#ophiuchus birth stones
blaked9571 · 2 years
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~Sylyna Rayne (Devora Eva Blake) 李韋天使 (A N G E L) 诺
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normal-horoscopes · 5 years
The Signs and Knights IV:
Aries: An exile who found a new home across the sea. Strange armor that seems to be a blend of the eastern and western styles. Unwavering dedication to their foster lord.
Taurus: High priest of the hunt. A position earned rather than given. Ancient war songs calling the quarries of hunts passed. A burden.
Gemini: The Lady in Blue. Inheritor to a nigh-mythical legacy. A burqa like the morning sky in lavish azure and gold concealing all manor blades and pistols of equally fine make. 
Cancer: A warrior monk. A fire-caller from the southern seas. Years spent in training and meditation until body, flame, and weapon, are one. 
Leo: A knight in divine gold and red. Though marked for a glorious and holy death in combat, they stand, golden saw-spear caked with blood, shamefully alive. 
Virgo: Warriors of an ancient clan, honoring an equally ancient concord. Towering over their comrades. Catching the wall-shattering stones of enemy siege engines with their bare hands, and slinging them back.
Libra: Knights of a short lived order. Enchanted arms meant to cut through the strange foreign sorceries of a land intended for conquest. A fate gentle and dark as the magics they faced.
Scorpio: Truly a band of knights. Every plate of armor forged to resonate with musical tones. Horns relaying messages across open war-torn fields.
Ophiuchus: The champion of an old and esoteric faith. Armor and weapons of living lead, animated by the spirits of ancient saints who sacrificed their earthly forms for this holy relic.
Sagittarius: The battlemasters of the Unseelie. Summoned from their godforsaken holes in the earth to work their unique brand of cruel genius in service of the winter queen.
Capricorn: Known by his enemies as the Roc-Rider. A legend. The only one in history to tame one of the great ship-breakers. Assegai from the heavens with the force of a summer storm.
Aquarius: A man of no noble birth. A farmer. A smith. Plows and spades reshaped into armor. A scythe reshaped for a grisly harvest.  A home defended.
Pisces: Slaves. Convicts. Revolutionaries. Swimming to the walls of the Bastille under the darkness of a new moon, with only the songs of the sirens to guide them. 
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kencalloway · 2 years
𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑭𝑶.     ⊹  ✦
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              ✧  𝙁𝙐𝙇𝙇 𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙀  ✧
              ⸻Kennedy Alan Calloway
‘Kennedy’ is derived from an Irish surname that means “helmet-headed one”. He was named after John F. Kennedy, his grandfather’s favourite American president. Friends and family started calling him by a shortened version of his last name, ‘Calloway’, which is a French surname that means “place of stones.” Cal’s middle name, ‘Alan’ is again borrowed from his grandfather. It means “little rock.”
I named him Kennedy because Cal has a big space motif in his characterisation and JFK was known for his inspiring speech about the space race— he was also very involved in the entire process. Cal’s middle name ‘Alan’ was picked because of Alan Shephard, the first American in space. 
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              ✧  𝙉𝙄𝘾𝙆𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙀(𝙎) ✧
              ⸻Cal, Ken, Kenny, Starboy, Rocket man
Cal’s nicknames, like most nicknames, are given by family and friends and those closest to him. He used to be called by his first name but somewhere along the line, his loved ones started calling him Cal and it stuck. Sometimes it catches him off guard when people refer to him as “Kennedy” and while he doesn’t mind it, he prefers to be called Cal. The nicknames ‘Starboy’ and ‘Rocket man’ are given to him by his best friend, Keegan. 
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              ✧ 𝘽𝙄𝙍𝙏𝙃 𝘾𝙀𝙍𝙏𝙄𝙁𝙄𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙀 ✧
              ⸻October 9, 20XX,12.06 a.m.
              ⸻Greeneville, Kentucky.
Cal was born a healthy baby boy just after midnight in a hospital in Frankfurt, Kentucky. The first thing his mom remembers seeing after labor is the stars, and she often recalls the story with fondness. He doesn’t feel particularly strongly about his birthday; to him it’s just another revolution around the Sun, but his family has always loved to have big birthdays for every member so he goes along with it. Cal’s favourite birthday gifts are from his grandfather, Alan, a retired pilot.
