#oooooooooh my god i love him
crazykitsch · 8 months
heyy babe! just had a thought abt marc and reader being in the same friend group and they have a friends with benefits thing going and at a party some guy is flirting with her and he gets jealous and there’s an angsty confession🫣
Marc Guiu : killin’ me good
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pairing: marc guiu x reader
warnings: none(?) apart from my terrible writing
❝I think of you more than I should, I die when you give me that look. You’re killin’ me, killin’ me good.❞
Recently my .. friend I guess? Well, Marc has been gaining quite a lot of attention from the media. What nobody knows though, is that me and him kind of have a thing going on. I mean we’re definitely not official, it’s more a friends with benefits kind of thing.
It started with one kiss, and then one more came and more and more and we kind of started acting like a couple when no one’s around but then again also not?? Really confusing, I know.
One big thing about being friends with benefits is obviously to not catch feelings. Failed. Can you blame me though? He’s fine, tall, sweet and I can go on for an hour. I don’t think he likes me like that though, im not really a special girl or anything to be honest.
GROUPCHAT: la masia 💙❤️ + y/n & liz😒
lamain hoe:
are we still all going to mateo’s party tonight ??
pau cubarsi:
depends if youre all going
liz gf mwah 💋:
im going if y/n’s going 🤷‍♀️
hector 👎:
same thing for marc
im coming for liz ❤️❤️
liz gf mwah 💋:
love you bae
marc 🫶:
hector next time i see you i’ll hit you and drag you to the ground
but yes im coming too
lamain hoe:
didnt need to know all that but okay! i’ll see all of you then ig ??
PRIVATE CHAT: liz gf mwah 💋 & y/n bae 🎀
y/n bae 🎀:
kill me 🙏🙏🙏🙏
liz gf mwah 💋:
no hi
no good evening
but alright!
want me to get you a therapist?
y/n bae 🎀:
my life is too complicated for a therapist to handle
friends with benefits is the dumbest thing i’ve ever done oh my god how did i fall for him
liz gf mwah 💋:
y/n bae 🎀
i dont know what to do ☹️
and that party tonight ????should i talk to other guys??? or is that weird???? and would he want to talk to other girls????
i guess theres only one solution: moving to a another country 🎀💌🩷🦢
liz gf mwah 💋:
i mean if you want to talk to other guys you should do it, you could try to get over him if thats what you want
and if you move to another country pls take me with you 🙏
y/n bae 🎀:
thank you queen you’re so wise
I’m getting ready for tonight while listening to some music. I can’t stop thinking about marc though.. but I guess that’s a problem for in an hour.
Okay i’m finally ready and hear the bell ring, I look out of my window and see Liz. I run downstairs and open the door. ‘Hi future mrs Guiu!’ she says teasingly, ‘Liz oh my god shut up.’ I reply. I mean not that I wouldn’t like it.. but still.
‘Are you ready to go y/n?’ ‘Yes Liz’ I say and we start walking to the party. Luckily Mateo only lives like 7 minutes away from us. As we enter his house we see Lamine and Hector and greet them. We talk for a bit but then I really needed to go to the bathroom. ‘I’ll be back in a few minutes, bye!’ I say.
I’ve been at Mateo’s house a few time so luckily I know where the bathroom is.
After i’m done I wanted to walk back to where my friends were but then a guy walked up to me. He’s quite tall and attractive.. but nothing next to Marc though.
‘Hey pretty girl.’ he says.. oh my god what do I say!?!?? ‘Hey, i’ve never seen you before’ I reply. I suck at talking to guys oh my god. ‘I’ve never seen such pretty girls in Barcelona either’ ‘Oh really? There are a lot.’ I say, my god y/n am I trying to introduce him to other girls or something?? ‘Hmm I highly doubt it.’ he says and I notice he’s standing closer to me now.
I smile as we hold eye contact but then I look to my left.. from all the people I could see right now I see Marc. Marc Guiu. This world is plotting against me.
I see him looking kind of annoyed? But at the same time upset and mad. What do I do? Do I go after a guy that’s technically just a friend or do I stay here talking to a guy thats actually interested in me? The first option.
‘Sorry.. i’ll be back!’ I say to the guy who’s name I didn’t even get. I walk towards where Marc was walking and see he’s with our friend group.
‘Hi..’ I say. ‘You took long, thought you were making out with someone for a minute’ Liz says and I can see Marc getting more annoyed.. ‘Wouldn’t be surprised at this point.’ Lamine says jokingly and I reply ‘Don’t be mad at me because you cant pull Lamine.’
‘I’m going home, you coming with me Hector?’ Marc says all of a sudden. ‘Oh yeah sure.’ Hector replies. ‘Oh.. ehm, bye Marc.’ I say but he ignores me, maybe he just didn’t hear me.. but then again when the rest of the group says bye he does say something, odd.
A few hours later the party is done and me and Liz walk home. ‘Liz? After I went to the bathroom a guy walked up to me.. we started talking and he seemed interested.’ I say. ‘Oh my god really? Im so happy for you!’ ‘Thank you, don’t think Marc is happy for me though. He saw us and didn’t look too excited for me.. and when we both were back to our friendgroup he also looked annoyed and ignored me.’ I say. ‘You know what that means right y/n?? He likes you.’ You see, I really love Liz.. but sometimes she IS delusional because there’s no way.
The next day I wake up and luckily it’s still weekend. I open my phone and decide to text Marc since we were supposed to hang out today.
PRIVATE CHAT: marc 🫶 & y/n 😺
y/n 😺:
hi marc
are we still hanging out today ?
marc 🫶:
dont know
wouldnt u prefer to hang out with that ugly, shrek looking guy?
y/n 😺:
is that why you didnt talk to me at all yesterday?
please reply ☹️
Fuck. He’s leaving me on opened. Now a smart woman would take this as a sign to leave him alone and move on. Yet I am not that intelligent so I decide to text Hector.
PRIVATE CHAT: hector 👎 & y/n 🦭
y/n 🦭:
hiiiii bff!
hector 👎:
since when
y/n 🦭:
since now.
look you and marc are besties right
and you love me right😁
hector 👎:
y/n 🦭:
well ..
would you be so kind to tell me why marc is so upset with me all of a sudden
hector 👎:
not saying marc said anything to me, but imagine if a guy you really liked started flirting with other girls all of a sudden 🤷‍♀️
y/n 🦭:
What do you mean Marc likes me? What the fuck should I do now??? Okay you know, fuck it i guess i’ll just go to his house.
Ten minutes later i’m walking to his house and think about what I should say to him. Before I know it i’m there and knock on the door. ‘Okay girl, you got this.’ I say to myself.
His mom opens the door, okay atleast it’s not Marc. ‘Hi y/n! Marc is in his room.’ she says, ‘Hi, thank you’ I say as I walk in. ‘He seems a bit upset.. maybe you can cheer him up?’ his mom says. ‘Yeah I noticed, i’ll try.’ I say and I walk to his bedroom. Okay girl you got this just knock on his door and tell him how you feel.
