#medicine shopping app
franchiseindia · 2 years
Why does a generic medicine look different from a branded medicine?
Why does a generic medicine look different from a branded medicine?
Before going directly into why generic medicines look different from branded medicines, we should first know what these generic and branded medicines are. So, to start with, let us look at what is branded medicine. 
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Branded medicines are the original medicine that is manufactured under the name of the brand or company which does research on their composition, patents the composition and manufactures it. After the manufacturing is completed following thorough research, the company names the drug on its brand name and then sends it for approval to the institutions of its country of origin which deals with the safety and quality check of the medicines like the FDA in the US.  Following the approval received by the company, the medicine composition is patented by the company. This makes them suffer a huge cost and thus, the cost of the brand medicines is very high. Alongside this, this patenting of the medicine provides the company security that till the patent is there, only the original company can sell the brand drug for the specific purpose. This also allows the company to spend sums on the advertisement of the drug and sell them in the local markets with the guarantee of safety, efficiency, and quality.  Now when the patent of the brand drug has expired, then using the same active ingredients, the company itself and the other companies can produce an alternative version of the brand drug. These are known as generic drugs. Generic drugs are alternatives for the particular branded drugs available in the market. They contain the same effectiveness, active component, and safety as the brand drug, but they are different from each other only in their appearance.
Generic medicine looks different from the branded medicine
Since generic medicines are made of the same active component as branded medicine, so to differentiate from branded medicine, the generic drugs are given differentiations based on their looks. Since, the looks of the medicine like its appearance, color, and flavor don’t have any impact on the quality and safety of the medicine, so they are provided with different appearances.  Other than these, generic medicines are known well for providing the same level of benefits to the users as brand medicines. Also, the side effects of generic medicines are also found to be the same as the brand drugs. But the difference is in the inactive component content of the generic drugs. They possess a different inactive ingredient than that is present in the brand drug. This also provides an edge for generic drugs to reduce their cost.  So, finally, we can see that since the functionality and advantages of generic medicines are exactly of the same kind as that of brand medicines, so to differentiate them from the real brand name, the looks of the generic drug are varied.
Even though there are present around multiple of generic medicine for the same brand drug, so each generic alternative must have a different identity to create a market for itself. Therefore, not just the generic drugs look different from brand drugs, but also they look different from similar generic drugs manufactured by other companies.
Approvals provided by FDA
FDA or Food and Drug Agency is a federal agency of the United States that looks into the safety and quality of generic drugs and then only they provide approvals to the companies for selling their drugs in the market. FDA wants that the generic medicines produced must be identical to the bioequivalent range of their brand drugs. This is done to ensure the almost exact similarity in the properties of the generic drugs.
To ensure the quality of generic drugs, the FDA in the US continuously keeps its eyes on the approved generic drugs. It takes care of monitoring and investigating all the negative patient side effects and reactions. In any case, if any form of the problem is found, then FDA experts perform thorough testing and analysis of the drugs and provide a thorough recommendation for changes to the manufacturers. Besides, the FDA also provides health advisory notices and awareness events for the patients to make them aware of the various generic drugs present and their qualities.
Before providing approval to the applications submitted for a generic drug as a substitute for any brand drug, FDA looks into the following points while analyzing. Some of these points are mentioned below.
A generic drug has the same strength as a brand drug.
The inactive ingredients used in the generic drug must be of acceptable quality and standard.
The expiry time of the generic drug must be the same amount of time as the brand name.
The containers used for the carriage of the generics must be appropriate.
Generics must address the relevant patents on their labels and should use the same kind of label as the brand drugs.
Strict specifications are followed while producing generic drugs. The drugs must contain the highest quality, purity, and effectiveness as the brand drugs.
Once all these qualities are met by the applicant's generic drug, approval is provided by FDA for the distribution of the generic drug as a substitute for the brand-name drug in the market.
Approvals for the sale of generic medicines/drugs in India
In India for the sale of generic drugs, the companies must seek approval from the Drug advisory board of India. Only after approval from this board, the drugs are allowed to be sold and used in the Indian markets. Even the special, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization is present in India, which monitors the manufacturing of generic medicines in the country.  Not just this, the medicines are tested for checking their efficiency and to ensure the safety of the user. Alongside this, the special organization in India as mentioned above investigates the potential problems related to the drugs and provides suggestions to the manufacturing units, the public, and healthcare experts. Thus, after total checking and approval provided for a specific generic medicine, only the medicine is launched for use in the market.
Generic or branded, which is better
When it comes to deciding a better choice between the generic and brand drug, the complete decision-making should lie in the hands of the healthcare professional, prescribing the medicines.  Many types of research and studies have been conducted to find out, which, generic or branded drugs are beneficial for patients. The studies have found that although there is very little difference in the quality, efficiency, and safety between generic and branded drugs, some differences have been found in the health of the patients.  It is found in a study that those who totally rely on generic drugs for the treatment of their illness are found to suffer worse health outcomes than those who used branded drugs as well. But this is not the case everywhere; this outcome is more prevalent in cardiovascular issues and is found among the socioeconomically weaker section of society. This is because these people never look to go for buying branded drugs due to their very high cost and thus switch themselves to cheaper alternatives which are generic drugs. 
Still, a thorough study is left to be conducted before directly concluding which one will be better for the long run, branded drug or a generic drug. But still, we can say if there are no constraints on the affordability of the customer, then they should prefer brand names. But in case of economic constraints, the patient should consult with a doctor, who knows better about the different generic drugs and their illness. So, he will prescribe the best generic drug available for your purpose.
Benefits of generic drugs
Generic medicines as we know are the same active ingredient containing branded medicines, but the difference is visible in their appearance, packaging, and the name given to them. These are not provided in the market until the patent on the branded medicines is expired. After the expiry, the same company or other companies can move to produce generic medicines of the same medicine. 
Generic medicines are developed to ensure the availability of the medicine in the market even after the expiry of branded medicines’ patent and thus it has some of the major advantages due to which people choose them. Let us look at these benefits one by one.
Affordable price
Generic medicines are significantly low in cost than their branded drug counterparts. This makes them very affordable to buy by the population. This low-cost nature of generic drugs comes from the fact that these drugs are produced using the same active component as the branded drug. This saves the cost of trials and tests and approvals for the generic drug company. 
