#open ligthing
radiatecas · 1 year
Dining Room Raleigh
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Example of a mid-sized kitchen/dining room combo design
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lynaferns · 1 year
An overanalization of a 3 second clip of the Ruin DCA for drawing references.
The ruin trailer - slowed and brightened clip - my design idea before the trailer came out (<- I'm still sad about this) - Updated analysis
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I loved doing the hand page :)
Now do whatever you want with this information I'm throwing at your faces.
If I find something new I'll update the post.
When the DLC comes out I'll probably do a character ref of the whole endo.
I've been reading people theorys and ideas.
I think the eyes simply has a LED ligth that alternates between yellow/white and red.
I don't think they could ever blink, if you take a look to the original pre-ruin design there is no space for eyelids.
I've seen people talk about their mouth moving. I personaly think that if their endo was supossed to have a moving mouth then, those teeth are actually holders for more polished teeth, and the mouth wouldn't open but the teeth would move to make it apear they are moving their mouth.
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Those shadows behind the teeth, I toke a better look and I do think they are holes! There are some positions they don't make sense as shadows so it must be some kind of rack or grating, posibly for the voice box.
A few people have comented about the shock absorbers in the legs, I didn't thought about that, it makes so much sense.
UPDATE JULY 26 (after dlc release):
So, I got right that the teeth moved, just wrong with the direction lol, why do they move to the outside and in that wave animation?
Also, there are no holes behind the teeth, they were actual shadows (I still think that it would have been cool if they were holes that faintly illuminated when they talk)
The spring of the broken leg is hanging without the support of the foot, that's why it was so hard for me to figure out the shape in the trailer (I'll put screenshots when I get to the pc)
Moon's hat is missing the bell :(
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And the eyes aren't completely broken like I thought, just very dirty.
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And your fears could fill bootes void
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Genre : Fluff, (Emotional) Hurt comfort,
Notes : ADHD and GN! Reader, you are wearing make up and a dress though, self indulgent, soft! Arlecchino :), please don't try to fill bootes void with anything it's 300 million ligth years big and houses only 60 galaxies, based on my horrible graduation preparation
Sypnosis : You are panicking and nothing seems to go rigth, but then Arlecchino comes to your rescue.
Take me to AO3
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You ball the wipes up and throw them at the nearest trashcan, missing, but that wasn`t of your concern now. You grabed the eyeliner once again, the lid had been long abandoned, exposing the pointy liquid brush. You take a deep breath as you watch yourself setting it at the redend corner of your eye, drawing a straigth line in one fell swoop. You let the air escape from your lungs, moving to do the next eye. Then your eyes fall on the reflection of the clock and you start to visibly shake. Curses fall from your lips as you realize, and you hold your head in your hands, realizing only now how bad it really was.
„This is fine, it is ok.“
You tell yourself, lie to yourself. You release your head, you were sure that you could fix it still, very simple, esspecially considering your shaking body and the clock that is ticking closer to your independing doom. You turn to the mirror, mind with the clock, eyes on the line, you were sure you could do it. You set on, getting ready. But alas, it worked as well as it did before. Your breath quickend as you grabbed another round of wipes, tears rolling down your cheeks ruining your remaining make up. Why did they write the wrong time on the invite!? God fucking damn it. Why should you even go at this point? You would just embarass Arle and the whole Fatui as a whole. Worse even : you`d miss the start. Running in after everyone else certainly wouldn`t look flattering.
You screamed quickly, not noticing the woman in your mirror untill you were done.
Her presence was like a whiplash into your face, you wiped your tears away, standing up, your breath still short, tears still burning their way down.
„I will take that as a `no`.“
She must have asked you something. You suck in a breath. „I can not with this fucking eyeliner and now that I started crying everything is ruined! I am not even in my clothes and- damn we will run late! I called and gods! You should just go withouth me!“ during your outburst Arlecchino had moved to your vanity already, waiting untill you were finished. You watch her leaning against it.
„Sit.“ she said, her head leaning towards the chair.
You stare for a few second before your body follows her ask and sits you down on the chair, she takes your chin, making you look up at her. Her gaze sweps over your face, then she mumbles :“You`ve been to harsh on yourself.“ she takes a wipe herself and has it gently go over your eyes, a gentleness that was only reserved for you and maybe sometimes the children. „And you didn`t get everything.“ she adds, rubbing a bit. It takes her a while untill she holds your head up in satisfaction, untill her thumb strokes your cheek. „There. We can work with that.“
She takes a few steps back, to the trashcan and you get a better look at her. You bite your lips. „You look...“ she slowly turns back. Her body was covered with a formal suit, though she had removed her jacket and rolled up her sleeves, after coming in, exposing her muscles. You blush. How childish. „Pretty handsome.“
„And the person at my side will look equally as good.“ you smile, and her eyes got kinder. „Now close your eyes for me?“ you watch as she dips one of your brushes into a palette, then do as she asked. The brush caresses over your eyelids like a feather, while the ticking of the clock cuts into your ears like a knife. Your leg starts to shake again.
„We will be late.“ you state.
„It could indeed come to that. But, it is not our fault if they put the wrong time on it.“
You open your eyes as she looks for something, then hear her open the mascarra with a plop.
As you look up at her and as the ligth purs down at her she, she almost seems like an angle with an white halo. She would stab most for the comparison though, unless they put „Death“ in it. Your angle of death. „Don`t stab me with that?“ you joke.
She snickered. „I`d never.“ she applied it as gently as when she swiped your face, or when she did the eyeshadow. Arlecchino then took a good look at everything, turning your head, tilting hers, she then took the eyeliner, you watched her shake it to then close your eyes, biting your lips in anticipation. A smooth line was drawn twice and then both were filled in.
You wanted to open your eyes but she shut them.
„I am not done yet.“ she declares
Your ears go back to the clock. „Arle-“
„Do not worry. I will handle it.“ it didn`t do much, yet you decided to sit still. For the next few minutes, she is doing something with your face, you think she may be retouching the foundation and the blush, but who knows.
You hear the brushes being sorted in, everything really. She was a neat person, was she not? Always making sure the blood was scrubed away and always taking care of the witnesses herself.
„Done.“ she then announces withing a breath, you turn to the mirror with a smile, then crock your head while staring at the ligth eyeshadow, the blush accentuating your cheekbones.
„It is very decent.“
She puts her hands on your shoulders. „There was no reason for much. I just accentuated what was already there.“ she quickly kissed your cheek and then moved to your dress, to your shared bed.
You turn back to the clock, fear hovering above you like a sword. „We will be so late-“
„Will you need my assitance with the dress?“
You took a breath. „Perhabs.“ you then hurry to undress, while Arlecchino is putting her jacket back on.
„Alrigth.“ you state, sliping into the dress, nearly tripping in the process.
Arlecchino quickly zips you up, giving you another chaste kiss on the back of your neck, but you had no real time to react since she decided to twirl you slowly, but your eyes were only glued to the door. „You look ravishing my dear.“
You flashed a quick smile at her before taking her hand and formly dragging her towards the door.
Arlecchino only gave you a sigh as you asked if you`d come at the rigth time by foot.
She stopped you once you got in front of the door. „What, what is it?“
She pushed your hair back, grabbing your face. „The way is only five minutes, calm down.“
She then took your arm, opening the door for you, hushing a look at your shoes.
„Huh, you are wearing the shoes I gave you.“
You couldn`t stop yourself. „No.“ the lie slips from your lips like butter and she stares into your soul. You count the seconds, her steps. After a few years of being married you were able to lie and look into her eye after for maybe ten seconds before gaining a headache, though that number subtracted itself by half due to your nervosity this fine evening. You looked down. „Yes. They are pretty.“
She chuckled, taking your hip before walking down the stairs. „You should stop this little game of yours I´m slowly burning away all of your braincells at this point.“
„Well, have I ever had any to begin with?“
She would have chuckled if you weren`t out. Your wolf. „You have always been impecable.“ All of a sudden you felt her lips against your own. You let yourself melt into it, her, making you forget your fear for just a few seconds. It was not usuall for her to do this unprompted, most times you were gratefull for that, but now.
She parted from you, though her touch lingered for longer. You breated, remembering what she had said, smiling up at her. „Well thank you my dearest husband.“
And like that, you made your way to the event and it couldn´t have gone better.
