#oooh im eating good tonight
jyoongim · 3 months
Please the lil ex-hubby fic got my heart melting I'm such a whore for jealous Al 😭
May we please have more jealous!Alastor. Maybe he didn't even know he liked reader THAT way until some sinner genuinely tries to court her and then he's just like "NOWP. Mine now."
This been sitting in my inbox for weeks!!!! I finally got around to it!
Alastor had always found you to be good company. He enjoyed having someone who could appreciate proper entertainment. He enjoyed the chats you two had and even let you join him when he went on outings. 
He considered you a friend.
So why is his eye twitching as you smiled, clutching a bouquet of flowers from the sinner who had asked you out? 
“Oh they are beautiful!” You beamed, pulling the sinner into a hug.
Alastor let out a soft growl, before materializing behind you, flashing the nervous man a sharp smile “Dearest who is this” he asked as his red eyes narrowed at the demon.
”My date for tonight silly. I told you I was going out for a night on the town” you giggled happily as you ushered the man inside.
”why don’t you two chat while i finish getting ready hmm?” You smiled reassuring at the demon before leaving.
Alastor smiled lovingly at you and as soon as you were out of sight, he set his sights on the sinner who was trying to avoid eye contact.
The sinner cleared his throat “I t-thought she was lying when she said she was friends with the Radio Demon”
awww he was trying to make small talk
Alastor eyes narrowed, “oooh so you know WHO I am?  Good good then introductions are pointless.” He stood tall, claws gripping his cane. “This ugh date you call taking her out on? Canceled.” The sinner eyes widened “w-what? No…no way! I been planning this for weeks!” He frowned. 
Alastor let out a chuckle “maybe you didn’t hear me”. The lobby lights flickered and he transformed slightly, growing in height, antlers curved to the ceiling and eyes as bright radio dials.
The sinner shook in fear as the Overlord leaned down til they were face to face “You will NOT be going out on a date tonight because 1. That pretty creature upstairs is way too good for you and 2. She’s mine. Now…when she comes back down, you’re gonna apologize and say something came up and NEVER contact her again. Or I eat you and I am happy either way…your choice”
He dawned an air of innocence as he let out a fake laugh when he heard you were close enough.
”I’m ready! How do I look?” You beamed, twirling around to show off your outfit. Alastor whistled, grabbing your hand and turning you in a slow spin, grinning “You are stunning my dear.”
You turned towards your date and he looked a bit shaken.
“U-Um s-something came up suddenly and…and im gonna have to cancel.” Your bright smile faded as he rubbed his neck nervously. A pout formed on your lips, as you wrapped your arms around yourself “O-oh…I see”
He looked at you and went to take a step forward but that only caused you to step back and into the Radio Demon’s embrace, seeking comfort.
Alastor pulled you into his chest ‘protectively’, rubbing your back soothingly ”oh it’s alright my dear. Im sure the two of you can reschedule this little date.”
The sinner mumbled his apology and slipped out the door.
You were pouting. You thought that he genuinely liked you. He even planned a whole date to your favorite club! So why…
You felt Alastor lift your chin, your pouty face making him grin.
”Since you’re already dressed how bout we go out on this date?” He asked tilting his head. You blinked at him, a little shocked “Y-You wanna go on a date with me?”
He chuckled, giving you a squeeze as he snapped his fingers and both your clothings changed to a more elegant style.
He raised your hand to his lips, red eyes wrinkling at you “Oh darlin I would be a fool to pass up the opportunity of having a pretty dame on my arm” he laughed as he twirled you around, before looping your arms and waltzing out the door.
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borathae · 7 months
reading duvet days after the ff is more sweet and i got the lucky pun now lol
“how’s my warrior queen doing?” he asks. she really went to war on a tree on vacation
I even stuck my head into the room a few times but you were knocked out."  sounds like my mom checking if im breathing or not when i sleep in same position for too long
“good thing I brought you a few things”, he adds with a grin. where do i get a kook myself?? is it on amazon??
I thought you’d fall down the rocks and get swallowed by the waves or something that sounds like jin level exaggeration 😭😭😭
sleep is the best medicine.” very true, sleep it off sleep everything off
oh oh??? whats going on??? 👀👀 everything alright kook??
Oh how affected he already looks. Pupils widened, cheeks rosy and breathing ragged. Also his hair is just slightly messy in the front. RAWR BARK WOOF JEINOHXUADSGOI AAAH PULLING MY HAIR GASPING
“I feel like the possibilities are endless im sorry but all i can think of is mark saying the possibilities quote ah yes got it The possibility of all those possibilities being possible is just that another possibility can possibly happen
ok gotta get back to being horny
"I feel too meh tonight, the morning shit just didn’t hit right."  thats very funny but realistic WE LOVE THAT SHIT
ok picking up my ice cream IT HITS DIFFERENT CUZ I MADE IT YUMMM (its jamoca almond fudge ice cream except there is no almond)
vanilla ice cream for a not so vanilla sex
"Ride me!” his answer is instant and loud. boi changed his answer as fast as me changing bias
“Mhm. Can I eat sushi off your butt one day?” that took a turn
SHE SAID YES BITCH ES YEEEHAW * cowboy swinging my towel
where do i get a kook myself??
this is me on a daily :( I need me a kook as well :(
HAQHAHHA THE SWITCH UP from you going "hehe dramatic babies" to SHE PULLS HIS HAIR WOOF WOOF HAHAHAH
I forgot that I included that 😶 *dies*
hahaha I don't know the Mark quote fjadjfj istfg I'm such a granny what other kpop bands is concerned I barely know the memes rip to me
Oooh damn I never heard of that ice cream flavour before but it sounds so yummy 👀👀
THE SUSHI EATING HELP I forgot again hahhah
SHE SAID YES BITCH ES YEEEHAW * cowboy swinging my towel
SHE SAID YES TICHESF *sheds herself of all skin*
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stewyonmolly · 7 months
frankieeee im making soup tonight for a dinner party but idk what soup to make What is your favorite soup recipe!
OOOH GOOD QUESTION. splitting this up so awkwardly bc i said so much… also full disclosure i was vegan for 5 years until a year ago so most of the soups i make nowadays are still at least vegetarian 😔 unless you don’t eat meat in which case 😄
you can never go wrong with a classic minestrone imo which is basically a broth of your choosing with whatever vegetables you have on hand (https://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Minestrone-di-verdure.html)
but i’m also a big fan of coconut milk-based soups such as https://ohmyveggies.com/thai-pumpkin-soup-recipe/
or a good chicken soup with a hefty amount of dill ❤️
i think you can never go wrong with anything that has a root vegetable base (potatoes, pumpkin, winter squashes, etc) and i love anything i can add loads of ginger to!!
some fav soups of mine are carrot and ginger (exactly what it sounds like, i roast carrots and fresh ginger with oil salt pepper and it would be mad delish with curry powder too & blend it up with broth and you could totally add cream or milk),
pastina with chicken broth and tons of grated cheese (i follow my heart when making it there’s no recipe but it’s comfort food),
oooh you could even do a broth started with sautéed zucchini in a pan (onions, some sort of cured meat if you’re a meat eater, that type of stuff) and pasta!!!
my mom did a lot of soups growing up perché siamo napoletane and that’s peasant food so OH MY GOD LENTIL SOUP. LENTIL SOUP. carrot celery onion lentils add some fresh greens once boiling maybe some chopped tomatoes…
my mom also made this awesome mushroom soup with quinoa kale spinach and cinnamon when i was sick last year and it healed me (spiritually).
escarole soup obvs http://www.christopherpless.com/recipe/zuppa-di-scarola/ also
zuppa di ceci chickpea soup was an absolute STANDARD in my house we usually didn’t blend it (whole chickpeas https://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Zuppa-di-ceci.html) but it can totally be blended too (https://www.italianfoodforever.com/2009/11/zuppa-di-ceci-creamy-chickpea-soup/)… i could go on
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itsdelicate · 6 months
Merry Christmas Eve! 🎅
How have you been? Are you with family? I'm with my in-laws still today, and then we are heading to my family later tonight to spend actual Christmas there.
To answer all of the questions I asked, let's start from the top.
Favorite Holiday for years was the fourth of July because to me it was like Christmas (without gifts) where you get to spend all day with your family, but the weather is actually nice and usually we would go boating.
I am a cat person! I have a cat and I love him so much, he is just a giant goofball.
Baileys in coffee is good! I am a wine fan, so if I want a cocktail, I like getting a sangria.
Also rep fan!! Rep is number 1! Did you get to go to the tour?
I eat popcorn all the time, it's easy and filling.
My favorite subject was probably anatomy. I just was a really big science girl.
I've enjoyed being your secret Santa these last few weeks 😀! I had a great time getting to know you.
