#afterwards he stopped other people for a second video
sableeira · 4 months
based on a real interaction
Dazai: hey, Atsushi can you take a video of me?
Atsushi: sure what do you want me to take a video of, Dazai-san?
Dazai: I want you to take a video of me jumping off this bridge into the water.
Atsushi: HUH?!?
Dazai: don’t worry! I jumped off this bridge before!
Atsushi: how exactly is that supposed to make me worry less?
Dazai: I even tested how shallow the water is!
Atsushi: you mean, you tested out that the water isn’t too shallow, right?
Dazai: …
Atsushi: RIGHT?
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inkskinned · 1 year
what is with men being mad any time a woman raises her voice where did that even come from. someone posted a video of a small electrical explosion, and the top comment was of course the woman screams. the second comment is women try not to scream challenge, level impossible. i had to go back and watch the video again. there is, somewhat fainty, a little gasp emitted off-camera, more of a yelp than a scream. it is mostly lost in the crack of the explosion. afterwards, you hear her voice, shaken, say, are you okay?
i am helping one of my friends train her voice pitch lower, because she wants to be taken seriously at work. she and i do each other's nails and talk about gender roles; and how - due to our appearance - neither of us have ever been able to be "hysterical" in public. we both appear young and sweet and feminine. she is cisgender, and cannot use her natural voice in her profession because people keep saying she appears to be "vapid". we both try to figure out if our purposeful voice lowering is technically sexist. is it promoting something when you are a victim to it?
a storm almost sends a pole through a car window. in the dashcam, you can hear the woman passenger say her partner's name twice, crying out in alarm. she sounds terrified. in the comments, she is lambasted for her lack of calm. how is that even fucking helping?
in high school, i taught myself to have a lower voice. i had been recorded when i was genuinely (and righteously) upset; and i hated how my voice sounded on the phone speakers when it was played back. i was defending my mom, and my voice cracked with emotion. it meant i was no longer winning the argument: i was just shrieking about it.
girls meet each other after a long summer and let out a little joyful scream. this usually stops around 12-14, because people will not tolerate this display of affection (as it has the effect of being passingly annoying). something about the fact that little girls can't ever even be annoying. we are trained to examine each part of our lives (even joy) for anything that could make us upsetting and disgusting. they act like teenage girls are breaking into houses and shrieking you awake at 3 in the morning. speaking as a public school educator: trust me, it's not that bad, you can just roll your eyes and move on. it does not compare to the ways boys end up being annoying: slurs in graffiti, purposefully mocking your body, following you after you said no. you know, just boy things.
there's another video of a man who is not allowed to yell in the house, so he snaps his fingers when he's excited about soccer. the comments are full of angry men, talking about how their brother is unfairly caged. let him express himself and this is terrible to do to someone. eventually the couple has to address it in a second video: they are married with a newborn baby. he was trying not to wake the infant up. there is no comment on the fact women are not allowed to yell indoors. or the fact that it could have been really alarming or triggering for his wife. sometimes i wonder if straight men even like women, if they even enjoy being in relationships with them.
for the longest time, i hated roller coasters because it always felt inappropriate and uncomfortable for me to scream. one of my friends called me on it, said it was unusual i'm so unwilling. i had to go to my therapist about it. i don't like to scream because i was not raised in a safe situation, and raising my voice would have brought unsafe attention towards me. even when i am supposed to scream, it feels shameful, guilty. i was not treated kindly, so i lack a basic form of self-protection. this is not a natural response. it is not good that in a situation of high adrenaline - i shut up about it.
something very bad is happening, i think. in between all the beauty standards and the stuff i've already discussed - this one feels new and cruel in a way i can't quite express. yes, it's scary and silencing. but there's something about how direct it is - that so many men agree with the sentiment that women should never yell, even in an emergency - it feels different.
is the word shriek gendered automatically? how about shrill or screech? in self defense class, one of the first things they tell you is to yell, as loud and as shrilly as you can. they say it will feel rude. most women will not do this. you need to practice overcoming the social pressure and just scream.
most women do not cry out, even when it's bad. we do not report it. we walk faster. we do not make a scene. what would be the point of doing anything else? no matter what we do, we don't get taken seriously. it is a joke to them. an instagram caption punchline. we have to present ourselves as silent, beautiful, captivating - "valuable."
a woman is outside watching her kids when someone throws a firecracker at them. she screams and runs towards her children. in the comments, grown men flock together in the thousands: god. women are so annoying.
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yellowflwrss · 8 months
“i’m so sorry baby”;dick grayson
• in which dick does the “shut up” prank on his girlfriend while she’s already having a bad day
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- fluff but some angst
it had been all over tik tok, an app dick was constantly on when he wasn’t patrolling or beating people’s asses, annoying his siblings or girlfriend. it was videos of boyfriends doing a prank on their girlfriend, secretly filming in a car or in their houses as their girlfriend walks in and says something. they then cut them off with a “shut up.”
obviously, the prank can go many ways, getting amusing reactions out of the girlfriend and a funny video whenever it ends well. knowing how you are, dick wanted to see how’d you react to this prank specifically. you were sarcastic and kind and your attitude was probably what he loved the most about you. so, he was beyond excited to see what you’d say to him.
earlier that day, you had asked dick to pick you up from your nail appointment. first you had work but your boss said you’d get out early that day (for whatever reason you didn’t care to remember) and you had arranged to get your nails done afterwards for fun.
dick was going to arrive an hour earlier than he did, but he received a text from you simply asking if he could pick you up a little later, and of course dick agreed. he’s do anything for you.
parked outside the nail place he had gotten familiar with over time, dick decided to set up his phone to film the prank. a few moments later he saw you walk out of the nail salon and his smile brightened, the camera catching it all. when he saw you get closer his smile dropped, getting into character. dick unlocked your door and you sat in, putting your bag by your feet and getting comfortable. you didn’t seem as enthusiastic as he thought you would after getting your nails done, but dick continued on either way.
“hey babe. how was your day?” your face adorned a small smile.
“it was good.” was all he said. your face barely dropped, but it did nonetheless. you were confused as to why dick hadn’t asked you the same thing, when without fail that’s what he did.
“that’s good. sorry my nails took a little longer than usual, my boss made me—“ that’s when it was dick’s cue to cut you off, and oh he felt so bad.
“just shut up (y/n),” he felt like such a shitty boyfriend but he was too far in for the prank to back out now.” without looking at your face cause he knew he’d break character, dick continued “just—just shut up.” he shook his head and placed it onto the steering wheel.
your face had dropped to one of sorrow. the camera had captured you looking so sad at your boyfriend’s words and you felt so hurt. “oh. okay.” was all you said as you resulted to staring at your lap as you held back the tears that were threatening to spill out.
when all dick heard was silence for a second or two, he pulled his head to look at yours. and he knew he couldn’t go any longer when he noticed the state you were in. “baby—“ he started, about to apologize.
that’s when you started balling, tears streaming down your face as it covered the “sorry” that he repeated alongside a few apologetic words. your makeup soon got messed up as you rubbed the back of your hands to stop the tears from flowing, crying even harder when you noticed your makeup was messed up too.
dick tried to grab ahold of your hand as you cried, embarrassed. you pulled away and reached for the doorknob. not because you were mad at dick but because you were embarrassed, you felt like a child. before you could open the door, dick had reached over and pulled you to him onto his lap with two hands.
if it were any other situation, you’d be blushing and fawning over what your boyfriend had just done. but it wasn’t that situation. and despite the words he said to you, you buried your head into his neck as you cried some more. at that point you weren’t crying because of him, you were crying because of the day you just had.
“baby i’m so sorry. it was a prank—one of those tik tok pranks. i didn’t mean it at all.” he held your head as you slowly stopped the tears, still with your eyes full. dick killed your forehead and the top of your head then your cheeks and grabbed your hands softly and with care and kissed them as well.
