#or else i wouldve forgotten
creaturefeaster · 1 year
any showable animation updates recently? 🧐
Actually yeah I do :^3
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
i feel like there was a total wasted opportunity in the fact that kuboyasu apparently realizes the misunderstanding between kaido and yumehara on the day she tried to indirectly confess, but then he seems not to ever acknowledge this and seems as if he didnt even know she liked him when she confessed at the volcano...
it definitely was just a small one-off detail that the author either didnt care or forgot about, which i get because its pretty minuscule and it technically was only an assumption saiki himself made that kuboyasu understood
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but i seriously think that even a small acknowledgment from him about this couldve done wonders for their friendship and characters</33
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s3when · 1 year
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MBAV social media challenge  [ Week 1 - Favorite character ]
    →  Benny Weir
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theodoravery · 4 months
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litg mcs — s4 to s8: olive, rina, margo, bina & gabi
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kozzax · 7 months
The Festival of Hope.
Held once a year, over the span of three days following the anniversary of L'Manburg's Doomsday. Organized by the Captain, and by the ex-King. Surrounding the crater of what was once a thriving nation, and filling its valley with joy and community once more.
A celebration of everything L'Manburg stood for.
It's been ten years, now. Ten years from the first Festival-- a small affair, the attendees primarily those who had once lived in L'Manburg, gathered to mourn and honor their past home.
Now, the Festival is a bustling event. Players from across the entire server come to take part in the festivities, to celebrate and honor the spirit of that which brought so many of them together. Children in Snowchester are allowed these days as a holiday from schools, and encouraged to visit the crater. Las Nevadas opens a miniature casino for the adults. It is built up to with delight and excitement, as a reminder of the community that once existed.
You have come to the festival, a young child who can not remember the days of L'Manburg but who has grown up with the stories of its existence. As far back as you can remember, you have visited the crater to pay respects to its legacy.
This year your parents have determined you old enough to attend on your own, and as you step up to the edge of the crater to leave your offering-- a small bundle of wildflowers, picked out of the snow and kept safe and alive for almost a week now, bundled up in warmth and sunlight within your home --you can't help but notice a tall man staring into it.
You've seen him around Snowchester before. He has dirty-blond hair, and he's drumming his fingers and talking to himself as he watches the crater. He's wearing a blue sweater that doesn't quite fit him right. He looks... sad.
You offer your flowers to him, instead. He shakes his head.
"It's just-- I can't believe after all this, people still-- They still care about it all," He says, gesturing to the piles of gifts and offerings left at the edge of the crater. "They remember it. They care about it. It's--"
He doesn't seem to know what to say next, and you can see the tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
"It wasn't all for nothing. It fucking-- it meant something. He was right. It meant something."
You stand there for a moment with him, letting the world be quiet, before placing your flowers where you'd meant for them to go. He smiles at you, then, reaching out to ruffle your hair with a laugh.
You notice that in his other hand, he's holding a pair of taped-up glasses. He sends you back to the festivities before you can ask about them.
"Don't fucking worry about me, bitch. I'll be back down eventually. Go have some fucking-- fun, or whatever."
He's smiling, still. There's something sad about it, but-- you turn to head back down, anyways.
You join in with a game some of the other kids are playing. You're soldiers, revolutionaries, fighting for their independence and freedom. Wooden swords and paper sashes become your battle gear, as you laugh and play with each other.
And, as you play, a grown fox offers to join in. He says you can't be soldiers without an enemy to fight. Without someone you can stand up against. And so he takes up the role of the bad guy, with an over-the-top laugh and a sly grin on his face. He seems to be having fun. You know you are.
When he's defeated, he tells you you fought well. You're not sure you did, but he's playing with you and nobody else is willing to be the bad guy, so you guess he's alright. Still, as he walks away, you hear him mutter something under his breath.
"Good kids. Clearly their parents didn't leave them for some dumb war. Maybe-- maybe this isn't so bad, after all."
You forget about what you heard quickly enough, though, as you're swept up in the excitement of reenactments. This has always been one of your favorite parts of the Festival: watching as the stories of L'Manburg are told through theatrical productions. You know them all by heart.
As you watch, this year, you can't help but overhear comments from some of the other attendees. A pair of people-- a woman with pink hair, and a man wearing a headset --keep up a humorous, if not... entirely kind, commentary throughout all of it.
"They always forget to talk about the anteaters," The pink-haired lady insists during the initial revolution, half-snickering as she does so. "We had to sit through that rant so many times. You'd think they'd remember it."
"Yeah, or the time they counted rations wrong and we were left eating fucking coconuts for a week. D'you think that's where Fundy got the idea for his campaign name?" The man replies, a matching grin on his face.
You don't know quite how to feel about their commentary, but-- at the very least it's funny, and you've heard the stories enough times to enjoy them. They seem to be having fun, too, and-- isn't that the point, of it all?
The man laughed at anything involving Jack Manifold, Tommyinnit's friend, and the woman seemed to pay no attention to the story of the baker-warrior Niki Nihachu. You aren't quite sure why. You always liked those stories, but-- well. Nothing's perfect for everyone.
The festival continues. You find yourself enjoying every moment of it, as you play games and sing songs and listen to the tales of L'Manburg. Here and there you spot the Captain, guiding people around and ensuring everything is moving smoothly. Her wool is dyed with L'Manburgian colors, as it is for every year.
You catch up with her properly, once, and ask her for a story. A real story about L'Manburg.
She tells the tale of a knight, too slow to protect the country the first time and too slow to protect it a second, but finally able to protect its legacy. She talks of how the knight set the captive heroes free, by protecting their legacy in their place. She talks about children, finally allowed to just live, because the knight swore to never let Doomsday happen again.
You don't quite understand how it connects with L'Manburg properly, but she's called away for the closing ceremonies before you get the chance to ask for more stories.
And as the final day comes to an end, you attend the closing ceremonies the same as everyone else.
They're led by Eret. They're always, always led by Eret. Every year, she tells the story of her involvement with L'Manburg, and of her work to repent for what she did to them so very long ago. And every year, he closes the speech with a simple enough request: to remember.
To remember what the country stood for-- freedom, and peace, and hope, and community.
To remember what happened to it-- to never let it happen again.
To remember their errors-- so that you can be better.
This year, ten years after the first Festival, she adds a new statement to her closing speech. A statement that you don't... quite understand the weight of, though the surface of it makes enough sense.
