rhymeontime · 2 years
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The resistance of the sea brewed strength enough to grow leg from fin. “This is only the beginning,” she thought “I might be able to walk now but I’ve gotta run to win.” Unbelievably proud to announce I’ll be emceeing with the phenomenal @cirquedivina at @plantriversidedistrict this weekend (11/4-11/5 8:30and 9:30) and shortly I’ll be training in some new circus arts. Happy Halloween. I hope you’re finding your sea legs, your ground legs, and your wings. <3 #happyhalloween #mermaid #onland #growth #cosplay #makeup #shiny #cirquedivina #plantriversidedistrict #savannah #mosthostess #renaissancewoman #catchmenifyoucan (at Plant Riverside District) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkY1hCmuiZl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jodeliejodelie · 5 months
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It's been forever since I built a uni, but I'm having so much fun!
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So, @pologies for bothering y@, but I (fuschi@, 8 sweeps) would like to know if y@ know if there's @ny types of hum@ns th@t c@n bre@the under w@ter like I c@n? :D
Just @skin' bec@use they seem ne@t @nd I'd like to h@ng out with one somed@y :D
AS far AS Ican tELL, THEy only liVE ON land ~._.~ sorRY!!
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gothish · 1 year
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by wood_owl
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st-pop · 11 days
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Everything from sanji’s 2nd backstory is the same until the part where reiju helps him escape to the orbit
Rather than Sanji escaping to the orbit for freedom, little sanji, realizing that reiju is also ‘emprisoned’ in a way chose to make reiju leave instead to ‘be free from judges rule’
in the end reiju escaped germa instead of sanji, with the promise that she would come back to save him
(Im pretty sure that reiju had her humanity but still was unable to not follow whatever judge said, dont come after me if this isnt right, im surviving off of spoilers since im on skypiea 🫶)
Reiju, on the orbit didn’t really do much other than decide to work on the ship until they reached land
But then, oh no! The cook pirates attack! Reiju’s fine though because of her Germa abilities, she did save the captain of the cook pirates however and bring him to land..wonder how that will play out later in the story
Anyways, once on land she starts to go in hiding because while on the orbit she finds a newspaper detailing how germa/judge is looking for her
Overtime she ends up working for an anonymous assassination network (since killing was what she had been practically raised to do) called ‘Baroque works’ as Poison Tulip, as Mr. 1’s partner. (Ms.Doublefinger is forced to be Bon Clay/Mr 2’s partner dispite him not wanting/needing a partner :’))
She meets the SwitchAU! crew (which was only Ace, Nojiko, and Kuina at the time) when she had been attempting to assassinate kuina as she was on Baroque Works’s ‘hit-list’ (For more context, a few years back when Baroque Works had attempted to recruit Kuina, like Zoro in the OG universe, she beat up one of the millions and (coincidentally) the Mushi-Mushi line the millions had on that directly connected to Crocodile’s office had turned on. Kuina (unknowing of the Mushi-Mushi line) said something like ‘After a while, crocodile!’ As a catchy goodbye (knowing nothing about Mr.0’s identity) completely unaware of the fact she gave the actual Crocodile a bloody heart attack and got herself on Baroque Works’s top hitlist and for the past few years she’s had to deal with baroque works assassins)
Before Kuina and Reiju can actually begun fighting, Nojiko throws a tangerine (picked up from onland) to reiju saying ‘You look like you havent gotten to eat in days’, Reiju expects this to be something to keep her off her guard, or perhaps a taunt but quickly sees the rest the crew, (Kuina waiting patiently for her to eat and Ace flashing her a grin before telling her they have more food in the back if she needs any) and realizes that they’re genuine.
This reminds her of Sanji and shes explains that originally she was to kill the swordswoman however now shes changed her mind and has decided that she’d like to join the crew.