Greenville is a small town in Kentucky where his paternal grandparents own some farmland. Cal’s grown up there and knows everyone there very well— it’s easy to get in touch with neighbours and the wider community when the town only has a population of a hundred. He’s a friendly young man and is known for his kindness, always ready to lend a helping hand wherever it’s needed.
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              ✧ 𝙂𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ✧
Cal is biologically male and is comfortable with his gender. His maternal and paternal sides of the family are both progressive, despite living in traditional and conservative areas; Cal has luckily grown up feeling safe about his identity. He has the luxury of knowing if he ever decides to experiment with his gender expression, he’ll get nothing but love and support from those closest to him.
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              ✧ 𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙀𝙉𝙏𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 ✧
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. vivamus id ultricies neque. morbi vitae tincidunt odio, ut ultricies erat. mauris lorem eros, mattis vel luctus semper, rutrum eget felis. praesent commodo in eros ut lobortis. suspendisse molestie diam in aliquet efficitur. aenean placerat erat non hendrerit efficitur. aliquam ullamcorper interdum sem nec lacinia. cras nec orci sed diam placerat tristique. 
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              ✧ 𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙇𝙊𝙂𝙔 𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙍𝙏 ✧
His star sign is Libra but Cal doesn’t believe in Astrology; he doesn’t see how constellations in the sky can determine someone’s personality. Cal is very much a man of science, but he’s also conscious of the fact that the stars can mean very personal things to people, so he tries his best not to get into debates about the topic. That being said, Cal has been known to go on drunk rants about the Ophiuchus constellation and how it completely changes everyone’s traditional zodiac sign. 
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              ✧ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 ✧
              ⸻Irish and French
Both sides of his family are descended from Irish and French immigrants. Cal is American by birth and somewhat patriotic. He likes the fireworks on July 4th because he gets to spend it with the entire community in his small town. 
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              ✧ 𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙂𝙀(𝙎) ✧
Cal only knows English, and that makes him a little gloomy sometimes, considering his family history. He wishes he could learn Irish and French but between his university studies, he doesn’t have much time to learn a new language.
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              ✧ 𝑽𝑶𝑰𝑪𝑬 ✧  
              ⸻Deep, modulated
The first thing anyone notices about Cal is his Southern drawl, especially noticeable after he moved from Kentucky to Pasadena, where the Valley Girl accent would annoy him. People mocked his accent but their way of speaking would weird him out in the early days. Despite living in Pasadena for three years now, Cal hasn’t lost his accent and hopes it stays that way.
𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬.     ⊹  ✦
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              ✧ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙑𝙄𝙎𝘼𝙂𝙀 ✧
              ⸻light brown eyes
              ⸻pale complexion
Like his father and grandfather, Cal has close-set light brown eyes. He thinks his eyes are his best feature and though he claims not to be a massive romantic, he secretly believes eyes are the window into the soul. Cal has pale skin that tans a light brown shade when he’s exposed to sunlight for prolonged periods of time. Unlike some of his siblings, his skin doesn’t burn in excessive sunshine, but he does tend to get very uncomfortable without sunscreen because of his own anxiety about UV rays and melanoma. He watched a documentary about it once when he was a kid and hasn’t been the same since.
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              ✧ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙃𝙔𝙎𝙄𝙌𝙐𝙀 ✧
              ⸻6’6.5 or 202cm. 230lbs or 104.3kg
Cal may be tall but all the boys in his family are the same so he doesn't feel out of place. Unlike some of his brothers, he wishes he was shorter because bumping his head on door frames is getting really old now. He’s also quite heavy thanks to his height, and although he tries not to let his weight affect him so much, it subconsciously makes him want to work out more. Cal grew up slightly overweight— he blames his grandma for feeding him every chance she got— now his biggest insecurity is making sure he doesn’t retain any of that baby fat. His body shape resembles an inverted triangle; Cal has broad shoulders and a narrower waist.