“babe your nails look so beautiful, what’s wrong?” he keeps his grip tight but caresses your face, wiping the black mascara tears from your face.
hiccuping, you shook your head, “no, it’s fine don’t worry—“
“(y/n) tell me, i’m here to listen. do i need to beat anyone up? you know i’ll do it gorgeous.”
scoffing with a smile, you shook your head and intertwined your fingers with dick’s as you continued to sit on his lap in his car and tell him the reason for your bad mood.
“it was going all good. but then i had to stay longer to do some extra work that my boss assigned me. i hated it cause i wanted to get my nails done and see you. and then i had to call my nail salon and tell them to push it to a little later if they could—thank god they could or else i’d probably still be waiting to get them done.” you sniffled from crying earlier and continued on, “then the person who usually does my nails was sick and i had to have someone else do it. but they messed up my nails and i thought it was a quick fix so i asked if they could change a certain thing on it because im paying for their time and id charge them extra and everything.” you started to get teary eyed again and with a small squeeze of your hand from dick, you continued on with your story.
then the person doing my nails scoffed at me and rolled her eyes then started talking shit about me to their coworkers in their language. but i understood the language they were speaking. and i felt like shit.” you started to softly cry once again “i felt so bad to make them do it again and they were also making fun of me and everything else. a-and when i was thanking them profusely and all that, they all rolled their eyes at me and i payed them extra because i felt guilty. and they were just so rude. then when you said this to me i just had enough.” you were now spilling out tears once more.
“baby, it’s all okay don’t worry. those idiots are so rude. you don’t deserve any of that. and i’m so so sorry for what i said, the prank. you don’t deserve any of it you’re too sweet and you’re the best girlfriend, i’m so sorry.”
you smiled and ran your freshly manicured fingers through your boyfriend’s hair. “it’s okay dick. i forgive you. i probably would’ve forgiven you anyway.”
“i know you would’ve which sucks even more. i feel so bad. let’s go home and watch criminal minds with chocolate. and let’s cuddle. you’re getting so many kisses.” he profusely tried to say things he knew would make his girlfriend happy. even if being around him made her happy enough.
your eyes lit up and you wiped your face in fear of how you currently looked because of how much you previously cried. “i love criminal minds.” you whispered in excitement. over the past few weeks, dick had been so busy whenever the two of you had down time, so you weren’t able to chill out and be a lazy couple of couch potatoes. so when you heard this you were so happy.
with the same energy you currently had, dick said, “i know, you love criminal minds.”
“i love you.” your eyes looked lovingly into his.
“i love you more, and im so sorry for earlier baby.” even though your eyes were glued to dick and your mind was blank with the fact that you had such an amazing boyfriend, dick was practically 10x more in love with you, no matter how much you said you loved him more. his heart hurt when you hurt and when you were happy, he was even happier.
you had given dick permission to post the tik tok. he felt so bad about it but you kind of found it cute how much he visibly cared in the tik tok. and you were also greatful the camera didn’t catch what you thought was an ugly crying face.
user2 i wonder what bruce thought of this
therdh00d dick head you should get canceled for making her cry
imbatman tell (y/n) i said hello
imbatman you’re an imbecile for making (y/n) cry.
(later on, dick found out that it was damian using bruce’s private tik tok account to text these messages)
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boosari · 1 year
— seventeen with a clingy s/o
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pairing: bf!svt x reader
genre: fluff
req: by anon: "seventeen with a clingy s/o"
warnings: mentions of kissing and hugging
summary: how seventeen is with their clingy s/o.
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literally loves it. as much clingy as you. loves it when you want to keep him close to you, when you hug him or kiss him. might get a little flustered if you show that affection when you're with the members (cause he knows he's going to get teased) but really loves it.
a tease. as always. but he likes it too. if you kept kissing him and snuggling close to him he would say "oh? you like me that much? you really can't stay away from me can you?" and giggles afterwards while holding you close.
feels so loved. he likes being loved by you. he might not show it but secretly likes it. when you stop clinging, he would pout and tug on your arm murmuring "don't go, stay with me". and you cling even more, making him smile.
way more clingy than you. he's always attached to you. literally kisses you 24/7. everywhere, lips, cheeks, nose, forehead, neck everywhere. it's like you're doing a battle on who's clingier. the members used to tease you but now they're literally sick of y'all never leaving each other.
do i even have to say it. same as jun, he just can't leave your side, is always hugging you and kissing you. if you're away, he video calls you and even if he's literally doing nothing. if you went by his house and are now returning back home, as soon as you get out he calls you. event tho you didn't even made it to your car yet.
he just...accepts it. don't get me wrong, he also is clingy, but he likes to keep it private. you're clingy even in public, with the members or anyone. he just shows that side of his when you're alone. but he loves you being clingy. it clarifies that he belongs to you.
just goes 'aigoo' whenever you hug him or kiss him. then hugs/kisses you back. just like wonwoo, he's very neutral. doesn't hate it, doesn't love it either. he wishes he could show more affection, but you always tell him that it's okay and shower him with love, which makes him fall for you even more.
no no no. there's no way you can be more clingy then him. never. literally is attached to you always. whenever the members ask where he is, the answer is 'he's with yn'. he kisses your cheek every 5 seconds. might as well eat your cheeks cause he finds them cute and puffy. (just like how he kisses seungkwan's cheek)
he's clingy as well. especially your hugs, they're the best. a lot might think he's the big spoon (yeah sometimes) but you are usually. he just loves being embraced by you. and no he is not ashamed that you're glued to him even in public. actually loves to show you both off.
he finds it so cute. always smiles when you show your affection to him. might get shy in public, but still lets you be. when you're at home, he gets clingy too, always asking for your hugs. your presence really calms him and makes him feel happy.
he's shy. very very shy. but he absolutely loves your clinginess. lets out little sounds of happiness when you cling onto him. he's clingy too, he loves to hold your hand and if you can't be attached to him, you always have to be somewhere where he can have you under his watch.
i honestly think he also is clingy. maybe a lot of people think otherwise but i feel like vernon likes physical touch. he loves hugging you and kissing you. when you're with the members or anyone else, he notices that you're trying to kiss him so he looks at you, trying not to grin because you look so cute, and he's the one kissing you, leaving you flattered.
he‼️loves‼️your‼️attention‼️. literally, loves being loved. he loves how you always think of him when he's not around. normally it would be the members saying 'dino talks a lot about you' but it's actually the opposite. you're the one who talks about him a lot. he loves how you get excited whenever you meet him, immediately hugging him tight. always returns the clinginess and shows you lots of love.
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a/n: hi! back with another ot13 reaction, thank you for the request anon. it actually took me a while to post (my bad) but here it is, hope you enjoy!
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theemporium · 9 months
here's part three with my babies lando and angel ft a disgruntled max f!!
series masterlist
“What if I die?”
“You won’t die.”
“You don’t know that.” 
“I am pretty positive.”
“You know, you’re being really unsupportive—”
Both heads snapped around to look at you when you let out a snort, hand over your mouth in a failed attempt to hide your smile but it was ineffective. Max looked at you with a shared expression of amusement, though there was a hint of exasperation at the drama his best friend had been pulling. Lando, however, looked like your reaction was his biggest betrayal. 
“You too?!” 
“Baby, it’s just your wisdom teeth,” you tried to reassure him, reaching from the backseat to squeeze his shoulder but he let out a scoff. “You’re not gonna die.”
“But I could,” Lando retorted weakly. “There’s always a small chance.”
“Then I’ll admit you’re right at your funeral,” you countered, biting back your grin when Max let out a boisterous laugh. “Now c’mon, big boy, they are waiting for you.” 
Lando’s eyes found the dental practice across the street. “You promise you’ll be there afterwards?”
