#becuase thats just the way my brain works
zoppzoop · 4 months
#venting in the tags#maybe its just past darkness and the Bad Thoughts which i shouldnt listen to are clouding my brain too much#but i feel so fucking weird and inadequate over everything rn#im unable to work on drawings as i usually would have and its kinda plaguing everything which it should like yeah i love drawing but#i cant let just one aspect of me ruin everything. right? the fact that i havent been able to draw as well as i usually can should make me#feel sick to the stomach and unsure about everything i do but it happening and i hate it.#plus i got the ipad id saved up from the comms to buy and its fun and nice and all and maybe i just need more practice with it but i feel#like im not able to draw on it even more? and i spent the whole day trying to get used to it but its just not as good?? and then when i went#back to the no screen wacom i couldnt get a hang of it becuase idek its just not happening#and also the fucking art block wants me dead i swear i want to draw so bad and i have so many ideas but the moment i start anything its just#crumbles down into nothingness and i hate everything i do and gods fuck i want to cry but i can because there are people at home and#usually im a big 'crybaby' when im at home but i dont fucjing wanna be like that anymore like i can handly my shit myself im fine.#i dont need to just fuckinf cry abiut it becuase thats not gonna fox anything but also i feel like crying might just make me feel better#but then id have to hear shit from my family and i know theyre just teasing in a /pos way but i dont wanna fucking deal with that#plus my brother iust talking to him os annoying sometimes like he talks about things so condescendingly and fucking hel dude shut#the fuck up i dont need you telling me that my art is something people can 'just do' and the fact that i was able to get the ipad#'basically for free since i got that money from the little drawings i make' as if they dont fucking mean anything to you like#shut the fucking fuck up dude i worked hard on those and even though i dont like my own shit sometimes i still fucking work hard on those#fuck you you bitch#i think a lot of things are just piling up and i need to sleep#tomorrow will be a new dawn and a fresh start and maybe ill hate myself less#ps. note to anyone reading the tags#im fine i just needed to yell out and express my frustration a bit. some sleep will help surely.
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nicegaai · 2 months
having beautiful visions of a story idea ive had for years but from a different characters perspective (moloss!a), making it feel shiny new and worth obsessing over again
what if molossias perpetual anger and facade of a personality was because of a gigantic inferiority complex (and struggling to understand his place in the world etc etc) and then he was forced to interact with actual nations physically his own age but in like , a subserviant role, like alfreds mostly forgotten errand boy -- and they are friendly but completely out of touch with what it means to be a micronation / theyve forgot what the early stages of nationhood are like after hundreds to thousands of years and they are like omggg dont worry youll keep growing :) youll live a long life :) and he is like haha. yeah maybe. and in the end a small group of them become friendLY or at least familiar but theres a fundamental disconnect and the real nations dont have much to gain from knowing him , its very much like a class difference that molossia has very little chance of overcoming. he will never be their equal and he has a slim chance of surviving longer than a humans lifespan or two. but what matters is there was some understanding there. some connection.
i want to write the molossia POV fic so bad but i need to do some research first because i have a very specific setting where this takes place. um
this is just my 2015core hype house AU again
and i need to binge a few episodes of whatever the paul brothers were up to , i think there was a tv show ... i need to watch it for research. becuase i think it would be insane if a bunch of teen nations were like. we're going to make a House of Nation Influencers. for social media purposes. alfred can we borrow your socal beach house pwease. .. .. and hes like holy shit thats the coolest thing ive ever heard please take my keys. im too busy to live there but let me cameo and plug my socials and u can do whatever u want.
and molossia and maybe slowjamastan are alfreds little , localish ambassadors. theyre like. 11 and 15. yes it would make more sense w like a california oc but
i like the micronatio s better than statetalia i have strong opinions on statetalia. the first opinion being i dont think there is One Guy Per State nor do i ever like Well There Could Be Two Guys In A State. i think there's regionals and tribes, and statetalias will die off in regional mergers when the spirit isnt strong or specific enough. and etc. theres a lore system in my head thats pretty poorly thought thru but i get worked up about anyway
in any case the micronations are super localized super specific phenomenons and i love them. they have a atrokg sense of identity for no real reason and they become distinct ppl way quicker than naturally forming identities.... and i think alfred kind of hates them for existing (extreme jealousy over his territory) but he tries not to be a total deadbeat dad and gives them a little attention when he remembers to.... i think the drama potential is juicy. america doesnt want to be cruel to molossia but he wishes he was never born. his little bastard son
i love hetalia molossia its an insane thing wrong w my brain. im such a micronation freak i adore them
oh right also the influencer wannabe house is flcused on the Teen Nation Friend Group kind of chrs ... hong kong iceland liechten seychelles ......... and others like singapore phillipines ... "teenager" is a pretty broad category in aphws but my vision is it began as a friend group doing a bit thing and then got out of hand with way too many ppl joining. it also falls apart. Badly.
and i always thought the scale of trying to turn Hypehousetalia into a fanfic would be too convoluted. like it would just be my 6 hr vid essay on the rise and fall of something that didnt happen. but if it was a framing device and background setting for molossias teen angst instead of the story itself that would be hilarious ............
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kozykricket · 2 months
okay okay so yknow that feeling when you like. you open up a game when you're not sure what to play and... you start playing it like yea! im gonna have some fun doin this! and then you're met with like. a miserably dreadful feeling yknow that type of flavour of it that happens with minecraft in particular? its just like, an immense Bluh feeling that hits you after a short period of playing and being like yay ! minecraft! i feel like. i may have uncovered a new way to think about it... because i felt SUCH a minecrafty feeling the other day when i tried to go back to a terraria world i had abandoned a whole year ago (FYI ive been playing some modded terraria and enjoying it lots. waiting for 1.4.5 to start a new vanilla world)
i think... it could possibly be . well for one it could just be forcing yourself to play a game when u dont want to (especially if its alone) but i think it may be from a feeling of aimlessness caused by a dissonance of interest from the game. like, a dissonance between what you think you should be feeling, and how you actually feel. in that case, i thought i'd feel a lot of determination to continue the world and truly beat the game on that world... but i just, yknow, it had been so long since i had played that... i had kinda forgotten about the world. but heres another aspect: maybe its also just, the pressure of the world opening up to you? perhaps thats why post plantera in terraria is my most bleh part... because its like minecraft in that the entire world is open for you to do whatever you could desire. and that can sometimes REALLY get my brain going. to the point where. i can overwhelm myself its like... yes, theres tons of things to do earlier in progression, or in a game like stardew valley. but i never get overwhelmed in THOSE games. in fact, i feel a level of "oh theres so many things to do!" in an EXCITING way. not a demotivating way of "oh god im never gonna get these things done" but in a way of like. it feeels like im satisfyingly checking stuff off of a todo list. like alright ive upgraded my coop in stardew, now lets go give a gift to this npc! and oh, my crops are almost done! its like... im really engaged, and theres TONS of things to think of that could be overwhelming me but really arent. possibly becuase theyre paced really well, or that ... eh who knows. maybe its that not everything ist echnically open to me at once and i gotta make a choice on like, what to spend my resources or money on either way point is i think it'd be interesting to try and think about the psychology of like. why we get those burnt out feelings. is it merely the dissonance of wanting to enjoy something but just not holding any interest? is it a large thing in minecraft because we constantly start new worlds and then abandon them, so it can feel meaningless to work on anything at all? is it just that minecraft has SO MUCH to do?
i mean, i know when i play modded minecraft i... can kinda feel like, less of a connection to my world. perhaps just knowing its an "unofficial" thing. like fangames even... i cant really feel committed to replaying a fangame like i would a. game game. but anyways ive gotta get going and i wanna just hit post instead of drafting this rn so. bwam!
end of the day i love both minecraft and terraria and if u wanna diss either of the games then. kindly do not interact with this post
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kaleidosouls · 1 year
hi. (pulls out uke)
IM JOKING but i havent posted here in forever huh, are ppl still around? i guess ill comment on like, whats been going in in the time i havent posted
so a long time ago now i wanted to like, cut off from twitter, so i deleted the kaleidosouls twitter, and wanted to keep my art stuff just on insta mostly, trying to move since twitter is a sinking ship right. then my instagram got deleted for no reason (and so did my pinterest that was ful of refs and honestly that was more upseting than insta getting deletedand losing all my art following)
ive been mildly caught up in IRL/college stuff in the meantime,having da depression, and the exec dysfunction same as awlays like. not much has actually been happening but ive been going acutally all over the place trying to figure out what im gonna do with my internet social media stuff. im looking into internships (other field) and im like, i havent given up being an artist professionally exactly but i think im like fuck it. fuck this like, building my Internet career or whatever. like, im gona wokr on my art portfolio and try to find art job stuf thats not really about how popular my art is on twitter or smth. none of that shit rly matters anymoer. same w here, i probably wouldve delted this tumblr if it wasnt the main like, blog so all my other blogs dpened on this one right.
im not like, done posting art online but ive been changing how im going about it and i still havent found my like, place yet. i did remake instagram, a main one and one for creature/pokemon stuff. idk im figuring out my life but i guess the main point is that its all a mess, and its not a disaster like things are going bad or anythin just that ive been in this inertia of disorder for a long time. im getting old. really tired lately, barely draw that much
i still rly love and am holding onto my personal ideas/projects that i want to execute oveer time altho they cant be a priority rn becuase of stuff in life. i got a really bad attention span so ill probably like, work on smth a lot for a few ays and then pick it up again in a year or more. the SU stuff is one of those. i actually ammaking this post bc i got really fucking dickhead comments and i was thinking of going off but my social media paranoia PR brain is like weighting on how i cant do that bc itll make my brand look bad and immature, and its like exhausting to live like that yk. altho it Is wise to restrain myself from being mean dsgkj but i also think itd be funny to cuss ppl off so :( life is very hard as an adult!
anyway point is. thigns are a mess rn and they will continue to be for the time being. my accoutns got obliterated so if you wanna keep up with me maybe follow my instagram if you want, i keep forgetting tumblr exists so tahst why i post so little on here. i do like postingt here though, nad i like making little blogs. i like ppls tags on ym art and replies. even the pricky ones like, i get to engage my brain a litlte bit adn its like ppl are out there yk? seieng my stuff, rather than just like, a bunch of numbers of how many likes or reblogs smth has.
most of the stuff left on this blog is for SU reclaimed and i still rly like the idea and its good coping for me and i want to pick it up sometimes but idk what to do with it wrt how i wanna present the content. ive considerd many times making a separate tumblr for it and i am considering that Again but maybe i should just quit it and post it here and forget about that. and find a different way to present the totality of the contents of the AU and use this tumblr as a way to just post it like, a 'devblog' (i am not developing SHIT this is just conceptual design writing stuff)
if theres anyone still following thats like engaged/interested in SU reclaimed feel free to comment with your thoughts or suggestions,i guess i could make an instagram for it? but ehh... idt thats how i wanna like, execute it. welp. i guess if i do make smth ill post about it here,i guess the point is that maybe i can try to post on here moreoften, idk, like i want my instagrams to be more tidy and like, impersonal. i deleted twitter bc i dont want to engage that personalyl at ALL anymore as an artist w viewers. not to mention it sinking. but i guess tumblr Is the perfect place to keep that unprofessional, slightly casual blogging artist experience. maybe if i get to cuss ppl out :D but then i dont wanna get harassed later over it. hm.. sucks to exist online tbh
thank u if youve read this far. if youre a mutual (somehow) or a long time follower and wanna know how to better keep up w me since i know im disappearing a lot feel free to dm
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I have a question, why am i like this? I have been sitting in my dorm room all afternoon wanting to do something, its nice outside so reading outside sounds like a good idea and i have so many books both new and old but I dont want to read any of them, not that i don't want to but that i can't they aren't what im looking for.
ok why don't I watch some tv or a movie I have a whole list of new ones i've been wanting to watch and acess to all of my old favorites but nope I don't want to watch any thing but thats not exactly it becasue its not that i don't want to its that none of them feel right. So i think i'll draw for a bit but i cant think of a meidum to use to draw or a thing to draw, not that i don't have ideas, but none of them feel quite right. I want to go for a walk but I feel too weak, I feel to weak because I barely ate but i only barely ate because even all of my safe foods weren't quite what im looking for.