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              ✧ 𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙍 ✧
              ⸻used to be light brown, now auburn
              ⸻short and buzzed
When it comes to his hair colour, Cal takes after his mother, who has gorgeous light brown waves. His hair used to be lighter when he was younger but it has darkened over the years and now looks much closer to his father’s deep auburn tresses. He has his hair buzzed because he lives in predominantly warm areas with high humidity and long hair tends to suffer in that environment, besides, it’s easier to maintain it when it’s short.
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              ✧ 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙍𝙊𝘽𝙀 ✧
Cal isn't fussy about his clothing style and definitely doesn’t worry about buying popular brands or recognisable labels. As far as he’s concerned, clothes are just clothes— if he’s being honest, he doesn’t get the hype over dressing yourself in expensive luxury items, and though he claims not to be the judgy type, he secretly judges people who do. Through no careful planning of his own, Cal’s style is most similar to the All-American models in fashion magazines. He tends to dress in plain t-shirts and jeans or overalls typical of farm attire. Cal’s a big fan of flannel and checkered shirts, especially warm wool-lined outfits in winters.
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              ✧ 𝙈𝙊𝘿𝙄𝙁𝙄𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 ✧
              ⸻he’s very indecisive!!
He’s wanted tattoos forever but he isn’t sure what to get. Cal has a Pinterest board filled with tattoo ideas and almost all of them are space themed in one way or another. Nothing means more to him than space; it’s a big part of his life and his grandpa Alan’s life, the man who Cal looks up to more than anyone else in the world. Cal wants to get a tattoo artist to design him a sleeve made up of his favourite cosmic phenomena.
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              ✧ 𝘼𝙍𝙊𝙈𝘼 ✧
              ⸻cut grass, burning oak, and apples
When Cal walks into a room, the scent of freshly cut grass soon follows; when he’s home in Kentucky, he tends to do everything he can to help out around the farm including mowing the lawn. He also helps set up the fire at night, the scent of burning oak and ash clinging to his overalls. As for the scent of apples, Cal’s mother makes a mean apple pie, some of which gets on his clothes because he’s a clumsy eater, unfortunately.
                            ──────   ෆ   ──────
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rex-the-ok · 7 years
Power Rangers Celestial
Years ago, the Dark Star Armada ravaged the universe, searching for an unknown “weapon” that could defeat them, but where held back by a man powered by the stars who held them for many years, but disappeared to a dissent planet in search of allies.
Now on modern day earth, the dark Star Armada is invading and draining the planet of its energy. Meanwhile, a job-hunting traveller discovers the Star Pool café and the power to defeat them, the Star Stones.
Rangers/Star Pool staff Leon Red Leo Ranger An orphan who travels the contrary looking for odd jobs. Currently the Star Pool’s delivery boy. Facts: has luck on his side (both the aspect and his scooter; Lucky) Was raised on the streets and knows of to protect him self Has no memory’s of his birth family
Hotten Arachna Orange Scorpius Ranger An alien smuggler and enemy of Dark Star, he is looking for his bother. Facts: is an orange tail verity whose venom acts as a strong sedative Dislikes crowds and public places Has a collection of belt buckles to hide his tail in public
“Arsen” Blue Lupus Ranger An alien refugee who’s home was destroyed be Dark Star, he landed on earth and works as the mascot for the Star Pool. Fact: likes to collect tech and junk from the alien black market Real name is bark-growl-howl but is called Arsen as a substitute Only wears a mascot head at work (he hates it)
BL-37 (Balance) Gold Libra Ranger A defective justice droid and partner to Naga. Crashed on earth looking for a criminal. Facts: being an early model, he is almost 300 years old Is an excellent mechanic Was brought by Naga’s mother at a young age to help him “express him self”
TR-00 (Toro) Black Taurus Rangers A prototype enforcement robot. his creator was murdered by a “man with a poison tail”. Facts: made money in illegal robot fights (held tile for 4 years) Is on earth working with Ryu No one knows why he has a Spanish accent