“We are gonna be the first things you see when you wake up, mate,” Max assured his best friend with a pat on his back.
“Max will even kiss your booboos better,” you added. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Woah! I have hands!” 
You pressed your face into Max’s shoulders, your giggles muffled by his jacket as the boy pointed his phone camera to the currently insanely high Lando Norris sitting in the dental chair. You had gone through the aftercare and hygiene treatment with the nurses whilst he was in the procedure, meaning the second he woke up, your focus could be on him. 
And you had seen countless videos of how people acted afterwards. In fact, you and Max had watched a few in the waiting room to pass the time. And yet still, nothing could have prepared you for…this.
“Hey, mate! Stop stealing my girlfriend!” Lando yelled, pointing an accusatory finger at Max, who only scoffed in response. 
“Trust me, she’s all yours,” Max retorted, letting out a small whine when you pinched his side before you walked towards your boyfriend who was already reaching out for you. 
“Hell yeah she is!” Lando grinned as he yanked you down onto his lap and, despite your best attempts to pull away, his arms remained locked around your waist. “My pretty Angel!” 
“Maybe you should be high more often, I’ve never been complimented so much by you,” you joked, raising your hand to run through his curls.
Lando frowned. “Uh, I tell you you’re perfect every single time you come—”
“Lando!” Your eyes widened, cheeks heating up as you flashed the nurses a sheepish grin. “He’s just joking.”
“No, I’m not,” Lando pouted before he started patting down his pockets. “Where’s my phone? I have proof—”
“Okay, time to go home!” You laughed nervously, shooting Max a look as he continued to laugh whilst Lando let out a huff beneath you.
“You never let me show off my pretty Angel,” he grumbled like a scolded child. “I made an album for this, baby!”
“You can show Max in the car, okay? Let’s get home,” you bargained with the boy, who seemed to agree to the terms.
“Oh gross, I don’t wanna see your sex tapes!” Max blanched. 
“As if you’re our target audience,” Lando sassed back, causing you to laugh this time.
“Okay, now we really have to get back to the car so you can show Max our PG-13 pictures, okay?”
“Deal, baby.”
“I regret agreeing to help you with him.”
“Shut up, Max, and take his other arm.”
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hannieehaee · 5 months
just saw ur orange peel hcs and it made me think about how the members would react to the ketchup on counter trend (i find the trend to be incredibly sad tbh)
in particular, i can just see cheol, mingyu, shua and dk be like ????? what kind of people have u been w in the past babe? are u okay?
haven’t thought about the other members and their reactions to it tho
ketchup on counter trend
content: established relationship, cleaning, fluff, crack, etc.
wc: 701
a/n: i'm ngl i have no idea what this trend is lol i dont have tiktok but i tried looking it up and i think maybe i found it?? if i got it wrong pls let me know<3
seungcheol -
confused at you and refusing to clean it up until you explain why you'd make a mess on purpose. not mad but just very lost. when you explained it, his innate need to be the best boyfriend would make him wanna clean it up for you and even wipe the whole counter if necessary to prove what a great boyfriend he was.
jeonghan -
he has no concept of current trends so you'd have to explain it to him before he agreed to clean it up. would still say no afterwards just to annoy you and bc it was technically your own mess. would still kiss your pout right off your face afterwards, proving himself to be a sweet yet annoying boyfriend.
joshua -
would ask why you keep on testing him like this when you already know he's the perfect boyfriend!! he'd clean it up with no issue but would jokingly side eye you about it.
jun -
he'd immediately assume it was some sort of challenge since this was kind of a dumb thing to do for no reason. just to prove himself to be the perfect boyfriend, he'd clean it up without letting you know that he knew he was being tested. would maybe jokingly bite you in defiance afterwards due to the silliness of it all (idk i see him as someone who bites lovingly OK its my headcanon)
soonyoung -
he's chronically online so he already knew what you were doing so he'd just giggle and convince you to help him clean it up, since he knew he'd make it an even bigger mess if he did it on his own.
wonwoo -
rolls his eyes (lovingly) at you and stops whatever he's doing to go clean up your mess. he's really clean so it'd take him under a minute and then he'd place the ketchup out of your reach so you couldnt do it again. would even straight up as you if there were any other proofs of love he needed to get through or if you were ready to sit on his lap while he played video games again.
jihoon -
yet another member who'd just be confused at why you'd do that. but he kinda enjoys cleaning anyway, so he'd just clean it up for you. wouldnt ask since he'd just assume it was yet another test of love you found on tiktok. he'd have a hard time not smearing the mess further but would get the job done easily enough.
seokmin -
he wouldnt even think twice before cleaning it up, apparently automatically coded to do any and every little task for you with no question. he'd only realize what happened til after he had cleaned it up, leading him to ask why you spilled ketchup on purpose. when you explained, he'd just jokingly scold you about it.
mingyu -
he'd be confused for a second, turning his head to the side like a confused puppy before cleaning up without further question. would have no issue cleaning it up perfectly on his first try.
minghao -
he knew what the challenge was and would chuckle at how silly it was for you to try and test him on it. would clean it up perfectly just to prove a point that 1. he was the perfect boyfriend and 2. he was competent enough to clean up whenever necessary.
seungkwan -
even if he knew you were just testing him for a lil challenge, he'd lightheartedly scold you for it and go into full mom mode and clean it up as he scolded you for it. he'd kinda have some type of cuteness aggression towards you afterwards, claiming you frustrated him but in a good way.
vernon -
would react to it by asking you why you'd make a mess on purpose? wouldn't get angry about it, just extremely confused. wouldnt wanna clean it up though since you'd caused the mess so he'd settle for a compromise in which he'd help you as long as you explained yourself.
chan -
he'd be confused but the moment you gave him an expectant look and asked him to please clean it up for you, he'd do it without question lol. he'd just want some praise in return.
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napstawantstosleep · 6 months
My take on the round 6 (I will kill myself)
Someone pointed out that when Till was a baby he was looking intently at Ivan who had the operation in his eye making it have a red pupil
Then we go back to Black Sorrow's video and you see that Till ran by Ivan because he was going after a crown of RED flowers, which are THE EXACT SAME as the ones Ivan walked on before they started fighting :
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The flower could be seen as Ivan, mostly because the red is similar to his pupil
Ivan tends to mock it/destroy it to get Till's attention while Till is seemingly careful around it and running after it (which could represent Ivan's self destructive personality and Till's previous focus on him)
I think the true reason Till looks away from Ivan all this time is because he found comfort by looking at him when he was at a low point in his life (he was being sold, experimented on, beat up, etc....) and yet, the person with such singular eyes was the one who ended up seeking his attention to the point of resorting to violence to get Till staring at him while fighting
Till wanted someone who would see him as an equal and respect him as a human being rather than some sort of animal
That's why he fell for Mizi, because of her gentle nature and bright personality who cares for others and acts delicately with everyone else
He was afraid to fall for someone who wouldn't bring the best out of himself
On the other side we've got Ivan, who clearly can't express his emotions correctly whether it be with his words or with his actions so he decided to either be affectionate with Till in front of everyone bc they would take his actions as jokes or use unconventional ways to be on Till's mind when they were together
Ivan is a character who was favored by monsters, he had a lot of expectations to meet and was treated as a prodigy, he was dehumanized because of his talent, and that's why he took a liking to Till : Till looked at him with admiration and interest but not for his talent, it was for him as a person
It was a sincere look of adoration
Now talking about looks, they say that when people look at something or someone they love their pupils dilate and guess what
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Notice how the second he started to look at Ivan his eyes started to shine for the first time in the whole round
Despite everything, he was still that little boy looking at the thing he considered most beautiful in the whole world
Another interesting thing is the way Ivan went from kissing Till, to choke him
The kiss can be two things : him stepping up to kiss him before one of them dies and a way to stop the round by preventing the two of them from singing, making the result stop early and making sure Till would win
However the last kiss wasnt part of the plan
Ivan looked at the score to make sure everything went according to the plan and AFTER he got confirmation that Till was winning, he allowed himself an oh so small peck on Till's lips
So light that their lips barely touched at all, and yet after the long kissing scene this was the kiss with the bigbest impact : he allowed himself to love him a little more than supposed
The choking was to make SURE he would be targeted and killed instead of Till so that he could win, but it was possibly also a way for him to make sure Till wouldn't feel culpability after he dies since Ivan "attacked" him in the first place
But even then if you look at Till's neck afterwards there are no handprints around it, which means that he made sure not to press too hard, just enough to be targeted by the security
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Ivan loves Till. There's no denying it. He cares for him when no one can witness his affection not even the one he loves. He never expected to have his feelings requited, he just wanted to be acknowledged and looked at, because whenever Till looks at Ivan, this is when Ivan feels the most elated
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Till loves Ivan. And while he repressed his feelings by ignoring him, ONE look at him was enough to prove his infatuation
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They mean a lot to each other but they both sucked at saying things
This is not just doomed yaoi, this is miscommunication doomed yaoi 💔💔💔
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rere9500-18 · 11 months
Miles and his abandonment issues/not wanting to be alone.
