#online medical store in delhi
franchiseindia · 2 years
Why does a generic medicine look different from a branded medicine?
Why does a generic medicine look different from a branded medicine?
Before going directly into why generic medicines look different from branded medicines, we should first know what these generic and branded medicines are. So, to start with, let us look at what is branded medicine. 
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Branded medicines are the original medicine that is manufactured under the name of the brand or company which does research on their composition, patents the composition and manufactures it. After the manufacturing is completed following thorough research, the company names the drug on its brand name and then sends it for approval to the institutions of its country of origin which deals with the safety and quality check of the medicines like the FDA in the US.  Following the approval received by the company, the medicine composition is patented by the company. This makes them suffer a huge cost and thus, the cost of the brand medicines is very high. Alongside this, this patenting of the medicine provides the company security that till the patent is there, only the original company can sell the brand drug for the specific purpose. This also allows the company to spend sums on the advertisement of the drug and sell them in the local markets with the guarantee of safety, efficiency, and quality.  Now when the patent of the brand drug has expired, then using the same active ingredients, the company itself and the other companies can produce an alternative version of the brand drug. These are known as generic drugs. Generic drugs are alternatives for the particular branded drugs available in the market. They contain the same effectiveness, active component, and safety as the brand drug, but they are different from each other only in their appearance.
Generic medicine looks different from the branded medicine
Since generic medicines are made of the same active component as branded medicine, so to differentiate from branded medicine, the generic drugs are given differentiations based on their looks. Since, the looks of the medicine like its appearance, color, and flavor don’t have any impact on the quality and safety of the medicine, so they are provided with different appearances.  Other than these, generic medicines are known well for providing the same level of benefits to the users as brand medicines. Also, the side effects of generic medicines are also found to be the same as the brand drugs. But the difference is in the inactive component content of the generic drugs. They possess a different inactive ingredient than that is present in the brand drug. This also provides an edge for generic drugs to reduce their cost.  So, finally, we can see that since the functionality and advantages of generic medicines are exactly of the same kind as that of brand medicines, so to differentiate them from the real brand name, the looks of the generic drug are varied.
Even though there are present around multiple of generic medicine for the same brand drug, so each generic alternative must have a different identity to create a market for itself. Therefore, not just the generic drugs look different from brand drugs, but also they look different from similar generic drugs manufactured by other companies.
Approvals provided by FDA
FDA or Food and Drug Agency is a federal agency of the United States that looks into the safety and quality of generic drugs and then only they provide approvals to the companies for selling their drugs in the market. FDA wants that the generic medicines produced must be identical to the bioequivalent range of their brand drugs. This is done to ensure the almost exact similarity in the properties of the generic drugs.
To ensure the quality of generic drugs, the FDA in the US continuously keeps its eyes on the approved generic drugs. It takes care of monitoring and investigating all the negative patient side effects and reactions. In any case, if any form of the problem is found, then FDA experts perform thorough testing and analysis of the drugs and provide a thorough recommendation for changes to the manufacturers. Besides, the FDA also provides health advisory notices and awareness events for the patients to make them aware of the various generic drugs present and their qualities.
Before providing approval to the applications submitted for a generic drug as a substitute for any brand drug, FDA looks into the following points while analyzing. Some of these points are mentioned below.
A generic drug has the same strength as a brand drug.
The inactive ingredients used in the generic drug must be of acceptable quality and standard.
The expiry time of the generic drug must be the same amount of time as the brand name.
The containers used for the carriage of the generics must be appropriate.
Generics must address the relevant patents on their labels and should use the same kind of label as the brand drugs.
Strict specifications are followed while producing generic drugs. The drugs must contain the highest quality, purity, and effectiveness as the brand drugs.
Once all these qualities are met by the applicant's generic drug, approval is provided by FDA for the distribution of the generic drug as a substitute for the brand-name drug in the market.
Approvals for the sale of generic medicines/drugs in India
In India for the sale of generic drugs, the companies must seek approval from the Drug advisory board of India. Only after approval from this board, the drugs are allowed to be sold and used in the Indian markets. Even the special, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization is present in India, which monitors the manufacturing of generic medicines in the country.  Not just this, the medicines are tested for checking their efficiency and to ensure the safety of the user. Alongside this, the special organization in India as mentioned above investigates the potential problems related to the drugs and provides suggestions to the manufacturing units, the public, and healthcare experts. Thus, after total checking and approval provided for a specific generic medicine, only the medicine is launched for use in the market.
Generic or branded, which is better
When it comes to deciding a better choice between the generic and brand drug, the complete decision-making should lie in the hands of the healthcare professional, prescribing the medicines.  Many types of research and studies have been conducted to find out, which, generic or branded drugs are beneficial for patients. The studies have found that although there is very little difference in the quality, efficiency, and safety between generic and branded drugs, some differences have been found in the health of the patients.  It is found in a study that those who totally rely on generic drugs for the treatment of their illness are found to suffer worse health outcomes than those who used branded drugs as well. But this is not the case everywhere; this outcome is more prevalent in cardiovascular issues and is found among the socioeconomically weaker section of society. This is because these people never look to go for buying branded drugs due to their very high cost and thus switch themselves to cheaper alternatives which are generic drugs. 
Still, a thorough study is left to be conducted before directly concluding which one will be better for the long run, branded drug or a generic drug. But still, we can say if there are no constraints on the affordability of the customer, then they should prefer brand names. But in case of economic constraints, the patient should consult with a doctor, who knows better about the different generic drugs and their illness. So, he will prescribe the best generic drug available for your purpose.
Benefits of generic drugs
Generic medicines as we know are the same active ingredient containing branded medicines, but the difference is visible in their appearance, packaging, and the name given to them. These are not provided in the market until the patent on the branded medicines is expired. After the expiry, the same company or other companies can move to produce generic medicines of the same medicine. 
Generic medicines are developed to ensure the availability of the medicine in the market even after the expiry of branded medicines’ patent and thus it has some of the major advantages due to which people choose them. Let us look at these benefits one by one.
Affordable price
Generic medicines are significantly low in cost than their branded drug counterparts. This makes them very affordable to buy by the population. This low-cost nature of generic drugs comes from the fact that these drugs are produced using the same active component as the branded drug. This saves the cost of trials and tests and approvals for the generic drug company. 
Besides, generic drugs are not advertised. And the marketing policy used for their promotions is also very cost-friendly. This makes the company cut the cost of the marketing, advertisement, and approval of generic drugs. Thus, they are able to sell the drugs at such a huge price margin and make them available in the market at lower prices.
Easily available
For any branded drug, there are present around 12000 varieties of generic drugs. Each one of which is affordable and safe to use. Whenever you go out to buy a branded drug but it's unavailable, you can easily find one of its alternative, generic drugs.  This easy availability of generic drugs provides the benefit that every patient should get the necessary treatment for the illness they are suffering from. Patients don’t have to wait for the procurement of branded drugs in order to take the medicine.
So, the ease of availability of generic drugs in the market benefits the customers to the highest level.  To further ensure that each citizen of India is aware of the presence of generic drugs in almost all common branded drugs, the Government of India has established the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadi Pariyojana (PMBJP). It works to aware the maximum population of the country about generic drugs and makes sure that in the coming future generic drugs related to maximum branded drugs be made available to citizens of India. 
