#or is it just being strange in a domineering and mysterious magnetic way. I will be cringe actually deal with that for my service
bacchuschucklefuck · 30 days
you get riz gukgak so well 👍👍
thank u!! he really kinda is all of my favourite character things rolled into one package (negotiation of principles/investigator-truth seeker-negotiator with reality and the narrative/obnoxious character whose narrative reward for participating in the story is getting to be even more authentically obnoxious/deeply and hauntingly aroace
#not art#everything else abt him is also compelling so Im just eating well while crying over here#the aroace part I believe from the bottom of my heart the moment he bribed a girl in freshman year First Day Of School to eavesdrop for him#In The Girl's Bathroom. like the decision itself isnt far off from a lot of noir stuff trapp's character in mentopolis did the same#but the supreme lack of awareness of what that decision says abt you in a social setting. now That's aroace#the only reason I dont read him as agender too is bc he didnt straight up waltz in there lmao#honestly bouncing off of that I also thinks folks sometimes downplay or buff off how cringe riz is... but its my favourite thing on earth#esp. in tandem with the Everything else abt him. theres an insistence in the genres he pulls from on the greater good and losing#ur real self in the work and being maybe strange but above all The Guy Who Gets The Job Done. and riz pushing the limit of that is awesome#like as a character I feel like some of it is like yeah I do get the job done. if it kills me even. how Strange do I get to be#or is it just being strange in a domineering and mysterious magnetic way. I will be cringe actually deal with that for my service#this and the part of his character that's yknow. Living While Goblin. that's a deeply compelling dynamic to me#anyways uhhh once again typing huge paragraphs abt this guy lmao. this happens forever I let it#anyways for the reason of spy theming and information dealer if u do class swap AU I propose bard!riz#u know. what is disguise if not a sister to stealth (<- extremely transgender sentence to say)
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k-rising · 3 years
Yedam's birth chart analysis
DISCLAIMER: This is just a part of the analysis of the idol’s natal chart, which wants to show a deeper perspective on the idols life. This analysis is carried out thanks to the data that appears in the birth chart. These are my interpretations of the signs and how they work based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and all interpretation and experiences within is valid. The point of this post is to entertain. [This idol hasn’t confirmed his birth time, so I used the standard 12pm time to calculate his natal chart].
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧
loves comfort
quite possessive
wants mental and emotional security
Sun sextile Moon
self confidence!!
yedam is firm on who he is and people can be attracted to him because of that confidence
very easy going
tries to avoid conflicts
Sun sextile Jupiter
very optimistic
this position brings a lot of opportunities to yedam
however, there can be a false over-confidence here
he knows how to approach and solve the most difficult problems
yedam also has an instinct for justice
he's good at guiding others and is a great counselor, specially when it comes to work!
talking about work, this position also suggests yedam to work with groups
Sun square Neptune
quite manipulative
he has to overcome a lot of things in order to elevate himself
𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧
a dreamer
a magnificent artist
very romantic
he automatically tunes in with the moods and thoughts of others
tends to isolate himself quite often
his way of facing reality is to avoid it
Moon square Venus
fears intimacy
yedam can get into a relationship, but then he will get bored and will start to see flaws in his partner
his romantic desires and his emotional needs clashes here
he might not know what he really wants
tends to get into bad company a lot
yedam can also be easily used :(
Moon square Mars
doesn't like showing vulnerability
tends to act more aggressive then he really is
routines are boring for him
he can also have little regard for others feelings
Moon trine Jupiter
always wants to broaden his knowledge
people feels comfortable around him
Moon square Saturn
awkward with emotions
a lot of self-doubt
it's hard for him to take compliments
trust issues
it can be also hard for yedam to connect with people on an emotional level
he might have a hard time accepting his struggles
Moon square Pluto
has a hard time accepting and healing from traumas
his emotions tend to block out his desires and his inner self
he doesn't know how to express himself well
Moon square North Node
yedam can lack drive for moving foreward OR might have a fear of moving on
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
quick and free mind
tends to overthink A LOT
inteligent af
can be easily distracted
Mercury conjunct Venus
i don't remember if yedam's a songwriter, but this aspect indicates that he's REALLY good with his words
charms others whenever he speaks
communicates in an easygoing way
doesn't like when conflicts arises
Mercury conjunct Mars
whenever he starts talking, he can't stop lmao
he has so much energy when he speaks
tends to change his mind at the last minute
yedam isn't afraid on giving his opinions
he also likes to talk with people that are as straightforward as him
Mercury conjunct Saturn
this aspect blocks self expression
overanalyzes conversations
tends to worry a lot when talking
self critical
Mercury square Uranus
shearing his beliefs can be hard for yedam
unpredictable in communication
can be easily misunderstood
has a restless mind
Mercury trine Neptune
has a lovely voice! so pleasing and calming :')
an amazing artist
creativity out of this world
again, an incredible songwriter!
lives in his own fantasy world
thinks outside of the box
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬
likes flirting quite a lot ;)
likes someone who can surprise him and be mentally active
talking, sharing ideas, going out to different places and learning new things with his partner is important for his happiness
can get bored easily, so variety is needed
more interested in the sense of humor and intelligence than in the physical appearance of a person
the best love for him is one in which him and his lover have an emotional bond of both friendship and lovers
Venus conjunct Mars
again, he's the type of person that will tease his lover just to keep things exciting lol
everyone's crush
falls in love quickly
he's magnetic and will probably don't know why
Venus conjunct Saturn
tends to attract mature/grounded people
actually, maturity can be a big topic around his love life
late marriages
maybe he will be with a partner that will make him mature OR maybe it's going to be the other way around
Venus trine Neptune
has an idealistic view of love and life
believes in true love
expresses himself through music
can get into unusual relationships OR meet his partner in a very strange way
way too tolerant with people
Venus opposite Pluto
holds grudges a lot
attracted to mysterious people
can attract "bad lovers"
might have an obsessive view towards love
can get into manipulation and controlling behaviors in his relationships
transforms and grow quickly in relationships
can be drawn to astrology or have some psychic abilities O.O
Venus conjunct North Node
okay, with this aspect i can interpret that lessons will be learned through his job OR through his relationships
he will eventually succeed as a singer :')
attracts beauty and comfort
relationships of all kind are very important for yedam
he can have one relationship in particular that can change his life
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬
he definitely loves speaking lmao
hella sociable
very debatable
has an active and critical mind
gets bored easily, so variety is needed here
likes keeping himself busy
it makes sense that he decided to persuade the singing career, since he's very energetic
Mars conjunct Saturn
cold when angry
suppressed feelings of anger
could be hesitant towards different opportunities
Mars trine Neptune
brave and passionate with his imagination... but this combination can also mislead yedam somehow
Mars opposite Pluto
can be very combative/aggressive
passion and control are a big theme here
wants to be seen as dominant
defends others a lot
learning through experiences
he's constantly looking for answers
Mars conjunct North Node
this is an amazing aspect for self-esteem!
has a huge drive to evolve
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐮𝐦
a social butterfly
gets bored easily
needs constant mental stimulation
has a lot of ideas
energy comes randomly when he least expect it
𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫
guided by his heart
attracts good luck when he's compassionate and caring with others
yedam knows how to make others feel good
he also attracts good luck when being imaginative and creative
he needs to listen more to his intuitive side to go through the right path
security is hella important for yedam
very artistic
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
speaking in public may be a challenge for him!
can feel isolated a lot, specially when it comes to communication
he always have new ideas, but can fear trying new things
might feel tense quite a lot
doesn't like superficiality
relates better to logical thinking
Saturn trine Neptune
a practical person
a dreamer, but one that has his feet on the ground
when work doesn't involve with purpose and imagination, he won't put any energy on it
Saturn conjunct North Node
when he was a kid he already knew what he wanted to do with his life
yedam's devoted and firm with his goals
fears and shames can get in the way of his evolution
Pluto opposite North Node
yedam should be careful on not confusing his desires with what is actually good for him
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞
his life mission is to be more communicative, social and intelectual
yedam needs to listen more and be more curious
his life mission is to be assertive
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philosophiums · 5 years
hmmmmm so..... i wrote an aftg volleyball au....... 
@ravenvsfox this is mostly your fault.... also please know that i actually drew out all of the rotations with the players so that i could keep track of them (for the whole ass two rotations i wrote skdjbkjsbdvsf) and buried myself in actual volleyball rules to make sure i wasn’t fucking anything up. anyway pls enjoy
The ball comes over the net, cleanly past Andrew’s head. Despite his lack of motivation, his hours and years of training tell him to go for it, to stick his arms out and get low and move in for the receive. But for the first time in his life, he’s on the front line, and putting up impossible serves is no longer his job. He stays still, hands loose at his sides, and just watches the ball.
The world always slows down when he’s on the court, like movements through water. He feels the vibrations through his feet, sees the motions of his teammates as both blurry shapes and sharp images. For idiots like Kevin and Neil, he imagines that everything speeds up. All they care about is spiking the ball, touching it as much as they can, and to do that they need to run. They get hyped, they get high off the weight of the ball smacking into their palm, they flood with adrenaline after the success of a clean kill. Andrew imagines it’s just a chase for them – greyhounds running after a cloth rabbit.
But for Andrew, only his thoughts move that fast.
“Got it!”
Aaron hasn’t played libero since early last year, even though the color of his uniform proclaims him as such. Except for the first couple games when Andrew hadn’t quite figured out his medication rotation, Andrew’s been the main libero for the Foxes since their freshman year. But Aaron’s knees give way and his heels take his balance like he’s played the whole set and then some. It’s not a natural talent, but it’s far from indifference. Andrew’s watched him practice, and he’s never fallen behind.
The ball goes up, and Andrew moves from the center front, watching the curve, the spin, working through in his mind how his fingers are going to have to be splayed to catch it. This is different from practice, when Kevin would just toss the ball before going in for the spike, but Andrew’s played libero his whole life; he knows how to catch a ball. His body moves, and his mind keeps spinning three steps ahead.
He knows what positions the other team – the Cavaliers – started in, heavy in the front as they prepare to block, but maintaining two receivers on the back line for any balls that might make it through.
The Foxes are in a good defense rotation, which means that their front line is a little lacking, prepared for blocking and not necessarily ready for any powerful spikes. But Kevin’s already moved up from the back right into a more central location, prepared to use the non-dominant hand he’s been strengthening all summer for a back attack. Kevin runs first tempo, and he likes a toss high enough that he can see over the blockers and get a read on the layout of the other team.
Nicky’s taken a step back from the net, ready for a block receive if it should be needed.
Matt seems ready, too, set up to the far right in a position that would let him pull off quite the wipe if he got through. He’s a strong spiker, but he has a bad habit of jumping too close to the net, and his long arms make straights a challenge. He knows the toss likely isn’t going up for him given his position and its relation to Kevin’s, but he’s ready to jump anyway. Andrew knows from watching Renee that Matt prefers his tosses high and tight, and half of a hand length ahead of what could be considered standard. He also runs first tempo, and the fact that he’s hit in a few points over the course of the game means there’s a blocker on him – that’s one less on Kevin.
And then there’s Neil, who isn’t waiting for Andrew’s toss and has already taken off, racing up to the net from the back end of the ten foot line, angling himself in the wide open right side. He’s trying his hardest to get a blocker to chase him, but he hasn’t hit a spike the whole match, and he’s no longer serving his purpose as a decoy.
He runs at minus tempo.
It’s no wonder Renee can’t properly set to him, and it’s no wonder he can’t trust Renee to give him the toss he needs. Most people would say that Neil should adapt to Renee – hell, Wymack already yelled at him to slow down – but in volleyball it’s the spiker who takes charge of the attack. It’s the spiker fighting in the air for every point. The setter’s job is to make sure the spiker has good footing when they take off.
Renee refused to back down from the challenge in practice, but today she didn’t seem to trust her tosses enough. Her fever and chest cold may have had something to do with it. Her holy high horse lost them the first match, but Andrew made a promise and a trade with Wymack.
The second match is theirs.
Andrew’s never set to Neil, has never set to anyone other than Kevin, but the reckless idiot has already jumped, and he’s wide open.
The ball settles on Andrew’s fingertips, and he cradles it for only a moment before firing it off at Neil. It’s a fast toss – too fast, really, but there’s no other choice. He has to get the ball to a fool who’s already in the air.
With a smack, Neil’s palm connects with the ball, and it collides with the floor in the massive gap in the Cavaliers’ defense.
For the first time all day, the supports for the Cavaliers fall quiet, a string of unsettled murmurs the only thing trickling down to the court. Words of disbelief come in from the Foxes’ own sparse supporters, too, and it feels like every person around Andrew has suddenly leaned in for a closer look. On the side lines, Wymack is on his feet fast enough that Andrew’s eyes move to him for a second, just to make sure he stays where he’s supposed to be. And then his gaze goes back to Neil, whose back is to Andrew, head bent enough that Andrew can see the red roots escaping the dyed brown of his hair.
But the stunned silence only lasts for a few breaths, and then the Foxes start yelling, going crazy over a play they weren’t expecting. Phrases like “what the fuck was that” and “holy shit” punctuate the general chorus of excitement, a one syllable sound that keeps getting louder as time draws on. Andrew doesn’t get swept up in it.
Neil turns around and lifts his eyes from his red palm, finding Andrew through the commotion of Matt and Kevin running at him. His eyes are wide; Andrew thinks if they were any wider he might be able to make out the ocean of blue hiding behind the brown of his contacts. The surprise plays on his face clearer and more honest than Andrew’s ever seen him. He’s shocked, Andrew thinks, over being handed the trust of an unlikely toss. It was reckless, since they’ve never tried it before, and he expects a few stern words from Wymack and Kevin once they’re off the court for longer than a time out, but for now, he’s going to sit in this moment.
Andrew can hide behind the logic of Neil being wide open all he likes – his brain still knows what this uncommon feeling in his chest is.
A perfect hit. A moment of shared trust.
Andrew walks up, and Neil pushes past Matt to meet him halfway. There are several dozen snide things Andrew could say about Neil’s style and obsessive focus, about how he shouldn’t be blaming anyone but himself for the lack of tosses he’s received thus far in the game. But he just cocks his head instead, enraptured by how Neil has managed to stack yet another mystery on top of all of his lies. One more thing for Andrew to unfold.
“How was it?” he asks.
The Foxes fall strangely silent, as if the miracle play never happened. They never expect Andrew to care or offer to change. They don’t know him at all.
Neil curls his fingers into a fist. “Perfect.” This is the first time they’ve said anything to each other since Columbia. The wild grin that takes over Neil’s face is worse than the drugs, and Andrew both wants it to stop and isn’t ready for the withdrawal.
He turns his gaze away, towards the net and what lies beyond. The Cavaliers look confused but unshaken, probably chalking up the spike as nothing more than a desperate stroke of luck – the rash motions of an animal backed into a corner. It’s their turn to receive anyway, so there’s no doubt they believe they can get the point back. They may be right. Maybe it was a fluke. But the ball has never felt better in Andrew’s hands.
The first referee chirps his whistle, and the Foxes make their way back to their positions, rotating once clockwise. Matt’s up to serve, but Andrew’s not going to look. He’s watching the Cavaliers, wondering where Matt’s serve is going to go and who’s going to spike after the setter gets the ball. He knows his block height isn’t going to be good enough, probably not even for a one touch, but Nicky’s in the front now and Neil’s steady as a fucking hurricane in the center of the court.
“Nice serve!” Dan calls, back on the court after Aaron swapped out. They won’t need a libero right now, and Dan’s good defense for a chance ball.
The whistle blows, and Matt’s serve goes over clean.
Andrew’s fighting his drug-fucked brain, but it’s not hard to think when he’s on the court, when the ball’s in play and everything slows down to a speed he can process. Volleyball can be surprising, but it’s systematic – three chances to touch the ball, a receive, a toss, a spike. He’s going to have to work on his vertical if he wants to stay on the court as a setter beyond this game.
Does he want that?
The Cavaliers receive Matt’s powerful jump serve, and he broke their pattern but the ball still goes up. The players connect for a quick.
Neil shoots from the center towards the left corner, plowing towards Nicky as he follows the ball like he’s magnetized. And christ, he’s fast. He’s up in the air before Nicky, fingers splayed and arms stretching.
“One touch!” Neil shouts.
How, Andrew isn’t sure. He hasn’t even moved yet.
“Chance ball!” Kevin goes in for the receive, hitting it up cleanly towards Andrew, who moves into position in just a couple of steps. With all three of the Foxes’ powerhouse spikers on the back line, the blockers for the Cavaliers are more spread out along the net, preparing to read block, perhaps even preparing for a back attack. Nicky’s in a good position for a quick and has one blocker on him, so the chances of it getting past are good, but the Cavaliers keep up defense even on the back line, so the chances of it getting picked up again are also good.
Andrew looks at Kevin and wonders if he could fight his way into a point from the back line with a hand he hasn’t fully mastered yet. 
But it’s Neil who sings to him again, his body cutting air as he runs along the net in search of a place free of blockers. He’s already a blur in Andrew’s peripheral, just a flash of orange and black planting his feet and jumping as high as he can. There’s no one marking him, so there’s no reason to try so hard, but Andrew doubts Neil knows anything except fighting, except being dialed all the way up for as long as he can sustain his stamina.
Maybe the last toss was a fluke.
Andrew wants to know for sure.
The ball settles against his fingertips, and he bends his hands until the ball is cradled completely. The motion doesn’t even last the span of two breaths, but he thinks he can feel each fingertip as they settle against the synthetic leather. Neil’s nearing the peak of his jump, and no one’s ready. Andrew lets the ball fly.
It’s not perfect – he’s new to this, and no amount of thinking can make his hands work perfectly every time. But he knows where Neil is, and he knows how to get the ball there. It’s low and a little short. Neil sees that, too, and in the fraction of a second he has to hit the ball before it goes flying into the stands, Neil adjusts his arm and smacks the ball down.
He lands, and his hands are already in fists, a delighted yell rising from deep in his lungs and ripping out of his throat. He whirls on Andrew and he looks wild, hair sticking to his forehead and temples, teeth bared.
Goosebumps slide along Andrew’s arms and down his spine. His heart jumps like he’s in freefall. A pipe dream. A new drug. That’s all Neil is. But he jogs over to Andrew and refuses to let him come up for air.
“It’s so fast,” he says, a safe distance away, but he’s shining so brightly that Andrew feels like he should take a step back, anyway.
He holds his ground. “Nice cover.” Most spikers would have been able to grab a poor set, so Neil’s hand connecting with the ball isn’t anything to fawn over, but the speed factor makes it more impressive. This is Andrew’s only concession.
“Neil!” Nicky runs up and barrels into him, excitedly wrapping around him as if that was the winning point. They have another ten to go; Nicky needs to calm down.
Andrew turns away, wondering if his shaky body is going to last the whole game. It’s his turn to serve after the next play, but he’s never practiced so they’ll have to give up that point. Then he’ll be on the back line, and his training as a libero is going to hinder him being able to set, because if he gets the receive up they’re fucked.
Why does he care?
He turns back, looking at Neil, who managed to shove his way out of Nicky’s enthusiasm. The look in his eyes is as greedy as it is deadly. “Let’s do that again.”
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nevergiveupneverrun · 4 years
Bodyguard - Chapter Sixty-One “...for a few hours”
Hello , how are you? Here is chapter Sixty-One of my Story Bodyguard, yay!! I hope you will like this chapter.
I’m sorry in advance for the mistakes… English isn’t my first language and I do my best. Here is the link to the previous chapter: Click Here.
I hope you will enjoy this chapter :) 💛
Her lips are still under my lips and panic takes hold of me.
The woman in front of me is completely frozen, straight as a ramrod.
Absent in this moment.
I begin to detach my mouth to end my pathetic attempt to connect with it… when a trembling movement is subtly discerned under my lips.
Hands slide parallel behind my neck and quickly hold me in the position I was trying to escape.
Her mouth suddenly comes to life and activates under my touch for too short seconds.
I sigh in her, welcoming her kisses… before she slowly walks away from me… like in slow motion.
I catch my breath, feverish, and undecided.
I open my eyes and discover Amelia in a few millimeters in front of me, her gaze intense and piercing.
Her hands stay firmly behind my neck.
We observe each other for a few seconds, without moving, the silence distressing me more than reason.
- It’s a bad idea, she whispers while staring at me.
I nod, realizing my mistake. But her words call out to me while her body language seems to contradict what she expresses: she did not initiate any gesture to flee…
- You don’t make things easy for me…
My hands tighten against her waist, and I only realize at this moment that my fingers have found this refuge without my being precisely aware of it… as my fingers were free and disconnected from my body, drawn to her like magnets.
- Can we really escape temporally… and tomorrow morning, get our roles back… do you think it can work? She shyly asks.
- I don’t know, what do you want, Amelia? I replied, returning her question to her.
I detach a hand from her waist to place a lock of hair behind her ear and reveal her face a little more.
Her eyes slowly close as my hand strokes her skin. My fingers continue their exploration and disappear behind her back, passing under her hair, to brush her spine… a path that I had initiated before her interview, without having the pleasure of finishing it.
- What do I have more than her? She whispers opening her eyes and finding my gaze.
Her question makes me smile slightly.
I lean towards her and place my lips a few millimeters from the ear I just discovered by arranging her hair.
- Pretty much everything, I answer softly.
Her skin is a breath from my mouth, and I can’t resist her call: I place a soft drop in the hollow of her neck. I perceive her fingers sliding slowly in my neck, inciting me despite myself, in my bewilderment.
My lips go up slowly along her nape and I can see her head bending slightly, facilitating my access.
My mouth lands on her cheek that I sprinkle with quick kisses until reaching the corner of her lips.
I take a step back at this moment, to look her in the eye again.
She watches me intensely as if to anticipate my next move, but I speak again.
- So tell me, what do you want, Amelia? I repeat.
She remains silent and I read hesitation in her eyes. I surprise myself with my audacity and my initiative at this time… to believe that this discussion of what can happen to me the next day touched me more than I realized… and that my reason has taken flight to allow me to fully live this unexpected night: to be a man above all.
This might be my last night if I fail.
It is a possibility. But in all these hypotheses, there is a certainty: this night marks my last hours with Amelia because whatever happens, the events that lie ahead will somehow lead to the end of my mission.
No regrets…
- I want… she begins hesitating. I want to forget the rules for a few hours, she finally confesses. So take advantage…
She says these last words as a challenge.
My pride and my curiosity titillated by her request, I lead her without hesitation in a new kiss, but much more passionate and fiery than the previous one.
I get lost for long seconds and my gesture gets carried away, energy and a desire expressing itself violently in me…
I lift her and her legs are immediately wedged against my pelvis, her feet crossing behind me.
I walk forwards, keeping her in my arms like this until her back finds the wall of the room.
Our lips fight in a suddenly less innocent dance… one of my hands, leavers her waist, and slides against the flowing fabric of her dress, gradually winding it up and keeping her leg exposed against me.
Our mouths come off after a few minutes, the need for air is too strong.
But my lips disappear immediately in her neck, then continue their descent and escape to the hollow of her chest.
I can see her breath accelerating. An incredibly sexy moan escapes her as one of her hands moves sensually back and forth against my neck.
A click sounds at this moment and my eyes open again: darkness surrounds us now, as I realize that Amelia has flipped the switch on the wall with her free hand.
- You know, there is a bed two steps away… she informs in a breathless voice, with a slight hint of mischief.
