#oof sorry for that!!! ouch yikes ouch
pondslime · 1 year
Okay, hear me out - mainly because of your fic.
Bo gets reader pregnant and is very salty about it but also very proud
the idea of bo successfully impregnating someone is SO fucking terrifying djhjdsfhjdf can u fuckin imagine having to deal w/his ass while ur pregnant and sick and moody. and he's all ooga booga that's my girl ooga booga I did that hehehehehehe u ain't goin nowhere ooga booga
absolutely HORRIFIC oh my god. he'd be so fuckin weird about it??? simultaneously annoyed that ur now a permanent thorn in his side but also absolutely SMUG SELF-SATISFIED
tangentially related, but a couple months ago me and poki transcended space n time together and fully lost our minds writing the WEIRDEST shit about this terrifying fucking concept. emphasis on the terrifying
under the cut is an UNCOMFORTABLE little snippet I wrote from that madness.
concept: you have the baby. the world doesn't end, even though it feels like it does. that baby turns twelve and stumbles upon something he shouldn't.
“I found more in Pa’s drawer.” He chokes around air, his words coming out in watery gulps. He stares at you through your eyes. You see him without seeing him. You see yourself.
“What were you doing in there?” You hear your voice behind you, curled beside your ear. It comes from the door and the window and the wallpaper—and then deeper still, in the core of the house, bleeding.
“I was lookin’ for a gun.”
The floor underneath you splinters and you bottom out. You’re in the caverns snaking under the town and the church pews. You’re not in any of those places, either. The fuzz of television static is back, crowding around you and pushing you between the jagged hopping of the lines as they jitter around your skull.
“Baby.” You gather him into your arms, pulling him into the crook of your neck. He sobs. His grip is too tight. You’ve been here before, but never like this. The static hisses into glittering points of light. The front of your dress is soaked with tears, with the blubber of drool from his mouth as he babbles that
he didn’t know why he did that, because daddy always keeps his guns in the living room, and he knows that, but he went in anyway because maybe he’d forgotten this time—
Your lightning bug boy with baby fat still in his cheeks, skimmed off the edges to make room for a face that began and ended with you. Half-man already, limbs too big for the space he occupied. The remnants of the boy on the roof, a bruise blooming on his cheek. Your heart walking around and growing teeth.
—and maybe maybe mama, I could. I could.
I know how.
“You gotta go put all that back.” Your voice is a whisper of smoke above the tree line.
“How long you been here, mama?”
You can see yourself on the set of drawers over the top of his head. She smiles at you.
“Baby. You’ve gotta go put that back. Go put it all back right now.”
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
Had a thought for streamer au based on the trope I shared lol. Eddie trying to do a live stream, playing a game that requires his full concentration but Steve is being clingy. Eventually Eddie gets a little frustrated with Steve and tells his boyfriend to stop so the younger man slinks off a little pouty, but Eddie doesn't think much of it. Until the chat starts blowing up with comments like: -Oof that was mean Eddie. -Yikes he looked like a kicked puppy. -Ouch Maybe things don't click until someone mentions that Steve usually isn't that cuddly when the cameras on him, and Eddie thinks that is a little weird. Steve's usually not big on PDA, usually preferring to show affection in private. Anyway have fun with this lil though! 😉
Hi!!! Thank you, this is so cute! Please enjoy!
Today was a very important day in Eddie’s book. Two weeks ago on a stream with Steve, Robin and Nancy, he was talking big game about being the best in the group at Mario Kart.
It wasn’t a difficult game, per se, but it required attention and skill and honestly, some strategy. Robin had challenged him to a tournament while streaming. Two Grand Prix challenges on difficult mode, and it was best 5 out of 8 races.
The stream had been going for about twenty minutes already. Robin was playing from her and Nancy’s apartment. She’d won two of the races and Eddie had won one. They were playing the fourth race of the first Grand Prix - Rainbow Road.
Steve was sitting next to Eddie on the couch, leaning against Eddie’s shoulder.
“Steve can you… not lean on me right now? It’s hard to control.”
“Oh… okay sorry.” The younger man sat up, looking tiredly at the screen.
Shits getting serious, he made Steve move
Aw poor Steve
Robin laughed, “Gosh Steve, I guess Eddie’s so bad at this game he’s gotta use you as an excuse.
“I’m not bad at this game.” Eddie grumbled, frustrated at having lost two rounds to Robin already.
Steves head was pounding. He didn’t want to admit it just yet, but he felt really gross. As the screen counted down, he rested his head back on Eddie’s shoulder and closed his eyes briefly.
Eddie, who was holding down his gas pedal, blew out as soon as the countdown finished. Stuck in his position in a cloud of black smoke, every other racer sped off without him.
“Fucking CHRIST, Steve! I said get off!”
The older man jerked his shoulder forward, sending Steve stumbling forward.
“M’sorry Eds…”
Steve got up and sulked away to the couch in the back of the room.
“Geez Eddie that was pretty harsh.” Robin said through her headset. Chat seemed to agree.
Christ, he looks like a locked puppy
That was really mean Eddie
Steve just wanted to cuddle
“He’s fine guys.” Eddie addressed chat, not taking his eyes off his racer.
As he entered his third and final lap, he was in fourth place. Robin was in second, making a solid gain on first place.
Eddie lucked out as a blue shell flew past him and landed right in the zone of Robin and the character in first, momentarily stopping them both.
“Hahaha! Eat shit Robin, I’m coming for that crown.” Eddie shouted.
He sped forward, but Robin had managed to get her bearings before he caught up.
With mere seconds left, she sped past him once again, taking the first place crown. Eddie finished in second a few seconds later.
“DAMMIT!” He yelled.
“That’s three to one, Munson! Just admit defeat. Plus you can’t blame Steve this time.”
Eddie glanced at chat as a huge amount of comments flooded in.
You should apologize to Steve
He’s not usually so big on PDA, maybe somethings wrong?
Steve isn’t usually that clingy…
“Hey Eddie, chat has a point. Steve isn’t usually clingy when we’re live. Is he okay?”
“He’s fine, right Steve?” Eddie turned around to face the younger man, but saw him huddled in a ball in the corner of the couch. He had a hand hovering over his face.
“Heh’AESSH! ISH’iew!”
Eddie frowned and took off his headset, placing it on the table. The long haired man got up and walked over to the couch sitting next to Steve.
“Bless you! I’m sorry I yelled at you. I was just stressed about the game. Are you okay?”
Steve shrugged, not looking at Eddie, “I just feel kind of…yuck?”
Eddie placed the back of his hand on Steve’s forehead and looked over to the camera. He walked back over and put the headset on just for a second.
“Alright Buckley, you win. Steve’s sick and I gotta go take care of him.”
“YES!” Robin threw her arms up in victory, “I mean - good that I win, not that Steve’s sick.”
Eddie nodded, “Thanks for calling me out, guys. I was an asshole to him and he wasn’t feeling well. We’ll stream again soon because this isn’t over!”
“Don’t worry, Munson, I’ll still be here to kick your ass in a week.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Bye Robinnnnn”
“Bye Ed’s.”
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quillyfied · 11 months
Okay next batch of episode thoughts that I don’t know that I can expand into real coherent thoughts so heck it we’re doing it live and cramming them together, no chronology just memory vibes, PART THREE:
- proud member of the “clocked those clocks” gang, literally said out loud “oh those clocks are bombs” AND!!!!