Covers insurance benefits
Generic medicines are low in cost, thus they are very much affordable to almost everyone. This provides another benefit that most of these drugs are covered under various insurance policies provided by different companies. This is because of their low cost.  Insurance coverage means, you won’t have to pay for buying your generic drugs, but the insurance companies will pay for them. This will help you cut down your regular spending on medicines and thus provides you with an added advantage.  But care must be taken as this can vary based on the insurance company and their insurance policies. So, make sure you earn complete knowledge of the insurance policy and the drugs they cover, before buying them.
Safe and have quality
Generic drugs, as are made of the same active component as the branded drug, so they provide the equivalent level of quality as well. But the safety and quality of the generic medicine are ensured before introducing them in the market by providing them the license. The medicines are thoroughly checked, and after complete approval for their quality and safety, these medicines are given licenses.
  To ensure that only quality and safe generic drugs are sold in the Indian markets, the Government of India has a separate department. The Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadi Pariyojana takes care of the procurement of only quality medicines in the country. These drugs include only those which are manufactured by companies that are CE, FSSAI, and WHO-GMP certified. Thus, through proper checks on the medicines, Government ensures that they are manufactured following strict guidelines and are beneficial for the consumers.
Generic drugs are alternative drugs that are manufactured for serving the purpose the same purpose as the brand drugs. These are the cheaper alternatives that look different from the brand drugs but contain the same qualities as the brand drug. They have a variety of benefits that makes them so popular among the population.
  Even the health advisories of all the countries conduct awareness campaigns to spread awareness among people about these generics. This is done to ensure that everyone gets the appropriate medicine for their illnesses at a lower cost. Only thing is that generics are given different looks than the brand medicines to ensure their distinction from the brand drugs.
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satyalaserclinic · 2 years
Looking For Acne Treatments For A Specific Skin Type?
1. Introduction to Acne
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Photo by ShotPot on Pexels
Many people get acne, but few understand the disease. A lot of times, people assume that acne is just something that needs to be treated like any other health condition.
Click here if you’re looking for Best Acne Treatment in Delhi
But acne is not simply “sticking a tube in your face” or “taking pills every day.” There are many underlying causes why you can develop acne, and it takes an experienced doctor to diagnose and treat it.
There are two main types of acne: cystic and non-cystic. Non-cystic acne is classified by how large the clogged pores are which contain the bacteria responsible for the acne.
Cystic acne is classified as either deep or superficial. In most cases, surface blemishes are milder than deep ones. Deep pustules (white spots) may require treatment with antibiotics.
In some case, both cystic and non-cystic acne may occur together. They may also coexist with dermatitis (skin inflammation).
Other symptoms may include redness, dry skin, lumps or bulges, pain/itchiness, and loss of color. Symptoms are usually less when you go outside. If you feel much worse after being out in the sun, you are probably experiencing another inflammatory disorder such as eczema or psoriasis.
2. Acne Treatment by Skin Type
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Photo by cottonbro on Pexels
There are several ways to treat acne, depending on your skin type. You may need both treatments.
Book an appointment with one of the Best Skin Specialist in Delhi
For normal skin, use oil-free skincare products. Make sure you choose these that are suitable for your skin type.
These can be found in the Best Skin clinic in Delhi or online. They include things like face masks and lotions made specifically for normal skin.
It is also important to know which medications you are taking. If you are already taking medication for another condition, then tell your doctor about it so they can keep you within the guidelines of using sunscreen and other protective measures.
3. Best Acne Treatment for Oily Skin
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If you have oily skin, don’t worry! You can still achieve clear skin with the right acne treatment. There are several treatments that will work well for your type of skin.
You can find products at your local pharmacy that help to treat oiliness. Alternatively, there are other medications that may reduce excess oil production.
Beta hydroxy acids are some of the most popular ingredients in anti-acne treatments. These compounds remove dead skin cells from the skin surface.
They also unclog existing blackheads and prevent new ones from forming. As your body doesn’t want clogged pores, it produces smaller amounts of oil to fill them.
Thus, by removing dry, dead skin and preventing new patches from developing, beta hydroxy acids can significantly decrease the amount of oil in your skin.
4. Best Acne Treatment for Dry Skin
For people with dry skin, use oil-free cosmetics. These can be expensive but there are ways to save money.
For starters, it is important to identify your skin type. Then you can choose the best acne treatment in Delhi for yourself.
You can also try one of these easy fixes before going to the store and buying a new face wash or cream.
Drinking more water will help your skin look better and feel better. Follow this advice from your doctor if you need to.
Also, remember that the healthier your diet is, the healthier your skin will be. Keep track of any allergies you have so you know what products to avoid.
Finally, exercise is an amazing thing that can improve your health and your appearance. If you don’t already, make exercising a part of your daily life.
5. Best Acne Treatment for Combination Skin
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For combination skin, try using salicylic acid. It’s a milder formula than many other acne treatments, which can be better for more sensitive skin types.
Salicylic acid works by drying out any pimples or blackheads and shrinking the pores that are associated with them.
You will need to apply it twice per week at least until you see some results. After that, you can reduce the application to once per week to maintain your result.
It is not safe to use this medication if you are pregnant or nursing.
5. Best Acne Treatment for Combination Skin
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For combination skin, try applying clinique’s newist mask. This hydrating face mask is made of five layers of peptides that work together to improve the health of your skin.- these include collagen boosting amino acids such as glycerin and arginine.
The first layer acts like a protective film over your pores, blocking harmful substances in your skin’s environment.
The second layer contains antimicrobial agents such as prolic acid or zinc oxide. These help kill bacteria and prevent infections.
The third layer serves as a temporary sealant. It helps make your skin more resistant to outside irritations and protect your skin cells from environmental factors such as chemicals, allergens, and other things.
The fourth layer works by absorbing excess oil and grease. Plus it improves the function of your sebaceous glands- which are responsible for producing oils that keep your skin moistened and protected.
Finally, the fifth layer promotes healing by helping increase blood flow to your skin. This helps repair damaged tissue and get fresh nutrients back into your skin.
6. Best Acne Treatment for Sensitive Skin
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If you have sensitive skin, your acne treatment options are limited. You can’t use things like alcohol, which is drying; salicylates, such as aspirin; or certain over-the-counter drugs.
However, there are many home remedies that can help reduce your symptoms. In most cases, using something natural will not interfere with traditional treatments.
In fact, some studies show that combining conventional medicine with natural alternatives may be more effective than trying to treat your acne at either level separately.
Here are all of the best ways to deal with acne when it comes up.
Best Acne Treatment for Sensitive Skin in Delhi
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certifymyhealth · 8 days
Advantages of Using An Online Medical Certificate to Apply For One Day Leave
Benefits of Using An Online Medical Certificate to Apply For One Day Leave
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Convenience and Accessibility
The convenience of securing a medical certificate online in Delhi is undoubtedly one of the significant benefits you will enjoy. There is no need to go to a healthcare facility, sit for hours in a waiting line, or obtain an infection from patients around you. No more wasting time and walking around because you can get your Health certificate online in Delhi without leaving your home or office.
Quick and Efficient Process ( With Certifymyhealth )
The procedure for gaining an online medical certificate is often shorter than in the traditional approach. The waiting time is shorter when consulting online, and the certificate will be ready immediately after the consultation. Such quick processing is helpful when you require authorization for medical leave, for instance.
