#or hal taking pieces of ollie and putting them back together to bring him back
roseworth · 1 year
i miss when lazarus pits didnt have the ability to bring people back to life
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niiwa-angel · 4 years
What Makes a Family chapter 4
Wally lay very still in his bed as he listened to the front door open, and his uncle announce himself. He waited with baited breath as wisps of conversation drifted through the floorboards, biting back his anxiety as h heard Barry start to get angry.
“Wally had a Panic attack today.” The disembodied voice of his uncle snarled, making the little boy flinch in his bed, tears springing to his eyes. He had thought that Barry wasn’t angry with him, had even promised that he wasn’t, but it appeared that he had lied, given how furious he sounded downstairs. Hals voice, at the very least, sounded calmer, but Wally couldn’t catch what he said. Silently climbing out of bed, Wally laid down on the floor and pressed his ear to it, desperate to listen in on the conversation.
“-started to hyperventilate- though he was going to black out-“ Barry’s voice snapped, floating up in bits and pieces from the downstairs kitchen.
“What Did I Tell you? They Don’t want you.”  his fathers voice said from the back of his mind, Wally shook his head to clear his thoughts and pushed his attention back to the conversation downstairs.
“-clenching his fists so tight- cutting himself- his own nails! –ot that problem sorted out- finally calmed down, asked him what freaked him out- talked back to me. He thought I wasn’t going to let him eat!“ Wally didn’t need to hold his head to the floor anymore, Barry’s voice had risen to a shout. Wally closed his eyes, feeling his breathing dip out of control.
“I am going to kill Rudolph!” Wally sat bolt upright, distracted from his panic.
‘Wait, what?’ Wally thought, ‘are they on my side?’ Creeping to the door, Wally slowly turned the handle and pulled it soundlessly towards him, grateful that it didn’t squeak. The voices from down stairs sounded clearer now, and Wally could hear that someone was crying.
“-That was a trained reaction Hal! He didn’t just pick that up! How often did Rudy not feed him because Wally was curious? He’s just little boy Hal, he didn’t deserve-“ A choked sob made its way up the stairs, and Wally walked, stunned back to his bed.
‘They’re on my side.’ He thought, not sure what to make of that.
‘No, no their not. Why would they take your side? You deserved what you got and you know it!” His father screamed in his head, the quiet noise pounding in his ears. The red head laid down on his bed, turned his eyes toward his still-open door.
“No I didn’t.” He whispered to the voice, “Or they wouldn’t have taken me from you.” Wally waited for a response, and smiled to himself when he didn’t get one. ~~~~~~ Barry and Hal stayed in an embrace for a few minutes, waiting patiently for the other to take back the reins of their emotions before releasing. Hal stepped back, wiping some stray tears from his eyes.
“Okay, let you and me finish the dishes, then head to bed.” He suggested, as Barry finished composing himself.
“Hal, it’s only eight fifteen!” Barry said with a teary laugh, cheeks still stained red from tears. Hal nodded, and then shrugged.
“So we can watch a few episodes of Looney Tunes on my personal laptop.” The pilot said, nudging the blond a little to get to the sink. “I’ll wash.” Barry rolled his eyes and snickered a bit, before reaching over to pick up the towel, the two of them working together in a comfortable silence before Hal spook.
“It might be a good idea to seek professional help.” He suggested quietly, eyes not leaving the pan he was scrubbing at, though out of his peripheral he noticed that Barry had nearly dropped the dish he was drying.
“You think we should take Wally to a therapist?” He asked, turning to place the dish safely in the cupboard.
“Well yes, but I also meant for us.”
“Why do we need help?” Barry questioned. Hal took a deep breath, thinking hard about his words.
“Babe, when I got home, you were so upset that you were nearly breaking the dishes. And it’s only going to get worse from here, Wally has a lot of scars and some of them we can’t see. I know that we want to be there for him, and we absolutely should be, but we also need to take care of ourselves! What if today, you slipped into relative time? Or what happens if Wally lets something slip in front of me and I lose control of the rings full powers? One of us could get hurt, we could hurt Wally, and we could reveal ourselves to the whole public.” Hal was slightly out of breath by the time he was done, and near tears once again, but to his relief, Barry seemed to be putting real thought into his words, nodding his head slightly.
“Okay, I agree, but, I also think we should look around for support groups. We can’t be the only people struggling to help abused children, and maybe others who have gone through the same struggle could give us some pointers.” Hal smiled, happy that he had married a man who didn’t immediately get defensive thinking that Hal was criticizing him.
