#online shopping for tools and hardware
supply-van · 1 year
Why the construction industry is booming in Oman and Need for Construction Tools, Hardware Equipment and Machines is going up.
Whether you believe it or not, construction impacts your life. The building construction industry and hand tools in Dubai is continuously booming. The building materials for construction plays a major role in any building construction. Any piece of infrastructure around us is undertaken by segments under Construction Industry. The scope of Construction Industry is too broad and is making its valuable contribution for expanding it further. Before you start your construction project whether it is home, industrial or for commercial purpose, a list of building materials are required. To increase the efficiency of the work done in a particular construction project, tools plays an essential component.To know more visit our website.
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hashiiiiisuniverse8 · 3 months
Hello mga ka sheesh, my co- pre-service teachers and Pauliniatics. This is your newbie blogger Stephan Hashley Javier, 19 years old and not ready to be an adult huhu! I am currently taking a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Science, and I believe that cram is the best way to finish your activities!
Come along with me and my journey in TTL promising you that this blog is full of sheshableness! :>
In this blog I will be tackling the different facets in Ict, and will be able to give real life scenarios in each of them. Sit back and read.
Before you start, here is some ice cream, to be more relaxed while reading. <3
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Cloud Computing
It allows me and my fellow students to access updated learning tools from anywhere, making collaboration easier and saving time. Where we can view some digital notes and modules for us to be easy to access. The remote capacity of cloud platforms means that a more diverse range of students can also be reached by educational institutions while lowering costs.
I use software to help me learn more efficiently. This can include games and simulators, flashcard apps, video conferencing, and some online learning apps for , online encyclopedias, or tools like calculators or spellcheckers. For me to make my learning easy. For the past 3 years we have been using some software in our daily life as students, like Microsoft 365 where it is really necessary in the learning process.
We are in a transaction everyday we cannot just notice it sometimes, as a lazy person like me I like purchasing online that going to a mall to buy my necessities one of online platforms that I've been using is Tiktok shop, Shoppe, Lazada, Food Panda, and in paying them I am using gcash, gcash is very easy to use and safe also you don't need your wallet too.
As an education student the first thing that we need is Gadgets like phones, laptop, printer, wifi, and etc. So it is easy for us to access some online learning access.
Digital Data
As a student I rely more on digital data to have more accuracy, because judgments and actions are made by computers rather than people, so it is greater accuracy in terms of assigned duties. Also it is faster and wider reached because the digital data can contact and provide data to many individuals simultaneously and at the one push of a button, it is really incredibly and considerably faster to use and to access with.
Internet Browsers
Web Browsers allow me to access websites, search for information, shop online, and connect with my friends worldwide. They can translate complex web code into user-friendly pages, making the internet accessible to everyone and easy to use too and it is also relevant to our journey as students and future educators.
Computers and Technology
Last semester in one of our subjects, the teacher required us to create our own research. We need to gather information on renewable energy sources. Computers and technology help us and guide me on how to use computers and technology effectively for our very own research. Computers and technology have really been a powerful tools for research. First, we begin by identifying reliable online sources. We also used search engines to find reputable websites, academic journals, and research papers related to renewable energy sources. We also made sure to evaluate the sources for credibility and relevance. From this scenario, we, student reallt needs to seeks guidance on using computers and technology in making research. Where even the teacher provides information on finding reliable online sources, the computers and technology still hits diff.
Online Access
I noticed this during the pandemic in 2020 where the pandemic started, the Philippines Local Government implemented the Digital Online Class where the students started to rely on Online sources. Then nowadays we noticed that the majority of the population relies heavily on the internet for various aspects of their lives. Country is known for its strong community spirit and commitment to progress. Where online access has become an integral part of everyday life, enabling the people to stay connected, access information, and even on conducting and relying on their businesses.
In the Philippines the local government has implemented a digital infrastructure plan to ensure that every school has access to high-speed internet. This initiative has transformed the country into a hub of digital innovation, attracting new businesses and entrepreneurs who appreciate the convenience and opportunities provided by online connectivity such as online sellings and etc.
The citizens in the Philippines and also all over the world have embraced the benefits of online access in their daily lives. Students can easily access educational resources and participate in online learning programs. Small business owners can reach a wider customer base through e-commercial platforms. Professionals and un-professionals can also work remotely, saving time and reducing commuting expenses. Even healthcare services have become more accessible through telemedicine, allowing people to consult doctors online without leaving their homes that's another benefit of online access.
The community has also leveraged online platforms to enhance social interactions and support local initiatives. Online forums and social media groups have become platforms for sharing ideas, organizing events, and fostering a sense of belonging. The students have been actively participating in virtual seminars because it is easy for them to access, they don't need to travel at all and it's less hassle, where they can freely voice their opinions and contribute to decision-making processes.
Online access has also played a crucial role ti us as we response to emergencies and natural disasters. The local government uses digital communication channels to provide real-time updates and instructions to residents, ensuring their safety and well-being. Also Online fundraising campaigns have been successful in mobilizing support during times of crisis, allowing the community to come together and help those in need.
Online access has become a lifeline for the people, empowering them to thrive in a digital age. The country serves as an example of how a strong digital infrastructure can enhance the quality of life, foster economic growth, and strengthen community bonds.
Here I am emphasizing Learning process because all that I've mentioned was all interconnected w/ each other. Online access in the learning process, where the teachers can a make use of the internet by proving the students with extra study material and resources such as interactive lessons, educational quizzes as well as tutorials. Teachers can also record their lectures and provide it to the students for revisions which is better than reading from notes. We cannot deny the fact that every student always uses their gadgets so it is easy for them to access their notes when it is digital.
Online access can be applied in various ways in teaching learning in Virtual Classes Online access can be applied in teaching and learning in various ways to enhance the educational experience. Here are some examples is the Virtual Classes where Online access allows teachers and students to connect through video conferencing platforms, enabling live virtual classes, Online Learnings where we can utilize online learning platforms which the teachers can create and share educational resources such as lecture notes, videos, quizzes, and assignments, Collaborative Projects where nline access enables students to collaborate on projects and assignments, even when they are not physically present in the same location where they can also create group chats so they can communicate with each others, Multimedia Content with this the implementer can incorporate multimedia content into their lessons to make them more engaging and interactive, and also in Online Assessments where Online access allows for the administration of online assessments, including quizzes, tests, and exams or diagnostic exam trough google drives, and etc.
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firespirited · 7 months
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Today's diy hack. Canvas (?) shoulder strap as a belt.
Plus sized belts that fit women's jeans (men's belt loops and belts are wider) and that aren't made of pleather take a long time to weed out when shopping online. I've been collecting 'hardware' from dead pleather belts and will one day assemble a proper belt from the leather scraps in the cellar storage room.
As a quick fix, this works because the jeans are tough enough for the clips to not dig into skin. My weight has stabilised since last years big drop but i balloon during the day, these were tight fresh off me and loose for the first hour where I really could have done with a belt. I was going to triple braid some fine cord and tie a bow or used a polyester scarf, if this hadn't come up.