Cost-Effective Solution
Virtual consultations are cheaper than physical consultations. Hence, it is easy to get a medical certificate online. Some platforms have mouthwatering prices and a few even give out special offers or consultation prices for the bulk.
Secure and Private
Some factors that are essential in the services provision through online platforms include, Their meeting medical certificate online services is an assurance that your medical details will not be disclosed to third parties or exposed to the public domain because of incompetence in matters relating to data protection, unlike other companies.
Wide Acceptance by Employers
Increasing numbers of employers are coming to acknowledge the validity of online medical certificates. It is valid for medical leave applications as long as a certified medical practitioner provides the document and all the information is provided in the document. It is essential to consult with your employer in advance if it is acceptable to submit medical certificates online.
More Information About Applying for One Day Medical Leave
Guidelines on Applying for One-Day Medical Leave
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• Plan When Possible: For example, if you know that you need a day off for a medical appointment or treatment, then you should arrange for the online consultation in advance so you can get the online medical certificate without interference.
• Keep Records: The health certificate should also be stored in an online format to back it up and save the backup file in an online location with restricted access. Thus, if there are problems or misunderstandings concerning your request for leave, you can quickly produce the proof.
• Communicate Clearly with Your Employer: Ensure that your application clearly states that you need a day off because of illness and includes the self-certification medical certificate online.
Why an Online medical certificate?
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Deciding to get your Health certificate online while applying for a one-day leave has many advantages, like accessibility, time, and convenience. In the contemporary world, many activities are conducted and healthcare services are no exception to this trend. Whether you have a minor illness or need some time off for your well-being, an online medical certificate can serve you well.
Applying for one day of medical Certificate for leave has never been easier with the option to get the medical certificate online. It is simple, with Certify my health eliminating much time and stress while guaranteeing you a legitimate supporting document for the time you want off work. An online medical certificate for leave is a wise, sensible decision in the situation whether one is suffering from a mild ailment or requires a short period’s break or rest, which is quite relevant to the contemporary world of healthcare services.
For a Medical Certificate in Delhi, choose Certify My Health. We provide quick online health certificates by getting connected to a virtual doctor. In this way, you can avoid visits to your nearby doctor or any clinic. We offer Fitness Certificate, Sick Leave Certificates, Work From Home Certificate, Medical Certificate, and Unfit to Travel Certificates. We are just a call away, connect us at +91 8645610788 to get your certificate simply in Delhi, and visit us to learn more about getting all your medical certificates online.
Know more about medical certificates — — How do I apply for medical leave for one day?
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latatravels · 13 days
Teeth Treatment Internet Marketing Promotion
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A white bright smile can do a lot to boost your overall confidence and present a better personality. Actually within the current scenario we are getting more and more conscious about our looks and appearance. And under similar circumstances we are paying more attention to our health either it's the oral health or our physical well being. But there are cons as well. Often to get the things right we simply neglect some crucial facts that in fact cost us dearly in place of benefiting us. Now take the case with the teeth whitening. We all love to have a white shiny smile. To get that we will simply rush on to any medical store and buy some New Delhi teeth whitening system internet Marketing.
The pros are that there are so many teeth whitening products available in the market. So you can easily shop for these. And even you have got the online stores from where you can buy the teeth whitening system internet Marketing from the comfort of your home. Now one would simply think of buying a teeth whitening gel system of toothpaste and improve his smile. But the con is the quality. Can any one of you surely guarantee the quality of the product. Well you certainly ca not. you actually do not know how a particular teeth whitening system internet Marketing will perform and how you can get the better results with your teeth. Auto Parts SEO Service Delhi, Real Estate SEO Services India, Resort SEO Services India, painter web design Company India.
Basically there are few factors that contribute to the effectiveness of a teeth whitening product. First is the oral health. Teeth whitening can be supported under a specific oral health and you need to consult some New Delhi teeth whitening dentist. Well it is essential as only a dentist can tell if you are a suitable candidature for using any teeth whitening system internet Marketing. The second one is extent of your tooth discoloration. Basically our wrong eating habits are the cause of our teeth. We consume certain staining food products like tea, coffee, tobacco, wine. With the passing time all such stuff tend to do away with our teeth whitening. To a certain level of discoloration, it can be removed with the use of at home oral care products. But if the discoloration has got permanent, you need to switch on to in office teeth whitening products.
The final factor is the quality of teeth whitening product. Now that is something really worth considering. Even if you have mild discoloration and enjoy a good oral heath, a bad quality can make it even worse. So always go for a teeth whitening product that good, effective and mild over your mouth and gums. A good quality product can really help you with making your teeth more healthy and bright. And besides that you are to be conscious of your oral health and eating habits as well. If you are practicing good oral habits like brushing twice a day, flossing after meals, you can certainly have good teeth and oral health.
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favouritefab-blog · 1 month
Where Can I Find Non Woven Fabric Near Me?
Whether you’re starting a new project or running a business that requires non-woven fabric, finding a reliable local supplier is crucial. Non-woven fabric is versatile and widely used in industries such as healthcare, agriculture, fashion, and packaging. If you're wondering, "Where can I find non-woven fabric near me?" this guide will help you navigate your options and find the right supplier.
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1. Local Fabric Stores
One of the first places to check for non-woven fabric is your local fabric stores. These stores often carry a variety of fabrics, including non-woven materials. Here’s how you can find them:
Search Online: Use search engines or mapping services to find fabric stores in your area. Keywords like “fabric store near me” or “non-woven fabric near me” can lead you to nearby options.
Visit Craft Stores: Large craft store chains like Joann Fabrics, Michaels, or Hobby Lobby may carry non-woven fabric, especially in smaller quantities for DIY projects.
Ask for Recommendations: If you’re involved in a crafting community or online forums, ask for recommendations on where to find non-woven fabric locally.
2. Wholesale Suppliers
If you need non-woven fabric in bulk, wholesale suppliers are your best bet. Many cities have wholesale fabric markets or distributors that cater to businesses and bulk buyers.
Search for Wholesale Markets: Look up textile or fabric wholesale markets in your area. Cities with a strong textile industry presence, like Mumbai, Delhi, or Guangzhou, often have large wholesale markets where you can find a wide range of non-woven fabrics.
Contact Local Distributors: Reach out to local fabric distributors who specialize in supplying to industries. They can offer competitive pricing and a variety of fabric options.
Check Industrial Areas: Many cities have designated industrial areas where fabric manufacturers and suppliers are located. Visiting these areas can help you find non-woven fabric at wholesale prices.
3. Online Marketplaces
If local options are limited, online marketplaces can be an excellent alternative. You can find a wide range of non-woven fabrics with the convenience of home delivery.
E-commerce Platforms: Websites like Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba, and eBay offer a variety of non-woven fabrics in different quantities. You can filter your search by location to find sellers near you.
Specialized Fabric Websites: Websites like Fabric.com, Mood Fabrics, or Fabric Guru specialize in fabric sales and often include non-woven options. Many of these sites offer detailed descriptions and customer reviews to help you choose the right fabric.
Local Online Classifieds: Platforms like Craigslist, OLX, or Gumtree may have listings from local sellers offering non-woven fabric.
