#I’ve got two sets dude pick one I’m not going to be offended by - wow! - someone using the pronouns I told them to use!!!!
jiggery-duggery · 11 months
I think if I get they/themmed one more time by someone who knows damn well what my pronouns are I’m just gonna go full chimpanzee mode and start tearing peoples faces off
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billysahoe · 3 years
(I feel I’m) In The Mood Also on AO3
Steve goes into a corn maze to find Billy, they get high, they hook up. 
Steve felt like shit. Nancy had called him bullshit and broke up with him, out of nowhere. Steve didn’t get what he had done wrong. They were supposed to go to Tina’s halloween party together tomorrow, but now he didn’t want to go anymore. He couldn’t show up without a date, right? No, he couldn’t. He needed to clear his head. Going for a drive would help.
Steve got into his car, pushed his Foreigner tape into the player and turned up the volume. I Want to Know What Love is started playing. Steve turned it up even more. He drove with the windows open, not really knowing where he was going. He kept pushing the pedal, singing along to the music. he was probably going too fast, but he didn’t care. it was late and the roads were basically empty. Suddenly Steve noticed a car parked further ahead, nearly in the corn. He slowed down when he got closer to the car. It had Californian plates. Inside there was a red headed girl sitting in the passenger seat, looking upset. Steve had never seen the car or this girl before. Tourists maybe? Steve parked his car behind the Californian car and got out. He softly knocked on the passenger side window. “Are you okay?” he asked the girl. She didn’t hear him, obviously. She opened the window a bit and gave him a mean stare, not saying anything. “I said are you okay?” Steve repeated. The girl rolled her eyes. “I’m waiting for my step brother. Leave me alone.” Steve could see she was shivering. “Is your brother in the maze? How long have you been sitting here?” Steve asked. The girl shrugged. “A while. My step brother is an asshole, he won’t be back before he thinks I’ve learned my lesson or something dumb like that.” Steve felt sorry for the girl. “Do you want me to go look for him?” he offered. The girl looked away. “Don’t bother.” she mumbled. Steve decided to do it anyway. He went back to his car and grabbed his flashlight. He then noticed his bat. Should he take it? Maybe the girls brother was still out there because he was being chased by some upside down shit. Maybe the guy was just an asshole like the girl had said. Steve grabbed the bat. Before going into the maze he walked up to the girl one more time. “What’s your brother’s name?” He asked her. “Billy.”
Steve turned on the flashlight and stepped into the maze. It really was dark in there, how could that guy -Billy- see anything? “Billy? are you here?” he called out. No reply. Also no creepy rustling in the corn. Steve took it as a win. He got to the first split and decided to go left. How big was this maze even? Steve took a right turn the next. He called out for Billy again but no reply. Maybe the guy could hear him but just decided to not respond. It was probably kinda creepy to be in a maze and then hear a stranger shout out your name. Stupid. “Billy, your sister sent me!” Steve tried. Still no response. He kept walking through the maze for what felt like hours. The maze seemed really big. Or maybe he had just passed the same spots multiple times already, but everything looked the same so Steve had no idea. What if he couldn’t find his way out of the maze? What if he couldn’t find his way out of the maze and there was a demogorgon in the maze? Steve shivered. He came to a dead end with a pile of corn in the middle. Someone was laying in the pile. “Billy?” Steve tried. The guy sat up. “Who the fuck are you and why do you keep calling for me?” He groaned. Steve pointed the flashlight at him. Billy was tan, blonde curls and bright eyes. He was dressed in a leather jacket and tight jeans. Steve had to admit, the boy looked good. “Don’t fucking shine that at me.” Billy growled. He got up from the corn pile and slapped the flashlight out of Steve’s hands. it turned off when it hit the ground. “Dude, I needed that! And your sister is waiting for you. She seems kinda cold. You should head back.” Billy snickered. “The little bitch couldn’t even come out and get me herself, huh? And she isn’t my sister.” Billy pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one. He looked at the bat in Steve’s hand. “So, you’re saying my sister asked you to look for me and you decided to bring that creepy ass bat? Wow, she must have said some really nasty shit about me.” Steve scratched the back of his head. “Not really, just eh, precaution.” He picked up the flashlight and tried to turn it on, but it was dead. Neither of them said anything for a while, the only sound being the wind softly blowing through the corn.
“Well, you found me, you can now leave me alone and tell that shitbird that I’m not coming until I feel like it.” Billy said to Steve. Steve shook his head. “I didn’t go in here for that. At least give me your keys so your sister can turn on the heat.” Billy cackled loudly. “I’m not giving you my keys. And my STEP sister is not getting them either. She will just drive off. Hell, maybe you will kick her out and drive off in my car. I don’t even know who the hell you are.” Steve figured that was fair. Billy didn’t know him after all. “I’m Steve Harrington.” he said. Billy didn’t reply, just sat down in the pile of corn again. “I’m not going anywhere, Harrington. And you’re going back to wherever the hell you came from. Leave me alone.” Steve shook his head and sat down next to Billy in the pile. “What are you doing out here anyway?” he asked him. “None of your business.” Steve nodded. “Alright. Well I’m out here because I went for a drive. To clear my head, you know? I got dumped.” He could hear billy huff. “That sucks.” he said. Steve hummed. They sat in silence for a bit again. “I had to clear my head too. Maxine, my step sister, is driving me crazy. She keeps blaming moving to this shit town on me.” Billy softly said. it was now Steve’s turn to say that sucks, and Billy’s to hum. “So Harrington, do you smoke?” Steve nodded. “Yea but I left my cigs in my car.” Billy laughed at him. “Not what I meant. I got the good shit, from California.” Oh, Billy had meant weed. “How good is it?” Steve asked with a grin.
Billy had rolled the joint while Steve had held up a lighter so he could see what he was doing. The joint didn’t look so bad and it smelled great when Billy lit it. Steve hadn’t smoked in a while, and the last time he did the quality wasn’t even that great. he was excited to try Billy’s Californian weed. Steve coughed after the first drag. Billy laughed at him. Steve took another drag, and it felt less irritating on his throat this time. He passed the joint back to Billy, who took a drag like it was nothing. Billy was going to have a tough time finding weed this good here in Hawkins. “I appreciate you sharing the good weed with me. You’re not gonna find anything this good around here.” Steve said. Billy passed him the joint. “Well, guess you owe me then.” “Owe you what? good weed? Because I just said we don’t have that around here. He passed the joint back to Billy again. “You just owe me, Steve. I don’t care what.”
They finished the joint in what felt like minutes. Steve’s toes were getting a bit cold though. How long had they been sitting here? “Maybe we should head back? Maxine is waiting.” Steve tried. Billy groaned. “Don’t ruin it now, pretty boy.” he said. Pretty boy? Steve sighed. “It’s cold out here, you know.” A chuckle from Billy. “Yea, it fucking is. California was better.” Steve stood up and held his hand out for Billy. “Come on then, let’s go.” Billy grabbed Steve’s hand but then pulled him down. Steve planted his hand above Billy’s shoulder just in time, before crushing him. “You should plant your feet.” He grinned. Steve huffed. “I’m high as fuck, let me be.” Billy licked his lips and stared up at Steve, not letting go of his hand yet. “Me too. And I have a good idea.” He let go of Steve’s hand and Steve rolled sideways to lay next to Billy. “Is it actually a good idea?” Steve asked. Billy nodded and rolled on his side to look at Steve again. “I know a way that will get you warm, AND get you over your ex. Two bird, one stone!” Steve raised a brow at Billy. Was Billy going to summon Nancy and set her on fire to keep them warm or something? Steve laughed at his own thought. “What’s funny?” Billy asked, seeming slightly offended. Steve shook his head. “I just imagined you setting my ex on fire.” Billy started laughing too, what triggered Steve and made him laugh even louder. They laughed so hard they actually had to catch their breath after they quieted down. 
“So what’s the plan?” Steve asked. Billy moved his lips close to Steve’s ear. “We could fuck.” He whispered. He softly bit Steve’s earlobe after. Steve nervously giggled. Billy had to be fucking with him, right? “You’re playing a dangerous game, Billy.” Steve warned him. Billy looked him in the eye. “Why?” he asked. Steve couldn’t read his expression. “Because Hawkins is a small town with close minded people.” Billy swallowed. “Are you close minded, Steve?” Steve shook his head. “I’m not, but you can’t just ask boys if they want to have sex with you, Billy!” Billy nibbled Steve’s earlobe again, and Steve had to admit he quite liked that feeling. He liked Billy being close to him. “I didn’t just ask any boy tho, I’m asking you, pretty boy. Do you want to fuck me?” Steve needed a second to think about it. “Please, Steve.” Billy moaned in his ear. Steve’s dick kicked with interest. “You might have to convince me.” Steve said. If Billy was joking -which Steve didn’t think he was anymore- this was the moment he could admit it. But Billy didn’t laugh or make fun of him. Billy didn’t say he was just fucking around. Billy sat down on top of Steve and bent down to kiss him. 
The kiss felt like fire. Billy was immediately all tongue and teeth and he even moaned. Steve had never been kissed that dirty before. Billy softly bit Steve’s lip and pulled at it before letting go. “Have you done this with a guy before?” he asked Steve. Steve shook his head. “I’ve been with plenty of girls though, I will figure it out.” He then winked at Billy. Billy pressed his hips against Steve’s and rolled them, pulling a moan out of both of them. “Have you?” Steve asked while putting his hands on Billy’s hips and grinding up against him. Billy bent over to whisper in Steve’s ear again. “Yea, I have. I just love having a cock up my ass, Steve. So get on with it and unbuckle your belt.” Billy stood up and Steve let out a little whine. He watched Billy pulling down his own jeans. The boy had a fine ass. Steve grabbed Billy’s sleeve and pulled him down to his knees. “Are you a bit kinky, Harrington?” Billy asked while laying his head on his arms and pushing his ass up in the air. Steve swallowed. “I- I don’t know.” He started unbuckling his belt. Billy had his dick out, it was only fair if Steve undressed right now too, right? “I want you to pull your belt out completely, and then fold it in half.” Billy told him. “And then you’re gonna spank me, alright Stevie?” Steve’s cock felt impossibly hard. God, he wanted to spank Billy. He pulled his Belt out of the loops and then pulled his jeans down so he could free his own cock. He stroked it a few times before folding his belt. “Say please, Billy.” He said. Billy moaned loudly at that. “Yea, just like that baby. Please hit me!” Steve did as Billy asked and let the cool leather hit Billy’s warm skin. The sound of it was loud. Billy’s moan was too. “Please, Steve, again.” Billy begged. He sounded so needy. How could Steve say no to him? He swung the belt again, and he could see Billy’s ass jiggle a bit after impact. It was too dark to see if his ass was getting red though. Steve didn’t know why, but he hoped so. “Again, please.” Billy sounded like he was crying. Steve hit him one more time, as hard as he could. Billy cried out. Steve got on his knees behind Billy and bent over him. “Do you like that?” he whispered in Billy’s ear. Billy sniffed. Steve was sure the boy was crying now. Shit, did he go too far? “Yes. please give me more. I want your cock.” Billy whined. Steve felt a bit confused. Did Billy get off on pain? Steve didn’t just want to hurt the boy. He put his hands on Billy’s asscheeks and Billy hissed at that. “Sorry, I know my fingers are cold.” Steve sheepishly said. “It’s okay.” Billy mumbled. Steve spread Billy’s cheeks and licked a stripe between them without warning. Billy jolted, crying out again. “Fuck Steve! Fuck fuck fuck!” Steve went back in and messily licked Billy’s hole again. Billy pressed his ass back against Steve’s face. Seemed like pain wasn’t the only thing that got Billy off, luckily. “My god Steve you’re so good at this. Don’t stop, please!” Billy babbled. Steve did as requested and kept eating Billy’s ass. He had done it once before with a girl because she asked him too, Steve had figured boys would like it too, and he had been right. Billy’s thighs started shaking and his moans got higher and breathier. “Fuck fuck fuck, Steve I’m gonna-“ Billy didn’t finish his sentence and let out an obscene moan instead while pressing his ass even harder against Steve’s face. Billy was coming. Steve hadn’t even touched his dick. And speaking of dick touching, Steve was in desperate need of touch too. He sat up and wiped his mouth. “I’m close too.” he said while gripping the base of his dick tightly. Billy rolled over so he could look at Steve. “Fuck, just cum on my face.” he said while trying to pull Steve closer. Steve moaned. “Are you serious?” he asked. Billy nodded. “Please please please, Stevie please.” And Steve couldn’t say no to that. He moved closer to billy and started rubbing his dick. “You’re so fucking huge.” Billy said. “Let me have a taste, please?” Steve nodded. He carefully slid his dick between Billy’s lips and moaned at the warmth. it felt really nice. Billy moaned around Steve’s dick and started bobbing his head. Steve was so close already. “Fuck Billy you’re so hot you know that?” he told the boy. He grabbed him by the hair and started guiding him. Billy followed Steve’s rhythm. Steve carefully tried going deeper and Billy didn’t resist. He just seemed to open his mouth even wider. Steve could see drool sliding down Billy’s chin. It should be gross, but instead it turned Steve on. “You like choking on my dick, don’t you?” Steve hummed. Billy moaned around Steve’s dick in response. Steve took it as a yes. Steve thrusted into Billy’s mouth a few times and then pulled out. “Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He grunted. Billy opened his mouth wide and closed his eyes, ready to receive. Steve stroked himself two more times before shooting his load all over Billy’s face. Some got into his mouth, some stuck to his lashes and some dripped down his chin onto his chest and jacket. Steve moaned at the sight. he flopped down next to Billy and rubbed his face. “Fuck, that was amazing.” he smiled. He heard Billy snicker next to him. “It sure was, pretty boy. But my step sister is waiting for me in my car and I have nothing to wipe my face with.” Billy replied. Fuck, Steve had totally forgotten about that. How long had they been here?
They walked back in silence. Steve had offered Billy his sweater to wipe his face. He still looked like a mess after. Steve almost said something about it a few times but then decided not to. Billy had been whiny and needy, but as soon as it was over he was back to the guy that told Steve to fuck off and leave him alone. Steve didn’t want to risk getting punched in the face or something. 
When they exited the maze Billy went straight to his car, not saying anything to Steve. Steve gave him a little wave even though the other boy wasn’t looking at him anymore. Steve got into his car too and drove home.
“Jesus christ, Billy, what took you so long!?” Max shouted when Billy got into the car. “Does it matter?” Billy asked. Max studied him closer, from the way his lashes clumped together to the stains on his knees. “You’re a whore.” She said, face scrunched up in disgust. “First day here and you already fucked the first guy you came across.” Billy turned towards her. “You shut the fuck up, Maxine.” He hissed. Max pulled back. “Don’t get so close to me with your fucking dick breath!” She screamed. Billy groaned and started the car. “Shitbird.” “Slut.”
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bvidzsoo · 4 years
Poison (Part 2)
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warnings: violence, swearing, blood
 Pairing: Kim Mingyu x female reader
 Word count:  18, 095
 Summary:  It seemed like Kim Mingyu’s words were true, once you enter this life style, you can’t just end it. You are forever in the system, forever being watched, even if you were an innocent by-stander. It seems like no matter how much you want to end things with Kim Mingyu, he just keeps pulling you in more and more danger. After all, he’s made it very clear, he wants you.
 A/N:  Oh my God! It’s finally here! Can you believe it?! This beautiful piece of art has been sitting in my drafts half finished for so long that I’m about to cry that’s how happy I am that I finished it. I really hope you will enjoy it and don’t be shy, leave your feedback! I have to say that my Seventeen phase (not me calling it a phase =))) is back real bad this time, so I don’t want to give you false hope, but damn, I have idea for a third part. I’m not saying a third part is coming, but it could come at some point if my writer’s block goes away. Anyways, I’ve said too much already, have fun reading!
     The days after my kidnapping were quiet and uneventful. I would lie if I said I didn’t double check my apartment before leaving it and when arriving at home or checking if I was being followed around. If they kidnapped me so easily in broad daylight, I don’t even want to imagine what other horrific things they could do. And thanks to me being the ever observant person, it didn’t take me long to realize that, in fact, I was being followed around every day. By none other than...Kim Mingyu. Yes, he was everywhere I went. At late evening in the supermarket when I forgot I had no porridge for breakfast and needed it as fast as possible, on a cold morning when I went out for a run and probably froze my lungs because I was stupid, and then the best part...he just had to be there every day at the bookstore. He never entered, only walked by peeking inside, looking like the creepy dude he is. Irene was quick to pick up on it after the third day he went by our window and I tried to lie to her, persuade her into believing that he probably was a new resident in the neighbourhood and was taking walks but no...she kept saying he looked at me and only me every time he passed by the bookstore. So, I ended up telling her only half of the story, leaving out all the gang related things. She was excited to hear about it and kept telling me to go for it but...that’s not a good idea. I should probably stay away from the gang unless I want to get kidnapped again. Yet, Mingyu’s words would sometimes haunt me late at night when I can’t sleep, echoing in my head. There is no way out once you get involved in something like this, is there? 
And yet, my curiosity got the best of me, and one day I couldn’t help it but speak up about it.
“Seungcheol,” I said lowly, turning towards my best friend. He looked up from his notebook, his brows in between a frown and arch.
“I want to meet Seventeen” I said seriously, looking him in the eyes. His eyebrows shot up and he closed his notebook.
“What?” He asked after blinking twice.
“Seventeen” I said again, narrowing my eyes when he just shrugged, “Are you dumb? Don’t play the idiot with me--I will smack you, you know I’m not afraid!”
“What’s a Seventeen though?” He asked, a chuckle leaving his lips. I raised my fist in warning and he scooted backwards, away from my reach.
“Your gang, you idiot!” I snapped after two minutes of silence and of us just staring at each other.
“Oh” He chuckled before he started giggling loudly, making my eyebrows furrow in irritation, “You mean, SVT”
“No, I mean, Seventeen” I snapped, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Who told you that? No one calls us Seventeen, Y/N” He started laughing loudly when I huffed and rolled my eyes.
“Kim Mingyu! He told me!” I exclaimed, offended, wanting him to shut up already. Maybe I can threaten Seungcheol with Mingyu and Mingyu with Seungcheol, I have these boys at my knees.
“He’s an idiot, he was playing around with you, Y/N” He chuckled when I rolled my eyes and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m serious, Seventeen or SVT, I want to meet the guys. Let me know the name of the guy who pointed a gun at your head” I muttered with a glare while gazing out the window.
“You know if I do that there’s no turning back, right?” Seungcheol turned serious as he scooted closer to me.
“I was already kidnapped once...there was no turning back the second I decided to interfere with your business, Cheol” I said as I looked at him, a reassuring smile resting on my lips.
“It’s better for you to not know much, Y/N. When you know more, you’ll be more exposed to the dangers that come with this life” Seungcheol said with a smile and I leaned my head against his shoulder.
“Do you think someone would believe me if I said I didn’t know anything? Those guys didn’t and yet I was saying the truth…” Seungcheol hummed while I pouted, glancing down at our notebooks. We were just some stupid kids who went to college to study something so that they can work somewhere later. No one would say Seungcheol was in a gang nor that a gang leader followed me around, life really is full of surprises.
“Besides…” I grinned involuntarily before quickly turning serious, “Mingyu keeps following me around”
“What?” Seungcheol exclaimed, sitting up straight as I raised my head and giggled.
“Yeah, he’s been doing it for weeks now...I think I saw Wonwoo too once…” My eyes narrowed as I thought back to the rainy day when the red car was going way too slow for someone who was supposed to circulate on a busy street. “Idiot, Kim Mingyu is an idiot” Seungcheol shock his head with a tired sigh and I kissed his cheek before going back to studying.
So that conversation led to the current situation aka Seungcheol parking in some underground parking lot of a fancy building. It was in the heart of the city, a rather expensive part of the city.
“Is this the headquarters or something…?” I raised my eyebrows at him when he led the way to the elevator.
“Bingo” He sent a wink while pushing a button, top floor. I hummed, looking back at him with my eyebrows furrowed.
“Aren’t you supposed to have run down warehouses as your headquarters?”
“Isn’t that too shady and too obvious?” Seungcheol chuckled when I shook my head.
“We are high class infractors, baby” He winked at me and I rolled my eyes while pretending to gag, “Besides, I’m pretty sure Minghao would leave the gang the second he had to place foot in such place”
“Why...is he the diva or something?” I asked with a chuckle while trying to associate a face with the name. Vernon told me but it was long ago and I forgot. Wait, his name was Vernon, wasn’t it?
“No, Y/N, Seungkwan is the one and only diva” Seungcheol said with a shake of his head.
“What does he do?” I asked just as the elevator stopped.
“Gun trafficking” I hummed with a shrug as the doors opened, the elevator leading into a big hallway with a single double door. Seungcheol led the way and went towards the control panel where he blocked my view to not see the password. I scoffed as the door dinged open and he sent me a cheeky grin. 
The room was different from what I was expecting. The penthouse was definitely turned into an office-like place just darker and...illegal. There was a small lobby where Seungcheol instructed me to take off my long coat before we’d go further inside. The air smelled of lavender and I tried not to show disgust as it was bothering me, I never liked lavender. The floor was all black and the walls a rather dark brown, my heels clicked against the marble floor. To our left there were three doors and a place that looked like a kitchen with a bar. To our right there was an open space which was equipped like a living room and there were stairs that led upstairs to another three rooms. Then to our right, facing our backs was a huge glass door that led inside a huge room. I could see inside, it was full of guys. Probably all from Seventeen as they were lounging around on the couches or playing video games. Seungcheol nudged me with a chuckle and I sent him a glare as he led the way and opened the door for me, it was a sliding door. No one seemed to notice us, suddenly with the open door the room was noisy as people were chatting loudly, some even screaming from one end of the room to the other, while others were laughing loudly. I spotted Wonwoo in the corner of the room, sitting in a chair with a book in his hands, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. How could he read when everything was so chaotic around him?
Seungcheol cleared his throat rather loudly and suddenly the room went quiet. I felt uncomfortable when all twelve eyes set on me, curious and calculating. I straightened my posture and walked inside the room with Seungcheol right behind me as he closed the door. There was a certain smell in the air, light smoke floating around. It didn’t even take more than a second for me to find whom it was coming from. Mingyu was sitting on a sofa next to Wonwoo’s chair, hands resting behind his head and his legs spread so wide it took up more than half of the sofa, and the sofa looked huge. His eyes raked over my body and a smirk crossed his lips, making me scowl at him. The guys looked from me to Mingyu then back at me with curious looks, making me further uncomfortable.
“How about we stop staring at Y/N like she’s some sort of alien, I’m pretty sure we are making her uncomfortable” Vernon was the first one to speak up with a comforting smile, a beanie covered his light blue hair from the eyes of others.
“She’s only here to meet you guys, so don’t even think of anything else--” Seungcheol’s voice turned threatening and I chuckled amused, “I’m talking to you, Jun”
A taller man with his hair, still, slicked back shrugged amused.
“How are you?” I was startled when an arm was draped around my shoulders. I turned my head only to be met with Vernon’s beautiful face. Wow, he’s truly handsome from up close.
“Had better days...if only they’d stop staring” I pretended to whisper to Vernon, rather loudly of course, making a few guys chuckle.
“Well, seems like you’ve never seen a woman before” I said with a shrug, a blonde haired guy, who I saw already once, starting laughing rather loudly, “My name is Oh Y/N, nice to meet you guys”
“Chwe Hansol Vernon” Vernon beside me extended his hand and I shook it with a chuckle, bowing my head a little.
“Nice to meet you, Vernon...again” I said with a smile and Vernon winked at me playfully.
“That’s too much” Seungcheol muttered from beside me and before I could react, his hands gripped my shoulders and I was turned away from Vernon.
“Let’s do the tour then” He said with a sigh, pushing me towards the first person to our left by my shoulders.
“That’s Seokmin, funny person please don’t hang out with him too much, he might try teaching you how to be cute--I’m being very sarcastic right now, Seokmin” Seungcheol was glaring at the widely smiling boy who didn’t seem to mind my best friend’s words. I chuckled and shook his extended hand.
“Nice to me you, Y/N” He said while blinking rapidly, “I’ll make sure to spend lot’s of quality time with you”
I giggled as Seungcheol whirled me away from Seokmin while grunting nonsense from behind.
“That’s Jihoon but most people call him Woozi” I offered a small smile at the short man, his sharp eyes made him look intimidating. He didn’t extend his hand nor said a thing so I just walked past him, Seungcheol still hanging onto my shoulders.
“That’s Jeonghan” He pointed at a guy with his hair in a man bun, wow he’s really handsome, “And that’s Joshua” The man beside him had a fancy look and his smile was warm.
“So...you two are my stalkers, I see…” I said playfully and both cracked some grins, while Joshua bowed his head. Seungcheol pushed me towards the blond haired guy who was smiling so widely his eyes disappeared.
“Hoshi, Soonyoung. I’m both, call me whichever you prefer” He said in one breath, taking my hand in his before I could even offer it to him. I shook his hand, his grip rather strong for a skinny looking man like him.
“Hoshi means star in--”
“Japanese!” He exclaimed, interrupting me.
“Yeah” I chuckled a little breathlessly, his energy taking me by surprise. He waved at me cutely when Seungcheol pushed me from behind and we passed by Mingyu, who sent a wink at me and I rolled my eyes at him, and Wonwoo, who I waved at and got a nose scrunched smile back. He was the cutest, I can’t believe he’s part of a gang.
“They are Minghao and Jun, I learned my good Chinese from them,” Seungcheol said proudly and I bowed a little. Minghao’s fur coat was gone but his turtleneck looked just as fancy and Jun bit his lip as his eyes ran over my body. I made eye contact with him and made sure he saw my glare, clearly I didn’t appreciate his openly devouring eyes.
“Junhui” I heard Mingyu call out from behind us, still sitting lazily on the sofa. The four of us glanced back at him and he only raised an eyebrow at Jun, making him roll his eyes with a groan before he turned towards Minghao and muttered something to him in chinese. Seungcheol led me away from the two Chinese men and I turned my head towards him.
“What did he say to Minghao?” I asked quietly and Seungcheol just shrugged.
“Probably just cursed Mingyu, he always does that”
“I’m not Mingyu’s property, can he stop acting like it?” I growled, eyes finding Mingyu who was watching us closely. I sent him a harsher glare than the one Jun got before turning around and towards another blonde haired man. He had full cheeks and he looked like another kind and pleasant person. These guys are so misleading with their appearances.
“Hi, I’m Seungkwan.” He was quick to speak up, his head held rather high and lips forming a tiny pout. He looked funny, I almost burst out laughing.
“Nice to meet you, Seungkwan” I shook his hand with a small smile, “I’ve heard great things about you”
“Really?” His demeanor suddenly changed, his face lit up with excitement before he could contain himself, he still willed his expression to go back to being uncaring.
“Of course” I said with a chuckle as Seungcheol and I walked towards the last person I didn’t know from the room. He was sitting on the floor, playing a video game. I already like this guy, he didn’t even bother looking at me.
“Hi, I’m Chan” He nodded towards me once and I smiled at him.
“Y/N, nice to meet you Chan” He hummed with a small smile as he focused on his game.
“Ah, that’s not right,” Jeonghan said with a sigh, holding the bridge of his nose. I raised my eyebrows at Seungcheol, his chin rested against my shoulder, as a grin spread on his lips.
“Since when are you Chan?” Jeonghan continued and Chan groaned, eyebrows furrowing.
“I told you to stop!” He whined loudly, making Joshua and Jeonghan chuckle to themselves.
“Who’s baby are you, Dino?” My eyebrows furrowed as I looked questioningly at Seungcheol.
“He’s the youngest, we call him Dino too but recently he said he doesn’t like the name anymore...I think you can figure now why” I laughed loudly as I placed a hand against my mouth, Jeonghan sent me an appreciative grin.
“I’ll unplug your game--”
“I’m Jeonghan’s baby” Chan was quick to say and Jeonghan hummed, walking over to pat his head.
“He’s so cute I can’t help it” Jeonghan said with a shrug while Chan groaned. I chuckled and Seungcheol, finally, detached himself from me and walked away with Jeonghan, sending a cute wink at me. I sighed and looked around the room, finally everyone went back to what they were doing. Jun and Minghao were in a corner doing something on their phones while talking. Hoshi was listening to music next to Woozi who seemed to be writing. Seokmin joined Chan in playing the video game and Seungkwan was humming to himself while playing on his phone, glancing at me from time to time and sending me judging looks. He looked truly funny. Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua were sitting on bar stools as they quietly spoke between each other. I felt awkward standing in the middle of the room as I contemplated what to do. I could go over to Seungcheol but they seem like they want to be left alone, Mingyu is not even an option, Wonwoo went back to reading and he’s sitting way too close to Mingyu for my liking and--
“So” Vernon. Right, there’s Vernon, who decided to save me from my misery.
“Yes?” I raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled.
“I don’t think you want to stand around here for longer”
“No, I don’t, you are right--but, I’m not sitting next to Mingyu!” I said quickly, rather loudly as Chan and Seokmin chuckled. 
“You don’t have to, you see that?” He pointed at the empty spot beside Seungkwan on the black sofa, “That’s my sofa”
“Yours?” I raised my eyebrows at him, “Did you buy it or something?”
“No, but I usually sit there” He said with a shrug and I chuckled.
“You are just a bunch of kids, how are you running a gang?” Seungkwan scoffed while I sat down, placing his phone down.
“We are not kids, I bet we are all older than you” He said sassily and Vernon smirked at him as he sat down on the other end of the sofa.
“I bet I tower over half of you” I said with a shrug while I sat next to Seungkwan, an eyebrow arched. Seungkwan scoffed and stood up, sent me a pointed glare before he stalked off to Hoshi and Woozi.
“He doesn’t like me much, does he?” I asked turning towards Vernon.
“He’s a funny guy” He said with a chuckle while he shook his head, “He needs time to adjust to you. Besides, he’s only playing tough, he’s not really...trust me, he’s my closest friend”
“You’ve known each other for long?” I asked curiously, eyes examining the room again. When my eyes fell on Mingyu I narrowed them, wishing he’d stop looking at us. He was directly across from us, in the other corner of the room, and he was watching us closely.
“We grew up together, everyone in this room...I’ve known them for over ten years” Vernon said quietly, his voice holding love and warmness. My eyes widened as I looked back at him, shocked. Seungcheol never bothered to tell me anything about them, scared he’d expose me to more danger.
“That’s a really long time” I breathed out as Vernon smiled at me.
“Yeah, how did you meet Seungcheol? He refused to tell me anything when I asked about you…” Vernon said with an embarrassed chuckle and my eyes widened again.
“You...asked about me?” I grinned when he nodded his head shyly. He looked cute with that beanie and small smile.
“When I moved here, I was looking for a place to stay at and he accidentally spilled his coffee all over me so...that’s when we first met. Then we met at our university and it turns out, before I moved to my current apartment, our flats were next to each other. The Universe really wanted us together” I chuckled and shrugged while Vernon hummed impressed.
“That’s nice, I tend to say...nothing happens without a reason, so…”
“So, I was supposed to meet him in order to meet you guys?” I raised an amused eyebrow and Vernon nodded with a wide grin.
“I still didn’t forget you pointing that gun at my best friend’s head” I raised an eyebrow when Vernon looked away with a frown, “If you’ve known each other for so long...why would you point a gun at his head?”
“We were being watched, no one knew, only Mingyu and I. Our gang is discreet, Y/N, no one from the outside knows anything about us. They don’t know we grew up together, they don’t know our stories...we are invisible to everyone. It’s partly thanks to Jeonghan and Joshua, who are our aces, but we also never make ties with anyone else if it’s possible. We can’t afford to have weaknesses in a world like ours” Vernon explained with a serious expression and I nodded in understanding.
“But then Seungcheol and I--”
“Oh, he hid you really well for five years. We really didn’t know about your existence” Vernon seemed like a genuine guy, honest as he was willing to let me know more about them.
“Well, I didn’t know about you either so I guess he did a good job” I said with a chuckle and Vernon nodded.
“That gang who kidnapped me--”
“Yeah, they were watching us. They probably followed you around after that and gathered all that information about you, which is really dangerous” I frowned but Vernon placed a reassuring hand on my knee, “Don’t worry, Jeonghan took care of it. You are once again invisible to everyone in this world”
“What if it’s too late?” I raised an eyebrow.
“It’s not, we made sure” He smiled at me. Vernon made me feel safe, like an older brother. He gave off the same vibe as Seungcheol. That was the first thing that attracted me towards him, the safety his presence offered me at first and then his personality. Seungcheol and Vernon are good people despite the things they do, which makes it harder for me to understand. Is there even wrong or right?
“Y/N!” Seungcheol called as I looked in his direction, “I hope you had fun but we are leaving”
“So soon?” Vernon asked as he stood up with me.
“Yeah, she’s seen and heard enough, I’m sure” Seungcheol sent a pointed look at Vernon and Wonwoo chuckled as he raised from his seat, placing the book down.
“Hey, I’m not like that,” Vernon said while crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“After spending so much time with Seungkwan…” Wonwoo said as he walked up to us, “There’s no way you aren’t like that”
“Fuck you!” Seungkwan shouted, making most boys laugh. Do they laugh at everything? I looked at Wonwoo with a smile and he sent a wink as he stopped beside me.
“Someone was maybe bothered by your closeness to Vernon” He muttered quietly, so that only I would hear as Vernon and Seungcheol spoke between each other. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at Wonwoo, but the realization soon hit me. My eyes fell behind him and there was Mingyu, one eyebrow raised. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Wonwoo.
“If he sent you to tell me this, tell him to go and fuck himself” I smiled sweetly at Wonwoo and he chuckled while shaking his head.
“My thoughts, not his” I hummed while narrowing my eyes at Wonwoo who smiled mischievously.
“We are going, Y/N” Seungcheol gripped my arm and I sent him a glare to which he let go of me.
“He was bothered, really? Let’s make him enjoy the show more” I said with an evil grin and Wonwoo looked confused as I leaned closer to him, wrapping my arms around him. Realizing what I did, he returned the hug and chuckled.
“You are playing with fire, be careful not to get burned” He said after we pulled away and I returned the smile.
“Let’s go--”
“Do I not get a hug?” Seungcheol groaned when Vernon stepped between him and I.
“You get one too” I laughed and gave him a quick hug before taking Seungcheol’s hand in mine.
“Let’s go Cheol, before you become too angry” I stuck my tongue out at him as he rolled his eyes and started walking.
“Bye guys!” I called as I turned around to give them a wave. There was a chorus of ‘goodbye’s’ before Seungcheol closed the sliding door and led us out of the apartment.
“Never doing this again” He muttered and I chuckled as I leaned against the elevator wall. It wasn’t even that bad.
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     One month later things didn’t change. Kim Mingyu still followed me around, even after that night I confronted him while going home from the bookstore. I made sure to lure him into an alleyway and snap at him, but he just laughed in my face and said, “Baby, I hold the gun here so you just keep on walking like you are oblivious to it” and like that, I knew I was just wasting my time if I focused on him. However, there’s something positive in every negative aspect and that in this case is my friendship with Vernon. We bonded faster than I thought we would and we found ourselves making movie marathons every Friday. Seungcheol was against it but in the end didn’t have a choice but to accept it. It’s not like I’m replacing him, he is still my best friend but it would be a shame not to spend time with Vernon when we go so well together.