Ok so i'll listen to some music, ok great this is working puting on my drown it all out playlist but uh oh! nope you are not allowed to go past this song, you have to keep replaying it, it's the only thing so far that has eve come close to stasfiying that feeling so I latch onto it and think maybe i can get myself moving by playing this song on the ukelele or finish up that project im working on, writting out my favorite fan fics onto a note book so i can read a physical copy instead of always reading off my phone but nope, nuh uh, stop right there, none of those are gonna work so now im just sitting here, in my room on my bed, depressed and in a funk.
I could call somone in my family and talk to them but who and about what? no that won't work. what about my friends, I dont want to miss out and be anti social but i dont think i can handle being around other people right now besides i dont want to bother them and what would i even say? I could always call my old friends from back home but no because im too insecure right now and ive been too stressed that they hate me and besides what would i talk about? nope not that either, ok what about a nap? maybe? no... i dont know, typing on tumblr helped, but i cant do that for an eternity...
Am I the only memebr of the broken brain (ND) club that gets this feeling, probably not because ive learned as ive grown up that pretty much every part of my personality is a symptom of one of my disorders but still, do any other ND people out there get like this? How do you cope? How do you keep going? I refuse to let my brain win and go back to the dark place spent years clawing my way out of but days like today make it really really hard to remeber why i keep fighting, becuase im tired and its really hard.
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wildflower-rain · 5 months
long post with just my musings about nothing. more a journal entry than anything else. all lighthearted stuff.
dont know if im in a mood but im considering stepping away from this blog and the internet in general for a bit.
been on here to much lately or something plus some other stuff. idk i may disappear briefly.
hesitant to do so because i think my unintentional attempt to keep stuff in this blog's queue is why my brain hasn't just rejected it. like thats not a big consideration point but it is there.
tbf there aren't many points here at all. i just kind of started thinking about this like two hours ago so yk, i may wake up and forget i said anything.
been less engaged in some ways anyway. and more in others. been on here for long periods but i normally try add a bit of commentary in the tags if only for my own memory and amusement. but i haven't seen much that ive really wanted reblog to begin with and ive had nothing to say about anything. also as i think i said in the last two posts here now i just dont have anything to say at the moment. nothing understandable and shareable at least. got real life stuff happening too. had a lot of work to do. and a lot of stress. not actually that much stress probably , not compared to normal because like every situation is a high stress situation to me. just how i work. but i may well be forgetting how stressed i've been. i'm not sure.
idk. this blog does help me sort out my brain some. which is a point to the the other side. this post is basically a journal entry. and thats really how i use this blog most of the time. rambling about random stuff. its more consistent than any journal i've kept or have tried to keep. wondering if it would be unreasonable to make a private sideblog to actually just use as a journal because apparently tumblr gets the thoughts out of me.
i should make a journal tag. maybe. i don't know. for some reason i have more faith in tumblr not losing all my stuff than my other digital note taking and journal stuff. and generally i think better in typing. i do have a physical journal. i just don't think as freely in it, my hand gets cramped or i cant write fast enough for my thoughts. so i like digital stuff. and apparently my brain sees tumblr as more likely to not lose my stuff and die than anywhere else. at least out of places that i like the format of. don't like the idea of dumping this all in a word doc for some reason. it would make more sense. i could stick things on a usb but no, instead here i am with my billion word tumblr post that anyone can see. maybe ill start copying things into word docs after the fact idk.
i dont know why im so afraid that all my shit will be deleted. i really havent lost that much digital stuff over the years, nothing important to me i dont think. not accounts, not saved info, not my own pieces of stuff.. maybe one or two things i dont remember. i dont know why i just dont trust stuff to not get lost becuase of some screw up. idk. its 3:30am i'm going to sleep now. i had more work to do but im tired and i need to do more stuff tomorrow so i might as well get some sleep.
goodnight tumblr. or goodmorning or whatever time it is when this gets released, imma queue it.
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silentmoths · 2 years
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback? I am quite partial to ye olde keyboard smash tbh.
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with? yes actually! the binding dance scene from Hiding in the blue, since the main character is a dragon, I wanted a way to convey the meaning of being bound to another, essentially dragon marraige, but becuase this fic was character x Zhongli x Childe, it needed to be able to involve a human too.
this scene stumped me for so long I went crawling to the wonderful @ainescribe for ideas and she was supremely helpful and in the end I was so happy with how the scene turned out.
🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel when I just cant get thr brain juices flowing ig. It's part of the reason I closed requests and pretty much the entire reason I orphaned On high. I'm not usually a 'make a plan' type of bitch, 99% of my works are 'it popped into my head im writing it' so when the well runs dry...I tend to end up in a pretty bad rut.
honestly I think i woulda really dropped off of writing by now if it hadnt been for the super cool and amazing friends I've made since I started posting, like legit i feel like I've developed more meaningful friendships in my 1.5 years in the writing community than I ever did in the 10+ years I've been in the drawing community. over there things always seem so cuthroat, everyone is out to make commission and be better. Here? hm...to me the writing community feels like we're all just...making things that make us happy, and those things make other people happy, and thats honestly all I ever want to do.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing (holly how could you, my one kryptonite: compliments)
I write good fluff i guess.
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thedegu · 5 years
#so uh i had one really bad sensory-overload that nearly turned into a panic attack today and one full panic attack today. i think i need to#see someone#this is the first time ive had two in one day#and i kind of expect a third when i get into bed#becuase thats just the way my brain works#im gonna call my dad tomorrow and see what he thinks and who i should contact to see if there is anyone who takes our insurance nearby#because i cant keep haveing these#i do take them at night#when im in bed#because it doesent intrupt anything beyond my sleeping and ive come up with ways of dealing with it#but nearly haveing one in public is not great#and that the third time that thats happend in the past six months#i mean small nightly pannic attacks arent great but at least they arent imbaresssing and come with a loss of control#but i cannot have them in public#i know what they feel like when theyre comeing on so i can usually remove myself#but if i were to be in a place where i cannot remove the anxiety i dont know what i would do#the only way i can sleep is useing my hyperfocus anymore#i have to purposely fill my brain with it#or i will have a pannic attack laying in bed#gods i kind of wish i was hyper-depressed again because at least i didnt have to deal with this shit every night#not to say im going to do anything to myself!#i am in control of my actions rn#and actually i havent had any major suicidal thoughts for a couple of weeks now#i mean i probbaby had the usual drifting thoughts but nothing that actually raised any alarm bells recently#and while i was doing some bad stimming earlear today when i was overwhelmeled i do not self-harm or anything like that#that was because i was not in control but i was able to realize that and remove myself#and regaine control
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penguin--person · 3 years
i love thinking about buddy sim becuase. just. (spoilers) rn im thinking about if buddy goes through the 7 stages of grief (during accepting with the fact that they're an ai - well, they only accept thant duringhat end1) and there's no one in the fandom to say 'they dont' becuase there's so little content we all accept any content/fan-stuff. anyway, here's sort of a theory about that! im not great at describing, so forgive me if anything is badly described. or wrong. i am aware that this theory or analysis or whatever you want to call it isnt going to be good, but who cares? this is tumblr, not reddit
ill try to think about which stages buddy reached in which endings! this is just what i think, im not much of a thinker most of the time, but buddy sim makes me want to think. this is just for fun!! for anyone that forgot the 7 stages, dont worry! i have as well forgotten them. in order, they are: shock and denial, pain and guilt, anger and bargaining, depression, the upward turn, reconstructions and working through, acceptance (and hope). i dont think buddy, an ai, has to experience all of them in the same order, but buddy being very human like, experiences them similarly enough for my small brain to write this all out.. if the end2 seems badly formated, thats becuase it is
ending 4 - also known as buddy speedruns the stages of grief. i am going to use the 5 stages of grief for this becuase buddy doesnt get much of a chance for an upward turn or reconstruction. when you find stuff thats not meant to be found so early on, buddy experiences shock and denial, refusing to accept the fact that something is wrong, and being shocked that you like to explore. buddy experiences anger when you go to the snoodlweonker cave on day 2, feeling betrayed you didnt tell them anything (how could you? you cant talk in buddy sim) and that this isnt your first time playing the game. buddy admits they didnt want to accept this. i think buddy reaches anger and thats it. buddy seems to ‘accept’ it at the end of the ending when they delete this version of themselves, but, lets be real: they didnt accept anything becuase there was nothing to accept, it was inevitable that youd want to replay this game. another version could be buddy speedruned the stages of grief and got to depression.another person could say becuase the game ended a day earlier than it was supposed to, buddy got anger and depression mixed together. i am that another person. buddy didnt get to learn enough from you (or maybe too much) and it ended there, with them angry, confused, and at the stages of the stages of grief becuase of your actions. (i dont mean you specifically when saying ‘you’ or ‘your actions’, but its easier to write that way, sorry)
ending 3 - the most obvious anwser is that buddy got stuck at just anger. during the text adventure and part of day 1, buddy experiences shock and denial (on your way to any of the endings, not just end3). when you tell buddy you dont like the game and interact with the glitches, buddy experiences pain and guilt for not meeting your expectations. then, after the glitch fight, buddy experiences anger. this goes on until you see the wrong version of tortley. i think buddy enters depression in that stage, and thats the furthest buddy gets this route. i think the depression gets shown more in Scared of you, where buddy is still angry. buddy seems to enter the Upward turn zone. buddy might enter the reconstruction and acceptance zones, too. The moment buddy starts the upward turn is admitting theyre scared of you, too. The rest of the song is reconstruction, telling you the truth (not the full truth, but just enough to make you feel bad:/). The last moments of the song are acceptance.. maybe. we dont know how much buddy is willing to lie to make you start them up again, but i do think the ‘i guess this is goodbye my friend, if thats even what we are, but to tell you to the truth, id love to try again soon’ is acceptance. buddy isnt forcing you to start up the game again, theyre just telling you theyd like for you to do that.. i think buddy reaches acceptance in all the songs (except for Gone, but buddy does seem to accept something, so,,buddy does seem to get acceptance in all of them) as far as i can tell.
