#online recharge software
ezulix · 1 year
B2B Portal For Multi Recharge Company
If are you thinking to set up your own multi-recharge company then this is a good idea in 2023. If we talk about its scope and statics, it is going to boom in the upcoming years. Multi recharge company allows you to offer online recharge & bill payment services to customers and earn commission on services.
To start a multi-recharge company you need a mobile recharge portal that can help you to make things seamless for business. Choosing the right recharge software can make your journey more efficient and successful.
In this blog, I have covered points related to highlighted features of mobile recharge companies, recharge software & which company offers recommendable recharge solutions for admin business.
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mahesh0207 · 2 months
What is Multi Recharge Admin Panel?
Multi recharge admin panel is a web-based recharge software solution that allows admin to create unlimited agents all over India and offer all recharge and bill payment services.
For more details visit our website or request a free live demo. (+91)7230001612
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mobile recharge software | cyrusrecharge.com
Cyrus Recharge Solutions is top Software Company in Jaipur, India, working since 2010. We provide the best recharge software, recharge API, recharge admin software,b2b recharge,white label recharge software, all mobile recharge app with commission,bbps api,aeps api,b2b recharge software, etc
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smritirgi · 2 years
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a1topup · 5 months
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mychlapci · 2 months
reading that Tarantulas and Prowl processor overload ask has revived one of my recently dormant fetishes
(this is an expansion on the forced porn download ask actually, wasn't really done b4 sending)
Prowl's archives just being a massive database of miscellaneous data, which seems like a fully practical thing that he'd do for simulation work at first glance, but in truth, he just never deletes anything because he gets off to the feeling of being just sooooo full in places no physical sensation can reach.
He wasn't always like this, you see. Prowl used to maintain good software management habits. He'd defrag according to a strict schedule, used connection buffers often and cleared his processing queues before recharge. He would never think twice about netdiving into shady websites with nasty popups, let alone download anything from there. But eventually, as his processors develop at that exponential pace his handlers noticed upon bringing him online, Prowl got bolder.
Bold enough to make a slip up and plug into a corrupt mainframe, triggering that forced download and kickstarting his fetish for good. He barely remembers anything about that incident other than an overwhelming mental barrage of arousal. Sometimes Prowl wonders if his colleagues at the time knew just what was literally going through his head as he slumped over on the console, seizing in place as they frantically tried to disconnect him safely. Maybe they caught the scent of his overload under his panels, and chose not to say anything.
Prowl would of course say that he was perfectly fine after that incident, but he'd be haunted by that instance of utter bliss he'd felt when like 30 terrabytes of ERP chatlogs and erotic flashgames burned through his neural circuitry. Eventually, he'd start by visiting a library. Full of clean and safe data to indulge in. Then he started logging all non-confidential precinct data, like routine security footage that's get deleted anyways, and dispatch call recordings. Then he started downloading from legal websites, then onto not so legal ones.
He even has backup and extra hard drives stored in his office and habisuite in plain sight, since no one else but other archivists and data specialists would catch on to his kink in the first place. Every once in a while, he'd plug himself into all these units and just let all that data flood through him, his fans and cooling systems squealing in effort to keep up with the deluge of information forcing it's way through his staticy brain, reducing his overclocked cognitive units into jello as his RAM gets consumed by pure uncontrollable math.
He loves the feel of his mind being pounded by googols of nonsense, it makes him hornier than anything else. He'd save anything from the internet, books and numeric databases are his usual go tos; high definition media are a must, the more graphically and audially intensive the better; the most unoptimized and performance heavy video games, anything that would fill up his hungry battle computer until it's full to bursting and melting.
Sometimes when he feels extra naughty, he'd even fire up the various malware and viruses the Spec Ops team would bring back, on top of all the seedy ones he'd find online. He'd trigger them in his processor and lie back in his berth, finger his fluttering pussy and feel the malicious software start tearing through his brain as his battle computer instinctively fights back, making him feel soooo hot all over. And every time he overloads, it sweeps all of his progress, and the self cleaning protocols will just have to restart as he writhes helplessly in the dark of his room.
Software sanctity? Fuck that, he'd hit anything as long as it demolishes his brain and make him into a silly, messy, spasming horny mess. A real dataslut.
god this is so good. He's quite literally overloading his processor out. It's almost like an addiction. Of course, Prowl could stop any time he wants... he could, he just doesn't want to! After a while, pumping his head full of junk data and malicious viruses is the only way Prowl can even have a fulfilling orgasm. Being full of miscellaneous data is just not enough. It's a pleasant pressure in his constantly calculating brain, yes, but if he wants to cum, he needs something stronger. He'll keep frying his brain inside of his helm as long as he gets to feel that electrifying thrill of his battle computer struggling to deflect the attacks on his mainframe.
It feels like he's falling apart at the circuits, delicate wiring so hot that it's disintegrating into dust, and all he can do is frantically rub his soaking wet valve through it all, optics bright and staring off into space as his HUD floods with nonsense. All his senses are completely taken over by the foreign malware, all he knows is that he feels so good.
Honestly, I wonder what would happen if he got stuck like that. Just for a day or two. And someone had to find him in his apartment, face twisted in pure bliss as his frame keeps twitching even after countless hours of continuous overloads. Of course, Prowl's processor gets cleaned out after that, yet he can't help but want to repeat it... to feel so absolutely stuffed and overwhelmed with data that he's just a wet, helpless thing. To give up control and let his processor sink into endless pleasure.
But for now, he's got a morning shift at the precinct to finish.
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First art on a new tablet!
Grian having a crisis due to Watcher things. c:
I talk about my new tablet under the cut if your interested!
So, as an early birthday present I got an inexpensive portable tablet called a PicassoTab. I've had it for a bit but I've mainly used it to take notes for my externship and other things using the Squid notes app but I've finally sat down and pulled up mediabang and done real art.
