#op blog list
reineydraws · 2 months
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i dont have a caption for you lol i'll let shanks's heart eyes speak for themselves 🫶
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whumpacabra · 6 months
Whumpy Stories I Enjoy In No Particular Order :]
This will be updated as I get caught up on my current reading/find the energy to go diving through my archive for older pieces that live in my head rent free.
Largely scifi, fantasy, heroes and villains, with a sprinkling of realism, immortality, and eldritch thrown in for good measure.
Science Fiction:
Dystopia -
Biodrones by @just-horrible-things
Weapons Don't Weep by @wolfeyedwitch
Living Weapon: 327 by @whumpy-daydreams
Space Politics -
Dust by @redwhump
The Martyr by @whump-me
Riot Kings (comic, Hand in Hand AU) by @befuddled-calico-whump
*The Sentry and the Strays by @promptsforyourwhumpfic
Gozukk and Anna, Castor and Ed by @whimperwoods
The Blackmuir Reign by @deluxewhump
Heroes and Villains:
With Bloody Outstretched Hands by @wolfeyedwitch
*Kyle by @whimperwoods
Behind the Masks by @whumpering-heights
Left Behind by @justbreakonme
Wildfire by @befuddled-calico-whump
Darkness Falls by @turn-the-tables-on-them
Hazeshift by @whumpwillow
Alex & Friends [Pat, Aeroseph] by @i-eat-worlds
Immortals and Monsters:
Waking Nightmare by @whumpering-heights
the cave-diving thing by @whumpwillow
*Bloody Ascension by @ash-and-bone-whump
Modern Mercenaries, Mobs, and Spies:
The Kid by @winedark-whump
Zach and Archer by @redstainedsocks
*The Investigator by @whumpy-bi
*I can't find an official masterpost by the op so I have linked the unique tag I use for archiving purposes of each story on my blog
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I wish I could do a fandom headcount. Obviously Spider-Man fans are plentiful on this website but I'd love to know how many of us primarily blog about the Raimi trilogy. I can think of less than a dozen blogs, and several of them/us are the hardcore Harry Osborn lovers. If two or three people left the fandom, I think it would be a noticeable absence.
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oxygenbefore1775 · 11 months
tldr: supposedly unauthorized translation and publication of some aot works from tumblr onto another platform
(sorta continuation of this post)
a certain user on ficbook.net (a russian analog of ao3/wattpad) has been translating the works from tumblr and posting them on their profile. the thing is, they do credit the tumblr writers as authors of the original text and leave the links to the tumblr posts but there's almost no doubt in my mind that they're doing this without the permission of the original creators. because one of my works was also translated and posted like this, all without reaching out to me beforehand. and because some of the creators they've translated from have explicitly stated that they do not allow the reposting of their works in any way, shape or form
because you have the right to know as the creators, below i'm including a list of the blogs whose works have been translated supposedly without the creator's permission (i'll also try to include the name of the works that have been translated in the brackets)
(i've no idea what username they have on tumblr - but - if you're on this list but have given your permission to translate your work (or these works specifically) to someone in the past and/or are generally cool with the situation then feel free to ignore)
@quills-of-freedom (hysteria; wedding day; most embarassing thing theyve done while drunk; aot snowball fight hcs; aot headcanons; )
@syrma-sensei (wings in the shadow)
@impulsivecompliment (happiness)
@bibblelevi (pretty)
@certifiedjaeger (all bets are off)
@ms-spicy-kirstein (happy birthday jean)
@riniackerman (under his table; i want to feel you; seeing you working out, s/o with acnes; s/o trying to get their attention; s/o with self harm scars; when you're on your period; when they walk on you changing; s/o sitting on their laps; s/o wearing short skirt; s/o calling them daddy for the first time; s/o in a horny mood; their s/o wanting to make out; s/o finding they out they got hard in public)
@ringsofsaturnnnn (sour honey)
@shankslut (what a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you)
@2dsheep (levi hates drinking)
@shiganshiina (a letter to erwin)
@lady-lauren (private affairs)
@arl3rt0 (kinktober day 5)
@im-a-killer-queen (my good boy)
@snktrashcan (better after all)
@fayesrossua (tired virgins)
@bananami (leave your boyfriend)