"I remember everything. I regret hurting my brethren, I have always regretted it. I know that you will never forgive me. I do not deserve to be forgiven. But I hope that-- that I have given you some amount of peace. The chance to live your own lives, comfortable and quiet and happy. I hope that you can heal. I hope that the ideals we fought for stand strong, and true."
Were you to look at the entire audience, you would have noticed the people you've been speaking to this entire time staring at Eret. The sad man with the sweater, holding his brothers' glasses tighter than ever. The fox just letting a soft laugh out, muttering under his breath that he'd forgiven her a long time ago. The woman with the pink hair and the man with the headset, exchanging thoughtful glances with each other and murmuring between themselves.
And with that, the Festival of Hope is over. The attendees begin to disperse, and you move back towards the transport to Snowchester with the rest of the kids you came with.
You're excited to see your family again. To go back to your quiet little community, and tell them all about your time at the Festival. About all the people you met, and the stories you heard.
To live your life, safe and happy and comfortable.
Just as they'd always hoped the people could.
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glamfellens · 1 year
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if i had a penny for every time a show i was watching had an emotional and extremely built up character reveal in the finale punctuated by a phrase that was an 'inside joke' between me and my horrible abusive ex from when i was coincidentally the age demographic for said show i would have one penny. but isnt that fucked up
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mejomonster · 6 months
Some good books I read this year:
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters (best historical fiction I've read in recent years, amazing romance, heavy af with a happy ending, special treat if you're familiar with the prince and the pauper but also like grit and horror and con artist schemes, its writing style is one half one main woman's point of view then halfway through it flips to the other main womans pov and the execution of those limited biased perspectives floored me and I'm still contemplating the strength of it)
My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix (and I'm now eagerly checking out the rest by this author, there's a charming heart and true resonance to the dark comedy horror this author does)
Silent Reading by priest (as in I finally finished it, one of my favorite stories period and edanglars does amazing translations)
Observations by janon (a fanfiction but I'm counting it because its like 400,000 words and is in loving dialogue with TOS and all of its themes, with the best of it, and is rekindling my passion for star trek generally and more broadly has reminded me how much I love sci fi)
Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu (I'm now reading Dark Forest the next in the series, I personally loved this and how it was written and how it both played with science ideas i'm familiar with and in my opinion did it in a really accessible way to take those ideas and show those ideas in a closer to home esque way. I love the part about the ant. I personally loved the writing style, which reviews have told me is mixed on that front, and I loved a lot it was doing. It had a lot to think about, not just in a science ideas way but in a what are we, what is life, why do we care, how do we care, what is important.)
Interview with the Vampire (i've read this before so this was a comfort reread. Just, as usual, it reminded me what bits of it I like in a vampire tale, in my love of the supernatural horror with the mundane reality, kicked me back into gear reminding me that I do want to finish writing some of the stories in my head so they can exist and breathe.)
Red White and Royal Blue (while not my usual slice of pie I'll admit, I did love this novel for what it does and what it aims to do. It is a well written romance, it has characters with individual arcs I care about and really clear personalities, it has depth to the choices it makes that show it knew what it wanted to be even if that story was less general/easy to project onto and the result is characters I'll remember, that I cared about, and when they felt hope and fear I could understand. Because it felt grounded in personal. I do think the book gets a bit heavier than the movie, which for me was enjoyable. I can see it being a comfort book for some and one day it might be for me)
Special mentions, still mid reading like the mess I am: Kamikaze Girls (i love the writing style and something about it just makes you feel the mindset you did when young), The Expanse (i am ON a sci fi kick now wooh), Vampire Hunter D (futuristic sci fi And vampires <3 more stuff reminding me I should write), Remina by Junji Ito and Spiral by Junji Ito (i cannot explain well sometimes but something about junji ito is comfort reading ToT), One Piece (because horrifyingly Ive read like 40 chapters of the manga and am getting sucked in its like Ranma 1/2 all over again), Berserk (so good but i do Not have time yet to get through it all - and another one inspiring me to write cause i love writing dark fantasy worlds), Devilman (i have many words for this but the most bizarre one is it reminds me of sora and riku in an almost old disney style and if u understand what i mean then message me).
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strmpt · 2 years
i understand that civil war was a huge plot that they wanted to include in the mcu but really i would’ve loved to see steve have his own third movie especially after the winter soldier went over so well
and yeah yeah i get with time it worked better to split the infinity war into 2 movies to really get a lot of stuff in but like. i don’t like what they did with my boy steve
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crookedkingdom · 2 years
it should've been me
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cridhe · 2 years
i had a dream in the style of a true crime podcast but it was about checo perez murdering some woman and getting away w it. my brain has convinced myself that he actually did do that. someone was talking about him today and for a full second i forgot that he didnt actually kill someone thats not a thing that is known about checo
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hannieehaee · 7 months
18+ / mdi
a member finding your nudes - 96 line
95 line, 96 line, 97 line, maknae line
wc: 1818
jun -
jun was extremely close to all seventeen members, considering them all basically his blood brothers. although he felt this special connection to all of them, he couldnt help but feel a little extra close to minghao, sharing a language with him and being able to speak to him as freely as possible. this special sense of closeness between them allowed jun to come to minghao for advice whenever he wanted to edit a special vlog for carats, trusting his artistic advice more than anyone else.
as the two sat next to one another and fiddled with jun's phone, a notification from you arrived. on pure accident, minghao's fingers tapped the top of the screen just as the notification arrived, causing the text bubble to open up in the imessage app. unfortunately for jun, this was not one of the usual light-hearted and sweet messages you'd usually send him while he was away at the company.
no, this was a picture of you, fully nude, with a text attached asking him to hurry home and take care of you.
minghao was not an easy man to fluster, but jun had now come to find out that if he ever wanted to make the younger blush, your nude body would do just fine to get the job done. although embarrassed at the accidental intrusion, jun couldnt help but feel a sense of pride at minghao's reaction, knowing that his pretty girlfriend not only had such an effect on himself, but seemingly even on the stoic man sitting by his side.
this pride was short-lived, however, as the bashfulness grew in him, heating up at both the implications of your message and at the awkward conversation that would now follow between him and his friend.
