#or else this is going to be misunderstood as me being a transphobe and hating they/them pronouns
jiggery-duggery · 11 months
I think if I get they/themmed one more time by someone who knows damn well what my pronouns are I’m just gonna go full chimpanzee mode and start tearing peoples faces off
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artisticmenace · 1 year
Other DNIs below.
im approachable and you should talk to me. cue hypnosis.
Hello, dear friends and accociates. Welcome to the normal info section.
hiii. I'm tabs. I'm suuuper gay(asexual panromantic). I'm also an artist. Any scorn or prejudice will be promptly ignored. Criticism will be looked over as long as its constructive.
dude i AM the stress ball
About me:
I have a bunch of OCs, and I'm writing so many (unfinished)books... Yeah, that's right. I like to suffer and die creatively TWICE!! I can not be helped. I'm just goofy like that sometimes. I hate most non canon ships for fandoms im in, but I'll probably just go "ew" and leave you alone(depends on the ship, really). I haven't been tested for autism or ADHD but enough things line up, so I'm like 80% sure. The 20% is self-doubt. I like to dress fancy, and my general look is deep woods cottagecore that has recently drank from the lake of maximalism. You won't see pictures of me, probably, because my room is NOT clean. Sometimes, I vent on here, but that's because I am the only demographic this blog needs. I love you, too, but your feelings are only being considered a little bit. I use tone tags every now and then if I feel I would be misunderstood. On that note, I am more likely to ignore or ask for clarification if you say something rancid or silly than get on your ass about it.
Those Days:
I'm gonna be making a comic called Those Days about a small town old gay couple, Scott and Rodney, telling their life's story. They've been friends since their sophomore year in high school, and they've seen a lot. Scott was a punk, to say the least.
For the actual comic, you'll need to thosedayscomic, the blog I made for the comic.
^^ I'm currently working on the first issue. I do have lots of art of them though.
Tags for my comic:
those days, those days comic. also any character names first and last.
Current Fixations:
Camp Here and There (Waiting for S2)
Welcome to Night Vale (all caught up)
The Magnus Archives (help)
The Magnus Protocol (screaming)
Gravity Falls (fan for a while and now ive read through the book of bill. cryifn)
What's Currently Crippling:
good omens is going to kill me. i will never be able to think of anything else what the hell
I love interaction! I will always discuss my interests, and l o r e when asked. In other words, PLEASE TALK TO ME !!!
If you want to use my art for your pfp go ahead, just credit me.
Don't repost my art. Please and thankies.
i use ibispaintx btw and i watch the ads for my brushes
Art Requests/Asks: Open!!
Art Trades: Open!!
DMs: Open(as long as you arent a creep or an asshole obviously)
(cant do commissions because the world hates me but dont be shy to trade me. not particular on what i get back as long as i made someone happy. cause it feels amazing to see something i did made someone happy)
DNI LIST because I'm a little hater:
proshippers (what the fuck. what the actual fuck. fictional or not.)
active members of the hazbin/helluva fandom(if i am reminded of that shitshow when you interact with my page UTAFSHBDBDBDJNSJAGAHAOSHHAGA)
racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, etc
18+ blogs (a whole minor)
those problematic "sexualities" (ex. super straight, MAP, zoosexual)(also RCTA what the fuck)
people who fake disabilities/mental illness
people who actively misuse words that describe mental illnesses even though they are well informed about that sort of thing
those fucking people who ruin pretty houses and antique furniture and old clothing. fuck you.
people who write smut about canonically sex repulsed asexual characters(jonathan sims) and just people who decide they dgaf about anything like that. bi-erasure, aro-erasure. anything erasure. i hope youre having a terrible day.
sydelijah shippers get out.