4. Non-Woven Fabric Manufacturers
For large-scale projects or specific requirements, buying directly from non-woven fabric manufacturers can be the most efficient option. Many manufacturers offer direct sales or can connect you with authorized distributors.
Research Local Manufacturers: Use online directories or industry-specific websites to find non-woven fabric manufacturers near you. Contact them directly to inquire about purchasing options.
Attend Trade Shows: Textile trade shows and expos are excellent places to meet non-woven fabric manufacturers and suppliers. These events often feature the latest products and offer networking opportunities with industry professionals.
Join Industry Associations: Membership in industry associations related to textiles or packaging can provide access to a network of manufacturers and suppliers.
5. Specialized Stores
Certain specialized stores, such as those catering to medical supplies, agricultural products, or industrial materials, may stock non-woven fabrics tailored to specific uses.
Medical Supply Stores: If you need non-woven fabric for medical applications, such as masks or gowns, check with local medical supply stores.
Agricultural Supply Stores: For agricultural use, like plant covers or seedling bags, agricultural supply stores may carry the appropriate type of non-woven fabric.
Industrial Supply Stores: Industrial suppliers often stock heavy-duty non-woven fabrics used in construction, automotive, or geotextile applications.
6. Custom Orders
If you have specific requirements that are not readily available, consider placing a custom order with a manufacturer or supplier.
Custom Manufacturing: Some manufacturers offer custom non-woven fabric production based on your specifications, including color, weight, and material composition.
Work with Local Tailors or Fabricators: If you need a specific size or design, local tailors or fabricators may be able to source the fabric and create the products you need.
Finding non-woven fabric near you involves exploring local fabric stores, wholesale suppliers, online marketplaces, and manufacturers. By considering your specific needs—whether for small DIY projects or large-scale industrial applications—you can choose the most suitable supplier. Whether you prefer to shop in person or online, there are plenty of options to ensure you find the right non-woven fabric for your needs.
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nurtureivfcentre · 3 months
How IVF increases the chance of pregnancy!
Are you interested for IVF treatment in India, we are Delhi based top IVF clinic located centrally with high reputation, success rate, highly advanced scientific laboratory for sperm storage machine, freezing labs, expert team of certified gynecology doctors and IVF research staffs for sperm transfer, testing, semen collection, preservation for healthy ovum timeline.
At Nurture IVF, Delhi we proudly serve women with pathetic fertility conditions with low morale and nutritional disorders to get pregnant. In the age of high tech technology every problem related to pregnancy could be sorted with professional consultation, at this time in vitro fertilization is the best techniques for women’s who have several times of failed pregnancy attempt, the reason could be so serious if early detection is not done properly on time, like you must follow the menstrual cycle, ovulation duration to store egg for the full cycle for the growth inside the uterus.
The root cause of critical pregnancy illness and types of fertility issues are rising day by day without any reason, but as per medical science, psychological research found that those women were dreaming to conceive safe have low standard living or protein deficiency are the main cause of facing fertility issues, at Nurture Clinic, Delhi we provides comprehensive medical procedure to keep your question private and try to solve soulfully by professional IVF specialist Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj, she has dedicated track record of clinical experience and advanced methodology to help you understand the concern related to fertility failure and steps, process to your pregnancy journey with effective medical practice.
When we think about artificial techniques instead of natural way to have conceive, there are certain thing need to study deeply, In general, In vitro fertilization process; sperms are protected with medical techniques to preserve in laboratory with cryopreservation procedure of both men and women for a couple of time or days, when it is with proper medical standard like X, Y chromosome pairing then it is inserted into uterus by safe insemination techniques with proper supervision, testing laboratory for healthy pregnancy. If you are curious about IVF treatment here are top benefits of having IVF ovulation check up:
Helps to boost genetic health, improve sperm count
Improve lifestyle with artificial pregnancy approach
Cost is high but safer for modern working women
It’s safe and non-invasive
Embryology team to audit semen on time
Artificial lab with ultrasound, fetus health review
Understand all about your gene pattern
Inject semen when it is only healthy and pathologically verified
State of the art medical treatment for IVF, IUI, ICSI
Store semen in lab to see the strength and weakness
Artificial process to accept sperm
Ideals for mother with repeated conceive failure
Maximize the chance of productive ovulation cycle
Start your journey to parenthood with no.1 IVF clinic in Delhi for reasonable treatment for complex conceive issues of urban families struggling to have a miracle baby, visit online Nurture IVF for specialized pregnancy treatment, medical diagnosis and treatment for IVF baby in India.
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How do I apply for a drug license in Delhi?
To start a medical or cosmetic store in Delhi, you must first obtain a drug license from the Delhi Drug Department. The procedure of obtaining this License is time-consuming and costly. If you want to get your business up and running as soon as possible, we recommend selecting an experienced lawyer who specializes in this area of law. The online registration process for Drug license application in Delhi consists of the following steps: Login ID and password: Applicants can obtain a Login ID and password by submitting a request letter in person along with the firm's details. To avoid rejection, fill out all of the information on the online drug license application correctly and precisely. Uploading needed papers: Scanned documents must be uploaded using the ID and password. Physical examination by the authority: The inspection authority will verify the documentation given by the applicant and may request additional documents as needed. Approval of drug license: You will receive an SMS confirming the issuance of your drug license. Following that, you will receive the drug license, which includes a legitimate e-signature and official seal.
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jainsuperstore · 9 months
Unlock the Power of Nature: Oregano Oil and Its Remarkable Benefits
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In the realm of natural remedies and holistic health, essential oils have carved a niche for themselves, offering a plethora of benefits that cater to both physical and emotional well-being. Among these, Oregano Oil stands out as a potent and versatile essential oil, revered for its numerous health benefits. For those seeking the highest quality Oregano Oil, Jainperfumers.com emerges as the premier online destination, especially for enthusiasts and connoisseurs in Delhi, India, and beyond.
What is Oregano Oil?
Oregano Oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of the oregano plant, Origanum vulgare, a herb native to Europe, although it now grows in various parts of the world. This essential oil is extracted through a process of steam distillation, ensuring the preservation of its active ingredients. Known for its robust, spicy, and herbaceous aroma, Oregano Oil is not just a culinary delight but a powerhouse of health benefits.
The Multifaceted Benefits of Oregano Oil
1. Natural Antibiotic Properties
One of the most celebrated attributes of Oregano Oil is its ability to act as a natural antibiotic. Carvacrol and thymol, two of its key compounds, are known for their antimicrobial properties. This makes Oregano Oil a formidable ally in fighting off bacterial infections, and it's often used as a natural remedy for various bacterial ailments.
2. Boosting Immune System
Oregano Oil is a potent immune booster. Its antioxidant properties help in safeguarding the body against oxidative stress and boosting overall immunity. Regular use of this oil, especially during the cold and flu season, can be a game-changer in maintaining good health.
3. Anti-inflammatory Effects
The anti-inflammatory properties of Oregano Oil make it beneficial in reducing inflammation and pain. It's often recommended for those suffering from muscle pain, arthritis, or injuries.
4. Respiratory Health
Oregano Oil is a boon for respiratory health. It helps in clearing congestion, combating colds, and can be particularly soothing for those suffering from bronchitis and asthma.
5. Digestive Health
Oregano Oil aids in digestion by stimulating the release of bile, thus facilitating the digestive process. It's also known to combat issues like bloating and indigestion.
