#or i jump interests too fast out of boredom and they don't care about those things and theres nothing to talk about
autisticlee 1 year
I always think about how nice and fun it would be to have friend who have the same interests and enjoy doing the same things as me.
but the reality is, most of the people I call friend or who try to be my friend have almost nothing in common with me. our interests are always different. we don't enjoy any of the same activities. there's never anything to talk about or do together. our vibes and energy dont match. our goals are different. it's a struggle to have a conversation beyond the dreaded small talk or figure out what to do if we hang out.
I usually try to befriend people based on a shared interest, usually being my special interest. usually that's the only thing we have in common, but it brings us together and we bond amazingly at first. once one or both of us lose interest in the thing, we slowly stop talking until we never speak again.
I never know how to talk to people I dont have anything in common with, especially if it's not the base of our friendship. I never learned how to do that. I often see allistics being friends when they don't seem to share interests of talk/hang out based on a shared interest and it confuses me. I don't understand how they do that. I wish I could. maybe it would be easier for people to not become bored of me or boring to me 馃槄
it still sounds nice to have friends that I have many things in common with, always have a thing to talk about and share with each other, and always have something to do together that we enjoy. how do you even find people like that 馃ス
#lee rambles#autistic#autism#actually autistic#autism things#adhd#adhd things#audhd#i feel like this for me at least is both an autism and an adhd thing#either im super focused on my special interest more than them and its all i talk about and they get bored#or i jump interests too fast out of boredom and they don't care about those things and theres nothing to talk about#autistic friendship#adhd friendships#friendship problems#i had a friend really close to this though and ot was great....but then she replaced me or chose others over me and threw me out#i didnt see a problem but she decided she liked our other friends better and everyone decided to ghost me and alienate me#was great while it lasted. i want that again but better. no weird shady business and cutting me off#more common interests and sharing more together#we kind of grew some interests together and that was great. i'll take more of that#but she also was too closed off and detached so it was too easy for her to push me away....#i was a temporary replacement for her best friend who moved away and lost interest in her interests#them i got replaced by her new best friends. and i introduced them all together and was the one who got kicked out wtf馃ゲ#oops i lost track of what i was talking about and now im just rambling in the tags like a lonely loser lmao oops#i havent talked about that whole situation here yet though. maybe one day i'll post about it here.#i think i posted it all on twitter so ill take that and paste it here one day maybe#or write a short post. idk
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zuffer-weird-girl 5 years
Kai in the beach half naked ? Serously gggiiiirl !!! I would be the one nagging at him to be fully dressed and never show his skin 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ definitely the other girls are staring at our husband. Please don't.. kai is not alllwed to show his skin outside his bedroom and for his wife ONLY 馃馃馃馃. (No wonder kaito is full of jealous if his wife was like that 馃ぃ) but seriosly .. I don't know what is your idea but I support you.
馃槞馃憣 its on the table
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"Please! Just this once I swear! Just one day Kai, please!" You begged while your husband tried to stay concentrated at the paper work in front of him.
"Beaches are full of dirt. You can catch a illness with more ease and do you have any idea on what exactly has inside the sea? Not. Happening." He said sternly while he flipped over one of the many pages.
You huffed while pouting, making your way to the couch and crossing your arms in front of your chest.
"Stop acting like a child."
"Am not." You responded.
"You are."
"Am not!" You singed, smiling when you caught him chuckling in disbelief.
"Yes you are. Look at yourself." He pointed at your figurine, but still with his gaze pierced on the papers.
"Fine then." You got up and moved to the front door of his office "This child here is going to the beach anyway. Maybe someone in here is interested."
"You can't be serious." He sighed in irritation, noticing that you haven't give up on this stupid and antigenic idea.
"What? If you're not going, I am. Simple!" You smiled before exiting the room.
He heard you calling for Chrono and immediately tensed.
Oh you fucking little-
"I despise you." He growled in pure venom as he approached even more than necessary his mask to his face.
"And you married me anyways!" You giggled while coming down the stairs to get in touch with the beach sand you so craved fir the last week.
Your husband breath in deeply and cringed when he only felt the salt of that dirty ocean. Maybe it was better if he let Chrono go with you instead...
Then he looked at your bare back and thighs moving and immediately reminded why exactly he wouldn't let any other come with you.
He was the only one to blame at his personal hell... honestly.
He was mere inches from the sand as he stared down in disgust at the material in general... why he had to fall in love with you...?
"Come on honey, it doesn't bite!" You joked and only laughed at the hot glare you received from your husband. Whose even with fucking flip flops was hesitant abkut touching the beach sand.
He stepped on it in pure rage and cringed hard when he felt the sand coming in contact slightly with his skin.