Something I’ve always thought about Miles was that he has abandonment issues. This clip here is only a scene that shows apart of that.
Gwen’s “I’ll never see him again” makes him panic, with not seeing her or Peter or anyone of his spider friends for a year or so now. Hearing that from Gwen alone probably is what mainly encouraged him to jump through that portal and follow her. Because if that portal closed, there’s a big possibility he’d really never see her again.
Even in the second half of the video where Miles is walking to his dorm/new school and he walks past his old school with everyone he knew chatting it up with him as he passes. It’s clear while Miles attended that school, he’s been friends, or at least acquaintances, with a lot of the people there. He has and still does leave an impact on them, if it wasn’t noticeable by the amount of people simply happy to see him walk by.
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At the end of it, the last girl asking how the new school is and that they all miss him, Miles responds with a “Wait… you miss me?” with a smile on his face. Now, I’ve seen some of the comments on that bit on YouTube and it’s mostly people thinking it’s Miles being cute with the ladies, but I don’t believe that’s what that was at all.
It’s clear to see Miles is cool with most people in that scene; of course keeping in mind he’s spent time with them at some point in his life if they are telling him they miss him. That little smile Miles had and the question that followed was an exact reaction to truly realizing that nobody at his old school has forgotten him, nor intend to, in theory, leave him anytime soon. It’s that warm feeling of knowing that maybe you truly do have people by your side. It’s actually a little intense with Miles since I think he sort of needs that feeling more than you’d usually need it.
Whether it be his mom, his dad, his uncle (RIP Uncle Aaron 😔), or the spiders who he thought were his friends.
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That’s why it hurts so much when they’re taken away from him. Either by death or because of needing to pick a side. Because that warm feeling slowly turns into dread that no one’s by his side anymore. That the people he love may not love him anymore. That he may have to face something he’s been trying to hide from: being alone.
Because being alone means you’ll have no one to care for. Being alone means no one’s gonna give you their warmth when you’re in the freezing cold. Being alone means you’ll be left in the dark by yourself with no one to encourage you to break out and run free.
Miles followed Gwen to avoid having to be alone, like he was for the past year after she and the other spider-people left. Because, while it doesn’t make it right to follow someone and then go invisible to see what they’re doing, he wouldn’t have ever known this would have been the last time he’d see his best friend if he hadn’t followed.
At the end of the movie though, I feel that Miles is put at an even harder spot due to him trying to prevent his father’s death. He wanted to be with the rest of the spider people so badly that it blinded him to the fact it wasn’t all it seemed to be cracked out to be. At the end of the movie, all Miles wants is to go home. Yes, it hurts to lose everyone you’ve worked so hard to see, but in his mind, if the people you call your friends can’t understand that it’s fucked up to let an innocent person die, his dad no less, for a so-called ‘greater good’, then maybe that warm feeling of them being by his side isn’t what he wants right now.
Miles feels betrayed by Peter B., Gwen, and most importantly, by himself because he soon realizes that he was so determined not to lose them again, that he never realized he’s lost himself in the process. Gwen, Peter, and everyone else basically said (through their actions) that they’ll never see Miles again. Who is Miles to stop them?
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He doesn’t care what happens afterwards. He just wants to go home, HIS home, and stop the one thing that will truly make him deeply and utterly alone.
The death of Aaron and Miles being Spiderman only encourages Miles to want to do these things. He wanted to surround himself with people he can trust, but he soon realizes those relationships can die, either by actual death or by lies and secrets.
Idk. This is all just my view of what Miles feels even in Into the Spiderverse. If you’ve finished reading all this, idk; eat a cookie or something.
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bellshazes · 10 months
i seriously assumed etho being nice to bdubs was an act of psychological warfare but it seems he's genuinely guilty. like bdubs i still think this is psychological warfare because:
being mean to people by being "nice" is extremely classic etho behavior: see guude's record, obsidian coffin prank, killing bdubs "with kindness" to get out of the hit on him from doc
he is actually still using bdubs as cover from yellows guessing his task, so bdubs is correct to be suspicious of ulterior motives
bdubs initially reacts like this is the tee up for an ego joke, but becomes increasingly unsettled when etho won't stop being effusively nice (while also being weird bc of his actual task)
etho has to know bdubs well enough by now to know he'd react uncomfortably with the constant praise.
etho is extremely aware bdubs is eagerly watching his SL episodes based on the comment on last week's vid & their discussion of it this week
they never ever ever told each other when they were boogeymen in Last Life and laughed chasing each other around pretending to be one mutually but etho still shouted i'm the boogey when killing scar just like bdubs did when killing giran
their favorite thing to do is to menace each other second only to not finishing projects together
ultimately he can be forgiven being really fucking weird to bdubs bc bdubs is Like That and will probably think it's even funnier from etho's pov
to sum up the intricate rituals: oh you feel bad bc bdubs went on a suicide mission after asking you for help and you realized only afterward when it was too late that you broke your promise to him and now you feel guilty so you're going to make up for it by telling him you love him but it's tied to a joke which you ultimately reveal via knowing he will be in your audience when the video is released rather than talking like human beings because when everyone doubted that you loved him before it was because you knew he knew you loved him bc he actually can't handle being outright praised and bickering fondly between admiration is the foundation of your 10 year long friendship? where have i heard this before
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aston-axo · 2 months
Niki Lauda and James Hunt — Friday 18th July 1975 Silverstone - Practice Runs for the Grand Prix
ATV Sports Reporter Gary Newbon interviews championship leader, Niki Lauda from Austria and Britain's James Hunt, about the race and the new car they will soon be driving. In 1975 James Hunt was driving for Hesketh Racing and Lauda was driving for Scuderia Ferrari.
In the race, Niki Lauda would hold fourth place off the start, but soon a heavy shower brought a flurry of tyre changes. A wheel had not been fastened when Niki was released and fell off within 20 meters, resulting in a scramble to reattach it. He stopped again a lap later for it to be tightened properly, and rejoined a lap down.
As the track dried, he showed blistering speed: four seconds a lap faster than the rest, but then came another deluge and the field was decimated by a series of aquaplaning shunts and the race red-flagged. The official results announced shortly afterwards were based on a count-back lap, which meant that Niki was classified eighth despite being third across the line. Ferrari protested, but without result.
James hunt would make it to the final lap without major incident, before retiring along with many other drivers. His final position: fourth, was unaffected.
A miserable race for the both of them, all in all.
[Comparisons between versions and editors notes are below the cut.]