6. Skin Health
When diluted and applied topically, Oregano Oil can work wonders for skin health. It's known to treat fungal infections, acne, and can even soothe irritated skin, thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties.
7. Antioxidant Source
Rich in antioxidants, Oregano Oil helps combat free radicals, thereby playing a role in preventing cellular damage and reducing the signs of aging.
Using Oregano Oil
When using Oregano Oil, it's crucial to remember that it's highly potent. Ensure to mix it with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil prior to topical application on the skin. For internal use, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional, as Oregano Oil is powerful and can interact with certain medications.
Why Jainperfumers.com is Your Go-To Source
When it comes to purchasing Oregano Oil, Jainperfumers.com stands out as the best essential oil store in Delhi, India. Here's why:
1. Purity Guaranteed
At Jainperfumers.com, the focus is on providing pure, unadulterated Oregano Oil. Their commitment to quality ensures that you get the most effective and safe product.
2. Expertise and Trust
With years of experience in the field of essential oils, Jainperfumers.com brings a level of expertise and trust that is unmatched. Their knowledge in selecting the best oils is evident in the quality of their products.
3. Convenience and Accessibility
Shopping online at Jainperfumers.com offers unparalleled convenience. Whether you're in Delhi or anywhere else, accessing top-quality Oregano Oil is just a few clicks away.
4. Customer Satisfaction
Their commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in their attentive service and dedication to providing the best products.
Oregano Oil is more than just a kitchen staple; it's a versatile and powerful essential oil that offers a multitude of health benefits. From its antibiotic properties to its role in boosting immunity and improving skin health, Oregano Oil is a must-have in your wellness arsenal. And when it comes to purchasing the best quality Oregano Oil, Jainperfumers.com is your ideal destination. Embrace the power of nature with the purest Oregano Oil from the best essential oil store in Delhi, India, and experience a new level of holistic well-being.
Content Source - Unlock the Power of Nature: Oregano Oil and Its Remarkable Benefits
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swaranhomeopathic · 9 months
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Swaran Homoeopathy sells the top homeopathic skincare products
Swaran Homoeopathy apart from other skincare brands is its commitment to the highest quality standards. All products are carefully formulated by experienced homeopathic practitioners and undergo rigorous testing to ensure safety and efficacy. The brand prides itself on using natural, organic, and ethically sourced ingredients, making it a top choice for those seeking cruelty-free and environmentally conscious skincare options.
Moreover, the team at Swaran Homoeopathy understands that skin care is not a one-size-fits-all approach. They offer personalized consultations with qualified homeopathic doctors to understand your specific concerns and recommend tailored solutions. This personalized approach sets Swaran Homoeopathy apart from mass-produced skincare lines and ensures you receive the best possible results for your unique skin needs.
If you're tired of endless trial and error with skincare products that fail to deliver, it's time to give Swaran Homoeopathy a try. Their commitment to natural, effective, and personalized solutions makes them a game-changer in the world of homeopathic skincare. Rediscover the beauty of your skin with Swaran Homoeopathy's range of products and experience the transformative power of homeopathy first-hand.
Say goodbye to skin problems and hello to radiant, healthy skin with Swaran Homoeopathy's best homeopathic skincare products.
For More Information Contact us Now - 9310212429
H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7, Dwarka, Delhi-110075
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franchiseindia · 2 years
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lsundarinfo · 1 year
India: Unveiling the Land of Diversity
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India, often referred to as the "Land of Diversity," is a mesmerizing country that offers an amalgamation of cultures, traditions, landscapes, and experiences. From the majestic Himalayas in the north to the serene backwaters of Kerala in the south, India has something for every traveler. Before embarking on your journey to this incredible nation, here's a comprehensive travel guide to help you prepare and make the most of your visit.
Preparation Before Visiting India:
Visiting India requires some preparation to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip. Start by checking the validity of your passport; it should be valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date. Ensure you have the necessary vaccinations, including hepatitis A, typhoid, and possibly malaria, depending on your itinerary.
Additionally, consider purchasing travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and trip cancellations. It's advisable to consult your doctor and discuss any specific health concerns or medications you might need while in India.
Obtaining a Visa and Other Required Documents:
Most travelers to India require a visa. You can apply for an Indian visa online through the e-Visa portal, making the process convenient and efficient. Ensure you have a digital passport-sized photograph, a scanned copy of your passport's bio page, and a credit/debit card for payment.
In addition to your visa, carry a printed copy of your itinerary, hotel reservations, and a photocopy of your passport and visa. It's also wise to have multiple copies of these documents stored electronically or in different bags in case of loss or theft.
Places to Visit in India:
India's vast landscape offers a myriad of captivating destinations. Explore the iconic Taj Mahal in Agra, wander through the bustling streets of Delhi, discover the serene beauty of Jaipur's palaces, and witness the spiritual aura of Varanasi. Don't miss the enchanting beaches of Goa, the lush tea gardens of Darjeeling, or the architectural wonders of Hampi.
Exploring Small Towns:
While the major cities offer an array of experiences, small towns in India hold their own charm. Visit the tranquil town of Pushkar, nestled around a sacred lake, or immerse yourself in the French colonial vibes of Pondicherry. Explore the artistic alleys of Udaipur or unwind in the tranquility of McLeod Ganj in the Himalayas.
Personal Vehicle or Public Transport:
Traveling in India can be an adventure in itself. While public transport, including trains and buses, is well-connected and affordable, it can be crowded and chaotic. For a more immersive experience, consider renting a personal vehicle. It provides the flexibility to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations at your own pace, but be prepared for Indian traffic and road conditions.
Booking Accommodation:
For budget-conscious travelers, couch surfing and cheap hotels are great options. Platforms like Couchsurfing connect you with locals who offer a spare room or couch for free, enhancing your cultural experience. Alternatively, various booking websites like Booking.com and Hostelworld offer a wide range of budget-friendly accommodations.
Renting a Vehicle as a Tourist:
Renting a vehicle in India is straightforward. You can choose from reputable rental companies that offer cars, motorcycles, or scooters. Ensure you have a valid international driving license, and familiarize yourself with local traffic rules and road signs. Be cautious, especially when driving in densely populated areas.
Trekking and Solo Camping:
India boasts numerous trekking destinations for adventure enthusiasts. Explore the breathtaking landscapes of Himachal Pradesh's Parvati Valley, or embark on the challenging Markha Valley trek in Ladakh. For solo camping, consider camping sites in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, or Rajasthan's Thar Desert, where you can revel in the solitude of nature.
Applying for an International Driving License in India:
To drive legally in India as a tourist, you must obtain an International Driving Permit India (IDP) before arriving in the country. Contact your local automobile association or motor vehicle department to apply for an IDP, which is usually a straightforward process. Keep your International Driving Permit India IDP, along with your home country's driver's license, handy while driving in India.
In conclusion, India is a land of contrasts and surprises that will leave you with lasting memories. With proper preparation, a valid visa, and a sense of adventure, you can embark on an unforgettable journey through this diverse and enchanting country. So pack your bags, get ready for a magical adventure, and let the colors, flavors, and traditions of India take your breath away!
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megawebdesignindia · 1 year
What’s new in PPC: August 2023 industry updates
Delhi, India – Mega Web Design, a leading PPC services provider in India serving clients worldwide, shares the latest Pay-Per-Click (PPC) updates every business needs to know. This monthly roundup covers all the significant PPC developments throughout August 2023 that will impact campaigns on Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and more.