In this position our faces are at the same height: so I look at her straight in the eye and detach myself from her. Her legs loosen their grip around my pelvis and I let her slide and rest her feet on the floor.
I gradually regain my senses: the ado that has dominated me for the last few minutes leaves me with a strange feeling… behavior so far removed from man, master of his emotion, that I am…
Despite the relative darkness, I can see Amelia’s shining, piercing eyes, her face almost more alive than a few minutes ago.
I smile watching her, under the spell, and the questions that were beginning to win my mind fly away immediately.
Her hand, still behind my neck, slides to find my chest and slowly descends against my shirt.
I grab her hand when she finds my belly and kisses it in the palm of her wrist.
- I follow you, I answer with a wink.
Our fingers entwine and she smiles back at me, overtaking me and leading me towards the bed, a few meters away.
My eyes remain captivated by her silhouette which can be seen in the semi-darkness: the fabric of her dress creates a bluish and graceful cloud with each of her steps; setting up an almost timeless atmosphere.
She stops in front of the bed and slowly turns to me.
Silence reigns around us and the tension of the moment grows intensely. Her gaze suddenly drops, as if her shyness is catching up with her. But this reaction is short-lived because she quickly raises her gaze to find mine.
She pulls me by the hand towards her, then shifts me, until I feel the bed behind me.
Her hand suddenly leaves mine.
She comes forward to stand right in front of me: her fingers find the first button of my shirt that she hastily undoes, her attention fixed on her gesture.
I watch her do it in silence. She uncovers one by one, the button of my shirt, without looking at me…
I feel my confidence falter as she progresses and her fingers brush against me a little more.
My breathing quickens and I have the impression that my breath echoes throughout the room, betraying the reaction of my body, undeniably touched by the proximity and the gesture of this wonder in front of me.
She finishes with the last button and finally detaches the two sides of my shirt, and her gaze plunges again into mine.
She smiles weakly at me, before sliding her hands under the fabric at the level of my shoulders.
The shirt descends in a breath of air to my wrists.
I finally remove the shirt and just drop it to the floor.
Amelia takes a step towards me: she gently places a hand against my chest, uncovered by her gaze, to lean and stand on tiptoe.
And a whisper pierces the silence in my ear.
- It’s rather me who takes advantage of the moment…
She pulls back, reappearing in my field of vision, a mischievous smile on her lips, and pushes me towards the bed. I fall on the mattress and quickly place myself on my forearms to find her eyes.
- You don’t seem to mind…
- I wouldn’t want to be selfish, she continues mysteriously.
I then observe, captivated, her hands rise slowly and rest on the two ties of her dress, positioned on her shoulders.
Two distinct metallic clicks sound.
A breath of air Carris in its path a blue veil, which falls at Amelia’s feet.
And my heart races in front of the image that welcomes me.
I hardly swallow my saliva while gazing at her figure uncovered in front of me.
My eyes scanning at her despite myself: her bare chest, her slim and perfectly designed waist, a lace detail for the only accessory still dressing her, her legs which seem strangely endless to me…
Intense heat runs through me.
My body reacts instantly to visual stimuli in front of me and my pants suddenly feel much narrower…
I end up finding her gaze where I detect a hint of hesitation and embarrassment: a stark contrast to the confidence she seemed to want to display in her words and by her gesture.
She moves her head slightly and her hair partly hides her breast.
Moved by this vulnerability that I see, I step forward and sit on the edge of the bed, looking up to her.
- Nothing to displease me, I whisper, in an exceedingly hoarse voice that surprises myself.
I slide my hands around her waist, welcoming her between my legs.
- You are perfect…
As she is standing in front of me, my lips spontaneously find her belle, before slowly rising to her breast. One of my hands leavers her waist and moves the hair I find in my way. I can’t help but express a sigh of contentment as her hands slide down my neck to keep me close to her.
I immediately lose my patience and tighten her waist more firmly.
I rock her with me against the bed.
Her legs encircle my pelvis.
The tip of her hair brushed the skin of my chest.
I raise my head to approach her face, leaning over me, and I quickly twist her lips.
I get lost in repeated kisses, under the softness of her skin that burns my fingers, under the electrifying effect of her sighs and whispers against me.
My head is resting against the mattress again, Amelia following me in the movement, without interrupting our kisses.
Her hips start to move against me and reinforce this flow of sensations and excitement that is concentrated in my lower abdomen.
My hands are placed on her waist after a few moments, to channel these movements that make my head spin…
- It’s you who are selfish now, she reproaches me, getting up delicately to find my gaze.
- You’re going to make me lose all control if you continue… I justified, pressing one of my hands a little more against her hip, to make her understand the message.
- I would like to see you lose control… for once…
She leans gently towards me.
I can make out her cheek caress mine before her lips are sensually placed on my skin.
- Let it go, she whispers in my ear.
Her mouth goes down to my neck gently, then finds my chest.
I close my eyes.
I try to be still, to relax, to let go.
Her hands push my arms away from my body, then touch my side.
My eyes open immediately as she draws the scars on my ribs with her fingertips.
Flashes invade my mind.
A flouted and illusory love.
Bullets firing and bodies lying on the ground.
A desire to die and no longer suffer…
Without thinking, my fingers grab Amelia’s wrists.
I push her away from me and suddenly shifts her to the side.
I sit on the bed and glance at her: she observes me, with wide eyes, surprised by my gesture.
- What’s wrong?
Images from another time pass through my head and disconnect me from reality for a few moments.
- You were right… it’s a bad idea, I reply avoiding her image, my eyes lowered to the bed.
I feel bad right now: mad at myself, for letting myself fooled again by a few beats of my heart. But also ashamed to have to come to this: push her back to protect me… and protect her.
I can see her movement awaken behind my back, as she approaches me.
- Why do you suddenly shut yourself up?
I don’t answer, my mind still disturbed by the bits of memories that have invaded my mind.
Words fail me to Justify my sudden change of attitude.
She wouldn’t understand.
She doesn’t need to know.
- Are these your scars?
The marks of error… of suffering… of awareness. Of a promise I made to myself and that my body reminds me of every day.
- Talk to me, Owen, she begs, next to me.
A hand slides through my hair.
A mouth crashes against my shoulder.
- You know, I’m going to be cold like that, if you don’t warm me up a bit… she continues, resting her chin against my shoulder.
I feel her body gradually approaching and ending up sticking to mine.
Her chest can be guessed against my back, her breaths hugging my skin…
My attention wanders under these sensations. I lose my train of thought. My body contracted and tense gradually relaxes quickly.
One of her hands carefully touches my side and again brushes those memories carved into my fish as she speaks:
- Don’t be ashamed of these marks on your skin…
- You don’t know what they’re due… I whisper, surprising myself letting her do it as she touches them with her finger, following their trail behind my back.
- Maybe, but I know the man you are… a good and strong man…
A soft and unexpected touch suddenly awakens my mutilated skin on my back.
A shiver runs through me, my breath is caught as her lips pull away from this forbidden section of my body.
A tingling renews itself on my skin: a new kiss is guessed a few millimeters above the first.
Intense heat spreads through me as if my skin was breathing again in this place, revived by a mark of tenderness that it has never known.
- Let me erase the pain… she whispers against my skin.
I close my eyes, trying to drive these images of the past from my mind.
I focus on the new sensations that Amelia reveals.
I had always taken care to hide these traces of the past, and now instead of avoiding them, she gives them the attention that takes my breath away.
Her hands are placed simultaneously on my sides and find my scars on both sides. Her fingers slide gently against my skin in a caress, as her head slides into my neck and her lips kiss me just under my ear.
- Please, she whispers, against me.
The tenderness that emerges from her words and her attitude fills me with irrepressible enthusiasm.
I grab her hands against me, loosening them from my body and turn to her.
Her gaze scans me, undecided, and searching for something deep in my eyes.
- This pain there does not disappear…
She observes me, then slowly walks towards me: she sits cautiously on top of me, placing her knees on either side of my pelvis.
- All scars heal over time, even the deepest… you just have to want to treat them…
I hold her gaze as she brings her face closer to mine to kiss me softly while pushing me towards the bed and laying back against the mattress again.
Her mouth leaves my lips and immediately finds my chest that she sprinkles with kisses, gradually descending… before sliding over my bruised skin.
- Let me take care of them, she repeats, continuing her kisses.
After a few seconds, she finally comes back to my height.
Her hand finds my cheek and keeps my gaze in hers.
- Let me try, she whispers, her lips pleading.
I don’t have the strength to answer her but just nod and surrender, kissing her tenderly in return.
Right now, I want to believe it.
I want to believe her.
If only for a few hours.
Thank you for reading. Stay safe and have a great week 💛
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rwbyremnants · 3 years
WARNINGS: Winter/Ruby: teacher/student roleplay, hot wax, scene interruption, under the table action, accidental exhibitionism, accidental parent/child incestuous feelings (no actions).
 (Also, reminder that the Jacques Schnee in this story isn't very similar to the one in canon)
Oh... this chapter. Haha we almost didn't go through with it, since it treads very close to a specific line, but it was just too fun an idea to resist. Hope you guys enjoy it~ and Happy New Year very soon!
=Chapter 7
"Oh wow… yep. That’ll be perfect."
Ruby and Penny had been discussing a few details about the session she would be going through with Winter for the evening, about how she was expected to already be in a particular costume and begin the scene as soon as she entered the door. What had Winter requested? A school uniform. It wasn't something that completely surprised Ruby, but was certainly new and unexpected. Her time at Signal High didn't require a uniform at all!
Thankfully, Penny had come to the rescue. They were both a similar size, and upon hearing Ruby's dilemma, she immediately offered up her old uniform for her to use. Penny had attended a high end private school in her youth in comparison to Ruby's public school, and knew that the uniform wouldn't come cheap. So she saw no point in allowing her girlfriend to go out and buy one when she had one stashed in the back of the closet.
Satisfied with how it fit on her, Ruby turned from the wardrobe to look at her girlfriend. "And you're sure I can use it for this, right? Like, no second thoughts?"
"Of course," Penny said, mostly focused on her laptop screen. "I do think it's strange, of course, but I'm also not using it at all. Why shouldn't you and Winter get some use out of it?" Then she sat back slightly. "There. What do you think about this? 'I am a highly-motivated Berkeley graduate, seeking to enter the workforce and to bring the skills I have gained there and from real life experience to my new employer in a field that offers potential for advancement.' Good, or is it too wordy?"
"Wordy is good! They're always looking for wordy. And if you go for an interview, you're just as smart when you talk as you seem on paper," Ruby complimented. Taking the jacket off the hanger she inspected it closer. Penny's fathers really didn't spare any expense; the material looked wonderful! It almost seemed a shame to use it for some clandestine purpose in Winter’s torture chamber.
"Alright," Penny sighed, finally looking up from her laptop. She gently, not saying anything for a moment. "You look wonderful today. I wish you had gone to my school; it really suits you."
"You think so?" she asked, placing the jacket gently on her bed so it was out the way for her showy little spin, one that made her giggle when she felt the skirt drifting up slightly. "It would have been kinda cool, but I think my dad would have missed me too much to let me stay there all that time."
"Probably true; he didn't want you to go to college where you did, either." Penny giggled as she picked up the little roll of black material that had been on the corner of her desk, standing up and crossing to the bed. "Now, you promised I could do the honours; that's the deal for getting to use it."
"You just wanna see up my skirt," Ruby teased. But not wanting to disappoint her partner, she held out one of her legs, giving her toes a small wriggle to tease further. "Ready!"
"Sit," she ordered, and Ruby did so. Then she took the ankle and gave each toe a delicate kiss. It was different than Winter's reaction to her feet; while she seemed to be drawn to them magnetically, against her will, Penny simply enjoyed doting on the smallest, most insignificant parts of her romantic partner. Who just giggled in response. She always enjoyed how tender Penny was toward the simplest parts of her. From the top of her head to the tips of her toes! Waiting patiently as Penny pulled up the tights, she blushed again.
"And you don't mind if these… rip, do you? The tights, I mean."
"Not the tights. The rest of the outfit, I would appreciate it if you tried your best not to harm it. At least, not in a way that can't be fixed with dry cleaning." Picking up the second stocking, she again kissed Ruby's toes as she said, "But Winter had better not harm these little piggies or I would be very upset."
"Oh, she won't." Chuckling to herself once more, that actually reminded Ruby of another subject to do with Winter. One that she hadn't actually mentioned to Penny yet. "Funnily enough… she actually likes feet. A lot. It's something I didn't expect."
"Really?" Penny asked, hands only halfway raised to put on the other stocking at last. She glanced down at the feet, one covered and one not, then back up at Ruby's face with a slight smile. "Well, why shouldn't she? They are adorable; yours especially."
"Yeah I guess toes are kinda cute and small, but like, sexy? I mean, I got nothing against it, whatever floats her boat." She smiled again, pushing the foot into the stocking as Penny held it open. "Winter's really mysterious like that. I barely know any of her kinks."
Penny's smile was gentle as she tugged the stockings into place perfectly, then reached down and picked up the fabric-covered feet, cradling them fondly in her hands. "They are nice. I mean, as far as I can tell, since 'sexy' is a strange concept for me. So I will defer to Winter." The smile turned mischievous as she kneaded into the soles with her thumbs. "What if… I had control of one of them, and Winter had control of the other? Would you enjoy that?"
"Hmm…" Looking upwards as she allowed herself to relax, Ruby rolled her foot slowly into Penny's motions, softly groaning from how pleasant it felt. "Both massaging? Well, hey, I like being pampered…"
"Massaging for me. I'm not sure what Winter's preferred activities are." Again, she kissed the feet through her stockings and then picked up her saddle shoes, slipping them on. "Have… you talked to her about your romantic feelings yet?"
Deeply sighing, that once relaxed smile faded away. Instead she leant forward again, staring into nothingness. "No… I still don't know if I should. I don't know if Winter's Aro or not, but she's never really had a relationship, or dated or anything. Maybe she doesn’t want that with me, and it might just make things weird."
As Penny continued tying her shoes for her, she said reasonably, "Well, you can't know if you don't ask. Perhaps you should pose it to her as a question; simply find out whether or not she would be open to doing romantic things with you. If she says no, then you don't have to tell her that you're already feeling that way."
"Penny, you know me better than anyone else. You know I'm not that slick. She'll see through that a mile away." Resting her chin on her hands, she continued to stare out blankly, already giving up without trying.
"Oh, Ruby…" The job done, Penny got up and sat next to her girlfriend, hugging her close. "You're a beautiful, sweet, wonderful woman. If she's going to feel romantic feelings for anyone, why wouldn't it be you? And if she doesn't, then I'm sure it's only because she doesn't feel that way about people – the same way I don't feel sexual desire for people." Then she lowered her voice and added, "Though I can make exceptions for my little Rubáiyát."
That had managed to bring a smile to Ruby's face. Somehow Penny always seemed to manage that with her, even when she was in her lowest of moods. Turning to face toward her, she wrapped her arms back around her partner, giving her a big kiss on the cheek before she nuzzled against her. "And you are just as sweet, just as beautiful; inside and out. You're so good to me, Penpen."
"Just protecting my investment," she joked in a gentle tone; an old joke for them. "Love you."
The smile turned into even more of a grin as she nuzzled again, softly stroking her shoulder. "Love you more."
For the thirteenth time, at the very least, Winter checked the clock on the wall. Resisted temptation to call Ruby, or text her; to triple-check she was on her way, since she had passed double-check quite some time ago. As she sat in the chair, legs crossed and one shoe bobbing up and down anxiously, the elder of the Schnee sisters again reconsidered why she cared so much. For most subs, if they were on time, that was fine. For Ruby… being on time wasn't good enough. She wanted her there much earlier, so they could begin right away; have plenty of time to chat once their session had ended.
Because you care about this one, a small voice in the back of her head whispered. Too much.
She silenced it with a physical wave of her hand. Yes, she obviously cared about Ruby; she was a friend and a sister-in-law, besides her favourite person to dominate. Those were plenty of reasons to cherish her greatly. And if she found herself fantasizing about more than simply deriving sexual pleasure from the girl…
If she found herself wishing she could wake up next to her more than just the once in her life…
The sound of the doorbell shattered those thoughts, and she now found herself grateful. Pulling out her phone, she sent Ruby a quick text, smirking to herself all the while. It was time to begin.
Just as eager to start, but anxious for what was to come, was Ruby. She patiently waited outside the door to her Dom’s flat, holding her hands in one another to try and maintain her focus. This was to be slightly different from their last sessions, in that she would be thrown straight into the role. No preparation, no film and drink. They had already agreed on the terms over the phone, with their usual safety word in place. As soon as Winter would open the door, they were in-scene.
The text only read: Door unlocked. Come to the office, first door on right; bring in what's outside.
“She really is prepared,” Ruby breathed to herself Quickly pushing open the door and stepping inside, she shut the door tight behind her; she saw no point in locking it, not with Winter's reassurance that her roommate was out for another weekend. Besides, she had not been instructed to do so. Following the message to the letter, she headed straight for the hallway, toward the office.
Sat outside the door was a backpack. When Ruby picked it up, it didn't seem to weigh much. Just an average school bag. No doubt she expected Winter wouldn't want her to look inside until she got in the room, so she didn't. Finally, she turned the knob on the door, slowly pushing it open.
The room was very different from when she had glanced in before; then, it had been a fairly dull office space. A few filing cabinets, a fine oak desk, and a potted plant… and literally nothing else. Just a place for Winter to do some of her work when not upstairs in the main Schnee offices. Now…
Now it was a classroom.
“Whoa...” she couldn’t help breathing as she gaped at her surrounding. The dull painting that had hung on the far wall had been replaced with a blackboard, and the couple of other comfortable chairs vanished in favour of smaller student desks. There were only two, but that was enough for realism's sake, given that this was for play. A globe stood on one of the filing cabinets, and there was now a bookshelf with a full Encyclopædia Britannica racked up along its planks. Winter's own desk was the same, but the contents on top had been changed out for a syllabus, a stack of papers to be graded… and a shiny red apple.
"You're late," Winter said in a firm tone from where she sat. Though Ruby could only see her from the waist up, she could see one of her crisp white blouses that she wore to work had been augmented with a cardigan, the sleeves tied around her neck so the rest draped over her back.
"S-sorry, Miss Schnee!" That seemed to fit the role. Ruby had guessed they were doing a teacher-student thing, but not for the entire office to be changed so drastically! Straight away she went to take one of the seats – the closer one, as Winter expected her to, resting the bag on the table.
"You are already in trouble, so the least you could do is be punctual for your punishment." Then she sighed, a very slight cloud forming in front of her mouth, and set about straightening a few of her papers. "And I am sorry about how cold it is in here; the heat is inferior in this room, and with only the two of us in here to lend our body heat…"
"O-oh…" Thanks to the jacket, Ruby hadn't noticed just yet. She had only just opened the bag: a few blank books, some papers, and a pencil case. Her student didn't know if they would be used or not, but it was worth getting them out anyway just to make sure. "It won't happen again," she reassured, setting them on her desk. "And… do you want me to write lines, Miss?"
"Yes I do." Picking up a pair of square-framed spectacles, she pushed them onto her face as she scooted her own chair back. "Given that you aren't much of a troublemaker in my art class, I see no reason to make it too strenuous. Let's say… fifty times. And nothing too long, either."
Then Winter rose and turned to the board. From there, Ruby could see she had her now-red hair in a bun, and was wearing one of the tightest black pencil skirts she had ever seen. Her hand grasped a piece of chalk, then wrote in loopy cursive on the board:
I, Ruby, have been naughty.
"Okay… I can do that." First thing first, she opened the notebook on the first page. Although she was expecting it to be clean, she was mistaken…
Right there, on page one, was a large heart in brilliant red marker. In the middle of it was written in blue, "Ms. Schnee + Me". There were a dozen little hearts drawn around it, as well, in various hues and sizes. So dark was the press of the marker that the next several pages past it had experienced bleed-through.
Oh GOD. Ruby's face went bright red. Not only was she already distracted by the resemblance Winter had to her teacher that she had once described, something that had prompted double take; but Winter had embarrassingly marked the notebook for her! Straight away she could be heard loudly turning the pages, trying to find a single one where there wasn't anymore bleed-throughs and eventually, halfway into the book, she found one.
Sighing in relief, she then went to unzip the pencil case. Only to find that wasn't the only surprise. The first thing to emerge was a pencil, of course; it rolled neatly up against the spiral of the notebook. After that rolled out a small plastic device, shaped like an overlarge medicine capsule, about the size of her thumb. It seemed to be twistable at the centre. There were other things inside the bag, too indistinct to see without tumping them out, as well… but even in shadow, they certainly didn't look like school supplies.
Blinking again in surprise, Ruby was beside herself. There were rather suspicious items in there, and love notes all over her book. And with how well Winter now resembled her old teacher, she didn’t know what to do besides take the pencil in her left hand to begin writing, and cover her mouth with her right in a vain attempt to try and hide the intense blushing she now has all over her face. This “lesson” was going to drive her mad.
Shivering as she sorted through her papers, Winter said, "This won't do. Hang on, I think we have…" Opening one of the lower desk drawers, she made a good show of rummaging around for something in there. Up came a candelabra of long tapers, and two smaller candle holders with small, squat red candles in them.
"Keep to doing your lines," she said offhandedly as she saw Ruby looking, producing a box of matches. But when Ruby looked up again, she couldn't. She had scarcely even written three lines, before she realised what Winter was doing. She was playing directly into the kinks she described; the teacher-crush, and the wax play. At least, she expected that was what they were for. Winter didn't just do decoration for the sake of it.
But when her “teacher” looked up again, Ruby quickly got back to it before she could say another word, quickly writing more lines as fast as she could. Nodding in satisfaction, Winter finished lighting the candelabra, then blew out the match. The room filled with the acrid smell of sulphur as she flicked it into the bin. Then she used one of the tapers to light the two smaller candles.
"This isn't much, but I hope it will help," she sighed as she stood, carrying the smaller ones over. The minute she came around the desk…
A powerful scent of strawberries filled the air between them. The tapers might have been simple wax, but clearly those two weren't. Unable to help herself, Ruby hummed; the scent was relatively strong, enough to relax her a little more. But not enough to ignore the still wonderful sight of Winter. She had nailed the look of her old teacher perfectly, from the shades to the bun. Not only that, but the outfit she was wearing didn't leave much to the imagination, either.
Hey, I wonder if she's still wearing that plug from the other session. But the instant that thought crept into her mind, Ruby pushed it down, trying to get back to her lines. You dummy! She wouldn't have kept it in for that long!
But after her twentieth line, she thought, Then again, she could have always put it in again for you before you got here, maybe…
The clack of her black heels against the white tile floor gave nothing away, whether or not Winter had a plug inside of herself. When she bent away from Ruby to set down the first candle on the other desk, showing her pert, rounded posterior, there was nothing sticking out too obviously that Ruby could see. However, when she turned back with the other one, she found herself face-to-face with the girl.
"Miss Rose, what were you doing a moment ago?"
Looking up from the lines and toward her, she found her shoulders shrugging as more. Rendered utterly speechless as per the norm with Winter, she stuttered and stammered, trying to come up with some form of response. "U-uh… I-I was, um… w-working on my lines, Miss Schnee?"
"I… thought you were watching…" Shaking her head slightly as if to rid it of a stray thought, she reached to place the candle on the corner of Ruby's desk - and knocked the small pink object to the floor. "Oh, your eras-"
Her voice cut off when a quiet vibrating filled the air.