“So how are things with that guy?” One afternoon Irene asked while we were organizing some books.
“Which guy?” I asked absentmindedly as I was trying to find a book.
“Oh my God” She chuckled as she looked at me teasingly, “How many guys are after your ass now?”
“What?” I chuckled as I rolled my eyes, “Zero guys, you know I’m not interested in anyone”
“Three o’clock and fifteen minutes” Irene said loudly as she craned her neck, stepping away from the bookshelf.
“What are you saying?” I laughed, following her actions.
“There he is, your giant who walks by the bookstore every single day at the same time” Irene said with a grin as we watched Mingyu not so subtly glancing inside as he passed in front of the bookstore. I groaned as I went back to organizing the books.
“It’s been two months, Y/N, I’d be scared if I were you but you most certainly know him as you are so calm about it” Irene said as she walked past me.
“Yeah, I know him but I also can’t stand him so it doesn’t matter” I shrugged, placing a book in its place.
“Well he does care apparently--”
“Irene” I interrupted her with a sigh, “Don’t”
“If I wouldn’t know you better Y/N, I’d say you got yourself involved into some kind of trouble and now he is your bodyguard without you wanting him to be” Irene chuckled as I paused and looked at her. If she only knew that she was almost right.
“Yeah, right” I faked a laugh, which definitely sounded fake even to her ears, but my eyebrows furrowed. I’ve never thought of Mingyu like that before. I did indeed get in trouble because of him and well, Seungcheol, but I didn’t think that he might be feeling guilty about it hence why he started acting like my bodyguard. Peaking a bit outside, my eyes settled on the seemingly empty road. Was Mingyu really the bad guy I was making him out to be?
   Irene’s words seemed to have affected me more than necessary and I was prone to speak to Mingyu. I’m not a liar nor an evil person just because I feel like it, yes, I do not like Mingyu but maybe it’s time I give him a chance? I didn’t judge Vernon nor anyone else from SVT. But maybe that was because they didn’t leave a bitter taste in my mouth, after all, my first encounter with Mingyu wasn’t a pleasant one. But then--how was the one with Vernon? He threatened to kill my friend. 
I groaned as I leaned back in the seat and stared up at the ceiling.
“Three o’clock and fifteen minutes” I heard Irene faintly from the back of the bookstore. My eyes went outside the windows but there was no one, at least not Mingyu, that passed in front of the bookstore.
“So, did he pass by?” She asked curiously. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked towards where Irene’s voice was coming from.
“Oh” Irene sounded surprised as she walked back, leaning against the front counter, “But it’s Wednesday and he’s been gone for three days now”
“I know” I rolled my eyes, “You seem more obsessed over this than I am”
“Don’t you think it’s weird?” Irene frowned as she looked at me, “There was rain, strong wind, ice cold weather and he still walked by--but now nothing, and it’s been sunny all week so far”
“Maybe he finally realized how annoying he is and stopped” I grinned at Irene while trying to ignore the worry beginning to take over me, “God finally listened to my prayers”
“You wish,” Irene said with a scoff as she turned around and walked to a sofa and took a book.
He probably has got some business to take care of, he is a gang leader after all. Or maybe he realized he had better things to do, much to my happiness. Before I could think more of it, my phone started ringing. I picked it up with a smile when I saw it was Vernon.
“Hi” I giggled into the phone when he started making weird sounds.
“Is this Oh Y/N?” He asked in a deep raspy voice.
“Well who am I talking to?” I asked amused as I could hear a quiet snort in the background.
“Be quiet Soonyoung!” Vernon hissed quietly before clearing his throat, “I’m Hansol, Vernon’s twin brother”
“Oh, he never told me had a twin brother,” I said amused, leaning back in my chair.
“Whatever, doing this voice is hurting my vocal chords” I snorted at Vernon’s words.
“So what’s up?” I asked with a smile while playing with my pen.
“I was bored and decided to give you a call” 
“Well good, because I am bored too”
“What about we grab dinner tonight?” Vernon asked in a light tone and I hummed as my eyes went once again outside the windows.
“Sounds great, can Seungcheol come with us?” I knew Seungcheol would get petty about not being invited so...I had no choice.
“Yeah, he told me to actually ask you out…” Vernon’s voice turned quieter, “He just wants a free meal”
I scoffed and laughed as I rolled my eyes, “That sounds like Seungcheol, but I have a better idea!”
“I’m all ears,” Vernon said with a chuckle.
“Let’s invite him and before we could pay for it, leave him there. He either pays or washes the dishes, his choice” Vernon started laughing as I grinned to myself, still playing with my pen.
“I like how that sounds” I hummed as my eyes wandered towards the windows once again. Stop it Y/N!
“Vernon, I have a question…” I trailed off as my eyes wandered to Irene. She was reading, eyebrows furrowed as she was probably concentrating, she shouldn’t hear what I’m saying.
“I’ve been wondering just, you know...how Mingyu follows me around and stuff…” I trailed off as I thought how to formulate my question to sound casual.
“Yeah, everyone knows that” Vernon chuckled, “He’s pretty freaky, huh?”
“Yeah” I snorted as I bit my lower lip, “You know...I haven’t seen him this week so far, maybe he’s--”
“You haven’t?” Vernon’s voice wasn’t surprised, it was more happy, “I can pick you up then from the bookstore tonight!”
“Amazing, yeah” My eyebrows furrowed at the lack of worry in his voice, “Where’s Mingyu though?”
I decided to just blurt it out, better than kicking around the bush. Vernon was quiet and even Irene looked at me. What? Was it that weird that I asked about him? Okay, fine, I confess! Thanks to Irene’s words I became worried!
“Honestly…” Vernon trailed off before clearing his throat, “We don’t know”
“What? And you aren’t worried?” My eyebrows furrowed as I sat up straight in the chair.
“Not really, he does that from time to time” Vernon replied casually and I frowned.
“Well if you aren’t worried...anyways, see you tonight” I cleared my throat and Vernon chuckled before biding me goodbye.
I placed my phone on the table and sighed loudly.
“Not worried, huh?” Irene said loudly as the door opened and signaled a customer. My head snapped in her direction as I threw her a warning glare. She’s lucky we have a customer and I can’t curse her.
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   A week passed by and there was no Kim Mingyu. It felt oddly irritating. I got so used to having him in my shadow that now, wherever I went, I kept glancing behind my back, anxious all the time. I didn’t even realize how safe he made me feel by following me around. And then there was the worry I felt for him, what if something happened to him? Vernon said last week he doesn’t know where he is, no one in fact from SVT knows where he is. What if he got injured? What if someone killed him? What if he just went to visit his family? Girlfriend?
I frowned at my last thought as it didn’t sit well with me. Wouldn’t his girlfriend be bothered knowing that his boyfriend was following around another girl? Because it most certainly wouldn’t make me happy to hear.
“Are you even listening to me?” Irene slammed her hands on the front desk and I jumped.
“Sorry, I’m just studying and didn’t hear you…” I muttered as I glanced down at my notebook, which was long forgotten as I was lost in my thoughts.
“Right” Irene narrowed her eyes at me and I only smiled sweetly, “Anyways, I was saying I’d be thankful if you came and helped me unload the box of new books, it’s really heavy”
I huffed as I closed my notebook and rose from the chair, “Coming, stop whining now”
Irene chuckled and started walking to the back as I left the front counter, however, the door opened signaling a new customer. Irene glanced back at me and nodded as I turned around to go back and greet the person.
“Hello, welcome to--” The words caught in my throat when I locked eyes with the giant. His hair was black and in a normal haircut, short bangs framing his forehead. His flaming and wild red hair was gone. It looked weird, he looked weird. I was used to seeing him with that wild look, he looked dangerous and mysterious...now, he kinda looked normal. As normal as a giant can look.
“Mingyu?!” I asked stunned as I took in his body, his shoulders were, unlikely to him, slouched.
“Hello, sugar” Mingyu’s lips pulled up in a smirk, “Missed me?”
I opened my mouth to snap back at him but something felt off. It looked as if he was in pain, the smirk wasn’t sincere like every other time, it looked painful.
“Where were you?” I narrowed my eyes as I walked closer to him. He chuckled amused and leaned down a bit as I caught his wince this time.
“Worried about me already, sugar? Wait until our wedding day at least--”
“I swear to God, Mingyu, if you don’t stop with that bullshit I’ll cut off your balls before you can say wedding day again!” I snapped, ears red as I stared at an amused Mingyu. Every single day, and I mean that, he told me something connected to our wedding day. When I bought milk, when I walked down the street, when I went and shopped for flowers...he always found something he could connect to our ‘wedding day’.
“But come on, sugar” He chuckled taking a step closer, “Soon you’ll be all mine, my beautiful wife--”
With a hiss I punched his stomach, making him double over. Something was definitely wrong as I watched Mingyu inhale sharply and his face twisted into an angry expression. There’s no way in hell my punch was strong enough to make him double over. Mingyu is not fine.
“Look at me” I demanded lowly as I stepped closer to him. Mingyu’s eyes found mine and before he could say a thing I grabbed his jaw and yanked him closer to me. His eyes widened in shock as he was not expecting something like that from me. My eyes ran over his seemingly perfect face until I found the smallest cut in the corner of his lips. I made eye contact with him and the playful and teasing Mingyu was gone as he gazed at me seriously. I felt captivated by his dark eyes and suddenly I realized just how close our faces were to each other, I could feel his breath fanning my nose. I gulped and continued to gaze into his eyes as if trying to find something in there, something he was hiding.
“Did the customer--Oh my God!” That was the loudest I’ve ever heard Irene speaking, and that was saying a lot. I quickly let go of Mingyu and stepped back as he straightened himself, wincing quite visibly.
“Hello” Irene said with a sweet smile, tucking a strand hair behind her ear, “I’m Irene, Y/N’s co-worker”
“Mingyu” He nodded towards Irene with an amused smile as he kept glancing between the two of us. Irene threw me a smirk and I widened my eyes in warning before turning back to Mingyu.
“Come with me” I muttered as I turned to walk by Irene, leading the way to the back where the bathroom was.
“There’s condoms in the cabinet underneath the sink” Irene whispered as I passed by her and I abruptly stopped walking, making Mingyu run into me from behind.
“What?!” I exclaimed loudly, wide eyes staring at an amused Irene.
“Go on now” She chuckled, pushing us away, “Don’t take too long though”
I made sure to throw a killer glare at her as I continued on leading the way to the bathroom. Mingyu chuckled but remained silent for the rest of our walk as he gazed around. I opened the door and let him enter first before turning on the lights.
“Irene is really funny” Mingyu chuckled as I closed the door behind me, “I already like her”
“I’m going to murder her” I snapped as I looked up at an amused looking Mingyu.
“Careful, sugar, you out of all know the weight of those words” He pointed a finger at me and I swatted it away.
“Sit down and strip” I demanded, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Oh” Mingyu’s eyes went wide before a smirk crossed his lips once again, “I like it when girls are so straightforward--”
“Mingyu--” I took a deep breath as I stepped closer, “Just stop it and take off your coat and shirt”
His eyes narrowed at me but when I wouldn’t stop glaring at him he sighed and carefully took off his coat. I watched as he winced and took a sharp breath once his coat was off. He looked at me as if he was done but I only raised my eyebrows and he undid the buttons of his shirt slowly. When it was off, my eyes widened at Mingyu’s torso. His ribs were purple and blue and there was a big gash starting from his left collarbone and stopping right where his heart was.
“Oh my God!” I gasped, eyes wide as I closed the distance between us, “What-what happened, I--”
“Nothing serious!” Mingyu shrugged as he sat on the toilet lid.
“Kim Mingyu!” I snapped, before leaning closer to inspect the big cut. It didn’t look deep, thank God, but it did look painful as hell.
“Okay” He rolled his eyes as I went to take a clean rag from the cabinet and some disinfectant, “I had to attend some meetings last week, out of town of course, and I got in a fight today before returning”
“This is what you call a fight?” I exclaimed annoyed as I started cleaning the big cut. Mingyu hissed and gripped my wrist tightly, halting my movements.
“That fucking stings” He snapped, eyebrows furrowed as he pushed away my hand from his chest.
“Well you can fucking die if it gets infected, so let me do my job” I snapped back with a glare and after a second of silence he let go of my wrist, quite reluctantly might I add. 
“Last time Jeonghan and Joshua checked--” I scoffed and rolled my eyes as Mingyu just waited for me to finish my dramatic reaction before continuing, “you weren’t a nurse”
“Still am not, but I know what to do. My father would get in fights with random people on the street and I always treated his wounds” I muttered quietly, trying to be careful while cleaning the cut. 
“No wonder you’re such a violent lady” Mingyu muttered more to himself and an amused smile appeared on my lips.
“Violent lady?” He made eye contact with me and nodded.
“Indeed, violent lady you are, sugar” I rolled my eyes but couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Before the silence could engulf us and make me feel awkward, since I am pretty much standing in front of a half naked Mingyu...with a huge cut and bruised ribs and well, I’m also touching that chest...anyways. I cleared my throat and focused on cleaning the lower part of the wound.
“Vernon told me that they didn’t know where you were and then I--”
“Vernon?!” Mingyu exclaimed, gripping my wrist once again tightly. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.
“Yes, Vernon”
“Vernon Hansol Chwe?” 
“Yes, Vernon Hansol Chwe” I watched as Mingyu scoffed and let go of my wrist with a shove, “You’ve got a problem with that?”
“I--” Mingyu’s voice was rather high pitched as he looked me in the eyes, but stopped himself before saying anything else. I raised my eyebrows expectantly but he just took my wrist and placed my hand holding the rag against his chest, “You just clean this mess up and shut up, I have a headache”
“Of course, you are very welcome Mingyu” I said sarcastically as I finished up his cut. He couldn’t even be grateful after I cleaned the big ass cut from his chest, without having even any obligations to do it. The things I started doing for Kim Mingyu…
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      Things returned to normal, much to my dismay. Mingyu was healthy again after a week and he took that as an invitation to enter the bookstore every time he passed by now. Irene and him quickly connected and I didn’t know how to feel about that. They both would be throwing me teasing looks when the other wasn’t looking and I would just glare back. Sometime last week Mingyu even started bringing us food, even though I told him many times that I didn’t want to eat on his money. Of course he reassured me that he has lots of it and that it shouldn’t worry me, as if that was even the cause in the first place. But I couldn’t fight back, I realized, Kim Mingyu always got what he wanted. Even if I opposed him all the time and gave him a hard time, he still somehow got what he wanted. And that is very infuriating.
That is why instead of studying for my next exam, I was staring at the wall with my eyebrows furrowed. I couldn’t stop thinking about how two days ago he tricked me into having dinner with him. I closed up the bookstore later than usual as we had inventory to do and he offered to drive me home. Any other time I would have declined his offer, but it was pouring hard outside, I had no umbrella and I was tired...and I didn’t want to call Seungcheol as he was busy with some mysterious plans SVT had. So I accepted his offer, a mistake, I realized once I saw him driving in the opposite direction of my neighborhood and towards the most expensive part of town. I was pissed and I still am actually. I groaned as I ruffled my bangs and threw my notebook off my lap, just for my front door to be kicked open. My heart jumped in my chest and picked up its peaceful rhythm as I thought someone broke in to kidnap me again. I was looking around my living room for anything that I could use as a weapon when I heard the familiar voice of Seungcheol.
“I said no!” He shouted in the hallway and my eyebrows furrowed. Before I could go see what was happening, Seungcheol was already storming inside my living room. His eyes found mine and I realized he was really angry. I walked closer to him to ask what was wrong when a throat was cleared in the doorway. My eyebrows furrowed more as I looked confused at the five men standing in my doorway. What the fuck is happening? Jun smirked and threw a wink as he walked further inside as if this was his place, Minghao had an amused smile on his face when he saw me scowling at Jun. Vernon and Wonwoo were grinning excitedly and I couldn’t help the giggle that left my lips and Mingyu was looking around curiously. Mingyu. Again. Of course. I glared at him as I walked towards him and pushed at his, now healed, chest.
“Get out!” I snapped, but my push did little to nothing as Mingyu’s built was almost twice bigger than mine. He looked offended that my first reaction to seeing him was to throw him out of my apartment. He is not welcomed here.
“Seriously?” He asked amused, but the glare didn’t go unnoticed by anyone.
“I don’t remember inviting you inside” I answered him as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. Mingyu scoffed as he looked at the other five men scattered in my living room.
“If they can stay, so can I.” And before I could curse him out, he pushed past me and sat down just where I was sitting seconds before. I scoffed and leaned against my door frame.
“Do you want some drinks?” 
“No.” Seungcheol snapped irritatedly as he ruffled his hair. He was standing next to the big window and drew the curtains together, blocking the view of the city. Something must have happened if he’s so on edge. I opened my mouth to ask once again what was wrong, but Vernon cut me off.
“Don’t I get my hug?” He tried to defuse the tense air in the room, but made it worse when Seungcheol and Mingyu both started glaring at him. I didn’t want to make Seungcheol angrier than he already was, but tormenting Mingyu was always something I enjoyed doing. And Vernon is my friend, I always hug him when we meet. So with a small smile and a shake of my head I walked towards him, he stood up from the ground, and we hugged. He squeezed me into his arms and lifted me up a bit, making me giggle into his neck. Vernon made me feel comfortable and protected. Having him and Seungcheol as my friends felt like having two older brothers and it was a feeling I really enjoyed. Seungcheol was like the stern and over protective older brother and Vernon the funny one and always ready to cause trouble with you kind of older brother. Mingyu scoffed as he looked away and I smirked to myself as I let go of Vernon. Mingyu always acts like a big, bad, tough guy but in moments like this his true self shows. He’s just a jealous, greedy, piece of shit. 
“So…”I spoke up as I walked next to Seungcheol and put an arm around his shoulders, “care to tell me why you six waltzed into my apartment uninvited with a very pissed Seungcheol?”
Seungcheol sighed deeply next to me and took my hand resting on his shoulders in his, giving it a squeeze. He was trying to calm down so I looked at him and offered him a friendly smile.
“Because Mingyu is fucking crazy!” He still couldn’t contain his temper as he looked at Mingyu with the deadliest glare I’ve ever seen coming from him.
“No, Mingyu is just fucking annoying. He can’t take a no, nor a ‘I told you to leave me alone, asshole’, nor a ‘I will fucking put you into jail if you don’t stop--’”
“Shut up, sugar, unless you want to really piss me off” Mingyu spoke lowly, eyes boring into mine as a smirk spread on my lips.
“Oh, I’m just getting started. Or what? Will you put a bullet in my head like you threatened so many times already?” Mingyu’s jaw clenched as he was ready to spring to his feet when Seungcheol chuckled humorlessly.
“Well if he won’t put a bullet in your head, someone else will fucking sure do it.” My eyes went wide as I looked at Seungcheol then at Vernon and Wonwoo. What is he talking about? My heart started beating quickly again as I let go of Seungcheol and straightened my posture. Seungcheol’s eyebrows furrowed as he realized what he said and sighed, shaking his head, “I didn’t mean to make it sound like that--”
“But what you said is right.” Vernon cut off Seungcheol and I looked between the two even more confused. A headache was brewing as I felt a light pressure in my forehead.
“Okay, honestly, what the fuck?” I finally snapped, glaring at everyone in room, especially at Seungcheol, “You have five seconds to explain before I call the cops”
“Yeah, right” Seungcheol muttered underneath his breath and I kicked his shin, earning a hiss from him.
Minghao, however, placed a brown envelope on top of my coffee table and looked at me with a neutral expression. I bit my lower lip, looking at the envelope nervously. What can be in there? Am I a wanted criminal for hanging around with SVT? Or did someone put a prize on my head because of Mingyu? Because he’s always with me and the other gangs probably already think there’s something going on between us? Coming to think of it, Kim Mingyu is a fucking idiot. He couldn’t even keep it on the low that he’s after me 24/7. 
“There’s an auction tomorrow at the Town Hall. We are going to steal a 1.00 carat Diamond ring--
“We are buying it first, Minghao, didn’t I tell you that already?” Mingyu asked with a yawn and Minghao rolled his eyes before he looked back at me.
“It’s not buying if we steal it before we can pay for it, anyways, Y/N, we need you to come with us” I blinked once and then twice as it was quiet in the room. Everyone was looking at me. Oh, now I understand why Seungcheol is so pissed, he doesn’t want to involve me in their business.
“We don’t need you to come, that’s just the bullshit coming out of Mingyu’s brain. We can perfectly do it without you too, we’ve already done it thousands of times.” Seungcheol’s jaw clenched as glared at their leader.
“Watch your fucking mouth, Seungcheol, my tolerance with you is running thin!” Mingyu snapped as he stood up, eyes narrowed at my friend. I sighed and took a step forward in order to stand between these two. I don’t want a gun pointed at Seungcheol again.
“Stop it!” I glared at both before looking down at the envelope, Seungcheol said they’ve done this before so nothing should go wrong. And it’s a Saturday tomorrow, a day I’d rather spend around high class people than study for my crucial exam. A small smirk spread on my lips as I looked up at Mingyu. His eyes were focused on me and when he saw my expression he knew I was in. He took a step back and sat on my couch again as he looked at Seungcheol smugly, who couldn’t see me as I was standing with my back towards him.
“Fine, I’m in” I said loud and clear and Seungcheol grabbed my arm.
“Are you crazy?! This is exposing you into our world so much more! It’s too dangerous, Y/N, please--”
“You think I’m not exposed way too much already?!” I raised my eyebrows with a scoff, “Mingyu’s been following me around daily for months, Seungcheol, you think no one saw him? Saw me? Saw the two of us together and got the wrong idea? Hell, I was exposed by you a long time ago, you just never wanted to admit it because you need me. And because I need you, Seungcheol.” My voice grew soft as Seungcheol looked down at the ground, his grip growing softer on my arm. I placed my other hand on his holding mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Trust me, okay?” I whispered as Seungcheol looked me in the eyes defeated and nodded wordlessly.
“Be home tomorrow all day, you’ll have a package sent your way. I’ll pick you up at five in the afternoon.” Mingyu spoke up as he rose from my sofa and patted Minghao on the back.
“I’m only going with you if Seungcheol, Vernon and Wonwoo will be there with me at the auction.” I stepped in front of Mingyu so he couldn’t leave. There were a few inches between our bodies and I tried to ignore his scent and body warmth. He felt really inviting and I hated how easily my body gave in. I got too used to him and that’s bad.
“You don’t get to negotiate with me, Y/N.” Him using my name never meant anything good. He was dead serious. He wasn’t glaring nor speaking in a threatening way, but his words were enough to warn me.
“And you need me, Mingyu, otherwise you wouldn’t be here right now. So if you want me to really go, those are my conditions. And...Wonwoo picks me up, not you.” A throat was cleared behind Mingyu as a way to hide the laughter that bubbled up from Wonwoo. He was enjoying this a lot. He always enjoyed me standing up to Mingyu and never was afraid to show it, he really has known Mingyu for the longest.
“If you think…” He leaned down, our noses brushing against each other, “That you’ll be able to avoid me all night, you are very wrong. You are my girl.”
“Fuck you, I am no one’s, especially not yours.” I said pissed but Mingyu just sniffed before straightening up and walking past me. I glared at the wall as the boys one by one left my apartment.
“See you tomorrow!” Wonwoo smiled cutely and I sighed as I nodded. Vernon waved and before Seungcheol could leave, I grabbed his arm.
“Sleep here tonight?” Seungcheol looked past my shoulder and nodded at the person behind me, no doubt Mingyu, before he gave me a small smile.
“I’ve got to take care of a few things, I’ll be back in an hour”
“Cool, I’ll cook us something then” He kissed my forehead before leaving too. I sighed and walked to the coffee table to pick up the envelope. The big diamond ring stared back at me mockingly and I studied it as I made my way to the kitchen. This will be interesting.
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   I stared at the reflection staring back at me in the mirror with a grimace. Of course Mingyu would pick a dress like this one. Red silk, tightly clinging to my body, deep V cut with thin straps and floor length but with a cut so high on my left thigh that I’m afraid my underwear will show if I take big steps. The heels sent with the dress were a dark emerald green, matching my earrings and purse. When I first saw the dress my jaw dropped, I was mesmerized by the fabric and beauty of it but when I finally dressed in it, I realized how provoking it is. I honestly don’t know if Mingyu is doing this for his own twisted mind or because he wants me to distract the important people he’s stealing from tonight. He sent nothing to wear over the dress so I decided to pull on my white fur jacket that I got from Seungcheol two years ago. He showed up to my birthday with the fancy package and at first I thought he was pranking me, but when I opened the box I was left speechless. He refused to tell me where he got the money from to buy such an expensive gift for me but now I know, it all makes sense now. My phone pinged and I glanced down to see a text from Wonwoo informing me that he was downstairs waiting for me. I took a deep breath and tightened the low ponytail before slipping my red lipstick inside my purse and quickly left, after locking the front door.
Wonwoo had a big smile on his lips when he saw me opening the apartment complex’s door, pretending to take off his hat as I walked closer to him. I chuckled and shook my head as I stopped in front of him.
“Didn’t he just overdo himself?” I asked, rolling my eyes as I twirled around slowly. Wonwoo started laughing, his deep voice raising a few octaves.
“Mingyu always had good taste and right now he hit the jackspot,” There was a sly smirk on Wonwoo’s lips as he pushed off the car, “All eyes will be on you tonight.”
“I guess that is his goal?” I asked with a sigh as I sat inside the car after Wonwoo opened the backseat door for me, “I have to distract the important people so that you guys can steal peacefully?”
Wonwoo chuckled and shook his head before closing the door and jogging to the driver’s seat. I buckled up the seatbelt and got comfortable on the leather seat, still not used to the softness of the fabric of my dress.
Wonwoo sat inside and started the car smoothly, slowly taking off, “You being there with us tonight is just Mingyu wanting to show off. He’s not using you as a distraction, although that’s what will happen probably. I know you hate the situation you are in, but Mingyu is never letting go of you. You can hate him until the end of your life but you got him wrapped around your fingers, something he will never admit.”
“I don’t understand what’s so special about me. There’s so many women out there who would willingly be with him, who are, hell, desperate to be with a man like him!” I exclaimed as I looked out the window.
“Trust me, I don’t understand either” Wonwoo started laughing and I rolled my eyes in a playful manner, “It’s mainly how loyal you are to Seungcheol. You really left a deep impression on him when you stood in front of that gun pointed at your friend. Many would have ran away just by seeing the situation that was unfolding when you stepped in. I knew you’d bring trouble upon us when you left Seungcheol’s vehicle--”
“You were in the van!” I exclaimed, leaning forward in my seat gaping. Wonwoo glanced back at me through the rearview mirror with a cheeky grin, “I knew it! I knew someone was inside the van still, I felt it!” 
“Yeah, I’m about to make a bold statement, but I’m one hundred percent sure we even made eye contact!” I gasped and soon we were both laughing. Sometimes I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that these men are part of a dangerous organization, hell, they are even more dangerous. That Seungcheol, the nicest and most caring man I know, is a drug dealer lord and that Vernon, the funny and reliable friend, is a hitman. Even Wonwoo, who always makes me laugh and loves to read in his free time, he’s the designated get away driver who’s caused numerous accidents that killed innocent by-standers. It’s a crazy world I got dragged in accidentally and no matter how much I hate it, Mingyu’s right, there’s no way out for me. So I better woman up and accept my fate of always having someone in my shadow to protect me from unknown dangers.
“Just smile and be nice to everyone Mingyu will introduce you to,” Wonwoo spoke up, bringing me out of my thoughts, “And try to keep your witty remarks to yourself until at least you are alone”
“Great, we are here” I muttered to myself as suddenly my stomach felt like an empty hole. I gulped and undid my seatbelt, about to open my door when someone opened it for me. It was Seungcheol and I took a deep breath before stepping out.
“Have fun, by the way, you look absolutely stunning!” Wonwoo called after me and I offered him a small smile as Seungcheol closed the door for me.
“My God” I breathed out as I looked around at the people swarming the place, all looking fancy and expensive. I’ve never seen so much luxury at one place ever in my life. Rich people really have it all.
“I thought I could do this, but I’m on the verge of throwing up, Cheol!” I whisper-shouted as I gripped onto my friend’s forearm. He sighed and I looked at him, taking in his outfit for the first time. He was wearing a dark red tuxedo, looking really handsome. His black hair was gelled back and the lip piercing was missing, he looked weird without the accessory.
“You have to put that lip piercing back the second we leave this place” I said with furrowed eyebrows as Seungcheol chuckled and pushed me back gently, getting a good look at my outfit.
“I’m going to fucking murder Mingyu, what are you wearing!” Seungcheol’s exclamation earned a few cross eyed looks and I pinched his hand to warn him to keep it down.
“A very expensive designer dress that I picked out myself with great care.” Mingyu seemed to teleport as he spoke up from next to me, eyes locking with Seungcheol, “Why? Do you have a problem?”
“It’s too revealing!” Seungcheol hissed and I sighed as I grabbed his arm.
“It’s fine, it’s just for tonight, Cheol. Let’s not cause a scene, okay?” I spoke softly, trying to calm him as I noticed people looking more frequently over. It could just be because Mingyu is standing next to me, I don’t know, but I don’t want to test our luck tonight. A hand touched my arm and I cringed a little when Mingyu intertwined our arms, but I stayed quiet deciding to follow Wonwoo’s advice. 
“Do your job, S.Coups, it’s why you are here tonight.” Mingyu’s voice was stern as he shot Seungcheol another look before taking off towards the entrance. I remained quiet as I followed his lead, taking in the beauty of the place. The chandeliers hanging low were covered in sparkling crystals and the floor and wall were all marble. The place looked breathtaking. My attention soon turned to the bodyguard standing at the next door, a notebook in his hands.
“Kim Mingyu, Oh Y/N” Mingyu spoke before the guard could even speak up, checking our names on the list. He gave us a nod and Mingyu started leading the way once again. As we walked inside the spacious room, music flooded my ears, nice slow music, and chatter. People were everywhere you looked, holding drinks or nothing in their hands, and laughing and talking with each other. Towards the front of the room was a small stage where the live band was playing and in front of the stage numerous empty chairs, for the auction later. We walked towards the right back of the room, where round tables had name tags on, and as Mingyu found ours we stopped. I shrugged my fur jacket off and hung it on the chair, placing my purse on the table next to the champagne glass. I felt eyes on me so I turned to look at Mingyu. For the first time tonight, I looked at him and took in his outfit. He was wearing all black, dress trousers, a vest without any dress shirt underneath and a sparkly tuxedo jacket with chains on. His black hair was styled in a way that left the impression that he had bangs but with the undercut it looked really nice. My eyes ran over his body once again and I tried to ignore the dryness of my throat when my eyes spotted his naked chest again. A chest on which a fading scar could be seen. He looked jaw dropping and I could see why so many ladies were looking our way. His look screamed danger, excitement and pleasure.
“I see I’m not the only one taken by my partner tonight” Mingyu smiled, genuinely, his sharp canines showing. I was speechless for a second and it made his smile widen. 
“Don’t expect me to obey you after tonight” I tried to scowl while trying to say something logical, off thrown by his smile. 
“I am not” He chuckled and stepped closer, eyes sweeping over my form for the nth time, “I really wasn’t going to choose this dress, but now I’m really glad I did”
“Something revealing not being your first choice? What a shock!” I placed a hand over my mouth mockingly and Mingyu rolled his eyes as he stepped again closer, little to no space between us now.
“We’ve spent so many months together and yet you still don’t know me, I am quite offended,” Mingyu said with a pout and my eyebrows furrowed.
“It’s not like we spent that time getting to know each other” I shrugged as my eyes wandered around the room, “You follow me around all the time while I yell at you to leave me alone...which makes me wonder, do you not have a life that you have to participate in?”
“Very funny” He glared a little as I offered him a sweet smile, “I take care of my business before I decide to stalk you”
“I’m glad you are aware that it’s called stalking what you do”
“Is it still stalking when the other one likes it?” He leaned in and I looked away in an attempt to ignore the closeness. My heart was beating so fast in my chest I was afraid the music wasn’t loud enough to cover it and Mingyu would hear it. I tried to distract myself even more as I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to spot a familiar face in the mass of people present in the room with us.
“Stalking is still stalking, Kim Mingyu, no matter the feelings tied to it” Finally, I answered back as a low humming sound came from the male standing too close in front of me. I made the mistake of glancing at him, our gazes catching each other and eyes locking. 
“When will you admit that you like having me around?” His voice was barely a whisper and I probably wouldn’t have heard him if my senses wouldn’t have been in overdrive. Everything around me felt on fire as I gulped, trying to collect my thoughts. He never stood this close to me before, we were almost pressed up against each other. His body warm drew me in more and more and I found myself staring at his pink lips, tongue poking out to wet them. The action snapped me out of my staring and I quickly looked back up, our eyes once again connecting. Mingyu’s pupils were dilated as his eyes narrowed at me, and I cleared my throat awkwardly. All these feelings were suddenly overwhelming and confusing, since when did I start feeling this way around Mingyu?
“Never” I whispered, barely audible, as Mingyu leaned down. I panicked, eyes searching his face as I didn’t know what to expect from him.
“There you are!” A cheery voice greeted from behind Mingyu and I basically ripped myself away from the tall giant as I raced towards my friend, Vernon, who wasn’t standing far from us. My heart was hammering in my chest as I threw my arms around Vernon, hugging him tightly. He chuckled and hugged me back just as tightly, eyebrows playfully furrowed when I pulled back.
“Jesus, I never thought someone could miss me this much” Vernon laughed and I giggled along, trying to ignore the burning look coming from Mingyu. He was pissed that Vernon interrupted us, was he planning on kissing me? Was Mingyu about to kiss me? No, question, was I about to actually let him kiss me? The answer to that question was scary because I instantly knew the answer, so I smiled tightly at Mingyu before grabbing Vernon’s arm and pulled him towards the bar, far away from Mingyu.
“Why are we in a rush?” Vernon chuckled confused as I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself.
“Just running away from Mingyu, the usual, you know” I muttered as the bartender looked our way and I waved my fingers at him.
“I’d like a Cuba Libre, please” I asked politely as the bartender turned around and started preparing my cocktail, “Vernon, you have to promise me something”
“Uh, alright?” He asked with raised eyebrows as the bartender turned back to us with my drink. I went to grab for money but realized I left my purse on the table, where Mingyu is. I turned to Vernon with puppy eyes as he just grinned and handed the bartender a lot more money than that Cuba Libre cost.
“Thanks, I left my purse at the table”
“You can give it back after we go back and--”
“No!” I snapped, eyes wide, as I grabbed the glass firmly in my hands, “The promise I want to ask you is keep me away from Mingyu, all night.”
“All night?” Vernon’s eyes widened as he gulped and looked past my shoulder, back towards where the round tables were situated.
“All night.” I nodded my head firmly and took my first sip of my cocktail.
“Uh, shit, let’s get moving then!” My eyebrows furrowed when he pulled me after him, I almost spilled a little of the drink on myself, “Mingyu’s headed our way”
“Run!” I screeched quietly as Vernon laughed and started pulling me through the masses of people, doing everything to lose Mingyu.