I knock on his door and walk in ‘H- Hi Marc..’ I say, god why do I do these things to myself. ‘Hm? What do you want?’ he says. ‘Uhm.. I..’ I say, I can’t find the words to tell him how I feel. ‘Continue.’ he says. Okay this is my chance, don’t fuck up. ‘Look, long story short.. I do not want to be friends with benefits, as a matter of fact I.. I do not want to be friends at all. I like you. As in more than a friend and more than a friend with benefits way.’ I say and only now I realize what I just said. I hope he really does feel the same.
Marc is silent for a minute and right when i’m about to freak out he says ‘I like you too. I don’t want to be friends with benefits anymore either.’
‘Then.. lets not be.’ I say. ‘Y/n, will you let me be your boyfriend?’ He asks and that question sounds unreal to me. I never really expected Marc to ask me that. I reply ‘Yes, i’d love that Marc.’
I smile at him and hug him, he grabs my waist. ‘Were you jealous? back at that party?’ I ask him, ‘How could you tell?’ he says while laughing like it wasn’t obvious. ‘You’re not the best at hiding your emotions.’ I say. ‘Can’t help it when someone flirts with you, don’t like it when you give other guys attention.’ he says. I laugh and say ‘I won’t from now on.’
His mother walks towards the stairs and shouts ‘Y/n? Are you staying for dinner tonight?’ I smile, look at Marc and say ‘Yes i’d love to!’
A/n: Hellaurrrr pookies,, im a bit slow I apologize but im trying my best to work on all requests!! Hope you like it 😜🫶
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Double date prequel
I thought I would make a prequel to my last post.
The Spider trio after reuniting decide to take their Harry's all out on dates. Peter 1: Wait we all want to take our Harry's out on at date, right? Why don't we make it a double date. Peter 3: Oh my God that sounds like so much fun. Peter 2: Hmm I don't know; you really think they would get along. Peter 3: Aww what do you mean. Peter 2: Well as much as I love my Harry to bits, he can be a All Peters: Stubborn jackass sometimes. . . . Peter 2: Yeah. Peter 3: And Harry doesn't exactly have the best view of himself. Peter 1: They're working on it though, and I'm sure that if were around it will be fine. Peter 3: I mean yeah, like what's . . . Peter 2: Don't say it. Peter 3: the worst thing that can happen. Peter 1 and 2: oooooooooh All: . . . No, it's probably fine.
Raimiverse: After Harry gets back from Oscorp and Peter just returns home.
Peter after getting changed: Hello. Harry *sitting on the couch*: Sup, dinner is in kitchen. Peter: You are a sweetheart * kisses Harry*. And speaking of dinner * peter lays his head down on Harry's lap* You, me, Friday night, Peter one's universe, double date with Peters 1, 3, and their Harry's.
Webbverse/TASM universe: * same time as Raimi verse*
Harry: No. Peter: Why not? Harry: I'm gonna be busy? Oscorp has a big business meeting Saturday.
MCU: * same time as the other universes:
Peter: They are making you work on a Saturday? Harry: I know right. It's so stupid. But dad is going to have a cow if I don't go. Plus... All three Harrys: I don't think that me and my other counterparts would get along very well. All three Peter's: I beg to differ; you all have things in common. Your all Ceo's, you are all creative, rich. All Harry's: *mumblin* Self pretentious assholes. All three Peter's: HEY! We talked about that self-talk.
All Harry's: . . . I know.
( The Amazing Spiderman)
Peter puts his arms around Harry's shoulders, hugging him from the back.
Peter: Don't talk about yourself like that. Please. Harry: . . . Peter: *Peter stands in front of Harry taking both of his hands* And I would really appreciate it if you and I go. You haven't met the others yet, and they are like siblings to me. Harry: * sighs* I'll see what I can do. Peter: Thank you. Now anything you want for dinner. Harry: Pizza sounds nice. Raimi Peter: You know I don't like it when you talk about yourself like that. Harry: I know. Peter: If you really don't want to go, we don't have to. But it would be nice, when was the last time we went out since we got married? Harry: A week before our wedding a month ago. Peter: . . . Harry: Fine I have been waiting for an excuse to go on a date. *walks away* Plus, it would be nice to see the others again as they are basically you but somehow more adorable and are pretty much babies. Peter: . . . I'm not adorable! Harry: Liar! MCU: Peter: Please. Harry: No. Peter: Please! Harry: No! And stop giving me those puppy dog eyes. Peter: Look I know you are very busy taking over some work for your dad at Oscorp, but this is really important to me. I really want you to meet them. Harry: . . . Peter: * Stares at Harry with puppy dog eyes* Harry: * Sigh* You are the most stubborn man I met Peter Parker. * starts texting his dad* * minutes later* Dad okayed it, he'll go to the meeting instead. But if he scolds me later it's your fault. Peter who is ecstatic: * Kisses Harry on the lips* I know.
First one
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pink-lightsabre · 1 month
c3 105 thoughts dump
when... are we getting new opening titles... please i wanna see more of dorian in the beginning credits...
oooooooooooooh she's gonna broadcast downfall. "it'll harm everyone." while that is true. i dont think yall can hoard that information. personally.
we really didn't do any check about that. wow. that feels ill advised!!!!!!!!
a mass poisoning???????? perhaps a little like molaesmyr?????
it could be a trap! that's true! which is why IMOGEN NEEDED TO DO A CHECK ABOUT IT!!!!!!
do not. try to bargain with fearne's bio dad. please.
oooooooooh what IS ira doing. that's a great question.
"i thought we would have A plan and now it seems like we have A LOT of plans." dorian that's so relatable
man i wish the silken squall was at this meeting. i understand that theyre not bc they're very isolationist but. i want to see dorian interacting with his parents SO bad
the judicators are still so fucking creepy. and the fact that aeor had their own arcane version FUCKS me up.
"it's pretty low... 24." LMAO
i hope someone gave vex advanced warning that dragons were gonna be there. otherwise her favored enemy ranger sense gotta be going BANANAS.
braius flirting with dorian. absolutely hilarious. 12/10 sam i love it.
"i've got my faith in you. and my finger." // "it's a pretty big finger." // "dont underestimate me." ROBBIE
pie dice!!!!!!!! i love that.
oooooooooooooooooooh who is there. WHO IS THERE!!!!!!
fearne being poly is so special to me. i love it.
robbie cosplaying as dorian with the deep necklines of his shirts. is chefs kiss.
braius sticking his nose EVERYWHERE. way to go sam.
DORIAN'S DAD IS THERE?????????????????????????
i need to run laps around my house. i cant handle this.
oh no cyrus looked like their mom. D;
"i'll shake it off."
