#ons theory
lostsoulaltair · 2 years
OnS Analysis & Theory - Shinoa’s character & the Forgotten Depth of the Root Problem (Chapter 118 & 120)
Hello everyone, after slacking for quite a time and pondering whenever to continue or not, @black-sapphire57​ (thank you for always giving me that push to continue!) Let’s talk about one thing the fandom, or rather part of the fandom that is more focused on two characters got triggered about.
P.S: Theories are held within a neutral view and ships are excluded
Shinoa as a character has been popping less in terms of how right now the screen time has been focused for quite several chapters about the past of Mika and Yuu; and of course, there are two things I’d love to discuss.
1. The oh so called love confession
Under the most popular insight, we have chapter 118 on which after a long battle between Asuramaru and Yuu; ultimately Yuu wins, of course, in the outside world, it seems more akin that he’s dying and we have that famous panel on which Shinoa cries and begs for Yuu to stop.
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Image taken from Chapter 118
One of the things many people gave insight was that ShInoa was confessing her love to him, that she was pouring her emotions to see what he’d say; but, is that really the case? Is that a fact?
In fact it’s not. Why? Is it a delusion? Is it a denial?
The answer is actually more simple that what it seems like and it retorts to something more primal and common which in fact, we tent to experience a lot as human beings in general, what could it be?
Correct, the fear of losing someone we love and care about.
This is something the manga portrays so much, everyone fights to protect what they hold dear even if they have to do wrongs or even if they have to go towards a path of self destruction but, the thing all characters fear is losing someone forever.
The connotation here or rather the scene that takes place is that Shinoa finally found a place she could call home and a group of persons she could label as family, and of course, the one who taught her that was Yuu no less. But why did she tell him to leave without her?
Shinoa knows pretty well that Yuu’s destiny right now is sealed in stone; she knows that the further he dives into the abyss, the further he’ll ever reach the light of the sun. This means, she’s aware that Yuu’s life is a stake and this is well known since chapter 72:
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Image taken from chapter 72
And that is something certain, Shinoa is aware that the constant abuse of power only fractures Yuu’s body; the issue with chapter 118 reflected the fear of seeing someone she cares about to fade forever.
But why do I refer this to something primal or normal among humans?
When the bonds forged with time shatter due to the unexpected death, the first thing that comes is denial, pain, sadness, grief and ultimately pleading for the person to not go. A wish for a miracle is the factor that people seek. In Shinoa’s case, despite her being in love with Yuu, her wish is to see him alive instead of dead.
But now, let’s talk about another interesting point that triggered the fandom.
2. Shinoa’s resort of killing Mikaela
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Image taken from Chapter 120
Something rather doubtful to some extent considering that Mika is a demon, The only way Shinoa could actually kill Mikaela would be literally taking away Yuu’s cursed gear which, considering the huge gap of power between both, it’s close to impossible that this scenario happens. 
Therefore, why did she state that? Is it as how the fandom says that she’s angry Yuu rejected her?
No, this doesn’t even involve sentimentalism or romantic feelings, 
What do I mean? 
For that, let’s make some memories, who is Shikama trying to resurrect? Who is Yuu trying to resurrect mainly?
Of course, Mikaela.
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Image taken from Chapter 113
Chronologically speaking, this takes place way before the vampires were a thing; it was a moment on which it was only Yuu, Shikama and the corpse. How can I say that? Do I have proof? I do.
One of the small details that the chapter gave insight of, is that the time the conversation took place was back when vampires weren’t even a thing; it was a time on which the journey was only about Shikama and Yuu trying to resurrect the corpse of Mikaela. It is the first path on which Shikama finds out he needs “SACRIFICES”.
Eventually population would rise and he’d have his apostles who would later see Yuu as the “sacrifice” to bring back Mikaela back to life:
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Image taken from Chapter 106
Indeed, in order to bring Mikaela back to life, Yuu must be the sacrifice. 
Though, there’s one big issue and detail that many might have forgotten, what could it be?
Correct. Shikama’s plans have changed ever since chapter 103:
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Image taken from chapter 103
Therefore, what’s Shinoa actually trying to say with “even if I have to kill Mikaela”?
If Mikaela’s resurrection were bound to happen; first of all:
-Humanity would be further punished, which is something confirmed by the Progenitors for sure
-Second, all this “planning out something from Yuu for the greater end or killing and we’ll revive them later sounds quite interesting that he is so confident that his idea will happen” but, there’s just a tiny huge detail that seems to elude everything and that is him of course:
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Image taken from chapter 117
Despite Yuu being free of the supposed shackles from the First Progenitor and to some extent having his own authonomy, Shikama found it ironic and funny:
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Image taken from chapter 117
In the ultimate case Yuu manages to resurrect Mikaela, there are two questions that linger in the air since there’s nothing certain towards Yuu’s fate.