Now, embellishing them with sewing would take the type of sturdy tools for leather work but this woven plastic fabric takes a jump ring really easily if you poke a hole with a darning needle and use pliers. You can goth it up with chains and miscellaneous hardware, or add charms, bead strings, cut slits and heat seal them with a candle to add ribbon, or put jump rings on either side for criss cross ribbon/electric wires from thrown away or obsolete gadgets. Enamel pins won't work unless you have a way of bending the spikes and keeping it in place or the pinbacks will dig into you.
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liliththeblackmage · 1 year
Goodnight 3DS eshop
the 3DS eshop shutdown yesterday, signalling the end of life for the system. so if you'd allow me, I'd like to talk a little bit about one of my favorite handhelds
I was bought an ambassador model 3DS for my birthday in 2011. an aqua blue model with one of the pretty admittedly meager selection of launch titles, Pilotwings Resort. I was ecstatic, I had been a proud passenger of the 3DS hype train ever since I read about its announcement in the Official Nintendo Magazine, pawing over every detail and rumor that was printed. I didn't have functional internet access at this point in my life so printed video game magazines like ONM and the then soon to rebrand Pokemon World magazine were my only portals into the world of video games, short of actually buying them in shops. Something that sticks in my head very vividly from the time between its release and me actually getting one was seeing an interactive display model in a duty free electronics store at an airport on one of my many unaccompanied flights to visit my dad. It was to my young brain, unlike any games system I had used before, baring more of a resemblance to the fancy new iPhones my parents were using than the DS lite I had with me at the time. Not to mention the 3D screen, a technology I had not experienced outside of cinema before (the first 3D film I saw was Avatar some years previous), the depth of field provided by this screen was genuinely amazing, and its use as a tool to aid gameplay in games like Super Mario 3D Land and the Legend of Zelda N64 remakes made it feel like a genuinely useful gimmick, even if it did often cause performance issues (due to the 3DS hardware requiring you to run two simultaneous GPU pipelines, rather than just rasterizing the scene twice like modern VR headsets work )
The 3DS was my introduction to a tonne of Nintendo's franchises, both old and new. It was how I beat my first Zelda game, in the surprisingly improved remake of Ocarina of Time. It was how I first played a Metroid game with the Ambassador Edition Virtual Console release of Metroid Fusion and it was how I first got to experience Fire Emblem in Fire Emblem Awakening.
In addition to this, it was my first real introduction to a system with internet connectivity and an online store. Sure the family Wii had the shopping channel, but the Wii was disconnected from the internet most of the time and I only used the shop once, after a well meaning but not tech literate family member bought a Wii points card for me, But the 3DS was mine, and I could browse the shop whenever i had Wi-Fi. The 3DS eshop had some really unique quirks even compared to later Nintendo storefronts, fun animations, trailers for upcoming games (which had to be downloaded as apps due to limitations in the eshop app itself) and a general atmosphere second only to that of the original Wii Shop channel. The Content on the eshop was incredibly varied too, originally it was a mix of smaller games similar to WiiWare (called 3DS Download Titles) and the downloadable DSiware that was featured on the short lived DSi system and its shop. but later it expanded to first include a portion of Nintendo's Classic games as emulated Virtual Console titles and later offering entire full "retail" games as downloads. Some of the most interesting 3DS download titles were the 3D Classics series, a collection of NES and Arcade titles re imagined to make use of the 3D display.
For all my love of this system, it wasn't all perfect. The first two years of the systems life was more Barren than the PS5's, and without the pandemic as an extenuating factor. My strongest memory of playing the system in its early years was playing DS games like Pokemon Black and New Super Mario Bros, while waiting for new 3DS games that are actually worth playing, something that was pretty rare. Several franchises had a pretty rough time on the 3DS, Pokemon for example had some pretty tortured releases with the buggy and kiddiefied Pokemon X and Y, and the stripped back and lazy feeling Mystery Dungeon: Gates To Infinity, a misstep that felt like it killed the series at the time. It genuinely felt like Game Freak couldn't really get a proper grasp on making 3D games, compared to the 2D/2.5D ones found on the DS and previous systems, something that has only become more clear with their switch releases being much the same way. One other Issue lots of people, myself included, had with the system during its lifespan was how Nintendo drip fed virtual console software over years, even when the same titles were already available on the Wii previously. An Attitude that Nintendo has continued with the Wii U virtual console and the new Nintendo Switch Online subscription service.
My time with my original 3DS was sadly cut short when, on my bus journey to college, a can of coke that was put in my bag without my knowledge exploded soaking everything in the bag in sticky acidic syrupy liquid, luckily for my sake the 3DS was the only thing killed, My Macbook with unbacked-up coursework and my hard drive with 3 unfinished mixing sessions both survived the incident only becoming faintly coke scented in the process. Several months later I was bought a "new 3DS" (Nintendo's naming scheme for the 3DS was Byzantine at best and Gilliamesque at worst). This new system was my introduction to Console Hacking and the homebrew scene, something I have been involved in as a user ever since and hopefully a hombrew developer as soon as I get the spare time to port something.
thank you for reading and letting me indulge my nostalgia for a system that I used from launch and will continue to use long after its official discontinuation
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Some games I really enjoyed throughout its lifespan (in no particular order)
Pilotwings Resort
Mario Kart 7
Kid Icarus Uprising
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Super Mario 3D Land
Pokemon Omega Ruby
Shin Megami Tensei 4
Bravely Default
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somediyprojects · 8 months
DIY Kitchen Cart
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Project by Chris Gardner:
today the curbly team was kind enough to let me share a project from the ebook so i’ve chosen my favorite: converting a secondhand file cabinet into a cute kitchen cart. we’ve all seen a few sad and lonely file cabinets discarded on the street, so the next time you do, grab one and you can follow these instructions to create your own colorful (and functional) kitchen cart. thanks so much to bruno, chris gardner, and everyone at curbly for sharing this project with us. 
We’ve never met anyone who couldn’t use more kitchen storage and counter space. This rolling kitchen cart offers both – drawers for storage of tools, spices, or root vegetables, racks to hang towels and utensils, and a butcher-block top for food preparation or appliance storage.
The main structure is a used filing cabinet, which are plentiful in secondhand shops, garage sales, and online classified listings. We found ours for less than three dollars at a charity shop. Look for a filing cabinet whose drawers and hardware are in working order, and for a case that has no major dents or damage. The color and finish are of no consequence, as it’ll be painted.
Secondhand filing cabinet
Spray metal primer
2 cans spray paint
Two rolling casters and two locking casters
A cutting board or piece of butcher block that’s at least the size of the top of your filing cabinet
Two inexpensive horizontal towel racks
Mineral spirits or sticker remover
Electric drill
1⁄8” and 1⁄16” drill bits
24 1⁄8” bolts, 1/2 – 1” long
24 1⁄8” nuts
4 #8 short screws
Washers (if necessary)
1. Remove the drawers, and use mineral spirits or sticker remover to get rid of any tape residue, labels, or grime, and wipe clean. Remove any hardware will come off easily, and cover remaining hardware with painter’s tape. Then, spray the cabinet case and drawers with a coat of metal primer, followed by two coats of spray paint.