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   And that’s exactly what Vernon and I did for the past two hours, we ran from Mingyu. We hid in the back garden, we danced on the dance floor to the slow music when we couldn’t see him, we socialized with people Vernon knew and even met some new ones, then went to the bar to get some more drinks when we made eye contact with a very pissed looking Mingyu. I was actually having a lot of fun, the night going a lot better than I was anticipating it to go. Vernon was amazing company and I couldn’t be more thankful for him accepting my little plan, knowing he’d have to suffer the repercussions later on for disobeying direct orders from Mingyu and hiding me from him. 
“See those guys over there?” Vernon nodded subtly towards a couple not far away from us, standing at the end of the bar.
“Yeah, why?” I asked as my eyes swept over the place, trying to act casual, but also to see if I could catch a glimpse of Mingyu. I haven’t seen him in half an hour which was starting to make me uneasy. 
“Undercover cops.” Vernon said lowly, lips barely moving as he steered the olive oil in his drink.
“No shit, are you forreal?” I slammed my third Cuba Libre on the bar a little too hard, eyes widening as I glanced towards the couple, who were looking at us now. Vernon frowned lightly and then suddenly laughed as he looked at the couple.
“She had a little bit too much already!” He called with a friendly smile, nodding towards my drink. I looked at him offended but quickly covered my reaction with a somewhat drunken giggle. The couple laughed along with me, nodding their heads before they walked away.
“You can’t react like that--”
“I’m sorry!” I quickly cut him off, realizing I was putting the reason why we were here at stake if I was reacting like that, “How many of them are here?”
“Are you kidding me?” Vernon laughed, downing his drink in a one shot, “This place is full of cops, Y/N”
“Holy shit” I muttered amazed as I looked out at the crowd on the dance floor then back at Vernon. However, I tensed up when my eyes fell on the man we’ve been avoiding for the past two hours, “Shit, the devil’s here, Vernon--” Vernon gripped my arm as we took off, leaving my drink on the counter as I looked back at it with a pout. We were weaving between people as Vernon headed for the dance floor, until our path was cut. I looked up and swallowed hard at the dark eyes and dark glare directed at us. Vernon just smiled as he nodded at his boss, about to go around him, but another pair of hands caught my other, free, arm.
“She’s staying.” Mingyu’s voice was hard as he didn’t even bother to turn our way. I shook my head as I looked at Vernon, asking for help, but my friend just sighed before letting go of my arm held by him.
“Traitor!” I snapped at him as my eyes widened, feet moving as Mingyu started walking.
“Sorry!” Vernon mouthed before he walked towards the round tables in the back of the room, leaving me alone with Kim Mingyu. I sighed as I followed after him wordlessly, not realizing he was leading us to the middle of the dance floor.
“If you’re about to bring me to a secluded place and blow my brains out, you should know that I’m not afraid and I will cause a scene, scream and--” I gasped as my chest collided with Mingyu’s chest. One hand around my lower back, pulling me flushed against him, and the other holding my right hand in his. I looked ahead, over Mingyu’s shoulder, as I hesitantly placed my other hand around his shoulder. He was holding me too close and suddenly my heart was hammering in my chest again. I wish I could have avoided him for longer, at least until the auction, when it wasn’t possible to dance anymore.
“I don’t appreciate you running around with Vernon” His voice was clear in my ear as he swayed us to the slow music. 
“I don’t appreciate you forcing me into doing things I don’t want to do” I snapped back, referring to us dancing right now. It was a lie, a lie I wasn’t ready to admit yet. His body felt right against mine, our hands made for the other, our bodies knowing the next step of the other.
“I didn’t force you to come here, Y/N” Mingyu sighed and I gulped, making eye contact with a blonde haired woman who was glaring at me. I glared back at her before speaking again.
“Yeah, but you didn’t ask me if I wanted to dance with you” 
“You are my date, Y/N, we are supposed to dance together” His grip on my hand tightened a bit and I hissed, knowing he could hear me. I made eye contact with another person, an older man this time, who was smiling, and smiled back at him.
“Yeah, you know, it’s a little late to say ‘pass’, but...pass.” I muttered as I turned my head a bit towards Mingyu’s, staring at his jawline. Images of him smoking when he took me to his house and cooked Fajitas entered my mind and I clenched my jaw. This really isn’t the time to think of something like that, it happened months ago yet the memory is crystal clear in my mind.
“You really do not understand, do you?” Mingyu snapped, finally letting his anger show. I chuckled as a lady greeted me and I nodded back at her, ignoring the way Mingyu’s fingers dug into my lower back.
“Understand what?” I pulled a bit away to be able to look in his eyes, eyes that held a lot of anger. I gulped and quickly looked away, my hand sneaking up from his shoulder to his neck. He tensed a bit and twirled us around a bit more aggressively as I held onto him.
“These people know who I am, Y/N, so that means they know who you are. What do you think it looks like to them when you are running around all night with a man who works for me, you proceed to hide from me with his help and even dance with him more than once?” His voice grew lower and lower and more pissed by the time he finished his sentence.
“I don’t know?” I answered quietly, not exactly understanding what his words meant.
“You are my girl, Y/N, and everyone knows that here. And running around with a little skanky boy all night long shows how little respect you have for me and how much I let you get away with. This is not the fucking time to parade around and create a shit show, sugar, people here are all from gangs from around the world and the country. One wrong fucking move and they will blow your brains out, not me, sugar.” I grew stiff in Mingyu’s arms upon he finished talking, growing silent as I looked around with wide eyes, seeing this place in a different light for the first time. I didn’t know that, that’s why Seungcheol was so against it and annoyed. I’m exposed to all these people. They now know who I am and know that I am Mingyu’s, or whatever.
“You’re such an asshole” I scoffed as I pulled my head back, making eye contact with the man holding me, “Do you realize you just exposed me to the whole fucking mob world?!”
“You did that to yourself when you interfered with our business, sugar” He said with a smirk, eyes holding less anger but just enough. He pissed me off and I tried to take deep breaths to remain calm, but it was hardly doing anything.
“Maybe if your man didn’t hold a gun against my best friend’s head I wouldn’t have--”
“Not my problem, I’m not in the mood to listen to your pathetic whining, again.” Mingyu snapped, quickly shutting me up but not exactly expecting me to cause a scene knowing where we were and who were around me. But I tried to either way, when was I the one with enough brains to not do anything reckless? I ripped my hand away from his abruptly and raised it, ready to slap Mingyu across the face, but he reacted almost a little too late. Before my palm could connect with his cheek he gripped my wrist and twirled me around in a pirouette, making my blood boil. I was back in his arms again, now in a tight grip as he pressed me against his body fully, restricting me as well in the process as he caged my arms between our bodies, one hand pushing my head next to his neck and the other keeping me tightly against him by my lower back. The thought of fighting back against him flashed quickly in my head but before I could wriggle myself out I made eye contact with a panicked looking Seungcheol. He looked ready to jump in the middle of the dance floor and pull me out of there. At first I thought something bad happened and we had to run, but I soon realized it were my actions that attracted more unwanted eyes on us and Seungcheol was begging me with his eyes to stop and save it for later, just let it go for now. My hands gripped the chains on Mingyu’s vest tightly as I clenched my jaw and stared at the ground, ignoring the quick falling and raising of Mingyu’s chest. I think I really messed up this time, even Mingyu had a limit and I just crossed it. I let out a shaky breath and Mingyu’s grip loosened just a little bit, but he didn’t let go. More and more people took intrigued glances our way and I knew I fucked up, they saw me trying to slap the shit out of him, they could see just how pissed both of us were. I guess it looked really bad if a gang leader’s partner disrespects him continuously, maybe it shows he’s got no power. I don’t know what these people think, but I have to fix my mistake. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath as I tried to pull my head back, but Mingyu didn’t let me.
“Let go, please” I mumbled as I caught the gaze of the glaring blonde again. Mingyu didn’t hesitate before the hand was gone and I was able to pull my head back. The lights dimmed in the back where the tables were and I figured the auction was about to happen, so I acted quickly. I broke eye contact with Mingyu and leaned in quickly, barely pressing my lips against his, hoping to everyone else it looked like a real kiss. But the hand was back on the back of my head and Mingyu’s soft pink lips pressed against mine firmly, making my heart hammer quicker than ever before. The music slowly died down and people started clapping, I pulled away and stared at Mingyu’s stained lips by my red lipstick. I took a deep breath and untangled myself from him and started walking away, knowing he’d follow me. I couldn’t look at him, embarrassed that I had to do that in front of everyone, in front of Seungcheol and probably even Vernon. A hand on the small of my back guided me through the people and back to our seats. When we sat down Mingyu grabbed a napkin and patted his lips, his eyes boring into my profile for the whole time. I shivered and cleared my throat as I took my glass of water from the table and gulped down a big amount. A man walked up onto the scene and I could see the crowd dispersing as people walked towards the chairs and others towards the round tables. A man in a purple expensive fur coat strutted past our table and down the aisle, turning briefly and nodding. Mingyu’s nod back caught my attention and I realized it was Minghao and he was walking towards the front chairs, placed there for the auction. I didn’t realize Mingyu wouldn’t directly participate in it. And so, the auction started and I stayed quiet and slumped in my seat as all the lights were directed at the stage now. 
    Halfway through the auction I felt two hands gripping my shoulders in a reassuring way and I jumped in my seat, taken by surprise. First thought was Mingyu, but he was sitting right beside me, so when I turned around I was met with Vernon smiling reassuringly at me.
“Can we get some air?” I whispered as another painting was sold at an outrageous price. Vernon glanced to my right and I followed his line of vision to be met with Mingyu’s glaring eyes, he raised an eyebrow.
“Can I go out?” I muttered while avoiding eye contact with Mingyu, the taste of his lips ebbed into my mind forever. 
“Don’t stay for long.” He snapped as he looked at Vernon then back towards the auction, a diamond ring being the next object. It must be the ring for which we are here tonight. I took Vernon’s hand and followed after him as he led us towards the garden which was lit up by little fairy lights, a marble bench placed between two beautiful rose bushes. I took a seat on the bench and hugged myself in an attempt to warm myself, I left my fur coat inside.
“Have you seen Seungcheol?” I asked, raising my eyebrows as Vernon strolled around the garden, staying in ear shot distance so he could hear me.
“He’s keeping an eye on the auction, making sure Minghao gets the ring” Vernon answered from somewhere behind me, I couldn’t see him as he was behind a tree.
“Like a bodyguard” I mumbled to myself with a small smile, even here, Seungcheol is protecting someone. Light smoke floated in the air and I turned around, eyebrows furrowed as Vernon finally came into view. A cigarette was between his lips as he inhaled deeply and then blew the smoke out.
“You smoke?!” I asked shocked as I rubbed my arms up and down, cursing Mingyu for choosing a dress with so little coverage when it’s almost winter.
“Just when stressed” Vernon shrugged and threw his cigarette into the bin with a chuckle. I shook my head at him and looked up with a small smile as he stopped in front of me, looking down with a friendly smile.
“Do you do this often?” I asked quietly, looking around the garden.
“Yeah, like...this.” I made a suggestive face and Vernon frowned before widening his eyes. He realized that I was referring to the auction and them stealing the item they were supposed to pay for.
“Pretty often, yeah” He nodded with a pout and shrugged his suit jacket off, “As often as there’s an auction that can offer us something good”
“Why does Mingyu need a diamond ring anyway?” I asked as I watched Vernon step closer and place his suit jacket around my exposed shoulders. I quickly placed my arms into the sleeves and pulled the suit jacket tightly against my body, the warmness making me sigh.
“Won’t you be cold?” I looked at Vernon as he took a seat next to me, he just shook his head and pointed at his long sleeved black shirt that was made of silk, like my dress.
“Business is business, I can’t tell you all of our secrets, Y/N, Mingyu really will have my head if I do” Vernon chuckled but I didn’t find it funny. I frowned as the kiss flashed in my mind again and I shuddered, side eyeing Vernon to see if he saw my reaction.
“Fuck Mingyu” I muttered finally and Vernon started laughing before placing his arm around my shoulders.
“Enough of Mingyu,” He grinned cheekily as if he knew something was eating me inside, “How’s college going?”
“Honestly?” I raised my eyebrows before groaning loudly, “I’m ready to drop out”
Vernon laughed again and squeezed my shoulders, “Seungcheol hyung did tell me not to mention college too often”
“Yeah, I’m actually close to walking inside and triggering Mingyu enough so that he blows my brains out--”
“Hey, no.” Vernon frowned at me and he turned my head towards him with his free hand, our faces pretty close, “Don’t say stuff like that, it’s never funny”
“Sorry” My lips formed a straight line as I felt as if we were being watched, but ignored it, maybe someone got bored of the auction and is just roaming around, “You know, we always talk so much shit when we are together, but I never asked you...how did you join the gang?”
“Ah” Vernon sealed his lips tightly in a tight lipped smile as I rested my head against his shoulder, “Well, Seungkwan and I have been friends since middle school. He always caused trouble and I always saved his ass. So one day he got into some really serious shit and there really wasn’t much to do but to suck it up and give those men money, they wouldn’t leave us alone. But then we started not being able to gather the money, they also raised the price, and I realized Seungkwan was slowly becoming more and more paranoid and he...developed depression quickly…”
I squeezed Vernon’s knee in a reassuring manner and he sighed before clearing his throat to continue, “I don’t know how much Mingyu told you, but everyone in SVT knows each other since high school. However, I met Mingyu in my last year in middle school and I thought he was really cool. So I tried to befriend him, but one day Seungkwan and I had a massive fight in the restroom, he was in a booth and heard everything so the next day I woke up with money on my desk and a note saying, ‘Meet me on the roof’--”
“Let me guess, Mingyu lent you money so that you could pay those men?” I asked as I raised my head and turned toward Vernon again.
“He did, he gave us more money than we needed, and I took it because we were desperate. In order to show gratefulness I decided to join him”
“No questions asked as to what he did? You just joined him blindly?” I raised my eyebrows as I discovered something new about Vernon.
“Yeah, I have the tendency to jump into things without learning more about them,” He giggled to himself as if he remembered something, “Seungkwan was really pissed, he even gave me a black eye when I told him I joined Mingyu’s gang”
“For once I respect Seungkwan” I mumbled with a chuckle and Vernon laughed loudly. It was pretty obvious that Seungkwan and I didn’t really get on well when we were around each other. He always finds something that he could pick on and I just always have something to fire back at him. 
“Calling it a gang is so weird now” I raised my eyebrows as Vernon grinned, “We grew so much, Mingyu has a whole empire now. You still haven’t realized that you are dealing with the biggest, strongest and most dangerous mob leader of South Korea, Y/N” 
I gulped as I looked away from Vernon then back at him, “Sometimes I wish I didn’t insist on going with Seungcheol to that parking lot, he offered to take me home first but I didn’t want him to waste his time. I really hate Mingyu, you know--”
There was a crashing sound coming from behind us and both Vernon and I jumped as he tensed up. But nothing else happened so maybe it was coming from inside?
“And then there’s times when I really can’t hate him, you know?” I continued as I gazed ahead, feeling Vernon’s eyes on me, “He’s funny sometimes and nice and then there’s times when he acts like a teenage boy with a crush and I think I hate him more for that. If he was always cruel and irritating, I wouldn’t even bat an eyelash his way, but he’s just--”
“That sounds a lot like you like him--”
“Hell no!” I snapped and pushed Vernon’s head away from mine, his arm slipping from around my shoulders as he started laughing loudly, “You need to check your hearing if that’s what you got from my rant, honestly, Vernon.”
“Sorry, sorry” He was still laughing as I huffed and stood up from the marble bench, but before I could walk away, arms were around me, hugging me from behind. I rolled my eyes and turned my head so that I could look at Vernon.
“I’m not forgiving you because you hug me, okay?”
“But you love my hugs” Vernon pouted and I rolled my eyes again as I leaned down and kissed his cheek, pulling away with a wide grin.
“I love everything about you, alright?” Vernon grinned back and was about to talk when stomping was heard and someone cleared their throat. Vernon’s expression fell and he was quick to let go of me so I turned my head to see Mingyu glaring at us. Great. I can’t wait to go home and not see Mingyu for two days, I’m about to cry, I swear.
“See you inside” Vernon patted my head before walking past Mingyu, leaving us alone, again. Traitor, I grimaced as I watched Vernon’s back until he was gone.
“It seems like you forgot what I told you not even an hour ago, sugar?” Mingyu stepped closer meanwhile I took a step back and glanced away.
“You told me it was okay--”
“This is an open place, anyone can see you, sugar” I raised my eyebrows as Mingyu kept coming closer.
“Well, no one was here, I made--”
“Maybe Jun was right, you are nothing but a pain in the ass. I should kill you.” Mingyu raised an eyebrow, eyes boring into mine as my mouth dropped open.
“If you can tell me just one occasion when you actually listened to me, I won’t have to debate whether to kill you or not” All emotion disappeared from Mingyu’s face as a smirk was plastered on his lips, a smirk I ached to punch off his soft and pink lips. My heart started beating quickly as I tried to read Mingyu, to understand if he’s fucking with me or if he actually means his words. I gulped as he looked at me expectantly and I started thinking of all the times he told me to do something, but I always...ignored him. 
“You know” I stepped closer to him, deciding to ignore his words, “I could always run inside and tell them you will steal the ring before you have to pay for it. The place is full of undercover cops and well, other gangs. I’m sure neither would appreciate it” 
I shrugged as I smiled at Mingyu, however a painful grip on my upper arm yanked me into him, making me grunt. Mingyu’s jaw was clenched as he looked into my eyes, my heels bringing me to eye level with him, his nose flaring.
“You still provoke me after I told you I’m thinking of killing you?” He looked so pissed that his chuckle was something between frustration and amusement. 
“So then, kill me.” I clenched my jaw as I stared him in the eyes, challenging him to do it, “Let me guess, you can’t?”
Suddenly something hard was pressing into my stomach and I sucked in a sudden breath, wanting badly to glance down at the gun but refusing to give Mingyu the satisfaction of seeing me nervous. There was a click and I knew the safety was off. I could feel my hands shaking as my eyebrows furrowed as I searched Mingyu’s blank face. He wouldn’t do it, right? He can’t kill me, he likes me. Vernon’s words rang through my head and I gulped as Mingyu slowly started smirking, a devilish look crossing his features. I went to pull away from him but he kept me in place and suddenly there was a louder click as I gasped and closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to hit my body. I never said goodbye to Seungcheol or my parents, Vernon. When I felt nothing but numbness and nausea I opened my eyes to see Mingyu still smirking, gun still in his hand but not pointed at me anymore.
“You still think I can’t?” He whispered as he raised his eyebrows. My hands continued to shake as I pulled my arm out of his grip and managed to glare at him.
“I hope you root away in hell.” I whispered shakily as I raised my hand and slapped him across the cheek, the loud sound echoing around us. Mingyu just laughed as he didn’t look at me and caressed his cheek. I stormed off towards the entrance of the building, trying to hide my shaking hands.
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       The rest of the auction was a blur as my mind kept replaying the time when I kissed Mingyu and then it suddenly cut to the gun being pressed into me and the click of the trigger. A light ache crossed my stomach every time my mind wandered back to the memory and all I wanted to do was stand up, run home and throw up. I wanted to throw up and then take a hot shower, hopeful that it would wash away tonight. I feel like tonight’s events will have a big effect on our relationship and it surely won’t be for the best. I crossed every boundary Mingyu had and he proved it to me he wouldn’t hesitate in killing me, even if the gun wasn’t loaded. But before I could register what the host of the auction was saying, I was pulled from my seat, fur coat and purse tossed into my arms, as a firm grip guided me towards the exit and finally towards the parking lot. I wanted to see Seungcheol so badly, I wanted to hug him and just cry in his arms. I just needed comfort from my brother, the man who knows me better than anyone else. But before I could even cry out to him, I was pushed inside a white Mercedes, seatbelt forcefully secured and then the driver sat inside and started the car. I stared ahead, aware of the tension in the car, but unable to function properly anymore. Tonight was a disaster, mainly because of me, and I just want to delete it from my mind. The car glided through the lanes aggressively and suddenly I missed Wonwoo, who is a patient and calm driver. Mingyu was speeding at an ungodly speed, but I couldn’t be bothered to yell at him like I did so many other times. I was actually glad, I would get home faster and even faster away from him. The tires screeched when the Mercedes came to a stop, the force sending me a bit forward in my seat. I sighed as I undid the seatbelt and grabbed my fur coat and purse to open the door. As I pushed it open, the driver’s door was slammed closed and I closed my eyes for a second to prepare myself for another death threat. But my mind just wanted me to get away, so I tried to quickly close the door, without slamming it like the ungrateful little shit Mingyu did, and without a second thought took off towards the front door, thinking I could outrun Mingyu. But I barely took five big steps when I was pulled backwards, a loud groan leaving my lips.
“Tonight was shit, just please let me go up--” The wind got knocked out of my lungs at how aggressively Mingyu’s lips pressed against mine, my eyes widening. I’ve been thinking about doing this again tonight, but a part of me was finally scared of Mingyu. A part of me finally realized who I was dealing with. A dangerous, merciless, handsome mob leader, and he could kill me right now by using this kiss as a distraction and also muffling my lips from screaming--I pushed Mingyu away, eyes still wide as I could feel my hands shaking again.
“You can’t--you can’t just--”I tried to catch my breath and calm my hammering heart, “You can’t just point a gun at me, pull the trigger and then kiss me! I’m not an object you can just push around, bend to your wishes and use for pleasure! I’m sick of it all!”
The last statement came out as a choked up scream as I tried to keep the tears from falling, shaking my head at Mingyu as I slumped against his white car. Tonight really is a fucking nightmare.
“I’m sick of you constantly pushing me away! You’re making me crazy, Y/N!” Mingyu’s usually leveled voice rose octaves as he came uncomfortably close, making me look down.
“What if…” I bit my lower lip, trying to control the trembling in my voice, I was about to tell a lie and I needed to make it sound real, “What if I don’t like you? Will you still force yourself on me? Because then you really are a piece of shit.”
Sometime during these months, when Mingyu was nice and approachable, I discovered a softer side of him, a decent, human, side of him. A side that was immensely attractive, a side I found myself liking and wishing to see more often. He was driving me crazy too, because I didn’t know anymore if I was scared of him or excited to see him. At least, tonight, I had no fucking idea anymore.
“You like me” His answer was more of a let out breath, his lips curled in a simple smile, “I know you do.”
“No, I don’t!” I snapped, looking up at him irritated, “At least not tonight”
“You had to learn the hard way, sugar, it’s not my fault” Mingyu sighed and I huffed as I rolled my eyes.
“Right, point a gun at me and then pull the fucking trigger but surprise! It has no bullets. No. I’m not doing this, I just want to forget this stupid night and ignore you until you get bored and leave me the fuck alone!”
“I told you I will never leave your side” Mingyu whispered, a shit eating grin spread on his lips. It took the little self control I still had to not kick him in the shin as I glared at him.
“I will go to the police, I’ve really had enough of you!”
“Oh, no, I’m so scared!” Mingyu mocked a scared voice as he widened his eyes in fake fright, “As if the police could do anything”
“I’m sure the police can’t wait to get their hands on you and actually lock you up” It was my time to grin smugly at him, his expression instantly becoming pissed, “Oh the things I know…”
“I dare you” He stepped even closer, his body pressed against mine, pressing me into the Mercedes. I gulped as I ignored the shivering of my body and my still shaky hands, trying to keep my eyes glued to his.
“You know I have the guts to actually do it, don’t ask for something you can’t handle, Mingyu” I whispered watching him sigh, his breath hitting my face, before he licked his lips. Without thinking, I licked my lips as well and the action caught his attention making me curse myself. I was trying to avoid this moment, yet here we are, my eyes were closed before Mingyu could even lean in, my chin tilted for him. This time, his lips pressed lightly against mine, like when I tried to fake the kiss on the dance floor, and he waited for me to give my permission. When I pressed back my lips against his, his large palm went to my nape and held it firmly, our lips moving slowly. I felt bad for the expensive, white fur coat when it dropped from my hand as I went to thread my fingers through Mingyu’s hair. I raised my right hand and tried to find the roof of the Mercedes to place my purse on it, the kiss turning a lot needier than before. Finally finding it, I let the purse rest on the roof and quickly circled my right arm around his neck as I pulled Mingyu even closer, our lips parting as Mingyu tried to dominate the kiss. For the first time he didn’t fight back as I took over, our tongues dancing together as I hummed when his hand started to roam my back underneath Vernon’s suit jacket. I tugged on his hair when his grip on my nape became a bit too firm, warning him that I would end this make out if he didn’t stop with his power play. But the tug fueled something in Mingyu as his hand on my back traveled higher and suddenly started tugging Vernon’s jacket off, pressing continuous pecks against my lips. I ran out of air, lungs on fire, as I tried to tell him to stop, but he pressed a hard kiss against my lips and my complaint got swallowed as Vernon’s jacket fell off my shoulders. The coldness covered me in goosebumps as I latched onto Mingyu again, trying to warm myself. He pulled away, chest falling up and down at a quick pace, as he nibbled on my lower lip, his canines sinking into my lip. I opened my eyes and pulled my head back to stop him from kissing me again, but instead his lips started kissing my jaw, making me sigh.
“Do you want me to get pneumonia?” I mumbled as I grabbed his head with both hands, stopping him, “That suit jacket was the only thing keeping me warm.”
“That suit jacket is Vernon’s” Mingyu’s words were airy as he tried to catch his breath still, eyes glaring just slightly.
“So what?” I shrugged and went to pick it up but Mingyu pressed me up against the car again firmly, “Seriously? I’m freezing!”
“You will not wear Vernon’s or any other men’s clothes, yeah?” Mingyu raised his eyebrows as he searched my eyes and I smirked as I made eye contact with him. Little jealous piece of shit, I chuckled as I pushed Mingyu.
“Well, then I’m going up” I picked my fur coat up and reached for my purse, stepping around Mingyu.
“Yeah, we should go up before you get sick--”
“Oh no” I chuckled, turning back to face Mingyu, “You are not coming up with me, Mingyu”
“Why not, sugar?” He asked with a smirk as he bent to pick up Vernon’s suit jacket.
“Because I’m not sleeping with you tonight…” My eyebrows furrowed as the thought wasn’t as repulsive as it was a few months ago, “Or anytime else. Besides, you held an unloaded gun to my stomach and pulled the trigger--”
“Emphasis on unloaded” Mingyu pointed out as I rolled my eyes and started walking again towards the main entrance.
“I really hate you Mingyu”
“Vernon says you like me a lot--”
“You were eavesdropping?!” I squealed as I turned to face him again, “You’re a piece of shit!”
“I know, I know” Mingyu mumbled as he rolled his eyes and walked up to me, “Seems like you still have a thing for this piece of shit though”
“I do not!” I snapped and Mingyu chuckled before leaning down and pecking my lips.
“I will never ever again kiss you, so I hope tonight’s kiss will last you a lifetime of nightmares” Mingyu chuckled before he walked past me and dropped Vernon’s suit jacket into the trash bin.
“Mingyu!” My eyebrows furrowed as I shook my head at him, finally reaching the main entrance to the building.
“What? He can afford to buy another one”
“I really liked that jacket though…” I muttered as I entered the pass code and opened the door, stepping inside. I turned to see Mingyu glaring at me as I held the door open just enough for my head to peek out a bit, “Even though I have to admit that your outfit tonight was really hard to resist. Would love to see the rest of what’s underneath too”
My eyes traveled from Mingyu’s exposed chest down the rest of his body while biting my lower lip, to look up at a frozen Mingyu, jaw clenched. He suddenly started walking towards the door and I quickly closed it before he could reach it. I smirked when he glared at me and showed him my middle finger.
“I know the pass code” He warned, hand reaching to type in the numbers. I showed him my middle finger again before taking off towards the elevator to ride up to my floor. He will never get past my three locks on the door that I had installed yesterday.
Part 3
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ssa-babygirl · 4 years
Out of My League [Part 1]
Pairing: High school!Spencer Reid x Popular!Reader
Word count: 3.7k (god i don’t shut up do i)
Summary: Spencer begins tutoring you in chemistry, and the two of you bond (I would say no pun intended but fuck it that was GOOD so I’ll say pun intended)
Warning(s): Mentions of bullying, mental illness, some swearing, I made one joke about herpes??? sorry if thats a sore spot with anyone, light angst and pining, Reader POV
Author’s Note: Here it is, folks!! The first official part! I’ so grateful for all the feedback I got on the prologue, I’m glad y’all are liking it, I hope you like this part just as much!! Next part I’m gonna have some baby spencer, and by that I mean whole ass adult spencer that just looks baby
[Previous Part] [Series Masterlist]
You absolutely despised chemistry. It’s boring. It’s simultaneously stupid and ridiculously complicated. You weren’t dumb, you were a decent student in all your other classes, but science was never your strong suit. You preferred literature over litmus paper any day. Unfortunately, your failing grade was bringing down your entire GPA, just below the requirement for you to stay on the cheerleading squad. Your coach recommended you get a tutor, or else you were off the team. So you went to the library to see the peer tutoring program, and all of them were booked. The next best thing would be the kid genius in your class. He was probably a better first choice, honestly, but you figured he’d be booked with other students too.
He wasn’t like other kids in your class, not just because he actually cared and was a good student, he was also twelve years old. The kid was a prodigy. He was bullied a lot because of this because no one really understood him. That’s probably why he looked so terrified when you approached him after class one day.
“Hey, Spencer!”
His eyes grew wide as he stared back at you, saying nothing.
“I was just wondering if you were available for tutoring?”
“Oh, uh, um, y-yeah, in chemistry?”
“Yeah, what are your rates like? Like say we do an hour every other day, how much would that be?”
“Oh! N-no charge.”
“The first couple of sessions can be a trial run, I don’t want your money if you’re not benefiting from it.”
That made you smile, this kid was so nice and you just wished that people actually cared about that instead of the dumb shit they bullied him for. Sure, he was skinny and short and dorky and you know, a literal twelve-year-old boy, but if someone would take time to know him, they’d see he’s a good kid.
“That’s sweet of you, but I don’t wanna waste your time if you have other students.”
“I don’t, so that shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Great! Are you free after school today?”
He nodded and avoided all eye contact before scurrying out of the room to his next class.
You met up later in the library. You greeted each other politely with simple hi’s and hey’s and nothing more. Then it was time to pour over your books for an hour and try to force the puzzle pieces into place and hope something finally clicked. Balancing molecular equations physically hurt. Just when you thought you got it all right, Spencer reminded you that you still had to balance the oxygen, which was always bonded with something else, which threw off the whole equation. Every time you made a mistake you just let out a groan and set your head on the table.
“It’s a lot of math, a lot of people have a hard time with it, don’t feel bad.”
“I’m so fucking stupid.”
“You’re not! It’s an easy mistake.”
“You don’t make mistakes like that.”
“That’s because I’ve been taking advanced math classes for the past two years, I’m good at this stuff.”
“You’re good at everything, you're a literal genius.”
“There are people who aren’t geniuses who are good at this sort of thing, just look at Johnny Abrams in our class. He answers every question Mrs. Gustin asks and I once saw him put his backpack on his car’s roof and start driving ‘cuz he forgot it was there. He’s just been practicing. That’s why we’re here, right?”
He always reassured you. Always told you that you weren’t stupid. You weren’t dumb. He always smiled when you got questions right and told you you were doing a good job. When your hour was up, you said goodbye and went home. 
Spencer’s mini lectures aside, most of your sessions were sparse in the conversation department. The first time he went off on a side about some chemistry facts, you couldn’t keep up. You just sat there, jaw hanging while he went into detail about saponification, which wasn’t even in this lesson.
“Sorry, I’m rambling.”
“Did we learn that in class? Cuz if we did, I’m screwed.”
“No, not yet at least.”
“How do you just… know that?”
Spencer avoided your eyes once again, something he did more than spouting random facts, “I read a lot.”
That’s how it happened the first time. All it took was you asking one question about different types of reactions for him to launch into another spiel. You figured you’d have to know it at some point, so you started writing down whatever you could catch from his fast-paced speech, taking notes in bullet points.
“And that-- Oh. Y-You don’t need to do that, that’s not even on the curriculum.”
“Well, I gotta keep up with you somehow, right?” You glanced up from your page and flashed an almost challenging smirk as you saw him stifle a smile as he avoided all eye contact with you, as per usual. He then cleared his throat and got back to the actually assigned chapter.
The more he went off on tangents, the more he realized you weren’t stopping him. He was actually able to make chemistry sound interesting to you, which is strange, but it was easier to understand through how he explained it all. Something told you that he wasn’t used to having someone listen to what he said, because he just lit up when he talked about this stuff. He was clearly passionate about it, so why would you make him feel bad about it? He always apologized, but you always reassured him it was no big deal. 
You didn’t know it at the time, but the kid was falling hard. This pretty, older girl was paying attention to him and didn’t think he was annoying? The bar may have been on the floor for young Spencer, but you were perfect to him. Eventually, he was able to look you in the eyes when you spoke to one another, he even smiled at you when you joked with him. That was another thing: you joked with one another now. You both warmed up to one another as your sessions continued. You said hi to each other in the hallways, you ruffled his hair as a greeting, he accepted your high-five requests every time you got something right.
You still didn’t talk outside of class much, which is why he was caught so far off guard by you calling his name from across the cafeteria as you approached his table.
“Hey, dude! Is it cool if we squeeze in an extra session today? I got a test tomorrow.”
“Y-Yeah, no problem, but, uh, it’s Thursday. Don’t you have practice after school?”
You did. And you had to be there because you had a competition this weekend.
“Yeah, I was wondering if we could meet after?”
“When does it end?”
“Library closes at four.”
“I know, but would it be too much of a hassle if I just… Pick you up tonight and we head back to my house to study?”
You could physically see his brain shut down in his eyes. After he realized he needed to respond, he picked his jaw up off the floor and gulped hard.
“Or you can stay after and hang out at practice and I can just drive you home?”
“Y-Yeah, um, yeah, tha-that works, I can, uh, yeah, we can do that.”
Spencer brought his books and homework and tried his hardest to not make it obvious he was staring at you while you danced. You looked like you were having so much fun and he loved seeing you happy and smiling with your friends like that, it was hard for him to look away and focus long enough to read a sentence, which is saying something, considering it does not take him long to read a sentence. 
After practice wrapped up, you told him to go wait by your car while you changed out of your uniform. The girls in the locker room were talking just as loudly as always, only this time, it was about something you actually cared about hearing.
“I mean, really, what was that little creep doing watching us today?” You heard one girl sneer.
“So fucking gross, I don’t wanna know where his prepubescent head was.” Another girl laughed.
You had to step in. You had to say something.
“I’m his ride home. He’s my chemistry tutor and I have a test tomorrow, so back off the kid, he didn’t do shit to you anyway.”
The squad learned to watch their mouths around you after that.
The neon glow of the golden arches shone through your car’s windows as you pulled into the McDonald’s drive-thru line.
“This isn’t your house,” noted Spencer, sounding confused.
You grinned, “Oh, shit… no way! Wow! I’m so glad my tutor is a genius! I would have never guessed this was not my family home!”