Much love!
hello!! merry christmas! 🎄
i’m good! yeah im out with my family today we’re going for a christmas walk 🥰 that sounds lovely i hope you’re having fun!
ooh i’ve obviously never celebrated the 4th of july since i’m not american but that sounds like a great summer holiday for sure 😌 omg what’s his name!! pls send cat pics
i’ve tried a non-alcoholic sangria it was very good so 10/10, SO TRUE rep album of all time and i did hehe i got to see it in melbourne i was studying there at that time so it worked out perfectly
that just reminded me i can’t rmb the last time i had popcorn but i did try popcorn ice cream mochi the other day it was very good i didn’t have high expectation tbh, oooh anatomy is very cool i love science too except for chemistry which for some reason my brain genuinely just cannot Understand idek why it was the subject i struggled with the most back in school and both my parents have done their masters in diff aspects of chemistry 💀
thank you so much for all your asks!! i found myself looking forward to them and i really appreciated it <3 it was so fun talking to you ily 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 happy holidays!!
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laplupludetuvida · 2 years
Episosede 8 of house of the dragon in my house is...
My mom's boyfriend, seeing viserys: he looks like absolute shit!
My mom: and he is alive! Still alive! Why he doesn't die already so we can have the rebels and the killing and the blood and war!
The bf: what he has? Lepra?
No but like what is happening to viserys he is a rooting corpse
My mom's bf: why they don't kill him? Like... in a little help?
My mom: it would be treason
Why is this child crying. Dyana. Im scared. Ohh no
Alicent: what a beautiful name
My mom: for a dead woman.
Me: oh shit. Alicent i know you wont do it
And she didn't. In your face mom. Dyana sweetie run away from this shitshow
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Aegon you disgusting little shit
Good slap, my mom snorted from the kitchen. What an absolute win
i cant tell luke and jace apart shit
Ooooh i got them, dark hair is luke AKA the youngest and brown hair is jace AKA oldest okokok
Oooh the velaryon have arrived bitches
She is so hurt for laenor :(
Ehehehe rhaenys knows Whats up
My mom's bf: what just happened??
My mom: she is telling the princess that is a good idea but if tomorrow the hightowers do their best to fuck with her and win, rhaenyra will be fucking alone
My mom, forgetting what she said at the start of the episode: well can we kill the King already?
My mom's bf: they can last that long?
My mom: usually? In that time? No, but he is very stubborn.
Rhaenyra what are you saying? That you do not want the realm?
Viserys really said im going to sleep, good bye
Oh shit is he dead?
Oh he isn't, but it would have been hilarious
Viserys: i wanna eat with my family
My mom: bc after it im gonna die, not before i do another little fuck up. As a goodbye for everyone
Yeah you go vaemond
Ooooh RHAENYRA STOP everyone knows
Lets see what bullshit she will say
My mom: he is so SLOW, can anyone give him a piggy walk to the poor old man
My mom bf: until he gets there...
you know i dont like viserys but man they could have dressed him with something lighter, poor man cant walk and you put him in THAT
My mom, when daemon helps viserys: shitty fucker started hating him now he is a Goodie. Why you doing that
Oh shit rhaenys, well, im still with you, Lady. You rock
Vaemond im so sorry for you
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Yeah dont allow it vaemond
Daemond you bitch
Aemond what are you thinking you little scheming blondie
Not alicent being so religious... religius... religeus... RELIGIOSA, what the trauma does to a lady
Aegon you little shit shut up
My mom: viserys will drop dead in his potatos
ohhh he is
Oh god his face
Viserys: i love you all guys
My mom: except the hand of the King, who is very much a son of a bitch
Ohhh rhaenyra said sorry? Alicent and rhaenyra bien kind and nice to each other??
My mom: at least for tonight
Mi brother: they have to keep appearances
Aegon pls youre embarrasing me in front of my Team Black Mom
Jace: i have good memories of our childhood
The rest of the damn table:
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My mom: and now, in such a little moment of family and laugh and dances and utter stupidity, viserys dies.
He didn't.
Thats it, viserys fucked off, its time for killing each other
Aemond: they are like their father... strong
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Yiss this man is a little shit, but a different kind to aegon
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What are you plotting beautiful Lady?
Well no one can deny that alicent is trying her damn best with viserys.
Oooh the King is fucking it up one last time
oh nonono
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Alicent's FACE
Oh shit is he going to kill himself? Oh he didn't
Episode ends
My mom's bf: is he dead?
My mom: we dont KNOW. UNTIL I SEE A DAMN FUNERAL HE ISN'T DEAD. and even then i will doubt it. He lasted this much seems pretty sus that he just dies now.
Once again, my mother is upset bc of the lack of murder and blood and war, she gives a 0/10
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chrissypoox2 · 2 years
R U N A W A Y 🖤 Chapter 2
Pairing: Bangchan x Female reader
Genre: Fluff 
Word Count: 1,088 
a/n: So ive deiced to turn this into a 4 chapter series buut i actually odnt know how im gonna end iy anyways enjoy. (This chapter might seem weird because im switching up the plot a bit, from what the orginal is supposed to be) 
TW: Alcoholism
You wake up in the morning feeling next to you. Chan had already left for work, and even though he said this weekend was his weekend off he still left to go to the studio. He was a determined person when it came to getting things done. Which was no surprise. You get out of bed and head to the washroom to ready yourself for the long day ahead. You're still thinking about the little runaway date and want to make sure everything is perfect for when the date is official. 
Sometime next week should be good. He is on holiday break all week so the date could last longer than just one day. 
You got on your computer and worked on the date for almost 4 hours before you finished the draft plan from the date. Looking up venues and restaurants and budgeting with whatever you got from your job was a tedious task. Your phone rings and when you look it's Chan. You pick up your phone and answer.
"Hey babe, what are you up to right now." Chan started conversations where he was all sweet and then ended up asking you to bring things to the studio for him. He is sweet regardless but he does go the extra mile to butter you up.
"Nothing much just playing games. Why? Do you need me to bring you something?" You knew Chan forgot something why else would he call you?
"Haha no I didn't forget anything I genuinely just wanted to check up on you"
Awwwee how sweet, but there has to be a catch this 
"Oh okay, well I'm fine. How are things at the studio?"
"The studio?" Chan sounded a bit confused by your remark.
"Yeah isn't that where you went? That's why you left early this morning? I assumed you were just at the studio working on music?"
"No actually the others and I are in Busan right now for a promotional, I just wanted to call to also tell you I won't be back home till tomorrow morning. So you don't have to worry about dinner tonight just make sure you eat and sleep well k?"
"Oooh okay, don't worry about me I'll be okay."
"Alright call me if you need anything. love you" 
"Will do, I love you too. Bye." You hang up the phone and get up to eat something, at the pace you working at you could get this done by the afternoon and pick up a couple of quick and easy commissions to do for some extra change. 
You continue your day as normal after finishing the date and also setting the budget. You're on your way to a babysitting commission, but it's on the part of the town that you are not familiar with. You look down at your phone and continue to follow the route. You look up with it saying that you've arrived and the house looks sketchy, but you're getting $75 for watching the kids for only 2hrs, it was a good deal and one that you couldn't easily pass up on. You knock on the door and some old guy who recks of alcohol opens. 
"y/n?" the man looks at you squinting his eyes and chugging down a beer. 
"Yes! Hello Sir, I'm here to babysit-" The man rolls his eyes and interrupts.
"Yeah, I know, come inside please." You walk in hesitantly and the man continues to give you instructions.
"I'll be out for 2 hours the kids are sleeping but when they get up there is food in the fridge in containers with their names on it. Our dog is in the backyard and isn't allowed in the house. He leaves a weird smell. If you need anything my number is on the fridge door. If my wife gets home don't leave her here with the kids. She needs her sleep after a long day of work. Also here.." the man hands you half of the payment while standing there. 
"Here is the first half, I'll give you the rest when I get back. Have fun." and with that, the man left. You didn't wanna assume where he might've been off to, but when you continued into the house it was messy and he was so worried about the dog leaving a smell, the house smelled bad already. You wanted to go the extra mile even if they didn't tip you for it and clean up the house just a bit. 
an hour had passed by and you got the smell out of the carpet, the dishes were clean, and you lit a couple of candles you found and organized the bookshelves and the Cds. The kids' toys were all neatly packed away. You even did some yardwork too just for the heck of it. Then the door opened and you had assumed it was the wife. You walked to the door to greet whoever came but you were met with a strange man. 
"Hey you, do you know where the owner of the house went? Tall dude, black hair that's up the ear length, he has a mole on his right cheek?" You weren't sure what to say, so you didn't say anything, you just nodded no. The man looked disappointed but left after standing there for a couple of seconds he left. As soon as he left you went and locked the door, and with that, you locked all other points of entry. 
They better give me more than $75
The wife came home and the kids woke up, you played some games with them to keep them occupied and cooked some popcorn so they could enjoy their movie. It made you wonder what married life would be like with Chan. It would be wonderful for sure.
The father came home and gave you the money with a $50 tip for cleaning and handling the strange man and told you not to worry about it when you brought it up. The next commission was also babysitting but it was in a completely other part of town. 