2. Mark the location of the holes of your casters on the bottom of your filing cabinet, and drill 1 ⁄8” holes for the screws. If the cabinet bottom is not solid, use a piece of scrap wood under the ledges to prevent them from bending under the drill. If the metal is thick, you can use a blow torch to soften the metal, but most drills should be able to get through. Then, screw in the casters using the included screws or 1⁄8” bolts and nuts.
3. Attach the towel/utensil racks to the sides by marking and drilling holes as in step two, and securing them with short bolts and nuts.
4. Place your cutting board on top of the cabinet, and mark where the screws will need to go to secure it. Drill 1⁄16” pilot holes, then attach the 1” screws from the underside of the cabinet. You can use the washers to prevent the screw from going all the way through the cutting board.
5. Now, insert the drawers back in the case. Then fill the cabinets, hang your utensils using S-hooks, and make something delicious for dinner!
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rederiswrites · 2 years
Bare-bones beginning lampworking kit:
[I wrote this up for classes but thought my followers might appreciate it as well]
Hothead torch–specifically a Hothead, which is designed for lampworking. A plumbing torch, etc, will not work. You also need an angle bracket, hose clamp, and c-clamp to safely secure the torch to your working surface. These things should be provided in a hothead kit.
Flame-resistant work surface. Even a cheap cookie sheet in front of your torch is better than nothing and will give some peace of mind.
Fuel. Hotheads are designed to take MAP/Pro fuel canisters, but can be adapted to take bulk fuels as well
Something to slow cooling so that beads don’t break–you can use vermiculite, which is cheap and available, but fiber blanket and thermal beads are readily obtainable online. If you ever wish to sell your beads, you will need to upgrade to an annealing kiln.
Didymium safety glasses protect your eyes and greatly reduce the sodium flare coming off the heated glass, thus allowing you to see your work more clearly. 
Lighter. People use sparkers, matches, cigarette lighters, grill lighters, etc.
Marver–basic shaping tool. Graphite marvers are nice, but even a putty knife will do at first. To avoid confusion, note that any tool used to shape hot glass can be called a marver. What you need is something with a broad flat surface for rolling and pressing and crisp edges for basic shaping.
Vice grips or bench vise to hold the mandrels while you pull the beads off. 
Mandrels. These are the metal rods you wrap the bead around. Smaller sizes create a hole size closer to that of most commercial beads, but larger sizes are less likely to burn up in the flame or bend while you are removing the beads.
Bead release. This is the mixture of clay and other ingredients that you dip your mandrel in so that you can later pull the bead off. 
Tool rest. Anything you can use to securely keep the hot end of your tools and glass off your work surface. I have used bent pieces of metal with holes punched to create divots to hold the glass/tools in place, and I have made tool rests out of cut and bent hardware cloth.
Tweezers or needle nosed pliers. Used for shaping, pinching excess glass off, applying decorative elements like murrine, and pulling stringers. The expensive tungsten-tipped ones are much nicer, but you can use most anything. 
Glass. Lampworkers generally use glass with a CoE (coefficient of expansion) of 104, also known as “soft glass”. You must always use the same CoE glass within a piece, or the different rates of expansion and contraction will cause the piece to break. Effetre is affordable and reliable glass, and a great place to start. Creation is Messy brand glass comes in all sorts of fun colors and I rarely have compatibility or working problems, but it’s not quite as reliable as Effetre. Other brands such as Laucha and Double Helix sell wonderful glass, but considerably more expensive. Devardi is cheap, but very poor quality. I think beginners should avoid it.
There are many, many more tools you can buy, but these items will allow you to safely make wonderful beads. Our ancestors did amazing things with less.
Arrow Springs makes and supplies excellent tools.
Mountain Glass is a retailer of a wide variety of glass, tools, and supplies, and I’ve had nothing but good experiences with them for many years. 
Frantz Art Glass is also a retailer of glass, tools, and supplies and often has a slightly different selection from Mountain.
There are many other excellent makers and sellers of tools, but these will get you started. Do check to see if you have a local glass shop, which will probably be focused on stained glass and fusing, but may also carry some lampworking supplies.
Price estimate: 
Hothead: $45
Mounting supplies: hose clamp $3, angle bracket $4.48, C clamp ~$11
Didymium glasses: ~$80
Marver: basic graphite paddle marver $52
Vice grips: $15
Fiber blanket: $30
Mandrels: 20x 3/32” mandrels, $12.50
Bead release: 8 oz Fosterfire bead release $14
Tool rest: $7.75 or make your own
Tweezers/pliers: $4.50 or use what you have
Glass: Effetre top 20 starter pack $20
    Total: 299.23
Prices are taken from the Mountain Glass and Lowes websites ca. July 2022. I have not included fuel because it is a commodity and thus subject to price fluctuations. Currently Map/Pro canisters are experiencing a shortage, and available for between $14 and $20.
Mountain Glass also sells a kit containing most of these things for $200, which may well be a savings.
It should be understood, though, that fuel and glass will be significant ongoing expenses, and that upgrading to an oxygen/fuel torch and buying an annealing furnace will be large expenses. This is not the cheapest hobby and I think it does beginners a disservice to ignore that.
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ecommerce-yourguide · 9 months
What Does it Mean to Scale Your WooCommerce Business?
The scalability of #woocommerce is often misunderstood, with a common misconception that it struggles to support small businesses as they grow.
In reality, WooCommerce is highly flexible and can adapt to the needs of both small and large-scale stores. Supported by a robust developer community, it's considered one of the best options for businesses of all sizes looking to expand their operations.
Understanding WooCommerce Scalability
Q: Is WooCommerce Actually Scalable?
Absolutely. WooCommerce continually receives updates to ensure it can handle the evolving dynamics of eCommerce. These updates focus on both performance and adaptability. Moreover, you can extend your WooCommerce presence to multiple marketplaces through integrations, increasing your reach and potential customer base.
Q: When is the Right Time to Scale My WooCommerce Store?
The timing of scaling your WooCommerce store depends on various factors, including business growth, customer demand, and available resources. A clear sign that it's time to scale is a significant increase in sales and website traffic.
Several factors influence the scalability of your WooCommerce business, including:
Website Code
Server Hardware
Q: Is It Easy to Scale WooCommerce?
WooCommerce is known for its user-friendliness and flexibility. Even for non-technical sellers, it provides a wide range of features and functionality. You can customize your online store to meet unique requirements with various themes, plugins, and extensions available. This flexibility allows you to tailor your eCommerce site for a personalized shopping experience.
Performance Analysis Tools
Website Speed Testing
Load Testing
Q: Do I Need Specific Plugins to Scale Better?
WooCommerce offers a wide range of plugins to assist with scaling your online store at every stage of growth. These plugins cater to various aspects of scaling, such as bulk stock management and mobile inventory management, making them valuable tools for optimizing your store's performance.
Q: Is Offloading Functionality Helpful?