"i- sorry," he chuckled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. he gently took the phone from his hands and put it in his back pocket, "i-"
"dont say anything. i'm .. i'm just gonna go," replied hao in a strained voice, hurriedly exiting the room and wondering how he would ever make eye contact with jun's pretty girl from now on.
soonyoung -
many thought that soonyoung was a little air-headed at times. it wasnt that he was dumb, no, he was actually quite smart, but he occasionally tended to let his actions come before allowing himself a chance to think.
this was one of those many instances.
due to some delays at the venue in which seventeen was currently promoting their new comeback at, the thirteen members were asked to wait in the changing/waiting room as the venue's staff figured out the issues preventing them from continuing the show as usual.
sitting between seokmin and seungkwan, soonyoung decided this might be the best time to take some pictures, considering that he was dressed up and had his hair and makeup all done. better now than after performing, when he would be all sweaty and disheveled, right? he, however, did not have his usual instagram phone on him, so he opted to use his personal one for the photos, reasoning that he could just send them to himself later.
he signaled for dokyeom's help, handing him his phone and finding a place to do his classic leaned back, hand in pocket pose, showing off his pretty outfit. after a few shots, both members sat back down and soonyoung looked at the photos, wondering which ones carats would like best. as he swiped through the dozens of new shots, he leaned back and allowed seungkwan and dokyeom to look at the images and even comment on which were best.
having completely forgotten that this was his personal phone, hoshi made the grave mistake of swiping one too many times, landing himself on a pretty picture you had just sent him the previous night. if it had been a regular picture, it wouldve simply earned an 'aw' from seungkwan and dokyeom, and maybe even an 'aigoo' from jeoghan who was now standing behind the couch looking over his shoulder. this picture, however, was not your average picture. this image showcased you laying on your side, boobs pressed together under the thin sheer fabric of baby blue lingerie that gave the perfect view of your nipples through the fabric.
okay, it couldve been worse. it couldve been an entirely nude pic, but despite the level of explicitness of the picture, soonyoung immediately panicked. in a frantic state, he attempted to exit out of the image, only to accidentally open up the photos app, where the miniatures of the many other nudes you had sent him that night stared back at him and his group mates. as a last desperate resort, soonyoung decided to just switch his phone off and flip it around just for good measure.
across the room, mingyu stared in curiosity at the scene, seeing four of his group mates with widened eyes. jeonghan held a shocked, but satisfied smirk, while seungkwan looked as scandalized as ever. hoshi and dokyeom shared a similar pale look as if theyd seen a ghost, making mingyu wonder what theyd just seen.
hoshi had never felt more flustered in his life (and that was saying something), fearing the stern scolding he would receive from seungcheol and from you for being careless enough to use his personal phone and accidentally exposing his girlfriend to his unsuspecting members.
wonwoo -
wonwoo always saw chan as a little brother. someone who could do no wrong in his eyes. which is why he trusted him with basically everything. he mightve been a few years younger, but wonwoo always thought of him as responsible and respected him as much as he would someone his age, trusting him with his belongings, even.
having a short dance break together in the most recent comeback, chan and wonwoo decided to arrive to practice earlier in order to get in tune with each other and not take up any designated rehearsal time for the group as a whole. a little over an hour had already gone by, leaving both members sweaty and in need of a break. while wonwoo dabbed away his sweat, chan sat down for a bit, going on his phone. that was when wonwoo's phone started to chime, short breaks between each vibration of the phone, signaling multiple messages.
"check that for me, will you?", said wonwoo absentmindedly, walking in the other direction to retrieve a water bottle from nearby.
chan followed his senior's orders without thinking too much of it, unlocking his phone and swiping up. he assumed itd be one of the other members or maybe wonwoo's dad checking in. what he didnt expect, however, was a row of messages from wonwoo's girlfriend, with a pretty ... explicit picture attached to it.
you left without saying goodbye :((
shouldve waken me up, i couldve given u a little something ;)
*two picture attachments*
im aching for u :((( gonna miss u all day now :c'
the pictures detailed almost the entirety of your naked body, pretty tits being groped by your hands while you wore soft pink (was that silk ..?) panties. despite not wanting to disrespect wonwoo or his girlfriend, chan gulped, unable to take his eyes away from the messages.
".. chan? chan!"
chan's attention finally diverted from the small screen in his hands.
"who is it?"
"oh, i ... its just. uh, its your girlfriend," he stutters, extending wonwoo's phone out to him, fearing for his reaction.
wonwoo finally took a look at his messages, eyes widening, instantly putting it away as if it had burned him, "oh. just .. ignore that. it's not .. uhh, okay, anyways. we should get back to practicing," wonwoo tried to salvage the awkward situation without further embarrassing chan or his girlfriend or himself.
the two stood there awkwardly trying to ignore the elephant in the room (and the arousal you had inadvertently caused the two of them), thanking god at the timing of the rest of the members who were now finally walking in to join them.
"what's up," said an unsuspecting mingyu as he walked towards them, ready to rehearse.
jihoon -
soonyoung had the tendency of dropping by jihoon's studio unannounced pretty often. many of those times would be while jihoon himself was away. why jihoon gave hoshi the passcode to his studio, he didnt know, but it was now all said and done and there wasnt much he could do about it anymore. dont get him wrong, he enjoyed having his friend visit, but he also desired some alone time while working.
today was one of the many instances in which jihoon had to step out, leaving his studio locked, not thinking anyone would walk in in his absence. soonyoung, however, had different plans. as per usual, whenever the day seemed to slow down for him, soonyoung would waltz into woozi's universe factory and hang out while he watched him work, with today being one of those days.
he didnt pay much mind to jihoon's absence as he laid back on the couch and went on his phone while waiting for his friend's return. he stayed like this for a few minutes until he heard the chime of jihoon's phone on his desk. he ignored it, not being too interested by it. then the chime repeated. once. twice. three times. four, five, over the next few minutes. okay, now that caught his attention. being so close to jihoon, soonyoung didnt consider this snooping, reasoning that this was his best friend. what could there possibly be on his phone that he couldnt check simply out of sheer curiosity? thats when he made his first mistake.
he picked up his phone, tapping in jihoon's password and swiped up on the messages without thinking much of it. that's when he made his second mistake. his eyes widened like saucers at the messages in front of him, even more so at the image attached to it. what he was now seeing was a picture of you, shirtless and pushing your tits up while making a kissy face at the camera.
are u still at the studio ??'
*image attachment*
dont u wanna come see me? ill make it worth ur while <3'
hoshi made his third mistake of the day when he unconsciously decided to keep his eyes glued to the phone, failing to notice the arrival of his friend, who immediately took note of his phone in the hands of someone who wasnt its owner.