“I was also thinking; it might be a good idea to introduce Wally to Roy.” Hal said, waiting for Barry to be shocked and wasn’t disappointed.
“Why? Wally’s eight and Roy’s twelve.” Barry pointed out. Hal shrugged.
“Well, Roy was in the foster care system for years before Ollie took him in and he bounced a lot. Dinah let slip that Roy told her some of his foster parents hit him. I don’t know, I was just thinking he might be able to understand Wally’s feelings better than we can.” Hal swallowed a lump I his throat, wondering how anyone could ever hurt a kid, and why it felt like it was happening to every kid he knew, while Barry was nodding.
“Okay, fine, but if I hear that Roy’s teaching Wally to swear or any other nonsense, I’m putting an end to it.” Barry threatened, eyes downcast on the remaining dishes left to be dried.
“Deal.” Hal smirked, finishing up the last pan and started helping Barry put things away, and the silence resumed once more. When they had finished cleaning the kitchen, Barry wrapped his arm around Hals waist, leaning against him, Hal smiled, and draped an arm over his shoulder.
“Ready for bed, love?” Hal asked, feeling the news of the day weighing on his mind, draining his energy. He could feel Barry nod against his chest, and started towards the stairs, awkwardly climbing the stairs while both men were still pressed together. When they got to the top of the stairs, Barry turned away from their bedroom and crept toward Wally’s room.
“What are you doing?” Hal whispered, hoping to not disturb Wally, Barry just shrugged off the question and started to gently push the door further into the dark room.
“I just want to check up on him.” He whispered back, slipping into the child’s room. Curiosity getting the better of him, Hal wandered over to the doorway and took in the sleeping child on his bed. Wally wasn’t under his covers, they were kicked back, like he had been too tired to pull them over himself.
“Tuck him in.” He suggested from the door, while Barry knelt beside the bed.
“He might be to hot.” Barry argued, not taking his eyes off his nephew, Hal snorted.
“The kid’s skin and bones, I guarantee that he isn’t hot.” Barry nodded, and carefully maneuvered his sleeping child so he could pull the blankets up, tucking them in around his shoulders and brushing a hand lightly over his cheek.
“Good night kiddo, I love you.” Barry whispered, pressing a light kiss to Wally’s forehead before standing up and walking to the door, both speedster and lantern standing for a moment to take in the dark room.
“Love you Wally.” Hal whispered to the darkness, and both he and Barry left, Hal pulling the door closed behind him. Hal was lost in thought all the way to the bedroom, mechanically showering, brushing his teeth, and putting on boxers, smiling as he watched Barry slip an old tee shirt over his head. Drawing back the covers, Hal climbed into bed and plugged his phone into its charger while Barry did the same on his side, pulling the blond closer, Hal said.
“I was talking to Ollie earlier.”
“Oh, how is he?” Barry questioned, getting comfortable against his lover’s chest, lacing their fingers together.
“He’s well, he was wondering if we would be interested in coming up this weekend, it being a holiday and all.” The pilot answered.
“He knows we would have to bring Wally, right?” Barry asked, as more of a joke than a serious question.
“Yeah, he actually specifically mentioned Wally, saying that he wants to meet his new nephew.” Hal retorted, squeezing Barry’s hand.
“I don’t see any issue, but we should probably tell Ollie that if he’s really forward and just starts calling Wally his nephew that he’ll probably get freaked out.” Barry warned, knowing that Wally would be incredibly intimidated by Oliver’s boisterous personality.
“Yeah, I warned him about that already, I also asked if Roy would be cool to hang out with Wally for a little bit. You know how older kids can be with younger ones, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t stepping on his toes, and Ollie said that Roy’s been pretty excited about having Wally come over, guess he’s got some new video game that has a multiplayer setting he wants to try.” Hal laughed, remembering how Ollie had told him Roy was practically begging to have Wally come over for a while. Barry smiled, shifting in place to get comfy. “Alright, sure, let’s go hang out with the Greens this weekend. I’ll talk to Wally tomorrow, hopefully he’ll be excited. Oh by the way, guess what?” Barry asked, a devilish grin spreading across his face as he remembered a part of his morning.
“What?” Hal asked, glancing down at the scientist.
“Wally’s a Flash fan.” Barry gloated, causing Hal’s face to fall.
“No. Not my nephew, you’ve corrupted him somehow, I know it.” Hal gasped, faking a sob.