Consider outsourcing certain aspects of your business operations to free up WooCommerce resources for performance and conversion optimization. Tasks like image optimization, marketing automation, accounting, customer support, and A/B testing can be outsourced to streamline server operations and enhance website speed.
By effectively addressing these aspects and leveraging the capabilities of WooCommerce, you can successfully scale your online business while maintaining exceptional performance and user experience.
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9747271149 · 9 months
Apple Vision Pro: Revolutionizing Augmented Reality
Apple, a trailblazer in technology innovation, has unveiled its latest breakthrough in augmented reality (AR) with the Apple Vision Pro. This cutting-edge device promises to redefine the way we interact with digital content, bridging the gap between the virtual and real worlds. In this article, we'll explore the features and potential impact of the Apple Vision Pro on the AR landscape.
The Birth of Apple Vision Pro
Apple's vision for AR technology has been taking shape over the years, with the release of ARKit, ARCore, and the AR-focused LIDAR scanners in their devices. The Apple Vision Pro represents the culmination of these efforts, combining hardware and software to create a powerful AR experience.
Hardware Innovation
At the heart of the Apple Vision Pro is its impressive hardware lineup. The device boasts a sleek, lightweight headset with a wide field of view, ensuring an immersive AR experience. The headset is equipped with advanced sensors and cameras for precise tracking, gesture recognition, and spatial mapping, allowing users to interact seamlessly with virtual objects in their real environment.
Display Technology
The Apple Vision Pro features state-of-the-art display technology that provides stunning visuals. The high-resolution OLED displays offer vibrant colors and deep blacks, ensuring that virtual objects blend seamlessly with the real world. Apple's commitment to display quality ensures a comfortable and immersive AR experience for users.
Spatial Audio
To enhance immersion, Apple Vision Pro includes spatial audio technology. This allows users to hear virtual sounds as if they were coming from their physical surroundings, creating a more convincing and engaging AR experience. Whether it's directional cues or ambient sounds, the audio adapts to the user's perspective, further blurring the lines between the real and virtual worlds.
Under the hood, the Apple Vision Pro is powered by a custom-designed Apple Silicon chip, specifically optimized for AR applications. This ensures smooth performance, low latency, and efficient power consumption. Users can expect high-quality AR experiences without compromising on battery life.
Software Ecosystem
Apple has a robust software ecosystem that integrates seamlessly with the Apple Vision Pro. The device is fully compatible with the App Store, meaning users can access a wide range of AR apps and experiences. Developers are also given the tools and resources to create innovative AR applications, opening up new possibilities for entertainment, education, and productivity.
Applications and Use Cases
The Apple Vision Pro has the potential to revolutionize numerous industries and domains:
Gaming: Immersive AR gaming experiences will take center stage, with users physically interacting with virtual environments and characters.
Education: Augmented reality can enhance learning by providing interactive and immersive educational content, making complex subjects more engaging.
Medical: Surgeons can use AR for real-time guidance during complex surgeries, and medical students can practice procedures in a risk-free virtual environment.
Architecture and Design: Architects and designers can visualize and manipulate 3D models of buildings and products in real-world settings.
Entertainment: AR concerts, theater performances, and art installations will become more interactive and engaging.
Retail: Customers can try on virtual clothing and accessories, enhancing the online shopping experience.
The Apple Vision Pro represents a significant leap forward in the world of augmented reality. With its cutting-edge hardware, immersive display technology, spatial audio, and powerful software ecosystem, it has the potential to transform how we interact with digital content in our everyday lives. As Apple continues to refine and expand the capabilities of the Apple Vision Pro, we can anticipate a future where augmented reality seamlessly integrates into our reality, opening up new horizons for innovation and creativity.
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ziliadecor · 1 year
How to Create a Unique Kitchen Island Design on a Budget
Are you bored with your kitchen island design? Do you crave a unique and stunning feature that will make your kitchen stand out? Look no further! We have compiled a list of budget-friendly tips and tricks to help you create a one-of-a-kind kitchen island design that will impress your guests and make your cooking space feel like new.
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1. Assess Your Space
Before you start planning your new kitchen island design, take a step back and assess your existing space. Consider the size and shape of your kitchen, as well as the placement of your existing island. Take note of any potential obstacles that might impact your design, such as doors or windows, and make sure to measure the available space accurately.
2. Decide on Your Design
The next step is to decide on your design. Do you want a rustic look with a natural wood finish, or a sleek and modern design with a marble countertop? You could also consider adding extra features like a built-in wine rack or a breakfast bar. Once you have decided on your design, make a list of the materials and tools you will need to bring it to life.
3. Shop Around
Now that you have your design in mind, it’s time to start shopping around for materials. Don’t be afraid to get creative! Check out your local thrift stores and salvage yards for vintage items that can be repurposed, or look online for deals on surplus materials. You can also save money by painting or staining existing furniture, like an old dresser.
4. DIY Your Island
One of the best ways to save money on your kitchen island design is to do it yourself. With a little bit of elbow grease and some basic tools, you can create a unique and personalized island that is tailored to your taste. Check out DIY tutorials online for inspiration and step-by-step instructions.
5. Add Some Color
Inject some personality into your kitchen island design by adding a pop of color. Painting the base of your island a bright hue or adding colorful tiles to the countertop can make a big impact without breaking the bank. You could also add colorful accessories, like a vase of flowers or a patterned dish towel, to bring some life and energy into your space.
6. Get Creative with Storage
A kitchen island is not just a decorative feature; it can also provide much-needed storage space. Get creative with your storage solutions by adding shelves, drawers, or even a built-in wine rack. You can also repurpose existing items, like a vintage toolbox or a wicker basket, to create unique and functional storage options.
7. Make it Mobile
If you have a small kitchen or limited counter space, a mobile kitchen island might be the perfect solution. You can create a DIY island on wheels using a repurposed cart or table, or invest in a pre-made option that can be easily moved around your space. A mobile island gives you the flexibility to use your space in a way that works best for you.
8. Final Touches
Now that your kitchen island design is complete, it’s time to add the final touches. Consider adding a statement light fixture above your island to draw attention and add some ambiance to your space. You could also add some finishing touches, like decorative hardware or a unique backsplash, to tie everything together.
In conclusion, creating a unique kitchen island design on a budget is totally doable with a little bit of creativity and some hard work. Remember to assess your space, decide on your design, shop around for materials, and get creative with storage solutions. With these tips, you can create a one-of-a-kind island that will elevate your cooking space to the next level.
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
Not the marasjur barhu parallels making me feral whilst the fandom remains comprised of like 3 other women I'm too chicken / too inconsistent of a texter to try DMing let alone talking to on a regular basis!!!!!!