Immediately, the blushing on Ruby's face got even worse. This was so embarrassing, even if it was part of the session! She looked straight back at her lines again, red as the apple on Winter's desk. All she could say after that was, "That's not mine! I swear!"
As Winter picked it up, Ruby was granted a generous glimpse of cleavage; not as much as Winter might have shown her otherwise, but a little just above the knot of her cardigan. A little pendant hung down, swinging back and forth above her ample bosom, which was cut off by a lacy black bra. She couldn't resist taking a peek at that. Blinking repeatedly while Winter collected her “eraser”, she continued to stare. God, how she wanted to just get on with things and for them both to have their way…
No, she had to wait. Had to wait for whatever punishment Winter had lined up.
"Well, this…" Winter blinked at it in mild confusion for a moment, playing her part well. Then she cleared her throat nervously, twisting the device to end the noise. "You must have taken out this… neck massager instead of your eraser."
"Yeah, I must have! C-clumsy me!" Ruby giggled nervously, though soon got back to her writing again. She had to, it was the only thing keeping her sane anymore. But the fifty lines were done long before she thought they would be. On to whatever she had planned next. "Done, Miss."
Having just settled both candle and "massager" on the desk, she looked down and said, "Have you, already? Then… hmm." She leaned down and placed one hand on the side of Ruby's desk, the other draped over the back of her chair as she leaned down to study the lines.
Her chest was now so close that it was resting just the slightest bit on Ruby's shoulder. Already, she could feel her breath beginning to hitch up, her body temperature heating up. If Winter wasn't an agent for her favourite popstar and sister-in-law, she would suggest a teacher would be a good role for her.
"Very good so far. Now then… how about we try fifty more lines, something else? When you finish that, you can move on to your homework." Her hand trailed very lightly over the back of Ruby's neck as she drew away and walked back up to the chalkboard.
"Hmm…" She lightly shuddered when feeling the soft fingertips, finding herself watching quite closely. Each sway of her hips was alluring. Biting her lip gently, she asked, "What lines do you want next?"
Raising her delicate hand, this time Winter arched her back slightly as she erased the previous line, causing her plump backside to be more prominent. Then she went for the chalk and wrote:
I wanted Ms. Schnee to punish me.
Once again, Ruby swallowed in fear of what was to come. Winter was simply building it up, but it was already going to her head. She could feel herself beginning to heat up more and more as she began writing on the next page, trying to be as neat as possible to impress her.
Meanwhile, Winter seated herself for a minute, pretending to go over her lesson plan. Who knew what was written in there, if anything; perhaps she had even borrowed it from an actual teacher. Either way, she was certainly dedicated to making the scene authentic. That was what managed to get Ruby going the most: Winter had gone all out once again to make this as best an illusion as she could. Right down to the shiny apple.
A few minutes later, she sat upright again. Lowering her pencil, she cleared her throat and announced, "Finished, Miss Schnee!"
Without looking up from what she was "working" on, Winter said in a dispassionate voice, "Bring your notebook up here, please."
Swallowing again, Ruby held the notebook open to the right page as she rose from her seat. Pacing over, she did as she was asked, placing her punishment on her temporary teacher’s desk. Her only hope was that 'Miss Schnee' wouldn't turn the page.
Winter barely glanced at it, too absorbed in her lesson plan. From where she stood, it could be seen that she had filled it out, after all: the page was open to the current date. Written in very bold letters was: Alone time with little Rose. Blinking in surprise, Ruby couldn't help but begin to read the parts of the page she could see. For now, most of her arm had covered the rest up, but she read the next item on the itinerary quite easily: Get her undressed.
Finally, Miss Schnee did glance up at the notebook, then further up at Ruby, as if she had forgotten she was standing there all the while. "Yes?" she asked.
"O-oh! Um, sorry." Ruby anxiously shrugged her shoulders again. "Do you want me to sit back down?"
"Please. You should still have your art homework to complete." She started to turn back to her syllabus, then looked up with a slight smile. "These individual projects were fun to choose for my students. Have you taken a look at yours yet?"
"I-I haven’t," she admitted, slowly walking back to her seat again and pulling the chair out. But before she sat… "Remind me again, Miss Schnee?"
"You should have it in your bag, I hope," Winter sighed in an aloof tone, flipping a few pages back and forth in the lesson plan. "In the envelope I gave you earlier today. If not, then I'm not sure what else you'll do for the rest of detention."
"Oh, sorry! I… Forgot." She quickly made the excuse, taking her seat and picking up her bag from the ground to rummage through it's contents. Sure enough, there was the envelope that Winter spoke of, still sealed. Taking it and opening it up, she took the note from it and began reading.
Please take your time and do as good a job with this as you can, with whatever media you see fit; pencils, pastels, or paints. It counts for a quarter of your grade. Then, behind the note, was a picture…
And what a picture. It was an eight-by-ten glossy photo of Winter, sitting forward in a wooden chair with her wrists bound in the small of her back, facing away from the camera. One eye was looking back over her bare shoulder, but with the blindfold and ballgag, it was hard to tell for sure it was her.
For a moment, Ruby had to hide the photo from view. Winter seemed to have discovered that even though she was no Dom, Ruby enjoyed seeing her in such a submissive state just as much as she enjoyed being dominated by her. After regaining her composure, she pulled the selected picture back out again, taking a closer look. Even if it was presented without context, it was truly a beautiful photo; well-lit, the angle was perfect. How much more had she spent on this good of a photographer alone?
Able to sense she was being watched by Winter, she quickly placed the picture back down, covering it with her pencil case. "U-uh… I was just… Uh…"
"Doing your homework?" Winter prompted with a bemused smile, making a gesture over toward Ruby with her red pen. "That's the idea, isn't it? Just do your best; you know I grade on effort and overall improvement, so don't worry about if it's 'perfect' or not."
"Cool, cool… I think I know what I can do."
Taking out a sketchbook that Winter had placed within the bag, she went through the pencil case again. Perfect; a black ballpoint pen. It had been a long time since Ruby last made art, but whenever she did, her weapon of choice was ink. She began to roughly sketch the basic outline, mastering the different shades by the amount she had to scribble against the page. She began with the darker tones first, the small of her back against her bound hands, continuing up her arms and the rest of the piece. It was quick and rough, but the shape was pretty accurate to the photo.
Ruby was just putting the finishing touches on her masterpiece when Winter's voice reached her, sharp and clear even though it was still on the other side of the room. "What… what is the meaning of this?"
It was enough of a distraction to cause one line to go slightly too far. Probably something Winter wouldn't notice, but something Ruby cursed herself inwardly for. Looking up, she asked, "What? What is it?"
The teacher was holding open Ruby's notebook, still with the other hand gripping the cover as if to close it. As if she had accidentally flipped to the front page and was on point of closing it the rest of the way… when she saw. Her eyebrows were knitted in very convincing confusion.
"Is… this some kind of joke? One of your friends teasing you?"
Her time drawing had completely wiped her memory of the embarrassing notes in the book. And now there they were, right in her face. "I… U-Uh… I don't know h-how that… I-I…"
"This looks like your handwriting," the woman persisted. Her voice had been sharp before, but seeing Ruby's reaction was causing it to grow softer and softer. "Like it…" Finally, she closed the cover as she coughed into her fist, eyes on the other side of the rectangular-framed spectacles averted. "But you can't have feelings like that. This is a v-very cruel joke to play on your teacher and I am not amused."
"I'm so sorry," she began, looking down at the table in shame. Unfortunately the fact there was a picture of her bound and gagged right in her vision wasn't helping; it was only making her core heat up all the more, and the blush to flare up once again. "I-I don't know what I was thinking. I was just… I-I…"
But Winter had opened it again, staring down at the garish heart. Her cheeks were getting a little pink themselves, though not nearly so much as Ruby's. After another second, she closed it again and shook her head, standing up and striding around her desk.
"We can't have this going on. It could lead to a lot of unpleasant questions for both of us, you understand?" Then she very carefully added, "Regardless of… whether or not this is a joke."
"I swear, Miss Schnee, I didn't mean to embarrass you!" Even if it wasn't something she did at all, she still felt humiliated by the sheer insinuation of it. Slowly she looked up toward her again, eyes still wide and nervous.
"I know you didn't. You've always been a near-perfect student. It's… been a real pleasure having you in my class, Ruby. Every day, I looked forward to seeing you most of all." Clearing her throat as if realizing she had gone a bit too far, she instead walked closer to Ruby's desk. "How is your project coming along?"
That filled Ruby with a bit of confidence. Picking up the paper, she turned it in her direction immediately. It was a rough drawing, but more than enough for Winter to see Ruby's style of artwork. Scratchy edgy lines with different pressures tones the piece, with softer lines in the light parts to keep it reasonably neat. It was a talent Ruby rarely displayed anymore, but she wanted to do a good job.
For just a moment, Winter was completely speechless. Her mouth opened several times, closed again, opened. Then she finally whispered, "Strawberries."
That made Ruby raise her eyebrow. She lowered the piece again, suddenly seeming a lot more nervous than she was in play - which was now paused. "Did I do something wrong?"
"Ruby, that's really good," she hissed, barely moving from her position. The Dom seemed to be desiring not to break from their play too much. "Sorry, wow, I just wasn't expecting… I'm honestly really impressed you did that just while we were in here."
"Really?" Turning the drawing back to herself for a moment to take another glance, she began to smile again. Turning it back, she asked, "Did you wanna keep it after this? I mean… it wouldn't be this good if the photo wasn't top notch. Did you hire someone to do that?"
"Yeah," Winter whispered, biting her lip and smiling as she nodded. "It was an ad on KinkHub that I answered; the shoot was free, so long as he could have free reign with the pictures that didn't clearly show my identity. Like that one, because of the blindfold and gag."
"It's… I mean, I know for you both, it's a kink thing, but it's sort of an artsy pic," Ruby noted, placing the drawn image down right by the photos side. Bar a few slight flaws a casual observer would never notice, it was more or less a perfect copy with the shading. Clearly no one had seen Ruby's art skills apart from teachers and her father.
"Thank you. And sorry, I just had to stop play because, I mean, my next move was going to be yelling at you and demanding to know what you had drawn. I wanted you to know first that I thought your drawing was truly exceptional."
Her face was glowing with pleasure as she stood there, still holding the notebook full of lines. Even though she was still blushing wildly, Ruby was grinning from ear to ear, looking down again to her rather quick drawing. When she realised there was one final touch she needed to do. Taking the pen again, she quickly signed and dated one of the corners, before pushing it back beside the photograph, looking up with the still beaming smile.
"I hope you'd like to keep it, then. All yours!"
"It should be in a gallery somewhere, but… I'd be honoured." Clearing her throat, Winter seemed to come back to the moment. "Right, then - sorry, that really was bad form to stop play, but I couldn't have concentrated until I let you know how talented you are. Ready to begin again?"
Scratching the back of her head for a moment to compose herself, Ruby simply continued to smile happily. It was an honour to hear Winter's delight with her drawing more than anything else. But now that she knew where the play was going, she had to sit back down and recompose herself. "Begin play."
Winter's eyes slid closed, and she took a deep, slow breath in. When they opened again, they looked shocked, very realistically. "Wh… what on earth have you drawn, Miss Rose?! What is that?!"
This time, it was a little more obvious she was acting more than normal, and she seemed to withdraw into a shell, drawing the image back toward her. That, of course, revealed the photograph right next to it. "I-I… That was the photo I got! See?!"
"No, you…" The "teacher" gulped, her hand trembling as she reached toward it. "No, no, you couldn't have - there's no… I d-didn't- you were supposed to have a still life of nature, I'm sure- how did you find this?!"
"It was in the envelope, Miss Schnee," she said rather shyly, pushing the photo toward her. "I th-thought… you gave it to me on purpose – like you were making a pass at me or something, I didn't know!"
Her eyes swiveled between the two images, the original and the artist's rendering. Then she looked back up at Ruby, her cheeks a deeper red and a guilty look coming over her. "It wasn't on purpose. I… I know how this seems, but… Miss Rose, I would appreciate you not telling anyone that this happened. I promise you, I didn't…" Her chest began to heave, and her voice turned into a harsh whisper. "I am not the sort of woman who harasses her students!"
"I never assumed that!" she squeaked out. Unfortunately now that she was more clued in about the subject of play, the words didn't sound genuine. Something she would have to work on in future perhaps. "You said that our subject for this assignment was 'helplessness', right? That's what I assumed this was. There are so many ways it can mean that!"
"W-well, I guess that's a funny coincidence…" Under her breath, she whispered, "That was supposed to go to Glynda; I must have sent her the picture of a dog with its head stuck in the bannister. Wonder what she thought of that…"
"Possibly not as sexy as this image…" But in her haste to make a joke in character, she realised what she had let on instead, and immediately looked wide eyed. "I-I mean, I don't- well, n-not that you aren't sexy! Well you are but… I-I…"
Winter's eyes were wide as she stared at Ruby, cheeks still rouged. After a few more seconds, she shakily asked, "You… weren't trying to play a prank on me, were you? When you drew thi- OOP!"
The notebook caught the edge of the candle as she brought it up to show Ruby again, knocking it over. Most of the hot wax landed on the table, but a drop of it splashed onto the back of the student's bare hand.
And instantly Ruby found herself yipping loudly. She brought her hand in by instinct, but by then the wax had already cooled onto her skin. Before then, however, it was very satisfying to feel the warm sensation – just enough to send a tingle or two down her spine and make her sigh with enjoyment.
"Are you alright?!" Winter demanded, laying the notebook on top of the photograph as she snatched up Ruby's hand, bringing it in toward her face to examine the spot of wax closely.
Face reddened again, she realised that she had done the worst thing; moaned out loud in enjoyment. Way to hold back! Drawing her hand away again, she nervously looked down. "Y-yes, ma’am! Sorry, I'm fine! Just… Just surprised me! Y-you know how dorky I am!"
The woman didn't quite look satisfied. "You're sure? I could get you some ice, or…" Almost as an afterthought, she reached back and righted the candle. "What you must think of me today, giving you obscene homework and burning you…"
"No way, Ms. Schnee," she reassured, rectifying her desk a little more to place the photo on top of her artwork. At least then Winter had the option of taking it back if she wished, or even just leaving it till the end. In truth, Ruby just enjoyed seeing it. "You… you could never do anything wrong. You're the best teacher."
"No… no, I am not." Taking up the hand again, she looked at the little disc of wax clinging to it. Her thumb brushed over the spot very gently, frowning down at it. "The best teacher isn't one who… who could hurt her student the way I have."
"It was an accident." With it only being a thin drop, she brushed it to one side. If any more had spilled onto her, that would be a much harder task to get rid of, but this wasn't the case at all. Ruby then looked back up to her, cheeks turning red as she bit her lip. "Besides… wax doesn't exactly hurt me."
"Thank goodness it doesn't." Winter's soft lips drifted so close to Ruby's hand that her shallow breath could be felt, warm on the slightly red spot where the wax had been a moment before. Then she looked up. "I… what am I doing? You don't want me to kiss it and make it better; I'm not your parent."
"You're not, no… but…" How could she keep this going and play into the role? It was proving rather challenging when she just kept imagining it as her previous teacher. But eventually she smiled up at her again. "You are my guardian while I'm in this building. And that means you can."
Unable to hold back any longer, Winter pressed her lips into Ruby's flesh. Once she did, she seemed unable to stop, kneading into it over and over, leaving tiny wet spots as she went. Her eyes closed, in bliss at being granted such an opportunity with her student… who began to smile again. All she could do was push her hand further into the kisses, offering her up more and more to play with. Oh, how she loved being pampered by her favourite teacher; something no other student would get. Despite the fact that the class size was exactly one.
When she finally drew away, Miss Schnee looked up at Ruby with heavy-lidded eyes. Licked her lips, swallowed. Then she whispered, "I… absolutely should not… have done that, Miss Rose."
"I didn't mind." And she didn't at all. Given that she was pushing the hand further toward her again, she more insisted it was kissed than anything. "I was enjoying it, a lot."
"No, no, this is a problem." The teacher stood, taking the photograph with her and staring at it as she strode to her desk, then turned around and gazed at Ruby fearfully. "You should never have seen this. And I should never have seen what's in your notebook. Some lines are… are not meant to be crossed."
"Maybe not, Ma’am." She would have kept to her desk, but when Winter was over there, backlit by the candles present on her desk, it was impossible to resist. Walking over and placing her art by the photo, she looked gradually toward her teacher again, blushing scarlet. "But now… it seems we're on the same page."
The teacher stared down at the desk at the two images, her fingertips running over the ink In the sketchbook. Then she whispered, "That doesn't make it right that… if I take advantage. You said it yourself: I am in charge of you. I should be telling you to go back to your seat right now."
But she wasn't. Instead, Winter stood there, breathing hard as she glanced at Ruby out of the corner of her eye, caressing the drawing as her other hand clutched the edge of her desk. Half closing her eyes, Ruby made her need for her teacher as obvious as she could. She made sure to stand close to her teacher, unbearably close; despite how much her breath was hitching up.
"But you don't want to," she began, looking straight into the icy blues of Winter's. "And maybe I… want to be taken advantage of."
There was a moment of indecision. In that moment, Ruby of course knew that they would progress; it was the point of their play, after all. But still, the acting was superb; Winter's face showed all the earmarks of an older woman, tortured by desiring a younger one.
"Nothing that happens ever leaves this room," she breathed, voice shaking. "Not the photograph, or the feelings in your notebook…" Her eyes raised again to bore into Ruby's. "Or the 'massager' that we both know you're not going to use on your neck. Or anything after."
She had forgotten about that little tidbit. Blushing again as she looked back, she seemed to be weighing the options of Winter's offer. No strings attached, no conditions; sounded perfect to her. If only things were so easy outside in reality. Nodding, she held the back of her hand out to her teacher again, offering it up to be kissed.
"Yes, Miss Schnee."
Then Winter smiled. It wasn't a kind smile, but it wasn't cruel, either. Somewhere in between. "Tell me about your feelings," she urged, voice still shaking but now with more than simple fear. There was excitement building, as well. "One page in a notebook tells so much… but not enough."
Hoo boy… That was the question, in and out of play. It would be extremely difficult for her to answer that one without giving too much of the game away, and would leave awkward questions when they were done. But maybe she could purge these feelings by feeding them into the role.
"It started at the beginning of the year, when you first taught me. When you told me there was no need to be scared; that I should just… go with the flow- with my art, I mean."
Both of Winter's hands raised, fingering the lapels of Ruby's jacket. Fondly, almost affectionately. Their bodies were much closer now, even though Winter had seemingly done nothing to make it worse. "That's when it started, with me being kind. Where did your mind go from there? What changed it from merely being grateful to a teacher to…" She gave Ruby's necktie a little tug. "Something else?"
Pulled in toward her even more, she swallowed nervously. That was a question she couldn't answer, in or out of character. Taking a small breath in, she shakily began, "I-I dunno… I-it just began, y'know? I don't know how…"
"I'm no one special; just an art teacher. There are dozens of boys - or girls - at this school worth developing a crush on. It had to have been one thing or another." Both hands slid further up, one caressing the side of Ruby's face while the other tousled her hair. "Something I did, or said…?"
"N-no… just… you being you." That was the honest truth at the end of it. Out of character, it really was her discovery of how Winter was as a person that caused her feelings. She was kind, thoughtful, underneath her rather hard outer shell. How could anyone not fall for her? Edging herself closer, Ruby was more or less ready to slide into her lap, still smiling nervously.
"Just me?" Winter's fingers hooked around the bridge of Ruby's glasses, drawing them off and setting them on one of the filing cabinets as she walked to erase the board. Then she lifted the chalk and drew Ruby's name in large, ornate cursive. "I… can relate."
"You can?" Still standing herself back, she watched Winter write her name beautifully, waiting for her to make the next move.
"Why do you think I lit candles? To warm us up? They barely give off any heat, at all." Winter turned, biting the corner of her lip for a moment before she said in a low, sultry voice, "I wanted to see you by candlelight. Even if this was the only way I ever could, it… I can only allow myself so much without tipping my hand."
"Then…" Stepping toward Winter, allowing her character a moment of confidence, she half closed her eyes, placing her hands onto Winter's shoulders as she held her closer, fluttering her lashes seductively. "Maybe you should tip your hand now…"
"Miss Rose…" Her hands slid around Ruby's waist, very naturally sitting there. As if they belonged. Then she whispered, "Why haven't I been able to get you out of my mind? Did… I really put that photo in your envelope by accident? Or did my subconscious hope for this?"
"It could be a little both. I know that… this is like a dream come true for me." Gradually, Ruby began to lean forward. Her eyes seemed to focus on one particular part of her; her lips. Slowly she was heading toward her goal, eyes closing all the more…
Until there was a call from the main room of the apartment. One jarringly familiar for the teacher. "Winter! Do you have a moment?"
They both froze solid. Winter looked at the door, listening hard - and hearing the sound of footsteps, she hissed, "Shit, it's my fa- I mean, the headmaster! There will be too many questions if you're seen here!" Pulling out her chair quickly, she whispered, "Hide under the desk!"
Not even asking twice, Ruby immediately did as she was told and ducked down under the desk, scooting herself right to the back so she would be out of sight from anyone coming in. That was her out of the way; what about the rest of the things that were laid out for their scene?!
Seemed there was no time to do anything about it. The door opened, and entering immediately was Winter's father. Thankfully, he was distracted by a tablet in his hands, on which he tapped through a few of the screens, until he looked up toward her. "Ah, there you are! I just needed to confer with you about these few appointments coming u-"
Then he paused, looking at the desks in front of Winter’s. Blinking in confusion for a moment, it seemed as though he was going to figure something was going on, until…
"Are we due for the interns today? I thought that was next week."
"O-oh, it is," she sighed, sinking down into her chair. She scooted it carefully forward until she felt her shins up against Ruby's chest and stopped, not wishing to squish her but also needing for her seat to look as natural as possible. "I mean, they are. Next week. But the desks got here early."
"Hm… very well, that's fair." Leaning against one of the desks, he brought up another list on the tablet, before giving her his full attention. "I've had a few calls from different talk shows; some for FNKI, some for Freezerburn. Anyway, you're better versed in some of the topics they want to talk about than I am, so I need your input before I book these."
Below the desk, Ruby was blushing again. From where she was, she got an excellent view of Winter from down below. As part of her outfit, she didn't wear any underwear, and was freshly shaven just for her – other than the landing strip. Already she could smell that Winter was aroused, and right in front of her.
"That sounds fine, sir," Winter sighed, legs shifting somewhat anxiously. No way was she forgetting about their invisible guest, either, but was doing her best to sound as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. "If you could forward the dates to me, I'll consult my calendar. Or send them via instant message, if you would ever take the time to learn how to use it…"
"Hey, I've only just joined the twenty-first century learning how to use this thing." He turned the tablet in her direction for a moment, before looking back at it. "Can I go through some of these with you? I need your input on how appropriate these subjects are for your sister."
"Of course." But Winter wasn't budging. She couldn't take the risk that she would stand up and her father might walk around behind the desk, spotting Ruby much more easily. As surreptitiously as she could, she scooted the lesson plan book so that it mostly covered the photograph before she reached out for the tablet.