He let himself laugh for a moment, “Okay, okay, fine. Why are we here?”
“Uh… to get food? Duh.”
“But what about your food at home?”
“My mom’s visiting my dad, he works in D.C., and I haven’t gotten a chance to go grocery shopping this week, so I can’t cook for you. What do you want?”
“You don’t have to get me anything.”
“No, I insist, it’s almost dinner time. Lemme get you something. As a thank you for squeezing in an extra cramming sesh?”
“It’s fine! Really.”
“Hey, Reid, come on,” you attempt to stifle a stupid giggle as you gesture to the rather large window displaying the playroom inside, “you are a guest in my home!”
Spencer shakes his head and chuckles, but doesn’t dare let you think he found you funny, “I’ll have chicken nuggets.”
“Happy meal?”
He tried to look offended at your clarification, but he quickly dropped the facade, “Yes. Extra fries, please.”
“Of course, buddy.” You pulled up further to the ordering station, catching a glimpse at the menu and the ads they had displayed on it, “Oh no way! They have Strawberry Shortcake toys! I used to collect those when I was a kid!”
Spencer saw the look on your face and couldn’t help but smile at your childlike excitement, “Do you want my happy meal toy?”
You bit your lip and hesitated before throwing all shame to the wind and saying yes. Because it was Spencer. He got excited over chemistry, he had no right to judge you on your old Strawberry Shortcake doll collection.
After you got your food, you drove back to your house, and you ate together at your kitchen island while Spencer quizzed you on the last chapter. He had asked you eighteen questions so far, and you had answered all of them correctly. 
“Okay, this last one is for the Strawberry Shortcake--”
“Her name is Orange Blossom.”
“Whatever, this last one is for the Orange Blossom toy: Which type of reaction is represented by this equation?” He showed you his notebook where he had written a molecular equation.
“Correct! Now balance it.”
Your shoulders slouched as the pride drained from your body.
“Please don’t make me.”
“This is going to be on the test, Y/N, you have to know it.”
“What’s one wrong question, really?”
“You and I both know she’s not going to put just one balancing question on the test.”
“Fine.” You grumbled, grabbing a pencil and sliding his notebook closer to you. You worked it out after a few minutes, but everything looked right, and judging by Spencer’s proud grin, everything was.
He reached for the figurine, still in the plastic bag, and handed it to you, “You’re gonna do great tomorrow, Y/N.”
You took Orange Blossom from his hands and danced around the kitchen with it, overwhelmed with the sudden feeling of confidence you gained from nailing this practice session. You heard Spencer’s small laugh from behind you, causing you to turn around and face the boy as he lovingly mocked you.
Studying at your place became a regular thing after that, even when your mom was home. She loved him. She always invited him for dinner if she was home. He rarely took her up on the offer, but it was nice having him around the house with you. Study sessions turned into just plain hanging out. You spent more time bonding over Doctor Who than chemistry some nights, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
When Alexa Lisben invited him to meet her at the football field you were skeptical. You had good reason to be. She was never very nice to you or Spencer. You were able to be civil with her for the sake of the cheerleading squad, but something about her just didn’t sit right with you. You tried to warn him, but he wouldn’t listen. He seemed offended at the notion that Alexa would do something horrible to him. How dare you imply that the only reason someone would be interested in him would be to pull a fucked up prank?
“I’m not like you, Y/N, I don’t have a line of people waiting around for a date, no one’s ever had a crush on me before, and-and now that someone other than you is being nice to me, you’re telling me that they have some sort of ulterior motive?”
“Spencer. I know these girls, I’ve seen the guys they go for--”
“And I’m not like them?”
“No! You’re a sweet kid, you’re nothing like those guys and they’re gonna take advantage of that.”
“I really wish everyone would stop saying I’m just a kid!”
“You’re not! That came out wrong--”
“Listen, Y/N, I’m going whether you want me to or not, so if you really want to keep babying me, by all means, stay after and wait with me.”
“I don’t wanna baby you!”
“So stop it!”
You didn’t want to fight with him anymore, you weren’t his mother. “Ok, Spencer, fine. I’m sorry. You should go. How about you meet me in the library after and you can tell me all about it over McDonald’s? My treat.”
He warmed up and agreed.
So you waited in the library until four, and then you started to get worried. You went to grab something from your gym locker before you left to look for him and heard some girls from the squad gossiping about “the little dork.” Your blood started to boil as you heard the way they talked about Spencer. Your jaw only clenched harder as you recognized one of the girls’ voices as Alexa Lisben’s.
You poked your head around the lockers that divided the aisles and tried to manage a calm voice, “Hey Alexa? Spencer actually said he was meeting up with you today, do you know where he is?”
She just laughed and said, “I can’t believe you actually care about that loser.”
“He’s my friend.” All attempts to remain level-headed were tossed aside, “Where the fuck is he, what did you do to him?”
You could feel yourself starting to cry. It’s your fault, you weren’t there, you tried to warn him, but now you don’t know where he is or what he’s thinking or--
“Check the field.”
You sprinted out to the football field and saw him stripped down to his briefs, blindfolded, and tied to a goal post. You could kill Alexa. You actually considered turning right around and unleashing hell on that locker room, but your friend needed help. He was crying so hard he didn’t hear you coming until you called his name. You immediately went to untie him and grab his clothes from the fence beside him.
“You were right.” He sniffled, “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, I’m not mad, I’m sorry, I should have been there, I could have helped you--”
“No, you couldn’t. There were too many people.”
“How many were there? Who did this?”
“Y/N, please--”
“No, Spencer, tell me what happened.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it!”
You know when to stop, so you just shut your mouth while he got dressed, “Get in the car, I’m taking you home.”
You didn’t say a word to him as he buckled his seatbelt and you could tell he appreciated it. You just drove to McDonald’s and got him his usual. You parked in the parking lot and ate your food in almost silence, save for the radio in the background.
“You don’t have to tell me what exactly happened, you could pretend none of this ever happened, I won’t mind, it’s okay, but I just need you to know, Spencer, say the word and she’s dead. I have so much dirt on her, you have no idea, I can destroy her.”
“Okay, I won’t. At least give me names. I will personally make sure none of those boys ever get a date again.”
“Y/N, please.”
“I’m serious, I’ll tell everyone they have herpes.”
“I know you are and that’s what scares me, please don’t, I don’t wanna make things worse.”
You decide to drop it because if he doesn’t wanna talk about it, he needs a distraction.
After you finish your food, you ask him “Your house or mine?”
“Yours. Please.”
You drove back to your house and got yourselves set up on the couch in front of the TV, turning on an episode of Doctor Who that you had recorded. You made him popcorn as he curled up on your couch, clutching a pillow. You were mostly quiet for the rest of the night, but when you did talk, it was to ask him a question about the show or if any of the science was accurate. It was the best you could do to keep him mind off things. Eventually, he fell asleep and you felt too bad to wake him. He got up by himself around midnight, jolting awake as if from a nightmare, and considering how the last few hours had been for him, it probably was one.
“Hey, bud, I’m here, it’s me.” You didn’t touch him, knowing he got overstimulated sometimes when he got really stressed, but he felt around for you on the couch next to him, needing to know you were really there this time. You patted his hand when it reached across the cushion for you.
“What time is it?”
“Way too late for you to be here, let’s get you home.”
He nodded, slowly rising to his feet and looking for his backpack, which you reminded him he had left in the car. Your hand hovered above his head for a moment before he lazily drifted into you as he walked. You took this as an okay to touch him, so you ruffled his hair before loosely slinging an arm around his shoulders as you guided him to your car.
The drive back to Spencer’s wasn’t too long, thankfully, because you were sure his parents would be furious with him and the kid’s been through enough today. You wanted to take all the heat without making them think you kidnapped him. The lights were still on when you pulled into the driveway. They were probably worried sick about him.
When you knocked on the door, a frantic woman with short blonde hair opened it. When she saw Spencer, she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the house, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Who are you? What are you doing with my son?”
“He didn’t do anything wrong, Mrs. Reid. I’m Y/N, he’s been tutoring me.”
“How do you know me? Spencer, what did you tell her?” She looked at him and back at you, “Get off my property and stay away from us!”
“Mom, she’s a fr--”
“Go up to your room, don’t come out.” She didn’t sound like an angry parent reprimanding her son, she sounded almost... scared.
A million alarms were going off in your head, and you needed to try to get through to her, “Ma’am, I’m sorry, he was helping me study and we lost track of time, it’s not his fault.”
“I don’t care, I don’t know you, get off my property!”
You decided it was best not to argue, so you hurried back to your car and drove home as quickly as possible so you could shower and go to bed and pray that Spencer would be okay tonight.
Your phone rang early the next morning. You rolled out of bed to answer it, sprinting to the hall table to take it off the stand. Checking the caller ID, you realized it was from a number you didn’t recognize. Answering it, you heard Spencer’s voice on the other side.
“Hello, this is Spencer, is Y/N home?”
“Yes, you woke me up on a Saturday morning, where else am I gonna be, kid?” Your voice was scratchy as you struggled to fight off the sleep still clawing at your throat.
“Sorry about that. I was just calling to apologize for last night.”
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.”
“N-No, I’m not in trouble, I just wanted to explain why my mother was all--”
“She was worried, I get it.”
“N- she… My mother is a paranoid schizophrenic, she doesn’t do well with strangers. She doesn’t even remember what she said to you last night, she was having one of her episodes. She was just confused.”
You didn’t know how to respond. You were so shocked by his sudden revelations, you just stayed silent. You didn’t want him to think he scared you, so you had to say something. And apparently, that something was “Oh.”
“She wanted to apologize, but she’s just a bit embarrassed, so I called for her.”
“N-No, it’s okay, I…” It was suddenly so hard to say you understood because while it made sense to you, you wouldn’t fully understand what he or his mom was going through, you didn’t understand it, but Spencer didn’t seem to mind. He was just glad it didn’t bother you. After the events of yesterday, he couldn’t afford to lose you.
“Tell her I’m sorry I scared her.”
“Will do. She said you could come over so she could apologize personally and meet her if you want.”
“I’d love to. And Spence?”
You felt him take pause. You never called him that before, “Yeah?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t wanna scare you.”
“You wouldn’t scare me, dude, you can tell me anything.”
“I promise. I’ll see you Monday?”
Spencer nodded, but you couldn’t see him, so he spoke up through the lump in his throat, “See you Monday.”
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ughseoks · 4 years
the art of pretend | jhs + ksj
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PAIRING; hoseok x seokjin (2seok)
GENRE/AU; fluff, humor
WARNINGS; swearing, innuendos, a Smidge of angst, overall stupidity, secondhand embarrassment probably
SUMMARY; An AU in which Hoseok is embarrassingly bad at first dates and Seokjin takes it upon himself to fix it. 
— Written for the Be My Bangtanvine collab hosted by @kimtaehyunq​​ 💗 —
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— banner by @monotape THANK YOU I LOVE YOU 🥺💗 
— special thanks to @j-sope​ for pretty much being the sole reason that this was able to be written. i love u so much u are my everything my favorite person ever ILYLYYLIYLILYYILLYIYILYILYILYLILYILYIYIY
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Jung Hoseok is horrible at first dates.
Seokjin likes to joke that the unfortunate souls his friend corrals into going on dates with him are his victims, but that joke usually results in a pouting Hoseok, so he keeps it to himself when he hears the all-too-familiar sound of his friend entering their shared apartment with a loud sigh.
“How’d it go tonight?” Seokjin calls out after a moment of silence. The only answer he gets is an alarmingly loud groan from the entryway, the sound followed by a pair of heavy footsteps shuffling their way toward the kitchen.
Hoseok appears around the corner only a few moments later, a pained expression tugging at his features as he collapses into the chair across the table from Seokjin with a huff. “Bad.”
“I don’t understand how you managed to fuck this one up,” Seokjin sighs in exasperation. “Literally everyone gets along with Namjoon. He’s, like, the nicest person on the planet. What did you even do?”
“It wasn’t my fault!” Hoseok defends, pointing an accusing finger at Seokjin. “I’m offended that your first instinct is to blame me. Did you ever stop to think that maybe I was the one who rejected him?”
Seokjin levels him with a cool stare. Hoseok drops his gaze to the table before mumbling, “I accidentally set my sleeve on fire.”
“Jesus,” Seokjin groans, “Hobi, how the hell do you manage these things? What the fuck?”
“I’m sorry, okay!” Hoseok cries out, “It’s not my fault that they put a candle right next to the basket of breadsticks! What kind of restaurant uses real candles anyway? This is the 21st century! Fake candles exist for a reason, you know!”
Seokjin sighs. “This is the last time I ever set you up on a date.”
“Aw, come on,” Hoseok pouts, “That’s not fair. I promise I won’t fuck up the next one; I think I’ve got the hang of dating now. Really!”
“Hobi, I literally have nobody else to offer. You’ve run through my entire collection of single acquaintances in the span of a few months.”
Hoseok blinks. “What? No way. You have to have at least one more single friend. You know, like, everyone.”
Seokjin raises an eyebrow. “Hoseok, you have a problem. It’s time to accept it.” He pauses. “But I think I have an idea on how to fix it.”
“No, no, I know what you’re thinking,” Hoseok interrupts. “I wear an earpiece. You sit at a table nearby, you speak into a mic, you tell me what to say on the date. It’s a great idea, Jin, but let me tell you something—it never works. Taehyung and I tried that a year or two ago and it didn’t end well.” He pauses. “At least, I don’t think it did. I’m not sure. I think my brain blocked out that memory for my own mental stability.”
“That’s…” Seokjin trails off before shaking his head. “Nevermind. My plan was for us to go on a few practice dates together so I could train you to be less nervous on your real dates.”
“Oh.” Hoseok’s face lights up. “That’s a way better idea! Good thinking, dude.”
“Please never call me dude again.”
“Would you prefer if I called you daddy?”
Seokjin pinches the bridge of his nose. “Get out.”
“You can’t kick me out of our apartment,” Hoseok pouts, “I live here too, you know.”
“I reserve the right to kick you out when you’re acting like an idiot. It’s stated in section thirty-five of our friendship contract.”
Hoseok curses under his breath. “I knew I never should’ve signed that thing.”
“Well, you did. And you’re gonna have to live with the consequences if you do stupid things like calling me daddy when all I’m trying to do is help you out.”
“Alright, alright,” Hoseok frowns, “I’m sorry.” He pauses. “But you have to admit, it does kind of suit you—”
Seokjin groans. “Fucking hell.”
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Their first date happens about a week later. Hoseok shows up at Seokjin’s doorstep with a bouquet of flowers, which isn’t saying much, because they already live together—but he thinks it’s the thought that counts.
“Will you hold my hand over the console?” Hoseok asks with twinkling eyes as he grins at Seokjin from the passenger seat.
“No,” Seokjin deadpans. “I don’t hold hands on the first date.”
“But this is a fake first date,” Hoseok pushes, giving his friend the biggest puppy-dog eyes he can muster. “Surely you can break a few rules here and there.”
“Hoseok, the very fact that this date is fake is only more reason for me to reject your hand-holding offer. I’m not in the business of sharing cooties with friends.”
Hoseok slides down in his seat with an irritated grumble. If Seokjin doesn’t want to hold his hand, that’s totally fine. He’s okay with that. He doesn’t mind at all.
Noticing the dark cloud that seems to have materialized over his friend’s head, Seokjin relents with an exasperated sigh, flopping his hand palm-up over the console in an offer to Hoseok. “Fine. But if I crash this car, I’m blaming it on you.”
Hoseok grins from ear to ear as he excitedly threads his fingers with Seokjin’s. He tries not to think too hard about how perfectly they fit together.
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The evening has been… a struggle, to say the least. Hoseok managed to knock his chair over when they were being seated, which would have been fine, except when he tried to pick it up, he ended up tripping over the legs and falling face-first into the aisle beside their table.
Seokjin had been hopeful that the chair debacle would be the most eventful happening of the evening, but that hope had been squashed when Hoseok knocked over a vase of flowers with his elbow during an attempt to pull out a stack of notecards from his pocket. The water had gone everywhere—including his notecards—and the waitress had given Seokjin a pitiful look as she swept up the broken glass that decorated the floor.
(The stack of notecards was mostly blank, Seokjin eventually discovered. The ones that did have writing on them had subjects like ‘windmills’, ‘circuit boards’, and ‘wyoming’ scrawled in messy loops across the front. When Seokjin gave Hoseok a questioning look, he’d explained that they were possible topics of conversation, in case he ran out of things to say.)
And now, half an hour later, Hoseok is finishing up a very long and very boring speech about elephants, looking at Seokjin expectantly as the latter sits in stunned silence.
“Wow. That was… a very thorough explanation of the stages of elephant pregnancy.”
“Thank you,” Hoseok beams. “I did lots of research. Now, onto the history of the zipper—”
“Okay, you know what?” Seokjin interrupts his friend with a tight smile, “Just… ask me a question about myself. Try to get to know me.”
“Okay,” Hoseok nods, tossing the stack of notebook cards over his shoulder haphazardly. “Okay, I can do that. Easy.” He blinks. “Uh…. I…” He stares blankly for a few seconds before dropping his head into his hands, voice muffled as he mumbles dejectedly, “God, I can’t think of anything to ask you. My mind is blank. Where are my notecards?”
“Just—Just ask me the first thing that comes to mind,” Seokjin encourages with only a hint of exasperation, grabbing Hoseok’s attention before he can reach for the soggy lump of paper sitting on the corner of the table.
Hoseok lifts his head, staring blankly for a moment before his face lights up and he blurts out, “How big is it?”
Seokjin sighs. “Really?”
“Oh my god,” Hoseok wails, “This is hopeless.”
“It’s not hopeless,” Seokjin tries to comfort with a furrowed brow. “You just… need to learn how to calm down. That’s all.”
“It’s not like I’m trying to be a nervous wreck,” Hoseok laments, sullenly snacking on a breadstick. “I just… I get so nervous, you know? My mind starts to run through all the things that could possibly go wrong and I get so desperate trying not to do or say the wrong thing that I forget what the right thing is.”
Seokjin sighs, giving his friend a sympathetic look. “Try not to get too down about it, alright? We still have all the time in the world to go on these practice dates to help you get to the bottom of whatever this problem is. It’ll all work out okay, I promise.”
Hoseok perks up a bit at that. “Thank you, Jin,” he thanks, glancing between the elder and the breadstick in his hands for a few moments before tearing it in half and offering a piece to him with a big, goofy smile.
Seokjin takes it with twinkling eyes. It’s kind of pathetic, really, that as much as he teases Hoseok, there’s absolutely nothing he wouldn’t do to keep that heart-shaped smile on his face.
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Seokjin takes a different approach on his second fake date with Hoseok.
After the disastrous first date, the elder had been left wracking his brain for reasons why Hoseok is the way he is. It’s a bit of an ambiguous question, and many people would simply shrug it off as Hoseok being more nervous in social situations than most—but Seokjin knew that there was something else at play.
Hoseok is a well-liked guy. So well-liked, in fact, that when Seokjin is out perusing the town with his best-friend-slash-roommate, he finds that they’re stopped at least twice a day by complete strangers on the street because of him. Granted, the strangers aren’t quite strangers to Hoseok—they’re usually acquaintances he met at the gym, the coffee shop or even the zoo—but the point is that Seokjin doesn’t think there’s a single living thing on this planet that Hoseok isn’t friends with.
Even their houseplants prefer the younger of the two. (Hoseok vehemently denies this, but Seokjin knows it’s true. He thinks it’s because they’re attracted to the sunshine that Hoseok seems to emit every time he flashes his heart-shaped smile their way.)
The point is that Hoseok is most definitely not a nervous person, at least when it comes to platonic human interaction. The younger man is bright and loud and happy all at once, his cheery aura serving as a welcoming beacon to everyone that crosses his path. He has the largest circle of friends Seokjin has ever witnessed, and he’s even been involved in a few long-term relationships over the years.
So why can’t Hoseok seem to just act normal on first dates?
After another conversation with the man himself and a bit of reflecting on their disastrous first date, Seokjin deduced that he still had absolutely no idea what was going on inside Hoseok’s brain. However, he did manage to come up with a new plan for their second date—one that Hoseok was most definitely going to hate.
Exposure therapy.
Of course, Seokjin wasn’t going to tell Hoseok about his plan before he enacted it. That would defeat the point of it all. So, when Hoseok shows up two minutes late to their fake date with a worried expression and a mouthful of apologies, Seokjin levels him with a disinterested stare.
“You’re late.”
Hoseok’s hair is sticking every which way, a few of the sandy-colored strands plastered to his forehead. His fancy dress shirt is one button off from being correctly centered, and his pants are a bit rumpled up from something, the crinkles standing out starkly against the dark material.
“I’m so sorry,” Hoseok apologizes profusely, eyes shining with genuine guilt as he takes a nervous seat across from Seokjin. “I, uh, had to… take my... niece... to.... badminton practice?"
Seokjin hums. “How lovely. Tell me, Hoseok—what’s your niece’s name?”
"Um......... Fuckson? No, no, that's not right... Chlorissa? Torple? America?" Hoseok gulps. Shakes his head. "That—that was a lie. I don't have a niece. Is it hot in here, or is that just me?" He loosens his already uneven tie, glancing nervously towards the bathrooms behind him. "I've gotta use the... the whiz palace. You know. That place. Where you go do your business. Yeah."
Before Seokjin can say another word, Hoseok is tripping out of his chair and making a mad dash for the restrooms, stumbling all the way there. Seokjin winces when his friend takes an accidental turn into the women's restroom rather than the men's, waiting for the accompanying shriek that usually comes alongside Hoseok's all-too-common accidents.
But instead of a terrified scream, Seokjin is met with the face of a nervous Hoseok peeking out of the doorway, his eyes wide and frantic as he makes eye contact with his fake date across the restaurant.
"Bathroom!" Hoseok shouts, ignoring the stares of the other patrons in the room. "It's called a bathroom! Hah!"
Seokjin throws the staff an apologetic smile before dropping his head onto the table dramatically. They have long, long ways to go.
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“Hoseok is…. in worse shape than I thought,” Seokjin admits quietly, glancing over his shoulder when he hears the sound of familiar laughter echoing from the table a few feet behind him. Hoseok is sitting by himself, laughing at… nothing. Seokjin turns back to the bartender, a close friend named Jimin, with a look of disbelief. “Is he practice laughing?”
“Maybe you should take a different approach?” Jimin muses, eyes sparkling as he glances at Hoseok over Jin’s shoulder. “Try showing him what a bad date would feel like so he doesn’t psych himself out anymore?”
“I already did that,” Seokjin groans, “I don’t know what else to try. Seriously. He just… ran off to the bathroom. After lying about having a niece.”
Jimin hums. “Maybe try laying it on a bit thicker. You’re still being too nice; you’ve gotta channel your inner asshole. Think about all the shitty dates you’ve been on in your past.”
“Isn’t that a bit mean, though?” Seokjin asks. “I’ve been on some pretty bad dates; I don’t want to traumatize him.”
“Hoseok isn’t made of glass, Jin,” Jimin smiles. “He’ll be fine, I promise. Besides, he knows how much you care about him. He’s not gonna take anything you say or do to heart.”
Seokjin sighs in resignation. “You’re right.” He glances over at his friend once more. “I guess I should get back to him before he breaks anything else. Or has another conversation with an imaginary date.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” Jimin grins cheekily, “Have fun bullying your fake date!’
Seokjin flips him off before making his way back to the table, already in character when Hoseok greets him with a warm smile and bright eyes. He finds it hard not to immediately melt at the sight—not for any reason in particular; Hoseok just has that effect on people—and when he takes his seat across from the younger man, Seokjin has to push down the urge to smile back.
“What did Jiminie have to say?” Hoseok asks cheerily, fingertips drumming nervously against the tablecloth. Seokjin ignores the question and reaches over to take a french fry off of Hoseok’s plate. The younger man blinks at him in confusion, the ever-present smile on his face slipping slightly. “Jin? Is everything al—”
“So,” Seokjin interrupts loudly and leans over to snatch another fry from Hoseok’s plate, still chewing on the first one he stole as he speaks. “How do you feel about sex on the first date?”
“Uhh…” Hoseok trails off uncomfortably, shifting a bit in his seat. “I’m sorry, w-what?”
Seokjin pauses in his chewing and stares at Hoseok silently for a few seconds before swallowing dramatically, eyebrows raised in slight annoyance. “I said,” he drawls, “How do you feel about sex on the first date? I need to know if tonight is gonna be worth my time.”
“That… that’s....” Hoseok murmurs in disbelief, “Um. Wow. Okay then.”
A few beats of silence pass, the two men staring at each other uncomfortably until Seokjin breaks the silence. “Another important question. How do you feel about full moons? I love them. Personally, I feel really connected to wolves. I’m pretty sure I was a wolf in my past life, actually.”
“Wolves are… cool, I guess?” Hoseok agrees, the end of his sentence twisting to sound more like a question than a response. “They look fluffy.”
“Fluffy?” Seokjin splutters, “You’re kidding me. They’re ruthless killing machines, Hongjoong. The epitome of what an alpha male should be. I was definitely an alpha wolf in my past life.”
“Hongjoong?” Hoseok asks, pointedly ignoring whatever the hell else Seokjin just said.
“Oh. My bad. I have a date with my boyfriend later tonight—his name is Hongjoong—and I got your names kinda mixed up.” He pauses. “Wait, what’s your name again?”
“Hoseok,” he grits out.
“Ohhh,” Seokjin grins lazily, “I remember now! You’re the dude with the flat ass. Your profile said you were a dancer, though, so I thought there was a good chance you’re good in bed. We all have to make sacrifices, I guess. You get it, right?”
Hoseok’s jaw drops to the floor. It’s going to be a long, long night.
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“I can’t believe you’d say that, Seokjin,” Hoseok murmurs, his eyes widened in disbelief. “That dog was my best friend, it crushed me when we had to let him go—”
“Brring brring,” Seokjin interrupts, holding up his phone before pretending to talk to someone on the other end of the line. “Oh, hey Hongjoong. Yeah. No, I’m not busy. Just on a date with the flat ass guy I told you about.” He’s silent for a few moments, never once breaking eye contact with Hoseok as he speaks into the receiver. “Yeah. Hold on, I’ll ask him.” He covers the receiver with the palm of his hand. “Hey, wanna watch a porno with me and my boyfriend tonight?”
Hoseok sits there in shocked silence for a few moments before a line of anger creases his brow, eyes narrowed in irritation as he sends a disgusted scowl Seokjin’s way. “No, Seokjin, because you’re disgusting. I am disgusted.”
Seokjin stares blankly for a few seconds. “So, it’s definitely a no?”
“I don’t understand why you’re being so horrible!” Hoseok raises his voice, gesturing wildly as he groans in frustration. “We’re just two people trying to go on a date. It’s supposed to be fun!”
“You’re right,” Seokjin grins, placing his phone down on the table. “It is just a date. Well done, my friend.”
Hoseok tilts his head, brow furrowing in confusion. “Huh?”
“I’m sorry I was so rude to you,” he explains, “But now you see that even if everything goes wrong, you’ll survive. Dates are meant to be fun, Hoseok—there’s no need to put so much pressure on yourself.”
“Oh.” Hoseok blinks. “Ohhh,” a grin begins to stretch across his face as he leans back in his chair, “I see what you did there, you sneaky, sneaky smurf.”
Seokjin shakes his head, watching with a small smile as Hoseok immediately delves into his opinion on the newest Scooby-Doo live action movie. Some things never change, he thinks to himself, unable to keep the wave of fondness that washes over him at bay.
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It’s on the third date that Seokjin realizes he loves Hoseok.
Now, in a normal situation, Seokjin would agree that the third date is a bit soon to be making such powerful declarations. But this isn’t a normal situation, and Seokjin is pretty sure that he’s actually been in love with his best friend for a long, long time.
He isn’t sure why it took him so long to figure it out, nor does he know why the sight of Hoseok laughing at a joke he made while sipping on a strawberry milkshake is The Moment™ that the realization dawned upon him—but that doesn’t matter; not really. Because Hoseok is smiling at him with crinkles by his eyes and dimples on full display and he thinks his heart is about to beat clear out of his chest.
Seokjin isn’t an absolute disaster on first dates like his friend tends to be, but he hasn’t had a long term relationship since moving in with Hoseok two years ago, either. He never really took the time to think about why that is—he always assumed he just hadn’t found “the one” yet—but looking at it in hindsight, it’s because nobody compared to Hoseok. Nobody compares to him now, sitting across the booth from Seokjin with his twinkling eyes and excited hand gestures.
Hoseok is doing far better than he did on their past two dates. Seokjin managed to convince him to leave the notecards with topics of conversation on them at their apartment, and while Hoseok was nervous that he’d run out of things to discuss without them by his side, he soon realized he had nothing to worry about.
He had nothing to worry about, because Seokjin is completely and utterly enamored by every little thing that Hoseok says, clinging to the words that fall from his lips no matter how silly they might be. Because Hoseok’s words have a warmth to them; they’re instilled with pure joy, spoken with a bright smile and sprinkled with love.
“Jin?” Hoseok’s voice breaks Seokjin out of his thoughts. He’s waving his hand haphazardly in front of his face, peppering in a snap of his fingers every so often for added effect. “Anyone home?”
“Cut it out.” Seokjin bats away Hoseok’s hands, fighting the smile creeping onto his face.
Hoseok pouts. “You weren’t paying attention to me.”
If only you knew, Seokjin thinks to himself. Instead, he says: “You haven’t done anything yet to grab my attention. By now, you’ve usually broken at least one inanimate object and offended at least two workers.”
“That means I’ve improved!” Hoseok points out with a grin, chomping down excitedly on a curly fry dipped in ranch. “I think I’m just about ready for a real date, Jin.”
Seokjin freezes. “You are,” he agrees slowly, trying to fight the sinking feeling in his chest.
“You know, there’s this cute boy who gave me his number the other day at the ice cream shop,” Hoseok babbles mindlessly as he scrolls through his contacts, “I could shoot him a text. He seemed nice enough, and it’d be a great way to test my improvement out in the real world, don’t you think?”
“Yeah,” Seokjin murmurs as he fidgets with the strings on his hoodie. “Yes. That sounds great, Hobi.”
The fake date carries on like normal. Seokjin rolls his eyes at Hoseok’s antics one too many times, and the younger man laughs a little too enthusiastically at his cheesy puns and dad jokes. It’s nothing out of the ordinary for their fake dates—except this time, Seokjin finds himself wishing it was real.
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It’s been a long time since Seokjin has allowed himself to sulk, but he’s pretty sure that being hit with the realization that he’s in love with his best-friend-slash-roommate and knowing that his feelings aren’t returned are good enough reasons to dig into his emergency stash of ice cream.
Hoseok is out on a date tonight. A date that isn’t with Seokjin. He left about fifteen minutes ago, Sekojin notes as he glances at his watch in dismay. He’s probably out cracking jokes and knocking over chairs and breaking water glasses and embarrassing himself—all with a stranger.
Not Seokjin.
Never Seokjin; at least, never again.
His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of knuckles rapping clumsily at his front door. He sets his ice cream down on the coffee table with a huff, because he has a sinking feeling that his perfectly valid plans for a lonely night filled with self-pity are about to be interrupted. He just wants to eat his ice cream in peace, dammit—not to mention he hasn’t even had time to be sad about Hoseok’s date yet.
But when Seokjin opens the door to see Hoseok standing there with a smile on his face and a bouquet of flowers, his heart can’t help but tremble.
“Hobi. This is literally our apartment, you don’t have to knock.”
Hoseok winks. “I know.”
“Did you forget your keys or something?” Seokjin asks, the hint of exhaustion tinging the edge of his words suddenly fading away to make room for confusion when the smattering of pink, yellow and white flowers in Hoseok’s arms suddenly registers in his mind. “Wait, why do you have flowers? I thought you were meeting that boy from the ice cream shop? Oh my god, did you already run him off, that has to be a new record for you—”
“I’m the one who called off the date,” Hoseok interrupts, his grin never fading as Seokjin continues to look at him with growing uncertainty.
“What? I thought you liked him?”
Hoseok shrugs. “I went to buy him flowers before we met up, but I realized that I didn’t really want to be buying flowers for him after all.”
“I… don’t think I’m quite following what you’re saying, Hobi,” Seokjin drawls, eyes wide and brows raised. “You called off the date because you didn’t feel like buying flowers?”
“I called off the date because I realized that I wanted to be buying flowers for you, not the cute ice cream guy,” Hoseok says cheerily, like it’s the most casual thing in the world. “I wanted to be buying a bouquet of flowers for you. I wanted to be meeting you at that restaurant, for a real, actual date.”
Seokjin blinks. Hoseok carries on.
“You see, I was looking at all the different colored roses and I thought ‘Hey, these colors remind me of Seokjin’, and then it hit me that I’m kind of in love with you. Like, really in love with you. Head over heels. Absolutely bonkers. Unbelievably enamored, if you will. Hey, has anyone ever told you that you have really kissable lips? They’re, like, super soft and shiny and pretty. I really wanna kiss them. Can I? Is that too forward of me?”
Hoseok finally halts his rambling of words with an excited grin, completely oblivious to the way Seokjin stands flabbergasted just a few feet in front of him. His chest feels warm and fuzzy and he doesn’t think twice before reaching out and pulling Hoseok into a kiss. It’s messy and uncoordinated and their teeth accidentally clash when Hoseok makes a loud noise of surprise, but it’s perfect, their bodies fitting together like two missing puzzle pieces as they sink into each other’s embrace.
And when Seokjin finally pulls away after an indiscernible amount of time, he finds that the only words he can manage to say are, “That was the least romantic confession I’ve ever heard.”
“Sorry,” Hoseok grins, not actually sorry at all. “Does this mean that you like me back, though?”
Seokjin throws him an incredulous look. “I literally just made out with you in our front doorway. Where all the neighbors can see us.”
“Bros kiss all the time, my dude. I just wanted to make sure that was an ‘i’m-in-love-with-you’ kiss, not an ‘i-know-we’re-bros-and-all-but-i-kinda-wanna-kiss-you-because-you’re-hot’ kiss.”
“Why would it ever be the second option?” Seokjin asks, dumbfounded. “Wait—which of your ‘bros’ have you been kissing? Why didn’t I ever know about this?”
“Jungkook. Only when we’re drunk, though.”
“Oh my god,” Seokjin groans, “Is that where the two of you would run off to every time we went to a house party together?”
Hoseok snickers. “Maybe.”
“I did not need to know that. Please, take it back. Wipe my memory away with one of those little Apple TV remotes from Men In Black.”
“Don’t worry, Jin,” Hoseok laughs, leaning forward to press a light kiss to his lips. “You’re the only person I wanna sneak off with now. Besides, Jungkook has his eyes on Taehyung these days.”
“Whatever,” Seokjin grumbles in a voice that the both of them know isn’t truly bothered. “And to be clear, that kiss earlier was actually a ‘you’re-an-idiot-but-for-some-reason-i-love-you-too kiss. Now get back over here and let me kiss you again.”
