kpopwithv · 2 years
2023 K- Muisc ( Kpop, Krnb & Khh)
US 🇺🇸 Concert, Festival & Tour
[as of December 13th 2022]
#nct127 #YoungTak #ONEUS #NFlying #P1Harmony #Forestella #pH1 #EPEX #TAN #kangdaniel #EpikHigh #sikk #CIX #StrayKids    #OnlyOneOf #kpopwithv
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aakariii · 8 months
is there B/G conntent onOF ? or only as PPV ?
Right now neither / it’s only PPV normally. My partners haven’t filled out their release forms so no b/g right now !
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feeriadimension · 2 years
Welcome to Feéria...
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A magical dimension at the center of the universe, where mythical creatures live in harmony.
The kingdom of Feéria is divided into its capital and its subkingdoms:
*Aquarium: the undersea kingdom inhabited by mermaids.
*Cumulus: the kingdom between the clouds ruled by giants.
*Oniros: home of the Banshees.
*Golden Forest: where fairies and gnomes hide.
*The Plains of Dreams: inhabited by the old and charitable Wizard, Magnus with his longtime friend, Onof, his talking black cat.
everything is beautiful and full of life!
until he arrive...
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petrany · 2 years
Érdekes film a Larry, mert az érzékenyebbek simán elsírják magukat rajta, és filmként önmagában is megáll, még ha nem is kiemelkedő, csak simán jó. Viszont ha Borsodban nőttél fel, akkor tudod, hogy a szóhasználat, illetve néhány szituáció pontatlan. Ettől egy kicsit pesti a forgatókönyv, nem elég valós, holott amúgy nincs benne nagy tévedés.
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f0xd13-blog · 4 months
they be like silence is the best yah but u still show hints of ur mr capone e delusionalness onof purpose u still be placing ur shit on mymy algorithm like the hell , like im just writting what u deserve to head after the algorithm is being messes up and peoppe know it hell u are even recording us at shoot houses
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fuzzypersoncycle · 5 months
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in the morning
Steph Mana, as usual, got dressed and did her routine
She prepared breakfast for Lakia to go to school.
After doing all the work, the hour came and evening came
They asked to prepare for the interview with the man called Al-Baluf who had risen
He offers her a job
When she arrived at the café, she saw that Adlov was sitting and waiting for her
Apparently he arrived before her
There was a feeling in Sana's mind telling her to stay away from this
The place and go as much of this as possible or it prevents her and makes it
She wants to return home.
She even felt that her limbs had frozen and she could no longer
the movement.
And between them, what is not fighting inside her, oppressed by that familiar voice.
It was impossible for Sana to forget what a memory she had
Rather good
He spoke, saying the Woodlove
The Sunnah and the Prophet are gone, so please sit down when Al-Badin
To Sana's silence, he told him that the goods were fake and she sat in the place
Which was presented to him
As she sat, the silence lasted a full minute until Bana interrupted
By saying it.
Ask: I agree. I want to see the conditions first and compare them before signing
On that paper
Al-Loof smiled a smile that looked like a Western tongue, and it was difficult
He interpreted it to add:
Oh Plov Oh good thank you for accepting the offer and of course I will
By giving you the paper while we drink juice and eat something
the solution
The appraiser applauds to show the meditation as the speaker bows broadly.
Saying, “Sid or Daluf, do you want to ask for something?” 22
Onof, if you miss me, what is it that Irbidin is asking for?
Sana Thank God I traded my food at home for this ur request
A cup of coffee, please
O Delov: As I heard, bring Miss Waltabi’s request and come
A piece of cake with you for me
The waiter acted in one second and apparently he was Kadan
He says in his pants to Sana who was noticing his movements
And under it.
O Dlov is an important person and owns this club.
After that, a few seconds passed until the request was ignorant
Odlov was happy and had an Arabic smile while talking
About the contract
While Sana's doubts about him increased even more, he prepared the order quickly
Unlike the times when what do you ask for it takes
Waiting 10 minutes or more.
This may seem like a normal thing, but for Sana it was more
Her doubts
More and more, imagine some strange scenarios in...
her job.