Naga Hamad Silver Ophiuchus Ranger An Intergalactic Police Officer and partner to BL-37. Crashed on earth looking for a criminal. Facts: his spices “removed” emotions years ago, but he is trying to gain them Is very popular with women (is completely unaware to this) Is secretly nerdy and owns every copy of Dragon Man
Sophie Kakusareta Green Chamaeleon Ranger An Astrology student and waitress as Star Pool Café. Is a childhood friend of Dolce. Facts: is currently studying the Celestial Stones and there connection to the constellations Is trained in Ninjutsu by her Grandfather Is known to laugh at the smallest joke  
Raptor283 Pink Aquila Ranger The ship AI from Naga’s ship placed into an android body modelled after a human. She is a known space blogger. Facts: named her self after her blog Is known to fantasies and ship her team mates Got her body from Arsen, no one knows why he had it or why it has wings
Dolce Stellino Yellow Dorado Ranger Chef at the Star Pool Café. Is a Childhood friend of Sophie. Facts: is descendent from Italian immigrants Can make a meal out of literally anything Learned to cook taking care of his mother
Ryu Eirian Purple Draco Ranger The hero who fought Dark Star, he fled to earth to look for more allies. Know the owner of the Star Pool Café. Facts: is descendent of humans who where abducted by aliens Is currently married and has a child Had comic books based off his days fighting the Dark Star Armada
Gabe Medved Aqua Ursa Ranger A kind hearted middle schooler who is trying fight back against The Dark Star Armada. Facts: is a school friend of Ryu’s son Has top grades in gym, math and arts-and-crafts Has a large collection of stuffed animals (mostly bears)
Dr Kuma (deceased)  Scientific genius and lead researcher into the Star Stone before his untimely death. Was a close friend to Ryu. Built all the morphers and Weaponry for the rangers.
Fen Argo Phoenix Soldier An ancient warrior who killed Armage 10,000 years ago and lived among the race that that made the Star Stones, the Orianins. Facts: was guard to their royal family for 300 year and spent 10,000 in cryo sleep. Has the ability too reverse his age by lighting him self on fire(but is running out of times he can do it). Send 2 hour in the morning grooming his feather like hair.
Dark Star Armada Don Armage Leader of the Dark Star Armada. I furiously looking for a “weapon” that can defeat him. little is know about his past or how old he really it.
Commander Jaeger A high commander who has been entrusted with the Sagittarius Star Stone.
Physkrieg A bounty hunter hired by Dark Star, he can predict any attack. Is the man responsibul for Dr Kumas death
Octofia Partner to Physkrieg and double agent for Crassica. She is able to revive her self after death (each regeneration changes her personality)
Crassica Arachna Brother to Hotten and Dark Stars top killer. Is a Black Tail verity who’s venom can control and slowly kill victims.
Flatflorians A race of alien’s who pledged allegiance to Dark Star.
G-Men Robots used as footsoldiers. The G stands for Grunt. each have very levels of “self”.
Star Stones Stones made by an ancient, lost civilisation to combat evil in universe, they are powered by “the belief in the stars”. They are stronger on earth as it is were all the constellations align. most information has been translated from vague translations of the language.
Star Blasters Tech built by the Dr Kuma to utilise the power of the Star Stones. Allow the user to transform, attack and summon Zords
Star Weapons A weapon developed by Dr Kuma. It has an infinite number of possible weapons it can form  
Draco Cane An ancient weapon built by the lost civilisation, it holds many secrets
Blaze Defender A weapon built for Fen to protect the royal family and summon his personal Zord
Celestial Zords Large mechanised weapons built by the lost civilisation, only a small number ever made.
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13signs · 7 years
The May Yod
Two possible outcomes of the May Yod
Squares are just challenges, oppositions are just radical change, even trines do nothing more then accelerate our destiny. Conjunctions bring these things to a head, a war inside ourselves to find the best path forward. One astrological configuration that we don't often talk about is the Yod. Named by the ancients as the "finger of god", the Yod is our final warning before the crisis. A classical interpretation is the idea of pent-up forces being let loose, like the stretched bow releasing its arrow. Many astrologers call the Yod a "runaway train"
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See Related: what is a Yod?