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lilisouless · 3 months
I have some thoughts on the Grishaverse and the manic pixie dream girl trope, to avoid essays quick thoughts:
-Inej and book!Nina ,despite maybe sharing traits, are not an example by the simple fact that they are their own person. Sure one brings light to a tortured man’s life,the other teaches him to question his status quo, yet their sole role is far from what they do for their male love interest, they are defined by their personal goals and are fighting their own battles (I could write more but let’s not make it short).
-Leoni Hilli ,despite being typically paired with a grumpy man,is more like an aversion as well.The man in question doesn’t emotionally change too much after getting together with her nor is ever implied he needs to be ligth up. Same applies to show!Fedyor , despite being a sweet happy guy paired with a grumpy guy,the guy is not shown to be needing to be saved (emotionally) and it’s just a dynamic they have
-show!Alina is a subversion, the show version of the darkling clearly sees her like that on season one the subversion comes when she dares to defy being a satellite that exist only to bring him light (note: book!Alina also does the rebellion part,but she is not lively nor active enough to fit in a MPDG subversion,book!Alina is mostly snarky in their interactions)
-show!Wylan would have been a subversion having the spinoff being greenlit , so the show version sticks as borderline example. While he is his own person,he is mostly unexplored and most of his emotional and personal issues are shown in regards to his relationship with Jesper, accompanied with being a force that makes Jesper want to be better,more open and vulnerable, other words: he effortlessly charms him into deviating from his comfort zone.Show!Jesper ends the show not in love with Wylan, but with the idea of what he does to him. The spinoff would have turned it around by having Wylan being his own person and Jesper falling in love with him for real.
-Kaz is his own person,but one of his traits is being is the inversion: he is the manic demon nightmare boy (i promise this is not me slandering Kaz,i have a point) he pushes the girl (and a boy in a platonic version) out of their comfort zone but not by showing the happiness of life,but the darkness and cruelty of it. He pushes people to save themselves and to survive even without his help.
If someone wants to explore more tropes,I’ll be open
Here is an example of a character that DOES fit the label (mutuals will probably know who is) putting it on the cut to not end up in a bitter note
-The only straight up example is show!Nina, this is a character whose goals go around about a man with little exploration of her outside of him. The little traits she has outside of him are more quirks that anything, every single part of her construction ends up being for the sake of her ship with him.While being a MPDG doesn’t automatically mean a character is bad, she is particularly insulting because she has actually MORE time the guy in question (guy that btw is completely useless for the plot,you can take him out,nothing matters) . This is a new level of bad even for the worst MPDG characters.
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lorifragolina · 8 months
Harringrove- The Book
Made the second chapter for the @harringrovestorychallenge
Here you can find the first chapter tw: blood, injuries
Billy opened his eyes, driving back from sleep by an ache in his shoulder. 
He also felt the dull pain on his face and back, for his father’s hits, and the dry tears on his face. 
He indulged a little in the snuggle on Steve’s chest, and then he started hearing the life noises in the house. 
“Harrington,” he whispered, shaking him a little. 
Steve started protesting. Billy shushed him
“Quiet, Harrington,” he closed his mouth with a hand. “You have to go,” he kept whispering with urgency.
Steve blinked, confused. He hugged a crying Billy last night, watching him falling asleep, and finally he let the sleep win on himself too and fell asleep holding Billy.
“Go away, quick!” said Billy again, more agitated. He cocked an ear again to the house and breathed frantically. “If he finds you here… if he sees your car…” he whimpered, a point of fear in his voice.
Steve collected his shoes. “He does it… often?” he stupidly asked, and Billy’s face crumbled when he nodded. 
“He likes to… check his work,” he said again, hopelessly.
Steve couldn’t find something else to say. He climbed the window, but before jumping he leant to kiss Billy again. 
Billy pecked him and smiled. 
“Can I call you? To see you later,” whispered Steve. Billy shook his head.
“No… but you can call Hagan. I… sort of hung out with him later. At the arcade, maybe”.
Steve sighed. “Tommy and I aren’t friends anymore, but… I’ll figure it out”. 
Billy nodded and Steve jumped off the window in the still dawn air, running to his car. He saw Billy turn back and close the window. 
His heart sank while he went away, while a sharp fury and a hot rage were growing into him. 
He planned to swallow his pride and call Tommy Hagan, but luckily he had not to. Lucas called him to drive the party to the arcade, naming Max among other things, so he agreed to drive them to the Palace. 
Billy, Tommy and Carol were already there, casually chatting, and sat on a bench in the parking lot. “You in for the movie tonight?” said Carol, chewing her gum. Popping.
“‘M kind of grounded,” muttered Billy. “Except for driving shitbird,” he sighed, and whatever Tommy was about to say, died on his tongue as he saw the Beamer parking slowly at the other side of the lot, after passing slowly in front of them. He was sure Harrington glanced at them before stopping.
Billy gulped, unnoticed by the other two, when the kids stormed out of the car, and Steve came out too looking casually around, fidgeting nonchalantly with something, and then, as he was doing it all the time, he walked to them, lighty waving a hand. He was playing cool, but Billy’s heart started to run wildly when he looked furtively and saw him chewing his lips nervously. Tommy muttered something.
“Hagan. Carol,” he tilted his head, without answers. “Hargrove,” his voice pitched a little higher. “Do you have light?”
Tommy and Carol, a cig hanging on their lips, didn’t move. Billy forced himself to count three Missisippis before waving his Zippo in front of him. 
“... and a cig?” added Steve, trying without success to unlock his eyes from Billy’s. Billy scoffed and took his packet, giving him one. 
“Fuck, it’s the last,” he complained, ligthing it for Steve. He took a drag.
“I’ll buy you more,” Steve tilted his head to the store, and Billy jumped up.
“Will be better,” and he followed him through the park. 
He felt the sting of Tommy's glance on his shoulders, but didn’t look back. He tried to avoid looking at Steve, though.
“Wanna kiss you,” Steve whispered when they were alone.
“Wanna hold your hand,” insisted Steve.
“Don’t,” Billy blushed a little and smiled at him, clinching his hand. He fucked up all the discretion and looked him in the face. 
Steve bought the cigs. “Movie tonight?” he tilted to the Family video.
“I’m kind of grounded,” he repeated and sighed, sinking his hands in his pockets. 
Steve sighed too. “He… did something again…?”
Billy shook his head. “Don’t wanna talk about it now”.
Steve stared at the scratches Billy had on his hands, because he didn’t want to risk staring at his very face, and felt again the fury and the rage.
“Take the bat,” he whispered.
“I have a… a nailed bat in the trunk,” Billy raised an eyebrow really suddenly, but Steve waved a hand. “Long story. I’ll tell you another time,” and then he moved again to Tommy and Carol. 
He tried to be natural, and Billy too, but it wasn’t easy. When they finally went away and the kids started to come out of the arcade, Steve hid the bat in the trunk of a baffled Billy, grabbing his hand with a soft glance.
They tried to be discreet at school. Only talking casually in public, coldly, and fighting in the court. Kissing and touching and taking off clothes in their car after school. “I’ll have house free this weekend,” said Steve next Thursday, cuddling under the blanket in Billy’s car. They’re freezing their ass and couldn’t properly snuggle anymore in the car. They couldn’t even be completely nude that week.
Billy whined for pleasure and expectancy. 
“You’re in for the movie tonight?” Hagan stopped him in the desert hallway, a half grin on the face. Billy jumped a little, surprised. He blinked trying to think of a good excuse.
“Or you’re still grounded?” continued Tommy. Billy started to nod, relieved. “With the cute ass you’re fooling around?”
Billy’s heart skipped a beat. They had been suble, cautious… he panicked and couldn’t hide his pale look to Tommy. 
“Don’t worry,” said Tommy, nodding lightly.
“How do you…”
“Come on, dude. You two are going away together from Tina’s, Steve appeared from nowhere around us and you two are chirping like love birds all week… we first thought you two fistfighted, but it was pretty clear that you have another kind of fight”.
Billy blushed furiously. 
“But don’t worry. I knew you’re not really into bitches. I wouldn’t bet on Harrington, but he’s hot. Count on me for anything”. Tommy smirked, blinked an eye and went away to Carol. Billy had to lean a little to the wall, sweating and breathing heavily.
Steve looked out the window. The sky was gray and heavy with rain, and Billy was already a little late. He had popcorn and some treats, some movies, a blanket on the sofa, and he changed the sheet on his bed, he shaved and combed his hair and put a new polo and his best jeans on. He was nervous, and he kept looking at his watch. He heard the noise of the car screeching while it started raining. He jumped at the door as he saw the car coming at a crazy speed and almost crashing against the wall with a terrible brake noise. It was dented and broken on the front, and Billy crawled to the open door wielding the bat, covered in blood. 
