#only friends final ep
tiistirtipii · 11 months
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AKK x AKK!!!
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hughungrybear · 11 months
Me watching Only Friends Final EP (12):
1. Ray-Sand-Boeing gives me possible throuple vibes 😂 However, with Ray's questions, I don't think he'll be truly down with it (Even after all his teasing that he would not mind a threesome).
2. Sand, your indecision putting you in that spot. You are not being fair to anyone, especially with Ray. And here, I thought Ray is the trash one.
3. Mew, don't ask Cheum for any relationship-related advice. I said it before, but that girl is a hopeless romantic idiot.
4. Oooh, Ray is never going to give up Sand to Boeing now.
5. Cheum, why the fvck do you care? You are still an idiot. I can't believe at the end of this all, I'm symphatizing with the self-professed a**hole, Boston.
6. The change in Top seems rather sudden and excessive. I really want to see the uncut version just to make sense of it all. Cross fingers P'Jojo will do it for the DVD version.
7. Boston and Nick 😌. I guess, all the sweetness is due to having a literal deadline to their relationship.
8. Yeah, Ray is the kind of crazy that no one would want to mess with. It also does not hurt that he came from a rich and powerful family that consequences to his actions almost mean nothing to him (I mean, he is even slightly enjoying his "punishment"/social work with kids). Boeing messed with the wrong crazy 😂
9. Top and Ray. Both are crazy rich (former) a**holes. It's a match made in bff heaven 😅😅😅
10. Boeing, dude, there are plenty of fishes in the ocean. Go pick unattached ones LOL. Preferably far away from this friend group 😂😂😂😂
11. Oh. My. Gawd. Boston, what the fvck are you doing? I guess, he is just allergic to monogamy. I just wished he didn't promised Nick he'll temporarily commit.
12. Yeah, Nick. Listen to Sand. If open relatioships is not your thing, then Boston is just not for you. Let him go. Try Daddy Dan instead. 😅
13. This might be the most awkward New Year's Eve party ever with half the group slept with each other at some point 😅 Also, playing Truth or Dare with this group is probably a recipe for disaster.
14. So, I guess this means Nick accepts whatever Boston can give 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
15. I saw that movie (Begin Again starring Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo)!!! 10 out of 10 would highly recommend. 👍👍👍👍
16. For a moment, I thought Boston would be giving Nick a plane ticket to New York. But I think this outcome is for the best. Nick should really love himself more than Boston (or anyone, for that matter). And Boston should stop making promises he could never keep.
17. Fire alarm killing the mood and bringing Top's old trauma. I guess, this is to bring things into full circle. Although, I don't believe this scene is necessary. P'Jojo could have cut this one and retain the scenes where Top's transformation began 😐
18. Mummy Yo and Daddy Plug giving their blessing to their adopted children 😂
Ah, so that's where Mixx came in 😂😂😂 And no, as much as I enjoyed this series, I really don't want a season 2. It's not good for my heart. Or sanity 😅😅😅😅
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mirabella96 · 11 months
Only Friends ep 12
Sand I have a sad information for you, it's a really simple question given the circumstances.
AAA no no no nonoooo Sand you are not that stupid
So instead of Boston being kiced to the USA by the gang, Boeing is being ganged up agains? I am all in.
I wanna blow off my future but I wanna be your friend!!!! But he can help them with Boeing
Oh my they are on a date
Ray is just really tring to start a fight with everyone XD
Kinda hoped this will be a bigger issue, but Boeing seeing that Ray and Mew know each other was great
I do not wanna see any non ship people kiss each other, do not do this to me
But this is funny bc Top looks so scared
Wasn't Begin Again a thing in Theory of Love
If somebody will tell me at the beginning of this show that Nick at the and will have the most moving ending to his storyline I will not believe it, but now here I am crying
I know fire trucks are pretty and have lights and so on and this scene was about Top's trauma but this shot is so funny
There you are <3
I am so sad it's ending his whole series was so entertaining
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khaopybara · 6 months
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Trust a Lesbian to Judge You and All of Your Life Decisions While Looking Hot AF
It felt dishonest to make compilations of all of the main men in this show and leave Cheum out of it when she's part of the Messy F4. To be honest, Cheum dresses simply, but Lookjun makes all of these look very good. I really had high hopes for Cheum before this show aired, but at least she delivered when it came to her outfits. Also, her favorite pants (the jeans with a hole in the back and one in the front) was used around 11-12 times that we can see it.
