#only the last part is a bit altered. he allegedly did check beforehand that the water is deep enough.
sableeira · 4 months
based on a real interaction
Dazai: hey, Atsushi can you take a video of me?
Atsushi: sure what do you want me to take a video of, Dazai-san?
Dazai: I want you to take a video of me jumping off this bridge into the water.
Atsushi: HUH?!?
Dazai: don’t worry! I jumped off this bridge before!
Atsushi: how exactly is that supposed to make me worry less?
Dazai: I even tested how shallow the water is!
Atsushi: you mean, you tested out that the water isn’t too shallow, right?
Dazai: …
Atsushi: RIGHT?
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