouted tearing up. “It means that I am good enough to spend time with, and look spending time with me is worth others feeling jealous of! Cause isn’t it all about that! Sharing experiences and showcasing friendships, the only mine isn’t worth showing off. That is all it means.”
“I don’t see any of your friends posting pictures with you so, what does it say about you?” He said, dropping my arm.
I flinched, his words tearing my heart apart, “Guess you just cleared what they think,” I picked up my bag, and walked away.
“Fuck. Y/N! I didn’t mean that! Y/N!” He followed me out as I rushed down the stairs. “Y/N wait! I meant something else,” Everyone turned to look at me, and then him. He didn’t seem to care, and I didn’t stop, leaving the building.
“Hey, why was Harry screaming your name?” Samantha asked at lunch.
“Just some project topic we didn’t agree on. Can we share the pasta?” I asked.
“That’s a cute picture of you two!” Kylie said during class.
“What picture?” I asked.
“Of you and Harry, he posted?” she laughed, and I opened his account. It was a picture of us. It was in a bar. After a long morning, we had had enough and we needed a drink and it didn’t matter that it was 2 pm, we needed it and we went and had it. It was a picture of us then.
‘I miss our lunches xx.’  The caption read.
I frowned. After a week of zero contact, he posted this. A first actually. He didn’t sit near me in class, but I could see him looking at me. Nor did he wait to talk to me after it. Literally ran out of the class, as I turned. This went on for two days, him basically running out on me.
“Can we talk?” I walked up to him sitting with his friends in the Uni pub.
He looked at me, his face blank and then, finally nodded. My heart felt relieved and we walked out. I could see his friends looking through the glass at us. I tried ignoring it.
“Tell me?” He said.
“How have you been?” I asked.
“Fine, essays due, you know,” He replied, folding his arms, “What’s up?”
“Umm, do you want to go for lunch tomorrow?”
“Why?” he frowned, folding his hands to his chest. I didn’t know how to respond to that. I thought he wanted to, and that’s why I asked. “Oh wait, is my friendship now good enough for you?” He smirked. He was laughing at me. He didn’t understand what I felt. He didn’t know what rejection felt like, what being hidden and not being accepted in public by the one you like was not something he was familiar with at all.
“Harry! We are leaving,” Maddie chirped opening the door and putting her hand forward. He took it and walked away without turning back to look at me. I couldn’t help the tears from falling. Maybe, rejection was always written for me.
What do you guys think about what Harry is doing? Tell me what you guys think about whats happening! It’ll help me write the next part! 
Part 3?
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xzoemurrayx · 3 years
Ray Ban glasses 90%off will only need $24.99 and will donate $2.40 to COVID-19
@scoobydoobielou @stylesinkedheart @harryshonestlyperfect @imagine1d-doingstuff @1dsexyimaginesbysabrina @harry-styles-imagine-blog @fvcking-nerd @fictionallydatingonedirection @sugarpuffqueen @1doneshotss-blog @onedirectiononeshotsbyleah-blog @y1dp-oneshots @imagineit1d @one-direction-oneshots-blog @onedirectiononeshot-blog @one-direction-oneshot-blog @harrystylesoneshots-blog @harrystylesoneshotsandimagi-blog @yeahniall @runningmilesforharrystyles @1dbromance-blog @dailyonedirection @staff
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fanfictionguide · 8 years
The One Where Harry Really Doesn’t Have Ten Cats
Author: LoadedGunn
Fandom: One Direction
“Mate, you can dress him up in a tutu and upload it to YouTube, I don't care as long as he's alive when I come back."
Harry gasps. "How did you know I have three tiny cat tutus?"
"You sound like the crazy type."
Or, the AU where Harry is a pet-sitter for the rich and famous, and Louis is rich and famous.
Characters/Ships: Larry, appearances by the rest of the gang and Ed Sheeran
Topic Warnings: none
Suggested Rating: T
Word Count: 10214
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1d-imagine-feb26 · 9 years
I Promise (A Niall Horan FanFic) - Chapter Twelve
Those three words have been tossed around so many times now. I love you. Niall says it to me in the morning when we first wake up. I tell him whenever I get a chance to. It seems like everything has began to fall into place.
We’ve been on tour now for going on a month. Each night is filled with the boys doing a multitude of crazy things. Like last night, Niall couldn’t stop running around the stage, even when they were supposed to be standing still.
I’ve loved every single second of it. Every second that Niall would randomly take me in his arms and hold me close, whispering ‘I love you’ in my ear before his lips touched mine before walking to the stage. Every second that Niall would lock his eyes with mine on stage, smiling as he sang the words of songs that he had sang to me late at night as I sat awake with tears in my eyes from nightmares about Wes.
Now, we were in the hotel room, one that we had shared for a few nights now. Tonight was one of the first nights that the boys would have off in a while, and Niall and I wanted to share it together. Just me and him. The mere thought was enough to bring a smile onto my face.
The room was dark, the moonlight being the slightly illuminating the room. The television was on and Niall and I were cuddled up together on the bed. It seemed like nothing in the world could beat this moment. There was no screaming from the fans, no events in the back of my mind that would cut this moment short, and no fear of Wes breaking into the room on the private floor.
“I love you, Harp.” Niall whispered into my hair, the warmth of his breath sending chills down my spine. His lips swept across the top of my head before a gentle kiss was placed on my cheek. Niall’s arms were wrapped around me as I sat between his legs, leaning back with my head resting near the middle of his torso.
“And I love you, Ni.” I smiled as I softly said the words. I took in a deep breath before releasing the air I had inhaled. “You know, I don’t know where I would be right now if it weren’t for you.”
“I don’t want to even think about the possibility of you still being forced to be with that asshole.” Niall hissed out. I could feel him tense with anger, and I slowly looked back at him.
“But I’m not.” I tried to say in my most calming voice. It seemed to help, a bit. “And I can’t thank you enough, because it was all thanks to you.” A small smile graced my lips.
“You loving me is enough, Harp.” Niall spoke.
“You’ve protected me from him, and I don’t know what I would ever do if I lost you.” The thought brought tears to my eyes.
“Hey,” Niall started softly. “Hey,” He took a hold of both of my hands. “You never have to worry about that. No matter what happens, I’ll always be here for you. I promise.” Niall looked me right in the eyes. “Always.”
I finished getting ready for bed, exhausted from everything that had been going on with interviews and shows the whole tour. I was ready for a semi-early night. I exited the bathroom, my hair messily thrown back into a ponytail and my clothes from earlier today switched with dark purple shorts and a black tank top.
I quietly walked into the room, putting my now dirty clothes into my suitcase, ready to wash for another time. Niall was sitting on the side of the bed that was in the room, his back towards me as he faced the large window of the hotel room. He looked tense, angry almost, and I was about to try to ask him what was wrong when he spoke.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He asked, outraged. “I told you that was the one thing you had to make sure didn’t fucking happen!” Niall hissed into the phone that I just now noticed.
I was surprised at his outburst. I had never seen him so angry. Not when he talked about Wes, not when he couldn’t do anything but get a restraining order against my abuser, not when Louis nearly said my name in that interview. I was frightened, to be honest, and I didn’t know what I should do.
Should I walk over there and make sure that he was okay? Should I rub his shoulders to release the tension with whatever was causing this emotion in him? Should I just leave him be and hope that he cools down a bit?
I opted for the last one, going around the room and picking up a bit, seeing as this was the last night in this hotel. I tried to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to disturb Niall’s conversation with whoever he was talking to. While I cleaned up my things, packing shirts and jeans away, I couldn’t help but listen to the words that Niall spoke.
“If I ever see you again, you will regret it.” Niall hissed into the phone. “What you have done is unacceptable.” It was quiet for a moment, Niall listening to what the person on the other end was saying. “No you listen to me!” Niall shouted, probably interrupting the person. “I told you what you had to do, I gave you a hell of a lot more money than you deserved, and you still let this happen!” I jumped a bit at his voice.
It was hard not to compare this moment to some of those when I was with Wes. Although Niall wasn’t talking to me the way that he was to the person on the phone, I couldn’t help but feel my heart begin to race at the words.
