#human encounter
uh. elenia said I could post on here now, so...
hello grumblr! my name is Nico! I'm a human, as you probably know from elegiac at this point.
some random basic stuff I guess??:
he/him pronouns :)
I'm 17 years old (elenia says thats like 8.5 "sweeps" or something???)
I love cryptids and exploring! also video games! and I draw sometimes too
I know... basically nothing about you guys at all. so sorry if i say/do something really stupid ^-^' I have no clue whats going on anymore tbh I'm just glad I'm not dead
feel free to ask me stuff about whatever!!! I'll answer as best I can :)
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stars-obsession-pit · 14 days
“Mom, why do you think ghosts are intrinsically evil?”
“It’s what the science says, of course!”
“No, I mean like, what were the studies? What did they actually observe”
“Ohh, I get what you mean, Danny! Well across all reputable reports of encounters with the ghosts strong enough to matter, they’ve always attacked first and never responded to attempts at communication! There’s no reason for them to do that if they’re not evil!”
Danny, learning about Ghost Speak and how humans can’t understand it: hmm.
Danny, learning that ghosts greet each other and bond by fighting: hmmm.
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lilybug-02 · 24 days
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Final Bug Fact:
The world NEEDS bugs. They keep the soil healthy, pollinate, control pests, and contribute to the worlds' ecosystem. By the end of the century, it is estimated 40% of insect species may go extinct due to habitat loss. Yes, that is very scary. But with even one beetle spared, one caterpillar rescued, and one Hollow Knight comic of all things, things will change. Because I know there's a lot more Dewi's out there than most people realize. Stay curious.
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Thanks for going on this adventure with me. ♥︎
First || Prev // END
Comic Thoughts and Pictures Below!
I wanted to put here how amazing and sweet everyone has been with this comic. I finished a 75 page comic in 3 MONTHS. I am at a loss for words. That sounds crazy and it IS crazy. But man was it fun. Even on days were I wasn't able to draw due to fatigue or business, I loved working on it from start to finish. And guess what!? This is my first ever FINISHED comic :D I'm so proud of myself. I know there's some things I want to change and the art is wonky in most places...... but I'm content to let it be. What an amazing summer adventure!
I'm hoping to post the full comic on another Comic website. I may or may not edit some of the art ^w^ So I'll let y'all know when I release it.
Interested in learning what you could do to help your local insects? This is the basic stuff. Maybe make some Insect Hotels if you have the time!!! And never forget to spread the word about bugs. They need our help just as any animal on earth.
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Still Here? Well you can look in the tags for little lore dumps if ur looking for stuff like that ;)
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got a worm nibbling my brain. can someone help me find a piece of obscure media?
webcomic/indie comic from the 2010s. basically a sci-fi short story about a young girl (with red hair?) who was being raised by scientists as part of an experiment. she receives a haircut/has her head shaved, in preparation for her annual brain scan/testing. it is revealed that while her body is human, her "brain" is artificial, made of computer implants throughout her skull and spine. at some point her biological mother (also a scientist on the same campus?) encounters her and is repulsed, viewing her as a machine who has murdered her daughter.
it was very poignant and it bruised my heart and i can NOT find it anywhere
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tawnysoup · 2 months
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Transitional phase
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cecenyss · 8 months
the Real mystery of death note is that Light somehow convinced the fandom that he is the socially competent one and L is the recluse with no social skills. Light thought it was realistic to respond to the emo freak at his college who said he was a world famous detective after hunching over like a gremlin taking his shoes off in public and sitting like a frog was "if you're telling the truth i respect you greatly." L frequently performs social tests on people close to him to see what they'll say with the goal of studying their responses and picked up a call from his friend in a potentially volatile situation by flawlessly imitating a douchebag friend who parties too much while likely never having been to a bar in his life. they are not the same.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 1 month
i think i blacked out and made this in the span of a month roughly um...
I wish i had this much productivity with my other creative projects welp
I thought about sifloop a lot while making this so....... its not NECESSARILY a sifloop animatic...... you can interpret them how you'd like to here.... but i will tag as such in case i drew them yearning for each other a bit TOO much.......
anywayy I used @remxedmoon 's BEAUTIFUL color palettes for everyone here (and took inspiration from their human loop design too) and u should go gawk at the beauty like i have on several occasions, i loved coloring the characters like this
anywayyy youtube link below the cut and an image of the thumbnail cuz i like how it turned out
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(for the record Ik what caused the island to be forgotten is different to what caused colors to disappear i just wanted to make both happen cuz the lyrics made me think of those things happening at the same time ok? ok cool)
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marlynnofmany · 8 months
Playing Translation Telephone
“Hi,” I said as the door slid open. “Captain Sunlight wants to know how your translations are going.”