"soonyoung what the hell are you- HUH?", jihoon didnt even have a chance to finish his sentence before interrupting himself upon taking a look at what seemingly had his senior in a trance. "GIVE ME THAT! what are you doing?! get out!" he hissed as he physically pushed his friend out of the room, locking it as he muttered in annoyance at his nosy friend.
still in a trance, hoshi found himself dumbfounded, standing alone in the hallway, now having a totally different perception of jihoon's pretty girlfriend.
a/n: not proofread!! will get to 97 and maknae line soon i promise T-T
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rainstops · 5 months
i'll pay for your number
modern au yae miko, hu tao, yelan (seperate)
a/n: this is painfully cheesy becuz i cant flirt, also yelans part is so rushed
summary: the genshin girls see you at their local shop, and immediately have a crush on you. will they manage to get your number?
warnings: alcohol (yelan), a weird creep flirting with you and not leaving you alone (yelan)
yae miko Miko was never one to fall for anyone who she sees. But as soon as she walked into her local starbucks, she noticed you behind the counter. It took her just a glimpse to notice that you were new. She was a regular at this shop, and on any other day she would've went to any of the other workers because they know Mikos order. But luckily she happened to get out of the house extra early.
You greeted her with the probably sweetest smile she had ever seen. It made her heart flutter, and almost made her mess up her order. What is happening here? she is usually never like this! What spell have you cast upon her to make her act that way?
while ordering she was fumbling over her words and she was fidgeting with her fingers. and now she was just supposed to walk out of the store like nothing had happened? as if she wasnt absolutely crushing on you, even though she has said only like two sentences to you? (even if she was in slight denial about crushing on you).
yae miko decided to shoot her shot, but the way her mind was all blank when she locked eyes with you, didnt help her to come up with something.
suddenly your sweet voice interrupted her thinking. "sorry did you want caramel on top?", really anyone else wouldve never forgotten mikos order, not in a thousand years, and if someone did, yae would wonder how thats even possible.
but in your case, it was okay. seriously even if she needed to repeat her whole order to you, she wouldve did it happier than ever.
"well i think you sweetened my day more than that caramel ever could hm?"
oh god why did she say that.
you just blinked at her a few times. "so is that a no...?", did you even realize she was flirting with you?!
miko sighed. "just put caramel on it", she shook her head. she wasnt going to achieve anything like this.
well luckily your co worker came to the rescue! "[name] did you not realize that the girl youre serving right now was so obviously flirting with you? seriously you need to give her your number or something. the sigh she let out was almost painful to hear. also shes one of our regulars"
luckily you were standing with your backs to miko, and whispering. and when you mouthed an "ohh" you immediately knew what to do. even if you were kind of oblivious to flirting, its not like you were entirely stupid.
"heres your order, and i hear youre one of our regulars? I look forward to regularly seeing you", you leaned over the counter, sweetly smiling at her.
god what was that feeling? her stomach and head felt all fuzzy, and her heart was about to burst out of her chest. she felt her cheeks redden. what was she supposed to say? you knocked her whole vocabulary out of her brain with just one sentence. were you even flirting with her? or was she being entirely delusional?
well she had everyday from today on to figure that out, didnt she?
Hu tao
Working at a funeral parlour, of course some flowers were needed. She was a regular, running to the flower store next door. She’s even befriended the friendly old lady who owns the shop!
Yet when she was told to get some more flowers, she groaned. She had other work to do as well! Can‘t someone else do it? Well it wasn‘t too bad of a task, she could chat with the nice lady again, and then return to the task she was finishing before.
So when she stepped through the door with the little bell above it, she didn’t expect someone so… young?
The smell of the flowers hit her, and that’s also when she saw your face. Your soft smile at the sight of a customer walking through the door made her heart flutter.
“Hi how can I help you?”, your smile wandering from ear to ear. Hu Tao was screaming on the inside. How was your voice so sweet? And your smile so gentle and your face so gorgeous??
…was it always this warm in the store?
“O-oh! I’m from the funeral parlour next door, I was just looking to get some flowers for… funeral decoration”, Hu Tao internally cursed herself. Since when was she stuttering over her words like this??
“I think Grandma- well you know the owner of this store, told me about you! Hu… Hu Tao?”, YOU KNEW HER NAME??? This was a foreign feeling for Hu Tao, how come someone could make her feel so… you must’ve bewitched her!
"Yeah thats correct!", phew why was she getting so dizzy?
"okay then hu tao which flowers would you like to buy?", you leaned onto the counter, your hands holding your head.
"Just... two bouquets of spider lilies... please", dammit! was she not capable of forming a full sentence anymore?! why did her face feel so hot! focus hu tao focus!
instead of focusing hu taos thoughts drifted into a whole different direction. what would you, the cute flower girl look like handing her a few red roses? or maybe hu tao could give you some roses herself? she would love to see your face turn as re as the roses... or-
"here are the bouquets! anything else?", your voice snapped hu tao out of her thoughts and she jumped a little.
hu tao needed to get out of here, before her head was going to burst and her heart was going to fly out of her chest.
"thank you!", hu tao just said while grabbing the bouquets, slapping some money on the counter, and running right out the store.
you looked after her, smiling. "weird girl", you laughed and shook your head, while noticing the huge amount of money she left on your counter, which was far beyond of what she owed you. you took a mental note of asking her about it the next time she came here. after all, you were going to see her pretty frequently now, no?
hu tao on the other hand, was out of breath from running. why was she even running from you? hugging the flowers, she looked down onto them. from now on, she was going to make sure, that she was the one who picked up the flowers everytime...
another loss. over and over she kept loosing the horrible gamble she was in right now. anyone else wouldve chosen a different game, a different table - or even a different location by now!
but... yelan just couldnt bring herself to move away. why? - because you, the dealer of the table were just too cute! yelan couldnt believe her own thoughts, but here we are.
yelan was not even paying much attention to the game anymore. her attention was mostly on you, trying to figure out if there was a way she could get your number, without having to directly ask for it.
even you were wondering by now why she hasnt left the whole entire place yet. not like you wanted her to leave, you didnt want to lie to yourself, and in all honestly, she was kind off attractive. nonetheless, she seemed a little... out of it. has she had too much alcohol?
one way or another, your shift was about to be over. your other co worker was already walking up to you to take over the table.
you greeted him and with a simple and quick exchange, you left to go get your stuff, and then head home.
as always, you walked past the bar. to ur dismay, a weird old creep stopped you and started flirting with you.
"hey cutieee - where ya headed", you werent standing particularly close to him, but even from where you were stading, you could tell that he reeked of alcohol.
you decided it was best to ignore him and just keep walking. yet the man had other plans for you. he yanked you by your wrist, and you pulled you closer to him.
