#oooooh aaaaahhh
thehuntress-rose · 2 years
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Write your RPer Resolutions for 2023! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer? Improve descriptions? Plot with more members? Etc.
I really want to work on my consistency with replies. Outside of RP life has been chaotic for most of my time here and save for this past month, I saw a huge improvement since I moved! I just want to take the new year and continue with that momentum and be more involved in my plotting and reply schedule! 
I want to write more self paras! I feel like my characters go through so much behind the scenes that only ever come out in passing dialogue or HCs but I definitely want to be able to flesh out their experiences more via one shots. 
Cause an RP wide event, or at least be the driving force behind a big plot. I love to be involved in them, it brings me joy! But I want to have a character be the cause of something or just pioneer something that everyone can be a part of and craft a story that everyone can be excited to be a part of too. No ideas yet bestie ok.
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s)
Rose: Make more connections outside of her huntress connections. Normal friends! San: Same as above, BUT I also want her to start looking for her mom for realsies. This could def include a lot of people! Potentially a race to find her vs Gaston?? Kill the Beast! (Save the Wolf Goddess) Susan: Get her to a spot to do something I have wanted since I got her. She needs to find a better balance and acceptance for herself tho before she will let herself be happy. Maybe even tell someone that isn’t Jess about what she is! Dian: Get better about handling his vampirism. Relapse. Get Worse. Struggle. (Sorry bby) Being a vampire isn’t easy. Laurette: More magic stuff! I loved writing her farmer’s market thread with the fortune telling! Let her use her gift more! Amy: Do more with Foul! It is such a great concept and I feel like I don’t utilize it enough. Lilith: Begin her search for Merlin’s Objects to give to Belos! Also be that Cool, but Strict™ professor. Sophie: Pull her out of her shell and let people in more! She is still new so she has room to grow, but I’d like to see her make friends and potentially tell them what is going on with her.
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
Rose: Visit Henry more often. Bury the Huntsgirl. Start her soft epilogue. San: Branch out more, humans aren’t so bad. Find her mother. Susan: Follow through with her campaign promises of making Swynlake safer for everyone. Help Magicks feel safer, no matter their kind. Dian: Get back to normal. Earn his family’s forgiveness. Laurette: Get passing grades, avoid drama! Maybefindaboyfriendtoookaybye. Amy: Find her fortune, hit some listener goals for Foul! Lilith: Gather Merlin’s Objects. Get her former protege back in line so that she doesn’t bring shame upon her good name. Sophie: Break her curse and go back home? Find true love?? 
List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so
CLAYTON: I know you have a thing with Isa rn, but I will be ur wife pls
Genevieve: She’s so cool, be worsties with Rose. I think they’d be neat
Drakken: believe it or not I have not done a thread with him, also know u are with Vixey rn but I’LL BE UR ENDGAME BBY
Talk a bit about your plotting style – what plots are you most drawn to? Do you prefer to come with a fully-formed idea and plot off that, or throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks?
I feel like I kinda suck at plotting lol. I tend to take a backseat and I really do like to fill plot calls when I see them and I feel like I have something applicable. And people tend to do the same for me! BUT! I would say I am a throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks until we can sus out the vibes of a pairing. Then I just love vibing. One of my resolutions was to get better with doing bigger plots and maybe big plots aren’t the meat of the RP, but I feel like my best characterization writing comes from the ripples of those waves. I don’t feel like I am that forward with plotting like “hey I want x, y, and z to happen! Let’s use those as anchor points for the thread” but I WANT TO BE. New year, New Kit. I will only get better and more unhinged from here folks. 
But as for plots I am drawn to, I wanna say I love a plethora. I love larger ones with lots of moving pieces, I just really like to be a player in a long game okay?!?! Like the shark week plot, the knights in elfhame, the fall of the order, Dian’s death at the Gala. Love big dramatic plotlines that make the town talk. But I also love messy relationships like with Tom and Rose and Laurette and Phineas. I think for realism, more people should break up. I love a good doomed relationship. It’s who I am.
Talk a bit about character relationships – what relationship are you most drawn to? How do you prefer to approach shipping (if at all!)? What, specifically, are you looking for right now for your character relationships? 
I love love love characters who bond over shared experiences. Whether it be a trauma or a shared affliction, I just love bonds forged by understanding. Because we all seek to be understood in some way or another and I feel like those relationships tend to last the longest. I am drawn to families and friends who my characters can really bloom around and vice versa! I love a good ship, but I think most of mine have either been plotted out via “hey I want this vibe and for this long with this ending” or purely vibes. Sometimes characters are just meant to be organically and it feels so satisfying to let them have that!! But don’t get me wrong, I like to plan a terrible end lol.
As for relationships I am seeking now, I’d love for San to dip her toes into a human emotion she hasn’t felt before for a human (love) I just think it would be a beautiful and natural part of er character growth to have her find a human that she can feel as protective and soft over as she does her pack. I would love to see Claudette pop in, just to fill the current separation Laurette feels from Paulette since being in school. A sister closer in age might have a bit more understanding than the eldest in her eyes! And maybe some coworkers for Rose (work at Interpride!!) because she needs some work hijinks! 
Talk about your dash reply style and your Discord reply style! (And if applicable, also your doc reply style). What do you like about each type of interaction? What is something you feel is difficult? 
Dash: I feel like I can be so inconsistent with my dash replies. I went from literally not tracking them at all and digging through my reblogs to find threads when I started to actually tracking them in an excel sheet. So we are making progress. I might not have them all up to date, but PROGRESS. And I am actively trying to be better with my dash consistency, especially in the new year :))
Docs: These can go two ways for me; we can bang em out super fast or I will close the tab and forget to do it for days. (I hate having 30 tabs open, it stresses me out). But that being said, I do really like them because they allow you to keep a plot secret until you are ready to drop all of it. And it’s so much easier for 3 or more muns to collaborate because I feel like 3 way threads can get so messy and cluttered on the dash! 
Discord: I love discord threads. I dunno why, but it feels like less pressure to have length or flowery prose (unless it’s an AU then I will go HARD for that shit). It’s quick and snappy and I think the event servers are always poppin and have great stuff happening in them. 
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #3 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it. Here’s an example.
SUSAN hears about BRUCE wanting to start a support group and chats with him about what he would like it to consist of, she suggests an AA type forum for Magicks because she has wanted to make a change for that community for a while. SUSAN talks to SIMBA about the AA aspects and how they work, and the BOARD about the arrangements while BRUCE fills out the petition (backed by SUSAN of course). 
SUSAN gives a speech at TOWN HALL about seeking community when you feel alone, how bonds are made with shared experiences and feelings, and how everyone deserves to feel that sense of community no matter who you are. She encourages Magicks to have trust in one another for this program to work. 
The petition passes, a meeting room is reserved after TOWN HALL hours for discretion, SUSAN asks BRUCE to be the point person for MA (Magicks Anonymous)! 