- And pair that with Stede’s “you never see the mediocre guys coming” SHE LITERALLY DID NOT
- Going back in time to the start of that endeavor, though, the tension and discomfort in watching Ricky and Zheng interact was just…it was a lot. Bc she’s trying her best to good cop/bad cop him, and it’s worked on every other person she’s tried it on (because she’s amazing at it and uses her own chronically overlooked charms as both a woman and a woman of color to make herself seem less threatening than she is until she drives home the point), but. Ricky is sort of a foil to Stede in that he’s an odd duck in aristocratic circles thinking that playing pirates will soothe something in him; the difference is that Ricky is an arrogant bastard down to his bones and has that Rich White Man thing of “if I can’t dominate this field then I will burn it down.” Zheng accidentally handing him the keys to destroying piracy is just. Oof. Ouch. Yikes.
- But!!! BUT!!! Zheng’s plan of “for a livable wage we will stop” is, to my memory, actually historically accurate!! China did have to pay her to stop. Twice, I believe. I might be wrong. I’ll be honest, I just watched the Puppet History episode about her when it came out and did no further research. But I should tbh.
- Patiently waiting for Calypso’s Birthday to be incorporated into the tumblr holiday pantheon. Wish we knew what day it was in-show.
- I looked up Ned Low bc I hadn’t heard of him (and oh the sweet irony in that), and was, I think, rightfully horrified and then greatly anticipatory for what was to come.
- And what do we get? Here’s another fancy lad who treats people as disposable and pokes right at Stede’s most vulnerable spots. And also has the most unhinged one-liners like I’m sorry your death was so well-deserved bc watching him verbally spar across the episode was a surprising delight.
- Not nearly as delightful as Stede dealing with the problem by unionizing Ned’s crew, and Lucius and Pete being the ones left to try and rush in and save the crew (thank goodness Stede had it handled, and OH MY WORD STEDE HAD IT HANDLED)
- Hellkat Maggie! A delight! And possibly historically real? One moment please.
- Holy crap she was! Not a pirate, actually an Irish American gangster in the mid 1800s, but heck!! Filed teeth and everything!
- And while I’m on Wikipedia: Zheng Yi Sao only surrendered/was paid to stop piracy once. But what a dramatic story that makes.
- Anyway can we stop everything to talk about how we got IZZY HANDS SINGING. AND WEE JOHN IN DRAG!!!!
- Also glad to see I wasn’t mistaken, Roach was actually laughing his head off for the torture sequence. Of course he was.
- Fang hanging off the side with the goat though ;A;
- Also a hearty congrats to all the fic writers who not only called that Ed would not handle Stede being tortured well, but who also called that the “going slow” thing. Maybe. Wasn’t gonna last. I have a whole emotional maelstrom going over that so let’s unpack it a bit at a time.
- First, though: the Boatmance throuple dancing. I cry.
- Second: Stede going defensive over not just Ed, but all of his crew. Like a lot over Ed, bc Ned was a grade-A racist classist dick. But Stede’s reaction was not JUST about Ed.
- Also the encouragement of the crew to kill Ned versus Ed’s quiet begging for Stede not to. Because he knew it wasn’t going to rest easy on Stede’s shoulders. And it doesn’t—maybe it’s just me but Stede looks devastated the entire time, not just angry. It’s a Lot. What happened was objectively a Lot.
- Now the juiciest piece of the episode: Going Not Slow (while Izzy sings La Vie En Rose IN FRENCH—side note but for the next installment of my fishing AU, I had it as a note for MONTHS that Ed and Stede would be slow dancing to that song, under a very different emotional context but THAT SONG, because I listened to it out of the blue one day and it just hit me how tender and romantic a song it is and how they deserve a tender and romantic thing, oh my LORD ALMIGHTY)
- First, the elephant in the room: the footage was flipped. Why was it flipped. Why did they do that.
- Second, not sure if Ed is actually nodding at Stede before the kissing starts, but I love to interpret it that way. It’s such a slight movement, could just be natural head bobbing, but. A nod makes it so much sweeter.
- The whole thing being sort of overlaid by the undercurrent of grief, though; Stede isn’t okay, Ed isn’t okay, they aren’t okay and maybe need some comfort and reassurance in and from each other. Certainly an enjoyable way to get it, but it seems to be a subtle theme of the show that words alone and actions alone don’t fix things. They have to work together. Which is how we get a THIRD BREAKUP OKAY GOOD GRIEF BOYS GET IT TOGETHER
- Ed tossing his leathers sort of loses its impact some when you know he’s gonna fish them back up later but. Also. Just sort of builds that anticipation. And deepens the narrative, too—Ed doesn’t want Blackbeard anymore, he doesn’t want that life, but. Other people, Ed included, might NEED Blackbeard for what’s coming. He’s a symbol. A violent and dark one, but that’s piracy itself, too—dark and violent but also a gateway to freedom. The two sides of that coin are a great asset against the coming storm. Because THIS is the storm, Ricky and his navy mates cracking down for good on piracy.
- Also the storm is Ed and Stede’s hurricane of a relationship but uh also life threatening exploding clocks and the Republic of Pirates a sitting duck with a ton of ships and buildings damaged.
- Ed isn’t wrong for wanting to retire though. And Stede isn’t wrong for wanting to continue piracy now that he’s just getting the hang of it. I don’t know the solution. Pretty sure the show does. And I’m even more convinced that with one episode left and the showrunners angling for a third, we’re gonna leave on a pretty big doozy of a cliffhanger, both emotionally and plot-wise.
- Feel a little cheated that we didn’t get to see Stede’s shirt and Ed’s jacket come off before the fade to black but also perfectly content with what we got, euphemistic fireworks and gauzy curtain draw and all. Have I stared too long at the gifs to know that Ed is down to his t shirt and Stede’s trousers fit his waist in a lovely way? Maybe. You can’t prove anything.
- Anyone else screaming internally about how they LEFT THE DOOR OPEN THOUGH.
- I want a full shot of Ed’s pretty teal robe, though. Yummy.
- The domesticity of Ed’s beautiful breakfast in bed is not quite overcome by Stede being half-uncovered while Ed is covered head to toe though. Something something emotional vulnerability states, something something trajectory of relationship
- Bout time Ed got scared by the pace, though. Ed and Stede have swapped places. It doesn’t really suit either of them, and my goodness was it kind of cathartic to watch Zheng beat the crap out of Stede. Because. Let’s be honest: he deserved it. But back to my original point: seems like Ed and Stede are overcorrecting at this stage in their relationship. Came from different worlds, met briefly in the middle, now swinging back out to opposite extremes before coming back to the middle. Other people have said it and will continue to say it better, but. That’s how it seems to me right now.
- The little quiet ways that Izzy is reaching out to Ed and Stede both, though. And bonding with the crew. I love that we get that for him. It would have been just as narratively appropriate for Izzy to sink deeper into his own muck and toxicity, but to show that once given the space to feel safe and vulnerable, it can turn even the most “piratey” character into an actual member of the crew?? Who cracks amazing jokes and does himself up in drag makeup with Wee John and SINGS??? Love that for him. Love the message of that. Love how much that’s reflected in the rest of the crew, too.
- Frenchie getting the crew going on multiple grifts, though. Nice. Niccccce. A+++++.
- Jim and Archie helping Oluwande out with Zheng, though. I’m hoping this polycule thrives. Because Jim and Olu deserve so many nice things.
- Stede’s whole fame drunk thing was so painful to watch but ALSO is anyone gonna talk about how Stede was accosted by a Freddy Krueger looking dude?? I hope he survived his (frankly astonishingly hot, pun slightly intended) immolation bc I want him showing up later with knife hands to complete the reference
- Painful to watch but so understandable. Stede letting it all go to his head is so so SO like Ed on the aristocrat ship, just naive and full up on the attention and not ready for that rug pull later.
- Ed is absolutely in a panic. Stede is also in something of a panic. They both said things they don’t mean because they both need to have the last word, don’t they. Fishermen and pirates are nothing alike, Ed what even are you talking about. (I know what he’s talking about, I’m choosing to nitpick his choice of metaphor to illustrate he is wrong on both a surface and metaphorical level)
- Is there anything as attractive as Zheng Yi Sao competently and confidently taking down not just Steak Knife, but Stede? She hasn’t been seen in action all season. Now we get it. And she’s just as banter-prone as Stede, I love that for them. And for us.