(this one is unserious) people who dont deadname twitter
people who are mean to me. i havent had any yet but just in case. if you disagree with my take, thats ok bc you arent the demographic for my blog. I AM!!!! /silly srs
Here's my sick tags:
artisticmenace - anything that is a post by me
menaceartisticity - art and art related things
themenaceuseswords- text posts. i say shit sometimes.
themenacerants - my new tag for when i lose my shit
menaceencouragement - words of solace and encouragement from me
menacepoetry - poetry/songs yeah. probably sad stuff cause im miserable sometimes
menacescrawling - writing. oh buddy boy.
menacemusicality - im a choir kid what do you want from me
Thank you, I love you.
going to collect these things because why not
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credits, top to bottom:
cowboyinternist (2)
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i can’t believe how much of a creep tom felton’s become. he literally makes my skin crawl ngl. he’s a fucking transphobe & he keeps clinging on to his draco role he had over 10 years ago. he did do a good job playing him i guess, but he wasn’t even on screen for that long, i mean 30 minutes isn’t worth clinging onto for this long. he’s a grown man in his 30s now, he really needs to let go. also he’s really creepy to emma watson like it’s so obvious he fancies her but he’s being so icky about it. he even made some bs song about how draco apparently had a crush on hermione, it’s so wrong & gross. his fans are trying to guilt trip ppl into feeling bad & stop hating on him by saying tom wants to take his own life. idk for sure if it’s true, i hope it isn’t & i’d never want to be part of something that’d drive anyone to ending their own life but some ppl are saying it’s fake which is just low. i just feel so disgusted by him rn. i never thought i’d see the day when i was younger but i guess i was wrong. :/
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First it was J.K. Rowling, and now another childhood icon follows down a terrible path.
If what you said is true, and Tom is experiencing suicidal thoughts, then I sincerely hope he's able to get help with that and heal. No one should go through something like that. It makes me hesitant to even criticize him on the off chance that he sees it and feels worse. But on the other hand, being in that kind of mental state doesn't excuse someone from such behavior. I have not followed Tom Felton in the last few years, really. But I have heard before that he's transphobic, mostly because he liked J.Ks. tweets and supported them. Mark Hamill also liked one of them, but that was because he had misunderstood the meaning, and he immediately un-liked it and apologized when people pointed it out. As far as I know, Tom Felton never did anything like that, and goodness knows I came up with excuses for J.K. back when she began to like tweets because I didn't want to believe it. I don't want to believe this either, but I'm not going to deny it based on past fondness. I feel like his attachment to Draco and, I guess being a Dramione shipper, maybe? Could be influencing him when it comes to everything else. I don't know if he has feelings for Emma or not, and that's not my business, but if he's being creepy toward her then he needs to stop, plain and simple.
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pauleonotis · 5 years
These last 2-3 days really reminded me of an old Drarry Au that I had so after searching for my old notes I revised them and thought I‘d share it.
(Trans!Harry, Trans!Draco; Warning: There’s mention of some transphobic behavior)
When Harry was sitting for the first time in the train on his way to Hogwarts Ron joined him
»Hi. I‘m Ron Weasley,« he said and Harry smiled »I‘m Harry Potter.«
Ron looked at him confused and hesistantly asked if he has heard his name right. Harry just nodded.
His new found friend asked him a couple of questions and they talked about what Ron had heard about him, or at least what he had heard about ’her’
Harry answered everything and then started to explain about him still being a boy even though he was born with female body parts
And for the first time ever he didn’t get a snarky remark like “it‘s just a phase“ or “but your biological gender is and will always be female“ (which btw was still not true, while he had a vagina his biological gender still is male. He was born with a male brain. So even as little child it already felt wrong being called a girl. Everyone out there might only see his female body but Harry simply knew better even without understanding it back then.)
»Is it true?« came a voice from outside their compartment. Draco was standing there. »They‘re saying all down the train that Hailey Potter‘s in this compartment. So it’s you, is it? I‘m Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.«
Harry looked at Draco but before he could say anything it was Ron who spoke up »It‘s Harry Potter.«
Draco sniggered and looked at Ron sneering »I don’t need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford,« he told him and continued »it also seems like your family can’t afford medical bills. You might want to check your hearing.«
Draco now turned to Harry »You‘ll soon find out some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.« He held out his hand.
»I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks,« Harry replies coolly. »And just so you know, Ron was right. It is Harry Potter. I identify as male.«
For a moment Harry could swear he saw something apologetic in Draco’s glance. But then it turned sour. He stormed off flushing angrily.
It took quite some time until everyone referred to him as Harry Potter and until he was known as the boy who lived. But in Hogwarts no one seemed to mind, it was the complete opposite reaction of what he has experienced in the muggle world and he loved it. He finally felt accepted, his mind was at peace and he didn’t hear anyone talking about him badly or made him feel like he doesn’t belong. Here he was just an ordinary student at Hogwarts. Even Draco Malfoy didn’t say anything bad about him being transgender. Tho he did insult him or his friends and played some unfair and mean pranks, that’s how he became Harry‘s school nemesis.
