#my gf and I both thought this is something Dazai would do. So here is the post
sableeira · 4 months
based on a real interaction
Dazai: hey, Atsushi can you take a video of me?
Atsushi: sure what do you want me to take a video of, Dazai-san?
Dazai: I want you to take a video of me jumping off this bridge into the water.
Atsushi: HUH?!?
Dazai: don’t worry! I jumped off this bridge before!
Atsushi: how exactly is that supposed to make me worry less?
Dazai: I even tested how shallow the water is!
Atsushi: you mean, you tested out that the water isn’t too shallow, right?
Dazai: …
Atsushi: RIGHT?
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dazedbydazai · 4 years
Request: Dazai has an ex gf that he dated when he was 15, What would happen if they met now that they’re 22? Scenario please! (ps: I love it when you write angst, it always satisfies me uwu)
Thank you for requesting this! My heart hurt while writing it but y'know, gotta get that daily dose of angst 🤧
Dream | Dazai Osamu
Part 2 here
➤ Genre: Angst
➤ WC: 900+
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The light of his life.
That's how Dazai described you.
He fell in love with you when he was 15. Even as a Port Mafia executive, you accepted him. He indulged himself in you. He let you in his life.
But he also pushed you out of it.
They said it was just puppy love. You were both too young to know what real love was. They said you were too naive. They knew you wouldn't last.
Oh, but what did they know?
In Dazai's eyes, you were his world. In Dazai's mind, you were the most beautiful and intelligent person that walked this earth. In Dazai's heart, you were the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
But it was all too perfect, too convenient. Dazai had a feeling that one day, he was going to lose you.
And it was true.
Back then, he tried all he could, he pulled all the strings he had, but he couldn't save you from the accident that crushed his whole being. You were, after all, caught up in the chaos of the underground world.
And Dazai knew that as long as he was a Port Mafia executive, he can never have you in his life. You'll only continue to get hurt one way or another.
That's why he let you go.
And he thought he was over it. He thought he got over his past.
But why, seven years later, is his heart still beating loudly in his chest as he saw you sitting on a park bench, reading a book?
Why did his breath got caught up in his throat? Why did he stop walking? Why did he feel like he was going to faint?
The answer is simple: you were back.
The light of his life was back. And it was so blinding to see you just a few meters away from him.
Dazai blinked a few times, trying to make sure that his eyes were not playing tricks on him. He felt his heart beating faster the longer he stared at you. Why, of all times, did you two have to cross paths now?
The summer breeze blew your hair in your face and you look up to brush it away. And that's when you saw the man in a long brown coat, staring at you.
You tilt your head to the side, he looked oddly familiar.
"Y/N," He said your name so softly.
Your eyes widened. "Um, hi. Do I know you from somewhere?"
He remembers that sweet voice. It calmed his racing heart but also stabbed it at the same time as he heard your question.
Of course you won't remember him. After all that happpened in the past, you probably chose to forget it.
"Ah, no," Dazai wracked his brain to think of a lie. "You just look like someone I know. Coincidentally you have the same name."
He awkwardly laughs and you couldn't help but laugh as well.
"Well that's cool," You say as you close your book. "I knew my name was common. But to think that there would be someone who looks like me. Maybe she's my long lost twin?"
Your joke and your laugh was so familiar that Dazai's heart swells. He missed you so much.
"Were you going to meet her here?" You ask. "You seem like you've been waiting a long time."
Yes, I've been waiting for you this whole time.
Dazai shakes his head.
"Oh, well," You pat on the space beside you and gesture for him to come. "You can sit here and wait for her if you want."
You don't usually talk to strangers and ask them to sit beside you but something about this man had your heart feeling calm. He looked so familiar you swear you saw him before.
Dazai contemplates whether he should but the way you smile at him had him walking towards you and sitting two spaces away from you.
You open your book again and start reading as Dazai stays quiet.
There were a few people walking by and children playing but Dazai's eyes were focused on you.
He couldn't believe you're right in front of him. After all these years, you still looked so beautiful. However, the scar on your temple had him gulping. He knew what that was.
Feeling his eyes on you, you look at him and ask, "Is something wrong?"
Dazai blinks a few times before he shakes his head.