1. Once Mikaela is brought back, who’ll be the one waking up?
2. Will you die or will he become a source of power? After all Shikama’s plan does involve keeping them together for such goal.
In the ultimate case Yuu’s life would be endangered to be used and Mikaela Hyakuya would disappear and the one being brought back was the Son of Shikama, then it would be logic for her to say that saving Yuu is a priority even if it means killing Mikaela.
Another theory awaits, hope you enjoyed this analysis and theory dear readers, feel free to share your thoughts, after all, there are topics to discuss.
The lostsoul is back.
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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Charlie: “I’m so glad my most villain-coded friend is at full power again! 🥰💕”
*throws this to you angst goblins like raw steak* ❤️
(No I will not do a part 2!❤️)
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wyxxiee · 4 months
can i say something reaaaal crazy rn?
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let me tell you something… LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!
edit: It could be either Eve or Roo, I’m betting my sanity on this one 🤣
read my other theory: here !!
EDIT : okayyy, i know i haven’t been answering my inbox (my apologies, i’m really busy rn🥲) but might i just add about the concern about the eyes! PLS READ:)!!
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philzasjuicyass · 4 months
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Jeremiah and Mike’s first conversation in FNAF 2
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state-of-franklin · 4 months
Hey hello everybody we missed something from Dad beat Dad
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After he says “wretch” his ears and hair get fluffier/more frazzled
His coat becomes longer and more cut up
Dude his body behavior got me fucked UPPPP this man is RUINED by his deal and cannot cope
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orpiknight · 6 months
2023 is the year for asking the burning questions like "What if David Tennant came back to play a queer, nonbinary, nearly-immortal, otherworldly being that loves Earth and whose greatest adversary list somehow includes a cup of coffee?"
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hajimedics · 3 months
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0rb1s · 4 months
One thing i find really interesting is that at one point it was said that Zoan type divil fruits influence their users, wich would put more reason behind why luffy seems to liberate entire countrys for something as simple as a single bowl of rice. His devil fruit literally makes him a god, and a common offering for gods is food, so when people give him food and tell him about their problems he automatically wants to help them since they technically made an offering
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the-briny-bulletin · 1 year
Cryptid fish that has only been seen once and never again that may or may not exist but well never know my beloved
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creature-wizard · 10 months
Check your conspiracy theory. Does it sound anything like this?
There is an ancient global conspiracy plotting to create a one world government.
The one world government will be headed by a single leader.
The conspiracy intends to make everyone follow a religion it created.
The conspiracy is trying to destroy all true religion/spirituality.
The conspiracy deliberately stirs up conflict and starts wars.
The conspiracy deliberately does whatever it can to confuse, exhaust, and demoralize the people.
The conspiracy creates and/or manipulates art and entertainment to control and brainwash the masses.
The conspiracy uses mind-altering substances to manipulate and control people.
Liberal politics (EG, religious tolerance, equality) are part of the conspiracy.
Communism and collectivism are part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates the economy to our detriment.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the gold standard.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the free market.
The conspiracy intends to tax the rich, which is bad because taxes are just legal theft.
Teaching people about the mistakes and atrocities committed by governments is part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy creates new religions and spiritual movements to further their agendas.
All secret societies (EG, Freemasonry) are part of the conspiracy.
Presidents are manipulated puppets of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates anyone with a high political position.
The conspiracy grooms world leaders.
Agents of the conspiracy are planted everywhere, in all levels of society.
The conspiracy kills anyone who might expose their plans in ways that no one would suspect are actually murder.
The conspiracy follows/uses the Kabbalah.
Literally all of these were claimed in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an antisemitic hoax used by the Okhrana to justify violence against Russian Jews. It was used by Nazi Germany to justify the Holocaust, and today it still serves as the blueprint for most conspiracy theories - even if modern conspiracy theorists try to hide it, downplay it, or rationalize it with another, equally absurd conspiracy theory.
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bioethicists · 10 months
i genuinely have no animosity towards ppl who get upset abt not being able to read academic texts + i do think we need to expand the pathways/methods of being exposed to critical concepts so that "sit + read for 2 hours" is not the only option.
however, as someone dx with adhd + incapable of sitting still for even a minute (actually right at this moment i am writing this instead of reading the book sitting open in front of me), i do feel like a lot of ppl do not realize that not all readings are designed to be read like a novel.
as in, it's ok + normal + good to need to reread a paragraph several times, to only read part of a book, to have to research or reference words or concepts in order to grasp the reading, to skip over large chunks of text which are not relevant to your expertise, to continue reading despite not understanding a concept. this is something 'neurotypical' academics do frequently + many of these texts, especially contemporary ones, were designed with this in mind.
there are many ppl with accessibility needs that are not being met by academic texts at this time! many texts (in my humble opinion) are unnecessarily complex in order to show off or hide the fact that they have no idea what they're talking about.
i still feel like many of the kneejerk reactions on this site are based on the assumption that their experience reading academic texts should be similar to their experiences reading a nyt bestseller, rather than a process of thinking, analyzing, researching, processing, returning. some of u are telling yourself that any challenges u face while reading are a result of some internal fault u have + not an expected + precious part of the experience.