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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First Kanaphan as Sand & Mark Pakin as Nick
Only Friends (2023) | Ep.9
Don't worry about it. It's funny. We're still friends. Come on. Let's go to bed. Friends can hug each other to sleep. Just don't hook up. That's going to be complicated.
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Did laszlermo fucking win season 5
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candygalaxyyy · 11 months
it low key feels like the screenwriters/directors have a personal vendetta against boston. we’ve never heard or seen the reasoning behind the way his character acts, compared to the other characters, he is a very shallow and surface level character. I had hoped that they would give us some sort of insight on why he is the way he is, given that this is the last episode. but we’re left with the same reasoning, which is he is a sl*t who sleeps with any living thing, doesn’t care about others and can’t control his desires. when i feel like boston’s character could have had so much more depth, for example, his separated parents & family dynamic could have been an excellent storyline in helping us know and understand him more.
him cheating on nick with boeing really just felt like a slap in the face, just to make bostonnick miserable, to paint boston as someone who can never change (but characters like top and ray are given grace?). boston’s polyamory being written as selfish and whory, yet it is totally possible to write polyamorous characters as the opposite by just reinforcing communication and respect within their storyline (3 will be free literally did such a good job with this imo). the same shallow portrayal of boston appears when he apologizes to mew. the others first point out that boston has made no prior effort to apologize, so if he hasn’t tried to make things right then obviously he sees no wrong in his actions? they never try to address or explain that part. so when boston finally gets along to sincerely apologizing to mew, all he says is that it’s his desires. what desires? how did these desires manifest? does he no longer have these desires? it just leaves his apology as a half-assed attempt to reconciliation, which mew obviously dismisses cause boston is ‘an evil person, who can never change’. and the breaking down of boston’s spirit doesn’t stop there… he tries to have a moment with nick? rejected (i don’t blame nick tho). he suggests the group to join him in new york next year? mew starts being condescending and tells him he’s only watching the fireworks with them because chuem said so.
after all this boston is left alone, no friends and no nick. he’s left to be the sole villain of the show with no redemption or character development (not that they gave him much of a character to begin with). and it truly is such a shame, as boston was really the driving force throughout the series. ​he really could have been the best character with the most compelling and intricate storyline.
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prongsmydeer · 1 year
I watched Red, White and Royal Blue, and I gotta say that Gay British Macauley Culkin really carried it for me
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Hello InuYasha community
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dramadeer · 7 months
it's cute of DFF to try and justify Tan/New/Gemini's turn to real life Saw traps & crafts, but it's ultimately useless, I was on board and down to (murder) clown from episode 1 and I continue to be on board
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experthiese · 3 months
the day I manage to articulate my thoughts on lupin's cigarette / lighter symbolism is the day I finally reach my true potential as a lupiii writer
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chalkrevelations · 11 months
Well, having finally watched all of Ep 10 of OF, here's what I have to say about that:
The BostonNick shop scene is the SandRay rehab therapy session scene is the BostonNick shop scene. They're not simply parallels, they're the same scene in different fonts. Everything Ray is saying via messy emotional breakdown is the same thing Boston was saying via carefully coded message while he cringed internally at the mortifying ordeal of being known.
From what I understand, TopMew and BostonNick were based on real couples, while SandRay are completely fictional, and I almost wonder if they decided to create SandRay as a way to externalize a lot of the stuff that's also been going on with BostonNick but is so deeply repressed and buried in the closet - lit. and fig., if we accept the darkroom as Boston's functional closet - that it's almost subtextual on-screen. You can't get this kind of messy emotional breakdown from Boston because he'd crawl into a corner of his darkroom and die before he'd be that obvious about what's going on with him, so instead, we get Ray to snot it out everywhere.
SandRay is the live theater version, with everything big enough to be seen in the back rows. BostonNick is the indie arthouse movie version, with every twitch of an eyebrow set full-frame and carrying three different meanings.
Fundamentally, though, it's the same scene.
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theedorksinlove · 1 year
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they're so :(((
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vaugarde · 6 months
ngl i actually quite like the black rose arc
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distant-screaming · 1 year
Nick is so painfully transparent but I don't think he's showing the full extent of his feelings - he's a very interesting mix between bad at lying and good at hiding the truth.
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uwooyoungs · 7 months
ok i just watched dff ep 11 and i. am going insane.
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