Deep down he wanted to reach over and touch your scar. He wanted to say he's sorry. He wanted to hold you again.
But he stops himself.
"That book you're reading," Dazai changes the subject. "Do you believe in that?"
"Hm? This?" You look at the cover of your book and smile. "Yes, I actually believe in soulmates."
Dazai finds himself smiling. "Have you found yours?"
"I think I have. But I'm not sure," You laugh. "But I know they're just out there. And I hope I'll get to meet them in this life."
Dazai nods.
"How about you?"
"Yes," She's right in front of me.
"Ohh how lucky," You beam.
Dazai mirrors your smile but deep inside he's thinking, am I really lucky? I've found you again. But I don't think you'll want to have me back. And I don't want to put you in danger again.
A sudden ring snapped him out of his thoughts as he saw you pick up your phone to answer it.
"Oh right. Okay, I'll be there in a few," You end the call and look back at Dazai. "That's work. I've got to go."
Dazai only nods and waves you goodbye.
Just before you turn the corner of the street, you look back at him and say, "See you around, Dazai."
It takes a few seconds before Dazai processed your words and it had his eyes widening. Did he tell you his name?
He stands up and runs to the street, looking around, but you were no longer in sight.
And just like that, the light of his life was gone, again.
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shozaii · 4 years
I don’t know if this is the place to request, I’m new to tumblr so I’m really sorry T^T, If I can request, May I have a dazai x reader where dazai is being forced by the agency to have a blind date with a girl thats basically perfect and wants dazai all to herself but then, dazai asks his fem!colleague (who has no ability) to pretend to be his gf, and it basically escalates to friends with benefits and then they fall for each other, lots of angst with a fluffy ending please! Thank you!
(a/n): helloooo anon!💓✨i had to find some really good inspo for this so i really apologize if this took too long :’( but i do hope you enjoy it as this is my first time working for a fic for him!❤️thank you for sending this in ahhh!!!
thank you so so much to @akutagawasbitches for helping me with this fic!! she gave me so much help and i’m so grateful hhh🥺🤍🤍🤍
sparks fly.
pairing : dazai x fem! reader.
word count: 2704.
warnings: angst, mentioning of suicide and death!
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It was yet again another whine that brought attention to more of the colleagues from the agency, including your (e/c) eyes.
“A-Again what?”
“We kind of arranged a blind date for him,” Tanizaki said, as he was standing right next to your desk, watching the commotion unfold. “Haven’t you heard?” But how could you, really? When the man of your dreams has been constantly pressurized into having to date women; left and right. And they turn out to be nothing of his choice of sorts. They don’t lack looks, or anything in particular. The spark was never alive within their eyes, and that only seemed to make Dazai grow more impatient. But you see, what was to be highlighted here, was that if he ever found the spark, you were no longer a chance. And if you were to ever let him know of your very own buzz of hope, it would all probably go downhill from there.
“Argh....I’m afraid I would have to pass that opportunity,” he rolled his eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time today, folding his arms in desperation of wanting to head home, and lay on his bed, lightly snoring away.
“I don’t know, Dazai. this girl here was really interested in wanting to meet you. But then again, I’m guessing you have someone else in mind,” Yosano eyed Dazai very carefully, trying to trace his facial features for any discrepancies.
“Atsushi-kun-,” he groaned, looking at him with a face of complete disagreement.
“I tried telling them that you wouldn’t like it, Dazai-san,” he muttered, to which he then slowly eyed you. The only other person who truly knew from a to z about your feelings was Atsushi and only Atsushi. So, every time he hears of these blind dates Dazai was going on, he winced. He winced because he knew not only it was going to be another rejection, but it was going to be another shard of your glass heart, being chipped away, slowly losing strength of holding on to each other.
This time, you could feel a few more being picked on by a sharp needle, leaving the impact on it as slow as possible, for you to take in all the pain second by second. Before you knew it, Dazai was already up on his feet, forcing himself to actually accept the so- called blind date that his friends have already set him up for. with a heavy heart, he has to reject someone. with an ignorant face, he has to show disinterest. with a blunt emotion, he has to say something.