"sir please let me go", you tried your best to remain somewhat professional and not punch him in the face right then and there.
but it didnt seem like he was going to let go anytime soon. he kept babbling something about going back to his place, while you tried to push yourself away from him, since convincing him with words didnt work. you werent even sure if the words arrived in his brain.
you were about to ask literally anyone for help, when a woman stepped in.
she pushed the man off of you, and standing between the two of you, keeping you safe from him.
"didnt you hear her you creep? she doesnt want anything from you", this obviously seemed to anger the man, yet the woman seemed to not care about amything his drunken state had to say to her.
she simply rolled her eyes, took your hand and walked away with you.
"are you okay?", she asked.
"ah- yeah thank you so much for helping me", and saying the things i cant say, you wanted to add, but figured it was unprofessional.
the woman in front of you sighed.
"do these kind off things happen to you a lot?", she asked. "kind off yeah, but its what you expect when you work in a place where alcohol is being sold", you answered.
"well if anything happens, just call me", she said, handed you a slip of pape, before wandering off without another word.
only after she left you noticed your quick heartbeat in your chest, as if your heart was begging to be left out of the place where it belonged and follow your savior the woman.
maybe you were going to call her even if it wasnt 100% necessary.
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heivexl · 7 months
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synopsis ; you dated your ex in middle school, breaking up because he moved different cities. its been 7 years, why were you still thinking about him? going to the beach you two use to hangout at you bumped into someone
warning ; cursing, mentions of sex ig?? lmk if anything else needs to be added!!
pairing ; non-idol!heeseung x fem!reader
a/n ; i need to stop writing exes to lovers, but this ones pretty short. I LOVE THIS SONG SM THOO
‘ It's somewhere I go when I need to remember your face. We get married in our heads, something to do while we try to recall how we met ‘
letting the moon illuminate from your skin as you walked on the beach dragging your feet into the sand. this is where you and your middle school sweetheart had always hung around fantasizing about your future, y’know like getting married, having kids despite being kids yourself, young love stuff. little did you both know what the future had in store.
“so what’d you wanna talk about?”
“y/n im leaving.”
out of habit you laugh playfully nudging him
“youre not getting me this time Hee”
“im serious y/n.”
turning to him you looked to see that in fact he was not joking.
“like forever leaving…?”
“forever leaving”
just sitting silence staring into each others eyes to see what you should say or do next you swear you could hear your heart crack.
his hand found your hand and held it intertwining his fingers in yours. “i hope you know i really do care about you. sure we’re young but you’ll always be in my heart” nodding you smile bitterly “i care about you too.” “lets just sit here and enjoy the moment.”
there you two were, two hopeless romantic middle schools drowning in their thoughts as they imagined their future together drowning too.
‘Wait (don't let go) and pretend (don't let go) . Hold on and hope that we'll find our way back in the end’
“promise me something”
“dont forget me.”
he laughs making you turn over as he ruined the moment between you too
“as if i could forget about you, ill come back for you yeah? just dont leave this city, ill be back sooner or later”
as stupid as it sounds you kept your promise. you stayed in this small town and never left in fear that the day he that he came back you wouldve already lost. but its stupid. everyone tells you that he probably already forgot about you and has moved on but you believe other wise.
you dont know why but you did.
but tonight something in your stomach was telling you that it wasnt worth the wait anymore that a middle school boy whos probably in bed with someone else shouldn’t keep you from leaving this town that had nothing to give but memories that you were holding onto.
you bumped into someone making you stumble back a bit. a jumbles of ‘sorrys’ were said between you two. the hand reaches out to you which you accept getting up. moving your hair out of your face your eyes meet a pair that look quite alike to the boy youve been waiting for.
click !
“you remember me?” you asked not being able to hide the fact that you were indeed shocked.
now he was looking at you equally as shocked
“do you think i’ve forgotten…”
he paused tilting his head
“about you…?”
he finished his sentence in a almost whisper tone
“no, no! im just shocked. i’m-“
you scrambled your words
“sorry.” you stop taking a deep breath
“its just been a while you know, im not sure how to react”
‘There was something 'bout you that now I can't remember’
his lips curved up as he let a low chuckle out. you stood in front of him examining his facial features, the ones that stayed and the ones that matured. he was still your heeseung just 22.
“about that…” he looks down at his feet almost ashamed “please don’t think i forgot or didnt wanna come back for you, it was quite the opposite really. i was just in a self conflict wondering if you had moved on and wanted me to leave you alone…you know? it was weird to think that you might have moved on with your life and are happy where you are right now and your middle school boyfriend just came back out of nowhere. it took a bit of courage but i remembered the promise i made you of coming back and…
and i wanted you to know i kept my word to you that i do care for you. a lot,”
‘It's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender’
hearing those words again made you grin as you proved yourself right, that he hadn’t moved it, it wasnt only you who kept that promise from 7 years ago. you could hear your heart beat through your ears normally that would be concerning but right now this was music to your ears
‘I never know what to think about’
i dont know what to think or say right now.”
he intertwined your hands the same way he did before and smiled at you
‘I think about you so don't let go’
“i will say i think about you all the time,”
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horatioo · 3 months
to add my own two cents on the current wilbur soot situation + people who are ragging on some of the other creators on youtube:
i understand when its adults, and adults who werent being mistreated by him. but people who are ragging on tommy (and saying tubbo and ranboo arent doing enough/speaking out enough or sth) are not really understanding what its like to have someone like that try to get close to you
if you watch wilburs early content with tommy, he is incredibly verbally abusive and constantly screaming at tommy as a "joke". and apparently this continues and even escalates in later content to the point of actual physical abuse (there is audio of him slapping tommy ON STREAM).
tubbo didnt get close to him but given how hes acted about tubbo in roleplay (and his roleplay persona seems less and less like a persona) i dont doubt he wouldve done horrid shit. i dont know ranboos situation but i can still see why itd be scary, especially knowing tommy, tubbo and ranboo are friends.
it is equally terrifying to know someone is physically injuring your friend and you cant do shit about it. i would know, i used to be genuinely scared people i knew were going to die because they were being abused so badly.
wilburs behavior never really made me comfortable. its part of the reason why i fell out of the fandom so fast
i didnt ever really pin down Why i didnt like watching his content w tommyinnit at the time and never really thought abt it after i stopped watching either of them. because ykw, it wasnt something that PINGED as wrong to me.
you wanna know why?
the vast majority of the people who have abused me acted the same fucking way as wilbur. and i am terrified of several of them to this day.
my most recent ex would yell at me and berate me as a "joke". an ex-friend would make fun of me as a "joke". fucking hell my abusive uncle used to scare me in person because he thought it was fucking funny and i dont doubt more physical things happened there that i dont remember.
