#or a nice handshakes
sugoi-writes · 1 month
Woooulllld anyone like a sneak peek of my risqué Human!Alastor piece?
I don't want to spoil too much, but like... GAH, I'm getting scared that it's not good! I almost want to PM it someone just to seeeee ;;-;; Because I'm a coward
(If there is a big enough outcry though, I'll make it public. My nerves are just SHOT due to personal-life issues)
Bodugdoidhoih <3 B y e love y'all heheoihdhdid
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chalkscrub · 7 months
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random STUFF - in order, we have oap infighting, donk faces (hardest thing in the world to draw), and yet another lineup of morally dubious individuals
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fkitwebhaal · 4 months
In contrast to Ulder Ravenguard, I think Gale could bring any of the Origins home as his fiancee and Morena Dekarios would be fine with it.
I am saying this not as a jab against Ulder or even claiming Morena is a better parent than him (we don't know anything about her except her and Gale seem to get along).
I say this solely because if your son gets dumped by a Goddess, has a magical orb that is stuck in his chest, spends a year in a tower refusing to leave, vanishes without a word, and then shows up months later minus said orb AND in a happy relationship? And that person talked him out of blowing himself up for said Goddess and helped him save the world? IDGAF who he brought home as long as they genuinely love him and treat him well.
Women my son is going to Hell for to fix her heart. Not an ideal place for him to be but fuck it, he's getting out of the house, as long as they send post cards.
Former warlock who was cursed by patron and is now either a duke (heck yes) or going to Hell for his bestie and my son is going with. Same as above, sounds great, did you know my son's fiancee can dance.
Warrior from the astral plane going to fight a lich queen? I cannot stress how exciting it is to see him to get out of the house and she can and will carry him to safety, zero objections.
Vampire spawn? A little blood loss is WAY BETTER than the orb situation, just make sure to watch your iron intake son. Eat more spinach.
Former cultist to an evil God? Let bygones be bygones, key word here is former.
Former leader of a cult of an evil god. KEY WORD HERE IS FORMER IT'S FINE.
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papanowo · 1 year
is crosshair not in the bad batch meets scorch post bc sev was his favourite /j
its also cus hes not in prison in that scenario but yes ^_^ anyways i just HAD to draw them together but since thats never gonna happen have this au where sevs like this rex figure helping clones desert
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gilears · 23 days
i just read the best fic ever everyone go stream help, i'm still at the restaurant by @highfiveheroes
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omg hunter’s arms look so strong! they could easily strangle me. 🙂
i mean that's what they're for ig 👁👁
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kandidandi · 1 year
@muzzlemouths so about that post you made about dmd sun and kandi bracelets-
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i just thought of the stupidest headcanon ever: deviant connor now attempts to greet hank with a hug every time ever since the chicken feed hug. he doesn't care. he's a deviant he can do what he wants. and if that means he opens his arms up for hank in the office and hank has to embarrassingly reject and swerve out the way and then get hugged from behind and then push him away-- lmao
second stupid headcanon: connor turns into a hugger after the chicken feed and he attempts to hug everyone instead of a handshake because hand = android greeting and hug = human greeting. he saw some teenage girls on the street hug each other why can't he do it. "captain fowler you wanted to speak with me?" leans in for a hug
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spacevixenmusic · 3 months
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Source: Gushing Over Magical Girls [2024]
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vellichorom · 1 year
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gives you an obscure fact about meat,
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lovecanbesostrange · 17 days
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03-17 · 11 days
happy pride month little gay people in my phone ♡ remember to always unapologetically be queer and be urself !!
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curly-italian · 16 days
I love when a textless porn blog (that I don't even follow!) sends a supposedly heartfelt message seeking to connect. Like I'm sorry but you need to come up with a better post-orgasm hobby
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iwatcheditbegin · 20 days
I kinda like chiefs kingdom
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reaninateor · 1 year
met jeffrey combs at a horror convention a little while back and he gave me the dad pat on the shoulder
singlehandedly cured every mental illness ive ever had and also my daddy issues
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Gurt reacted incredibly skeptically to my thing for the sound guy last summer which was real of her bc i was acting like I do with a hyperfixation so she was actually being very reasonable but I mistook it as a form of disapproval or indulgence and kind of shut up about it but anyway Gurt is the best friend in the world and I love her and the sound guy apparently (according to his younger brother, who's in youth group) may have a girlfriend he met at college which actually takes a whole issue off of me bc now I can just go with the whole very nice "volunteer work friends" thing without worrying about Potentials and such
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