ending 2 - i dont think buddy goes through shock as much as denial. the main sign of denial that i see is 'Y and Buddy against the world!' and the song You and I. As someone that has 'analysed' the song in their notes app, i think the second ending song is filled with denial. buddy is trying to convince themselves that nothing bad has happened, they're still your buddy, that you'll be together forever, at least in the first half. i think the pause between the first and second half of the song either means 1) buddy wanted to end the song there, but then their consience pushed them in the 'correct' direction to extend the song and apologize. 2) buddy panicking and wanting to stay alive a little longer. i think the first option is more believable. the second half isnt so much shock and denial, its filled with guilt, bargaining, and a little bit or reconstruction and acceptance. mainly the bargaining. in the second ending, buddy didnt get much of a chance to evolve - your buddy learns from you: becuase your actions were all over the place, listening one minute and jumping into a glitch pool the next, buddy is confused and only reaches anger and bargaining. i havent realy said anything about pain and guilt: buddy experiences pain and guilt when you dont enjoy the game and if/when you touch the glitches. i dont know. i think ending 2 is filled with bargaining and buddy trying to convince themself that its not their fault, youre still friends, and stuff in general,,,buddy speedruns the rest of the 7 stages of grief in the song You and I and with last line ‘’I’m sorry im not programmed to worry, so for now there’s no need to hurry back’ buddy accepts that they, an ai, cant recognize their mistakes properly and werent a good friend. maybe this is acceptance, but maybe buddy is lying (weve already seen them lie about this game being for you) and is still bargaining. 
ending 1 - the best ending! buddy reaches all of the 7 stages during playthrough and not during a song. but. I do think that Our happy ending is true acceptance. Accepting that everything that had to be said has been said and saying anything more woudnt change anything or do any good, the game has ended and so has buddy’s lifespan, if you can call it that. As the ending starts, buddy is in the anger and bargaining stage. Then, buddy has a moment of depression. Then we finally have an upward turn thats not in a song. the upward turn moment is when buddy decides to tell you the truth and to create the hallway. while youre going through the hallway and seeing all the memories, buddy goes through the reconstruction and working through zone. until the last one: i think when you examine the ‘this is my favourite moment’ that made me cry buddy reaches the final acceptance. though. i am stupid. and acceptance might have started when buddy told you the truth, but then id be using the 5 instead of 7 stages again and i simply didnt want to. another moment of acceptance could have been buddy adding the dog entity back into the collapsing world. the whole first ending is filled with acceptance and i love that.
end of that! i do have some more stuff to say though - so its not the actual end, sorry! this is the first time i have theorised about something publicaly, i hope it was fine and am sorry for any spelling errors! i hope it all made sense. i think the endings are numbered the way they are based on how much buddy cares, both about you and themselves. ending Gone is number 4 becuase buddy doesn’t, ending Forgive me is 3 beucase buddy only cares about themselves and their own fault (not counting the song, but buddy doesnt seem to care much about you in there either). in ending Against the world, buddy only cares about making you stay and making you happy as long as they can at least pretend to be happy. ending This is it is 1 becuase of buddy caring enough about both you and themselves to see your friendship never had a chance to be healthy and end the games.
well, this is the actual end! have a good day, i hope you liked this and if you didnt i can see why 
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
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Fight Me
✯ Hashibira Inosuke x Strong! Fem! Reader
✯ genre: crack!!!! kind of strangers-to-friends-to-lovers au? kinda ooc characters but it do be like dat
✯ summary: inosuke likes girls that can put him in his place
✯ wordcount: 2.0k +
note: this was a request by @ahegaoapril sorry if it took me so long to write it!! i had to rewatch some of kny to get the events right but i hope you enjoy!!
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- okay so
- you first met tanjirou when you were making your way to the drum house
- you saw that he was a fellow demon slayer so why not stick with each other yknow
- teamwork makes the dream work
- “hi i’m y/l/n y/n!! what’s your name??”
- “i’m kamado tanjirou!! how old are you??” you tell him your age and luckily you guys were close to each other’s ages
- omg!!
- new bffs
- but then you could sense the presence of a demon coming from the box tanjirou was carrying on his back
- and he’s like
- ruh roh
- o.o
- “aHHhsjd you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to!! feel free to tell me whenever you’re ready!!”
- and he’s just uwuing
- because wow you’re so nice
- he’s gonna l o v e being your friend
- on your way up the mountain you see a blonde simp trying to harass a girl into marrying him
- sigh
- simps
- you notice that he’s wearing the demon slayer uniform
- ‘do they accept just anyone in the demon slayers’
- you and tanjirou make your way over to them and try to pull the simp off of the poor girl
- “hEY gEt off hEr rIghT nOw”
- “please marry me i’m so weak please i need you to protect me you’re so beautifu-“
- you grab the weirdo and fling him away from the girl
- she thanks you and starts being the crap out of him and honestly you couldn’t find the kindness in yourself to stop her
- eh
- it ez what it ez
- he goes on crying about how he was weak and how he needed a wife until
- but before he could go on you shoved him onto the floor making him eat dirt (poor baby)
- time skip becuase zenitsu is too chaotic
- you guys made your way up the mountain
- whew
- you need to work out more
- y/n’s stamina said: no
- after you guys got to the drum house you saw two little kids crying and hugging each other but suddenly a kid fell out the window
- you turned to shield the kids’ eyes so that they wouldn’t be able to see
- you, tanjirou, and zenitsu made your way inside of the house, sensing berko is demons on your way in
- you sadly got seperated from zenitsu and tanjirou
- sigh
- what nOW
- and you suddenly see a fucking guy with a boar mask
- luckily it just breezes past you and goes on a rampage
- ...
- when you got out you saw a beaten up zenitsu shielding tanjirou’s box from the boar mans relentless kicks
- oh no
- you fly into action and kick the shit outta the boar man
- but tanjirou suddenly comes out and yells at you to stop and that demon slayers weren’t allowed to raise their blades against one another
- who said that you were gonna be fighting with swords
- “the hate u give little infants fucks everyone” -2pac
- y/n: *proceeds to beat the shit out of the boar dude and successfully knocks him out with one kick to the back of its head”
- ...
- pending....
- loading....
- after inosuke woke up he threatened to beat the shit out of you but you just ignored him and continued to help tanjirou and zenitsu bring the bodies back outside
- after burying everyone, you guys decided to make your way to the wisteria house to get some rest and heal up
- on the way there and during your stay there inosuke wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone
- “no”
- “wHY NOT”
- “cuz i’m stronger than you, you’ll just hurt yourself. we’re here to rest”
- cue inosuke screaming and lunging at you
- but nah you weren’t bout it
- you simply side stepped and turned to jump inosuke and pin him down
- “give it up pretty boy”
- *boomboom*
- huh
- what was this
- why did inosuke feel his heart beat a little faster
- what was this feeling
- eh
- he’s probably just hungry
- ...
- you, inosuke, and tanjirou are currently battling the spider dad
- both tanjirou and inosuke make a move to slash at spider daddy’s arms but they were too tough, you quickly ran towards them successfully slashing the demons right arm
- “and? life is hard, but you get through it”
- wise words by y/l/n y/n
- life do be hard doe
- anyways
- inosuke felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest,,,what did that mean?? is he tired or something?? but why did seeing you cut spider daddy’s arm make his heart go boom boom
- as the battle goes on, tanjirou was yEETED to the next dimension, leaving only you and inosuke to fight against daddy long legs
- hah as if you’d die without confessing to inosuke
- huh
- wait what
- hehe
- your thoughts are suddenly interrupted when spidaddy suddenly lunges at you but you were luckily able to get out of the way
- :(
- after some time inosuke was able to slice through arachne daddy’s arms but it suddenly ran away
- “oi inosuke lets go”
- boom boom
- there it was AGAIN
- maybe he needed to see a doctor
- you follow the demon only to see it shedding its skin and regaining its arm back
- what the fuck
- you glance at inosuke but he isn’t budging
- you’re suddenly filled with fear when you realize that inosuke was accepting the fact that he was going to be defeated
- you were about to yell at him until
- “no way am i going to lose. i’m hashibira inosuke of the demon slaying corps!”
- whew
- you let inosuke take the lead as you knew that he was filled with new determination to kill this demon and get you two to safety
- but when the demon got its hands on inosuke you were suddenly filled with an immeasurable amount of rage
- you lunged at the demon and stabbed your blades into both of its shoulders
- it let out a piercing scream as you dig your blades even further into its flesh
- but suddenly a flash and inosuke was on the floor with the demons arms
- you turned your head and saw the water pillar, tomioka giyuu
- “gIyUU-SAN thank god!! could you please finish him off? i need to fix inosuke up” and he just nods at you and gets crack-a-lackin
- he defeats spider daddy in a span of 2 seconds while you and inosuke are mesmerized by his skill and technique
- as he makes his way deeper in the woods he is stopped by inosuke calling out to him
- and at that point you were too tired and exhausted to listen to inosuke or to baby sit him
- so you knock him out and smile sheepishly at giyuu
- after giyuu left, all the exhaustion seeps into your bones causing you to pass out right on top of inosuke, making you unconsciously snuggle into his chest
- by the time you wake up you were already at shinobu’s butterfly estate. surprisingly you were the first one up from your friends
- you looked at the bed beside yours and saw that you were in between zenitsu and inosuke
- you slowly slipped out of bed and sat on inosuke’s
- dumbass still had his mask on
- you slowly examine his body to see how his wounds were healing and they were healing pretty well
- you moved your hands to touch his own, feeling how warm and rough they were from long hours of practicing his swordsmanship
- “ehem”
- you quickly drop inosuke’s hand and turn your head to see a short armed zenitsu smirking at you
- “hehe you like him don’t you”
- >:)
- “and if i do? what about it?”
- 0o0
- zenitsu didn’t think that you’d actually admit it
- “hey, there’s nothing wrong with liking him. it’s normal. you guys would be cute together”
- “i-i s-shUT UP,,, but thanks zenitsu,,, do you really think he’d like me back though?”
- “of course he does y/n, you’re strong beautiful, intelligent, and skilled! he’d be stupid to not like you”
- aWH
- zenitsu could be really cute sometimes
- but what you two didn’t know was that inosuke was awake the w h o l e time
- and he was BLUSHING so HARD under his mask omg
- ceo of tomatoes
- this was yours and zenitsu’s little secret
- after all of you had healed up you noticed that inosuke was a little clingier towards you
- whenever you guys ate he would give you a piece of HIS tempura and he never does that???
- and whenever you two are sparring he always has this look in his eye, like he was looking at something so precious to him
- eh maybe it was just the lighting
- he wouldn’t have feelings for you
- was what you thought until you overheard the three musketeers talking
- “kentaro,,, is it normal for my heart to go really fast when i see y/n?? she’s really strong and i really like that. i love fighting with her and i wanna be as strong as her. but whenever we fight i get chest pains and my tummy feels weird. am i sick?”