"Right. The first one is Lisa Lavender again. She's doing a marriage special and wanted Weiss and Yang on, but I have a feeling she's going to bring up the same 'so who's the father' if Fènleng comes up…"
Ruby had more or less zoned out from the conversation going on overhead. She was far too distracted by the sight and smell in front of her. Oh, how much she wanted to lean in, take another taste of it…
And she could; it seemed like something a student would do under these conditions. They weren't exactly playing by the rules here. Giving into her temptation, she placed her hands on Winter's inner thighs, beginning to stroke very slowly. Testing the waters.
"Well, it should be alright; Yang and Weiss are pretty good at redire-AH!" Clearing her throat, Winter adjusted herself in her seat slightly, trying to press her thighs together and trap the hands still. "R-redirecting questions by now. But we could have a word with Lavender before the show."
Alarmed by the sudden yelp from Winter, Mr Schnee raised an eyebrow. For now, he said nothing about it, and simply continued. "Right… well, that could be a possibility. Anyway, she wants FNKI possibly the week after, for both an interview and to perform; that I think would be fine. But I'm more worried about the other few shows on the list that want Freezerburn. I mean, I know they're pretty good with questions but I do worry sometimes on their behalf."
Unfortunately, Ruby wasn't stopping. She only began to smirk more, gradually pushing the legs apart a little more. She was determined to begin teasing as intimately as possible, to continue her habit of getting into risky situations. Wanting to give as good as she got for once.
Not that Winter was making it easy for her. The thighs were opening, but clearly she was pushing back against the hands forcing them apart. As she did so, she hitched a smile over her discomfort. "I know, Father. Weiss is still your baby girl, and Yang is an important part of our family, now, too."
"They are indeed. I just won't tolerate people attacking either of them and spreading rumours. Especially not while they're sensitive right now, I mean; you know what Weiss has been like since Fènleng was born, and the situation with Yang's mental health."
It didn't stop there. As well as hands, a soft pair of lips could be felt against her skin. Ruby was planting more and more kisses upward, giving a brief taster of what was to come. Which caused the scent to get stronger. Winter could only hope that her father didn't notice, but hopefully it would remain trapped beneath the skirt – or masked by the strawberry candle still burning on the second student desk.
"Y-yes, um… you know that I, of all people would never wish any further harm on Yang. But she's strong, she can handle a f- a few reporters."
"Yes… I hope so. I did say ‘no’ to the more infamous shows known to pressure their guests, thought that best. But if you could give a mark on the ones you think they'd enjoy, I'll be on my way."
The kissing continued upward still. Her hands instead moved to Winter's knees, holding them apart so she could continue that journey further upward, more and more until they finally hit home. And she pressed a soft kiss against Winter's petals.
At that instant, Winter had just been reaching up to grasp the tablet… when she couldn't help but let out a low moan, trembling from head to toe and accidentally knocking the apple from her desk as she braced herself against the sensation.
"Y… you can…" Clearing her throat, she sat back again and redoubled her concentration. "You can do as you see f-fit, Father."
Now it seemed he suspected something was wrong, and his brow furrowed again. "Is… everything alright? You seem awfully… on edge."
It could be more felt than heard, but Ruby giggled against Winter's flower at that comment. She could feel herself that Winter was on edge, especially when she delivered yet another kiss. When she saw fit, she allowed her tongue to press directly between her lips, giving a long lap over the length of her.
"S-sorry about that," Winter struggled to say, thighs pressing into both sides of Ruby's head, one of her heels digging into the girl's side. "Cramps, I… think I might have eaten… bad sushi…" She bit her lip to keep from calling out again, bracing herself as best she could.
Her student chose to ignore the mild pain. She continued to lap at the moist petals even more, loving every moment she could feel Winter reacting against her in some way. And all in front of her own father! This was as risky as it got; she was doing great! Winter would no doubt be so proud of her when they were alone again.
"I see. Well, I have some pain killers back in my apartment if you need them, I can go fetch them if needs b-"
But something else caught her father’s eye as he glanced toward her desk. Although she had managed to cover the photograph, Ruby's sketch wasn't covered at all. It was there, out in the open, forgotten by Winter. And was enough to raise both the man's eyebrows.
"Th-that won't be necessary," she told him, attempting to hold his attention away from the photograph. "I… I'll weather it, and if…"
A fresh wave of pleasure cut off the rest of her words. Seemed Ruby was actually not just aiming to tease her a little here or there, but to drive her all the way to orgasm! While Mr. Schnee was still standing on the other side of the desk! Had the Dom created a monster?
"Winter…" It didn't seem to work. Although his attention was away from the photo at the least, he was looking at her instead. There was silence for a moment, until he lightly smiled. "You… never told me that you were also into women."
And from below the desk, Ruby had to stop herself from suddenly laughing. Drawing herself away from the lips for a moment, she quietly chortled to herself, biting her own lip as tight as she could to prevent any sound escaping.
"What? Oh, that's… it's m-merely a drawing a f-friend did." Even though she was breathing easier now that her companion had taken a break, clearly she was still deeply affected by Ruby's attentions. "I… why should that mean I'm… you know, that?"
"Well… I can only assume, a picture of a naked woman – in this context, no less! You must have paid good money for a piece of art like that, and I can't think why you'd want it for general… aesthetic." He was finding himself becoming rather flustered at the subject. Mr Schnee had only just in recent years become more open to his family, including the extended family they now all shared. To his daughter, this would be a strange surprise to hear him talk about, or even see him blush because of the art. "I-I mean, nothing wrong with it, you know. Just… wow, I've been a bigoted old man all this time and both my girls are queer. What a twist."
Winter found herself completely in disbelief. Though she knew her father had come a long way since his old homophobic leanings, she hadn't expected him to very nearly not bat an eye at such an obviously perverse drawing lying out for anyone to see. Even if she had only forgotten about it and not meant for anyone to see it.
But there was something else about his blush that brought a question to mind. She didn't want to ask it, knew the answer would be nothing good. But try as she might, she couldn't resist.
"Do you… like that sketch?"
"I-it's… Uh…" Obviously from a drawing, he didn't recognise the figure; much to Winter's advantage. The last thing she wanted was to try and explain why there was a picture of herself bound and gagged on the desk. Still, he shrugged his shoulders, trying to nervously continue. "I-it's rather… interesting. I don't think you'd want to hear your old man admitting he likes that sort of thing."
"What do-" She hesitated, pushing her thighs together. If Ruby decided she was going to take advantage of the situation again, she wanted her to at least have to fight for it. "Perhaps I would never have asked if the topic hadn't come up this way, but now I'm curious. What do you like about it? The subject matter, the artist's skill… the model?"
And Ruby did. Even if her head was trapped between Winter's thighs, that wasn't going to stop her attempting to push back forward again. As best she could, once more she prised the legs apart, pushed her face to the petals beneath. She was determined not to let Winter off that easily.
And the ever-oblivious Papa Schnee could only look a little more, tilting his head. "Hmm… a-a mixture of the three. Though I haven’t ever seen anything quite like this, the art is very lovely. An interesting style."
"Isn't it, though?" Winter said, gasping as softly as she could when she felt Ruby's mouth attacking her anew, as she feared it would. "You'd… never believe who drew it. Quite a talent, even if it's… well, it's a little kinky, isn't it?"
However, during her brief respite from being eaten out, Winter had thought of a better plan for revenge. As she did her best to lean casually against her elbow, gazing down at the risque art, she raised her feet up and dug the pointed heels down into both of Ruby's hips.
A muffled yelp could be felt against Winter's sex. It hurt, but not to the point she had to stop. Just enough to prove again that she was doing a good job of inflaming her desires.
And further adding to the bonfire were the words of her own father, who could only give a nod of approval. "Yes. If you could give me the details, I may even attempt to commission them, maybe. Though… probably not something as kinky as this! Something more... tasteful, suitable for framing."
Winter nodded, using the time to let another wave of pleasure pass through her, into every last nerve ending. She couldn't stand it. If Ruby didn't let up, or if she didn't get rid of her father within the next few minutes… something unthinkable was going to happen. But she couldn't concentrate. Normally, she would know exactly what to say to get rid of him, or to make him lose interest in the conversation. But all she could do in that moment was to respond.
"I think that… could be arranged. I'll se- I'll set it up. One of the same model? Not kinky, but it could be… anything you want… name it…" Toward the end, her mind had drifted down under the desk again, as ashamed as she was of that.
But once realising what she had said, her heart stopped. No. She couldn’t pose nude for a sketch that her father would be buying – there was a line, and that was definitely over it!
"I may have a model in mind, perhaps… we shall see yet. Though I’ll keep her in mind, as well, of course; she's clearly a beautiful woman indeed. Reminds me of your moth- well, you won't want to hear about that." Thankfully, he did seem to be wrapping up the conversation. That much was obvious when he took the tablet back from her.
What a relief – in more ways than one. Although he did still spend a moment looking at the edits Winter had made to the list. Giving enough time for Ruby to continue. Rather than just lapping at the length of it, she began to focus directly on the clit. Giving a firm circle around and around, she smirked to herself when she felt Winter's legs shuddering. She was close.
The word "Shit!" fell from Winter's lips, soft and stressed. But even before her father could ask, she smiled up at him as convincingly as she could. "Oh, n-nothing, I just… knew the artist is f-fond of that model. Who d-did you have in mind?"
Ruby's mouth was magical! Every lick and nibble at her clit was making her skin tingle all over, her stomach clench and her heart race. A little further and she would be over the edge. The woman hated it, and yet she couldn't stop now; if she tried to get rid of her father at that exact second, whatever story she told him, she knew that one way or another, she would most likely have to stand up – and that when she tried she wouldn't be able to. Those knees were going to buckle. It seemed her only option was to bear down and weather the approaching climax.
Giving a small nod at the tablet, he finally tucked it under his arm. Business taken care of, he refocused on her question. "No one you'll know, I'm afraid. That's… more a conversation for another time, I think."
With a final grin to herself, Ruby went in for the kill. With a few more circles around the clit, she allowed one of her hands to head forward, drifting around her entrance that little bit to tease her. And once feeling the heels stab in a little more, she finally let them enter inside, trying to curl to hit that spot – as a vague revenge for the pain.
Both of Winter's eyes flew wide, her mouth falling open. Even throughout all of the teasing, the segue into earnest cunnilingus, she had never expected for Ruby to finger her! In front of her father! It was all she could do not to call out in ecstasy, to keep her reaction to a mere few breathy sighs despite the grinding through her inner walls. She had been so wet and ready, worked up to receive this pleasure. If they were alone, she would have been rejoicing as vocally as possible; she still wanted to.
But they weren't alone. Looking up at her father, she took a deep breath so as to sound as firm as she could manage. She was too close to wait for him to leave now. She had to ask him something that would keep him talking while she let her end come to the surface. "Ohh, Daddy…." That was NOT good; she tried again. "Y-you can tell me anything. Maybe I would… l-like to see the model's other work before I p-pass it along to my artist."
"Well… she's not a model." Thankfully, he was continuing. It was probably the worst kind of subject to have whilst in the middle of these activities, but it kept him talking. And easily distracted. "Of course, your mother's been gone a fair while… and though I still miss her, very much so, I know she wouldn't want me to be lonely the rest of my life. It's only been recently that I've found the strength to begin searching again. And, well, I've met someone new."
While her father was talking, Ruby was simply intensifying her efforts. It was now or never! She had to do it while he was distracted enough to look away or else Winter would never forgive her.
"O-ohhhhh?" Winter just managed to turn the end of her moan upward so it sounded like a question. It was too late to turn back. Widening her thighs to give Ruby headway, she forced herself to keep it together long enough to ask, "Do you… have a… picture of this new… lady in your life? I'd lo-LOOOOVE to see."
Eyes widening in surprise at Winter's apparent enthusiasm, he blinked back at her, taking the tablet back from under his arm. "You… really don't mind? I mean, I was worried that you or Weiss would be angry at me, or uncomfortable with- this is quite fantastic!"
He seemed to have not noticed Winter's predicament at all. Somehow, Ruby's continued actions on her clit and inside against her spot were going unnoticed by him still, and Winter still wasn't there yet! Probably because him being there made her too nervous. Thrusting faster and faster, she tried to make sure she would be ready to finish her off at the perfect moment…
Which came when Mr Schnee began to scroll through his tablet again, rolling his eyes and groaning to himself. "Where is that blasted Facebook app?! I only just had it open!"
That was the moment, alright. Gripping one arm of her chair to tether herself, Winter stopped resisting, stopped holding herself away from Ruby's punishing fingers as her inner walls clamped down around them, moisture pushing outward as she came. Wave after wave of ecstasy flooded out from the two points of Ruby's mouth on her greedy clit and the fingers hitting her internal spot, down into her shoes and up into every hair follicle on her head. There could be no denying how phenomenal of an orgasm it was.
But it had consequences. They could have been worse, or more prominent, but she had heard herself moan Ruby's name in an undertone during one of the early aftershocks. Even if her father hadn't heard it, she also felt wetness running down her inner thigh, and down her chin from her open mouth. As sensitive as they were rubbing up against the lace, she found herself eminently glad that she had worn a bra so that her rock-hard nipples wouldn't show through her linen shirt; that would have been too obvious to ignore.
Finally, Ruby could be felt backing herself away. She had Winter's liquid splashed on her face, in her hair; a clear marking of what she had just done. Something her student was going to wear with pride when this was all over, and she gradually drew her fingers out to finally stop the teasing.
Meanwhile, Mr Schnee had at last brought forward a page belonging to a Latina woman with shoulder length brown hair, one who seemed a similar age to him, give or take a few years. "Yes, here she is. You might have seen her in the building a couple of times."
"She looks ni-iiiice," Winter let out with a shiver as she was exited, her neck twitching slightly. The drool rolled even further down her chin, but she couldn't quite force herself to raise a hand and wipe it away just yet. "Is… was she the representative from the… from our paper supplier? She's hot."
Inwardly, she cringed. That had not been quite what she meant to say! It was true, but she had intended to be more moderate about it!
"Why, yes, she is! She's actually been helping me a lot when I have bad days grappling with my loneliness; it took me far too long to realise I’m attracted to the woman, however." Although straight after the comment of her being “hot”, he pulled the tablet slowly back again, teasing. "Hey, hands off, you."
Smiling weakly, his daughter finally leaned against her hand in such a way that she could surreptitiously wipe the drool track away. "Very funny. But I am happy for you."
Even in the midst of such a strange moment, Winter realized that was true; her father had found someone to help ease his lingering grief. It was a lucky thing indeed, as she had noticed how bad it was getting over the years. Maybe the relationship would last and she could become part of their odd little family.
"Thank you, my dear. And… I hope, if I was right about earlier, that you're happy. That's all I care about. And if you do happen to find someone, man or woman, I'd like to meet them."
"That may never happen, Father. But… I promise you will if it does." Then she shuffled some papers, purely so she would seem too busy to walk him out, before she said, "Oh, and please send me a few pictures of your new lady friend; I'll forward them on to my artist, see if she would be interested in working with her."
"Shall do." Finally he was going to make a move to leave, drawing the tablet back fully and pacing back toward the door again, not before leaving one last quick remark about the drawing. "Though this model truly is attractive… if I wasn’t already working up the nerve with Amber, I might ask for her number."
And with that, he finally closed the door behind him, and could be heard doing the same to the main door as well. Leaving poor Winter with the knowledge that her father clearly still was head over heels for their mother… even if that knowledge took the form of knowing she would do in a pinch.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT: you were different; the kid / henry deaver
So.. I mentioned once already that I love Castle Rock, even though I’m still really getting caught up and into it fully. This was sent to my main and like... I’d seen this spoiler on the internet that proposed that The Kid was actually Henry Deaver from an alternate dimension and.. My brain took that and ran? It gets weird and intense.
Viv and The Kid have a connection. Viv thinks The Kid is just stalking her. But then they start to talk and all is revealed.. it gets weird, okay? I am shit at summaries, just trust me. It’s actually pretty good / intense.
The Kid / alternate dimension Henry x OFC, Viv
uhh... making out in a library. time travel and alternate dimensions. idk man.
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He came into the library almost every day that week. Sat in the back with a tall stack of books almost completely hiding him from view. Whether he was actually reading the books or not, Viv wasn’t entirely sure.
He never really said a word. But whenever she’d make her way past his table, she’d feel those eyes fix on her. If she stopped and turned in his direction, he was always looking down at the tabletop or a book.
It wasn’t creepy or anything, Viv just didn’t understand why he did it. By Friday, she got it in her head that she was going to ask him why. For some reason, just the prospect of even speaking to the mysterious young man had her almost giddy.
The morning started off normally enough, he made his way in out of the rain, hanging the tattered jacket on the rack by the door, giving a nod as he silently walked past the desk and back towards his table. When Viv looked up from checking in some returns, he already had his stack at the table.
She bit her lip and stared at him a few seconds intently, gathering herself. The nerve to ask him why he kept staring at her came and left as she stared at him intently. She put it out of her head by lunch.
Normally the guy left for about 30 minutes and he’d return. Today, however, he didn’t move from his seat at the table. Viv eyed the clock.
Due to the weather, - a nasty storm rolling in from upstate, the kindergarten class she normally read to didn’t come in, so other than the handsome and mysterious stranger, there were no other library patrons to deal with and there most likely wouldn’t be.
… it’s now or never…
The thought was dominating her mind as she approached the table. She nearly chickened out and walked past, but his hand reached out just as she got beside where he sat and it curled gingerly around her wrist.
It was so unexpected that Viv jumped a little. The man furrowed his brow as he stared up at her, almost as if he were trying to puzzle something out in his head. He was staring at her intently, as if he were waiting on her to recognize him.
“Do I… know you? I do. I know you.”
Oh god, that voice.. It was deep, almost sensuous.. The perfect low pitched velvety rasp. Her thighs clenched, even if she’d never admit it. She met his gaze and raised a brow at his peculiar opening statement. Her tongue trailed over her lips and she saw it when his eyes flickered upward, following her tongue’s movement intently as the slightest smirk tugged the corners of his mouth upward.
… c’mon, say something…
… why does he feel so familar? Like I should know him like the back of my hand but I don’t…
“N-no.” the word tumbled out quietly, but her gaze was locked on him. A quick glance down at his hand revealed that it was still holding onto her wrist. He glanced down and sheepishly, he let it go.
He seemed upset by her answer.
Maybe they went to school together when they were kids? The thought prompted her to ask if he’d attended school in Castle Rock and he shook his head.
“You don’t watch television much, do you?” he asked quietly.
It hit her then, she’d been seeing him all over the local news. Apparently, they’d found him locked down in an off limits area of Shawshank. The thought had her heart racing a little.
Was he as harmless as people assumed? Or was he dangerous?
For someone who started off her week restless and wondering if anything good or exciting was going to happen in her quiet little town again anytime soon, or if she should take her sister’s advice and leave Castle Rock, see the world… She wasn’t entirely sure this was the adventure she was looking for exactly.
And yet the guy gave off this magnetism. Before she realized what she was doing, she’d sank down into the chair next to him.
“Yeah.. y-yeah, maybe that’s where I know you from.” Viv managed to stammer as those deep chocolate colored eyes locked on her. He shook his head and repeated calmly, “I know you. Quite well, actually.. Just not here.”
Viv’s brow raised and she started to stand but he grabbed her hand again. “Please don’t go. I’m not crazy.”
Viv stared down at him and under that intense stare, she lowered herself back into her seat.
He kept hold of her hand and as soon as it started to happen, she gasped. Her mind was literally flooded with all these images.. Of him, of her -even though she looked nothing like herself for some strange reason, she knew it was her instinctively.. Of the two of them together.. Of a wedding in which for some reason, Henry Deaver’s mother and boyfriend Alan were in attendance as Mother of the Groom.
“I knew it when I saw you. You’re her, but you’re not. I couldn’t forget my own wife.”
He dropped hold of her hand and Viv took a few shaky breaths, staring at him intently, with all the images burned into her mind and replaying over and over. The lights flickered overhead. They shared a look and he bit his lip, leaning in a little, taking out a tissue, dabbing at her nose. “I’m sorry, I just..”
“H-how’d you do that? What were you doing?”
“ I don’t know, I just..” he took a deep breath. “I promise I’m not trying to scare you.”
Viv nodded. Somehow, she got this sense that he wasn’t. That he was confused, probably dealing with some serious problems as a result of being locked in a cage for nearly 27 years according to the news reports.
“ You were different… There. When I really knew you. You seem lonely here. Lost.”
Viv shrugged. She hadn’t ever really given much thought to either thing. But now that she was thinking about it, she’d never really felt like anything fit or made sense about her life. She’d never really felt like she belonged where she was. That her life was supposed to be totally different.
She drummed her fingers against the tabletop and that large hand closed around hers, silencing the quiet tapping. She glanced over at him and after a quiet staring session, she finally found something to say.
“What’s your name? Everyone calling you Kid has to be exhausting.”
Somehow, she knew what his answer was going to be before he said it. When he told her his name was Henry, she nodded.
“What’s your name here?”
“Viv.. What was it wherever you’re talking about?”
“I… can’t really remember that yet. Some things are still confusing. But you were a librarian there too. I know that.”
Again, all Viv could do was nod in agreement. All she had to go on as far as this bizarre and intense confrontation was concerned was what she’d seen in her own mind when he’d grabbed hold of her hand a few minutes before.
She gasped as more mental imagery flooded her mind, her back against a door, his hand disappearing between her thighs, his mouth buried in her neck, the scrape of teeth and facial hair against her skin as she felt a mark forming under the pressure of his mouth. Her hands down the front of his pants as she rubbed against him almost desperately. He seemed to know what he’d done, blushing just a little as he mumbled a weak apology and dropped hold of her hand quickly.
“It’s… it’s okay? I think?”
They sat in silence for at least ten minutes and the growl of her stomach reminded her that she’d come back not only to find out what his deal was with the staring, but also to tell him that the library needed to close for lunch.
He seemed to know exactly what she was about to say, because he stood abruptly and cleared his throat. “Do you want to close down for lunch?”
“I need to.”
“Missy, she took me to the diner once. We could go there.”
Even though it might well not have been the brightest thing she’d done, she nodded and stood too. “We can. I’m.. hungrier than I realized.”
He chuckled as her stomach growled almost on cue. They grabbed their jackets and he accidentally pressed into her from behind as he reached around her to open the door. She gasped just a little and swallowed hard, trying to reign herself in and pull herself together as more memories flooded her mind and they were… Nearly twice as erotic as that last round he’d inadvertently sent her.
This time, something even stranger happened.. Underneath all the other noise / conversations and laughter from the memories, she could almost hear this quiet mumble.. It was him. He was thinking about how much he was drawn to her in either time.
Rather than comment, Viv tried to pretend she hadn’t heard it, because quite frankly, she was fast approaching her quota of strange and unusual and sensual overload for the time. Instead, she stepped out into the hall and when he’d done the same, she dug around in her pocket for the keys, swearing when she realized they were still on the desk.
“I left the keys.”
She stepped back into the library and searched the desk, aware the entire time of him lingering, leaned in the open doorway, watching her. She bit her lip and after not finding the keys anywhere, she turned. Doing so put her body to body with the giant of a man and before he could stop himself, his hands were slipping down her sides, squeezing her hips as he stared down at her mouth intently, his throat bobbing as he swallowed hard.
“Nothing..” Viv mumbled quietly, staring intently at his mouth now. She jumped a little as she realized that her hand was resting palm down against his chest and she could feel his heart thumping hard and steady.