It was about 9 pm when you finished your commissions. You did a total of 5 commissions and were able to make $700, which would be more than enough for your trip on top of what you're already putting in. 
You finally get home and you are so exhausted that you fall asleep as soon as you touch the couch. 
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f1nalboys · 2 years
Peacemaker Season 1, Episode 1 Live Post
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(this is just a collection of my thoughts as i watch through peacemaker <3)
-the recap of the movie after i put off watching episode 1 so i could watch the movie
-i will start this by saying i did not like him in the movie, he was sorta funny but he’s so fucking douchey which i suppose is the point HOWEVER here’s hoping he’s at least funny or the side characters and plot r good enough for me to power through (spoiler it is and also he’s growing on me)
-john cena ass
-“aqua man fucks fish? I DONT BELIEVE IT” JDJWONCKS ok fine FINE . this is a little funny
-ok this opening scene is funny hehe
-the way he’s walking out of the hospital is so fucking funny like a kid who just stole a toy in a shop and is trying to get the hell out
-i see my man Adrian in the background tho 🗣️🗣️
-these opening credits are. something fr….i enjoyed it tbh IFNWKDNSJD so fucking dumb i love
-the vigilante voicemails JFKWODNKWJD i’m giggling hes <3
-“my life fucking suck!” me core
-i love superhero movies/tv shows where they can curse
-peacemaker winking at harcourt (? is that how it’s spelled) and her flipping him off <3
-john eating his food <3
-she is the love of my life
-“how the FUCK am i supposed to fight a mothra without a jet pack?”
-he has a side kick named eagley
-i like the soundtrack
-his dad being robert patrick
-oh so his dads a cunt got it
-don’t make me feel bad for this mf GOD DAMN KT every time a man has daddy issues i’m like :( i could fix him :(
-man FUCK auggie smith
-they’re being mean to leota. i will be killimg james and emilia.
-“nice gaslighting” shut uooisnfownfiwnf
-men bonding with their evil dads 🙄
-he’s alive.
-u want to spoil myself and see if he beats the fuck out of his dad i hope so 🙏🙏 need someone to edit christopher to that modern baseball song
-“i never gave you a second thought while you were in there” ok and if i kill you, then what????
-ok so his dad is racist got it
-stop everyone is so mean to him why do i feel bad for him
-them being mad he called her sweet cheeks JFJWIFJJWD
-“you always gonna be this difficult?” “yep!” MEEEE
-oh i’m in love with him….
-i have feelings for him.
-leota and christopher r gonna be besties <3
-“you hubbed up” SHUT UPPODNSIWND
-him explaining HFKWICNWJ
-sorry he just said they called his dick chimp arm
-anyways leota calling him sweet cheeks :,) BESTIESSSSS
-ew tell me he and emilia aren’t gonna have a weird love interest thing
-OH ok she’s a girlboss
-him falling in love w her like get in like bitch
-“that was so fucking hot” me
-me when women are cunty >>>>>
-“no touching past here….no fuck it it’s gotta be here i have to touch your boobs sorry” JFKWOFNWODNISDB
-major tits
-oooh leota is working double time w amanda waller
-this man and his tighty whities 😭
-“this is back to when men were real men because they weren’t afraid to be women” oeriod peacemaker
-the amount of veins on thid man is crazy
-guys is there a sex scene with adrian i wanna see that man’s dick 🗣️🗣️🗣️ i know he fucks good
-“i gotta thank you you for tonight. i was having a crazy fucked up day, but when i was in your pussy back there, i felt, i don’t know, fucking hope!” IM IN AWE AT THIS SHOW
-him singing into the vibrator ENDIWNDONW
-oh she’s gonna try to kill him
-the soundtrack once again is rlly good
-kick her ass chris 🗣️🗣️
-no bc i’m so confused 😭😭😭
-OH MY fucking GODDD
-he sonic boomed her ass to a pulp
-eagley bringing him a dead animal to make him feel better :(((
-ok end credit scene and then final thoughts
-“this one will give you scabies” “scabies? why would i want scabies” “to challenge urself” BFIWJCOJS
-ok snort that was fun OK FINAL THOUGHTS OF THAT EPISODE
THIS WAS A GREAT FIRST EPISODE!!! they had everyone introduced in a good way, gave some characterization and backstory to everyone without it being too heavy handed, the fight scenes were fun, the characters are all interesting so far!!! 8.5/10 only bc i need more adrian 🙏🙏 OK ONTO EPISODE 2 >:)
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sparatus · 2 years
Heyooo 👀
How about 1,3, 4, and/or 5 (up to you) for "When the Lights Go Down" 🥰
yessssss im still really proud of that one thank you!!
Fic Asks
Fic: When the Lights Go Down (one-shot, Saren/Nihlus, retirement)
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
honestly it's hard to say, it kinda just. flowed like that. a lot of my writing style draws from very stream-of-consciousness stuff that gets its fingers really deep into the emotional state of the characters, so i wanted something that would invoke a sense of peace and calm, let the readers feel the same sense of "it's over, we can rest now" that saren has finally allowed himself to feel and settle into after so many years of finding himself again and settling down
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
oooh that's hard, there's a lot of lines i like in there. i think i have to go with this:
Perhaps, a little voice in the back of his head murmurs, it's because Carthaan is home more than the Citadel ever was.
i'm honestly a huge sucker for things where the characters go through absolute hell but finally get to go home, and have that soft epilogue, it always hits me right in the honey nut feelios. especially for saren and nihlus, who have been all across the galaxy and back again, when neither really had much sense of home with saren bouncing around between military bases with desolas as a kid after the death of their parents and with nihlus being a mercenary son of mercenaries and his mom shoving him to the military at 16 i have Fic Ideas About That too god i have so many emotions about martelian kryik and then spectres not having much time to find a place for themselves, finally getting to have somewhere peaceful and quiet to retire to when all is said and done..... feels good feels organic
4. What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
hmmm there's not a lot of dialogue in it but i do like this part from when nihlus is cooking dinner:
Nihlus turns to look, lifts his mandibles in greeting, and goes back to chopping. “You’re awake.”
“Much to the dismay of everyone else.” Saren’s mandibles flutter as he walks over. “I thought it was my turn to cook.”
“It is, but I didn’t want to wake you. We’ll swap with tomorrow night.”
Saren hums agreeably and leans on the counter next to the cutting board. “Is there anything I can help with?”
“No, thank you, I’m keeping it simple tonight. I wouldn’t mind some company, though.”
So that’s what Saren provides. Nihlus turns down the music so neither of them is struggling to be heard, and Saren sits at the kitchen table, and they talk. Some new topics, some old, some speculating on the future, some reminiscing about the past. Saren isn’t usually much of a conversationalist, but he’s always found it easy to talk to Nihlus.
i'm very partial to quiet, domestic bits in fic, showcasing how people are when there isn't big, dramatic things going on around them or even just whatever smaller plot is going on. it's about the gentle intimacy, it's about life moving on around the plot, it's about you still have to eat and breathe and sleep
5. What part was hardest to write?
transitions are always the death of me, honestly, especially the smaller flavor of "and then they went to x" that should only take up a small portion of the thing! the main problem i had was always like, i had the little events of the day in my head, i just struggled with how to get them moving between them. especially because the tone needed to say soft and contemplative, like they were letting the world move around them and just enjoying watching it go, so i couldn't just skip over the trip, either. AUGH transitions my old nemesis, if i'm ever lagging on a thing i guarantee the issue is trying to get a fucking transition done
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cynical-demon · 10 months
Alex: Would you still love me if I were a worm
Royce: What kind of worm
Alex: Does it matter?
Royce: It absolutely matters
Alex: How
Royce: Not all worms are equal
Alex: That’s worm-ist
Royce: What if you were a tapeworm?
Alex: …shit
Royce: What if you were a ringworm on my ass
Alex: Ringworm isn’t actually a worm it’s a fungus
Royce: But it has worm in the name
Alex: So does gummyworm
Royce: I’d still love you if you were a gummy worm
Alex: …I’ll take it
Royce: I’d put you on a nice fruit plate
Alex: You’d eat me?!?
Royce: What are you suppose to do with gummy worms
Alex: :(
Royce: I’d be gentle
Alex: What’s for dinner
Royce: I didn’t make dinner for a worm
Alex: I’m done being a worm!!!
Royce: I liked you better that way
Alex: Chicken Alfredo or Spaghetti?
Royce: Chicken Alfredo
Alex: I thought you were more a spaghetti guy ngl
Royce: I’m in the mood for Alfredo tonight
Alex: Can you make din din
Royce: Don’t say din din
Alex: Why not
Royce: It’s childish
Alex: You’re childish
Royce: I’m the oldest one here
Alex: Age is just a number
Royce: Then go date a retiree
Alex: WHAT
Royce: You heard me
Alex: You want me dating a wrinkly man?