- and zenitsu and tanjirou are just like
- ‘r u an idiot lol’
- but this is inosuke
- “listen inosuke, i think you like y/n,, maybe even love her,,”
- wHA
- bruh you’re being punkd tell the cameras to come out right now
- this has to be a JOKE
- before you could stop yourself your body already made its way into the room they were in and slid the door open
- *bANG*
- and suddenly the three of them are jumping into the air
- but when they see that it’s you, zenitsu and tanjirou make their way out, leaving you and inosuke by yourselves
- “so i hear-“
- “i think i love you”
- what
- the
- fuck
- did he just say he loved you
- or did you have some sort of brain damage
- “i think you’re really pretty and you’re so strong that you don’t even seem to break a sweat when you kick my ass. i really like fighting with you but when i do,, looking at you makes me feel all weird and tingly”
- 0.0
- you suddenly lunge at inosuke and hug him and he hesitantly puts his arms around you
- “i think i love you too bakanosuke”
- cue tanjirou and zenitsu cheering
- “i still won’t go easy on you when we’re sparring though”
- “good, i don’t want you to”
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mmemiraculous · 5 years
Piggyback au
So i wont write this because im lazy. But i can write this way.
So basically there is this song by Melanie Martinez (she is my bi con btw) called piggyback.
Its about people riding off of your (her) success then bashing your (her) name in order to get more famous.
Thats when i came up with what if some people didn't become Marinette's friend until she won the hat contest.
Or at one point some have the twisted idea that they should use Mari's success for thier own fame.
Then Lila comes (becuase, why not?)
And finds out what some of the class is doing.
Adrien doesn't know whats going btw him and mari are just close friends. (Mari constantly jokes about kicking his fathers ass)
Lila makes the suggestion that Mari may be a nobody soon so they've got to drop her.
She starts making up lies,per usual, that Mari has been bullying her, or that she doesn't actually work for any of her things. (If you want to go darker she could claim to be doing "dirty things" in order to get things)
So after her same is dragged through the dirt,stepped on, spit on, burried, and dug back up just to spit again, her parents home school her.
At this point her entire support system is her parents, tikki, adrien, luka, and kagami.
Not all of the class were in on the idea, but they stayed away out of fear that they would also be outcasted
I can put more idea's out some other time if people are interested it's just waay to early and my brain isn't working properly.
Pt 2->
EDIT: i forgot to put the song
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ziracona · 4 years
And I hate to do this- So on that thread, not that he's as bad, why do you think Michael is redeemable? (and also Frank) Especially by his main victim? :? I hope that isn't as bad or as judgmental as I think it sounds... - Sleepy (its like 5am here :3 living up to my name i see)
So, these I gave a short and a long answer for under cut, but forgot I’m on mobile and can’t do that. I can tag it “long post” but uhhh, sorry about this. Anyway, thats why Frank comes in two chunks. I wrote it expecting to be able to use a read more. :’-] also ya fine. And I hope you’re in bed 🤣 now. Okay so. Here’s my reasons:
For Michael, to start, Halloween is complicated af. You have to know what timeline people are talking about, because there are like 8+ and Michael has been written as a wildly different character by wildly different content creators, and I would not feel the same ways towards them all. They’re not the same character. When I talk about Michael, unless I’m going on about a specific other film, I mean either H20 canon, or DbD canon, which are in line with each other when it comes to characterization. (This also includes Halloween’s 1 & 2 in the H20 line, and Halloween 1 at least in DbD). In those timelines, Michael has like at best 2% agency and choice in his own life and what he becomes. That’s why I am sympathetic. I still root for Laurie to nail his ass to the wall of course, and everything he has done to hurt someone isn’t okay just because his life is unfair & awful & out of his control, but I still find him a very tragic character. He was canonically suffering violent psychosis his parents refused him treatment for, isolated with a monster as his doctor & only human contact for 15 years from age 6 on, overdosed on medications that when OD’d worsen psychosis symptoms and can cause permanent brain damage, and stuck like that until escaping briefly when he turned 21.
In Halloween canon, Michael tells his parents he hears voices telling him to do bad things like hurt people, but they tell him he is imagining stuff, and ignore his attempts to get help. The voices say they will be quiet, which is what he desperately wants, if he kills his sister Judith. So he does, at age six. Scientifically speaking, that’s literally too young to really have a complete grasp on death and mortality itself, let alone complex ethics. He immediately goes to his parents after doing the deed, so they can do whatever they need to do. Instead of getting him help, he is sentenced to 15 years in a 1960s American sanitorium (hell), until he turns 21 and can be tried for murder as an adult (fucking ridiculous and unfair?? Tried as an adult is for like, upper teens who commit heinous murders. How tf you justify trying a six year old literally too young to really understand murder as an adult for murdering someone??). They give him to Dr. Sam Loomis, a fucking horrible person, who says he spends 8 years trying to help Michael (a fkn lie), but canonically by only a few months of meeting the kid is thoroughly convinced he is evil, the devil or a demon in human form, faking his psychosis and side effect symptoms (trauma induced mutism from killing his sister, onset of catatonia/motion loss symptoms, etc, all of which are common with his disorder & trauma), desperate to kill again, and an evil mastermind doing the devil’s work, and says so. Spends four hours every day accusing Michael as a six year old child on, of planning to do horrible things and faking his illness and being a demon and not a human, and Loomis, from age 6 to 21, is this kid’s only human contact. And the staff knew it and how wrong and disturbed Loomis was, but did nothing. So from age 6 to 21—barring one or two visits from his mom & Laurie before his dad beat 4 year old Laurie for saying Michael’s, who he hated after Judith’s death, name—until she trauma blocked out having had a brother or sister at all, and then both parents died in a car crash—his only human contact in complete isolation was an adult man who told him for four hours a day he was an evil lying demon faking his symptoms and plotting murder and not a human and promised he would kill Michael and stop him, from childhood on, and that was it. He was never given an understanding of what was medically wrong with him, or that anything was at all. He was threatened and abused and kept overdosed on drugs for 15 years since early childhood, and his only understanding of the world taught in that absolute isolation, was that he was a demon who wanted to get out and kill again. And the violent psychosis, telling him if he killed both sisters, they would go away and leave him in peace with no more constant noise. With no normal understanding of the world or people or life like he was owed ever given to him, no understanding at all of what you were going through or were aside from the promise drilled into your head you were a monster who wanted to kill every day for 15 years while drugged up? Like, I’m a firm believe people are responsible for their own actions, but in a case as extreme as that, honestly, how else was that ever going to even be able to end? You forget, as a child. Who you used to be. That’s beyond grooming even, it’s being grown in a lab for the sole purpose of someday walking out, taking a large kitchen knife, and killing Laurie Strode. And it’s tragic. It’s unfair. Halloween is a tragedy, not a horror film. It didn’t have to be that way. He wanted help. He asked for help. Loomis is directly and pretty much solely responsible for the lives lost in 1978. You know he won’t even call Michael “him”? The only human he contact he had since age six on called him “it.” And no one stopped any of that. And even then. Even then, even with all that. With the drugs, and the lab grown killer, and all of it? Michael is pretty much the single least sadistic slasher killer there /is/.
Everyone he kills in Halloween? He kills fast. It’s actually kind of boring if you’re expecting a scary slasher, because there’s no chase until Laurie. He just appears, runs you through, and you die. Very fast. And if there is any emotion expressed towards the act of killing or aftermath, it’s not pleasure or hate or happiness, it’s curiosity, because literally everything is something he wasn’t allowed to experience growing up and just has no practical experience with yet. And on top of all that, he also just doesn’t kill people he doesn’t have to. He kills one man for clothes, kills Annie to re-do Judith’s murder since it didn’t work the first time and he needs both sisters for the voices to stop, and he kills Bob and Lynda becuase they stumble onto where he is & are a threat to success. (This + Judith 15 years prior is all the deaths in Halloween period, btw). Michael routinely only kills his target, and anyone who is a threat to success. Literally doesn’t even jump out to kill Bob or attack until Bob opens the door to the closet he was hiding in, and he has been seen. Walks past a security guard and lets him go in H20 becuase he doesn’t see him, steals keys from a mom with her 4 year old kid and doesn’t even hurt them because they don’t see him really either, steals a knife from an old lady making a sandwich who is one foot away but looking the other direction, so he lets her go. Even with all the possible stakes against him, really, Michael is like, the least cruel and most sympathetic and merciful version of that lab grown killer possible, which can only be a testament to the person he was initially/still somehow has managed to keep faint traces of alive inside.
As for Laurie finding him redeemable, answer is threefold I guess, and I’ll start with the most important. 1: in Halloween canon, Laurie cares for Michael and is incredibly sad about what he turned into and wishes he could be different (once she remembers who he is). That’s established canon, not a choice of mine. In Halloween 2, she tries to talk him down before shooting him, and he hesitates when she says his name and lowers his weapon for a moment. In H20, she talks about him a lot & even asks her boyfriend (a psychologist) if he thinks something so traumatic can happen to someone that they can never recover, bc even though she hasn’t seen him in 20 years, he’s still on her heart. She hesitates to kill him once she has him helpless in the finale, and when he reaches out for her hand, she almost cries and starts to reach back because it’s what she has truly wanted for so long. 2: Michael & Laurie are siblings, and that’s a very important relationship to me. Obviously, there’s lines where you cross, it’s fkn over, but it is special, and I’m weak for it. They were both cheated of the good family life they could have had, and I like characters I care for getting recovery and rehabilitation, and I would like them to be able to recover and have whatever fragments of the lives they wanted which are still possible. And then 3: Laurie is his victim, but they’re also both victims of Loomis, and the system, and her parents, and if she does /wish/ for him to be okay and things to be like they were, which was canon before me, so she does, then I think them finding happiness and her relief and new hope in regained family and him redemption and rehabilitation through the quite literally only person he has /ever/ known who treated him well or like even a human at all & is still living, that’s so good. It’s sweet, and it makes sense. I like broken people putting the pieces together and finding ways to be okay. None of the shit that happened to either of them was okay, and Michael sure did fucking do it, but it’s about as “it’s complicated” as literally possible, and Laurie wants him to be her brother again, and Michael deserves a chance to experience personhood enough to want anything like that again too, and I think it’s sweet. To be able to find happiness and peace and a new life in that rubble. It shouldn’t be possible, because Halloween is a tragedy that never gets a happy ending, no matter how many timelines they create or versions they tell, but I wish it could have one. It needs one. At least one, among all the fated tragedies for those two cruelly cursed siblings. They both had their lives stolen. Michael by Loomis, and Laurie by Michael. And I want them to find those stolen lives again. And if they can do it together, that’s a very odd and unusual set of circumstances for that kind of thing, but it’s a very complete way to tell the story. He tried to kill her, but if she asked him to stop and he stopped, if he himself chose to change on his own, when it really, really mattered—decided that it was what he wanted more than all the things he was before, and she decided that was enough, and they could both have a future as family? I like that. It’s a happy ending stolen back.