FIRE ASHARI!!!!!!!!!! robbie gets to know the feeling of a character he voiced being there! i love this for him.
related to that. i cannot w a i t for the robbie daymond c4 permanent cast member announcement.
zone of truth cast by a fucking dragon!!!!!!!! my god that's so cool. but jesus christ what is the DC on that. 20 apparently!
robbie calling himself the rizzler. hate that. LMAO.
it's not bolo. and that is a TRAGEDY. LONG LIVE BOLO.
people being upset that vm gets to take down the malleus key and m9 gets to take down the weave mind while bh takes down ludinus. understandable i suppose but COULD NOT be me. i love how interconnected c3 is to everything and i love the other heroes getting to take other shit down.
"time is short." // "and so am i."
"ash. just for a few minutes. lock it up." THAT'S RIGHT DORIAN.
ashton i swear to god... do not blow this...
PHEW thank god braius can lie. my god. SPECTACULAR work braius. way to fucking go.
saint graham... sam what the hell
travis peer pressuring his wife into using her abilities. i fucken love it.
LOVE the contingent from the matron's temple supporting laudna. absolutely wonderful.
i want. the first thing. that dorian's father says to him. to be about dorian wearing gold.
ashton going to talk and EVERYONE going "no no nonononono!!!!!" hugely relatable
okay okay that wasn't bad actually!!!! way to go ash!
magical girl fearne in her titan transformation. amazing.
a bard with performance anxiety! truly i love that so much. robbie ur mind. absolutely genius.
orym can you step up and talk about all dorian has to offer
"orym totally blue screens" oh so relatable. a HUGE mood. i've also been that horny.
chetney reminding everyone that he's old... old as balls...
all the speeches were so good. i am. of course. absolutely biased towards dorian's.
does chetney have A KID
liam GLARING at matt while he's playing dorian's dad. EXTREMELY relatable.
"word of cyrus's passing has reached us." O U G H E "we wanted to make sure you were properly aware." excuse me whilst i sob on the floor.
oh no. oh no this is not how i thought this was gonna go. oh no i'm gonna cry. dorian "locks up with physical affection" storm. my favorite for a reason.
OH NO SAM WEARING THE FRIDA HOODIE. I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE. frida still doesn't know what happened to fcg....
aaaaaaaaaaand there's the other shoe dropping! "those willing and capable" because you think dorian ISN'T?
y e a h this is more how i thought this was gonna go. oughe my heart.
there's dorian's anger! oh it is so precious to me.
i'm gonna throw up dude. oh my god. matt and robbie i love you. IS THE ZONE OF TRUTH UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a deeply revealing question!
"a smile and a look in his eyes you've been chasing your entire life. pride." O U G H E
"you made my favorite toys growing up." HAHA I KNEW IT.
THE C-POPPERS!!!!!!! chetney has a fan club this is so great.
"can i get a painty." m a t t h e w
chet calling imogen his assistant. what a throw back to dorian and imogen at the masque in jrusar.
braius you silver tongued motherfucker.... god that's so good
that's so funny. oh my god.
HOW MUCH HE LOVES DORIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! liam obrien i am kissing you on the mouth
dorian and orym having so many conversations AROUND how much they love each other. never actually saying it. or talking to each other about it directly. makes me want to chew concrete.
oh ashton....................... i love u. i really do.
"i think what she said was trustworthy" AGAIN YOU WOULD HAVE A BETTER IDEA IF YOU DID A CHECK ABOUT IT
imogen and keyleth... kiki saying imogen reminds her of a younger her... saying she's gonna need to convince the rest of vm to do this malleus key mission... oh i am sick
matthew.......... why the random d20 roll
oh if we're going back to nana morri does that mean SOMEONE will FINALLY ask orym about his not new anymore magic and how/why/where it came from. or if there's a conversation between orym and nana morri about the state of his deal since fcg died.
chetney you dumbass. that was NEVER gonna happen. HER CALLING HIM A YOUNGIN. amazing.
the BQILF lmao
y'all simply HAVE to be more careful with ashton and the worshippers of the luxon. this is how people get kidnapped and experimented on in underground layers.
oh the tragedy of ashton only getting to be okay and not in pain when he's in the titan form. ugh that makes me so sad.
god i love callowmoore so much!!!
chetney is so excited about having a fan. i love this for travis so much LMAO.
"he made me a beautiful toy boat! i gave it to a street urchin." LMAO
this is truly so funny. i relate to this man so much.
"this is the room you're gonna die in." // "i'm okay with that."
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crazylittlejester · 17 days
Hello! I deeply appreciate how much you love Warriors, and I come bearing some gifts! First, I'm not sure if you have a headcanon voice for him, but mine is Rupert Everett aka the Fox from "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" (2005) (https://youtu.be/ymeerUuVkOI?t=144)
I actually think "The Phoenix" by Fall Out Boy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JqY-6q-RNA) works really well for the concept of Hyrule Warriors in general, because it is in essence a remix of all the LOZ games that came before it, it's about a war, Warriors himself seems to be very connected to the element of fire, and "vintage misery" being the old outfit Link inherited in that game is just *chef's kiss*.
And because it made me laugh, have "Everybody Loves Me" by OneRepublic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8sb_Or0FUs) for Wars, too. XD
Pls have a wonderful day! ^^d
OH MY GOD WHY IS THE FOX PERFECT FOR HIM??? It’s a bit too deep for how I’ve imagined his voice but the WAY he speaks is literally so perfect oh my god my jaw dropped 😭 Someone a bit ago said they headcanoned his voice to sound like Joe Keery’s from stranger things and that’s probably about as close to how he sounds in my head as anything I’ve heard, but british. I hc he copies the accent from his Castle Town (because i hc he’s not from there) and that accent is british. There isn’t really one specific person Warriors sounds like to me, at this point he’s sort of become just a voice in my head I hear when I write his lines? But I guess he’d sound like a british Joe Keery, but the way he sounds also depends on the situation quite a bit. I imagine if he’s intentionally putting on his ‘idiot pretty boy’ act his voice sounds a bit lower and he’d also talk slower, but when he’s just hanging out with friends or the chain and can afford to be himself it’s higher pitched and he talks fast because he’s a yapper (he’s a RAMBLER and I’ll stand by this). Regardless, I know he’s got a strong voice that carries. You can hear the captain in him whenever he opens his mouth, especially in battle situations
but oh my god the fox from the lion the witch and the wardrobe is so specific and so PERFECT and I need to know if you just woke up one day and went “OH MY GOD” or if you watched the movie and then went “THATS HIM.” because thats so funny and so so specific but you’re literally so right
oooooooooh okay okay, love it. ‘The Phoenix’ is honestly such a banger ass song i love that, AND ‘EVERYBODY LOVES ME’ ASKSDLLD 😭
you have a wonderful day as well!! remember to take care of yourself and get some water :)
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halt-kun · 2 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 430 - My Hero Academia
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ARGH the unavoidable timeskip chapter
I swear to god if some people are together and we didn't see any confession I'll BE MAD
Izuku is now a teacher at UA narrating everything that happened before in his memoir
AND some cool looking lady (or boy I don't know)
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So in the next two years, Izuku loses the embers definitely
Are Gran Torino and Recovery Girl together now ?