A Positive Outcome
Faith by itself only creates martyrs. A Yod sometimes foretells of such a misplaced belief system, with onerous results for those with power, and those without it. The problem lies with what we believe, what we think of as fact, depending on our prior prejudices. A Yod can bring to a head the consequences of fake news, fake prices, fake crisis, and fake leadership.
Such a Yod is upcoming in early May. It amounts to a reassessment of Jupiter's power of growth and abundance. We want an endless cornucopia of plenty, but this is delusional. We look to Jupiter for luck--but even our shield against mayhem can't insure continuous positive affirmation. Bad luck always lurks in the underbelly of over-confidence.
Even beyond luck, Jupiter wants justice. This is even more true when Jupiter is in Virgo, where it becomes justice for the masses. We see that in the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, the women's movement, the resistance to tyranny all around the world, justice is the key word, even beyond personal enrichment. People are more important than profits. We must have an end to corruption and fraud. Our modern societies are supposedly built on the rule of law, and "justice for all", and yet we see the legal system completely perverted by political influence and the police transformed into an occupying army in our communities. The hypocrisy of American justice being so undermined will feature strongly during and after the May Yod, either by its own excesses and failures, or by the revelation of its perfidy.
The May Yod, shown below in red in the chart for May 3, combines the forces of the Sun in Aries and Neptune in Aquarius to send  an already back-tracking Jupiter in Virgo into full retreat and a painful period that recognizes  its own flaws and limitations. Every increase in consciousness stops and starts, as new concepts are tested and digested. Jupiter is trying to expand the humanitarian side of Virgo, its fairness doctrine and love of the underdog. What is holding it back is an array of destruction and addiction.
A stubborn and rash Aries Sun combines with Neptune the seducer, to throw Jupiter, our great protector, into introspection and self-criticism. This is a situation where conflict and scandals are inevitable. The loss of Jupiter's confidence, combined  with a Mercury retrograde episode from late March to late May, just makes matters worse.
Changes are stalled, the enemy is encouraged by the lapse, as mindful people work on the details of how and where to bring about a more just society. The rest of society, caught between revolutionary change and savage oppression become stupefied and crawl back into their addictions and apathy to give themselves temporary comfort.
This may foretell a summer of anger and disappointment, leading to violence in the streets, and a humbling experience for those in power; a breakdown in the accepted social and political norms; confusion, delusion and seclusion. We will have to rethink and re-design the social contract between government and the people, and the media will try to prevent it and redirect it to war.
Some co-ordinated action is called for in the struggle against a system that has failed, but this may not be possible until May 20. We want solutions now, but there are none to be had, at least in our present state of mind, where the heart rules the head, and which is forcing us back into our old insecurities and fantasies. Perhaps during this period, we will see the birth of a new type of leadership, both militant and egalitarian, capable of meeting our vision of a better world, and helping is to create it. However fraught with peril, this is a possible positive effect of the Yod, if we are listening. Listen we should, but we must absorb it fully to be able to act. This would be dangerous until after May 20, when what we do will stick, and not be dissolved in fear. Until then, we should contain our impatience and be attentive for arrival of the new wave of leadership, and become part of it, ourselves.
On a personal level, an optimistic view of the May Yod would be that we could find our voice after years of stupor. The tyrant is especially weak, Saturn goes into retrograde April 6, and the Yod underscores that. The Sun can also use force and bullying to bolster itself to uphold the status quo. Any wishy-washy, political indifference to a dictatorship can be used against us. We have to find our allies and those on whom we can depend. Our notions of government are being broadsided by new concepts of activism and political militancy. It's the profligacy and incompetence of the top 1% as well as our own past failures that are bringing about a crisis. Sun-Jupiter in this Yod combination is mad with power, and has no morality. It will force us to confront it by developing new philosophies and ideologies. Donald Trump corrupt administration, his Neanderthal ideas, are just a manifestation of a stubborn and heartless political trend among the rich and powerful. Trump and the rest of the bourgeoisie can only become mired in contention, disunity and disgrace as their own unity is threatened as well by the present situation. The Yod can be aimed at foolish leaders, as a talisman of their doom. Neptune will dissolve their confidence and stock of self-enhancements, and erode away whatever is founded on fantasy and boosterism. The rich have built their castles on sand, as well as everyone else.