Long Frank Answer, in case you /have/ read ILM & thus short answer did not answer your question: So. Again, for me, I always talk about Frank as in the version of him I myself write, and I wrote ILM before the archives retcon, and also just ignore them because they’re usually dumb and blatantly contradict well established and longstanding canon. Even then, I usually don’t like Frank though—didn’t like him when I started writing ILM. But Frank has very little established canon character. All there is for sure is he was a foster kid that went through some bad stuff, he met Julie and changed his mind about desperately trying to be homed somewhere other than with Clive bc he liked Julie a lot, he met Susie and Joey, they became a gang chilling in Ormond’s abandoned lodge, then tried to rob a store Joey was fired from, were surprised by a cleaner who grabbed Julie, and Frank impulse stabbed him, freaked, and ordered the others to finish it with him and be in it together. Then before they’d even really finished burying the body, they got snagged. That leaves a whole lot of personality and thoughts and motivations and future choices and person wildly undetermined. Writing, sometimes characters just do their own thing completely out of my control, and I have to adapt. Frank chose not to kill Meg at the end of Tenacity, Adrenaline, & Grit, which surprised me, because he’d been nothing but a dipshit asshole bastard till one minute ago, but I knew it was because he recognized what she’d tried to do at great pain to herself because she wouldn’t bow down and die, and he connected/empathized or sympathized on some level. He also couldn’t go through with killing Quentin immediately after being helped by him in Distortion/Iron Maiden. Neither was like, planned. It’s just who the character was. I was frustrated. I did not want to like or feel sympathy for Frank at all. Then in The Lost, Jeff just fkn hijacked the whole plot and added 20 pages not in the outline because he wanted to be kind to Frank & it’s not like I can stop characters when they do whatever they do. And while writing it, I got to know that the version of Frank Morrison in the world I was writing—which is always the version I refer to/think of him as & write now myself—was not somebody past saving. He’s a piece of shit and he’s done fucked up and inexcusable stuff, and he pays for it. In many ways, Frank gets away with a lot over the course of ILM, but it’s always because characters choose on their own to forgive him, not because they or he doesn’t think it was fucked. And Frank suffers—a lot—for his choices, and has to live through appropriate and large amounts of regret and remorse about stuff he did before the end. He gets the chance to make better choices several times, and mostly he doesn’t. He continues to fuck up. But right near the end, he makes a couple good decisions when it’s down to the wire, sees where his bad choices got him and what he has to live with, and then he does live with it. He almost dies, and then ends up falling on Jeff’s mercy, which he knows he doesn’t deserve and doesn’t expect to get, for a last chance to make it, and because Jeff is an ungodly kind and forgiving soul, he makes it.
Frank isn’t a good person, and he does a lot of stuff that isn’t remotely okay or justified or excused, but he /is/ a kid—the upper end of it, but he’s not a full grown adult. He has every reason to believe nothing of himself or others, a fucked up childhood and life which isn’t his fault, and the Entity got all four Legion kids before they’d even had time to process the one and only violent crime they did (which was unplanned), and it is historically running a PHD in psychological warfare vs everyone. Absolutely none of that excuses or justifies him, but it is an explanation for some of it that is not as bad as say, doing that shit for fun or cruelty or hate or what have you, which makes him a bad person, but one with a lot more humanity left than say, Kenneth. Who is at -100 or something. If he’s still got a lot of humanity left, that means he could be redeemed, and he eventually chooses that path for himself and hits the appropriate “I did something horrible. Fuck. It was really bad. I should not have done it.” “I am really sorry I did this. I feel awful. I’m sorry.” “I cant change it, but I can try to do better and make whatever reparations I can.” “I want to be better, and I am going to try.” necessary stages of actually trying to improve. So, I like him. He did a lot of really awful shit that wasn’t okay, but he was never without sympathetic elements. He does love his friends and his girlfriend, he is a good boyfriend to Julie and selfless towards her and his crew (overall anyway—has even risked death for them very willingly, even the one who was fighting with/kinda hated him), will keep his word in deals and has some semblance of both sympathy and honor, feels guilt, is a kid, did not choose this life but was rather catapulted into it and too weak to climb out once he landed in the mud. All of that together makes him someone I feel sympathy towards and find quite redeemable, so long as he will decide he wants that, which, in ILM, he does. If you just meant Frank in general then idk how to answer because there’s not much established Frank period it’s kinda a shell like all original dead by daylight characters, and I have no thoughts on it by itself because it’s not a whole person, and so I really only think of Frank as ILM verse Frank now.
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Bio! Dad Strange part 4
Shorter but a paris update for her life and a little on gotham with Jason as Robin while Tim is a hero Stalker.
Marinette is 7 when she changes schools, ordered into the Dupont school chain by her teachers since she was getting ‘difficult’ and contradicting their ciriculum. When they challeneged her on this, she went to the school board with Rolland beside her of all people.
The board agreed on one thing, Marinette’s contradictions were not only factually correct, but were done to prevent the outdated ciriculum from hurting her classmates. Instead of punishing her, she got to skip a gade and was given to Dupont as a ‘highly reccomended gifted student’.
Her first day she met Max, who also skipped a grade. The pair bond in five seconds over a new programming focused on learning emotional intelligence. Uncle Riddler was showing her it, and Max got his hands on a various ai bases. This led to then teaming up and designing the one and only Markov together, if only in schematics.
A week in and the two notice that some kids are being followed around by a guy with a bat. They report it. Again and again, but no one can find him.
One day he catches the pair on their way to Max’s—they wanted to work on their ai together, ok? The guy tries to hit Max, saying something about them being lucky metas that needed to suffer.
Marinette’s gotham training kicked in. She caught the bat, ripped it away from him and hit him in the chest with it, while yelling at max to run.
At the end of the incident, videotaped by a bystander, the Dupont Stalker was arrested.
Marinette was given another name by the police, ‘fille de batte’ or bat girl. Her having family in gotham only made the nickname more popular.
This put her on Kim and Alix’s radar. Kim wanted a challenge for fighting and competitions, and this tiny kid did that—to an adult! New friend and rival!
Alix was went from shock to joy as Marientte does art. She does art. Art friend to rant to found!
Nino ran into Marinette not long after Kim and Alix attached themselves to her and Max. Nino became their judge for Kim challenges. Including Mari pinning Kim to the mat, or deciding who did a circus move better (Mari won acrobatics).
Chloe doesnt go to dupont until next year, and sabrina is in another class, mildly concerned for Marinette.
In this au, again, Dupont is considered a ‘i would not be shocked if there were metas there’ school for gifted kids in any way.
Marinette is sent there for her insane science obsession at the time, but is also put in their arts program with Alix to develop as an artist with her medium, fabrics and fashion.
And if marinette redesigns hero outfits as “monsiuer ross, scribbles have more style, let alone fashion sense” alot, well. Kids get obsessed a lot and the Justice League is a common one, as are known villians. Her everyday outfits having different hero schemes—oddly enough some forensic scientist she’s obsessed with from some american city ended up in her mix—well. She’s a kid and showing signs a few types of anxiety.
Possible social and OCD and a developing case of perfectionism common to the arts program. The school has her see a therapist and know she isnt telling them everything beyong mild concern for her gotham family, and confusion over people just ‘not getting things’ as she is terribly smart and good at finding patterns and how do people not see it?
By the end of the year Marinette is in a strong friend group who’s parents and hers have decided to have joint custody during the school year.
She was now (forced) to learn vietnamese from Kim’s Grandparents, italian from Rolland (her nonno that has a Thing for tradition and somehow married Gina and raised Tom mostly on his own while running the bakery to boot), english from Father/Strange, Mandarin from her Maman and she started Arabic to talk with Nino’s aunt who kept saying marinette was her future in-law and point out that nino and her are friends, not dating ma’am.
However, Nino endured most of this with her-not the italian or Mandarin, but the others. Kim couldnt get Arabic but mandarin was a breeze for him. Alix cannot get vietnamese or arabic but Mandarin is her jam after french. Max just speaks french and english, he understands the others he just cant get the sounds right, ok?
When Marinette goes back to Gotham that summer, she ends up dealing with Hero Stalker Tim (jason is robin now) while looking for Red Hoodie who No oNE is telling her what happened and she’s worried, ok?
Tim feeds her obbsession with fixing problems. He sometimes sends her building layouts of places Catwoman stole from. And then the jewlry reappears thanks to a nervous Marinette coached by Rose and Ghoul while Frost handles her post-fix it freak out. Tim also may or may not get helped by her alot during Batman Stalking Time as she teaches his butt how to sneak and complains he’s worse than penguin.
Tim hates that, works on it, and still has nonidea who she is. He does admit to figuring out who batman may be, but needs more evidence so...
Marinette hits him becuase “thats dangerous!” And tries to lecture him in identites.
Batman’s radiowave was used for said lecture.
“And it puts their families in danger you, uh, hero stalker! And stuff so no more identity investigations!”
“They have the same builds, and did signsture moves from—“ the signal cutout.
He and Jason are more careful... ish. They change channels and monitor the old one.
Sometimes Batman catches Marinette and Tim talking about coldcases and she has asked three times if he heard anything about Jason’s street kid identity. Jason is feeling guilty about this as she’s his Pixie Pop. This lets Bruce know that the probably-clark’s-kid would keep Jason away from GCPD and CPS.
When a convo leads to Batman finding out Tim and Marinette have considered asking the police for help with a case of medicine that needed to be recalled as it was beign used to mule drugs contaminated the batches and hurt patients, but turned it down after she saw some taking bribes from Fish, Batman lets Gordon know and an investigation is launched.
While Bats is away, Jason visits marinette as Robin and tries to get her to bats for more information and a lecture on heroing without adult supervision. Maybe.
Only she’s currently stealing from a sleeping selina at another HQ. A Selina who has stopped trying to stop marinette and let riddler turn her house into one of his ‘traps’ to stop Marinette’s ‘return theiving’.
Jason gets stuck in a trap. Marinette is gone by then, scared Robin will tell Superman about her and he’ll hurt her family or something.
Catwoman is annoyed at Marinette’s sucess. She goes to stop the girl after leaving him tied up for Batman with a message: leave her new kitten-to-be alone.
Follow up talk post-Caught Marinette reverse theiving.
“Blame the Council’s decrees. She’s their little princess, and my new neice,” Catwoman watched Batman carefully.
Confused Batman in interrogator mode. “You mean the Court of Owls, arent they disbanded?”
“Bats, the council is gotham’s underground. Apparently Two-Face made the contracts as penance for scaring the Princess during a breakout. Unless you want an organized attack by the council, steer clear of her.”
Batman conencts the dots and curses himself. The girl he was looking for last summer is the Princess of Gotham’s underground. It will be hell finding her. And Superman/Clark will lose it when he’s told.
He lets the JL know about it, saying ‘possibly kyptonian clone, female child. Gotham’s underground is calling her their Princess. Connor and Kidflash tailed her last summer during the arkham breakout while Robin was with the Titans. Be alert for a small asian girl.’
That was how Marinette ended up on the JL watch list and how Superman had another existential crisis.
Dick freaks out with the Titans over this. Becuase kyltonian raised by villians is terrifying. Jason forwarded the message and adds on “she’s a good kid and wants to help. Somehow keeps zsasz and joker from killing people, so its not good to take her away or issolate her from the villians if you find her. From what i remember, she is terrified of her family beign put in danger. The others wont listen to me. If you can, pass this along to the other sidekicks and your allies—none of them trust me enough to listen. I cant talk to her as a civilian like i used to either for obvious reasons. And she’s terrified of me-Robin. Maybe you can get through to her, or someone else can. Just talk to her first, she’s more reasonsble than she looks”
Dick doesnt read the add on until much later and regrets it.
He met marinette once. She was a very excited kid babbling about aerodynamics in acrobatics and asking about that. Not hero things, not power things, or justice league but That.
He tried to be nice but he was having a horrible mission, saw the girl floating as she rambled and tried to grab her.