Performance Max Now Available Globally
After a year of beta testing, Google has rolled out its new Performance Max campaigns globally this month. This powerful automated campaign type uses AI to optimize ads across multiple channels to maximize conversions, including search, display, YouTube, Gmail, and more. With flexible bidding and advanced machine learning, Performance Max aims to simplify PPC campaigns. Businesses looking to expand reach and lower acquisition costs should test it.
New Responsive Search Ad Format
Responsive search ads have become the default ad format on Google. This month, new updates aim to generate more relevant ad combinations using AI. Headline testing order will also be optimized dynamically based on Performance. Check that your campaigns are set up for responsive search ads to take advantage of these updates.
Microsoft Advertising Offline Conversion Tracking
Microsoft Ads now allows tracking offline conversions like phone calls, email signups, in-store visits, and more through their Offline Conversion Tracking tool. This provides a complete view of ROI from Microsoft Ads by attributing offline and online conversions to your campaigns. Implementing this can help refine keyword and ad targeting.
Google Ads Updates Policies on Misleading Claims
Google introduced a new policy prohibiting ads making scientifically unsupported claims about medical treatments and cures. This includes allegations contradicting scientific consensus around vaccines. All advertisers are advised to thoroughly review Google’s updated healthcare and medicines policies before creating ads to ensure compliance. Violations could lead to account suspensions.
Bing Rolls Out New Automated Bidding Strategies
Bing Ads added two new automated bidding strategies, Target Impression Share and Maximize Clicks, this month. Like Google, Bing focuses on AI-powered optimization to simplify PPC management. Leverage these new bidding options to effortlessly maximize your ad visibility or traffic volume from Bing Ads.
The Latest in Split Testing
This month, Google Ads enhanced split testing capabilities for headlines, descriptions, and final URLs. You can now compare multiple versions of ad elements and quickly see the top combinations. Google also launched over 15,000 new ad templates for expanded split testing. Refine your full ads faster using the updated split testing experience.
Shopping Campaign Experiments in Google Ads
Google has introduced a new Experiments capability directly in Shopping campaigns. You can now quickly A/B test elements like bids, targeting, creatives, and more to find the optimal Shopping configuration. Experiments make trying out shopping optimizations at scale easy to boost conversions.
Responsive Display Ads Now Available to All
Responsive display ads that adapt to fit different ad spaces are finally available for all Google Ads accounts. They aim to enhance Performance through machine learning. Existing display campaigns can be easily upgraded to responsive ads. Consider testing this new highly customizable display format to engage more users.
Google Ads Adds Support for Short Videos
This month, Google Ads increased the supported length for video ads to 6 seconds, making short video ads eligible to run across all networks. Creative assets up to 15 seconds can also be uploaded. Advertisers have more options to test the impact of bite-sized videos in search and display campaigns.
Review the Latest Recommendations in Microsoft Ads
Microsoft Advertising added two vital recommendations related to bid strategies and expanded text ads this month. Acting on these recommendations can help unlock additional Performance in your Bing and Yahoo campaigns. Stay on top of new suggestions within your account to maximize value.
“We’re committed to keeping our clients fully updated on all major PPC developments so they can take advantage of new features, formats, and optimizations in their campaigns,” said Mega Web Design CEO Saddam Irshad. “Small adjustments based on the latest updates can yield big performance improvements. Monitor our monthly industry roundups or contact us to discuss how you can capitalize on emerging PPC trends.”
With significant platforms like Google, Microsoft Advertising, and Meta constantly optimizing their algorithms, networks, and capabilities, PPC advertisers must stay updated. Mega Web Design’s team of certified PPC experts keeps clients informed to help them achieve PPC success. Their passion for paid search drives exceptional performance improvements for clients across industries.
Contact Mega Web Design at www.megawebdesign.in to learn more about leveraging the newest PPC advancements to grow your business.
Source URL :- https://techmoduler.com/whats-new-in-ppc/
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delvenservices · 1 year
Meal Replacement Market Trends & Forecast: 2028
Meal Replacement Market by Product Type (Ready-to-Drink, Bars, Powder), Distribution Channel (Offline and Online), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America)
Market Overview
The Meal Replacement market size is projected to reach a CAGR of 5.5% from 2021 to 2028.
Meal replacement is a substitute for a solid food and is used to replace and control the calorie intake and nutrition. Meal replacement items so used are drinks, bar and soup. These are cheaper than the solid food and are medically prescribed vitamin and minerals.
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The increasing incidents and cases of obesity and diabetes amongst the population along with the lifestyle changes are some of the factors that have supported long-term expansion for Meal Replacement Market.
COVID-19 had an effect on the CMM market, eating healthy and working on self-immunity has gain popularity and thus the sales in the sector has increased during the pandemic.
Get the Free Sample Research Pages: https://www.delvens.com/get-free-sample/meal-replacement-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Regional Analysis
North America is the most rapidly growing market and offers a huge opportunity for the industry, whose growth is driven by the presence of local players in the region.
Competitive Landscape
Key Players
Abbott Laboratories
Herbalife Nutrition
Kellogg Co.
Skin Enterprises Inc. 
USANA Health Sciences Inc.
To understand the Business Strategies, Make an Inquiry Before Buying: https://www.delvens.com/Inquire-before-buying/meal-replacement-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Recent Developments
In June 2020, Huel came up with Huel Black Edition which is nutritious, gluten-free, without artificial sweeteners.
Reasons to Acquire
Increase your understanding of the market for identifying the best and suitable strategies and decisions on the basis of sales or revenue fluctuations in terms of volume and value, distribution chain analysis, market trends and factors
Gain authentic and granular data access for Meal Replacement s Market so as to understand the trends and the factors involved behind changing market situations
Qualitative and quantitative data utilization to discover arrays of future growth from the market trends of leaders to market visionaries and then recognize the significant areas to compete in the future
In-depth analysis of the changing trends of the market by visualizing the historic and forecast year growth patterns
Purchase the Research Report at: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/meal-replacement-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Report Scope
Meal Replacement Market is segmented into product type, distribution channel and region.
On the basis of Products
Other product types (cookies, soups, and smoothies)              
On the basis of Distribution Channel
Hypermarkets & supermarkets
Convenience stores
Specialty stores
Other offline distribution channels (department stores, local shops, discount stores, among others
On the basis of Region
Asia Pacific
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
Read Trending Reports:
About Us:
Delvens is a strategic advisory and consulting company headquartered in New Delhi, India. The company holds expertise in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports and consulting services. Delvens qualitative and quantitative data is highly utilized by each level from niche to major markets, serving more than 1K prominent companies by assuring to provide the information on country, regional and global business environment. We have a database for more than 45 industries in more than 115+ major countries globally.
Delvens database assists the clients by providing in-depth information in crucial business decisions. Delvens offers significant facts and figures across various industries namely Healthcare, IT & Telecom, Chemicals & Materials, Semiconductor & Electronics, Energy, Pharmaceutical, Consumer Goods & Services, Food & Beverages. Our company provides an exhaustive and comprehensive understanding of the business environment.