Royce: If they’re rich enough
Alex: You’re onto smth
Royce: Get yourself a sugar grandpa
Alex: I got you tho pookie
Royce: Are you calling me your sugar grandpa
Alex: …no
Royce: And don’t call me pookie either
Alex: You DO have some grey hairs
Royce: They’re silver
Alex: Dw I know they’re from stress
Royce: Yeah, YOU
Alex: HEY
Royce: Anyway, chicken Alfredo
Alex: Oh yeah im bringing home garlic bread
Royce: Oooh garlic bread
Alex: I knew you’d like that
Royce: We love garlic bread in this house
Alex: Im tired
Royce: Do you want a bedtime story?
Alex: Yes yes yes
Royce: Once upon a time there was a beautiful prince and then one day he got turned into a worm and the prince he was suppose to marry found someone else
Alex: DUDE
Royce: And then he lived as a gross worm in the dirt forever the end
Royce: Yes
Alex: Now I’m tired AND sad
Royce: The worm should get some sleep then
Alex: the bed is cold
Royce: You’re suppose to sleep in the dirt
Alex: Gonna take a dirt nap
Royce: Don’t die
Alex: Would that give you more grey hairs?
Royce: Yeah definitely
Alex: You’d make a good silver fox
Royce: IM ONLY 40smth
Alex: REALLY?!?!
Alex: UHM
Alex: MID 50S?!?
Royce: WHAT?!? WHY
0 notes
jyoongim · 3 months
Can I have human Alastor x reader smut n like they’re both virgins n it’s their wedding night like newly weds n he eats her out for first time n they fuccccc n like super fluffy n hand holding n i love yous n both are nervous n shy n adorable pleeeeeaaaase im begging
I almost missed this request but its so cute!!!!
You looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to get your nerves together. 
You had changed into a short silk nightie. Your lacy garters clung to your plush thighs, holding up the thigh highs. You had pulled your robe over it and took a deep breathe.
Tonight was the night.
You had just married the man of your dreams.
The wedding and reception was beautiful; your families danced, sang and drank to their hearts content.
Your aunties had teased you about your wedding night, making rather vulgar comments about how exciting your night was going to be. Your mother had snuck and packed lingerie into your luggage for this moment.
”Oh honey that man there? I know you’re gonna have a wild night.”
”Youre gonna be giving us some little ones by the time y’all come back”
”dearest remember men like it when you do…”
”Oh I can’t to hear everything when you get back”
You had half a mind to change and just put on one of your nightgowns, but you wanted to be sexy. 
It was your wedding night after all.
And you wanted to look good for your husband.
You gathered your nerves and made your way to the living room.
Alastor wasn’t there.
You padded over and poked your head into the kitchen and found the man pouring himself a drink.
”mind pouring me one on the rocks?” You said, making him turn around at the sound of your voice.
Heat pumped to your cheeks as his eyes widened, you held your giggle as you made your way to stand in front of him.
You feigned innocence as you wrapped your arms around his neck, sighing as he kissed your forehead and handing you a glass of whiskey.
You took a sip, nose scrunching at the taste but smiled as Alastor clinked his glass with yours.
”To us my dear” he said chugging the liquor. You giggled and really took in your surroundings.
You hopped on the kitchen island and sighed “I can’t believe we are married. Oh my stars Alastor we-were really married” you covered your smiling face, feet swaying.
Alastor let out a laugh, coming to stand between your thighs, hands on your waist, smiling at you “yes we are. And I am the happiest man alive doll”
He caught sight of the sheer material on your foot, his brow quirked, making you smile slightly. His hands fingered with the knot of your robe, loosening it and his jaw went slack.
”My momma seems to want us to give her grandbabies soon as possible” you giggled as he toyed with the garter, trailing his finger along your skin.
“That can certainly be arranged” he mumbled to himself, opening the robe to see what you were hiding .
Alastor felt heat rush straight to his cock as he took you in;
The silk garment clung to your figure, hugging your soft curves and making your skin look so soft, your garters teasing him, making him want to use his teeth to rip it off.
You looked gorgeous.
His fingers tapped along your skin, he pushed his hips into the counter as he leaned into you, burying his face in your neck.
The entirety of your courtship Alastor had been a gentleman and did not even try to indulge in you. 
Sure there was heavy petting and intense kissing…
but this oh this was different
The two of you were married now.
It was now acceptable and even encouraged that the two of you would be connected at the hip.
Large hands danced along your thighs and slipped under your nightie to follow the garter straps.
A low groan met your ears as Alastor’s fingers dug into your soft flesh, his teeth nipped at your ear ”No panties doll? Oooh my dear always a vixen”
Your cheeks heat up as you feel his thumb graze the slit of your soft lips, rubbing soft circles on your clit.
”A-Al?” You whined as he littered your neck and shoulder in kisses, nipping at the delicate flesh as his thumb pressed onto the bud that made you tingle.
He hummed before pulling you closer to the edge of the island “how lucky am I to have such a pretty wife?” He drawled, taking his free hand and hooking his finger under your chin and pressing his lips to yours.
”A pretty wife I adore, worship, and would do anything for.” 
You keened as he deepened the kiss, head dizzy with pleasure.
Alastor pulled away and chuckled at your lidded dazed eyes.
You let out a squeal as he heaved you over his shoulder and made his way through the estate. Your breath caught in your throat as you watch your husband remove his shirt, leaving his chest bare.
Your husband was not a very large man no, instead he was tall and lanky. Lean muscle rippled under his flesh and you bit your lips as your eyes roamed over the scars that littered his skin.
Heat pulsed between your legs.
Alastor caught you ogling and flashed you a smile as he crouched between your legs.
Your nerves twisted as he nuzzled the skin of your thigh
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want darlin” he reassured you, running his hands over your legs.
“N-No its okay. I ju- i want to experience the whole wedding night thing. And with you. I want us to explore this new thing together.” You tried to focus else where, pouting, making him smile.
Contrary to what many people thought, Alastor, the dazzling radio host, was not as experienced as one would think.
Not a womanizer, though he looked like it. The old handsome bastard
Alastor slithered up your body, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers, bringing your hand to his lips, thumb fiddling with your shiny wedding band.
”If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable just tell me and we can stop ok?” He said with a serious look.
You nodded and pulled his head to yours, connecting your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, scratching his scalp and massaging his bare shoulders.
The two of you just stayed like that; happily sucking at each other faces, tongues sweeping over each other and pecking lips.
Alastor nipped at your swollen lips, nudging your chin to expose your neck to him ”I want to try something dearest” he said softly,  making you tilt your head.
He slide down until he was kneeling on the floor, his hands on top of your thighs and head wedged between your legs.
You watch his head dip under your nightie and tensed up feeling his breath on your mound.
He brushed his nose against your clit, mouth ghosting over your slit. Your lips formed an ‘O’ as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked!
”Oh!” You gasped, back arching.
Alastor’s tongue swirled around the bud, alternating between licking and sucking on the bud.
His tongue dipped down to tease your quivering hole.
”A-Al!?” You whimpered, hands fisting the covers.
The man propped your legs atop his broad shoulders to angle you better, to slot his mouth against your cunt.
His hands gripped your waist to keep you from withering away from him.
The sound soft suckling and your gasps filled the room.
With a slight pop, Alasto released your throbbing clit and licked a strip up your slit.
He let out a chuckle “Ooh ma cherie you taste as sweet as I always thought” he lifted his head and smiled at you, chin glistening in your juices.
Your face was flushed as you panted. Your fingers pulled at your nightie until the garment was tossed to the side, leaving you bare and only in your stockings.
Alastor’s cock twitched at the sight of your full, perky tits.
He shimmied out of his loose pants, climbing up your body to capture your lips. His hands pulled your legs around his waist as he grinded his hard cock into your wet heat.
You moaned into his mouth as you lifted your hips into his, clit catching onto the tip of his clothed cock.
”A-Al i want…I want to please you as well”
He hummed as his drifted towards your chest, teeth tugging at your nipples before enveloping the mound into his mouth.
You lightly pushed against him to sit up. Lips never parting, you fondled his cock, bristling as he groaned into your mouth and cock hardening within your hand.
”I-Inside p-please Al” you begged, pressing your head against his.
It wasn’t as easy as your aunties had tried to tell you. The magazines made it look easy, but by god!
Your eyes clenched as you gritted your teeth, taking his weeping tip and running it over your folds. Alastor held your hips, kissing your shoulders “darlin don’t force yourself…we can take it as slow as you need” he reassured.
A whimper met his ears and he let out a hiss as your tight warm walls sunk down on him, stopping just shy when met with resistance.
You took a deep breath as you plunged down, a cry leaving your throat “Aaah!”
You buried your face the groove of his neck, nails biting into his skin leaving angry marks.
You felt so full.
It was like you could barely breath, his cock filled every crevice and stretched you beyond limits.
Your fingers never felt like this.
You needed to move, to adjust and get accustomed to him being inside.
Your teeth found themselves bedded into Alastor’s flesh as you finally took the last few inches.
Your sweet husband made sure to soothe you, kissing you cheeks and lips, lavishing your chest in kisses as well, muttering positive affirmations.
