#or if someone tried to use the curse seal against Neji only to get a pissed off Naruto on them
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Oooo Naruto and Neji becoming very codependent because for however many loops they only had each other to rely on. And when it comes to fighting an opponent that has decades of experience on you and no intention of going easy, that trust has to be absolute.
It doesn’t help that Sasuke and Sakura would probably refuse to listen to any of Naruto’s original attempts at telling them to hurry tf up or that something is going to happen. And depending on how far back the loop goes (beginning of day? Once they step foot into the forest?) even more of his trust could fracture when the people around him do nothing to help.
I’m living for Neji and Naruto being scary in tune with each other during/after this. Fully knowing exactly what the other is going to do and when with nonverbal communication all the way.
I’m feeling the loop starts right when the enter the forest/maybe during the downtime before that so there would definitely be some begging at the gate before Naruto had to get moving. He would be so frustrated by that point. Particularly in the first few loops when he keeps getting hit by the snake and doesn’t even know about Orochimaru yet. Just “there’s a big ass snake!” “Yeah kid we know that’s kind of the point”
Naruto realizes adults are useless pretty fast.
But yes Naruto and Neji would get so codependent. And start hunting for each other from the very beginning of each loop because maybe this time I’d they’re together a even a second sooner they can do this. Team Guy is easier to herd than Team 7 (and neither of them want to watch their friends die again if they can help it) so Neji’s team are always the first ones to find them. As the loops go on they are getting more and more desperate and everyone else more concerned.
But then they get out.
They break free.
Naruto bathed in orange chakra and more fox than man at that point, finds the person responsible for holding up the loop and kills them with nothing but his own claws and it’s like he and Neji can feel the weight of it fall off their shoulders the way the both sag a little. Neji is at Naruto’s side before anyone realizes his legs are starting to give out, Byakugan still active as he looks for threats even as he clings to Naruto. Is clung to in return.
Neither of them cry yet even though they both want to.
No crying comes later when they have reached the tower and the scrolls are opened to reveal Iruka-sensei looking down on them. Telling them they did it. They made it.
Naruto bursts into tears on the spot, leaning so far into Neji that it’s a wonder neither of the have ended up on the floor already. Lee and Tenten stand guard, Lee watching Neji’s blind spot and Tenten on Naruto’s other side with her hand white-knuckled around one of her scrolls. Team 7 is a bit more confused but Sakura, hair sheered short and hands shaking as she holds her kunai does take up Neji’s other side while Sasuke takes point, arms crossed and scowling at their former teacher.
Neji tosses a head at Iruka’s feet — still wearing a sound headband — those usually unexpressive Hyuuga eyes blazing with some sort of emotion Iruka can’t place.
“Orochimaru invaded the exam.” He says like a damnation, tightening his hold around Naruto just a little more. “That man could control time.”
Iruka sees it then, the change in these kids. How close they must have come to shattering entirely. How they decided to roar in the face of death instead. The Will of Fire in each of them, burning bright and deadly.
He sees it and he knows that he failed these kids. That all of them failed these kids. Who knows how many times they failed them.
He’s not sure he wants to know. He’s not sure that after everything he’s done: the blood on his hands, the shuriken buried in his back by someone he thought he could trust, the weight of his past hatred of a child turned to guilt; that hearing these kids stories won’t break him entirely.
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dayseternal-blog · 1 year
One your asks inspired this thought of out me.
Idk if Icebergs are still popular, but does a NaruHina Fic Iceberg post sound fun to you?
Basically, there's like 5 or 6 tiers (there should be a template readily available in google images) and you assign specific media (in this case, NH fics) to each tier, descending from tame tho troubling to 'stare into the abyss'-level awful. 😅
I'm just super curious now, haha. 🤪 Baiee~
I worked on this for a couple of days! Fun~
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uhhh click for hopefully better quality?
The order of the fics within each category sorta matters to me, but if I thought about it harder, I'd probably change things around, so the order's not that important. And in general, the categories go from NaruHina getting hurt, to NaruHina hurting others, to NaruHina hurting each other. With a few exceptions! But if someone else were to rank this, they might categorize things differently.
It's all just my feeling. As you can see. By the category titles.
Congratulations to Sessakag, Sadistic One, BlackMajjicDuchess, and DemonOfTheFridge for scaring me the most hahahahahaha 💀
Looking at this and one would think I love freaky stories lol
I read it for the curious cat to be killed.
I have all the stories linked below :)
Darkly Mysterious, Worrying 😥
“White Kunai” by @magmawrites - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. A series of violent rapes and murders targeting long, dark haired, young women have caught the attention of the Hokage. Her plan? Use a qualified, long, dark haired kunoichi as bait. The only one that fits the criteria? Hinata.
“a home is a dream” by bluebeardsbrides - Rated M, Modern AU, One-shot. Naruto Uzumaki returns home with all the force maelstrom, three days after her husband’s disappearance and six years since she went and stumbled on Neji’s body floating in the creek downtown.
"Dark Shift" by brown phantom - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. After a solo mission goes horribly wrong, something happens to Naruto. His mask of happiness turns dark and cruel, and he turns against the village he had sworn to protect. Can he be returned to normal before it's too late?
“Distorted Minds” by Cheating Death - Rated E for graphic violence, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Her lavender eyes slowly opened, her vision blurry and distorted for a few moments as she tried to look around. It was then that she realized that she was suspended a few inches off the ground, her wrists cuffed in cold, metal shackles that hung from the ceiling.
Disturbing, Unsettling, Cursed 😶
“Asylum AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by magmawrites - Rated M, Modern AU, One-shot. What’s to say what’s real and what isn’t? The only thing that’s valid and true in all universes is their love for one another.