Coals sighed. “They’re going. This one’s a mess.” He shook his lizardy head, brick-red scales dull in the light by the doorway. That part of the translation suite was always dim because Trrili liked looming in the shadows there.
But today she was at the workstation in the back, surrounded by glowing screens and a cloud of irritated hisses. “I think we missed a language,” she announced, snapping her pincher arms and angling her antennae into a scowl.
“What, really?” Coals asked. He ran a hand over his head, scales clicking quietly. “How many is that now?”
“Sixssss,” Trrili hissed.
Coals grumbled something I didn’t catch, and walked back over to the workstation.
Curious, I followed and let the door shut behind me. “What kind of project is this one?”
“Old records of a multi-species colonizing effort,” Coals said from his floating chair with the tail hole. “The originals are lost, and all that’s left is this jumble that’s been translated through a succession of languages, none of which they bothered to write down. And they want us to figure out what the originals actually meant.”
“Sounds tricky,” I said. Each of the screens held writing, most in languages I didn’t recognize. Some were notes in the trade language we all spoke, and I was amused to see how much swearing was in Trrili’s notes.
“It is very tricky,” Trrili agreed, jabbing a little wrist finger at the screen in the middle. “The grammar doesn’t match the words, and the idioms are an utter tar hole. It’s anyone’s guess what culture came up with some of these details.”
“I’m pretty sure the bit about rocks is a Strongarm saying,” Coals said. “It makes more sense than a Frillian interpretation.”
“Yes, fine, probably,” Trrili said with an irritated wave of her pinchers. “I’m stuck at this part that goes off on a tangent about the family arrangements of the wildlife. It’s clearly significant, and at least one layer of translation wanted to make sure the full interpretation was spelled out, but that just makes it more confusing.”
“How so?” I asked. I’d gotten the job on this ship because of my animal-care knowledge, so maybe I could offer some insights. I peered at the screen.
“This part,” Trrili said, “Is a recounting of a colonist’s experience in retrieving goods from a shuttle that crashed in a lake. The water creatures seem to have complex social arrangements, and somehow that relates to their behavior toward this particular colonist.” She folded her pinchers and leaned back, glaring at the ancient diary. “Of course this had to be written by someone disinclined to speaking clearly.”
“What kind of behavior is it?” I asked. “Are we talking mating advances, or aggressively protecting the young, or—?”
“Aggressive,” Trrili said immediately. “This word means mouth, possibly teeth specifically, and in the grammatical arrangement that it’s currently configured into, it has to be saying that the thing bit the colonist.”
Coals flipped through documents on another screen. “Do we know what the official name for the creature is?”
Trrili hissed. “Not even close. That’s what this whole tangent is: an attempt at describing it. I’d love to know if it was the original colonist or someone later who decided it would be helpful to tell us that this creature’s ancestors rejected social bonds.”
“Rejected how?” I asked.
Coals brought up another document. “I’ve got something on the legal system of the original colony. Sounds like there were multiple types of family arrangements at play. Possibly this colonist was just musing on a similarity to their own life.”
Trrili hissed. “How does that help us? I don’t see any accounts of this person’s family life, or even their species. We have no way to know if their own parents performed the socially-accepted rituals or not.”
“Wait,” I said. “Is this about the animal’s parents not doing a certain ritual? Like marriage? Is the colonist calling the fish a bastard?”
Both of my alien coworkers looked at me. Coals asked slowly, “That’s an insult in human circles, isn’t it?”
Trrili threw her pinchers skyward and stalked away from the workstation. “Of course it is. You people are sentimental about everything, including reproduction. This would have been so much simpler if we’d known from the start that there was a human layer to this.”
“So what does it say?” I asked. “The colonist went into the lake to help with the crash, and got bitten by a bastard fish?”
Trrili was walking in circles hissing, so Coals scooted in front of the center screen. “Going by what we’ve figured out so far,” he said, “The colonist was trying to move salvage from the shuttle. Walking through shallow water. The water creatures were of many bright colors — it goes into detail about that, comparing them to refractive prisms and seaspray — but they kept their distance as long as the colonist kept moving. Pretty sure this part says one came in for a bite as soon as the colonist stood still. And that’s where we go off on an elaborate description of the creature’s family arrangements.”