@sorecupid (vibrations)
@levis-dilutedbleach (i needed you)
@eremiie (you walking into the shower fully clothed)
@kumori-suwan (how they react after a two week sex ban)
@falling-pages (sick aot boys headcanons)
@almondkatsuki (which piercings the aot characters would get with you)
@marshmallow-rainbow139 (the first thing they say to their newborn; stop walking and wait for them to notice)
@rulerofstars (a heart like this)
@cower-before-power (when they realize you're "the one")
@rubywithacat (aot boys when you felt insecure about your body; what aot characters would say when they caught you looking at them; )
@fandomvariousness (horny triggers)
@pleasured-ambrosia (aot boys + streaming)
@espritmuse (does my shirt smell weird?; their biggest kink)
@shikiii-skadi (you reject them)
@sukunababy (how they make you squirt; riding them; dick analysis; calling them daddy; )
@corrupt-fvcker (their unexpected turn-ons; how they show their love;)
@sukunasfourtheye (phrases the aot boys would say during sex that would make my head spin)
@yagamiluvr (virgin! aot boys)
@yikimiki (aot men x sexual positions)
@cafedanslanuit (telling them you're in the mood; calling them a "friend" in front of other people; putting your hand in front of them; texting them "i want a baby"; reacting to the phub sound; calling them by the wrong name)
@anlian-aishang (sex outside the bedroom; phone sex & sexting dialogues; clothes and sex; kinks; only one bed)
@mazuwii (where aot characters kiss you the most; you slap their bum; you refuse to hug the aot characters; getting caught on kisscam; doing skincare with them; you say "i love you" out of nowhere; reacting to: "would you like a bath, dinner or me?"; what i think of you based on your fave; how many kids would they have; characters annoying you for a day)
@bluebellhairpin (harder, deeper, faster; drinks; names for them, and for you; what kind of father are you?; things levi ackerman has said while babysitting; aot character outfits)
@bemylord (what turns them on; what they are like in cuddles; where do they prefer to have sex; what attack on titan boys would prefer; things they won't do while doing the dirty)
@happybird16 (what they wanted to be when they grew up; what do aot characters beds look like)
@afrival (their nervous habits; aot characters when drinking; pets the aot characters would have; things that the aot characters would (probably) be arrested for; aot charcters and dumb shit they say)
@veenxys (moments that made aot characters fall in love a little more for their s/o; domestic moments with aot characters; moments that made aot characters fall in love a little more for their s/o)
@escapenightmare (aot and innocent, fleeting touches)
@venenatd (aot men + somnophilia)
@myarlert (what gets them going; a look in their pants; whay they're into; aot guys as nonsexual acts of intimacy)
@nkogneatho (random cute things they do with/to you)
@levi-ish (aot boys during a bj; aot boys headcanons; aot men love language)
@heejayy (wake up my boyfriend's here)
continuation of the list here since tumblr doesnt allow more that 50 mentions
i'm not sure if i should disclose their username on ficbook.net because, again, my accusations may be groundless and i might put an innocent user between two hard places with my action, so until the situation gets cleared up, im not willing to expose them
what can be done? if my suspicions are proven right and this person is indeed operating without the ops' permission, then reporting would be the most effective choice, considering that ficbook.net has a very strict policy regarding translations but you have to be a registered user there to file a report which i doubt many of you are or would be willing to do (not to mention navigating the site in the whole other language). i've already reported their profile and who knows, maybe this single report could achieve something
one thing i know for sure, is that this person hangs out on tumblr often and will for sure see this post, maybe it will give them some wake-up call about not asking the permission to translate and repost the intellectual property of other's - at least when it comes to my works cuz the case with the other users are unconfirmed as of yet
if i bothered you with this post by tagging you, im sorry, i just wanted to make some things right since you deserve to know as the creators
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Hey, i was just wondering what the highest score you have given so far is? also! what inspired you to make this blog? do you just really like punctuation?