Bakugou is sooooo tired at this exam (Izuku is no better)
another sports festival with Todoroki leading
MA GIRL MIRKOOOOOO, still kicking (bad guys). She's a funny arm now
Shoji being important for heteromorphs it seems
Koda and Eri being friends (we all know people even if they're together in primary school, they'll definitely split up before the end of middle school but stay friends)
Hawks is still Tokoyami's dad, or maybe older sibling
Endeavor looking good all bandaged up
Aizawa and Mic praying for their lost boyfriend together
Iida is without the suprise, the third year doing a speech
Bakugou fucks it up with Monoma (it seems like he recovered well)
I just thought of the rarepair Monoma/Bakugou, that would be a nightmare for everyone in both class 1-A and 1-B. Competitive boyfriends who never tone it down
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So Deku is 24, fresh out of university and already a teacher, nice
Those don't look like middle school kids
The furry wants to do programming, what a suprise. Gentle and Lovelover will love you (they're furries too)
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I ship introvert/extrovert so much, goooo
Seems like this might lead to some other dark age where only the few heroes are idealized and people do nothing else than complain
or is it just implying Hawks dream came true and they don't need more professional heroes ? (probably that)
Of course everybody wants to be Katsuki, Todo or Deku but you're lacking TRAUMA
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Shoji is soooooo cool
fixing racism
just that
Koda and the class B dude are hyped
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Wow, this must be the seriously effecient team of their generation
Uraraka fixed quirk mental health cool
ERIIIIII OOOOOooooh maybe she was the long haired girl from a few pages ago
Bakugou will never change, that's why we love him
(well he actually did change but fuck it you get it)
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Midoriya and Aizawa are such nice friends, Izuku does feel a bit left out and sad to be quirkless
I'm not sure he will ever get past that
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I wonder what they mean : "popular with men" (we all know, shhhhh....)
Oh no that poor baby is going to fall ????
Who will get him up ????
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Oh wow you caught him ????? He seemed so far
well the other child fell for some reason, how did he ?
Oh no that's the teenager from before
talking to the All Might statue everyday
I wonder what his weak quirk is
No more OFA Deku, you'll have to break his dreams
All Might could magically not break yours earlier in the series (like 340 chapters ago)
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Thank god you're a quirk nerd
(says the guy that would also be a huge one)
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Thanks Deku
soooo cute
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Quite bold to call him a kid while being 24 Midoriya
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Bakugou made up a project with everyone so that Deku could become Ironman ????? Cool
I'm touched
so cute
Deku is about to cry (one last time)
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and I wouldn't know how to say it better All Might
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oh no i felt fine before but this is too much at once
They are all looking so coooool
Ojiro, Mina, Tokoyami and Yaomomo especially so
WAIT BAKUGOU, ARE THOSE DREADS ?????? No it looks more like Atebas (I know it's for the dynamite reference but still)
Jiro still has one ear
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I forgot it was the anniversary
Well I don't know how to conclude, this feels so weird
it was such a ride
the anime is still coming out so it doesn't feel like the end yet
I'm excited for what's coming next from Horikoshi
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peggy-uwu · 5 months
ok liveblogging watching the new episode because I'm insane
omf omg omg
this doesn't feel real
omg what is this opening
it has the old season vibes right at the beginning
the imagery??!?????
I'm vibing with this op so much it's so fucking metal
giant fire monster??? please don't go off plot omg I'm worried now
ok the moon skull was cool
of course he's almost late
"first impressions are crucial, I must focus" *immediately fucks it up*
Redmond the beautiful woman that you are
violet the beautiful woman that you are
waaaaaaah McMillan I love you
McMillan you're so cute 😭😭😭
"BOY UP" 💀💀💀
my poor son
let's take ibuprofen together ass pose
ciel is so sick of him already I love it
omg stfu ur not funny
oooooh the windows are prettyyyy
Redmond the beauti-
violet my beautiful princess
fuck you zombie bitch die sooner
fucking power rangers ass lineup
robot ass movements get away from my son
ohhhhhh I missed the title cards 🥹🥹
"drudges" remember what they took from you
ciels "target acquired" ass look when McMillan mentions the tea party ajbsksbdidj
McMillan the puppy that you are
what the fuck is wrong with these students omg
also why are the all either blonde or brunet and sitting next to eachother in pairs of 2
"are we little girls in cliques?" I mean if the dress fits 💀💀💀
stay away from the emo kids 📝📝📝
cheerio GOD
oooooooooh the eye is so pretty
I love love love that they feminized him it does wonders for my little lesbian heart
his eyes are so pretty ooooouggh
🦋🦋🦋 <- in my tummy
godddd he's so pretty in the dress
cheslock I am in deep romantic love with you
my poor boy he's been jumped like 3 times and it's his second day
make that 4
Sebastian's smug ass fuckin smile I love that he always finds ways to get in ciels way by doing EXACTLY what he's told
ciel I'm gonna kill you what the fuck is that pose
"senpai" I'm dead 💀💀💀
"kawaii boya" 😭😭😭😭😭
but fuck the queen fr like why don't you just fucking walk down there yourself and ask
fuck ur cousin lady
wait don't she's a royal she might actually 💀💀
godddd Sebastian's do prettyyyy
ciel is also really pretty my baby princess I love you
Sebastian's eyelashes go hardf
ooooh ending time
ohhhhh the windows for the p4 are so pretty!!!!!
oh the style is different it's so lovely
romance is real
ohhhh pretty sky
oh god oh god oh god I was going to post this to main but it has to go sideblog now
actually fuckit
it goes main anyways
falling through the sky in the sunset together be so fucking fr with me
ohhhhhh the ed is so pretty gofdd
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toomuchracket · 1 year
That photo is dword dad! Matty and girlie out for lunch with den just after baby is born.
oooooooooh my god. yes! maybe three or four weeks after she's born, denise is in london to do some tv work; naturally, she's at the house to see her granddaughter as often as possible, and i think she's insistent that she takes the three of you out for lunch one day "to celebrate our girl". it's nothing huge, just a nice chill food moment, but it's lovely all the same - it's the first time you get to dress up a little bit after lyla's arrival, and she's in a cute lil outfit too, and before you leave matty goes a bit mad taking pics of you holding your daughter like "prettiest girls in the world. lyla, thank god you look like mummy, you're so lucky" lmao. you defo tease him about how much of a dad he looks, which he takes in good faith (because he knows you find it sexy lmfaooooo). he's SO happy the whole day, obsessed with the fact he gets to show off his girls, either holding the baby or holding your hand/thigh, cooing at lyla in her little carseat while you're at the table and changing her whenever she needs (he's like "sweetheart you're doing the feeds. let me do this, please!"). denise dotes on all three of you, taking lyla for frequent nana cuddles to give you both breaks to eat and relax; she's like "i'll look after her whenever you pair want a date night, by the way!", and you're like "oh wow that's so generous thank you", and matty's like "nooooo i'm not leaving my baby ☹ actually though... quite like the sound of taking my girl on a date 😊" lol. but yeah, it's a sweet little short day out (neither denise or matty want you and lyla to exert yourselves too much), just lovely <3
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wintersongstress · 1 year
OOOOoooooh yes, I've fallen in deep for him. I want this man to be loved so help me god!!!!!! if I have to write it!!!!!!!!!! I have a multi-chapter outline and maybe 4 paragraphs and more ideas than I can write so wish me luck😭 Thank you for showing interest in my work, though, love. You mean a lot to me 💕💕
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
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“I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.”