You occasionally walk behind Dazai if you ever had the chance - sometimes you’d come out a little late just to finish any paperwork lying around, Dazai’s untouched ones, to be more specific. Sometimes he goes missing from the agency - this just meant he had something important to do; let it be in or out of the agency. It’s not weird that you didn’t know his whole schedule. This man always told you stories, reminded you of what he was about to do next, teased you-
“Y/N...? Hello...?” a shadow loomed near you, causing you to stop your train of thought.
“Dazai! H-Hi.” The little – but burning – spark ignited in you once more; causing you to tumble back.
Your tumbling wasn’t the one which would make you fall in an instant; it was definitely one you could hold onto. But when you felt an arm inviting itself around your figure, your eyes went wide open; to whether you were facing reality or not. Never in your wildest dreams did you think that Dazai would be the one to do so, as he pulled himself towards you.
“Good evening.”
“Ah!” You sort of got yourself out of the position, now having your cheeks completely heat up. “Good evening, Dazai. Anything that I could help you with?”
“You do know what is going to happen within the time span of….24 hours, I suppose? This blind date that I have. Terrifying, you know.”
“Well, I did hear about it. you’re heading to it, a-aren’t you?” He raised an eyebrow when you seemed to be nearly choked on your own words.
“Bold of you to assume that I’ll be going! Yes, sweet pea. But no. I just can’t seem to bring myself to these new faces. I may like all kinds of women – but this feeling doesn’t hold me great paths.” That same nickname he decided to call you a long time ago, and it stuck among the both of you like glue. Why were your friends even trying so hard for him to find someone else? Heck, you dropped hints (or so you thought you did); so, what was just so difficult up until now?
She looked so pretty though. Dazai didn’t get a look – it’s called a blind date for a reason. Was he really just meant for you whatsoever?
“Please be my girlfriend, y/n.”
“What?!” You blurted out, slapping your mouth shut right after, your breaths quickening.
“Did I hear you right? Your girlfriend? W-Where is this coming from-,”
“Ah! Well only just for a day, if you will? Pretty please?”
And just like that, when you already have multiple pieces pricked away; twenty more lost grip, flying away without leaving a trace. The spark popped right after, causing even more bits to drop off, merely at the complete edge of slipping away, finally begging you with all their might that they wanted to break their bonds between one another. How did the mechanism work? you never knew.
“Dazai…. I-,”
“It will only take a while, I promise. I know it’s hard, especially when a colleague is asking another, but I’ll leave you be. You can even not talk to me, anything you want!”
“So, it’s even eligible if I decided to say that I have literal feelings for you.”
“What’s that?” Dazai’s eyes were visible with confusion.
“Nothing! I just...”
It all came to plan, whatever he wanted, he got. But something that he definitely didn’t want, happened.
The scheduled location was fine. a beautiful park, now blooming with an endless trail of sakura trees and lovely flowers. The weather was really fine today; not too hot, not too cold. Everyone wished him luck; even though no such luck was retrieved during these dates. He even wanted to wear his usual trench coat for even more ‘contrasting effect to his luscious locks’, but Atsushi and Kunikida dealt with it immediately, now perfectly dressed in a collared shirt, and a jacket hung loose over his shoulders.
Wasn’t that the one you gave him for one of his birthdays? You had to admit, every outfit he ever went with looked so utterly amazing on him.
The timing was perfect as well, though he did whine about being there a few minutes earlier than expected. His blind date arrived shortly after. A small smile painted across her face, her beauty ever so blinding, a sight for sore eyes. The looks that they both had were absolutely downright stunning. If they were ever to be walking into a ballroom, with all the fancy lights and the sparkly dresses, people would immediately turn their attention to the both of them and swoon, for they were the ones that might as well allow anyone to worship for their combined artistry.
This wasn’t just a blind date, it was a reunion, from when these two distant souls met each other once in the agency. It was urgent the other day, since she needed help for something which was actually quite serious. Somehow, they arranged the blind date with the same woman, now fully glimmering with her ethereal beauty.
Dazai was either flattered or displeased with this situation. Displeased not because of the first glimpse that he managed to catch back then, but rather because he didn’t need this to go any further. Flattered? Maybe because she complimented his looks and such, and somehow, he managed to pay them back.