Why would Toy Bunny come to a place like this and ask her in particular?
Join his work?
Until O'Blouf interrupted her while saying the Sunnah and the second according to the one
You understand 22
Ask you what, yes, of course
O Delov looked at her with looks that told her that he did not meet her, but that he was perfect
Unlove: As you know, you can read the contract carefully before you sign
If there is a question, tell me now because I am busy
Sana pushes that paper from the table and as soon as she reads it, he shuts up
O Munouf was holding her expression while he was tense.
Sana began reading the contract and analyzing it well, and its terms
1- Provide her personal information with them
I cannot do household tasks such as cleaning and work.
3- She is older than 15 years
Not to infringe on the privacy of its masters
5 We are good at reading (When Sana saw this sentence, she almost laughed
for several)
Non-destructive when commanded
7- She shall not return to the house beyond the expiration of nine months, or if she has
Very funny situation!! And send a message to her family or someone else
Unless you have written permission from the head maid.
Then Sala stopped reading and looked at this sentence
Her expression looked annoyed.
It was then that O Toph, who was contemplating her, had a feeling
With her facial expressions that were so intense, this made him startled
Speaking as he says
Onuf: Sunnis and Nabi, is there a problem 115
Sana's expression turned annoyed and she began to remember
#Flach backs
Kalay, I will not be able to return until after the end of nine months
‎‫گانای: Sorry, the butler was sick, so I couldn't‬‎
He asked her to send a message
The salary is high
#And Flach backa
Ask: Can you inquire about this sentence??
We twisted the knot in front of Orov's face, her expression full.
Very disturbed.
Fields in a slightly low voice
Malik: This sentence
Steer to the sentence as she speaks and gives sharp looks
Erdlov Ur regarding this God intends to you throughout the decade that
Retro home, but there will be custom in the place where
We will go there, do not worry, God is safe, but it is far away and it will take time
About an hour to reach the desired location.
San I can't
He was surprised by what she said and continued
He is the delof 112
The complement is saying
Sana: I have a certain person I have to take care of
I would like to love: Sorry for this condition, but it must be implemented, so you are
I am no exception 13
No, you also had conditions, so you must accept
My conditions too
It is not fair that I apply your conditions while you do not apply mine
Unlove Alba and Tabbi, give me a little, we can solve this
The problem (he added tense)
I don't want Maha to blame you, sir
O Dalof: Well, what do you think about bringing God the Arabic meaning?
The person who responded remains contagious
Also, tell me who this person is so that I can choose the best Arab
Teacher, you know 22
Sana: No, thank you. I don’t want anything from you. Now excuse me, I have to
Going as it seems to me that these insurance terms.
Or you yearn for the Sunnah and the theoretical prophet
Sala grabbed her small pink bag to go, but she stopped
He looked at her by her wrist and gave him a red glare
On him and say
Mana sir or dlov please take your hand away because I am letting him go
Scream and tell me magic is upon you and then you know the rest
He quickly took his hand off her after noticing all the eyes.
Heading towards them, especially him
Orlov, wait, let's talk. We can solve everything
Himself, I can't let her go. Many before her have rejected her
My only hope of escaping Mr. Kurokari's wrath
Sana: Well what now?
He bluff al-Jalsi
Sana obediently sits while looking at him and does not tell you about
The amount of tension between them
Silence reigned supreme
Oblov says everything I asked you about is from the person who...
Why do you want to stay away from all this anger among the Sunnis? There are many
Of solutions
I can't say enough about my sister.
Because I don't like to tell anyone about my personal information, this is the first thing
Secondly, why did you stop? There were so many people
Ludlove, I'm sorry for what you did a moment ago, second son, ironing the girl
appropriate for this task
Good money, but what is the salary?
Orlov's hips, saying
Sorry, this doesn't help me
Ludlove Sana 11
Sana: I want more, give me what you have
After much negotiation, they finally found a suitable passenger for both
Both parties
O Dlov: Thank you for dealing with us
He said with obvious annoyance
They asked for forgiveness. As for the issue of Arabic, there is no need for anything wrong
One time I'll handle it myself
Or get ready in the evening and bring your bag as well as your high
To a station.