”Oh my sweet girl”
”Youre doing so well”
”deep breaths baby, I got ya”
After a while, you let out a shaky moan as Alastor softly kneaded your flesh, before rolling his hips into yours. He groaned as you clenched around him, pupils dilating.
”I-I know we said we would go slow but my god cher, you feel so good”
He took it upon himself to slowly move you. Alastor had heard from other men that a woman’s pussy was like heaven on earth. He used to think they were exaggerating, but your warm, gummy walls hugged him perfectly.
He had been hard since he had tasted his wife. 
You were sweeter than any fruit he’s tasted. He would live between your thighs if he could.
He peppered your shoulder in kisses as he grinded into your heat.
”A-Al!” You whined, body buzzing with pleasure.
Soft moans and grunts filled the room as the two of you made love for the first time.
”Please Al oh my god please!” You moaned throwing your head back against the bed. Alastor was on top of you, head buried in your neck, soft grunts and growls pouring from his lips.
”You gonna cum for me baby?” He purred, hips snapping into yours, your legs wrapped around his waist.
You nodded as your cunt fluttered.
Alastor lifted his head to catch your lips, intertwining your hands.
”c-cum!c-cummin oh Oh fuck my god! A-Al..I’m gonna cum” you whimpered as the ball in your belly tightened.
Alastor smiled against your lips “Its okay. Just let it happen baby. C’mon. Cum on your husband’s cock. That’s it…fuck baby”
You saw white as your body seized. Your thighs trembled as you pulsed around his cock, orgasm ripping through you as you milked him of his first orgasm.
”Iloveyouoloveyouiloveyou” you chanted as Alastor rode out your orgasm, humming in amusement at his wife.
You twitched in sensitivity as his thrusts sped up before he stilled, groaning as he emptied his ball into you.
You both panted,chest heaving as you overcame the sensation of passion.
Alastor curled his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, making you sleepily blink at him
”Was that ok?” He asked nervous
You smiled, pressing a kiss over his heart sighing
”That was perfect” 
the two of you sat in bliss, just taking each other in.
”Al?” You muttered, making the man look down at you
”C-Can I suck your cock now?”
That made the man short-circuit. 
You looked up when you got no response only to see your husband sporting a nosebleed
”oh my god Al!”
He had a silly smile of his face
”I love you my dear”
You giggled, making him tilt his head back
”I love you too”
@boney-horse@zombiesnips-blog@rulesareshadesofgrey@southern-bayou-beau@doggone-devil@polytheatrix @yourdoorisunlocked @amurtan@sassuguru@confessioncassette@evedenn@alastorsaries@alastors666creampie@alastor-simp@alastors-deerest@bigfatbimbo@okay-babe@purplecatsandhearts@altruisticalastor@horrorartsworld@dasimp777@nettaw@nightshadelm@certifiedcrybabyyy
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sunkingwrites · 2 years
goooood morning.. 💕 mm I’m so sleepy still- gonna make myself some coffee and then hopefully my stomach doesn’t get upset with the amount of cookies I plan to eat for breakfast 😙
anywaaaays, I’m gonna be cooking a lot today because it’s almost someones birthday and like the good roommate I am I gotta cook their favorite foods~ oh but but I was catching up with bnha before I went to sleep last night (pls I swear I slept when you told me to) but then my roommate came in and.. stole my laptop? I mean I didn’t mind because I was having a mental breakdown over the recent episode,, but now I’m concerned what they did because all they said was “I need le minecraft.” and left 🥲
and I finally finished the firewatch shinkami fic- why tf is it so good??? awhkjhdiuhoina I kept getting distracted noticing the little elements in the writing but it just made it so captivating 😭
oH OH AND- I finally finished what I had left for my college projects and sooo I don’t have anything to do for the next 2 days.. unless *cough* anyone *cough* wants to do me 🥺/j
jokes aside I was crying this morning because I also finished chapter 5 of the song of achilles and we got a background check on one of the characters and I swear I could see the mommy issues shining through 😔
OK NOW IM JUST RANTING OF WHAT IVE BEEN DOING HJQSDKJKWFDKJJNKASD- I can’t get discord to open so that’s why I’m sending an ask tho 🥲
oh oh and my mind just suddenly filled with questions last night and it wont stop bothering me lol I dunno why… they’re so random tho- although I’m very curious on the one reason we know each other: how did you find my blog? It’s just a lingering question that I always wonder when someone follows me hehe- I mean,, I’m very glad you found me because holy shit— 😭 I remember how you were freaking out because I followed you back- that was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life tbh (we’ve been mutuals for well over a month ayo??)
anyways I’m gonna stop my intrusive mind from dumbing more stuff here so I don’t clog up your asks.. I hope you have a great great day, and I will send you kisses and updates of what I cook and uhh shit I do! on discord this time hehe… well unless food pics are not something you like then I’ll just spam you with random shit I do-!
mwah mwah~ ✨
just-- so fucking good-
Mmmm,, we love mommy issues-- just love love love that for us~ No but like, characters with mommy issues are always too relatable to write aghh- LIKE STOP HAVING MY THOUGHTS PLEASE,, I UNDERSTAND I HAVE TRAUMA JUST LEAVE MEH ALONE
..if you couldn't tell- I had sugar-- remember that boba tea icecream I sent you a photo of in the superstore a while back? Yeah well I bought it today at Walmart and now it's almost gone,, and and I also got an ube icecream too, and Marmo hAtEs it- but I like it and I already knew that I would-- and now I wanna make an ube, vanilla milkshake aahhhh yum yum,, obviously not tonight-- maybe tomorrow if I can???
Okay okay and,, as you know my remember is full of shit so this miGHt be wRoNg- but I'm pretty sure I saw.. mmm I think a writing post first- maybe cuz it aligned with one of my tags?? Then I was like "oooh, I wonder if this person has anything else written for this character-?? Lemme seee~"
so then I would've found your master list post and I liked the vibe of it,, so then I'm pretty sure I just started scrolling through and randomly liking shit-?? I was still like a week new on tumblr so I was desperately looking for people to follow and get some more content flowing through my dash and to interest with--
Thennn, I think it was that composition you had posted that kinda embodied your anxiety that got me hooked,, cuz I kept listening to it on loop- so then I felt like I had to comment about getting it on Spotify,, since my family has a premium plan it's the place I usually get my music,, AND THEN I saw the picrew and I was just gONe cuz I fucking love making picrews and yours looked so cool and you just seemed like you'd be a fun person to talk to.. and then I shared mine with you and just kept talking and uhhh- yeah! That's what's up!! ✨✨
-also also you're birthday on twitter says it's the 28th- so I thought that was funny xD
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tparker48 · 3 years
Request for Preyslavee
Today Tyler's folks were out of town as they called him to watch the house. He would be sitting in the living watching a little bit of TV as he enjoyed his snacks.
"So this what its like to be an to run the house. Sure im small, but at least the folks trust me to look after it. Don't have work breathing down my neck, got the tv, and more importantly, i got the house all to myself" Tyler said stretching his body before slouching onto the couch. "Ah, nothing can stop it from where im sitting" as he watched the television, a shadow appeared above him as giant ass hovered above. Before he could react, it soon hurtled towards as his vision was covered my mounds of muscle. He was able to shout on the inside. But on the outside, nothing but the softened muffle was the only thing to signal where he was underneath.
"Surprise squirt! Didn't expect to see my little brother here"
"Grgh! Daniel?! What are you doing here?"
"What's it look like im doing? Watching the house to keep it safe. And it looks like i caught a slacker" he felt Tyler push against his cheeks as he felt his little limbs sink into him. He then tauntly rocked his ass ontop before getting up. "Heh, you're punier than i remember. You sure you didn't get smaller".
"Peh!And i see you still have rank smell" Tyler said as ge spat to the side. "Nah! I gotta change clothes now!" Tyler hopped off the couch as he walked along the carpet. Doing his vest to ignore his older brother as his smug face towered over him.
"Aww, don't like the smell. I think it suits you well squirt".
"Shut your face!"
"Ah i remember way back when we was younger. The fun you and i used to have, boy were those the good times" Daniel following behind him. Purposefully moving his feet closer as he nudged into Tyler's back with his toes.
"Those were not good times! Half the time we spent was almost against some parts of your body"
"Ah that you were. Still remember swim day at the beach. Ahaha! Seeing ya squirming my shorts was the best feeling after that swim. Still remember exactly where your outline was. Riight there underneath my c-"
"Gyaah! Do not even bring that one up" Tyler shivered. "Can't even sleep on pillow without thinking THAT. Im heading to my room, you can have the front and-" A foot would land in his paths as bumped into the side. Following back as it lead to Daniel.
"Ah ah ah, i wanna spend some quality time with my wittle brother. Its been almost 6 months since the last time we hanged out together. Come here you!"
"Hey hey! What are you-grgh!" a firm hand gripped around Tyler as he was lifted upward. He tried struggling to get free, but the pressure wouldn't let up. "Let me..go!"