Besides, generic drugs are not advertised. And the marketing policy used for their promotions is also very cost-friendly. This makes the company cut the cost of the marketing, advertisement, and approval of generic drugs. Thus, they are able to sell the drugs at such a huge price margin and make them available in the market at lower prices.
Easily available
For any branded drug, there are present around 12000 varieties of generic drugs. Each one of which is affordable and safe to use. Whenever you go out to buy a branded drug but it's unavailable, you can easily find one of its alternative, generic drugs.  This easy availability of generic drugs provides the benefit that every patient should get the necessary treatment for the illness they are suffering from. Patients don’t have to wait for the procurement of branded drugs in order to take the medicine.
So, the ease of availability of generic drugs in the market benefits the customers to the highest level.  To further ensure that each citizen of India is aware of the presence of generic drugs in almost all common branded drugs, the Government of India has established the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadi Pariyojana (PMBJP). It works to aware the maximum population of the country about generic drugs and makes sure that in the coming future generic drugs related to maximum branded drugs be made available to citizens of India. 
Covers insurance benefits
Generic medicines are low in cost, thus they are very much affordable to almost everyone. This provides another benefit that most of these drugs are covered under various insurance policies provided by different companies. This is because of their low cost.  Insurance coverage means, you won’t have to pay for buying your generic drugs, but the insurance companies will pay for them. This will help you cut down your regular spending on medicines and thus provides you with an added advantage.  But care must be taken as this can vary based on the insurance company and their insurance policies. So, make sure you earn complete knowledge of the insurance policy and the drugs they cover, before buying them.
Safe and have quality
Generic drugs, as are made of the same active component as the branded drug, so they provide the equivalent level of quality as well. But the safety and quality of the generic medicine are ensured before introducing them in the market by providing them the license. The medicines are thoroughly checked, and after complete approval for their quality and safety, these medicines are given licenses.
  To ensure that only quality and safe generic drugs are sold in the Indian markets, the Government of India has a separate department. The Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadi Pariyojana takes care of the procurement of only quality medicines in the country. These drugs include only those which are manufactured by companies that are CE, FSSAI, and WHO-GMP certified. Thus, through proper checks on the medicines, Government ensures that they are manufactured following strict guidelines and are beneficial for the consumers.
Generic drugs are alternative drugs that are manufactured for serving the purpose the same purpose as the brand drugs. These are the cheaper alternatives that look different from the brand drugs but contain the same qualities as the brand drug. They have a variety of benefits that makes them so popular among the population.
  Even the health advisories of all the countries conduct awareness campaigns to spread awareness among people about these generics. This is done to ensure that everyone gets the appropriate medicine for their illnesses at a lower cost. Only thing is that generics are given different looks than the brand medicines to ensure their distinction from the brand drugs.
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lagoontechnologies · 17 days
Healing Touch in a Bottle: Discover the Magic of AVP Murivenna Oil 
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Healing Touch in a Bottle: Discover the Magic of AVP Murivenna Oil
In today’s fast-paced world, finding solace and relief from physical and mental stress can often feel like a daunting task. Amidst the cacophony of modern remedies, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda stands out as a beacon of holistic healing. One such gem from this timeless tradition is Ayusho’s AVP Murivenna Oil, a product that has captured the essence of Ayurvedic healing in a bottle.
What is AVP Murivenna Oil?
Murivenna Oil, often celebrated as a potent Ayurvedic preparation, is renowned for its remarkable therapeutic benefits. The name “Murivenna” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Muri” (wound) and “Venna” (oil), reflecting its traditional use as a healing balm for wounds and injuries. Ayusho’s AVP Murivenna Oil takes this traditional formulation and enhances it with modern quality standards, offering a product that bridges ancient wisdom with contemporary efficacy.
The Ancient Art of Healing
Ayurveda, India’s ancient system of medicine, revolves around balancing the body’s energies (doshas) to promote health and well-being. Murivenna Oil aligns with this philosophy by leveraging the natural healing properties of its ingredients. This oil is traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and rejuvenating effects, making it a valuable addition to any wellness regimen.
Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
Ayusho’s AVP Murivenna Oil is a blend of carefully selected herbs and natural oils, each chosen for its unique healing properties. Here’s a closer look at some of the key ingredients and what they bring to the table:
Neem (Azadirachta indica): Known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, neem helps in purifying the skin and aiding in the healing of wounds. Its anti-inflammatory nature also soothes irritation and reduces redness.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric is famed for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It plays a crucial role in reducing pain and promoting faster healing of injuries.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Often referred to as the “Indian Ginseng,” ashwagandha is known for its stress-relieving properties. It also supports overall vitality and endurance.
Coconut Oil: Used as a base in many Ayurvedic formulations, coconut oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Its antimicrobial properties further enhance the healing process.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Ginger’s warming and soothing effects help in alleviating muscle pain and stiffness. It also promotes blood circulation, which aids in the healing of injuries.
How to Use AVP Murivenna Oil?
For optimal results, it’s essential to use Murivenna Oil correctly. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Clean the Affected Area: Before applying the oil, ensure that the area is clean and dry. This helps in better absorption and effectiveness of the oil.
Apply Generously: Take a few drops of AVP Murivenna Oil and gently massage it onto the affected area. Use circular motions to ensure even distribution and penetration.
Allow it to Absorb: Let the oil remain on the skin for at least 30 minutes to allow it to be fully absorbed. For deeper penetration, you may leave it on overnight.
Repeat as Needed: Depending on the severity of the condition, apply the oil 2–3 times a day for best results.
The Benefits of Regular Use
Regular use of Ayusho’s AVP Murivenna Oil can lead to a multitude of benefits:
Accelerated Healing: The oil’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties speed up the healing process for wounds, cuts, and bruises.
Pain Relief: It provides soothing relief from muscle pain, joint pain, and other discomforts.
Enhanced Skin Health: The nourishing ingredients improve skin texture and promote overall skin health.
Stress Reduction: The calming effects of ashwagandha help in reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
User Testimonials
Many users have shared their positive experiences with Ayusho’s AVP Murivenna Oil. Here are a few testimonials:
Amit: I’ve been using Murivenna Oil for my back pain, and the relief has been remarkable. It’s become a staple in my daily routine.