He had half of his jacket ripped, his hair glued for sweat and blood, his face also covered in blood, and the tears he was crying made a clean path on his cheeks.
“I… I tried to… I had to… I don’t know… I don’t know…”, he whispered frantically, before collapsing in his arms, whining and staining him with blood too. 
The howling broke the silence, while the rain soaked them, in the cold, freezing wind.
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theberriesncream · 21 days
Remember when i mention that I have a Squad Busters AU?
So yeah. Here I am showing it!
Long time ago, a Woman woke up in a strange place. It was a kind of flat world with nothing but a dark void. She didn't remember how she got her in first place or what her past was. Until a Pink and Purplish Light appeared in front of her.
She looked at the ligth and revealed a Mediaval World where Figthing and Competition was their daily bread and all its inhabitants participated very happy and enthusiastic about those battles. She was surprised by that world and wanted to be there. She touched the light and that empty world became a beautiful and colorful forest. And then she knew she had the power of bringing that world to life thanks to the ligth.
And so when the ligths appeared she saw beautiful and incredible worlds.
One was a Infinite Ariplelago where good and evil fight to save those islands, a diverse amusement park where competitiveness and teamwork is important and a colorful farm where the animals lived peacefully and the farmers had good friendships.
She loved those worlds and every time she touched those lights. That forest became a great castle. and when you touch the last light. A box came out, the woman opened it and a baby Barbarian came out.
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cyberrgirlsblog · 8 months
Candle ligth Pt4
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trigger warning: cussing, smoking, not proof read, erm idk. kinda rushed revolation erm yea i hope this is ok, lm if i should change anything, some inacurate use of drugs and names for them like more modern names for stuff. spelling
Your pov
I woke up in the morning to the semblance of sunlight shining in my eyes. I groaned and turned over trying to fall back asleep but soon started to cough after I inhaled smoke in my lungs. I sat up and looked around the room only to see ash sitting on his bed smoking a cig.
“Ash what the fuck, its like 9:00am or some shit why the fuck are you smoking” i groaned in irritation, looked at me and rolled his eyes. I was surprised since he rarely ever did smoke anything that wasn't weed
“Yea well too bad, pol said it was ok too before you ask.” he said rather bluntly but i could swear i saw a slight smirk at the edge of his lips.
“Yea well good for you, also when did you even start smoking anything but weed .” I said confused, he inhaled the smoke from his cigarette and blew it out. Before he could respond i herd a nock on the door.
“Hello?” i said not knowing if it was pol or one of her maids who was knocking on the door.
“It's me” I heard pol's distinct voice say, she opened the door and saw me and ash looking at her with curious eyes. She breathed in before speaking “Tommy is having a ballet and he wants you two to come to supply stuff we don't have. You need to leave by the time the ballet starts. Please while there do not say anything you would usually say.” Me and ash shared a look before looking back at Pol
“What type of drugs do you need and what do you mean don't say what we usually say are there gonna be some high class shits there or something.” Ash said, I nodded as I continued to stare at pol. I was suspicious about why she seemed somewhat uneasy.
“That's what I mean, don't talk like that when you're there, there will be some important people there try not to talk to them. If they talk to you first, that's different.” she said with a serious tone. She took a puff of her own cigarette. The room slowly started to smell more and more of smoke making me cough slightly.
“What should we wear there and do you have a notepad so i can write down what we need to bring pol.” I said while getting up from my bed and going over to the desk.
“If they are in the 2nd there should be a pen in there as well, we need some cannabis and morphine. The money will be there when you arrive one of the maids will show you where it is” she said, i wrote down what and how much that was needed.
“Also it's formal so I expect you two to look nice and not like you just walked out of a pub. It's this friday” she said, i chuckled a little bit.
“We will make sure to look presentable for those rich fucks dont worry.”i said and looked over at Ash to make sure he heard me. I turned around as I stood up from the chair and folded the note.
“And if anyone asks why you're here say you make art and that's why you're here so (y/n) i need you to paint a picture of anything really just to cover you two. How far along are you with the painting of Tommy and lizzy” she said, I looked at her and nodded. The way we often covered up drug sails was by smuggling it in through art. 
“I'm almost done with just some touch ups I need to do to the background but it should be done. But if i want it to be done by this friday i need to get back home know” i said with urgency in my voice.
Pol looks at me and nods her head “ok well i'll get the car started don't take too long to pack up anything you brought.” she said as she left the room
“Thank you Mrs. Gray "I yelled out, I started to pack the few things I brought and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and make myself look presentable. I stuck my head out the bathroom and looked at ash
“Yo are you gonna come with me or stay here?” I asked him as I walked back into the room while grabbing my bag. Ash looked at me and shook his head.
“Nah i think ima stay here for a bit try to get in contact with fez.” he said looking at me and smiling slightly.
‘’Ok well stay safe ash and don't get yourself into anything stupid okay i got people that will tell me if you do.” i said while lightly punching him in his shoulder
“Aye what? (Y/n) the fuck do you mean you got people?” he said confused, as i walked out the door i turned and sent a playful grin towards him before leaving the room and closing the door behind me. As I walked down stares I could hear people talking. When I got down I saw it was Aberham Gold and Polly.
“Toms got a fucking trues with them Pol-” he stopped once he saw me. The thing was he didnt know who I was but I knew of him. I knew his son had been killed by the billy boys and that he was a good shooter.
“Sorry if i'm interrupting anything.” I said to them I shifted my eyes to the floor to put up a nervous front. “Pol, ash said he's gonna stay here for a bit. I thought I should let you know.” I heard footsteps come over to me. I looked up from the ground and saw Pol looking at me.
“That's fine but are you fine being by yourself at home?” she asked like a concerned mother or maybe she was just asking to be kind either way it confused me somehow.
“Well at home there are weapons so if anyone tries anything I'll shoot them.” i said a bit quieter compared to my normal tone. Pol looked at me and nodded her head. I noticed Aberham looking at me with an unreadable look on his face. I felt a smirk appeared on my face, i shifted my eyes between the two of them
“ This is your boyfriend Pol?” I asked with a giggle. I could see both of them roll their eyes and pol pushed me to the front door. 
“Get in the car (Y/n) I'll meet you there in a minute.” she said with a playfully annoyed voice. I laughed and waved to Abraham and walked out to the car. I opened the door and set my things down next to me in the other seat. I took  out a cigarette and lit it, but not before opening the door of the car and getting out. I observed the neighborhood, it was a higher class neighborhood compared to the others in Birmingham, the skys were clearer and it was more quiet. I noticed a car parked outside of a house with someone in it. It appeared to be a man but it was hard to tell. But what I could tell is that they were looking at Pol's house. I blew out some smoke from my cigarette and threw it on the ground and snuffed it out. I looked back up at the car and noticed they were looking at me now. I stared back squinting my eyes for some hope to see through the tinted glass of the car windows but before I could get a good look I heard the door open. 
“Well let's go (Y/n), Oh and this is Abraham gold, Abraham this is (Y/n).” she said as she got in the car Abraham followed and sat next to her. I got into the seat behind them. As the driver got in the car I took note of abraham. He was wearing working class clothes. He had gray hair that looked like it was just cut. 
It seemed that he sensed my eyes on him as he turned his head to look back at me, i smiled “Nice to meet you Mr. Gold sorry for intruding on your conversation with Ms.Gray”
“Nice to meet you (y/n), you have a last name don't you?” he asked, smiling back at me.
“If I did , you would know it. I was adopted and given my name by my grandmother.” i said looking at him, it wasn't a lie necessarily i was given a name by my grandma but i changed it to (Y/n) after a while i mean Ash might of kept his but no one calls him ashtray. I changed my name to (y/n) after we moved out of the states, there's no document of it though. There's no documents of my old name either, But I like it that way because it makes it easier for me to keep a low profile and harder for people to research me beyond what I do on a daily basis.
I turned and looked at the window and watched as the houses passed by, my eyes looking around anytime we made a stop. To try to find anything that would interest me, I could hear the voices of pol and abraham but i didn't listen to what they were saying. I didn't care, I just wanted to get home.
Time jump
The car stopped outside of my house, it was a small house but bigger than the ones in small heath, it was an old farmhouse but not like tommys it was more of a mansion. We didn't grow anything, though maybe some flowers or corn but that was all.