After the war Harry came back to finish his education.
During the summer break he went to Poppy Pomfrey, who nursed him quite a lot over the years. She was the only medical witch he trusted so she was the one to do the sex reassignment (tho it wasn’t a sex reassignment per se, after all he was already a man.)
She also gave him potions for his voice to get deeper and to support his facial hair growth.
Surprisingly quite a lot students came back, even from Slytherin, including Draco.
So many that they still managed to form Quidditch teams of every house, which was the reason that McGonagall allowed the 8th year students to play matches too.
After the game Gryffindor vs. Slytherin they all went to change when Harry noticed Draco, sitting subtle on a bench and waiting for everyone to shower, dress up and leave.
It seemed like he didn’t notice Harry so when it got quiet he stood up and began undressing. Harry did the same while keeping an eye on Malfoy.
When he took off his shirt that’s when he noticed Draco was wearing something beneath it. And then he realized what exactly it was.
A chest binder.
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»Are you done watching me, Potter? I‘d like to change without getting stared at. Preferably alone actually,« he snarled.
It took him a moment to progress everything. And that’s when Harry noticed the slight swaying in the sound of Dracos voice. He was using a spell for it.
»I never noticed,« admitted Harry »You could’ve went to Pomfrey, you know?« at that Draco huffed.
»Of course you didn’t. No one did, because it’s none of your business. If I would tell Pomfrey everyone would know sooner or later, I can’t risk that.«
»Why though? You saw how accepting everyone was- still is. Yeah you were a git but they wouldn’t say something about you being a trans man, because it wouldn’t change anything at all. For example you and your friends literally did hate me and still didn’t go for my most sensitive part.«
»I didn’t hate you, I was jealous,« Draco admitted, to both of their surprise
»If someone would find out they‘d tell my father. You don’t know how my parents are. Not every wizard and every witch is as accepting as you might think, Potter,« Draco spat
While everyone at Hogwarts already knew Draco was male (with Snapes help so that the teachers would call him by the right pronouns, he was the only one who knew and he took this secret to his grave), at home he didn’t dare to use any of his charms or to wear his clothes and his binder beneath.
At home he was forced to be Cassiopeia Malfoy. Being his parents‘ 'princess'. He hated it.
He envied Harry, who didn’t have his parents anymore so he doesn’t need to be afraid of not being accepted, kicked out or getting disowned.
Draco, even though his parents would only love him for being their little girl and not loving him the way he actually was, loved his parents dearly.
It breaks his heart while he has always been well-behaved and polite just the way his parents have raised him and while he‘d do everything for them out of love, they couldn’t accept him for who he truly was.
After all the only thing that would change was his name and his physical appearance somewhat.
It was then when Draco noticed his cheeks were wet. While thinking about his parents he must‘ve began to cry. And even worse, Harry was still there looking at him surprised. And he was about to say something.
»You would never understand,« Draco said dismissively while wiping always his tears and turned away. He now continued getting dressed.
»You‘re wrong. I do understand. Most likely better than anyone else ever would,« Harry replied and thought of his uncle Vernon and his aunt Petunia.
They already hated him for his magic. And while Harry actually didn’t mind wearing Dudleys old clothes, they always made fun of him. Being a girl and wearing too big and old boys clothes.
»It’s horrible. Being afraid of telling people who are close to you something that means so much to you,« Harry said and began walking towards Draco.
»People who are supposed to love and support you. No matter what because they’re family. It’s a relief to finally speak out loud about it. Being able to tell it the whole world. You shouldn’t have hide like that, Draco,« Harry continues.
»But for what price?! I could lose everything, Potter! The love and support of my parents, my home and safe place, all of my hopes and dreams—« Draco began but his breath hitched when Harry turned him around and held his shoulders.