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Clipped and Cropped • Colour Corrected • Removed Colour Cast • Upscaled with Artemis • Denoised • Sharpened and Enhanced • Recovered Original Detail • Added Noise and Film Grain • 60fps Frame Interpolation • Edited Gamma and Exposure • Stabilised • Audio Cleaned • Manual Cleaning of Degraded Film
• While the lower logo is a lost cause, I had a real good go at cleaning up the upper logo. Despite it being easy to remove in James' zoom sections, where it hovered and moved over the banner made the erasure too disruptive and time intensive to clean up in whole.
• I did all the film cleaning manually, therefore it's very likely I missed out on some damage. I got all the major stuff though.
• At the beginning, for god knows what reason, the upscaler has a hissy fit and throws up coloured blocks. Incredibly annoying, but I couldn't find a way to fix it.
• The video is dark at the start due to cloud cover, and it's more noticeable without the colour cast, there's better lighting by the end.
• There's much more to the original video: cars practising at the track, a later interview by Niki in 1977, and a separate one of James the same year. I cut those, so I could focus on this interview, and because the film degradation of the practice runs is noticeably severe. But, if people are interested, I'm very happy to also tidy those.
• I'm here nor there on the cleaned up audio. I wish there was an easy software where I could more manually tune it.
• I snipped off like a second of the end because the degradation got so bad it was easier just to cut it since James had finished talking by that point anyway.
Despite all this, please enjoy.
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
Hi!! A few months ago you had answered my ask about 1789 Hob getting ready for the meeting by wearing every article of clothing piece by piece and Dream staying back instead of leaving and proceeding to take apart every piece. It was based on a video I had seen of Pinset Tailoring, where the guy basically dresses up in historical clothing and here he did one of late 1700s fashion. I just saw another video last week where he had organized the second Bridgerton ball and everyone was in costumes. And then his real-life boyfriend took the mic from him and surprised him and all the guests with a proposal!!! It was so cute!
I was thinking maybe a dreamling AU would be so great! One scenario could be an academic AU, where they are English and history professors (you take your pick who's who) and they are attending a fundraiser ball where everyone is wearing historical costumes. Hob has been very stressed out planning the ball since he's the event committee chair and Dream has been so aloof lately, which is making him even more stressed out. But Dream is just nervous about the proposal and planning everything and wondering if Hob will say yes! He is not trying to avoid him! Hob thinks Dream looks absolutely gorgeous in his black and violet outfit, and although he knows he looks good too, he can't help but feel some insecurity, especially with all the department people like that sleazy philosophy faculty Alex Burgess flirting with Dream. Joanna and Matthew tell Hob that he is overthinking it and he has nothing to worry about because Dream is on the other side of the room sending him horny looks.
When it's Hob's turn to give a speech as committee chair, he suddenly sees Dream walking towards him with steely determination but his tiny smile. Dream interrupts Hob's speech and requests Hob to hand him the mic. Hob is so confused. Even the musicians stop playing in the background. Dream starts talking and Joanna and Matthew, who were recording Hob's speech, just start saying oh no oh no he's doing it oh my God, and it finally strikes Hob. And there is Dream pulling out a beautiful box, bending on one knee, and holding the most beautiful ring. He asks Hob to marry him and Hob hugs him and says yes before Dream even finishes!!
Everyone cheers, the orchestra starts playing again, and Joanna and Matthew say first dance first dance. So Dream and Hob dance and while everyone thinks they look so adorable and Hob is all red with tears and emotions, Dream is actually saying all the filthy things he will do to Hob when they are alone, taking off all the parts of his costume and saving Hob's cute cravat for last. They may have waited till they went home or may have just sneaked off to an empty corner outside the hall!
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I am dying this is so cuuuuuuuute.
While they're dancing slowly around the room, Hob jokingly tells Dream about how he thought that maybe Dream didn't like him anymore. And Dream growls in his ear that if he chooses, he'll take Hob to the cloakroom and show him exactly how much he likes him. All the guests hear Hob’s moan as he clings onto Dream, but nobody really minds.
Later when Hob is standing wearing only his beautiful engagement ring and cute ruffled cravat, with Dream kneeling in between his legs and kissing all the way up from his ankle to his cock... he is very much reassured that Dream likes him a lot. Feeling Dream’s mouth caressing the skin that has been all wrapped up in stockings for hours is the most delightful sensory experience of his life, and Hob is already daydreaming about how he'll wear stockings to their wedding and get Dream to peel them off with his mouth afterwards...
A nibble to his sensitive thigh reminds him to stay in the moment - there's still an engagement to celebrate, before he can start planning the wedding! He's got a beautiful Dream between his legs (still all decked out in his regency-style finery) and he'd better make the most of it!
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Could you do some modern day Soda headcanons please? I love him so much and I love your blog so much soooooo….
Ok so soda is tricky for me to write but I tried my best!!!
Modern Au Sodapop Headcanons
-Drinks every single energy drink imaginable. Rockstar? Like its water. Prime? For the plot. 5 hour energy? He’ll down it in five seconds. Darry is HORRIFIED.
-Is pretty enough he’s one of those people who becomes moderately famous on TikTok without having to really do much. His followers notice he’s always talking to someone off camera, and they’re desperate to find out who it is, but Soda only ever responds to comments with ‘oh that’s just Stevie, he doesn’t like TikTok’.
-Soda’s followers have a lot of theories about this ‘Stevie’. Soda is weirdly tight lipped about him, despite the fact he often breaks off mid rant in videos to talk to him. There’s also the fact that the rest of the gang is often around/in the background of videos, but the mysterious ‘Stevie’ never appears. (okok I’ll stop here before this becomes a Stevepop social media au)
-Regularly forgets to take his ADHD meds and Darry often has to remind him
-Would either have a hockey flow or a mullet (whatever y’all think, personally I think modern Soda with a hockey flow tracks with his character)
-One of those people who loves horror movies but is also completely terrified of even the dumbest ones and has to sleep with the lights on for weeks afterwards. Steve makes fun of him for it, but will also stay up on the phone with him if Soda watches one by himself and freaks himself out
-Has a million fidget spinners because they actually help him focus on stuff when he needs to
-Soda in modern AU wouldn’t call Ponyboy ‘kid brother’ as a nickname (don’t get me wrong, I love it but Ive never heard it used irl). Instead, I think him and Darry (and thus the rest of the gang) refer to Pony as ‘shrimp’ and Ponyboy absolutely hates it  “where’s the shrimp” “he’s has track practice ‘till four, you of all people should know that Dar” (brought to you by me and my interactions with my own little brothers)
-The whole gang is super into video games, but Soda is kind of shit at them and lowkey grumpy about it
-Every teacher he’s ever had has done that thing where they expect him to be exactly like his older sibling, and therefore expect him to be a model student like Darry, and every time they are proven entirely wrong. By the time the same teachers see Ponyboy’s name on their class lists they’re terrified of what to expect
-He definitely had that horrible middle school boy stage where he just reeked of axe body spray and BO before he figured out proper hygiene
-Every two weeks him and Steve end up doing some sort of YouTube deep dive where they end up being convinced of some sort of wild conspiracy theory that Ponyboy and sometimes Darry have to spend three hours talking them out of
-Uses far too many emojis in texts
-He had a pet hamster once and you know that thing died in the most horrendous way imaginable. Two-bit probably farted into the cage at one point as a joke and the poor thing asphyxiated to death or some shit like that
-He’s that kid in group projects who does nothing and tanks the presentation for everyone by mispronouncing half the words on the slides some other group member made for him
-Him and Steve are so inseparable that when they’re not together people will be like ‘where’s your boyfriend’ and he just answers without thinking before flushing really hard and sputtering a bit. 