“I understand.”
You draw your hand along his face gently, two of your fingers following the curve of his temple and jaw, and pause. What you want next comes without a hint of uncertainty. Touching his nose with yours, you lay a kiss upon his mouth softly, a press tender and benign and expecting nothing in return. Quick, but sure. When you pull away, his eyes stay closed and he is frozen in place, in time. It was exactly as you hoped he would respond: grateful, relishing, stunned. You lean back in, almost as if to kiss him again, but only whisper: “I’ll miss you.”
“You make my heart feel so warm,” Simon murmurs, and you don’t think he means to, but he presses on. “I’m not used to it.”
As his hands come to your waist, curving around and closing the gap between you, the discovery of how perfectly you fit in the broad expanse of his hands dawns glowingly and you come to rest against him. His touch is so reverent as he strokes your back, memorizing the curve of it. You felt centered as you stood there, hands splayed on each side of his chest, and the sanctity of the moment impressed itself upon you.
“I’m not used to this.”
ask game for teasing wips/upcoming projects
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
new thought that popped up in my head, and it’s kinda sad and angsty.
matt and his lover who is also a vigilante coming to the agreement to not have children because of the lives they lead so she decides to go on birth control.
the birth control failing and she ends up pregnant with his child. she’s crying and she feels so horrible because she didn’t mean for this to happen and she feels like it’s her fault. she doesn’t want to have an abortion, so even though it breaks her heart, she tells him that she’s giving him an out, he doesn’t have to have anything to do with the baby, and she won’t be upset with him for taking the out.
she stops going out as her vigilante persona because of the pregnancy, and matt finds himself listening to her and the baby even after he said he needed to think about it. she’s not angry with him, she knows they agreed not to have kids and that this was a slip up, but she didn’t feel good about an abortion, so since she’s keeping the baby she couldn’t bring herself to be upset with him if he chose to leave the relationship.
matt listening into their heartbeats, her ‘morning sickness’, her sobbing fits, and having this internal battle with himself.
oooooooooh ooooh my god, this is so real? like very realistic, very adult problems you know, I do love the way your mind works, and also it seems like a thing that could potentially happen, maybe there is a storyline in the comics out there with maybe different characters or the same although I do vaguely remember something. Matt has multiple children in the comics, I remember that.
now in this scenario I see matt stepping up in the way that he would keep a close eye and a close ear to them, and ultimately always leaving the decision up to the reader, now I don't know if he'd thought of it, happening or not so maybe he is very surprised and also feeling incredibly guilty that he has allowed something like this to happen as if he needed to have more control even though accidents do happen.
the beautiful thing would be to be able to have some sort of normal life that would allow for some kind of normalcy to let them have a kid like this but unfortunately, it can't happen, and yes is definitely pliable and something angsty although I'm certain matt would be a perfect father if he ever allowed himself to.
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blu3m4rz · 1 year
so buddy daddies has ENDED (i know i’m heartbroken too)
and i wanted to share my THOUGHTS
buddy daddies spoilers :)
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guys this is NOT queerbaiting if i see one more person saying this is queerbait i’m going to start hissing and biting. you want to know what queerbaiting is? it’s a marketing strategy that hints at lgbt rep to draw in queer audiences. you want to know what queerbaiting is not? the depiction of non-nuclear family dynamics that don’t fit into your idea of “queer”. it DOES NOT MATTER that kazuki is seeing women lolol. it does not matter that they don’t kiss. it doesn’t matter that they don’t have some grand confession of romantic love. you can think kazuki & rei should kiss idc im not going to stop you - that’s a perfectly reasonable interpretation. but thats what it is: your interpretation. there was no “oooooooooh theyre going to KISS” - buddy daddies is a completely earnest depiction of a non-typical family and if you’re getting pissed about “queerbaiting” you COMPLETELY missed the message about how family doesn’t have to “look/be a certain way” even though buddy daddies basically beats you over the head with its themes (affectionate). queerness =/= alloheteronormative relationships lolol. if i’m being honest with you - even if you think they “hinted at queerness to draw in queer audiences” i think they followed through. these two dudes are running a cafe together and raising a kid together and living together permanently, thats queer as hell, just because it doesnt fit into a perfect box of L G B or T doesnt mean it isnt queer.
ANYWAYS RANT OVER: my actual thoughts:
I LOVE THE NEW HAIR AT THE END oh my god they’re moving on they’re growing up
um the part with miri and her moms photo OH MY GOD real its so important to me like YES her mom is still part of her life even tho a. shes gone and b. shes being raised by her dads
UGHHHH as a certified aromantic lolol i am extremely normal about rei and kazuki’s relationship. like yeah okay go on just model everything ive ever wanted yeah okay thats great yeah just punch me in the gut why dont you
WHEN REI SHOT HIMSELF? like was willing to potentially lose his arm in order to never go back to that world and protect his family LIKE
also kyu being like ‘lmao no’ when kazuki asked him to get a present for miri if they died is a. very special to me and b. funny as hell because kyu is not fooling ANYBODY we all know you got miri a gift lololol
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Leverage Ep 11 >:3
Pre-game thoughts:
ngl the last episode was a lot of fun! got to see Nate at his breaking point, Sophie being the best (as always), ALEC AND ELIOT DUO!!!!!
also it looks like this one focuses on Parker? (at least, that’s what the blurb says 🤷🏻‍♀️) so praying for more moments for my ot3 🥰 either as duos or altogether, I do not care. just want them to have screen time 
anyway, can’t really think of anything else to add???