I'm not a homestuck but I grew up idolising a few lol I feel like this shit deserves a fandom of Vriskan proportions. I need to find all the vriska stans and pitch them New morally abyss-grey women to stan Within an anticolonialist framework
It's also like. Yes the shipping of it all makes me insane but the worldbuilding feels like shortcuts to describe A Lot of things I grew up feeling as someone stuck between a postcolonial home and globalised muricacentric views thanks to like.... the copious amounts of English language media and obviously the Internet of it all where I managed to both,,, feed myself and secure a means of sustenance thru an activity I can conduct in my bedroom with relatively """bougie""" tools (digital illustration & graphic design on a custom pc that doubles as gaming console, 99.9% done remotely in my jammies) that most people I'd meet in my current area of the city would prolly not be able to immediately grasp the notion of??? (It's niche terminally online bs as opposed to fulfilling an immediate obvious need like the family who runs the convenience store or the hardware shop or who are delivery drivers or salespeople or shoemakers or-)
I should prolly get a real diary oops
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implementel · 1 year
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Shop Screwdriver online at the best price in India by implemental.in. Its blade is made of premium silicon manganese steel, a material that no other manufacturer employs. This steel also produces a spring effect. To resist wear, bending, and high torque needs, the blade is differentially hardened and tempered. Other manufacturers give uniform blade hardness throughout, which is not recommended. To lift small screws, etc., from small locations or to retain the screw in place, the blade tip is magnetised.
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supply-van · 1 year
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
Canvas-making: Materials
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Here's what you will need, I go into detail on each under the cut!
Wooden stretching frame
Wooden dowels
Cotton fabric
Bookbinding thread
Kitchen twine
Upholstery Needles
Bulldog clips
3" Paintbrush
Dust Mask
Mixing cup
Distilled water (optional)
(links are just examples, I'm not affiliated with any of them!)
The Frame
Traditionally, we use a simple frame with half-lap joints, held together by bolts or even just lashed together with twine. This allows it to be disassembled when not in use. However, you can absolutely salvage the inner stretching frame from an old canvas, or make a frame from inexpensive stretcher bars you can get at most hobby and art supply stores. These usually friction-fit together; you can also glue or staple them for more security.
You need to leave room on the inside of the frame for the stretching technique. If you want a specific final canvas size, add about 8 inches (20cm) to each dimension when buying stretcher bars. (For example, if you want a 12x14 final canvas size after trimming, you should get two 20-inch and two 22-inch stretcher bars.) It's better to err on the side of larger, as it will give you some extra area to test your paints on!
You will also need four 3/8 inch (9-10mm) thick hardwood dowels, cut to roughly 2 inches (~5cm) shorter than the inside dimensions of your frame. The inside dimensions of our example frame would be roughly 17x19, so you would cut two 15-inch dowels and two 17-inch dowels. (You can also make smaller canvases with the same frame, just by using shorter dowels!)
You want a plain medium weight 100% cotton fabric with a nice even weave, like Kona or Pimatex. (Avoid muslin, it stretches far too much and may tear!) You can find Kona cotton in the quilting section of most fabric stores. I personally prefer Pimatex, and I buy it from Dharma Trading Company.
For lashing the fabric to the dowels, you will want linen bookbinding thread. Other threads will stretch, break and/or tear your fabric. Size 35/3 is good, 25/3 is better. You can get this at most art supply or craft stores (albeit rather overpriced) or at a specialty bookbinding supply shop online. One spool will last a very long time.
For the actual stretching, just get a ball of some good old-fashioned 100% cotton kitchen twine from the grocery store.
Any decent quality acrylic artist's gesso will do. My teacher prefers Winsor & Newton; I often use Liquitex. For colored grounds, I like to use Matisse Background Colors. If you are planning to paint with transparent watercolor, you may want a specialty watercolor ground like these from Daniel Smith or Golden. You don't need a huge bottle; this process doesn't use as much gesso as traditional canvas.
Upholstery Repair Needle Kit: The big curved-tip needles will make this a lot easier. Find them at any fabric or crafts store, or Amazon.
Bulldog clips: Not strictly necessary, but they do make it easier to stitch the fabric to the dowels. Binder clips can also work. Get them at any office supply store or 'borrow' some from work
Paintbrush: A regular 3-inch synthetic flat paintbrush from the hardware store or Harbor Freight will do just fine.
Sandpaper: A hand-sized piece of 240-300 grit is plenty. I like to use drywall sanding mesh because it doesn't get blocked up by gesso dust so quickly.
Dust Mask: Please wear a dust mask when sanding your gesso! I prefer to do this outside, it's real messy.
Disposable Cup: For thinning your gesso. I just use an old yogurt container or such.
Distilled Water: For thinning your gesso. Not 100% required.
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sunspray-peak · 1 year
Ch. 9: Orange Groves in Zuzu City
Strawberry Farms was looking great. 
Of course, it didn’t really look like a farm. There were, despite Demetrius’ insistence, still no strawberries (the seeds Achilles had purchased were in a kitchen drawer, stubbornly long forgotten), but the land was fully cleared and ready for planting. 
Along the newly painted and reinforced porch, orange and yellow daylilies crept alongside fluffy pink peonies that were just beginning to blossom. The blue geraniums likely wouldn’t bloom until next season, but their crowded, bushy stems still waved merrily in the bed he had dug out and mulched. 
In a moment of weakness while scrolling through the online flower catalogue, Achilles had splurged on two bleeding heart bushes to plant in the shadow of the greenhouse once it was completed. As a lifelong city dweller—he had been forced to impatiently defend himself to Shane who had shaken his head in dismay at the garish sight—he couldn’t help it if he was a sucker for a funny looking plant. 
The two had spent the morning rolling the last of the debris to the mine carts before Shane said they should call it a day. “We both deserve a little break,” Shane had grunted before leaving for Joja. Fair enough. It had, after all, been near nonstop physical labor for over half the season. 
That being said, Achilles did not particularly thrive on breaks. But the remaining items on the Sacred To-Do List required either a second hand or tools he didn’t yet have, so after repositioning the new garden gnome the 80th time (gaudier—and dare he say tackier—than his usual tastes, but just so amusing with his funny little hat!), Achilles was finally forced to conclude that, yes, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to take a “break.” 
“Unless you spirits have any other ideas?” he asked his invisible watchers, flicking a spot of dirt off the gnome’s nose. He hadn’t seen any junimos in a few weeks now. Perhaps it had been all in his head…
Idleness and anxiety were synonymous for him, so, with only the smallest stir in the pit of his stomach, Achilles decided it was time he took up Alex’s offer and visit the gym in Zuzu City. Perhaps, he also realized with a stroke of inspiration, he could stop by a hardware store and take a look at some paint chips. He had been considering repainting. Yellow and red were such boring, cliched colors for a farmhouse… 
He was, unsurprisingly, the only one on the bus, and took an aisle seat near the back.
A handful of elderly folks got on at Moonmist Meadows, a significantly larger, more suburban town than Stardew Valley that housed the elementary and middle schools for the three outlying towns outside of Zuzu. From there, the bus trundled off along the two lane highway, pulling into the city fifteen minutes later. 
Achilles had never been before, but had heard the villagers reference “the city” and its grid ball stadium occasionally. Sam had once shared his family used to live there before wanting to move somewhere “quieter,” so he had assumed Zuzu must’ve been livelier than the country towns surrounding it. Suffice to say, as Achilles stepped out of the bus, he was rather disappointed. 