-One of those people that casually catches snakes with his bare hands. Steve HATES it and Ponyboy is TERRIFIED of snakes so he gets in trouble with Darry if he does it too often or brings them near the house
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queenofthedisneyverse · 5 months
Fall little Wendy bird fall - Chapter 1? (Please watch video first if you haven't seen it) - Discontinued
TW: Mentions of child death (I added Wendy's brothers in here just for extra angst)
Peter couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t even look away. He wanted to. Needed to. But the shock prevented him from doing so. Tears fell down his cheeks as he saw her lifeless body atop of the rock. The blood flowing from her skull and painting the rock a sickeningly dark red color.  
“Wendy…” he wanted to scream it out but his throat…his body…he didn’t know what to do with himself. What was this feeling? What was it called? He was in so much pain but couldn’t describe it. 
His first and last true love…dead. Died the most horrific and tragic death without even knowing why. Hell, he doesn’t even know why. The other lost boys were being put on land by Tink and the other Faes. confused and scared they were. What the hell just happened?! 
Vidia was still holding him in the magical bubble, and she saw that hurt look in his eyes. The look of grief. The very first stage. She knows that feeling all too well. And she felt bad but…what had to be had to be done. And he’ll get over it soon enough…hopefully. 
All the boys were taken back to the treehouse to rest. They were explained the situation but…with lies and the half-truth.  
Tinkerbell and the others informed them that Wendy was going to take them to a horrible place. A place filled with monsters and people only wishing to harm them. Not only that, but she was going to make them forget the fairies. 
“She was going to hurt you and us. We couldn’t let that happen, we had to protect you.” Tinkerbell touched the cheek of nibs and wiped his tear away. 
As children do, they believed them. somewhat. There was a small feeling inside them that told them she was lying but they didn’t want to say anything. 
“Come on boys. It’s been a long day, how about a bedtime story? Afterwards, you sleep” Rosetta said softly. The boys always loved bedtime stories. One of their favorite things. 
The boys all cuddled in their signature sleep spot near the window. Peter was sat down next to the lost boys and let out of the bubble by Vidia. But he wasn’t mentally here right now. He was still picturing the lifeless body of his true love. The blood…that color. He for sure despised the color red now. 
Tears still ran down his cheeks as he sobbed. He hasn’t stopped crying since the incident. He didn’t even hear the cover story. Not that he would’ve believed it. Wendy was a kind soul. Peter noticed that. No lie would or will tarnish his perception of her. 
Tinkerbell noticed his mental absence and flew up to his face. She looked into his eyes. The once brown and hopeful ones were devoid of color. Barely a light brown. Tink knew she messed up with this one. 
She never experienced true love before so she couldn’t empathize with that part, but she did love her friends. She loved those friends of hers, but they all died the more children started to lessen their belief in them. 
She knew the feeling of grief very well so she could empathize with that. 
“Peter…come on now. Everything will be alright. Wendy was only trying to trick you” 
Don’t do it Tink!
“She didn’t love you, it wasn’t real” she tapped lightly on his nose as a small way to bring him to reality. 
Yep…she just had to say it. 
Peter had memories of him and Wendy having fun together. How she looked at him and made him laugh. How she made his brothers laugh and experience what having a mother was like. Even if it was small. 
Her kindness. Her gentleness. There’s no way that was a trick or a lie. 
“What?” he said quietly. His eyes zeroed in on her in less than a second. He stopped crying. 
“She didn’t love ya pete.” Rosetta flew up next to tink. Some part of her knew this was wrong but had to try to get him to understand. 
There it was again. That word, love. The way Wendy made him feel…there’s no way…
“We had to do it. There was no other choice” Vidia said with a stern tone but it was a little soft. 
They had to do it?! Why?! What reason could they have to kill AND lie on an innocent girl?!
“You…killed…her” Peter said slowly, his fists balled up. The rage was seeping through. One more wrong word and he might snap. 
Cubby sniffled and tugged at Peter’s short sleeve. “Tink said she was going to take us to a horrible place peter. The faes saved us”. Cubby wasn’t sure to really believe the fairies but…surely they wouldn’t hurt Wendy for no reason. 
Peter snapped his head over to Cubby. The look in his eye was evident that Peter was…not okay to say the least.
“What?!” He barked
Tink knew what was about to happen. Seems like he’s going to be hard to get through to. 
“Peter please! We did this for you, all of you” she flew up to his face again and looked into his eyes. Searching for any sign of him believing her. In an instant. In less than two seconds. Peter smacked her away from his face. Smacked her hard enough for her to hit the ground. 
“For me?! You did this for me?! You killed her! The only person that…that..that I LOVED! She was kind to me. Not a monster!” Peter seethed as he looked down at her. 
The other lost boys stood there in shock. Peter would never hurt Tink or her friends. Sure, he swatted her away when she was annoying but never a full pledged smack. Pete basically did the equivalent of smacking your aunt in the face. 
The other faes were shocked too but instantly got into action. Iridessa constrained Peter back with vines. Rosetta and Vidgia helped tinkerbell off the floor with concerned expressions. 
Peter squirmed and thrashed relentlessly. His rage boiling over big time the more he was tied up. 
“Let me go you monsters! You killers! Let me go, you bugs!” Peter tried to get away but he couldn’t. Some of the lost boys began to cry and hug Peter to calm him down.
“Peter stop!” screamed skunk
“Peter please” said nibs
The boy of discussion wasn’t listening to them at all. His main focus was tinkerbell and the other faes. Peter has never felt this much anger in his entire life…which is a long time. The color came back to eyes but it was the same color as Wendy’s blood but with a brighter more glowing hue. 
“I’ll kill you Tinkerbell if that’s the last thing I ever do!” Peter fumed as he still tried to get out of the vines that were wrapped around his arms and legs. Tinkerbell looked into his eyes. There was real truth and intent in them.
This made her angry, but she stayed composed. Vidia was about to smack Peter, but Tink flew up behind her and put her hand on her shoulder. “Vidia, Rosetta, Iridessa…take the boys further up the tree. I need to have a talk with peter” 
The Faes did as she asked and took the boys out of sight. Rosetta was a little hesitant, so she added an extra layer of vines around him just in case, then she left with the others. 
Tink flew up to Peter’s face…and smacked him. Not as hard as she pushed Wendy but hard enough to leave some pain. It hurt. It really did. Tink wasn’t one for physical discipline, that was Vidia and Rosetta’s job but a lesson needed to be taught. 
Peter let tears fall down his cheeks. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the physical pain of the slap or the emotional pain of Wendy’s death. Either way, he was hurting. 
Her face was composed but eyebrows furrowed. “Peter…you know what happened to my kind. We died off one by one. Because little brats out there stopped believing in us. You and those boys were going to leave us behind and forget…I couldn’t have that.”
Peter's eyes widened at the realization. He forgot all about tink and the others while he was on that ship, the boys did too. But still…Wendy didn’t deserve that…wait..her brothers. Where were her brothers?! They were on the ship to…oh sweet neverland. 
“John…John and Michael. Where are they?!” Peter asked with fear but anger in his tone. 
Did this boy not hear her? Did he just blatantly ignore what she just said?! This angered Tink further. So much so that…she wasn’t mindful of what she’ll say
“Dead! Their dead peter! All three of them! They drowned and died just like their sister!” Tink yelled at him. And she regretted it as soon as she said it. The hurt look in Peter’s eyes was all it took for her heart to sink.
“No…no. You're lying…please tell me you're lying!” Peter begged as more tears left his eyes. 
Tinkerbell wanted to lie, to tell him all of it was some big joke. But how could she?  He already saw Wendy die and she already yelled that her brothers were dead. Wendy’s death was already an indication that she couldn’t even lie if she wanted to. 
Her silence was loud, loud enough for him to know the answer. The dam broke further and he bursted out in full uncontrollable sobs. It hurt Tinkerbell to see him like this but she had to do what she needed to do. 