Step 5: Everyone prospers
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he-goes-down · 9 months
Wild Child -smut
Anon req (MY FIRST AAAAAHHH) fem reader
Pairing: Duff x reader x Izzy
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Warnings: threesome, unprotected p in v, oral F! Receiving, double penetration.
None edited, written on a phone in the middle of the night 😘
Second person pov:
The party was already going on strong, people were making out left right and centre, as-well as drinking and then throwing up left right and centre. This was one of the parties of Axl’s friends, you didn’t know him but it didn’t really matter. It wasn’t actually Axl that told you to come, but Duff and Izzy on two different days. Duff and Izzy always fought for your attention, you weren’t all that oblivious about it, you kinda enjoyed two hot guys fighting over you. You didn’t have a favourite, you loved them both, they were both so gorgeous and hot in their own way. Izzy being more mysterious and dark like a vampire, and Duff being more tall, sweet and probably had a secret rough side to him. You had decided to agree to both their requests on coming but came alone as to not add more tension.
You were sat down on the floor in a circle with other people playing spin the bottle. But a little more spicy. You were wearing a short black dress that showed a lot of skin, especially your chest, legs and sides as the dress was two pieces of fabric tied together elegantly on your sides. Izzy and Duff who were sitting across for you couldn’t stop starting at you. Both of them thinking about unspeakable things. The empty beer bottle was spun, everyone starring anxiously. It landed on one of the blonde girls sitting close to you. Another spin. Landing on the brown haired man next to her. Some guy took out a hat and rummaged through it and picked put a piece of paper, “Oooooh, seven minutes in heaven.” He exclaimed. They both got up and headed to the nearest closet. Soon the bottle was spun again, this time landing on Steven who sat next to you, you sighed nervously as it was very close to picking you, then the bottle landed on a girl who was a person away from Izzy. “Blowjob!! Whoo!!” The man picked out the piece of paper from the hat enthusiastically. Steven and the girl went off to a couch somewhere in the distance to do their business. This time the bottle was spun and landed directly onto you. You were feeling hot and excited. A-lot of the guys around were long haired and fine. Izzy and Duff on the other-side were both crossing their fingers behind their backs, and their hearts racing at a unimaginable pace. They’d do anything to just touch you and see you in private. The bottle was spun again, this time it felt so slow and yet so fast. Spin. Spin. Spin. Round. Round and round. The sound of the glass clanking on the floor was the only sound that played in your ears. The bottle had stopped spinning. Landing right in between Duff and Izzy. No more to the right, no more to the left. Just straight in the middle. “Seems like this is gonna be a three person job. Aren’t you lucky hun?” The guy smirked and began to dug into the hat once more. Your face was burning hot. ‘Shit.’ You didn’t even want to look at them at this point, if you did they would be starring straight at you in lust or starring at each other with rage.
The paper was finally taken out of the hat. “A Fuck.” The guy said and following with an over enthusiastic and dramatic ‘oooo’ at the end. Fuck your cheeks were red hot. You glanced up to look at Duff and Izzy, they were watching you with drunken lust. You were drunk too, your mind already foggy but now looking at the hot men across from you made it even more foggy with desire. This was secretly your dream, and you were gonna take it. “Can she not just choose one?” Both Duff and Izzy said in unison then starred each-other down after asking the question to the man. “Nope. Rules are rules. Have fun!” He said and two other guys lead the three of you to vacant bedroom.
It was quiet. But Duff broke the silence. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” He said sincerely. “Yeah, it can just be us two.” Izzy said jokingly. But he meant it. Izzy was about to say something more but you interrupted him by quickly kissing him passionately and throwing your arms around his neck, he was surprised but kissed back with aggression and desire. Before he could slip his tongue in, you retracted your lips from him, panting. “Just fuck me already.” You said looking at Duff then back to Izzy. “Fuck” they both groaned in horniness at your words that they’d fantasised about, and it was on.
Soon both of them were just in their underwear, watching you as you slowly stripped off your clothes. Teasing them. Their hard ons were getting harder and more visible by the second of you shedding off your clothes and lastly being stood their in your red lace underwear set. They were going to explode in anticipation. Izzy had enough and pushed you onto the bed, taking off your panties in a flash. Kissing up your inner thighs, getting closer to your soaking core. Meanwhile Duff laid next to you, one arm slumped over your stomach holding your waist. Kissing softly from your jaw to your neck, to your collarbone, shedding off the straps of your bra from your shoulders and began kissing and sucking your exposed cleavage.
You moaned and gasped loudly as Izzy kissed your clit, licking up your folds and stuck his tongue in your wet pussy. “You sound so beautiful…” Duff sighed lustfully, before going to leave another dark purple love bite on your breast. His one hand rubbing up and down your waist, holding onto your soft skin. The other hand intwined with yours as he pins your arm to the bed. Izzy’s hands were harshly holding onto your thighs as he dug his tongue into you, his whole face pushed against your hear, his big nose teasing your clit, making your head spin in ecstasy. You arched your back and moaned, Izzy groaned in response of the sweet sound of him finally pleasing you, the vibrations sent shocks through your pussy and up your spine. Duff unhooked your bra, throwing it to the side and started to suck your nipples. Spinning his tongue around the sensitive bud, which sent a tingling feeling down to your already over stimulated heat. Izzy was going wild on your clit, sucking, licking, flicking and pressing hard against it with his tongue. “Fuck!” You moaned. Your one free hand was grabbing and tangled in Izzy’s black hair, lightly pushing his head further down onto you. Another loud moan and whine. “I’m gonna cum! Oh fuck…” you moaned as your legs began to shake. You heard and felt the vibrations of a muffled ‘cum’ command from Izzy as he continued to eat you out like it was his last meal on earth. Duff held onto your waist tighter as you shook, whispering dirty words in your ear, somehow making you wetter than before. You felt a tingly pressurised feeling in the bottom of your stomach. Growing more and more as you were reaching your climax. You clutched harshly onto Izzy hair and Duff’s hand. “Fuck!” You moaned as you came all over Izzy’s mouth and shook in the two mens grasp.
Izzy detached his face from your pussy, his lustful hazel eyes looking up at you, your slick dripping down to his chin from his mouth. He licked his lips and wiped the bottom half of his face before crawling over you and kissing you. You could taste yourself on his lips. Duff lightly pushed him off you and kissed your cheek. His face now the only thing in view. He didn’t care or even notice that Izzy was giving him a stare that looked like he was going to commit a murder. “What do you want now sweetheart?” Duff asked softly, still filled with desire. “I need you.” You said bluntly, your head was still slightly foggy from your first orgasm of the night. “What do you need from me?” He tilted his head slightly, his hand now trailing down from your waist to your hips, his thumb doing circles around the skin. “I need both of you, in me. Please.” You pleaded in a whine. They didn’t care at this point, they waited to long to have you to care about someone else being there.