Nojiko and Kuina are suspicious but after seeing their captain’s grin they realize that anything they say wont be much use so they just sorta accept it
And thats how in this au reiju joined the SwitchAu! Crew!,
Ok so for kuina i’ve always liked the idea that her story would exactly be like Zoro’s, so that what im going to do here
the only different is that Zoro died young instead when he was training, kuina took up the 3 sword style technique to commemorate him
Ik that this isn’t really for kuina but i just have to put this here, in this AU tashigi is a dude who looks identical to Zoro (tashigi was so important to Zoro’s story in the OG timeline so i feel its only right to do the same for kuina. Tashigi’s personality, glasses and morals are all still the same tho ^^
Ok this is it for now, i’ll edit this later and slowly add the rest of the AU’s Backstories when i’ve got the time 🫶
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aroayr-shuk · 1 year
The Copper Wire and the Stars
After following your heart you run into a certain Senior Captain.
Can be read as platonic or romantic, g/n reader, no warnings.
The halls of the Chiss cruiser were emense. Constructed of rings and circuits that intertwined and overlapped with one another, creating intricate patterns that all led to the center of the ship in a spiral. The halls curved along with it, large enough for five grown chiss to stand side-by-side and walk comfortably down, every door was the exact same rectangular shape with slightly curved edges, every once in a while a uniformed chiss would exit from one of the durasteel doors with an automated hiss. It was nearly impossible to tell them apart, impossible to nagivate the large ship except by the markings along the edges of the walls that were all in Chenuh. You had no sense of direction as you wondered the halls, unable to tell up from down, left from right, if you were sideways or pointed straight up. And no matter how good your internal compass was onland, here you could not pin point true north no matter how hard you tried, or the gravity well as it would be here.
As you walked along the halls, your eyes wondered, taking in every crevice of the large vessel. They drifted along the walls, and the floors, studying every passing robotic and chiss alike. As well as the few other humans who crossed your path, each appearing just as wonderstruck as you felt. Allowing a hand to carefully trace along the wall, your large eyes swept upwards to the bundles of wires that traversed the ceilings. Though you were certain they were not meant to be elegant, merely for functionality, making sure that various functions of the ship were properly supplied. You found a beauty in the coppery strands, as they twisted and turned along the height of the ceiling, you could only think of them as art. Keeping your eyes on the wires, you found one that you felt most drawn to and followed it. With no where to be and no idea where you were, you chased after the copper path. As it twisted and turned, joining with larger strands and splitting back apart into its own being, you followed it down hallways small and large, through automatic doors and passed many other beings. It seemed as if the strand would continue forever, and you had no problem wiht that, settling with yourself that you would follow it forever until you found the end. As your soft boots padded against the floors, a slight skip came to your step, as if you were dancing along to the music of a piano or some other instrument. Your feet felt like they barley touched the ground, and your pace quickened. On the verge of runnning, running after the copper thread. That is when it came to an end.
Looking up still as you came to a sudden halt, the wire twisted in on itself and shot straight up. Possibly into the inner workings of the ship, or onto the upper level. You did not know. A breathless laugh escaped your lips as you stood, alone in the wide open hallway. Looking around, you found yourself completely alone, not another soul in sight. With a hum, you looked to the wire above you and waved goodbye to it, before setting off to find your starting point and your room again. As you turned a small viewport caught your eye. Barely two feet long and half of that high, the window showed still space outside. Freestanding stars, glittering red, white, yellow, blue, and green. They twinkled in and out of existence just as they did on your own world, the black void of space magnifying their brilliance. You stood there for a long while, a few minutes, a few hours, what did it matter. You studied every speck that you could see, counting the coloured ones, and smiling whenever you saw one move. You studied one cluster that you were almost certain made a constellation that you were familiar with from your planet, when the skies exploded in streams of streaking colours. The stars blurred together, becoming bright white lines that painted the inside of the cruiser with light, as it entered hyperspace. It burned your eyes for a moment, the light, but captivated as you were you could not bring yourself to look away. As a spacefaring species, the Chiss did not bother with protective shielding along the edges of the viewports, they had evolved for the lights to not bother them. As a member of a younger species in the asspect of spacetravel, you simply had to remember to not gaze for too long.
Tearing your eyes from the viewport, they landed once again on the coppery wire that led you here. Peaking around the corners of the hall, you made sure that there was no one coming near you, as your eyes locked on one segment of the line. A burbling laugh slipped from your lips and you spun yourself around.