So what do I think of this tablet?
The PicassoTab is an inexpensive general tablet that supports a real drawing pen. Basically, its a cheap iPad and apple pencil. Except I would definitely NOT call it cheap. Its actually a really nice little tablet and pen combo and I'm quite happy with it.
I'd liken it to my large Ugee tablet in terms of draw feel. Its very obviously a tablet and does not at all feel like drawing on paper. This can be a major downside for some artists to PLEASE keep that in mind. While I prefer my Gamon as far as draw feel, since I've used the Ugee before its not a huge downside and the portability makes up for that less than desirable draw feel.
The pen uses a single AAAA battery which isn't ideal imo. While it keeps the pen smaller and more pen sized, its a hard battery to find outside of online stores. Its not rechargeable so when the battery dies then you need a new one. Though there are rechargeable AAAAs out there, I dont know if they will fit as rechargeable batteries aren't the same size as their normal counterparts.
HOWEVER, I've been using this thing almost CONSTANTLY for over 2 weeks now and there is no sign of the pen dying so I think its got a good battery life and the passive discharge is minimal.
Whats nice about the Picasso is that its a general tablet as well as a drawing tablet. It has access to the play store and runs on android software. It came with 2 drawing apps installed and I really didn't care for them. But with access to the play store I was able to download mediabang which is a free software app that works wonderfully. It doesn't have all the same options as clip studio but its more than enough for the sketch book experience I want from this. I did make this art as a finished work on the Picasso but I didn't get it to replace my Gamon, just to replace the chunky sketchbooks and notebooks I used to carry around (and use less paper).
The other positive about it being a general tablet is that I can use it as a notebook, too. I write A LOT. Notes, lists, planners, ect. My house is stacked with notebooks of all shapes, sizes, and colors. I have SO MANY pens, too. Like WAY too many pens. But because the Picasso has access to the play store I can use the note app Squid to replace all of these notebooks and pens. I now carry around about 12 notebooks and counting in my purse and the notebooks have unlimited pages. Squid also lets you edit and move text after its written so its pretty easy to reorganize notes without rewriting everything.
So ya.
100% recommend if your looking for a portable sketchbook/notebook tablet.
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investmentassistant · 8 months
Time management rules
Time is an invaluable resource, and effective time management is the key to achieving success in both personal and professional spheres. In a world where demands on our time seem endless, mastering the art of time management becomes crucial. This article will explore essential rules for effective time management that can help individuals enhance productivity, reduce stress, and achieve their goals.
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Set clear goals
The foundation of efficient time management lies in setting clear and achievable goals. Whether short-term or long-term, defining objectives provides a roadmap for tasks and activities. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks, making it easier to prioritize and accomplish them.
Prioritize tasks
Not all tasks are created equal. Prioritization is key to effective time management. The Eisenhower Matrix, for instance, categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on urgency and importance. Focusing on high-priority tasks first ensures that essential objectives are met before less critical activities.
Create a schedule
Developing a well-structured schedule is fundamental to time management. Allocate specific time blocks for different activities, including work, breaks, and personal commitments. Stick to your schedule as much as possible to build consistency and discipline.
Learn to say «No»
One of the challenges of time management is the constant influx of requests and distractions. Learning to say no to non-essential tasks or activities that do not align with your goals is crucial. Politely declining can free up time for more important endeavors.
Utilize time blocking
Time blocking involves dedicating specific blocks of time to particular tasks or types of activities. This method helps in maintaining focus and preventing multitasking, ultimately enhancing efficiency.
Embrace technology
Leverage technology to streamline tasks and save time. Use productivity tools, calendar apps, and project management software to organize and prioritize activities. Automation can also be employed for repetitive tasks, allowing more time for strategic and creative endeavors.
Take breaks
While it may seem counterintuitive, taking regular breaks is vital for sustaining productivity. Short breaks can rejuvenate the mind, enhance focus, and prevent burnout. Incorporate activities like stretching, deep breathing, or a short walk to recharge.
Review and reflect
Regularly assess your time management strategies. Reflect on what worked well and what needs improvement. Adjust your approach accordingly to enhance efficiency and adapt to changing priorities.
Set realistic deadlines
Be realistic when setting deadlines for tasks. Unrealistic expectations can lead to stress and decreased productivity. Assess the time required for each task and allocate deadlines accordingly, considering unforeseen challenges.
Continuous learning
Stay open to new time management techniques and strategies. Attend workshops, read books, and explore online resources to discover innovative approaches that suit your needs. Continuous learning ensures that your time management skills evolve and remain effective.
Mastering time management is an ongoing process that requires dedication and practice. By implementing these essential rules, individuals can create a balanced and productive life, achieving their goals with efficiency and minimizing stress. Time, once lost, cannot be regained, making effective time management a valuable skill for personal and professional success.
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floatingcatacombs · 9 months
Patlabor is On Lock
12 Days of Aniblogging 2023, Day 3
While Gundam is the most recognizable mecha anime I got into this year, most of my time was really spent working my way through the Patlabor franchise, and it’s quickly become one of my favorites. I’ve always loved the quiet moments in mecha shows, which makes sense considering I started with Macross and live for the bridge bunny gossip and off-duty downtown hangouts. Patlabor is built with this downtime at its core, operating with more of a slice of life mentality than anything else.
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A lovable cast is crucial for making this work. Thankfully, Noa Izumi is a wonderful and unique protagonist, a scrappy soft butch who’s in it for the eroticism of the machine. The first Patlabor opening is a love letter from Noa to her mecha, and I get it! The AV-98 Ingram is an iconic design, with its asymmetric bunny ear antennae and shoulder lights and comically oversized revolver that requires the right hand to pop out in order to draw, exposing the arm wiring in the process. This is a show clearly written by first-generation mecha otaku, and plenty of time is dedicated to showing how the Labors have to be transported and recharged, how the movement software depends on reinforcement learning, showing off corporate model revisions, and of course repairs in the hangar.