… if it keeps me from thinking about the way his cock is strained against his jeans right now and just how badly I wanna…. Find out if it feels as good buried inside me  as it apparently felt in those mental images… she trailed off when his facial expression changed and he leaned down a little, curious gleam in his eyes. His hands moved from her hips, gripping handfuls of her ass and squeezing.
He mumbled under his breath and she didn’t hear it.
“What’d you say? Just now, I mean.”
“I missed you so fucking much. So much.” he stared her down intently as he said it, leaning down and in closer, his lips brushing against her lips, drawing a whimper out as she gripped the edge of the desk her ass was now pressed right against. He lifted her up and sat her on top in one fluid movement that happened so fast she didn’t even realize it had. As the kiss deepened, she circled her legs around his waist and he groaned into her mouth, one of his hands venturing upward, tugging down the messy bun she had piled her hair into that morning.
When the kiss started to break, they slowly pulled apart, gaping at each other. There was this almost ambery glow to his eyes as he wiped his mouth and worked on catching his breath.
“Food.” Viv managed to gasp out the word and hastily, she located the keys, grabbing them with a shaky hand, nearly dropping them. He nodded, giving a smallish smile. “You okay?”
“I, uh… To say it’s been a while is a huge understatement.” Viv said it and immediately wanted to kick herself. He chuckled, falling into step with her after she’d shut the door to the library and locked up again. “We did that backwards.”
“We did.” Viv was still trying to wrap her head around the day in it’s entirety, and she couldn’t. He spoke up again, “ We did there too. Spent a month coming into the library, working on ways to approach you and then you approached me first.. You kinda spilled a latte on me too. Then fell into my lap.”
“ Yeah, that sounds about par for the course.” Viv shook her head, giving a sheepish laugh as she looked up at him.
“What does all this mean?”
“I don’t know. But I have a feeling I’m stuck here now.”
Deep down, even though she didn’t dare say it, the thought did give Viv a little thrill. Maybe she could get to know him better.. Like they were now.
… wait a minute, what the hell… am I buying into this?…
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Picture Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/28922042/ Character: Amaterasu Artist: xnirox
The Goddess's Carrier
by Ben James
(A short story inspired by the drawing seen above, this story doesn’t accurately portray the character illustrated above and doesn’t actually represent the character in any way)
Chapter 1: Chosen By A Goddess
I was a human male, was anyway, until one day when I met a real goddess. I was visiting Japan, staying in Tokyo, to present a new type of drone at a technology show. I had recently just made a whole new propulsion system, one that could be revolutionary. I called them “anti-gravity coils”, they were quantum coils that would move in the opposite direction of gravity when powered. This allowed this new drone to take off without any noise, or emit anything that could harm life. Making it the stealthiest drone in the world, cause it didn’t have to land to be quiet... it could fly silently thru the air. I presented the drone, showing off my new propulsion system. I already had a few offers to buy my invention for large amounts of money, but I didn’t sell it. I knew that they could just claim they invented it if I did sell it to them. Plus, I wasn’t in this for the money... I made this invention to further the advancement of technology, not to get rich. There were at least some people that appreciate my invention instead of seeing nothing but money. Some were curious enough to ask how it worked, and I told them to call me about that latter for I didn’t want to explain it in front of others who would only try to replicate it and sell it.
I left a bit early, the constant attention becoming too much for me. I decided to walk back to the hotel I was staying at, for it was a beautiful time of year here in Japan. The trees were blooming, and so were many different flowers, making the whole landscape look alive. Though, it technically was... the plants were living creatures. I didn’t get very far from the building that I presented in before I was stopped by a grumpy old Japanese man.
1) Old Man: *in Japanese* “People like you are disturbing the balance of this land, get out!” 2) Me: *in Japanese* “What balance?” 3) Old Man: *in Japanese* “Nature’s balance, you’re ruining life... now get out!” 4) Me: *in Japanese* “I’m sorry, I’ll try to fix the-” 5) Old Man: *in Japanese* “No you’re not, get out before I have to kick you out!”
I could tell his mind was set, so there was no point in arguing with him. I quickened my pace, leaving like he was telling me to. I kinda understood what he was saying, the advancement of technology has taken its’ toll on the environment. I did care about nature, plants & animals, and I didn’t like seeing the damage we humans have done to nature. That’s why the drone I made, including the anti-gravity coils, were made of eco-friendly resources. But I couldn’t expect everyone who uses my anti-gravity coils to make the thing they mount it on out of eco-friendly materials. After I got a good distance away from the old man, he yelled something at me in the distance...
6) Old Man: *in Japanese* “Our gods shall punish you for your misdeeds!”
I quickened my pace further, intimidated by his words. I was a man of science and therefore found it hard to believe in gods & goddesses. However, I suppose they might have existed... I just wouldn’t believe they existed until I found evidence. Little did I know that on this day, evidence would find me.
I continued down the path, going thru the forest which was beautiful in the springtime. I checked behind me and was glad to find that the old man wasn’t following. He.. did say that I’d be punished by his gods. So, did he know his gods would punish me? Or... had he just told one about me? I suddenly felt a strange sensation come over me, it felt like I was being watched. I looked around as I continued walking forward, but I couldn’t see anyone watching me. It... couldn’t be a god... right? I wasn’t sure, maybe there really was a god coming for me. And if that was the case, what chance did I have against a god?! None, I couldn’t even fight the average human let alone a god! I came upon a temple, decorated with pretty oil paintings. The path led around it, so I rounded the corner and that’s when I saw... her.
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She... wasn’t exactly human, but she had the figure of a human. She had the head of a wolf, covered in white fur with intricate patterns of red lines in her fur. Her eyes were black, with yellow irises. She was wearing traditional Japanese clothing, so she was clearly intelligent. She spotted me looking at her, her vision sharp like a wolf, and she watched me as I walked by. I kept walking, having a hard time believing she was real. She kept looking at me until I rounded around another corner and our line of sight was broken. W-Was... that the god the old man said would punish me? I suddenly heard footsteps behind me and I turned around, but there was nobody there. Weird... I swear I heard someone walking. I sighed, and then I turned back around and was met face-to-face with her. I jumped back, startled by her sudden appearance. How did she get there? I didn’t hear anything, and she would have had to be moving fast to evade my vision. She swiftly stepped forward and grabbed my arm, making sure I didn’t get away from her. I stopped in my tracks, not resisting her for I was terrified of what she might do to me. She looked me over, her sharp eyes looking at every detail of me... it was like she was judging me for my worth.
She really seemed like a goddess, she was faster than physically possible... like she had some powers or magic or something like that. That’s when I noticed the floating green disk behind her back, levitating like her body was a magnet. I saw a burst of fire being emitted from the center of the disk and felt a surge of power blow past me. No, there was no doubt about it... she was magical, or at least had mystical powers. I looked into her eyes, her irises radiating with power. She was a goddess, she had to be! Then, she must be here to punish me. I swallowed, fearing for my life. Oh no, what was she gonna do to me? Maybe my punishment wouldn’t be as severe if I told her I really did care about nature. I parted my lip, preparing to talk to her, but she swiftly covered my mouth.
7) Her: *sarcastically* “I’m sorry, did I give you permission to speak?” 8) Her: *seriously* “No... no, I didn’t.” 9) Her: *stern tone* “You’re in the presence of a goddess, you shall treat me with the utmost respect.” 10) Her: *seriously* “Lucky for you, I’m feeling merciful... so I’ll give you a chance, but only if you serve me.” 11) Her: *demanding tone* “Forget whatever god you pray to, I’m your goddess now... you shall devote yourself to me, and obey me without question.” 12) Her: *demanding tone* “Now bow down before your goddess.”
She took her hand off my mouth and let go of my arm, and I immediately bowed down to her... going all the way down on my hands and knees. I didn’t believe in any gods or goddesses, but I did now. 
13) Her: *huffs* “Much better... remember your place mortal, beneath me.” 14) Her: “You are now my servant, and therefore you can do only what I tell you to do and let me do anything to you... got all that?”
I nodded, not sure if she just gave me permission to talk. I was in for it now, there was no hope of me getting away. I was now her servant, hers to command. My fate was in her hands, hers to weave. There was no point in resisting, so I gave up. She stuck her paw under my chin and lifted my head up to look me in the eyes... her claws ready to slit my throat. I didn’t resist, knowing full well she could take my life whenever she chose to. I was nothing but her servant, she could do whatever she wanted to me and I was powerless to stop her. Plus, it was considered a betrayal to resist your goddess... I would be punished severely. I just simply looked into her eyes, letting her have her way with me... for I was beneath her. 
She retracted her claws, setting my head down on the ground. She turned my head with her paw, pushing my cheek to the side. She then stood on my cheek with her paw, pressing my head into the ground... asserting her dominance over me. She was a goddess and I was just a mortal, powerless compared to her. She owned me, she controlled me... what I wanted didn’t matter anymore. She spread her toes and extended her claws, poking at my skin with them... testing me. I didn’t resist, letting her do what she wanted with me... giving myself to her, for I was her servant. Who I had been this morning was no more, my hopes & dreams crushed by her will. I was nobody now, just her human servant. 
15) Her: “That’s it, give in to your goddess... give yourself to me.”
She took her paw off me, swiftly bending down to make me her servant. I opened my eyes to see her looking me in the eyes, her eyes pulsing with power and her gaze sharper than ever. Her eyes focused this power like a laser, sending two powerful beams of magic energy into both my eyes. I felt the energy strike my eyes, making me close them out of instinct. I felt the energy get absorbed into my eyes, having an unknown effect. What did she do to me? I opened my eyes, curious to find out. I could see some strange symbols that moved with my eyes, as if imprinted on them. I looked up at her to find she had symbols in her eyes as well, symbols that seemed to complement the ones in mine. She reached for me, grabbing my lower jaw and gazing deep into my eyes. Her eyes were still pulsing with power, causing my eyes to pulse back... the power in her eyes reacting to the power she put in my eyes. I couldn’t look away, entranced by a mysterious power. The symbols slowly faded in both my eyes and hers until they disappeared. I regained control of my eyes, but kept looking into hers.
16) Her: “You have been marked by your goddess, your body & soul belong to me now... you are now my eternal servant and you will serve me without question.”
I nodded hesitantly, realizing I’d be her servant forever. She would keep me alive to serve her and I would do that for all eternity. Such a life would be almost not worth living. But what choice did I have? She wouldn’t let me die, wouldn’t allow me to kill myself. I’d do nothing but serve her, forever. 
17) Her: “What’s with the grim face?” 18) Her: *smiles* “I’m not heartless, I’ll still feed you and clean you and give you a nice place to sleep... I’ll treat you good if you serve me well.”
I relaxed, glad she was willing to treat me better than a slave. Besides, the word of a goddess is said to be absolute. She let go of my chin and I held my head in place, acting like a poseable doll. She kept smiling at me, wrapping her hands under my shoulders and lifting me up as she stood up. She held me delicately, smiling warmly at me. I gazed into her eyes, seeing kindness in her eyes. I was taken aback by her sudden kindness, considering she had been so fierce just a few moments ago. I hope she would be kind to me as I served her. She said she’d take care of me as her servant, said she’d treat me good if I did my job well. Maybe being her eternal servant wouldn’t be so bad. She lowered me back down, setting me gently on the ground, patting my head briefly like I was a child... I was 22, but I guess I was a child compared to her.
19) Her: “You know, you’re the first human who’s been able to see me in the past 100 years... you might be just what I been waiting for.” 20) Her: “And if you’re not, I could use a personal servant.” 21) Her: “It’s not safe to talk out here, others will hear us.” 22) Her: “So come with me, I’ll have to take you to where we can’t be found.”
I did as she said, without question, walking over to her and standing beside her... ready to follow her. I couldn’t help but wonder why no other humans have been able to see her. Was I just much more observant than other humans? Not likely, 100 years is a long time for her not to be spotted. She was a goddess and was very magical, so maybe she was invisible to those who don’t believe in magic. No, that’s not it either... cause a lot of people here in Japan believed in magic. Then... why was I able to see her? I wasn’t anyone special... I’m just a nerdy scientist like many other scientists. I lost my train of thought, as she suddenly grabbed my arm and tugged me along as she started to walk. I walked with her, not wanting to be dragged on this stone path. She led me down the path for a little while, and then led me into the forest beside the path.
I did my best to divert my gaze from her, thinking she probably didn’t want me looking at her. However, my curiosity eventually got the best of me, and I turned my head to look at her. She was holding my wrist with a firm, but not painful grip. She walked with such elegance, her movements were very smooth & controlled and swift when needed. Her paws landed softly on the ground as she walked, not disturbing the ground she walked on, it was as if she weighed nothing... light as a feather. She kept her other arm at her side, keeping it from swaying as she walked. Her tail swayed back & forth as she walked, but not that much. The disk on her back floated inches from her back, moving side to side as her shoulders did like it was attached even though it clearly wasn’t. I wonder why she had that disk... I had seen it emit a burst of flame, so maybe that was her source of power. Although, her eyes radiated with power... so it probably wasn’t the source of her power, but it might be an amplifier or container of her magic energy.
23) Her: “You know it’s rude to stare, but I sense you’re just very curious, so I’ll just let it slide.” 24) Her: “But, I’m not always so forgiving... you’d do best to keep your emotions in check.”
I nodded, not sure if she could see me... but she had noticed me staring at her, so she likely saw me doing that. She said she sensed I was curious... but how? Was it just written on my face? Can she feel my emotions? Can she read my thoughts? I mean, she is a goddess... reading minds seems well within the capabilities of a goddess. Regardless, I’d have to do better at keeping my emotions in check. I was lucky she had spared me twice, and I couldn’t count on that happening again. She was nice but strict and I wanted to stay on her good side.
25) Her: *commanding* “Stop.” *I stopped quickly, and she had already stopped* 26) Her: “We should be far enough away now.” 27) Her: “Time to see if you’re the one I’ve been waiting for.” 28) Her: “Let’s have a look at your soul.”
She let go of my wrist and grabbed my shoulder with the same hand. Her other hand began to glow white like her fur and became slightly transparent. She reached for the center of my chest with her glowing hand, and I watched her hand with great interest. Her fingers touched my chest, burning a hole in my shirt around her hand, and it felt like her hand was made of fire. I winced, gritting my teeth to keep myself from screaming for I assumed the pain would only worsen. Her fingers plunged into my chest as if it was nothing but air, and I grunted as I endured the pain. Was she burning a hole in my chest? What was she doing?! The pain worsened as the palm of her hand sunk into my chest... I cried in pain, clamping my teeth together to keep myself from screaming, tears streaming from my eyes. It hurt, so much! Every instinct in my body was telling me to try and get away from this, and I focused all my will to fight these instincts. She was a goddess and I was but her servant, I mustn’t resist her. I saw her wrist sink into my chest, my vision blurred by my tears. I couldn’t help but think... is this how I die? Then I suddenly felt her hand grab something inside my chest, causing an avalanche of pain. The pain was too much for me this time, and I was overwhelmed by it. My mouth opened, my instincts taking over, and I screamed loudly in pain. My whole body tensed up, pain being felt throughout my body. She yanked whatever she was grabbing inside my chest out, and I almost blacked out as the pain I felt made my mind go blank. My vision slowly returned to me, having going white when she yanked it out of me, and I was met with a strange sight. She was still in front of me, holding me by the shoulder, only now... she was holding a white glowing orb of light, that had red flames shooting from the top and coming to a point. It had a strange symbol on it, a symbol that looked like one of the ones I saw in my eyes when she marked me. What... is that? Was that... inside me?
29) Her: “You’ve managed to remain conscious, that’s quite impressive for a mortal such as yourself.” 30) Her: “You’re probably wondering what I’m holding... it’s your soul, the very essence of your life-force.” 31) Her: “Without this soul, you’re dead... even if your body still walks.” 32) Her: *spins my soul around in her hands & looking closely at it* “Life is such a fragile thing, weak souls within weak bodies, it so easy to end life... yet it’s much harder to make life.” 33) Her: “Souls of humans have grown increasingly weaker over the past 100 years, but your soul has not... it is still pure.” 34) Her: “It is clear by holding your soul that you are the one I seek... your goddess has a purpose for you, a destiny for you to fulfill.” 35) Her: “You must have many questions, but you’ll have to wait for me to answer them... you must come with me, to my realm.” 36) Her: “Come with me chosen one, your destiny awaits.”
She sunk her hand back into my chest, returning my soul to my body. I gained control of my body and awaited for her command. She pulled out a fancy looking paintbrush, seemingly out of thin air, and drew a doorway in front of her. The doorway she drew became real, leading into a place that was clearly not of this world. I looked at her paintbrush, fascinated by its’ mystical power to make drawings come to life. She looked back at me, grinning. She turned to me and painted my clothes with her brush, turning them black with her ink. She snapped her fingers, causing the paint to transform my clothes into traditional Japanese clothing. I looked around at my new clothes, in awe of her magic paintbrush.
37) Her: “There, those clothes suit you better.” 38) Her: “Besides... my realm, my rules.” 39) Her: “Now take my hand, chosen one, your goddess beckons you to her side.”
Well... who am I to refuse the call of a goddess? Her paintbrush disappeared into thin air, and she offered me her hand. I cautiously took a step forward, not sure if she would allow that, and reached for her hand. She allowed me to get closer, and I gently placed my hand in hers. She closed her hand around me, holding my hand with a firm grip. I looked up at her, the awe of her mystical powers clearly visible on my face. She noticed this, smiling at me as she held my hand. I had no idea what destiny she had planned for me, had no idea what purpose she was giving me... but, it didn’t really matter. She was my goddess, and I was her servant, her chosen one. She was giving me a purpose, defining my destiny... it was my duty to fulfill the destiny she has set before me. She reached out and gently grabbed my lower jaw, closing my open mouth. I couldn’t help but blush as I looked into her eyes, she... was truly beautiful, elegant like the goddess she is.
40) Her: “I must admit, you’re quite cute... a trait that’s rare among other human males.” 41) Her: “Come with me chosen one, your destiny awaits.”
Her hand slid off my lower jaw, and she held her hand at her side. She turned around, pulling me to stand at her side. I stood beside her, our hands locked together. I glanced over at her and she started walking, and I turned to face ahead and walked beside her. We walked thru the doorway she had just drawn, into her realm. The doorway disappeared behind us as we walked thru, leaving me in her realm with her. I looked around, taking in the wondrous sight that was her realm. I looked back over at her, and she greeted me with a warm smile. I smiled back at her, wonder still visible on my face. I was just a scientist... but I met a goddess, became her chosen one, and was brought to her realm of existence. She had taken me from my world, and... I didn’t really mind. She was my goddess, and I was her chosen one... and this, this was my destiny.
<End Chapter>
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a-redharlequin · 6 years
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Disclaimer: I own nor have made any of the images used in this board.
FlashWeather/ColdFlash AU
One of Barry’s worst nightmares has come true. Yet another nemesis, and one of the worst possible people, has learned of his secret identity; Mark Mardon.
However, Mark has no interest in selling the Flash down the river, or even using it to seek revenge. No, he’s found something much better to use this newfound information for; leverage, or, more specifically, extortion.
During his ‘research’ of Barry Allen and the Flash, he found out something that was worth more to him than retribution; that the Flash can time travel, that it was possible to save Clyde. That he could have his brother back.
Now if he can just convince Barry to go along with it, everything would be perfect.
But Barry has learned his lesson (again) and he’s not about to mess with the timeline (again) for anything less than a catastrophe (…again). No matter how guilty he felt about not being fast enough, good enough, to prevent Clyde’s death.
But Mark’s not taking no for an answer and is pulling out all the stops to get on Barry’s good side, to show that he can change, that he could keep Clyde on, well, not so much the straight and narrow, but at least obedient to the Rogue’s Rules. Something Lisa Snart had made a point of enforcing if anyone wanted to stay in her city.
(Even if Leonard Snart had mysteriously disappeared, it didn’t mean the city’s underworld no longer had a ruler. Honestly, the queen of gold was even more terrifying than the king of cold.)
Barry can’t go anywhere anymore without a certain weather meta dogging his steps, as it seems the rogue has made it his personal mission to make sure the reckless red speedster doesn’t get himself killed before he can save Mark’s brother.
In spite of themselves, their prolonged exposure to one another mixed with Barry’s stubbornness and Mark’s persistence, the two get closer and things between them become more electrically charged than their respective abilities that seem to be trying to draw them together like magnets. As if it weren’t enough that Mark insisted on sticking to him like a burr, but that their powers, when not pitted against one another, seem to feed off of one another like some sort of twisted and orgasmic form of symbiosis that Team Flash are all too eager to study.
But Mark can’t be sure if he really wants Barry, or if his feelings are just desperation mixed with addiction after being alone for so long. Barry feeling much the same, as well as unable to trust Mark’s intentions regarding ‘them’.
Barry’s reservations and denials are breaking down; now he just can’t decide if he’s refusing out of responsibility, or fear of Mark abandoning him once he has what he wants.
When Barry gives in and finds a way to save Clyde and preserve the past and future, things look complicated but promising.
Then Leonard Snart sweeps in like a blizzard, returned from the dead and now a meta on equal footing with the most powerful on top of his already legendary skill set. The only thing seemingly stopping him from an attempt at world domination is his newly chosen career as an (anti-)hero (trust Leonard Snart to figure out how to make super-heroism pay).
Safe to say, Cold is back, and he’s looking for more than a chance at working things out with Team Flash.
Mark had gotten his brother back and just settled into this strange new world order, and had finally been ready to work on proving his seriousness about their relationship to Barry, prove to him they could make things work. The last thing he needed was a rival who already had one foot in the door to Barry’s life and his heart; as if the cold bastard didn’t have enough going for him, he had to make a move for Flash too?!
Now Barry is more confused than ever and his heart is being torn in two when he’s faced with two paths to choose from with yet another crisis on the horizon. Will he go left, or will he go right?
But maybe the right path for them all is more straightforward than he thinks.
Central City collectively holds its breath to see how the Flash’s personal life choices will once again change the course of its future.