To you, it was really rude to be spying on someone like this. But this was like a mission, in order to conclude whether this was a successful date, or just plain boring. Right now, you could see neither. but if your head were to ever want to prick more needles into your heart, it would tell you the progress went smoothly. And by every growing minute into the date, you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, coated in the right amount of heat executed from your body.
Of course, Atsushi saw that. How could he not? It was clear that this job was given to you by accident, but you still insisted on coming along anyway.
He expected a lot of things to go wrong, of course -you know, like her slowly losing interest in the date. or maybe she would change her mind with just anything at that point, but to no avail. All Dazai could ever do now was to pray and pray that she was going to forget this whole blind date thingy that absolutely made no sense to him. But then, he didn’t expect the sudden arrival of a beautifully dressed damsel, walking up towards the both of them. From afar, it looked like just another stranger in sight, probably stomping away in anger. Or that’s what he thought.
It was you, finally out of your hiding spot, with Atsushi not being able to find you in the crowd any longer. you assured him for what seemed like the thousandth time before taking off, and he was already shaking in fear when he reminisced the conversation, he had had earlier with you.
“But how are you going to tell him? He did tell you to pretend to be his girlfriend!”
“I know Atsushi! I know!” you let out a sob in between, now sitting on the ground.
“Y/N-san, please think about it. Dazai-san is a person who would be really difficult to get through, but I do have a feeling that you might ace this. We also don’t know much of the girl, so are you sure? I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You wiped your tears away furiously now, eyes bloodshot, your anger emphasizing the red. “Then I might as well get it through his thick skull. go, Atsushi. and don’t come finding for me.”
Thinking that it was actually time for him to call you out as his lovely partner, he straightened his posture in confidence.
“Well, well! look who’s here, my lovely-,”
“Don’t. You. Dare.”
“All these years and I honestly expected something out from you, you dumbass. I’m not just someone you could play along with, suddenly teasing the shit out of me, calling me all those silly, adorable nicknames, and then pressure my heart into breaking even further, while I hear that you constantly get blind dates. How exactly do you think I feel? Sure, maybe you don’t know much about my stuff. But how dare you.”
“Look, if you’re only going to come here and start dissing someone for no goddamn reason, I’m going to have to ask you to leave-,” the girl began.
“Like you know what it’s like to be with the most amazing yet wacky person on the planet. thinking that all these blind dates were going to go so well. if they say no, they say no! what part of that word do you not understand?!”
“Let me ask you this. Who do you think you are, you witty brat?”
Without waiting, you answered shakily. “His gir- his girlfriend.”
She took a final glance at Dazai. no response. which was what made her finally leave you and him alone, as he continued to look directly at you. Well, you did get his attention. might as well continue.
“Now. I may be the stupidest person in the world for doing this, but I think I have dropped more hints than I ever have to anyone in my life, ever. My heart aches every moment, thinking of you. When will you get a partner? When will you leave? When would it be the moment where you decide that I’m not good enough? Stupid, stupid questions. I shouldn’t have told Atsushi. I shouldn’t have let everyone observe me. Why and how did I ever fall for you?!” Y/N yelled, her chest heaving. Swallowing, she continued to speak.
“Most importantly, I wish I didn’t barge up here to tell you how I feel. why? Look at her. Look at me. She has got everything I don’t. She is ready to give you her all when she asks for it. She doesn’t need to worry about any flaws. Oh, to be as brave and confident as her. the next thing I know is that we’ll completely forget each other, you leaving me be, vice versa. Us staying this way, because that’s how it is! a complete, hell of a circus!”
Dazai reached for your hand, but you inched away. “I’ve never known what did ‘slowly dying’ meant, but now I see it all.’
You stormed off, hoping to all the gods above that he actually took the hint of what you finally spat out. Stupid spark; lighting up when you decided to cry it all out, while he watches on, genuinely shocked. Stupid tears, making you feel lightheaded when all you wanted to do was talk.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The day wasn’t quite over yet, when you felt someone grab you hard, and also painfully, by your wrist. You felt your knuckles crack during the process, and you just had no time to turn around and actually suspect who this person really was.
Until you did.