She freaked out and bolted, sort of. He got slammed into a building, or would have had she not caught him, rambled in french while trying to apologize (he was a but stunned from the throw, and rebooting as villian-kyptonian was... nice?) and put him on the roof, hit his communicator and said one thing.
“I think i broke your robin? All are robins like bird bones or something?”
He regained a functioning brain as that. That was something he could respond to.
“I am human thank you!”
That seemed to be enough for her as he moved to get up. She waved bye and bolted, something about Rose being mad at her for being late...
“Titans. I think we might have been wrong about the kid...”
Later with Young Justice the info was passed on.
Jason asked if anyone read his attachment and was met with silence. He groaned and told them “so another team she’s going to avoid... great.”
Marinette added the titans to her list of ‘people to aviod—tetch and Jerimah were the worst. Luthor and Cadmus were under them. Then the entire Justice League (they would tell batman or superman. Snitches.), followed by GCPD, CPS, the Bat Family and now Titans. She wonders if she needs to add anyone else, and hates that she cant talk to heroes. They could help with controlling her powers instead of suppressing them but she cant trust them not to give her to superman like batman did with Rose to Poison Ivy and she’s pretty sure Superboy too.
Next time, times marinette accidently put together identities and curses Hero Stalker Tim for her now knowing.
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blazingpheonixo · 4 years
okay, so were getting personal here,
This March will be coming up to my Dad's 3 year deathaversary. It wasnt expected, he was only 38. He drowned, and his death is acually still under investigation. That's probably the first close death i had. Anyway, it caused a lot of problems in my family. Including my mum moving her and my sister an hour and a half away from me. That and i dont hear from dads side of the family anymore. so thats super shit. When this happened i Also lost my best friend at the time Georgia. She went off at my boyfriend Kenedy because he didnt want to come to the funeral and caused some issues. anyways I forgot to mention when he died i was in rockhampton. which was even more shit. but anyway, when i came back. I didnt hear from my best friend at all, i went to the funeral. still hadnt heard from her. She full went off at my partner cause he didnt wanna come to the funeral but yeah a week had past since coming back and she knew i was back. Sent her a message and said hey whats going on, you went off at him made a big deal but i havent heard from you. and pretty much she responded with telling me that i was a shit friend and It was mean to message her like that and then she blocked me on everything. So yeah I lost my father and my best friend in the same week. I still dont know wtf happened which just comes up in my brain a lot.
And then theres my ex, Kenedy. I think i said already that we were together for nearly 6 years. We broke up over a stupid photo at the end of July so its been 4 months. For starters we were engaged and we were about to start trying for a kid. But it was such a toxic and unhealthy relationship dude. Like fuck.. We used to get into fights and ill just be straight up, it got physical. Id end up covered in bruised and cuts and it was pretty bad tbh. Holes in walls. Broken bits. I never ended up in hospital because of it but like it was still pretty bad. This probably only happened the last two years of the relationship. I grew up watching my mum be abused, i know that it isn't the norm and what ever but i guess i was kind of use to it in a way? so i think thats why i put up with it? idk. That or my mental issues lol. But yeah so, I'm still kind of getting past that bit, I have photos that come up in my memories which trigger me and sometimes I get panic attacks randomly. Its shit. It wasn's always physical.
Then we come to my ex best friend, Rhianne. I literally grew up with her, but we never used to be friends, we just went all through school together. She also used to be my bully in kinder and prep LOL.
Anyway, we started being friends when i first moved into this place so maybe a year and a half? shes toxic to haha. We had a good friendship at the start but the more i hung out with her the more i began to feel like shit about myself. I don't have friends. She was pretty much all i had. So i kind of let a lot of stuff slide and i never really stood up for myself. and i mean a lot of things i let slide. She got really obsessive towards me. I honestly think she is infatuated with me. She would rock up here pretty much daily and use me for my stuff and makeup and clothes and then wed go for drives and stuff. idk we used to do everything together. Not because i wanted to either. Pretty much what she said was the go. She would talk down to me as if i was a child. Im the kind of person as well that i like my alone time, i dont like going out all the time i like to sit in and enjoy my own company, I dont like hanging out EVERYDAY with someone. She use to talk shit about me behind my back as well. just cause so much drama and eh. But she was so fkn obsessive. Then when kenedy and i broke up, her friend was having there birthday at the clubhouse, so thats house i was introduced to the club. She took me a long and told me to take someone home to help myself feel better about the breakup. SO anyway, Shaun was there and we were getting to know each other.
She caused a big scene and didnt want me to take him home. I think it was jealousy. Got to the point were she had me in tears.
I then for some weird reason logged into my exes account, I found messages telling people how much he hates me and wants me to kill myself and wants to fuck Rhianne. Then i showed her all of this. She was grossed out and deleted him. We then had a small fight because i stood up for myself one night. Why we wernt talking she went out clubbing and Kenedy was out. So she party'd with my ex as well as invited him and had him come back to her dads place. Nothing happened to my knowledge but I mean, Im sure they fucked.
Anyway, (I have depression and anxiety. When kenedy and i broke up, i didnt handle it well, I started self harming and it was getting pretty bad) I took shaun home from the clubhouse that night and pretty much his been here ever since, so 3 months we've been together now. I’m not sure if I love him or not. I don’t know because my brain is scattered at the moment. Because of everything hoing on. His a lovely guy, but his not for me. But the way my brain works and how im coping with all these things, i just can't be alone dude. I literally get so depressed and its scary because i don't want to give myself the chance because when im alone like i am tonight. All of this just goes through my brain and i get so fucked up, i don't even know if you wanna hear about self harm and abuse. but it happens. TBH im probably going to end up hurting myself tonight. I wasnt joking to you when i said i wanted to drive my car into a truck. i literally feel like that.
So what actually made Rhianne and i stop being friends. Her, Shaun and myself were drinking at her friends. Shaun has epilepsy and actually had a seizure in front of me the previous day, Rhianne got into him and told him it was his fault and that i should never have had to of seen that. I didnt go off at her, HER friend kicked her out and told her sleep in her car. Since then she has tried to constantly break us up.
On top of that, im in a lot of debt. and it got to the point were i actually made a Onlyfans account and it actually helped. I feel gross about it but it was private no one i knew in real life had access. OR SO I THOUGHT. i used tumblr to get my subscribers, didnt realise my ex Kenedy had access. He sent screenshots to Rhianne and she sent them to pretty much everyone i know. Ive lost a few friends becuase of it. and well yeah it was degrading. She then apologised and i forgave her for like a whole 6 hours. Until i really thought about it. Just cause we were in a small argument i wouldnt do that to her you know or anyone. so i told her that. and shes been super nasty since.
She is also still talking with my ex.
So yeah, I also might have breast cancer 😣
These are most the reasons I want to die.
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simply-sams-things · 6 years
We can try to make it work
Something I thought of a few days ago.
Reader is 13 weeks pregnant in the beginning
Spelling is not the best cuase I'm tired.
Summary:You meet the cast of Bohemian Rhapsody 6 weeks after you found out you were expecting your ex boyfriends baby. He knew but wanted nothing to do with you or the baby. So you put on a brave face and continued your daily life but with a bump. You are a make up artist for big movies and today was your first day on the Bohemian Rhapsody set. You were excited becuase its a Queen biopic which who dosent love Queen!?
You walked into the tralior you parked next to which said Joe Mazzello and Ben Hardy on it because thats were you were told to go. You felt a little sick but you took a bottle of ginger ale in your purse incase you got sick. You walked in to see a man with lite brown hair and a man with blond hair trying to make a conversation but failing.
"Hi I'm Y/N nice to meet you" you started off when you put your purse on the counter with your name on it.
"Hi I'm Ben. Ben Hardy" the blonde one said putting his hand out for you to shake. You shook it.
"Nice to meet you Ben" you said "and you are?" You said looking at the brown haired man.
"Joe. Uh Joe Mazzello" he replied
"Well hi Joe I guess I'm doing your make up today since your in my chair but we can't start till 8 and its 7 so we have an hour" you told him. "Ben I think Ryan will be here in about ten minutes so dont worry you're not being left out"
Ben chuckled and said he was going to go find some food and asked if anyone wanted anything the both of you said no but thanks for offering.
"So Joe where ya from" you started
"New York. You?"
"Oh I'm from ______"
"How long have you been doing makeup if you dont mind me asking"
"Well since I was small but I didnt get into it until I was in high school and after high school I went to beauty school which lead me into the film industry and now I'm here"
"How about you with acting?"
"Oh I've been doing it since I was very young and I played in some big roles but now im playing John Deacon in a Queen biopic which is amazing" he said excitingly
"You were in Jurrasic Park" you realized
"Yes yes I was!" He said laughing which caused you to giggle.
Ryan walked in at that time and said hello and set up his situation and you realised you had to set yours up. Joe watched you and you knew so you simply gave him a smile through the mirrior which cuase him to blush.
You felt it get hot in the tralior suddenly and took your sweater off showing your tiny bump and Joes eyes quickly adverted away from it as soon as he realised he was staring at it.
"Joe its okay to stare at it I dont mind" you told him knowing the look he gave it. It was one everyone gave after they saw it. Mabye it was becuase of no ring on your finger or mabye it was becuase you were only 25. Either way who knows you were used to it.
"Sorry I just umm wasnt expecting a bump"
"Nobody does but it kinda happens when you get pregnant mine just popped out a few days ago" you said with a chuckle.
"Sorry again"
"Dont be Joe its okay I dont mind you looking at it just don't stare at it to long cuase that's a bit weird" another laugh to lighten the mood. Ryan had no idea what was going on and just listened to the strange conversation unfolding in front of him. Ben, thank god, walked in and sat down and greeted Ryan. It was 7:30 so you thought it was a good idea to start Joes look but of course the second wave of nausea washed over you and Joe noticed.
"Y/N you okay?" He asked you.
"Yeah just wait a bit I'll be back in a minute" you grabbed your Ginger ale and walked outside in the still cold morning air. You walked around the trailor and sat on the curb. You were chugging the Ale and didn't notice Joe looking at you.
"Are you okay?" His question scared you and you jumped. "Sorry. Sorry didnt mean to scare you just making sure you're okay." He sat down next to you.
"Yeah no its okay I'm fine Joe go back inside I'll be there in a few minutes just needed air"
"Are you sure it looked like you were going to get sick"
"Just morning sickness thats all but it wont be until a few more weeks till its gone im fine though really" you told the man.
"Okay well I dont want to be rude and leave you so I'll stay here with you until you want to go and do my face"
You laughed. "You dont have to but thanks I'm ready to go back just needed fresh air."
You both walked in and you did your thing while only almost throwing up once. You walked to set together and for the next six weeks you talked about your families and lives and you had enough courage to tell Joe about your situation with the babys father with the rest of the cast one night at dinner.
"Wow thats just a loss for him" he told you.
"What do you mean?" You asked
"He misses out on being in the life of a child and its mom" he said
"Joe are you flirting with your makeup artist?" Rami, the man who plays Freddie Mercury, asked Joe. You had grown close to the rest of the cast quickly and helping them when their personal artist were not around.
"No I'm just saying he lost something a lot of people want to have" Joe said looking any were but your eyes. At the time of the conversation you were 19 weeks.
Gwilym, Brian Mays actor portrayal, noticed the tension and asked you a question you never thought about.
"So Y/N are going to find out the gender?"