“Thank you for taking me here Ms. Gray, I do appreciate it a lot” I said before getting out of the car and grabbing my things. I closed the door behind me and waved before walking up to the house.
Silently, I turned the doorknob and entered the room. Gently, I slipped off my shoes and ascended the staircase. Crossing the hallway, I peered into my grandmother's room through the slightly ajar door. A serene sight met my eyes – she slumbered peacefully, the weight of her worries visibly lifted. A smile crept across my lips, reassured by her newfound tranquility.
I went down to living room and there I carefully unfolded the drape that veiled my work-in-progress, a depiction of Tommy and Lizzie. With deliberate steps, I placed the cloth on the floor, clearing a space for me to start painting.
Fetching my watercolor brushes and selecting the appropriate hues, and started to paint. The canvas came alive under the caress of my brushstrokes, I blended the colors, giving life to the background. The trees that graced my window became the cornerstone of this painting, their forms and shades guiding my vision.
While engrossed in my painting, a knock at the door jolted me from my concentration. Puzzled by the unexpected interruption, I put down my brushes and retrieved my gun from the side table. With the weapon discreetly concealed on my person, my senses heightened.
"Hello," I greeted, cracking the door open just enough to peer out. The persons identity remained hidden, and I wasn't gonna take any risks.
"Is this (y/n)'s house?" the voice inquired. Though familiar, I struggled to place it.
"Who's asking?" I responded skeptically, slightly widening the door's opening.
"Duke," came the reply. The moment that name escaped his lips, the door swung fully open, and a rush of emotions flooded me as I looked at the figure infront of me. He looked every bit of the Duke I remembered, and a genuine smile graced my lips. Although part of me wanted to hug him and share how much I'd missed him, I held back, mindful of our past boundaries.
"Hey. How did you…. find me?" I asked, a blend of happiness and confusion evident in my tone.
"I remembered where your house was from our 1st encounter, to be honest." he explained, his gaze steady and direct.
"Want to come in then, or is this just a brief visit?" I asked, maintaining our eye contact.
"Um... sure," he agreed. I widened the doorway, and he entered. Barely a few steps inside, I intervened by placing a hand on his shoulder.
"yo, hold on. take off your shoes. I dont want to have any mud or dirt tracked in," I said. Once he complied, I withdrew my hand and he turned to the wall and took off his shoes. The phone rang.
As Duke stepped inside and I discreetly answered the phone, a sense of unease settled over me. The voice on the other end sounded unfamiliar, and the mention of Fezco, me, and Ashtray raised an internal alarm.
"Hello?" I responded cautiously, trying to maintain a composed demeanor.
"Is this the residence of Fezco, (y/n), and Ashtray?" The calm mellow voice of an American female was heard on the other end held a calculated tone, sending a chill down my spine.
"Who's asking?" I repeated, my voice tinged with a mix of wariness and curosity.
The voice on the phone grew slightly colder, a hint of menace lacing its words. "we're concerned about the company they've been keeping. Working with the Peaky Blinders."
My heart raced, realizing that this was no ordinary call. The implications of this conversation began to sink in – our connections, our allegiances were being scrutinized, and our safety was hanging in the balance.
"Look, whoever you are, I don't know what your talking about." I retorted, my voice firm, a shield of defiance against the mounting threat.
The voice remained unfazed, its threat now more explicit. "Fezco, (y/n), and Ashtray might want to reconsider their loyalties if they value their well-being. The Peaky Blinders' enemies have a long reach, and are not afraid to take drastic measures."
My mind raced, assessing the situation. It was clear that the caller was well-informed, aware of our affiliations, and determined to exploit our vulnerability.
"I don't take kindly to threats, also why threaten them?" I responded, my voice now in a whisper and edged with a steely resolve. "If you think we'll be intimidated, you're mistaken."
The line went silent for a moment before the voice spoke again, its tone measured. "Remember, (y/n), everyone has weaknesses, even those who walk in the shadow of the Peaky Blinders. Make your choice wisely."
With that chilling finality, the call ended. I stood there, phone in hand, the weight of the threat sinking in. As I turned back to rejoin Duke, the gravity of our situation became all too clear – the world we were entangled in was more rife with danger than I knew, and the safety of Fezco, Ashtray, and myself. I huffed in frustration, before turning back to a confused duke.
"Make yourself comfortable," I offered while trying to make it seem like it was a normal phone call that had just happened. leading the way into the cozy space filled with the gentle glow of natural light filtering through the windows. The unfinished painting of Tommy and Lizzie stood prompt up.
Duke's eyes wandered around the room, his gaze eventually settling on the painting. "You paint?" he remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice. It seemed like he has not paid to much mind to the call
"Yea i do, Thanks," I replied, i felt my face heat up. "It's a work in progress."
“"Who are those people in the painting?" Duke's voice carried a note of genuine curiosity as his gaze remained fixed on the canvas.
I turned to face the artwork, my own smile reflecting the fondness I held for the depicted characters. "That's Tommy Shelby and his wife, Lizzie Shelby, or formerly Lizzie Stark," I explained. My attention lingered on the painting as I recalled the intricate details I had carefully woven into the canvas.
"Shelby?" Duke's reaction was unmistakable – a mix of surprise and disbelief.
I met his astonished gaze with a subtle smile. "I've been creating art for the Shelbys for a while now. This isn't the first time I've 'painted' for them. I suppose they appreciate my work, do you know them?" I responded. Before Duke could ask further, I cut him off.
"Would you like something to drink?" I offered, listing the available options – whisky, rum, wine, and water. His prompt choice of water made it clear he wasn't in the mood for alcohol.
As I fetched the water and poured two glasses, “you don't drink?” the duke asked, "I drink whatever my guests prefer," I clarified, the corners of my lips curling into a knowing smile. Sipping from my own glass, I maintained a relaxed posture, ready to address his deeper concerns.
His next inquiry, laden with curiosity and a touch of worry, cut to the core of the matter. "is it true what people sayabout them (Y/n)?"
I sighed softly, the sound of my foot bouncing nervously on the ground filled the room "Duke, I dont know how much i can share but to answer your question, yes. In fact, they've reached out to me and my brothers before. When we first came to England, they extended an offer to… collaborate."
Duke's reaction was a dance of surprise and restraint, his attempts to speak yielding to a quiet contemplation. in a impulsive moment i decide to reveal a half truth. Retrieving my concealed gun and placing it on the table, I leaned in slightly, locking eyes with him.
"Duke, I'm sharing this with you because in some weird way I trust you. My brothers and I, well, our hands are dirty. We deal…. things. the shelbys have helped us out. I need you to understand the trust I'm putting in you. That call i had was a threat to me and my brothers and it's not the first either.``
Leaning back, I continued, a mischievous glint in my eye. "If you were to betray this trust, the consequences would be shitty. But I believe you won't. For some odd reason I trust you with this, and I don't know why."
Duke's expression was a blend of confusion and composed acceptance, his gaze steady as he processed my revelations. As the last drop of water quenched my thirst, I held his gaze, waiting for his response, aware that connection had just been tested and solidified in a single moment.
Duke's contemplative silence hung in the air, showing the weight of the information he had just been entrusted with. His eyes held a mixture of uncertainty and understanding of the complexities that lay beneath the surface of our interaction.
Duke finally spoke, he reached and put a hand on my sholder sligthly pulling me closer to him, leaving me to stare into his sligthly wide hazel eyes. his voice carrying a sense of respect. "I won't betray your trust (Y/n)”
I acknowledged his words with a nod, my demeanor calm and collected. Duke let go of my shoulder removing any warmth i had felt, he leaned back, his gaze shifting from the gun to my eyes. "why do you trust me? you dont know anything about me so why tell me this."
I leaned forward, a thoughtful smile playing on my lips. "im still tryna figure that out Duke. i just do thought, i dont trust easly but for you i will."
Duke's brow furrowed as he contemplated my words, in some odd way he liked that you trusted him so easily, he like how his name rolled off your tung . "So, you trust me, just like that?"
"yea, Duke," I replied rather bluntly. 
He took a moment to absorb my response before speaking again. "Um well i wont betray your trust (Y/n)”
I leaned back, mirroring his posture. "So know that you know that about me why don't you tell me about yourself."
Duke's gaze was thoughtful, and I could tell he was processing the layers of meaning behind my words. "Alright, (Y/n)."
As the evening unfolded, Duke and I got deeper into conversation, discussing our aspirations, dreams, and the intricacies of life that had shaped us. The unfinished painting of Tommy and Lizzie stood as a silent witness to our burgeoning connection, a symbol of the artistry and authenticity that had revealed so much in such a short amount of time. I only told duke the top of the iceberg when it came to me and my family but so far thats all he would need to know.