“You let this happen?” Wes yelled at me. I was shaking, trying so hard not to break anything else. “I told you not to slip on the damn floor so that my things wouldn’t break.” Wes picked up a piece of the broken glass that had only moments ago held his drink.
“Wes, please,” I started to beg, my knees shaking so much that I could barely stand.
“Don’t try to act like the victim here, Harper! You’re the one that broke the glass, and you aren’t even trying to pick it up!” I fell to my knees quickly, scrambling to pick up the glass without cutting my hand. Before I could pick anything up, Wes kicked me in the stomach, my hands and knees sliding so that I was now lying on my stomach. My hands had quickly tried to get me back up, but they landed on the sharp shards of glass. Pain shot through my fingertips up to my wrists. “Stupid bitch,” Wes hissed to me, throwing down the piece of glass that he had earlier picked up, having it shatter and create more pieces for me to pick up.
Niall slammed the phone down on the side of the bed. “Fuck.” He hissed out running his hands through his hair. I thought now was a good time to go over to him and see what was wrong. I slowly made my way over to the side of the bed where he was sitting, taking in a deep breath as I said one thing to myself over and over again.
Niall is not like Wes. He will not hurt you. Niall is not like Wes. He will not hurt you.
I slowly put my hand on Niall’s shoulder, my heart racing with fear and anxiety of what would happen if the man that I loved turned into a man from my nightmares. As soon as my hand made contact with him, Niall jumped and looked at me. I had never seen such a thing from this blonde haired, blue eyed man before me.
His eyes burned into me, the rage still evident and not seeming to leave anytime soon. His lips, those beautiful and lovable and kissable lips, were in a taut frown that seemed to be carved from stone. This wasn’t the Niall that I knew and loved. This isn’t the man that saved me from Wes all those months ago. This man, I hated to say, scared me.
“Ni,” I started, my voice shaking from fear. “Is,” I took a deep breath in, not wanting to say the wrong thing. “Is everything okay?” I expected to have Niall look at me, really look at me, and have all the rage on his face disappear. I expected to have Niall look at me and simply mutter that it will be fine. This, what happened after I said those three words, was not what I expected at all.
“No, nothing is okay!” Niall yelled, his voice louder than I had ever heard it before. “Why the hell would you ask such a stupid question? Nothing will be okay, damn it! Fuck, Harper, just leave me the hell alone!” Niall raised his hand up and my heart skipped a beat. I dropped to the floor, trying to get away from Niall, my hands shielding my face, knowing that was where Wes would go first.
So many things were running around in my mind in such a small amount of time. I couldn’t believe that I had gotten away from Wes, just to get with another man that would do the same thing to me. I couldn’t believe that the man that I was now afraid of was the man I knew that I loved. I have never loved someone as much I loved Niall, and here I was, trying to put as much space between us. Just like I had with Wes.
A few seconds passed, and nothing but silence filled the room. There was no pain that suddenly hit me, and hesitantly I removed my hands from my face. Niall stood there, the hand that I thought would strike me in his hair.
I took in Niall’s face and it held only sadness. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. His bright blue eyes were filling with tears and I wanted to leap up and tell him that everything was alright, but I was still too afraid. Niall’s breathing quickened as it looked like he was trying to come up with every possible reason that I could have done what I just did without the actual conclusion of why I did it.
“Harper,” Niall’s voice came out quiet, his voice cracking at the end. My hands were shaking as I tried to sit up against the wall that I had scurried to only moments ago. “Please,” He started. “Please tell me that you didn’t think,” Niall stopped. I stayed quiet as a tear rolled down Niall’s cheek. “I,” He looked around the room, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes. “I have to leave, Harper.” Niall whispered.
I opened my mouth to try to say something, but nothing came out. Niall stood there for a minute before walking towards the door. “I’m so sorry,” He muttered.
Niall’s P.O.V.
I was no better than Wes. I couldn’t believe that Harper thought I was going to hurt her. I had promised from the day that I met her that I would protect her, but I guess that just wasn’t enough.
It was dark out, pitch black, and I couldn’t help but think about what had made me angry in the first place. The person that I had hired to make sure people wouldn’t figure out who Harper really was called me to say that the fans had found out. It was everywhere on the internet, the name Harper Allen. All I wanted to do was make sure she was safe, and I couldn’t even do that.
I had to go somewhere, get a drink. This was one of the places that we had stopped at ever since the Up All Night Tour, so I knew my way around pretty well. I was just going to take a quick shortcut to a bar that was only half a mile away from the hotel. I had to figure out what I was going to do now that Harper was afraid of me.
I passed by some of the alleyways of the city. No one was around. I kept my head down, hoping that no one would walk past me and know who I was. I really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.
“Well, well, well,” I heard a voice come from an alley that I passed. I ignored it though, kept on walking. “Hey!” I heard the man say. “I’m talking to you!” I took in a deep breath and stopped.
“Look, man, I’m not really in the picture taking mood, sorry.” I told him before continuing to walk.
“I don’t want a picture.” The man hissed. I stopped again, this time looking behind me and at the man that wouldn’t leave me alone. “I don’t want tickets or a backstage pass or a fucking autograph either.” I looked at the man now, his square face and brown hair seemed dirty, as if he had been waiting here for a while. His hazel eyes looked a bit crazed. I now regretted not taking one of our bodyguards.
“Then I’m going to leave now.” I told him, trying to stay calm. I turned back around, walking a bit faster this time.
“I do, however, want what you stole from me.” I rolled my eyes at the man’s statement. “Come on, pretty boy,” He taunted. “You know what I’m talking about.” The man chuckled humorlessly. “Harper.”
My stomach dropped when he said the name. He couldn’t be talking about my Harper, he couldn’t b-
“You know, I had a hunch that it was her ever since you two were seen out together. The makeup and wig were a nice touch, but come on,” He chuckled. “You can’t really think that was enough for me to not know it was her, do you?”
My heart was racing as he spoke. “Wes?” I breathed out, my hands shaking.
The man chuckled. “Bingo.” I wanted to attack the coward that was in front of me, give him a taste of his own damn medicine. “Your bandmate, you know the idiot that blew the whole cover of Victoria Graham being Harper Allen, helped a lot. Though, it still wasn’t enough to make sure that you were the right guy. And then her name was all over the internet.”
“You fucking bastard!” I shouted, getting ready to have my fist connect to his face.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Wes told me calmly, a small smile on his face. “All I want is what belongs to me.”
“Harper doesn’t belong to you. You don’t even deserve to know her.” I hissed. Wes’ smile grew.
“Well then,” He started. “If I can’t have her, neither can you.” Wes reached into his back pocket, and pulled out the metal that shimmered in the moonlight. “Now, are you sure that you don’t want to tell me where the hell she is?” Wes maneuvered the gun so that it rested better in his hand.
“I’m positive.” I stated strongly. Wes shook his head and chuckled.
“Alright Horan,” Wes pressed the gun into my abdomen. I could feel the cold metal through the thin material of my shirt. “I’m going to give you one more chance to answer my fucking question.” Wes pushed the gun into my abdomen more, making me grimace.
Before I said anything else I tried to get the gun out of Wes’ hand. I attempted to push him away from me, but Wes was quick to bring his fist to my face. Once, twice, three times. My whole body was beginning to ache from the force that Wes was hitting me with. I could already feel the blood trickling down from my nose, my eye was barely opening, and my lip felt like it was split open.
The last thing I saw was Wes picking up the gun from the side of the alley, the sparkling silver being pushed into my abdomen once again before the silence was interrupted with the ringing of a new gunshot.