Rina: After a recent surgery, I used AVP Murivenna Oil to aid in the healing of my scars. Not only did it help in reducing inflammation, but my skin also feels smoother.
Ravi: As an athlete, I often deal with muscle soreness. This oil has been a game-changer for me. It provides instant relief and helps me recover faster.
Ayusho’s AVP Murivenna Oil embodies the essence of Ayurvedic healing with its carefully crafted blend of natural ingredients. Whether you’re dealing with physical injuries, muscle pain, or simply seeking a holistic approach to wellness, this oil offers a natural and effective solution. Embrace the healing touch of this ancient formulation and discover the magic of Ayurveda in every drop.
By integrating Murivenna Oil into your wellness routine, you’re not just addressing your immediate health concerns but also nurturing your body with the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda. Experience the transformative power of Ayusho’s AVP Murivenna Oil and unlock a new level of vitality and well-being.
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genericmedicina1 · 6 months
Generic Medicina : Your One-Stop Shop for Generic Medications Online
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"Welcome to Generic Medicina where health meets affordability in the digital age. We pride ourselves on being your premier one-stop shop for all things Online Generic Medicine Shop , conveniently accessible online. Our platform is not just another online pharmacy; it's a gateway to a world of high-quality, cost-effective healthcare solutions. We understand that managing your health shouldn't break the bank, which is why we've curated a diverse range of generic medications to cater to your every need.
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xinanigans · 9 months
I want to eat cookie dough so bad. Like rawdog eat. Egg and everything.
I just want snajc
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addonpharmacy · 1 year
Addon Pharmacy: India's leading online pharmacy and medicine store
In an era of rapidly advancing technology, comfort is key to modern life. From ordering groceries online to accessing information with one click, we have come to expect a world of convenience at our fingertips. The healthcare sector is no exception, and add-on pharmacies are at the forefront of revolutionizing the way Indians access essential medicines and healthcare products.
Convenience of online pharmacy
Addon Pharmacy is more than just an online pharmacy. It's a lifeline for people looking for convenient, reliable, and accessible healthcare solutions. Our user-friendly platform streamlines the drug and healthcare product sourcing process, eliminating the need for time-consuming trips to the pharmacy. Prescription drugs made easy
The focus of our service is convenient online ordering of prescription drugs. Whether you have a chronic condition that requires regular medication or a one-time prescription, Addon Pharmacy simplifies the process. With just a few clicks, you can have your medications delivered straight to your home, so you never forget to take them.
We have a wide range of health products
In addition to prescription drugs, Addon Pharmacy offers a wide range of healthcare products. From vitamins and supplements to personal care products, you've come to the right place. This one-stop-shop approach simplifies the process of maintaining overall health and well-being.
Expert advice always at hand
We understand that health care decisions can be complex. That's why we offer a professional consultation service that connects you with medical professionals who can provide advice and answer your questions. This allows you to make informed decisions about your health.
Fast and reliable shipping
We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our fast and reliable delivery service ensures that your most important health products reach you in the shortest possible time. Whether it's regular medications or urgent medical needs, we're here for you.
Trust and quality assurance
When it comes to healthcare, trust is paramount. Addon Pharmacy has earned the trust of millions through our unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and customer care. All products are sourced from trusted suppliers to ensure our customers receive authentic and effective medicines and health products. In conclusion, Addon Pharmacy is more than just an online pharmacy. We are your trusted partner for meeting your healthcare needs in India. Our diverse products, expert advice, and fast delivery service make it easy to live a healthier, happier life. So, next time you need a medical solution, remember that Addon Pharmacy is just a click away and we can provide you with the care and expertise you deserve. Your health is our top priority and we strive to make your stay as comfortable as possible.
Visit:- https://addonpharmacy.com Get access to low-cost medications, essential first aid supplies, healthcare equipment, and more, and save up to 80% on your healthcare items.
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instantgenie · 2 years
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smolvenger · 7 months
In A World of Boys, He's a Gentleman (Professor! Tom Hiddleston x Reader blurb)
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Summary: Collapsing into tears after a hellish week, your professor boyfriend confesses he loves you.
Warnings: cursing, some work problems (I may have used some of my irl experiences in here, oops) Reader liking Romantasy books, but other than that, some hurt/comfort and lots of fluff!
A/N: I decided to leave it ambiguous if Reader is a student or not, so that is personally up to you. From @holdmytesseract's request for the birthday blurbs! Thanks for your patience!
Word Count: >2K
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
If the past week was purgatory, then today was utter hell.
Everything in your life was driving you so busy, you felt both stasis and panic at once. You got so distracted that you would zone out on your phone closing and reopening the same apps for hours. Then at work, people were driving you up a wall. Because you were a good employee who had to get things done in the order and way they trained you or else…less got done. The impossibility of productivity crept on you. Minutes became hours. You had to argue with someone in a conversation that should have been four minutes but lasted eight because she would not shut up, kept repeating the same things over and over, would rarely let you speak and when you did, never replied or added onto your responses. On top of that, your body decided that the buttcrack dawn of morning when it was still dark was a good time to be awake. And impossible to drift back to sleep even when you took cold medicine. Which then made you exhausted at work.
Thank god for your professor boyfriend.
He was your light in the midst of all this. You had dated for some time, and even the sight of him putting on glasses in a nice suit as he headed off ofr work still made you tingly inside. He would leave you little gifts at your place- flower bouquets, cupcakes, and the like. You were at a point where you didn’t have to have romantic dates all the time. You were now just in his place. Just hanging out. Simple as that. 
You could be quiet and not interact every second. As cats parallel played you could just be in comfortable silence together. Especially when it came reading- for you had something of a silent book club. You both turned off your phones and would sit devouring book after book. 
He was a Literature professor, so it was in his nature. It seemed though sometimes he was never off the clock!  He even challenged you- it was one thing that drew you to daring him. He was smart enough- he respected you as an intelligent being in your own right but was able to have questions and discussions. It was the academia in him. It made you grow into wanting to be a better person for him…and he for you.
Though today, your stress, anxiety, and semi insomnia was creeping up on you. You sat on the brown chair and he on his sofa. There was the same book in your hands. He was already rubbing a finger over his lips, pressing his glasses close. Enchanted by the spell words made. It was a well-reviewed piece of literature that won awards and was featured on the official lists of esteemed journals. He recommended this title to you and you were both reading it. 
