#or her redline
riallasheng · 2 years
Just a small funny thing
(Still having trouble with notifs and not receiving messages and asks seem on the fritz, please do pardon if I am slow to respond or fail to respond, I’m still arguing with my tumblr!)
So the small funny thing is that I’ve been plugging in craft speeds for the Anderverse / Century 21 and...  Thunderbird 1 BREAKS THE CHART Y’ALL
Like, here’s a chart of the 3 of the 4 fastest aircraft in the Anderson Universe.  thunderbird 2, The Angel Interceptor Mark 1 (tos Captain Scarlet), and the Angel Interceptor Mark 2 (new Captain Scarlet) (All craft got a minor buff as I switched from MPH and KM/H to Knots ...which is what you’re SUPPOSED to use for aircraft just as you do for watercraft and spacecraft anyway) Edit: I’ve got ‘Normal Cruising’ on this chart but I wasn’t really thinking when I did it.  That should be HIGH Cruising (ie the fastest she can maintain for long distances before she starts hemorrhaging fuel) =_=
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and HERE is what happens when you put Thunderbird 1 on the chart
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One’s LOW Cruising (ie slowest she can maintain for long distances before she’s hemorrhaging fuel) is about the same as the Interceptor’s Normal Cruising
Her Fuel Efficiency Cruising (ie where she gets the best speed over long distances for fuel consumed) is HIGHER THAN THE INTERCEPTOR AND TB2 TRUE MAX
And then she KEEPS GOING
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nero-draco · 10 months
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cereallox · 2 months
i drew the best girl again theres no one better she always serves so much
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lieutenantbiscute · 1 year
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The multiverse can be very unfair.
In my AU, the boys; more specifically Leo and Mikey, haven’t really fully processed Splinters death. Even after all these years. It’s kinda easy to talk to other Splinters, since they’re manly shorter and grey.
But @0ddbugs and @coffinpal ‘s Redline Splinter just looks too much like Mikey’s papa.
With Leo, it’s more so keeping his memory alive. He wears one of Splinters old kimono’s as a way to deal with bad days. Though Y’Phorion and @probably-not-a-rutabaga ‘s mutant Chompy are here to brighten the mood!
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thefrostyknight · 10 months
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coffinpal · 1 year
If you're not okay with questions feel free to delete this but damn I am intrigued in your redline thingy
1. What kind of turtles are they? Raph seems to be an albino variant of some sort and I know that in the photo thing Leo was suggested to be a hybrid but goddamn I love biology
2. It's very interesting that yall are going with the red masks for all of them approach. Is there any reasoning behind it or just for funsies? In any case it's very unique just like every other aspect of their designs!
3. So like. I love that your Splinter is a lady???? Rat mama ftw???? But how specifically did she get mutated and what the hell is going on between the Hamatos and the Foot Clan bc god I love the drama those guys got going on in tmnt
No pressure if you answer or not!! Love y'all's work and wish y'all a happy February!
You are so sweet! @0ddbugs and I are totally open for questions and we appreciate all the interest and love we've been getting!! 💖
0dd answered this one here
2 and 3.
Rat mama is Tang Shen! The woman who is extremely important to most Hamato Yoshi's but also usually dead in most iterations of tmnt.
We wondered what she would've been like as a mother for them.
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2012 made us want this concept even more when they got to meet her.
Shen is the backbone of Redline. We made her story before we even had the boys designed.
Any way the way she was mutated was mentioned by me here.
But basically these two disgruntled scientists were trying to create mutagen for different reasons. They had a very limited supply and decided, drunkenly, to go test it on animals at the college.
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Perry and Baxter
Shen was in another room that held a rat when she heard them break in. We had a joke in our first draft for the comic that she left her baton with the rat because she's a martial arts master and felt she needed it more.
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When she got to the room with the turtles and the men, the turtles had already been stuck by Perry with his samples of mutagen. Baxter, in self defense, stuck Shen with the only other sample of mutagen he was holding.
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Being that the last thing she touched was the rat in the other room, she mutated into one. The turtles were last touched by her (the two had gloves on).
There's some stuff about Baxter and Perry we really dont wanna talk about til we get to it in the comic so it'll have to wait. I'm sorry. :,D
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Their red masks are cut from an old scarf that belonged to her late husband, Hamato Yoshi. As they didn't get to meet him, she cut the scarf in fours so they'd all have a gift from him.
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Her past is also mostly a secret but to simplify, Splinter and Shredder are bitter exes.