it is fucking terrifying. it fucks with your head. you start thinking theyre right, youre being stupid and overreacting, and you ESPECIALLY start thinking this when it starts escalating and everyone around you still sees nothing wrong with it.
you start thinking nothings wrong with it and its just normal.
and then when you realize its not, sometimes its too fucking late and youre just stuck.
so yes, its terrible that none of the adults are actually supporting shubble as much as they are farming karma. (save for a select few, but i dont actually know anything about those ones, theyre newcomers to me.)
but for fucks sake, the people who he met as KIDS, who he manipulated into being closer and closer to him, are not "farming brownie points" or "avoiding the topic" and ESPECIALLY not tommy - i think people have forgotten that tommy is still close enough to wilbur location wise that he could genuinely be in danger if he did.
i dunno. it rubs me the wrong way when people think you can just magically come out against your abuser and there will be no consequences whatsoever, especially when you LIVE near them. nope! not how it works!
anyway, support shubble, support everyone else wilburs hurt, fuck wilbur soot, all that jazz. im not even into mcyt anymore, this is JUST from what i know from 2020-2021 and from posts on the situation on tumblr.
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Vantablack x Reader | NSFW | (I don’t know what title to give this)
A simple one shot me (Boss) and Vandro wrote on Google docs on the in-real-life Vanta. We had forgotten about it, so here it is.
- Vantablack is one of our characters(?) Hes not really a OC, we think. Just a android-ized characterized version of our computer/tower.
- (By the way, anyone else in this story does not relate to Vantablack's story at all; just placeholder people.)
- Reader is whatever gender, uses they pronouns, but is coded to have a pussy.. we were simply going to say no pronouns, but this is just for simplicity. We wanted to give them the ability to have whatever sex, but doing that wouldve been difficult for a lot of the things we wanted to say. Sorry guys.
There might be a few errors. Please ignore them.
You had just gotten home from work. Now was the time you would've started to make dinner for yourself, but you were too tired to do so. Slumping lazily, you collapsed onto the sofa in the living room of your house.
Living in the city could be exhausting at times; and when I mean exhausting at times, I mean all the time. But fortunately, you could afford quite a lot of the good things you had, you had cool friends and acquaintances, and the bills were all paid. You worked as a video game developer for a popular company.
About to fall asleep, your eyelids began to close. That was quickly interrupted by the knock at your door.
"Excuse me?" You said as you pulled aside the door.
"Hey. Sorry dude, you look a little tired. Just wanted to uh- drop this off." The person at your door was just one of your co-workers. This co-worker in particular had been working on something special. A sigh escaped your lips, and the door was opened wider as you stretched out your arm to let them inside.
"Thank you. I'll be back in like a couple days or so. Sorry, I gotta head over a couple cities over for a business meeting. Take care of him for me." You waved the person goodbye as the door shut again. Now, this time, there was a new person in the room.
He seemed to look at you almost as sleepily as you looked moments ago, constantly having that dreamy look to him. This wasnt no man; it was a machine. The person who made him claimed he was a "androidized version of a computer", or simply, just a computer in a more humanoid form. One of the only things you knew about him was the fact that his name was Vantablack.
Clearly there was lots of care put into his works. From the way he walked around silently admiring the surroundings, to the way he gestured to different things on you and the wall, he was made to copy human movements well.
But a couple things in particular seemed to catch your eye since the last time you seen him, which he was incomplete months ago, was the overall attractiveness of his body.
You could've sworn that he didnt have such a plump-looking chest and ass before; as he's supposed to be masculine-coded. Fairly skinny, but maybe that guy just wanted to make him as good-looking as possible.
And it was working a little too well.
The white plates covering a majority of his black body underneath seperated by inch-long gaps shifted slightly as he looked around. And where his front side of the neck, or the stemocleidomastoids were, was two thick-cabled extensions that had pistons and bundled up wires underneath the covering. In fact, his whole neck area was black and a more mechanized version of a human's neck; it looked oddly attractive.
After a few moments, he caught you staring.
"Yes? Is there something you need?"
You wish you didnt notice his bulge move underneath his clothes as he turned to face you.
"Oh, no, nothing in particular.. Say, are you comfortable? Do you charge or anything?"
He shifted around again. Then, he decided to make himself at home, and sat him down right on your couch. The light from the lamp was the only thing lighting up his gorgeous face in the dark room.
"I can bluetooth charge. I'm usually lying down or sitting in one place everyday," A metallic-like sigh came from him. "It's so nice to wear clothes."
"H-huh?" To be honest, that took you a little aback. That isnt usually something someone would say.
"Do you not.. Wear clothes often?"
"No. I'm usually naked more than half the time."
Your thoughts began racing again. You tried so hard no to think about this machine laying naked in front of you, but the thoughts wouldnt go away no matter how much you swatted at them.
"Hmph.. Are you fine? Your face isnt doing too well."
He pulled a leg up as he laid the side of his white and black face on the backside of his hand.
"Yes, yes! Im doing absolutely wonderfully."
Another sigh of displease. He closed his eyes briefly, and opened them again to meet your gaze; you had now just noticed his iris' emitted a small glow of multiple colors - RGB, PC gamer styled. Well, he was yet again, a android version of a gaming computer..
"You're a horrible liar. Come over here."
He beckoned you over with a flick of his finger. All of a sudden, you felt weak in your legs; but you hesitantly came over anyway.
He unfolded his leg and sat up straight, then standing. He was about a foot or more taller than you, which made this situation even worse.
Slowly, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him.
"Look at you. If you wern't in the mood, you'd be pulling away from my touch."
He leaned down lightly and pressed his smooth lips right up to the right side of your head, against your ear.
"If you want, I'll take care of your problem, since you're practically begging for some affection."
He spoke lowly in a pleasant, deep tone. The more he kept talking to you, the more the area in your legs seemed to grow with heat and throb uncomfortably; this fucker was making you horny..
"All you have to do is give me the green light."
He added on sinisterly.
You wanted him to keep doing this so bad, now the both of you realizing that you were down bad and horny; but the words were stuck in your throat.
So instead, you nodded your head rapidly.
"Oh.. Well," He let out a little laugh. "Thats enough of an answer for me."
And with that, his hands that had been caressing your back slipped up the front side of your shirt, fingers finding their way to your nipples.
His thumbs rubbed them delicately to harden them, and he watched with a smile on his face as you melted at his touch.
"Thats it. Very good."