“Burn The House Down” by @secrettastemakerland - Rated G, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Naruto shrugged, not really having an answer. He had tried to tell her they had bigger problems.
"Go Home, Start Again" by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. My submission for NH2020 February's theme "Time Loop".
"Stay" by @nightowl27-writer - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. The basement holds much more than ashes and secrets. As urban legends come to life, people begin to disappear, and a city sits on the brink of disaster. When everything seems to be falling apart, will Hinata find the answer to the question she is terrified to ask?
Weird, Shocking, & Crazy 🤪
“His obsession” by agitosgirl - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto loved her, he loved her with everything he had and more. And when he gets back from his training trip, he’s going to show her how much he cherishes her. And she is going to be with him. Whether she wants to be or not isn’t really her choice.
"Qui Laudavit" by Avelona-and-Sally - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. One side-effect of having a demon sealed in you is a taste for blood. Another is the ability to make living and dead alike do your bidding. Which comes in handy when your girlfriend keeps dying.
“October - Horror” by @chloelapomme - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. When despair turns into a feeling of love so intense that obsession is the only thing that can help you protect the one you love.
“Her” by browniefic - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto’s had a lot of obsessions in his life. But he knows she’s different.
"A Woman's Heart" by Ookami88 - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Naruto lies in hospital in coma. Sasuke is locked in prison for his crimes. Hinata comes up with a plan that will ensure her beloved man's happiness, no matter how much it'll cost her.
“A Love Never Seen” by HoneyWriter78 - Rated E and has rape/non-con, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata Hyuga attend Konoha High she is part of the athletics group. She is friends with Ino and Shikamaru but is secretly in love with Shikamaru who is oblivious and loves someone else. She tried to fight her feelings not noticing that a certain senpai has had his eyes on her…
“There’s a new psycho on the block” by agitosgirl - Rated M for mentions of sex, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete/Inconclusive Ending. What happens when it’s Hinata who’ goes crazy? Years of torment and abuse by her family’s hand have caused this young girl to lose her mind, and to top it off, her mother left her a gift that will make her enemies, or just anyone she chooses to target, regret meeting her.
"Lost Souls" from "NaruHina Month December 2022" by @sessakag - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. They set off on a journey that’d one day bring them back to their place of birth, and on that day, they’d enact the plan that had given them a sense of purpose.
"Ravenous" from "NaruHina Month December 2022" by sessakag - Rated E, Modern AU, One-shot. “Hinataaaa,” Naruto pouted, leaning inside the open bathroom door, “you ready yet? I’m starving!”
Explicitly Appalling 😨
“Side Effects” by Cheating Death - Rated E for smut, dub-con, & non-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete.  You can easily skip the rape and non-con without compromising the plot, the author warns you before it happens. When Naruto and Hinata decide to participate in a high-paying clinical study, they wind up signing up for much more than they bargained for.
“Serial Killer” by Raven Young - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. She’s a Sociopath. She’s a Supermodel. She’s a serial killer. She’s a girl in love. She is Hinata Hyuga. And he is her undoing.
“I want you to cry” and its sequel “I want you” by Devahhole - Rated E for graphic murder (character death), dub-con/non-con, and smut, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. A sociopath blinded by revenge runs into his greatest opponent.
"Naruto: The Mating" by SeventhShinobi - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Now, Naruto has discovered the an ability called "The Mating." Come see what he'll do with his new found power
Seriously Distressing 😰
“Powerless” by bunny-hoodlum - Rated E for a lot of things, like depictions of violence and character death. Multi-chapter, Incomplete. His family’s past can’t be taken at face-value, and it comes clawing back to hurt him in ways that are out of his control.  DELETED FIC.
“Listen To Me” by SullyR - Rated E and includes domestic abuse & non-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata is terrified out of her mind. She has no choice but to listen to him or else he gets physical, and by physical, she means fast!
“Nightmare” from “Nice Legs, Daisy Dukes” by Star-Child-Yeci - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. “Why do you got that in your hand, huh, pet?” The words slid off his tongue, and she shivered.
Chapter 6 from “Naruhina Oneshots” by @powerful-niya - Rated E, College AU, One-shot. A new college student finally enrolls into her new school, with the help of a handsome blonde male. He helps her and cares for her which she appreciates very much. But bad rumors about him break out and eventually reaches the midnight blue-haired woman making her feel skeptical about their friendship. But cutting ties is hard, especially with a guy who already has you, under his boot.
Wtf Horrifying 😱
“Monster” by Sessakag - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Naruto, a celebrated war hero, finds himself, once again at the forefront of the fight, but which side is he on this time? Love. Tragedy. Happiness. Heartache. The growing pains of becoming a man, have molded, shaped and brought forth a new Naruto Uzumaki.
“Insanity” by Sadistic One - Rated E for GRAPHIC MURDER, College AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. The smell of his cologne and slight musk was the first thing that caught Hyuga Hinata’s attention. She eventually found out that smell belonged to a young man named Uzumaki Naruto. Ever since that encounter, she couldn’t stop following him and watching his every move. She needed to know who he hanged out with, his hobbies likes and dislikes. She even transferred to his school to study him more closely. But as those months went on, she discovered Naruto was not who he portrayed to be to his peers, but a cold-blooded murderer. Is this enough to put a stop to Hinata’s obsession or will it draw her closer to her own insanity?
“Breeding Season” by BlackMajjicDuchess - Rated E and has rape/non-con, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Completely out of pattern, Kyuubi leaks free and causes terrible destruction that Naruto cannot suppress. There is a solution, but it comes at a terrible price.
“Honeymoon” by DemonOfTheFridge - Rated E and has rape/non-con, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto always left on a secret mission once a year for a whole month. A curious Hinata finally had enough and followed him to an underground house. A house she finds herself trapped in, with a dark Naruto. Curiosity Killed the Cat.