You sat on the edge of the bed, intently watching as the two men were taking off their underwear. Both dicks bounced slightly as they came out of the restrictive underwear. Hard, big, dripping with precum. Your pussy throbbing and physically hurting at the empty space that now needed to be filled by them. Their dicks were both big, way above average, Duff’s was a little longer than Izzy’s but Izzy’s was thicker. You were too busy in a heated and drooling daydream to realise that Duff was in front of you, his 6’3 figure leaning down slightly. He took you by the hips, then moving to your ass, picking you up like you weighed absolutely nothing. Your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck, his hands now on the curve of your waist. You were getting heated at the skin to skin contact that was happening, and his hard dick resting on your wet cunt. Duff rested his back on one of the walls of the room, for support, to fuck you at the right angle. Izzy came up behind you, his dick now against your ass, his hands resting on your hips, and kissing your neck. He was so ready to do the most unspeakable things to you. “What about condoms?” Duff asked as he just remembered. Fuck, you didn’t care, you wanted them to fill you and leave you dripping and their cum running down your legs, unable to walk. “I don’t care. Just fuck me.” You spoke. It made both of their minds spin, that was so fucking hot.
“Ready baby?” Izzy asked, his hot breathe against your ear, tingling down your spine. “Mhm.” You responded biting your lip and nodding. Your breath shaky, waiting in anticipation for him to fill you. He held tightly onto your hips. You whined as he slowly entered your pussy. You laid your face in the crook of Duff’s neck as you moaned at the feeling of Izzy stretching you out. Izzy’s head flung back in pleasure as he felt you clench around him as he bottomed you out. You felt hot and antsy already, god you needed to be fucked till day break. Izzy soon pulled out, not all the way, and thrusted back into you lightly. “Fuck…” he huffed lowly. “So fucking tight…” he groaned softly to himself as he stayed in position. “You okay baby?” Duff asked sincerely, his green eyes starring into yours. “Yeah…” you let out a pleasure filled sigh. “Are you ready?” He asked. You nodded. You leaned back a bit against Izzy’s chest as Duff’s tip was grazing against your already filled hole. “Go slow.” Izzy told him. “If he hurts you I’ll beat him.” Izzy whispered in your ear light heartedly. You gave a small smile in response. “Tell me if it hurts, okay?” Duff said. You nodded again. You exhaled deeply as Duff pushed into you, going slowly and carefully. You felt tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Duff stopped, “Shit, are you okay?” He asked in worry. “Please just keep going” You whined. The tears were of pain and pleasure. Meanwhile Izzy’s hand snaked around and his two fingers began to rub on your clit. Now easing the pain of your pussy being stretched to it’s limits. Izzy also began leaving big hickeys on your neck, which relieved more of the pain. Duff panted and lowly groaned at the little space he was squeezed in. Swore he could cum just at this moment. His skin finally met yours and his tip reached the end. You moaned at this fantasy feeling of both of them being in you. Duff soon did the same as Izzy and did one thrust into you. The back of your head now rested on Izzy’s shoulder as you moaned loudly, while Duff hit your g spot and Izzy touched you in the right place.
After a few minutes of grunts and groans and them cockwarming inside of you, you were ready to be railed by them and you told them. Duff began to slowing thrust in and out of you, hitting your g spot. Soon as you were ready Izzy joined, but thrusting one second behind Duff’s rhythm. It was double the amount of skin against skin slapping that echoed through out the room. “Oh god!” You let out a moan which followed calling out both their names. Setting them off. Their thrusts driving faster and hitting your spots harder than before. You clawed at Duff’s back, whining and moaning in his ear, and kissing groaned as he bit harshly into your skin on your neck and his fingers working faster on your clit. “Oh fuck baby, I’m gonna cum.” Duff panted between sloppy thrusts, you could feel Izzy was too. “Cum in me!” You stuttered, slurring a bit as your brain was going foggy and everything was going numb, you were close as well. “I’m gonna-…!” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before you came all over their dicks as they continued to raw dog your pussy to pieces. “ Fuck! I love you princess…” Izzy exhaled into your ear right before he spilled inside you. Duff kissed you lustfully, his tongue entering your mouth, and your two tongues dancing as he coated your insides with his cum which was now mixed with Izzy’s.
“You’re mine.” They both whispered in your ear in unison.
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transfemyuri · 3 years
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HNNNmmmnnmmnhhhh HEH HAH HOOH HEE AAH OW OW FUCK AH SHIT OW FUCK OOoooh that’s gonna leave a dent HNNG HRRR AAAAAHHH
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Youth With You” with Me!
Episode 7 Part 2
- ok part 2 and the S.H.E. cover was the last part of the vocal group so now we’re moving on to the scores of all of them
- as the goode and lovely canuck mark lee says, lezgeddit
- i am also now eating pasta
- can’t break tradition guys
- oh i’m so torn on who i think should be first!!
- oh my god beebee rally did that please miss me with that
- sure she may have been teasing but what’s the point of bringing someone else down??
- can someone please get kun a glass of water?  boy’s voice is scratchy as fuck
- y’all recall what i said about cxk not being like zyx?  lies
- shaking’s reaction sent me
- is joey chua the malaysian singer?  i really need to start keeping notes on people bc there’s like what, 100??? or something trainees right now and the only five i remember are Frhanm, K, Babymonster, Esther, and Marco Lin
- oh my god did meddhi really deadass lift zoe into the air???  me too honestly
- wait are shaking and zoe roommates??  i love that for them
- Frhanm is so cute !!!!
- this is so cute i lvoe it
- i might go and rewatch their stage tbh that song was so cute
- anyway stan kissing the future of love group bc everyone in the group is amazing and fantastic and i love them
- “oh they don’t need to do that” [about the releasing of the rankings]
- oh it does make sense but also it’s gonna split up my favoirtes isn’t it
- holy snipes 8/10 members of class a were replaced
- kiki and liu were jsut like, great ok that’s fun i guess
- esther lmaooooo i love her sweetie
- wait is naho in class d???  did my daughter move up???  amazing
- when do class f get cut?  like maybe i’m just too used to american competition shows but class f doesn’t seem sustainable??  idk im not making sense i guess
- also don’t forget to submit your videos to the ywy autograph thing
- i guess the theme is good but i still, and not because of my bias towards kun’s run of ip, i still like the “pick me, pick me” theme better
- oooooh i’m excited to see who get’s center
- i don’t know what’s going on or why they’re dressed like this but ummmm it’s interesting i suppose?
- oh the inability to read mandarin strikes me again
- kun needs to stop looking so fuckign attractive.  i love him smmmmm
- i love how he says “represent a girl group in 2020″ bc that’s definitely different to what it was even a few years ago
- did they have class a do the dance for the theme?  what is happening here?
- i’m not awake enough for this at fucking all
- did the stages move together???  the backstage theatre kid in me is shaking
- i really dont like this song and having it go for so long really makes it worse
- so like they are showing us already who got center?  i don’t understand
- ok cool i guess?  i’m still really confused on why they showed the next stage at the end of this episode
- and i checked several times to make sure this was still part 2 of episode 7 and it was
- i don’t understand many things and it’s too late to major or minor in east asian studies/korean/chinese for me so that’s fun
- soemoen who understands, if your’re out there,
- if you’ve made it this far in my badly spelled sleep deprived ramblings, how is quarantine going for you?  is your family doing good?  are your friends ok?  do you need to vent about anything?