We can't wait to post more Redline, and we have the first comic coming within this month. Thank you!! I hope you have a good February as well!!
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300iqprower · 10 months
The Kings Demon and Lostbelt
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//Lostbelt Depth……..500-600 Years. Rank: E- //Lostbelt Resemblance……..ERROR!!!ERROR!!!ERROR!!! Disparity value inconclusive. *Connection Lost* ... ... ... [20XX, Somewhere in Central Asia]
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[Neo Kiyosu Palace]
As Ritsuka silently wandered the halls of her new and unfamiliar quarters, she eventually found herself completely lost in the upper ward of the palace. She’d tried to go back to bed already, and failed multiple times; something was off. She felt a tension in the air, as if she was still under that single mystic eye’s gaze…or that of the Avenger themselves. 
So she got up, and began to explore, well past where she knew she was meant to. For whatever reason, she found herself moving further up the palace, as if her mind was shielded from a sensation that every part of body screamed was about to become an overwhelming threat - a threat that no god or devil could save you from. 
Finally, just as Ritsuka began to wonder if this was all simply another nightmare, her breath caught in her throat as a familiar voice cut through the night from just a room away. The crackle of embers registered soon after as her senses were sharpened by adrenaline. Without a noise, Ritsuka began observing the room - a chamber of some sort filled with vaguely familiar artifacts, lit only by what little moonlight entered and the glowing outline of Maou’s eternally burning cape.
The demon king in question continued speaking to someone.
“You still haven’t answered my question. Why did you run in fear when I first approached?”
Silence was a response Nobunaga never imagined she’d receive from their own kin. All their life people had things to say about them. The detractors never ceased in their slander and objections to the Fool’s latest antics, the sycophants never ceased in their vain attempts to curry favor with their latest horse to bet on, and on the other side the Demon King’s own betrayers were always waiting with their latest excuses. Silence was rare for a warlord. Silence was the response reserved for those whose heads held thoughts worth holding onto….and so, it was a response they always thought unfamiliar to their brother, whose shortsightedness was always his worst, but in the most fateful moments his best, attribute.
But all such thoughts were as useless in a Lostbelt as contemplating the could and should haves, she supposed. 
“...For one who wears most of my brother’s disappointing face, your actions bear little resemblance to the Nobukatsu of my world.”
The alleged Lostbelt King flinched - an act that brought a hint of a nostalgic smile to the Demon King’s face.
“Ah, there it is. That timidity is something I’m much more familiar with.” The smile disappeared just as quickly as Nobunaga spoke in a tone that even the eavesdropping Master rarely heard from them. “My brother was many things. Timid, naive, foolish, manipulable, even spineless…but he was never once a coward.”
Nobunaga planted their sheathe to the ground in a familiar pose - one that only such a fool as they described would mistake for ease. 
And it was a mistake this new, one-eyed Nobukatsu clearly did not make, as his porcelain, almost sickly face paled even further in the moonlight. Even now, neither the outworld Master nor her Servant knew if they should believe his claims to Kingship; it was hard to imagine, seeing a boy so close in so many ways to the one they knew from their world claim to be this Lostbelt’s King.
But then he spoke, and as he had before, he spoke regularly with a conviction known to the boy of their world but once in his lifetime. 
“The reason I ran when we first met was not because I was afraid of you.”
Nobunaga did not react, but they didn’t need to. Their doubt was implied from the start - it was the same doubt she always held when addressing her sibling, ever present in this world as it was the last. However, where the Nobukatsu they knew would protest and lose composure instantly, this one simply smiled a nostalgic smile of his own to mirror the Demon King’s, as if the very situation they were in was an act of comfort to him. 
…And yet all the while, Ritsuka felt the same overwhelming sensation of dread in her stomach as the boy spoke again, more assertively this time.
“Please don’t think that for even a moment; I could never, in this life or any other, be afraid of you, sister!” There. That word. That exclamation.
Ritsuka knew it by heart. The way Nobukatsu had said it at that moment was the most familiar thing in this world to the Chaldean. 
“The joy your presence brings me….words could never do it justice. I gave up so long ago trying to find a way to see you take form again. No power, be it magical or technological, seemed able to bring something back from beyond the pale unscathed, and even were it capable, I could never risk losing you a second time…”
The coals between the two glowed faintly, and Nobukatsu’s uncovered eye stared into the pit intently as Nobunaga remained silent, as if judging every word to come from the boy before them. 
“Seeing you again, I was beside myself for the first time in centuries. I could barely think; I was so filled with an irrational joy at the opportunities and dread at the possibilities I could not sleep until we met a second time, and I could speak to you as a guest rather than the intruder I stupidly mistook you chaldeans for.”