Contact Us:
SECTOR 90 NOIDA 201305, IN
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diinfotechin · 1 year
Cloud storage is one of the most important, efficient, secure, and convenient methods to store a large amount of data online. In cloud computing, rather than saving data and information in the local computer system or hard drive, an IT company in Delhi stores in a remote internet-based location, like Google Drive. Cloud storage has several advantages, particularly for businesses that work with big data, such as Flipkart and software export firms.
If you are looking for a Magento or Shopify website development company in Delhi or want to outsource IT services in Delhi, work with one that is partnered with top cloud storage providers.
How IT company in Delhi Using Cloud Storage for Business Benefits
Access Files Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Device
Cloud storage’s easy-to-use interface enables users to use and access their data without expert knowledge. If you have a file stored in your mobile device, you can retrieve that file using a laptop with an internet connection in any remote location. Cloud computing is an excellent choice of communication and information exchange for healthcare providers because they need to access patients’ medical histories in real-time.
Cloud Scales with Your Business
No need to establish new infrastructure, change your hardware components, or hire new employees to manage your expanding business because your IT company in Delhi will do it all. You can change your cloud storage plan based on your business requirements. If the current plan isn’t sufficient or you need to migrate any data or infrastructure to any new location, extra space will be added to your environment by your cloud vendor.
Seamless Automation and Synchronization
Cloud computing doesn’t hamper any ongoing task, meaning that despite multiple users using a cloud storage service, the activities of one user will not slow down or affect the task of another as everything is automated and managed by the cloud vendor.
Another excellent feature of cloud computing is system configuration and synchronization. The Sync feature allows you to sync cloud storage data with any mobile device in a jiffy. With good internet speed and login credentials, you can access and modify data without copying or downloading.
Reduces Cost of Internal Resources
Cloud computing’s cloud storage reduces IT infrastructure expenses, including storage space, overheads, energy, support, and maintenance. Cloud vendors, such as Amazon AWS will take care of your data stored in the cloud. Many providers offer lifetime cloud storage at an affordable price.
Constant Security, Backup, and Recovery
Data security across the internet is the biggest concern for small and big businesses. So, before they choose an IT company in Delhi, companies make sure the IT service provider gives them complete security from risks, including real-time backup, recovery, and disaster management.
However, the cloud storage service is formed by thousands of data centers, which enables IT companies in Delhi to save your data from redundant servers. Meaning, your data is stored and copied in different data centers. So, even if one of the data centers corrupts or crashes and you lose your data, other data centers will promptly recover your data & information from the backup plan and run it.
Share Files with Multiple Users
Unlike hard drives and system hardware that can be accessed and used only by one user at a time, the cloud environment can have more than one user collaborating with a common file. For instance, a surgeon in the USA and a doctor in India can access the surgical procedure of a critical patient who is in Australia at the same time to develop the best course of treatment without leaving their seats.
You can authorize N number of users to access, edit, and modify files from any part of the world in real time.
With premium file-sharing features, businesses can share large files with users effortlessly. Most cloud service vendors allow file sharing between two users using the same cloud service. However, there are few vendors that offer cross-platform sharing features.
Wrapping Up
While there are disadvantages of cloud storage, like any other technology, such as internet dependency, the benefits overpower them all.
If you are looking for a website development company in Delhi that provides managed IT services in Delhi, try DI Infotech software development company in India.
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financelatestnews · 1 year
How To Apply For Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra?
In India, quality healthcare services are still out of reach of millions, mostly in rural areas, due to the high cost of branded medicines and surgical consumables, thus making them vulnerable to common diseases that can be easily treated.
Therefore, to help reach affordable and quality healthcare services to people living in rural and semi-rural regions, the Indian government through its flagship program- Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Yojana-  aims to provide affordable healthcare to the underprivileged.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Yojana (PM-JAY)
The PM-JAY is a Government of India scheme to make healthcare accessible and affordable for every citizen by providing low-cost generic medicines and commonly used surgical consumables through its PM-JAY kendras or stores.
Currently, over 6,500 PM-JAY kendras are functioning all over the country, providing over 8,000 generic medicines and surgical consumables at a lower rate
Who Can Open a PM-JAY Store?
To achieve maximum coverage throughout the country, the Government allows individuals to open PM-JAY kendras and offer lucrative incentives. However, you can open a PM-JAY Kendra, only if:
You are a registered doctor
You are a registered medical practitioner
You are a B.Pharma/ D.Pharma degree holder
You can also open a jan aushadhi kendra if you employ a B.Pharma/D.Pharma degree holder. There is also an opportunity to open a jan aushadhi kendra at the government hospital premise, however, the preference is given to an NGO or charitable trust in this case.
How to Apply for a PM-JAY Store?
The requirements to apply for a jan aushadhi kendra are:
You should have a self-owned or leased shop space of 120 sq ft and above, with all legal documents in place
You will need to provide the name of the pharmacist registered with the state council
If the applicant is from the SC/ST category or differently-abled, he/she needs to provide required certificates as proof
If you fulfill the above-mentioned requirements for the jan aushadhi kendra, apply online today.
Alongside, you can also apply via the offline process, in which you are required to download the Application Form for opening a Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendra.
You will need to fill the application form and send it to the Bureau of Pharma Public Sector Undertaking of India (BPPI), the implementing agency of PM-JAY at the following address:
To, The CEO, Bureau of Pharma Public Sector Undertakings of India (BPPI), 8th Floor Videocon Tower, Block E1, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi – 110055 Tel – 011-49431800
BPPI is responsible for the procurement of generic medicines at lower prices, marketing, distribution, and monitoring of PM-JAY Kendras.
Profits and Incentives
Opening a PM-JAY is a very lucrative business opportunity, as along with earning reasonable profits, you will also play a key role in transforming the healthcare services in India.
Following are the monetary incentives granted to jan aushadhi kendra operator:
A PM-JAY retailer is provided 20% margin on MRP of each generic drug and 10% margin if you are a distributor
If your PM-JAY Kendra is connected to the BPPI systems, you can get up to a maximum of Rs 2.5 lakh of incentives annually. This is calculated 15% on the monthly sales of your store with an upper ceiling of Rs 10,000. For north-eastern states, Naxal-affected and tribal regions, the limit goes up to Rs 15,000.
PM-JAY Kendra operator falling under the category of SC/ST candidate and differently-abled will be given medicines worth Rs 50,000 in advance
The store operator will be provided with a remuneration of Rs 1 lakh on purchase of furniture and fittings and Rs 50,000 on purchase of computer, printer and internet.
2% of total sales or actual loss will be provided against expired medicines. Also, the expired medicines will be considered as a loss for BPPI, not the retailer or distributor
30-days free-credit period will be provided against a post-dated cheque
Therefore, as a retailer, on monthly sales of Rs 1 lakh, you can earn a commission of Rs 20,000 and Rs 10,000 as an incentive. Plus, the establishment cost is also reimbursed by BPPI to a great extent.
PM-JAY offers an excellent opportunity for individuals and doctors in providing affordable medicines to every citizen of India and is also a viable business model. Individuals and doctors with valid licenses to open the shop can also take a loan under personal loan for doctors and business loan for doctors segment to meet the initial Capex requirement.
Both personal loan and business loan provide flexible loan facilities with loan tenure ranging between 12-60 months, with no collateral and online account access to manage and track your loan account anytime, anywhere.