“I hate you” Peter breathed out as he sobbed, “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you, you monster!”
Those words shocked Tinkerbell. Off all things that was the last thing she would ever expect him to say to her. That hurt worse than the slap he gave her. No, she couldn’t show weakness. Not at a time like this. 
“You ungrateful little brat. I gave you this home! I gave you brothers and the chance to never grow up! You have every child's dream yet you dare speak to me that way?! I gave you everything” She reprimanded. 
“I DIDN’T ASK TO BE HERE! You could’ve taken any other kid yet you took me! You ripped my life away once and did it again! I was going to have a life with-.” Peter felt sick as he saw the dead body of Wendy in his mind again. Not to mention her brothers bodies are at the bottom of the ocean by now “you took their life…you killed them”
How could he not see that this was not necessary?! 
“ We would’ve died if you left!” 
“You think we would’ve forgotten you?! We care about you as much as you do for us. How could we possibly forget you?!” Peter sobbed louder as the pain in his heart grew bigger each second. 
“Why didn’t you just come with us?” his voice was small and faint, the crying was making him lose his voice. 
Tinkerbell was caught off guard by that question. 
“What?” she didn’t need to ask him that. She understood the question very well-
“...you could’ve left with us…”
Tink didn’t think of that. Not at all. You mean to tell her she didn’t have to kill three innocent children? No, that’s not possible. 
No, all of it was for a reason. That’s final.
“You killed them” Peter repeated as his mind and heart continued to shatter into pieces. 
“well…I didn’t bring them here. The only person to blame here is you” more words she regretted as soon as they slipped out of her mouth. Did she really just say that?! Take it back, take it back!
“No wait I’m-”
“My fault...MY FAULT?!” Rage settled over Peter again as tears flowed. 
“No, Peter please”
“I just wanted to give them a better life YOU KILLED THEM YOU MURDERER!”
The argument went on back and forth until Peter refused to listen to anything she had to say. All words that came out of her mouth fell on deaf ears as he had one thing set on his mind. 
He wasn’t even looking her in the eye. Just at the floor as tears dropped onto it. He spoke his final words “....count your days Tinkerbell”
Tinkerbell stopped trying to get through to him. That was a threat. Not an empty one either. Tink decided it was best to leave Peter alone to cool off because right now he wasn’t in the right space to talk to. And she was a little bit scared of his presence. 
She flew out of the window and sat on top of a tree branch. 
“He’ll come around Tink, everything will be fine and go back to how things used to be” she told herself with a smile. She actually believed that. 
For the following days, weeks, and months, Peter wouldn't talk to any of the Faes. Hell, he wouldn't even speak. Not even to the lost boys.
He did a couple times, but to only tell them the fairies were lying to them. After that, Vidia banned the boys from ever going into Peter's room.
They were only allowed to visit him when it was feeding time. Peter wouldn't take food from the fairy girls, so the boys were the best way to ensure his health.
At these times one of the boys would be accompanied by a fairy to make sure Peter wouldn't tell any lies. Or put down any belief in them if he did manage to say something.
Tink was the only fairy who refused to see him. She couldn't bare seeing him in that condition. That pure hatred and intent to kill in his eyes.
It hurt all of the fairies honestly, to the very core of their being. It hurt to lie. It hurt to see the boys being unsure and skeptical around them. They never wanted none of this to happen. But it did...and they were paying for it internally everyday.
They didn't want to treat Peter as if he was some prisoner who did a heinous crime but if they let him go their lives would be at stake.
And Peter didn't know is that...he would remain in that room..,for a very long time.
To pixie hollow/Tinker bell fans I'm letting you know now that I only watched Pirate Fairy and Secret of the wings in the entire franchise. So, I don't know that much about the characters. I'm basing half of my knowledge off of the Peter Pan movie in 1953.
If you want to drop some info in my inbox, go ahead and if you have any questions drop them there too.
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated!
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jealous? (smut) part 1
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Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 (part 2 and 3 are on my wattpad @willpoulterswife)
word count: 1.2k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fluff, eventual smut
*beep beep beep* your alarm went off at 8:30 am. needing time to get ready, you sighed as you got up to start the morning. it would be your first day working as an intern for a game-developing company named Tuckersoft. being pretty new to this area as you had just moved, your place was in good condition. wanting to make a good first impression, you took a shower, did your hair and changed into a nice outfit, and applied light makeup. feeling good, you walk out of your apartment, turning up the music in your earbuds, only to see a blonde man, no older than 25, fidgeting with the door handle that presumably led to his apartment. thinking nothing of it, you head into the lift and out of the building. the crisp and semi-cold air hit you as you stepped outside, being glad it wasn't hot otherwise you might've melted. conveniently, the office you would be working at was only a few blocks down, so you could walk to it. "This it it." you whisper to yourself. taking out your earbuds and slightly fixing up your hair.
when you walk in you are greeted by Mr.Thakur, your boss. you two had spoken before when he was doing your interview to see if you were fit for the position. (good thing you were) "Hello y/n, it's a pleasure to see you again! Please, come into my office." together you discussed the workload for today which, to your disappointment, was only sorting through papers. while in your head you thought it was a little dumb, you didn't show it on your face and agreed. "Now follow me," Thakur said, "There are a few people I would like you to meet." he introduced you to almost everyone on the floor since you would be working with some of them often. taking a stop at the last cubicle, he said "And finally we have Colin."
you recognized the man's face from your apartment building, but didn't mention it. you were hesitant to greet him as he looked far in the zone, but Thakur tapped his shoulder and he pulled of his headphones. "Hello, I'm y/n." you said, giving a warm and gentle smile. you see it in his face that the man seemed to have remember you as well, saying "I'm Colin, yeah?" shaking your handing and then pushing his glasses up. "Ah no need to be cold Colin. Come on, show her what you've been working on!" Thakur said cheerfully. he's told you about the boy before, saying how he was his star employee. you took his word for it, but were still interested in him. the blonde started up the game and said "This is my latest, it's called Nohzdyve." playing a little through the game, there seemed to have been a glitch. "Buffer error." you quietly blurted out, but just enough for them to hear and they both look at you. awkwardly, you try to revive yourself in the situation "The sprites have overrun the video game memory..." your cheeks turning to light pink. "How did you know that?" Colin asks. Then, Thakur turns to Colin giving him a hearty pat on the back "Looks like you've got some company" he states, chuckling afterwards. "Anyways, you two will be working together. For now, y/n will be helping sort your papers and may be able to help you out if you get stuck on something, have fun." he places some of Colin's papers onto your desk and grins, walking away. you turn to look at Colin and after a few seconds he looks back at you saying, "Well, let's start."
as you were working together, you and Colin seemed to get along naturally, without having to force anything. (almost as if you two had met before...) being Colin's temporary assistant is not what you had in mind, but you didn't mind it at all. the conversations between you two were effortless and it seemed like you were both interested in the other. the two of you enjoyed each other's presence. actually, you found him quite handsome and the way he focused while coding games made you focus on him and not the papers. "Y/N," Colin said, snapping you out of your bubble. "It's lunch break, wanna grab a drink?" you nod your head and stand up, flustered that he caught you staring. honestly, you didn't even have an appetite, you just wanted to be around him. he felt the same way.
walking through the small city, talking about anything and everything. you were glad you had him as a colleague. both of you find a coffee shop not far away from the office building. Colin greets the barista, "I'll have a (idfk any drinks be fr). What do you want love?" he says, turning to you. "I," you take a second to think "I'll get the (insert ur drink here) please." grabbing your card out of the wallet, you tap him on the shoulder and attempt to give it to him. he pushes the card away with his finger, "It's alright, pretty girls don't pay." Colin says while taking his card out. you thank him for being so polite and a rose color appears on your face again. he smirks and takes the two coffees, handing one to you. a bench outside attracts your attention and you sit down and pat the spot beside you. Colin starts the conversation,
"So what made you choose here? We live in the same apartment and I've never seen you before, meaning you're new." this definitely meant he saw you walk out. you respond with, "We'll I've heard of Tuckersoft and happened to like video games, and coding." he quips back, "You like coding? I could've sworn you like sorting papers." you found it really funny and started to laughed. being a more serious type of guy, Colin rarely laughs, but your laugh made him laugh, and he found that cute. "No, you're right, I really like being your personal assistant." coming out more flirtatious than you intended it to be, he returned the gesture "Oh yeah? Prove it to me darling."
more weeks go by since that interaction and your "friendship" grew. Thakur had gotten rid of the "papers" job and had put you and Colin to work on games together. being put next to him almost all day, staying up late with him, making flirty remarks towards one another, you would be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on him. Colin gestures for you to come over to him. "What's up Col?"