“Yep, told me this morning. You loose Jordan.” Barry giggled, gasping when Hal grabbed him and rolled to look him in the eye from above him.
“It may be too late for you, but I’ll get Wally liking Green Lantern soon enough.” He teased, face so close to Barry’s that their noses were touching, both of them biting back smiles with varying degrees of success.
“Do your worst.” Barry challenged, lifting his hand to run through Hals brown hair. Both of them laughed, Hal falling back to his space, Barry resuming his place with his head on Hal’s chest, though not before leaning over him to switch off the lamp, both of the relaxing and drifting off to sleep. ~~~ Wally nearly cried when he heard the door of his room being open, and he heard footsteps on the hardwood of his floor.
“I just want to check on him.” Wally summoned every piece of self-control he had to feign sleep, keeping his breathing slow and his eyes closed lightly despite how freaked out he was. He heard Barry coming closer to his bed and kneel next to it.
“Tuck him in.” A voice called from where Wally assumed was the hallway.
“He might be to hot.” Uncle Barry said. Wally was almost relieved when Hal said something he couldn’t catch, and then Uncle Barry was pushing an arm under him and lifting him up to move the covers before putting him back down and cocooning him in the blankets. Though Wally was grateful for them, both for the warmth, and so that neither adult could see how his hands were shaking, or how they suddenly stopped when a hand began to brush over his face.
“Goodnight Wally, I love you.” Uncle Barry whispered, carefully kissing his forehead before getting up to leave. Wally listened to the footsteps until they stopped, and Hals voice from the hallway called.
“Love you Wally.”
Vaguely hearing the door close, Wally waited until he could hear them in their room before he opened his eyes and checked his clock, waiting for them both to be asleep.
“They love me.”  Wally thought, surprised at how good it felt in his heart to have heard the words. ‘Even though I freaked out on Barry, they love me.’
When eleven o’clock finally rolled around, Wally crept from his bed and down the hall, pasted the stairs. The door to the master bedroom was ajar, making it easy to slowly enter the room, though rather than stay by the door, Wally made his way to the bed, seeing the two adult’s up-close. Swallowing his fear, Wally carefully climbed up on the bed, listening for any noise either made, before curling up near Barry’s midsection, between him and Hal.
“Thank you for holding me.” He breathed to the sleeping man. Wally stayed still on the bed for another fifteen minutes before leaving to go back to his bed, careful to leave the door in the same position he found it in, happy now that he had thanked his uncle. ~~~~~ Hal’s eyes snapped open as he heard Wally leave and the door close. He smiled a bit to himself, a plan to talk to the child already forming in his head. Pulling Barry close, he drifted back to sleep.
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ohmy7hearts · 7 years
Being the daughter of Diana Prince and Damian Wayne’s significant other includes; pt. 3:
A/N: I love breaking my own heart. Please enjoy this part. I don't actually know if you'd need tissues
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Drabble based on this.
When Jon finally joined the two of you, Damian was 16 and Aphrodite must have blessed him because he was growing up to be so fine
He was taller than Jon, which was not something to be proud of considering Jon was younger, and his frame was getting bulkier which you soon realised he took after his father. He was not as adorable, though you beg to differ, more charming and a mysterious and dangerous vibe could be received from him
You, too, were getting more charming as you grew up which did not escape the eyes of Damian or any other male superheroes or villains for that matter
He sometimes wondered since when was the armour you were wearing became so short or became more of a fashion statement than a functional wear to battle
As you grew up, Diana gave you more freedom which meant later curfew so sometimes, you would drop by Gotham while Damian was on patrol
During these nights, Bruce would trust you two to cover an area of the city together leading to him leaving you two alone
Of course, he reminded you two to stay focus before flying off
And, without a doubt, on these nights, the Batsiblings took it upon themselves to personally check on you two
Meaning you two had personal stalkers and they had years worth of blackmail to hang over Damian’s head
When you two were on patrol, Jon would sometimes join in and these times were very rare considering how strict Lois was
But when you three were together, Gotham was in for a night full of danger and fun
Dangerous for the criminals lurking in the shadows but fun for the citizens watching the three of you bicker and make a ruckus
The three of you even made it to Twitter's most tweeted tweet (is that what it's called) at #minitrinity
Gotham citizens loved and adored all three of you. Even the superheroes.