This was so entertaining! If anyone agrees or would order things differently, let me know~
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spelunkingsnake · 2 years
I know you like sauske and would probably like the boy to have some friends that actually understand why he's doing what he does(not to say that naruto hasn't tried.) So which people from the konoha 11 do you think were the closest to leaving the village and possibly joining Sauske- Signed space anon
Okay, I've been struggling to this of how to answer this, so I'm just gonna try my best here.
I do think that sasuke needed some friends that treated him like and actual, normal human being. I don't think he could have found that in konoha.
Everyone he interacts with in konoha interacts with him because of konoha and that's why I don't believe it works. Team 7 was put together by konoha, they were made to be friends by the leaf village, and there is absolutely no way they would let sasuke interact with someone who shares his views and morals if they go against the leaf village. I know saying that doesn't make sense because, "but he wasn't against the village at that time, and they didn't think he had anything against them" but the leaf village knew that if sasuke found out why his brother carried out genocide and stuff he would probably be instantly against the village, so they needed him to be around people who would drag him back to the village if necessary. I think that that's one of the reasons he was put on a team with the most persistent and obsessive academy graduates, because they would always try and drag him back and make sure he was a useful tool and not a threat. I would say that when they sort the genin teams, they definitely look at personality as well.
A bunch of that was 'i thinks' and hc's and stuff, but being serious I'm actually gonna try and answer the question now.
The thing about this ask is that I don't know if any one of the konoha 11 could have been friends with sasuke. Why? All of them graduated the academy, all of them loyal konoha ninja. They've had years of exposure to the whole "glorifying konoha" thing, and have all been brainwashed into being good tools for the state. None of them would dare go against konoha in any way, shape or form.
With all that taken into account, my first thought was neji, he would (probably) understand why sasuke did the things he did (though this is entirely an opinion and basically just speculation, so I can only say probably). The thing is, I don't think he would ever leave the village or join sasuke, as he is fatalistic in nature (until he gets tnj'd by naruto, supposedly) and would never even think it possible to leave the village and choose to change things. I love neji, but he was also a konoha shinobi and would never even have the opportunity or the hope that he could even leave the village and his clan behind. If he did, he would be killed instantly anyways by the cursed seal. So I can't say he would join sasuke and leave the village, or that they would be friends but I can say there is a possibility for them to become friends.
Going against what I just said, neji is shown to be constantly trying to fight what he believes to be his destiny (was he wrong though about it being his destiny? he did die for his slaveowner in the end) so he does have some hope that he can change something. Still, all of this speculation is on the basis that he would even realize how fucked up konoha is and wouldn't gloss it over as well. Like, he was chill with his uncle once he learned why his father "really" died so I can't say that he wouldn't do the same with konoha for letting his clan continue their practices. He is a loyal konoha shinobi and since he isn't one of the main characters we don't really get to see what he thinks about many of these things. All I've got is headcanons and the little bit of information canon provides us to make judgements about his character.
Conclusion about neji: Pre tnj, maybe, probably actually (in my opinion), but post tnj? No way; he's been brainwashed by naruto. Though maybe if he interacted with sasuke for a little bit they'd get ideas lol
All of the konoha 11 are loyal konoha shinobi though, and that's why I can't ever see them leaving the village. You asked which one I thought was closest to leaving? None of them (save sasuke). Though sasuke at one point was also a loyal konoha shinobi, so I guess all of them can technically change. The thing is, now it's about who is most likely to adapt and change with new bits of information and make decisions for themselves, not decisions made by konoha. Sasuke is the only one shown to do that in canon, so I can't really say.(maybe ino? that's a hc though)
Don't really know much about how most of the k11 react to situations that change the way they would see the village, because so few are ever exposed to that (naruto is basically it cause he's the mc)
So, you asked who of the k11 would be friends with sasuke? None of them. If we're going by personality and personal preference/opinion, however; I have some preferences. Basically just anyone who isn't insufferable. Neji could be good friends with sasuke if they got past the first stages of them probably fighting a lot (and their philosophies greatly differ as well, sasuke would probably spend a lot of time trying to do what naruto did and convince neji that destiny is not set in stone and things can change, though unlike naruto, sasuke actually takes action and proves it) and I could see them being friends, though if I'm being honest, I'm really biased because I love them both so much and would love for them to have interacted in canon. But they don't really get any moments so all I got is headcanons.
Other than neji, I can see maybe shino being friends with him? He's pretty chill I think. And tenten seems pretty nice as well. I don't really have preferences though there are characters who would DEFINITELY NOT be friends with sasuke. Hinata is one of them, (for being generally dislikable, I think you can see what I'm getting at here, and also you can either have neji or hinata, never both and neji is waaaay better) shikamaru is another, for reasons pretty clear: He doesn't like sasuke, which is a pretty good line for who he wouldn't be friends with. Kiba is too much like naruto and also too much of a loyal leaf ninja (they all are though, let's be honest). Rock lee's out because he is just like naruto in how he sees sasuke (someone to fight, a goal) and he's also generally annoying with how he talks about "hard work", as if someone who is a genius does not work hard and that is honestly disrespectful. Sasuke is a genius, yes, he also works hard. It is because he works hard that he is a genius. Not a whole lot of people left. Anyway, I'm kinda neutral about ino because she does move on and doesn't continue obsessing over him like sakura at a certain point, so maybe they could become friends? Though they probably wouldn't, I'm neutral because she is capable of being actually normal and decent. Not good enough for her to be friends with sasuke, but still in neutral territory. And I'm neutral about choji as well, though he's friends with shikamaru so I'm not sure how that would go down.