You tried swatting his hand away. You didn’t need this. You didn’t need him. You didn’t need Dazai Osamu pulling you towards the most beautiful, yet empty bridge of Yokohama, where the sun was slowly setting, the harmonious glow beginning to land on the tall buildings.
“Let me go!” you breathed out softly, eyes now tired and high on the tremendous set of tears you have let out. “Please.” But he believed that by walking closer towards you, placing both of his calloused hands on your cheek, and by leaning in closer to you, you would calm down. You would stop. You would feel loved.
You would feel the sparks once more.
His eyes were now dim, but not the kind of dim where the look would kill a person on sight. It was dim, dull with anguish and torment. A plead for your eyes to look right into your his, aching with the regrets. With the words he needs to say, but never knowing how to put them together.
“My heart and soul told me that if I wanted you safe, I was only supposed to lock them in. Far, far away, for you to not find them anywhere.”
“But why would you….?”
“Oh, sweet pea. why would anyone want me, really? A man who wants to find a beautiful woman to commit suicide with. Also, someone who could annoy you to the core. Ex-port mafia executive. As a human myself, my flaws are pretty huge.”
“If you think I would ever ditch you for your flaws, that could be another person you’re talking about. I have no ability. I’m nowhere as great as you. don’t you see that I…I have flaws too?”
“Not having an ability doesn’t mean having a flaw. Neither your perfection shall ever beat that silly word.”
You definitely didn’t expect more sparks to ignite the light in you, or the next few seconds as Dazai leaned in, finally closing in the gap that you both shared. His lips were like honey, and yours were like the world’s finest sugar. the first kiss that you shared was definitely a new kind of passion, a sweet release of both your yearnings. It was also the kind where you could never forget. As he let go, his scent still lingered on you. His eyes slowly began to bloom the gorgeous glow, his smile now softer than ever. He reached for your hand and placed it on his chest.
“if you listen closely, you could hear sparks fly.”
(a/n): ahhh here it is!! angst and mitra?? hmmm maybe :O jejsjsj
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bungou-stray-dingus · 5 years
I’m here again~Can I request chuuya and dazai when they see their gf crying because she had a huge fight with her best friend and now she lost her the most precious friend ever(she still had friends,but her best friend was with her since childhood) I had to deal with it long ago and it was quite painful 🥺🥺🥺🥺💗💗💗love you
I’m sorry you had to deal with something like that, it’s not easy to lose one of your closest friends, I know this, I’ve gone through the same thing with one of my bestest friends and it hurt a lot. Hopefully time will ease the pain and hurt from losing such a good friend.
Much love and happiness to you dear ❤️❤️❤️
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You were sitting on the balcony, your phone held tight in your hand as your body shook with your sobs. He didn’t hesitate to run out onto the balcony and make sure you were okay, he thought that you had been hurt or that someone had threatened you. He tensed up, his body full of anger that he held in until you told him what was wrong.As soon as you saw him you collapsed into his arms, weeping against his chest, your tears soaking through his shirt.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, his arms wrapping around you, holding you close. You didn’t look scared, or even worried. You just looked... sad. It broke his heart to see you like this. Who had hurt you?
“Sh-she d-doesn’t.... want to t-talk to me anym-more.” You stuttered out the words through sobs and he sighed with relief that it wasn’t as serious as he feared it would be. He had met your friends a few times, they didn’t seem to like the fact that you were with him, but he never brought it up to you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, he tried his best to soothe you, switching between running his fingers through your hair or rubbing your back.
You nodded, looking up at him through dampened eyelashes with glossy eyes. Your pout was both precious and heart wrenching at the same time. He pressed his lips to your forehead before leading you back into the apartment. He sat you down on the couch and made you both a glass of wine, setting the glasses on the table in front of you.
“Talk to me, baby.” He prompted you, pulling you close to his side, letting you snuggle into him. He waited quietly for you to begin, he knew this was hard for you. You had one specific friend that was as high up your list as he was for your favorite person.
“We were talking, everything was fine. Then she just told me that she thinks we shouldn’t talk anymore.”
“Did she tell you why?”
“No... and she won’t answer any of my texts. I don’t know what I did.” You started crying again and Chuuya was torn between what to do. He would usually offer to kick the ass of the person who had hurt you, but he knew you wouldn’t agree to that. You and your friend were like sisters, you had known each other forever. The only thing he could offer was his love and support.