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starduztz · 7 years
♏️ Scorpio in the houses
🏠1st house (= your ascendant)
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you want to shock people with your appearance 
there’s a tendency to create a physical mask with your appearance that hides all your inner feelings 
may have give some seriously intense sex vibes 
you want to come off as mysterious, passionate and sexual, there’s a huge want to control people’s perception off you so that they don’t find out the real you
extreme self control, you are self aware that your own intensity can be overwhelming
controlling your emotional expression equals strength to you 
approaches new things with suspicion
can make people uncomfortable due to their intense presence
may have a bitter or resenting attitude 
it’s either all or nothing cause you’ll die trying 
projects powerful, magnetic and almost mysterious energies
🏠 2nd house
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you have intense feelings about money, you either love it or hate it
very possessive about your earnings 
can treat people close to them as objects or possessions if they feel insecure and avoids bonding emotional with people close to them
might get jealous over others amount of money or possessions
doesn’t like talking about their money situation with people, very private about their money 
why should people get to know about the things you have or don’t have in life?? 
collects or buys things that others might think are strange or bizarre
you might use unconventional ways to earn money
🏠 3rd house
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you prefer to hide your most private and inner thoughts
small talk wth you quickly turns into a deep conversation, like one minute it’s about the weather and then you hit them with the frightening reality of climate change
you can easily obsess over things in your head and become engulfed in new interests and passions, you need to investigate and get to the bottom of things
very frank and honest about things
everything that you think and say are beliefs and opinions that you strongly believe in
you have a very creative and different way of thinking 
may dominate conversations too much and be a bit too intense with how you communicate
you judge people very hard when they don’t do as you tell them to
🏠 4th house (IC)
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wanting to be in control at home
might end up in extreme or unconventional home situations with family/the people you live with
you are comfortable with the extreme, possibly a person that’s very comfortable in their sexuality and dealing with strong emotions
when you go home you kind of like to hide away from the world, because of this you want to create the perfect home environment for yourself 
never mess with this person’s family!! they will hunt you down for it
private about family matters
may be the dominate or one of the dominate people in the family/household
🏠 5th house
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you seek out intense experiences that makes you feel deep things
a freak in the sheets, aka you like to experiment and explore with sex
you are attracted to the emotional complex, these people intrigue you
emotional intensity!! you are super down for that
very sensual
you want to solve mysteries in life, might enjoy hobbies where you research a lot
might try to change your partner and be a bit too possessive and intense 
can have a hard time letting go of loved ones, especially if you have kids and they start to grow up and become independent
🏠 6th house
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serious about work, aka obsessed with it
might be too intense for others to work with which is why you usually work best alone
coworkers might find you intimidating
maybe working with research, science or finance would be good for you?
everything in your daily life is about finding intense depth both emotionally and spiritually 
might be extremely focused on details, but this obsession you prefer to keep to yourself
you don’t like showing people the process in how you get shit done or achieve things you just like to showcase the final result so you don’t reveal anything in between or any possible struggles you’ve dealt with 
has a strong need to control your own life
you help people by snapping them out of self pity and bringing them back to reality, this may make you come of ass cold 
🏠 7th house (Descendant)
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you are attracted to power and status
might get jealous and possessive with romantic partners
you want a partner that’s so strong that not even you can control them
can have a hard time treating your partner like an equal
having a successful relationship is something that you value and feel like you need in order to feel fulfilled in life
you fall hard for people and truly understand the depth of love but can become insecure when your jealous and possessive instincts become too much
you attract very dark and mysterious relationships that are full of emotional depth and intimacy
🏠 8th house
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you have a hard time opening up about your feelings/opinions about other people
people might think you are stuck or in a serious low but you always manage to get back up no matter how many times you fail or fall
you don’t like sharing money and finances with your partner
you get power and control by making money, owning things/people and with sex
very intutive and can be very good in bed because you pick up fast on what your partner likes
but you can also use sex as a weapon in relationships and use it to control or manipulate people
you provide a super intimate, loyal and sensual intensity for your partners
🏠 9th house
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unconventional beliefs and practices intrigue you
you love educating yourself on subjects that really interest you and showing people how to be in control
your emotions are very connected with your spiritual and philosophical beliefs
can have issues with being practical because you communicate in such a abstract and deep way
might manipulate people into doing bad things 
you look for people that are open to your beliefs and your intellect, which can make your views and beliefs quite narrow because you don’t surround yourself with new and different beliefs which can enrich/transform your own
🏠 10th house (Midheaven)
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very ambitious and workaholic tendencies
success is very easy with your amazing focus and strong will, as long as your extreme emotions and destructive behaviors don’t get in your way
comes across as powerful and strong in the public eye
will do almost anything to achieve their goals and to make an impact
can easily become drained when they give too much energy into their work and don’t take time to relax
they can go through difficult or challenging situations and still be able to deal with them because they know that no matter what they will survive 
taking risks and changing in life can be a great way for these people to heal emotionally
thrives when they learn to balance intellect with their feelings!!
becomes easily frustrated when they aren’t allowed to indulge or get what they want in life
🏠 11th house
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you want to/try to surround yourself with dynamic, powerful and energetic people
you want friends that share the same views as you
very picky about who you befriend, but once friends you are super loyal
obsessed with your dreams and will work hard to reach them
you prefer facing your problems with other people in a group setting than by yourself
you don’t like to focus too much on your own feelings, instead you want to experience hardships with others so that the feelings becomes more relatable and even generalized so they are easier to handle because then they don’t feel so personal anymore
however you don’t like the things that you share with your friends to reach people outside of your social circle, you are private and secretive with your group of friends
can have issues with their own identity and because of this they might have issues relating to other people when they can’t even relate to themselves
strays away from too deep and personal subjects, they like it easy and breezy
can be possessive of friends and too dominating and not letting them be or become who they truly are!! 
🏠 12th house
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you can find strength in things that other people might look past or shy away from
are all your feelings on lock down?? cause I mean they are very much locked away, with like 3 or more locks. you might wanna unlock at least one or two just a friendly tip
somewhat of an underdog because people really don’t know how powerful you are and you might even miss it yourself
you have a mysterious aura
has issues separating your own feelings with other people’s feelings, they can easily get mixed up
very open to other people’s emotions and energies
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swshadowcouncil · 7 years
The Emperor and his Goals
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Written by robotical712 and posted on the SW Shadow Council Weblog.
Canon has been steadily revealing the Emperor’s goals were far more ambitious than ruling the galaxy and had many hidden projects to achieve them. This gives some context to my discussion of Rey and Jakku.
We’ve known since Aftermath that the Emperor has had a strong interest in the Unknown Regions, but it was only in Empire’s End that we get any hints as to his goals there. In the book we learn that the regions are incredibly dangerous to navigate and no one has survived attempting it. During Sloane’s journey in the epilogue of Empire’s End, we get a glimpse of why:
The journey through the Unknown Regions has been harrowing. Taking short hyperspace jumps through the chaos has been like navigating a dangerous maze at full speed. But the sentinel assured her the path was safe. They skirted superstorms and saw strange creatures out there in the blackness of the void. They lost system power when a magnetic burst of mysterious origin cascaded through space—but it was only for a few hours, and with power
Wendig, Chuck. Empire’s End: Aftermath (Star Wars) (Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy) (Kindle Locations 6649-6652). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Despite this, the Emperor considered the prize worthwhile and in an effort to find a way through, he established a navigational mechanism using ancient machines at the Jakku Observatory which took 30 years to finish its work. Empire’s End hints at why overcoming these obstacles is an obsession for him:
“For decades, these computers have been plotting a journey. Outside the known galaxy is an unexplored infinity, Palpatine explained, one closed off by a labyrinth of solar storms, rogue magnetospheres, black holes, gravity wells, and things far stranger.”
Wendig, Chuck. Empire’s End: Aftermath (Star Wars) (Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy) (Kindle Locations 5961-5962). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Palpatine said that this galaxy was to be his, but that it was only one among many. Again that phrase arose: the unexplored infinity. This, he noted, was his demesne. The galaxy was his game board.
Wendig, Chuck. Empire’s End: Aftermath (Star Wars) (Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy) (Kindle Locations 5967-5969). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
These two passages strongly suggest that what Palpatine sought was a means of expanding his rule far beyond his home galaxy. Once a way was found to this dark nexus, Palpatine would have limitless worlds to subjugate. However, domination of the physical universe was just one aspiration driving him towards finding the dark presence first hinted at in Tarkin:
And he would not allow himself to be sidetracked from his goal of unlocking the secrets many of the Sith Masters before him had sought: the means to harness the powers of the dark side to reshape reality itself; in effect, to fashion a universe of his own creation. Not mere immortality of the sort Plagueis had lusted after, but influence of the ultimate sort.
Miller, John Jackson. The Rise of the Empire: Star Wars: Featuring the novels Star Wars: Tarkin, Star Wars: A New Dawn, and 3 all-new short stories (Kindle Locations 4579-4582). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Sidious is after something long sought by the Sith – power over reality itself. He saw the dark presence as a means of becoming a physical god, with the ability to shape the entire universe as he pleased. The question arises, what is the nature of this presence? I postulate the dark presence and the phenomena present in the Unknown Regions is the result of an ancient attempt at doing precisely what Sidious aims to do. This experiment corrupted a large portion of the Force and has been worsening over time (more on this later). Sidious aims to complete this corruption.
There is additional circumstantial evidence that the Unknown Regions have not always been so unknown or difficult to navigate:
The Unknown Regions is contiguous and no other location in the galaxy is known to feature that kind of phenomena.
The Jedi had ancient maps of the Unknown Regions deep within their archives at the Temple on Coruscant (Right).
Illum was located in the Unknown Regions.
Jedha, a major location for many Force based religions and once the seat of the Jedi Order itself borders the Unknown Regions.
The rumor in Rey’s Survival Guide that there was a storehouse on Jakku holding artifacts from ancient civilizations.
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Whatever mistakes these ancient practitioners made wrecked a large swathe of the galaxy and Palpatine would have done all he could to ensure it didn’t happen to him. In all likelihood, the key lay in the Chosen One and his bloodline:
Save for Sidious, no sentient being in close to five thousand years had set foot in the shrine. The room’s excavation and restoration had been carried out by machines under the supervision of 11-4D. Even Vader was unaware of the shrine’s existence. But it was here that they would one day work together the way Sidious and Plagueis had to coax from the dark side its final secrets. In the intervening years he had actually come to appreciate Plagueis for the planner and prophet he had been. Such perilous machinations required two Sith, one to serve as bait for the dark side, the other to be the vessel. Success would grant them the power to harness the full powers of the dark side, and allow them to rule for ten thousand years.
Miller, John Jackson. The Rise of the Empire: Star Wars: Featuring the novels Star Wars: Tarkin, Star Wars: A New Dawn, and 3 all-new short stories (p. 125). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
A comment by Snoke to Kylo in the TFA novelization suggests why:
Snoke demurred. “It is far more than that. It is where you are from. What you are made of. The dark side-and the light. The finest sculptor cannot fashion a masterpiece from poor materials. He must have something pure, something strong, something unbreakable, with which to work. I have-you.” He paused, reminiscing.
Only someone who’s ancestor is the Force itself can safely harness the Force energy needed to achieve mastery over the Force itself.
Coming up: An analysis of the dark side and how two separate concepts may be getting conflated in-universe.
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briteboy · 7 years
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+ SOME NOT ANONS because i had so many astrology questions omg i’m just gonna put them all together ok
it’s honestly mostly astrology stuff, some other random things and of course a GoT question because it’s not a mass answer post unless i get at least one of those. and if ur the anon who sent ur theory to me yesterday, my answer is.............. quizas 🌚
aight let’s go
do you have any tips on websites i can look on for figuring out my characters zodiac signs? (moon, fire, water and those stuff). i dont know where to look and on the sites i found its so complicated :( thank u!!
welllll if you aren’t really familiar with astrology i’d say to just make up a birth time/place for your character and put it in here and then you’ll have your answer. but if you don’t think those results fit your character and you want to make it more personalized, i’d say it’s worth it to firstly research each of the 12 signs a bit so that you gather their general traits and such, and then research about the different planets and houses in your chart (sun, moon, first house which is also rising/ascendant, mars, mercury, venus, etc.) and start trying to piece together what their placements would be. i know when i do this i might research a couple different moon placements or something (i.e. literally just google like ‘aquarius moon’ ‘ cancer moon’ ‘virgo rising’ etc.) and see if it fits. if you need further help, message me off anon!
@hhoneybadgers​ said: whaaat how is there so much astrology?? everyone's sun/moon/rising/venus/mars/jupiter/freaking kepler-666/andromeda/sirius/draco malfoy and have houses, and here i am, just an ordinary lil aquarius
OMG well ur in luck because you also have kepler 666/sirius/regulus/hagrid shit too. aquarius sun is only a very small part of your birth chart, which you can look up here
(how many times will i link to this site i wonder)
@thosefuckingsims​ said: are people just sending you their birthcharts?? i'm a scorp sun cap moon n taurus rising tell me about myself pls. drag me :^)
oMGDF i already know ur chart is spicy, but scorpio/taurus is one of the most interesting sister sign combos to me. it’s one of those ones that have a real connection and usually when two different people respectively have them, they’re attracted to each other (not necessarily romantically, just they might click really well) the fact that your sun and rising oppose (but have that awesome connection) probably makes you initially come off much differently than your actual personality would suggest, and then when someone gets to know you it’s like meeting a whole different person. you probably come off very grounded but stubborn (your scorp sun also might suggest this as well because of all that aggressive mars influence), and i know for me personally i’m often intimidated by taureans so that also might apply. your cap moon probably enforces that as well (freaking earth signs, they’re always so resilient in their own way) i feel like this combo might make you seem really deadpan, maybe appreciate some black humor. and ur probably not afraid to stand up to anybody (*cowers in fear*) u wanted me to drag u but i’m sorry i’m mostly in awe
@nnicolesims said: Oooh, me next also! I'm still figuring this out honestly. Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, ascendent Scorpio!
OMG another taurus/scorp mix! wtf this is basically the same as @thosefuckingsims except your sun and rising are switched lmaoooo that’s too funny
so like honestly i feel like a lot of that ^^^ would also apply to you? taurus suns are often intimidating to me because they come off as Too Cool 4 U but really they’re usually sweet and shy on the inside. i think your scorpio rising will also amplify that cool factor just because that placement is so ~Mysterious~ and like, people look at you and are just captivated by something. almost like you have a magnetic pull. scorpio rising is the most fascinating ascendant to me, that’s the reason i gave it to ramona (her heterochromia influenced it a lot too) i feel like you might be shy but secretly passionate and willing to put a lot of effort to that passion.
PLS ME NEXT (u really don't have to I'm just curious 😂) Virgo sun, sagittarius moon and gemini rising 😃
o0o0o0o i like this combo! it reminds me of my mom heheh. she’s a virgo sun/scorp moon and i feel like she also has an air rising, maybe libra tho
virgo/sagittarius is such a good match, like it’s weird but whenever i see those two signs together, especially in the form of different people, it’s always like a lasting bond. both virgo and taurus always seem to pair well with sag. you wouldn’t expect a virgo sun to be so ardent but sagittarius has a profound influence, and it’s interesting because virgos are often always looking for answers, and i think sagittarius would only make that need for reason even more so because sags find possibility in everything, especially as a moon placement. it’s one of my favorite moon signs (and not just because i have it too lmao) gemini rising in this mix is also very interesting because sag and gem are sister signs (opposites) (so many sister signs in these questions dang) and gemini rising is almost one of the most fitting rising signs to me for some reaso, especially with a virgo sun (both virgo and gem are ruled by mercury) because that makes you even MORE inquisitive and probably very friendly. people might consider you easy to talk to, and i bet you have a lot of intriguing things to say.
sagittarius sun, aries moon, scorpio rising!!
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this combo...WHEW!!! i love it tho. i feel like your sun/moon combo makes you very child-like, which can be a blessing or a curse depending on the situation. you might be very independent and full of thoughts or energy that you don’t know how to channel. i feel like especially with your rising sign, you might be very sarcastic and that might come off as a little harsh to people but you mean well. i really like this combo, lots of mars influence with that happy-go-lucky jupter nature!
Its so cool to see everyone talking about astrology and stuff ! i love it!! I'm a capricorn sun and moon and saggitarius rising :p sometimes i feel like i vibe more with pisces more ya know? but idk lol
i feel like capricorn and pisces often fit each other well, strangely enough. pisces are kind of bubbly and caps are kind of serious so they balance each other out. but anyway, onto your chart! you might be a bit introverted because of double cap but your sag rising might help mitigate that and make you a warmer person (caps are known to be a bit cold, honestly it depends tho, especially if there’s a fire influence) a lot of the time you might feel a bit to mature for your peers, but your sag rising makes you want to go back to a time when things were simpler and you could just be a kid. you probably feel like you need to prove yourself a lot too, but sometimes u just gotta give into ur sag nature and let loose a little u know
Sagittarius sun, aries moon and libra ascendant. I don't actually know what any of that means. It confuses me lol
omg hello can i set u up with the sag/aries/scorp above, you guys would be perfect for each other but maybe a little too perfect. you might get on each other’s nerves. and again with the sister signs, this time it’s aries and libra which is........honestly i can’t read this one, in the case with people, either they despise each other or they grow to love each other. (at least that’s been the case with me and libras.) so with that in mind with your moon opposing your rising, it’s very interesting. you might come off as calm, agreeable, charming because of your libra rising, only for others to find out you’re a bit more excitable and aggressive due to your moon. but aries is still charming in their own weird way, and sag too (dang fire signs) and sag + libra is like THE otp only next to aries + gemini. people probably think you’re really cool and chill. you probably get fired up easily about stuff tho
Scorpio sun - Taurus Moon - Scorpio Mercury I am a walking contradiction lol
OMG ANOTHER TAURUS/SCORP WOW third time’s the charm. can i set you guys up too?? WHAT’S UR RISING THO
basically what i said above goes for you too. people are probably in awe of you because you project, like...not necessarily a domineering nature, but more like...very self-assured and set in your ways (which might be your downfall if you aren’t careful, especially with that scorpio mercury, hoo boy) my mercury is in pisces but in the 8th house (ruled by scorpio) so i vibe with this. sometimes i say too much or go too far when i’m talking to someone and i can probably thank the scorp influence for that. i bet u love to talk about taboos and push people’s buttons in a sneaky way, not in an annoying way like an aries might
i'm kinda confused but sun - Aquarius, moon - Leo, ascendant - Gemini, i don't think its anything special but idk ;)
IT IS SPECIAL! any fire/air combo is automatically fun to pick apart. and omfg AGAIN with the sister signs!! what is this the 4th? 5th time?? i had no idea there was so much opposing influence on simblr wow. actually your sun/moon combo is the same as one of my characters, avey! if you’re like her, you might be pretty ambitious, flamboyant, but you also might go through a lot of identity crises trying to stay true to yourself. you’re the kind of person everyone can find a friend in, especially with your rising being gemini! people probably love to talk to you. leo moon is one of my favorite placements because it’s so weird, leo is ruled by the sun, so even tho leo and cancer aren’t opposites, they still kind of oppose each other. leo moons are often silly and funny, everyone finds them hilarious. i’d probably wanna know someone like you tbh
Wheres the rising part on the birth chart thingie?
i made a very official comprehensive guide to reading ur birth chart
Hey sorry to bother, but where did you say you got your star chart thing from? I tried to find where you mentioned it but couldn't.. 😩
oK I THINK THAT’S IT FOR THE ASTROLOGY ASKS? WHEW it’s been a long time since i’ve done this, i forgot they just come pouring in when i open the floodgates of the stars omg
I'm so so late but Santi literally breaths sweater weather to me and I'm CRYING HDISHDJSJSB THAT'S MY SONG AND MY BOY I'M SAD
OMG i haven’t heard that song in so long. i feel like this isn’t the first time someone has told me this, or maybe it was just that he reminded them of the neighbourhood in general. i can’t totally see it tho it’s okay i’ll cry with u :’{
I just found your blog and holy shit your edits are amazing! How do you edit????
like this! it’s from a while ago and i made my own psd since then but essentially it’s pretty much the same. i probably won’t update it because all of the main principles are there and if you follow that tutorial you should be putting your own spin on it anyway, not trying to replicate it exactly y’know
Do you use height mod for toddlers?
i haven’t yet because i’ve been using that fake baby, but i will probably have to bite the bullet and do it now -___- here’s a comment on one of the height mod threads that i’m essentially going to follow, confusing as it is:
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How do you make the toddlers smaller? Is it editing or something else?!
i explained that here!
AHHH!!! I'm trying to catch up on your posts but I ran out of data and the pictures aren't loading now. Apparently I need to get unlimited data so I can read your beautiful wonderful story?!?!? This is torture!!
OMG NOOOO well this was from like last week so hopefully you got data and caught up since then. i’m sorry u had to go through that :{ also thank you for the compliments i’m cryin
I just spent the last 3 hours reading your story from start to finish. INCREDIBLE. AMAZING. EMOTIONAL. IM ADDICTED.
AKSDKJGFDKSLJ THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i always get so giddy when people send me messages like this, ily so much ;___; <333
Lemme just say. I'm all for them wearing stupid effing shirts.
I THINK THIS WAS FROM WHEN ROONEY WENT INTO LABOR? with the cactus shirt and santi’s wild ride of an outfit? if so i agree
Can you link me to the beginning of your story?
(I'm the anon with an aunt who had kidney failure) it turned out alright in the end. We managed to get ahold of her ex-husband bc we knew he was a match, and he so very graciously agreed to donate 😭 I'm so thankful for him at the moment; even though he wasn't a very good husband
yay thank goodness!!! i’m so glad it all worked out, bless her ex-husband wow that was a really great thing of him to do (aside from being a shitty husband lmao.) i hope all is well in your family now and that your aunt has a successful and quick recovery! <3
So I saw that you've never watched supernatural and honestly, it's actually better than a lot of ppl say it is. It's definitely not the best show out there, but a lot of people give it shit just because of the fact that it's on the CW. Another thing people complain about is the queerbaiting but I don't think it's that bad tbh
i honestly don’t know anything about it lmao, i watched the first episode yeeeeears ago and wasn’t really hooked in so i was just like “eh it’s not for me”. i know some people who liked the earlier seasons so i bet they are good. i know @wanderlustonline likes it! it’s just never really interested me, and also YEAH LMAO i remember all the queerbaiting. i literally thought there was a character named destiel. just like i also thought there was a member of 1D named larry
people keep saying emilia (daenerys) can't act but the way she acts in GOT is literally how they want her to... i don't get how people don't understand that :/ look at her background, how she was raised. her character mostly ignores or hides her true emotions. to stay strong as a leader. in the last ep of S7 you can see the writers chose to let her character finally "break" and show her emotions. so i'm pretty sure you don't like dany's character writing, not the acting :P
the whole time reading this i was like “but that’s totally not how her character is?” but then i realized that’s probably how it is in the show. from what you’ve said, she honestly sounds so different from the books lol, and that’s just my main gripe: is that it doesn’t follow the story it was meant to. it’s diverged too much. so i guess you are right, but it’s kind of like comparing apples to oranges at this point when the show is so different. and i’ve only seen one season of this show, the most recent one because i wanted to witness the trainwreck of everything lmao. but i’ve heard a lot of people complain about her acting, which i’m sure is largely the writers’ and directors’ faults of course. but you can’t deny the girl moves her eyebrows too much and relies on that to convey her emotions omg. (she literally didn’t move them at all this season which makes me think they specifically told her not to so ppl would stop making memes of her ridiculous Acting faces)
anyway yeah i hate the writing most of all and i feel bad that the actors have to just deal with it at this point. especially nikolaj coster-waldau who basically shares the same relationship with GoT that robert pattinson did with twilight at this point. it’s so funny
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Instant Confidence With Women
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/instant-confidence-with-women/
Instant Confidence With Women
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And you can too:WITHOUT using any sleazy “pickup” techniques…WITHOUT wearing ridiculous clothes…WITHOUT having to fake a “bad boy” attitude….And even if you’ve never dated anything but “average women” before in your life…
In a moment, I’m going to tell you a shocking story about how a piece of sushi changed my life forever…
I’m also going to flat out GIVE YOU THE KEY to the #1 factor in attracting beautiful women – regardless of your age, height, looks, wealth, or anything else.
What you’ll find shocking is that you likely already know about it, the problem is that nobody has ever shown you how to get it. But that’s all about to change…
Let me explain…
After I divorced my wife, you can imagine how I felt. I lost my family. I was broke. I was feeling rotten about myself. I couldn’t imagine any woman would EVER want to date me. I felt like if someone introduced a woman to me, the first words out of my mouth would be:
“Hi, I’m Adam. I’m a failure. Want to go out?”
I was seriously lacking that one thing that women say they want – confidence.
Everything I had ever read or watched about women said that confidence was the number one quality that turned women on. I knew to the core of my depressed soul that in order to attract women, I needed to show it and I needed to show it fast.