All in all, that is what I think about (pretty much) every one of the k11. Lmk if I missed someone important (though I don't think that I did). And I know that this wasn't your question really, but this is a mess of jumbled opinions that I will now give to you. But yeah, my real answer is that he would never have friends in the leaf village, the only way I see him making friends is if they are outside of the village. Or they're his clanmates (if they weren't dead).
I'm not trying to sound smart so, I know I probably sound stupid. With that said, thank you so much for the ask! This is my first ask and when I saw it I was so excited to answer it right away. Thank you anon!
Also, sorry if I interpreted anything wrong or if this wasn't what you were looking for. I went a little ways off topic, but I tried. I'm not very good at writing or explaining things, never had been, but I've learned that writing at a low level is okay because it is easy to read and people can understand it. Still if anything doesn't make sense, don't be afraid to ask! I hope my answer was satisfactory :> Anyway this is long and I'm tired, so I'm just gonna set this post free
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hello!! Well this came to my mind and would be interesting to put into words.
Something that her fans were right is that she hadn't to accept Rock Lee's confession and love. For them a No was No, which is hilarious becase their princess didnt do this with sasuke lol but anyway. After Lee saves Sakura in Death Forest, she changes her attitude towards him and started to be nice , she even defends him when Naruto said something aboout bushy-eyebrows. Even more, i dont actually remember scenes where she is rude against him after that incident in the forest. She tried to encouraged him and most of the time she was "nice" with Lee. In the Hospital in part 1 she was going to visit Sasuke and she also thought of Lee, so she gifted him some flowers too.
-All of this I speak from the anime canon, manga i dont remember tbh. Also in movies I remember her being nice with Lee too- So, what's my point and question? Why is she so bitchy towards Naruto? While she is nice -or try to- with Lee (which he fucking deserves this treatment of course) , why she is still so ungraceful towards Naruto? Naruto saved her much more times than Lee, but still she can be nice with him. I get that when you are confident with someone, you tend to "insult" more lets say. But i get that feel when naruto is around of shikamaru or the other guys. We know how he and Sasuke treat each other ♥ But still, i dont get this with Sakura. Even more, did she ever defend Naruto? From other people I mean. If she could change her attitude for Lee, being almost a good friend.
I always think about this @melody-of-lost-souls 🤔🤔🤔.... Why is she bitchy towards Naruto alone??
There is this hard fact that every author with just half a braincell knows, that is, 'IF YOU WANT A CHARACTER TO BE LIKEABLE, MAKE IT BEHAVE NICER TOWARDS THE MAIN CHARACTER'.
To be honest, I started to like Sasuke because of that very fact 'He was extremely nice towards Naruto in his own way' and later I started to adore him because of his own backstory. But the first spark was because of Episode 3, Orphan insult scene.
It seems Kishi never had that intention to make Sakura be an honest friend with Naruto even in The Last movie. So, ummm.... Yup.
Like you said, Sakura changed her attitude towards Lee and she encouraged him when he was wounded after fighting Gaara. But anyways, she again went onto being a bitch in the Kage Summit Arc, by leaving Lee on the road without any care!!! So... That's what you can expect from her🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ But that's not the point of this post. Is it??
Point to be noted : Sasuke and Naruto insulting each other shows their comfort level with each other. Sakura harassing Naruto is not the same thing. Never.
I think she spoke for Naruto before Sasuke twice. One, In the forest of the Death. Two, Under the Bridge. But it doesn't matter.
She should've defended Naruto from Sasuke's attacks in Orochimaru hideout like Sai.
She should've worried about Naruto's wounds after Naruto came back like an Egyptian Mummy from fighting in VoTE in part 1. Instead she was worried about Sasuke alone.
She should've fought Sasori for Naruto's safety sake instead of getting information about Sasuke.
She should’ve stayed with Naruto when he went with Karui to deal with Sasuke’s Akatsuki activities. 
She should've stood up for Naruto in her final confession like 'Sasuke-kun, if you touch Naruto, I'll have to kill you eventhough I love you'... Yeah, she wouldn't stand a chance against Sasuke. But her character would've shined a lot.
So, Nope. She defending Naruto couple of times but letting him down countless other times doesn't matter.
After thinking about all the possibilities,
Sakura is the reflection of the Villagers' mindset. That is, The object of Hatred who should be treated like pest.
She definitely gave me that vibe in Episode 3. She literally treated him like a plague and I wanted to slap her so hard ever since. But even after the Pain Arc, I mean after Naruto became a Hero by making peace with Nagato, she still behaved like a Worst Bitch.
If she truly represents the social dynamics of the Villagers, she should have become a good friend like Shikamaru or Neji long back. But she didn’t.
So, we can safely eliminate this possibility.
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Well, This is from Chapter 3. So, I think whenever Sakura makes a move on Sasuke, Naruto accidentally comes in between her one-sided ‘duck dreams’ and spoil her party. It seems this has been going on for a long time. So, she just hates him for that. 
I found this ‘coming between’ thing twice in part 1. The first time was when Naruto stole the ‘First Kiss’ of Sasuke.
Second time was when Naruto was about to fight Gaara.
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Here, Sakura was fretting over Sasuke’s cursed Seal and when Naruto asked her a question, she responded with a ‘Devil Face’. I mean is there any need to get angry at this time? There’s a monster standing before them and all she worries about is her poor ‘Sasuke-Kun’ and not even bothered about her surroundings, because Naruto will do the dirty job. All she can do is touch and worry about Sasuke. 
Well, In reality she is the one coming between them and she never realized that. What a self-absorbed Trash!!!
Naruto receives something from Sasuke that she never got from him, not until the very end and even today. That is, Attention. 