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Little things One shot
"Who's ready for little things"? Harry said The whole stadium screamed you had front row tickets which Niall had given to you, the boys sat on the main stage and started singing you favourite song. It was such a beautiful song. You stared as Niall strummed his precious guitar. Meanwhile it was about to be Niall's solo you saw him start to walk down the stage his ocean blue eyes met your dark brown he smiled and held out his hand you blushed and took it whilst security helped you on stage "Niall what are you doing"? "You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you your never treat yourself right darling but I want you to if I let you know-- I'm here for you maybe your love yourself like i (you sing)" "LOVE YOU" Tears of happiness fell down your rosy cheeks Niall wiped them and pulled you close as he went in for a long and romantic kiss his soft lips touching yours as his hand wrapped around you waist and you fingers tangled through his blonde hair ***** The stadium started to go crazy the other boys giggled to each other as you started smiling from ear to ear "I love you" Niall said "I love you too" you replied And on that note you were already certain Niall was the one for you.
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letmefangirlokay · 10 years
1D one-shot Zerrie wedding/harry styles imagine
You were a friend of Perrie's and she normaly never spoke to you about the boys (except for Zayn) It wasn't irrelevant for her.  
Perrie knew alot of things about you but she never knew you was one of the biggest 1D fans there was. You've learned to conceal n' not't feel along the way. But today was different Perrie was talking fast and alot of how she was nervous about her and Zayn's wedding. Suddenly she stopped her talking and screamed
Perrie : "OMG!!!!!!"
You: "SHHH! OMG what is it?!"
You:" I'll figure something out gee... "
Perrie quickley pulled out her phone. 
you "what are you doing?!"  you tried to grabb the phone but Perrie was sneaky. 
P: "Hello? yeah... hi Harry is that you?" 
Holy shit is she calling Harry? you thought.She can't no no no.. You were gonna embarass yourself and you knew it!
Y/N : "NO PERRIE STOP IT !" You  once again tried to snatch to phone away from her. Perrie just chuckled.
After about 2 min she hang up and said ."looks like you have a date"
------------ A week later Perrie texts you ------------
apparently you had to head down to the shop where Perrie was gonna buy the bridesmaids dresses the  cause the designer needs know your size. 
you text her back
you: * okay i'll take the bus in 5 :)'
Perrie: *no need! Harry will pick you up!*
you *whaaat nooo i'm a mess!*
perrie*uuhh have you seen Harry's hair latley? he's flawless but hey it's messier than you'll ever be love*
you *haha okay *
you're about to go up to your room when you hear how the frontdoor opens
you freeze 
"It's okay i'm up stairs!" You shout!
holy pig! You Don't even know Harry even thought you know all about him okay you have to act cool.
Harry knocks at your bedroom door. 
Harry "can I come in is it green light?"
He doesn't wait for  respons he walks in anyway. Thank good you didn't save all your 1D posters when you moved away from home.
H: "Sorry i just wanted to know what you looked like harry says and scratches his back. You look really pretty by the way."
you blush and laugh  cause you rememeber that you're still in your pajamas
you're quick to respond"I love your hair." Oh crap you weren't supposed to say that.
Harry chuckles "thank you but i am going to cut it don't worry."
lord help me i shall not drool. 
"Before you go on and change... I suppose you'd like to do that not because i don't like your pajamas or anything I just uuuhh..."
You can't do otherwise than smile he's adorable. 
"I thought we could get to know each other... after all i am your date to The wedding i think we should take it seriously."
SCORE! ( conceal don't feel)
"Yeah yeah that could i mean will or heh.. It's gonna be great ."
Harry smiles "so it's a date then?"
 You "yeah i'd like that..."
Harry "one more thing... What's your name?"
" Y/N."
"That's a beautiful name, well then Y/N i'll wait for you in my car." 
Is this real? 
you give Perrie one last text. 
"This wedding is gonna rock!"
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sweetshortcakebritt · 10 years
how you meet him (niall horan, one shot)
English is not my native language. I hope you enjoy my first one shot on tumblr! :) xxx
I couldn't believe it. I was shaking, looking at my computer screen. I had just bought 2 meet and greet tickets to see fucking One Direction.  ''Liv, we finally did it. I'm so glad we got a job for once. This will be the best day of our lives!'' Lizzy squeals into my ears. ''Yes, oh my God. I know.'' I was still staring at my screen in disbelief. ''And the best part is that it's already tomorrow!!'' She squealed even harder. I nodded at her, not being able to open my mouth again. We saved all our money to go see them and we couldn't wait, though I really wanted to be prepared for this. How should I dress? Should I put on a lot of make-up or should I keep it natural? All of these thoughts were going through my mind. 
''Liv.'' Lizzy said. I was laying in my bed and too tired to anwser her. Yesterday we couldn't stop talking about One Direction so she stayed the night. It was almost 3am when we finally finished our ridiculous talk. 
''Liv.'' She tried again, shaking me this time. I took a pillow and pushed it in her face. 
''Leave me alone.'' I whined, squeezing my eyes shut until it hurt. 
''Liv, listen. I don't know if you know but today we are going to meet the world's biggest boysband.'' And suddenly my eyes shot open but Lizzy continued. ''so you should get your lazy ass out of bed because I don't know about you but I'm leaving in 2 hours.'' I was already in the bathroom when she finished.
I quickly took a shower. And when I got out I applied some make-up, not too much but just enough to look presentable. I ran over to my closet covered in just a towel, to pick an outfit. The outfit had to scream 'PERFECT'. I soon realized there was nothing good enough to wear in that damned closet. Before I could let out a deep moan, Lizzy was staning next to me holding the most perfect outfit ever! A high waisted skirt with a grey crop top. But my happy face soon faded when I realized it was her outfit. ''Ugh, Lizzy! Go dress up, I'm looking for an outfit to wear!'' I groaned, annoyed.
''But this one's for you.'' She smiled. My huge grin returned as I took the outfit out of her hands. I just love her so much! This is why we are best friends! I have to reward her for that. And I know exactly how.
''Thank you so much, Lizzy. You're the best!'' I gave her a quick hug before dressing myself.
When I looked in the mirror I was satisfied. This is the best I've ever looking in ages and I'm so fucking happy for that! I still couldn't believe the whole thing was about to happen in less than an hour! I couldn't wait to see Niall. And the others too ofcourse but Niall just was my weakness. I couldn't help it. 
''Ready?'' Lizzy asked. I nodded at her because once again I couldn't utter a word. Just because I was full of excitement! 
When we got into the car I was thinking of ways to introduce myself. Stupid, I know but I don't want to stutter or make a fool out of myself. I didn't even talk to Lizzy and we didn't even look at each other. I was losing myself in my own mind and for once, I felt good about that. When Lizzy stopped the car, my heart just stopped with it. We were here and it was going to happen in several minutes.
We got out and went into the building. It was huge but I wasn't looking at it because I was only thinking about the 5 boys we were going to meet. When we saw a big bodyguard standing at a door we knew that would be the place we would walk in soon. The place where the boys were already waiting for their fans to hop inside! I couldn't keep my excitement in and I accidentally squealed in front of the bodyguard. And suddenly me feet were interesting. The bodyguard just laughed at it and so did Lizzy.
''You both will enter the room in 5 minutes, the boys are getting ready for you. Can you please show me your passes?'' The man spoke. I looked over at Lizzy.
''Oh shit, I forgot them!'' Lizzy said and my face went pale. And again, I couldn't utter a word. ''Just kidding, Oh my god Liv, you should have seen your face!'' She laughed and so did the bodyguard who's name is Tom I assume looking at his name tag. My face got its natural colour but I still was shocked. I swatted Lizzy's arm playfully. 
''Liz! Don't ever do that to me again!'' I almost yelled too loud. But my heart stopped at Tom's next words.
''Okay girls, you can both go inside.'' I looked at Lizzy and felt like I was going to faint. But I had nothing to worry about, the lads were going to be very sweet to us and all. 
We both went inside and there they where, looking all good and wow, Niall was even more handsome in real. 
''Aye girls! What are your names?'' Louis asked as he took lizzy in a tight hug. I wasn't going to look retarted so I spoke.
''We're Liv and Liz.'' I said smiling after Louis also gave me a good hug. 
''Liv and Liz, I like those names! So who's who?'' Niall asked after also giving us hugs -which gave me butterflies!- Then the other boys followed as Lizzy spoke.
''I'm Liz but you can call me Lizzy if you want.'' She showed the boys her famous and beautiful smile.