Keeping your movements small and tight, you brought your arms to clasp at your heart. Your laughs echoing through your ears, the copper plating on the ceiling all blurred into one solid sheet with artificial swirls working their way through them. You continued to twist around, the fabric of your clothes flowing with you in what little ways they could, letting your arms free to spin beside you as enjoyed the pure bliss of this. You spotted a glimpse of blue from the corner of your eye and came to an abrupt stop, stumbling to the side, as a chiss came from around the corner. His blueish-black hair was slicked back in proper military fashion, his hands clasped behind his back, his long strides that had been carrying him in her direction came to a stop. His uniform, a dark grey, was perfectly pressed, lines of burgundy ran through the seams. On one shoulder he proudly displayed the symbol of the Ascendancy, on the other a blazing sun. It was the commander of this vessel. You had met him more than once, specifically when you had first arrived on the vessel. He had welcomed you and your kin, and exchanged names. His was Mitth’raw’nuruodo.
His studious face, with his strong cheekbones and sharp jawline, took in your state. Standing to the side of the hall, chest rising and falling a bit too quickly, cheeks flushed, and eyes wide, still in perfect view of the starry night outside. A singular eyebrow quirked upwards, perhaps amusement twinkled in his eyes, he took a breath as he prepared to speak.
“Ms. (y/n),” his cool voice enveloped you, steady as he was with just a hint of youth.
“Captain Thrawn,” you returned his greeting, your head inclining in his direction as his did the same. He smiled, it barely noticeable, a ghost of one. And continued forward, striding down the hall. As he passed you, the scent of evergreens and crisp winter days drifted with him. Bringing with it the memories of frolickling in the snow, making angels and snowmen, trying to climb trees with branches too close together. Breaking branches and watching the sap run across your fingers. The cold causing your nose and cheeks to turn different shades of pink, the cold slush of the melting snow underneath your boots. The warmth of a drink when you returned in, the smell of gingerbread in the oven. A deep breath in, as you tried to steady your pounding heart. At the noise the chiss came to a stop, and turned to gaze at you. His gaze pierced through any armor you may have had, slicing all of your protections, and reading your soul.
“You’re unsteady,” it was true, with every shift you made the room began to spin again. “Do you require assistance?” he cocked his head to the side, expectant of your answer.
“I...” you swallowed, “I could use some help getting back to my room.” he smiled that small smile again, it was barely the edge of his lip pulling up. He crossed over to you in one long stride, and held his hand out for you. With one last breath, you reached over and gripped onto his outstreached hand. It was gloved, and the leather fabric tightened and pulled as he gently nudged you foward. He turned you to be beside him, fastening your arm in the crook of his. Holding tight as you began your walk back down the long halls.
You traverrsed them in silence for a few moments, your eyes again beginning to wander about the ship, eyes alight with fascination. You had once again began to follow the copper coil back to where you had been, when his voice startled you back to reality.
“If I may ask, what were you doing?” For a moment you wondered if he had seen you spinning, but more likely he was asking how you had gotten lost.
“I...” your cheeks reddened, “I wanted to explore the ship. My people have nothing like this.”
“Do they not?” his head quirked to the side, keen interest in his eyes, though you knew that he was aware that his people were far more advanced than yours were. You were a first generation. The first generation of your people to be contacted by aliens.
“No. I spent my entire life believing that the furthest anyone could reach was another planet in our solar system. In a single chambered capsle. Unreachable for someone like me. But now,” your eyes sparkled, “there are unlimited possibilities.”
He hummed, his head remaining straight, “The possibilties are endless. Even I am at times struck with the magnificance of the universe.” You blinked, yes it was magnificent. A whole new world opened to you with its discovery.
“It’s a piece of art. A massive painting, each new story a single brushstroke. It’s beautiful.” He came to a stop, just by the side of another viewport. Looking out at the sea of stars, you could see the lives of millions of beings, their dreams written in the stars, their aspirations, and goals. Their failures and doubts. You wondered if someone looked out at them and wondered about you. You couldn’t help but glance at the red eyes that refelcted back at you through the glass. That looked into your own.