I noticed this in the Manga. Surprisingly, I guess none of the SNS bloggers brought this very cute panel up for discussion. It’s not in the Anime though!! 
This is from Chapter 3 page 6. (Geez!!!! Chapter 3 is a Gold Mine for SNS)
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As you see Sakura was watching Sasuke up close like a Fruit Cake. It seems, Sasuke doesn’t give 2 fucks about her or anyone!!!
Now Let’s go back to Page 5 and see what happened earlier.
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Naruto has been intensely throwing knives from his eyes. And you know what!!! Sasuke noticed it and asked him ‘What?’. To which Naruto asks, ‘What do you mean what?’. LOLLLLLL.
This is their First official conversation in the Manga.😍😍😍😍😍
Sakura looking at him with love doesn’t get any reaction and Naruto’s angry stare get his attention. Well, this is not an one time occurrence!!
In the Same chapter, it occurred again
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This panel screams, ‘Why pay attention to Naruto, when he is not here?’. Kishi established this dynamics in freaking Chapter 3 and it never changed towards the end. LOLLL.
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Even during Chakra Training, Sakura climbed the tree very easily in the hopes that Sasuke would appreciate her or notice her with admiration. But he was never bothered about her achievements even by a bit, but he paid attention to Naruto when he found out he was slowly catching up to him🤭🤭🤭.
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I always find this scene very funny and cute because just like before, Naruto throws Daggers at him visually and Sasuke was like, ‘What did I do this time?’. 😍😍😍
And this is after getting the pass to participate in Chunin Exams
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Well, I don’t have to add the scenes from Orochimaru Hideout, Bridge scene and War Arc, Do I?
And the best part is Sakura knew that Naruto gets his attention. So, her jealousy is probably the reason for her to treat him so badly. Just like how she treats Ino. Since Naruto plays dunce in front of her, she takes advantage of it and used him like a Tooth Brush.
This is also one of the reason for her to treat him badly.
Because Lee never came in between Sakura and Sasuke. It was Naruto, the whole time. And that's why she was like a bitch to Naruto.
Kishimoto in his own words,
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I mean, Come On!!!, Sakura is nothing compared to Naruto's power level, strength or jutsu varieties to consider him as a rival in these departments. Still she is considering Naruto as her rival.
In what????
The only thing that connects them is their obsession towards Sasuke's Acknowledgement. And Kishi himself is hinting at a love triangle with Sasuke as the central figure.
Does it means Naruto also loves Sasuke and Sakura was jealous of it???🤔🤔🤔🤭🤭🤭🤭.
Well, that makes more sense. 😂😂😂. Because I can think of no other reason for her to be a bitch towards Naruto.
Curse You, Kishimoto!!!!!!
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Sixty-Five: Being Bold ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
Of any adjectives one could use to describe Hyūga Hinata...bold is not typically one of them. From the time she was young, she had been a meek, withdrawn, introverted girl who prefered to keep her head down rather than make waves. While several girls in her Academy class through the years would yell and argue and fuss, Hinata always kept her thoughts and opinions to herself, focusing on her coursework and listening to the instructor, Umino Iruka. After all, she had rather heavy expectations riding on her shoulders. She couldn’t afford to squander her focus and risk lowering her grades: something her father was quite critical of.
The first trimester went well, and many students were eager to go home and show off their marks. Some, of course...not so much. While Kiba griped about his lack of participation grade, and Shikamaru shrugged off the note of sleeping in class too much, Hinata was simply happy to have near-perfect marks. Not as high as the class brain Sakura, but good enough for her.
...and hopefully for Hiashi.
Carefully tucking her papers into her bag, she paused as Sakura tried to wheedle Sasuke’s grades from him.
“I bet you got all perfect marks, ne Sasuke-kun?”
Having been grinning widely at his grades, he nonetheless refused to answer, hurrying home to indeed show his father his flawless marks. Hinata watched him go, smiling slightly. She hadn’t really talked to Sasuke yet, but he seemed like a very nice boy.
“Did you pass any parts of class, Naruto?”
Gaze turning back to Sakura, Hinata saw her instead rounding on Naruto, who ducked stubbornly.
“I did fine!”
“With all the times you skip class and interrupt? I doubt it!”
“Leave me alone, Sakura-chan,” the blond muttered, stuffing his results in his pocket and shuffling from the classroom.
Hinata hesitated, part of her wanting to reach out and comfort the boy...but she was too late.
Funny how often she was just a little too far behind.
...not long after that, tragedy struck when the Uchiha were annihilated all in the course of one night. Save for one. The boy in her class, Sasuke. Rumors began to fly, whispers following him wherever he went.
No longer was he the bright boy from the first trimester. Numbed, cold, and distant...Sasuke kept himself cut off from everyone around him.
...she deeply regretted never introducing herself before that day. Another opportunity missed thanks to her hesitation.
The rest of their Academy years passed with little changing. Hinata remained the wallflower, practically friendless as her timid nature kept her from bonding with the other girls. They were too loud, too bright, too bold to bother with someone like her. Naruto was still the class clown, barely scraping his grades by and yet insisting he would someday lead their village. And Sasuke’s stoicism and reclusion was as strong as ever, ignoring his classmates beyond the absolute necessary.
Hinata couldn’t help but admire Naruto’s enthusiasm and refusal to give up. His confidence was like nothing she’d ever really known. Nearly everyone within her clan were quiet, polite people. Not unapologetically clear in their intentions and actions. Something about it was...inspiring, and she couldn’t help but wish to be as sure of herself as he appeared to be.
...then there was Sasuke.