Asking good deeds for education
It was a good conversation for them.
Gold for everyone.
at home
When Sala arrived home, Akina threw her younger sister into her arms
She says in a tone of voice on the verge of tears
Akita in pomegranate, where are you??
Sala, I was interested in some topics. Come on, I want you on a topic
Akinat Well I'm Mahir
She said while sitting on the sofa.
Satak I decided to work
This is really true, I swear
Sala, but there is a problem
Aki (worriedly, what is my sister?)
Sala (I told her the terms of the contract) I'm sorry I'm leaving you
Let us help you, my sister, to understand your neck with the help of our older sister
I cannot leave you to set my path with me and guide me.
By God, I cannot even take care of myself or tie the knot of Haqqani
So how can I take care of myself every day and you are the one who cries for me?
In my family there is sometimes a hair that everyone wants to turn away from
Mala, this is what I felt in the same breath, “My little girl is not pious
I will take care of my stomach. Grandma Yura will take care of the country as well
Olayanya, don't worry, I will visit you every nine months. Okay, bear with it
This torment will end soon
Akinar, well, keep your promise
The sharpie, while she is holding it together, uses her little finger to straighten out what cannot be tied
Her other finger was with him and she was nervous
Sana, promise my little girl, study well
Kina ok sister
After that, Akina went to her room, Madam, and Sata was sitting in it
Waiting for Grandma Yura for the second
Al-Hada Bora, despite her poverty, was helping the technicians
In times of need, she was their neighbor before their parents escaped
And disappearing from their children and she was the only person who was
He gives them money and teaches them how to cook....
She made them live with her for a period of time.
But they moved to God and felt distressed.
Upon Bora's arrival, Sana greeted her and they exchanged greetings
The conversation and then I told her about the topic of work and told her about
How to take care of the little one and so on
After that, Mana left after preparing everything and went to the station.
The time at that time was 8:30 pm
When he arrived, the mood was all over the place and she was waiting
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butchlifeguard · 8 months
been thinking about what my other top 3 videos are and the thing im about to rb is also onof them
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
Hi! I just started Ghost of You so i dont know if it's mentioned later on but how old is reader supposed to be?
Hey! Thank you so much for being here, Ghost of You is onof my favourite series I’ve ever created! So, I think it’s in chapter 2, reader and Joel are talking and she mentions going to college before the outbreak hit - I can’t remember if I give her exact age (it’s been a while since I wrote it!) but I always imagined her being in her late 30s/early 40s during the time of the story!
I hope this helps you out and thank you again for reading! ☺️
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cloth--mother · 1 year
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theme answers are all opposites smooshed together with -ing at the end!! the clues for them were pretty clever. v nice v nice.