Seokjin and Hoseok’s dates still manage to end in disaster more often than not. But Hoseok always reacts with an embarrassed giggle and a smile on his face, and Seokjin wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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A/N; yes i’m alive. sorry 😳
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© ughseoks 2020, all rights reserved. do NOT modify, translate, or repost my works. modification, translations, and/or redistribution of my works on any platform is strictly prohibited.
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juliepop · 4 years
New Years Resolutions
New Years Resolutions
[Miragehound Fic] AO3 Link: here
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (
A/N): Wow, who doesnt post for a year and comes back just to drop some fluff? Me. Hi, I've had a really shitty year and I needed to write something to make myself feel better. This is dedicated to I. They're the person who pulled me out of a really dark spot and encouraged me to take time for myself and write a little.
Summary: Elliott was taking this New Years Resolution List making seriously, or he would be if Renee wasn't insistent on ruining everything. A new addition on his little list was becoming increasingly hard to ignore. 
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"You're really funny, hysterical even," Elliott grumbled, snatching his list of Renee's hands before she could deface it anymore. She frowned at him as he crumpled it a little before curiosity got the better of him, he had to know what was written. Glancing down, Elliott almost choked at her little addition before he made sure this time to make a paper ball and hurled it at her head.
Renee caught it, of course. Pesky voices not even letting him get away with his dignity as she tossed it back, and it bounced off his chest when he wasn't fast enough to catch it. That was totally cheating.
"Elliott Witt, you are a baby."
"You're a baby," Elliott mocked, snatching his paper off the floor because he just cleaned that, and there was no way he would live down someone finding that as he tucked it in his back pocket for safekeeping.
Renee, to her credit, only bared her teeth at him, the little gremlin pointing a finger at him as if she could tell he was calling her names in his head before she pulled the concerned mom face. Shit. "What are you so afraid of? Out of everyone else I've seen Bloodhound interact with, you're the only person I've seen who they let pet their bird. The worst thing they can say is no."
"Uh, are you forgetting who we're talking about? This is the person we watched take five knives out of nowhere once, five. I'm pretty sure they had more, but it only took five of them before the security gave up and just let them pass."
That was a pleasant memory; Elliott could vividly recall how the devs had demanded all the legends stop sneaking weapons onto the dropship and set up a metal detector. Bloodhound set it off every single time they walked through, and for every attempt, they pulled out yet another wickedly long hunting knife from their coat until finally, the security guard gave up. It was a little funny at the time, maybe even a tiny bit sexy, but Elliott wouldn't ever admit to that. Probably. "What if my conf-confec-ugh. What if I say my feelings and they get offended? I'm too pretty to die."
"Pretty annoying, yeah," Renee muttered; Elliott made an offended noise before she reached out to set a hand on his arm. "Elliott, they're not going to stab you for having feelings. I mean, if they don't already know. You're kind of obvious."
"Me? I am so subtle!"
Renee stared at him for a moment, her gaze going from the top of his perfectly styled curls, the sleek yellow silk shirt that sparkled under the lights with every movement, the black leather pants and his designer ankle boots before staring him in the face.
"...okay, I meant I'm subtle about my feelings."
"You shot yourself in the foot the last time you teamed up with them because they complimented your wingman shot; you cracked your shield, Elliott. That isn't subtle."
He had done that.
Elliott winced at the memory, having taken down Bang's team with a few well-placed shots, and the next thing he knew, Bloodhound was clapping him on the shoulder. Murmuring how he'd done a powerful slatra of the enemy, and Elliott had tried to play it off, spinning his wingman around his finger to holster except the safety wasn't on. He'd struck his foot, the loud crack of his shield startling everyone there, and he wanted to die a little when they'd sweetly offered him a battery,
"Renee, you promised you wouldn't bring that up."
"It was on national television, Elliott. You were viral for a long time."
Over two million hits in one day, it was impressive and mortifying all at once.
"Listen, my main concern for the night is having this party go well. We can talk about that after. It's not like they're going to be here anyway, you know Bloodhound doesn't do parties."
"If they show, you have to tell them." Renee bartered, Elliott trying not to grin in victory because he was right. They never did parties, they were forced into one party a year for the anniversary of the games, and that was all.
Elliott Witt was wrong and stupid.
Bloodhound did come, they showed up precisely on time, and Elliott had nearly cried right then and there because they even greeted him softly at the door.
"Hallo, Mirage."
"Heh-ha-heeeeey, Hound! How's it hanging?" Smooth Elliott, really smooth.
They only offered a nod, mysterious and masked like always, and they smelt faintly of firewood, gunmetal and pine. Which is to say, Elliott was sniffing them, stepping close to offer a hand to shake as they wrapped leather-covered fingers around his and squeezed. "You want a tour?"
"Nei, I think I will find myself a place. Thank you, though, Mirage."
"Hey, we're outta the ring. You can call me Elliott."
"You look...nice." They muttered, the words so faint they're almost lost amidst the chattering of legends and music, but Elliott was focused solely on them. Just hearing the compliment made something in his stomach flutter, Elliott unable to stop himself from laughing softly in surprise and rubbing a hand over his beard, pretending he could rub the colour flooding his cheeks.
Elliott had heard compliments all night, some of them about the party decor, the food, or even his outfit, but this was the one that really made him feel something. He was a little bashful, fingers lingering against theirs as he slid his hand away reluctantly before offering a delighted grin. "I think you look really nice too."
"Takk," Bloodhound murmured, the moment interrupted as Octane yelled something about beer pong, and Elliott turned his head to make sure the idiot wasn't breaking anything when Bloodhound took that moment to leave.
When he faced forward again, they were gone, having found the armchair he'd tucked off to the side of the room to make space for the dancefloor and settling in. Elliott hadn't actually intended that chair to be a spot, it was blocked off by tall potted ferns lining the dance floor, but if that's where they felt most comfortable, that was okay.
He was just really pleased they even came.
Then less pleased when he heard Lifeline scream Octane's name before Elliott heard a deafening crash. Seriously ??
Two broken tables, a broken chair, and a cracked window later and Elliott was exhausted. Offering an open bar to a bunch of people who liked chasing each other and murdering their friends was dicey, it seemed alcohol brought out the crazy. Octane wanted to jump off things, Bangalore was drunk as a skunk and offering to fistfight people, and at one point, Rev had scuttled along the ceiling, and someone had screamed.
Okay, Elliott had screamed. Who the fuck does that? What the fuck does that? It must have been illegal somewhere.
Thankfully there were some ordinary people though, Gibby had brought along a special friend who seemed like an average person who didn’t want to break things. The dude was even kinda funny, and he had a knack for making the big guy laugh loudly, I mean, he totally wasn't as amusing as Elliott, but he was alright.
Even Crypto, the bitter old man had shown up, shamed into silence by sweet angel Nat when he tried to pick a fight with Elliott. A battle Ellie would have totally won, hands down. Stupid Crypie.
Midnight was coming up fast, though, and everyone seemed to be split off into their little groups, which was kinda nice. Octane was playing DJ and entertaining Ajay, Anita, Ramp, Loba, and Path. Crypto had struck up a conversation with Nat and Renee in a corner, the three of them looking real serious about something. Even Doctor Somers was there, she was talking to Caustic of all people, but those two seemed to be hitting it off and Elliott was only a little envious. Rev was nowhere to be seen thankfully or not thankfully. Elliott cast a glance up in fear, a little relieved when he didn't see the murder bot hanging there like a spider.
Then there was Elliott; he was taking his host duties really seriously and restocking the cute little finger food trays when he felt a hand land on his shoulder, Renee was reaching to steal an appetizer. She leaned against the table, expression a lot more relaxed than Elliott had ever seen her, and there was the faintest drunken flush across her cheeks as she cast a glance to Nat and Crypto. "So, I took your advice, and Natalie said she'd love to be my new year's kiss."
"Wait, my advice worked? You took it??" Elliott tried to very subtly show his approval for his friend, laughing and dragging Renee into a hug that she slapped out of with an annoyed noise.
He knew she secretly loved it though, her mouth quirking up at the corners while she tried to hide the almost smile. "I mean of course it worked. I am not just pretty; I'm clever."
"I guess sometimes you have good ideas. Maybe you should take my advice too then, ten minutes left until the new year and I know you haven't told them."
"Awh c'mon, Renee. You know I can't just march over there and do that, I have finger foods to resto—"
'Fuck the host duties, Elliott." Renee growled; Elliott was a little surprised to hear the gremlin swear before she forcibly took the tray from his hands and he was left staring in shock at his drunk friend. Well, he was staring down in shock. She was the size of a pissed off toddler. "Go talk to them. Now. You have five minutes before I march over there and bring them to you."
"You wouldn't--" Elliott started, stopping when he saw the look in her eyes and yeah, he thought she just might. Peeking over to see if anyone was listening, Elliott froze when he noticed Bloodhound's mask was pointed in his direction before he blinked and shook it off.
Of course they weren't looking at him, he was just in the middle of the room, and that's how they were sitting. Inhaling sharply through his nose, Elliott turned back and looked at Renee, who started picking at the food on the tray and stuffing her face. "I'm scared."
"I promise I'll watch over you two, make sure they don't pull out a knife."
"Haha, really funny. You're hilarious; you know that, right?"
"You're stalling. Four minutes now." Renee murmured, Elliott swallowing hard as he realized that there is a limited amount of time left, and he cleared his throat before asking real quietly if he looked okay. Renee's gaze softened, reaching up to smooth his collar for a second before she smiled crookedly. "You're a knockout, Elliott. Now go."
So he went.
Elliott tried to quiet his racing heart down as he walked, talking himself up in his head as he kept his gaze glued to his boots. He looked great, and Bloodhound was a...they were a friend. Everything would be okay, he would go over there, chat them up a little, and he could inform Renee he tried to tell them but it didn't work out. Easy.
His palms were sweating as Elliott walked up, aware he'd reached the point of no return as he saw the bottom edge of the ferns before he jerked his head up and caught sight of them again.
Bloodhound had tucked their chair even further behind the potted plants, hidden by their little jungle but he could see they were comfortable. They'd taken off their hunting coat, the jacket casually laid over the back of the armchair, and that left them in an oversized sweatshirt that did nothing to hide how broad their shoulders were as Bloodhound cocked their head at him.
They were wearing some kind of layered outfit, a turtle neck that covered their neck completely and a baggier layer over it that mostly obscured their body from view with matching pants and thick sole boots.
Overhead, Elliott had strung up fairy lights for the room's lighting, rows and rows of soft white lights glinting off their goggles and the metal parts of their mask as Bloodhound watched him draw closer. His mouth was bone dry, tongue trying to smooth over his lips, but Elliott felt like that didn't help as he took a shallow breath before clearing his throat.
Be cool.
"H-hh-hi Bloodhound!"
"Hello, Mirage," Bloodhound answered; Elliott was telling himself they did not intentionally sound soft just for him. He only ever heard them talk in the ring; Bloodhound tended to murmur commands there, and discussed creative ways to kill their fellow legends instead of small talk. The rare moments he saw them not in a tense situation were few and far between, not for his lack of trying though. Bloodhound wasn’t a big talker, they kinda tended to offer up two-word answers and stared a lot. It was cute.
Elliott liked how their accent sounded like this, though, casual and soft. Like they were having an intimate conversation, instead of Elliott stuttering over basic words and bothering them like was currently happening.
"Are you uh, do you like the party?"
"It has been an experience." They answer after a moment, the faintest hint of something lurking in their tone as they nod toward the gathering legends with their gazes glued to the holoscreen with a large timer counting down. Shit, two minutes. "I do not attend most events, but I wished to accept your invitation for this."
"Oh, I'm glad you came," Elliott says, hoping his sincerity rings through as he glances at the dwindling amount of time until the new year before he looks back. "I know parties aren't your thing, but it makes me happy you're here."
Their blank mask doesn't change, there's no discernible way Elliott can even tell what's going on behind it, but he swears he feels them smile at him for a moment. It's kind of like being trapped in a cold dark room for years and stepping outside for the first time, feeling the warmth of the sun against your face and letting it soak into your frigid core.
His mouth curved upward, returning what he hoped was a smile from them and not Elliott developing a sudden fever or something when Octane broke the moment with a shout.
"One more minute, amigos!"
"What? That went by so fast!" Elliott sputtered, caught off guard by everything as everyone behind readies themselves.
"So it did. Do you wish to go join them for the countdown?" Bloodhound asked, nodding toward the gathering crowd of legends standing near the holoscreen and readying up their party poppers and chattering. Elliott glanced over, seeing everyone seemed to be paired up already, smiling faces turned toward the timer slowly ticking down. He almost jumped when he turned back, realizing Bloodhound was standing with their coat back on magically and looked like they were ready to go.
"Are you leaving?" Elliott blurted out, unable to stop himself from sounding disappointed as he hears everyone behind counting down from twenty.
"I do not wish to keep you longer."
"Ten, nine, eight… "
"Keep me? I'd love if you kept me."
"...Four, three, two, one! Happy New Year! "
Behind everyone breaks out in cheers, the sound of fireworks going off muffled behind the thick glass panes of the windows to the side, but they still make colours dance across the room as the legends all set off their party poppers.
Bloodhound and Elliott both watch everyone breaking off in couples, Elliott laughing when he saw Octane drag Ajay into a kiss only to get slapped a few moments later, the medic calling him a grabby jackass. He sighed wistfully, surprised when Bloodhound put a hand on his shoulder.
"Is something wrong?"
"Usually, my New Years' kiss is my mom; it sucks being so far away from home."
"A kiss is a..tradition?" They ask slowly, head tilting in that distractingly cute way, and Elliott laughs a little at how lost they sound.
"Yeah, it's about str-stren-ugh, making ties with people stronger and stuff. That or not being lonely all year." Elliott answered, gesturing to the other legends, who were either kissing or hugging one another.
The fireworks outside were still going off, shooting various colours into the sky, but that was all hard to keep track of when Bloodhound used their hand on his shoulder to pull him behind the ferns. "Uh, Hound?"
Bloodhound's hand moved from his shoulder to the back of his neck, Elliott inhaling sharply as they yanked their respirator down, and his brain kind of shut down when their lips pressed against his. They tasted like orange juice, he realized, Bloodhound already drawing away and Elliott kind of flounders at the idea that his only kiss with Bloodhound was going to be a peck, before he wound his arms around their neck and he pulled them closer.
They gasp, fingers squeezing the back of his neck in surprise, and Elliott closes his eyes and kisses them for all he's worth. Bloodhound is stiff at first, and that's the moment he wondered if they were gonna stab him for pushing a boundary when they slowly softened and hesitantly moved their mouth under his. It felt like they were trying to copy his movements, Elliott sparing a second to wonder if maybe they didn't have a lot of experience before he thinks fuck it and licks against the closed seam of their lips.
Bloodhound shudders in his arms, lips parting on a shaky sigh, and Elliott takes advantage to lick past their teeth, and it's extra confirmed they were drinking juice all night when he gets an actual taste. It's endearing and hot, and all the positive things he can't think of at the moment because he was currently kissing Bloodhound like his life depended on it. Honestly, it just might if this pissed them off.
They gradually relaxed further though, the hands that were gripping his neck and now balled in his shirt as Elliott rocks up on his toes to press against them fully. They were a little taller than him, something he was secretly thrilled about as his hands slid from their neck and down their arms for a moment when Bloodhound pulled away with a soft gasp.
They were breathing hard, Elliott cursing the fact they were tucked away in such a dark corner because he could only see part of their face and the parts he almost made out were gorgeous. Kiss swollen lips, faint spiderwebs of scars laced along their cheeks and jaw, and—
"Hound?" Elliott asked concerned when they sounded like they were choking between pants, a hand lifting as if to ward him off for a moment as they lifted their respirator back in place to take a measured breath with a soft hiss. It's then that it connects that they might need the thing, Elliott parting his lips on an apology when they use the hand they were holding in front of him to cup his cheek instead. Leather rubs over his cheekbone softly, Bloodhound breathing deeper breaths from their respirator and he settles down.
"Do not worry, vinur. I was surprised; you had taken my breath."
Now Elliott knew they meant literally, but he couldn't help the soft smile curling his lips at the idea of Bloodhound calling him breathtaking as he leans into their palm for a second. He was still worried, but already they seemed to be back to normal as he could see the deep and even breaths they were taking. "You took my breath too, but in a good way. I uhm, I don't know if you meant the kiss to be romantic, but I--"
"It was meant to convey romantic feelings, yes." They interrupt, their tone brooking no argument, and Elliott gapes at them like a big dumb fish for a second before they rub a gloved thumb over his bottom lip, and he snaps his mouth closed with a flush. "I apologize for using your tradition for such a thing, but I could not let the opportune moment pass."
"I u-uh, y-yha- uh." God, he was choking so hard. Elliott felt his face heat more, cursing his stutter as he blabbered more broken consonants before taking a sharp breath and recalling something. Reaching into his back pocket Elliott takes out the crumpled paper, holding it out to Bloodhound, who glances at it before delicately accepting and smoothing it out. When they get to the last line, he can see fingers tightening on the paper before they raise their head to look at him.
"I like you; please date me." Elliott manages to get out, almost impressed by how smooth that came out, considering he was blubbering random noises a second ago. Bloodhound doesn't answer right away, well, verbally anyway.
A hand settles back on his face, Bloodhound already pulling their respirator down again, and this time Elliott is very ready for the kiss they plant on him. Unknown to either of them, Renee is watching, holding out a twenty-dollar bill, which Natalie takes gleefully.
"For someone who can see the future, you are quite bad at bets."
"I blame Elliott; he's too slow."
"The hand on Bloodhound's butt says otherwise," Crypto mutters, gagging into his drink and Renee can't help but smirk a little. Yeah, she was definitely going to tell Elliott about that later. Maybe after he finished making out with his new date-mate, the trio tilting their heads as they watched Elliott shove Bloodhound against the wall, and Renee swiftly put a hand over Natalie's eyes when it gets a lot more R-rated.
Maybe she would hold off telling him until tomorrow. They looked like they would be busy for a while.
Renee’s mouth ticks up into a smile.
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ruzek-halstead · 4 years
part two
pairing: jay halstead x hailey upton
while chasing a lead on their homicide investigation, jay & hailey find an abandoned baby on christmas eve. as to not have the baby spend it’s first christmas at family services, it’s up to jay & hailey, with a little help from will & the rest of the team to take care of it.
“jay, you’d make a really hot dad.”
(inspired by ncis episode)
part one || part three || masterlist
warnings: swearing, fluffery
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hailey had promised kim and vanessa that she would stop by the district to introduce them to baby alvin. they also needed to go by anyway to sign the paperwork in order to transfer the case to homicide.
in all honesty, it was a struggle to set up the car seat in jay’s truck. mostly because neither of them had ever done it before and never expected to so soon. it also didn’t help that it was december 24th and absolutely freezing outside. it ended with jay, frustrated out of his mind and hailey, googling the proper technique on how to do it. eventually they got it, but jay still frowned the whole drive over.
they hardly made it up the stairs before trudy stopped them.
“what is that and what is it doing in my district?” trudy frowned, staring at the car seat jay was carrying.
he made his way to her desk and plopped the seat on it. her frown deepened.
“what are you doing, chuckles?”
it was jay’s turn to frown, but hailey was loving it.
“chuckles? oh, i’m definitely stealing that,” hailey laughed, gently nudging baby alvin’s foot. he giggled and it was the most adorable thing.
even trudy cracked the tiniest smile. “voight mentioned something about this,” she motioned to baby alvin, “but he didn’t say it would be in my district.”
“we just have to finish off some paperwork,” hailey replied, “it’s not a problem, is it?”
trudy sent her a real, genuine smile. “of course not, hailey. let me know if you need anything.”
with that, she placed her glasses back on her face and went back to her computer. jay grabbed the car seat again and trailed hailey up the stairs, all the while looking confused.
“what the hell? why is she so nice to you?” jay mumbled disappointedly.
hailey merely smirked.
“oh. my. god!” before they even finished their trek up to the bullpen, vanessa was waiting expectantly at the stairs. “jay, hurry up, i want to see the baby!”
jay frowned. “why is everyone being so mean to me today?”
“we already have one baby to take care of, jay,” hailey mocked and jay’s mouth dropped at her audacity. he’d heard sassy hailey (many times) but let’s be honest, she usually coddled his feelings. she didn’t this time, and even though jay was offended, he found it extremely attractive.
kim and vanessa waste no time in stealing the baby away from jay, so he walked to his desk and focused on his essential paperwork.
“oh my god, he is so precious!” kim cooed, tickling baby alvin’s stomach.
adam came stumbling out of the breakroom. “is the baby here?” he exclaimed, rushing over with an expression of pure excitement. it had been quite an uneventful morning for the rest of the unit so when adam heard that his friends found a baby, he was understandably excited.
“he is so adorable,” vanessa added, staring at the baby and looking like the epitome of the heart eyes emoji.
“voight put you in charge?” adam voiced his question in jay’s direction, where he was signing a few forms. jay looked up and shot a glare at the judgement in adam’s voice. “sorry man,” adam stifled a laugh, “but do you even have anything in your fridge?”
jay threw his arms up in exasperation. “is today pick on jay day or something?”
“don’t be dramatic,” adam rolled his eyes, unbuckling alvin from his seat to pick him up. “i’ve seen your apartment many times.”
jay mumbled some profanities under his breath.
“have you guys given this little guy a name yet?” kim asked, playing with alvin’s fingers.
hailey and jay shared a secretive look before hailey revealed softly, “we decided to name him alvin.”
“i love that,” kim replied warmly; adam smiled so wide, his cheeks burned. vanessa obviously never got the chance to meet alvin olinsky, but she’d heard nothing but great things about the man. she’s positive it’s a great honour to be named after him.
“so, what’s next for you two?” adam asked, bouncing the baby as he walked around the bullpen.
hailey and jay shared another look; this time, jay looked slightly terrified, while hailey looked nauseous. “well, voight says we’re in charge until we find the mother. so, ruzek, any progress on that?” hailey questioned him with hopeful eyes.
“sorry to disappoint, hails,” adam replied, though he doesn’t look that sad; mostly just amused at the night his friends have laid out for them. “i’m very saddened to report i haven’t found anyone; not even a distant family member. “
hailey rolled her eyes. “you don’t look sad at all.”
“no, truly, i’m very torn up,” his right eyelid dropped in a wink. “i’ll keep looking though.”
kim rolled her eyes at her ex-boyfriend’s antics. “don’t worry, i’ll help. i’m sure we can find something.”
“in the meantime, you guys are probably good to head out now,” vanessa added, staring lovingly at baby alvin. “voight was just waiting on you guys to sign over the paperwork so we could all go home.”
jay looked up expectantly, with a large, nervous smile. “you guys are all coming over, right?”
“sorry! i’m spending the holidays with some friends and i’m leaving right after work,” vanessa replied apologetically. she busied herself with grabbing her coat and organizing her desk.
jay’s hopeful eyes flitted to adam and kim.
“i have to go visit my sister before she leaves for the holidays,” kim responded with an apologetic frown. “adam is going to his sister’s too, right?”
adam nodded his head, strapping baby alvin back into his seat. his bouncing of the baby had relaxed him so much, he was now snoozing away. “yeah, sorry. i’ll stay a bit longer to see what else i can dig up, but i have to leave tonight.”
“it’s fine,” jay frowned, “i’ll remember this next time any of you need my help.”
adam rolled his eyes. “okay, honey,” he mocked, “now, can you take the kids home and start dinner or am i the only one who does anything in this house?”
“i hate you.”
before hailey and jay left the district, kevin had come back from the store with a number of baby essentials they might need. he was sent by voight, who figured jay and hailey, would have no idea what they even needed, but kevin had experience with caring for little ones, so he was perfect for the job.
the two partners trudged their way through the chicago winter and to jay’s apartment
he won’t lie; he was nervous as hell, but hailey looked so calm and it genuinely comforted him. will had texted and promised he would bring some extra baby gear, so in the meantime, they kept the baby in his car seat to be safe.
“i’m going to make him a bottle, he’s probably hungry by now,” hailey said before she makes herself at home in his kitchen. they don’t spend much time in jay’s apartment; if anything, they usually grab a drink at her place, but she felt oddly at ease in his kitchen.
jay loved it.
it felt oddly intimate; but this was happening, and he just had to roll with it.
for the first time today, since being charged with baby duty, hailey actually felt confident in what she’s doing. she’s had to make bottles for her nephews before, so this wasn’t new. however, being in jay’s apartment with him felt new and a little too real, but he was acting casual so she’d be damned if she didn’t do the same.
while hailey tested out the temperature of the bottle, jay busied himself with grabbing blankets and pillows from his linen closet (he would never actually call it that, but will gifted him so many blankets, he needed to store them somewhere). he also turned on his netflix and started some old episodes of the office (it was his go-to show whenever he needed some background noise), and he knew hailey loved it.
he watched as hailey took baby alvin out of his seat and started feeding him.
“wow, you’re really good at this,” he divulged dumbly. he wanted to roll his eyes at himself because it was such a stupid thing to say.
she laughed. “yeah, this part was never so hard.”
he watched for a little longer before sighing. “are we totally in over our heads?”
“oh definitely,” she replied quickly, surprising him with her brutal honesty. “i’m positive one of us will end up crying before the sun comes up again.”
jay stared at her, but she doesn’t even look up from baby alvin.
“wait, are you serious?”
she doesn’t get the chance to reply (she was definitely going to tease him some more because his expressions are priceless) because the door opened and in walked their favourite redhead. his hands are full with a simple playpen and (oh, surprise) more blankets.
“will, for the love of god, stop bringing me blankets!” jay groaned, holding his arms out to grab them but will threw them at his face instead. “i have a closet full of them, dude.”
will rolled his eyes and placed everything else he brought hidden away in the corner. “you know, one day the power will go out or the heater will fail and you’ll be freezing, but you’ll have all my blankets to keep you warm,” he explained his brother with a self-satisfied smirk. “i can’t wait for that day; i will never let you live it down.”
jay mumbled something about will being a drama queen under his breath.
“so, how are you two kids holding up?” will asked, his eyes flickering between the both of them with a cheeky smirk.
jay shrugged his shoulders; honestly, he doesn’t feel as if he’s done much except carry the car seat around everywhere. “so far, so good. it hasn’t been that bad at all.”
will laughed for a solid minute.
“you two are absolutely adorable,” he’s still laughing, “this night is going to be fantastic.”
jay knew will was trying to intentionally freak him out; he knew this. but he also knew, it was absolutely working.
“i am sorry though,” will added, capturing jay’s attention. “i really only came to drop this stuff off. i forgot i had to be at nat’s tonight.”
jay started internally panicking. “what? you’re leaving?”
he noticed hailey smirking at him.
“isn’t nat like a baby doctor or something?” jay rambled nervously. he was beginning to feel slightly terrified at the prospect of caring for a tiny human being; so much could go wrong. “yeah, she is. she can come over too!”
will laughed at his brother’s misery. “sorry, bro. it’s a family thing and it’s christmas eve; we can’t miss it.”
“okay, fine,” he relented against his will. “just keep your phone on you.”
will smirked again. “you’re terrified, aren’t you?”
jay was done trying to hide it.
“hailey, you’re in charge,” will called out on his way to the door. “i’m sure it’ll be fine, but call me if you guys need anything! merry christmas!”
and then wills left, and dread started to pool in jay’s gut.
hailey was done feeding baby alvin and was now bouncing the baby against her shoulder (to make sure he burps, she explained). honestly, jay was learning so much.
“want to give it a try?” hailey asked, moving closer to jay and he froze.
he hadn’t held the baby outside of the car seat since they found him and he’s absolutely terrified to.
“come on, you’ll be fine.”
hailey left him with no choice when she transferred the baby into his arms. he nervously mimicked what hailey was previously doing, and prayed he didn’t accidentally break the baby.
“you’re doing great!” hailey encouraged as she cheered adorably. she also pulled out her phone and pointed it in his direction. “sorry, i have to document this. you guys look so cute together.”
jay let her because he couldn’t really stop her (he knew she was taking photos to send to the intelligence unit’s group chat, but they’d been teasing him all day, so who even cares anymore?).
jay finally heard the tell-tale sign of baby alvin’s burp and he felt slightly more relieved. hailey told him to keep doing what he’s doing until alvin falls asleep, and hopefully that would be it for the night (she was definitely wrong, but we’ll get to that later).
as hailey cleaned up her mess in jay’s kitchen, she also checked her phone to see the reactions in their group chat.
cpd assholes
adam ruzek: dilf… not even sorry
vanessa rojas: this is the cutest thing i’ve seen since atwater and the puppies
kim burgess: why does jay’s face look like that. he looks like he’s about to throw up
kevin atwater: more pictures please upton
she was quietly laughing to herself, even more so because jay was too busy to check his phone. it was probably for the best, to be honest. her phone buzzed once more and she saw it was a text from adam, sent to her and jay.
adam ruzek: bad news friends... finally found the mother but she’s deceased. looped in voight and he talked to family services and convinced them to let you guys stay with alvin until the 26th
adam ruzek: merry christmas bitches!!!!
adam ruzek: btw, jay you’d make a really hot dad. love u bro
in the meantime, jay had finally set baby alvin back in his seat as he slept, and checked his phone. “hope you don’t have any christmas plans,” jay began, sending her a small smile, “because it looks like you’re stuck with us.”
part three coming soon!!
also, “cpd assholes” is their group chat name bc that’s what i came up with at 1:30am, so let me know if you guys have better options 😂
🐣 bonus 🐣
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taeminstetrislips · 3 years
After a bus ride full of UNO games, the group finally arrives in Florence. The entrance is announced by your professor at the head of the bus and in response, the entire group goes quiet. The occasional sigh of someone ogling the sights out their window is the only noise heard besides your professor. He begins reviewing the brief history you learned about the Medici family and their impact on art in the Italian Renaissance. Your first destination would not exist if it weren’t for them: The Boboli Gardens behind Palazzo Pitti.
Once you are all let off, you are lead through the beginning with narration from you professor almost like a tour guide. He describes Florence as being one of the largest contributors to Italian art with its many guilds. After a good thirty minutes, you are set free to wander. You easily break loose from the group and start to wander over to something that caught your eye earlier. Whether or not the rest of your friends followed, you didn’t know. Something was summoning you to this tunnel-like path, completely made of trees bending and folding into one another above you. You look at the perspective in front of you and take note that if you were a painter, you’d love to try and capture the beauty you saw before you. Letting the weight of your head fall backward, you squint into the sunlight streaming in between the leaves above you. It isn’t until then that you slowly turn 180 and catch Jaehyun looking at you. You let out a small laugh as a sign of slight embarrassment, but he doesn’t take his eyes off you. His small smile only grows into a grin before he walks closer.
As if in slow motion, he walks over to you and the wind picks up. It gently tosses his hair into his eyes and across his forehead as he speaks. “I saw you take off on your own and wanted to make sure you were okay. Looks like you found a pretty cool place.” Once he reaches you, his hand stretches out toward the side of your face and retreats with a leaf he pulled from your hair.
“Oh, thanks.” You say in response to the gesture and respond to his last statement with, “Yeah, I saw this before on the walk and knew I wanted to check it out before everyone else got here for pictures.”
“Fair,” he responds, continuing the walk through the tunnel toward the other opening where you are let out into yet another stylized garden with statues whose light and shadow of depth changes as the clouds pass over the sun. The two of you take time to silently observe the statues, walking calmly and enjoying each other’s presence. Although, you can’t help but notice the tension you feel in your chest as you occasionally sneak a peek at him or make fleeting eye contact. One time, you catch him looking at you first and he holds your gaze for a second, his eyes widening as if he was scared to be caught before slowly relaxing and turning away with a smile on his face. That dimple returns.
You get distracted by a buzzing in your pocket. Checking your phone, you see a text from Johnny that the rest of the group is by the lemon trees. You share this information with Jaehyun only to realize that neither of you remember how to get there. The two of you laugh together as you quicken your pace and try to navigate your way back to the group. At one abrupt turn, you are cut off by your professor strolling down a pathway. He looks at you suspiciously and you wonder why for a moment before realizing that this is the second time you were caught with Jaehyun somewhat out of breath away from others. You try to pretend that slightly dirty thought didn’t cross your mind and ask your professor if he knows which way it is to the lemon trees. He points you down the right path and you are on your way to the rest of the group.
It isn’t long after you unite with the group that you are all pulled away and driven to the Accademia Gallery. The goal is to see Michaelangelo’s David even though it is going to be very crowded. When you arrive, the crowd is so large that you all try your best to push through without knocking someone’s camera or phone out of their hands. Finding your way to an opening, you pull the first wrist closest to yours through the crowd to the backside of the sculpture. You see that you’ve gotten Johnny and his fancy camera. He’s talked about his interest in photography before and you remember how excited he was to get to photograph such a famous piece. Once he gets a good angle and a couple good shots, he comes back to you to thank you for getting an open spot. You ask to see the photos and he shows you.
“They’ll be better with editing. Honestly, that’s just as important for a photographer as the actual taking the picture itself,” he explains. “Oh my God, do you remember prof talking about this dude’s weak ankles?”
You laugh at the memory, “Yeah, I guess they look kinda weak?”
“Dude needs to hit the gym,” Johnny says, clearly with excessive sarcasm. However, some middle-aged American tourist lady nearby feels offended at the joke and shoots the two of you a death glare.
You point her out to Johnny with a small nudge of your elbow and nod in her direction. Once he’s seen her, you continue to poke fun at the proportions of the body, including parts that may not be appropriate for public conversation. This pushes Johnny to say, “ Can’t relate,” in a very deadpan voice loud enough for the woman to hear. She audibly scoffs in disgust at him, while you jab him in the side with your elbow while trying not to laugh. He pushes you gently in return, but you’re caught off guard and lose balance, almost directly falling into the woman. Now it’s your turn to glare at Johnny.
Just to change things up, you and Johnny begin a very educated discussion about how the proportions are exaggerated for perspective, how the symbol of David was actually a symbol for the city of Florence at the time, and the time when he was attacked by a man with a hammer, etc. etc. Basically, you were throwing all the facts out there that you knew until, finally, the woman walked away. Satisfied, you break through to the end of the crowd and scan the room for your friends. After strolling for a bit, you see Xiaojun just in a trance looking at the drapery on a female statue. “How’s it going?” you ask, somewhat startling him.
“Wow. Just- this is so- wow.” He manages.
You can’t help but laugh, “Very articulate. I like your review,” you tease. “Is this your favorite piece here?”
“So far, yeah.”
“Is there a gift shop here? Maybe we can get you a little replica.”
He gives you a small glare before turning back to the piece in front of him. “There has to be a gift shop somewhere nearby, we can go look if you want?” You nod in agreement. Shortly after, Renjun shows up followed by Sungchan.
Renjun asks, “What are you guys up to?”
You respond, “We were thinking of trying to find a gift shop somewhere nearby to pick up some souvenirs, wanna come?” Renjun agrees, then looks to Sungchan. “I’m down for anything as long as we can eat after,” he replies.
With that, Xiaojun takes on the responsibility of finding a place nearby. Once you arrive, the store says it’s a “gift store” but inside are not the museum keepsakes one might expect. Instead, there are a bunch of knick knacks and jewelry. But you all agree that you’ve made it this far and might as well check it out.
You wander through the scarves and stuffed toys before turning around and discovering the jewelry behind you. Renjun reaches out to a pair of earrings that had caught your eye and hold them up to the side of your face.