May's Yod will undermine just such a type of leadership that Trump has metastasized, the self-righteous but brain-dead seducer, in spectacular failure, as reflected in his plunging approval ratings. Trump's Moon in Ophiuchus enabled him to cast a spell on millions of people; maybe the Yod is a prediction that his powers will evaporate, leaving him naked and ridiculous, like the emperor with no clothes.
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If we see this  Yod as a warning to Trump that his ridiculous vision for America is a lie, the one thing we can be sure of is that he will not heed its message, and will push ahead full bore, as if his power is unchecked by reality. His Taurus bull-headedness won't be stopped by any small feat, and he will just keep coming until he is defeated or we are. However, as many despots have discovered, once the mask of invincibility is stripped away, there is nothing that can be done to escape the consequences of tyranny and incompetence.
The best-case-scenario is that what happens to Trump will spread out with him as the first domino and could accelerate the process of the mass consciousness as people organize against him.
Unfortunately, this may take more time than we have. Mistakes made now will reverberate for years to come, and may require more effort than we are capable of in the moment. The Yod only spells it out for us, how long it takes to digest the message lies with us. This brings us to a second scenario, which is much less sanguine.
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A Negative Outcome
A much darker outcome of the May Yod may mean we retreat deeper into our delusions. We become as immune to the facts as Trump himself is. We won't believe the truth, no matter how it slaps us in the face. We will deceive ourselves by obscuring our true interests, and shroud our illusions with false hope.
The powerful, militaristic Aries Sun can combine with weak, aloof Neptune to prevent Jupiter from protecting us from our own foolish illusions. Instead, we revert to our secret addictions as the only way out for us. We can be addicted to racism, sexism and nationalism like drugs that give us a momentary high, and are drawn from our secret well of fear and hate.
Such an outcome would mean the election in France of Marine LePen, a myopic, Trump-like candidate whose appeal to the bitterness and disappointment in the French electorate will enable a right-wing, proto-fascist government to take power there, with catastrophic results. In the vacuum of French politics, the Left and the centerist politicians are divided and dissipated, wallowing in their own corruption and mutual log-rolling--a classic sign of Neptune eating away at our freedom and humanitarianism. Even the Left-socialists and the Communist party have been driven into a mist of confusion, seeking to pander to the selfishness and ignorance of the voters, giving up the basic ideal of the worldwide unity of workers. A Trump-like outcome in France would mean another stepping stone to war and/or rebellion, raising the stakes by taking back hard-fought, already won concessions that previous governments have made to workers.
The election of LePen, like Trump's ascent to power, may signal a disgust in France with politics-as-usual, but, like Trump, it would be a very, very poor choice both for France and the world. There seems to be no viable alternative than to drive our heads deeper in the dirt. Like Trump, LePen offers no solutions to the economic or social problems, she merely reveals the disunity and dissipation of the Left and the collapse of the social contract.
The only alternative to LePen, as was the case with Hillary Clinton versus Trump in our election, is a continuation of the corruption and banality of present policies, and a further collapse of the standard of living for millions of French people.
Any election is significant in France, because of its long-standing commitment to workers, unions, and egalitarianism. The election of LePen will mock whatever remains of the famous revolutionary ideal of "Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood" that sparked the French revolution and has been at the heart of French politics ever since.
Related: What is a Yod?
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blaked9571 · 2 years
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Credit: http://www.gemsociety.org
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Credit: http://www.gemstoneguru.com
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Credit: http://www.nrampuria.com
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Credit: http://www.wilsonsestatejewelry.com
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Credit: http://www.africagems.com
The birth stone of Sagittarius/Ophiuchus is truly the Topaz. Especially in this hue.
One of my goddaughters is Topaz Talladega.
~Sylyna Rayne (Devora Eva Blake) 李韋天使 (A N G E L) 诺
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