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radiance1 · 4 months
Danny: Hey, I need you to be my boyfriend for a week.
Jason: What.
Danny: My parents are coming over and I've apparently accidentally talked about a partner more than once and only realized when they said they wanted to meet them.
Jason, currently still solidifying his power as a Crime Lord: Excuse me?
Danny: Let me get this out of the way, I do not consider you at all a person of romantical interest and a friend. But I need you to act as my partner for only a week until my parents go on their merry way over to my sister, okay?
Jason: Is there, quite literally, no one else to ask this?
Danny: You're my only friend who lives in Gotham, plus we share the same apartment.
Jason: That's almost sad.
Danny: You in?
Jason: Sure, why not.
Maddie: Danny, honey.
Danny: Yes mom?
Maddie: I don't mean to.... question, who you choose as your parent but. Well, me and your father was just wandering if he was a... [Maddie gestures with her hand] you know, one of those.
Danny, uncomprehendingly staring at his mother's hand: What.
Maddie: Oh dear, how do I bring this up. You know, one of those.
Danny: Mother I need more context.
Jack: If your boyfriend a crime lord!?
Maddie: Jack!
Jack: What? Beating around the bush wasn't helping!
Danny: Say WHAT?
Danny: Hey dude, thanks for helping with this even though you didn't need to!
Jason: No problem, I wasn't doing anything too [Crime Lord activities flash through his mind] important.
Danny: Can you believe my parents thought you were a crime lord though? Weird am I right?
Danny: Jason. You are scaring me.
Jason: Haha, yea that's weird isn't it?
Danny: Jason.
Jason: Well, I have to leave now to attend to my totally real and totally not crime related job at the ice cream shop.
Danny: [Squints eyes]
Jason: [Internally sweating bullets]
Danny: Suuuuure, bring me back some ice cream though.
Jason: [Thumbs up and leaves]
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ale-arro · 8 months
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been going a little bit insane about this sentence from Ace by Angela Chen for the past week
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spottedgardeneelstan · 9 months
i know that binghe being extremely jealous isn’t “normal” or “sane” but i’m honestly on his side here. like his concerns that sqq will be stolen from him are pretty rational. i really think that almost every scum villain character, in the event that sqq would want to papapa with them, would agree almost immediately. sqq is the xianxia equivalent of helen of troy.
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DP x DC: The Rivalry
It's a little-known fact among the Watchtower residents that there is a fierce rivalry going on amongst its members. On one side, the Flash, a core member of the Justice League. On the other, Daniel "Danny" Fenton, Head of Engineering for the Watchtower.
Nobody knows when the rivalry started. Some rumors say that it began when, after hearing the Flash rant about how stupid it is to believe in ghosts, Danny took the effort to reroute all of his outgoing calls to the advice line of the JLD. Others say that after Danny doubled the max speed of one of the jets, Flash took it upon himself to have a joyride in it and then submit a complaint about it being too slow... twelve separate times, each one no more than 24 hours after Danny had finished the last speed improvements.
Ever since, the two have been taking potshots at each other with pranks large and small. Danny arranged a standard maintenance check to change room authorizations... resulting in the Flash being unable to access the kitchens for a week. In return, the Flash spent an entire week replacing every single cup of coffee Danny had with the cheapest, most watered-down decaf he could find - and he swapped out the mugs for Flash-branded ones as well. Danny's modification of the Flash's suit to change colors to randomized sets of the most eye-searingly-bright, clashing colors possible for exactly one second after being exposed to the Speed Force were met with "Kick Me!" signs taped to Danny's back.
But... surely this has gone too far, right? Flash... really can't think of what he can do to top this.
He stares as every single Watchtower engineer zips between tasks using the Speed Force as if it's nothing. It's not a permanent change, thank god, he can see the packs on them that apparently give them the Speed Force, but it's still ridiculous.
You know what, no. He's just... not gonna engage with that. He turns around and leaves the engineering department.
It becomes a lot harder to avoid engagement when, over the course of the day, he has to witness each and every member of the Justice League speed around with a Speed Force pack of their own. Shouldn't Batman and Wonder Woman be above this sort of thing? Why does Superman need to be faster?!
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