- rip steak knife. You will be missed.
- Can’t wait to see Ricky’s pomposity getting smashed in. He’s a mediocre man. You don’t see them coming.
- I know I’m glossing over probably a lot but that was SUCH an episode batch. Such an emotional whiplash. Cannot WAIT to see the finale, and how the story is gonna end with that third season we are pretty please getting please PLEASE.
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So I found out from @riverstardis‘s classic Casualty liveblogs recently that there’s an episode (S28E36) with a patient who’s a Doctor Who fan. I thought that sounded fun. So now I’m watching it, and I’m gonna liveblog, because why not.
Edit 1: I was gonna say this is the first episode I’ve seen from while Dylan was away but then I remembered it’s not, I watched another series 28 ep because Katherine Dow Blyton was in it.
Edit 2: Connie and Zoe sharing scenes, I might faint from gorgeousness overload.
Edit 3: And here’s some of our guest characters for the episode, some bloke and the young woman he’s giving literacy lessons to.
Edit 4: Jeff and Dixie!
Edit 5: Oh, it’s fucking Fletch.
Edit 6: I think we’ve just met the Whovian kid. Meanwhile, Fletch is treating a patient and bumping into Tess, and I literally do not care.
Edit 7: The lighting in the hospital in this era is really weird.
Edit 8: Awh, the kid in his little bowtie!!
Edit 9: The kid’s just fallen off a playground climbing thingy that I should know the name for, and simultaneously, his grandma’s having shortness of breath and chest pains. Oof.
Literacy Lesson Man’s girlfriend is also struggling to breathe. Another oof.
Edit 10: Nice to see Fletch has always been useless. Also, insane to think that less than a decade after this he was literally CEO.
Edit 11: Oh hi there Ash.
Edit 12: Ethan and the Whovian kid is SO cute.
Edit 13: Is this kid giving off autism vibes or is it just me?
Edit 14: Whovian kid’s mum is going to prison!! Now that’s a plot twist.
Edit 15: The Whovian kid’s grandma keeps saying she’s fine, so she’s definitely not.
Edit 16: Zoe Hanna come back to us challenge.
Edit 17: Jeff suggesting Dixie could roleplay her upcoming interview regarding a patient complaint or whatever, Big Mac shakes his head. Jeff: “I don’t know why you’re shaking your head, you’re going to be the interviewer!” Big Mac: “Why can’t you be the interviewer?” Jeff: “Because I shall be watching and giving notes!” 😂
Edit 18: Dixie is great.
Edit 19: Connie being in the same scene as Fletch feels so odd.
Edit 20: Connie and Zoe in their rivalry era!
Edit 21: Poor Whovian kid, being treated by Fletch the Bland.
Edit 22: Oh no, two of the guest characters are running on the road!
Edit 23: Welp, guest characters had a near-miss with a car but haven’t been hit yet.
Edit 24: OH THERE WE GO. A ton of fencing or something just fell on one of the guest characters. Ouch.
Edit 25: And there we go, Whovian Kid’s grandma is most certainly not fine. Also, oh hey, here’s Robyn.
Edit 26: Dixie conveniently walks by and sees the guy who had the fencing fall on him. 😂
Edit 27: The fancy camera angles while Dixie was running up the stairs for her interview made me dizzy.
Edit 28: “Sorry... I got caught up in an emergency. *brushes dust off her jacket*” I love Dixie.
Edit 29: Literacy Lesson Bloke just died, oof. And now his wife and his student are fighting. Yikes.
The good news is, Whovian Kid’s grandma is fine.
Edit 30: Whovian Kid’s mum just said he doesn’t like being with people he doesn’t know. Yeaaah, definitely autistic.
Edit 31: My goodness Connie looks stunning.
Edit 32: Noel, my love, I miss you.
Edit 33: Funny how many characters from this era kept switching jobs! Louise, Big Mac...
Edit 34: Connie asks Zoe to go for a drink with her. Zoe: “What, like a date?”
Edit 35: Ah, the staff setting it up so the kid and his family can watch Doctor Who together. Cute.
Edit 36: I mean this scene DOES look like Zoe and Connie are on a date.
Edit 38: Why did Tess ever go for Fletch? She could do so much better.
Edit 40: Connie in her trying to get the clinical lead job era.
Edit 41: It’s no wonder Dylan and Zoe were so close. They both hate having to do management stuff.
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risustravelogue · 8 months
Understandable. I'll take notes of that.
Well then, may I ask if I could introduce you to someone then? Or is a gorgeous woman like you already taken?
Of course, only answer if it isn't too personal for you.
~ 💐
Hello again, 💐!
That's very kind of you, but I'm afraid I must decline.
You see... I think I have a crush. On an oni, no less. He's so sweet though! Very different from what the Akasha says the oni kind are like.
I think I'll try... flirting with him. Even though that has never worked on any of my previous three crushes. Hahahaha. Pain. Ouch.
... Why am I rambling about this? Oof. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Yikes!
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lilacofficial · 10 months
Episode 10
-I'm currently eating dinner so let's see hopw this goes
-Dang Wolf
-AyyyY! Sunglasses at noght!
-Wait what do the parents think happened with Jeri? That she just went home?
-Nice outift Josh
-OH RIGHT! They're still in the 80's
-Why is he suprised?
-Time travel 101
-Producer Josh Hutcherson?! I hadn't noticed that
-To be fair he did just pick it up today
-You really are
-This is NOT the man tha taught you how to ride a bike
-Yikes no wonder he got fired
-Uh oh
-Back to the future time
-Poor Debbie
-They're dusty???
-Stop fucking with stuff JOSH!
-He does do that, yeah.
-Poor girls
-You sure are buddy
-He dosen't know which woman you're talkign about man!
-Oh so he did realize lol
-Oh Wolf lmfao
-Poor lady
-It's a lot of jewlery
-Isa that a snap pea
-Oh no!!
-I thought Wolf got his dick back
-Okay. That is straight up boobs
-This is so gross
-The parralells oof
-I feel sick
-I guess we got there eventually?!
-Ayyy! They got to meet him!
-Poor Elias
-Ally fight time
-That guy was stil in there?!
-I thought she was going to say that's an order again oof
-Poor Elias
-Aww. It's them
-Oh Wolf
-I mean Corey. Sorry man.
-Ayy he's lisetning
-Yeah unfortunatley
-Oh no what's about to happen
-I've paused
-Is he going to dissapear
-Or get shot or soemthign?!
-Ayy the door opened
-Aw man
-Aw Corey.
-Oh Corey.
-Oh no what is it
-No. No chance JOSH!
0 notes
liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 8, Episode 8: Hunteri Heroici
I have friends there
A heartbeat
Something's up
That's so weird
Poor girl
Man, I miss Dean's ring
Houseboat. Nice
Wait, so Angel Radio is real radio?
Interesting choice
I'd go
Also, was that supposed to be a White Christmas reference?
That sounds like a great idea!
I love his smile at that 😂
Oh, Cas...
Yeah, it does
You've gotta take the road trips, too
Sorry, Cas
Thanks, Cas
Whoo, boy
Cas is really helpful
It's great!
Detective work!
Really witchy
Don't be mean
Probably, but it's Sam, so
Cowboys? Really
Irregardless I can understand, but I've never gotten the moist thing
Sam Winchester!
Oh. He meant the dog
Yeah, well
For a while
It really doesn't, but okay
Cas, no
So they were friends?
That's just whack
Nice cutoff, but what?
Don't do it, dude
That's just sick!