“How about you just give her a couple days, and then try to text her back.” He smiled down at you, and you were staring at him with such pain filled eyes he wanted to cry with you.
“Do you think it will work?” Your voice was low, a hint of hope sprinkled in your words.
“It wouldn’t hurt to try.” He said, and he silently hoped it would.
He couldn’t handle you being this sad, not that he didn’t want to deal with it, more so that it broke his heart seeing you in this state, and he didn’t know what to do to help. All he could do was hold you and let you cry it out, whispering “I love you”’s into the air, hoping that you’d hear it through your sobbing.
He tried to keep your mind as far from the pain as possible, taking you on cute dates to cafes, the movies, even the zoo. He would come home from work and quickly pull you onto his lap on the couch, grabbing the remote and settling in for the night, flipping through channels until he found one that would hold your attention.
You rarely brought it up anymore, but sometimes he’d see your face fall as you were scrolling through your phone, tears building in the corners of your eyes that you’d quickly blink away. He never interrupted those moments, he knew that you needed times like these, but he always made sure that afterwards he would give you extra love.
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You had told him that you were going to hang out with your friend this afternoon, he knew that you and your friend were close so he never objected to it. You even spent nights with her when he was on dangerous missions, she would help keep your mind busy so you didn’t worry as much about him.
He was waiting at the apartment for your return from your outing, he couldn’t wait to hear about the adventures you had today. You were always in a great mood when you came home from spending time with her, and your happiness was contagious. He wasn’t expecting you to burst through the door with tears streaming down your face, running into his arms.
“Woah, woah, woah. What happened, darling?” He asked. He had never seen you like this, so devastated, you could barely catch your breath.
“We met up at the cafe, and and and and.....” You couldn’t get the words out, you broke down again, he had to wrap his arms tightly around you to keep you from collapsing to the floor.
“Deep breaths, take your time. Let’s get you some tea, yeah?” He offered, sitting you on the couch before heading into the kitchen. He made your tea the way you liked it and handed you the cup. You held it in shaky hands and took a small sip.
“We were talking, everything was fine.... then she.... she said that I’ve changed since being with you. I didn’t get it, because I don’t think I’ve changed.... I got kind of defensive, I told her that she was being silly and that I haven’t changed at all. She said that you weren’t a good boyfriend because you leave all the time... and I got mad because that’s not true, you’re a great boyfriend.”
“She sounds kind of jealous.” He said, and you shook your head.
“I don’t think she’s jealous... I think she just cares about me.... she sees how upset I get when you leave for missions, but thats just because I’m worried about you.” He nodded slowly. He never truly understood that toll it took on you when he left. “She said that I should leave you, that I would be happier without you. I got mad, I yelled at her, and she started yelling back. She doesn’t understand how much I love you.”
“So you fought with her?”
“Yeah, and she said that if I wanted to live my life being dragged down by you than that’s up to me, but she wasn’t going to stand by and watch it happen. She stormed out of the cafe, and I thought she would come back, but after an hour she didn’t.... I tried to call her, but she blocked my number....” You started crying again and he felt so bad about it, like it was his fault that you had lost your best friend. He didn’t know what to say. He surely didn’t want you to leave him because your friend had told you to, but if that’s what you decided to do, he wouldn’t fight you on it. You had known your friend much longer than you had known him, the two of you were like sisters.
“Do you want to try and go see her?” He asked, and you shook your head quickly.
“I don’t think I’d be able to handle her slamming a door in my face.” You mumbled.
“Do you think she would come back.... if I were out of the picture?” He asked, and your head shot up. You looked at him with the saddest eyes, your bottom lip was trembling.
“No. I’m not losing you too. You’re as much a part of me as she is. Don’t leave me.” You whimpered the last part as a tear trickled down your cheek. He quickly kissed it away, then peppered more kisses across your face. He felt awful for even suggesting it.
“I’m not. I won’t. I’d never. It’s her loss. You’re an amazing woman Y/N. She’ll realize it soon enough. She’ll come back.”