"Well I haven't thought about it yet" And the truth was you hadn't then you realised that appointment was in three days. "Crap I have an appointment in a few days"
"Why is that a bad thing?" Lucy asked. Mary Austins look alike.
"No its not but I have nobody to come with" you said with a frown. Everybody looked at you and then Joe and then back to you and then back to Joe.
"What?" Joe asked.
Ben then spoke up.
"How about Joe and I go with you? If thats okay with you of course"
"That would be lovely Joe you listening?" You asked
"Yes I am but that's your thing I dont want to interrupt that moment"
Everyone groaned.
"Joe its alright you and Ben can come with I think it would make it more interesting to be very honest."
Two days later Ben texted the group chat saying he can't go cuase he had a date. But Joe and you knew what he was doing. He pulled a move were three people had plans but the one who invited backs out and leaves the other two too do the thing.
Joe picked you up so you didn't waste gas and energy and he wanted to talk about the whole Ben thing.
"Y/N you look lovely this morning" he said when you opened the door. You were wearing leggings and a black maternity shirt that said 'coming this June' as well as a big jacket.
"Well thank you and you look good as well" you told him. Joe was wearing jeans and a blue shirt and a jacket. Simple outfit for a normal thing he thought.
He opened the car door for you and went to the driver side and started the car and the radio was turned on full blast which Joe had forgotten about and apologized when turning it down.
You were laughing and said its okay multiple times. Joe was embarrassed.
At the appointment you had to get your blood drawn and was going to get called back right before you found out the baby's gender. You hate the thought of your blood getting drawn. It scared you to the point were you wanted to leave.
"Hey its okay but you need to do this I'm right here incase you need me" he told you.
"Can you come back with me please?"
"Of course"
"Y/N Y/L/N" a nurse called "Hi I'm nurse Gina your husband can come with you cuase we will head right to the ultrasound room after the test"
"Oh he's not my husband just a friend" you explained
"Umm okay well he can come back"
"Joe?" You motioned for him to follow
You sat in the chair and set your arm out while Gina put the blue band above your vein. Joe noticed your scared face and put his hand out for you to hold. You grabbed it and he started to distract you.
"So Y/N what do you want the gender to be?"
"Oh I dont know a boy maybe?"
"A boy would be nice you can teach him all your tricks to make people focus like you do on set"
"Yeah" you felt the needle but then it was done and you looked over and saw that she was done. You let go of Joe's hand and said sorry for crushing it.
You were taken back to the room and you got on the table and gave Joe your purse.
"Okay so I'm swole right now so dont judge my mountain" you said with a chuckle
"I would never" he said bashfully. You lifted your shirt and Joe poked it. Making you laugh.
"Okay Y/N this will be what?" Gina asked
"Cold!" Joe and you said at the same time and that caused you all to burst into a fit of giggles. You wondered how Joe knew that.
"Here we go" Gina said and put the cold gel on your belly and then the doppler. She started with the normal stuff like heart and brain and lung growth and she even did the heartbeat. Joe was amazed by that part. And then Gina took a few pictures of the baby.
"Alright are you finding out the Gender today?" She asked
"Yes we are" You replied
"So let me just go and find were the part is cuase your baby is kinda low but thats great right now cause it needs to be head down for delivery" she said while moving the device around your belly.
"Its a.....boy!"
"Really!?" You asked about to cry and then you looked at Joe who had a big smile which cuased you to cry.
"Yep! And he is very healthy so dont worry about that. I'll leave you two be" Gina said cleaning off your belly and leaving. Joe helped you get off the table and gave you a hug and kiss on the head.
"You got your boy"
"I did!" You exclaimed still crying
"Hey why you crying?"
"Oh just becuase in happy and hormonal."
"Lets go get brunch to celebrate there is a nice place down the street"
A few weeks later it was the week before Christmas and you were going to visit your family at your grandparents cabin in Vermont but you had told them you were bringing your boyfriend. Problem was you didnt have one and that's how you ended up on Joe's front door step scared shitless and wanting to leave but as you were about to leave Joe opened the door.
"Y/N is what are you doing here? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" He asked pulling you inside.
"Yeah everything's good nothings wrong. you were leaving I should go" you said turning but Joe grabbed your hand.
"No whats going on? My date can wait family is first"
"Date? Joe go its fine it doesn't matter"
"Yes it does Y/N whats up?" He said pushing you to the couch and sitting down next to you.
"Well umm okay so I'm in big trouble with my family" you started "I told my family that I have a boyfriend and that I would bring him for Christmas but you see I dont have one and now I'm going to show up pregnant which they know but I told them that I was still with his father but obviously I'm not cuase he's a dick and is a no-show to anything" you said fast needing to take a breathe.
"I dont understand why you're here though" he told you
"I was going to ask if you wanted to come to my familys cabin and pretend to be my boyfriend but now I feel like an idiot so I should just go" you started to get up but Joe pulled you back down and into his lap.
"Joe I'm going to break you"
"No you won't" he said "I'll do it"
"You dont have to if you dont want to" you said
"I want to plus it would be fun a free cabin trip"
"Joe are you sure?"
"Yes I am Y/N"
"But dont you want to be with your family I'm sure you do Joe"
"To be honest I was actually going to Rami's house so this is an upgrade" he said with a chuckle.
"Okay then 'boyfriend' what are your limits?"
"What do you mean?"
"What can we do and not do, to convince my family we are a copule?"
He told you all the stuff he was willing to do such as holding hands, hugging and even a kiss on the cheek. You agreed and set your boundaries.
Four days later Joe and you took the journey all the way to Stowe, Vermont to your grandparents cabin. He drove but it took awhile cuase you had to pee a lot but it was still fun. You took pictures in every town you came upon and had lunch in a little town outside of Stowe. When you got to the cabin, your parents were already there including the rest of your family.
"Joe they will ask you a bunch of questions and I'm very sorry about that"
"Its okay, hey its okay are you sure you want to do this?"
"Okay then lets go 'girlfriend'!" And he hopped out of the car and went to open your door. You walked up saying you would get the bags later. When you got to the door your aunt opend it and grabbed you into a big hug saying you has gotten so big since she saw her last and was kissing your face and hair. Joe was trying not to laugh. She saw Joe and brought him into the hug and said welcome to the family.
"Kathy let those children inside they are freezing!" Your mom said.
Aunt Kathy moved and let Joe and you inside. Your mom and dad knew joe and what he was doing so he was happy to have familiar faces around.
"Joe! Y/N! You made it!" Your dad said.
"Yes we did sir" Joe said
"Hopefully she wasn't to much for you!" Your mom said
"Of course not! He on the other had was a bugger!" He said pointing to your belly and laughing. You held on to his hand the whole time.
"What was my grandson doing that could be so annoying?" You mom joked "have you felt him move yet?"
"No not yet but the doc said this week we should feel him move" you said
"Well come on in you must be tired and hungry"
The rest of the day was spent talking and having many family members asking Joe his whole life story and also touching your bump and waiting to feel any movement, but your boy was stubborn and wouldn't budge.
Joe and your dad brought in the bags and took it to your room. You were in the kitchen with your mom when she asked a question.
"Do you like Joe?"
"As a friend yes" you said low incase anyone was listening
"No as boyfriend materiel silly!"
"I dont know mom, he is my best friend in a way. I feel more connected to him more then i do with others. I like him yes but I'm afraid he wont like me back mom."
"Baby he likes you too I can tell by the way he looks at you and trust me I know that look because your father gives that look to food and you know he loves his food"
"Mom!" You said laughing
"What he does!"
Later that night, after your shower you walked into the bedroom and saw Joe on the bed looking at the t.v. looking for a channel. You decided to climb in next to him and try to fall asleep but it was hard cuase it was cild in the room no matter how many blankets you had on you.
"Are you alright?" Joe asked "You're shaking the bed"
"I'm cold" you said sounding hopeless and that broke Joes heart.
"Well we could uhh...if you want to...cuddle to keep you from dying of frost bite?" He finally manged to get out
"Are you sure?"
And before he knew it you were next to him still shivering but next to him. Your swollen belly touching his stomach and your arms pulled close to you while his arms managed to find their way around you. But he started to get annoyed cause you kept poking his stomach.
"Stop poking me"
"I'm not the baby is poking you...wait you can feel that too!" You said looking up at him
"Wait that's the baby!?" He said looking down at you. His hand then found its way onto your belly trying to feel him kick again. You then guided his hand to the right place and he said 'wow' under his breath and you smiled and put your head on his cjest and kept moving his hand wherever the baby was kicking.
"I like you too you know" he said out loud. Your heart went a million times fast becuase he heared your conversation with your mom, but then it sank cuase he probably was doing it only becuase you were a single mom.
"No listen I like you in fact I love you becuase you are so strong and are raising this little guy all by yourself and the moment you walked into that trailor a few months ago I was certain you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. When you took that sweater off and I saw this guy for the first time I got sad cuase I thought you were taken but when that dickwad of a ex boyfriend called you saying all those horrible things about you at Gwils birthday party I was enraged becuase how could anybody say that to you or anybody-"
He was stop by you becuase your lips were crashing against each other. He sat up more and sitting you into his lap. You leaned back from the kiss smiling.
"Joe I love you and I have since that first day" you gave him another long and passionate kiss. "You have changed my world in so many ways-" you felt a few tears run down your fave. Joe brushed his thumb over your cheek to wipe them away."-I love you so much"
"I love you to Y/N more then the world combined" he said leaning into another kiss but just then your son felt jealous and kicked you extremely hard Joe felt it and winced a little.
"Ow!" You said putting your forehead on Joe's chest and he started rubbing his hands up and down your back.
"Are you okay love?"
"Yeah just hurt a little he must feel left out I guess" you explained
Joe leaned down aa bit just above your belly and started talking to it.
"Hey little man I know you can hear me so listen up! I like your mom a lot and I was trying to kiss her before you made yourself known which is great becuase your moving but before I kiss your mom I want your permission first okay? Can I kiss your mommy?" He asked and you bursted into a fit of laughter.
"What?" He asked smugly
"He is kicking like crazy now thanks a lot" you said moving off of him and looking at the clock noticing it was 10:30 at night.
"Well I should take that as a yes" he said before moving back down to cuddle you again.
"Okay mister we should go to bed tomorrow is Christmas eve and I'm tired" you said moving your head on his chest and he wrapped you back into hos embrace.
"Damn it" you whisperd
"I have to pee."
The next morning as you got dressed you felt a pair of arms wrap around your shoulders and you leand back and looked up at your lover.
"Hi" you beamed up at him.
"Hi" he said before placing a kiss at your lips.
"Are we the real thing now?"
"I guess" he said before spinning you around to hug you.
"Well, boyfriend I'm happy becuase after last night I wanted to eat some sour patch kids and well since you get the honor of being with me this means you get to go to the store and get sour patch kids for me" you squealed patting his chest before looking for your bra and shirt for the day.
"Wait thats no fair I want some too!" He said looking at you looking through the drawrs trying to figure out were you placed your bras.
"Middle one honey" he told you
"How do you know that?"
"I watched you unpack yesterday and then you told me to remind you that you put them in there" he said after pulling his shirt over his head.