I mean, this is the last episode before the 2-parter finale, so I’m curious if this will touch on…..the ✨insurance company✨and that uh Crowley-looking dude (unrelated to GO!Crowley, a show I should also watch)
ooooooh a flashback 👀
Ok that was not a safe dose
is he dead?????
oooooooooh team drama 👀
lmaooooo parents (Nate/Sophie) using jury duty as a lesson
“Yeah, I know jury duty, this seems legit” <- has only gone once
OooooOOOoooooOoOooh defendant is wearing colored shades, he must be an asshole 😂
babe, please step the fuck away from the jury panel. i would not be in favor of you anyways with you standing so close wtf
oop! she knows!!! fuck they’re gonna strike her out 
ok but seriously who are those camera people???? are they even a real legal team???? the ick is strong, I hope they burn this other team to the ground
everybody giving Nate the stink eye, yesssssssssss 
(You would think, with how much I yell at this man, I hate him, but tis the opposite! Love him. He’s just an asshole, and I would never like him in person, great character <3)
Lmao he took the beer
literally before clicking play I was like “you know, I don’t think Parker and Eliot have been a duo yet” AND HERE WE GO
nO glasses guy 🫢 was a faker?! <- is not shocked
jfc Alec is good 😍
ok what you doing Parker? oh wait nvm 
Chess???? lmao you nerd
“Hmmmm how do we show an evil character is smart…..I KNOW! Chess!”
ohhhhhh big pharma ok (can’t believe it took me this long)
ugh no we’re not
oh shit bribery????
ELIOT PLAYS CHESS???? you fucking nerd 💕
lmao Parker gets a lesson in social interaction (I’m so sorry, girlie, I’d hate it too, but tbh I also befriended an older lady while at jury duty so same????)
it’s ok Parker you tried your best 🫂
“I have a peanut allergy” <- love you Alec 
Nate, I sure hope you don’t regret that honeypot plan
OHHHHHHHHH oh dear ok now the brownface comments make sense
Ok show’s age has been shown
jfc Sophie wtf please tell me this is the only episode where this happened 
“I’m very spiritual” <- 🤢 god how many times have I heard this
Jesus H Christ I can’t even look at her T^T
awwwww Sophie is helping Parker
i want Parker and the grandma to be friends. Like best friends
lmaooooooo she’s foreman now (I don’t think I spelled that right)
girlie, you sound like you’re giving the old man a job interview 😂
He won’t
Nate noooooooooo
but also shit they are treading the legality there (<- she says even tho they do this every episode)
“Do you trust your government, Ms. Vargas?” ALEC 😂😂😂😂 bringing back the old teachings of being a Jehova Witness i see
WE ARE BARELY HALFWAY?????? (Sorry just looked at the time stamp  what do you mean it’s only been 20 minutes????)
“is that a high school yearbook?” oh my god
Alec, babe, love you, but what
girlie you could say cauliflower steak
Awwwwwwwwwwww Parker has a friend 🤧🤧🤧🤧
Alec’s headshot is beautiful 
“It all checks out unless [says an example of exactly what Alec did]”
Ooooooh outsource mention 👀 
Nate there are cameras!!!!
“You know why they say, ‘Justice has a blindfold’? Because Justice is asleep” FUCKING DEAD
ok bro this isn’t jury duty anymore this is a trial???? did I miss the part where they finished jury selection 
lmaooooo he was Scottish 
Awwwwwwwww Parker 🥺 “she likes rainy days” im fucking sobbing
Ok now that’s why we were only halfway 
Hehe Alec has to actually win the trial
“You think lawyers aren’t just pretending and trying to fill in daddy’s shoes” ok, uh, wow 💔 
Eliot on another parents trip!!!
wait who is he fighting???? Oh ok
Nate, you look so fucking dumb 😂
oh ho ho! bringing up his qualifications I see 👀 why he now only doing cases in Cali 👀
Alex’s closing statement 👀 omg 🥺 yes babe 🤧 beautiful 💐 take my flowers 💐💐💐💐💐
jfc I’m nervous!!!! I know this will end happy but still!!!! So nervous 🫠
nooooo, she must not figure out 🫠
Oh dear, 
lol yesssss girlie, burn that fucking bridge!!!! BURN THE BRIDGE!!!! DIG THAT HOLE!!!!
unrelated but her jacket is super pretty
ok ok here we go. fuck I’m nervous 
why are you revealing yourself to her????? bro she could find people to get you!!!!
Final Thoughts:
this episode was so much fun!!!! we may not have gotten much of the Parker/Eliot duo but I’m still happy that they got to tag-team! Parker learning how to socialize, be a team player, and lead was just 👌👌👌👌👌👌 wonderful so proud of her T^T Alec was amazing (obviously) and fucking killed both for stalling the case and winning it <3
not as much Nate/Sophie moments besides them acting like parents to their teammates and being a well-oiled machine 😎 so I’m still satisfied! a little disappointed that there wasn’t any hint for the finale but that might just be because of the messed up order again 😔 
overall: wonderful episode, this might be my favorite of the season (tho Miracle Job still has my heart)
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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love the camouflage, he could blend right into the walls here
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Bro, I was not born yesterday, I know an obfuscating stupidity tactic when I see one. You got Jake English vibes. Except you're not as handsome.
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Can't believe I agree with Ryuji about something. Other than dunking on Mishima. Thus far, my relationship with Ryuji is predicated on mutual dunking on other people. Which, i think a friendship supported by negativity is doomed to failure but hey we'll take what we can get here.
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Akechi is apparently a frequent daytime talk show guest because he's a Detective Prince. Another Detective Prince. Not nearly as cute as the other one, obviously.
He's fond of the concept of the Phantom Thieves (or so he claims, i don't believe a word out of his mouth) but also thinks subverting the law to enact vigilante justice is Fucked TBH.
Which, lmao, he ain't wrong, given Ryuji's attitude.
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.... why are you winking at me, holmes
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oh my god ryuji can you take two steps back and realize you have been sniffing like a bloodhound lookin for someone to punish and just how sketch that is, like i'm on our side bc its literally the conceit of the game but even i know your boundless enthusiasm for finding targets feels Weird. like, he fully has a point and you could do with an injection of chill.
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oh, bruh, the last video game character who quoted Hegel at me got thoroughly shot all the way to death, you may wanna slow that roll.
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oh thank god finally a good justice pick after Child Who Wants To Do A Murder and Child Who Just Wants Her Dad To Come Home Twice A Week
what kind of Justice are you going to bring, Akechi? are you a laws-of-the-land guy or are you a justice-must-be-done guy? one of the VERY FEW things I know about this game is that ppl are mega horny for you so I'm hoping you've got some edge to you, beige boy
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MEANWHILE, I AM GOING TO FIND MISHIMA'S HOUSE AND I'M GOING TO THROW HIS LAPTOP OUT A WINDOW. Mishima, sit your ass down and study for your college exams and don't do shit.
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back at school, Ryuji is doing everything but showing up in his full fucking Skull outfit with a bullhorn going "HELLO I AM A PHANTOM THIEF" so Ann walks up and smacks him upside the head
Ann, thank you. for real, you're the best.
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THEN LIL MISS STUDENT PRESIDENT STALKER COMES OVER AND TAKES A PICTURE. girl put your phone away or I will smash it, I am getting REAL tired of your shit too.