But the truth is, I didn’t FEEL confident. In fact, I felt the exact opposite! I doubted myself deeply and didn’t feel worthy to be with an amazing woman.
What made things worse was that everything I had ever read about attracting women told me I had to be a different person – wear crazy clothes – put women down – put on a mask and be someone that I not only WASN’T, but did not want to be. (Plus, my sons would totally make fun of me if I tried any of that silly, embarrassing posturing.)
What I secretly hoped was that I’d get lucky… meet my dream woman… and then she’d just like me so much that my lack of confidence wouldn’t matter.
Unfortunately for me, that only happens in Hollywood movies.
And I was given a hard dose of reality one day, as the perfect situation fell into my lap…
I had just come in from a job in Munich and I was in New York, feeling low, and alone. A friend recommended a place called Sushi Samba. It was packed.
There were no booths, so I pulled up a stool to the sushi bar.
Next to me, there was a slender young man, picking at his plate. I asked “What are you eating?” as I looked up at his face.
This was no young man.
This was the most beautiful girl…21, skin smooth and creamy as brie, her pixie like face framed in a short bob haircut…
Within a few short sentences – the most amazing coincidences arose…
Listen – I had just spent the last 3 weeks in Munich…I had studied philosophy in college, and I had been a tour guide in New York. This exquisite angelic beauty had been a philosophy major and said to me – in a sentence that I couldn’t have scripted…
“I am an Armani model. I just moved here from Munich last night and I don’t know anybody in this city.”
I know — a perfect Hollywood moment, right?
Well, it would have been if I knew what to do.
This is where the piece of sushi came in…
All I could do was stare at my plate – wondering what the hell to say next…
I mean, think about it…
Every guy in the world DREAMS of a moment like this where you are given instant connection, instant authority – an open door.
But my eyes were locked on my plate. It was as if the sushi was shouting back at me…
“SAY something! Do Something! ANYTHING!”
I didn’t have the words. I didn’t have the body language. I didn’t have the ability to make her feel intrigued, to trust me, or want me…In short…
I had ZERO Confidence, And It Showed…
Our conversation stumbled forward after this, strained and awkward.
This was the moment I had been waiting years for! To meet a beautiful, sweet, friendly…supermodel! And I had nothing.
My heart sunk as I watched her pay her tab and walk away, disappearing out of my life, forever. As I slumped home in the rain, alone, I made a vow…
This was NOT going to be my life. This was NOT going to be my destiny.
From that day forward, I made it a point to read everything important EVER written about male attraction with women. Meet every guru. Take every workshop.
And during this time, I made a strange discovery – NOBODY – not any dating, pickup, or relationship expert will EVER tell you.
It is…
I realized that I did NOT have to be 100% confident to inspire the interest of a beautiful woman. I just needed to know the triggers to make her FEEL that she was with a confident man.
That’s what was the single biggest “aha” I ever had with women. Because like me, the typical guy spends much of his life in a vicious cycle — waiting for a beautiful woman to like him so he can feel confident…but never being able to GET a beautiful woman because he lacks confidence.
But the triggers I discovered STOP that never-ending cycle…and give you a short-cut to at least seeming confident with women, so they want you and results follow.
Before I discovered these triggers, I was utterly hopeless with women. We’ve all seen the whipped married guy with no balls who does anything his wife says…that was me.
And I was still that guy! Women just looked right through me. They just saw me as a “friendly” guy…not the guy who would take them home and make wild passionate love to them all night. And it hurt.
In fact, it was devastating.
But since I discovered these “confidence triggers”, I’ve been able to naturally attract and date beautiful women.
Using these triggers, I’m never lost in conversation – and, rather than ever having to prove myself to women…
I’ve learned how to flip the power so that women “mysteriously” find they feel the need to prove themselves to me.
These triggers – a few of which I’m going to give you in a second – allow me to be relaxed, confident, and magnetic to women, even when I am not feeling that way inside.
That’s crucial, because if you currently don’t feel confident around women, THIS IS FOR YOU.
Because no matter how you feel right now, you’ll finally be able to appear confident– and therefore, attract any woman, anywhere – starting TODAY.
Listen closely – I’m going to share with you 3 triggers that you can use on ANY woman that add up to her saying…
“I want you.”
And you can use these triggers without having to change one thing about yourself – ESPECIALLY if you don’t feel 100% confident inside.
Even if you’ve had false limiting beliefs, like…
“I’m too short.” “I don’t make enough money.” “I’m too old.” “I’m too young” “I look funny.” “I’m not good looking enough.” “I have a boring job.” “Women won’t like me.” “I don’t want to get rejected.”
Or if you’ve been shy..
Or have crashed and burned too many times in the past…
Don’t worry.
I also used to be stopped by these confidence killers, but have left them in the dust – as have thousands of my students.
None of us – my students nor I – are quarterbacks, rock stars, or Seal Team 6 members…
We’re just regular guys who know the triggers to give women that warm, safe, curious turned-on feeling that they are with a man who is confident.
And now it’s your turn.
Here are 3 triggers to get you started…
1. The “Dominant Frame” Trigger.
Women know what you’re thinking subconsciously.
So the secret here is, before you even open your mouth, you must communicate the single most important message a man can give a woman…
I am choosy. And I choose you.
This is a frame that carries are two part message that establishes your authority, then opens the door for you to make her feel special in one second.
So when you see a woman, instead of saying, “Hi, my name is…”
Feel this inside as you introduce yourself:
“I don’t usually go out of my way to talk to women, most of them have nothing to say. But you seem to ‘get it.’ My name is…”
See the difference? It’s a subtle, yet powerful shift that women notice immediately.
Especially because it not only positions you as a man of choice, but also triggers her innate desire to prove herself to you. And she feels special that such a cool, confident, discerning man chooses her.
This one trigger — successfully applied — immediately puts you in the power position – she feels you are confident, even if your knees are knocking.
She’s going to look at you differently.
Without this trigger – you’re just another chump trying to win her attention.
2. The “Body Language” Trigger.
Don’t worry, this isn’t the normal BS you’re told about language…I’m talking about something different.
You see, the biggest mistake men make with their bodies…is giving off the “Nervous” vibe.
And nervous feels to her as one thing…submissive.
You probably don’t realize that you lose women with simple extraneous movements in your hands, the angle of your hips, the tilt of your head, the openness of your chest, the way your hold your shoulders…
You may have the best conversation topics in the world – but your body might be silently screaming to her:
“Please approve of me!” or “I’m scared!”
Leaving her with one overwhelming feeling:
I don’t feel safe with this guy. 
“Moving, be like water.”
One of the many exercises I’ve taught my students is to practice “Moving As If Through Water.” It’s a way of slowing yourself down. If you think you might come off as nervous, practice moving your body as if resisted by the pressure of water, slowly, with the deliberation of focus – it gives women the sense of deep, internal strength.
You’ll notice women rarely go dreamy-eyed over the “Submissive, Chaotic” type. In fact, just the opposite, they swoon over and throw themselves at the Strong, Silent type.
When you master the trigger of Body Confidence, only then might she surrender herself to your bodily care.
If not – if you don’t do this right, why would she entrust her body to you? Unless you learn how to work this trigger, you’re going to go home alone.
3. The “Commanding Conversation” Trigger.
First, you need to understand two principles, of which, when properly acted upon, can utterly change your life:
1. If you do not lead, she can not follow.2. Either she is leading, or you are.
I have so many ways to show you how to put these principles into practical action. In fact: I could give you an entire toolbox of ways to make her feel that you’re a man in command of your world, not some passive wimp, listlessly waiting for life to happen to him…
Which is a HUGE turn off!
For example – in the first second of meeting, you can add value.
When she says, “I’m Bethany, how are you?”
You say…
“Great – I just got tickets to [event] Foo Fighters or I just got back from  [travel] Bermuda – there’s this beach I love there called Paradise Cove…etc… have you seen them/ have you been?”
In a millisecond – you’ve taken a simple moment of introduction, and like you’ve thrown a train switch, you’ve taken the conversation where you want to go.
Subconsciously, she is already following you.
And from there, it’s infinitely easier to take the steps I’ll show you to lead her right into your arms, your bedroom, your life.
Without taking command like this, or any of the other methods that I’ll show you, she’ll be like a hitchhiker on the highway of life – waiting for another man to pick her up and show her a good time.
Folks, this is easy. These are skills from the Instant Confidence toolbox that anyone can learn.
It’s just a question – do you want the woman of your dreams or not?
Do you want a woman who will hang on your every word?
Do you want the kind of woman who supports your every dream? Who makes you feel like a million dollars every time she slips her soft, warm, lithe body into your arms?
Just imagine how different your life would be right now if you had that absolutely perfect woman – 100% into you and wanting to be with you and please you 24/7…
There’s nothing else like it.
But there is something monstrously worse…
What if you meet that perfect woman…only to stumble, hesitate, and then watch her float off in the arms of a man who has learned these triggers?
What might have seemed hard for you in the past, these techniques are your shortcut to confident conversation.
You could spend years gathering up this knowledge in bits and pieces, but I’ve saved you the trouble.
I’ve catalogued every shortcut to confident speech, behavior, and body language – into one comprehensive resource that you can put into action today.
The Instant Confidence With Women Program
Inside this one-of-a-kind comprehensive resource, you’ll get…
7 Quick “Clearing” Techniques to help you rid yourself of old negative beliefs – so you STOP sabotaging your own success with women NOW (with negative beliefs, nothing else I show you – or anything you ever do, will take you very far.)
A Complete Set of Instant Likability Triggers which will create instant warmth and affectionate feelings from women – even if you’ve been hesitant or shy before…
My 21 “Must Have” Confident Conversation Power Tools – which will make you a master at talking with women in a way that gets them turned-on and intrigued about getting to know you more deeply…And get her to look up to you as “unusually” cool. (No more awkward silences. You’ll never be at a loss for words again.)
8 Ways To Create Instant Authority – which give her the feeling of being safe, trusting, and admiring of you.
11 Party Domination Tactics to answer the need so many have – how to easily OWN the room and be the guy everyone wants to meet…even if you’re totally shy or nervous in social situations.
And, if you’ve ever been awkward at the end of a date wondering how to “close”, you’ll get 4 Commanding Doorstep “Good Night” Reframes (which either make her want to kiss you, or help you turn brush-offs into actual kisses)
My commitment in developing this system Is to give you EVERY tool you need in EVERY situation, so that you can act confidently, and attract women consistently.
The Instant Confidence With Women Program includes…
Which gives you detailed and comprehensive mastery in all the 4 foundations that you need…
1. Confident Mindset 2. Confident Conversation Skills 3. Confident Body Language 4. Confident Social Authority
This is literally EVERYTHING you need to appear and feel totally confident to women, even if you feel like you have ZERO confidence right now.
Simply put, if you don’t have all of these foundations covered, you simply won’t get the response you want from women, and if you do become better at these, women will look at you in an entirely new way, smiling at you, curious, wanting more… 
If you’re like me, are busy, and you like to listen while traveling, working out, whatever it may be, you can take these trainings with you anywhere you go. 
I’ve got an extra treat for you.
I’ve asked 6 of the leading experts on confidence to give you a free training.
 For a killer, confident approach strategy – Jon Sinn teaches you his 4 step seduction roadmap – it’s no nonsense, fast, and devastatingly effective…
Using this simple strategy you meet, connect, and, to use the biblical term, consummate – all in one night.
Second, there’s no one better at “Confident Phone Game” than my buddy David Wygant – one of the best known dating coaches in the world. You’ll get our ultra-confident phone blueprint.
You’ll know anytime your phone rings, you’ll take the conversation where you want it to go – to a date, to the bedroom, or by her fireplace.
Third, I’m bringing you the well known author of “No More Mr. Nice Guy”, Dr. Robert Glover, who will end any shy or hesitant behavior for you – FOREVER.
If you’ve ever stressed out over being in the “Friend-Zone”, this interview will make it history.
Fourth, every woman wants a man to have some “edge.” So I’ve brought you the author of the “Bad Boy Formula”, Carlos Xuma, to give you the low-down on how to turn women on with a dose of bad boy.
Trust me, this is good for anyone – especially if you tend to be too nice, and you’ve seen the best girls go to guys who already know how to do this.
Fifth, you’re going to meet my friend John Romaniello – New York’s top personal trainer – and learn how to sculpt your body with MINIMAL effort.
This hour of training alone is worth 10x your entire investment in this program!
Finally, the stuff guys really want – sex. Confident sex. And for this, I bring you America’s #1 underground teacher of unleashing a woman’s sexual “naughty girl” – David Shade.
In this exclusive interview, David gives you the secrets of “verbal sexual dominance” that allows women to access their naughty side while feeling safe under your confident touch.
If you’ve ever wondered why other guys seem so comfortable and confident with women – it’s because they know these secrets.
Listen, these are learnable skills. It’s not a crime if you haven’t learned them yet.
You can shift your entire life with women into success right now.
Today – all this is yours for just…
It’s the cost of one nice dinner for two. And we all know that you can spend $100 or more on a woman’s dinner…only to end up with nothing in return. This program, on the other hand, just keeps giving and giving…
Look, I’ve worked hard to create something truly useful and easy for you so you can quickly skyrocket your success with women.
I’ve worked with thousands of women as well – this is what they want from you.
This is NOT trickery or “faking” it. Women appreciate a man who is willing to work on himself and become stronger internally, and understand that confidence isn’t always something you’re born with.
(As proof of this, I GUARANTEE that when you use these on a woman in your life, she will be pleasantly surprised by how much you’ve “changed”…she won’t know how or why, but she’ll be intrigued and possibly feeling attraction.)
Bottom line: You’re going to enjoy yourself so much more when you have the confidence that you can approach, connect with, and lead a woman into a great experience anywhere you go.
I believe this Instant Confidence Program represents one of the best investments you’ll ever make in your happiness.
I want you to have it. I want you to try it. But most of all… I want you to USE it!
Listen, I know that this program works, as do the hundreds of customers who have already experienced it’s power first hand. At the same time, I understand that you still may be skeptical, so I want to do everything I can to make this a no-brainer, risk-free decision for you. For that reason, I’m extending to you my 60 day, 100% money back guarantee. I’m so confident in this program on confidence, if you don’t think it’s worth twice your investment, write me anytime within 60 days and I’ll refund your money. No questions asked, no hassles, no hoops to jump through.
At about 18 cents per day (if you consider the cost of using these secrets for just one year) – I know you’ll find it’s worth 10 or 100x the investment, because…
How do you even put a price tag on the joy of having beautiful women in your bed and in your life?
How much is it worth to you to feel sure of yourself…to feel wanted by beautiful women…to be able to gratify your deepest sexual urgest almost any time you want?
What should scare you is the cost of doing nothing.
What is the emotional cost of feeling frustrated, lonely, and rejected?
Not succeeding with women ruins your day at work, ruins your mealtimes, ruins your evenings, and is devastatingly painful when you turn the lights out…
Low Confidence Is An Epidemic Problem – But It Doesn’t Have To Be Yours…
As it stands now…you pretty much have two choices before you:
1: Do Nothing and Hope You Magically Become More Confident…
This is what most guys do. And it’s why they stay in the same place forever, and settle for fat, miserable girlfriends and wives who make their lives a living hell.
Trust me, the “nice guy” with no confidence only wins in romantic comedies. In real life, beautiful women simply won’t compromise – they have lots of options and refuse to settle for a man who doesn’t give off the impression of confidence.
Sure, you can leave this to chance or hope… but chances are you’ll suffer through the same painful cycle most guys do… waiting to have success with women before you can feel confident, but never having the confidence to truly succeed with women!
If you’re cool with this, then this program isn’t for you. Feel free to close this page and get on with your life.
On the other hand – you can actually do something about it and take the second option…
2: Instantly Create The Confidence That Immediately And Permanently Changes Your Destiny With Women – Forever.
When you learn and adopt the simple triggers I show you, she’ll feel your Confident Approach. She’ll enjoy your “Commanding” Conversation. She’ll welcome your Confident Touch and Sexual Escalation. She’ll admire your Confident Social Leadership.
Women will notice, admire, and FEEL your new self.
With the help of the Instant Confidence system, you can FREE yourself from the hesitation of the past. You CAN get what you want! You CAN be the man women actually WANT.
These are EASY, SIMPLE, DOABLE skills which you can download in 5 minutes and be using today.
Just click the “Add To Cart” button below, and start your new life with women…
Not later. Not in 5 years. TODAY.
Avoid The #1 Regret Most Men Have On Their Deathbed…
It’s been said that most men, on their deathbed, regret not sleeping with more women during their lifetime. It’s a sad fact – the average guy spends most of his life deprived, settles, and then ends his life thinking “if only I had been with more women…”
I guess I got lucky. I hit rock bottom and sort of stumbled upon a series of principles that made me appear confident to women – despite my many shortcomings – and changed my results with women forever.
The result was that – despite being “average” in almost every regard – I began freely attracting, dating and sleeping with playmates, actresses, models, yoga teachers and other women that most guys only dream about.
And now I want to show you how to do the same.
Don’t spend another minute settling – or waiting for your confidence to change on its own. It won’t.
Yet with this system, you can quickly and immediately transform yourself into the kind of guy that women respond to – INSTANTLY.
In just a few simple steps that have been proven not only by me, but by hundreds of students around the world.
This is it – your chance to be the architect of your destiny with women.
Click any of the “add to cart” buttons you see on this page – and I’ll see you inside the program.
To your best life, Adam Gilad
P.S. With our 60 day 100% Money-back Guarantee, I’m giving you 60 risk free days to discover what countless others have – this is the easiest, most powerful tool for creating confidence in yourself and bringing in beautiful, evolved, and amazing women into your life.
Remember, it works especially well if you don’t feel confident now — and regardless of your looks, age, height, income, or anything else. I routinely get women that most guys think I should NEVER have a chance with…but it doesn’t matter. Because this stuff works for any guy, you just have to follow the steps…
P.P.S. — Don’t just take my word for it – listen to what some of our customers have had to say about the Instant Confidence With Women Program:
“Adam, Instant Confidence With Women is more important to me than the stack of my dad’s old Playboys that I’ve been reading since I was 14. Thanks for helping me meet the kind of women I used to dream about.” — Bill, South Bend, IN
“I don’t need your program any more Adam. I set out looking for the love of my life 6 months ago, and I’ve now found her — because of you! Now I am even, actually – you may have to shoot me – thinking of, gulp… marriage — Jaime, Texas
Just wanted to shoot you a quick e-mail saying how I love what you are doing, and how you approach the whole idea behind dating, attraction, and associating with women. I first heard about you on David Deangelos interview series – something about you stood out from the rest of his interviews, I just think you are more down to earth than many of the other dating gurus, and that sits better with me. Keep up the great work. There are many dating experts out there – but your material suits me the best by far. -Peter
Hey Adam, Thank you a million times over for this program and all the effort you put into it. You definitely went above and beyond the call, especially for the price. One of the strengths you have that the other men in the seduction community don’t is that you have an uncanny ability to bring different factors together into cohesion – actually strenghtening a sense of community. It’s almost like you are the mastermind behind bringing together all these stray pieces of the seduction community. Thank you again for this work and I am excited to see what you come up with next. -Brad
I have never had much success with daing. Mostly because I was stuck doing what every other lame guy was doing. If I had success, it was usually from women that were less than appealing. After purchasing the Instant Confidence With Women system I incorporated just a few of the principles, and had amazing results within the first two days. I’ve already been out with one of the girls – that ened VERY nicely – and have a date setup with the other one. These are the results after only 2 DAYS!!! Thanks a lot man. I will recommend your program to everyone I know. -Mark
Your material is exceptional in it’s clarity and simplicity, unlike most of the other stuff I’ve bought online. The “other stuff” describe the program ad infinitum without offering real solutions. Instead, after 10,000 pages of problem descriptions, they conclude with “you must change the situation.” – without giving you any way “how”. I put your ideas into work late one night (or early morning, actually!), and bingo, I was able to connect with 3 hot women. Much better results. Thank you so much. -Mark
I appreciate your genuineness, your wisdom, and insight. Your way is clearly not one of manipulation but just of recognizing we are all searching for more fulfillment in connection and that the power to truly connect with another human being and specifically with women is in us all. You are helping men discover or rediscover their goodness. Have to start with yourself before moving onto the girls. -Cedar
P.P.P.S. — Have a question? We probably already answered it below!
Q: What is Instant Confidence With Women and how does it work? Instant Confidence is the handbook for men who want to bring out their confidence quickly and effectively, so that women SPARK in interest. These shortcuts give you conversational starters, conversational framers and methods to lead any woman into deeper, more revealing conversations. This program also gives you body language secrets and the no-mistake signals to women that you are not some guy next door, but a man with edge, boldness and sexual gravity. This program is all about practical actions for you to take that will bolster your presence and success with women, wherever you go, whatever you do.
Q: Will the strategies & tools inside of Instant Confidence With Women work for men of any age? Absolutely. Women want to feel safe in your presence – and the way they feel safe is when you can project confidence in your body, your speech and mindset. Without the techniques and practices you will collect in this program, women will look right through you. No matter what your age, your ability to embody confidence and groundedness will be a magnet to the best women in the world.
Q: Do the methods inside of Instant Confidence With Women have anything to do with “pick-up”? Women want to feel your confidence. Pick up teaches you how to mask your lack of confidence with smoke and mirrors – and silly hats. This program will give you the shortcuts to make an instant impact on the women you meet with your conversation and body language, with your communication frames and ability to take any moment and take it deeper – not from trickery, but by bringing out the best man inside you. This program will give you a choice.
Q: How will I receive the product? Anally. No, not really. As soon as you finish the purchase process, I’ll direct you to a page where you can immediately access & download the program & its bonuses.
Q: What if it doesn’t work for me? These practices have been tested on thousands of women, for thousands of men of all ages, nationalities, shapes and sizes. In short, everything in this program actually works. It’s just up to you to put it to work. Simply put, if you follow the program exactly as I’ve outlined it, and can’t get the results you’re looking for, then contact me and my staff and we’ll give you a refund – No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt and courteous refund. So as you can see, the burden to deliver is 100% on me – the only thing you need to do is let me prove it to you by putting this material to work.
Q: Will this work for me even if I’m shy? This program will work for you especially if you are shy! Guys who are outgoing and verbal and socially adept will recognize the techniques and practices in this program – and will learn a few they’ve never heard before. People who are good at ANYTHING will always be looking to SHARPEN skills. But if you are shy, then that’s just a habit you’ve learned and accepted. If you are serious about living a life full of happy, loving, fun, sweet and sexy women – then you just make the decision to unlearn the shy habits that have sunk you in the past and replace them with the skills and habits you will find in this program. It’s not nuclear physics. It’s social skills and ANYBODY can learn them – any age, any background, trucker or neurosurgeon. You will find herein the keys to quickly and effectively awaken the heart of women. You just have to want to win.
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alphasandchocolates · 7 years
People with Mars-Pluto aspects
Mars conjunct Pluto
Your ability to commit yourself to a task or goal is tremendous. When inspired, you are able to draw upon great stores of strength and determination. You can be so single-minded and focused that you readily lose yourself in a particular task, possibly to the point of obsession! You can be very skilled at investigation and research. Quite automatically, you are interested in what motivates and drives others, which can make you a natural psychologist. You might find that you constantly challenge yourself to take on more and to do more. You might watch this tendency if it seems to take over your life, as you may never feel satisfied with your accomplishments. Your stamina and endurance tend to be stronger than most.