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babyawacs · 2 years
@new_narrative isit government interests only and only govtinterests and ar ethey intended to terror act or to security arm govts use terror groups for terror not security forces  iwouldnt gothat far they will cut russia in anyway they can they will but iwouldnt do it itisnot a clean distinguishing states use terror grou ps for terror but not their known security force  it doesnot add up to definiti onof terror I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINK TANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHO NE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@new_narrative isit government interests only and only govtinterests and ar ethey intended to terror act or to security arm govts use terror groups for terror not security forces  iwouldnt gothat far they will cut russia in anyway they can they will but iwouldnt do it itisnot a clean distinguishing states use terror grou ps for terror but not their known security force  it doesnot add up to definiti onof terror I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINK TANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHO NE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@new_narrative isit government interests only and only govtinterests and arethey intended to terror act or to security arm govts use terror groups for terror not security forces iwouldnt gothat far they will cut russia in anyway they can they will but iwouldnt do it itisnot a clean distinguishing states use terror groups for terror but not their known security force it doesnot add up to…
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indiandefencenewz99 · 2 years
PM to Launch Urea Bags Under 'Bharat' Brand, Release 12th Tranche of PM-KISAN Funds on Monday
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch subsidised urea bags under a single brand ‘Bharat’ as part of the ‘One Nation, One Fertiliser’ scheme and inaugurate 600 PM Kisan Samruddhi Kendras at a two-day event starting October 17 in the national capital. At the event to be held at Mela ground in Pusa complex, Modi will also electronically transfer Rs 16,000 crores to the bank accounts of over 8.5 crore farmers as part of the PM-KISAN scheme, aimed at providing direct support of Rs 6,000 annually to them. The PM will also unveil an international weekly fertiliser e-magazine called ‘Indian Edge’ and inaugurate an agri-startup conclave and exhibition at the event ‘PM Kisan Samman Sammelan 2022’ organised jointly by Agriculture and Fertilser Ministries. Briefing reporters, Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said in a biggest move in fertiliser sector, all subsidised soil nutrients — urea, Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP), Muriate of Potash (MoP) and NPK — will be marketed under a single brand ‘Bharat’ across the nation. Our government is committed to make the life of the food donors easier. In this episode, along with inaugurating the Kisan Samman Sammelan in Delhi tomorrow at 11:30 am, I will also release the 12th installment of PM-Kisan. On this occasion many more schemes will also be launched.https://t.co/qrkME13nSa — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) October 16, 2022 The PM will be launching ‘Bharat urea bags’ during the event, he said and added the government is making it mandatory for companies to market subsidised fertilisers under ‘Bharat’ brand. This is being done as part of the ‘One Nation, One Fertiliser’ (ONOF) scheme of the Fertiliser and Chemicals Ministry with an aim to prevent criss-cross movement of fertilisers and reduce high frieght subsidy, he added. During the event, the PM will also inaugurate 600 PM Kisan Samruddhi Kendras (PM-KSK) that will act as a one-stop-shop providing multiple services to the farmers. At present, fertiliser retail shops in the country are company managed, cooperative shops or retailed to private dealers. These retail shops will now be converted into PM-KSK. Tomar said the government plans to convert at least one retail shop at each district level to a model shop. The plan to is covert 3,30,449 retail fertiliser shops into PM-KSK. PM-KSK will not only supply agri-inputs like seeds, fertilisers and farm implements, but also provide testing facilities for soil, seeds and fertilisers, besides information about government schemes, he said. On the occasion, Tomar said, the PM will also release 12th installment amount of Rs 16,000 crore to over 8.5 crore farmers under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme of the agriculture ministry. With this, the total amount transferred to the beneficiaries is expected to cross well over Rs 2.16 crore, he said. Under the PM-KISAN, launched in February 2019, eligible farmers are provided a benefit of Rs 6,000 per year in three equal instalments of Rs 2,000 each, every four months. Further, the PM will also inaugurate the ‘Agri Startup Conclave and Exhibition’ during the event, in which 1,500 agri-startups are expected to participate and hold technical sessions. About 300 startups will showcase their innovation related to precision farming, post-harvest and value addition solutions, mechanisation for small farmers, agri-logistics on the first day. The platform would facilitate startups to interact with farmers, farmer producer organisations, agri experts and corporates. The agriculture ministry is promoting startups providing seed funds under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana-Renumeration Approaches for Agricutlure and Allied Sector Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR). Over 2,500 startups have been trained under this so far. More than one crore farmers are expected to join the event virtually from across the country. Besides Tomar, Union Fertiliser and Chemicals Minister Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Minister of State for Fertilisers and Chemicals Bhagwanth Khuba, and Union Ministers of State for Agriculture Kailash Choudhary and Shobha Karandhlaje and other senior officials will participate in the event. Read all the Latest News India and Breaking News here Source link Read the full article
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bhanudas · 2 years
आदरणीय मॅडम/सर आणि प्रिय सहकारी,
आम्हाला कळवताना अत्यंत आनंद होत आहे की, भारत सरकारच्या कृषी आणि शेतकरी कल्याण मंत्रालयाने 17 आणि 18 ऑक्टोबर 2022 रोजी मेळा ग्राउंड, IARI, पुसा, नवी दिल्ली येथे पंतप्रधान किसान सन्मान संमेलन आयोजित करण्याची योजना आखली आहे.