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Going back to the human characters, Noa’s work partner Asuma is clearly the more passive one within their dynamic, and it’s sweet to see that played out sincerely. And then there’s Kanuka Clancy, the stern weirdo badass from New York who’s constantly swearing and dropping one-liners in English. She’s the obvious breakthrough character of the show, and also the perfect opposites-attract pairing for Noa if you’re the kind of person whose yuri meter went off the charts during their drinking contest episode. Most of Patlabor’s cast seem fairly one-note at first, and one of the great tricks of the show is giving them just a little bit more depth than you would expect. Pretty much everyone, even the most jokey characters, eventually get a standalone episode or two that further sketches them out and offers real interiority. Captain Goto is another fan-favorite, and it’s definitely his mixture of laziness and wicked perceptiveness that does it, plus his main character billing in the movies.
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SV2 may be a law enforcement unit, but this really isn’t a police procedural at the end of the day. These guys are the bum department out in the sticks who everyone hates, and the upside of that is that SV2 gets stuck with the oddest of jobs instead of cop work. Sometimes that’s dealing with a runaway military prototype, other times it’s arguing with the insurance company. The best kind of episodes are the ones that take almost entirely on base as everyone tries to solve a problem of their own making, like an Ingram falling into the sea or the mechanics getting into a fight with the only restaurant that delivers to them.
A main plot does eventually emerge, with a shadowy company developing a mysterious jet-black Labor piloted by a child who is the girlish boy to Noa Izumi’s boyish girl. The Griffon is sleek and curvy and has superiority in the water and air – it’s a machine designed to defeat Ingrams, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Yoji Shinkawa looked here when designing Metal Gear RAY. Automation is a fundamental ideological enemy of mecha – faceless mass production and artificial intelligence mean an end to the era of personal combat. Even Patlabor, a warless series, dips its toes into this idea in the later episodes, with Noa and the mechanics alike worrying that the neural networks in their new Labor models will make them redundant.
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Overall, this show is hilarious and sweet and clearly loved by an older generation of otaku. So why didn’t I hear about it earlier? Partly it’s on me for not hanging out with the right mecha fans online for a while. But if I had to guess, it’s also because Patlabor is one of those works that’s straightforwardly, unobjectionably good in a way where it already says everything there is to be said about it. You can have near-infinite arguments about Zeon ideology or mobile suit powerscaling online, but there’s only so many times you can say “yeah, Noa Izumi, love that girl” precisely because everyone agrees. It can also be hard to pitch things by their vibes in a genre known for adrenaline and intrigue. Patlabor’s vibes, for the record, are immaculate.
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I'm probably gonna be chasing the high of cel-era sunsets forever
Mecha’s also a bit looked down upon from the outside. Anything that makes it into the larger conversation has to be understood as “elevated” or a “genre deconstruction”, even if the very first Mobile Suit Gundam is already about Amuro’s trauma and PTSD from being made into a child soldier. This elevation is actually happening to the second Patlabor movie as we speak - it’s becoming increasingly discussed as a major component of Mamoru Oshii’s filmography, divorced from its source series and instead compared to his subsequent Ghost in the Shell movie. Funnily enough, Oshii’s contributions to the Patlabor TV show are actually the more lighthearted gag episodes.
A lot of recent Patlabor retrospectives have drawn attention to the artist’s collective Headgear, established and owned by the series creators so they would be able to retain the rights for the franchise. This structure is fairly unique for the anime industry and probably only makes sense for established creatives, but it does seem to have worked out great for them, providing financial stability and strong creative control over the franchise. This allowed Patlabor to thrive in the relative wasteland of late 80s TV anime, a time when even Gundam had fled to the OVA market.
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That being said, it does take Patlabor switching back to OVAs to truly spread its wings. The New Files are a conclusion and continuation of the TV series that are willing to move at their own pace, resulting in some dramatic and surprisingly thoughtful stories. It’s genuinely touching to watch Goto and Nagumo try and fail to communicate their feelings for one another in a very restrained episode as thick with long-stewing emotions as it is empty space. Of course, the very next episode has half the cast get stuck in the sewer labyrinth underneath their base and there’s a bunch of Wizardry references. Oh, Oshii.
The Patlabor movies fully lean into this melancholy and uncertainty, and it’s a welcome evolution for the series. The first movie still ends with an all-out action set piece in a half-built mecha factory that stands in for the Tower of Babel, but the second one stays serious the whole time through, going as far as pivoting to a more realistic artsyle. It’s a challenging film. The politics are all-encompassing but fairly straightforward, as Oshii effectively infodumps a presentation on the postwar history of the JSDF throughout. Instead, what the makes the movie so difficult is its willingness to face the end of an era – the Cold War is over, the bubble economy has popped, and the former members of SV2 have all gone their separate ways. The conditions that have created Patlabor, both internal and external to the show, have dissipated. And the movie makes it clear by having the military stage a raid on SV2’s headquarters, tearing their Labors to shreds with gunfire in a beautifully animated act of desecration.
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After watching her be a lovable mecha dweeb for 50 episodes, it hurts a bit to hear Noa Izumi say that she doesn’t want to be that girl obsessed with robots for the rest of her life! These characters are growing in such a way that will remove them from the focus of the narrative, and it’s a movie about letting go just as much as it is about looking towards an uncertain personal and national future. I love Miyazaki’s Porco Rosso, but the fact that Oshii put this out just one year later paints a delicious contrast between the two directors with regards to escapism versus reality with regards to militarism. There's some great interviews from the era where they're just taking potshots at each other about all this.
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Are you planning to settling up your own b2b online recharge business and looking for best recharge software company then this is for you?