»The love and support for a person that isn’t you? For what price? Well, Happiness. Yes there might be some people who can’t accept you the way you are but that’s just their limited thinking. What matters most is that you stay true to yourself. No matter what people say about you and no matter how much they try to talk you out of it or try to make you insecure by telling you they would know better. They don’t. It’s your life, your decisions, and your mind and body. Not theirs. They have nothing to say about your life and the way you want to live it. And if they can’t stay out of your business then let them waste their time by giving unnecessary remarks. Because you« Harry wiped away Dracos tears, apparently he has started to cry again but this time he didn’t care »are free to do whatever you want. It’s them who are not satisfied enough with their lives so they have to take it out on others somehow. Slap them in their face by showing them how beautiful it is to just express yourself the way you are. You’re independent and you certainly don’t need anyone’s approval for simply being yourself.«
(At the end of this post I‘d like to mention that I myself am not transgender. Everything I wrote especially regarding the thoughts and fears is what I remember a friend of mine told me or what I did read and/or researched online. I just added some little details that I thought of while I imagined what I would think or of what I would be afraid of and/or insecure about if I myself would be a female being born with male body parts or the other way around.
It‘s possible that I made some mistakes, so please believe me when I say that I do not want to offend anyone who was reading this nor do I want to share any false informations. Please tell me if you found something that I might have misunderstood and what I need to change to correct my mistake/s.
Apart from that I also want to add that it‘s 4am [update: now almost 6- why am I like this?;-;] and I had to write this down otherwise I couldn’t sleep so I probably made mistakes in spelling and/or grammar. But I hope there aren’t too much so that it’s not distracting.)
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i’m always 2 exhausted even by thinkng about it to even begin discussing At Length what’s So Exhausting About Billions’es Handling Of Their Trans Character (which is way way better than it could be) but like, some of the main points of it are
taylor can outright say that they’re nonbinary One Time, but otherwise their gender can only be Made Relevant via other people misgendering them and/or by being transphobic towards them, and this happens like. loads of times. and sometimes in ways that feel a touch excessive / kind of indulgent in reminding us like haha don’t forget this character Is Seen As ___ by people and their body and presentation is a matter of Fascination for cis audiences, but not necessarily respected, and we can see the character navigate this but they won’t discuss it at length b/c why would any trans person Want to talk about being trans OR have another trans person in their life to talk to, cuz what are the odds of That. 
in relation to that last point: taylor can’t talk about their Not Cis experiences / reality, or even hardly mention it directly / by name, but the show can keep writing them as reaching out to random useless cis people in their life when these cis people are having some kind of super particular individual problem, and taylor laying out some really REALLY watered-down, vague, indirect version of their being trans as a way to show they Relate to whatever dumbass situation this awful cishet person has gotten themself into. being in some kind of frustrating situation? feeling alienated or isolated or undermined or misunderstood or judged? well i guess you’re experiencing a tiny bit of the trans existence! except you are not. and like, of Course a character would look like an asshole if they were like “boy taylor, now that i’ve had a rough week due to some really dumb problem, i think i understand what it must be like for you to be nonbinary!!!” but it’s fine if Taylor Chooses To Relate Their Transness to whatever some cishet loser is dealing with. no, being #outed as i-do-bdsm is nothing like being an out lgbtq individual. and like all these people in taylor’s sphere are nightmare people who don’t deserve their sympathy in the first place but that’s another gripe lmfao
can’t believe that was the “brief overview” version lmao but anyways, i was thinking about another weird and kinda frustrating thing that someone brought up on twitter
well actually it was kinda what two people were talking about on twitter, and the first thing was how like, yknow in a show like this where the ppl focus of the series (supposed to be axe and chuck i guess like eugh can you even imagine) are Supposed To Be Assholes? it’s always like, how those main chars in “prestige drama” are generally men who are *meant* to be seen as shitty and probably dumbasses, and yet like, there’s an inherent Sympathetic Treatment in focusing on them and in having their godawful exploits drive a lot of the plot and action and suspense and etc, and it’s not exactly enough to just say like “oh but you’re suppoooosed to Know that they suck”
but the second thing was how in “Prestige Drama” Tv With Shitty Protagonists, there has this tendency to have the crappy usually-cishet-white-abled-men main chars be like, not ever really display any “””especial””” level of bigotry?? saying something how like, any big -isms or -phobias seems to be reserved for the “”””real”””” bad guys. and that kinda ties in a bit i think with how, even if there’s the “well they’re supposed to seem unsympathetic” justification, they’re still........not really supposed to seem too unsympathetic. and it’s not that anyone would ever think it’s ~realistic~ for a nonbinary person to be in the world of High Finance and be able to announce their pronouns and have their identity for-the-most-part respected by everyone right off the bat, and i sure don’t want billions to be going for that ~realism~ on this one thing (especially when it doesn’t exactly try to strictly hold itself to Realism in plenty of other regards) and have taylor dealing with constant misgendering and likely no one with authority consistently watching out for them in this manner and people telling shitty jokes behind their back and etc etc etc which might be more ~realistic~ but please don’t.........