“How are they?” you ask.
“Really pretty! You should get these,” he says. You take them from his hand and check the price. It’s a little more than you want to spend and you think that you’d better save your money to buy gifts for your family or friends instead of yourself.
“They cost a little too much. Shame. They’re very pretty.” Renjun simply smiles in response with understanding. You don’t have much time to be upset before you’re distracted by a call from Johnny asking where you are.
“I’ve tried calling Sungchan AND Xiaojun AND Renjun. Jaehyun and I already left the museum,” he says on the other end of the line.
“We did too. We’re at a gift store right now but I think we’re going to go for food soon,” Sungchan interjects with agreement in the distance, “Want to just meet us there?”
“Any ideas on where to eat?”
“Yeah, Jae and I found a spot we want to try out. I’ll send you the address.”
“Great. See you there,” you say before ending the call and rounding up the gang before making your way to the restaurant.
//Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait. I'm in grad school now so updates will take a while. But, I haven't given up on the series yet so let's keep it going y'all!
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five-rivers · 4 years
Triple Threat
Just realized I didn’t post this here.  This is based on @dalv-co-official‘s prompt.
Three sets of screams echoed off the polished steel walls of the Fentonworks lab.
It was green, and they were filled with a horrible anxiety. Something bad had happened, or something bad might have happened, they couldn't tell which. Their mind was too stricken with pain, fear, and exhaustion to register anything but green and they were in danger.
Who? Who was in danger? They were important to them. They couldn't remember anything else. Couldn't think.
They moved and-
Contact. Relief. They could feel them, the others, and they were, well, they were hurt, but they were alive, and they were here. Together.
They relaxed. This was... not fine. Anything but fine, really. But it was manageable.
Unconsciousness draped back over them.
When they woke again, they knew themselves. Danny, Sam, Tucker. But the boundaries blurred. They were almost erased, and this was wrong, because they should be three, not one.
But it also felt right to be one. It was odd, and it made things difficult. Difficult to remember where they were, what they were, who they were.
Why they were.
Right. Why were they here? How had they gotten there? They knew, they knew that, but like this, their thoughts and feelings clashing against each other, it was beyond them. They couldn't even move effectively, always mistaking one hand for another. They had six of them, all together, and that was far too many.
They had to separate. At least for now, at least until they could get their feet under them.
They were fairly confident that this one was Danny. Yes. This one was Danny. He was Danny. Danny.
Danny sat up with a groan, feeling like he had just woken up from a dream. A dream where he'd been beaten to heck and back with a baseball bat that was on fire. His chest felt strange. Light and cold.
Why was everything green?
Then he remembered. The portal. The pain. The screaming. The screaming. The screaming.
Sam and Tucker had been with him. That thought forced him into a sitting position. Where were Sam and Tucker? What had happened to them?
Were they alive?
Danny had certainly thought that he was dying.
But, to his relief, he saw a Sam-shaped blur and a Tucker-shaped blur in the green mists, moving much like he was: gingerly. With little more than grunts, the three of them negotiated a position where they could support each other and stumble out of the portal.
That's when they saw each other, and things started to get really weird.
They sat in Danny's room and took their pulses.
"I think," said Sam, "that we can agree that we're alive."
"So, what was that?" asked Tucker. "That..." He flexed his hands and everyone understood he meant that other form, where they wore black jumpsuits and white gloves, where their hair was white and their eyes brilliant green. "Was it temporary? Just a side effect?"
"No," said Danny, putting a hand over his chest, just below his heart. The others mimicked the motion. "Don't you feel it? We're different now."
They all looked down.
"It could still be temporary?" said Tucker. "That could fade, too. I mean, we look like ourselves again."
"But you don't really believe that, do you?" asked Sam.
"No," admitted Tucker. "But it's still a possibility."
"Oh my gosh," moaned Danny, putting his head in his hands. "Mom and Dad... I can't be dead. I can't be a ghost. They're going to kill me... us," he added with more horror.
Sam and Tucker moved to either side of Danny, leaning into him.
"We'll deal with it together," said Sam. Whatever was inside them seemed to hum in agreement.
"Duck!" shouted Sam.
The words seemed to echo inside Danny's head, and he reflexively obeyed, barely missing the giant meat fist. Tucker took advantage of the opening, with a punch that did far more damage than it had any right to.
Things were... going. The poorly refrigerated meat dungeon beneath the school would probably need to be repaired, but, on the upside, the ghost wasn't hurting anyone.
Except for Danny, Sam, and Tucker.
But then, as these things happen, everything went wrong all at once. Sam and Tucker both lost hold of their ghost forms, as Danny had earlier, and they fell.
Danny decided that now was the time to be somewhere else. He grabbed them and they phased through the wall.
Then Danny... just... slowly...
"Danny! Thank goodness you're awake!" exclaimed Tucker. "You've been asleep for three days!"
"Uhuh," said Danny, glaring at his friend through sleep-crusted eyes. "You remember that we can tell when each other is lying now, right?"
"Ah, well, it was worth a shot."
"Do you sense anything?" asked Sam.
"No," said Danny, tensely. They were wandering around the school basements, looking for the ghost. It was lunchtime, so if she was going to show up at all, it would be now.
"Man, I wish I had a ghost sensing power," said Tucker. He'd been put in charge of the 'Fenton Thermos,' a device whose utility was currently questionable. Even if it had glowed some really weird colors when the three of them touched it.
"Me too," said Sam. "Then we could split up and find this vegetable-hating ghost faster."
Danny picked up on the second ring.
"Hi, Sam," he said.
There was a bit of a pause on the other line. "How did you know it was me? You don't have caller ID."
"Tucker's here and who else is going to call our house? Mr. Lancer? One of Jazz's 'patients?'"
"Tucker's there? Oh, good."
"Yeah," said Danny. Tucker had stopped by and immediately got roped into helping with Danny's chore of cleaning the garage. "What's up? I thought you had a thing with your parents today. They were making you go to a party or something?"
"I found out who was throwing it and decided I'd rather die again. Can you guys come over?"
"Yeah," said Danny, mentally bracing himself for another scolding from his parents. But that was future Danny's problem. "One problem. Where do you even live?" The three of them were psychically bonded, and Danny had still never seen her house.
"Right, right. Do you have a pen? My address is-"
"So, Sam lives in a castle," said Danny, staring up at the enormous 'house.'
"Wow," said Tucker. "I wonder if she has a swimming pool in there somewhere."
"Or a bowling alley," said Danny.
"What is your thing with bowling, anyway, dude?"
"I don't know. I just like it."
"Where did Sam say she was again?"
"Greenhouse. Back yard."
"Cool," said Tucker. He rubbed his hands together.
"Are you okay?" asked Danny. Tucker had been fidgeting all night.
"Yeah, just..." Tucker sighed. "Your parents' tech feels weird. I don't know. It's been bugging me all day. It's like, I kept wanting to put my hands into it," he said, briefly making the offending limbs intangible to demonstrate.
"Maybe it's part of your thing?" suggested Danny. "We'll have to look into that."
"Yeah. But, later," said Tucker. "Phase through the wall?"
"I don't want to talk to her parents."
"True," said Tucker.
Invisible and intangible, they walked into Sam's back yard. The greenhouse was easy to find. It was however, impossible to open the door, and Sam didn't answer when they knocked, so they phased in.
"Wow," said Danny. "This is..."
"Crowded," finished Tucker. "Sam? You in here? We're here!"
"Yeah!" said Sam. "I'm back by the oranges!"
They walked around tables that practically dripped with greenery, following the scent of citrus. Sam was sitting at the roots of a large tree, hugging her knees. On closer inspection, it appeared that the tree's roots had burst out of a ceramic pot before burrowing into the ground.
"Sam?" said Danny. "Did you, um, do this?" he asked.
Sam's eyes were wide and wild. "Maybe?" she said.
They stood over the smoking pile of technology that had once been Technus's battlesuit. It sparked. Faintly glowing moss grew from it.
"Okay," said Danny, twisting the lid tighter. "I think we need to go over our powers again."
"Danny can sense ghosts, is best at basic ghostly stuff, and is the fastest flier, agreed?" asked Tucker, typing on his PDA.
"Agreed," chorused the other two.
"Sam can make plants grow faster, but only if there's a bunch of ectoplasm around, and she's not good at, like, turning invisible and intangible."
"To be fair," said Danny, "none of us are very good at that."
"True," said Sam, "but you two are definitely better than I am. But I'm stronger, too," she added, flexing her arms.
"Yeah, yeah," said Tucker. "Then, there's me, and everyone knows I'm fabulous."
They groaned.
"Stop that, you're making me groan, too," complained Tucker. "Anyway, it looks like my thing is charging and draining electronics, which is pretty cool. I'll never have to plug Cynthia in again. My baby is one step closer to life."
"We're begging you," said Sam, "stop naming your PDAs."
"I will not," said Tucker.
"Fine. Then you can't use my bowling alley."
"I told you she might have a bowling alley."
"I've never wanted to kill somebody before," said Sam.
Danny shuddered, but he didn't say anything.
"But I wanted to kill him," she said. "I wanted to, so, so much, but I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything."
"But you did," said Danny, pressing against Sam's side and trying to project comforting thoughts. "You did do something. You broke free. Just like Tuck and I."
"Not soon enough," growled Sam, her eyes flashing.
"None of us broke free 'soon enough,'" said Tucker. He was playing with his glasses, turning the empty frames over in his hands again, and again, and again. "Do you really not remember, Danny?"
"No?" said Danny. "Not really. Just red, and when he made Sam jump off the train, and Jazz coming after us." He frowned. "Maybe a bit in the tent? On the high wire?"
"I guess those are the highlights," mumbled Tucker.
Danny bit his lip. "Well," he said, finally. "It doesn't sound like a loss, anyway."
"No," agreed Sam, "it isn't."
After Danny left to go home, Sam and Tucker stayed. "Freakshow is a dead man if we ever see him again," she said.
"After what he did to Danny?" Tucker scoffed. "You better believe it."
"I hate Spectra so much," said Sam. "Why is she so... so..." She waved her hands. "Why is she like this?"
"Why is it in an abandoned hospital?" moaned Tucker.
"Probably because you told her last time that hospitals were your deepest darkest fear," said Danny. "Why did you do that, anyway? We were pretty sure she was a ghost already."
"Have you seen what she looks like?"
Stars glimmered overhead. Danny laid flat on his back, watching them. Sam and Tucker were on either side of him.
"Can you believe," said Danny, "that one day we could put them out?"
"No," said Sam, immediately. "Because we're not going to."
"I didn't say, would," said Danny, his voice still soft. "I said, could. Those alternate realities... The ones where only one of us got powers... Where only I... Those were bad. Those were hard. I- I'm sorry."
"But we're together, here," said Tucker, soothingly, "and we're not going anywhere."
"I know," said Danny. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" asked the other two.
"That you had to half die so I didn't blow up the world."
"Come on, man, you didn't blow up the world," said Tucker. "Just, you know, a bunch of the stuff on the world."
Danny let out a hiccuping laugh.
"And I was just as bad," said Sam. "I mean, I like plants, but that was no good."
"You were under mind control," protested Danny.
"So were you," countered Sam, "by Plasmius. It won't happen. None of them will happen. As long as Tucker quits trying to make Skynet and doesn't get assimilated into SkulkTech or whatever the heck that was, it'll all be fine."
"We might have to break his PDAs to stop that."
"No, keep your cold hands away from my babies. I promise, no Skynet, no Skynet. I will leave the AI alone."
They fell back into silence.
"It's been a while since we've done this," said Danny. "Just hang out, I mean."
"Yeah," said Sam.
They inhaled, letting themselves feel each other. "It's nice," they said, together.
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svtscutie · 4 years
The Dating Form: #28
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__ Joshua's POV _______________________
Hopefully, she shows up and this is not some creepy girl as a catfish. I'm so nervous. I've been crushing on this girl for a while now.
I see her walk up the street towards me and her jaw drops. She excitedly waves hello and runs up towards me. "Hiii, oh my god, it's you, my favorite barista" she says and gives me a hug. I drop the bouquet of carnations to hug her properly, holding her close to me. I can feel my heart beat out of my chest. I must be really nervous. She pulls away and smiles brightly at me. Wow she's so...stunning.
"Hi Y/N, your friend dropped the dating form URL in the tips jar... I thought I should take the chance" I explain and she holds my hand.
"I'm so glad you did, I've enjoyed our morning chats and you're really handsome" she says to me.
Okay, I'm not alone in this. She finds me good looking too. She enjoys our chats too.
"Thank you" I say and I can feel my cheeks get a little warmer. I pick up the bouquet of carnations. I pass them to her.
"These are for you" I say and she smiles at me.
"Carnations are my favorite, how did you know?" She asks.
"Got your friend to tell me" I respond.
"ahhhh that makes so much sense"
I look behind her for a second and I see a guy watching us, wearing a hoodie with the hood up. He noticed me noticing her and turned away.
I place my hand on her waist and I whisper in her ear "someone's watching us I think, let's start walking to the restaurant, just stay calm, I'll protect you".
She tries to turn around and I shake my head 'no'. I start to guide her away from the cafe and to take her to the restaurant for our date.
__ Mingyu's POV _______________________
Did they notice me?.. They're walking away.
Maybe I was staring too much at them, or the hoodie is a dead giveaway. I just wanted to see who this other guy is that Y/N is going on a date with.
I hate how this guy is holding her waist like that. I should follow them somehow. I can stop them from getting close or something.
I begin to follow slowly. I can hear Y/N's laugh... Why does it hurt? It hurts to hear it.
Is it because it's not me?
__ Joshua's POV _______________________
"So, how's your assignments going?" I ask her. This is normal college talk right?
"They're going? Like we can say that much, I haven't been as productive as I wanted to be but I'm enjoying life more and I think that's what matters" Y/N responds to me.
"For sure, as much as studies are important, your well-being comes first, and learning how to look after yourself is such an important skill as you grow older" I tell Y/N.
"Wow, that's really wise... Thank you for reminding me. I'm trying to work on it" she says.
"Do you study anything?"
"No I don't study, I just work at the cafe part time and work as a model part time. I'm not a big deal though. I just help other fashion students as their model" I explain.
"Wow, that's so impressive though" she says and I smile.
"How's your family? You and your brother getting along better now?" I ask her.
"Yeah, Seungcheol and I are making strides, it's good, I missed it" she tells me.
Jeonghan's best mate Seungcheol?
This is his sister?
Maybe it's another Seungcheol?
We get to the restaurant and I look behind us. No random hooded person in sight. That's good. We're safe.
__ Mingyu's POV _______________________
I take off my hoodie and enter the restaurant Y/N and that dude went into. Good thing I wore a shirt underneath. I face the opposite way of the tables, hoping I don't get caught.
I look around and see the dude facing towards me and Y/N facing the opposite way. Okay this is fine.
"Do you have a reservation?"
I shake my head no and the waiter guides me to a table. At least it's away from Y/N and that dude, it doesn't look suss.
__ Y/N's POV _______________________
"If you don't mind me asking, how many other dates have you gone on?" Joshua asks me.
"2 other dates with 2 other people" I state.
"Are any of them catching your eye?" He asks.
I don't know how to answer this, won't he get offended if I say yes?
"I don't know if I should tell you" I say and he nods.
"You're right, I'm sorry" he says.
"You're catching my eye" I say and he chuckles at me.
"Can I ask a heavy question?" He asks me.
"Yeah go for it"
"What was your past relationship like?"
__ Joshua's POV _______________________
Okay, this story confirms it. This is Jeonghan's best mate Seungcheol's little sister. Jeonghan has told me about this story and I've watched Seungcheol and him talk about it, stressing over her and her ex.
What do I do?
I can't possibly get into a relationship with her.
I really like her though.
It would get my ass kicked by the both of them if I dated her. They'd never approve.
__ Mingyu's POV _______________________
I have an idea, I can stop them from getting close if I can set off the fire alarm, or any alarm in this restaurant. I don't know how I'll do it but I can do it.
I go into the bathroom and look for an alarm sensor. Oh, there's one in here. I go into the bathroom stall and stand on the toilet seat. Opening the alarm sensor, I press the reset button and get down instantly. I didn't think the reset would set it off completely. Shit. I have to move.
I go out of the bathroom and grab the waiter heading into the kitchen and mention that the alarm is going off.
___ Joshua's POV ______________________
Everyone hurriedly moves to grab their stuff and leave. Y/N grabs my hand and follows me as I take her out of the restaurant.
"Are you okay?" I ask and she nods.
"That's so scary though, I wonder what happened" she says, looking back at the restaurant.
"Me too" I say.
"We can take this back to mine? You can meet my brother?" She says.
Oh no.
I can't do that. If they knew I am trying to date her, I would be in so much trouble. I can't try dating her. I can't get in a relationship with someone who not only has baggage, but is dating multiple people and has a brother who is so protective... She's such a lovely person but I just can't do this.
I thought I could but I can't.
"I'm really sorry Y/N but I can't... I can't peruse things further with you. I want to but I don't know if it's the right timing for us" I explain and add "I don't feel comfortable fighting over you with two other dudes, and there's probably more".
"...I'm not worth it to you, aren't I? You heard about the last relationship and you don't want to deal with the baggage" she says.
How do I turn this around?
"Josh... It's fine. I get it. You're a grown man, you need someone better than me" she says and lets go of my hand.
I have to fix this. She's going to blame herself for this. It's just she's literally one of my friend's little sister. I can't do th-.
"Bye Joshua"
She says and walks away.
I've messed up.
Day Ten: #28
6 months after a breakup, a girl asks for some spice in her life. What she didn’t expect was a dating form being posted in honor of her. Multiple love interests, a regretful ex, a nosy brother and his friend and the college life ensures that the spice level is 1,000,000 on the Scoville Rating.
A/N: AHHH A DATE WAS SABOTAGED. Not that it needed to be, it was already a lost cause. Do we think Mingyu is going to get caught? Let me know your thoughts! [or you can let me know here]
___ taglist ___
[if you would like to be added to the list, just send over an ask and I’ll be happy to add you here]
@itsdnguyenxoxo​ @dy-mglzz​ @noniesgirl​ @arohatiny​ @sensorivm​ @sunshineshouchan​
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a65232-joshywoshy · 4 years
Colorado Crybaby
Chapter 9     
     "I'm so sorry, Penny. I didn't mean to get you in trouble." Rachael reached out for her friend's hand.
     "Oh, Rachael, no." Penny snickered and smiled. "I'm not in any actual trouble. I'm not being assaulted or unjustly punished or anything. I mean, I will get my butt spanked, but I broke the rules. I broke a play agreement we had discussed a while ago. We're play partners. We set up a scene, like we did here, we have boundaries in place, and we still make sure to have some fun. Through this whole 'getting in trouble' thing, there wasn't one time where I got near any of her or my actual boundaries. I didn't ACTUALLY offend her. I broke her play rules…” Penny smiled a mischievous grin, “kind of on purpose."
     "Oh. Wow. I guess I don't know much about how that kind of relationship works." Rachael sat back in her chair and eyed Penny inquisitively.
     "Yeah. And we never do anything sexual. That's a hard limit. I mean, she'll spank my butt with her bare hand. She probably sees… me... but she doesn't touch anything. She's..." Penny giggled, remembering her past infantile states, "She’s my Mami. She's changed my diaper before. So she saw me all laid out, but we never do anything sexual. I mean, don't get me wrong. Once she leaves, or that night, I'll hump my brains out. But… that just works for us."
     "Okay.” Rachael was smiling. “That sounds like a lot of fun, honestly. Especially being babysat. It's partly terrifying, partly amazing."
     "Like she said, you can play with us this weekend, if you want. She's so much fun to be with. See, me calling her “V” was actually an agreed-upon trigger to begin a small play session. If she didn't want to, she would have started talking about how the weather will affect her outdoor plans. Veronica is a little annoyed by that name, so we decided to use that name as a starting point to escalate me getting in trouble. When I didn't tell you about the diapers I bought earlier today, that was on purpose, too.” 
     Penny continued. “Sorry. I'm supposed to announce the diapers to my close friends when they’re around. It's part of our agreement. If I don't acknowledge my little side by saying it out loud often enough, she forces me to acknowledge it when she’s around. When I don't acknowledge that side of me, I have a valid reason to be in trouble. I've let that side of me build up too much before and It wasn't good for me. It can take me to bad places, which is why she’s in my life. She helps me to stay leveled out. The bratty whining at the end was just me acting out, because it's so fun to do."
     “That… is amazing.” Rachael just kept smiling. “So you two have all these little phrases and words set up so that you can play…” Rachael gestured to the club. “Pretty much in public? That’s really cool. And nobody knows any different. I’m sure the dialogue is a little more laid back when it’s in public public, like at a movie theater or something.”
     “Of course. We don’t want any nilla’s getting their panties in a bunch. Do you want to go cuddle the giant teddybear now? I know I do. Just leave the…” Penny huffed, “diapers... here. No one’s going to touch someone else’s diapers.”
     Penny got up and walked over to the bear in the corner of the room. She plopped down next to it, rested her head on its arm and closed her eyes. Rachael followed her over to the bear. As she walked across the room, she was much more aware of the diaper under her shorts. Penny was padded, too. She had almost forgotten. A couple to her left were wearing onesies as they shared a plate of nachos. A woman to her right sucked on a pacifier as she played a game on her phone. There was an aura of familiarity to the room and Rachael felt like she was in her element. She felt as though she belonged here, with these people. It was a group of people who didn’t know each other, but had at least one common trait. They were people whom she could immediately identify with, at least in part.
     "Can I borrow your sweater?" Rachael was starting to get cold, just like Penny had predicted.
     "Of course.” Penny snickered. “Silly babies like you don't know how to plan ahead." Penny smiled as she took off her sweater to hand Rachael, then leaned back against the bear.
     Rachael put on the sweater, then sat down cross legged on the other side of the bear. She looked over at Penny.
     "Silly babies like Penny get in trouble for not following instructions." Rachael grinned at Penny again.
     "Well… " Penny blew raspberries at Rachael and they both chuckled.
     It was fun to act childish. They both believed that adulting was too hard, at times. It seemed like the best way to wind down was taking time to be childish, play, and relax. They had both heard their grandparents say that retaining youthfulness was best accomplished by acting somewhat childish. So acting childish, at times, was a key to retaining youth. The girls fully intended to do their best to act childish when they could get away with it.
     "Penny, I'm thirsty. What do they have to drink here?"
     "Only the finest of concoctions, prepared by artisan crafters and aged to perfection." Penny looked at Rachael with a mock seriousness. "Strawberry… or chocolate. The flavor is but a minor choice, for the decadent liquid which you will consume will satisfy your palate in ways you've never imagined.”
     Rachael laughed. "You are ridiculous. What do they sell here, thousand dollar wine?"
     "Strawberry or chocolate? Pick!" 
     "Chocolate, ma'am."
     "As you wish, my lady." Penny got up and bowed at Rachael. "I shall fetch the lady her royal beverage."
    “Thank you, Penny!” Rachael put on her best British accent. “Mr. Bear and I will discuss your exceptional service while you’re away. Hurry, now.”
     Penny laughed as Rachael watched her walk away. Rachael marveled at how wonderfully silly and adorable she was. She could see that Penny's dress had caught on the diaper underneath. Nothing showed from underneath, but Rachael couldn't help but stare at the distinct fold in the fabric that was caused by fabric hung on something underneath. 
     “Mr. Bear,” Rachael watched Penny walk towards the bar as she started a pretend conversation with the bear. “I like that girl. I mean, I really like her. She’s sweet, smart, fun, kind of a rebel at times. She’s a diaper girl, which is, of course, amazing. I mean, for so long, I thought I wanted a guy. But, I mean, it’s really just different parts. People are people. She's got a great personality. She’s just a great person to me. She might have literally saved my life today, too, Mr. Bear. Some scary dude came up to me and Penny drive him off like it was nothing. She’s perfect, Mr. Bear.” 
     Rachael sighed and leaned back against the bear's shoulder, still watching Penny order drinks from the barkeeper.           
     “Part of me wants to throw myself into a serious relationship with her, but another part says it’s too soon. I mean, we’ve known each other for 5 years, so we’re not strangers. We took a nap in the same bed today. We’re close friends that are getting closer as time goes on. She’s coming back.”
     Rachael whispered as Penny started to walk back. “Are those bottles? We’ll talk later, Mr. Bear. Thanks for listening.”
     Penny came back with two baby bottles, both larger than normal. One had strawberry milk inside, the other had chocolate. Penny stuck one of the bottles in Rachael’s mouth as she sat in the bear's lap to face Rachael.
      "Hey!" Rachael mumbled through the bottle, smiling all the while.
     “See? Finest of concoctions.” Penny started to drink her bottle unashamedly, seeming to have done this before.
     Rachael blushed slightly, having had a baby bottle shoved in her mouth. She took a drink of the cold chocolate milk, enjoying the richness of it. 
     “This is good,” Rachael said, taking a break from drinking. “And out of a baby bottle. You’re right. This place is amazing.” Rachael smiled and continued drinking.
     Penny sat and drank her bottle, staring at Rachael all the while. She was enjoying watching Rachael in her element. She could tell the experience was still a little new, but Rachael was taking to it quickly. Penny had felt uncomfortable for the first several times here, too. After having visited for over 2 years, drinking a bottle here was as comfortable to Penny as breathing.
     “Penny?” Rachael had been too busy looking around the room to notice Penny staring at her. 
     “I like you.” Rachael smiled brightly as she looked at Penny.
     “Well, I like you too, silly.”
     Rachael blushed a little more.
     “No, I mean, I LIKE you like you.”
     Penny had caught Rachael’s meaning.
     “Oh.” Penny smiled back at the woman sitting beside a giant stuffed bear. “I… um… I like you too, Rachael.”
      Penny looked away, though she was happy to hear how her friend felt about their relationship.
      “Do you want to… you know…” Rachael’s cheeks burned red now.
      “Date or have sex?” Penny’s cheeks started to turn red now. 
      "What?! No!" Rachael laughed. "Sorry. Date. Can we start dating?" 
     Meekly, Penny said, “Yes. Who could be better to date than your best friend?" She smiled.
     Rachael moved to be between the bear’s legs, next to Penny, who was sitting on a leg. She wrapped her arms around Penny’s waist. Penny wrapped her arms around Rachael’s neck.
      “I love you, Penny… DeLa Cruz.”
      “Wait. Whoa. Why did you pause? Are you so blushy that you forgot my last name?”
      They both laughed.
     “No. I forgot your middle names that Miss Veronica said.”
     Penny huffed. “But then you’ll know my full name for when I’m in trouble.”
     “But it’s part of who you are, Penny. I really want to know everything about you. Including your middle names! Which you have a lot of, by the way.”
     “Yeah, it’s a common thing for us Mexican girls." She sighed. "My full name is Penny Rosita Eleana De La Cruz. You better not repeat that ever again.”
     Rachael laughed. “I won’t. I know your whole name is to be used in emergencies only. It’s very pretty, though.”
     “Thank you. Drink your milk. You drink so slow.” Penny continued drinking her bottle. It was half way gone already. Rachael had barely drank a fourth of hers.
     “Hey. I’m not a baby bottle guzzling champion like you, Penny. I guess you really are a baby if you know how to drink from a bottle fast.” 
     They both smiled.
     “I guess maybe I am kind of a baby.” Penny said. Having Rachael here with her at the club was helping Penny feel more comfortable with herself as well.
     "I'd rather you be a complete and total baby than be like Nick. I hope I never meet another soul that's like him." Rachael shivered.
     Penny moved to sit beside Rachael, between the bear's legs.
     "It's been a while since you talked about him. He was the guy who started trying to gaslight you, right? The guy who wanted to convince you that he was the best thing since sliced bread?"
     "Yeah. That Nick. Can we get out of here? I don't want to talk about him here."
     "Yeah. We can go. We've done everything I wanted to do here. I just wanted you to see this place."
     The two got up and walked back to their table where they picked up the box of diapers. They walked back out, said goodbye to Pablo and got back into Penny's car.
     The mention of Nick put Rachael in a bad mood. She was quiet as Penny drove to Rachael's house. Penny didn't say much, either. She only commented about other drivers on the road on occasion. Penny knew that Rachael would need some time and space to relax.
     They finally arrived at Rachael's house, and Penny got out to take her box of diapers inside.
     "I'm so happy I got to hang out with you today, Rachael. I know you just want time and space… just… call me if you need me."
     Rachael had been lost in her head for several minutes, but she still processed what Penny had said. Rachael didn't want Penny to go, but she knew they both needed to get ready for work tomorrow. They had to go back to being adults, living their separate lives again.
     "Thank you for today, Penny. You make me so happy." 
     Rachael kissed Penny on the cheek. It was the first time their faces had ever touched. Penny smelled wonderful to Rachael. There wasn't any particular scent to her. She just smelled like Penny. Rachael's lips had felt her warm cheek against them and it felt wonderful.
     Penny hugged Rachael. 
     "I'll see you at work tomorrow, okay, kid?" 
      Penny kissed Rachael's forehead, then turned to go back to her car.
      "I love you, Rachael."
      "I love you too, Penny."
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How about 54 and 59? Like cue r/entitledparents who think they can assault parent and kid, take their stuff, threaten them, tell them how to raise their kid, etc. Perhaps salty Analogical parents with toddler Pat/ Pat playing with a doll or toy associated w/ girls and EP's kid wants it? Idk something fun like that maybe? 💙💙 support your work it's so amazing
“They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
“I could punch you right now.”
More Analogical and baby Pat, this makes me so happy eeeee.
Characters: Virgil, Logan, Baby Patton.
Pairings: Analogical
Warnings: Some homophobia and cursing.
"I think he wants that one, Virgil."
"Yeah, he does seem to like it." Virgil knelt down so that they were closer to the toy Patton was reaching for with his little arms, letting him grab it off the shelf. It was a little pink bunny with blue button eyes and a little smile stitched onto its mouth in red. "You like this one, Sunshine?" He asked. Patton laughed and shook it in his hands. 
"Babbit!" He squealed, the box with the doll shaka-shaka-shakaing in his hands as he swung it excitedly around.
"I think that's a yes," Logan stated, a small smile creeping onto his face as he watched his son. Patton was positively elated when his dads let him carry the box with the bunny to the checkout counter all by himself, where Logan paid for it before leading his husband back outside. He had a bag of groceries gripped in each hand and Patton toddled along behind him, holding Virgil's hand in one tiny fist while the other clutched the bag with his bunny in it. Once they got into the car Patton quickly yanked the bag off and hugged the box to his chest, refusing to let go of it when Virgil tried to take it.
"Patton, you have to let me see the box if I'm going to get the bunny out for you." Virgil tried and failed to coax Patton to put his new toy down for even a second, only succeeding in getting the little boy to wrap his arms even more protectively around it. Eventually he gave up and leaned back in his seat with a sigh, contenting himself to just hold the child in his arms. Logan looked between the two, brows furrowed like he was thinking.
"Here wait, let me try something," he said suddenly, reaching into his pocket with one hand. He pulled out the car keys, letting them jangle and shake enticingly within Patton's reach. The child looked up and his eyes widened, before he dropped the box and reached for them. 
"Virgil, quick!"
His husband didn't need to be told twice. Virgil quickly flicked out his pocket knife and expertly opened the box with it, pulling the bunny out and putting the pocket knife back in record time. He nudged the box onto the car floor, then carefully set the doll on Patton's lap. The little boy giggled and dropped the keys, grabbing the bunny and hugging it to his chest. Logan snatched the keys back, hiding a smile as he slid them into the ignition.
"Nice job there," Virgil commented. Logan nodded, looking between Patton and the parking lot as he started the car.
"It's a nice day outside, we should go to the park. You need sun, Virgil. And exercise. Spending too much time inside isn't healthy for you at all, in fact--"
"I get it, Logan. Let's go to the park." Virgil shook his head; he loved Logan to death but his lectures were unbearable, especially when the lecture happened to be about Virgil's questionable habits in regards to his health. As far as he was concerned he was doing just fine, thank you. Screw science.
Logan huffed but he didn't continue--thank God, Virgil thought--pulling out of the parking lot and starting down the road towards the park. He had been right about one thing--it was a beautiful day outside, and the blazing sun reminded him again of Patton's nickname. Sunshine. A perfectly fitting name for such a sweet and happy child.
They arrived at the park a few minutes later. Logan climbed out of the car first, slinging a small bag over his shoulder and coming over to Virgil's side, where he opened the door and gathered Patton into his arms so that his husband could get out. Virgil didn't seem to know what to do with his hands now that he wasn't holding Patton, awkwardly stuffing them into his pockets and following Logan towards a nice patch of grass near the shade of a large tree. Logan gently set Patton down and the little boy laughed delightedly, playing with his little pink bunny while Virgil sat down cross-legged across from him and next to Logan. The blue-tied one glanced at him and reached into the bag he'd brought, pulling out a small container of sunscreen. 
"Too much exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer," he explained. "We need to be careful about Patton getting too much of it."
"First you're telling me I need to be in the sun more, and now you're telling me it'll give me cancer?" Virgil threw his hands up. "There is no winning here!"
"It's all about balance, Virgil," Logan answered calmly in his teacher voice, reaching for Patton. "Help me get some sunscreen on his face, please."
Virgil huffed and reached begrudgingly for the blue bottle, carefully squirting a little sunscreen into his palm and trying to keep it out of the eternally-squirming Patton's eyes as he rubbed it all over the boy's face. 
"This should be an Olympic sport," he muttered. Logan actually laughed at that one, and before he knew it Virgil was grinning too. 
"There. No cancer for you," he said a few minutes later, setting the sunscreen aside and watching as Logan released Patton once more to play with his bunny in the grass.
"Virgil, we must talk about your bedside manner sometime."
"Sure thing, teach." Logan sighed, leaning back and watching Virgil play with their son. They were so cute together, and when he was sure that Virgil wasn't paying attention Logan pulled his phone out and snapped a few pictures for later. His husband hated to get his picture taken but...oh well. That moment was too sweet to let go.
"Wow, are you two like, trying to make your kid gay or something? Get him a proper toy you freak, he's not a girl!"
Oh no.
Virgil stood up instantly, placing himself between his son and the cocky blonde woman who was looking at him over the rim of her sunglasses like you might a primate at the zoo. 
"Do you have a problem?" He hissed at her through gritted teeth. Logan quickly leaned forward and picked Patton up before he could go over to Virgil, standing up so that he was behind his husband but still there if needed. 
"Whoah, defensive much? You need to chill out, dude. I'm just saying, this world has too many of you queers in it as it is." The woman's voice was flippant, arrogant, infuriating. Virgil's hands slowly curled into fists, and his shoulders shook.
"He's not your kid, how about you back the fuck off," he snarled at her. The blonde woman looked offended.
"Get a life, you gay loser!" She snapped, the ice in her coffee clinking as she angrily shook it.
"You know I could punch you right now. You fucking--" 
"Virgil, that's enough." Logan's voice was low and warning. "After all, it is pointless to make arguments with such useless contributions to society. Most of this breed isn't smart enough to tell their head from their ass, as you can see for yourself right here. You're better than that."