Hinata couldn’t help but feel a sting of second hand embarrassment whenever the other girls pestered him. It was so glaringly obvious that he wanted nothing to do with them or their affections, and yet they persisted. It was...painful to watch. And the attention from them only earned jealousy of the other boys until most of them were at least annoyed with him, if not outright disliked him. They called him cocky and aloof.
...but she never saw him that way.
It was clear something was driving him. His focus was absolute, cutting off anyone and everyone unnecessary from his lessons. Every day after lessons at the Academy, he would leave to the training grounds and practice until late in the evening. Hinata, making a habit of her own solo training sessions, saw him every time she managed to sneak out to the public training area rather than use her clan’s. His training was relentless, and she couldn’t help but be astounded by how far he could push himself. No one else in their class could do what Sasuke could do.
...in a way...she looked up to him, too. But so too did she feel sorry for him.
...he must have been terribly lonely.
And then came the day of their team announcements. All anyone could talk about beforehand was the scandal with Naruto and the scroll he stole...all ending with him being granted a special graduation pass by Iruka! Some of the students were annoyed he circumvented the exams, but Hinata was glad. As goofy as he was, Naruto still tried hard, and deserved to move on to the next phase of his growth as a ninja.
She really wanted to be on his team…!
Nervously fiddling her pencil as she waited, Hinata stared up at the front of the room, wondering who she would be assigned with. Her grades were pretty good, even if she was a little low in the technical aspects. To balance, she’d likely have someone who had good execution of techniques...and then maybe someone else middle ground?
“Team seven!” Iruka then barked. “Uzumaki Naruto!”
Her heart leapt. Now was her chance…!
“Uchiha Sasuke!”
Come on, come on…
“And Hyūga Hinata!”
Pale eyes blinked. She...wait...she did it? She was on his team…?
Not only that, but Sasuke was part of their squad as well.
At the announcement, all of the girls groaned, having lost their chance to be with the Uchiha. He looked entirely nonplussed either way, ignoring Naruto’s baiting taunts about them working together.
At first...things did not go well.
Naruto and Sasuke were constantly at odds. Naruto’s desire to prove himself against his self-proclaimed rival, and Sasuke’s determination to do things on his own meant that there was very little teamwork the day they first trained together with Kakashi. Hinata, too timid to take any initiative, gave her best effort to rally them to...no avail.
Kakashi lectured the boys harshly, noting Hinata’s attempts to bring them together that they both ignored, too dead set on competing with each other to heed her call to work together.
Change was slow to come through their D-ranks, the boys still at one another’s throats. Hinata, put off from interjecting, usually could do little more than watch.
...that changed after the mission to Nami no Kuni.
Being plunged into life or death struggles, feeling the true weight of their teammates’ lives in their hands, all three emerged changed from their first C-rank.
And for a while...things got better. Naruto toned down his taunting. Sasuke cut back on his jabs. Hinata, too, found her voice and began to speak up more, mediating between the two better than before.
It looked like their team was finally turning around.
...then the chūnin exams arrived.
She was nervous. Partially because she still wasn’t sure if she’d grown enough. Naruto and Sasuke had been improving by leaps and bounds. And while Kakashi assured her she too was growing...it didn’t feel like enough. But the three signed on, and there was no going back.
The first exam was simple enough. Hinata with her Byakugan and Sasuke with his Sharingan made quick work of their tests. While Naruto left every question blank on the sheet, he did get the last question right...by the skin of his teeth.
The second exam was where it all went wrong. Targeted for his bloodline, Sasuke’s run-in with Orochimaru saw him marked with some strange jutsu. With both boys left incapacitated, it was up to Hinata to defend them. As Oto drew in and other Konoha teams assisted, it was then she caught sight of her true fear regarding the exams.
Her cousin, Neji.
By the end they passed, if just barely. The preliminaries were unexpected, and only Naruto’s went smoothly. Sasuke, afflicted by his curse mark, was taken by Kakashi to be sealed, and then seen to by the medics.
Hinata...had to face Neji.
This was it, her fear realized. But she wasn’t going to back down. She couldn’t let Naruto and Sasuke down...she couldn’t be the weak link in their team. So she assumed her stance and gave it her all.
...but it still wasn’t enough.
Next thing she knew, she awakened in the hospital, the ache in her chest like a weight. But even worse was the knowledge that she’d failed. Naruto and Sasuke could still advance...but she was out of the running this time around.
With Kakashi taking Sasuke and Jiraiya taking Naruto, Hinata was left to her own devices...with a small suggestion from their sensei.
“You really shouldn’t be training with your heart on the mend. I think...you should shift your focus for a while. I know you’ve been making those poultices for the boys. Why not take an apprenticeship at the hospital while we’re gone? You can still be learning a valuable skill, and let your body rest with something a bit less...intense.”
So...she did as suggested. And even made a new friend as she did so.
The final exam was off to a good start. Naruto managed to beat Neji, and the defeat led to changes both in her cousin, and to an extent, her father. But as Sasuke arrived (in the nick of time) for his fight, the attack from Suna and Oto began. Hinata, her heart still weak, missed the entire attack when her mind faded to black.
...from that moment, everything resolved to change once more.
With Hiruzen’s death, Naruto accompanied Jiraiya to find Tsunade. Hinata kept up her medical training. Sasuke was set to train with Kakashi...when a new threat entered the fray:
Akatsuki. Namely...Sasuke’s elder brother, Itachi.
His confrontation with the other Uchiha left Sasuke beaten and weakened. Hinata’s attempts to help were far from enough. And Naruto chose the exact wrong time to challenge him. The boys fought, Kakashi separated them...and Hinata was left wondering what had happened to her team.
Attempts to talk to Naruto were wasted. He could only go on and on about how Sasuke had changed, how his attitude was grating. He didn’t seem to connect the dots about Itachi.
...so Hinata decides to try talking to Sasuke herself.