"Not before you meet your old friend mister belly" with the hand holding tyler, he lifted his shirt as his slight pudgy belly wobbled out from underneath. He soon brought his gripped hand closer as he splayed it across his belly button. With Tyler being in the center as the surface jiggled. "Go on, say hello".
Tyler could barely move as the hand held him into the squishy surface of the belly. The. Sounds of churns lingered and ranged through his ears as the sound of his brother's voice even echoed inside. As the gurgles went into a more deeper tone, he staryed to push against it as the belly morphed around him. But the hand behind didn't move. "Nrrgh! Get..off me!"
"Aw you're so mean to mean mr. Belly, he's your old friend afterall. Say...why don't you pay to pay him a visit".
"What?! No!"
"Yeah, that sound like a great idea" Daniel started to lift Tyler above him as he gaped his mouth open. Sprawling his tongue out in the process as drool dripped partially from.
"No no no! Stop!"
"Heh" as he let go, Daniel watch as Tyler vanished passed his nose before feeling his body slide along his tongue. As felt pressure further inside as slowly start to close it.
Tyler soon saw the light of the hallway begin to darken as he tried to climb back up. But the large tongue would keep him from making progress as it waved underneath. "Ah ah" a taunting tone echoed inside the mouth. Before the lips sealed and left him in the dark. "No!" He yelled before everything around him started to shuffle. Though he couldn't see, he felt the tongue underneath begin to twist around him as he felt himself being dragged around the mouth.
On the outside, Daniel would walk around the house as he went back to the living room. Sitting down on the couch as he toyed with his little brother inside his mouth. He moved him with hus tongue to the left cheek as the his brother voice could be heard in the compact flesh. Before disappearing and then reappearing at the other as he rubbed hus tongue up and down as he enjoyed the feeling of Tyler struggling inside. He rubbed him a couple more times side before letting his mouth gape back open. Letting Tyler have a glimmer of hope as he tried crawling his way out.
He managed to get out partially grom his brother's mouth, but only hanged as his shoes rested between daniels teeth. W-what?!".
"Enjoy the ride down squirt" Daniel flicked his head upward as he tossed Tyler into the air. As he came back down, Daniel would be eying him with his mouth open wide as Tyler plopped inside. Closing it back up, he tilted his head further back as he felt a slight bulge at the back of his neck. The sensation of kicks lingering at the end of his tongue as it slid into the tube.
"Daniel no!"
As Daniel's throat clenched, a bulge slid down its length as Tyler's voice echoed beyond the surface. Slowly traveling further below before softening as it past his collar bone. On the inside, Tyler could barely see or hear anything but the sounds of clenching muscles surrounded him. Doing his best to move his body to stop his decent, but the muscles didn't respond as they slid Tyler down. As he was squeezed through the sphincter, his body was deposited into Daniels stomach as he landed against the sponge like walls. "Daniel, let me out of here! You know mom and dad said not do this again!"
"They aren't here, which means you get spend good old time with Mr. Belly" Daniel placed both hands along the sides of his belly as he juggled it around. Tyler felt the area come alive and hus balance become unstable as he wobbled from one side of the belly to the other.
"Daniel! Stop it! Im...ooh im dizzy"
"Heh, still get see sick huh? Aw that's shame, cause its gonna be a bumpy ride in there. Oooh, which brings me to tonights dinner. We're having pasta tonight. Or well, heh me"
"You are not having dinner with in here. Im gonna cause you a hell of a belly before you even know what's" Tyler yelled as he pushed against stomach's walls. But only received a push back as he fell over.
"Aha! A belly ache, That's a good one" Daniel started to make his way to down the hall as he made his way to the kitchen as he prepared a meal for the night. Mixing and cooking with the materials he had available, he focused on the sensation going on from within as he heard Tyler yelling at the too of his lungs deep inside his body.
About an hour passed as Tyler slouched against stomach wall. Accompanied the stomach's churns as the sounds of silverware muffled beyond them. "Nah, hiw do i get myself in these types of situations. From being nearly sat on to now being in a lousy brother's belly" Tyler sighed. "Well, at least its empty. And besides, they he couldn't eat that much pasta right?" Movement started to cause the stomach to gurgle before the opening above began to open. A large noodle would seep its way through as it landed onto his lap. As Tyler tries to process it, another piece fell into the stomach as meaty chunks followed it. "Oh no.." Fluid would start to fill the chamber as the scent of lemons mixed with the must. "Stop eating! There's no room. Daniel!"
With the prepared meal, Daniel would be sitting on the couch as he forked through the pasta in front of him. Continuing to wolf it down as ye eased it inside with a cold cup of lemonade. "Daniel!" Was the only thing he heard come out from the his growing belly as he felt the food in his join in with the rest of his stomach. He only chuckled to himself as he gave him stomach a firm pat and a rub.
The inside would just about be filled up the brim as food continued to fall inside. Tyler barely staying out of the chewed food as he perched against an indention in the wall. The food starting to climb its way towards the Tyler's safe place as some of the liquid splashed over his. "Please stop filling, please stop filling, please stop filling" he hope as the content reached the edge. Lightly spilling itself into as it slightly rocked. But before the it fill the gap, it stopped as the sphincter above closed back in place.
"I can barely feel you in there Tyler. But i can sure feel that food" Daniel released a loud belch as he gave his stomach a firm pat. "Id give you some, you probably already have a belly full of it hehe" he started to hear Tyler's muffled lingering from inside as he turned the volume on the TV all the way up. "What's that? i can't hear ya over television, you'll have to speak up in there haha. Don't worry, I'll let you tomorrow. Big brother promises".
"Daniel, so help me if you don't get me out of this, you'll be sorry! You hear me?!" Tyler yelled inside, but was only met with the muffled sounds of the television. He gazed at the pile of food spread out below him as he watched the contents wobble inside. The belly firmly clenching around them as they as bits splashed into Tyler's legs. "Ah come on!" Tyler tried his best to rub off the chunks that landed into him, but they would got aways as he resulted to fanning his hands. He soon heard the sounds of snoring as the stomach began to rumble. "Is he...sleeping? Oh no no, you Can't go to sleep! Daniel! Damn it, Daniel wake up!...Gah!" Before Tyler could react, he felt the area flip over as the contents created a wave and crashed into him. He could tell which way was up as he swam around before deciding to follow the stomach's side walls. Eventually he resurfaced, but could finding a footing anywhere. "Peh!....Peh! Daniel....peh! Wake up!"
On the outside, Daniel would be turned on his side as he gave his belly a firm scratch. Feeling the contents inside jiggle underneath as he focused on the churns. "Mmm, now that was some good food. Enjoy your stay in my stomach...Tyler" he mumbled before drifting off.
The next morning:
Daniel would wake up to the sound of the Tv going on as he sluggishly opened his eyes. Turning off the Tv, He stood up to his feet as he scratched his belly. "Man what a night. That pasta last night really hit the spot" as he started to walk forward, he had a hand on his stomach as he walked around the house.
The commotion would catch Tyler attention as feel the belly start to move. "He's awake? He's awake! Daniel!" Tyler yelled standing to his feet. The food he was once swimming in now formes into puddle as he pounded into the walls once more. "Daniel! let me out of here!"
"Hmm, there was something i needed to do from last night. But what was it?"
"It was to get me out Daniel. Daniel?!"
"Hmm..." He went to the kitchen as he searched the fridge. He saw a carton of milk that was half empty as his stomach growled. "That's right!"
"Yes! He's starting to remember. Now i can finally-"
"I forgot to get more milk for my apartment"
"I better get some along the way. Don't want the miss to be breathing down my neck again" Daniel soon started to get dressed as he went for the door.
"No no, Daniel! That wasn't it! That wasn't it!" Tyler pounded at the the fleshy wall for Daniel to hear. But the sounds of the stomach's shifts masked it as Daniel left. Leaving him to endure the constant churns as he awaits for him to remember his promise.