but at the same time it’s awfully convenient that apparently everyone at axe cap is such a committed Trans Ally that even when taylor defects by the end of s3 and everyone is like “booo hiss we hate taylor” they all feel free to disrespect taylor in pretty much any way Except for showing any signs of transphobia, ever. very nice that none of these characters have to bear the burden of being labeled A Real Jerk for insulting taylor on the grounds of their being trans (other insults are fine). like the guy on twitter said, bigotry is only for the Really real bad guys who really only need to be one-dimensional or in the background or otherwise not given that much attention.
like it exasperated me So much when there was some scene with axe and wags and wendy (like, scream. already i’m in hell. for gods sake) where wendy’s getting the green light to try to sabotage taylor’s relationship with their dad (to.....destabilize their fund?? just kinda bum them out, possibly??? it seems to be the latter 9_9 ) and axe is like “yeah fuck it, go for it, grrrr i hate taylor >:| “ and wendy says something in which she then Pauses and adds a footnote to her sentence, in which she clarifies that by “them,” she is referring to taylor, not taylor and [someone else she’d mentioned in the same sentence]. it’s just exhausting, ugh. like, yeah yeah believe me everyone who uses singular They pronouns knows allll about how oh no, there’s the chance for Ambiguity now!!! we never have that problem with other pronouns ever!!! and it means we deserve to force people to pick He or She! and it’s just like, ugh. yeah thank you for reminding us that these three bastards who are currently plotting how to permanently destroy a familial relationship of tay’s are nevertheless being sure to Respect Their Pronouns while doing so!!! not that they *shouldn’t* but like, as fucking though. and it’s just so......fucking unnecessary ugh. you don’t have to awkwardly make sure to point out you were using ~the singular They~ right then just as this clunky reminder that oh i’m not Transphobic @ them tho........like shut up thanks so much. i would like for taylor to never have to interact with wendy again, but god knows im sure that wish won’t come true. like, you didn’t have to clarify in the first place. and it’s so nice that all these nightmare individuals are such committed #allies. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
#again not that i Want them to be more ~realistically transphobic~ but it's all sooo annoying#and again like. the interviewee comes in and misgenders your trans coworker? and you don't say a god damn thing to correct him? ty SO much..#nobody's even Actually that good at supporting this trans individual's Existence In This Space but. they're not blatantly transphobic so!!!!#conveniently enough none of them have to get the Easily Hateable Points for it; not that the general billions audience is where i'd expect 2#find a zillion trans allies or ppl capable of encountering the concept of Nonbinary Identities without imploding for 2.3 weeks#and of course there's the inherent limitations of taylor being a) a trans character set in this world of High Finance and b) the Only trans#character that we know of on the show.......they have to represent The Entire Experience and Every Non-Cis Person Ever ughh#but the approach of (this character will never talk about their Being Trans if they can help it) and (we'll have other ppl force Their Being#Trans into being directly relevant by being shitty to them about it / forcing them into situations in which they have to deal w/ transphobia#just like. kill me. and even the ''look how Not Transphobic this person is'' is hardly done right like. yeah wow#i'm sure that for axe it's like oh he ~doesn't Care abt ur identity~ as long as you can Get Those Results!!!!! great..#it's not like a trans person couldn't relate their Transness to a certain experience that a cis person has#it's just that that experience would Not be something like [axe being in timeout for insider trading and shit]#e.g. inchrestingly i think that [autistic experience] and [lgbtq experience] are ones that have some real solid parallels / similarities#aka some opportunities for fun convos betwixt winnie n tay wherein like...not that The Hc isn't that winston is Gay but also like#one of those rare times i don't particularly think abt this Wrol Character as being trans. he could be!! nobody can stop us! but yeah like#if in theory taylor was relating their transience (haha....nah seriously their Transness) to this cis autistic person's experience....