Moving away, you began to walk down the path again. You became aware of the movement of other beings up ahead. Glancing at the blue skinned chiss beside you, you decided to slip your arm from his. Your heart screamed at you as the last bit of contact slipped away, and you chastised its yearning. He was an alien, a military man, you didn’t know him, he didn’t know you, he had no interest in you. You straightened, and found that you were no longer dizzy.
“Thank you for your help, Captain. I believe I can find my way from here.” With a nod, you turned to walk away, and a hand came to rest on your forearm.
“Please,” his eyes peered into yours, the shinning red intense as he studied you, “you still seem unsteady from your” his lips definitely moved upwards that time, “twirling.” A faint rosy hue took over your cheeks and a nervous laugh started.
“Allow me to accompany you the rest of the way,” he once again held out his hand. You began to smile.
“I'll allow it,” this time his smile is prominant, “Thank you.”
“It is my pleasure,” once again he links his arm with yours and moves through the crowds of the cuiser, safely depositing you at your cabin door, a nod as a farewell. The copper wire still high above you, and the stars streaking past.
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maintitle · 10 months
my life's work as someone who definitely didn't go to college and will have no impact on the earth is largely ignoring the existence of the Jurassic and Cretaceous period in order to prop up the history of life on Earth that is not the constantly presented non-scientific dinosaurs depicted in every piece of popular art. I do not wish to speak of the Triceratops, I wish to speak of when nearly all life onland was Lystrosaurus, big old cow-like synopsid with fangs. get your sauropods out of here, i want to talk about when crocodiles had land genuses and how we almost lived in a world where some still survived. i never want to see a fucking t-rex ever again, but the world should be as obsessed with sloth bears like megatherium as i am. get these fucking dinosaurs out of my face i want OTHER EXTINCT ANIMALS TO TAKE THE SPOTLIGHT AND I WILL BREAK THE WORLD IN ORDER TO SHOW YOU ALL----
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Carvanha Analysis Post
my 1st one, since this little guy is one of my favorites.
Carvanha - As its name, body shape, and overall depiction suggests, Carvanha is more influenced by the piranha species (family Serrasalmidae), particularly the red-bellied piranha, than by the sharks. It is doubtful that they had any influence from sharks save their “Rough Skin” ability, a reference to the placoid scales, or “denticles”, found on most sharks. It is also possible that its English name comes from the scientific name of the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias).
When it comes to the piranha, Carvanha repeats myths surrounding the various species; mainly that they have immense biting power, and attack viciously with swarming maneuvers. Interestingly, recent pokedexes (Alpha Sapphire, Ultra Sun, and Sword) all contain information stating that Carvanha are timid on their own and school together for hunting and protection. The claims about being able to chew through boats are unsubstantiated and, like many pokedex entries, can be dismissed as urban legends. Additionally, it is confirmed that Carvanha are often found inland in rivers, specifically jungle rivers, though they can be fished up in Hoenn’s seas.
As seen above, Carvanha has no ties to any real world shark, making its hypothetical classification difficult at the least. Its “horns” are similar to the crests of bullhead sharks, and its schooling habits combined with its sharp bite and reddish coloring appear similar to the cookiecutter, but these are not perfect matches. The presence of Carvanha inland, a trait their evolution lacks, may suggest that the species is anadromous. No shark is truly anadromous, and while the largest bull sharks can swim far up-river they do not do so to spawn. 
From what we see and are told in-game, it appears that Carvanha and by extension Sharpedo are very social fish. Young Carvanha are either born upstream or feel instinctual pulls to freshwater, migrating and spending the early years of their lives in schools, before eventually moving to the ocean and evolving. They are most likely eaten by other pokemon in and around their habitats, which explains the evolutionary trait of their abrasive scales, as well as their large schools; they experience some form of attraction to blood and will hunt in sync with their school. Otherwise their social dynamics are unknown. As for their eating habits, it is unclear if Carvanha is purely carnivorous, or omnivorous as with its real life inspiration. Carvanha do not appear to be difficult to train as they are common with trainers throughout their native regions- these trainers often only have the sole Carvanha or one other pokemon (often a Poochyena or other dark type onland, and other water types at sea), leaving it difficult to tell if Carvanha are/need to be social outside of their schools.