As you sat with your own copy that he leant you, you cracked open the stiff spine from it’s newness and began to read…
You were spacing out on the first chapter. It was dense, poetic, and beautiful….but you had no idea what the heck was going on.
After a few more pages, it was starting to get sad.
What was it with these books? And it was not cheery- Was high literature just sad things happening like people having affairs on their wives or committing abuse or doing drugs or going to war or just being awful with no repercussions?
With a sigh, you reached into your bag and pulled out a different book- an escapist, spicy romantasy that all the girls on social media were losing their minds over. You replaced the high literature book, setting it down quietly, and opened it. Tom was so engrossed in the book he didn’t notice. You didn’t want him to notice.
You found this time you were understanding the words in front of you. And you found yourself drawn. Was it the best piece of literature to be studied in a professors class in the future? Hell no. But you were here for a good time, not a long time. And not to study human nature deeply, but to be in a different world, where you had a different name, a different look, and different problems, but far more magical and exciting than everything crashing down in your dull, grey reality. One where your clothes were beautiful with corsets and fine fabric instead of just jeans. One where you would have a sword with a name then a smartphone that sucked all of your free time. One where you could be a princess, a queen, an assassin, a fae lady, a vampire, a pirate, a goddess, a duchess… anything other than plain old you in a plain old life at a plain old job.
Tom looked up. He then eyed over your cover and back at you.
You looked up at him and grimaced. Then you shoved the book back into your bag.
“Please! Don’t judge me!” you cried.
“Why would I judge you?” he asked.
You gestured over to the book in his hands.
“I’m reading this silly trash book and you have all of your fine literature!” you cried.
He set his own copy down, but his blue eyes softened.
“My dear…Is something up?” he asked.
He knew you well enough he could tell the signs.
“Yes, my day was hell! It was this and this and this and…I try to handle it but..I’m overwhelmed so I can’t…I really can’t…I’m not even smart enough to read this book, because I try and try but I just can’t understand this stuff and I can’t get into it, like you…I’m an idiot…”
You burst into tears, and he came over, hugging and kissing your head in little pecks. 
“No…darling, no…” he murmured.
You leaned into his arms. You found yourself vneting and complaining the suffering long inside you.
“I know…I’m a mess…” you sobbed out. “And there was a lady at work who’s a bitch, and my job is so hard, and I can’t sleep at night…it’s just…I wish I could be smarter, nicer, better for you Tom, but…”
“How do you take tea?” he asked.
Looking up, you wiped your tears with your sleeve and answered him.
He made it for you the way you liked. It was the prettiest mug- white with bluebell flowers painted on it.  And returned with it. You sipped at it, it was perfect in it’s flavor and so warm, you felt it melt inside you. You placed both hands around it- science said it was like receiving a hug. Feeling the warmth inside and outside as you looked up at him. 
He scooted himself to be close, a gentle smile on his face and one of his large, beautiful hands rubbing your forearm in comfort.
“I know I’m a mess.” you said.
“I like you as a mess.”
You began to blink at him.
“No, I…but I’m…I’m trying, but I just…I know I complain and I read trashy books and I call people bitches and all that, you can say it, Tom. It’s the truth,” you replied.
“Set your drink down,” he requested.
You complied.
He cupped your face. A gasp aired itself in your throat. 
“My dear, you are perfect as you are. A mess, broken, crying…and I want nothing else than to be with you.” he confessed.
You nearly dropped your jaw.
“That’s…a…you’re saying that…”
“Well…I…yes, I never thought I’d run into someone like you, who’d change everything. Why should I care if you feel upset sometimes like every human being  or what you read to make you happy or that things aren’t always wonderful…I…I love you….there, I said it.”
Love. The little word that changed everything. And it was the first time he said it. It was…unspoken. Something you both felt for the long months you dated, but never confirmed. And here it was, materialized and as present as the furniture and mugs and books, for it was just as real.
“I love you too, Tom.”
You embraced him tight, and he embraced back. He then pressed his forehead to yours, squeezing hands.
He then let go, looking down at your mug.
“Here…your tea will get cold…” he said, offering the drink back to you.
“And…my book….” you murmured.
“Oh, I have no problems with you reading it with me! If it’s that good, I’ll make you another cup of tea and get us some biscuits as well! Then you must tell me all about it!” He gave a little laugh. “Who knows, I may even try it myself someday!”
Smiling with him, you gave him a kiss on his cheek. Then, you settled into cuddling him, sipping your tea and enjoying both of your books in a moment of pure bliss.
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Witchcraft Exercise - Creating Correspondences
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There are dozens of plant species in the arsenal of the green witch. Commonly-used varieties and usage varies somewhat between traditions, but most of us are fairly familiar with industry standards like basil, bay, rosemary, sage, and so on.
But what do you do when faced with a plant that has no listed magical correspondences anywhere that you can find in your witchcraft library? Simple - you create some.
Allow me to demonstrate with a little plant I found in my own backyard. It's a common weed called Virginia copperleaf (Acalypha virginica). But despite it's widespread range and abundant growth as a field weed, there are surprisingly few references to the plant in regional folk medicine and none at all that I could find in contemporary witchcraft.
So in order to incorporate this hardy little weed into my practice, I set about creating some correspondences for it.
First, I researched the physical properties of the plant. It is a small annual spurge with long taproots, a resistance to drought and many herbicides, and a reputation for fast growth and being difficult to eradicate from fields due to prolific seeding. The leaves turn coppery-red in the fall and small spiky flowers bloom among the foliage. It is also mildly poisonous. The juice of the plant may cause contact dermatitis or a mild rash in some people and if ingested, it may cause GI symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.
Next, I researched references to the plant in folk medicine. I could only find a single reference that cited copperleaf as a possible diuretic and expectorant. That does track with the previous mention of GI symptoms, but it doesn't mean the plant is safe to use. I did discover that an alternate name for the plant is three-seeded mercury or mercury weed, likely because of its' tendency for fast growth and the fact that it is propagated by the wind.
So now comes the business of creating the correspondences, using the physical properties of the plant as a basis.