Source URL: https://www.smfgindiacredit.com/knowledge-center/pradhan-mantri-jan-aushadhi-kendra.aspx
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photographysujeet · 1 year
Online MCom Colleges in India  
This blog post is your comprehensive guide to Online MCom Colleges in India. If you've been considering taking your commercial skills to the next level, getting your Master's in Commerce can certainly empower you! Studying from top MCom Colleges in India can open a path for you to become a successful entrepreneur.
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Situated in South Asia, India showcases an abundance of cultural heritage and variety. It's the seventh-largest country by land area and trails only behind China in terms of population, with a staggering 1.3 billion inhabitants. But before you think that's all there is to India, let's not forget its bustling capital, New Delhi. However, Delhi is just a slice of a much larger pie known as the National Capital Region (NCR). India also boasts other major cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, and Bengaluru, which contribute to the urban allure of this diverse nation. The diversity extends to its linguistic landscape too. India officially recognizes a whopping 22 languages, with Hindi and English being the most commonly spoken. And speaking of diversity, India's education system offers a smorgasbord of options and dates back thousands of years. The country is teeming with universities, both private and public, offering a plethora of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Topping off the list of distinguished institutions are the Indian Institutes.
Amity University
This cool institution, a private university, is tucked away in India's vibrant heart, yet it has some influence in multiple places all over the country, and even in foreign locations too! It was the brainchild of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan in 1995 and is a critical part of the impressive Amity Education Group. This group's footprint stretches from preschools to universities and boy, they sure are making waves in the field of education! They offer a wide range of subjects at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels. We're talking engineering, business administration, law, arts, science, communication - you name it, they most likely offer it!
Sikkim Manipal University
Sikkim Manipal University (SMU), is a private uni right in the heart of Gangtok, Sikkim, India! Although it might have been born way back in 1995, don't be quick to judge - this place has grown a lot since then. Today, it's one of the top-rated universities around! A big shoutout to the fantastic collaboration between the Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG) and the Government of Sikkim for making it all possible. When it comes to academic programs, SMU really spoils you for choice. You're interested in an undergrad course?
Suresh Gyan Vihar University 
Meet Suresh Gyan Vihar University! Nestled in the lively city of Jaipur, Rajasthan, SGVU stands out as a notable private university in India. This prestigious institution was established by Shri Suresh Sharma in 2008, and since then it's been recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). At SGVU, you'll find a variety of study programs, encompassing undergraduate, postgraduate, and even doctoral courses! The subject areas are surprisingly diverse, incorporating fields like engineering, management, pharmacy, computer applications, science, commerce, and humanities. Symbiosis University 
This tucked-in charming city of Pune, Maharashtra, is truly a melting pot of varied disciplines and carries the badge of being one of India's top-tier universities. It offers a wide array of degree programs, so whether you're into arts, science, business, or media, rest assured, there's something in store for you here. Not only that, they also offer tailored programs in design and health sciences. 
It's the abbreviation for Indira Gandhi National Open University. You wouldn't believe it, but this educational institution was established as far back as 1985! And guess what? They did it simply through an act of parliament!  The unique thing about IGNOU is the breadth of study options they offer. It’s not just centered on a single field or level of education. 
IMT Ghaziabad 
Welcome to IMT Ghaziabad, also known as the Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad. It's truly a gem in the education sector of India. Found in the heart of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, this premier management institution has been shaping future leaders since its establishment in 1980. Over the years, it has firmly maintained its prestigious position among the country's leading management institutes. 
GLA University 
Let's have a chat about GLA University, a major private university located in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India. This is an admired spot for quality higher education, recognized for its wide range of programs and focus areas. At GLAU, you'll find an assortment of academic programs that cover a bunch of interesting spheres. It covers everything from undergraduate to masters to PhDs. Sikkim Manipal University
Welcome to Sikkim Manipal University, a top-tier institution cozily nestled in Gangtok, Sikkim, India. Despite being founded way back in 1995, don't let its years make you think it's old school. SMU has undergone massive growth over the years and it's all thanks to a brilliant partnership between Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG) and the Government of Sikkim. Whether you're looking to tackle an undergraduate course, take on postgraduate studies, or delve into a doctoral degree.
Annamalai University 
Situated in Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram, in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, you'll find Annamalai University. But this is no ordinary institution! This university, founded back in 1929 by philanthropist and education champion, Dr. Rajah Sir Annamalai Chettiar, is among India's oldest and biggest where students actually reside on campus. Whether it's undergrad and postgrad degrees you're after, or diplomas and certificates in a host of fields - we're talking nearly everything from arts, science, engineering, and agriculture, to medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, and education. 
DY Patil Distance Education
A well-respected private institution is one you might have heard about. Located in the bustling city of Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, the university also has an additional office in Jaipur.  The university has full accreditation from the University Grants Commission (UGC). In terms of courses, DYPU has a wide variety. From undergraduate degrees to postgraduate and doctoral-level studies, The disciplines offered are vast. Whether it's Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Management, or Arts, Commerce, and Science.
Why Choose Online MCom in Top Colleges in India?
If you're considering advancing your studies in commerce, finance, and related subjects, the term "M.com" must be quite familiar to you. In academia, it usually refers to "Master of Commerce", a postgraduate degree focusing on these very areas. The M.com program is designed in a way that gives you the freedom to specialize in your preferred area. Be it accounting, finance, economics, marketing, taxation, or business management - you get to choose what suits you best. This way, you can sharpen your expertise and broaden your knowledge about a specific field you're interested in. An M.com degree doesn't just increase your knowledge. It also amps up your career game! It can unlock new doors for you, making you a strong contender in the job market. Armed with this degree, higher-level positions, better salaries, and benefits can be well within your reach. 
The Eligibility Requirements in Top Mcom Colleges in India.
Every university or educational institution might have slightly different requirements if you're looking to pursue a Master of Commerce (M.com) degree. So, always make sure you check them out beforehand.
Who can apply?
The first step is to have a Bachelor's degree in Commerce (or a B.Com). Don't have a B.Com degree? - that's no problem! Many universities also welcome candidates with degrees in related fields like economics, business administration, or finance. All these degrees need to be acquired from a recognized university,
What's the Score?
Line up those marks because they count too! Many colleges look for students who've managed to achieve a minimum score in their undergraduate degree. The numbers generally hover around 50% or more. But remember, what's considered ‘good’ can depend on the institution. What about Entrance Exams?
Yeah, these exist. Some universities run their own entrance exams as a part of the admission process for M.Com programs. And guess what they measure? You got it - your understanding of commerce and general aptitude.
Best MCom Colleges Admission Procedure
Click to Login to our website.
Register using your e-mail account.
Buy the application form from the University's Official Portal.
You have to upload a few documents including:
Recent passport-sized photos
Academic certificates
Identity cards issued by the Indian Government
Working experience certificates (if any).
Remember, if you're applying under the defence category, make sure your documents are in the correct format.
Conclusion: Of course, we just have to recognize India as a hub for some 
Distance Mcom colleges in India! Leaning toward this path? Keep in mind, your undergraduate background matters a lot - so aim for greatness! Before taking the leap, make sure you've got a sound knowledge of the admission criteria and processes. Trust me, by doing this you'll find it much simpler to select a college that meets your future goals. Give yourself a moment, check out your options, and I wish you the best in shaping a fruitful trajectory in the wide universe of computer applications!
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