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he was a good teacher until that day?
he was a good teacher until that day?!
oooooooooh guuuuurl
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I don't say this lightly because I tend to be a "bitch (positive)" sort of person
but Makoto, you are a bitch. and frankly there are other words I could say about your character but you aren't worth the effort. go back to hiding behind a magazine and being useless.
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cry me a fucking river, goddamn
'gee why didn't you stop your bestie from trying to kill herself after the teacher who WAS A GOOD TEACHER UNTIL THAT DAY drove her to throw herself off the roof' you're reprehensible, makoto, and if you join the party at some point, you're on the fucking bench
fuckin mishima and makoto having a fistfight to determine who gets to be the most unlikable character in this fucking game, who will win???????
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Thanks for answering my ask.....if you don't mind me asking (again), who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Ooooooh, @elaine2895! You ask the good questions!
Shippy ship ship ships.... I'll list just five, if you don't mind, and some of them will be repeats from the character list I put together yesterday.
The majority of the couples below reflect a factor that I look for the most in dramas. My top three couples exist in their dramas beyond the initial courtship, beyond the first kiss. I like to see couples struggle, deal with problems, work things out. Even in T8S -- we saw an initial encounter, and then saw problems, and then saw the guys work out their problems. What we didn't see in T8S were the problems being worked out INSIDE of the relationship. But we got to see that in the other shows I mention below. I always want to see commitments being strengthened. That's the kind of maturity I look for in shows.
(That being said: She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat is still being written. So who knows what kind of commitment we might see from that dear ship down the road.)
1) Shiro x Kenji/What Did You Eat Yesterday (Kinou Nani Tabeta) -- always and forever my favorite ship. I'm a middle-aged mom. Seeing a couple well into their relationship, and managing their lives and tribulations after years of commitment, is something I want to see in most of my dramas/doramas, QLs or otherwise. I loved the maturity of this show, and this unbelievable couple was the concrete center of the show working fabulously.
2) Adachi x Kurosawa/Cherry Magic -- god, Cherry Magic. The television series was fun and campy. The movie just tore me apart -- it went deep into a kind of emotional switch between Kurosawa and Adachi. While the series had Kurosawa pursuing Adachi, the movie had Adachi emotionally holding Kurosawa down, facing the pressures from their families, facing long distance between them, all of which unsettled Kurosawa, usually the confident and suave perfectionist. I LOVED this emotional switching between the two of them -- as they found their balance with each other. Thinking about their power between each other makes me swoon.
3) Pat x Pran/Bad Buddy -- I couldn't help myself as I was writing this, I had to rewatch bits of episode 12 to remind myself of the utter relief I felt when I realized they had ended up together, despite the massive familiar pressures they faced to stay apart. I reblogged a gif of this yesterday, but the two parts that so move me about that final episode are: when they're looking at the picture board together and narrating the existence of their relationship, and admitting that it's not quite the happy ending that anyone would have expected; and the drinking game at the end, letting loose and being SO in love with abandon. BALANCE. These guys balanced each other out. When one moved away, the other moved closer. When one was down, the other lifted up. Their shared struggle together is something I think about literally every day.
4) Jae Won x Ji Hyun/The Eighth Sense -- I'm gonna go here! They're a new ship. But I love them. OOOOOH, JI HYUN'S SASSINESS! OOOOOOOOOH. The way the country mouse stopped mousing around and stood up for the man he wanted in Jae Won, while Jae Won spent weeks battling guilt and internal demons. Ji Hyun was so driven by love that he literally matured up to get his man. He knew Jae Won was in love with him -- Ji Hyun just had to help Jae Won clear the path. It was Ji Hyun's independent mind that got the ship to work, and I loved that we were able to see that literal internal change unwind over the course of the courtship.
5) Nomoto x Kasuga/She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat -- Lord, help me. The dorama and the manga -- some of the best food QL content ever. Nomoto is SPUNKY. She realizes she is queer, she has a deep and unwinding queer revelation -- and she's DAMN sure of it, and couldn't give a hoot about what anyone thinks about her falling in love with her next-door neighbor, Kasuga. And Kasuga knows, on their own end, what's up. Kasuga's not afraid to make things a little better to draw Nomoto into THEIR life. I love these two. In their dorama, we don't see a conclusion -- we only see Nomoto's queer awakening that she loves Kasuga. But the manga is still being written, and I have very high hopes that we'll see a loop closed in the near future.
Once again, thanks @elaine2895! These are fun to write!
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unsleepingtales · 7 months
We’re back! It’s folk fair time!
Get got!!
Oh sick you get a salad with the lobster bisque?
I fully forgot Fabian was proficient in glassblowing
They’re all so good at this game. And so deeply in it.
Awwww riz has a board in Adaine’s tower now
Oh please tell me he’s using a wild magic table to decide what happens from Fig’s bardic
This is horrifying
We’ve talked so much about the quangle I forgot that they’ve barely acknowledged it in the show
That was shrimp vibes for sure
Murph’s incredulous ‘oh good’
Siobhan <3
The cubby’s house is so fun
Brennan letting his folk fair roots shine
Yeah I was thinking about that and I didn’t have the chance to make a coherent post but. Why is my clerical gnomance performing at the folk festival.
That drum circle thing is exactly some folk fair shit. Idk how many other folk fair kids follow me or watch d20 but I need to make sure everyone who was not a folk fair kid knows how Eerily Accurate this is.
Definitely swingers.
This reminds me soooo much of the arts festival I go to every summer lmao
Cassandra was married??
Whoooo did Cassandra marry??
Cassandra being married to or engaged to Sol or Helio would be wildddd. And would kind of say something about why Kristen is so connected to them.
Like. Kristen was the chosen of Helio. If Helio and Cassandra were married, and Kristen left Helio, then Kristen going and becoming the prophet of Cassandra would be a weird roundabout return? Or deeper betrayal if they weren’t happy?
Dust mites suck
One thing about Brennan is he loves a magical axiom.
Ok so living gods can’t talk about dead gods to mortals
That’s fucked up!
Hee hee hee!
Kristen wants to get coffee with her parents?
Kristen is just having visions now I guess
Shatter stars??? Are those the same things???
That was uncalled for
Yeah no I get that it was a bit but that really is crossing a boundary. Lines are weird and wobbly around the family situation and the band but that just felt weird.
Holy shit?? That’s sick??
Oooh look at the fairy lights
That’s a folk festival baby!
Kristen’s original tie dye look would actually probably be very fitting
What are you ON about
Zac is bordering on real world annoyed
You’re literally not
I hate it I hate it SO MUCH
You’re not the cops!!
Fabian whyyy
Why does he get lair actions??? This is gorgug’s house!!
You have no fucking jurisdiction here man
Fucking creepy as shit
This is how the audience finds out Lou has had sex before. Ok.
Gorgug puts his goggles on. I do not see it.
We been knew this babes
Somehow I think grix did not want this.
