#or i will have a pannic attack laying in bed
thedegu · 5 years
#so uh i had one really bad sensory-overload that nearly turned into a panic attack today and one full panic attack today. i think i need to#see someone#this is the first time ive had two in one day#and i kind of expect a third when i get into bed#becuase thats just the way my brain works#im gonna call my dad tomorrow and see what he thinks and who i should contact to see if there is anyone who takes our insurance nearby#because i cant keep haveing these#i do take them at night#when im in bed#because it doesent intrupt anything beyond my sleeping and ive come up with ways of dealing with it#but nearly haveing one in public is not great#and that the third time that thats happend in the past six months#i mean small nightly pannic attacks arent great but at least they arent imbaresssing and come with a loss of control#but i cannot have them in public#i know what they feel like when theyre comeing on so i can usually remove myself#but if i were to be in a place where i cannot remove the anxiety i dont know what i would do#the only way i can sleep is useing my hyperfocus anymore#i have to purposely fill my brain with it#or i will have a pannic attack laying in bed#gods i kind of wish i was hyper-depressed again because at least i didnt have to deal with this shit every night#not to say im going to do anything to myself!#i am in control of my actions rn#and actually i havent had any major suicidal thoughts for a couple of weeks now#i mean i probbaby had the usual drifting thoughts but nothing that actually raised any alarm bells recently#and while i was doing some bad stimming earlear today when i was overwhelmeled i do not self-harm or anything like that#that was because i was not in control but i was able to realize that and remove myself#and regaine control
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sweetpuumpkin · 4 years
Anxiety - Fred Weasley / Reader
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Note: I was wondering how mental illness would be perceived and deal with in the wizard world, what do you think? 
Pairing: Fred Weasley / Reader
Warning: mental illness, anxiety
Y/N was walking down in the hallway, followed by Fred
“For Merlin’s sake, can you stop following me?”, Y/N harshly said, stopping and turning to Fred.
She could not stand it anymore, all she wanted right now was to find some peaceful place where she could be alone and calm her anxiety.
“I just want to help you, maybe if you come with me, we could hang out with the others and get things off your mind, George and I can even show you our newest trick”, Fred said
“It- it does’nt work like that okay? I just have enough right now and all I want is to be alone and rest”, Y/N responded with a shaky voice
“There’s no but! Just leave already please”
“As you wish”, said Fred bitter 
Y/N started to walk to her secret place again, she could feel the anxiety taking over and it was getting hard to breath. 
Finally, she reached the small door past the hallway. It was a tiny tiny room with only a small window from which she could see the Forbidden Forest. After she closed the door, Y/N break down. She let her bag fall on the floor and sat down near the window. She could not stop her crying or her shaking hands, she felt like something was crushing her chest. Her brain was filled with so much, so much thoughts, she could not handle it. 
She tried to calm down like her mother taught her, breath slowly, take time for each breath. She knew she’ll get throw this, it always calm down with time. 
After half an hour, she felt a bit better. Her shaking had stopped and she could breath easily even though she was still crying. She looked by the window, taking her time to watch outside. She loved coming here when she had pannic attack, the small room made her feel safe and no one ever came in. 
Soon it was time to come back to her room, it will be soon dinner time and she knew she’ll still have some alone time. She gathered her things and headed the Grinffondor’s Common Room. When she arrived, most people already left for dinner which made her happy. She reached her room and decided to change in more confortable clothes. She could not wait to just lay in bed and fall asleep, her anxiety really just drained her energy. Before she could jump in bed she heard a knock on her door. She frowned, wondering who could that be. 
“I’ll be quick I promised I won’t bother you long, I am sorry for earlier I know you like to handle it alone, it’s just I get worried y’a know? Anyway I took this, I know you like brownie so much, could’nt let Ron eat it all”, Fred handed her a piece of brownie wrapped into a napkin 
Y/N smiled softly, “I should not have been so harsh too, sorry”
“It’s okay I promise, just eat a bit and try to rest alright?”, Fred said. 
He started to leave but Y/N caught his hands. 
“Do you need something else?”, he wondered. 
“Can I hug you ?”,
Fred smiled and took her in his arms, hugging her tight. 
“Thank you for being there for me Fred”, Y/N whispered into his ear
“Anytime you know it, even if I can be an annoying bastard sometimes, I’ll always be there if you need it”.
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