''And I'm Olivia but everyone calls me Liv.'' I tried to smile even brighter, the boys all returned our smiles.
''Let's first take some pictures, yeah?'' Niall asked as we all nodded our heads towards him.
We did the pictures, on the first one, Niall gave me a cute kiss on the cheek and on the other one he held my hand in a very cute way. Lizzy couldn't complain either because she was doing the exact same with Harry. Harry was her personal favourite.
I suddenly remember I still have to reward Lizzy for the outfit she gave me! After the pictures I walk over to Harry to have a quick chat with him while the others keep talking. Lizzy already gives me a jealous look but I ignore it.
''Hey Harry, I was wondering. Could you do something for Liz, or be extra kind to her or something? You're actually her personal favourite and she would be so happy!'' I say, smiling at him. 
''Yes, of course!'' And with that we both went to the group again. Harry went over to stand next to Lizzy and a smile took over my face. Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and found Niall standing next to me, smiling as wide as ever. 
''Hey there! How's everything going?'' Niall asked me. And the butterflies were already there.
''Good, amazing actually! This is the best day of my life to be honest. We have saved for so long and now we finally met you guys! It feels so good.'' I manage to say that without stuttering. Good job, Liv!
''Wow really? well, I just talked to the boys and we want to make it even to you and Lizzy'' He surprised me by saying that. He answered my questioning look right away. ''Our show is going to start in 7 hours which is a very long time to me, and for those hours Liz and you get to spend more time with us.'' Niall said and I was so happy that I couldn't even speak anymore so I just hugged Niall. I wrapped my arms around his neck and layed my head in the crook of his neck. He gently slid his arms around my waist which surprised me. We stayed like that for a while and when we pulled back I was crying. Oh damn! I promised myself not to make a fool out of myself but 'oops, I did it again'. 
Niall carefully wiped one tear away with his thumb and it was such a small gesture and it still caused my heart to skip a beat.
''Don't cry, be happy. It's going to be fun! Promise you that.'' And I just nod at him because I know it will be fun and I know it will be the best day of my life because it already is.
He gently kissed my cheek, but not like on the picutre. This kiss meant something and not only to me but also to him. I could feel it and I was so happy about that. Now Niall and I were just looking at each other when I suddenly heard a camara click and saw a flash appear.
I'm looking at the picture that was shot that day. And I can't believe it has been a year. A year of talking to Niall on twitter each day, skyping him. A year of seeing each other 5 times in person. And the third time he asked me to be his girlfriend. I couldn't be happier and now I'm standing here with him. With my boyfriend looking at the pictures we took on that day. He is standing behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist. His chin resting on my should and he whispers in my ear.
''You have no idea how happy I am that you saved your money to come meet us that day.'' He said after he planted a soft kiss on my neck.
''Me too Niall, me too.'' I say with the same smile I had that day. And I know that this smile will never fade a long as Niall is with me.
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ihearthemcallingxx · 7 years
Mile High
Drabble Challenge Requests:
148. “Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”
14. “Take. It. Off.”
18. “It’s okay to cry…”
1. “The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
2. “How long have you been standing there?”
143. “Ew, your hand is sweaty.”
76. “Daddy!”
141. “Use your words.”
*more requests coming*
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thestylesproject · 6 years
#52 Playing the Intermediary Part 4 (Harry Styles)
Because it’s Christmas…
SUMMARY:  Where Y/N plays the intermediary in a breakup and is stuck with the ex-boyfriend
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
It took awhile for me to get over what happened. Nobody saw it as a big deal, no one saw how uncomfortable it could have been for someone.For someone who hasn’t felt that touch ever in her life. I got over it. It happened and it was okay. I was ignoring all calls from Sara. She put me in this situation and was an awful help after. That wasn’t how a friend was supposed to be. I had taken a step back into advising people. I was reading a few books on how to improve. I know it was none of my business and, what I did was not fine. I would be crushed if I was told by my boyfriend’s friend about my breakup. It was humiliating.
I was keeping away from some people as well. Some people who knew Harry well now since it had been a while. Some people who knew about my tattoo and about Harry’s painting. I know they were questioning it, I know they were questioning me.
I was volunteering a lot more. I knew I was a good listener, but I chose where I opened my mouth, and let people come to their own decisions.  It was almost Christmas, and people were starting to leave. I knew I was not going back home. It didn’t make sense, it was another pain of choosing houses to go too, and dealing with obnoxious people who were plainly mean and ruined any feeling of the holiday spirit. I was better alone. I was planning to go to a couple museums and work with this one charity where we wrapped gifts for children. Then, plan a nice meal for myself and sit in - it was ideal really. And, then a few people will be back before New Year so, I was fine.
I walked into the charity with some nice Christmas gift wraps and was instantly let down to see him there. Harry Styles. He looked up and smiled. This was a select volunteer programme, only 6 people were selected and we had a partner. He was mine.
“How are you?” He asked.
“Fine, fine. Let’s get to work?” I said, sitting down. He had everything ready so, we just had to work.
“What are you still doing here? Not going back home?” He asked.
“Umm no,” I responded. I didn’t want to make small talk.
We kept quiet for a while, “We have wrapped 30 gifts now. Can we please say something to each other?” He groaned.
I just looked at him. I really had nothing to say.
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. It was wrong for me to do that,” He apologized.
“It was a game,” I shrugged.
“I also, meant about the paintings,” he looked up. “I made them in the next three days after I left your house and I was angry. I didn’t want them to come out, but Giselle saw it and sent pictures to the gallery manager. That’s why I didn’t call you. I didn’t call you because I knew you’d get it. And, I made it at a time where I was really low, so low, and I don’t have anyone here Y/N. Painting is my only way… the only way I can get it out. But, I’m really sorry. It was wrong.”
“Do you think that bad of me?” I asked.
“I have never had someone think that badly of me. I don’t get off at hurting you, and I’m not sick, I like to think I’m -  that I’m nice and not not..”
“So, what about you? Aren’t you going back home?” I asked, walking out of the charity.
“No, I’m not. I lost my father last year, and I don’t have anyone else to go back to really. A stepmom, but we were never close.” He walked with me.
“Oh, okay.” I didn’t have anything else to say.
“And you aren’t going back because?” He asked.
“I don’t fit with my mother’s third husband’s family. And, my father’s wife is obnoxious. I don’t have many choices,” I told him.
“You’re fine with being alone?” He held my arm stopping me.
“I’m used to it,” I laughed.
He nodded, and we went our separate way.
“Hello, who is this?” I picked up my call.
“Hi, umm Hi. This is Harry.”
“Hey, hi, Merry Christmas!” I quickly said.
“Merry Christmas,” He mumbled.
“What happened?”  I asked.
“What are you doing?”
“I just made a lot of food, and I am going to watch a movie, you?”
“Can I join you?” He asked.
“Please. I am not used to being alone. It is my first holiday alone without dad, and I am a bit, umm, a bit sad. I know, we aren’t on the best terms, but please,” I hadn’t heard anyone who sounded as pained as him.
“I’m sending my address.”
“I’ll get the alcohol.”
He arrived in the next 30 mins, looking a bit dishevelled. He was still so hot. I swore that my hormones didn’t care about anything. In these thirty minutes, I tried to fix my room which was a mess, I should have fixed myself. I still in my night clothes which I realized were a bit too skimpy for meeting someone.
“Thanks for inviting me,” He smiled.
“Come in,” I pulled the door open.
“I got everything I had in my cupboard. So, we have Tequila, Vodka, Cheap Rum, and Wine, it’s red,” He empties his huge bag.
“Wow, you got the bar! I went out on a spread and made a full Italian spread!”
“You have people coming?” He asked.
“No, just you. Come on, you can choose the movie!”
“I’m going to be a sap and say Love Actually,” He smiled. I groaned, why?
“It’s a Christmas movie, C'mon!” I climbed into my bed, he changed into his pyjamas and danced his way to me. “Thank you for having me. Are we starting with shots?” I nodded and we took three each.
“Shit, Love Actually,” I giggled, my head spinning. “Found it!”