- alrihty guys that’s it for episode 7!  join me in a few nights for episode 8!!!  get some rest! s tyay safe!!!
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neopoint · 5 years
IT WAS SO PRETTY!!! i think the part where the mermaid came was a lil oddly paced but it was so fun. hanako is so cute from his mannerisms... theyre very faithful to the manga this followed the first chapter beat by beat the opening has SO MANY HINTS. some parts of the episode come in a comic panel style that i liked and nene is so cute... i really liked the background music and over time hanako's voice gets higher and more childlike and nasal and i really liked that. v un-komaeda
OOOOOH IM SO GLAD THEY COPIED THE MANGA i dont like it when anime deviates too much and hanako-kun is so well done sdgfvhsdf. THE OPENING DOES HAVE A LOT OF HINTS OMG UR RIGHT they even added in the part with the moon rock!!!!
im glad to hear his voice gets better maybe ill give it a shot.... i think maybe the voice was purposefully made deeper and creepier (aka more like komaeda) for the trailer to fit the whole ~mystery~ vibe so that makes sense!!!! aaaaahhh i really wanna see hanako and nene animated too now i love them so much absolute cuties ;w;
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kittymaverick · 5 years
MCF Moths to a Flame Extra Gameplay commentary and game critique, MCF Black Crown beta commentary
 Spoilers below the cut! Game critique up here though: I’ll be honest, Eipex did REALLY, REALLY, REALLY WELL on the main game this time. Even though it was basically a MCF nostalgia fest, it was done right, had a plot of its own that stands on its own feet, the puzzles were the right difficulties, and the story was entertaining with it’s own twist at the end. Like, I’m legit sad I can’t buy this game right now and play it myself! It feels like how Fate’s Carnival felt when THAT was released.
1. “I can’t believe someone from the agency did this.” I’ll be honest, considering how much supernatural stuff you guys stumble on and deal with... MD: This is.. sort of an... only a matter of time thing. That and it’s about time we did some backstabbing in the agency. Like, 19 games already guys, that plot was way overdue. 2. “Hey, where did this come from?” *BUG ATTACK* “SOMEONE CALL MASTER DETECTIVE.” MD: Excuse me, but do I look like an insect exterminator? Well, you HAVE been an opponent exterminator for a while now, if we must be counting-- MD: That was a rhetorical question also how dare you say yes. 3. So the trash building is confirmed to be the agency. Wow. MD: We REALLY NEED that renovation. 4. Hey, hey did you see that slogan before you walked through the elevator? Hello, player to MD? MD: if I didn’t pretend I did, and if I did, pretend I didn’t. Sounds like something dirty is going on in your agency, just SAYING. 5. Pazu: That is... THAT IS NOT A BREATHING MASK. ME: Look, the slogan SAID you HAVE to see it through MAC’S eyes. MD: Don’t actually do drugs kids. It’s bad for your health. 6. MD: The archives is... smaller than I expected. Explains why your agency is in disrepair. Like, How many GOOD paying cases do you guys even get? MD: I’m starting to have the feeling that I’m literally the only one bringing in money, and only SOMETIMES. 7. MD: Wow, that’s, a lot of rejection forms. Oooooh so those were agent application forms. And yeah, wow, that’s... that’s A LOT. MD: 8. “Lure him into a trap” The Archivist REALLY didn’t get your gender right, did he? MD: I swear, of all the secrets this world can keep, why did it have to be this one? 9. MD: Hm, so the elevator MAC thing simply redirects power from the elevator to the locked door-- Um, HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO GET UP THERE NOW IN AN EMERGENCY? MD: ...My sense of self preservation has been a bit out the window since the beginning of this game, okay? I dare say it’s been out the window SINCE YOU STARTED WORKING AS THE MD! 10. Archivist recording: I KNEW YOU WOULD GET TRAPPED AGAIN! THIS IS MY PLAN B! ENJOY THE SURPRISE! Pazu: Yeah, your plan A failed big time. MD: Honestly, I’m a little too dead inside for surprises. Yeah, not to mention chances are, it’s probably a Darlimar, a bomb, some magic stuff that can trap you, or something that breaks that magic feather of yours... I mean, it’s pretty forseeable. MD: Oh it’s something I’m simply going to react with a dull surprise to. 11. WE GET TO GO IN THE NOT A SECRET PASSAGE! YEAAAA-- Oh, it’s a laundry room. MD: With MORE SECRET PASSAGE YEAAAAAHHHH-- this is gonna lead to Ravenhearst or the Blackpool asylum, I swear...
12. ???: HELP I’M LOCKED IN HERE GET ME OUT PLEASE! Pazu: Who, ARE you? Me: BET YOU IT’S A RECORDING DON’T OPEN IT. MD: ...I’m so tempted to do that, to be honest, but duty calls. Me: NO LOOK THAT IS TOTALLY A TV HEAD YOU CAN JUST TELL. MD: OH LOOK WHERE DID MY BRAIN CELLS GO GOTTA RESCUE FOLKS BYE. 13. Pazu: It’s a dummy. I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT TOO! MD: I DID KNOW IT BUT THE PLOT DEMANDS I DON’T! Archivist: AHAHA! YOU FELL FOR THE TRAP! YOU ARE THE FINAL HOSTAGE. ENJOY THE BOMB, SOON-TO-BE-NOT-MASTER-DETECTIVE! See, I said it was a bomb. MD: I KNOW. 14. MD: OOOOOooooookay, bomb defused. Archivist status: unknown. I THINK I deserve a holiday-- Queen: Oh hi MD, um, somethings... strange over at Manchestor Asylum that I think you should take a look. If you would be so kind, can you get on this mission for me again? Thanks and toddle-loos! MD: ..........Alright, who is it this time? Queen: Um, a... Phineas Crown? MD: Oh, the Pirate from 13 skulls-- *Kitty experiences her skull phobia flashback* NOPE MD: Actually, I’m up for this-- NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANYTHING BUT THE SKULLS!!!!! *Dragged away* 15. Urgh, why, why does it have to be skulls. MD: Wow, patient is NOT a Dalimar, from the looks of it. So at least that’s new, maybe. Hm. 16. Dr. Norton: You might not remember me-- MD: Actually, in this case, I DO remember you. It’s a bit HARD to not forget what happened that had me running out of here, doc... Dr. Norton: Oh, btw, it’s just a formality, but please sign here to access the patient-- MD: You’re making me sign a form to get me institutionalized, aren’t you? Dr. Norton: Dammit there’s no getting by you, is there? 17. MD: Hi? ???: Hi? ...Hello, can you confirm for me whether this story’s plot is the evil Dr. Norton imprisoning the both of us here so he can get Phineas Crown’s treasure? MD: Really, you’re just going to go ahead and figure the plot out? Look, when I can’t solve the game itself, I start solving the plot, okay? And my conspiracy theory says DR. NORTON IS BAD NEWS. 18. MD: Bring you back to life-- Can we NOT bring that pirate back to life, please? It won’t be the first time someone gets brought back to life... 19. ???: Last piece of the puzzle. Thanks. MD: ...Can someone for once just NOT use my head for solving puzzles??? Dr. Norton: Oh, you can leave now, btw. MD: I can... actually leave? We all swear you were going to get locked in there. 20. MD: Phew, alright, driving to the estate-- AAAAAHHH PAPER!!!! MASTER DETECTIVE NOOOOOOOO NOT THE CLIFF!!!!!!! MD: MY BUGGY!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, okay, I’m still fine-- I’M NOT FINE NOPE! You know if a Raven caused this, I would be WAY MORE UNDERSTANDING, but a POSTCARD? MD: STOP DISSING MY DRIVING SKILLS AND GET ME OUT OF HERE! 21. MD: ...Your breaks are broken-- WHO TOUCHED MY BUGGY?????? Oh, they touched the car. They are so dead....Also, YES DRIVING ON THE RIGHT SIDE AGAIN! 22. They... they’ve officially killed buggy. I’m... I’m... I’m so sad. MD: *sobs* good bye old friend. I’ll miss your cup of teas in the glove compartment. *sobs* *In the Arms of the Angel plays in background* 23. Um, a dog. Are you a dog person, Detective? MD: Nope. *Puts dog in cage* Oh you-- YOU ARE EVIL. MD: I HAD TO OKAY. And shortly after, the beta ended. It’s... looking promising so far. I look forward to the actual game, whenever it comes out!