In this blog, I have explained which is India's top multi recharge software provider company that offers you standard b2b multi recharge software with integrated mobile recharge API and website with your brand name and logo.
For more details visit this blog now.
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adasitecompliance · 1 year
How To Avoid a Website Accessibility Lawsuit
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Every day, thousands of people are unable to use and interact with websites because of web accessibility issues. This can lead to a website accessibility lawsuit for you or your company. Over the past few years, certain regulations and guidelines to prevent this have emerged – more specifically, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
The Act was carried as a civil rights legislation, which passed in the US to protect the rights of people with disabilities, as well as prohibit any discrimination against them. As per the ADA website rules, all people with disabilities have to have equal opportunities to participate in programs, receive services, seek knowledge, and express themselves freely.
Why Is Web Accessibility Important?
Website accessibility refers to the ability of people with a wide range of physical and mental disabilities to access websites, products, systems, services, and facilities featured on a website. For instance, web accessibility means that visually impaired or blind people can purchase tickets, use apps, recharge transportation cards, and use other services offered online.
Web content should be accessible to people, even ones using screen readers and other assistive technologies and automated tools. In times when around 1 in 5 people in the U.S. lives with one or more disabling conditions, statistics show that there are more than 50 million people in the United States and around 1.3 billion around the world who have a certain form of disability.
At the same time, improved digital accessibility benefits everyone. The features that would be designed for 20% of the population can also be used by the other 80% – we all know that anyone can be affected by a disability, which is why equal access matters. Adhere to these new standards for the disabled or you are likely to face a website accessibility lawsuit soon.
Digital Accessibility Features That Can Benefit Everyone
Some of the most important digital accessibility features that can benefit everyone include the following:
Text-to-Speech and Voice Recognition features, help people access online services on a mobile device when driving, or when their hands are full.
Features that enable captions on media content, can help when you are in a noisy environment or in situations when you don’t want to distract others.
An option to easily magnify text by screen magnifiers, which can help disabled and people with vision impairments and difficulties, but also people who suffer from temporary eye injuries.
Besides regular business compliance, an ADA site can improve the overall marketing of the company, especially when using the right tools that are known as popular in this manner. These can assist you in avoiding a website accessibility lawsuit.
About ADA & The Web Accessibility Guidelines
Web accessibility guidelines have existed for two decades. They aim to bring usability and user experience design together, removing barriers for people with disabilities and enabling more users to complete tasks online.
Generally speaking, these guidelines are designed to provide a sufficient level of detail for any person interacting on the web. Some guidelines involve discrete and identifiable criteria (for example, embedding images and link areas with appropriate text) while others require greater amounts of professional discretion (the use of code to improve navigability, predictability, compatibility with certain software, etc.).
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Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Establishing a legal framework around digital accessibility ensures that companies give equal access to content to disabled users, and make their services accessible to a large audience. Over the past decade, companies have been rushing to embrace accessibility in order to strengthen their financial and ethical benefits. The legal requirement came into effect in 2010, known as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
This legal framework outlines all the digital accessibility requirements for every company profile in the United States. Basically, ADA compliance ensures that a set of laws is put in place to prevent any discrimination against people with disabilities. It is applicable in all areas of public life including work, school, education, and transportation services. Established by the Department of Justice, ADA compliance requires websites to enable people to use the Internet as well as online services.
Who Needs To Follow The ADA Requirements?
There are three main titles within ADA, where Title I applies to all businesses with at least 15 full-time employees. Title II of the ADA applies to state and local government compliance. Lastly, ADA Title III refers to most businesses as well as non-profit business entities in the “accommodation” and “public spaces” categories.
Online services and digital information are also considered public accommodations and require ADA compliance. Below is a summarized list of companies, businesses, and organizations that are required to comply and are at risk of ADA lawsuits in case of violations:
State and local government offices
Private business entities employing 15 or more people
Corporations that operate for the benefit of the public
Banking Institutions
Hotels and travel/tour agencies or businesses
Hospitals and healthcare institutes
Schools, universities, and educational institutions.
A document known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is what has been the globally accepted standard defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The regulations spread through three levels of accessibility for both online and digital services, including:
Level A is the minimum level of accessibility that is required for individuals to make digital content accessible to people with disabilities.
Level AA is the medium level of accessibility that is required for individuals to access and interact with digital content, navigating it without any barriers.
Level AAA is the maximum level of accessibility that is required for individuals, where digital content needs to be accessed but also has an additional interface layer, providing the most convenient experience.
Many types of web content are unable to reach Level AAA. On the other hand, Level AA compliance is the minimum required level in order to make a website accessible.
Why Are WCAG 2.0 And 2.1 Created?
The WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1 guidelines have been created to provide a clear methodology and a unique standard for digital accessibility that meets the needs of all individuals, companies, and governments. The standard applies to a broad range of web technologies, implemented by a set of web development and web design techniques, as well as tested by a range of automated tools.
In times when many businesses or website owners don’t understand how people interact with their websites or mobile apps, having an ADA website that conforms to the regulations can help you prevent accessibility lawsuits.
Moreover, a website designed as per the latest website usability and accessibility reviews is a good way to expand your reach to a broader target audience, improve your marketing efforts, and ensure that every user has equal access to your information, products, or services.
Here, it is important to prepare the digital content including text, audio, video, graphics, and illustrations with alternatives, as well as use formats that are supported by the users’ assistive technologies.
Still, the remaining challenges include the lack of skilled developers that are trained in accessibility, as well as the lack of awareness about ADA compliance and how to build an ADA-compliant website or mobile app and avoid a website accessibility lawsuit.
U.S. Rehabilitation Act
The U.S. Rehabilitation Act is a federal law that prohibits any discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies. The rule applies to programs receiving federal financial support and includes the following two sections designed for website accessibility compliance:
Section 504 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act, protects children and adults with disabilities from discrimination in schools and workplaces. There are specific accessibility criteria for online educational resources.
Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act, where government bodies and federal services are required to make electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to all people, including disabled people.
ADA Lawsuits Are On The Rise: Is Your Website At Risk?
While many still don’t understand what accessibility is and why it is important, advocates are everywhere writing guides and helping website owners understand and implement these digital accessibility rules. However, website accessibility lawsuits are on the rise and make the news nearly every day in the United States. This happens mostly because there are still no enforceable regulations for website accessibility.
The set of regulations is under Section 508 by law, where federal websites in the U.S. are required to check and meet these standards. In order to prevent ADA lawsuits, most simply follow Section 508 or the WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 AAA guidelines.
Accessibility laws are changing and are different in many countries. Besides the U.S., the UK and Canada are also starting to enforce accessibility. However, we will stick to the site accessibility lawsuits and how to prevent them by complying with the law while making your website accessible.
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Popular Website Compliance Lawsuits & Settlements
Statistics from Seyfarth show that in 2018 alone, there were a total of 2258 website accessibility lawsuits to the federal court, which was a 177% jump from the previous year. In 2019, the number of cases also increased, most of which were in the retail, food service, entertainment and leisure, travel/hospitality, self-service, and real estate industries.
One of the first federal court lawsuits filed against a big name occurred in 2006, when the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) as the plaintiff sued Target, a U.S. supermarket chain, for its inability to comply with ADA rules.
In the hospitality industry, Domino’s Pizza was one of the companies which received a lawsuit filed in federal court. In 2016, a visually impaired man sued the popular chain because his screen reader was incompatible with their mobile app, so the device could not read aloud its contents.
In 2012, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) filed a lawsuit against Netflix, for not providing closed captions in its online TV and movie streaming services. The plaintiff has taken legal action against the popular streaming service and the case quickly arrived at federal court.
Education facilities have not been exempt from lawsuits, too. Two federal class-action lawsuits were filed against Harvard and MIT by the National Institute of the Deaf (NAD) for not providing captions in their online content and courses. After four years of legal action on federal court grounds, Harvard was made liable to pay $1.5 million in litigation and attorney fees.
In most of these cases, big names could have saved themselves from litigation costs and bad publicity by simply adding some accessibility features to their website to reduce the risk of such lawsuits.
Recent posts show that even today, the number of lawsuits filed against companies in federal court actions is increasing. Many small to medium-sized businesses are on the radar, too. Among all states, New York, California, and Florida seem to be hotbeds for legal ADA-related lawsuits.
How to Comply With The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
If you want to prevent an ADA lawsuit, the only route is to plan for, design, as well as build an accessible website. This form of inclusive design should optimize content and help the visually impaired, as well as people with other disabilities, to use and interact with your website.
In fact, every business with a website, mobile app, or internet software application should hire an accessibility specialist to go over the site and ensure full ADA compliance. In order to have an ADA-compliant business website optimized for people with disabilities, you will need to hire these experts who know what needs to be changed and how to ensure compliance.
For instance, if you apply ARIA with HTML5 or your image alt tags are not written properly, you could be facing a lawsuit. However, the source of most ADA lawsuits is the actual inability to access web pages or mobile apps, especially for visually impaired or blind people who use assistive technologies.
There are some builders that are integrated within content management systems and help website owners make the site ADA-compliant. Elementor, a popular WordPress theme-building, and page design plugin are one of them. The plugin helps incorporate parallax, dynamic content, and animations that comply with the accessibility guidelines. There is also the creation of new themes, headings, and footers with full developer control.
What Can You Do To Create An Effective ADA Website And Comply With WCAG: Checklist
The WCAG guidelines outline a set of principles and techniques that make web content “perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust.” In other words, users should be able to access content, use interactive elements, navigate through web pages and apps, and use the content on their device of choice.
There are three vital ways to achieve the goals for website accessibility:
Correct use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Organization of content properly and logically, so that both humans and assistive tools can interpret its layout, including the use of text alternatives for visual content (YouTube is a good example of this – the platform was designed to automatically add captions to videos uploaded on the network).
Extra attributes are added to HTML and other code so that assistive devices can be used effectively, complying with the existing web accessibility standards.
From Braille readers used for hearing and reading text or images to screen readers and magnifiers for blind or visually impaired users and keyboard/joystick navigators for people who can’t use a mouse or other input controls, all of these ways ensure compliance.
How Do You Test Web Accessibility Across Different Devices?
There are two main ways to test how content shows on a website or mobile app.
The first is automated testing, which involves running a test against the latest WCAG principles. With this method, you can identify 20% to 30% of the compliance issues. That is why developers use it as a starting point when familiarizing themselves with the WCAG requirements set by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Second is manual testing, which is obviously more detailed and complex and will deliver the BEST RESULTS. Here, the testing should identify areas of partial compliance with regulations. Common tests use keyboard-only testing schemes to identify where certain issues occur for people who cannot use mouse or touch interfaces. We specialize in manual testing and correcting all errors.
Within manual testing, there is also the practice of testing pages and case scenarios with a screen reader or an emulator that shows how a webpage will respond to a user who wants to access content with text-to-speech technology.
Run a FREE SITE SCAN with us today to test the accessibility of your website.
Facing An ADA Lawsuit? Here Are 4 Steps To Make Your Site Accessible
As we mentioned above, the purpose of the ADA is to ensure that any disabled person has the same opportunity and rights as others in ensuring that digital content is accessible. Violating ADA can land you a lawsuit and some serious fines (up to $20,000 or more), and the best way to avoid potential litigation for a violation is through the four steps below.