Ooh, that sucks
Oh! It's a cartoon! With the heart thumping, and the whole look-down-gravity thing!
That's what I was thinking!
No, Cas...
Oh. cas
Whatever floats your boat, Cas
He doesn't sleep
That sounds awesome
Dean. Honey. please sleep more
Listen, if angel radio is on a frequency, then it makes sense that Cas can hear fm
Loony Tunes!
It flips.
Of course!
X marks the spot
Ten Commandments of Road Runner, Cas, come on!
Great question
A lot of weird scene cuts today
I'm looking at that laptop with all the ports in the side, and I'm envious because my new one is "streamlined" and "modern" and "only has room for one USB slot and doesn't support micro-SD"
That's true
Actually, bad idea
Oh, Cas...
And the guilt
Oh, Cas..!
It's likely
I'm sure they did
More leads
Duck season!
Cas needs more education
I kinda grew up around nursing homes, so I'm cool with it
Like. Bing Crosby? White Christmas Bing Crosby (that's the second time)
Dean, when it comes to flirting, it's you I worry about
We can tell
Tom and Jerry
A little
Sam can relate
Sounds like a Winchester meal
Yeah, well. Sam wasn't a fan either
It didn't take a tour for that.
Sam. It's exactly what you're doing
Completely valid
Fred Jones? Like Scooby-Doo???
Wait, that explains a lot. Dean's first beer was given to him by the Mystery Machine dude
Worth a shot
Well, he watches cartoons
It's possible
That was fun
Dang it, Cas
That's true
Uh oh
He's changing the channels
Oh no
That's horrible
Exploding firecracker
Oh, that looks uncomfortable
They believe it
Poor guy
If something happens to Baby-
He's not wrong
Sort of. It's Dean's, but Sam keeps it
And he doesn't even mention Dean. I guess he's traumatized
Fair enough
Probably not
Cas probably can
What did he do?
Are they in his brain?
That's just weird
Mm, not really
That's a lot of dots
Not much, Bugs
Pretty much
Losing it
My great grandmother was in a nursing home because we simply didn't have the resources and ability to take care of her. Most people are in professional care for that reason. What a jerk
You get paid! You're fine!
It's stabilizing?
Dean knows about that
And grotesques villainus 😭😭😭
Actually, it's really funny that he's called Dr. Mahoney, because there used to be a nursing home near me called the Mahoney House
This is great
I love the error message background
Oh, Sam
Looks like he woke up
Go Fred!
Gotta love quippy one-liners
Well see
Oh, Fred
Maybe Cas can turn off the psychic powers?
Define okay
Good song
Have business to take care of?
So... she's got the St. Peter role?
Baby stories
That sucks
Yeah, he's great
Uh oh
He's alive, isn't he?
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that-one-violist · 6 years
Knee Pain/Pressure - question
I guess i’m kind of just asking if anyone knows what these collective “symptoms” may be, the internet has given mixed results and i know only a doctors opinion can be 80+% trust able but if anyone recognizes these or has this and knows how to cope with it id love the help... i’m not depending on this but it cant hurt- 
if you don’t want to read a bunch of me listing off “symptoms” or knee shit then feel free to skip like seriously, its a long post and its not worth the read otherwise
so my left knee has been this way on and off for about 5-4 years (i cant be sure i didn’t have a traumatic impact to the knee at any point this gradually onset over the years) and the best way to describe it is in neutral positions (i.e standing or casually walking or no movement) is a constant feeling of pressure like someone just wont stop pressing their thumb as hard as they can into every part of the knee (not behind the whole knee but it feels like behind / inside the center of the knee cap area). 
whenever its being stressed (i.e. kneeling, putting the knee less than a right angle, sometimes going up stairs, etc) it is a burning sensation at best where it just feels like a rug burn and at worst like someones sticking a spoon under the knee cap and trying to move it? [probably not actually that severe but its the best description of the type of pain]. 
Within the last 2-3 years there is a very small crunching noise that can be heard from the knee when it is being straightened (from like the smallest angle with the back of the foot to the thigh to a 90 degree angle) but not when its being bent that far. 
Going down stairs it sometimes just doesn’t feel stable, i don’t know what the feeling of a knee giving out is so i cant say for sure but it just feels like the knee is much more wobbly than the other (the other knee hasn’t had this kind of pain, sometimes dull pain but that’s separate i believe as its very rare).
I also (not clinically but i figure as my joints go much further than they should without strain (i.e. my elbows go way way past 180 degrees and my knees have a moderately similar thing though less prevalent/severe)) may have hyper mobility (not like ehler danlos its not that chronic)
The knee is not swollen as far as I can tell, it is not discolored and it is not hot to the touch. There is no visual or external (like temperature) cue that I can tell of that says there is something wrong the only thing that’s telling me something might be off is the pressure/pain.
I’ve never had any trauma to the knee, i don’t run and i don’t do anything that would put an excessive burden on my knee or legs in any way such as sports or having to constantly kneel or anything of the sort. I have on and off joint pain throughout but its very very mild and if anything its just me being sensitive, but throughout some of my joints definitely move further than they should without any tension or stretch feeling but there is a lot of constant clicking in a few joints but i believe thats normal. 
I highly doubt this is related but in case my R thumb and L pinky get kind of caught, the movement is not fluid and there is a pop from both (thumb is loud af the pinky is hard to hear) but this doesn’t impact me and i don’t feel any pain other than occasional rigidness.
Sorry for like, listing a bunch of symptoms that probably don’t make sense but i don’t really know what to do? tumblr isn’t the best place to go i know but the internet like webmd just makes it sound like everything is cancer and i’m trying to limit a doctors visit if this is just kind of normal for some people / this isn’t something that can be treated rather than just coped with as a doctors visit is expensive and as a college student with an already medically unwell mother id rather ease the financial stress that’s already prevalent if any way possible. 
If anyone recognizes these symptoms or knows what this might be for some reason or if this is just kind of a normal experience of existing that just comes and goes and i’m just overly sensitive to pain / concerned please tell me because quite frankly i’m unsure what to do.
if you read all that holy shit thank you and you deserve everything because like that’s a lot of random in-cohesive grumbling to go through
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jasperoni · 7 years
I've lost friends before. I grow apart from other people n stuff. But I only ever once was broken up with by a friend and it literally hurts me so much just to think about it. All I ever did was try my hardest and it wasn't good enough. And when I tried to fix it, she just cut me off. Why Wasn't I Good Enough. Why Are Friend Break-Ups Worse Than Romantic Break-Ups
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guillermomo · 2 years
I was tagged by@fuckingguide (thank you Flo! sorry it took me 4 days to remember this lol) Rules: spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
g - Give it a Chance by Foxwarrne, Andy Shauf, Darryl Kissick
u - Under the Blue by Teddy Geiger
i - It's alright by Kevin Walkman
l - Lady by the Sea Stephen Sanchez
l - Low by Victoria Bigelow
e - Eternal Sunshine by Lou Val
r - River Song by Dawson Hollow
m - Milk by Samia
o - One September Day by Nina Simone
m - Make Me Cry by Jacob Collier
o - Outta my Mind by Monsune
i’m tagging 11 people (if you're up for it you can try tagging people with the letters of your url too):
@griffther @unknowingly-a-bear @invaderzoot @laplaces-angel @lesbiansrevenge @elzabin @revelationoh @mycrowleycalromance @oof-ouch-yikes @motherscarf @oogika
no pressure to do it! feel free to ignore this if you want. also i haven’t talked to some of you before but hi you’re very cool, hope you don’t mind the tag!