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retro-melanin · 7 years
Home Is Where You Are (part II)
LET’S GET NASTY. This is my first publicly posted smut so be gentle pls. This is basically PWP. Also I’m a subby, bottom ass bitch so that’s the perspective this is written from. Idk how to link on mobile but part one is on my blog. Sorry for any typos, but enjoy y’all!
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‘He’s really here,’ you thought. You ambushed his face with kisses, and he blinked sweetly at the onslaught.
“I love you. I love you. I love youuuuu,” you sang song between kisses. You watched his eyes crinkle into a smile, and your heart swelled. Chadwick lifted you up without warning, causing an eeeep to escape you.
“Looooooove, loooOOOOoOove, loooooove,” he sang SZA’s Love Galore to you as he turned the two of you so that he could sit down on the bed. You both let out hearty laughs with heads thrown back and mouths agape. When you both settled, you let your hands snake around Chadwick’s head. You threaded your fingers through his tightly coiled curls and brought his face within inches of yours. He spoke first.
“I don’t know how i went three months without holding you, baby,” he whispered. He closed the distance between your lips. His soft, pillowy lips meeting yours with just the right amount of pressure. You inhaled deeply as your lips moved in tandem with his. You tugged, ever so gently, on his kinks, and he surged forward. What began as innocent, familiar kissing, slowly morphed into something more visceral. You sucked on his bottom lip before diving in for a lewd, sloppy kiss. His tongue invaded your mouth, claiming ownership.
“Mmmm,” you moaned, pulling away. You watched his lips chase yours.
“I’m sorry. I know you’re sleepy baby. It’s just been so long....” he trailed off. His eyes following your fingers as you slowly undid each button on his shirt.
“I don’t know why you keep apologizing,” you said as you rolled your hips over the bulge you could feel forming beneath you. You finished unbuttoning his shirt, and you used your index finger to bring his gaze up to meet yours.
“Do you want to unwrap your present? Or you want me to do it for you?” You whispered into his ear. You let your teeth graze his earlobe, and you felt him shiver beneath you.
“Let me baby,” he said with a smirk. He reached for he hem of his baggy, old tank top and pulled it up. He gasped as caught a glimpse of your lingerie. He hurriedly pulled the tank top completely off of you to reveal your red lace teddy. The see through lace hugged the swell of your breasts, barely obscuring your dark nipples. His eyes followed the deep v and rested where the lace finally met, just below your belly button and dangerously close to where you needed him so badly.
“Oooooh SHIT. This is....wow.” He exclaimed. “I get to call you my girl? I don’t know if i deserve allathis.”
“I know I look good if i got you out here swearing,” you joked.
“Better than good baby, you’re perfect.” He kissed you. “Wonderful.” Kiss. “Astonishing.” Kiss “Awe-inspiring” Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. “Let me worship your body.”
“Baaaaby, tonight was supposed to be about you,” you whined. You wanted to pamper your man, but you already knew this was a losing battle. Once Chadwick made up his mind, there was no sense in trying to changing it. He planted kisses along your jaw. Slowly, he made it way to your ear and nibbled on it. The hitch of his hips told you he was enjoying this just as much as you were.
“Feel that?” He breathed. “As long as you’re satisfied so am I.” He immediately started sucking on your neck. Making lewd noises that further edged you on. You couldn’t control the way your hips were rolling as you writhed on his lap. His hands came to cup your breasts. He ran teasing fingers over your peaked nipples, and you let out a squeaky moan. Pleased with your reaction, he began turning his attention to your chest.
He looked at you through his long lashes his lips met your sternum. Gently, he nudged the fabric of your teddy so that your nipples were free. Your heart skipped a beat as he slowly and deliberately laved at your left nipple. He maintained eye contact the entire time—knowing what it does to you. He let his lips close around it as he began suckling softly at the sensitive flesh.
“Mmmm ohhhhhh shit.” You moaned with a quiver in your voice. Immediately he sucked hard, making you wetter than you thought possible. His tongue was making lazy circles around your pebbled nipple. He mimicked the motion with his fingers on your other breast. His mouth replaced his fingers, and you were done for. Between the gentle flicking and long pulls, he was making it impossible to control yourself. Your body was starting to go lax from sheer pleasure, and he seemed to realize playtime was over.
He picked you up from his lap and laid you onto the bed. You watches as he stripped down to his boxers. ‘Fuuuuck i wanna taste him,’ you thought, but that glint in his eye told you he had other plans. He covered your body with his own, and placed a chaste kiss to your lips chuckling when you tried to deepen it.
“Ah, ah, ah, baby. I’m in charge of your pleasure now,” he growled. You loved it when he got like this. Wild. Unpredictable. Dominant. He placed the same chaste kisses on each nipple. Your sternum. Your bellybutton. And just above your pussy. He hovered there for a moment. You could feel his hot breath on your covered clit. You closed your eyes and waited for him to give you what you needed. Knowing if you made eye contact it would be too much. You waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing came, Chadwick was still in the same position when you opened your eyes. So close yet not close enough. He chuckled deeply and said “this lingerie is stunning, but it’s time for it to go.”
‘He MUST be crazy,’ you thought. “Chadwick. Boseman. If you don’t give me what I need!” You yelled. He burst out laughing.
“There’s my girl,” he said fondly. He wasted no time getting your teddy off and settling back between your thighs. He held your legs and began pressing kisses to the inside of each thigh. Getting higher and higher up until he was mere inches away from your dripping cunt. Ever the tease, he licked long strokes up either side of where you needed him most.
