#or Mackie
What pokemon would make up teams owned by the Characters in Star vs The Forced of Evil
I am back making my lists, and its time to do Star vs the forces of evil. So like my previous lists (TOH, GF, Amphibia) this show had a large cast. This show was also had a longer run time than any of them, 4 seasons, and who the important characters were depended on which season. This list contains my picks for Star, Marco, Ludo, and a handful of Star and Marco’s close friends. If you do not see your favorite character here, and have an idead as to a pokemon they would be a really good trainer for feel free to put them in the comments.
Star Butterfly
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Star was a really easy one to make a team for. Most of her magic moves with her wand involved conjuring up animal based creatures, and I just transfered them over to pokemon.
Cetitan: Star’s trademark attack is her “Narwhale blast” and when looking up Narwhale pokemon (and double/triple checking I got a actual pokemon and not a fanmade one) this is the pokemon that came up for Narwhal pokemon.
Joltik: The smallest and (In my opinion) the most adorable of the spider pokemon, also packs a powerful shock. A near perfect representation of Star’s strongest spell: Spider with a top hat.
Yamper: a cute and playful little yellow dog pokemon with a heart symbol somewhere on its body. Its the closest I could find to the Laser puppies Star gifted the Diaz’s with on arrival.
Galarian Rapidash: Star had a love for Warnicorn’s, their speed, their furosity, and did not want an adult life were she had no time to ride and have fun with them. So I will give her a Rapidash.  An Galarian rapidash because those fit Star’s style better and add a fairy type to her team.
Makuhita: Star does not always really on magic to fin a fight though, She also knows how to brawl/box. So I wanted to give her atleast one fighting type. I picked Makuhita while its a heavy hitter and a real tough pokemon its also got a very cute and tubby design; it looks like a Sumo pikachu. Like Star its adorable from a distance, threatening up close.
Nidoran girl: represents her bond  of friendship/romantic with Marco. He has a boy one.
Marco Diaz
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Solrock: Marco was originally going to be named Sol. He is also represented in that Prophatic image as the Sun right? Star is an actual star and Marc is the sun, they are together? Pretty sure I remember that. If Marco is represented by the sun n the show than it’s only fair I carry that over onto my team by giving him a solrock.
Lucario: Marco loves and does karate, so I picked a fighting type that’s method of fighting it more simlar to karate for him.
Shiny charizard: I really wanted to give him a dragon type to reresent his dragoncycle Nacho’s. The Original one I had picked out was another Fame made non offical pokemon (I have to be more careful of those). Of offical pokemon Charizards Shiney form. I think its still fair that this be his strongest. He did spend decades training and fighting with Nacho’s in Hekapoo’s dimension
Kirlia: a graceful and feminie pokemon to represent Marco’s super popular princess persona Princess Turdina. Also to give him a fairy type as well.
Nidoran boy: represents his bond of friendship/romance with Star. She has a girl one.
Ludo Avarius
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Mimikyu: A fairy and dark pokemon that has issues with its appearence as well as mentality, and can also mess with the mental state of others. I am not sure if Ludo and Mimikyu would make each other better or worse, or worse than better (hopefully that one). But that they would be a very intresting and entertaining partnership of that I am sure.
So Ludo’s monster henchmen in season 1 were not the best as we can all agree (Sorry about that Buff Frog. We all know you did try). But in season 2 he had a pretty strong team, what with Bird, Spider, and those rats. To represnt them I will give him a Sparrow, an Aridos, and a Alalon Rattata. 
Rufflet and Vullaby: These represent his brothers and sisters. The ones who after going through everything he did, he was able to go back and save from their awful parents. 
I gave these three teams of six since they were arguably main characters. The rest of the list will be notable secondary characters, who will each get three.
Janna Ordonia
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Haunter: Both it and Janna like to scare/prank people
Nickit: a theif pokemon that helps Janna swipe other peoples stuff
Klefki: It helps Janna break into places she is otherwise not allowed
Tom Lucitor
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Scorbunny, Litleo, Fennekin.
I gave Tom each of these three for the same number of reasons. Firstly they are all fire types, and Tom is a fire demon. Secondly all of them are fuzzy and adorable, and in the show Part of Toms anger management therapy involves soothing himself by petting/playing with cute fuzzy animals. I could see eaxh of these three being part of his therapy (yes I did look up “fire bunny pokemon specfically to find one to represent Marshmellow) Lastly while they are in no threatening, cutesy, first forms now, they all evolve into very strong battlers. Once Tom got his own temper under enough control that he could handle pokemon battles he could do pretty well with these three.
Jackie Lynn Thomas
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Chimecho: She has a very soothing appearence and personality. She also told Marco that one time she is into soft rock. So I gave her a soothing, soft toned, music pokemon
Baltoy: She also told him she was really into studying history. Baltoy may not be a fossile pokemon, but it is historic. In addition to that it has great balance to stay perpetually spinning in place like that. Jackie also has great balance on her skateboard
Vaporeon: So despite fans best efforts and theorising, the show creator never did reveal Jackie to secretly be a mermaid, who’s able to live on land becasue her shell necklace is actually a magical amulet that when worn exchanges her see tail for a pair of land legs. But it was a great theory, and she does give off very beachy, merlike, vibes. So idecided to give her  a merlike water pokemon, that could travel both in water and on land. Also I had to exclude Vaporeon from my Gravity Falls list, and still really wanted to give it to someone cool.
Kelly.. Huh looks like she was about the only character to not get a last name. Wow. Okay just Kelly
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Galatian Moewth, Mankey, Tangrowth
Like with Tom all three of Kelly’s Pokemon were ones I picked for the same reasons. Those reasons were that all three are tough, scrappy, pkemon; completely covered from head to toe in wild, untameable, hair.
Eclipsa Butterfly
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I wasn’t gonna do Eclipsa at first, simply becasue I wanted to keep the secondary characters evenly split between earth and mewni characters. But she is like the third most iconic character in the show and I had to do her.
Spiritomb: You know dark types would be her favoite, and I feel like the more sinister lore with Spiritomb would really intrigue her and make her want one.
Honchkrow: eyes in the sky to replace he all seeing eye spell . They also have basically the same taste in hats, so there’s that.
Roserade: She says in the beganing of season 3 that she loves roses.
Oskar Greason
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(why does he get a last name when Kelly didn’t?) Here let me throw Oskar in as well as Eclipsa to keep numbers more even.
Toxel: To represent his interest in playing music.
Furret: Because he has a pet ferret
Noibat: goes with his whole bad boy musician vibe, and with the added bonus that it would maybe be able to freak out his mom’s boyfriend whom he is implied to absolutely hate.
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