The first and most obvious association is strength. Any weed that is resistant to drought and herbicide and uprooting is bound to be useful for spells involving tenacity and fortitude. Prosperity is also a likely use, both because of the name copperleaf and the way in which the plant grows and spreads quickly. Because of the alternate name mercury weed and the wind propagation, it could be used for wind magic or communication spells. (I often associate the element of air with communication and the name of a messenger god is right there as well, but your mileage may vary.)
The plant could also be used as an ingredient for baneful magic, either to bind and frustrate someone's efforts by consuming available ground where their ambitions might grow, or in its' capacity as a mild poison, to cause physical discomfort and stomach trouble.
So in the end, I have a handful of copperleaf and a listing in my witchbook that details the properties of the plant and notes that it could be useful for spells involving strength, tenacity, prosperity, wind, or communication, as well as possible baneful uses including binding, discomfort, and sickness.
This is my system for assigning correspondences to previously-unknown plants, and I encourage readers to use it as a template for their own practices or to create their own system. Either way, I recommend the use of a field guide or plant identification app like PlantNet to properly identify plants as you find them. Remember to forage and harvest responsibly, be a good steward of the land around you, and always label your plant cuttings.
Happy Witching! 💚🌿
(If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. You can also check out my show Hex Positive wherever fine podcasts are heard. 😊)
More witchcraft exercises here:
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scuderiasundays · 1 year
trophy boyfriend
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summary: a high school reunion with a special appearance by yours truly
words: 809
a/n: my first and most likely last drabble. the product of my latest dreams and delusions. bon appetit 👩🏻‍🍳
“Time flies when you’re having fun.” You wondered why no one had thought to mention how painstakingly slow time passes when you’re doing the opposite. You had graduated high school seven years ago and to say that you had drifted from your friends would be an understatement. The daily updates about everything from dorm room decor to upcoming deadlines had withered down to annual “Happy birthday! Hope you’re doing well.” texts. This is why it came as such a surprise when an invitation for a class reunion showed up in your inbox. 
“It looks like they’re planning a high school reunion now that the pandemic has settled down. I won’t be going, of course.” You casually brought up the topic over dinner with Carlos, your boyfriend of three years. Life was busy enough as it was, and this was one of those rare nights you had him all to yourself. No late-night cramming for you and no post-race briefings for him. You couldn’t help but wonder how you got so lucky to end up with the doe-eyed Spaniard sitting opposite you. Carlos had devoted the whole evening to making his signature burgers, only pausing for the occasional dance break with Piñon. 
“You know what? I think you should go.” The uneasy look on your face was enough for him to reach across the table to hold your hand. “Hey, look at me. No one knows what you’ve been up to and you’ve come so far.” Carlos was right about you disappearing off the face of the earth. You kept a low profile on all social media platforms, preferring to keep your inner circle small. The only people who knew where you were at any given moment were your mom, Carlos, and your study group at medical school. The shift to online classes during the pandemic had allowed you to follow your boyfriend from race to race but you had somehow managed to stay out of the public eye. You treasured what the two of you had, a love that was just yours. 
It took a walk to the gelato shop and Carlos running you a hot bath with bubbles to finally convince you to go. It just so happened that the reunion was happening on a Sunday. “It would’ve been more fun with you by my side. I could’ve introduced you as my trophy boyfriend.” You joke, mentally calculating the travel time between the venue and the circuit. “I’ll see what I can do, amor.” He says, giving you a kiss goodnight before turning out the lights.
Sunday came and your eyes were glued to your phone screen as you checked Carlos’ location on the “Find My” app. It was obvious you were using your phone as an escape from interacting with the crowd slowly gathering in front of you. “Hi! We didn’t even think you’d show up, Y/N. We’re all dying to know what you’ve been up to!” You heard a shrill voice approach you from behind and immediately knew it belonged to the former class president. You chatted back and forth, slowly dying inside as you were bombarded with questions from left and right. 
You had gone to an all-girls school, and it wasn't long before the topic of significant others came up. "Are you seeing anyone? What line of work are they in? Medicine? Finance, maybe?"  You hadn’t prepared for this one: “He works with cars.” That was all your frazzled brain could muster. “Oh, a mechanic! Give me his number. I need to get my car detailed,” someone said. Way to jump to conclusions, you thought as you politely excused yourself from the hustle and bustle. 
You were walking back to rejoin the crowd when you noticed everyone gathered around the only man in the room. He appeared to be holding up a gleaming, gold trophy, truly captivating his devoted audience. “No, it can’t be,” you thought as you edged closer. You could hardly believe your eyes but there he was in all his glory. “Lots of driving for one day but it looks like I made it just in time.” Carlos says, lighting up the room with his infectious charm. 
A million selfies and autographs later, you were being driven home in Carlos’ 812 Competizione. Carlos’ hand lay softly on your thigh as you leaned into the breeze seeping through the car’s open window. 
“I realized something tonight, Carlos. I don’t need emotional validation from people I hardly know anymore. None of them would be crazy enough to fight post-race pain and fatigue just to make me happy. You, my love, are all that matters.” It all comes out like word vomit, but you mean every single word. He takes a quick glance at you and chuckles. “Te quiero tanto. It was my honor being your literal trophy boyfriend, even if it was just for the night.” 
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fatphobiabusters · 1 year
I explained to a fatphobe today the documented fact that has been known for decades of how there is no scientifically-proven way to lose weight long-term and that dieting doesn't work. His response was to tell me that I need to try for "longer than a week."
I did. I tried for years, probably longer than he ever managed to keep a single friend around to listen to his assholery. The only time I ever had any "success" had also been due to me dieting for longer than a week. Two weeks to be exact. Where I lost 20 pounds.
That's over 9 kilograms, if you measure weight that way.
I lost the same amount of weight as a watermelon. A car tire. A lawn mower. An office chair. The weight of an entire patio table.
In two weeks.
If you want more numbers, that was 2 and a half hours of exercising on exercise equipment at levels dangerous for my body. Every day.
14 days of a self-imposed famine. A salad here or there when I couldn't take the pain in my stomach anymore. And then, of course, going right back to starving.
My mom who had helped teach me to hate my body for not being the width of a pencil had even managed to notice how much weight I lost and how fast. She forcibly weighed me, not that weighing me accomplished anything. She didn't know my previous weight.