But he isn’t at home.
Using her Byakugan, she finds him near one of the village walls, with a pack over his shoulders and a coldness to his aura she flinches from...but doesn’t let stop her.
He stops, turning to find her behind him. “...what are you doing out so late?”
It doesn’t take much to put two and two together. The pack. His walking the one road out of the village.
...he’s leaving.
And for once...Hinata doesn’t back down. Now more than ever, she has to be bold.
“...I could ask you the s-same thing,” she replies, tone soft. “...what do you think you’ll find out there?”
“The strength I can’t find in here.”
“I’m tired of being coddled...I’m tired of no one taking me seriously!” His teeth grit. “...for more than five years now, I’ve lived in fear. But also with a constant determination. I’m afraid he’ll kill me before I can kill him. Before I can make this right...and avenge my clan for the massacre he wrought on them. Don’t you get it, Hinata? I have to do this. Konoha isn’t getting me what I want. No one is listening to me…!”
“I’ve been trying to listen,” she counters, taking a step. “But you k-keep so much inside you, Sasuke-kun. I know it can’t be easy, but...we’re - we’re your teammates! We want to help you!”
“All Naruto does is antagonize me...he doesn’t want to help me, he wants to beat me! Prove he’s better! But he doesn’t realize what he’s measuring himself against. I’m not his rival...I’m not just a step on his ladder to the top. I’m someone with a burden to carry that he’ll never understand…”
“...I’m sorry. I know that...that no one can know what you feel. But...is leaving really the answer…? Do you really trust that man more than you trust us?”
“...I trust in his power. Power is what I need, more than anything else. Even more than teammates. More than friends. If I can’t kill my brother, Hinata...then my existence is meaningless. I’ll have failed everyone I ever cared about...who I was too weak to save…! I have to do this.”
Jaw trembling, Hinata fights against the sting of tears in her eyes. “...so you’ll leave us behind…? Just like that? After a-all we’ve been through these past six months...is it really so easy to walk away? Sasuke-kun, I...I care about you. We all do.”
“...everyone here is standing in my way.”
“Even me?”
For the first time...he hesitates. “...no. Not you. You’ve tried to make peace between Naruto and I. And...I have to thank you for that. You’ve been the voice of reason. The one trying to hold this team together. But...I can’t do this anymore, Hinata. Being on team seven isn’t helping me reach my goal. The one purpose I have. I can’t stand idling in it any longer. It’s what I need...do you understand?”
For a moment, she stares at him and thinks to challenge him. But then she thinks about her cousin. Her sister. Her clan. About her own need to grow, and how she’s felt stymied as the boys both seem to get stronger. She can blame her weakened heart all she wants, but...in truth, she knows that’s not all that’s holding her back.
...she understands.
Expression wilting in defeat, her head bows. “...I-I do. And...I’m sorry, Sasuke-kun. I’m sorry that...that I held you back.”
“...it’s not your fault.”
“...I’m the weak link -”
“No!” To her honest surprise, he cuts in. “...you heard what I said. You’ve tried hard. Harder than anyone. You’re not weak, Hinata. Far from it. Once your heart heals...you’re going to bounce back even harder. I know it. What you went through in the exams...it made you stronger. But me…? I feel like I got weaker.”
“That’s not true…”
“...either way, Konoha isn’t what I need.” For a moment, he actually looks torn, and steps up closer. “...you’ve been a good teammate, Hinata. A good...a good friend. And…” His speech starts to waver. “...I’ll see you when it’s all over. When Itachi is dead - when I’ve finally done what I’m meant to do - I’ll come back.”
“...and I expect you to be stronger when I do,” he goes on, and to her surprise, his lips twitch. “Put that knucklehead in his place for me, all right? But...keep an eye on him, too. Don’t let him walk all over you. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”
“I...I-I won’t...” Her lips tremble, threatening to crack.
“...you’ll be all right.” Reaching out, he lays a hand atop her head, gently ruffling her hair. “...I’ll see you when it’s over.”
Too choked up to reply, she watches him turn around, heading toward the gate. “...p-promise me!” she calls after him, taking half a step forward. “Promise you’ll come back, Uchiha Sasuke!”
Holding an arm out, he lets a thumb lift in a sign of agreement.
Watching him go, she finally dissolves, dropping to her knees and letting sobs rack her frames. All of her efforts to keep them together...to try to make this work...they’ve all failed. She’s still weak. Still useless.
...that has to change.
For a while, she sits and she slowly regathers herself, wiping stubbornly at her cheeks with the cuffs of her coat. Crying isn’t going to solve anything.
Sasuke is going to confront his brother.
Naruto is going to be Hokage.
And Hinata?
...Hinata is going to get stronger, too. Why, she’s still not sure. But she knows where to start.
First thing in the morning...she’s going to talk to Neji.
Time to turn fear into strength.