#there would be a lot more Genuineness (there needs to be a better form of that word ugh) and value in that conversation than all the other#times Billions has them make their being trans more like....palatable / watered-down by like ''wow i understand Experiencing Undesirable Cir#*Circumstances....'' like god please. trans people talk about Being Trans sometimes. they talk to other trans people. let them say#''nonbinary'' more than once#ANYWAYS ugh it's all just. ex as pe ra ti ng#it's very exhausting seeing this content which is clearly For(tm) a cis audience like. i appreciate that taylor's shitty father's transphbia#and disrespect towards taylor in that matter is probably the way that plenty of the audience feels towards taylor and it's Nice that taylor#gets to smack that shit down but. it's very!!!!!! exhausting ugh!!!!!! im used to The Clipz now but boy it was stressful the 1st time around#and it still is.......love 2 b misgendered even when it's ~not a big deal~.......#all of this on the authority that im trans / nonbinary (and autistic; re: that sidenote lol. and also not straight either)#not that being nonbinary is separate from being trans b/c it's not unless you just so happen to not id as trans#coz guess what....ppl who ''qualify'' as trans don't Have to use that particular label / feel that it applies whether theyre nonbinary orNot#and being nonbinary is never inherently distinct from being trans. being trans means You Aren't Cis (and you describe urself as trans)
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 6 years
This might be a long ask so just in case pt.1 So I was rewatching the L word ( after coming to terms with being a trans male) and something that really pissed me off and I can’t believe the writers chose to include this in (bc to me it sounded to transphobic) or at least that’s how I interpreted it. So max, the trans guy, wants top surgery and he’s trying to raise money for it. This other character named Kit, or Kat or something, ( I’m going to finish this part in the next ask)
Pt.2  Kit/kat tries to convince max not to transition and tells him that he’s “ losing the most precious thing in the world; womanhood” by transitioning. Honestly that pissed me off bc how can she tell how he feels, she doesn’t understand what it’s like to feel disconnected from ur birth gender. Like he was afab but he never truly identified as a “woman”so how would he be losing his “ womanhood” like honestly I lost respect for kit in that scene like how dare she be so presumptuous (one more pt)
Pt.3  Like honestly idk if I misunderstood the scene or what the writers were trying to convey through that message but it sounded so transphobic to me, trying to convince max not to transition ( even tho supposedly she’s his friend and she “supported” him) it’s crazy too Bc she was dating a trans guy/ non-binary person? and she still seemed transphobic about it idek. Honestly I just don’t understand what the point of that scene was it still irritates me
I have never seen The L Word and don’t intend to, the scene you desribe is one of the reasons why (I’ve heard other stuff about it being biphobic as well, so… nah thanks). It is absolutely transphobic, there’s no wriggle room here, it really is fucked up and I understand why it upset you. 
Unfortunately I can’t say anything else about the show because, as I said, I didn’t watch it.
I have watched it and it’s biphobic and transphobic as hell. I hate that show and I can’t believe I watched as many seasons as I did.
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madara-fate · 7 years
Mm. U misunderstood what I said, or didn't even read it I suppose. I said u didn't apologize for misgendering them, NOT to apologize for anything else. Yes, they def said some shitty things and went too far, but I SPECIFICALLY said "apologized for misgendering them" nothing else. The fact that u took it a different way shows you're being petty about this. I don't agree with them. I NEVER said I agreed with them. Respecting their gender and not their actions are two fucking different things.
If you don’t want people to call you transphobic, then fucking act like it and own up to your mistake.
Oh FFS, after weeks, why do you come back now?
Just to clarify, I understood what you said perfectly fine. How about you try going back to read what I said because never did I imply that you wanted me to apologise for anything other than misgendering them. But regardless, that person is still not getting shit from me.
Tell me something Anon, if someone
Said that you hated all victims of sexual abuse
Called you a piece of shit
Called you an asshole
Told you to go fuck yourself
And then told you to go jump off a cliff and die
When at that point, all you had done was refuse to comply with them because they asked like a rude little child, would you then go and apologise to that person because you accidentally misgendered them? And that was after they had said all of those things?
No Anon, fuck that, seriously.
Why don’t you go and harass them for not apologising for telling me to go and kill myself? Because at that point, I hadn’t even done anything.
And then you have the gall to say that if I don’t want to be labelled as a transphobe, then I should “fucking act like it and own up to [my] mistake”?
I should “fucking act like it”?