A handful of high rises (if you could even call them that) dotted the landscape, two or three towers in a sea of squat, brick boutiques, coffee shops, and family owned businesses. It was a dense and walkable little grid, but unlike in Hyacinthia, the streets were quiet and the sidewalks here wide and clean as a whistle. Achilles very rarely had to break his step to allow a hurried office worker or shopper to pass. Neatly trimmed hedges lined the curb, their tiny white flowers punctuating the gas and coffee-tinted air with their rich, sweet scent. But despite the vegetation, Moonmist just didn’t feel alive. 
It was much too quiet for a city—not as quiet as Stardew, whose silence he found disconcerting at times, but still—no buskers, no honking horns, no sirens… 
Glancing at the map he had snapped a photo of on his phone, Achilles headed down two streets and to the right, onto 2nd Avenue where he found, under the branches of a literal orange tree, Orange Grove Fitness. 
A little bell announced his arrival, causing the woman at the front desk to look up from her paperwork. 
“Hi, welcome to Orange Grove!” 
Achilles gave a quick wave and glanced around. The lobby was well lit and clean; a handful of orange cushioned chairs lined the walls, their reflections visible in the gleam of the dark hardwood floors. 
“I’m… here for a class.” Achilles grabbed a little calendar from a neat stack on the counter. “With Alex Mullner?”
“Oh sure! Here a little early, though, his next class isn’t for another 20. First time?” The girl—Megan was her name, according to her name tag—stood from her chair and handed him a bright orange clipboard. “Just got some forms here for ya, if you don’t mind. You can take a seat anywhere.” She waved her arms towards the chairs. 
It seemed like he was getting himself into a cycling class, according to the schedule. Well, better cardio than strength, he thought, as he checked down a row of boxes. His arms hadn’t stopped feeling numb since his tumble down the mines. 
“We’ve got several different membership plans,” Megan said when he returned the form. She handed him a piece of cardstock detailing the different tiers. “Depending on if you want certain classes, 24/7 access to the gym, access to the pool, private training, all of the above, two of the above, you name it, we’ve got something. Of course, first class today will only be $25 for ya as a part of our trial special, but if you’re interested in anything else, you just let me know.” 
“Great, thank you.” 
“You know Alex?” She had filed away his paperwork and was now putting together a new clipboard. 
Achilles nodded. “We’re neighbors.” 
“Oh, no way! You’re from Stardew?” She wiped the pen he had used with a sanitizing wipe with a quick flourish. 
“I moved there at the beginning of the season. It’s just for a bit.”  
“Oh, that’s so great, Alex will be so excited.” Megan set the new clipboard alongside two others on the counter. “You’re the first person from the Valley to check out his new class. He’s worked here for four or so years and the owners finally decided to ask him to design one. Wouldn’t stop talking about it for a week, I kept telling him, you should’ve just asked…” 
The phone began to ring and she gave him a friendly wave. “You go on take a seat, it’ll just be a few more minutes.” 
People began to file in en masse about ten minutes later—regulars, it seemed, who smoothly scanned their IDs at the counter before heading past the front desk down the hall. 
Achilles, after receiving an enthusiastic thumbs up from Megan who was on the phone again, followed the little crowd into a room on the right where he could see Alex at the doorway, greeting each arrival with a high five.
As Achilles neared, Alex’s face broke into an even wider smile. 
“Hey, hey, hey, the man of the hour!” Achilles found himself pulled into a quick half-hug, the touch of Alex’s firm hand on his back sending a prickle racing through to his fingertips. “Glad you could make it!” 
Two dozen bikes or so were neatly arranged in a bright room; natural light poured through a window taking up most of the opposite wall, a yellow tinting film somewhat lessening the glare on the mirrored wall facing them. Bright green fans with blades shaped like leaves hung from the ceilings. 
Damn, this is a nice fucking gym… 
Achilles took a bike in the back row, close to the corner. Nodding politely to his neighbor, he hopped deftly onto the orange cushion and tucked his water bottle into the holder in front of him. 
The room was soon full (with mostly women, Achilles couldn’t help but notice), and after a short, animated kickoff speech from Alex, pop music blared through the speakers and they started the warm up. 
Having been absolutely determined not to sweat any more than necessary—see, this is why he had always erred towards solo sports; nobody looked more vulnerable than a sweaty, harried, visibly exhausted victim—Achilles was pleased to find that his six years of jogging had transferred easily to the bike. Of course, he probably could’ve upped the resistance a bit more, like Mr. Marathon over to his left, who was huffing and puffing as he wheezed along to Dylan Brisk’s latest Top 10 hit, but hey, Achilles still had a whole afternoon ahead of him. Couldn’t afford looking like a wreck while scrutinizing paint chips, especially when Alex was looking so… good.
Remarkably unfair. Neither out of breath nor red with exertion, Alex accompanied his instructions with his usual easy, bright-eyed smile, every hair on his head still perfectly held in place.     
The class ended with a light cool down. Pushing his hair back with his hand in an attempt to stealthily wipe the sweat off his forehead, Achilles delicately unstuck himself from the seat. His legs weren’t the consistency of jello per se, but definitely on the wobblier side as he went to grab some disinfectant wipes from the tree shaped dispenser next to the window. 
Alex, still full of energy after cycling for an hour and shouting countdowns and the various motivations and encouragements that good instructors ought to do, was now chatting with one of the members, a blonde girl in perfectly coordinated blue camo workout gear. She did not look particularly sweaty, to Achilles’ vague irritation. 
Achilles eyed the two with just the tiniest hint of envy (well, at least you’re self-aware). He took his sweet time wiping down the bike—the handholds, the seat, even the bottle holder, hey, his fingers had touched that, too… — and waited for her to leave. 
A hand on the shoulder there, a brush on the arm accompanied by a bubbly, high-pitched laugh… ugh. The blonde was likely a regular, but even then, given Alex’s lack of reciprocation, her overt familiarness seemed to be making most folks uncomfortable, to Achilles’ relief (see, it’s not just you), as the rest of the class keenly interrupted the two to say goodbye as they filtered out. 
Even Mr. Marathon was shaking his scarlet face, cocking an eyebrow at Achilles in shared disbelief as he offered up a fist bump and strolled away. 
Alex, who was now leaning away on his back leg against his bike as the girl chattered on, hands loosely holding the loop of his water bottle, met Achilles’ gaze and smiled. He didn’t end the conversation, though—it was another two minutes before her friends called her name. But finally, she trotted out, and it was just them two in the warm, orange-cast room. 
“Sheeeesh.” Achilles said, eyeing the door. 
Alex held a pointer finger to his upturned lips, but his eyes were twinkling. Achilles obliged, and only after a pause whereupon Alex began to re-wipe down all the bikes, did he continue. 
“That happen every class?” 
“Eh, sometimes. Doesn’t usually go on for that long. Luckily,” he had moved on to the second row, “Professional ‘decorum’ gives me a believable excuse to, and I’m quoting here, turn down any potential romantic advances.”
“You’re not allowed to date the members?” 
