#or Dworkin
ms-revived-frogs · 1 year
Ladies is The Feminine Mystique a good feminist read, specifically for radical feminist views? Ordering some books off Amazon and was thinking of getting it
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killallxys · 21 days
Don't rely on men to save you
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These men will flee like cockroaches at the sign of danger and leave women and children behind. But yes "superior logical stronger braver sex"
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erebusvincent · 1 month
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dressed2k1ll · 2 months
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Men are forcing women to have sex with them for food.
Women are forced to let men rape them to survive.
Men are withholding food for sex in war-torn Sudan
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being-kindrad · 9 months
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Andrea Dworkin's classic Beauty Hurts diagram from Woman Hating (1974), updated for modern procedures, fifty years later.
A first step in the process of liberation (women from their oppression, men from the unfreedom of their fetishism) is the radical redefining of the relationship between women and their bodies. The body must be freed, liberated, quite literally: from paint and girdles and all varieties of crap. Women must stop mutilating their bodies and start living in them. Perhaps the notion of beauty which will then organically emerge will be truly democratic and demonstrate a respect for human life in its infinite, and most honorable, variety. —Andrea Dworkin, Woman Hating (1974)
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my-vanishing-777 · 18 days
i think the explosion of pornography is retaliatory. men can't tolerate the ambiguity of what might be equality, and they experience it as anti-sexual.—interview: Andrea Dworkin talks with Liesl Schillinger (1996)
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woman-for-women · 1 year
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“...men come to me or to other feminists and say:
"What you're saying about men isn't true. It isn't true of me. I don't feel that way. I'm opposed to all of this."
And I say: don't tell me. Tell the pornographers. Tell the pimps. Tell the warmakers. Tell the rape apologists and the rape celebrationists and the pro-rape ideologues. Tell the novelists who think that rape is wonderful. Tell Larry Flynt. Tell Hugh Hefner. There's no point in telling me. I'm only a woman. There's nothing I can do about it. These men presume to speak for you. They are in the public arena saying that they represent you. If they don't, then you had better let them know."
- Andrea Dworkin
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strezzedanddeprezzed · 7 months
It baffles me how radical feminists are considered conservative when the idea of female separatism is 10x more radical and far left than most of the beliefs held by left-wing parties. I will not listen to anyone who calls radical feminism a conservative ideology because it means they haven't done any research or reading.
We don't hate porn because we think women should be pure virgins who only commit to one man, we hate porn because it degrades women and is the product of sex trafficking, coercion, and propaganda.
We don't hate tight clothing and makeup because we think women should be covered from head to toe, we hate it because it restricts movement and makes day to day life uncomfortable for women.
We don't criticize the trans community because we think everyone should conform to gender roles and there should be no attempt to break the gender binary, we criticize the fact that transition is based on stereotypes, norms, roles, clothing, and other things women have fought for years to be free from.
Radical feminism does a better job at attacking actual oppressive structures and frameworks than most other leftist ideologies and I am done with ignorant people online comparing radical feminism to trad wife life or traditional conservatism. Especially when this criticism comes from losers who spend all day watching porn that promotes racism and classism.
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mlfeminist · 5 months
Feminism exists so that no woman ever has to face her oppressor in a vacuum, alone. It exists to break down the privacy in which men rape, beat, and kill women.—Life and Death (1997)
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dworkinsdaughter · 23 days
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killallxys · 23 days
To anyone barking racism for pointing out brown men are dangerous
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Just read this humble passage before you bark racism. And yeah, Indian men deserve the image of being rapists because they actually are.
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haggishlyhagging · 9 days
Sexual Politics is out of print. The Dialectic of Sex is out of print. What women have to do is come to terms with the fact that we live in a society that simply censors better than state censorship. People have got to come to terms with the power of the publishing industry and the media in controlling thought and expression. They have to understand that it is an issue of power and money and people have to be less passive in relation to books. People have to take their money which they don't have much of and they have to buy books by feminist writers. They have to develop a much more sophisticated understanding of how the book industry works. A hard-cover book like Letters from a War Zone was virtually published dead. If it's still in bookstores in two months it will be a miracle. They have to understand that everything that they hear all the time about how everything can be published in this country is a lie and that part of the social function of the publishing industry is to buy up the rights to and then obliterate certain books so that nobody can get them. They have to stop thinking that they live in the liberal dreamworld of equality where fairness has already been achieved. It hasn't been achieved. You can be equal in your heart but it doesn't make you equal in the world. I think that the refusal to understand what happens to books by women goes along with this liberal refusal to acknowledge that power is a reality and we're not the ones who have it. What I'm saying is that women have got to start facing reality. You cannot build any kind of movement for change on wishful thinking. The wishful thinking is that we already have what it is we want and what it is we need. We don't have it. Women who want to write and communicate, which in a big country is hard to do—it's getting harder for them, not easier. There isn't more access, there is less access. People have got to take the economics of the publishing industry seriously and understand that very few writers will survive who do not write according to the demands of the marketplace, by which I mean essentially the demands of turning out books that you can consume as passively as a television show. That's sort of the standard.
-Andrea Dworkin, “Dworkin on Dworkin” in Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed
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dressed2k1ll · 2 months
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The left wants women as public property and the right wants women as private property.
It’s that simple!
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my-vanishing-777 · 25 days
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radfem-vex · 3 months
I've noticed there is no concrete radical feminist symbol 🤔
The existing symbols either have a specific meaning that doesn't mean "radical feminism" (such as the labrys lesbian flag being associated with radfem but doesn't mean radfem) or they are indistinguishable from a mainstream feminism symbol.
So I've decided to create one! I have put together a few versions with different colours. If you want a different colour (up to two colours) just ask me (via comments/reblogs)! Feel free to ask with hex codes also.
Image descriptions on alt text.
Here are the non-transparent PNG versions:
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This is the basic black one on a white background, where a female symbol ♀️ contains a radical √. √ also means root which is the type of "radical" used in "radical feminism." Radfem isn't about "extremism" (the other meaning of radical) but rather is about destroying patriarchy at the root.
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Here are the transparent PNG versions:
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(Remaining 2 images continued on reblog)
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thatsonemorbidcorvid · 11 months
“She left. She’s not coming back. How do you own her? You kill her.”
- Andrea Dworkin, 1996
A recording of a previously lost Dworkin speech has been made available, online, free, and with no barriers to access.
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