Let me repeat this Anon because it seems that this didn’t get through to you the first time - Me not apologising to them is not transphobic - I haven’t nor have I ever said anything bad about trans people, and I didn’t intentionally misgender them, nor was there any malice behind my words. If I had intentionally and maliciously misgendered them, then I would be acting transphobic, so do us both a favour and stop spouting absolute nonsense.
For the last time, I am not going to apologise to that person, so drop it.
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awesomedarmoe-blog · 7 years
I’m NOT a “Bigot”
Recently I had a group of Transgender individuals hack my Facebook pages, file complaints about my various posts, calling me “Transphobic” simply because I do not agree with THEIR P.O.V. with the issue and the fact that there are a couple of trash issues said community refuse to recognize and tend to.  ISSUE #1 -- I have no problems with people that require the surgery to have it.  BUT, I do believe this is only the case for those that were improperly reassigned gender at birth, hermaphrodites or those born with the organs of the gender not being physically represented. I DO NOT believe that 5 and 6 year old boys that play dress up or even play with Barbies and Easy Bake Ovens are Trans. . . I know of very few males, gay & straight, who did not pass through such a phase.  Related to this. . . at 3 & 4 I spoke with a lisp and walked with a swish.  I can assure you, I’m nowhere near Transgender even though I have a form of body dysphoria -- I hate my fat! (who don’t?) Sadly though clinicians are using such phases in life as the grounds of their diagnosis or assumption of a Trans situation. I’m certain most reading this will agree that this is akin to the trend in the 90s when so many “Mental Health” professionals were planting the thought kernel in a child’s mind, that they had been molested. We would discover this deception and the result was a lot of bogus cases getting overturned.  A course correction that’s rather difficult to do when you’ve been on hormone therapy for a few years and finally wake up to the fact that you’re simply gay, and not part of the current popularity movement.  ISSUE #2 -- I have major issues with people that act like and project an attitude of “Kiss My Ass” -- expectation and privilege.  Sadly, I live in a region that is rife with both, Trans and Feminists (typically younger individuals) that are demeaning and all too frequently, rude.  I loathe such attitudes in anyone, but if you are part of a misunderstood minority, why go out of your way to create problems?  Understandably, I live in a region that’s a Bubble in which the Trans and hardcore Feminists have a level of freedom, protection and acceptance that stands way outside of what most consider “common” or remotely “normal”. There is a great sense of imbalance when it comes to men’s issues and even something as simple as dating -- no meeting of gathering places for us, the women manipulate the scenario so that they are allowed in. Gay Men frequently inundated by members of the Trans community for reasons about to be touched upon. . .  ISSUE #3 -- I am not obligated to buy into your delusions. Trans individuals have a belief that they are (typically) of the opposite gender from what biology suggests.  This is a mental obsession and they get their panites in a twist when you don’t use the “proper pronoun”.  GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!  I worked as a professional mind reader for 30 years and I’m not good enough to know such things and I learned many years ago, not to assume (met many a bearded lady over the years). Stop labeling people as “Transphobic” simply because they won’t join you in your fantasiful trip down the yellow brick road.  For millennia there have only be BOYS & GIRLS in the world with limited acceptance for those showing a homosexual-like nature; most traditions setting such people to the side, for religious training because they carried within them, the essence of both God & Goddess. From this more primitive perspective you had traditional heterosexuals, Bi-Sexuals, Homosexuals (men & women) as well as the A-sexual or non-gender/non-sexual being.  Again, it’s been this way for centuries and I’m certain these points of reality will prove far more a constant than what we’re seeing in trend currently around the LGBT community
ISSUE #4 -- The Trans Evangelicals i.e. militant and aggressive transgender folk that berate and gang up on fresh out of the closet gay/lesbian kids and harass them into believing they are Trans. 
If there is one thing I loathe in life, it’s a high pressure sales pitch of which zealots of most any cause, fit the mold.  I grew up around preachers and evangelists and know them all to be con artist and bold faced liars. When it comes to this issue things are no different; individuals within the Trans community can be assholes just as anyone else can.  In my area the imbalance seems to empower certain folks that want to share the pain and bring others down into the abyss with them.
We must bare in mind that the Trans community has an exceptionally high ratio of mentally unstable individuals.  Huge %s of them are drug addicts and alcoholics due to self-hate/loathing. Over 40% of all Trans people ultimately kill themselves within the initial transition stages with a relatively similar % killing themselves within 5 years of completing the surgery. Yet, Mental Health professionals are negating the condition as being a disturbing Psychological issue presented by people that need on-going help vs. enabling. 