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presidentbungus · 3 years
ok ummm. for the sake of comparison here is a wip that i have from about a year ago (Jan 11th, 2021, is the date my note app says, though I'd guess it was started sometime November or December) and, uh... so it's been like a year since i wrote this or whatever and yikes. sorry in advance. I'm not really sure most of the things I was thinking but I was sure thinking em. not really a point to publishing this but i will anyway. certainly self-improving or whatever. you've been warned.
"My god, what did you do to yourself? It looks excruciating." Engineer's shoulder was almost completely obliterated, the rest of his arm loosely hanging on by scraps of flesh and bone. A bullet, seemingly lodged into his collarbone, glinted red with blood. "That's... right, Doc," Engineer said. He stumbled towards the operating table, making light groans. "S... Sniper got me, real bad. Saw him aiming. Dodged too slow, I guess." He attempted a chuckle, which turned into him inhaling through his teeth. Medic paused, much to the chagrin of Engineer. "Aren't we off-combat today?" "I was fixin' up the sentries and there must've been a Sniper sticking around anyway. Can't trust the little buggers. Can you fix this?" Medic ignored Engineer and closer examined the wound. "Odd, zhis doesn't look like a sniper-inflicted wound. I'm sure it would have gone through your shoulder entirely. Are you sure zhis did not hit anyone else? Or zhat there wasn't a Scout around who may have fired at you?" "Medic, I am currently losing gallons of blood." Medic stood back. "Yes, of course, of course. Zemantics, I apologize. Let's get zhis fixed up, shall we?" "Yes please." With shuddering breaths, Engineer hauled himself to the operating table (Medic, instead of helping, began searching through a set of drawers for something) and finally collapsed on it. His shoulder felt like it was about to fall off... which, admittedly, it probably was. "So... (oof, ouch)... are ya... workin'... on anything right now, Doc?" Medic glanced at Engineer, and then back at the cabinet he was currently ransacking. "Vell... your shoulder, once I can find these tongs." "Yeah. Makes sense." Engineer paused, wincing. "You got any... bigger projects going on? Medigun upgrades or something?" "I dunno about zhat, necessarily... ah, here are the tongs... I suppose zhere are a few new sorts of syringes I've been working on..." To punctuate this, Medic suddenly embedded the tong in the wound and began probing it around. Engineer yelped, looked at Medic, and looked back at the ceiling, attempting to keep his tears secret. "What does... ow... what does 'syringes' mean? Like... new... kinds of..." he trailed off as he was too breathless to speak. "Hold on, I almost got ze bullet. Oh, and I mean new things to put in the syringes. I have enough needles as it stands." He glanced at Engineer. "It is alright to cry, komarade. We are almost done, anyhow." A final, blinding burst of pain came as the bullet was freed from its socket, and then sweet relief as Medic switched the medigun on and the wound began to close. "Ain't... cryin'..." "What's zhat?" Engineer noticed that Medic set the tongs down on the operator's table, not bothering to rinse them. "A-ah. Nuthin', sorry. Is there anything you could use my health with?" "Not really." Medic laughed. "They're already complete. I've been telling Soldier they're 'America shots'. Zhe things he believes." Engineer considered how many of Soldier's antics were a result of those as a moment of silence passed. "Do not tell him that," Medic clarified. "My lips are sealed, Doc." He paused, cranking his newly-healed shoulder around; something made a snapping noise, and he kind of had to really push to get it all the way around, but it still worked again. That was enough. "Do you--" Engie interrupted. "Say, Medic. If you need any extra help with testin' I could assist." "You mean... get the other team members to take the shots?" Engineer laughed. "No, as... fun as that would be. I'm sayin' I could take 'em and you could... closely examine the effects, more?" "Never really took you for the type to do zhat kind of thing." "I owe you so many favors at this point, Doc. Consider it a debt repaid." Medic pondered for a moment. "Well, I suppose I can't really turn down a willing test subject in due conscience. I will warn you, Engineer: zhere is a possibility zhat your bones could melt." Engineer stood, stumbling and reclaiming his balance. "Well, that's always a--" "Or you skin could... loosen." "Huh--" "Or your organs
could pull in on eachother like magnets and you could have a ball of organs inside of you. Which would be fascinating, but also excruciatingly painful." Engineer gulped, grimaced, and then adopted a calm smile, looking back at Engineer. He shrugged. "Nothing you can't fix, Doc." Medic's face flipped from gleeful to solemn. "Actually, all of those things would be very, very unfixable." "You know what, Doc?" Engineer slapped Medic on the shoulder, to which Medic pushed his hand off and drew away. He frowned and continued: "It happens. I'll do it." Medic's face flipped from solemn to gleeful. "It really doesnt, but ah, vonderful! Simply come down here anytime you like and pick out a syringe." He opened a drawer and gestured to a number of needles, filled with a variety of colors of liquid. Some are labeled in messy handwriting ("melts bones", "loosens skin", "ball o organs") but most are not. "I vill leave it up to you, since I don't especially remember vich is vich." Engineer nodded apprehensively. "Yeah... cool. Super cool. I'll see you later then, Medic." "Good. Auf Wiedersehen!" "Seeya, Doc." Engineer slowly wandered his way towards the door with his heart in his throat. He hadn't got entirely what he was looking for (he wasn't sure what he really was looking for, so that complicated things somewhat) but Medic had still agreed to spending time with him. Time that might be filled with burning pain and permanent side effects, but it was time nontheless. A date, he thought, crossing into the hallway and up the stairs.. Not the sort of date he really wanted, but beggars can't be choosers, really, and it could very likely lead to-- Demoman was suddenly in Engineer's face and he was yelling. "What was all that about, then?" He said, hiccuping between words. He stunk of alcohol. "Good lord, Demoman. Give a man some warning." "There is no 'BLU Sniper' outside right now--" he burped--"it's St. Patrick's day, for god's sake. They're all drinking!" He took a large swig from a bottle that had seemingly come out of nowhere. Some of it sloshed onto the floor. "You were listening?" "Of course I was. I'd keep an eye out if I were you. Bloody... bloody spies, stinkin' up the festivites! Buncha..." he trailed off into his bottle. "So what really happened, then?" “I’m drunk! Sue me! I just think you’re hiding something from me. Are you hiding something from me, Engineer?” “Now why do you think I would be doin’ that?" "I don't... don't bloody know! Why are you hiding something? We're friends, y'know!" "My god, you are so drunk--" "Engineer." "Yes?" Demoman held out his hand. "Give me your pistol." "Are you sayin' that I shot myself?" "Show me your pistol or I will assume you are a Spy with great predjudice." Guiltily, Engineer tugged it out of its sheath on its belt. Demoman snatched it out of his hands and examined it closely. "It's... bloody... bloody! You did shoot yourself!" "It's... always been like that, or at least the blood ain't mine. I fight sometimes too, y'know." Demoman pointed at Engineer with one hand and chugged the drink with another, finishing it off by yelling: "Liar!" A voice came from somewhere downstairs. Medic's. "Is everything alright up there?" "Sure thing, Doc," Engineer called. He glared at Demoman. "I don't know what you're playing at, but you should quiet down before someone confuses someone for a Spy." Demoman slapped Engineer on the shoulder, painfully (the Medigun had a bad tendency to leave bone shards floating around). "Listen, laddy, if I didn't know much better I would say you needed an excuse to talk to Medic." "Don't say that so loud." Demoman's eyes widened. "You're kidding." "I just don't want anybody to find out about a crush that don't exist." "Holy shit. So many things make sense now..." "Listen, Demoman," Engineer said, squeaking a lot more than usual, "if this gets out you might find a sentry in your room tomorrow." "Bloody hell. Medic? God, you have bad taste." Engineer shook his head. "I don't understand... either..." he trailed off. "Why am I still