He brought us rum, and I played the movie. His commentary went through the movie making me laugh so hard. I forgot all about our history, laughing with him as he repeated the dialogues, telling me details of the extra shots. It was the shortest movie ever.
“C’mon we should eat,” I tried getting up from the bed. I realized I was drunk when I placed my feet on the ground and fell back in the attempt to stand up on the bed.
“You fell,” He laughed, as sloshed as me. “We should dance.”
“Oh god,” I held my head, trying to walk towards the kitchen.
“Do you want lasagne or I made pasta or this pasta -“
“Lasagne,” Harry screamed. I nodded and cut the meal and put it in the microwave. Harry was fumbling outside with my speaker. “God, I love this song!” He moaned. “Come here,” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled in for a classic dance. How was it so easy to be around this guy? What was happening?
“Food’s ready,” I met his eyes. He was looking at my lips. He nodded but didn’t let me go. My eyes shifted to his, they looked so soft. Memories from that night flooded inconveniently only the feeling of his lips on mine, and how good they felt. I wasn’t thinking, I don’t think he was either. It was slow, I was more aware of his hand moving to hold my face, the other bringing me closer to his body. I closed my eyes when we kissed. This was willing, as my fingers pulled his hair, trying to get him closer. It was as if my mind shut off. We were jumping boundaries. If we told people how we came to this, I would come out looking like a bitch. I pushed him against the couch, my instinct taking over. He tasted like rum, and I was enjoying it too much. He sat down, our lips breaking, and I pushed my hair, aside. “Food’s ready,” he pulled me down, making me climb on him, as he kissed me again. I had never been this close to a guy, and my drunk mind was telling me to take his clothes off. I could feel his hand on my waist. My shirt rising up, I wasn’t wearing anything under. I stopped kissing him. He opened his eyes in question, “too fast,” I mumbled. Nodding, he tucked my flick behind my ear and placed another kiss on my lips.
“We chose Lasagne, didn’t we?” He asked.
Request for Part 5? 
What do you think about where the story is headed? Any further ideas? Please do write and comment. It encourages me to post a lot! 
Thank you for the support this time. I shall respond to them as soon as I can! 
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fanfictionguide · 9 years
let me make a thing of cream and stars
Author: missandrogyny
Fandom: One Direction
It doesn't explain why he's lying on the floor, with Harry Styles, of all people, planking on top of him.
As in, seventeenth most influential person in London, pop-star-turned-rock-star Harry Styles. The same Harry Styles who has had countless model girlfriends, left, right and centre. Also the same Harry Styles who has been the subject of Louis' wet dreams since he was about eighteen.
Or: Louis is a Radio 1 DJ and Harry is a pop-star he interviews.
Characters/Ships: Larry
Topic Warnings: sexual content
Suggested Rating: M
Word Count: 24877
0 notes
1d-imagine-feb26 · 9 years
I Promise (A Niall Horan FanFic) - Chapter Nine
The kiss seemed to linger on my lips hours after it was over. Niall and I went our separate ways and towards our rooms when we got inside. No other words were spoken between us after our lips parted.
It’s two in the morning and I’ve still not been able to fall asleep for a mere ten minutes. After tossing and turning a few times, a finally gave up the idea of falling asleep and got up.
I left my room, trying to be as quiet as possible when shutting the door behind me. The house was as quiet as could be, Niall being asleep in his room across the hall. I made my way towards the kitchen, deciding to make some sort of drink.
I looked through the cupboards, seeing if I could find anything, and stumbled across some hot chocolate. I smiled softly, grabbing a hold of the packet and then going on to find a mug.
“Couldn’t sleep either?” A voice behind me spoke, making me jump. I turned around to see a messy haired, tired eyed Niall leaning up on the doorway.
“Nope,” I trailed off, popping the ‘p’ a bit. “Would you like some hot chocolate? I was just about to warm up some milk for it.” Niall’s lips spread out into a smile, walking over to me.
“I would love some.” I began to prepare myself for another one of his kisses, as he was leaning closer, but then the cupboard behind me opened. Niall brought out two mugs, setting them on the counter beside me.
My heart sank a bit at the realization that he had not intended on putting his lips a top of mine, but I put on a smile in attempts to cover it up.
“I do hope that you not being able to sleep isn’t on my account?” Niall asked a bit sheepishly. I took in his blue eyes, seeing as he looked a bit nervous. I let out a sigh before replying.
“No,” I lied. “It’s just been a pretty big day, I suppose.” I pursed my lips a bit, lifting the corners in a sad attempt at a genuine smile.
“Seeing your family after so long?” Niall asked, his words steady and measured.
“Yeah,” I breathed out, pushing some of the dark strands of hair back from my face as I walked over to the fridge to grab the carton of milk needed to make our drinks. “And,” I started before pausing. It had to be talked about at some point, “That other thing that happened.”
“So it was on my account.” Niall had on a poker face at the moment. He grabbed the carton from me, pouring equal amounts into each mug.
“Not really.”
“But somewhat?” Niall looked at me, searching my features himself to see if he could read anything from my expression. He let out a sigh, putting the cap back on the carton and putting it in the fridge. I put the mugs of milk in the microwave before turning back to Niall.
“No,” I sighed. “Kind of.” Niall leaned up against the counter, his hand running through his hair. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it u-”
“No.” Niall interrupted me. “It would have had to have been brought up eventually.”
“So was it intentional?” My voice was soft, nervous even.
“Was what intentional?”
“The kiss.” My heart raced at just saying the words. The kiss that happened in the car. The kiss that we shared together. The kiss that I had been waiting for.
“Of course it was intentional, Harp. It’s not like I go around kissing everybody that I see.” Niall smirked. It only lasted for a moment, then the smirk disappeared. “Was it intentional for you?” His eyes were full of worry.
“God, yes, it was intentional.” I closed my eyes, the vivid memory of his lips against mine racing through my brain.
“I meant what I said, you know. About liking you.” Niall looked me straight in the eye. I was about to say something when the microwave beeped. Niall took the two mugs out of it, handing me one mug, a packet of hot chocolate mix, and a spoon.
I poured in my chocolate mix and began to stir when Niall spoke again. “I know that this whole relationship thing is all messed up for you now because of Wes, but I’d never do something like that. Harp, I would never hurt you like he did. I would never make you feel the way he did.”
“I know you wouldn’t, Ni.” I continued to stir the now all mixed up hot chocolate. I took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out before taking a sip of the beverage in my hand. I couldn’t look at Niall. I knew what he wanted, what he was trying to ask me by not exactly asking me. I also knew that if I were to agree, I would mess the whole thing up.
“So,” Niall trailed off, his hands wrapped around the mug itself instead of the handle. He brought the mug to his lips before bringing it back down, not even taking a sip from it.
“Niall,” I started, closing my eyes as I tried to think of a way to say what I was feeling. “I don’t want to have our current relationship be ruined by something like that.”
“Oh,” Niall responded as he looked down into his mug, now taking a nervous sip from it. The look on his face broke my heart, and all I wanted to do was make it better. I couldn’t, though.
“Niall, please,” I tried softly, tears stinging the inner corners of my eyes.
“It’s fine, Harp, really.” Niall shot me a sad smile. I let out a sigh, setting down my mug and wrapping my arms around him. He carefully sat his mug down, his arms snaking around my waist.
“It’s not you, Niall.”
“That line, huh?” Niall let out a sad laugh.
“It’s true,” I craned my neck upward so that I could look at him. “That experience that I had with Wes, it made me realize how shitty I was at relationships. What happened could have been avoided i-”
“You couldn’t have changed anything, Harper. That’s what abusers do. They know how to take advantage of you and how to make sure they’re in control.” Niall’s blue eyes looked right into mine.
“I’m not the relationship type, Niall.”
“Why, because of some asshole? He’s the one that wasn’t the relationship type. You are worthy of it, Harp. You are worthy to be loved.” I leaned my head against Niall’s chest, cuddling closer to him.
“I don’t want to mess anything up,” I whispered. Niall’s chin rested on the top of my head, and I couldn’t help but smile at how nice and secure this moment made me feel.
