zero-is-nebulous · 1 month
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Craftycorn! The redesign series is finally done raaaaa
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chastitybrad · 1 year
*hands u this
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gh0stgr1nder · 2 years
it didnt work
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pegglefan69 · 9 months
Good news: first 'real' sweater I ever knitted for myself still fits great & I know what dimensions to choose if I want a fitted garment in the future
Bad news: it's been in my closet for months so IMMEDIATE dust allergy attack.
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keeps-ache · 2 years
drinking horchata (however you spell it ;-;) and it tastes like joanns during christmas <3
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infectedpaul · 7 months
ooughf. sometimes i like to think abt how emma gets off the island. who found her. gosh if only there was SOMEONE who could just join the hive right now that knows exactly where she was left bleeding out and unable to move
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beloved-menagerie · 6 months
Ooughf I am not looking forwards to January though
-- Juan
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trolls-confessions · 2 months
Cooper mentions his Uncle Who Broke His Neck Tapdancing Once and darnell is (lightly) hit in the face with the realization that not only was Cooper not in Vibe City but also that Cooper has a family of his own here, he lived a life in this weird poppy jungle
ooughf, thats rough man, that got me 😔
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iworshipsappho · 1 year
ooughf they're fighting together how nice <33
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
rereading your fics and. i know i’ve said i love your writing but MAN. i love your fucking writing????? i swear it’s like the emotion is coming out of my phone and choking me it’s exactly as tender as they deserve and i’m so. ooughf i’m sooo messed up about it omg <3
i love you like the bottom of the ocean, in that i am the detritus of the sand and you are so wide and glorious and blue and i love you
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gh0stgr1nder · 2 years
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Dace 46 has reached daily post limit
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kingdomoftyto · 2 years
IwtV movie script '92 early draft, liveblog, part 5
Lestat has just bled out in the parlor.
In the script, Claudia is standing triumphant, having drained some of his blood herself, while Louis crouches uncertainly beside the body. In the final cut of the film, she and Louis are both standing in shock beside a spreading pool of blood, Claudia still holding the knife.
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Film!Claudia tries to crack some jokes but Louis shuts her down with a look. They wonder how to dispose of the body and decide on the swamp.
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OH, the voiceovers are referencing the earlier scene when they slept under the church! Lestat said he hated the dirty tomb. And apparently in this version, Louis is ACTIVELY GRIEVING HIM, trying to find someplace to lay him to rest that Lestat would have liked 🥺🥺🥺
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Holy shit
God, I can't wait for episode 6 of the AMC series lmfao
... Claudia actually starts sobbing in the script, and Louis can't help but go to her. Her face is covered in bloody tears, and she says she only wanted to free the both of them from Lestat's control, that she'd undo it if it would please Louis. He comforts her and agrees to go to Europe to seek others of their kind.
MEANWHILE, the final cut jumps back briefly to the interview with Daniel. "You missed him?" / "He was all I knew." There's then a mention of Claudia researching vampires, because they don't have Lestat's backstory to go off of in this version lmao
... OH, interesting!
So the confrontation with swamp!Lestat goes a little differently between the two. The early draft:
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Meanwhile in the final cut, Lestat sits at the piano and plays ominously while giving a whole goddamn villain speech. "Listen, Louis. There's life in these old hands still." He describes living off of reptiles and toads, then addresses Claudia before lunging at her. Not exactly "without reason" as originally intended!!
Their escape plays out essentially the same in both versions.
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That's a lot to unpack.
... The script cuts away to Daniel for a sec so Louis can explain the alligators and snakes thing, and that only fire could have stopped Lestat from coming back. He says they had no way of knowing if he was really dead this time.
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Ooughf, this shit is gonna hurt so bad in the AMC version
... The script then skips straight ahead to their arrival in Paris (since they didn't have to search everywhere on their own--they had Lestat's stories to start from!). The film on the other hand takes some more bits from the books and sums up their fruitless travels. "I began to believe we were the only ones. There was a strange comfort in that thought."
Both versions go through a montage of them thoroughly enjoying themselves in Paris.
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So weird for them to be here already knowing about the Paris coven
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The entire rest of this section of the script/movie is just going to be one long string of me going 🥺
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can almost hear Lestat's smug disembodied voice crying "I told you so!"
Another night, Claudia walks into their rooms with a new doll that looks just like her. She says the dollmaker, Madeline, made it for her. Before Louis' eyes, she snaps, breaking the doll and throwing it in the fire.
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not enough time in the world to unpack all that
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Pfft. Louis actually gets to fistfight Santiago in the script before Armand interrupts. Good.
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Armand's gonna beat the shit out of Lestat when he sees him
...The vampire show at the theater goes similarly in both versions, though the final cut is longer and I think more convincing.
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😬Claudia. Girl.
Then, yeah, the performance plays out the same. Even Claudia is put off by the end of it.
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Armand surprisingly hospitable in the script. One of the vampires gets too close to Claudia and he telekinetically throws them into a wall.
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My god, man. Keep it in your pants!
(That's true of book!Louis' reaction to Armand as well, for the record lmao)
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This is so weird
... So they have an entirely different conversation here in the script than they do in the final movie. Hits a lot of the same beats, but it's different since Louis already knows about the Satanist stuff and it's no secret that they both know Lestat.
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Very direct and to the point, here.
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Get dunked on, philosophy boi
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Yeah no kidding
Claudia, btw, is watching this entire conversation, silently
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Whoa whoa, would Armand agree with him so easily here? I'm not so sure. Armand is nothing if not a stubborn little bastard, and if I recall correctly he was not super on board with Lestat's hedonism at this point in time. He still wanted to cling to his arbitrary rules and hierarchies to give his life "purpose".
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So pretty much the same as the final cut, plus mentions of Lestat.
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Cruel bastard >:(
The final cut has a small scene where Santiago tells them that killing another vampire is the greatest crime they can commit. It doesn't appear in the script.
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Okay her calling them "bourgeois Parisians" is VERY funny
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Louis: "There is no danger."
Louis, two seconds later: "Okay maybe there is some danger, but--"
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I'd have to look at it again to be sure, but I think this may be a better buildup to Claudia wanting to leave him than even happened in the book lmao.
The final cut of this scene has a lot more of Claudia insisting Louis and Armand want each other desperately. She claims Armand told her to "Let him go"
... Grghk, post limit reached. Onto the next-!
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tazuransi · 3 years
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here’s my hananene lesbian agenda 👯‍♀️
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bababyface · 3 years
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I am begging I will pay someone to make these little shits for me
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leonsi · 2 years
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OOUGHF i wanna.....
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transmortifried · 2 years
whenever i post fiction concepts on here, the response tends to be generally positive (probably because 99.9% of them are about lesbians) and i wish i could channel that towards actually writing a proper piece instead of fragments but ooughf that's daunting, especially since i haven't written anything since the small handful of short stories i did in high school that i'm emphatically Not Proud Of
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