Your knees buckled and you fell into his chest as his fingers and thumbs continuously worked on your nipples, rubbing and lightly pinching them, just enough to make little whimpers escape from your mouth. The throbbing between your legs became even more intense, and he didnt fail to notice this.
"Here, doll."
He helped walk you both over to a wall, all the way until your back was pressed up against it. As your back was being shoved up against the wall, he lifted his leg and pressed his knee against the bottom of your crotch.
"I think humans like this. This should get you over until we get to the most exciting part you are probably waiting for."
The feeling was all too teasing. Between him playing with your nipples and his knee against your throbbing crotch, you subconsciously squirmed and writhed. Apparently, this is the kind of reaction he wanted, as his smile on his face became more and more pleased.
But, as well as you kept getting more and more thobbing down there, apparently so did he; that bulge you saw minutes ago was growing underneath his clothes and pushing to get through.
"Please.." A quiet and pathetic whimper escaped from you.
"Hmm? What was that?"
He replied smugly while pinching your nipples hard.
"I need .." It took you everything you had to hold back a squeal.
His hands retracted from your swollen red nipples and he lowered his knee from your crotch.
His hands threatened to go lower; they rubbed all up against your stomach, aching to go down.
"I need this.."
One of his hands sneakily slipped underneath your lower clothing and across your thigh. Goosebumps blossomed from where his hand once touched from how cold it was; his hands were capable of being warm, but apparently not now.
"Please, keep going.."
You couldnt believe how pathetic you sounded when saying this.
But, oddly enough, this sparked a reaction bigger than you expected out of him; his fans appeared to kick it up a bit, and his 'breathing' was erratic.
"Go on.." After a moment or so, he had replied quietly.
His hand now finally made its way to your bare crotch, and rubbed. Finally, a small moan managed to come out; and you absolutely loved the sensation of how his metallic fingers and hand felt on you.
"I-.. I need you to touch me more."
Now you could visibly see his eyebrows furrow lightly- but not being able to tell what he was feeling. It wasnt in confusion, or anger, but as a positive result. He was loving this. Perhaps he wanted to be touched, too?
"Yes, yes.."
You didnt know it was possible, but there was desperation in his voice. Before you could beg any further, his fingers rubbed your most sensitive area, and using his other hand, he kept you still from moving too much.
The sensation was now almost unbearable. You wanted to cum already, or force his hand to move faster, but you were stuck there whimpering for his touch. You thought he knew what he was doing, for him to pull a reaction out of you like this. This is clearly not his first time.
This had continued on for a few minutes, but you were getting impatient to reach your climax already, that you had begun to thrust against his hand and fingers.
He pulled them away from you after that.
"Ah-ah-ah. Not so fast."
You whined, already longing for his touch. You didnt see it yourself, but could only feel it, but you were wet- and his hand and fingers covered in your precum proved it.
"Wait, no! Please, a little more.."
He laughed while pressing both his hands on the wall next to the sides of your head. He let out breaths of hot air on your neck- you didnt know how he could even breathe, but it was a nice function.
"I want to see you beg some more, love."
He was staring back at you with that dreamy look in his eyes again. You noticed those thick neck cables below his chin connecting to his collarbone again. When he noticed you were staring at them, a hand quickly forced your chin to look back up at him again.
"Can you do that for me?"
You tried your best not to be too swooned by his words, attempting to focus on how he avoided your attention to his neck. Maybe if..
"Y-yes.. But, Im a little shy.. Im embarrassed..” You wernt lying about that one.
"That's fine, sugar. Say it into my ear."
He leaned his head lower and closer for you to say it into one of his audio receptors. Perfect. With a new and strange sense of confidence, you forcibly pulled him a little closer so you could bite his neck. He gasped audibly and pulled away as quick as he could, letting you go completely. He rubbed his neck with a expression on his face that showed he was completely taken aback, shocked, and a little bit of surprised mixed in.
"H..How bold of you.."
The room was too dark to see if he was blushing or not, or if he could even blush at all. But if he were, that wouldve made you feel even more proud of yourself for that.
"You liked that, huh?"
You teased him, in the same manner he did minutes ago. A low growl escaped from him and he came back over, holding your own neck with a hand.
His grip wasnt enough to hurt you, but enough to make you choke.
"Hahah.. Want me to do that again?"
You were no longer feeling submissive. You wanted to see him gasp like that again. He almost looked embarrassed now, like his pride had been hurt. The only sound he made in response was a little mumble. He had been successfully humbled.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Without forcing it, you pulled him closer, and guided him to switch spots with you, so now he was up against the wall. You pressed your mouth up against his neck and breathed slowly, and he quivered under it. His eyelids closed softly and mouth lightly agape just from you breathing on it..
"Look at you. You're shaking.. It’s adorable."
His hands grasped you roughly, and you were pushed into him further. He looked to be getting impatient and needy, so you fulfilled his desires..
You bit his cables again, and this time, a beautiful, soft moan made its way into your ear. He sounded attractive when he was at your mercy, to be honest.
And you bit him again, in a slightly different spot, and there were more whimpers and moans..
Combined with the motivation recieved from pleasing him and your own drive to be able to get pleasure yourself, it made you determined to play with him further.
(And, yes, he did observe that him being this vocal did you turn you on even more.)
Occasionally, you’d bite and suck on him so hard you could feel a spark tickle your lips, and he’d whine even louder than how he was before. It wasn’t your intention to hurt him, though, just by accident; although, he seemed to enjoy the pain. So for now, you didnt let it bother you.
Within a few minutes later, he got exhausted of having his neck played with and softly pushed your head away. Erratic and labored breathing emitted from his mouth, along with a string of drool that had sneakily made its way down the corner of his lips. You took this opportunity to see the work you have done; bite marks everywhere, a few exposed wires, and of course, an expression mixed of exhaustion and ecstasy.
“Had enough?” You watched him regain his posture again. He kept an arm around you, pulling you back in close if you tried to step away, clearly not letting you even have a chance of leaving him turned on.
“I need more than this.” He breathed exhaustedly. With a swift movement, he nabbed your wrist and guided your hand to his crotch. You grabbed him without another word said for you to do so.
“How much?”
Growls and rumbles of affection continued to come from him as he was touched. He kept humping into your hand, not wanting to be edged at the moment. He wanted pleasure immediately.
“More,” A simple reply dripping with desperation. You pulled your hand away when he rocked his hips faster.
“If you want me to make you cum so badly, you’ll have to make me.”
His fist locked onto your wrist with an iron grip. He lead it back to his crotch, but this time, more directly to his belt. Shakily, you took the initiative to undo the buckle, then undo the button and zipper of his pants.