"Why you--you--!" The woman fumed at him, unable to even finish her sentence before spinning around and marching back the way she'd come. Virgil watched her go with fiercely narrowed eyes, his entire body tensed like a cat about to pounce. Logan knew that look; remembered it from many years ago when the two had only just met, and it worried him more than the woman ever had. Virgil needed to calm down before he made things worse for himself.
"Virgil." Logan called his husband again, his voice softer than before. Virgil slowly and deliberately unclenched his fists, then turned around.
"What?" His voice was hard and angry; he looked about as upset as Logan felt internally about the whole exchange. He couldn't show that and upset Patton, though.
"Ignore her stupidity," he told Virgil instead. "Sunshine is okay. He's here with us, he's happy, and that's all that matters."
Virgil blinked when Logan used their son's nickname and his gaze slowly shifted down to Patton, who was holding his bunny in one hand and reaching out towards him. 
"Papa!" He cried, wiggling his fingers and struggling to get out of Logan's arms. He looked like he was about to cry.
That did it. Virgil melted, his expression immediately softening into one of gentle concern. He came closer and Logan allowed him to take Patton into his arms, where he gently rocked the little boy back and forth.
"Hey, it's alright, Sunshine." He whispered. "The bad lady went away, it's okay..." Patton gradually settled into Virgil's arms as he talked to him, hugging his bunny to his chest. "That's it, that's better." Virgil smiled at his son. "Don't worry Sunshine, I'll protect you. I won't let them hurt you."
Logan looked at him proudly. Well done, Virgil. Well done.
If you want me to write something, feel free to send me prompts! My inbox is always open and the chances are I'll be happy to write whatever it is for you. Most of the prompts I've received so far are from this challenge right here, feel free to send me these or use your own!
Also! I'm going to start a taglist for anybody who'd like to see my future fics. Please send me a message if you'd like to be put on it. :)
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gryffindorcls · 5 years
Chat For a Day:  Chapter 2
I’m Gonna Kill Him
Adrien woke up thirty minutes before his alarm was set to go off.  He tried to go back to sleep, but the knowledge of what his day had in store made him vibrate with excitement.  He felt extremely awake.
Much to Plagg’s chagrin, Adrien sat up mulling over his plan.  Everything was ready.  Last night, Adrien spent hours looking up new puns and jokes.  Before going to bed, he had messed with his hair in the bathroom mirror to find the perfect balance between his usual style and Chat Noir’s.  Even his clothes were laid out on the couch.  He found it amazing (and a little sad) how effortless his personality shone through when he was transformed and how difficult it was to execute in his civilian form.  Nonetheless, he was ready.
“Kid,” Plagg grumbled, “go back to sleep.  It’s too early for all this nonsense.”
“I’m already up, Plagg,” Adrien responded, “Besides, you’re just going to sleep in my bag all day.”
“It’s not the same as the bed and you know it!” the Kwami shouted as Adrien shut the door to the bathroom.
As Adrien got ready for the day, he could feel a slowly building nervousness settling in his gut.  After showering, he pulled on a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black overshirt.  He carefully styled his hair and sprayed it into place with plenty of product.  Once he was satisfied with his look, he slipped on a pair of bright green converses and sauntered out of the bathroom.
“So, how do I look?” Adrien asked hesitantly.
“You look like you should have already gotten me some cheese,” Plagg said crossing his arms.
Adrien glared at his Kwami.  “Plagg!”
The tiny being scoffed.  “Ugh, fine.  You look like you, Adrien.  I don’t know why you’re trying so hard.”
“I just want to get this right.”
“Isn’t the whole point of today for you to have fun?”
“I want to look the part.  I want to be authentic.”
Plagg threw his hands into the air.  “You are Chat Noir!”
“Yeah, but everyone else doesn’t know that,” Adrien responded with a snarky tone.
“Whatever, kid.  Just let loose and be yourself.”
“I’m trying!”
Plagg flew away and landed on Adrien’s desk.  “Today is definitely going to be an interesting day,” he grumbled.
Adrien walked over to his Kwami.  “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’ll see,” Plagg teased.
“Well, that’s annoyingly vague.” Adrien rolled his eyes.
“I am thousands of years old.  I don’t need to be clear.”
“It doesn’t matter.  We need to go.  Could you get in my bag?”
“Is there cheese in there?”
Plagg zoomed into the bag without responding.  Adrien gathered his belongings and walked out the door.  He was ready for this.
Marinette was NOT ready for this.  She spent most of the previous night panicking amidst Tikki’s pleas for her to go to bed.  Sleep evaded her almost the entire night.  While laying under her comforter, she played out hundreds of scenarios in her mind.  After sleeping for about four hours, Marinette woke up frazzled, nervous, and bleary-eyed.
“Tikki,” she groaned, “I think I’m dying.”
“Oh, Marinette,” her Kwami sighed, “You’re not dying.  Just come home and take a nap during your lunch break.”
Marinette yawned.  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”
Tikki flew over to her chosen and patted her comfortingly on the cheek.  Marinette’s eyes suddenly grew wide.
“Except I can’t come back here!” she exclaimed, “I have to talk to ADRIEN.  Why did I let Chat talk me into this?”
“You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do,” Tikki stated.
“No, that’s not it.  I WANT to do this.  Do you know how badly I just want to be normal around Adrien?  It’s going to take a miracle though.”
Tikki turned her head and mumbled, “Yeah, be careful what you wish for.”
Marinette gave her Kwami a confused look.  “What?”
“Nothing, Marinette,” Tikki brushed it off, “Let’s just try to have a good day.”
The teen squinted. “O...kay.”
Marinette walked over to her mirror and attempted to smooth out her bedhead.  She applied some eyeliner and a pop of lipgloss.
She then opened her closet and scanned her choices.  As an aspiring designer, Marinette knew how the right clothes could give you a much-needed confidence boost.  She decided to channel her inner Ladybug and put on a red, knee-length dress.  She paired it with black leggings and black flats.  She looked in the mirror and took a deep breath.
“You can do this,” she thought to herself, “You are Ladybug.  You just need to be YOURSELF.”
“You look great, Marinette,” Tikki broke through the silence, “but you should really get going because if you wait any longer…”
“You’re going to be late!  It’s time to go to school!” a distant third voice cut off the Kwami.
Marinette looked at the time on her phone and gasped.
“Oh, no!  Not again!” she exclaimed.
Tikki zoomed into her purse.  She then picked up her belongings and bounded down the stairs.  Finally, she grabbed a pastry without stopping and ran through the door.
Adrien opened the car door and stepped out.  He took a deep breath, stood up straight, and walked up the stairs leading into the school’s courtyard.  He saw Alya and Nino engrossed in conversation.  They didn’t notice him...yet.
“Here goes nothing,” he thought.
Adrien quietly padded up behind them and said, “Good morning, fantastic friends!  I hope you two are feline good today.”
Alya squealed and Nino jumped almost a foot into the air.
“What the freak, dude!” Nino glared at his best friend, “Where did you come from!  And, bro, we talked about the puns!”
After taking a moment to compose herself, Alya cocked her head to the side and asked, “Are you method acting right now?”
“Am I what?” It was Adrien’s turn to be confused.
She squinted at him.  “Is there another Ladybug and Chat Noir movie coming out or something?”
“No,” he replied.
“Then what’s with the getup and the puns?  Are you trying to channel your inner Chat Noir today, Agreste?”
“No, I’m just trying to be myself.”
“What are you talking about?  You’re never like this.”  Alya gestured to all of Adrien.
“Actually, babe,” Nino said clearing his throat, “He does this sometimes.  I’ve heard him attempt probably some of the worst puns on the planet.  Seriously, sometimes I question whether he’s Chat Noir’s long lost twin brother or something.”
Adrien chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.  He offered Alya a toothy smile.
“Uh huh,” Alya scrutinized, “That still doesn’t explain the outfit, sunshine.  Do you have a photo shoot today?”
“No,” Adrien grinned, “I wanted to try something mew.  I for one think it looks paw-sitively purrrr-fect.”
“Dude.” Nino’s hands rested on his temples as he shook his head.
“You know what,” Alya put her hand on Adrien’s shoulder, “Whatever makes you happy.  I think this is one of the first times I’ve seen you with a genuine smile.”
“Really?” Adrien asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, bro,” Nino chimed in, “The puns may make me groan, but it is nice to see you looking happy.”
Adrien beamed and put his arms around Nino and Alya’s shoulders.
“Thanks, you guys,” he said with joyful tears prickling the corners of his eyes.
Suddenly, Adrien felt himself being ripped away from the tender moment with his friends and into the tight grasp of something unwanted.  He looked up and saw Chole dragging him across the courtyard.
“Adrikins!” she shouted in his ear causing him to wince, “What an interesting look today!  Ugh...I just had to get you away from those losers.”
Adrien planted his feet firmly on the ground causing the snobby blonde to stop in her tracks.  He then proceeded to remove her hands from his arm and take a step away from her.
Once he deemed there was a healthy distance between them, he stated, “Actually, Chloe.  Alya and Nino are my friends, and I would appreciate it if you stopped saying hurtful things to them.”
Chloe looked stunned.  She tried to speak, but the only sound she made was an offended huff.
“Also,” Adrien continued, “I really don’t want you hanging on me like that anymore.  It kind of makes me uncomfortable.”
“Adrikins,” Chloe choked out while shaking her head, “I don’t understand.”
“Okay,” Adrien rolled his eyes, “Allow me to clarify.  Please respect my personal space and my friends.  Being polite and considerate never goes out of style.”
Before letting her respond, he bowed, turned on his heel, and walked away.  Upon returning to Alya and Nino, he was met with disbelieving stares and gaping mouths.
“What?” Adrien questioned.
“Dude,” Nino responded, “that was...wow.”
“Wow is right, sunshine!” Alya noted, “I didn’t know you had it in you!”
Not wanting to dwell on the past few minutes, Adrien quickly changed the subject.  “Come on.  Let’s get to class.”
Nino and Alya looked at each other and shrugged.  The trio then walked up the stairs and into their first classroom for the day.
Marinette ran into the classroom with five minutes to spare.  She rushed to her seat without greeting anyone, flopped facedown onto the desk, and groaned loudly.  She was exhausted.
“Girl, what happened?” Alya asked with concern lacing her voice.
Without lifting her head, Marinette mumbled into the desk, “I barely slept last night.”
“Is something bothering you, Princess?” she heard a voice say through her fatigued haze.
It took a moment for her brain to process what was happening.  
“There is only one person in Paris who’s called me ‘Princess’ before,” she thought.
Marinette looked up and squinted.  Her eyes hadn’t yet adjusted to the bright lights of the classroom.  The sight before her was still a little blurry.  She could just make out a mop of blond hair and a glint of green.
“No…” she whispered, “it’s too early for this.”
The blond mop turned it’s head to the side.  “Too early for what?”
She rubbed her eyes and focused on the person in front of her.  Her eyes turned into saucers when she realized who she was talking to.
“ADRIEN!” she panicked, “Morning is good...I mean...it’s morning...I MEAN YOU’RE MORNING….I MEAN...ugh nevermind.”
Marinette slammed her head back on the table and groaned.
Adrien chuckled, “Cat got your tongue, Princess?”
She slowly raised her head again and looked at the boy in front of her.
Without a hint of nervousness in her voice, she stated, “That’s what I thought you called me.”
“Well, at the risk of sounding too fur-ward, it only seems proper to address someone as paw-sitively purr-ty as you with a fitting title,” Adrien remarked with a smirk.
“Holy…” Alya murmured.
“Dude,” Nino bumped Adrien’s shoulder.
Marinette squinted...hard.  She knew her mouth was agape, but she didn’t bother to close it.  She was too busy trying to solve the jumbled Rubix Cube in her brain.  Surely she was hallucinating.  It was just a trick her sleepless brain was playing on her...right?  
Then, it hit her like a wrecking ball on drywall.
“Oh my God,” she said breathlessly.
“Marinette,” Adrien gasped with worry starting to pool in his eyes, “are you okay?  You look a little pale.”
She took a deep breath and looked at Alya...who was recording with her phone.  Her best friend had documented the entire thing.  Marinette decided that she couldn’t deal with this right now.  She needed a moment.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she said to her friends with the steadiest voice she could muster, “I’m not feeling very good.  I’ll be right back.”
As Marinette stood to leave, Adrien got up, as well.  
“Please, let me help you,” he offered.
Marinette held up her hand to stop him.  “No, no.  You stay here.  Please, you need to stay here.  I just need a second.  I’ll be right back.”
“Are you sure?” he asked gently.
She nodded her head quickly.  “Yes, I’ll be back.”  
She turned on her heel and walked briskly out the door.  She passed Miss Bustier as she walked through the threshold.
“Marinette!” her teacher exclaimed worriedly, “Class is about to start.  Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry, Miss Bustier,” Marinette responded, “I’m not feeling too well at the moment.  I was just going to go to the restroom for a minute.  I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, but let me know if you need to go to the nurse.”
“I will!  Thank you!”
Marinette sprinted to the bathroom.  She slammed the door behind her and scooted into a stall.
“Tikki,” she whispered loudly once the door was locked, “I know something I don’t think I’m supposed to know.”
“Oh, Marinette,” her Kwami said with remorseful eyes.
“Did you know?” she asked hurriedly, “Did you know that Adrien is Chat Noir?”
Tikki hung her head low.  “Yes, I did.  I’m sorry, Marinette.”
“So it’s true.”
“Yes, Adrien is Chat Noir.”
“Adrien is Chat Noir,” Marinette repeated.
Tikki flew up to her chosen’s face.  “Yes, I believe we’ve already established that.”
“No, Tikki,” Marinette stared blankly at the stall door, “Adrien isn’t just Chat Noir.  No, no, no.  This means that Chat Noir is Adrien.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
“No, it’s not.  Because now this means that Adrien is one of my best friends and my trusted partner.  And this also means that...oh God...I’m in love with Chat Noir.”
“That is technically true.”
“That stupid cat is never going to let me live this down.  He knows I have a crush on him.  I told him last night!  One day when we have a house and three kids he’s going to look at me and say, ‘See, didn’t I tell you that one day you would wake up and realize that it’s me you’ve been in love with all along.  Look how great everything turned out’.”
“I’m sure he’ll treat you nicely once he knows.”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong.  I know he’ll treat me like royalty.  I mean, did you see that set up he had on that roof?  There were candles and rose petals...BUT that doesn’t mean he’s not going to tease me for the rest of my life.  And...OHMYGOD, TIKKI.  DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?”
“Marinette, you’re spiraling.”
She ignored her Kwami and continued.  “This means that freaking ally cat ACTUALLY voiced his own alter-ego in a movie.  Was he even trying to keep this a secret?”
Tikki put her paw on her chosen’s cheek.  “Marinette, calm down.  It’s okay.”
“I’m gonna kill him, Tikki.”
“No, Marinette!”
Marinette turned her head to the side and pursed her lips.  “You’re right.  I can’t do that.”
The red Kwami tapped Marinette on the nose in an attempt to get her attention.  The red-faced teen finally looked up.
“Are you going to tell him the truth?” Tikki asked firmly.
Marinette rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, of course, I’m going to tell him.”
“You won’t have trouble talking to him about it?”
“It’s Chat Noir.  Why would I have trouble talking to him?”
“Because it’s Adrien.”
“Who just so happens to be Chat Noir.  
Her Kwami offered her a sympathetic look.
Marinette huffed.  “Look, I’m compartmentalizing right now.  You should be proud.  I’ll freak out about it being Adrien later.”
Tikki smiled.  “So, you’re going to tell him?”
“Oh, yeah.  I’ll tell him today,” Marinette shot Tikki a mischevious grin, “but I’m gonna mess with him first.”
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helloalycia · 5 years
super crush [one] // supergirl
summary: Kara has a crush on you and has a hard way of expressing herself, so turns to her alter-identity Supergirl for help.
warning/s: nothing but extremely awkward and cute Kara tbh
part two  | masterlist
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          "...and this is your new desk! It's opposite mine, so if you need anything, I'm right here!"
         Winn Schott, my new work colleague smiled cheerily at me as he awaited for me to ask any possible questions or queries I may have. I was a new employee here at CatCo, and part of the I.T. Tech team, the rest of the team consisting of, well, Winn. He had shown me around the whole building all morning and was very generous, helping me settle into my first day pretty easily.
         "Wow, thanks, Winn," I said gratefully. "You've been a really big help. Made me feel very welcomed. Thank you."
         He waved off my compliment and shrugged his shoulders. "Pfft, stop it, Y/N. I was only doing what anybody else would do. I'm just glad there's another person here who'll understand what I'm talking about from now on."
         I laughed whilst nodding my head. "Yeah, I get what you mean. Working for my last job wasn't very challenging compared to–"
         "Winn! There you are!"
         I was cut off by somebody stopping by Winn's side, out of breath and slightly red in the face. She was dressed quite formally for work-attire, and her blonde hair was pinned out of her face, only managing to emphasise her black-framed glasses that shielded her electric-blue eyes from clear view.
         "I have been looking all over for you!" she exclaimed, patting the brunette on his shoulder. "Where've you been?"
         He smiled before motioning to me. "I was showing around the new girl. Kara, this is Y/N Y/L/N. She's the new technician here at CatCo."
         This 'Kara' girl looked to me, obviously unaware of my presence. Then suddenly, her eyes widened as she looked me up and down. A dorky smile formed on her lips as she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out but incomprehensible sounds.
         "Y/N, this is Kara Danvers," Winn introduced as he glanced at his blonde friend with confused eyes. "She's Cat's personal assistant."
         I wore my friendliest smile as I put out my hand for her to shake, hoping I could make two friends on my first day. "Hi, Kara. It's lovely to meet you."
         She tried to say something, but once again, nothing came out, so she bit her lower lip as she placed her hand in mine. A firm grip was in place as she shook my hand, her eyes fixated on me as if she had something to say but physically couldn't. I found it pretty adorable and couldn't help but chuckle at her expression.
         Pulling my hand away, she did the same and pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose, an adorable habit I presumed she had.
         "So, what did you need, Kar?" Winn asked her, but she was still staring at me with red cheeks.
         Eventually, she zoned back into reality and looked to her friend. "Um, what? Oh, yeah. My computer froze and Miss. Grant needs me to send some emails. Can you fix it?"
         "Y/N can fix it," he immediately said, making me raise my eyebrows and look his way. He smiled encouragingly. "It's your first day. Starting off small will boost your confidence."
         I guess he was right... I shrugged my shoulders and was about to agree then ask Kara where her desk was, but I didn't get the chance because the blonde had already grabbed Winn by his arm.
         "Uh, no, it's fine! Um, Winn, you can do it!" she got out in one breath before I watched her drag him to her desk, which I now knew was a few desks down from ours.
         I tried not to feel offended as I headed to my desk to sit down. I shook it off and smiled to myself as I looked at it's contents, noticing the basic office equipment that was there, along with my own computer. I couldn't wait to make it my own by decorating with my own personalised knick-knacks.
         However, as I was admiring my new workspace, I felt eyes on me, and when I looked up, I saw Kara and Winn talking whilst sending me glances every now and then. I met Kara's eyes the next time she looked up, and a giant awkward smile formed on her lips before she looked away again. I snickered to myself, finding her odd behaviour intriguing.
         Today had been a pretty good first day.
         It had been approximately two weeks since I had begun working at CatCo, and I was loving every minute it. The people were really nice, and I had made some new friends in the process – Kara and Winn. Cat Grant wasn't the nicest of the bunch, but she barely paid me any attention unless her computer didn't work or something, so I didn't have to worry about angering the boss.
         Winn was the person I had become the closest to since working here, and I was really grateful for him because he was how I befriended Kara, and it made my move to National City less scary than I imagined it to be. I had hung out with both him and Kara a few times and they were really easy to be myself around, that's what I loved. There was one thing that I was slightly confused at though...
         Remember when I said that I had made new friends? Well, one of them, Kara... I didn't think she liked me. She was friendly and smart and beautiful and probably the most adorable person ever, but I didn't think she liked me. And I was determined to get to the bottom of it.
         "Hey, Kara, Winn," I said with a smile, approaching the two colleagues that were sitting on Kara's desk.
         They both looked up and met my eyes, but their reactions were different. Winn smiled as usual, but Kara smiled awkwardly and immediately looked away, avoiding my eyes. See? Things like that would confuse me and make me wonder whether she disliked me for some odd reason.
         "'Sup, Y/N?" Winn asked with a smile.
         I shrugged and kept my eyes on Kara, despite her avoiding me. "Nothing. I actually just wanted to ask you guys if you wanted anything for lunch. I'm gonna pick something up now."
         "Ooh, can I get a panini from that new place that opened up?!" Winn asked with excitement, making me look his way to see a giant grin on his face.
         I chuckled at his expression which resembled a child's. "Sure. Anything specific?"
         "Surprise me."
         I smiled with amusement before looking to the silent blonde. "Anything for you, Kara?"
         Her eyes flickered up to mine before looking down again, and a faint pinkness spread across her cheeks as she spoke. "What? Um, no, I'm good."
         Winn furrowed his eyebrows when he nudged her shoulder. "What? Kara you were just complaining about how hungry you were."
         I raised an eyebrow as I looked between the two of them, and eventually settled my gaze on the flustered blonde. She seemed uncomfortable with all the attention, and I wondered why she was like this every time I spoke to her. Whenever I saw her from afar, she seemed relaxed with whoever she was speaking to, so what was I doing wrong?
         "I'm not hungry anymore," she said like it was nothing, before standing up and looking to Winn. "And um, I think Miss. Grant wants me, so um, yeah." She turned to walk away, but momentarily forgot I was there and ended up bumping into me. She bit her lip and looked up, her blue eyes meeting mine. Smiling nervously, she mumbled an apology before stumbling away, only leaving me in confusion.
         "Uh, you saw that too, right?" I asked to Winn, watching the blonde walk away. Or should I say stumbling about as she avoided bumping into people.
         "Mhm," Winn mumbled with agreement.
         I kept my eyes on Kara until I saw her about to round the corner. She looked over her shoulder and was obviously surprised to see me watching her, as she widened her eyes and did that adorable awkward smile of hers before rushing away, out of my view. When she was gone, I looked back to Winn and sighed heavily.
         "She is so confusing," I stated before slouching on Kara's desk beside him.
         He quirked an eyebrow. "Trust me, I know that. But I wanna know why you think that."
         I raised my hands, motioning to the direction she just left in, before letting them fall to my sides again. "I feel like she doesn't like me. She's always doing her best to avoid me, and she acts different with me than she does with others. But then I think she does like me because she does that cute little smile of hers and stares at me with those big blue eyes and ugh, I'm so confused."
         The blonde's expression remained in my mind as I looked at the spot where she was once stood. She had such a pretty smile. But I hated that I rarely saw it because she made it her thing to leave whenever I showed up. Like before.
         I sighed distractedly and looked back to Winn, only to pull a face when I saw him smirking at me knowingly.
         "Uh, what are you doing?" I asked, trying my hardest not to feel creeped out by his expression.
         "You like Kara," he said with a teasing tone.
         "No, I don't."
         "Yes, you do. I would know. I was once in the same boat."
         I raised an eyebrow. "You liked Kara?"
         He shrugged it off. "Yeah. So I know that the way you look at her is the way somebody looks at a puppy. Lovesick."
         I almost snorted. "I don't love her. I've known her for two weeks, dude."
         "Yes," he agreed, then stood up to face me. "But you have a crush on her."
         I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "Even if that were true, it doesn't matter. She doesn't like me. Whenever I try to get her attention, she leaves."
         He chuckled to himself as if he knew something I didn't. "Whatever, Y/N. All I'm going to say is keep trying. I'm sure things will happen how you want them to be."
         Thinking he was some wise old man, he walked away leaving an air of mystery behind him along with a disgruntled me.
         When I returned with Winn and I's lunch, I also bought Kara something, too, knowing she would be hungry even though she wouldn't admit it to me for whatever reason. I found the duo by Winn's desk this time, chatting happily. Kara was actually laughing, and as I neared them, I realised I liked the sound of her laugh. A lot.
         "I've returned! And with food!" I exclaimed as I made my presence known.
         Their conversation quietened down, and I saw the excitement in Winn's eyes as I set down his takeaway. I couldn't help but laugh as he eagerly grabbed his food. I grabbed Kara's bag and held it out to her, noticing the small smile on her lips.
         "I got you a panini too," I told her, smiling in return. "I figured you'd be hungry."
         "Thank you," she said with a nod, accepting the bag. Her hands brushed mine in the process, and I didn't think much of it, but apparently she did, judging from the red blush that spread across her cheeks. She did look pretty adorable.
         We all dug into our food and it was silent as we enjoyed our lunch. However, I couldn't seem to look away from Kara. I was still wondering why she was the way she was with me. Maybe I could change things.
         "Hey, Kara," I called after swallowing a bite of my panini. She looked up with a mouthful of food, so I took her attention as my cue to continue. "Do you want to go out to the movies tomorrow night? I'd love to get to know you a bit more."
         She almost choked on her food when she swallowed, making me grab the nearest bottle of water and hold it out for her. She shook her head and waved me off though, so I put it back down but watched her with concern.
         "You sure you're okay?" I asked, resting a hand on her leg because she was sat on the desk in front of me.
         Her eyes darted from my hand to my eyes, and I was so confused to why she was acting like this. Whatever it was though, Winn must've understood because he was laughing hysterically in the corner. I didn't even bother to question him as I waited for Kara to speak.
         "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," she promised, offering a small smile through her blushing cheeks. "Sorry. And um, the movies? Are you, like, sure?"
         I smiled with confusion and cocked my head to the side. "Uh, yeah? I'm pretty sure, ha."
         She smiled toothlessly and I watched her visibly gulp before nodding her head. "Yeah, um, I'd like that."
         Feeling a sense of accomplishment, I straightened my posture and felt myself smile widely. "Wow, okay. Cool! I'll text you tonight then?"
         She nodded and avoided my gaze again. "Y-yeah. That's fine, Y/N."
         Asking Kara to accompany me to the cinema was a good plan, despite her acting strange at first. We ended up watching a comedy, (not just so I could hear her adorable laugh all the time), and afterwards we got some Potstickers, per her request. The weird behaviour between us soon disappeared and I could finally get to know the real her. She was still clumsy and awkward at times, but it was actually really cute to witness. Despite the unfortunate part of her having to leave early for an emergency, I would like to say that it was a good evening, and my crush on Kara Danvers was very much intact.
         Around CatCo, I would continue to hang with Kara and Winn, (and occasionally their other friend, James), and we would spend time together outside of work, too. During these times, I couldn't help but fall harder for the blonde, yet I was clueless on how to approach her and ask her out. She always seemed nervous and distant, and I wasn't sure how to go about it. Even after admitting this to Winn, he assured me that Kara was just being Kara and I should give it a shot, but that was easier said than done.
         "Supergirl is back at it again, having disarmed four criminals at a bank robbery in under two minutes, and managing to save countless more lives!"
         The news reporter on the TV droned on and on about Supergirl's latest achievements and many of my colleagues were sat or stood watching. Winn and I were leaning against his desk as we watched the impressive images and videos playing of Supergirl saving the day.
         "She's so amazing," Winn commented with a hint of pride in his voice, as if he knew her personally. He looked to me, a smile on his lips. "Don't you think?"
         I shrugged in agreement. "Yeah, I guess she is. Always saving the day and people's lives."
         "You guess?" he asked, feigning offence as he pressed his hand to his chest in awe. "How do you just 'guess'? She's Supergirl!"
         I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, and I was unable to give a response because Kara soon joined our side, having noticed the others watching the news report and me laughing at Winn.
         "What's got you all smiley?" she asked with a small smile of her own, scrunching her nose up a little.
         "Y/N guesses Supergirl is amazing. Guesses!" Winn exclaimed with disbelief.
         I smiled to contain my laughter. "When you say it like that, you make it sound worse than it is!" I looked to Kara and shook my head. "He's just overreacting."
         I figured Kara would drop it, but she bit her lip as she looked me in the eye curiously.
         "What do you think of Supergirl?" she asked, not bothering to hide her eagerness.
         I rolled my eyes and gave her a knowing look. "Oh, no, not you, too." A faint pink blush appeared on her cheeks and I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she looked. Continuing, I said, "Supergirl is obviously amazing. I mean, she has superpowers for crying out loud! I just don't get excited about her like, well, everyone in National City."
         Winn stayed quiet as he crossed his arms over his chest and sulked like I'd personally offended him. Meanwhile, Kara raised her chin indifferently.
         "So, um, why? Don't you like her?" she asked not very subtly, before looking down and playing with one of Winn's collectibles whilst conspicuously glancing up at me every few seconds.
         "I do," I defended myself with a chuckle, finding this whole situation amusing. "I just don't see the point in fangirling over her like..." I glanced at Winn, who glared at me, before looking back to Kara, who was still trying to seem uninterested. "I'm not from here so maybe that's why I'm not feeling the hype around Supergirl. I don't know."
         I shrugged lamely as I looked between the two Supergirl fans, and they both contrasted extremely, making me laugh all over again.
         "What do you think of Supergirl?" I asked Kara, raising an eyebrow.
         Kara knocked over one of Winn's toys when I asked, and raised her eyebrows as she cleared her throat. "Me? What do I think?"
         I nodded, an amused smile on my lips as I watched her fumble about awkwardly to place Winn's toys back in order.
         "I don't know, I mean, she's Supergirl. What's to say?" she said, then bit her lip afterwards.
         I opened my mouth to respond with something sarcastic, but another voice interrupted, cutting everybody off.
         "Why is nobody working in here? I don't pay you all to stand around and do nothing!"
         Cat Grant entered her office as she spoke, and seconds later, she added, "Keira! I need you over here!"
         Everyone scrambled back to their desks whilst Winn and I stood up straight, ready to get back to work. Kara seemed relieved for some reason, and unbothered by the fact Cat said her name wrong.
         "Aren't you even going to try and correct her?" I asked with a humoured smile, walking past Kara and to my desk.
         Kara shrugged and ran a hand through her hair. "What's the point? She doesn't listen anyway. I don't mind, though."
         "And that's my cue," she stated, smiling widely at Winn and I before racing to Cat's office.
         I found myself smiling as she left, thinking back to how beautiful she looked when she smiled like she did.
         "God, you're like a teenager with a crush," Winn said with fake disgust.
         I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment, knowing he was still salty about my Supergirl comment.
         "Can you blame me? She's adorable."