2. माननीय पंतप्रधानांनी 17 ऑक्टोबर 2022 रोजी सकाळी 11 वाजता पीएम किसान सन्मान संमेलनाच्या उद्घाटन कार्यक्रमासाठी कृपापूर्वक संमती दिली आहे.
2. उद्घाटन कार्यक्रमाचा तपशील खालीलप्रमाणे आहे.
1. PM KISAN अंतर्गत 12 व्या हप्त्याचे प्रकाशन
2. दोन दिवसीय ऍग्री स्टार्ट अप कॉन्क्लेव्हचे उद्घाटन.
3600 जिल्हा PMKSK (प्रधानमंत्री किसान समृद्धी केंद्र) आउटलेटचे उद्घाटन
4. भारत युरिया पिशव्यांचा शुभारंभ - ONOF (वन नेशन वन फर्टिलायझर)
5. आंतरराष्ट्रीय खत ई-मासिक “इंडियन एज” लाँच - डिजिटल लाँच
3. श्री नरेंद्र सिंह तोमर, माननीय केंद्रीय कृषी आणि शेतकरी कल्याण मंत्री; आणि डॉ मनसुख मांडविया, माननीय केंद्रीय रसायने आणि खते आणि आरोग्य आणि कुटुंब कल्याण मंत्री, इतर मान्यवर या कार्यक्रमाला उपस्थित राहतील.
4. 17 ऑक्टोबर 2022 रोजी सकाळी 11 वाजता पंतप्रधान किसान सन्मान संमेलनाच्या उद्घाटन कार्यक्रमात खालील प्रमाणे शेतकरी व संस्था सहभागी होतील
2,00,000 कॉमन सर्व्हिस सेंटर्सवर थेट वन वे वेबकास्टद्वारे एक कोटीहून अधिक शेतकरी सामील होतील; 50,000 प्राथमिक कृषी सेवा सोसायटी; 700 KVK; 75 ICAR संस्था; 75 राज्य कृषी विद्यापीठे आणि 600 पीएमकेएसके. त्यासाठी वेबकास्ट लिंक आहे
वर नमूद संस्थांमध्ये किंवा कृषी विभागाच्या कार्यालयात व अधिकारी कर्मचारी यांच्या मदतीने किंवा स्वतःच्या मोबाईल वरून सदरील कार्यक्रमात जास्तीत जास्त शेतकऱ्यांनी ऑनलाइन सहभागी व्हावे ही विनंती.
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देश के 600 जिलों में शुरू होंगे पीएम कृषि समृद्धि केंद्र, प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी भारत यूरिया बैग भी करेंगे लॉन्च
देश के 600 जिलों में शुरू होंगे पीएम कृषि समृद्धि केंद्र, प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी भारत यूरिया बैग भी करेंगे लॉन्च
किसान सम्मेलन के दौरान प्रधानमंत्री वन नेशन-वन फर्टिलाइजर (ONOF) की भी शुरुआत करेंगे. इस योजना के तहत भारत सरकार उर्वरक कंपनियों के लिए ब्रांड नाम “भारत” के तहत अपने सामान का विपणन करना अनिवार्य कर रही है. वन नेशन-वन फर्ट‍िलाइजर योजना के तहत अब देश में सभी उर्वरक भारत से उपलब्‍ध होंगे. Image Credit source: File Photo केंद्रीय कृषि व किसान कल्याण मंत्रालय की तरफ से 17 और 18 अक्टूबर को आयोजित…
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WIND3RFUL.ENGINEERING DISCOVERIES (at Karaikudi Kothamangalam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLft8-oNoF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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f0xd13-blog · 4 months
second of all this translate to bomb excuses but by the way my face was screenshotted and shared online idk who in the hell thinks they have any moral correcting me for what I did like this people are doxing my fucking tablet and fucking up my mental health for agss onof purpose ans now be playing a victim. Going to my bank account again
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copomipics · 3 years
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El secreto mejor guardado.
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