He spent the next couple days cheering you up. He would come home from work with flowers and little trinkets that caught his eye, little things that would bring a small smile to your face. He’d never bring it up, but he’d always listen when you wanted to talk about it. He’d hold you tight, letting you cry on his shoulder when you’d get choked up while talking about the memories you had with your friend.
He knew what it was like to lose someone that you were so close with. It was like losing family, and sometimes the wounds never healed. Sure, your friend hadn’t died, but to you it felt like she did. He’d wipe the tears from your face whenever you’d lay in bed, crying while you mourned over the friendship that you had lost.
It took a while, but after a month you got in contact with other friends that you had, and you’d even start hanging out with them. You’d return home with a smile, it wasn’t the same smile you’d have when you went out with your old best friend, but it was something, and it was something that he had missed and he was beyond happy to see it coming back.
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drabblesanddreams · 5 years
hey, idk if you’re currently accepting requests but imma try anyway. can u do a scenario with chuuya and his fem!s/o where mori had assigned her to a mission that requires her to stay at the ADA for a while. most prolly bc a new mutual enemy showed up in yokohama. chuuya is agitated and scared bc his gf and dazai had a long history together and they havent had a closure yet and its clear that dazai still loves her. so chuuya would have to ask for assurance from his gf. make it extra angsty! 😂
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omg hi!! I loved writing this request so much so tysm for sending it in! Though im not sure its the kind of angst you were thinking of i hope you enjoy it regardless! Also super sorry for finishing it super late, hope yall enjoy!
My kofi link if you wish to support!
TW: just arguing tbh 
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: What happens when you are sent off to work beside a certain ex-mafia member who you share an unresolved history with but your currently with chuuya?
“Hat…check…gun…check…” you mutter to yourself as you recount each of the objects that you had packed for your latest mission. “So, what exactly am I missing, then?” you still feel like something was off however, like you forgot something important. You scrunch your eyebrows together in deep thought as you tried to pinpoint what exactly you were missing. You couldn’t afford to forget anything that might come of use, for this upcoming mission was of high importance.
A new group had recently arrived in Yokohama, threatening the dual existence of the ADA as well as the Port Mafia. This shared threat meant that both organizations had to work together, at least until the threat had been wiped out.
That was where you came in, you had a certain history with one of the members, a history that painted you in a good light which was exactly what the Port Mafia needed in order to establish a functioning alliance.
On the other hand, both you and Mori-san weren’t foolish enough to think that this history meant Dazai trusted you, per se. He was a complicated man with an even more complicated way of thinking who was smart enough to know that trusting someone was one of the most foolish things you could do.
But the fluttering feeling you felt in your stomach was a strong indication of just how nervous you were to be working alongside the handsome brunet once more. You knew how sly he could be with his words, how he could get deep under your skin and make you question things you were so sure about before. You wanted to bury your past in the deep end of your mind, to never resurface again and haunt you. Regardless, your fling with Dazai ended a long time ago and you were now with-
“Hey,” the sudden sound of another individuals voice breaks you out of your deep thought and you blink haphazardly. You straighten up from looking over your backpack to see Chuuya standing by the door, hand seemingly hesitantly placed on the frame, gripping it a little too tightly. He stares at you solemnly, a man just as caught in the spirals of his mind as you were.
“Hey,” your mouth curves into a smile, happy to see your boyfriend before you were due to head off, “What are you doing here?” Chuuya was required for a different part of this mission, and though you were confused to see him you wouldn’t say that you weren’t happy.
“Got you somethin’” You watch as he pulls a bouquet of red roses from behind his back. You smiled warmly at him before accepting the flowers and burying your face slightly in order to inhale their sweet scent.
“You didn’t have to,” you comment, though very much happy as you temporarily place the bouquet on your bed so that you can later place them in a vase. Every day without fail he presented you with a big, bouquet of red roses. The colour as rich and passionate as the foundations of your relationship with the ginger mafia member. It was sweet, really, and never failed to make your insides flutter with affection.
“But what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to already be gone?” you question, turning around as he pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly and burying his face in your neck.
“What?” he snorts before planting soft kisses onto your neck, “I can’t see my beautiful girlfriend before she leaves me for another man?” you roll your eyes at his comment, moving back to slap his chest lightly, “Haha, very funny Chuuya.”