“Oh, I’m allowed, just not ‘encouraged’ is I think the word the rules say, and that’s been a good enough excuse whenever it starts getting too direct. But hey,” Alex turned to face him, arms outstretched above his head, “What’d you think of the class?” 
“Great! Really great, I haven’t biked in ages. I mean, did I hate the arm portion? A little bit, didn’t realize we did that in cycling classes. But have to say, loved the music… yeah, best class I’ve taken…” 
Achilles followed Alex out into the hall where they both disposed of their wipes in a tree trunk-themed trash can. 
“Oh yeah? You better put that in the survey.” Alex had walked him to the lobby. “Spent two weeks crafting that playlist and routine, you know. Keep trying to get Sam or Penny to stop by, but it doesn’t work great with their schedules…” 
“So, Achilles, how’d it go? Interested in a membership?” Megan was still at the desk, her deft fingers already holding a new clipboard (this one green) at the ready.  
“Ah…” Achilles glanced at Alex, who was now swiveling lazily in the chair next to Megan’s. He was leaning back, his long legs spread, sneakered feet planted into the floor as he tossed an orange stress ball between his hands. Achilles didn’t want to disappoint him, but… “It was great class, but not at this time.” 
“Ah-sheel, actually, Meg, it’s French.” Alex rolled the “r” (very not-French of him), his green eyes dancing, hands now grasping his knees as he clumsily rolled himself forward. “Not a knock against me or my class, for the record, Mr. Orange Grove, if you’re listening. He’s just in the Valley for the rest of the season and then he’s outta here like the traitor he is.” 
Grateful that Alex understood, Achilles nodded and went to refill his water bottle at the tank next to the front counter. Megan nodded as well, returning the green clipboard behind the desk. 
“Yeah, best not insult Mr. Orange Grove right now,” he heard her say to Alex. “Rumor has it Josh might be leaving at the end of the year.” 
“Mmhm, his wife’s apparently looking for a new job on the East Coast… think you’ll apply if he goes?” 
“Nah, being manager seems like way too much work.” 
“It’d be 9-5 though.”
“Yeah, but paperwork? Nah, I couldn’t handle that, no thanks…” 
Achilles returned to stand in front of the two. “Speaking of getting… ‘outta here.’ I thought I’d pick up some things for the farmhouse. Paint and the like. Care to join? Would welcome your thoughts, Shane merely grunts every time I ask him.” 
Alex glanced at his watch, a surprisingly delicate, somewhat feminine, old fashioned thing strapped to his wrist in soft, worn leather. “Got another class to teach in a bit.” Folks were indeed beginning to string in and head down the hall. “Maybe in an hour and thirty or so if that works? I can show you around the city too, if you’d like, maybe we can grab dinner before we head back.” 
“Sure.” Squashing down the single butterfly that had begun to flutter in his stomach. Achilles patted his pockets to make sure he had everything. 
“There’s a cafe across the street.” Megan nodded at a quaint, lavender canopy. “It’s pretty nice if you want to wait and work there. Their earl grey is really good if you’re a tea person.”
“Girl after my own heart, thank you.” Achilles nodded farewell. 
Back in the day, “work” had meant churning out 300 different slogans to headline 50 different versions of an advertisement for produce or the latest store brand cola (he had managed the JojaMart account, and what a nightmare that had been). As he steadily rose up the ranks of BRLO, he had found himself writing less and reading more, but even still, old habits died hard. 
He had meant to spend the hour redesigning the rotting “Strawberry Farms” sign that used to welcome visitors to the property before he had taken it down, but sitting in the bustling coffee shop, pen and pocket notebook in hand, he found himself conducting a little exercise he used to play back in his junior copywriter days. 
A man who hasn’t seen the sun in years finally decides one day to leave the basement where he lives alongside the mummified corpse of his neighbor whose house he’s actually been squatting in, he wrote next to a doodle of a man waiting by the counter in a black trench coat and dark shades who was holding a pastel pink and purple drink with whipped cream in one hand. 
He had actually started doing it—silly, low effort, micro stories of strangers around him—as practice back in middle school when he decided, after much adolescent pondering, that he would perhaps like to be a writer, too, when he grew up. Funnily enough, the habit had fallen by the wayside when he actually did become a published writer, but after getting his creative soul crushed in his first year at BRLO, he had found his way back to it.  
And at a quarter to 4, Alex found his way back to him, dropping into the seat to his left along the back wall. The neon orange uniform was now half-hidden by a faded green letterman, the faint smell of citrus filling the air. 
“Keeping it the same?” He was looking at the various sign designs that Achilles had, eventually, drawn up. “No Banana Farms? Orange Farms? I think Blackberry Farms has a nice ring to it.” 
“I actually did consider changing it.” Achilles passed the notebook over so Alex could take a closer look. “But I’d have to fill out quite a few forms and register new permits, and the new owners may just want to change it anyway. Figured it likely wasn’t worth the hassle.” 
“I like the second one, but they’re all not bad, you know.” He continued to flip through, catching a glimpse of the various doodles and stories. “This all looks very impressive.” 
All not bad. Achilles suppressed a dry chuckle. At least the stories and sketches were “impressive.” 
“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you when you’re going to get into writing again,” he said, handing the notebook back to Achilles who tucked it in his windbreaker. “I know how annoying that can be. And I’m well aware saying that makes it sounds like I just asked when you’ll get back into writing in a sideways sort of way, but I promise I don’t mean it like that.” 
They left the counter, Alex opening the cafe door with his shoulder and motioning for Achilles to exit first. 
“Come on. You wanted paint? I’ll show you around.” 
Zuzu felt even smaller once he was given a guided tour. An art museum, a history museum, the local performing arts theater, and the library were probably the standouts—modern, more imposing buildings of marble and glass crammed jarringly between the brick and mortar mom and pop shops. At a quaint olive oil emporium, Achilles purchased a garlic infused bottle as an additional thank you gift for Evelyn and George. Mostly Evelyn. George’s mood had been just as dismissive during dinner. 
“I have wine, too—should’ve shown up with it on Saturday really, bit of a lapse on my part.” Achilles handed the neatly wrapped box to a lightly protesting Alex. 
On 4th and 2nd, Alex pointed out the grid ball stadium, whose spires were just visible behind the purple neon lights of a karaoke bar. 
“I was so sure I’d end up there one day, you know, but I guess fate had other plans,” he mused just as screams and drums began to erupt from the arena. Seemed like there was a concert going on tonight. 
“Don’t beat yourself up, it’s hard as fuck to go pro.”  
When younger, Achilles had always secretly dreamed of being a sports star—what kid didn’t? The fame, the notoriety, the fans… the visibility of it all, really. And the pure, easy objectivity when it came to deeming who was “great.” So unlike the literary world. Unfortunately, as Alex had proved, nobody gave a shit about fencers and he had never quite been able to break into the national Top 20 for high school tennis, despite all his training (and his parents’ money). 
“Hmm.” Alex frowned. Must be a sore subject. “We should go for a game some time, when the season starts back up.” 
Achilles didn’t care much for grid ball, but the invitation couldn’t help but bring an enthusiastic quirk to his lips anyway. 
Stop that! 