Identify Your Barriers – Examining your business site and any of its features that could be a barrier to people with disabilities is usually the best place to start. Know that having more text is never a bad idea, as more people use assistive technologies nowadays. Put yourself in the shoes of an impaired person and try to understand whether your site is designed so you can freely navigate through its pages.
Understand The Requirements – Understanding the ADA requirements is equally important for everyone. New websites are already being designed with web accessibility in mind, and seeing what these rules require can only help you visualize and plan for new content in a better way.
Train Your Staff To Assist – If you work with a web design specialist, make sure that person is familiar with WCAG and able to align your content and marketing tools to support the ADA laws.
Hire A Professional – If you have multiple websites, or find it difficult to optimize your company website to comply with web accessibility laws, you can always seek our professional assistance to prevent an ADA lawsuit.
Hiring expert ADA consultants to audit the level of your website’s accessibility, provide guidance on remediation, and maintain accessible design is recommended if you want to lower the risk of a potential lawsuit.
Final Words
The bottom line of complying with web accessibility is that it offers a number of ways to build a reputation but also targets a broader audience. Users deserve to have equal access to content online, and many of their common tasks have been identified by regulators as essential for modern living. Therefore, it is vital to take advantage of these services and opportunities, and doing that would also prevent accessibility lawsuits.
Every organization, whether large or small, should ensure that they are aware of their accessibility obligations. In doing so, they will mitigate any risks of facing an accessibility lawsuit, but also maximize their revenue potential. In the end, wider accessibility equals a better online experience for everyone.
How good is your web accessibility? If you need help making your company website or mobile app accessible and complying with U.S. Federal regulations, contact us today. We will carry out a full audit and suggest the best ways to help your business site ensure full ADA compliance and prevent lawsuits.
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ezulix · 1 year
Automatic Mobile Recharge Software Characteristics
Automatic Mobile Recharge Software is a sophisticated system designed to streamline and automate the process of mobile recharge and top-up services. It offers several key characteristics to enhance efficiency and user experience.
Firstly, the mobile recharge software provides multi-operator and multi-circle support, allowing users to recharge mobiles across different telecom operators and geographic areas seamlessly. It integrates with various payment gateways, ensuring secure and smooth transactions.
Secondly, it offers real-time balance and inventory management, enabling administrators to monitor and manage available balances and recharge denominations effectively. It also facilitates instant recharges, reducing waiting time for users.
Additionally, the software supports various recharge options, including prepaid and postpaid mobile recharges, DTH (Direct-to-Home) recharges, data card top-ups, and more. It often includes a user-friendly interface, making it easy for customers to navigate and perform recharges effortlessly.
Furthermore, it may incorporate reporting and analytics features, generating insights into transaction histories, popular recharge denominations, and user preferences. This information aids in making informed business decisions.
In summary, Automatic Mobile Recharge Software combines multi-operator support, real-time management, diverse recharge options, and user-friendly interfaces to create a comprehensive solution that streamlines the mobile recharge process for both users and administrators.
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totokecil · 1 year
How To Edit Quickly And Neatly
Editing quickly and neatly is a skill that can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of any writing process. Whether you are editing your own work or someone else's, there are several strategies and techniques that can help you edit quickly and produce a polished final product. In this article, we will explore some of these strategies and provide practical tips for editing quickly and neatly.
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1. Create a Plan: Before diving into the editing process, it is essential to create a plan. This involves identifying the specific areas that need attention, such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, coherence, and overall structure. By having a clear plan in mind, you can focus your efforts on the most important aspects of editing and avoid getting overwhelmed by the entire document.
2. Take Breaks: Editing can be mentally exhausting, so it is important to take regular breaks to refresh your mind. Consider setting a timer for short breaks every 30 minutes or so to give yourself time to rest and recharge.
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3. Read Aloud: One effective technique for editing quickly and neatly is to read the text aloud. This helps you identify awkward phrasing, unclear sentences, and grammatical errors that may not be apparent when reading silently. By hearing the words spoken aloud, you can better assess the flow and coherence of the writing.
4. Use Editing Tools: Take advantage of editing tools available online or through word processing software. These tools can help identify common errors such as spelling mistakes, grammar issues, and punctuation errors. However, it is important to use these tools as aids rather than relying solely on them. Remember that they may not catch all errors or provide context-specific suggestions.
5. Focus on One Aspect at a Time: To edit quickly and neatly, it is helpful to focus on one aspect of editing at a time. For example, start by checking for grammar and punctuation errors, then move on to sentence structure, clarity, and coherence. By breaking down the editing process into smaller tasks, you can maintain focus and ensure thoroughness.
6. Eliminate Wordiness: One common issue in writing is wordiness. To edit quickly and neatly, pay attention to unnecessary words or phrases that can be eliminated without changing the meaning of the sentence. This will help streamline the writing and make it more concise and impactful.
7. Check for Consistency: Consistency is key in any piece of writing. When editing, pay attention to consistency in spelling, formatting, capitalization, and style. Ensure that headings, subheadings, bullet points, and numbering are consistent throughout the document. Inconsistencies can distract readers and undermine the overall professionalism of the writing.
8. Seek Feedback: Another effective strategy for editing quickly and neatly is to seek feedback from others. Ask a colleague, friend, or family member to review your work and provide constructive criticism. Fresh eyes can often catch errors or suggest improvements that you may have missed.
9. Proofread Carefully: After completing the initial editing process, it is crucial to proofread the document carefully. Proofreading involves checking for any remaining errors or inconsistencies and making final adjustments. Take your time during this stage to ensure that your work is error-free and polished.
10. Practice Regularly: Like any skill, editing quickly and neatly improves with practice. Make it a habit to edit your own work regularly or volunteer to edit others' work whenever possible. The more you practice, the more efficient and effective you will become at editing.