He returns to your neck and you’re distracted momentarily as he continues his previous actions. Light sucking, sensual kissing, tender licking, pleasure fills you as you flutter your eyes shut and loll your head back, letting him have even more access to your neck.
“Say it to me then,” he murmurs, and you hum, still too lost with how good his mouth feels on your neck and how his hand was gripping your hip.
“Say what,” you whisper back, and he stops his mission of decorating the skin of your neck with his loving kisses.
“That you don’t still love him,”
You huff, “Love who?” wishing he would just go back to making you feel good.
This catches your attention and you open your eyes, moving your head back to look at him in his eyes. Even now up close, the blue of his eyes is breathtaking to you, though they are now set hard with something you can’t quite identify.
Anger? Frustration? You have no idea what it is but its setting you off slightly.
The two of you never mentioned his name, not when it included the context of your previous relationship with said man. Later in the day, you would wish that you did, after all, maybe it wouldn’t have led to the conversation that the two of you were having now.
“What?” you ask, forehead creasing in a state of confusion.
“C’mon (Y/n), I think we both know what’s going to happen when you leave,” he states icily and you blink, shaking your head as you move backwards, sneering ever so slightly, “And exactly what’s going to happen?”
He rolls his ocean blue eyes at you and you cross your arms as you wait for his answer, “I seriously have to spell it out of you? It’s not cute playing dumb anymore doll,” your eyes narrow at his words.
“What the hell’s your problem?” you asked, confused and a tad hurt by his passive behaviour. You had no idea why he was acting like this; you watch monetarily as he strides further into the room and turns away from you. You have the faintest clue though, “Is this seriously over him? How many times are you going to keep bringing this up?!” you ask in indignation
His nostrils flare as he spins back around to face you, “Yes,” he confirms and you throw your hands up in frustration, “We both know that you’re still in love with the suicidal basted.” You wince at his words, you never thought that he would throw the fact right in your face. But his next words shamelessly cause your heart to skip a beat.
“And we both know he’s still in love with you.”
“Jesus fucking Christ Chuuya, unresolved history doesn’t mean that I’m still fucking in love with him!” you exclaim in pure frustration throwing your hands around as you turn away from him and sit back down to your bags on the ground.
“It does though!” he claims, jaw clenching as his voice raises to a shout, “You can honestly tell me that you feel absolutely nothing?” he snarls following you so that he can meet your scowling face. You almost want to shy away from his blazing fury. Chuuya has always been a hot-headed fool, but to take it on you over some insecurity…
“Well, what the fuck do you want me to do Chuuya?!?” you yell, throwing a piece of clothing at him as you stand back up, “What, do you want me to just quit the mission? Maybe move to another city so I never have to see him?” your eyes spark with fury as you continue, “O-or no, you know what? Why don’t I just move to another fucking planet huh?!” you scream.
“I knew I it, I knew you still had feelings,” he shouts back, knocking back his hat slightly so that he can run his hands through the orange strands. You shake your head in disbelief, “But I’m with you because I love you!” you cry out and he stares at you from underneath a heated gaze.
“You seriously have no trust in me? After everything?” you ask, as you stared at him in confusion. You didn’t understand how he could react to you in that way, how he could question everything the both of you went through.
A moment of silence finally overtakes the both of you and you stare at him, breathing heavily as you try to catch your breath.
His gaze darkens, his voice dropping to a low tone, “Yes.”
You flinch at that, eyes welling up pitifully as if he physically assaulted you. You try blinking it away to no avail and instead glare at him hatefully, letting the tears well up as the hot white-anger fill you to the core. All you want is to claw at him, to see him bleed and wail as pitifully as you feel right now.
The only sign betraying the resolute anger you felt was the quiver in your bottom lip. Your breath hitches as you slightly nod in resolution, “Get out,” you whisper.
He stays put, however, and instead fixes you with a hard glare.
“Get out!” You shout furiously, reaching for the bouquet of flowers on the bed and hurling them in his direction, the tears finally spilling down your face, “And take your stupid flowers with you!”
And he did. Leaving you behind with a broken heart and a hollow feeling that you haven’t felt in a long time.
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