"You own me big this time. I hope you have that knowledge." He groaned threateningly at you, not even faced anymore when you grabbed his hand and pulled him near to a spot you had found.
He sitted on the towl and started to scrub furiously his legs and feet as you tried really hard to not burst into laughter whille you sitted next to him.
"Calm down is only sand." You giggled.
"Do you have any idea if what had passed or what was dragged to this place? No right? So shut it." He growled while he scrubbed even more harder on his leg, his skin getting pink from irritation by now.
"Hey" you cooed, slowly bringing your hand closer to his, but not yet touching "You're going to yank your skin out of your body at this point." He softened his furious gazes when you replaced the place where his hands had been and carresed slightly.
He scoffed looking at the huge amount of water in front of him... Luckily there weren't too many people on that disgusting place at least.
He felt that you had moved your hands away from him, cursing himself for even feeling the slightest hint of dissapointment, and looked at his side to see you picking a bottle of sunscreen.
"No sunburns for us. Especially you since you're so pale." He frowed and flipped your forehead in response as you yelped.
After it passed sometime for that thing to have at least some effect on, you got up on your feet and looked down at him with bright (E/C) as you pointed at the water.
"You're asking WAY too much of me now angel." He deadpanned while he closed his eyes in annkyance as he sighed.
"Ok then. Watch me!" You runned towards the water and jumped the waves eargly.
He chuckled underneath his mask as he watched his wife being so happy at the way you came in contact with the water. He was sure that when you two got back he would make you take a hell out of a hot shower, but for now he would let you have your fun.
"Hey hot stuff." A woman's voice manifested as he looked up, with boredom and irritation at noticing tjat she had just kicked some sand at him.
He merely lifted up one of his eyebrows at her as a response.
"What a handsome like you doing around in here?"
"Mostly atturing some undesirable company." He groaned, returning his gaze at your sweet form who had waved at him from afar. He waved back just before he heard the woman's scoff.
"Your friend in there?"
"No." He spoke, clearly not wanting to talk anymore.
He wasn't in the mood of overhauling someone on a day off with his wife... Especially on a public area.
"Tsk. What a idiot right? Playing on the water like some toddler." She dared to sit down close to him.
He darkened his eyes as he slowly turned his face at her.
"Excuse me? Care to repeat that again?" His voice was carrying venom but the woman apparently had no neurons at all to get that he was infuriated at her behavior as she laughed.
"Just look at it! How many years does she think she has? Ten?" She placed her hand on his shoulder which was the last straw for him.
"Don't touch me." He slapped her hand away abruptly as he got up in his feet.
"Geez man. Don't know how to joke around? I can show you some fun." She wiggled her eyebrows while he twitched one of his eye.
He went to take off one of his gloves when be noticed you approaching and subsconciously relaxed at seing your figurine.
Well, your look wasn't pleasant when you noticed the woman.
"Hey..." you said awkwardly while squishing your hair to get some of the water out. "Who is this?" You asked to Chisaki who scoffed in disgust.
The woman got up with a ironic laugh and looked you down, definitely judging you.
"No one in particular for you. But anyway~" she softened her gaze at your husband.
She let out a yelp when you slapped her sunglasses out of her face.
"What's with you bitch?!" She yelled. You had to put your arm in front of your husband chest to prevent a murder.
Not that you didn't want that, but you definitely didn't wanted any problem for your husband...
"What's with me?" You growled "Well you are just speaking to this man's wife..." the woman laughed but got pale at seing Chisaki cold and piercing glare at her as he pushed down his mask to give you a kiss on the cheek as he oicked your hand and showed the glory of your alliance, which even shined at the contact with sunlight.
"Are you just deprived of intelligence or earing...slag?" Chisaki murmured with his lips still on contact with your cheek. The woman gasoed at the insult and immediately went to say something to Chisaki but you only stepped closed to her. Murmuring your words that spilled from your mouth like venom.
"Go ahead... insult the leader of the yakusa wrench. Let's see in how many countries your body will be found." You glared deep in her eyes "Approach my husband or even speak about him ever again, and I swear I will be the one to choose and apply your punishment." The woman trembled in fear as she cursed out how crazy you two were as she made her way out.
Chisaki put his mask up again as he collected your things.
"I am quite stunned at the way you spoke to that scumbag angel." He said while you only huffed.
"You know that you're the only one for my eyes. My precious, glorius little angel." He growled close to your ear, making you shiver.
"I'm not in the mood on being in the beach anymore." You murmured as you saw a bunch of teenagers looking at your husband with hungry eyes.
You grabbed his jaw suddenly and crashed your lips with his after you took eargly off his mask, getting the chance that he had gasoed in shock and just make out with him until you noticed those brats had turned away their eyes.