     First off, sorry for the further delay on this - I had a MUCH busier day yesterday than I intended ^^; I technically got this written last night, but it was so late and I was so tired I wanted to wait to proofread and post. Apologies~      Anyway...we finish the challenge with some more team seven!Hinata. Which is an AU growing on me quickly. There are other pieces in it but...guh, right now I don't have the time to find them. I WILL, hopefully soon, go through and sort all these and make mini series for connected drabbles on AO3, and a masterpost on Tumblr. It'll just take me some time :'D I know this is more summary than anything, but I haven't had time to properly plot how this would be different, if much at all, from canon. So I tried to sort of gloss over details in favor of addressing the actual prompt at the end. This might end up being one of the things I continue, we'll have to see!      ...and now, on to the mushy part.      ...I won't lie, I'm seriously sad this is over. Part of me is having a hard time grasping that, lol - but at the same time, I'm both relieved and proud. Over 560k words, with an average of about 1540 per day. That's...that's a lot, lmao. And the community has been so good to me. I hadn't really ficced for years before starting this, hadn't really been in the SH community for a good long while, and yet y'all welcomed me with open arms. We had one naysayer, and a few visits from g.o.d, but honestly that was nothing compared to the overwhelming support you guys gave me. I appreciate it more than words can say. This year has been a tough one for me, but having this challenge to keep coming back to was important. Coming back to you guys was important. So thank you so much for what you in turn gave ME this year.      That said, I will be taking a pretty sizeable hiatus from ficcing - not forever, as I want to do more! But the burnout is VERY real, lol. Probably expect at least a few months while I recuperate and plot the fics I want to do in the background. And also taking some time to work on fics outside SH I want to do, and have just been too burnt out to work on.      If you want to find me elsewhere, I have both AO3 and Tumblr for my OC fic stuff under the username kusunogatari! Be warned it has, uh...some *spicy* content, so keep that in mind xD But I'll be over there working on projects every so often, as I've been heavily neglecting it. And I'll also be on my RP blog kusunokihime.      Anyway...I feel like I could ramble for ages, and I kinda want to, but I also need to let this project come to a close. Thank you all for sticking with me for the past nearly 13 months now. It's been a blast.      If you want (and please note this is NOT me trying to force anyone's hand), I DO have a ko-fi (aka a tip jar) where you can donate to support the author behind this madness - again, it's in NO way necessary, but anyone who WANTS to can donate a few dollars here: https://ko-fi.com/sylveradrake - I don't expect anyone to, but it's there for anyone who feels like it~      With that...I guess I'll go ahead and sign off. I hope you all have a lovely day / week / month / forever, and I'll see you down the road for more fics soon!      Love,      Sylvie
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fuckishimoto · 7 years
The problem with Sasuke Uchiha
I hear you talk alot about Naruto Uzumaki but not too much about Sasuke Uchiha. What do you think of him? Do you like or dislike him? If so why do you feel that way and what ways would you improve his character.
I talk about naruto uzumaki a lot cos I hate him, this is a hate blog after all. I don’t hate Sasuke, there isn’t much I want to say about him. I think I like his fights more than his actual character. He’s enjoyable on a superficial level. His fights are the best especially before he got susanoo. The fights were tactical, his arsenal was versatile. Unlike naruto, he’s quiet, doesn’t try to understand and befriend the villains, which took away the tension and intensity. When he does talk during fights, he trash talks, when he’s back into a corner, he’d freak out a bit, these little things escalate the tension, I like that.
I don’t mind the idea of him becoming antagonist after the reveal. The problem I have with the itachi reveal is it made itachi the most nonsensical and obnoxious piece of shit of a character I’ve ever read. However, I think the idea of sasuke being able to destroy Konoha on his own is absurd, and it doesn’t make a believable goal for his character. Obviously, this is all set up in such way so that naruto vs sasuke could happen, and konoha has to be attacked for that to happen, since naruto doesn’t do anything except defending konoha. But like I said, it’s too much reaching how much destruction sasuke is able to do alone. I mean obito, even with the help of kyuubi only did some damage to konoha. 
I actually have an idea how Kishi could’ve kept sasuke as an antagonist and rival to naruto, while delaying their final showdown rematch and prolong the series. He could’ve made sasuke take over the sound village after he killed orochimaru, and later absorbed what’s remained of akatsuki after Pein’s death. With a village as a base and some bijuus at his disposal, he could’ve quietly proceed with his revenge against konoha with obito as his ally. I would’ve kept Obito as someone who had a grudge against Konoha cos of Rin’s death and someone who had ambition to have built his own ninja system like Pein. This would make him a more consistent character, the whole moon eye plan thing doesn’t explain why he attacked konoha with kyuubi. What’s he trying to achieve? why risk losing kyuubi during the attacks when he would need kyuubi for his moon eye plan? Getting back to the revenge, first sasuke should take out the elders, Obito could quietly teleport to Konoha and assassinate them. Second, Sasuke and obito should propose sharing bijuus with other villages as incentives to get them on their side. They unite some of the other villages to challenge Konoha’ hegemony, arguing Konoha is a threat cos they have the most powerful bijuu and is the richest village, and proposing they’d undermine and destroy Konoha and split the missions revenue that used to go to Konoha. Meanwhile they sabotage Konoha missions to ruin their reputation and stealing clients from them.
Fourth, Sasuke and Obito try to instigate a rebellion by the hyuuga cadet branch. Kishi could’ve made up some shit that Orochimaru discovered a way to nullify the curse seal. Sasuke could offer to undo the curse seal for any hyuuga who come to join him. Hiashi then used the curse seal to kill any hyuuga who tried to leave, it prompted a all out rebellion and mass defection. Tsunade had to step in and forced Hiashi to abolish the hyuuga slavery practice, since she’s facing the prospect of losing all the cadet hyuuga either to sasuke and obito or to Hiashi’s murder spree. It’d end with Hiashi being removed and replaced by Hinata, and 2/3 of the cadet hyuuga including neji defected to Sasuke. 
After the rivalry between Sound village and Konoha is set up, Kishi could write another few arcs of outside threats that’re not part of the Sound vs Konha conflicts. Maybe have naruto and sasuke fighting on the same side occasionally cos their agenda happen to coincide. And he could return to the conflicts between the villages later for the final arc. I think this would allow more flexibility for plot ideas and thus allowing him to milk the series and throw in new elements and threats to the plot while keeping the naruto vs sasuke thing relevant.
btw, I’ve made a few long posts about him before, you could run a search of his name on this blog, you should see them. I’m too lazy to dig them up :p
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