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demento · 1 year
splatoon oc thats evolved from a deep sea creature and experiences the onland version of nitrogen narcosis
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hornkneebee · 1 year
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I've been exploring the Hadramaveth Desert for a few days now and currently, my exploration progress is at 67%. It is quite a large area both onland and under and can't wait to finally finish 100% this subarea!
Will be exploring Girdle of the Sands next by 3.8!
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wtffacts · 1 year
Fires onland generally move faster uphill than downhill
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rtvideaal · 4 days
Dialectmuzieklegende Hans Keuper viert met 1500 fans zijn verjaardag
Dialectmuzieklegende Hans Keuper vierde zondag zijn verjaardagsfeest op een wel heel bijzondere wijze. Tegenover zijn huis, bij Het Onland in Doetinchem, barstte het feest los om zijn 80e verjaardag te vieren en ook om geld op te halen voor het goede doel. Over kosten hoefde de zanger van Boh Foi Toch zich geen zorgen te maken, want iedereen wilde zijn steentje bijdragen. “Het is helemaal te gek…
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jodeliejodelie · 5 months
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I'm currently obsessed with making container homes/dorms.
And I wish that birch tree looked better in neigborhood view but I haven't bothered to look up if I can fix that
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
and arnie sits on a huge one. huge. they are vast there. yes. and part onland and makes a new harbor our harbor yes. we take it hold it. and there are several one of his favs is Acadia and it iwill launch soon. you shall be in trouble and some are vast ships. vast.
Hera Zues we took your stuff and tanke more need it all
and your ships we u se theengines no. too small but we need components and use yours
all of them shortly
Olympus and oh we have to anser your pig no
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regioonlineofficial · 1 month
De gemeente Haaksbergen en het nieuwe bestuur van de belangengemeenschap in Buurse hebben hun samenwerking versterkt met het ondertekenen van een convenant. In deze samenwerkingsovereenkomst staat onder meer hoe beide partijen met elkaar gaan samenwerken nadat het vorige bestuur is afgetreden. Donderdag 1 augustus werd bij café Winkelman het convenant ondertekend door burgemeester Rob Welten en de voorzitter van de Stichting Belangengemeenschap Buurse, Dirk-Jan de Jager. De Stichting Belangengemeenschap Buurse (SBB) is een belangrijke gesprekspartner voor de gemeente. Dat is belangrijk, want in Buurse spelen enkele grote maatschappelijke opgaven. Denk aan nieuwe woningen voor bijvoorbeeld jongeren, maatregelen in verband met natuurherstel en de plannen voor een multifunctionele accommodatie. Belangen Buurse behartigen De gemeente is blij dat er een nieuwe gesprekspartner is. Burgemeester Rob Welten daarover: “Met het nieuwe bestuur werken we aan het herstellen en versterken van de vertrouwensrelatie, nadat het vorige bestuur na de nodige discussie over windmolens in het dorp haar taken heeft neergelegd. In het convenant hebben we goede afspraken gemaakt hoe we voortaan met elkaar samenwerken en de SBB ondersteunen bij alle opgaven die er spelen.” Het vorige bestuur heeft met ondersteuning van een externe adviseur onder meer onderzocht hoe de belangen van Buurse het beste behartigd kunnen worden. Dankzij hun toewijding en inzet is er nu een nieuw bestuur en zijn er afspraken die de gemeente en de SBB samen hebben gemaakt. Nieuw bestuur Naast Dirk-Jan de Jager bestaat het nieuwe bestuur uit Monique Bos, Maarten Onland en Bas Kruip. Het bestuur gaat samen met diverse werkgroepen een dorpsagenda opstellen. Deze agenda is ook de basis voor de overleggen met de gemeente en de provincie. Dirk-Jan de Jager: “Na alle gebeurtenissen willen we als nieuw bestuur vooruitkijken. De samenwerkingsovereenkomst met de gemeente is een mooie eerste stap. Onze volle inzet is om samen met de werkgroepen en betrokken inwoners de leefbaarheid in Buurse te behouden en te versterken.” Buursenaren worden door de SBB verder geïnformeerd via hun website en het dorpsblad Oons Dörpke.
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pixelaart · 6 months
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OnLand WordPress Theme + Installation Service + License
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