I saw my childhood friend for the first time in quite a while after losing the weight of two newborn babies in half a month. The first thing I asked her is if she noticed I was thinner. I had always compared myself to her growing up. She was naturally thin, needed no effort at all to stay barely thicker than her bones. She would only eat a few bites of food, slowly, and only if it was to her taste. For many years as a kid, she was the single person I knew who ate baloney, let alone as one of the handful of foods she was willing to consume. I grew up thinking thin people ate nothing more than a bowl of steamed broccoli for dinner because nothing I did ever made me as small as her.
When she told me she noticed, I smiled. I was proud that I had so severely abused my body, that I had lost an extremely alarming amount of weight in such a short amount of time.
The only time. The one instance I had ever managed to lose a noticeable amount of my body. My fat genetics and PCOS don't really help in that regard.
I'm now nearly double the weight I had starved to as a teenager. My story follows the research studies to a T.
By the end of high school, I had already gained back the whole 20 pounds. And after high school, I gained that "and then some" so many people experience. 95% of people who try to lose weight end up gaining the weight back within 3-5 years, most becoming bigger than the weight they started with. I didn't "willpower enough" into that 5% success rate. Abusing my body those two weeks so I could be an entire shopping cart lighter and then obsessing about my weight throughout my high school years wasn't enough "willpower" it seems.
I gained more weight afterwards due to medicine, mental disability, untreated PCOS, a pandemic, more attempts at starvation, being bedridden in a tent for two years, and my body, like many bodies, wanting to grow into those fat genetics of mine now that I was no longer a teenager.
I did, in fact, try longer than a week. Now it's time to reciprocate and try treating fat people like human beings for a mere seven days. Here's an app for you to log all of the fat people you didn't tell to die, and make sure you use all your willpower. I have a neighbor whose sister's boss managed to not tell fat people to die for two whole years! They're still refraining from doing so today. All her boss needed to do was stop drinking sodas and have the willpower to succeed.
Have you tried that?
-Mod Worthy
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franchiseindia · 2 years
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
What is being called in this month vs whats being left behind:
Not only is it a new month, but also a change in seasons, the perfect opportunity to reflect and realign. 
What’s going out: 
Social Media: Just imagine how liberating it feels to finally be done with checking your phone? To no longer loose precious hours of your life, scrolling. Deleting the apps and not being part of the crowd feels so freeing and exclusive, like you just went to pilates, received a gorgeous bunch of flowers, and copped a new dress for your Thailand trip…and it’s all for you. Life feels so much more personal. No one else in your business. No fronting, no taking 20 shots to get the perfect one to post. No comparing your life to others. There is no extra energy being directed at you because you no longer partaking in the circus. 
Rushing & Stressing: It might seem unimportant to highlight this fact, but the stress on your body from constantly rushing and panicking can actually cause sickness. The stress hormones in your body go into overdrive, and overtime this can cause serious harm. Besides that who wants to be that rushed, stressed out woman? Is she who you aspire to be? If not, what shifts do you need to make so your day is better organised? This new season is replacing stress with peace.
Subscribing to a life that is not in alignment: You know in your heart what you love, the environments that nurtures you, the weekends that fill your heart. But somehow...you choose to live a life that rejects your hearts desires. You settle. Why waste your life, going to pubs and drinking when you really want to be sipping herbal teas and hiking mountains on the weekend? Why subscribe to an office job because everyone else is when you really want to be volunteering for a charity in Nepal? The power is in your choice. The change may not happen overnight. But the change needs to happen, to be in motion. Saying no to what doesn’t feel right in your life, will create new space for what truly sets your soul on fire. 
What’s coming in:
Nourishment on a whole new level: It’s always sickness that causes us to really value health. But, why wait. Investing in your health to ensure you feel at your very best will benefit you in ways you can only dream of. You sleep better, your skin is brighter, your levels of respect for yourself are so much higher because you are FULLY invested in your wellbeing. You make smarter food shopping choices, you educate yourself about what nourishes you. You carve out time to listen to your body. What does it need? What needs to be healed? Boys, drama, gossip? No time for that, you are too busy reading up on Ayurvedic medicine and at your yoga class. You deeply love yourself, and it shows through your levels of self-nourishment.
Strong boundaries with the people in your life: That emotionally unstable friend that dumps all her traumas, worries, stress on you to the point that it's effecting your energy. Create a boundary. The guy you went on a date with that keeps yo-yoing in and out of your life. Create a boundary. The other friend that keeps cancelling last minute, create a boundary. The difficult thing about boundaries, is that often we have never been taught how to make them. What does it even look like to tell someone they are SEVERELY affecting your day, your mood, your entire life without raging or hiding in a corner? Learning what your needs are is a good starting point. What do I need from this person? You have all the answers within. Learn better boundaries, so people around you don’t get the better of you.  
Carving out time for soul passions: Life will be life, the day will be filled with the usual, work, study, cleaning, eating, washing, seeing people. But what about you? What about that little fire inside you that needs some kindling? It might need you to start writing, to maybe wake up a little earlier so you can carve out an hour to pour into your passions. The more you do this, the more the fire inside you will grow, you are feeding your soul, you’ll feel better, and the guilt of not listening to your inner voice will no longer haunt you. There’s no more sleeping on yourself, this season is for the soul. 
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genericmedicina1 · 11 months
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If you want to buy generic medicine online, you can have a cost-effective solution at Genericmedicina. We have become a well-known online shop in India and worldwide. Our online India-based pharmacy is quite popular for its top-quality Generic Medicines. We work together with Indian & International pharmaceutical companies that supply approved licensed medicines, Non-controlled, OTC, and Prescription medication.
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Heya, guys! Just an ask for you guys, especially for Rocky. What do you guys feel about those cyber trucks? To me, I get salty because people drive a frickin TRAPEZOID!! it looks like an oversized microwave with four wheels! Even raccoons are attacking those trucks because they think they are dumpsters. But hey, that’s just me. What do you guys think?
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If only the problem would be ONLY that this truck looks like a trapezoid… Someone once joked it’s Lara Croft in her first game - I had to look that up - but to be very honest, I think she has more polygons than a Cybertruck. And that’s saying something for sure.