"Can't seem to find the mistake here, could you help?" you reply with a small mhm. wanting there to be more between you, and feeling bold today, you sit right on his lap. Colin's eyebrows raise but he would be lying if he said he hated it, because he loved it. unconsciously, you move a little bit and it makes Colin's breath hitch slightly, biting his lip a bit. he takes both hands and places them on your hips, making sure you're stable. you fix his error within a couple of minutes, "All done." you say innocently, getting up, making sure to move a little more, and returning to your side of the desk.
this full story is on my wattpad!!! <3 (link on blog)
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heartbreakprincewille · 6 months
Okay, first of all I'M BACK :D
Second of all, I have SO many thoughts but I am going to voice them one by one.
Like, we all wondered why everyone just straight-up refused to acknowledge Wilhelm and Simon's relationship, especially in S2. And....it kind of makes sense now. Kind of.
Like, we all know about what August revealed to Wilhelm about Erik. And the fact that August, Vincent and Nils's batch stopped doing that to first years when they became third years. But, it makes sense that they avoid talking about it at all. This ominous, almost shameful air around being queer in Hillerska does stem from homophobia, but the people we see in the story do not hold that homophobia. Their seniors did. And they are still traumatised by the actions of Erik and everyone who participated in that fucked up thing.
Yes, their privilege also plays a role in this because they see Simon basically beneath them in terms of class, but when Wilhelm and Simon were not together I kind of get it that they chose to ignore their history at all because giving any eye to any rumours, especially around the Crown Prince would mean some discussion and possible revelation of all these fucked up things that were under covers. I don't think Vincent, Nils or August actively kept this truth in mind when they perceived Wilhelm and Simon's relationship, but it still cropped up subconsciously in their minds. Especially Nils and August, because they actually seem to be affected the most.
They understand the irony of Erik quietly doing all these things, and then his own brother loudly declaring himself being in love with a boy. It reminds me of Simon talking to Wille about how people can have the same upbringing but can still turn out entirely different.
I'm glad that August and others put a stop to this, but this makes August leaking the video so much more sinister. Yes, his regret and shame afterwards is understandable but he went through all these things and still destroyed Wilhelm's privacy. August is a by-product of Hillerska and its gross traditions and although I am glad that he spent so much of his time contemplating it, but he's still a terrible person.
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f1orza · 3 months
Austrian GP thoughts, sorry if I'm not very articulate 🤓 just rambled really not proofread cause I'm busy
Do I think the collison was Max's fault? Yes. Do I think that the contact was inevitable and BOTH of their faults? Also yes.
Max shouldn't have moved during the breaking but they were both driving aggressive. They both wanted to be first, they both know what's it's like to be first and they won't settle for second now. I think in Lando's case he seen that if he wants to be first he has to try harder? Or that you actually have to be "agressive" to get onto that top step.
Do I think Lando was being childish? Yes. And I'm saying this as a McLaren fan.
Though I also think that any sport where you're fighting for first is inherently a bit childish. Might just be because I have siblings and we always used to fight over first place as kids 🤷🏽‍♀️idk
That doesn't justify Lando's response. Even when you're upset and running on adrenaline, you should be able to be handle your emotions I think. (I know as humans it can be hard) but if you're on live tv being broadcasted to millions of people...you should have a better handle on you're emotions; even if you feel you've been wronged, because no one will listen to you if you are acting like that. If you're levelheaded about it people are more likely to listen,(woman experience this all the time.) He needs to work on that and on taking responsibility as well, because the blame isn't 100% on Max.
That's one thing I can say about Max, I wasn't here for the "Mad Max" era but from videos and word of mouth, I can tell he's matured a lot and you can definitely see it. Max had every reason to be upset after this race (but not really), he had a good lead against Lando until RB's slow pit stop and then he went from first to fifth and some might say that's not bad, he still got points, and etc. That's not the point - his race was still affected but he did not go on live tv and speak badly on his friend.
They need to - like Max said - cool down and speak about it afterwards. I personally don't think it is worth ending a friendship with someone I considered a good friend but maybe they see it differently idk. It's something they need to talk about before the next race. And if they believe that it was worth losing a friend over, especially when they know this is situations that happen in racing then....
And I've seen a lot of people mentioning Lando still wouldn't have been first, even with the 5 sec penalty, he would'v been second with George being over 10 secs behind, I can understand why he believed Max ruined his race.
Some of y'all have a very bad habit of taking things fans do out on the drivers. If the FANS keep voting him DOTD that has nothing to do with him, if you want others to win then yall might need to vote more ig 🤷🏽‍♀️ and the chanting on the podium is again rude and nasty behavior but that again has nothing to do with Lando, I can promise you even if he would speak out it will not change anything, people will do what they want and what they feel they are entitled to do. I've seen it happen in so many fandom spaces, some people just don't care. Lewis has told people not to hate George after last race and I can guarantee that there is still people that do.
Now I've also seen people talking about Lando's attitude, I agree on some things and disagree on others. And this isn't me being a "Lando crazy fangirl" trying to justify his actions but I'm just telling it how I see it. So if you disagree okay, but do not start shit with me okay? 🙃 cause I know y'all like to fight around here 🤥
I think Lando feels stuck in that wasted potential. Where people having saying for years you have the potential to be a champion and even with all the hardwork you do, it doesn't feel like it's being shown. And especially as someone who went so long without a first win. Everyone's saying McLaren made a mistake by re-signing you or that your teammate is more deserving of the first seat. You feel like you're letting people down: you're team, family, fans and yourself. Not to mention all the hate you've been getting for NOT winning, then you'll definitely be in a bad headspace. And now that's he's won and KNOWS he can win, he'll want it all the more. He has the fastest car on the grid right now, he IS a good driver (contrary to what some of you believe), and he is a bit more optimistic than last year. Now that first is within his grasp, he's been hungry to get a second one. And I think he's been a bit overconfident about it, but that's honestly all drivers, I think if you are upset about Lando's ego but not other like Ocon than you dislike Lando for other reasons and are just finding excuses now. Even more so knowing he is second in the championship standings. Now that you know you're capable of being first you wouldn't want to settle for second, just like Max. Max constantly talks about not being there for second place but many of the other drivers feel that way, Lando is clearly one of them.
Do I think Max should have just let him go by? no. Because this IS racing and if you want to be first and become a champion you have to work for it. Max has never been the kind of guy to just let you pass him, not even for a friend. So Lando needs to understand that if he wants to keep fighting Max in the future. If you want to prove everyone right or wrong, only YOU can do that and by being overly eager and dangerous, well it clearly doesn't work in your favor 😭 (sorry lando 🤧). Only thing is you do is improve yourself and I'm not surprised that Max is a champion when he is always driving be it racing or sim. If your competitor's are doing a 100% you need to be doing 200%, that's the only way to get to the top.
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