talking to you?" He attempted to move through, but was blocked by Demoman, who grabbed Engineer and shook him by his shoulders. "Laddy, don't leave. We gotta get this sorted out right now, alright? I'll help yae." "What do you mean?" "We're telling Medic. Yer gonna be so much less stressed about this afterwards. C'mon. Downstairs." "I'm not goin' downstairs, Demoman." The bottle somehow mystically vanished and Demoman was grabbing both of Engineer's shoulders and staring deep into his eyes. His breath still smelled like alcohol, and maybe fermenting meat. "Mate, do you want to keep this secret for the rest of your life?" "If I have to." "What is going on?" Both men tensed at the voice and turned to see Heavy, waiting at the top of the staircase. He held a sandvich in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other. "Demoman, why are you so close to Engineer?" "Spychecking. I'm making sure he doesn't have any... cigarettes... or anything," Demoman mumbled. "Can never be too careful." "Engineer," Heavy said. "Tell me what's happening?" Engineer poorly attempted to disguise a grimace. "Well, yeah. What... he said. Never too careful." He chuckled. Too loudly. "You are bad liar. Tell Heavy the truth or you will be assumed Spy--" "I hurt my shoulder, so I went to Medic to get it healed, and I ran into Demoman on the way back. That's all it is." "So why did you lie to Heavy about this?" "Panic. In the moment. That's all." "You are scary," Demoman added. "That does not explain much." Slightly hyperventilating, Engineer attempted to push past Demoman and Heavy but he was, again, denied access and now 500 pounds of muscle was leering down at him. Engineer found himself wishing he was taller. "Tell Heavy what is going on and you can pass." Demoman briefly looked like he was trying to hold in throwup. "Engineer, just tell him. It'll be practice!" "I don't have to tell him anything." Engineer felt two very large fists around his neck, lifting him into the air. Demoman rushed forward, attempted to lay a hand on Heavy's shoulder, and decided on his forearm instead, standing on his tiptoes and whispering: "Engineer has a crush on Medic and he's scared to tell anyone." Engineer was immediately dropped and scuttled a short ways away. Heavy scratched his head. "Goddamn. Engineer has--" "Please shut up," Engineer pleaded. Heavy and Demoman briefly exchanged looks before helping Engineer stand. "You want to bang Doctor?" said Heavy, who snickered at his wording. "God dammit. Demoman, what did I say?" "You were about to die. I didn't have much choice, laddy. My lips are sealed from now on. Promise." "That promise didn't last long, did it?" "Oh." Demoman looked dejected. "I suppose next time I'll just let Heavy choke you to death, then." "There better not be a next time, Demoman--" Heavy grabbed both of them by the backs of their shirts and tugged them away from each other. "Men, men. Let us be civil--" "What is happening? Did someone mention civilians? Is someone fighting? I want to fight too." Engineer's face burned. "My fucking god." "Engineer has crush on Medic." "Heavy!" "What?" Heavy giggled. "I never promised anything." Soldier paused. "You mean..." He raised two index fingers and pressed them together. "Was what I asked!" "Men--" Engineer's voice wavered, and he waited a long time to regain his composure--"Men. I am going to leave this room before my head explodes." As he marched down the hallway, he could hear anxious chatter and, more annoyingly, laughter emanating from behind him. He turned around, and-- Something touched his shoulder. He jumped back. "Jesus, Pyro. A little warning?" "Mmmph mmph mm mmph." "Yes, yeah, sorry... I'm a little on edge." Pyro tilted its head. "Mmph mmmph?" Engineer sighed and set his hand on Pyro's shoulder. "It's fine. I'm fine. Can we go get some drinks?" Pyro nodded and clapped its hands together excitedly. "You're good to me, Pyro, you know that?" "Mmph mmmph mmph." Engineer laughed. "Thanks. Let's go get some drinks, huh? I got some welding for you to
do in the lab." --- Pyro was leering over Engineer when he woke up the next morning. “Oh my god!” He screamed, lurching out of bed and accidentally pushing Pyro backwards. Pyro didn’t seem to notice anything. Engineer wheezed. “P... Pyro... you gave me quite the scare there, bud!” He attempted a laugh but was breathless. Pyro tilted its head at him and thrust a charcoal-smudged note in his direction. “Oh dear,” Engineer said. CONGRATULATIONS Upon further consideration, we have decided to form a committee. Meetings will be in YOUR workshop once a day. To prevent the risk of Scout finding out, one member will be sent each day and will later relay the information to the rest of the team. Thank you :) Under the body of the message there was a crude drawing of two stick figures kissing. They both had glasses on. “Oh dear,” Engineer said, again. Pyro excitedly pointed at the drawing on the letter and clapped. “Did you do this, Pyro?” Pyro nodded. “It’s... nice.” Pyro clapped and pointed to the door. “Is someone there, Pyro?” Instead of nodding, Pyro grabbed Engineer’s hand and tugged him towards the door. “Hello?” Engineer called. His voice wavered. “Oh, good, you're up," Demoman replied. He attempted to open the door; Engineer stopped it with his foot and pushed against it. "Demoman." "Yes, Engineer?" Demoman wheezed, trying to get into the room against Engineer's efforts. "You respect me as a man, right?" "Of course." "Can you please stop trying to do this, then?" Demoman suddenly stopped pushing and Engineer collapsed against the wall on his bad shoulder. "Man, do ye want to be sad and alone for the rest of your life?" Engineer sucked air through his teeth. "That is extreme hyperbole." "Let me rephrase it: do you trust yourself to handle this on your own?" Engineer scoffed. "I don't really trust you." "That's not what I asked you." "Fine. Yes, I do trust myself. I... I can do things on my own. I'll figure it out. I have eleven PhD's, it can't be that hard to navigate... that... kinda thing." "You are still a bad liar," Demoman said. "I'm..." Engineer paused, pondered, and then chuckled. "Dammit. You're right." "I am?" "Yes! And I hate it. Like... what am I thinking?" Engineer cackl "Oh yeah, you were bad yesterday." A pause. "But a big part of it is my fault. I don't blame ye for it. People don't like to be forced into things? Who knew." "Tch. Yeah. You can come in now, I guess." Engineer left the door, almost crashed into Pyro, and collapsed onto a stool by his workstation. Demoman entered immediately and gently shut the door. "Oh, yeah. I'd prefer if you didn't tell Pyro to stand over me while I sleep." He paused. "It's not the most comforting thing to wake up to." "Oh. He was in here that whole time?" "Mmph mmmph." "I forgot too, to be honest. Coffee?" "Sure. And to be fair, I don't really remember telling Pyro to go in your lab last night." Engineer folded the letter out of one of his pockets and pushed it to Demoman, who grimaced as he read it. "Sorry. I vaguely remember writing a letter, but... yikes."
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reyisnull · 3 years
sorry if ive been reblogging a lot of amphibia lately, my heart is in pain still. ouch, yikes, oof. i feel for Marcy and i hope this story has a happy ending.
on the other hand im grateful that we dont have happy endings every season. not everyone can win all the time, and im glad more animated shows are starting to do that.
but jesus fucking christ was not expecting that ending from Disney TV. im so happy they did it tho.
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detectivesofty · 4 years
live commtentary of the new episodes, whoop whoop!
Let’s start off with fire!!
ngl, Stella’s storyline doesn’t really interest me...
yikes Brett and Casey
pls no
what about Gabs
why do I feel like smth bad’s gonna happen on this call??
where tf is Gianna
lmaoooo that standing desk I can’t
that Chief definitely doesn’t like Stella
poor mouch :((
suspend him???
oh dang
pretty sure he’s not the messenger in this scenario but go off
Kelly probably reminds Boden of his wife
ugh Crockett
Mr. Booker’s probably gonna die
Maggie is so annoying
I hate everyone fuck hahah
poor Daniel :(
April is literally so annoying
“he yanked me off the covid ward even though he knows how I feel”???? So WHAT
she never would’ve disrespected her Chief if it wasn’t Ethan
sooo why aren’t they wearing masks anymore??
something’s off with that patient
I deadass thought Lannik was gone
I am rolling my eyes so hard
what is up with this Lisa girl
omg kidnapped??
aw Mrs. Webber ;(((
oh my godddd  I am crying
ew why did we have to end with that scene?