"... Jealousy?" He asked smirking down at you, feeling a big warm on his chest when you nodded reluctantly and hugged him tight.
He sighed... no one has ever felt... jealous of him before, so for him it was unnecessary since you were his first and ever love... but he just carresed your head and nuzzled his nose in your hair before again lushing his mask up.
"Next time listen to me when I say is not a good idea." He said in false irritation as you both started to walk away fron that place.
"Yeah yeah, no beach no bitches pinning after you." He couldn't help but chuckle at your words.
When you two were finally getting closer to the car, you and him heard a whistle, he turned around and darkned his eyes when he saw a bunch of smug surfist looking hungrily at you.
"Hey what a cutie like you doing on here huh?" You scrunch your face at hearing his voice.
"Im sorry, what?" You said offended as you looked at them in disgust.
"What a nice company would you be if-" one of the guys approached you and Chisaki only saw red after this.
The guys was soon overhauled with a single poke of his uncovered index finger, getting the others to shout in fear. Chisaki just as fast outted him back at place as he glared with fire in his eyes at the bastard.
"Out of my sign verm."
You looked at him in surprise and giggled at the way the surfist had just ran out of there along with his friends.
"Jealousy?" You asked giggling before he pushed you to the car.
"Shut it."
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mikaa-exe 5 years
Demon hunter au | Demon!Hyunjin x DemonHunter!Reader
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Requested by @jung-snoopy-woo, thank you so much for your kind words ^^
鈥ender neutral reader
鈥luff uwu
鈥ome swear words here and there
鈥ight have some typos but I'll fix them asap if I find any
We don't want to brag here but
You kinda were the best demon hunter of your area
Those naughty creatures got nothing on you
You were always one step ahead
You've been doing this for so long that you already knew every trick they would use to mislead you, every action and almost every face and name -_-
And you could see that they were scared of you, even if they didn't show it
You're basically a whole badass reader damn!!
Let's give some context here
So there's been demons around since before you were born
They aren't the evil bloodthristy creatures that you normally find in books or movies
Well most of them aren't
Some of them kill and do that whole satan thing but the rest are chill most of the time
They're just a pain in the butt jesus
The demons love to be mischievous and play tricks on every one
They steal not because they need money or products but because they love chaos
They go to peoples houses just to mess with their closets and dishes
They eat your food before you can even finish cooking it
They even steal candies from children >:( those bastards
So it's your job to capture these creatures when they get too out of control
You're amazing but there is one specific demon that haunts your nightmares
Hwang Hyunjin -_-
This demon has been YOUR pain in the butt for almost 6 years now!!
The first time he appeared was in your bedroom, you were about to fall asleep when you felt your hair being pulled from behind you
Boy you were hella fast to jump from your bed and grab the closest thing to you in that moment, which was YOUR GUN- no I'm joking, it was a knife, you don't bring guns to bed, that's gross
You looked around but it was too dark to see anything so you sneackly walked to the switch and BAM
No one was there
The fuck
Now at this point you were positive it was a demon but why wasn't he showing itself or attacking you again? That's not common of them
-"Did you lose something?"
The voice behind you made you jump and hit your head in the light that hanged from the wall
Well ouch that was really unecessary
You looked up and--
Wow hello cutie
The little shit had the audacy to l a u g h
- "Aren't you supposed to be the best demon hunter here?"
You gave this little shit your scariest gaze
At least the scariest you could while sitting on the floor with your hair all over the place
-"WhY? dO yOu hAvE A pRoBlEm SiR?"
-"Mmh idk... Thought you'd be taller"
And just like that he desapeared, leaving you on the floor still trying to digest what the heck had happened here
So there you go, that's how you two met
From that day on he made sure to visit you almost everyday
He's the one who switches your socks right before you go out just to see you wearing mismatching socks like an idiot
He puts salt on your morning cereal and sugar on your lunch
He goes to school with you and just follows you everywhere
-"Is this what you chose to wear to school? Geez"
-"vxhdbxvvx can you not"
-"That girl is looking at you funny, you should spit on her"
-"WtF sPiT?!"
-"Omg the teacher asked you a question and you're taking this long to answer?"
-"Shut up I'm thinking!!!"
-"What if you stood up right now and started dancing the floss?"
-"Why would I do that?"
-"Why aren't you talking to me? :("
-"Hyunjin I am in class and I don't want to talk"
-"Why do you keep responding then?"