—------------------ 3hrs laters
"Man, some people just do weird ass shit," I remarked with a laugh.
Duke nodded, a grin forming on his face. " You wouldn't believe the things I've seen and heard working at those fairgrounds. Once, I was walking towards one of the tents, and I heard these two folks figthing" I chuckled, intrigued. "why?"
Duke's smile widened as he clarified, "dont know, 'parently they both after the same girl, she had been with both of em" He gestured with his hands, leaving the rest to imagination.
I took a bite of the food I had brought along and smirked. "good on her i guess, not many men would figth for a girl like that.”
Duke let out a laugh. "well i dont know (y/n) more men would figth for a woman's love thani think you realize.” 
I couldn't help but shake my head in amusement. "thats hard for me to beileve, from what ive seen with men in small heath. they'll fight over things like a glass of beer."
Duke leaned back, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "I guess some people figth over shit as stupid as that, others though have more respect than to figth over beer."
“thats true,anyways speaking of small heith. one time i was there and i went into a betting shop to delivery some goods and well i shouldve knocked cause i walked in on some random guy and girl just on one of the tables fucking. I don't think they saw me so I just left.” I said while chuckling and cringing at the memory. 
As I was laughing I heard the phone ring, I had no idea who it could be. A pit of anxiety built up in my stomach as I looked at duke.
As I picked up the phone, a mixture of relief and curiosity filled me. It was Tommy Shelby on the other end.
"Hello Mr. Shelby, can I help you with anything?" I inquired, my tone respectful but tinged with curiosity.
"Good evening," his voice carried its usual air of authority. "I thought I should give you a heads-up about something. You're delivering the painting and the merchandise to my party tomorrow, correct?"
A sense of intrigue settled over me as I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Yea, that's correct."
"Good. Now, I'm aware that certain... elements will be present at the party. Oswald Mosley, for one," he continued, his voice measured.
My curiosity deepened as he mentioned Mosley's name. Oswald Mosley – a man with a reputation and connections that sent shivers down the spines of many. "Yes, I've heard of him." my tone grim 
Tommy's tone turned more serious. "I suggest you keep your distance from him, (Y/n). Mosley's got a way of getting into people's heads, and I wouldn't want you caught up in any of his schemes."
I nodded, even though he couldn't see it. "I appreciate the warning, Mr. Shelby. I'll be sure to be cautious."
"Good," he replied. "Remember, we've got business to attend to, and Mosley's not someone you want to involve yourself with."
His words held a weight that wasn't lost on me. "I understand, Mr. Shelby. I'll keep my focus on the task at hand."
"Very well. See you at there" he said, his tone returning to its usual directness.
"Thank you, Mr. Shelby. Looking forward to it," I replied before hanging up.
As I walked back to where Duke was sitting, he looked at me expectantly. "Everything alright?"
I nodded, a mixture of thoughts and emotions swirling within me. "Yeah, just a call related to the party tomorrow."
Duke raised an eyebrow. "Party? Anything exciting?"
I chuckled softly, aware of the secrecy that often surrounded the Shelby family's affairs. "You could say that. But it seems like it might be more eventful than I expected."
Duke's gaze was curious. "In a good way or a bad way?"
I met his eyes, a mixture of determination and curiosity in my expression. "Only one way to find out."
I looked at my watch to check the time, 12:00 am shit. 
“Damn its late you gotta be anywhere early tomorrow?” i asked duke
“Yea but they won't notice if I'm late, they'll probably be late because a lot of fair workers went to the pub, one of them invited me but I said no.” i smirked at what Duke just said
“Aw you decided to give up the pub to come visit me how sweet.” I said with a giggle, duke rolled his eyes, his cheeks brightening slightly with blush. I went and sat down this time next to him not to close though.
“Shut up” duke said, i just looked over at him, my eyes roaming over his face. They lingered on his lips a bit longer than they should have, I hit him on the shoulder slightly.
“Calm down man, was just joking.” i said, I giggled a bit looking ahead at the painting, my smile dimmed a bit, the eyes of Thomas Shelby were all I could see in that moment. His cold unmoving eyes that I depicted so perfectly in the painting. Lizzies eyes were light and while they had a closed off look they weren't as threatening as tommys.
“Hey duke.” i said finally turning away from the painting
“Thanks for coming to visit. I appreciate it a lot.” I said to him with a smile.
“Really? He asked if his face was hard to read but he seemed almost confused, so I smiled at him.
“Yea I missed you. I mean it duke, i know its corny as fuck but like i dont know i cant explain it.” i said my voice lowered a bit from shynes. Maybe it was because I was tired but I swear I could see him smile, not a smug smile or a mean one but a genuine smile.
“Are you always so… honest about how you feel about people (y/n)?” he asked me.
“Only with people I'm comfortable with. Anyways, do you want to stay the night or do you have somewhere to stay? "I asked him. I made sure my tone only had hospitality in it and nothing else. Duke thinks for a little, 
“I have a place to stay dont worry” he said, i nodded my head and got up and went to the kitchen to grab him some extra food, i came back and gave him it.
“Um well ill see you when i see you i guess?” i said awkwardly while he got up. We walked to the front door. I opened it and he walked outside.
“Oh also Duke, I got a place in small heath. Here's the address, i can't promise that ill always be there thought.'' I said as I handed him a note with the address. He took it and pretended to read it before placing it in his coat pocket, not wanting to revile he couldnt read.
“Thanks (Y/n), ill uh see you later and remember you can always stop by the fair its gonna be here in the area for a little.” he said, he looked away and coughed after he said that.
“Ill try it depend on how things pan out for me thought, thanks for stopping by again duke, bye.” i said before i closed the door. I slid down the door until I hit the floor, I listened till I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore.
“Shit” I said before getting up and walking upstairs. I went to bed knowing tomorrow will be something i don't think I'm prepared for.
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misses-kiseki-san · 29 days
*walks in with glasses, a hat and a long ass coat looking behind her to check she has not been followed *
Hey @creep3r-chan
I got what you asked for
*opens a suitcase that has ligths inside of it like it were a treasure *
Oh yes, old drawings of Yeien
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This ones come from afther the pandemia, like in 2021
If you want, i have plenty more, this time, some of spoilers for the book aswell. But the paper is not in good shape, in fact, the darn little sketch book were i draw those is now... wet.
If you wnat more information abaut Yeien you can ask it to me
But well that my ofering, you better have something good for me in return
Do we have a deal?
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mellifiedfemme · 1 year
i love doing my own nails tbh, i love the ritual of once a week or every two weeks sitting down on my bed, open a window maybe ligth some vanilla incense and doing my manicure, its relaxing idk. plus i love getting asked like omg where u get them done and saying "i did them myself :}"
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crmsnmth · 4 months
Quiet Moment
She's fast asleep in her bedroom And I'm standing out on the balcony The take a cigarette and maybe smoke a moment This summer never seems to end and god, is it so humid out tonight up above, only the brightest stars can be seen
Red ember from the tip of my smoke is the only natural ligth and my cough is the natural soundtrack of the cancerous And I inhale again, and spit blood phlegm to the street below
It's still a month out before I make the move Decided to try down here and make some new friends And even though she offered to move by me there was no way I could allow it I didn't want her to uproot her whole life
I blow cancer clouds out into the night time sky She opens the door and steps out to join me announcing her arrival with her head on my shoulder I hand her the cigarette and go back and forth No words need to be spoken on
I already knew I loved her.
Silent conversation Come back to bed
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dinitride-art · 2 years
@aemiron-main​ you’ve got me thinking about Will and Vecna and I remembered something from when I was looking around ep one for watergate things (you also got me talking about light and the lighting in stranger things is my weakness)
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So we all know this guy right? But I noticed a while ago that he’s literally surrounded by blue- like that light above the elevator door
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And the button he presses to open it
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And like his whole outfit is blue. Thinking about how in season four-
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Max is also surrounded by blue light?? And also how all of Vecna’s vitims look up and their eyes roll back
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And that’s like exactly what happens here???
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And it’s always been weird to me how he’s suspended in the air as he dies? Like that’s also a very Vecna thing to do.
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Then right after that we’ve got water- which is a bad sign and somehow connected to the Upside Down. BUT ALSO- the growling that comes from the thing thats killing everyone would make sense if Henry’s voiced got all messed up- because we know it is in season four. But what if it was worse before?