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stupid-stew · 3 years
i took notes on the art stream dana did tonight in my own way, yes this is also what my school notes look like so my formal apologies
dana didn’t have many friends or anything in college (self defined recluse)
king is the hardest character to draw due to his specific skull shape
dana loves pokemon and the king resemblance is a coincidence, and she drew everyone to be RIPPED
young entrepreneur out here art queen getting that bag WHY WAS SHE MAKING SHIP ART OF HER CLASSMATES FOR MONEY AT THE AGE OF LIKE 11 IM SOBBING
king ruined the sand castle :(
the mcdonald’s coffe, it sucks apparently
insomnia dana supremacy, felt that
DANA WINS ROUND 1 (against her will)
side note i think i need to start watching more anime, that’s just for me the remember tho
“let’s get weird”- dana terrace 2021
“give us the most uncomfortable furby suggestions please”- also dana terrace 2021
hard time communicating outside of drawings (one of us 👹)
toh is script driven, sicknasty
her test was turned away SPILL THE TEA
dana proposes to furby suggestion giving chat member
8months struggling for job
turned away from power puff girls boooo
“i called up a friend and we had a drink and i cried :(“ -dana
the director had to fight to make the furby scene happen and sir we appreciate it
“androgyny is beautiful”- dana, about a furby
yes girl let jesus take the wheel on that anatomically correct furby
“fuck you! fuck you!”- not dana’s furby
$80,000 in debt for this
“shit shit fuck shit”
“as good friends, as disney would say”
dana trying not to lose her job
straight black coffee you psycho
cannot cook, girlboss, win dana with food
catchphrase? “AAAAAAAHHH”
scared of spiders
do not wake the cat
“is that a pile of garbage or is that ur self esteem after i fucking demolish you”
-dana terrace 2021
the iconic “byeeeee” was difficult
why can’t she draw shrek
“i need validation please jesus christ”
-dana terrace 2021
someone buy this woman the cat gamer headphones alex hurry up
she does not like the booth but she does it for us thank you queen
dana fainted getting a stick n poke rip
at least she’s having a good time making her own gross little fantasy land, improvise adapt overcome
dana unlocks the idea of things being done in different ways and have them all be good for the masses
“limitation breeds invention”
“wow ur really wise dana”
“….thanks dawg”
“well i didn’t have friends… no one laughed.”
i want the little comics of her pets
cat person dana
awww little stick and poke on her ankle
does not celebrate her birthday
#mood bunny
“how can we make this weird” GIRL IT IS KERMIT ON S T E R O I D S
this is literally psychological warfare
dana has not watched the muppets but she knows him drinking the tea so winning
she’s proud about her making dipper and mable fight
hooty is the owl house canon?
i wish the owl house was like a creature that would have been so funny
season 2 is outline heavy when it comes to the writing
dana knows what she wants for season 2 and we love that
execs up the wall on season 1
dana has not found the character porn! keep it up girl! stay over there!
oooh bike queen
yes get that energy out girl
ddr stan, loses to matt braly at gravity falls team bowling hang out
cat is sad :( give her a snack :(
AWW GHOST HAS ASTHMA omg kinnie moment
conspiracy theory enthusiast when intoxicated
vaccination queen
does not believe in ghosts, kill me girl i’ll haunt you don’t worry i’ll prove it
“the ow house get ready to get some boo boo”- this other guy because it made me cry
“you’re gonna have to pay me to write shit because i don’t work for free”
not a music person
dana do a flip for charity please i’ll donate like an organ or something
she can canonically do a flip and she’s not gonna show us this is homophobic
her neighbor is parking yes get it
draw left hand
while holding pen wack
do it in online version of ms paint
“MS pain”- dana not finishing her word
and stick and poke
show us the work stuff dana >:(
“he’s a strong independent dog”
“4 minutes 20 seconds 😏 h e h e h e”
not the muscle pulling girl not now
“also dog”
ghost gets rejected
“he’s not impressed with ur bullshit”
catra shrek fan girl moment
dana has probably done drugs
“i am a fan of waluigi”
note to self dana will only marry you if you look like kermit the frog
also dog comes from a land where dogs eat people at starbucks
“he’s making out with it! he’s using tongue!”
there are bouncers in cafes where also dog comes from
dana has worked the cash register
someone make real witch merchandise
hooty is he has a very he has more he has a backstory it exists it’s written out but we might not ever get it because it’s just for her dana please i am on my knees
would play dnd if she could
favorite episodes haven’t even aired but currently is echoes of the past or keeping up a fear ances because they’re personal especially a fear ances
mentally she is thriving with the show and it’s going to end well 🙏
“it’s just my voice :(“
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batwritings · 3 years
hunter dream team x male deer hybrid tho 😫😫
reader is in heat and meets hunter dream in the forest. dream offers to help him with his heat, reader agrees and dream says "george, sapnap! come here!".
they see reader naked. dream says "looks like we're having venison tonight" and takes reader to their house and you can imagine the rest im not good with writing smut sobjhq
Oooh this shit makes the brain go brrr. Reader gets a little more antsy the closer they get to home and just needs to be dug into if you catch my drift ;) he'll be covered in bite marks you'd think they really were trying to eat him
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hematomes · 2 years
that's totally understandable !!! if you want to we can talk about it another time when you're less busy <3 /npr
im sorry about the nightmares, that's really awful ugh :/
im good ty! i slept pretty well and i didn't go to my morning class lol but i finished an assignment and im making a nice lunch for myself and my mom ^-^
omg for sure!!! i love paimon theories they're always so cool
it's fine dw <3 i expected it tbh with the week ahead but ill manifest gay dreams tonight >:)
oooh what did u eat for lunch!!! and congrats on your assignment sweeets <3
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Encore - POYW - Harry Hook x reader - part 23 - finishing touches
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You hummed around your fork as the creamy buttercream hit your tongue, looking down at your lap that held your aunt's tablet as you looked over the concept art your aunt had made for your wedding cake.
They ranged from sheet cakes with black and red swirling designs to four-tiered cakes with black and silver designs with red roses decorating the top and bottom tiers.
“these are all so pretty, I have no clue which one to choose” you sighed, setting down the fork next to the crumbs of your once existing sample cake, you and Harry had decided on the flavors a bit ago, chocolate raspberry truffle cake with raspberry glaze and chocolate buttercream and angel food with light vanilla buttercream.
Tonks, your aunt, laughed and held her hand out for the tablet, you leaning over with it and placing it in her hand “that’s no problem if you can't decide right now, there's no rush since your wedding isn’t till…have you decided when you’ll get married?” you paused at her question and shrugged, you honestly didn’t remember if you and Harry had decided on a date, almost everything was ready and set.
The place, the décor, the flowers, the bridesmaids, groomsmen, junior bridesmaids, and groomsmen all chosen, their clothes and accessories ready to be of use. the flower girls were chosen and their clothes ready, the place where you would have the reception at was chosen, the food at the reception was chosen, who was going to marry you and Harry (FG offered to marry the two of you, being the one to originally separate you she wanted to officially bind you together as an apology), who was going to give you away (your aunt), the archway you were going to be married under was designed, Evie said your dress and Harrys suit was ready, the guest list was long since completed, all that was left to do was chose the cake design and decide the time and day to get married really.
“not sure yet, I’ll ask Harry the next time we talk about wedding stuff” you smiled as Tonks gave you a grin and flipped through her cake designs again.
“im sure you’ll pick the best day, now pick a cake” she slid the tablet back over to you. You picked it up and scrolled through the designs again.
You finally decided on the four-tiered cake with white fondant and silver piping designs, with black borders and red roses swirling from the top to the bottom. “great choice, now I think you have a final dress fitting to get to~” Tonks teased, standing to give you a hug and waving you off as you walked into the back to go through a portal to the descendant's universe.
You stuck your key into the storage room door lock and turned it, the portal opening behind the closed door. You swung it open and stepped into the shimmering light portal.
A moment later you stepped out into Evie's starter castle, calling out to her to let her know you were there “Evie!! Im here!” you heard her call back to you from the greenhouse turned office and you made your way over to her. “so I heard that my dress is ready?” Evie spun in her chair, facing away from the light purple dress she was working on, and nodded with a bright grin.
“All ready! Harry's suit is done too but I’ll have him come by later, try it on!” she dashed over to one of her movable dress wracks and plucked a gorgeous white dress with billowy sheen sleeves, a plunging sweetheart neckline, and a long sheer train that flowed from the back. “here you go! Now go go! I want to see the finished product on you!” she squealed, jumping in excitement as you took the dress and went to go change behind the changing screen Evie had installed a while ago for her costumers that came personally to her office.
It took a minute or two to get into the dress, with all the fabric but it was pretty easy to figure out how to put it on. Finally, you zipped up the back and picked up the skirt, and stepped out from behind the changing screen.
Evie gasped and clapped erratically “O M G it's perfect~!!! You look so amazing!!!” you let out a small laugh and let Evie lead you to her standing mirror, gasping at your reflection.
(yes im showing the design again im so damn proud of this dress i want it for my own wedding if i ever have one)
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It was exactly the way you had designed it, from the small gems decorating your neckline to the white sapphire waist overlay “Evie, it's perfect” your voice cracked, pure happiness overwhelming you “it’s exactly what I wanted, and dreamed of”
“thank you so much for trusting me with it (y/n), and it's beautiful because you designed it too, you have an amazing eye for fashion” Evie giggled, holding onto your shoulders and smiling at you in the reflection of the mirror. “you are going to take Harry's breath away on your wedding day”
You laughed again, wiping the tears from your eyes and turning, wrapping your arms around Evie and hugging her tightly “thank you so much Evie” she hummed and hugged you back.
“you’re welcome (y/n), it’s the least I could do for all I've done” you raised your brow and leaned back, about to ask her what she meant before you remembered she had helped Mal kidnap you to have FG transport you back to your world.
“Still, thank you” you patted her arm, twirling back around and admiring the dress again. “I love it so much.”