“Look at me,” he demanded when he’d seen your eyes had fallen shut yet again. You forced your eyes open, and the minute your eyes met his he slid his tongue out to connect with your clit. You couldn’t help the long wanton moan that escaped your lips. He made several kitten licks that sent shivers down your spine, but you both knew it wasn’t enough. He put your legs on his shoulders, parted your lips, and got to work.
He flattened his tongue against your clit and sucked, hard. Causing you to go completely lax and call out his name. He alternated between long licks that spanned your whole pussy to focused attention on your clitoris. He let his tongue slide inside of you and explore your inner walls. You had a feeling he wanted more than one orgasm from you tonight because you were nearing your first one. Your hand clutched the bed sheets when he pulled your hood back and ravished your exposed sex.
He clutched one of your hands, holding it to ground you. His other arm was holding your waist down. He was in total control, and that spiked your arousal. Another hard suck on your clit made your breath hitch. He did it again and you moaned breathily. It was all too much. The dirty, wet noises he was making, his unyielding arm on your waist, his reassuring grip on your hand. He hummed sending vibrations through your sex. Could tell you were close by the constant “uh, oooo, aaaah” your we’re making so he doubled down and sucked like his life depended on it.
“Fuck, fuck, FUUUUUCK. IM COMING. IM COMING OOOOH SHIT. OHMYGOD.” Your vision whited out as an intense wave of pleasure washed over you. He pulled off as you trembled with after shocks. The arm that was holding you down disappeared, which you wouldn’t have noticed until he started toying with your clit again. You jerked away. Surely, he couldn’t want another out of you so soon. But he was relentless.
“Baby BABY i caaaaan’t,” You whimpered.
“I don’t remember telling you we were done yet. I think you still owe me a couple more. How about one for each month i was away?” His tone was dark and predatory. This wasn’t up for negotiation. The fingers that were playing with your clit were now prodding at your entrance.
“Fuuuuck baby you’re so wet. I can’t wait to get in there.” He breathed.
He easily slid in two of his long fingers and you cried out from pleasure. Once inside of you, he curled his fingers and searched around until he found your g-spot.
“CHADWICK. FUCK. PLEASE. PLEASE.” You didn’t know what you were begging for but that didn’t stop you.
“Remember, no running. if you run, you’ll get punished” he warned. He knew you had a tendency to squirm away when you were approaching another orgasm. He loved watching your hips try to wiggle away from the intense pleasure, and he was obsessed with how well you took your punishments. He dove down and devoured your clit again. You screamed as your eyes rolled back into your head. He moved with urgency this time around, trying to force this orgasm out as quickly as possible. He continued to massage your g-spot while he made out with your clit. It was too much too soon.
“C-chad. Uhf oooh oh my god aaaaAHHHH.” Your toes started to curl and your legs were shaking. “Please! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE OH FUCK.” You couldn’t help it. Your hips started to squirm away. He followed you. One of your hands went to his head. The other, still entangle with Chadwick. Still grounding you. Still letting you know how much he loves you. At that thought, you let go. “AAAAAHHH SHIT CHAD. ILOVE YOU I LOVEYOU. fuCK.”
A lazy smile took over his face when he finished.
“That’s two,” he said, “we’re almost there.” He came up and pressed a kiss to your lips. You grabbed his face with both hands and licked your juices off of him. The two of you kissed while your body was coming down. Chadwick pulled back.
“I love you too baby, but you tried to run and you know what that means.” Before you could process what he said, he slapped your clit HARD three times.
“CHAD. FUCK.” Your legs shook. He held your face in his larger hands, and said “that’s it baby you’re doing so good for me.” Something inside you lit up, and gave you a third wind.
“I’m ready for my last one,” you whispered. You don’t remember how or when Chad took his boxers off, but you’re oh so thankful he did. His beautiful, lithe, form hovered over yours. He aligned is dick with your entrance and pushed in. He went slowly so you could feel every inch.
“Fuck baby i forgot how big you were,” you moaned. You felt his dick jump inside of you. You looked up and his eyes were screwed shut. You saw how hard he was straining to maintain his resolve. You decided to give him a taste of his own medicine by doing a kegel. He gasped and stared down to you. So you did it again of course. He let out a longer moan and managed to look so scandalized.
“What?” You feigned innocence. He laughed and said “wow, I’m so in love with you.”
He started corkscrewing his hips. Digging you out. This wasn’t fucking. This was coming home. This was making love. Your bodies rolled together like a tide. You moved as one. You wrapped your legs around his waist to give him better access. He obliged by sliding in feelings. You hitched your hips up to meet his thrusts, loving the stunted moan he let out every time. He was deep inside of you. Scratching the itch you’d been ignoring for months now.
“Mmmmm ooooh shiiiiiiit” he moaned right next to your ear. “Babe, it’s time for you to come one more time.” He shifted his hips so that his pelvis grinned against your poor, abused clit. That coupled with his increasingly shortened, staccatoed thrusts began the tingling in your lower abdomen. He grabbed your hands, held them, and raised them above your heads. You felt so safe, secure, and loved. He kissed you, slow and deliberate. You moaned against his mouth. You felt yourself tighten around his length. “Ooooooh” you moaned.
“Shit,” he said under his breath. His hips lost their rhythm and he began thrusting wildly, seeking his pleasure. Together you came with the other’s name on your lips.
You passed out immediately after, which made Chadwick smile. He cleaned you up and wrapped you up in his arms. ‘I’m so glad to be home,’ was the last thing he thought before he too, drifted off.
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S2E19
Yep.  Told ya I’d get this one up.
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post.
What the....
“Has there been any improvement since he [Theo] woke up yesterday?”  “No.  But he's wonderful, isn't he?“  I... I wouldn’t say that...
“The Will and Order of St. Dumas.”  What?
*Jim stops by Arkham*  Oh SNAAAAAPPP!
“Pinewood Farms was started by Thomas Wayne in an attempt to cure humanity's greatest ailments on the genetic level old age, disease, even death.”  “But that's not what happened, is it?“  *snaps sassy Z-line in the air*  No it ain’t!
“Karen said the program tried to play God, and you [Hugo] ended up creating monsters.”  “I was just a researcher with no knowledge of that until it was too late.“  Uhh, ha ha, no.
“I’m [Jim] not here for a therapy session, Professor.”  Thank you.
“No.  It’s more like an interrogation by a man who is no longer a police officer.”  Ohh!
“[Jim] You're trying to make up for the sins of your past, and you believe that this case will somehow bring about your own personal redemption.”  *grimaces*
“Victor Fries is dead, Mr. Gordon.”  Well that is a lie.
“Really?  I saw him last night.”  Thank you!
“I [JIm] can read tells, too.  [Hugo] You’re lying.”  *claps and points at screen*  Yeeess!
Oh there it is!  There’s the theme!
*Ed explains to Aaron that the other inmate’s personality is not him via pretending to scold the air AKA “Lucy”*  OK, this is actually not a bad way to diffuse the situation.
Look at Ed being the negotiator when it comes to situations in Arkham! 
“Go to hell, Ed.”  Thank you!
“Nobody beats me.”  Really?