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As the Paw Patrol’s pup who’s specialized in medicine, I'd like to say that this truck is literally a menace on wheels for both passengers and pedestrians. Have you seen the crash tests? The truck doesn’t crush when colliding with something! It’s supposed to crush so the force of impact won’t go fully on the passengers inside. Without it, if it hits against something full force at top speed, people’s organs will practically become puree against their ribcage. And if it hits a pedestrian, even at lower speeds, the chances of major injuries is insanely high because it doesn’t have any smooth lines on its frame to soften the impact against the person! Only sharp edges! It’s absolutely deadly!
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It looks like something you'd see in an Atari game, of course there are people who would be a fan of it but that's a very small percentage of a specific public; as Marshall said, the very frame design makes it extremely dangerous; I absolutely DO NOT trust anything that's entirely dependant on a touchscreen to function, once the screen is out, you won't be able to do anything anymore; If you need to look away from the road for more than 5 seconds to do something on that tablet, it should be considered already a failure of programming and danger inducing; a lot of them came out of the factory with already rusty components so THAT SHOULD SAY SOMETHING; oh yeah, you can't even take it to a car wash or it'll come out a huge useless brick on the other side and if you can't wash it, you'd at least want to coat it but guess what, you can't do that either; a bunch of the panels are literally GLUED to the frame...?; every time you go recharge it you need to do it as correctly as possible to not risk the charger getting stuck and eventually breaking it; if you drive in the rain, water will leak in through the edges; you can't even haul stuff or help another car because you'll be risking to snap the back frame - it's not in one piece with the chassis, but connected by a sort of plastic piece to it...???? I swear I've seen Chase's cruiser hold and tow heavier stuff with its winch than what a Cybertruck can ever dream of doing; if anything happens to the back of this truck, you can kiss goodbye to its bed, even though it's not as big as they promised either; they basically made a fool of a lot of people by making them pay a lot more for a "Foundation Series" promising a full self driving feature that, as far as I know as of now, is still not available; the truck just has so many problems someone drove it out of the factory and not even two minutes later it bricked completely and has been at a repair shop ever since; the list goes on and on...
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Some Tesla vehicles at least look good and have decent features, though they also have a lot more problems than they should, which could have been solved already by now, but they don't even try, all because the company owner is just... A bad person, let's put it like that. He's got a temper worse than Sweetie's, he thinks he's above everyone else and won't ever take a "no" or "don't". I've heard a lot of other EV companies are making better AND affordable EVs literally by looking at what's wrong with Tesla cars to not repeat the same errors on theirs.
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Oh, and one last thing! This guy also went against regulation laws against hate speech in our Mod's country, which resulted on his social media website and app getting banned there. Not satisfied with that, he double-crossed the ban to make it available there again although totally illegally, by using the same IP servers that hospitals, public services and even the very Brazilian government websites use, so... Triple crime? Not gonna lie, it's funny to follow how it's going down there.
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addonpharmacy · 1 year
Addon Pharmacy: Your Trusted Companion for Healthcare Needs in India
In an era defined by convenience and accessibility, healthcare should be no exception. Addon Pharmacy steps into the limelight as the best online pharmacy and medicines store in India, catering to your health and wellness needs like never before. Allow us to introduce you to a world of healthcare services designed to make your life easier, healthier, and happier.
A Diverse Range of Medicines and Healthcare Products
The Addon Pharmacy experience begins with an extensive and diverse inventory. We understand that your health needs are unique, which is why we offer a comprehensive range of medicines and healthcare products. From prescription medications to over-the-counter remedies, vitamins, and wellness products, we’ve got it all. No more running from one pharmacy to another; everything you need is just a few clicks away.
Quality and Trust: Our Cornerstones
We know that when it comes to healthcare, there’s no room for compromise. That’s why we source our products exclusively from reputable manufacturers and suppliers who adhere to the highest quality standards. With Addon Pharmacy, you can trust that every medicine or product you order has undergone rigorous quality checks to ensure your safety and well-being.
Convenience Redefined
Imagine never having to wait in long queues at your local pharmacy again. With Addon Pharmacy, convenience is our hallmark. Our user-friendly website and mobile app let you order your medicines from the comfort of your home or office. Plus, we offer free home delivery to make your life even more hassle-free. It’s healthcare on your terms, designed to save you precious time and effort.
Affordability Without Compromise
Quality healthcare should be accessible to everyone, and we are committed to making that a reality. Addon Pharmacy offers competitive prices on all our products, ensuring that you get the best value for your money. We believe that you shouldn’t have to choose between your health and your wallet.
Customer-Centric Support
At Addon Pharmacy, we don’t just stop at delivering your orders. We have a dedicated customer support team ready to assist you with any questions, concerns, or inquiries. Your satisfaction is our success, and we are here to make your experience with us as seamless as possible.
Conclusion: Your Health, Our Commitment
Your health is precious, and Addon Pharmacy is committed to protecting it. As the best online pharmacy and medicines store in India, we are your trusted companion on your healthcare journey. Join us today, and experience healthcare the way it should be: convenient, affordable, and reliable.
Your health, your choice, your trusted partner — Addon Pharmacy. Start your journey with us today and take control of your well-being like never before.
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josphitia · 17 days
Demon HRT, part 1
Trigger Warnings: Horror, Vomiting, Blood, loss of bodily control
So I live in this place called Hyper City. Fun place, as far as cities go. Lately I’ve been seeing so many freakish peoples around. Dragon and Fish girls, an Eldritch monstrosity or two, hell I even saw Sonic the goddamn hedgehog walking around! Which, don't get me wrong, is FANTASTIC. All these people getting to be their true selves, it brings a tear to your eye! So I asked a few of them, very politely I might add, whereabouts they've been getting these medicinal interventions from. They all pointed me in the same direction.
An unassuming building lay before my feet as I entered a dinghy lobby. The place was littered with fur of every color and length, along with the occasional reptilian shedding-flake. The overworked receptionist looked at me with her bagged eyes and handed me a clipboard and pen. “Walk-in or Appointment sugar” “Walk-in!” “Alright. Wait time is about 3 hours if you're able to wait that long.” I looked around at the empty lobby and shrugged. I had nothing but time after all.
I lazily filled out the form, checking ‘No’ on all the usual culprits. From there I enjoyed the simple pleasures of people watching. Or I guess in this case, animal watching, as they walked in one after the other for their appointments. All sorts of creatures you'd think only existed in cartoons. A blue snake lady, a white tiger, like 4 fucking slimes. All of them seemed to leave with the same two things: lifeless eyes and a small paper bag they held onto like a treasure.