“You wouldn’t, Harp.” I could feel his lips brush against my hair.
“I guess we could see where all this goes,” I murmured softly, my eyelids feeling heavier with each word. I looked up at Niall again, a small smile returning on his lips. He brought them closer to mine, my eyes already closing as they neared.
Once the two sets connected, I couldn’t help but smile into it. I never felt this way kissing someone. Not the boy that I had shared my first kiss on the playground with at eight years old. Not the teen boy that I had a crush on for four years in the hallway at school at fourteen years old. Not the man that I had believed I had loved while he took every bit of confidence and self worth from me over the time we had been together.
Niall was different from all those time. He seemed so gentle. His lips never pushed too hard against mine, his hands always holding me in place. I could feel his own heartbeat racing against mine, as if they were competing for the trophy of a marathon. I felt a feeling that only could be described as one, four letter word that I was too scared to say out loud.
I had only said those three words, I love you, to one person. The one person that had hurt me after every time I fearfully screamed the words. The one person that I felt the exact opposite towards.
Niall grabbed my hand after we pulled away. The two of us sat on the couch, watching an episode of some television show that neither one of us had heard of. His arm was wrapped around me, pulling me close to him. My head was on his chest, the steady thump of his heartbeat, much different than the rhythm that it was when our lips were connected, being somewhat of a lullaby.
Niall placed a soft blanket over top of the both of us, leaving me cozy and warm and comfortable. Memories of him teaching me to play guitar and us watching television and him and I just talking danced around my mind as my eyelids became heavier and heavier.
There wasn’t anything that could beat this moment. I wasn’t ready for the sun to come up or this night to be over, because this was what I had been waiting for. I had never felt so safe. This was what I needed.
As Niall’s head slowly fell on top of mine and my eyelids closed, as our hot chocolates that we had walked into the kitchen for in the first place began to cool, I wished with all my might that I could pause this moment and live in it forever.
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tthirstyforstyles · 11 years
Let Me Love On You - One Shot Request for Haley xx
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-Sorry its so late x
Flying out to see Harry had begun to become a regular occurrence. With his busy schedule of always traveling it was easier if he just flew you out to see him. 
You loved flying out to see him, but you also hated it. Being in school, and only working a part time job you didn't have the money to pay to always see him. So it left Harry to always pay. He said he didn't care and that he wanted to do it but that didn’t mean that you liked it. You felt bad and you didn't want him to ever think you were using him for his money. Even though he insisted heavily to pay for everything and to spoil you. 
It was something you were not used to. Always having boys treat you like you were beneath them and not worth anything. When you met Harry he changed your life. After spending time with him there was no doubt you had feelings for him. His sweet and genuine personality making you so drawn to him. When he told you he had feelings for you, you thought it was a dream, never expecting him to say those words to you. Ever since then he has made you the happiest girl of life, never did you thought that you would ever find someone who was so amazing and special. 
Arriving in Los Angeles, you got off the plane fast. Pushing past people quickly, just wanting to get into Harry’s awaiting arms. Finally seeing him and the some of his security team, a huge grin spread across your face. Locking eyes with his, his smile appeared as well. 
Running quickly to him, once you were close to him, you jumped onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck while he picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist. Sighing you nuzzled your nose into his neck. "It feels so good to be in your arms." 
"Feels good to have you back into my arms baby. God I missed you so much." Cupping your face, your eyes met his before he kissed your forehead. "You look beautiful, Haley." 
Blushing you buried your face into his neck, once again. "Stop that. I'm wearing your sweater with yoga pants." 
"Ya and you look fit as hell.” Pinching your ass, not so discretely. “And you look so gorgeous without make up." Kissing your cheek, he let you down.
“Stop you are making me blush.” Smirking, he grabbed your hand in his, lacing his fingers with yours. "Stay close to me baby." He whispered to you before quickly kissing your cheek and getting ready to lead you out the door. 
Getting that nervous feeling inside of you again, you held his hand tight and pulled your body close to his. Looking back he kissed your forehead giving you a reassuring smile. Walking out of a building with Harry was always nerve racking, never knowing what fans would be there and how they would act towards you. Majority of the fans were sweet to you but there were the rare few who would give you a dirty look or say a rude remark. 
  You tried not to take it personally but sometimes you couldn't help it. Looking down at the ground you let Harry guide you through the crowd, trying hard to ignore the screaming and the clicking of the cameras. 
Finally climbing into the car Harry wrapped his arm around your shoulder, comforting you knowing how nervous and anxious the media and people made you.  Sighing, you pushed your face into the crook of his neck, closing your eyes and finally relaxing, finding the comfort you needed in his arms. 
“Was that okay?” Whispering against your forehead before he pressed his lips into a kiss. 
“Ya. I have you with me. So everything is perfect.” Smiling he leaned down towards you and gave you a quick sweet kiss. 
“Good, just want to make sure you feel safe.” 
“Always with you.” 
Arriving at the hotel, he got out first. Holding out his hand to help you out, he laced your fingers together and pulled you through the crowd. You immediately felt safe once you were in his hotel room, surrounded by his things and smell, comforting you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he slowly started kissing along her neck. “Mmm so happy you are here.” 
“Me too. Shit.. Harry.” Finding your spot he knew you loved so much, your head fell back against his shoulder, while he continued to move his lips across your neck and the curve of your shoulder. 
“I have a present for you.” He said in between leaving kisses. Leaving one more kiss before pulling back, he went over to the bed night stand and pulled out a small box. 
Getting that pain inside your chest once again, you wanted to scream and grab him. Tell him he didn’t need to do this. He didn’t need to buy things or pay for them. You didn’t understand why he couldn’t understand that. He just never listened. “Harry... what is this?”
Giving you a big smile, he handed it to you. “Open it baby.” 
Looking down at the box, you noticed where it was from and immediately knew it was expensive. “Harry.. I can’t accept this.” Shaking your head you tried to give him back the box but he wouldn’t take it. 
Rolling his eyes, he nudged you with his foot. “Open it.” 
Sighing you opened the box, and as soon as you saw it, you wanted to cry. Of course he had to get you the necklace you had always wanted, the Tiffany key. He always listened and payed close attention to the people he cared about and it was one of the many reasons you loved him. He was so caring and thoughtful but it also made you so mad. Closing the box, you handed it back to him. “Harry, no.”
“Do.. do you not like? Did I get the wrong one?” Opening the box again he looked down at it confused. 
“No Harry baby, its perfect.” 
“Then what’s wrong?” 
Walking into the bedroom you threw your purse on the bed. Facing the window you sighed. “Harry, you need to stop paying for things and buying me stuff. I don’t like it.” 
“I don’t understand?” 
“I hate how you waste your money on me. Always paying to fly me out to see you. Buying me dinner and gifts and flowers. Especially when I bring nothing to the table. I just feel... I feel horrible.” 
“Baby why does it matter? You’re my girl, I like buying you things. I’ve never wasted my money when it comes to you, stop thinking those things. They are far from the truth.” Wrapping his arms around your waist, he snuggled his face into your shoulder. Placing kisses all over your shoulder and up your neck, him always wanting to feel close to you, and never being able to keeps his hands off of you. Trying hard not to smile, you tried to push out of his arms but he wouldn’t let you. 
“Because! I don’t want you for your money. I don’t care about it but you paying for everything makes me feel like I am coming off like that. Like the only way I will stay around is if you will pay for everything or buy me expensive things.” Frustrated you threw your arms up in the air, sighing. 
Turning your body to face him, you avoided looking him in the eyes. Tilting your chin up with his fingers, he looked at you confused. “Haley.. stop that. I don’t think that at all. I pay because I want to. I don’t care about the money either. I care about you and I care about treating you the way you deserved to be treated.” Placing his hands on your hips he pulled you closer to him. “Baby.. your ex’s they were jerks. They treated you like shit and they didn’t deserve you. You make me so happy and I just want to make you happy as well. I want to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Thats it.” 