? ! ,
hmmm... idk exactly what the highest score would be if i took out every time people just copy pasted the entire list or times i have used them all . probably somewhere around 16 is my estimate? but i myself have hit the 22 mark so that's probably technically the highest
as for what inspired me to make the blog, at first it was kinda just the fact i realized the url wasn't taken and i figured it could be fun. but being here has certainly forced me to be a huge punctuation fan! it grew on me a lot haha
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this is such a funny description of the characters I wanted to share as pre-propaganda from @a-kind-of-merry-war and also thank you for reminding me to check if One Night in Hartswood was out in the USA yet (it is, I have ordered now!)
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
I’m getting recommended to new users again & by that I mean mostly bots are following me in droves & trying to message me.
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gilbirda · 6 months
love when people panic and change their url on a whim and/or delete their blog and break my links in a resources post (sarcasm)
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acesammy · 1 year
ok.. you think Sam bloodfreak winchester would have the normal tumblr???? Sam really into true crime winchester???? Sam dabbles in witchcraft winchester?????? Sam would be like ‘I actually don’t think the Winchesters were that bad :/’ and the next comment would be ‘op steals bones btw’
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lazaruspiss · 7 months
every once in a while I remember the "are you white: yes or no" quiz and i get befuddled and angry all over again. rant under the cut.
there were 3 types of people in those notes:
1) white people complaining about how white tumblr is according to the poll (the poll results seem more indicative of the type of person who would participate in a poll like that than the actual tumblr demographic)
2) mixed race people voicing what i can only describe as mixed race angst (im really not sure how to explain it to someone who hasnt personally been through it but it was fucking heart breaking to see) as well as general self loathing
3) people explaining why that mentality of white or everything else is racist (thank god for them i thought i was gonna go insane reading those other notes)
like fuckin hell. first of all dont give fucking census information out on tumblr you weirdos. second of all unless that poll was written by an actual baby im fucking bewildered as to how someone could genuinely make a post like that unless it's supposed to be engagement bait or some shit.
hey. hey. newsflash. implying that white people must be inherently separate from other races is bad. implying that mixed people need to pick a side is bad. reinventing the fucking one drop race purity theory is bad. scrounge up a fuckin braincell my god. like do people just forget that white people can reproduce with non-white people? is that so fuckin crazy? are people that stupid?
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Yes this is kinda hypocritical coming from a cartoon blog but like, wigs me out a bit seeing people significantly older than I am and their main fandoms are like. Spongebob or peppa pig like. Obv I'm not mocking anyone who enjoys cartoons, I love a good cartoon myself, I just find it kinda like, odd. When idk. You're a grown adult that doesn't engage with anything more grown up than Steven universe or smth. Idk.
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
Series and AUs I Love (This is an ongoing archive project, mostly for my own use. If I've been giving you tag commentary, your series will probably end up on here eventually.)
Eddie Munson: She Feels Like Home by eddiemunsonsmum (+character guide) As You Wish by corroded-hellfire Store Manager-verse by jo-harrington Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction by jo-harrington Isekai Chronicles by hellfirenacht Wing Man by hellfirenacht La Belle Dame avec Merci by rehfan
Arthur Havisham: The Road Forgotten by foundtherightwords
Ralph Penbury: Busy Streets, Busy Lives by quinnkeerys The Hat Shop Girl by rehfan Darling by nightonblogmountain
Prince Paul: The Firebird by foundtherightwords
The funsonmunson/oneforthemunny Eddieverse Collection: Janitor!Eddie (and Oliver!) Bouncer!Eddie Brat Tamer!Eddie Cowboy!Eddie Rockstar!Eddie Plot Twist: It's All of Them
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sandpapersnowman · 2 months
important reminder that firefox Also has shinigami eyes and that if you're not on mobile you should really have it turned on
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peachpitss · 1 year
hate when a post comes across your dash & the OP’s URL is some shit like “sapphos-sister” and you immediately know what they are. (a terf)
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putergenius · 9 months
wild how many “popular” posts I see in which the op is a whole ass terf
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aminta · 1 year
yknow i do technically have the goodwritingtips url ive just been using it to store stuff. I totally could start legitimately using it AS a writblr
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