And I’ve had some thoughts on Vecna and whether or not he’s made contact to other people in the world. Because him and Brenner are really sketchy in season four. With Brenner not letting El leave, and Henry not caring/not being surprised that Brenner’s dead. Like it’s just weird. 
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And then we were talking about the harsh white ligthing- and it’s exactly like The Thing poster in Mike’s basement. And The light coming in from the window is blue, but the light from the lamp is green (similar to the overhead lights in the lab AND the lamp behind Eddie when Chrissy’s getting Vecna’d)- and the one behind Will is yellow. So this is kinda colour theory with the yellow and blue behind Mike and Will, but what if that’s connected to more than just Mike and Will? Because when Max is vecna’d the first time she’s wearing yellow and blue- and even weirder than that??
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The Creel’s are surrounded by yellow and blue. But when Vecna kills from his place in the Upside Down, the theme is red and blue. It’s weird. And I’ve got more to do with the lights (sorry if you’ve already pointed any of this stuff out already- my brains just running around with red string right now lol. And I can’t remember if you’ve gone into this before)
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Also the demogorgon has two heads- so that could mean that both the demogrogon AND Henry were in Hawkins. The yellow and blue pen behind it also makes me think that this is what’s going on. 
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These lights are just really harsh and bright and I thought they were weird. Could just be foreshadoiwng what’s going to happen- BUT it could be foreshadowing what’s about to happen. What’s about to happen being Will getting Vecna’d. Maybe. Kinda sorta- half vecna’d. yeah. But something to do with Vecna
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Also we’ve got a lot more blue lighting and clothes prior to Will going missing. And when Nancy’s talking to Barb she’s leaning on a yellow and blue pillow, which could mean that Barb (was gay) was taken by Vecna into the upside down- but like a team up with the Demogorgon? Because Barb just straight up disappeared. And the only demogorgon we’ve seen have that type of power- to open gates when it kills someone- is in season one. So what if Henry’s using the demogorgon as a part of the hive mind to kill people and then is somehow absorbing them? Maybe? It’s just really weird that when Vecna kills people in season four he opens gates and the same thing happens in season one with the demogorgon (and El banishes the demogorgon the same way she banished Henry)
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Yellow and blue coolers in the Wheelers (garage? overhang thing? Idk what this is called) before Will get’s taken. And the ligths on Lucas, Dustin and Will’s Bike’s are different colours. 
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And then we know that weird shit happening to the lights is a sign of vecna, so if Henry is in Hawkins- then he’s already following Will. 
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And then there’s another blue light with Dustin's Bike light and Green with Lucas and Will’s.
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And here we’ve got the harsh white light- even before we get to see the Demogorgon/Vecna?
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And Dustin’s blue bike light is weirdly even brighter when Will leaves. 
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And then there’s this flash of a blue light on Will’s foot (like a bike reflecter of something I think)
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But then there’s a second where the blue flashes and there’s a red flash on the upper left. And Will’s light dims (either before or after the flash I can’t remember exactly but it’s really REALLY close to it.)
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Just like when Chrissy got Vecna’d- the red and blue light behind Eddie’s head.
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And it’s probably already been pointed out- but that figure never opens its head like the demogrogon is able to do. Will also first sees this figure outside of Hawkins lab. And if that’s Henry, and he just killed someone, maybe he has the power at hand to do whatever he’s about to do to Will? And when we see him again the lighting is yellow. 
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And then he opens the door with his mind- and I don’t think we’ve seen Henry do anything like that (besides floating people and snapping their bones) from his place in the Upside down. Similar to how El can’t touch people when she’s in the water/mind plane (save for Will that one time but he’s different). So Henry would have to be there to do this type of fuckery. And also that light in the window of the Byer’s door is yellow
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And then we see the shed and the light underneath the door is blue, and Will’s got harsh white light on him and-
He doesn’t really seem like he’s looking at a monster. We never see the person in the shed, not really. And it’s hard to say whether or not that’s even the Byer’s shed- or if anything's really what it is. Like the phone, and the clock behind Will’s head (still shook by that). So what if Will is in the Byer’s shed, but he doesn’t see Vecna or the demogorgon here- what if he’s seeing Lonnie? Because if he is getting Vecna’d in a weird way, the discrepancies in the shed and the way Will is reacting kind of make sense? But I think that Vecna was definitely pressent physically in Hawkins- maybe just for the time that Will went missing, maybe that’s how he transferred a version of it into the Upside Down? I don’t know, this whole thing is so weird. 
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Touching you Between the Thorns
Notes : You were shot lol, not my best work but I had no more time to edit bc im being buried in homework, accidentally posted it when the post was unfinished, ik I said no smut but I would rate this E on AO3, first smut-ish thing I'm posting, Alexa play : More than a friend by girli, thx for the ask :D
Sypnoses : She was the first you could turn to. The closest. Who were you to refuse?
Words : To be added.
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You lean against the brick wall, your head hitting it with a loud thud, it shortly distracted from the pain in your side, the blood gushing out in liters and galoons. If you`d look down, it would almost look beautifull, shining in the ligth. But it only hurt as of now. You took a sharp breath, going on to lean against the wall, using everything what was left of the earlier adrenaline. It is actually a suprise that you have made it so far withougth any medical attention. Must have something to do with your Arcanist mother. You cough. You would only need her to take the bullet out, nothing more. You would not stay for anything more. You took a sharp breath, continuesly pressing into the wound while your other hand was leading you towards a small alley, that led into a small square where there was only one house that had its ligth and music on. You went up to her door with your last strength left, lifting your fist against the door, and hammering it down as strong as you were able to. You leaned against the stone frame, trying not to crumble.
The music was turned of and the ligth turned on, shinning into your face. You listened to every footstep she took, they were so casual, she probably wasn`t expecting you to ruin her nigth. Or that you had known where she lived. Her shillouette was painted against the door untill the door clicked open with a broken sound, revealing her. The emotions on her face changed visibly, going from confusion to a teasing smirk in seconds.
„Good evening.“ you greet, as if you were her to ask if she had some damn salt or butter left.
She leaned against the frame, speaking in her low, sultry and sarcastic voice. „I wonder, what does lead an honorable officer like you into this part of the city?“
You grit your teeth, resisting the urge to shout at her how you were bleeding out and how you would appreciate this another time. But your vision blurred and it felt as if you could slip on your own blood. „I wouldn`t know, can I come in?“
She grinned, before looking back to the wound and swallowing whatever teasing words she wanted to say, instead she decided to help you in and you sit down on a long green couch instead. You switch to lying down while she pulls a smaller sofa closer. You really had the sligth feeling that she would be able to help you, she was still wearing that gun at her side. You grit your teeth when she pulls your hand away, exposing the fleshy wound. She looked concerned, her smirk gone and her eyebrows knitting together, thus her open hair. It made her seem older, in a way, or maybe you just haven`t seen her for to long.
„Wait here.“ she says, putting your hand back. She walked into the kitchen, opening cabinets, getting whatever she needed probably. You try to shift, look behind you, but are only meet with pain, so you stop, deciding to lay still like the corpse you migth become if that woman won`t come back soon. You look down, only realizing now how ruined your shirt was. It would probably be better to take it off anyway. She would probably ask you to take it off. You asked yourself which one of those you`d rather have, but she had already decided for you.
„Do take the shirt off.“ Ada said, standing behind you already.
You grab at the ends, roughly tugging untill she came to help you, her skilled hands just had the damn thing slip over your head as if it was made out of butter. She folded it, then put it on the small table, over a radio. You then watched the woman cross her legs as she dissenfects the tools carefully. To think she was doing this for `free`, she, odd wasn`t it? The woman that scammed other ladys, pulling the money out of their pockets. Your brows knit together, maybe she had something going on rigth now? You look back at Ada, the open hair, the half buttoned shirt. „So have you been up to something?“ you ask as casual as you can. „I did hear music, could I have interupted something perchance?“
She scoffed, freeing her hands to take one of yours, bring it to her lips. „You have been the only one on my mind, my rose.“
You pull your hand away. „I feel faint, you better get those hands to work so I won`t bleed out on your couch.“
She grinned, looking up at you, before taking the tweezers. „You have always been smart.“ her hands go to asses the wound with some tweezers, no warning, which makes you hiss and squirm away, but she holds you down as if you are only a leaf. „If you want me to do this, you will have to stay still, do you think you can do that?“
You hiss, staying still. If you wanted to heal yourself, you would need it out. Thank heavens above that Arcanists and half arcanists couldn`t die that easily. You feel her take a grip of it. „Less deep than the blood makes it out to be.“
„Still hurts like a bitch.“ you swear, shaking from the pain. „Why did you not give me alcohol?“
She chuckles and the bullet clatters onto the little plate she brougth. „There we go.“
You sigh, feeling the wound slowly close under your skill, it did not even leave a scar. „Thanks. I will have to go now.“ you go to stand up, but she is quick to be in your way, a fake pout on her face.