In conclusion, editing quickly and neatly requires a combination of planning, focus, attention to detail, and practice. By following these strategies and tips, you can enhance your editing skills and produce high-quality written work.
read more >>> www.freetips.com
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firespirited · 2 years
My camera’s dying -for real this time- I’ve already superglued parts back together (it's basically stuck on macro now) but it’s the software that’s struggling and crashing or just not starting at all.
So I’ve tried to go online shopping, I’ve got an idea of the specs and price (under $300) but when I commit to one, I go looking for in hand photos and these things are either flimsy little things or just HUMONGOUS  -- no in-between.
My current camera weighs 350g - 12oz, it holds in one hand just right and I can press the shutter with my index finger, the heft is in the lens, it’s just about manageable at my level of disability: not too heavy, not too fragile, splash and shock proof. I still need that image stabilization and can’t use it for more than a few minutes without resting my arm but it’s nice.
It’s from 2008 and fairly slow: Kodak Easyshare z1012 IS, rechargeable battery, easy to switch SD card, got a huge amount of mileage out of it. What i’d usually do is i’d go with the same company and get their next version - as done twice before... but second-hand. There’s no upgrade here because it’s one of Kodak’s last releases before their buyout: the new Kodak PixPros are cheap for a reason, the lenses are duff.
So what’s happened is I keep deciding on a camera then seeing that it’s 8 credit cards stacked together or that it’s called handheld but weighs twice the weight I can handle.
At times like this I wish I could stroll or wheel through a store or a braderie and just hold the stoopid things, take a few shots and see if it can handle my tremors in indoor light, point it at something well lit and see if it blows out the reds. Instead, I’m stuck here doing extensive research on specs then sticking [name of camera + “weight”] into a search engine and going yeah, ooof, nope, that’s a beaut but nope not happnin.
Now add in the fact that I might need a new phone at some point and I just keep putting it off because I need to buy both things based on metrics that are not in the options for online shopping: size and weight. Then I feel guilty about not being able to treat myself to nice things which is not true.
Aaaand we get stuck.
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govindhtech · 2 days
The Moto G75 Android 13 Smartphone Launch On October 2024
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Because of its affordability and functionality, Motorola’s Moto G series smartphones have consistently distinguished out in the market. The Moto G75 should maintain this tradition by offering a powerful smartphone experience for casual and tech users.
Design and Display
Stylish and Modern
The Moto G75 should have a clean, modern appearance with utility. Due to ergonomics, the gadget may be lightweight and comfortable to grasp, making it appropriate for daily usage. It may have a glass back and aluminum frame for a luxury look and durability.
Bright Display
Moto G75 display is set to be a highlight. The 6.5-inch FHD+ IPS LCD screen should have brilliant colors and fine details, making it ideal for video, gaming, and online browsing. Smooth scrolling and snappy touch improve usability with a 90Hz refresh rate.
Performance and Hardware
Powerful Processor
The Moto G75 may employ Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 695 chipset. This CPU is faster and multitasks better than its predecessors. Moto G75 users may expect fast streaming and downloads to 5G.
Large RAM and Storage Options
RAM options are expected to range from 6GB to 8GB. This will enable lag-free multitasking. The Moto G75 is expected to provide 128GB to 256GB of storage with microSD card expansion for apps, photographs, and movies.
Camera Capabilities
Versatile Camera Setup
The Smartphone buyers today prioritize camera quality. A 50MP primary sensor, 12MP ultra-wide lens, and 2MP depth sensor are likely on the Moto G75‘s back. This versatile configuration enables users capture stunning landscapes and close-ups.
Improved Night Photography
Motorola may provide superior low-light photography software to help consumers snap great images in low light. Night Mode and strong sensors should preserve image quality and detail.
Selfie Camera
Selfies and video calls may come with Moto G75’s 16MP front camera. Portrait mode and beautification provide outstanding social media selfies.
Software and User Experience
User-friendly interface
Android 13 may come preloaded on the Moto G75, giving users a clean and simple experience. Motorola specializes in near-stock Android, which means less bloatware and greater customization. This method improves performance and simplifies device navigation.
Software Features of Motorola
Motorola software often has unique features that improve user experience. Moto Actions lets users launch the camera with a wrist twist, while Moto Display allows you read notifications without unlocking the phone. These features improve daily use with real utility.
Battery Life and Charging
Long-lasting Battery
Battery performance has always been a Moto G series highlight, and the G75 should maintain this tradition. A 5000mAh battery should withstand a day of heavy use, according to rumors. Users can expect reliable performance without regular recharge when streaming, gaming, or browsing social media.
Rapid charging
Along with a powerful battery, the Moto G75 should enable 33W fast charging. Users can instantly charge their devices, eliminating downtime and keeping them connected all day.
Additional Features and Connectivity
Extra Connectivity Options
Expect Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.1, and NFC for mobile payments. These qualities make the Moto G75 versatile for many uses.
Pricing and Availability
While pricing is unknown, the Moto G75 is projected to compete in the mid-range, possibly around $300 to $400. The Moto G series has traditionally appealed to budget-conscious, quality-conscious shoppers due to this pricing strategy.
Releases Date Expectations
Motorola usually releases the Moto G75 is expected to launch on October 10, 2024. The Moto G series should be revealed in the coming months and released globally soon if trends persist.
Motorola’s mid-range Moto G75‘s elegant design, powerful performance, and user-friendly software are promising. With its dazzling display, advanced camera system, and extended battery life, the Moto can please many users.
The Moto G75 looks like a promising budget smartphone with plenty of features as await formal announcements and specs. A gadget to watch in the next smartphone scene, the Moto G75 is likely to perform on all fronts, whether you’re a casual user or someone who expects more.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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ronaldcwilliams · 11 days
Unblocked Games: A Gateway to Learning and Entertainment
Games have become a popular form of entertainment in the digital age. Millions of people all over the world indulge in various game genres every day, from console games to mobile apps. In certain environments, such as schools and workplaces, where online games are restricted, gaming enthusiasts encounter an significant roadblock. There are a number of reasons why people prefer unblocked games, including the fact that they offer an alternative means of playing their favorite games in restricted environments. Here are some of the reasons why unblocked games are so popular. We will explore the significance of unblocked games, their potential benefits, and what makes them so popular.