At the hardware store, the two compared paint chips combinations. 
“I want something light, something fresh, but modern,” Achilles explained to the aproned employee who slowly nodded in feigned interest. 
Alex was partial to a sage green. A bold choice, Achilles thought, eyeing the chip, but could perhaps work with a dark grey roof? Or maybe a brown? He asked the young employee for her thoughts, but she merely shrugged. 
He settled on a warm grey in the end—something a bit in the middle, and ordered a delivery for tomorrow morning. 
“Wanna grab dinner?” Alex asked after they stepped out. “Getting a bit late, we could just grab something from the saloon.” 
“Ah, I think it might rain soon.” Achilles had taken note earlier of the dark clouds that had been rolling in. Oh how Ii pained him to turn down a meal with the man, but the thought of sprinting to Pelican Town and back in a thunderstorm made him queasy.
Alex glanced upwards, but only one of them had spent 3rd grade studying the different types of clouds. 
“Huh, all right, I’ll trust you, weather boy—come on, if we run we might make the next bus.” 
Make the next bus they did, and right in time as thunder began to crack just as they took their seats. At Moonmist, a sorrowful, soaked Penny joined them, clambering stiffly into her seat, droplets pooling on the floor. 
“Of a-all d-d-d-ays to stay late,” she stuttered with a breathy laugh. She graciously accepted the letterman Alex offered, her birdlike frame totally engulfed by the green leather. 
“I can grab you two umbrellas.” Achilles, eager to help somehow, glanced over at the two while they waited underneath the bus stop together. “Since the farm is closer. Won’t be a minute.” 
Taking a deep breath, he sprinted out from underneath and was immediately pelted by fat rain drops that splashed against the polyester of his windbreaker, beading up before racing down the sleeves. 
He had just been able to make out the edges of his property when a thought suddenly occurred to him. 
You idiot. 
He sprinted back, choosing to do his penance standing shamefacedly across from the bus stop in the muddy road as rain continued to beat down. 
“I forgot I… don’t have any umbrellas,” he called, looking uncomfortably at the merrily splashing mud. “I’m sorry.” You dumb bitch! This is what you get for being hasty, trying to impress…
But Alex and Penny merely laughed. 
“You think it’ll clear up soon?” Alex called. “Come under the bus stop, Achilles, what’s wrong with you.” 
Achilles peered up, getting a quick glimpse in of the thick clouds continuing to darken the skies overhead, just before a raindrop fell into his eye. 
“No, I think you’ve got a while to go, I’m afraid. But you can come back to my place if you’d like, I’ve got a… frozen pizza. Maybe.”
“Oh yeah, just like you had two umbrellas, right—”
“Listen, at least I said maybe this time—”
“I should head back,” Penny said, her voice ringing through the rain. “I have to fix up dinner for my mom… but thank you for the offer.” 
“I’ll walk you back—and you go on and head back, too, Achilles, get out of here before you get pneumonia or something.” 
With Penny’s squeal, the two raced out from under the bus stop, high tailing it down the muddy path, leaving Achilles to moodily stomp his way back to Strawberry Farms.
At least there had indeed been a frozen pizza in the freezer. Small victories. 
After shoving it in the oven, he changed out of his wet clothes and collapsed in his armchair. What a day. Between the gym and the city tour—the only time he had thought about the farm was at the hardware store. Was this what it was like to live impulsively? He wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Then again, to have been able to spend it all with Alex… even with the rain, he might just do it a hundred times over. 
Small victories. 
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webnx · 1 year
How Web Application Development helps business
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In the fast-paced world of business, staying ahead of the competition is essential. One way to do this is by investing in web application development, which can streamline processes, improve customer satisfaction, and drive revenue.
Web applications are software programs that are accessed through a web browser, rather than being installed on a computer. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including data management, customer relationship management, and e-commerce.
One of the biggest benefits of web application development for businesses is the ability to automate tasks. This can free up time and resources, allowing employees to focus on more important tasks. Web applications can also be accessed from any device with an internet connection, making them ideal for remote teams or employees who need to access important information on the go.
Another advantage of web application development is the ability to gather and analyze data. This can help businesses make more informed decisions based on real-time data, rather than relying on gut instincts or past experiences. Web applications can also be customized to meet the specific needs of a business, ensuring that they are tailored to the unique needs of the company.
One of the main reasons businesses invest in web application development is to improve customer satisfaction. Web applications can make it easier for customers to interact with a company, whether it’s through online shopping, booking appointments, or accessing support. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and retention, as well as attracting new customers.
Web application development can also drive revenue by making it easier for businesses to sell their products or services online. E-commerce web applications can streamline the checkout process, making it more convenient for customers to purchase items and increasing the chances of a sale.
Overall, web application development is a valuable investment for businesses looking to streamline processes, improve customer satisfaction, and drive revenue. It can be tailored to meet the specific needs of a company, making it an essential tool in today’s competitive business landscape.
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Advantages of Web Application Development
Web application development has become an integral part of modern business operations. With the increasing reliance on technology and the internet, it’s no surprise that web applications are being utilized by businesses of all sizes and industries. But what exactly are the advantages of web application development for your business? Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect when investing in a web application:
Increased efficiency: Web applications allow businesses to streamline their processes and automate tasks, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency. This means that your employees can focus on more important tasks, rather than wasting time on manual processes.
Improved customer experience: Web applications can enhance the customer experience by providing a seamless, intuitive interface for them to interact with your business. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which is essential for the success of any business.
Better data management: Web applications allow for real-time data tracking and analysis, giving businesses valuable insights into their operations and performance. This can help businesses make more informed decisions and improve their overall performance.
Increased accessibility: Web applications can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, giving businesses the flexibility to work from anywhere. This is especially useful for businesses with a remote workforce or those that operate in multiple locations.
Cost-effective: Web applications can be more cost-effective than traditional software solutions, as they require no upfront investment in hardware or maintenance. This can save businesses time and money in the long run.
In conclusion, investing in web application development can bring a host of benefits to your business. From increased efficiency and improved customer experience, to better data management and increased accessibility, web applications are an essential tool for modern businesses.
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How WebNX can help you in your next project
If you are planning to develop a web application that will make a big impact on your business or organization. WebNX can help you make it a reality.
WebNX is a leading provider of web application development services, with a team of experienced and skilled developers who have the knowledge and expertise to bring your ideas to life. Whether you have a clear vision of what you want your web application to do, or you need help refining your concept, WebNX can help you every step of the way.
One of the key benefits of working with WebNX is their commitment to using the latest technologies and techniques to create high-quality, innovative web applications. Their developers are constantly learning and staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the field, so you can trust that your web application will be built with the most advanced tools and techniques available.
In addition to their technical expertise, WebNX also places a strong emphasis on customer service. They work closely with you to understand your needs and goals, and are dedicated to helping you achieve success with your web application. Whether you need support during the development process or after your web application is live, WebNX is there to help.
If you’re ready to take your web application development to the next level, don’t hesitate to contact WebNX. Their team of experts will work with you to create a web application that meets your specific needs and helps you achieve your business objectives.
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