There was a single, extremely weak chuckle. “E…Even now, I don’t know what to do with myself. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what you would want me to say. I don’t know what I’m meant to do, or what any of this could even mean for us…”
Guilt tore through Ritsuka at the Lostbelt King’s words, and she was forcibly reminded of the very reason she could not sleep in the first place….here, in the hospitality of this world she was there to eradicate. 
No such expressions or betrayals of emotion flickered across Nobunaga’s face, however. The warlord knew their brother in this or any other world. They knew this was nothing but a preface to confession. 
“…But…Yes. I still haven’t answered your question, have I?” He looked up with a small smile of innocence. “Why I ran away-"
Just like that, the tension inaudibly yet tangibly snapped, and the chill of death itself spread through the entire floor of the palace and likely beyond, as the sensation drove Ritsuka to nausea and she would surely have outed herself as she collapsed, were it not for the various clatters of the drapes and cracking of window glass echoing over the floorboards beneath her. 
And from her unmoving stance, the Warlord looked down with something in their eyes the fading Ritsuka knew was novel to them  - a mixture of wrath, uncertainty, and above all else, concern. “Brother, I will not repeat my question, nor will I restate my intent, for I could not possibly make clearer the deathly seriousness with which it was first presented. So answer me before I question why I should indulge you at all.”
Complete silence fell over the palace. No curtains billowing, no embers crackling, not even a breath from any of the three there that night.
Until slowly, the King spoke.
“....when I saw you, I was afraid, sister. And I… I still am. It wasn’t the shock of seeing you again that sent me running, nor the company you now keep, nor even the thought of you as an enemy.” Another weak and fleeting smile. “I know there is never a cause you could pledge yourself to that wasn’t more just and true than any other.”
The boy’s head fell, finally breaking away from his idol’s gaze as shadows fell across his face.
“...What put that fear in me….what terrifies me to my core, is that I felt fear at all - that I was uncertain from the start. I’m afraid because I would never fail to recognize you - whether this history or your own, I would never forget that smile.”
The king’s head bowed forward, a hand to his face as his voice cracked.
“So…please…if you’re my dear sister, from so long ago, please tell me…
There was a drop. And then another. Each accompanied by the sound of evaporation against the coals of the room’s fire pit.
“……Why is it you look nothing like what I remember…?!”
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thenumberfives · 9 days
"hey fives, what part of your dvd collection are you most proud of?"
"oh. you mean the chaos emeralds?"
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hydrachea · 2 years
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kara-knuckles · 2 years
The other day I suddenly realized why Oryou, a dragon, measures her strength in horsepowers. It’s a pun on Ryouma’s name, which combines characters “dragon” and “horse”...
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nobuverse · 11 months
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( Since I was talking yesterday about the moment I fell in love with Nobunaga as a character
Here is when I fell in love with Okita and realized I wanted to add her to the blog )
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tariah23 · 4 months
Omgggg I rly did work with sm beautiful girls….
#miss cece I miss Steff I miss jade ahhh all of the girls from the spa looked like models I’m just 🧍🏾‍♀️ but I appreciated them all omg#still need to hang out with cece one of these days#she looks like a model but she’s not stuck up about it and is a girls girl like to the truest form I should text her#when I get some money my sis and cece gotta hang out for sure steff needs to be there omg I’ll rly have to dress up then they both look#like models skjssjs#I used to like riding the train back home from work with steff especially since the redline is so unpredictable and dangerous#cece mentioned that she wanted my sis and I to meet her sister… I just found Cece’s insta and her sister is so cute awww#I remember her talking about her sister and where she came from and getting emotional because of her being Syrian and how her family had to#leave there to come to America… and she rec me a movie called ‘swimmers’ or something like that#I’m trying to remember but ah man#rambling#she was so sweet! I know that she’s planning on going to med school and that she has a millionaire bf (we met him at a work party and#played ping pong with his white ass) he was rly nice even tho I got told some… things about him from another coworker… it’s a lot omg…#cece is one of the nicest ppl that you’ll ever meet in rl tho like she’s extremely friendly and funny too#like she looks very sophisticated and like a millionaires model wife is the best way that I Can describe her lol#edit: the movie is called ‘the swimmers’#I still want to watch it
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commonanomaly · 1 year
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Redline is a very good movie about cars and nothing else
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cereallox · 5 months
I love her sm
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pattern-53-enfield · 1 year
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teatitty · 1 year
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