“I [Jim] did.  See you never, Ed.”  Hahahaha!
There’s the Jim Gordon I know!
“What has no hands but might knock on your door, and you better open up if it does?“  Fate?
“I [Ed] can help you [Hugo] take him [Jim] down.“  You better not!
*One of the inmates tries to lick Ed*  EEEWWW!!
*Ed explains to Hugo how he manipulated the other inmates by simply listening to them and what they want*  Holy crap, Ed!
This is the Riddler!
“Everyone has a story...”  Azrael?
Ed, what did you do?
“We have got to give him [Theo] a great, heroic story.”  “We need to give him a good heroic dose of Thorazine, but you're [Hugo] the boss.“  ...Yes.
Uhhh.... is this a good idea??
“Hello?”  *in best Hugo Strange voice*  It’s me.
“Don’t you [Theo] feel a father’s love when I [Hugo] look into your eyes?” *in high pitched voice* NOT REALLY!
“No. No. There is another life. There is a sister, a high tower-”  *puts hands on head in shock*  Ohhh, he [Theo] remembers Tabitha!
Whoaaa ho ho hoooo... oh my gosshhh...
“This man [Hugo] ordered my parents' death?  You're sure?“  Why would Hugo Strange order the deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne?
“Bruce, I [Jim] know you're frustrated, but we need to do this the right way.”  “The right way? And how many times did that fail with Galavan?“  HOOO!!
“We'll work on Barnes, get him to sign off on a warrant and put Strange away for good.  The right way.“  Where are they gonna put Strange if they do arrest him?  Blackgate?  Probably not Arkham.
Is this immersion therapy [the St. Dumas video Strange is showing Azrael]?
AN:  The video actually reminded me of the conversion video from the video game “Outlast” (and no, I’m putting a link of that video in because it is also a trigger video from a disturbing game- a game that I’ve only seen gameplays for and don’t actually plan on playing anytime soon).
“This Dumas character was made a saint, performed a lot of miracles and so forth. And one of the miracles was bringing Azrael back to life.”  “I [Miss Peabody] still prefer Thorazine.“  Heeheehee!
What the heck did they do to Theo’s face?  Was that from when they re-stitched his face back together after removing the umbrella from the back of his head??
*Ed watches Miss Peabody take Aaron down to Indian Hill*  Oooohhh...
Oh my God, is this gonna be how Ed escapes?  Please do not follow them!
Yeah, where are they taking Aaron?
Waaait, they’re taking him to Azrael!  Oooohhhh...
Oh I like that shot of Ed with the rose-tinted windows behind him.
*Aaron meets Azrael*  Oh.  Snaaaappp...
“I [Hugo] am crafting your [Azrael’s] armor as we speak, but first, your skills must be tested.“  NOOO, he’s gonna kill Aaron!!
*gasps when Azrael knocks out Aaron with the briefcase*
“Not exactly what I had in mind, but good enough.  Try opening the chest, my son.“  Hahahaha...
[It’s like in “Hercules”]  “USE YOUR HEAD!”  “Riightt...”
Hahaha, this is exactly what happened!
“The Sword of Sin.  Your [Azrael’s] ally and instrument of justice, a vanquisher of evil for generations.  She thirsts for blood.”  How’d they get a sword?
“My lord, I [Azrael] am the Angel of Death.  James Gordon dies... tonight.”  Hooo!
Why would they [the GCPD] let the press anywhere near the crime scene?  That is way too close!
Where is the tape?  Where is the line?
“Listen, kid- Mr. Wayne- I [Barnes] don't care how much money or pull you have in this town.  I'm through talking to him [Jim].”  “Are you through listening to the truth?“  Whooo...
“What are you [Ed] gonna do with all this stuff, anyway?”  That’s a good question...
“I think Professor Strange is hiding something.  And I think that something is a secret way out of this dump.  So I'm gonna use this stuff to find it.“  This is totally like Jim Carrey-level Riddler right here... and I like this better than the actual Jim Carrey Riddler!
I like the Riddler better than Ed.  What’s goin’ ON?!?
“[JIm] You self-righteous punk.  You think you have all the answers?  Maybe you should run it yourself!”  “Maybe I will one day.“  HE DOES!
*softly gasps when the precinct lights go out*
“Who’s there?”  OH SNAP!
Here’s my question:  how did Hugo Strange get all the armor for Azrael?
If this armor’s bulletproof, I swear to God...
Grab his [Azrael’s] cape!
*Azrael leaps out of the precinct*  Whoa...
Masked man in a cape- Bruce, do not take any ideas from this for Batman!
“Calls himself Azrael.  Wants to kill me [Jim].  We know Hugo Strange is responsible.“  Do you?
“Excuse me, Captain.  I [Bruce] find your flippant attitude to be inappropriate.“  Hoo hoo hooo!
“I [Jim] can't make the moves I need to make if I'm worrying about you [Bruce].  You need to be at home, where Alfred can look after you.“  Bruce is like “...no... I’m never liking this.  When has there ever been a situation that I liked?”
Whoa!  Oswald, what the heck happened to you?
*gasps when Azrael gets flashbacks of his past life*
“I'm [JIm] not a cop anymore, remember?  I don't need to follow your [Barnes’s] orders.“  No, but you’re a citizen now, technically.
Through the Looking Glass?  We’re getting a sneak peek of Mad Hatter this season?
Dutch angle!
If Azrael tries to storm the GCPD to get Jim, I swear to God..
*The lights go out*  Oh snap, are you freaking kidding me?
Yeah, that’s freaking him [Azrael].  Hooooly crap.
He’s gonna bust through that window-
*Azrael crashes through the window*  Oooohhh!!
Oh he’s [Azrael] gonna do the superhero landing.  Wait for it!
Oh he didn’t- THERE WE GO!
*claps*  WHOO!  Superhero landing!
How do they not recognize Theo’s voice?
*gasps when Azrael butchers one of the cops*
*Barnes knocks Azrael to the ground*  Oh, go Barnes!
“We need a bigger gun.”  *laughing*  Yeah...
You’re gonna have to like nuke him!
Oh yeah, like a freaking pipe [wedged in the door handles] is gonna stop Azrael.  When he can literally punch a hole through the door!
[Barnes] Do not go at freaking Azrael WITH A PIPE.
“Let’s dance.”  *after a five second pause*  Put on your red shoes and dance the blues...  let’s sway!
*gasps when Barnes knocks Azrael to the ground*  Oh snap!
He’s [Barnes] gonna see his [Azrael’s] face!
*gasps when Azrael stabs Barnes in the knee*
NOOOOO!  NOOOO oh my God!
*Jim comes onto the rooftop*  Ohhh snaaaappp...
This better not the end of the freaking episode.  I’m gonna riot.
“Come to me [Azrael], and I will show you [Jim] the way to hell.”  “I know the way.“  Whoooo....
*Jim manages to shoot Azrael off the rooftop*  OooohhhH!
*gasps when Azrael falls on top of the news van*
Nah, no no no no, Barnes ain’t freaking dying nope!  We’re not doin’ this.