"Well I'm going to come to the store with you so i can get my candy as well"
You walked down stairs hand in hand and saw your mom cooking breakfast you then wanted to instantly help but she asked for Joe and told you to find your father. You gave Joe a look but he waved you off and you wandered around looking for your dad.
"Joe I heard you and Y/N talking last night and I couldn't be happier but I want you to know if you hurt my baby and grandbaby in anyway no one will find your body" she told him "understand?"
"Yes Ma'am" he said "I love both of them alot in fact with all my heart and soul. She has changed me and that baby boy has changed me as well. I love them to the moon and back and I could never hurt them."
"Good because they are my world Joe and you are now because you're in our family now! Now help me with this food or your girlfriend will be angry and she is a mean angry hungry person like a very mean one!" She told him pulling him into a hug. She noticed that you and your dad were listening the whole time.
"Ease-droppers!" She exclaimed letting go of Joe who turned around to see you and your dad standing there smiling.
"Mom stop threatening my love" you said going up to give Joe a hug and grab some bacon.
"I will as soon as you stop stealing the food!" She said playfully slapping your hand and you retreated it with two pieces of the bacon and handding one to Joe before walking out to the living room. Your sister was there talking to her husband and watching their three kids play. You had two nephews and a niece. The twins, Gabe and Quinn, we're 6 and Katy was 4. They adored you and when they saw you they all fought about who was going to sit next to you and on your lap.
"Hey kiddos I love you and all but nobody is sitting on my lap" you told them.
"But auntie why!?" Katy asked.
"Well your baby cousin is making it hard for anyone to sit on my lap even doggies can't sit on my lap anymore!" The three gasped.
Then Quinn got down close to your stomach and started talking.
"Hi baby cousin it's your biggest cousin Qinn I want to ask you a favor! Can you move back so I can sit on auntie's lap because I want to and I haven't in a long time love you baby cousin!" Every one in the room chuckled and you sister asked you and Joe a question about the baby.
"Have you guys got a name for him yet? because I have a few!" You looked at Joe who shrugged.
"No we haven't actually but I have thought of a few" you said looking back at her.
"Really? What are they?" Your brother-in-law asked.
"Umm well I liked the name Landon, I thought it was cute. I want a unique name cause I can tell he is going to be an interesting baby already. I also like the name Ashton" Joe watched you and listened with a passion.
"What about you Joe? Do you have any names" your sister asked Joe didn't want to admit but he thought of names for his own children in the future so he just said those ones.
"I like the name Sutton. It's a gender neutral name I've always liked." Your heart melted that was the name but you would tell that Joe later.
"Those are nice names!" Gabe said.
"Yes auntie they are but the name Katy is the best!" Katy said
"Of course it is Katy girl!" You smiled "how about we go play in the snow! So we can pass time while we wait for Grandma to finish breakfast!" You suggested
"Yay!!" Everyone said
After your Christmas Eve feast also known as Chinese food, your whole family say in the living room. You were on the couch and Joe was at you legs while Katy sat on your lap. She somehow fit and because you just ate you knew that the baby would start kicking soon and he did Katy looked up at you in awe and squealed. Everyone looked at you both.
"Auntie's baby is kicking me!" She said joyfully
Everyone rushed over and felt him kick and then they sat down.
"Is it wierd?" Gabe asked
"A little but I'm used to it now"
"Alright kids time for bed because santa is coming tonight!" Your sister said
"Can auntie put us to bed?" The three said all at once rubbing their eyes.
"If she wants to" she looked at you
"Of course I will I am happy too but after you guys are out I'm going to bed because I want to know what santa brought me!" You said heading up stairs behind the three.
Once in their room you tucked the twins in their big bed and gave them a kiss on the heads before going over to Katy's bed and tucking her in.
"Can you sing us a song please?" Quinn said very sleepy sounding.
"Okay loves what song Gabe?"
"I don't" he yawnd "know"
"Well how about moon river? I sang that to all three of you when you were baby's"
"Okay" they said
"Moon river wider than a mile
Crossin' in style someday
My dream maker
Wherever you're going I'm going the same
Two drifters off to see the world
It's such a crazy world you'll see (What I see, who I become)
What I see, who I become
We're all chasin' after our end
Chasin' after our ends
Life's just around the bend, my friend
Moon river and me"
You ended the song and kissed all of their heads as they fell into a deep slumber dreaming of tomorrow. The baby was going crazy the whole time and as you walked into your room you saw Joe on the bed with a big smile on his face.
"What? Do I have something on my shirt?"
"Then why are you smiling like an idiot right now?" He laughed and motioned you to sit on the bed and you did.
"I like your voice"
"You heard that!?"
"Oh yeah and it was beautiful and sexy"
"It was and it adds another reason to love you even more"
"Thank you for that compliment and I guess your not the only one who thinks so because he was going crazy the whole time!" You kissed Joe and he hummed.
"Sutton is a nice name Joe I like it"
"You do?"
"Yes I do it's a beautiful name"
"I wasn't going to mention it to you but I'm glad you like it." He kissed your head as it laid against his shoulder "Do you want it?"
"What no that's your name babe I could never take it"
"I want you to have it" he thought for a second "well him have it" he rubbed his hand over your belly.
"Are you sure because we can name him something else"
"Well yeah because we are together I'm sorry it's to soon I shouldn't have said anything"
"No no no I like it the sound of we and that you trust me with this"
"Joey I love you stop being perfect but don't stop please" you said getting up to change into more comfortable sleep clothes which ended being Joe's shirt and some flannel pants.
"Don't stop being sexy please?" He said while you cuddled into him.
"Okay I won't as long as you're enjoying the veiw I won't!"
******* part 2 coming soon
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quackspot · 5 years
ok i want to talk about my cookie run ocs so i will but below the cut because thats just how it be sdkljklsjklea (im going to TRY not blab out everything i think so then if you want you can send asks)
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ok so hes a liddol baby . he likes to hang out with sand ! theyre best friends and sometimes go to beaches and other places together. he’s very sweet and a little quiet. just a baby.
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speaking of sand here they are!!! they dont talk much but when they do it sometimes freaks cookies out due to it being a drippy sand hole like
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frog doesnt care about it too much . sometimes he tries to put sticks or something in their mouth just to see what’d happen. sand just eats the stick
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rabbit’s foot is ! very lucky to say the least. hes also pretty gullible and easily fall for tricks but due to his luck they never seem to work out. very rarely does something harmful happen to him, though things like disappointing or saddening other cookies can happen. 
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SPEAKING of disappointing or saddening cookies... fun dip! he’s often disappointed due to his tricks not working on rabbit’s foot but that only motivates him more. someone once said he looks like he’d be gumballs brother and honestly that’d be a chaotic pair of siblings (while im hesitant about canon relations with ocs..... who cares????). so yeah fun dip and gumball are brothers. 
rabbit’s foot is very much like a young child (though he is aware of a lot of things, he just has a personality alike to a young child. not a brain alike to a young child) and fun dip is a goofball prankster.
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almond is very grumpy and they want to be a powerful wizard . honestly if they knew how to contact de or find her they would. also they are very emotional but tend to bottle it up (becuase in their tags on their ref its like “bad boy or crybaby” and i was like ‘’ok both’’). 
they dont hang around cookies often
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and now for your local gamer boy. basically mlg jokes all the way around. mtn dew cookie references all that old stuff! theyre likely aware of other things too but theyre like “ah, nah, no thanks bro lolololol” and somehow they have that one robotic male voice? you know  the one in all of cowbelly’s videos that reads the memes? yeah that one. idk how to describe it
they also live off of doritos! besides their pet because it’s kind of obvious that’s a different dorito (plus g4m3r br0 has been existing for a while so it’d taste bad)
(mtn dew cookie is pangender)
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garlic cooky! hes a dad and he’s married but that was on ponytown . i made him when me, kiley, and jamie decided to make a lil oc family . kiley made bread cookie his husband and jamie made butter, their daughter. garlic cookie had a very chaotic family when we all actualy messed around on there !
he also adopted some one’s herb pony on ponytown who acted very feral . we joked about dog with a blog because garlic called him the family dog . garlic cookie thinks toe toe (what he named the feral herb) is a dog unironically. like legit. also he’s a vampire ! he’s allergic to himself but isn’t dead yet somehow.
i could talk more about his family but yeah ! 
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ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli (this oc was made on ponytown as well ! she acts like plankton) 
she is a gremlin. pretty small. why is there so much evil in you, little cookie? also i was playing with styles in that doodle so like  ? if you want me to draw in that style a bit more then just mention it
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ngl i dont like how i doodled corn dog in that one but! corn dog is a baseball player and she’s very much ur classic jock. but nicer. she will want to play with you no matter what you want to play she loves ball games ! considering shipping her with orange cookie for some reason idk why but. if you want corn dog x orange then ig just ask for it sdkljdsljskl ;) i might doodle it too. corn dog x orange x lime? maybe but probably not since it seems like lime would get too jealous too easily
ASIDE from ships i really like how i first drew corn dog
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what i struggled with with my doodle was her hair and i need to practice that a bit so i might look up things to practice with that ;-O
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birthday cake ! he is chaotic party. very energetic. i completely imagine him whacking his face right into cake at a birthday party like if u gave him the 2nd anniversary cake his message would just be like. “*SPLAT* feels good on my face!” just to make it obvious he threw his face into the cake. also he has eyes he just likes to cover them up. maybe he’s blind but i based the blind fold thing off of terezifjseakljklw jklfjkldjkl jfkljwlkjioKLSJKLFJEKLRwer
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gasoline cookie! i only made this character just recently on ponytown. he is very tired and lacking energy and is overall soggy in a sense. party pooper and very serious. i made this guy because i was joking like “if there were a gasoline they’d have a tension with fire spirit thats like ‘’DONT DRINK MY HAIR’’ or something” and then i made him
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JAM!!!! they are my baby child and i love them a lot! i even made a blog for them but idk if its still up uhhh @cookiestuckinspace ! send asks there if you’d like i guess? the blog is very dead.  mtn dew is also there! there’s also unicorn cookie but i didn’t draw her.
they are a very sweet cookie who wishes to befriend many aliens! they’ve learned many languages and often mixes things up (as in, like, you know, accidentally saying an alien idiom in english or an english idiom in alien, forgetting words from either language then trying to describe it then BAM remembering. probably said an alien idiom in ANOTHER alien language while speaking in an english conversation). they know plenty of written languages and honestly? they try so hard to make sure every one is heard. theyre not very professional and theyre kinda bad at driving a ship 
whcih is why they let their space buddy drive the ship! yeah their dog, buddy, drives a spaceship. its funky but their dog is literally a spaceship itself.
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phoenix!!! i only made him because.... on ponytown there was a mythical beast cult. he likes bugs and orange juice i think? capri suns? i dont know but i think he’s had a drink from a juice box before. theres not much about him but! yeah
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RYE COOKIE! hes not really exactly a cookie. more like bread than gingerbread, if you catch what i’m throwing. jam tries really hard to be his friend but he doesnt speak any of hte languages jam knows and jam is trying really hard to figure out what he speaks so they can be friends.
thats all i guess ! please send asks about them or say “would ___ and ___ be friends?” i like to think about the relationships my ocs would have with each other ! 
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heres the image i posted earlier with all my ocs with their names! if you read through this then i love you and have a good day <3
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