One thing about Fig Faeth is she’s going to imply the admin are pedos.
It’ll just stab him normally
I keep thinking it and then getting too distracted to write it but Lou’s hair looks great
Thus, it has been goaded!
Fifty seven damage on one turn <3
Oooooooooh that’s a fucking sick spell
The washing machine adds three to wisdom saves?
Leans back against what??
I love the duo shots happening. Siobhan and Zac. Ally and Murph.
Fight me in the sky!
That’s soooo dark
Ok good I was trying to figure out how Ruben wasn’t gonna clock Fig-as-Wanda clearly fighting alongside the bad kids
Ok! What?
Awwww their crew is so sweet <3
Yeah Murph was right, that energy was Not gonna make the save
Are you kidding me
The lawnmower animation has me deaddddd
Pleasure and lawn maintenance 😭
What does that MEAN
So funny for all of this to happen less than five minutes after Brennan said they were doing really well in this fight
The shift from fun magic shit to ‘I Shoot Him With My Gun’ is always so funny
Fury of the ball!!!
You can’t call it that man.
Rick. Why is there a vulture again.
Gilearean rolls over here
The complicated women podcast (the cw 😭)
Fucked up!!!
Dominate monster???
Wait did Adaine already use her bardic?
I’m best medium rare 🥲
Oh my goddddd
They all want them to do this
Why are you doing this
We just gotta hit this guy once
You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me
I’m gonna lose it
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taelovesjohnny · 1 year
Muted ( The Outsiders) Chapter 15 Love Is Hard For Everybody
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I can tell Alley wants soda. Its hard you know, hes my best friend and my brother, and when we were kids we used to do everything together. but as he's gotten older, he's gotton more focused on girls, and im not saying that as a brat way, im saying that as i want to have fun with my brother without having some brat of a girlfriend ruin it. Im not saying Alley is a brat, im saying, that sandy was a brat, and i dont want to have soda have another heartbreak. again not saying Alley would do that but still.
I had a realtionship once. It was so bad, i mean the worst. His name was William. Very basic to everybody. He pressured me into having sex, and then he left me the next day. he was an ass-hole. he told me and i quote, " It was fun last night, but your not the type, too protective." yeah, he's on my hit list. for sure. 
I could feel myself fadeing from the gang, in a way i did not want, but i didn't know how to stop myself. I felt like if i didn't do something, i would loose soda, and if i did do something, i would loose Alley, neither of which i wanted to do, so i guess i would loose both of them in their love game. God love is hard. I found myself hanging out more, with Johnny or Two-bit or even Steve. Which almost everybody was confused with because we had a love hate realtionship if you know what i mean. but soda didn't seem to mind, neither did Alley, and that made me sad.
i've always been a very low self-esteem kind of person, i didn't have any. and i would get most of it from soda, so i guess thats part of the reason that i have been falling away from the gang. and you might think im jealous. nope, not at all. Soda has the right to have anybody he wants, thats why i didn't say anything about him and sandy. its not my place, to put him in his place. thats darry's job. i really dont know what i am going to do.
the door slammed shut, and that brought me out of my trance. 
Dallas winston, of course, the one the only. We have come to terms actually, which is kinda hard to believe. 
"Hey baby, can i talk to you, in private?" dallas asked
i nodded.
" listen i know that what i did was wrong, and i want another chance. i want us to forget what happened, so we can be friends. i want to try this. please."
I nodded
" awesome!"
end of flashback
to you it might seem, like it was really stupid of me, to just asume that he was gonna be nice. but im one to give second chances. so deal with it.
" Hey baby, wanna go to a party with me?" he asked sitting down besides me, and grinning like a cheshire cat.
I pretended to think about it, and then i nodded.
" Really, your gonna go out to a party with the dude who raped you??" Alley came in from the kitchen, probably kissing soda.
I nodded. yes i was, maybe i could get drunk and forget about all this crap going on in my life. 
" thats litterally the worst thing you could do right now, do you know that?" Alley screamed.
I cocked my eyebrows. i could think of worse.
" oooooooooh, Millie's going on a date tonight!!" Two-bit smiled as he pointed that out.
 i went up and smacked him upside the head.
" it's not a date two, its a little thing for friends." dallas pointed out THAT fact.
" then why am i not going?" he asked
" ew, you think that you are our friends?? you got to be drunk two-bit" steve butted in.
This was gonna be fun. with alley fuming, soda trying to calm her down, two-bit laughing, steve joking, and dallas being dirty, yes it was gonna be one hell of a night.
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An Astarion soulmate au;
Growing up, Astarion was a little discouraged when he didn't have a name marked on his skin. He had no soulmate... but he is an elf, and he'll live a long life. His soulmate hasn't been born yet, that's all. He'll have his name eventually.
And then Cazador got a hold of him. Two centuries of torture, of being starved, beaten and sent out to hunt innocent people. And he thought he wasn't deserving of a soulmate. Something like that isn't meant for the likes of him. Lucky, his "siblings" called him. And maybe he was.
And then one day... and name appeared on his arm. Dear Gods no... nonono. He can't have a soulmate! But Cazador wouldn't care, Astarion doesn't have a will of his own... all he can do is hope his soulmate doesn't come to Baldur's Gate...
But fate, as always, has other plans.
Oooooooooh my goodness... okay I love soulmate AUs so this is absolutely up my alley; nonnie thank you for sharing 😭
It's so bittersweet because, like... for a start, the fact that he would be utterly terrified. He wouldn't think that he deserves a soulmate; under Astarion's demeanour, there's a lot of self-doubt and not a lot of genuine self-confidence. He'd try to play it down; it's just a name on his wrist, it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't mean that person will ever even cross paths with him...
And he'd do that because, at heart... he'd be terrified of Cazador finding them. He'd be terrified of someone getting entangled in all of this because of some supposed connection to him; he'd be terrified of the one person in all the world who's supposed to be a good thing in his life being taken away and broken in ways that he's all too familiar with by now.
Maybe one day he'd meet the person with his name marked into their skin. Maybe on that day he'd pretend to be someone, anyone else. Maybe he'd try to deny their connection, to play it off; better that than to lead this poor little lamb to a slaughter that would be inevitable.
...But oh, he'd want that person. Dear gods, he'd want them. He'd spend nights thinking of their face, whether he's prowling the streets for the next target or trapped in isolation with nothing to do but think.
Because when he thinks that there's a person out there fated to be his 'soulmate,' the world seems so much bigger; so much more beautiful, so much more than the darkness and the shades of grey Astarion has lived in for the last two centuries. And maybe it's just desperation for something or anything to hold onto, or maybe it's just some manner of infatuation since they're supposed to be his soulmate after all, but... there's something about their face that makes him want to look at it forever.
And so maybe, if they met again... maybe he'd be more forthcoming about his identity.
Maybe his siblings' statement about him being lucky might ring true yet.
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