After 4 hours of waiting, finally, finally it was my turn to go back. I was escorted to the man’s office itself. Though you'd think a doctor would have better furniture. I had a comfier chair to sit on in elementary school. Soon the doc entered and he asked me to plead my case. “Doc, you gotta help me. I’ve seen the people in the streets and they say you've helped them! So I'm asking you, are you able to help me? I wanna be a demon!”
“Are. Are you serious? You're not making this up? This is for real?"
“Of course Doc! Deep inside me is a Beelzebub just waiting to burst free!”
“Absolutely not. How in blazes would I even create something like that?? I deal with the terrestrial, the creatures that actually roam this earth.”
“Bitch I literally saw a Sonic the Hedgehog.”
“Changing the hue of a standard hedgehog’s hair and incorporating specialized techniques to aid in speed is one thing. I'm not some revolving door for people to just turn into any farcical fictional absurdity that crosses their minds! I'll have to ask you to leave.”
I was escorted out of the building and as soon as I was I turned around to the doors and gave them my parting gift: two middle fingers and a loud “WELL FUCK YOU TOO!” As I turned to walk away I saw a young person in a tattered cloak approaching me.
“Troubles with Dr. Erian?”
“Yeah and what's it to you?”
“He is ignorant. Afraid of the worlds beyond his meager vision.” As they said this, they removed their hood, fully showcasing the double-irises of their eyes and a pure white eye in the middle of their forehead without any indication of an eyelid. “I know a place of power. A repository of knowledge. It is there you can acquire the help you need. Simply walk the road least trodden between the spires of ill-progress. At the end of the trail you will come upon a fork in the road. Take the third option, for all others are lies.”
“Okay cool but like what do I put in my Maps app?”
“Oh. Uhm. It's 666 Arkham Drive.”
An hour or so of walking later I arrived at my destination. A library that seemed as both a cathedral and a butcher’s shop. But off in the alleyway beside the library was an old lady with a sharply crooked nose. She was wearing a long trench coat and as soon as she saw me she outreached a long, spindly finger in a “come hither” motion.
“Hello boy. I have the target of your mission…” she coyly remarked as she rummaged around in her coat before pulling out a plastic orange medicine bottle.
“I heard about you from Lidless Vision.
They told me to anticipate your arrival.
For you and only you, I have this vial.”
“Yeah yeah lady I've been down this road before. This isn't my first time encountering a creepy old crone in an alleyway offering me drugs. How do I know you're not a cop like the last one?”
“I can offer you no assurances but this: What I offer, I offer freely.
My master is one of chaos and all things unseemly.
I am a friend to those whose souls offer a dark shine.
I am no accomplice to the thin blue line. Also ACAB.”
“Ah right on, right on… Okay so what'll it cost.”
“I seek no compensation, no monetary transaction.
I only wish to help you achieve your satisfaction.
I have heard tell inside of you is a demon.
Take these pills, with water, and release what's within.”
With this she quickly grabbed my hand and thrust the bottom between my fingers. The label was haphazardly placed, but the instructions were what she said: “Take one pill twice a day. WITH WATER.”
“Well thank-” and before I knew it she was gone, along with the library. Around me was nothing but the shattered dreams of Mom ‘n Pop stores of the past. I looked around but could find no evidence of the crone, as if she was never there to begin with…
It was a long walk back home; and as soon as I arrived I collapsed on the couch. I was eager to ingest my new medication, with water, and to see the changes my body would undergo. I went to lie in bed and I was so exhausted I could only accomplish an hour of doom scrolling before sleep caressed me into her embrace.
I awoke the next afternoon and immediately ran to the bathroom. I poured over my reflection for any changes, but all I could notice was that I was… pale? My skin all over was becoming pasty and white. I hope I wasn't getting an allergic reaction…
Although perhaps this was a normal part of the HRT process. Shedding my previous color before my demonic hues came in. But great, now people will think I'm some kinda nerd. Hopefully I could develop a tan to help normalize my complexion.
I took my first allotted HRT pill, with water, and prepared myself. I got dressed and was ready to start my day off visiting any and all businesses begging for a job while being told “there's an application online.” I went to put on my sneakers and… hrm. My toes were pressing up against the end of the shoe. I guess all that walking made my feet a bit swollen today. Nothing another day of walking wouldn't fix. Not like I could just buy another pair, certainly not without a stable income.
First stop on my itinerary was Emperor Burger. I walked onto those sticky floors and was immediately hit with a wall of smell: a queasy concoction of grease, potatoes, and depression. Not many people eat here if they could help it, after all. I walked up to the counter to an acne riddled individual but before I could speak I vomited all over the minimum wage worker to an audible “aw COME ON MAN!” I collapsed onto the floor as the worker began moping around me, either unwittingly or maliciously ignoring my plight as I kneeled over. I couldn't breathe, I was choking on something caught in my throat. Instinctively I clawed into my mouth to dislodge the object, grabbing what felt like fabric. I gripped and pulled but the more I pulled the more felt trapped in my stomach. It was like I was pulling out my own intestines as a long rope of tightly tied… hankerchiefs? were pulled out of my body, soaked in my own bile and blood. But eventually with one final yank my throat was free of the obstruction and I could finally breathe, if in ragged short breaths.
“Help me get this guy the fuck out of here, he's some kinda drunk or something!” was what the clerk started yelling as two workers hoisted me to my feet and threw me out onto the curb. The fall should have hurt, but all my mind could focus on was how much the sunlight now burned my skin and obscured whatever vision I had through tear-stained eyes. I gripped my stomach as I limped home, pedestrians giving my pained body, stained with my own fluids, a wide berth.
I arrived at my humble hovel with another fall onto the floor. I felt like a failure, I wasn't even out an hour before coming back to my dimly lit den. Was the clerk right? Was I just a drunk? Hungover? But I didn't even have the money for alcohol, let alone enough to leave me in this condition. But the thought finally flashed through my mind like lightning:
The pills.
I tried crawling to the table where I was keeping my precious medication but I was barely there before more pains creeped their way across my body, sending me into seizures. The pain wracked my body, yet trying as I might in my agony, no tears flowed. Instead the only sounds emanating from my body were a continuous series of cheerful, upbeat laughs.
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