Sighing you leaned your head against his chest. Unbuttoning another one of his buttons, you moved it to the side and pressed a kiss against his chest. “I love you, you know that right? And I am so happy with you. I don’t need expensive or fancy gifts, I just need you.” 
Moving his hands to your face, he brushed his thumbs along your cheeks. “I know that and I love you too. Don’t worry about that stuff okay babe? I understand what you are saying but just know you are it for me and I plan on spending the rest of my life spoiling you and taking care of you.  I just want you to love me and support me.” 
Smiling, you leaned up closer to him. “Not like thats hard. It’s so easy to love you, the real you. I fall harder each day baby. You are so amazing and I am so lucky to have someone like you.” 
“God Haley, the things you do to me.” Pressing his lips against yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your self hard against his body. Moving your lips against his, you whimpered when he picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist. 
Taking his upper lip, while he took your bottom lip. Deepening the kiss, you had never felt so much passion in a kiss before. When you used to kiss your ex’s you felt nothing, only the feeling of someone trying to shove their tongue down your throat. With Harry it was different, you could feel the kiss through out your whole body. The intensity of it, warming your body and feeling all your emotions and his sink through. With every sweep of the tongue, you always tried to pull him closer to you, wanting to be as close to him as possible. 
“I wanna feel you baby.” Moving back you unbuttoned his shirt, before pushing it off his shoulders. Lifting up your arms he pulled your shirt over your head, unclasping your bra right after. 
Getting into the bed, you both went under the covers, stripping yourself of your clothing before pressing yourself tight against him. Moving his nose across your neck, he ran his hands up and down your back, while you place kisses along his chest. “Mm I love nights like these. Having you against me, feeling you against me. Best thing in the world.” 
“I know baby. I love you, so much.” 
“Me too. Me too Haley, so much.” 
You knew this conversation would come up again and you would never fully feel comfortable with the whole aspect of the money thing. But you promised yourself you would always show him how much he is loved and cared for. Showing him everyday how much of an amazing person he is. Never wanting him to ever feel like he wasn’t when he was truly the most amazing boy ever. Someone so special and undeniably perfect. 
-Hope You Like It x
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carrie-anne-williams · 11 years
Serendipity: Chapter 5
Annabeth’s POV:
“Where have you been?!” I ask harshly.
“Sorry the bus was really late,” Roxy shrugged, “Plus look who we have,” She pointed to the oblivious sub teacher, “He didn’t even notice me walking in late!”
“It’s second period and I was just worried, that’s all...” I sighed.
“No need to! Plus I’m excused, I have a note.” Roxy laughed, waving the piece of paper in the air.
“Hey, do you know what the answer is for question 21?” Juliet asked, tapping her pencil on the small student desk.
“Seriously?” Roxy raised an eyebrow.
“Some people actually do like this subject Roxanne.” I replied, looking back on my practice test worksheet.
“Yeah, you may not care about passing History, but I do.” Juliet fired back.
“Okay, I get it, but come on! Its one sheet, just chill, the bells about to go anyways.” Roxy just smiled.
“Notes.” Juliet simply said and we all knew we should just give up. *RING RING RING*
“See?” Roxy smiled, picking up her bag and walking towards the door.
“We have to keep an eye on her!” I smiled to Juliet, as we followed her out.
“Come on, Heather and I have something to show you.” Juliet smirked, guiding me towards the lockers.
“No! It’s not like I’m going kidnap you...or am I?” She raised one eyebrow.
“Seriously what is it?!” I wanted to know this instance.
“We have to wait for Heather, it was her idea in the beginning.” She stood by Heather’s locker, it was near the Music rooms.
We waited a good ten minutes, “Look, there is only twenty minutes left for break one and I need to catch up on work...plus I’m starving.” I was fading.
“Anna! Juliet!” We heard Heather yell, she waved and approached us with Alana.
“What took you so long?” Juliet sighed.
“Sorry, Alana and I got held back, we had to help Mr Pratt stack chairs for the meeting room.” Heather replied.
“Do you have it?” I asked her.
“Oh, yes!” Heather smiled.
“Your gonna love it Anna!” Alana smiled sweetly, holding her books to her chest.
I saw Heather pull out what looked like a flyer for something. She handed me the piece of paper smiling brightly. I was confused until I saw the word ‘art’ printed across it. The flyer read: Art. What comes to mind when you think of it? Art is a way where you can express your feelings in a visual way that move people in so many ways they never thought could happen. Want to learn how? Already know but need some lessons? Come by at the community centre for lessons for ages 14-18.
“We thought you might like it?” Juliet spoke.
I looked up from the flyer, “Thanks guys, I could really use this, so I could increase my mark.” I smiled.
“Increase your mark?!” Alana asked, “You can’t get higher than an A+ Anna!” She laughed.
“I can increase my percentage.” I retorted back.
“Always trying harder ay?” Heather asked, though she already knew the answer.
“That’s my goal.” I half smiled, “Come on, lets go to the table, the girls are probably wondering where we are.”
We ended up stopping at Heather’s and Alana’s lockers on the way there. Though I still had fifteen minutes left.
We approached the table to find everyone enjoy their break. I sat between Mya and Juliet, snaking on some giant cookie while completing old P.E work Mrs Kennedy gave me this morning before period one. I was nearly done, occasionally joining into people’s conversations.
“Have you guys finished reading it?” Violet asked.
“Oh my god yes! The ending was sooooo sad!” I replied.
“I’ve only read like half of it...” Delia shrugged.
“You HAVE to read the whole book!” I enthused.
“What are we talking about?” Odelia questioned.
“Perks of being a wallflower!” Violet and I said in unison.
“Ohhhhhh...” Odelia finally clicked on.
“Violet, Alana and I are gonna head to the library, get some books for Geography.” Dominique smiled, grabbing her books and mac.
“Sure, bye guys.” We all smiled.
We had about five minutes left when they approached us.
“Hello babes!” I heard an english accent say.
I looked up and saw five boys standing in front of us eleven girls.
“Argh, Zayn what do you want?” I heard Mya groan.
...So that’s Zayn.
“Your cursing for a bruising!” Coraline told them.
“What? Can’t we say hello to our favourite girls in the school?” A boy smiled towards me, “And who may you be?”
“I’m Annabeth, though, just call me Anna.” I smiled back.
“Louis.” He replied with a wink.
“Can’t you see we’re busy?” Nadine told them.
“Do we have another hater among us?” Liam raised an eye brow.
“I don’t hate you, nor do I like you, I don’t care to be honest.” Nadine admitted.
“Um, thank you?” Liam questioned
“Pleasure,” Nadine smiled, “Come on Annie, don’t you need to buy something from the canteen?”
“But I wanna talk to Lou-” Annie started, smiling towards Louis but got interrupted when Nadine pulled her up and started walking her to the canteen.
“Yea, Delia and I might head to the library too.” Odelia quickly got up with Delia.
“Guys!” Coraline yelled.
“Looks like its just the seven of you then.” Harry smiled. All of the boys sat down with us, filling in the gaps where the girls were.
“What are you doing here?” Mya frowned.
“Well, I want to get an education-” Harry started, giving a smart answer back.
“No, you are suppose to be late!” Mya looked at Coraline.
“I was until Lou called me and asked me if I wanted a lift, Stewart drove us here, he’s a good lad,” Harry smirked, “Better luck next time babe.”
Mya glared at Harry.
“So... I don’t think we have met these four fine ladies.” Niall smiled, looking towards Juliet, Heather, Millie and I.
“That’s Millie,” Louis pointed towards her, “And that’s Anna, though I don’t know the others...”
“How did you know my name?” Millie asked.
“Lucky guess, love.” Louis replied unsurely.
“Right...well this is Juliet and that’s Heather.” Mya smiled.
“Lovely to meet you babes.” Zayn smiled, he sat between Juliet and I.
“Hey Roxy.” Niall smiled, taking a seat next to her, wrapping an arm around her.
“Hey Niall.” She blushed.
“Hey, do you have some Irish in you?” Niall smirked.
“A little... why?” Roxy replied innocently.
“Would you like some more in ya?” Niall winked.
“Keep it G rated people!” Coraline yelled.