-"I'm about to punch you so hard--"
-"You can't, you're in class"
You would laugh at how ridiculous this situation was if it had nothing to do you with you
You tried everything to get Hyunjin to leave you alone
Demon traps, boxes, holy water because why not
You tried violence once but the best you managed to do was throwing him some cookies
Guess what
You missed
And you waisted some perfectly good cookies :(
You're not a violent person in general bUT THIS BOY AHH
You even tried talking to him at one point about this whole situation but he was too busy drawing on your kitchen walls with tomato sauce
It was starting to get to you so you reported him to your superiors but they said they didn't have any complains about a demon named Hyunjin
So that means this idiot is only here to mess with you and you only
Let's be fair
He never seemed interested in actually hurting you or doing anything too mean
He just seemed to want your attention God knows why
So if you're stuck dealing with him might as well try and enjoy this situation
What do people usually say?
If you can't win, join them
Instead of yelling at him or throwing him your book collection for the third time you asked how his day went and even offered him some cookies
Let's just say he was s h o o k
He just stood there, mouth open and completly lost
You?! Being nIcE to him?!
Is this a joke, where are the cameras?!
The only thing he managed to say was a shy "Good.." and a mumbled "no thanks"
O M G :o
The demon that's capable of spending the whole night talking about God knows what is out of words .. WOW!
The next day you found him repainting his old masterpiece on your kitchen wall but with mustard this time
You quietly walked up to him and replaced the mustard in his hand with a rug
-"I like this smell better"
He looked down with the face of someone who was having an existential crisis and started cleaning your wall
You smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up to which he responded with a blink and a worried smile
So yeah, from that day foward you tried being nice to him and understanding his needs and actions
And if we're being honest here
He wasn't all that bad when you got to know him better
Aparently the other demons didn't like him that much so he tried to find other ways to entertain himself
You thought maybe boddering you was his way of expressing himself??
He thought that was the only way he could get your attetion
So you tried teaching him how to help instead of being annoying
He still went to school with you but now he insisted to help by carrying some of your stuff
He was quieter during classes and even started answering some questions on a notebook that you offered him
Maybe it was out of boredom but you were so happy!!
He was learning and that was so good and adorable! ^w^
He asked for your help sometimes with the things he couldn't solve
And you thought he looked so cute when he would bite your pencil whenever a harder question came up
You two started doing homework together and he was getting so much better at each subject
You felt like a proud mother :')
He would now watch you while you cooked for you both and would occasionally ask some questions like why did you put that in there or why were you mixing the ingredients with a fork and not a spoon
So you tried teaching him how to cook
Let's just say he was a whole m e s s
So after hours of intense baking you ended up with a weird red mix and some mashed potatoes
Your kitchen was dirty, sticky, slippery and oN FIRE OMG!!!!!!
After a visit from the fire department Hyunjin promised he would be more careful and ask you before turning on anything
You also discovered he was a whole teddy bear
Omg this boy was so soft and cuddly
He's such a clingy demon but he was also kinda shy, specially at first
He started by getting closer to you until your shoulders touched but if you looked at him with a questioning gaze he would immediately push you to the ground and run away with a evil laugh and some flushed cheeks
Whenever you had free time you two would do a movie marathon that always ended up with holding hands or falling asleep on each other
He once had the brilliant idea that you two should definitely watch a horror movie one night
He thought it would be the perfect opportunity to prove you how strong he was and how he could protect you
But it didn't go like he had hoped to
You two ended up a trembling mess of limbs, cuddled up to each other as Hyunjin whispered how bad of an idea that was and how it was all your fault
Some days you would just arrive home totally exhausted and Hyunjin would make you some warm tea and cuddle you on the sofa until you fell asleep
He'd try to stay awake in case you wanted to move or go to your room but you were so warm and cozy that he was gone not even a minute after you
He'd also insist on doing your hair when you were going out
He loved it and he had a lot of fun so anytime he had the opportunity he would ask you to let him help
At first you ended up with a mess of braids and accessories that formed a weird nest on your head
You ended up going out like that
But he got better with time
Whenever you had to leave him alone at home you would write him a list of things for him to do and others that he shouldn't even attempt to
You arrived later and found your house a little messier than before and Hyunjin cleaning a weird green goo that mysteriously fell on the floor
Y o u r f l o o r
But you couldn't be mad at him now, specially because when Hyunjin saw you he tackled and trapped you in a big bear hug that immediately melted all your anger
How can someone be so cute Hwang Hyunjin wHAT IS HE DOING TO YOU
How dare he mess with your feelings this way
You two started opening up more and more to each other and BAM that's how you got your super demon best friend :D
His mischievous side wasn't all gone, he still pranked you once in a while but now you were sure it wasn't for the sake of being mean
And he made sure to compensate you with cuddles, an attempt of a meal or a gift made of things he found around the house
It so was weird
At first you couldn't handle him but now you two are inseparable!
It's unusual but you both make it work
Your own way ^^
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