Adam and Kim
aww ‘soft door don’t wake her up’ :(((
I think he would look REALLY good in a turtleneck 👀
I love jay
Jay my mans
I’m sorry I’m really annoying😂😂
I’d smile at you too, jay
Lmaooo Jay’s like ‘not again’
This must be so hard for Kim
Poor girl man
Oh my gododdddd
Lmaooo ‘she always is’
Bruh Kim is throwing major hearteyes
Plssss I can’t take this
Adam is like ‘we’re friends without dating’ but he’s also like 😍😍😍 when Kim is in the room
Wtf does that mean
This episode is so good
Lmaooo Adam sitting on that bench and ignoring that girl
Please let Adam and jay talk about Kim
Lmaooo QUEEN
Jay is so impressed
He’s also so hot
Oof Kim is a fricking queen
‘When WE got pregnant’😭😭😭😭
‘Are we hanging tonight’😭😭😭
I’m just over emotional over kim and Adam man
Awwwwww the small ‘Kathy!’
Mikayla didn’t even say bye
I missed jay
The way jay’s smile dropped
I knew that she wasn’t going to take it
Ewwww nooooo
Fuck are you kidding me
That kiss was just weird, or is it just me?? Idk man
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toujoursmiraculous · 5 years
Ladybug Reaction/Thoughts!
Fair warning, this is a very long post! I absolutely love, love, love that we get to see that flashback of him actually making the lucky charm bracelet, wondering if it’s good enough to give Marinette, actually getting Plagg’s and Nathalie’s opinion. He’s just that worried about making sure it’s good enough for her. Wow I love my sunshine boy. Adrien was literally going to talk about how amazing Marinette is to his father before he cut him off. He was actually starting to do it! Ahhh that makes my heart so happy. “Please father! Marinette deserves to have all her friends there.” Just the fact that he begged him so he could go see her on her special day. sniffs I’m not crying tears of joy! ;~; Oh wow, we never thought about Lila possibly being there in Befana but yikes. “I thought you were supposed to be protecting Adrien from Marinette. The one you said was a bad influence.” Okay, so the disgusting part where Hawk Moth is using this and Marinette to chaos havoc aside, it sounds like Gabriel doesn’t actually believe that Marinette’s a bad influence on Adrien. Which I really appreciate and hope it means something later.
Lila: “Will you keep your promise if I succeed?”
Literally the only reason she gets to model with Adrien at the end. And remember, Adrien can’t refuse to work with her as his father arranged it, so he’s pretty much stuck with this.
Ms. Bustier: “Today someone placed an anonymous note in my mailbox, claiming that you’d stolen the exam answers. And it looks the anonymous person was right.”
Notice even Chloe is just outright shocked?
Yes Alya and Adrien standing up for her! And Rose too. At least at first.
Okay, really, if she fell down that massive flight of stairs, she’d have worse than a injured knee. Just saying. She’d be taken away in an ambulance and instructed not to move in case of neck injuries. C’mon adults, isn’t this a bit suspicious happening at once at this point?
“My daughter is not a thief!”
Just watched Rogercop the other day with a friend, it’s sad and interesting this line is being used again.
Wow. Framed for stealing Lila’s necklace and having it exposed to the entire class. That sucks so much. How embarrassing to have to be in such a situation. Accused of 3 crimes in one day? Psh, overplaying it Lila.
Alix: Angry
Mylene: Disappointed
Alya: Shocked
Sabine: Crying
Adrien: Sad because he knows exactly what’s going on and knows she’s innocent.
“You know I’m innocent, don’t you, Adrien?”
The look of anger on his face as he looks at Lila after she says this. Oh how I love this so much. If this must be done at all, this is what I want to come from it.
You know, it’s really sick. It’s really sick that this sweet boy goes and tells his father about how wonderful his friend is, how her friends love and care about her, and that he cares so much about too, and he uses her, ultimately hurting him, to get what he wants. Adrien’s essentially fueling Hawk Moth without even knowing. How utterly disgusting. My poor baby’s being used in the worst way by his own father.
Chloe protecting Sabrina instead of pushing her in front as a shield to protect herself shows so much character growth, I’m very proud of her.
Verity Queen. Princess Justice.
Does this confirm later their akumatizations? Because oof I’m afraid of Marinette getting akumatized. Especially after she was going to take off her earrings to give to Hawk Moth, had Nathalie not suddenly fallen into a coughing fit!
Okay, I’m going to say this: This today was a good example of why they should know about their identities. Had Adrien known, he would’ve more likely been able to keep her calm enough from being akumatized at all, or if not that, prevent her from giving him the earrings.
I still feel that way right now, the cons of them knowing outweigh the pros, but that is definitely a pro!
Alya being on Marinette’s side, even though it looks bleak and she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to prove her innocence. That’s all I ask is that she believes.
I seriously can’t believe her parents are like, until we find another school for you to go to, you have to work here at the bakery, starting right now.
That’s pretty much believing their daughter was guilty of everything she’s been accused of and that’s so horribly wrong. Okay, she’s not able to go to school right now. That’s out of their control. But you’re going to punish her, too, and prevent her from getting to the bottom of what happened so she’s allowed back at school?