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speckofglitter · 6 years
ot11 silver boys getting jealous
--- let's get this bread mates
noa • Noa is not at all the jealous type • Which is why you were so surprised when he pulled you aside at school • ‘What were you doing with lee byounggon last night? You know he’s bad news right?’ he questioned, leaning against the wall. • ‘Are you stalking me noa? You don’t have to be jealous, byounggon and I are barely even acquaintances.’ You smirked, reaching out to fix noa’s uniform. • ‘I’m not jealous, I just wanna know what you guys were talking about that was so important you had to cancel out date.’ He sighed. • ‘Look, byounggon needed a tutor for chem and he asked me. That’s literally it we didn’t even have a conversation, I barely know the guy.’ You explained. • ‘Good. Because I don’t need my girl getting in trouble’ he smiled, taking your hands in his.
jeonwoong • woong is super hard to impress • You've been training together for the past year but he seems to not even notice your existence • Ever since you developed a crush on him, your motivation to be the company's best female trainee had only gotten stronger • You spent hours in the dance studio, sweat pouring down your body as you executed the assigned choreography countless times • A huge opportunity was given to the trainees, the opportunity to be backup dancers for the company’s most successful group during their world tour • You and woong both practiced endlessly and eventually made it amongst 10 other trainees • You were absolutely ecstatic • As you started working together, woong warmed up to you and you two became quite close, even spending some time together outside of practice, visiting the numerous tour stops • For the last stop, the main dancer was asked to perform a dance duet and chose you to perform with him • You worked with the choreographer, trying to get the moves down in a short amount of time • The dance was slow and sensual and most definitely out of your comfort zone but you made it work • As the dress rehearsal started, woong couldn’t keep his eyes off of you • Of course, he was proud of you but what he was feeling wasn’t just that… • He wished he could be dancing with you instead as he saw your body moving fluidly and effortlessly on the stage • As soon as your rehearsal ended he found you backstage • ‘you did great y/n. I can’t believe how much your dancing has improved.’ he hugged you tight. • ‘thank you woong, I hope we get to do a duet together someday as well.’ You grin, taking a swig of water. • ‘ahhh but you’re too busy working with the famous guys now’ he laughed, playfully slapping your arm. • ‘of course not, I’m never too busy for you.’ You blurted out. • ‘huh?’ • ‘I mean, I thought it was pretty obvious that I had a crush on you… haha’ you laughed nervously, scratching your neck as you waited for his response. • ‘me too. I mean I like you too. I wish I could do a duet with you as well’ he immediately replied, getting closer to you. • ‘well, then let’s go! The practice room is still open!’ you exclaimed, dragging him out.
raesung • You and raesung used to be best friends • You had gotten into a huge fight when you were in middle school • All the new memories you share are kinda hazy • Mostly because you're usually high when you see him • You're usually sending him dirty looks when you see him at a party • Everyone knows you two despise each other • Whenever you walk past him at school you usually roast him • 'Wow raesung you look like shit today... y i k e s' • One night, you're at a party when raesung's friend hyunsuk starts flirting with you • You don't think much of it at first, he's attractive and you're single so... Yeah you guys end up making out • Raesung sees you making out with hyunsuk and immediately feels betrayed? He's not sure why he's so annoyed but he is • So he decides to walk over and drag hyunsuk away, with the excuse that he's too drunk • You're obviously furious because hellooo you were making out with a hot boy? • So you dm raesung that night like y/n: why the fuck did you drag hyunsuk away from me? -you deleted his number in middle school lol- gongjuboi: good evening y/n i think the correct words would be 'thank you raesung for saving me from being a teen mom' but aight y/n: wtf is wrong with you thinking you can control me when we having been friends since we were 12? gongjuboi: maybe because i fucking care about your dumbass? you think it's easy seeing you make out with my bestfriend when i've had and still have the fattest crush on you? y/n: oh... that explains a lot. umm maybe we can meet at the park tomorrow and talk it out? i don't wanna be lame like you and confess in the dms ♡ • let's just say you had raesung's heart palpitating, he couldn't sleep the entire night because he couldn't wait to see you
• you're dating hyunsuk and you have a cold • obviously as soon as you text him that you don't feel well he's at your feet with a bunch of cold medicine and healthy foods • you're drinking one of the weird ginger tea concoctions he made for you when you start feeling bored cause hyunsuk ran out to buy more chicken soup • so you start watching videos on your phone and you stumble upon some of yedam's covers • you know yedam well cause he's hyunsuk friend but his talent still baffles you • as you're singing along to his cover of 'there's nothing holding me back' hyunsuk comes in, watching in horror • 'what.... are.... you.... doing...' he says, slowly removing the phone from your hands. • 'i'm singing?' you answer. • 'first of all, no offense i love you babe but you sounded terrible. second of all, why aren't you singing along to my songs? i'm offended?' he whines • 'fine omg stop being such a jealous baby, i'll just jam out to yammy gang with a sore throat then' you huff out • 'didn't stop you from horribly belting out those high notes though' he mumbles, a smile on his face as he gives you your phone back and kisses you on the forehead
byounggon • Sooo you’re dating byounggon and you work as an actress • Since you were so young when you started out, you usually worked on ads for family and children's products • However, now that you’re finally of age in korea, your agent had been getting a lot more calls for fashion, perfume and athletic wear • Today you were working on an ad for adidas • You’re super excited because it’s one of your favorite brands • What you didn’t know was that you would be working with another model, Bobby from IKON • You freaked out as soon as you got to set • Bobby was already dressed and waiting for you • ‘Nice to meet you y/n i’m Bobby from IKON, Byounggon told me a lot about you!!’ • Oof you had completely forgotten that gon and bobby were friends • ‘Nice to meet you too!!’ you smiled, trying not to fangirl • You finally got dressed in an adidas hoodie and leggings, getting ready for the shooting • As the camera flashed, the photographer instructed you and bobby to act like old friends, running together and even making him give you a piggyback ride • It was a cute concept honestly,, something softer and more approachable that most sports ads • Time passed by quickly, within an hour you two had taken almost 2000 shots together • You were super happy when you saw the pictures in the midst of their editing, even giving bobby a friendly high five for the teamwork • When you got home, gon was waiting for you with some food • You hugged him tightly, telling him all about the photoshoot • He was happy that your first major ad was with bobby,,, until he saw the ads • ‘You guys look awfully close, don’t you??’ he looked at you with a questioning smirk. • ‘huh?? Our concept was childhood friends why would we not look close??’ you laughed, not noticing the way gon was clenching his jaw • ‘Do you think bobby hyung is more handsome than i am??’ he questioned, making you stop eating • ‘No of course not, and even if i was attracted to him it wouldn’t matter because i love you.’ you gasped, realizing that you had said the l-word • You and gon had been dating for a year now but none of you had the courage to say those words yet • You internally cursed yourself for saying it at such a shitty moment • Gon sits on the couch wide-eyed for a few seconds and you think he might not say it back, before he puts your plates aside and grabs you close, hugging you as he whispers ‘i love you more’ y/n.
jihoon • you and jihoon are the class clowns • are true reckless pair • you guys are attached at the hip, always roasting someone or just being true crackheads • everyone in your class shipped you but you always shut it down claiming 'nah fam jihoon's gonna get married to one of those manga girls cause he's a weeb' • one night the silver boys squad are having a movie night and you're invited because duh jihoon likes you • the problem is that you're kinda short and junkyu, gon and noa decided to sit in the front which makes no sense cause they're the tallest? • so seunghun being the #dad that he is asks if you wanna sit on his lap so you can see better and you're like 'yEs' • jihoon is coming back from the kitchen when he almost drops the popcorn when he sees you on seunghun's lap • he doesn't want to cause a scene so he puts the popcorn down and goes back to his seat to text seunghun hoon🐶: dude wtf are you doing??? you know i like y/n... • meanwhile poor seunghun is struggling to text while your whole body is in front of him so he's wobbling all over the place hun🍯: i'm so sorwy dud e it's really hard to text rn • and the inevitable happened, seunghun dropped his phone and you picked it up • jihoon looked up in horror as you briefly skimed the texts, eyes stopping over the words 'you know i like y/n...' • you immediately get up and grab jihoon's arm, pulling him into the kitchen as the rest of the boys pretend like they didn't see anything • 'so.. you like me huh...' • 'umm yeah and i know you don't like me back but i really want to take you out on a date... if you'd let me..' • seeing him get so nervous actually made your heart flutter a bit • 'fine, take me out tomorrow crackhead' you giggle, returning to your seat • 'wait can you sit on my lap instead?' • 'damn we're not even dating yet and you're already so needy' you laugh, carefully sitting on his lap • jihoon couldn't concentrate at all during the movie, he was too busy internally crying over your last words 
seunghun • So,, it’s valentine’s day which means everyone is spending time with their bf or gf • Meanwhile you’ve been dating seunghun for about a month so you’re excited to spend this day with him • Your school has set up a system where students and teachers can buy roses for someone else in order to raise money for school activities • You would usually get some for your female friends who were single so they wouldn’t feel too lonely • Obviously, this year you would get one for seunghun as well • When your bio teacher comes into class with a bucket full of roses and names on it, you only expect to get one from seunghun • You were w r o n g • You get a total of 5 roses • 1 from seunghun, 3 from your best friends and 1 anonymous • When you get out of class, seunghun is looking at you curiously • ‘Who are they from??’ he asks. • ‘Oh these 3 are from yeeun, lisa and jisoo. this one i have no idea, it's anonymous...’ you shrug. • You had never seen seunghun get so red before • ‘ANONYMOUS?? YOU HAVE A SECRET ADMIRER?? I need to find whoever this is and give them… give them some very strong words because i can’t fight...’ • ‘Seunghun can you please calm down it’s probably just a friend’ you chuckle, amused at how worked up he is • ‘But what if they steal you away from meeeee’ he whines and that’s where you lose your shit • ‘Kim Seunghun. Nobody can steal you away from me. In our short time of dating i’ve already seen enough of you to know you’re the only person i see myself with okay?? Not will you please shut up and take me on a date??’ • Let’s just say Seunghun was s h o o k
yedam • You and yedam had met at school and bonded fairly fast due to your mutual love for reading • After a while of getting to know each other you’re finally dating • Your favorite date spot is the bookstore, you and yedam usually go once a week to pick out books together and read at a café • This time you’re looking for a book on mitosis for a school report • Unfortunately, the book you need is on the highest shelf making it impossible to reach • Even though yedam tried to get it for you he was still a little too short • Seeing you two struggling, the book store worker seunghun decided to step in and help • He reached up, taking the book with ease as he gave it to you with a huge grin on his face • ‘thank you so much’ you smiled, taking the book from his hands as you dragged Yedam to a nearby aisle • Yedam was obviously annoyed that he hadn’t been able to help you • The entire time you were at the bookstore he kept shooting glares towards Seunghun, getting even more annoyed when the latter would just smile back • Sensing that Yedam was acting weird, you pulled him aside and asked him what was wrong • ‘What’s wrong is that- that worker was completely flirting with you right in front of me!’ he exclaimed • ‘Yedam, I really don’t think he was flirting with me stop exaggerating. even if he was I wouldn’t care cause you’re the only person I want to be with.’ You smiled softly, leaving Yedam a blushing mess
junkyu • you and junkyu have been dating for a while now and he finally wants to introduce you to his friends • a perfect occasion came up as hyunsuk was hosting a party with all of the silver boys so junkyu was taking you as his date • you’re incredibly nervous as you walk to hyunsuk’s place, trying to rehearse the ways you could introduce yourself • ‘relax baby, you’ll be fine’ junkyu chuckled, grabbing your hand as he knocked on the door • you introduced yourself to everyone, nervously giggling everytime jihoon and seunghun would make stupid jokes about junkyu • you particularly got along with hyunsuk • he helped you stay calm, bringing you water or food everytime you seemed a little too tipsy and joking around with you when he sensed you were feeling a little left out • as junkyu observed you two, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy • you were his date and yet you had barely spent a second of the night with him • towards the end of the night you sat on the couch, completely forgetting you were wearing a skirt and you exposed your thighs a bit too much so hyunsuk took off his yellow jacket, laying it on your lap • junkyu l o s t it • he downed his drink and put his leather jacket back on, silently leaving as everyone watched on like ‘ummm wtf just happened…’ • you were too drunk to go after him so hyunsuk ran out • as he caught up with junkyu he immediately pulled him by his jacket • ‘yo wtf junkyu why would you just leave your girl like that?’ • ‘it really didn’t seem like she was my girl when you two were all over each other at the party?’ he laughed bitterly, turning back as he kept walking. • ‘look junkyu, it’s not what it looks like. I talked to y/n and she’s really serious about being with you. She just asked me to stay with her because she was nervous about the other guys not liking her and she was a bit overwhelmed… I mean can you imagine being introduced to 10 boys at once?’ hyunsuk chuckled. • ‘ohh… I guess that makes sense...’ junkyu sighed. • ‘can we please go back to the party now? I’m pretty sure y/n needs someone to take her drunk ass home’ hyunsuk laughed, pushing junkyu in the direction of his house.
doyoung • you were laying on magnum’s dorm’s couch, waiting for doyoung • he was out getting snack for your weekly date night • usually the dorm was quite loud but today even jihoon and mashiho were knocked out from practice so you were calmly scrolling through your Instagram feed • you came across a picture of seunghun so you went onto his profile, mindlessly scrolling through his recent pics as you wondered how he was doing • you two had been friends for a long time, he had even introduced you to the silver boys and that’s how you met doyoung and started dating • ‘what are you doing’ you gasp, turning around to see doyoung glaring at you with bags of snacks in his arms. • ‘oh my god you scared me?? What the fuck doyoung??’ • ‘I should be asking you that. Why are you stalking seunghun? Do you like him or something?’ he raised his tone, dropping the grocery bags. • ‘first of all, no what the fuck? Also, I’m not stalking him, I just haven’t seen him for a while and I was wondering how he is…’ you sighed. • ‘you haven’t seen me for a while too…’ he muttered. • ‘well, let me know when you have a personal Instagram account so I can stalk you too?? Stop acting like a jealous baby. I’m not going to see you a lot when you debut so can you please just chill??’ you asked. • ‘you’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry for overreacting. Let’s just watch a movie and talk okay? I’ll go put the popcorn in the microwave’ he smiled, gently rubbing his thumb over your hands.
• it’s the first day of spring break and you’re on vacation with all of your college friends and your boyfriend midam • you brought your friends lisa, yeeun and chungha while midam brought his friends hyunsuk, seunghun and byounggon • for the first night, you guys decided to go out and get dinner together • you did your make up for the first time in a while and even the rest of the girls could agree you.  did. thAT 😳🗣 • so,, you looked really good and midam couldn’t stop looking at you the entire night. He wasn’t the only one tho… • the waiter at your table spent the entire night flirting with you and midam was starting to get annoyed • on top of that the rest of your friends were even getting uncomfortable cause the guy just wouldn’t take a hint • at one point midam went to the bathroom to calm down • while he was away, the waiter came back • he brushed your hair out of your face, leaning in to whisper ‘do you want my number?’ • Your eyes shot wide open as you saw midam right behind him, fists clenched in anger • ‘do you want my fist in your face?’ he yelled out, grabbing him by his collar. • Seeing as other customers were starting to look your way hyunsuk and byounggon both got up to calm midam down and you all left • On the way, back the others pretended they wanted to go shopping as an excuse to give you two some space • ‘so… that was a shit show’ you laughed, linking arms with midam • ‘I’m really sorry babe I know how much you wanted us to have a nice dinner together’ he sighed • ‘it’s fine, he was making me annoyed too. I’m glad you care enough to defend me.’ You smiled. • ‘hey, do you wanna go get some ice cream?’ he suddenly suggested • ‘hELL YEAH’ you yelled out, making midam laugh at how excited you were
hi hello i’m literally sick so i’m kinda dying but hope you guys like this hehe
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rebelminxy · 6 years
Once a King, Always a King (Thursday)
Tumblr media
Pairing: KingBacchus!Jensen x PlusSize!Reader
Word Count: 5398
Square Filled: Bed Sharing
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Explicit Content, Some Explicit Language, NSFW, 18+, Oral (Female Receiving), Some Fluff, Smut, Unprotected Sex
Summary: Jensen is heading to New Orleans to participate in Mardi Gras as the King of Bacchus. But there is one girl he wants to celebrate the fun-filled weekend with. Now that he has the chance to show her how he really feels, while being in her hometown and having some fun together, will their relationship blossom to more than just friends?
A/N:  So, first off, I have total respect for the Ackles family. I adore their family dynamic and this fic isn’t meant to offend them in any way whatsoever. This is purely written for fun and I send the Ackles family all the best positive vibes I have hoping they continue to be as happy as always. For this fic, Jensen is single. I got the idea after seeing a few videos of his time down here for Mardi Gras and seeing him dressed as the King of Bacchus at the parade. This is my eleventh square filled for @spnkinkbingo Feedback is welcomed and hope y’all enjoy it!
“No freaking way, Jensen!”
              Jensen looked up from his script when he saw (Y/N) running towards him, both hands holding on to the brush belt she had wrapped around her waist. Jensen smiled, knowing why she was excited.
“No freaking way you gonna be King of Bacchus! Why didn’t ya tell me bout this!?”
“I planned to but looks like someone beat me to it.” Jensen laughed in response at her excitement.
“Now, you know I live off Twitter for all my fandom needs.”
              Jensen burst out laughing at her comment, her giggles joining his deep laugh. (Y/N) then began to talk about Mardi Gras, how excited she was for all this and how she wanted to bring him to certain places. Jensen got lost in her big beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes as she started explaining a few things, a “Tourists Not to Do List”.
              (Y/N) (Y/L) started working on the set of Supernatural about two years ago. She quickly became the special effects specialist in the makeup department and grew very close to the cast and crew. Jensen loved seeing how well she got along with everyone, especially Jared since they both suffered from anxiety. There was just something about (Y/N) that caught Jensen’s eye, but he never made a move on her in fear of ruining the friendship they had. He wasn’t really a playboy bachelor, but he wasn’t celibate either. And he knew that (Y/N) wasn’t just some girl, she was THE girl.  
              So, when she came along a few months prior, telling the guys about how cool it would be to ride a float in a parade down at her hometown of New Orleans, Jensen decided why not? He had never been to Mardi Gras and by what (Y/N) was talking about during their makeup sessions before a scene, riding the floats sound like a lot of fun. But once he dug into who and how he needed to be part of a parade, he was offered to be King of Bacchus instead. And he gladly accepted it.
“OHMAHGAWD! I mean, I know you have gone to New Orleans before. But this is the biggest event in the city and you finally get to see it!”
“Why don’t you join me?” Jensen asked a bit nervously. “I mean you can try getting off for the weekend and we can travel together.”
“Hmm, unfortunately, I can’t. I wrote myself in for that time because I didn’t see any reason to get a break for Mardi Gras. Damn wish I would have gotten my break for then instead of April. I could’ve at least gone to see you for the parade.”
              (Y/N) sighed as she turned around to head back to the makeup trailer. Jensen feeling a bit sad that the one person he wanted there with him for this big event probably couldn’t get the time off. Even after work was over, he asked the producers on set if they could possibly switch (Y/N) break time to maybe join his, but they said they couldn’t since most of the special effect artist had already gotten off during that time. Jensen went back to his apartment sad that he couldn’t take (Y/N) along with him. At least he would make sure to get someone to record and take pictures of everything for that weekend to bring it back to her, so she could at least feel like she was there.
A Few Months Later
              Jensen was at San Francisco for his layover when he spotted her from the crowd. He had to do a double take when he saw standing in the middle of the crowd, looking down at her phone while wearing those light up kitten ear headphones Jared got her for her birthday a year ago. Jensen sat there, watching her as she looked around, finally her eyes landing on the sign above, letting her know the gate he assumed she was looking for. As she made her way towards the gate, her eyes eventually landing on him, a wide smile growing as she burst into a run towards him. Jensen got up from his seat and extended his arms out, laughing out as she threw herself into his arms. His wrapped around her waist under the big backpack she carried, and her arms wrapped around his neck. He buried his face into her neck, enjoying the way her body pressed into his. He willed himself to let her go as she started to unwrap herself from his hug, wishing their hug lasted longer.
“Wow so wasn’t excepting to bump into you here!” she exclaimed as she looked up at him. “Thought you took a direct flight.”
“Wanted to take it slow since they warned me they were going to do some celebratory welcome once I got to the hotel. What happened to not being able to take a break?”
“Actually, that’s a fun surprise. I had asked a few days after I found out about your thing and they told me no. But for some reason two days ago, one of the makeup artists came back super early and said if I wanted to take her extra days I could.”
              Jensen held onto his smile, thankful that everything went as planned. He had called the producers one last time trying to pull in any favors he could. Luckily the makeup artist that did return was happy to give her leftover days off to (Y/N) since she needed the money. So that meant (Y/N) was going to be in New Orleans for 6 days, having her go back to Vancouver on Wednesday. That gave her time to enjoy the parades and Fat Tuesday.
“So, since I was given the days, might as well enjoy Mardi Gras! It’s been years since I’ve gone to a parade.”
“Oh, and why is that?” Jensen asked curiously as she sat next to him, placing her backpack in front of her legs.
“Eh, you go to one, you go to all. And I have been “doing” Mardi Gras since I was in high school. Marched for Color Guard in ROTC and after graduating went to a few for fun. But it’s mostly all the same, so I stopped going.” (Y/N) then turned and looked at Jensen with her megawatt smile. “But this year I have a reason to enjoy the view. Can’t wait to see you in that king outfit they have you wear.”
              They continued their conversation, laughing and enjoying each other’s company while they waited for their flight. After getting lost in conversation, they finally started hearing the calls for passengers to get their seats, and unfortunately (Y/N) had a seat in economy. Jensen hugged her before making his way to the plane, getting his seat in first class. Once he was settled, he watched the rest of the crowd climb in, smiling as he watched (Y/N) walk by. She smiled back and waved quickly as she made her way to the back of the plane.
              It wasn’t that long of a flight, the plane landing in Armstrong International before Jensen could finish the chapter he was reading. Once he got off the plane, he waited for (Y/N) so they could both go get their luggage together. The entire walk down, (Y/N) was pointing out certain things in the airport that was done by local artists and talking about how high priced the tourist items were there when she could take him to spots that were much cheaper. They finally arrived at where the luggage was and luckily, their suitcases were already on the side of the conveyor belt. As they made there way outside, Jensen was taken by surprise as a few of his friends were there waiting for him with a big tourist bus. Cop cars surrounded the bus as a few officers stood outside to make sure no one could get close.
              As Jensen hugged and greeted his friends, he noticed that (Y/N) wasn’t by his side. He looked around to find her walking towards the taxi cabs up ahead of the road. Jensen excuse himself and ran after her, glad he caught her before she jumped into the cab.
“Hey! Where are you going?” he asked in a huff.
“Heading to the city see if I can get a hotel room somewhere. If not, might sleep on someone’s couch. Still got friends in the city,” she giggled in response.
“Nah, come with me. Maybe we can get you a room at the hotel they booked for me and if not you can call your friends from there.”
“No, it’s fine J. You go have fun with your friends and enjoy your time here.”
“I can’t let you waste money on a cab when we are heading to the same place. C’mon, please?”
              (Y/N) looked at him, her words stuttering to come out. Then Jensen attempted to make a puppy face like Jared normally does, which made her burst out laughing.
“Ok, ok, I will ride with you. But promise you won’t ever do that face again. You looked like you were more constipated than sad.”
“Hey, I will have you know my puppy face is adorable!”
“Jared’s is adorable, yours just looks wrong!”
              Jensen took her luggage from the cab driver and grabbed her hand, guiding her to the bus that would take them to Downtown New Orleans. The ride there was fun, his friends already popping a bottle of champagne. As they all drank their glasses of champagne, he introduced (Y/N) to his friends. As she was telling them stories about the fun times on set, one of Jensen’s closest friends pulled him to the front of the bus.
“So, that’s the girl you’ve been crushing on?”
“Dude hush, she doesn’t know.”
              His friend looked back at her and then to Jensen.
“Pretty girl but not your normal pick.”
“Don’t disrespect her…”
“I’m not dude, all I am saying is to be careful. My experience with girls like her, they don’t like getting toyed with. They normally feel insecurities when it comes to their bodies.”
“She isn’t like most girls.”
“Just, don’t let her be a one and done. I know you got a big heart, but I don’t want you hurting her either. She seems like a cool and sweet girl, just met her and already love the personality.”
“Don’t worry, the only reason why I haven’t made a move is that I don’t want to ruin what we have now.”
“Good boy. Now let’s get off this serious mood and have fun. Dude, you’re the King this weekend!”
              As the bus pulled off the expressway, Jensen started looking out his window at the city surrounding them. He then noticed (Y/N) on her knees in the chair, staring out the window with a look of wonder. He got up from his seat and went by her, leaning above her, placing a hand on the window for balance. She looked up to see him looking down at her with a smile.
“Why do you look so intrigued when you are from here?”
“I feel like I am seeing the city differently this time around,” she replied as she looked back out the window. “Feels like I am seeing it for the first time since I’m here with you.”
              Jensen noticed the slight pink her cheeks turned, causing a smirk on his lips as he looked out the window.
“Yeah, I feel the same way.”
              Before the bus arrived at the Hilton hotel by the convention center, a handler and the head of the Bacchus committee pulled Jensen to the front and explained to him what he was going to expect. But what they arrived to was nothing compared to what he was told. There was a giant crowd in front of the hotel, news reporters and a few folks that were probably fans of the show. Once the bus pulled in front, everyone on the bus was ushered off the bus. (Y/N) looked back at Jensen as she was being guided off the bus and gave him a thumbs up. Jensen could hear the music playing outside from the band that was there. It was finally time for Jensen to climb off, and the music from the band changed for his entrance. Once he was outside, he threw into the air the plastic coins he was given that had his face on them, smiling with excitement as he watched the flashes of the cameras and listening to the people scream for joy. Even if he was used to screaming fans and people excited to see him, this moment was so surreal. He was in a beautiful city he loved visiting for a grand event like Mardi Gras, especially it being his first time.
              Every time he was given coins, he threw them in all directions, hoping he didn’t hit someone in the head. Cameras surrounding him with bright lights, he turned back to see his friends and (Y/N) dancing along to the music, mostly her showing them how to move since she warned him they might do a second line in his honor. He was then guided to stand in front of the band, pictures being taken to then go in further for the quick interviews he was told he had to do.
              Everything was just flying by so fast, talking to different reporters, pictures being snapped around him. Once he was free from it all and inside the hotel, he spotted his friends by the check-in desk. (Y/N) was standing on the side on her cell phone. Jensen made his way over to her to suddenly get pulled by the arm. He turned around to see his close friend standing there, handing him over a card.
“We asked to see if there were any extra rooms for her to stay in, but the hotel is booked solid. She is calling a friend who is a concierge at another hotel, see if he can find her a room. She said if not, then she will crash on his couch.”
              Jensen sighed and broke free from his friends grasp, turning back towards (Y/N).
“Dude, do not ask her to stay with you, they gave you a single bed.”
“Then I can sleep on the couch while she takes the bed. But I am not letting her crash on someone’s couch.”
              Jensen made his way towards her, taking in a deep breath and letting it go to shake the nerves about asking her to stay.
“Are you sure... No, it’s fine. I can ask Cassie to let me crash at…. Oh, Sean is there? Then I guess I will try Jackie.”
              Jensen tapped on her shoulder to grab her attention, which made her look up at him.
“Tell your friend you will be staying here.”
“But there are no rooms,” she whispered as she covered the mouthpiece of the phone. “Plus, who can I bunk with if the arrangements were already made?”
“You can bunk with me.”
“J, I can’t do that…”
“Yes, you can. I will just ask them to make sure the couch is a pull-out bed.”
“Jensen, all this is for you. I can’t crash your event.”
“What if I want you to?”
              (Y/N)’s eyes went wide in shock as Jensen smiled back.
“Ever since I got the news the main person I wanted to share this with was you because you piqued my interest. So, the least I can do, as your friend, is drag you along so you can give me the grand tour of the city while I handle the stuff they have planned for me.”
“Are… are you sure about this J?” she stuttered.
              (Y/N) stared at him a little bit longer before turning back to her phone to let her friend know she had a place to stay. Jensen headed towards the front desk and called over the concierge.
“Was wondering if I can have a second key to my room and if I could book the room out until Wednesday instead of it ending on Monday?”
“Of course, Sir. I shall get your extra key and make sure the booking dates are changed. We do hope you enjoy your stay.”
              Jensen smiled back at the man and turned to find (Y/N) behind him.
“Ok, a buddy of mine knows I am here and said if I wanted to hang out to let him know since he is letting everyone else know I’m in town.”
“Alright. Then let’s head up to the room and get comfortable. There is nothing planned for tonight, so we can either stay in or have a night on the town. You’re choice.”
“Let’s see your itinerary first to plan anything out. I know they probably will keep you super busy.”
              Jensen and (Y/N) made their way to the elevators and up to the room which was the presidential suite. Once they reached the doors, Jensen unlocked it and let (Y/N) in first. He watched as her eyes grew wide in shock and her mouth dropped open. The room was beautiful, spacious living space and through one of the open doors was the big bedroom with a king size bed. But (Y/N) dropped her bag onto the floor and ran over to the window.
“OHMAGAWD! You have a great view of the city!”
              Jensen followed her and stood behind her, nodding his head in agreement with the view they had. He glanced down at (Y/N), watching her and thinking how easily he could wrap his arms around her, how he could lean down and place a soft kiss on the crook of her neck. How he could just push her up against the window and…
“Yo, J! Anyone there?”
              Jensen shook his head, her voice pulling out of the dirty thoughts he was having. There she was, standing with her back to the window, bright eyes looking up at him. He held back the groan he felt in his chest and hoped he wasn’t showing down below.
“I said maybe we should stay indoors. Hang out with your buddies and make sure you all get a night’s rest because you got some big days ahead of you.”
“Ok, we can do that. Order in and chill?”
              She nodded in agreement before sliding past him. Jensen released the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. If this is how he was acting after just a few minutes alone with her, then this was going to be a long weekend.
              Turned out all the guys went to bed early since they were tired from all the mayhem earlier in the day. So that left Jensen and (Y/N) alone in the bedroom munching down on a pizza they ordered and drinking beer that she went down to buy while in their pajamas. He was wearing his usual grey t-shirt and black loose sweatpants. (Y/N) though was wearing a black halter top and rainbow-colored pajama shorts, which had him trying hard not to look at her beautiful and thick thighs. It was almost midnight when they found themselves in the king size bed, watching a movie they found randomly on tv when (Y/N) turned to look at the clock on the bedside table. She immediately jumped from the bed without a word, give Jensen a little scare. She ran out the room to the living space and after about three minutes, she came back with a small white box, two glasses and a bottle of champagne they had left over from the bus ride.
“What’s this for?”
“It’s finally midnight!”
“And, that makes today your birthday!”
              Jensen was taken back by the fact she remembered. Not that she ever forgot but he really didn’t expect her to make a big deal about it this time since they were here for Mardi Gras. She was filling the two glasses with champagne when there was a knock at the door.
“Why don’t you go answer it,” she giggled.
              Jensen went over to open the door to receive his friends standing there, screaming out ‘Happy Birthday!’ with a cake in hand. Jensen laughed and moved out the way, so they could all get in. (Y/N) came out the bedroom smiling, high fiving all the guys.
“But, how?” asked a very confused Jensen.
“You girl here quickly planned it while you were distracted on the bus. Told us where to order the cake and everything,” one of his friends yelled out.
              Jensen turned to look over at (Y/N), the feeling of pure happiness wanting to burst out his chest.
“You didn’t have to do this.”
“Yes, we did, J. Happy Birthday big boy!” she exclaimed as she threw her arms around him in a hug.
              Jensen felt the warmth of her body, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and keeping her close. He never wanted to let go, but when he felt her start to pull away, he let go but kept an arm wrapped around her waist to keep her close. They all sang happy birthday and quickly cut the cake to eat. In a few minutes, the cake was gone, and everyone was heading back to their rooms to get some sleep. Jensen thanked them all as they walked out and shut the door behind him. Jensen turned back to find (Y/N) in the living space on one of the couches, still poking at her second slice of cake.
“No more cake for you?”
“Nah, too full,” she replied, looking up at him. “But I don’t want to throw it away.”
“Leave it in the mini fridge, maybe we can eat it later.”
              Silently she got up from the couch and walked over to the fridge to put the slice away as Jensen cleaned up the small mess they had made. Once everything was in order, they both dropped down on the couch and sighed. Since they were so close, Jensen wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. She fell perfectly into his side, closing her eyes.
“Oh yeah, got you a last-minute gift since I wasn’t expecting to bump into you here.”
              She got up and pulled him by the hand to follow her to the bedroom. Once they both reached the room, Jensen’s eyes went down to the small white box. She grabbed it and handed it over to him as she climbed onto the bed to kneel there.
“it’s nothing really but it’s the best I could do last minute. Will get you something better once we are back in Vancouver.”
              Jensen stayed silent, opening the box to find a keychain inside. It was a silver bottle opener with the Saints symbol on both sides.
“I know how much you love the Saints and well, you are always looking for a bottle opener on set. I promise I will…”
“It’s perfect,” he whispered.
“Are you sure? I mean it’s just something for now…”
“I love it, (Y/N). And the fact it’s coming from you makes it even more special.”
              Jensen froze at the words he just said, especially since he heard a soft gasp escape her lips. He looked up to see her eyes shining, her face slightly pink as her hands wrung out the edge of her halter top. Seeing her here, so close to him in his room, he couldn’t help himself when he dropped the keychain and box on the bed and placed his hands on her cheeks. He looked at her, waiting for her to move away as he inched closer and closer to her. When he felt his nose touching hers, he waited, praying she wouldn’t run away. When he felt a breath escape her lips, he closed the distance between them. It was a gentle kiss, his lips savoring the feel of her soft lips on his. When he felt no response from her, he backed away slowly, terrified he ruined everything.
              But then her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him back in. Mouths smashed together as the kiss deepened. Jensen nibbled at her bottom lip as he pulled her closer to him. He ran his tongue along her lips begging for entrance, which she gave willingly. Tongues clashing, Jensen moaning as she sucked on his tongue as his hands raked her clothed body. She body shivered as his hands reached her waist and sunk under her halter top to feel her warm skin. Kiss after kiss, moan following a groan, they finally let go of each other to breathe. Eyes locked, Jensen ran his hands into her loose hair, loving the soft feel as his hands raked through her locks.
“You don’t know how much I want you, (Y/N).” Jensen groaned as he leaned forward to nibble at her earlobe.
“I want you to J. So badly.”
              Those words broke him free from his internal hold. He leaned back up and pulled her halter top over her head, groaning at the sight of her bare chest. Her nipples already perky, they pulled his attention. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pushed her to lay down on the bed. She crawled higher on the bed with her elbows, her eyes glazed over with lust. Jensen moved away from her to remove his t-shirt and threw it across the room, his eyes never leaving hers. He climbed onto the bed and moved to be right above her. Without a word, he leaned forward and began to trail kisses from her left cheek, down her jaw to her neck. Each kiss came with a lick and a teasing nibble as her nails dragged along his back. Once he reached her collarbone, he licked the top of her breasts to them move down to her nipples.
              He took one nipple into his mouth and began suckling on it. Her body arched into him, a gasp escaping her lips. He twirled his tongue around the perky bead, teasing it by scraping his teeth lightly over the tip. Her body shivered under him in pleasure. He used his knees and one hand to balance himself as he used his other hand to caress her other breast, twisting the nipple between his fingers. He pulled at the nipple in his mouth with his teeth, causing a loud yelp to come out of her. Jensen smiled as he looked up to see her face lost in lust, eyes closed as her arms stretched above her head as she grabbed hold of the bed rest behind her. Once he felt he teased one nipple to sensitivity, he let it go with a smack of his lips, switching to the other. He continued his ministrations until he had her moaning and shaking under him. With his free hand, he slides it down her stomach and under the band of her shorts and underwear. Once his fingers reached his goal, he groaned against her breast as he felt her wet heat burn his fingers.
“So wet, just for me baby.”
“Only for you…” she whispered as her lower half raised to grind against his hand.
              Jensen couldn’t wait to taste the one thing he dreamed of. He let go of her breasts and raised himself up, both of his hands reaching for the band of her shorts and underwear and pulling them down her legs in one fast swoop. He raised the pieces of clothing to his nose and took in a deep breath, smelling her delicious musk. He threw the pieces to the floor and grabbed her ankles, pulling her to the edge of the bed as he climbed down onto his knees.
“No J, I want you to fuck me, please,” she begged.
“Hmm, not until I taste you baby.”
              Jensen placed her legs on his shoulders and placed a hand on her stomach to hold her down. He trailed kisses from her right ankle all the way down her inner thigh. He stopped before reaching her pussy, turning to do the same on her left leg. He could hear her shuddering breath as his mouth finally reached his goal. He kissed her slit before sliding his tongue inside. He groaned at her taste, all sweet and musk. His dreams were nothing compared to the real thing. He used his hands to pry her open even more, his tongue sliding up and down her insides, passing over her clit a few times.
              Her lower half raised up into his face, grinding against him. Her hands raked into his hair and she would pull at his short ends every time his tongue teased her clit. He could hear her beg and plead for more, her waist circling along his face. So, he gave her what she wanted. His tongue hit her pulsing flesh, speeding up against her swollen clit as he felt her legs tighten around his head. He felt her body start to tremble with need, hearing her say she was close. He didn’t let go, though, picking up the pace with his tongue. He placed his hands under her ass and lifted her a bit to bring her as close as humanly possible. Finally, he felt her pull at his hair and scream out as she came. He didn’t move away, making her ride it out. He finally let her go when she pushed him away from the sensitivity.
              Jensen stood up from the floor, looking down at his masterpiece. Her legs were open, and her inner thighs wet with her slick as she laid there breathing heavily. Her hair was a total mess around her, her eyes closed. Jensen licked his lips, savoring her taste as he wrapped an arm around her waist and dragged up back up the bed so her legs wouldn’t be hanging from the edge. Once he had her where he wanted her, he parted her legs open once again and grabbed his dick with one hand, sliding the tip against her entrance.
“Yes, put it inside me J.” she moaned out as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
“This what you want baby? Want me to fuck you?”
              She nodded her head as Jensen slid inside her, growling as he felt her wet silk heat surrounding him.
“Nothing compared to my dreams, baby.”
“Fuck me J. I want you to fuck me hard.”
              And Jensen gave her what she wanted yet again. He pulled out slowly to then ram right back in. In and out at a fast pace, he knew he wasn’t going to last long. She wrapped her arms around him and dragged her nails against the skin of his back, making it burn as her nails dug deep. He thrust into her, doing his best to hold on until she came again. Lucky for him didn’t take much once he moved positions by raising a leg over his shoulder.
“Baby, can’t hold back, want you to come with me.”
              Jensen felt how tight she had gotten around him, and after a few more thrusts, they both came together. They rode their high out together, her body shaking as he thrust into her a few more times sporadically. He filled her insides as her slick bathe his dick. Once they came down, he slowly pulled out of her and rolled over to lay next to her, both out of breath.
              It was quiet, only their heavy breathing in the room before (Y/N) spoke up.
“If you want I can take the couch?”
              Jensen turned to look at her, noticing that she was twirling her fingers with her eyes closed. Without a word, Jensen got up and headed towards the bathroom. He came back with a wet towel and silently pried her legs open to clean her up. He then threw the towel where the rest of their clothes were, and he climbed into bed, pulling her into his arms.
“You won’t mind sharing the bed after everything right?” he asked with his eyes closed.
              He felt her shake her head, then her arms tangle into his as they spooned. Jensen smiled as he listened to her breathing slow down, sign that she was asleep. Before he fell asleep, he thought about what happened and how happy he was. And if all goes well for the rest of the weekend, hopefully, he would be returning to Vancouver with the woman of his dreams in his arms for good.
Tags: @coffee-obsessed-writer
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