„What? Not even a thank you? I am insulted, my rose.“
You roll your eyes. „Thanks.“
„There we go.“ she pushes you back to the couch. „It is late and we have not seen eachother in so long, it would be a shame to not use this opportunity.“
You look outside. It was indeed dark...and they migth have followed you. But you could handle them.
„You have also been shot, I am worried about you, friend.“ something goes weak inside you then, her words, accentuated with her hand, putting some hair behind your ear.
„Alrigth then.“ you sit back down.
„Perfect.“ she goes back into the kitchen. „Do you still like your tea like back then?“
„My taste in it never did change.“ you sit back, relax. Your shirt would do no more, maybe that is why she would not let you go either. You were half naked. You could ask her for something later, it wasn`t as if she hasn`t seen you like this already. You take the fireplace in, in front of you, the shelves. It was all neat, trophies of travels, paintings, not half bad.
„I hope you don`t mind me putting some wine in this.“ she said, holding two cups as she approached you, handing it to you.
You snickered, stiring the dark fluid within. „I did always like to drink with you. Remember when I had my first one?“
She chuckled, her hand brushing your hair away, touching your face. You had the urge to lean in, imerse yourself in her hands, lips, whatever she`d give you. „You were so very cute, still are.“ her eyes seemed a bit distant, untill they sharpened with a grin on her face. „I have always had a weakness for your red cheeks, your babbling, the way you clung to me.“ she lets her fingers stroke it then, gently, she continues as you make no sign of dislike. Ada sighs. „It really has been long.“ she says in a breath.
„I missed you.“ the thougth that had lingered in you slips out like butter. And it changes something behind her eyes, her smile falters and she looks as if she has fallen into deep thougth, but only for a second, then she pulls back, sitting down in the brown chair opposite from yours, with an all to familiar expression. You follow her movements, even after, as she picks up her cup, but now she holds your gaze, looking at you through those slit pupils. Your cue to look away, drink from your own cup, have her chuckle at you. It was still warm, of course, and it was sweet, with only a hint of bitterness suggested by the alcohol. You were very sure that she could have completely covered it up though. You bite your lip, remembering when she did it the last time, where you have only taken a sip of it... „What if something more will happen?“ you look down, the dark brew mirroring your reflection.
„Hasn`t it happend before?“ you could hear her cocky grin, her dimples. How insufferable. How...attractive. You blushed, sinking down into your chair, sipping at your cup. She laughs, gently, you feel her leg brushing yours and realize how close she actually is. You could touch her.
„So...what have you been up to lately?“
She humms. „Haven`t you heard of my newest scam yet?“ she nudges your knee.
„I did. Your biggest one yet.“ you look around. „It is no wonder you hide here.“
„And I plan for bigger ones to come, but what about you?“ she crocks her head. „And while we are at it, you are the only one who knows my location, rigth?“ there was a sligth danger there, inside of her, but you knew it was only the fear of getting caugth. Getting exposed. How long has it been since she has seen her father the last time?
„Of course, what are you thinking of me?“ You snicker, enjoying some more of your tea, which was nearly emtpy now. You were left with a warm feeling in your cheeks. You saw her lips move, but had already forgotten what you had just asked. She explained it again, you acted as if you understood, staring at the fireplace flickering behind her. It reminded you of that one time, that other fireplace, you on your knees on some expensive couch, with Ada grinding her hips against yours, her hot breath on you, her hand already coated in your slick, playing with your clit. You downed the last bit of tea, crossing your legs., refusing the fire in your stomach.
„Finished already?“
You look at her outstretched hand ,your fingers linger a bit to long on hers as you give it to her. „It was good.“ your mouth was dry. „Like always.“
She put it to her side. „But as I was saying, how did you find me?“
You took a deep sigh, trying to conceal your desire„It was a coincidence, I was just getting back from some...business and saw you walk by. Funny, really.“
She looked away, then back at you, you couldn`t read her expression and were instead fixated on a loose strand. You interupted her talking, leaning over to adjust it, looking into her hellish eyes that were observing your every move, it made you feel naked, she saw rigth through you from the moment you appeared at her front step. You tried to brush some more hair away, but it only fell back.
Ada pulled you in closer by the waist, making you sit on her lap. „Someone is getting comfortable.“ she grinned, stroking your hot cheek. You lean into it.
„There we go,“ she praised „there is that blush.“ her other hand is tracing your spine meanwhile. Your naked spine, up to your brah clip. She circles around the place, her eyes drowsy, but hungry, yet she waited.
„Tennant.“ you whisper, hands on her shoulders.
„My Rose?“ she crocked her head at you, fauxing innocence.
All of your vocabulary leaves your mind. Your mouth is dry, so you lean down. „Yes.“
She grins, dimples showing. „What yes?“
You think, trying to find your words, but its hard when she is staring rigth at you while her fingers are teasing the space around your brah clip. „You know me...please touch me Ada.“
A genuine smile appears on her lips. She leans in to whisper into your ear. „Who am I to deny such a request from my Rose?“ A shiver runs down your spine. Her voice always did have this hoarseness to it. And you have always had a weakness for it. She kisses you, you return it, though it is more sloopy. How long has it been? She parts from you, leaning back, drinking the rest of her tea, not taking her eyes of off you the whole time. „We should take this upstairs.“ she side eyes the statues. „They creep me out.“
„The walls seem thin.“
„Did you ever really care?“
Well, the neighboors sleep would be ruined. You got off of her, took her hand and jogged up, with only a few inbetween breaks of kisses and some spare hickeys on your neck, around your collarbone. Her name left your mouth in prayers already. It did not take much for her, now did it? When you were struggling to open the door inbetween kisses, her shirt had already been unbottoned, exposing her bare chest. It wasn`t easy to focus with these factors in your mind, or her warm toung in your mouth. So she took this job from your hand, turning the knob and making you stumble back, but she catched you with a grin, of course. „It appears that you have fallen for me.“
You can not stop yourself from laughing, still giggling as she pulls you to bed, pushes you down. But she herself is grinning, even as she kisses you again, finally uncliping your brah. You sigh, taking it off with her help. She swiftly presses her lips on your jawline, leading them down your throath, more down until she closes her mouth around the hardened bud. Your body presses into her and a breathy moan escapes you. „Ada...“
Apperantly she likes your answer, her one hand travels towards your other breast, gently squezzing. You were sure that your underwear was ruined by now, just judging by that feeling in your stomach.
She takes your attention back as her lips continue to go lower, as she takes your pants off. You grin. She bites her lip at your wetness, before kissing your thigh to look back at you Yeah, you`d have a long nigth ahead of you.
Ada looked upon your sleeping form, the first rays of sunligth were scatered on you, your soft eyelashes, your naked body, bearing her marks. She crossed her legs, a proud grin on her face. She did usually avoid leaving traces, dissapearing to be never found again. But with you it didn`t work, and she ougth herself stupid for expecting it too. Considering your shared history. You`d always come to find her, and she would always leave traces. She leans down, kissing your forehead, asking herself if she would stay when you asked., as she stood up to leave. The idea scared her.
Untill there was a hand grabing at her wrist. When she turned, your angry eyes were looking between her and a letter on the nigthstand.“You are not leaving me to pay the rent again, are you?“
Ada grinned, holding the look in your eyes with no problem. „Oh. You know, I have always loved you for your brain, my rose.“ Your face changed from anger to shock in a matter of seconds, and with that shock came a loose hand. She took the oppurtunity, walking towards the door with a „I will see you soon, my rose~“
„Ada Tennant, you will come back into this room and face me now-“ she heard you shout as she jumped down the stairs, escaping something you threw at her, which she recognized upon further inspection as her hat. She threw a quick „Thanks“ at you before jumping down the stairs to escape your wrath.
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It's okay if you don't want to answer the questions that i have send. But i have another one for you ( thats not about toxic armys and their shenanigans ofc) but there's that has been stuck in my mind lately.