“You will help me cum, one way or another.” His other hand began to undo whatever obstacles were in the way of him accessing your exposed crotch as well.
“V-very well.” The belt slid out of the loops and clanged against the floor. Nervously, wondering what he would feel like, you pulled him out of his boxers as if you were doing an unboxing video. He was well-designed, and had a unique look; not a direct copy of a humanoid cock, but looked pretty similar in general shape. The color palette matched the rest of his body, obviously, and even had a leaking tip. He could produce a natural lube..
Hesitantly, your hand found its grip and began to slowly stroke the girth helped form with a couple thick cable-like structures on the side, swirling up the shaft to also aid with texture. The small design of RGB lighting along it was also a bit of a nice touch.
Complimenting your movements, he had began to rub your slit up and down with a couple fingers at the same pace you were stroking him. The both of you exchanged heavy breaths together.
“What’s the matter? You look quite hot and bothered.” His fingers pushed up in the slightest to rub your clit. Your legs wrapped around his hand as you squirmed with pleasure. In the same instance, you had squeezed his cock as well, and made him give you a little whimper. He freed his hand, and went to remove your clothing that was in the way.
Still backed up against the wall, he slid until he hit the floor. You had sat along with him, spreading your legs back open apologenically. Then, he realized he also had to take off his pants as well since he took off yours. He had pulled them down and down, all the way to his ankles. Now, the two of you could sit in the same butterfly-like position, as well as better access to each other’s areas.
The first opportunity he took in his new comfortable position was to go right back to rubbing your clit with his finger. Its mainly soft surface mimicked that of a humanoid’s finger almost perfectly, down to even having fingertips. This made it so it felt incredible for him to rub you, even better than which a human could do.
You tried to keep up with all the good things he was doing to you, attempting to keep up your end of the silent deal by squeezing and stroking his dick at a quicker pace than before, watching as it twitched in pleasure at your touch.
“Good, very good, I’m enjoying how this is going.”
You had now very quickly began to build up a climax, nearly stopping everything to feel him flicking and rubbing your clit at just the right speed and angle to make you nearly collapse. He didnt seem to mind that you stopped playing with him, so he could focus on making you cum. And his fingers could work wonders..
Then, finally, a wave of pleasure hit your body like a rocket, and you spasmed and contorted with the overwhelming sensations. Although you already came, he kept rubbing.
“What? Did you think I was going to stop right there? I still need to cum, too. And I wont stop until I do.” A faint smile spread across his face. “Hop to it.”
You could barely even move your legs because of how much pleasure you were in. Now you just kept twitching and spasming uncontrollably while moans, cries, and whimpers left your poor, overstimulated body. You wernt used to being pushed beyond your orgasm, so it was all so overwhelming.
Shaking and fighting the overstimulation, you gripped him firmly once more, making sure to feel him up nicely, taking in that unique texturized feel. You couldnt imagine trying to take him inside you.. Shaking away the thought of him pumping your insides while you screamed for him, you remained focused on stroking him and helping him cum. This is what you got for not upholding your end of the deal; and he was punishing you for it.
You had quickly found out the head of his cock was the most sensitive, so you spent a lot of your time fucking with that area, and the results were pleasing; he kept twitching and spasming himself at your touch. Seeing his legs shake and spasm uncontrollably while you pumped him quickly was also satisfying to see.
Recognizing he was starting to build up for his climax, you kept at a steady, thorough and fast pace until he came, groaning quietly in a pathetic manner, along with a thick substance of his own cum dripping and oozing from him. Relief quickly overcame you as he stopped rubbing you finally. And he could produce quite a lot of cum too, all running down his shaft and down his inner thighs, even down to his ass. You wondered if something bad could happen if any of the artificial cum got stuck there, so you went to move..
“Hah.. Dosent that feel good?” His eyes found you bending over to get your mouth near his cock.
“Hmm? What are you doing, my little toy?”
You wrapped your mouth around his head and sucked, then moved on to licking and cleaning up all around his cock. He got twitchy with overstimulation just like you did, spasming occasionally. His hand held the back of your head as you cleaned him all up.
“That mouth of yours will always feel so good on me..” He ran a hand through your hair as you backed up to sit up once more, he now being all cleaned up by your tongue.
“Do you think yours will also feel good on me?” You asked in return. Your hands went to massage his thighs.
“Do you want to find out?” His hands had also begun to massage your own thighs.
“Of course. What kind of question is that?”
He lifted your body up and set it next to him on the floor still, and spread your legs wide open and outward. He traced a finger along your pussy lips and slipped a couple fingers into your hole, while lowering his head to meet your slit.
You still hadn’t gotten used to the aftermath of your orgasm, so now the twitchiness was coming back..
And then..
Vantablack raised his head to turn towards a knock at the door. He closed your legs and had you lie still on the floor. He looked goofy when he went to stand with his pants at his ankles and cock dangling.
“Shit, Vanta, that door isnt locked..”
The door opened and your co-worker from earlier popped in. He looked right, then left the first thing walked in.
“Hey? You in here? Sorry for barging in, theres just one thing I forgot..”
The coworker turned to their left and seen him standing behind one of your couches. Apparently not hidden well enough to hide his naked lower side. But the dim lighting had aided you two, thankfully.
“Vantablack? Wheres Y/N?” The coworker didnt seem to notice him being half naked, or either that, they did, and just didnt care.
“Bathroom. What do you need to tell them?”
“Oh.. Uh… Well, this meant to be directly, yknow… Well, guess I’ll just tell you so you know. Try not to get a little.. Too intimate with them, alright? I know how you are, you horny little bastard.. Try containing yourself while I’m gone, please.”
“Oh, of course. Why dont you just disable that function, however?”
A quick and quiet mumble came from them as they turned to leave.
“Hey, listen, I’m proud of what I gave you..” And the tone returned to normal.
“Well, I’m leaving. Be good. And remember, control yourself!”
The door was shut. And as soon as it shut, Vantablack locked the doorknob. As he came back over to you, waddling, the only thing you stared at was his dick while he talked to you.
“Hmph. Well.. What do you think about that?”
“Dont care. Was going to do it regardless.”
“Well,” He got down to the same position before you two were interrupted.
“Let’s finish this up, then head off to sleep. You’ve got work tomorrow.”
( we hope this was enjoyable. We might make a part two leaving off from here. Please leave a comment or reblog if you desire a second part! You don’t have to, but it’s much appreciated.
- Boss/Anderson and Vandro )
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