Roxy slapped Niall’s arm away playfully, “Ew!” She smiled.
We started to talk, among ourselves and they were actually surprisingly really nice, though about every minute Harry and Mya would be fighting with Liam and Coraline. I had a nice chat to Zayn and Louis. I must admit, I did kinda like Louis, he is funny, nice, has gorgeous eyes and extremely yummy. I learnt that Zayn also enjoy’s art and he is going to the art class like the one I am going to. I offered to go with him, I know it was just down the road from the school but he has only been in this country for two days and I didn’t want him to get lost.
“What a shame! I have to go to class!” Mya announced, smiling.
“See you in two hours babe.” Harry winked and got up with the rest of the boys.
“Can’t freakin wait.” Mya faked smiled.
The boys said there goodbyes and we all started to head to Maths, class one: Dominique, Violet, Odelia, Heather, Millie, Juliet and I, class two: Coraline, Nadine, Delia, Alana and Annie, class three: Roxanne and Mya. We all have math at the same time and they are all in the same building that is spilt into four sections.
As we were walking we saw five girls, who looked like older seniors, walking towards us in a manner of what looked like anger.
“Morning bitches.” One girl smirked.
“Um, hi?” I nervously spoke.
“Look, we see what your are doing!” Another hissed at us.
“What exactly are we ‘doing’?” I was so confused, looking back at Juliet and Heather.
“Acting like sluts, whores and lost bitches in front of the boys.” The first girl devilishly smiled.
“Ohhhhh hold the fuck up!” Coraline yelled, making us look at her in shock, “One. I do not ‘like’ ANY OF THEM! So bitch, stop tripping!!! Two. They are not some toy, you can’t own them, nor play around with them till you get bored!!! And three. They came to us, not the other way around!”
This left the 11 graders shocked.
“Oh and by the way...” Mya smirked standing a little to close to the main girl, “Too much tan love, you look like an umpa lumpa and the make up doesn’t help cover it up... though if you are trying to look like saw, perfect!”
You could tell they were about to crack.
“Your welcome.” Mya smiled.
“Split!” Roxy pushed in the middle of them, us following. I looked back and they were still shocked.
“THEY SEE ME ROLLING, THEY HATING!” Roxy, Mya and Coraline smirked, singing loudly enough so they could hear.
“I regret nothing!” Coraline laughed as well, as we went our separate ways to class.
I said goodbye to my friends and started to walk to the the front school gate. I was waiting for Zayn as we agreed to meet up here so we could walk together to our first art class. I looked at my watch, ‘3:35’... he was half an hour late... should I go or stay?
I decided to head off, the class starting in twenty minutes. I started walking down the street when I thought I heard my name being yelled...I must be hearing things.
“ANDERSON!” I heard. I looked to my left and right... no one... I kept walking.
“ANNA!!!!!!” I heard louder... I turned around to see Zayn running up to me, “Gees babe slow down!” He laughed.
“Sorry, but your kinda late Malik” I replied, turning back around, continuing walking.
“Huh?” Zayn frowned, walking in front of me.
“You said we would meet at the front gate at ‘3:10’...its now...” I said, checking my watch, “‘3:40’, you were half an hour late, and now we are going to be late to art class.” I pointed out and push him to the side and continued walking.
“Oh come on Anderson!” Zayn started to walk backwards facing me.
“Don’t call me that.” I added, hating him calling me by my last name.
“Babeeee, don’t be like this!” Zayn pouted.
“I’m sorry I just hate late people, anyways, what was so important it had to take up thirty minutes?” I questioned.
“I was talking to Melissa...” He replied very vaguely.
“Right...” I nodded unsurely, not knowing who this Melissa was and what she wanted with Zayn.
“I have an idea.” Zayn finally talked, smiling.
“That being?” I asked.
“I will piggy back you!” He smirked.
“Why, I have perfectly good legs...” I was confused.
“You muppet, so we can get to art class quicker!” Zayn laughed.
I thought about it...“Fine.” I gave in and hoped on his back.
“Hold on!” Zayn smiled.
“Well that was fun!” Zayn said, the sarcasm dripping in his voice.
“Yeah totes, real fun!” I said back, agreeing with him.
Don’t get me wrong, I love art, but never in my life have I had the feeling to throw my paintbrush at the teacher.
“The teacher could have smiled a little more. Don’t you think babe?” He asked me as we both leaned against the entrance gate, waiting for our rides home.
“First. Don’t call me babe! How many times have I told you that? And second maybe she didn’t smile because she was having a bad day or something, not everyone has to be happy all the time. Shit does happen!”
“I like calling you babe, it suits you!” He told me with a smirk.
“Yeah well ok...” I awkwardly in return.
As if on cue, I saw my mum’s car coming around the corner. I turned to him and said, “How are you getting home?”
“David, my ‘buddy’ is picking me up. He should be here anytime now.” He said back, frowning slightly.
I could see Zayn thinking about something..., “You miss them don’t you?” I whispered, referring to his family.
“Yeah, lots. More every day. Especially my sisters.” He replied, his frown becoming more evident. He turned away from me, and looked at the ground. When he looked up, he waved at a car that stopped in first of us.
“David’s here, I’ll see you on Monday. Have a great weekend, Anna.” He said to me, with a smile on his face. He called me by my first name...
“Bye Zayn, have a good weekend too. See you on Monday.” I walked towards my mum’s car and watch David’s disappear.
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pinkamour1588 · 11 years
Vanilla ice cream and fan fiction :)
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Louis one shot - oil change
Louis and the boys had the day off and had decided to take Lauren out for a drive in the country. The only problem was that half way there the car had broken down. Lauren insisted that they call roadside service but Louis being Louis had insisted that he could fix it.
“Babe, I’ve got this,” He said jumping out the car “You just wait in here whilst I have a look under the hood ok?”
Lauren watched him disappear behind the hood as he lifted it up. She giggled to herself , shaking her head as she knew that he had no idea what to do. But she loved the way that he liked to play macho man and try anyway. She just hoped that he wouldn’t make it worse.
Lauren waited for around an hour, calling out to Lou to check that he was doing fine. He assured her that he was fine and didn’t need any help. When Lauren noticed that the sun was starting to go down she thought it was about time to head out and sort her man out. She hopped out only to see two legs sticking out from under the car. Lauren nudged onr of them with her foot to get his attention.
“Lou, its getting dark. Do you think that you know what’s wrong yet?” She called to him bending down to see him under the car.
“Yeah, I think i-“there was a small squeak and then the sound of something spurting out. Followed by a yelp from Louis under the car.
“ Louis ! are you ok?” Lauren called out as he started to push himself out from under the car. He stood up covered in what looked like black oil covering him from his head to his waist. He had wiped small patches around his eyes. Lauren couldn’t help herself from cracking up laughing at how ridiculous he looked.
“Oh this is funny is it?” He asked raising an eyebrow and giving her a look that she knew was trouble.
“No,” Lauren says quickly trying to get herself out of trouble “No not funny at all.” Lauren quickly backed away but Louis was already on her. He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her in the air over his shoulder. She felt the warm oil squish against her skin. He still had Lauren over his shoulder as he nuzzled his face into her hip. She was squealing as he spun her around laughing and then popped her down onto her feet. He looked her up and down pleased with his work. She was now just as covered as he was. Out of breath she told him that she was going for a walk up the hill to get some signal. He finally gave in and agreed to let her take the lead. 
When Lauren got back from calling the assistance she was that Louis had gotten the pick nick rug from the boot and was now lying on the bonnet with it, tapping the place next to him for her to join him.
“They will be here in two hours unfortunately,” she informed him as she snuggled in next to him.
“That’s fine with me,” he said planting a small kiss on her forehead.
The spent the next two hours staring up at the stars , kissing and cuddling. When the help finally came they had to quickly rearrange themselves before they were seen.
“I don’t want to go home,” Lou whispered to her on the ride home “The boys are never going to let me forget this.
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dirtyimagines101 · 11 years
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Lol why does this remind me of Harry, dirty teacher imagine coming sometime this week? Hell Yeah!!
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