“I want to help you.” “Never at that cost. Never at that cost again.” This just raises the question again at why Emilie wore the Miraculous in the first place, and why she wore it to the point that it put her in the state she’s in now. If Gabriel’s first use of the Butterfly was the Stoneheart episodes, she was using it only on her own. But what is this Miraculous capable of that she was so desperate to use it for, and why was she? Lol @ detective Alya. Too bad the lockers just so happened to be clean right before she got there. :/ True love right there, that Nathalie would very easily give up her life for Gabriel’s (and Adrien’s) happiness. Why can’t she just love someone else? Dx I know she said in Stormy Weather 2 she wonders if she shouldn’t have taken the job, and she’s right. She’s not even allowed to answer her own phone because she’s being punished for something she didn’t even do? Again, wow. “Don’t tell me. We have to go and help your Lady.” I love how Plagg’s annoyed at going to help Ladybug, and Adrien’s response is, “She and I are on the same team, Plagg. We’ll help Marinette.” as if Plagg likes and prefers Marinette over Ladybug. I already figured that, but I like how Adrien was reassuring Plagg he was going to help her. x3 “Chat Noir, I don’t feel so good.” LOL I can’t believe they put this in. XD “There’s something wrong,” HIS VOICE QUIVERED. MY HEART IS NOT OKAY. That’s NOT OKAY. “we’re supposed to be nearly invulnerable.” Wow. So I know that Mayura’s making Sentimonster Ladybug say these things, but two things: One, I feel like this is exactly what Ladybug feels about Chat. “I’ve always gone out of my way to hide my feelings for you.” Bingo! Chat: “I thought you said you loved somebody else?“ Did you guys see that look of shock on Nathalie’s face? Oh gosh. Oh no oh no oh no. Oh no. Oh heck no! Because now, she will give this information to Gabriel, and they’re going to try to figure out who Ladybug does love! And that would be Adrien! asdkjflg this is going to get real. “Your feelings haven’t changed, but mine are growing stronger every day. I can’t keep pretending anymore.” I really do think she’s pretending she doesn’t have any feelings for him, to keep them and everyone else safe. I also get the feeling that some of what Mayura’s saying can be applied to herself and Gabriel too? Okay, Chat was scarily close to having his Miraculous taken. But oh my gosh at Ladybug hurling them apart with that brute force. XD Sentimonster: Listen to your heart! Ladybug: Listen to your brain! Chat wanted to listen to his heart and believe that she really loved him. Oh ugh why must they hurt me so? “OHHH I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT!” Totally laughing, but he wants to believe so much that you love him. :c “I’m sorry, Kitty, but you should have known. I’m nowhere near as perfect as her.” Ouch. “I love you just the way you are, m’lady.” Awwwwww. How could anyone not love these two? Sentimonster Ladybug may in their opinion be perfect, but he’d take imperfect yet authentic Ladybug any day. Sentimonster: gets a massive gun of destruction Ladybug: gets a fork “Okay, you’re definitely the real one!” XD Gabriel: Nooroo, why didn’t you wake me up?! Nooroo: I couldn’t bring myself to, Master, you were sleeping so peacefully! Lol first humor scene with them I think? I like that Ladybug gave the sentimonster her freedom and asked if she could help them. That’s so sad that she got destroyed by Mayura, but her disappearing would’ve been inevitable anyway. Dx Chat just saw some version of Ladybug being taken away from him. Again. And reacts with rage. He’s clearly been traumatized from Desperada and Party Crasher. Whoa dang, Hawk Moth vs Chat Noir. Was not prepared for this. :O “Getting sentimental on a sentimonster?” “You’re the real monster!” “Oh, that. You’ll find out very soon.” Yikes. Chat calling his own dad Grandpa. XD I can’t. I just can’t. Hawk Moth just throwing his own son off a building so cruelly like that. Doesn’t matter that he knows or not, he knows they’re kids. So Ladybug has Mayura in her hands. She could easily have just taken her Miraculous anyway, but there was no way she was going to let her kitty be harmed. “You had Mayura right where you wanted her. I could’ve managed by myself, why’d you do that?!” “Because we’re Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug by itself doesn’t sound half as cool.” “You shouldn’t say things like that to me.” OOF. Then he puckers up, and she puts a finger on his lips and says, “But the real Ladybug’s heart still belongs to someone else.” “Ha, I should have guessed that too.” I love how they’re both smiling throughout the scene. No bad feelings or animosity. And I also love that not once, has she never said “I don’t like you” to Chat. It’s always been “I like someone else.” This really means something! I feel like this episode is really foreshadowing Ladynoir stuff. I also find it sweet and sad they’re both attached to Bugette. xD “Your idea was brilliant, but you don’t need a Miraculous to help me.” she sure doesn’t oh no. What’s she going to do next? “There was something else you needed Mayura for. To find the Guardian.“ “I’m not so sure anymore.” Not sure I like where this is going :/ Wait, his name is Giuseppe? I thought it was Vincent! :O Gotta make a note to change some fanfics later..... “Your papa’s new muse is incredible.” THEY’RE GOING TO BE MODELING A LOT TOGETHER OH NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. DISGUSTING! I can’t believe he’s allowing such a thing! “She’s Italian, just like me!” I have Italian ancestors, why does that matter Giuseppe? She’s a disgrace to all Italians everywhere. Adrien: “Would you mind leaving us alone for a second?” in his normal Adrien voice. As he walks over to the chair, did you hear him grunt out of frustration? Then he just sits down and doesn’t even look at her. Which reminds me of his father. Adrien: “I warned you once already, Lila, but you didn’t listen. You hurt my friend Marinette, and that’s not okay." he says in a deep, angry voice. Yesssss! I’ve wanted this for so long! STAND UP FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. Also, he warned her not to hurt the people he loves. So he’s pretty much admitting he loves her without saying so. Ahahaha I don’t care if he thinks it’s only as friends, he loves her. x3 “I don’t know how to prove you lied Lila, because you’re good at it. So you’ll have to come up with another lie just as convincing. Only this time it’s going to prove Marinette’s innocent.” “Why would I do that?” “Because we’re friends, aren’t we?” Okay, Angry Adrien’s a bit scary but I’m so here for it! I’ve never heard him sounding so cold. You don’t hurt his Marinette. You harm her, you’ll have him to answer to. Again, really disgusted with Marinette’s parents sympathizing and caring about Lila. My mom would’ve seen past her lies and been on my side the entire time. I just don’t see how parents like hers that have always thought so highly of their daughter and know her so well would buy into this. But I suppose that goes to show the kind of power Lila has over everyone. Also is sad that after all this, Marinette is still nice towards Lila. She’s just too good. “As you said. Things aren’t always as they seem to be at first sight.” Hmmmm well this certainly is going to mean some things later. That disgusted look on Marinette’s face when she saw Lila and Adrien’s photos on TV. XD Like she can’t even believe how things keep turning out with this girl. But the way this episode ended, this was so not the end of all of this. As this was supposed to be the last episode before the 2 season finale episodes, I’d bet that it’ll continue then. If not, beginning of S4. Oh my, are we even ready for this?
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 7, Episode 8: Season 7, Time For A Wedding!
Vegas, baby!
Good for you
Oh, Dean
He looks like that all the time
A "friend"
Good for Sam
Uh oh
That's weird
She clocked him right away
That's concerning
This is great
Oh, not crashers
Dean is very confused
Oh that's just weird
Yeah, hi Becky.
And now Dean knows there's something wrong
Ouch, Dean
Every fan ever
Me too
Wait, Dean's read DPS?
And now he explodes
Mm, no
Absolutely not
That's a horrible idea
Oh jeez
That'll be a fun voicemail
Oh my goodness
She did not
She did oh my lanta
I haven't touched Hamilton in a while, and that was a shock to my very bones
Wow, Becky
This is weird
The eye roll 💀
Oh boy
Uh oh
Do not call him Sammy
I swear I've seen this on an episode of My Little Pony
Also that's just horrifying
I know how that's gonna end
Aw, Dean!
I guess
Weird karma
Was she lowering her voice?
Yeah okay
Jensen's face is always the best
Pfft, absolutely not
He's kind of got a point
Moody teenager
...and she's the lovestruck teenager
That's actually really romantic considering who they are, but still ew
I can't. I really can't.
Garth. Oh man, we meet Garth 😂
The funny pages?
Marsha Marsha Marsha
Becky grilled him. Yeah
They're reporters, what did you expect
It's not him
Why does it always come across that way?
Poor Sam
Haha, rip
Thanks, Dean!
Lucky guess
Huh. It is demons
Garth is great
Oh! And with Dean's gift, that's just cold
Don't wave them around!
That's concerning
Becky, everything you do is weird
Becky, stop.
No, I think she is
A lot, actually, but not right now
He's a liar
The one time she gets it right
I almost feel bad for her.
Wow. He's got a point
Don't trust demons
Fair enough
That's mid-fifties, ish. Not too bad, compared to others
Don't do it.
The rooms are color-coded.
She's always excited
Fair enough
It's a nice place
Sam sounds so mean 😂
Oh, no.
Just a little bit.
Okay, fair
Fandom is good like that
Yeah, that was a match made in Hell
Well call it that
Don't drug them!
Oh, Becky...
Hey! Good job
Calm down, just a little
Sounds like fun
Good question
That's cruel, even for demons
Typical interns
Poor Garth
They really like choking people
I can't believe I'm saying this, but go Becky!
No kidding
I don't think they're friends
Have fun
It'll be a power play
Ah. Security
Sorry, dude.
Oh, it was
A lot
Thank goodness
Sign the papers, Becky.
Was it even legal in the first place? Considering he's dead?
Don't focus on other people for validation.
Garth, absolutely not
High praise from Dean Winchester
...and to Garth Fitzgerald, apparently.
Wow! I had no idea!
Empty nest syndrome
No, I don't think it is good
0 notes
cowboyshit · 4 years
oof. yikes. I am... so so so sorry to all you shayna fans that was....ouch.
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