“im glad” Evie sang, walking back over to her desk and continuing on the dress she had paused working on when you walked “so is everything almost done?”
“yep” you chirped, spinning and grinning to yourself as the skirt and train flared around you. “it’s all done actually, all that’s left is for Harry to try on his suit and for us to pick a day and time”
“oh, the archway is finished?” Evie asked, looking over her shoulder at you. The archway that you and Harry would be married under would be installed on your new ship for your wedding, but you and Harry had gone through a billion designs before finding the perfect one, and it had just been finished building and all it needed were its white and red roses decorating the main top boards.
“yep, Harry and I approved the final work two nights ago, we’re basically ready to get married at any point now” you turned and walked back over to the changing screen, unzipping the dress and letting it fall down your arms. “again, just need to pick a day”
Evie clapped her hands in glee “oooh I so excited, honestly, I think im more excited for this than I am Mal and Ben's wedding” you laughed loudly at that.
“Really?” you tilted your head out of the screen, raising your brow at Evie “why?”
“I don’t know” Evie sighed “something about it being more…private? And it’s really just going to be personal friends and family with some extra people, right? it just feels a bit more intimate than their wedding which is going to be broadcasted across Auradon”
You hummed, yeah you were glad you didn’t have to deal with all that for your wedding, and your wedding, hopefully, also would have Carlos actually there, he had mentioned that the day of Mal and Bens wedding was the day of his very important-you can't miss it or you’ll fail the entire year-finals test for veterinary school.
Ben and Mal had tried to reschedule their wedding so Carlos could attend but unfortunately, everything was all set and both were unable to move the date. They promised they would have either Jay or Doug record everything for him so he could at least see the wedding “personally” instead of on the news, he would be there for the reception but he would be missing the ceremony.
“what month are you thinking for it?” Evie wondered aloud, the hum of her sewing machine overpowering her voice a bit.
“im thinking either late spring or early summer? So May or June. I don’t want it to be cold as all hell but I don’t want it to be so warm everyone's sweating?” you shrugged on your shirt and zipped up your boots, stepping back out into the main area of Evie’s office with your dress in your arms “honestly I dunno, I’ll talk to Harry tonight about it, we're having dinner at my place.”
Evie nodded at that and stood, taking your dress and hanging it back up on her rack. “awesome, welp, we’re all done here! So” she waved her hands at you as if casting a spell “why don’t you get back to…whatever you were doing or needed to do after you were done with this” you laughed and nodded, spinning on your heel and walking out of Evie's office, waving her goodbye as you stepped out into her kitchen.
“kay, bye Evie!”
A couple of hours later and you were in your kitchen stirring up the mashed potatoes as Harry checked on the tri-tip. “think it's ready yet?” Harry turned to you, nodding his head at the oven.
“just check it with the meat thermometer, if it's 145 degrees it's ready” Harry nodded, putting on some oven mitts and taking out the tri-tip, sticking the meat thermometer in, and grinning.
“145, we’re ready” you nodded and turned off the heat for the gravy, and uncovered the cheese biscuits.
“Okay, ill cut it up and you can take the veggies out of the microwave and pour ‘em in the bowl thing”
You grabbed a carving knife and a large fork, transferring the tri-tip to a cutting board and slicing it up. You worked in comfortable silence to finish your prep for dinner, the only heard was your knife against the meat and cutting board and the soft music playing on Harry’s Bluetooth.
“ready!” Harry called, getting out two plates and setting them on the counter, walking over to you and kissing your cheek “thank yeh for helping me make this darling”
“you’re welcome Harry” you hummed, setting down the knife and fork and walking around Harry to get to the plates “plate up! And let's eat!”
After filling your plates with tri-tip, mashed potatoes and gravy, cheese biscuits, and corn, your dinner was ready to eat. You and Harry sat down at the counter/kitchen window and clinked your sodas before digging in, Harry dancing in his seat a bit as he bit into his food.
“good?” Harry just hummed happily, and nodded, picking up his biscuit and bobbing his head as he bit into it. “good.” You laughed slightly and dug into your own food, humming as you bit into the tri-tip “good job on the tri-tip, it’s fucking bomb” Harry grinned and his ears turned red.
“Thank yeh, Uma taught me how ta season steak a bit after the barrier came down.” You laughed again and pulled out your phone to text Uma.
“well she's a damn good teacher, it’s fucking bomb” you sent a quick text to Uma telling her that she needed to teach harry more cooking stuff and she sent back a wink and a thumbs up.
“soooo” you and Harry spoke in unison, stopping to look at each other and laughing “okay okay” you waved your hands around “me first” Harry laughed a bit and nodded, leaning on his fist and watching you “so, twice today I've been asked when we’re getting married and-I realized I don’t remember if we talked about it, like, at all” Harry snorted.
“aye, Evie, Uma, an’ CJ asked meh the same thing, and yeah we’ve…never talked about when we want ta get married” you and Harry shared an ‘oh shit’ smile and you shook your head.
“well, when Evie asked me about it the first thought that came to my head was early summer or late spring, so like, May or June?” harry hummed and tapped the counter with his fingers.
“huh, May actually sounds good, um, weekend or weekday?” you lifted your feet and rested them on the sideways beams of Harry's stool.
“mmm, weekend? Mostly everyone will be free on the weekends” Harry nodded, and took another bite of mashed potatoes “maybe a Saturday?”
“sounds good” Harry mumbled through his food, swallowing it and taking out his phone, opening his calendar and scrolling up to May “um, so we have the 1st, 8th, 15th,22nd, and the 29th for Saturday’s”
You leaned closer to Harry and set your chin on his shoulder, examining the calendar on his phone “how bout the 22nd? That way it’s not too soon for anyone's schedule and not the direct end of the month” Harry smiled and nodded in agreement.
“that’s perfect, May 22nd it is, that’s when we'll get married” Harry pressed a kiss to your forehead “I can't wait for that day, my love”
“I can't wait either, I tried on my finished dress today and I just wanted to show you immediately, it's so dang pretty~!” you squealed, grinning as Harry chuckled at your enthusiasm.
“and I can't wait ta see you wearing it, I can’t wait ta see yeh walk down the aisle towards me and I can't wait ta call yeh meh wife” you forced down the burning in your nose and eyes and wrapped your arms around Harry, burying your face in his shoulder. “and I can't wait to call you my husband, and love you for the rest of my life” Harry hugged you back tightly, pulling you into his lap and pressing his cheek to the side of your head.
“I love you so much (y/n)”
“I love you too Harry”
“finally! I was wondering when you two were going to pick a date, I've kept my calendar open just in case you two decided to say ‘fuck it’ and get married on a whim.” Uma waved her hands about as she ranted, and you hid your smile behind your glass and took a sip of your (drink)
“Yeah, guess we can also finally print those invitations now too” Uma hummed at that and set her cup down, tilting her head at you.
“well, the guest list is all done, right? So it won't be that much to do” you shook your head and took another sip of your (drink).
“Nope, just the design, and then printing, and everything will be ready to go, Harry and I already called Ben about using his private docks for the wedding because that’s where our ship is and he’s all for it” Uma nodded, moving forward on the table and resting her chin in her palm.
“so, next month, you and Harry get married~” you giggled in excitement and danced in your seat a bit.
“yep, hard to believe it's been almost a year since we got engaged, I feel like it's only been a month” you wished wistfully, a dreamy smile on your face “when I arrived on the isle, I never thought that Harry and I would even meet, then all of a sudden I was a part of your crew.” You and Uma shared a reminiscent smile, it had happened oh so long ago, all the way back in 2017 after D2 had released, and now it was 2021 and you were engaged to Harry freaking Hook, Uma was one of your best friends, Gil the other best friend, and you could travel from your world to the descendant's world.
It was like a dream come true, and if it was just a dream?
You hoped you would never wake up.
-end of part 23-
I know these wedding planning parts are lowkey kinda boring but really im just trying to set up the wedding part(s) (if it seems like im dragging everything out pls tell me, I don’t want to bore yall)XD which is soon! It'll probably be posted on May 22nd and considering I've been posting like, once a month (im sorry lol), the next chapter may possibly be the wedding chapter but IDK~!!! But anyway thank you all for reading my dumb Harry Hook x reader that I started back in 2018 so it been like, more than two years since I posted the first part and for some reason yall liked it and asked for more??? Which like, my writing fucking sucked back then, so why the fuck did yall like it? XD
Anyway, just saying again that I will be making rewrites of part of your world and reprise, encore I’ll leave alone since I think it has okay writing, I might re-edit the first couple parts if I cringe enough at em but otherwise, encore will be left alone while the first two parts of the series will get rewritten. I will leave the original versions up but again, new versions coming after I finish encore.
Thank you! - R.Sparrow
(oh! also I designed the invitations~
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pretty~ okay im done!)
 @queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose @random-thoughts-003
@remembered-license​ @verboetoperee​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @imtryingthisout​ @rintheemolion​ 
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