I watched two Jackson Wang interviews and he pretty much talks about feeling lonely in life. For example, he confessed that he hasnt found any love connection and never had a serious relationship with someone, even though he really wants to. He even turn the ligths on in his house everytime he goes abroad. Because he wants to feel like somebody is waiting for him at home and is waiting to welcom him. Just the domestic normal stuff that normal couples in a serious relationship do.
Its definetly possible that most of the bangtan members are feeling this way too. The loneliness, longing for someone to their real personnality and not just the celebrity status. I'm curious to know who's longing for it the most.
There is no denying that being a public figure, especially some big star, can have an effect on the private life and interpersonal relationships. But also, difficulties are there, regardless of someone's position in society, except they can be of a different nature and some of the issues can be all the same because we're all just complicated people at the end of the day.
I know about those Jackson Wang interviews. I also saw recently how he invited some fans back to his place post-concert. Whatever he's going through, he's doing it all publicly and as much as it's a friendly get-together and Jackson wanting some chill time with the fans, he's still not some average person. So, things might get complicated or not. If this is one method of his of not feeling that lonely, then what else can I say?
But going back to how it relates to the BTS members and how they might find themselves in a similar situation, about feeling lonely, about wanting some connection with a partner and so on, that's something that we don't know. We might speculate based on their music and lyrics perhaps, or what they say in interviews and all that. But it would be nothing but this glimpse in someone's life that is pretty much private. None of them are as open publicly about the idol life in terms of romantic relationship as Jackson is. And as much as there could be commonality because they've all been working in the same industry and living similar lifestyles, it doesn't mean they all end up having the same trajectories and difficulties along the road. Maybe they're in happy relationships, maybe some of them don't want commitment and are into more casual situationships. Maybe some are currently dating, while others are not. This is really a topic on which there's barely anything there to talk about because it's simply a topic they don't acknowledge. And they're keeping that part pretty much to themselves. Who's to say that one member hasn't gone through a difficult breakup at some point, while being really cheerful on camera? In the 10 years that they've been active, I'm sure life wasn't all perfect.
Fans like to speculate and believe they know when something is wrong, especially in the case of those focusing on a supposed inter-band relationship, when something is going on, if they're going through something, or what's the period in a relationship when everything is going well, but somehow, they can't also tell when a member who is not majorly shipped with another, might be having love troubles with a partner who is outside the band (cause they're not all in a poly relationship, as much as fans like to joke about). That's something to think about because I believe it shows that theories are just theories and outsiders don't really have access to much and a lot of things can be deceiving. It's one reason why, when I used to read about ship timelines, I always thought about how could a fan/shipper be able to do one? Because it's like taking a step further from enjoying the interactions and the moments. It has a sort of fictional element to it. But I went too much of a tangent here, a bit unrelated to your ask.
The point is, I don't necessarily disagree with you because there are factors that can have similar effects on those who lead a certain lifestyle, but then again, generalizations don't always help and we have to look at the individuals as well. Who they are are, their temperament and personality and how much they are willing to share. If they want to or have any desire to do so.
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marshmeowpenguin · 2 years
Agahagag i wanna write a fic where the collector gets defeated by babyshark powers andndndndnd when everyone is celebrating, suddenly, a huge flash of ligth SWOOOONS over everyone THE UNDERGROUND HAS BEEN OPENED AND UNDERTALE CAST IS HERE OH YEAHHH so they make like a camp for weirdos andndnd gus and papyrus become best bros, willow opens a small flowershop with asriel, and flowey gets addicted to mrbeastburgers with the collectyscrunk, alot of hurt/comfort angst, found family and stuff hahahahahaha Luz and Amity going on walks in the forest and HUNTER CONFESSING TO WILLOW WHILE PICKING FLOWERS FORORORORRORO RAINE AND EDA WEDDING AHAKWUWUWUWSKQDIQ:3
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unbunlievable · 20 days
OUATIS Stage Production Part 2
this is a continuation of this post, where I wrote out my lighting and blocking ideas for Once and Old King Cole as a stage musical. This will be a continuation of that idea, and hopefully I can find the motivation to finish out the album.
"The Twins" and Rose Red
Opening - the lights go on without anything fancy, just plain whites. the narrator is once again center stage, speaking to the audience.
"Two beautiful baby girls named by their parents as Snow and Rose." - The actresses playing Snow and Rose step out from the wings on either side of the stage. The Narrator's introductions for them swap order, so that Rose can run offstage and change from her military uniform to her wedding dress.
"And so it came to pass that the aged king, desperate for a force that could never be stopped..." - Behind the Narrator, Rose, Snow, and 3-6 ensemble members pantomime Rose walking down the aisle, with Snow standing where the maid of honor would be, and the few ensemble members as the guests. The a few other ensemble members crash the wedding in military uniforms and take Rose offstage as Snow and the guests scatter.
"'Dr Hansel, is this her?'" - as the wedding breaks up there is a short scene change as a laboratory setting is wheeled out, as well as Hansel, Gretel, and Rose on like a surgery table or something. Cole walks onstage and has the conversation with Hansel and Gretel.
"No, make sure she knows pain. And make sure she knows fear." - As Cole says this the lights dim and the laboratory set is dissembled.
Music for Rose Red starts
"Rose rose rose Red/will I ever see thee wed?" - This verse is sung by Snow and Cole on opposite sides of the stage.
"Rose rose rose Red/she had fought and she has bled" - Cole and Snow are still singing, but behind them ensemble members play out scenes of war and fighting, with many of the ensemble members dressed as Rose Reds. some productions may have Rose herself among this group.
"Carve that as your epitath on your moss covered stone" - the fighting scens end with the Rose Reds winning whatever they were fighting, and dragging the "dead" ensemble members offstage
"Rose rose rose Red/will I ever see thee wed?" - The ligths dim but don't go to blackout. when the song ends, Snow and Cole bow to the audience before Cole exits the stage. Snow stays where she is as the Narrator re-enters.
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clayd · 3 months
guys Callie made up a surgery (like a precedure) and it involves killing the pacient for 15 minutes and puting metal nails on the legs area to mantain the two or three no es together,
its a very long surgery without a name yet and it can last until she decides to close it up, and it's done as a last resource, on emergency but inside a OR cause outside theres no guarantee of bringing them back from death after fixing it up, and if they goes death after the 15 min is a no return point.
At some point she teaches this to George but im not sure if this one is the same universe as the talked througth it-blindfolded surgery or just a normal divorce Callie and George thing, like everyone finds out that he can do it too after theyre not together,
Maybe that one goes with when she's not available and he has to do it, or she says that he knows how and put it on him, and this one could be the one that hes doing the surgery on her and thats why shes not able to do it herself, and he doesnt know its her, maybe hes all controled and calm or maybe hes all anxious and all over the place because the vibe when she was always doing the surgery was stressful and thats whats familiar and the classic repeated hand movements coping what hes saw of callie is elite
And the obvious full of people gallery or a open OR cause it's and emergency, but this one could only work if it's Callie on the table,
And the obvious embarresment from knowing how to do it, like the circumstances of how he learned it and how he performs it, cause it shows a very dependent behaviour of him and makes him appear as weak and tbf kinda stupid and a jerk,
And theres also the one in which callie dies and George is like fighting for her to not but she still dies and the whole people is outside on a waiting room excepts for the few ones that were in the gallery (cristina between those) and they stanp up asking how it went and mark goes directly to threat him but george just keeps walking until he approches a sitting arizona thats just looking at him and he goes on one knee infront of her to tell her the oh, i did the best and all i could im so sorry i didnt mean for this to be the way for her to die and stuff like that so arizona stars crying sobbing and mark goes to him to pin him to a wall and start shouting
or maybe Arizona doesnt cry out loud, more like a silent aceptance and it just sinks into everyone that callie is dead.
ORRR my most recent througth one,
the one when he's a trauma surgeon and a team with April, Hunt is nowhere to be around and they two are in a surgery where they don't know how else try to save him so when theyre giving up callie goes in to the gallery standing infront of the glass and it just ligths up in George mind, the callie surgery, the very surgery that is aplicable in just one occasion that is right this one, so he quickly resumes it to april and they start, even tho she thinks hes a little bit crazy or just not sane by all the hours without sleeping due to the shortstaff on the trauma team
And stuff happens but it's not ready yet let me think it first
Arizona and Alex may have a reaction to this or maybe two recations and that influes in Meredith reaction therefore Cristina and they talk shit to Jackson, this is the not friends universe,
But if they are friends or just respect eachother (everyone with April& George) then it's another reaction less radical and less viboring with Jackson
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