*Tabitha, Butch, and Barbara go through the TV channels*  OH SNAP!  They’re gonna see the TV!
What the heck...
“OK, she [Barbara] scares me [Butch].”  Heeheehee!
“Do we have any limes?”  HAHAHAHA!
Oh my God, Oswald’s gonna go after hiiiimm [Azrael] ...
*counts off with fingers*  Wait, so Jim’s going after him, Hugo Strange is going after him, probably Tabitha’s gonna go after him to... teach him his humanity, Bruce is probably gonna go after him....
“Strange must be behind this.”  He’s always behind this.
“What the hell is happening to our city?”  That’s a very good question, Alfred!  You should ask that every single freaking time!
*trying not to laugh*  What the heck is this music?
*ends up boogie-ing to music while laughing*  This music!
AN:  It’s “I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover” by Mitch Miller
Is Ed gonna encounter Azrael at the end of this episode?  Hoooly snot!
Hiii Indian Hill...
“Oh my.”  Oh my, indeed.
That’s a really good shot of Ed in the middle of the aisle
Oooooh, is this Jim’s leitmotif?
*puts hands around mouth* CGI TRANSITION PANNING SHOT!
*Azrael stands on top of the bridge overlooking the city*  Oh my God... that’s a freaking Batman pose!
*Azrael brings about the end logo by flourishing his cape*  YOOOO!!!
*about ready to lose voice*  That was so much Batman!  Before we even get Batman!  Aaaaahhh ha ha...
*jams out to ending theme*
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youremyonlyhope · 7 years
Lord Snow
Oooooh... Lord Snow... He’s called “lord” now. Was he always called lord? The first episode is honestly a blur of character introductions then a cliffhanger so I can’t remember.
I had forgotten to take note last episode of how many years ago it was that Ned came back with Jon, but apparently according to the recap it was 17 years ago. BABY JON IS ONLY 17-ISH? HE’S A BABY. OK so he’s talking about witnessing the deaths of Ned’s father and brother, but not intervening. “You just stood there and watched?” Thank you Ned! “500 men stood there and watched.” Oh nah. You’re not using the bystander effect as an excuse. Because that doesn’t apply in this case. If you were a true man of honor (which obviously you aren’t since you’re sleeping with your sister and are possibly the father of your nephew if my theory is correct AND you pushed a young boy to his possible death without a second thought and didn’t even watch him fall) then you would have done something. So basically at this point: The Starks are great, Daenarys is great, Tyrion’s cool, everyone else sucks. It is at this point that I realized that I wrote “Catherine” instead of “Catelyn” in the last post so... I’m just gonna go fix that... “Winter may be coming” ...Does that count... ok since the last episode they didn’t say it at all I’m gonna count that as WIC #4 This Joffrey is a spoiled little brat and his mother is legitimately evil oh my god. I am with Arya on this one. Both Mycah and Lady would probably be alive if Sansa had just told the truth. Like yeah, I get that she needs to marry him and can’t say “the prince is lying”, but still. She could have at least said “When Joffrey started to fight back, that’s when the direwolf attacked him, because it wanted to defend Arya.” It’d maybe make them less mad at the direwolf at least and it’d make Joffrey look a little better since he didn’t actually fight back at all and even when he lied about what happened he didn’t say he fought back. “Arya would rather act like a beast than a lady.” Arya’s eyes were like “Yeah pretty much.” “Winter is coming.” WIC #5 “But now winter is truly coming.” WIC #6 Ned is actually a great father... please tell me he doesn’t die. This old lady knitting is literally me because I’m currently crocheting as I watch this. Nah but seriously, I was sucked in and freaked out by her story about winter too. “She told me the sky was blue because we live in the eye of a one eyed giant named Macomber.” “Maybe we do.” This boy is way too young to be thinking that existentially. Oh yay. A black girl who isn’t part of the Dothraki. And she’s a prostitute of some sort. Yay. TYRION? DID I NOT LITERALLY JUST SAY YOU WERE ONE OF THE ONLY LIKE 5 GOOD PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD? PLEASE TELL ME THAT DAGGER WAS USED TO FRAME YOU OR SOMETHING. I DON’T WANT TO FIND OUT THAT YOU’RE ACTUALLY IN ON YOUR SIBLINGS’ PLAN. Aaaaah. I literally just said “Aaaaahhh” out loud. That guy talking about Jon during the Night’s Watch training is the cannibal guy from the Torchwood episode Countrycide. First I recognized his voice, then I saw his face, and I literally went “Aaaahhh” because apparently that’s my instinctual response to Countrycide related stuff. Oh god. Oh no. Jaime, I am not even gonna repeat what you called the hypothetical war between you and King Robert. That deserved more than a slap. You deserve to die for that. No. I’m glad that Daenarys is taking up her new role and deciding “Since I’m forced to do this, I might as well do it my way.” Viserys or whatever your name is since once again I’ve forgotten it, I’d literally blocked you out of my memory for most of last episode and now you come riding in pointing a sword at your sister. Ugh. “I am your king!!” Not yet dude. Not yet. And not ever. But definitely not yet. I haven’t really had any complaints about the costume department yet, but now– ok wait. I was about to complain about Daenarys having heeled boots and how that wouldn’t be practical for a tribe of warriors even if the women don’t fight and she’s a queen so she definitely doesn’t fight. But then I realized, they’re on horses like 99% of the time so far. So heels make sense. You get this one, costume department. But I’m watching you. “Uh uh uh uh uh. You. Walk.” Yes. At least one whiny brat is getting what he deserves. OK costume department. NOW I have a complaint. The Night’s Watch should all be wearing hats. I get that we want to show off Jon and Benjen’s beautiful hair. But their poor heads and ears are gonna get cold. It’s freezing. Let them wear hats. They have plenty of fur for coats, make a hat. “We’ll speak when I return.” Meaning he’s probably not returning. Is she actually pregnant though? The many spoilers I’ve heard over the years haven’t had anything to do with Daenarys having a baby. Does she lose her baby? “The Starks are always right though: winter is coming.” WIC #7 I remember seeing a gifset from a recent episode (possibly last week’s) of Jon saying to Tyrion that the last time he saw him he was peeing off the edge of the wall. So... are they not gonna see each other again for like 6 seasons?  I love Arya’s sword instructor and I loved that scene so much.
Promo time! Because I didn’t realize in the last few episodes that there were promos! HODOR!!!!! OH NO WAIT. WAIT. I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO HODOR. OH NO. OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO. I’M LIKE 5 SEASONS TOO SOON AND I’M ALREADY FREAKING OUT.
Also I’m only gonna count versions of “Winter is coming” when it’s “coming” and not “comes” “will come” “come” etc. I debated counting two times it was said in this episode like “When winter comes” but decided not to. So now I gotta keep the “coming” rule going for the rest of the time I watch this.
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jinlian · 7 years
i am agog i am aghast is marius in love at last i’ve never heard him oooooh and aaaaahhh
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illithyiaa · 10 years
If I don't go to the San Diego Comic Con at least once in my life - I have failed.
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