Unblocked Games: What Are They?
Schools, workplaces, and other educational institutions often block or restrict access to regular games. Unblocked games are online games that can be played on networks that are normally blocked. Gaming websites are often restricted from learning or productivity by firewalls and filtering software in schools and workplaces. A player can access and play unblocked games without violating network security policies because they bypass these restrictions.
These games are generally hosted on third-party websites, designed so that they can run on standard web browsers without the need for additional software downloads. Among them are puzzles and adventure games, racing games, strategy games, and multiplayer games.
What Makes Unblocked Games Popular?
Several factors have contributed to the popularity of unblocked games:
1. Accessibility
It is the accessibility of unblocked games that makes them so popular. They work in restricted networks, so students and employees can still enjoy their favorite games during free time or breaks without having to download anything or bypass security filters. An internet connection and a browser are all that's needed.
2. A wide variety of options are available
There is something for everyone on unblocked game websites. Whether you enjoy sports games, adventure games, puzzles, or multiplayer battles, you'll find plenty to choose from. In addition to being available on unblocked websites, many popular games have been modified to function on unblocked websites, allowing players to play well-loved titles.
3. Potential for education
The majority of educators and parents consider games to be distractions from learning, but not all games fall into that category. Especially puzzle-based or strategy-based games, unblocked games can promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and planning abilities. As well as offering a fun, interactive learning environment, Cool Math Games are designed to enhance students' learning experiences.
4. Stress Relief and Entertainment
It is a proven way to reduce stress and boost mental well-being in high-pressure environments like schools and offices. Playing games is a great way to decompress in such environments. The unblocked games provide players with an opportunity to have fun, relax, and recharge from the pressures of daily life.
How Do Unblocked Games Work?
The unblocked games are hosted on websites that are not blacklisted by firewalls or security filters. They utilize simple HTML5 or Flash formats, which allow them to be accessible on multiple devices and operating systems. They are lightweight and can be run directly from the browser, so you don't need to install or update them.
The internet offers a number of unblocked game sites through proxies, which mask the true nature of the content and allow it to bypass network restrictions by routing the user's connection through different servers. While this can enable users to access games, they should always ensure they're using trusted websites to avoid security risks, such as malware or phishing attacks.
Is it legal to play unblocked games?
In general, unblocked games are legal, depending on how they are accessed and their content. Bypassing security filters or firewalls in an unauthorized way can violate a network's terms of service, but playing unblocked games is not illegal. These restrictions are usually implemented for a reason by schools and workplaces, and attempting to bypass them may lead to disciplinary action or network privilege loss.
Some unblocked gaming sites may also offer inappropriate or violent content, so it's important to know what to expect. Some sites may offer family-friendly and educational games, but others might have inappropriate or violent content. As a result, players, especially students, should make sure they are playing age-appropriate games.
Unblocked games have many benefits
Unblocked games offer several benefits, most notably in educational settings, contrary to popular belief. Here are some of their key benefits:
1. Improving problem-solving abilities
Unblocked games, especially puzzles and strategy games, require players to think critically, plan moves, and solve complex problems. Players use logic, reasoning, and forward-thinking in games like Bloxorz, Sudoku, and Chess, which are all valuable cognitive skills.
2. Enhancing teamwork and social interaction
Players can collaborate and work together in multiplayer unblocked games like Slither.io and Agar.io, which require them to work together or compete in a shared space, promoting social interaction, communication, and friendly competition.
3. Providing a creative outlet
By building, designing, or exploring virtual worlds, some unblocked games allow players to express their creativity. By allowing players to build structures, solve challenges, and create new environments, games like Minecraft and Terraria encourage creativity. In the breaks, these experiences can be an excellent way for students to relax and explore their creative potential.
4. Improving Hand-Eye Coordination
Unblocked fast-paced games require players to respond quickly to visual cues, which can improve hand-eye coordination. Super Mario Flash and Run 3 are two examples of games that improve fine motor skills and coordination over time.
5. Stress relief
When students or employees are dealing with deadlines, exams, or intense workloads, unblocked games are a quick escape, allowing them to relax and return to their tasks with renewed focus.
Unblocked games pose risks
Unblocked games have their benefits, but they can also pose risks:
1. Content that is inappropriate
Some unblocked game websites do not monitor the type of content they host. Educators or parents should oversee younger players' gameplay if they are playing games with violent, explicit, or inappropriate content.
2. Security risks
It is important to be cautious about the websites you visit and avoid downloading suspicious files in order to avoid being hacked by unblocked games. Since unblocked games bypass traditional firewalls, they may unintentionally expose themselves to security risks such as malware and phishing.
3. Addiction and overuse
Playing games can relieve stress and provide enjoyment, but excessive gaming can lead to procrastination, lack of focus, and even addiction. Moderation is key to any form of entertainment. In academic or work environments, it’s important to balance gaming with other productive activities.
Unblocked Games: A Balanced Approach
For students and employees in places where online gaming is normally restricted, unblocked games offer a unique solution for entertainment and stress relief. There are many genres available, so they cater to different interests and even provide educational value. As with any online activity, it's important to use unblocked games responsibly, be aware of potential risks, and enjoy them responsibly.
A balanced approach allows players to gain the benefits of unblocked games—whether they are improving problem-solving skills, enhancing creativity, or simply taking much-needed mental breaks—while avoiding the potential pitfalls as well. A well-chosen use of unblocked games can make them a valuable addition to one's digital repertoire.
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