Barry, Hal and Ollie would always gush to one another whenever a picture of you three was tweeted. They were the biggest fan of the Trinity
And even bigger fans of you and Damian
The criminals despised it when you three were together. Begging for mercy would be a waste of breath
Of course, you being raised by Diana, would give them a chance to surrender. Being as diplomatic as possible was quite hard for you when Damian and Jon were around. They could be quite persuasive when talking you into just beating them up, mostly Damian's fault but Jon helped
Whenever patrols were over, Damian would bring you to get ice cream. Of course, this only applies when Jon was not around. Damian would prefer it if it was just the two of you
The workers at the ice cream shop downtown would always whisper to one another about how cute you two were sitting at the booth while you giggle and sometimes Damian would let out a chuckle
Once, you had a craving to get every flavour of ice cream available and you had a stomach ache
Damian had to carry you all the way back to the manor while you cuddle into his back groaning and moaning
Imagine the pictures that took the world by storm the morning after. Your three hardcore shippers almost fainted. Dinah swore she almost became deaf from how much the three were shrieking
Diana was kind of sad when she found out that you had a new ice cream buddy. She would always recall how you would always beg to get the sweet treat even before battles
Then, she realised how fast you were growing up and had to get a lunch date with Bruce to let it all out. Bruce merely hummed, nodded and slid in one-liner whenever needed
There was a dangerous mission a year later that tilt everything. Everything you once knew and destroyed it. Just a mission they said
You were in hysterics when Damian was still in the building but the bomb was about to explode in seconds
Jon and the rest of the Titans had to hold you back because you were that determined to go search for him even if it meant going against your leader's orders and putting your life on the line
You threatened each and every one of them and they were all terrified that they wanted to just let you go but they were more afraid of losing two members instead of only one. Yes, you were indestructible to a large extent but not immortal to life-threatening dangers and they would not take any chances
When the bomb went off, your voice echoed for several miles. It was heartbreaking and guilt pooled in their stomachs seeing tears streaking down your face. Your face contorted one of that you're actually in crucifying pain.
Even Superman who wasn't there felt a piece of him broke and all he could do was urge Bruce and Diana to follow him
When the dust settled and everything was in plain view, all you could see was debris and your crying turned to wailing.
You uncovered each and every rubble, throwing and kicking them to the side while a sob could be heard every now and then
The other Titans could not help but watch in silence and they held onto one another as they weep. As much as an arse Damian was, he was a good friend, a better teammate and the best leader that led their team shaped by his mistakes.
Jon was in no better state than you. He was wrecked yet he was still on the ground staring, waiting, listening for something. Maybe he was too hopeful but he did stand for hope right?
A minuscule movement had you halting your movements. Breath hitched, you prayed that it was not your imagination
Another rock falling from the top had you launching yourself from where it was. Movements faster than ever and hands becoming numb from the rough treatment yet you paid no attention to them
Your teammates watched in pity and they all glanced at Jon in hopes of him trying to tell you to give up but he was not paying attention at all. His mind had deserted his body
You wanted to scream at them to help you but it all came out raw and rasped and it hurt. It hurts to talk as much as your heart was hurting
Something moved from the corner of your eyes and you wasted no time in setting aside the debris and there you found him, battered and bruised but still the Damian you fell in love with
His breathing was shallow and his uniform was tattered but nothing else mattered as you lifted him out of the pile and set him on the ground
You hugged him and you cradled him and you brushed away the hair from his forehead and the dust from his eyes
You choked back a sob before begging and pleading for something no one could hear or understand
When Diana, Bruce and Clark arrived with some of the other League members, their heart shattered at the scene
Diana tried approaching you to tell you to leave him to the League members so they could bring Damian to the medical ward but she could not because all she can head was you mumbling in Greek. Praying to the Gods, any Gods, all the Gods to not take away his life. She had lived through hundreds of years but nothing hurt more than seeing you so broken
Bruce was the one who took you away from him. And you couldn't say no because he looked so ridden with sorrow and you didn't blame him
When he was recovering in his ward, you were always there. No one saw you leave or enter. It became a common sight to find you sleeping at his side and no one dared to tell you otherwise
Once Diana was bringing you dinner and she thought it could not get worse: "αγάπη μου, come back to me. I lost you once and it would be another lifetime until I would give you up to death once again. Stay by my side, please. I will make a deal with Hades to give my life up if it means you get to feel the sun on your skin a second longer. Please, don't leave me.”
Diana did not have the heart to tell you that human, men as fragile as Damian Al Ghul-Wayne, would not live as long as you. Because you, you were Daughter of Wonder Woman, Princess of Themyscira, Amazon Warrior and you were immortal until the day you die on the battlefield
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