ISSUE #5 -- The Game Players i.e. Female to Male Trans folk that get their jollies not revealing that they are trans until they have lead gay men down a path that leads to the bedroom where certain body parts are missing (sorry, but most gay men want a real functioning dick).  If you throw them off you, toss them out the door or kick their ass, you are stigmatized with being Transphobic. . and that’s bull shit!  This is a game that will end up with someone getting killed if the Trans community don’t get it stopped FAST!  
I brought this forward on Facebook and was immediately attacked by Trans people and their enablers. Which seems to say, “Trans people can do whatever the fuck they want and you can’t clock them on it.”  Well, I’m going to risk saying that you’re full of shit; this is highly unethical, immoral and disrespectful and it is the sort of thing that hurts your cause far more than it does anything. ISSUE #6 -- Ignorance DOES NOT = Transphobic
I have never understood the appeal of doing Drag; I’m a male and though I don’t mind wearing a kaftan at home it is not something I’d wonder about town in.  I wear MEN’S CLOTHING because I am male.  As an entertainer I have worked with many drag queens and female impersonators and for most of that career never had problem one. . . drop away from the scene for a decade and things change on the social-politica front and the Trans community manages to launch a big PR campaign that makes them special.  Yet, many of their membership fail to understand (accept) that the majority of the world can’t wrap its head around their delusion -- their heart held belief that they are actually “normal” in some way. . . again, a believe invented by today’s Mental Health industry and supposedly supported by Medical Science i.e. the claim that the brain of a trans person is “different” from the brain of a normal person.  
Phil Donahue suggested this very same thing back in the 80s, as an explanation around why some folks are gay and others aren’t. . . it had a short shelf-life in actual scientific circles.  Like the Donahue report however, it is darn near impossible to find supporting data to this claim by the Trans community that is not being posted on sites that are LGBT sympathetic on political & social levels.  In other words, the claim seems to be what one would expect Exxon to say about how safe their products are for the environment or belief in “Clean Coal”. 
Not understanding something does not mean you’re ignorant; I know a lot of well educated people that cannot understand the Trans scenario no matter how it is explained.  I’ve been actively a part of the LGBT community for decades and until this past decade the Trans thing was never a major issue.  It is my belief however, that it is trend just as coming out of the closet was used by young people to shock parents back in the 70s and 80s; it’s the next big step. 
As a Rule I have no problem with 90% of the Trans community.  But, if you are a zealot I will put you in your place.  If you are a game player, I will charge you with rape because that is exactly what you’re doing and I bet a good D.A. could add “Hate Crime” to that charge. The thing is, I honestly don’t understand; especially those that want to change gender in order to become a gay man or lesbian -- makes no sense whatsoever -- simply supporting my belief that much of this is done for sake of shocking society and nothing other. 
IN CLOSING. . . I grew up around real bigots including a rather infamous uncle that was a Grand Dragon of the KKK. I’ve seen and even experienced the extremes of bigotry, homophobia, etc. so I know what it means to be a “bigot”. I also find it curious that I’m condemned by aspects of my own community because of my honesty around the whole Trans issue. Especially given how appalled several notable figures in the local community are around the very issues I’ve listed here.
If the LGBT community continues to enable people to do whatever they want and defend them vs. chastising the bad players, I will gladly step completely out of that niche and work with those who, like me, want to see a positive representation of who and what we are, not Green Bay Quarterbacks in a dress and beard. . . such displays insult women that actually have facial hair and contradicts the gender claim of the Trans. . . at least in the view of most. 
You will always attract more bees with honey so maybe it really is time to get our house in order along with priorities. 
I live by very progressive points of view when it comes to society and politics with a hint of midwestern conservatism a.k.a. simple old fashioned common sense.  I’m really good at seeing both sides of most issues.  But do not condemn me or paint me into a niche, simply because I am incapable of supporting your delusions.  That’s not to say that I wouldn’t protect you or defend your rights as a human being, I most certainly would.  But I do not have to cosign things just because Hollywood is pushing it as an agenda. 
Well, enough from me.  I do hope this clarifies things with those that have lashed out at me on FB and elsewhere. 
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