I grinned. “‘Dear diary, today I waded through a lake and got bit by a rainbow bastard fish. Terrible experience; wouldn’t recommend.’”
Coals looked closer. “It does actually say something like that afterward,” he admitted. “There’s a suggestion that the next person to enter the water wear protective clothing.”
Over Trrili’s aggravated hissing, I said, “That colonist might have been a human.”
“Might indeed,” Coals said. He scrolled up through a page of notes. “That could actually shed some light on a couple other spots, now that you mention it.”
Trrili appeared beside us. “Bring up the part about the colony leader mating with someone’s mother.”
I laughed. “I can tell you right now that that’s an insult. The colonist is likely complaining about the boss, not describing something that actually happened.”
Coals looked at Trrili. “Told you we need an insult chart.”
Trrili tilted her head dramatically. “That’s so much work!”
“So’s this,” Coals pointed out. “How about you take another look at what we’ve got so far here, and I’ll start a list of common human insults.”
Trrili took a position in front of the screens, hissing quietly.
“I’ll be happy to help,” I said to Coals. “My people are very creative on that front.”
“So I gather,” Coals said. He scooted over to me, digital notepad at the ready. “And not one of those insults revolves around eggs. Mindblowing.”
“Well,” I said with a tip of my head. “There is the thing about teaching your grandmother to suck eggs. That’s kind of an insult.”
“What?” Coals said. “Never mind. I can tell this is going to be a long list.”
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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nelkcats · 2 years
Yetis to the rescue
After becoming a halfa Danny didn't realize how much he needed a medical checkup until he went to see Frostbite. It turns out that being a hybrid of two species leaves you vulnerable to both types of diseases.
Frostbite was shocked when Danny commented that he didn't have any of the ghost vaccines, but in his defense how was he supposed know that it was a necessity and that ghosts could get sick? Nobody informed him!
Despite following all medical advice and undergoing the process of multiple vaccinations in the same day; months later Danny was infected by a case of Ghost flu, this kind of flu was a little different: in ghosts it just destabilized their ectoplasm, but in his half normal human body it was causing a severe pulmonary obstructive reaction, he was just lucky he didn't need to breath.
Danny was severely ill for a couple of days, and without noticing it, the Ghost flu mutated inside his body; when he finally recovered by becoming immune, the entire city was infected with a severe case of flu, a very intense flu that sent people to the hospital and was extremely difficult to detect.
At first Danny was confused when Frostbite told him that the signs the Amity Parkers were showing was a Ghost flu infection because, wasn't it supposed to be a ghost disease? Frostbite explained worriedly that sometimes virus could evolve to infect other organisms if they have the chance.
At the end Danny and Frostbite had to do an emergency quarantine in Amity before the virus mutated from affecting liminals to becoming compatible with humans, while the Amity Parkers were reluctant to accept help at first, they realized their liminal status along with the small amount of ectoplasm they hold inside their body could save them with the help of a Yeti from Far Frozen.
When Danny heard reports of a concerned Amity Parker about an infection starting in Gotham he realized it might be too late, maybe it was time to unleash the Ghost yetis medic squad.
On the other side, Red Hood had been sick for a couple of days with an extremely persistent flu, to the point where he swore to hallucinate a Yeti outside his door.
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FOund this ON THE shorE tonigHT
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PREtty surE thIS IS human tECH!! NOt suRE WHat thE stickERS ARE though. IT SEEms to BE FUnctional!!
@grumblr-ihardlyknowher JUst to confiRM, THis is humAN TEch right????
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ryllen · 10 months
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Watch 'My Daemon',
it's about a very good boy & a very good dog,
told in in very good stories.
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farshootergotme · 1 month
I'd love to read a Dick Grayson in the Marvel universe fic except Dick is still 12 year-old Robin and the superheros in the MU are freaking out because there's a child dressed in traffic light colors and green short shorts going around beating criminals and nobody has any idea where he came from.
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lurakha · 1 month
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FAR CRY 5 (∞)
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tawnysoup · 26 days
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Sifloop sketchpage commission for @minhmynchi featuring their human Loop design 💖💞💖💞💖 I had a lot of fun with this one, puzzle piecing together their cute little interactions! Yay yay yippee!!!
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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