You don’t take kindly to others’ attempts to bully or push you, and you can be extremely stubborn when pushed. You are always especially aware of, and sensitive to, others’ use of power and authority. Resentment can be a problem and letting things go can be very challenging. Your gut reactions are rather intense and emotional in quality. As you mature, you are likely to learn that detaching yourself a little helps you to be more objective and constructive.
You might have some fear of your own anger, assertiveness, power, and drive, particularly early in life if your intense nature has been misunderstood. You are not always forthcoming about your intentions and plans, and you typically strategize well in pursuit of a goal rather than go after what you want loudly and directly. While this means you can out-maneuver practically anyone, and although your determination is admirable, you might watch for a somewhat paranoid tendency to keep your plans to yourself if this stems from fear that your intentions will be misunderstood. Whether or not you choose to take advantage of others is entirely up to you. There is an “all or nothing” quality to your nature. You put your heart into whatever it is you are doing, and although breaking ties or ending things can be challenging, once you’ve done it, there’s no going back.
You possess a fascinating, alluring, and even commanding aura. You prefer that others see you as strong and in control. Allowing trusted people to see your more vulnerable qualities can take time.
Your strong desire to make things happen through your own efforts can bring you much success. “What will be, will be” is certainly not your motto. However, this same quality can sometimes limit you, as you would benefit from more detachment and the discovery that some things can’t or shouldn’t happen just now. At some point in your life you may feel that the gods or goddesses step in to impose changes on you. What you make of these moments determines your spiritual future. Generally, whatever effort you make will be well worth your time.
Some Famous People with Mars conjunct Pluto: Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver, Ringo Starr, Yves St. Laurent, Brooke Shields, Boz Scaggs, Franklin Roosevelt, Paul McCartney, Sarah Jessica Parker, Melanie Griffith, Zelda Fitzgerald, Tony Curtis.
Mars square/opposite Pluto:
This is a powerful aspect in a natal chart suggesting, in your life time, you very often see extremes of behavior and experiences, or go through crises more than most. You may be no stranger to violence or abuse. You learn through your experiences self-control and self-awareness so that you are better equipped to deal with these extremes. You are wonderful to have around in times of crises, as you can quickly take the lead and you can be undaunted when it comes to defending or helping those you love. Your desires are deep, intense, and sometimes troubling. At times, you seem to attract strong opposition, perhaps because your own nature is rather provocative. You are a natural-born fighter. You can also be quite driven to find answers, and you make a good psychologist, analyst, and investigator. Compulsive behaviors should be watched carefully, as they can consume you and lead you to risky endeavors and difficult scenarios. There can be a strong desire to be in control.
You have a tendency to impose your will upon others, which can cause severe problems for yourself when they react in self-defense. You have a hair-trigger temper and may even resort to verbal or physical abuse when upset. Learning to react to unpleasant circumstances with your intellect rather than your emotions comes with maturity. It’s also possible that you experience many extremes in life, and that you are on the receiving end of difficult tempers more than most.
It is all too easy for you to find something negative about a situation. Avoid issuing ultimatums when you meet an obstacle. Instead, find a way to convince others to work with you of their own free will. Ordinary life often seems drab and uninteresting to you and you must have something that stirs your imagination, some vision or ideal or dream to motivate you. You have a strong urge to act out your fantasies or to live your dream, and you will DO things that others only talk about or dream about. Artistic creation, drama, or other areas in which you can express yourself imaginatively are excellent for you.
You do not easily tolerate a dominating attitude in others. You have a healthy respect for power and authority, but only if it is handled fairly.
This aspect gives you a somewhat Scorpionic attitude toward your lovers, and it can modify the traits associated with the sign of your Mars considerably. In other words, there is a distinct possessive and demanding streak in your sexual nature. Your approach to love and sex can be quite intense at times. Your sexual desire nature is a very strong one, and you may even use sex as a bargaining chip in your relationships in order to achieve your goals. More likely, however, is a very focused and intense sexual nature. This also adds a very magnetic quality to your appeal. When a woman finds you attractive, it can transform into a near obsession! Your aura is strong and somewhat mysterious. You tend to come across as stronger than you intend. In fact, some people are intimidated by you, and you may not understand why this is so. When you want something (or someone!) you are very determined. For you, it can be “all or nothing”. When you are finished with something, you leave it behind you and there is no going back. You want a deep, soulful attachment on a sexual level. In your love life you do not take rejection well. You fear betrayal and abandonment, and this can skew your perception of your lover. You have a highly developed sex drive, but you must learn to rein in your aggressiveness in this area. Power struggles and control issues may surface often in your relationships. I myself have Mars square Pluto, and being a woman, this may very well mean that I’m attracted more to people who are sort of dangerous, or ones who are controlling, and yet I myself won’t want to be controlled by them. That’s where problems in the relationship start from.
You perceive the cruel edge in people, and understand its source. As you deal with your own ruthlessness, you learn how to respond to it in others without risking your physical well-being. Self-confidence develops out of self-control in your interaction with others.
Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Pluto: Squares – Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Lee, Mel Gibson, Jeremy Irons, Patrick Swayze. Oppositions – Kirk Douglas, Farrah Fawcett, Kirstie Alley.
Mars sextile/trine Pluto:
You are committed, determined, and passionate. For you, it’s all or nothing, and you are baffled by, and possibly impatient with, others who do things only halfway or half-heartedly. You are usually quite decisive, and often unwavering once committed. You are certainly a passionate person and you possess a fascinating and commanding aura. You are generally confident about your own talents. You employ strategy when you are going after something, and you are very talented at this, saving time and energy. While you are perfectly capable of outwitting others as a natural psychologist, whether you take advantage of this skill or not depends much on the rest of your natal chart.
You’re naturally very resourceful and usually quite persistent when pursuing a goal. You are a wonderful person to be around when there’s a crisis. Very little fazes you, and you’re especially effective when circumstances call for a leader.
The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mars and Pluto have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.
Alternate, short interpretations: Mars sextile Pluto or Mars trine Pluto: *You dream up creative solutions to problems and take an imaginative, unusual approach to getting a job done. When difficulties arise you prefer to avoid conflict and confrontation in favor of more peaceful or subtle methods of resolving problems. Working to help others or for a cause that transcends your own narrow, personal interests is satisfying for you. You have an artistic flair and appreciate the colorful, unique, or strange.
You are capable of applying tremendous effort to anything you attempt. The spiritual lesson is to learn moderation. Moderation often means acting like one of the pack instead of always being the leader.
Some Famous People with Mars in Harmonious Aspect to Pluto: Sextiles – Billy Idol Trines – Steve Jobs, Iggy Pop, Kurt Russell, Charles Prince of Wales, Jackie Chan.
References: cafeastrology.com (the personal experience in the mars square pluto placement was my own inference, by the way)
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obduratemoon · 4 years
Sedimentary City 14: FATHER
It lay in the dark woods, the shrouded one, as if resting for the night. The color of the woods was blue and black, a twilight within a twilight. Time seemed to slow as if finally mired and stuck in cosmic mud. Jan approached the prostate form of the psychopomp soft as a whisper. What does it dream of? He wondered. Tenderly yet pregnant with anticipation he lifted the heavy viel and saw a beautiful face, androgynous and perfectly in-between and swaying like a pendulum. Jan blinked and saw it was a woman, and then a man, and then both and neither again. The face alternated between life and death as well, crossing and recrossing that tremulous border between sleep and death until he could not tell if it was corpse or repose.
In the dark woods all was still and the two figures were there, one bent over the other like a branch over water.
Slant gold hued geometries of sunlight poured through the large windows. It was almost sunset and Jan could see the shadows stretch out languorously across a landscape crenelated by buildings. The day waned and the first semblance of the moon, cold and bone white, began to appear in the sky. Far in the distance a swarm of weather manipulators levitated and moved like a cloud of gnats, each subtly nudging the atmospheric equilibrium towards a more appropriate stasis.
He was in his father’s office, a room that had once seemed hallowed and sanctified, one that he was rarely allowed to enter as a boy. He had associated with it a curious sensation alluding towards the vague realm of adulthood, a far off land of mystery and wonder. As a child Jan was awed by how much his father seemed to know of the world and its workings.
The apartment was a multilevel penthouse atop one of the largest skyscrapers in the city. His father’s office commanded a full spectrum view of level 1, a surface covered with architecture that stretched out far into the parallax. It was breathtaking and awe inspiring to anyone yet commonplace to both who sat there now.
Jan’s father stood near the window looking out at the landscape he had gazed over thousands of times. He seemed much older and frailer, lacking the hefty substance he once had; there was something about his aspect and bearing that had shifted. It struck Jan that he appeared more pellucid and immaterial than in the past.
“You have no idea what it took for me to find you, and then to get you out of there,” his father said. “Those that go into the chorion of the pain seldom return. Even if they come back in body they are different, changed inside. How do you feel, Jan?”
“I don’t know.” Jan replied calmly, speaking with planular affect. “How should I feel?  How did I ever feel? But I guess this is me? The person that I was. How long was I asleep for?”
“They kept you in a restorative coma for almost two years. Finally I had them bring you here, back to the house. No one was really sure if you would come back, they said there was a chance you would continue sleeping.”
He turned away from the window and faced his son. 
“But here you are. I am happy to see you.”
Jan sat on a sofa. His body still remembered to reflexively assume a straight and proper posture in front of his father.
“Do you ever get the sense,” Jan mused absentmindedly,  “that, maybe, you are created, or maybe generated by something or someone else? Just a figment.”
“What? What are you going on about?”
A part of Jan was surprised by how insolent he was being, but he felt far away from his old self and its habits. The restoration had allowed Jan to maintain most of his memories, but he felt skew from many of them as if they were not necessarily his, as if they lived on their own right.
“I apologize. I don’t even know.”
His father sighed deeply and moved to sit down on a chair facing Jan.
“I had a terrible premonition even back then, as soon as I lost contact with you, that something awful would occur. I know you and Eva had been participating with the Samuelson clique, but I always thought it just a passing phase, a common hobby of the overindulged. When Eva died … “
A pained expression flashed across Jan’s face like a scrap of shadow caught in a gust of wind. His entire frame seized up.
“Please stop ...”
“Yes, we shall not talk about Eva. But please listen to what I have to say, for we will not have many opportunities to speak. What is happening in the world is dangerous and volatile. Down in those lower levels is a roiling Hobbesian jungle of struggle, of monkeys with rifles firing off at one another with hardly a thought in their minds, uncomprehending of what they are even doing or where they are going, beings with no future who prosecute their lives in the manner of the mad, errant particles describing a chaotic dance of mutual destruction. Oppression and domination. And on the other side, death or fealty. Can there be any other way? Of course not, this is obvious to any thinking person, to anyone who has read anything of history and science. The interactions between people won’t change -- any more than magnetism or gravity. And now you have experienced it for yourself. The Sedimentary City exists for a reason, its design represents generations of thought and societal effort. The system of today is the natural conclusion of history.”
“And what if I just don’t accept that conclusion? And whose effort was it really?”
“Honestly, Jan, I thought you were better educated than this. Are you still a boy? I never understood this strange  stubbornness you have always had. Why did you not confess? How could it have been worth it?”
His father’s face darkened and knit together, burdened by unpleasant thoughts. For all his stature and power he was ill equipped for internal disorder.
“And tell them what?” Jan replied. “We both know how these interrogations work. They don’t stop just because someone confesses. They understand that once someone steps in the Chorion they must come out reprogrammed. To them, dissidents are a cancer. Besides, I knew almost nothing; the movement is distributed, each actor insulated from each other. It’s the only way we could survive.”
The old man sighed again. 
“What am I even doing? None of this matters anymore, there is nothing I can do for you really. I called in all the favors I could just to have to be here when you woke up, so we could have this time together at least.”
Jan did not reply, instead he looked passed his father in the sky beyond. He could now see that the sun was descending, retiring its immolated chariot slowly towards the horizon. It crept with a slow implacability towards its extinguishment.
To glance at the sun is to see a static picture; within the hypostasis of the present it appears captured and unmoving. But with an accumulation of enough moments, Jan could sense the slow arcked trajectory of that blazing orb. Time is an infinity of nothings placed end to end yet it spans out forever from a bottomless past into an endless future.
“I’ve managed to be able to keep you here for a month or two, but the crimes you have committed against the State are serious and even I cannot nullify the enforcement of those laws. And you are correct, of course, once you have stepped in the Chorion they cannot easily allow you to return. Not for a long time at any rate. I cannot prevent you from being sent to the Rehabilitation Systems. I will see what I can do to make it as easy for you there as possible. Of course, it will be very hard, but there is only so much I can do. I hope that you can make some kind of life down there, to live regardless.”
At this the old man’s face creased up with suffering and tears rolled through them like the first ice melts in spring, finding travel along neglected ruts in the earth.
Jan wondered if he had ever seen his father cry, or show such emotion. Despite being wan and somehow not quite settled yet in reality, his chest constricted with affection for his father, who had at once been an Authority, a demiurge in Jan’s life, but at this moment seemed to be a much smaller kind of being. No god but rather just any other human, born to suffer and participate in the keen sadness of life.
“It is unclear when you will be allowed to come back, but probably not before I die. You and I, son, we both shall die alone. And the family line will end.”
The sun had finally dipped low enough to irradiate the sky with a poison of colors, redolent and spectral in its livid redness. In the clouds a lavender hue began to tinge some portions. A few buildings caught its Abraxian reflection and scintillated an explosion of light resplendent with wonton grandeur. The sunlight now beamed into the room, almost horizontal and parallel to the floor, blessing surfaces with a golden dint of divinity. 
A world on fire. A world transformed and alchemized into something celestial and unmundane. An innuendo at the unabated significance of the universe.
“How I love the sunset,” said Jan. “Doesn’t it seem like time stops? There is neither future nor past, but only now. Each sunset alludes to all other sunsets, a moment which ties all other moments together. The evening glow destroys everything except the essence, it burns away all excess and vanity. In some ways the pain amplifier was the same. Suffering is at once individual and universal.”
His father did not respond, lost in thought or perhaps also marveling at the auburn firmament that had come to inhabit the room with them.
Jan spoke again: “Do I have a brother?”
The old man looked up, surprised. “What? Your brother? How do you know about him?”
“So I do?”
“No, not really, Jan. Your mother died giving birth to him and he passed with her as well. They died together. I never told you, and I swore the doctors to secrecy. It made no sense, such an event. No one dies in childbirth anymore, at least not here! It was impossible for anyone to explain.”
“Is that why she died? I never knew … “
“Yes, you were very young when it happened.”
“What was she like?”
“Your mother? She was beautiful and kind. A kind of a counterweight, capable in dimensions I could not understand or recognize until much later. I see now how she guided me through life. When she died I grew inward. And felt lost.”
It was odd to hear his father speak in this way. So open, so clear.
“Yes, I understand what you mean.”
“But why do you ask about your brother?”
“In the pain amplifier I felt a presence. Another self, another in my body, or perhaps, a shard of myself. It spoke to me, it told me of my brother as proof of its realness. Strange isn’t it? How did it know when I did not? It had been observing the same world but received it in a different way. All the things I ignored and didn’t want to see, the things I rejected, it accepted them instead. At first I was startled and skeptical, yet it felt familiar as a reflection, like I had heard its voice in my head all my life, a voice so consistent and intimate to me that I had hardly noticed it. Perhaps in the Chorion I shattered like a split atom, and the distance allowed me to see all the fragments reflecting back and seeing each other in turn. I wonder if many of us are like this -- singular in conception, but multitude in fact.”
His father looked at him in astonishment. Now, only a semicircle of the sun remained and its beams struck the underside of clouds setting them flush and aglow with pink, one last moment of unkempt ecstasy before it found only endless space to project its rays upon. The air seemed to cool into a bluish tint and the darker side of the sky began to deepen into a full-on night.
At length his father spoke, “I … I suppose that might be the case. But what of it? What does it mean? Why do you speak of these things? What does it matter?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know. The life of a person is a mystery and the solving of it pulls him along even when he wants to quit. I don’t fear what’s to come, however. Not anymore.”
They sat there lost in individual contemplation for a long time. Outside the twilight relented to darkness as the last remnants of color and light fled those dead vaults. An enclosing canvas of tenebrous indigo, punctured here and there by pinpricks of winking light, revealed itself as the true contents of the heavens, one that had only been temporarily obfuscated by the brilliance of day.
Below, a riotous conflagration of city lights reflected and amplified what was above. Inside the room all became dark for no one had turned on a light. Both men were weighed down by the ephemerality of life, that very soon they would part and never meet again and that what remained of their family would cease. What did it mean anyway? Family? And why did they grieve for its passing?
Finally, Jan slowly got up and walked towards his Father. Approaching him, he knelt and wrapped himself around the elders body in an encircling embrace. They wept for a long time, father and son.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[RO] Omnipotent God Chapter 1
Whenever i linger at the back of my head, i arrive at the same terminus. I'm in a labrynth, an inescapable wallow. I desire freedom, i desire happiness, and most of all, i desire salvation.
My ideals are entirely materialistic though. No human could possibly meet my standards. I'm a god amongst humans. Nobody could possibly hope to call themselves my equal.
People reply quite well to my dominance and superiority and as such, i have many dedicated followers.
"I've been in love with you for a really long time, Ray. Will you please be my boyfriend?"
There is only 1 response to a question so meaningless, and worthless..
I'm quite the "chick magnet" as the people of this horrendous age would like to denounce me as. However, i simply recognise myself as somebody who is worshipped by those below me.
My thirst for answers does not end there though. I have a passion for embarking on perilious journeys, unravelling hidden mysteries, and looking deep in to human psychology.
Which leads us to today...the day in which i agreed to going on the most perilious journey of all!
Good morning Ray!
I walked in to my classroom like a person of historical value in a very elegant stance. Nothing short of spectacular. As you'd expect from a god such as myself.
"Hey ray! How are ya?" said Emma
I sit next to quite the talker. Meet Emma Gray. She claims to be my "best friend" but we all know that nobody could claim to be the best other than yours truly.
"Great, how about you?"
"I'm doing mighty fine. Thanks for askin"
"Oh, hey Ray" said Norman
Heres another pest who claims to be my "best friend" whilst knowing about my dominance.
"Hey Norman"
As i sat down on my seat, it came to my realization that Emma had decided to move 3 seats away from where she usually resided at. Although, it was quite strange, it didn't bother me as such. Nobody can bother a god, now can they?
Class has come to a close, please head to the cafeteria.
Recess is a time of peace, where i can stray away from all distractions and dwelve in my chamber of superiority.
I made my way to the roof of the school to happily enjoy my meal, only to find Norman joyfully waving at me...
"Why the fuck do u come eat with me every day?" said Ray with a hateful grin
"Because we're best buds, duh"
"Wheres emma? Isn't she the first to jump right at me"
"Idk man, she seemed kinda off today. She told me to tell u to come behind the school once school has concluded. She said that she had something to say"
Ha, now it was all coming together. I didn't expect emma of all people to develop feelings for anyone, but i guess that i'm just too good to not like.
As school came to a close, i made my way to the back of the school.
Emma was standing underneath an apple tree with a sad look on her face.
"Hey Emma. Did you have something to say to me?"
"Yeah, but idk how you'll take it."
"You can tell me anything, im all ears"
"My chest feels so tight around this particular person, and lately i've been completely head over heels over him, and so i have decided to finally confess my feelings to him."
Ah, its happening. I hoped that this wretched day would cease to happen, but...alas...women cant control themselves in my prescense.
Yes, yes, let it out little one!
"I'm in love with Norman!"
Somebody has challenged my dominance. Somebody has tried to rival me. No, i cannot possibly allow this to happen. No..no...no...no..no.
"Please help me confess my feelings to him.
Although, it hurt me to the core to help such an insolent human who would DARE to compare me with a inferior being, this could prove to be useful to me. This could be a great learning expereince and allow me to learn more about the human heart, and psychology. It also gives me a chance to prove my dominance in battle, a battle of love.
I will make her fall in love with me, and then completely reject her. Yes! This is a plan fit for a king!
"Alright, i'll help you"
This is where it all began...my journey to discovering love, and achieving salvation.
submitted by /u/Hikaro345 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3bcrwnz
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notesfromcenter · 5 years
Why AOC Short-Circuits the Conservative Mind (Why) The Universal Mother is the Antidote to the Authoritarian Father
January 16, 2019
umair haque
Here’s a funny and strange thing. Have you noticed how conservatives are helplessly attracted to AOC — utterly beguiled by her, unable to resist her magnetic pull, tumbling into her orbit like flaming meteors — but are also, at the very same time, hopelessly perplexed as to how to deal with her? A little bit like sixth grade boys? Should they insult her, mock her, taunt her, push her down into the sand — or learn from her, admire her, understand her? Why can’t they seem to stop thinking about her, anyways? ARRRGGH! What to do?! Zzzzzt. Bang! That sound you hear is the conservative mind short circuiting. And I think it has a very great deal to teach us about the future.
AOC short circuits the conservative mind because conservatives only see women as virgins and whores — but she is the universal mother. The universal mother is the antidote to the authoritarian father. Conservatives know they need, desperately, the authoritarian father — but they can’t admit they need the universal mother, or else their whole identities, worldviews, ways of thinking would collapse. Zzzzt! Short circuit.
Let me explain what I mean by all that — and you can judge for yourself whether I make sense or not — with a brief caveat, which you can skip if you like. Now, I’m sure that many of you are deeply uncomfortable at the mere mention of some of the above. You might either think it’s fatuous nonsense, or it might even make you angry. One of the ways our culture is deficient right now is that talking seriously about psychology is not allowed — only “data” and “facts”, please, we’re all hyper-masculine rationalists seeking control now. And another is that the post-modern take on gender politics has produced a deeply contradictory stance which many of us believe in, but don’t examine — gender is false, yours doesn’t matter, but mine is also the most important thing in the world. Both these things can’t be true, can they? Aren’t they just another way of expressing the need for authoritarianism, essentially? So let’s talk about the above — if you can put aside your discomfort, which is really just internalized, veiled misogyny (but I’ll come back to that.)
What do I mean by the “universal mother is the antidote to the authoritarian father”? Let’s start with what I don’t mean. All women are mothers, only women can be mothers, women can only be mothers, men are fathers, and so forth. The universal mother is the one who gives birth to all things. I understand it’s voguish these days to say things like “but men can give birth, too!” — but let’s try to ignore how obviously absurd that sounds for a moment, because nobody’s saying they can’t.
The universal mother is the source of renewal, of birth, of creativity, of transformation. She is the Nile river and the first of May. She is the rainforest and the sea. She is the cloud and the rain — but not the air or the mountain. The universal mother is oceanic and endless. The springtime roars through her, and conquers the winter. She nurtures and nourishes the slumbering seed in the dark soil, with the waters of life. She is the source from which all things flow. Go ahead and roll your eyes if you must. People since the beginning of time have needed a universal mother — whether Astarte or Mary. To imagine you are above them is what it always is: hubris. So why have people needed a universal mother in the first place?
We can no more escape our archetypal attachment to the universal mother, as Jung pointed out, than a chick can escape being imprinting motherhood on the first nurturing thing to hold it. We — fragile, little things, lost in a world in which we are helpless — will always have this abiding need to have our three greatest fears soothed away, fears of death, of loneliness and abandonment, of powerlessness and helplessness. Think about — really think about — how great these fears are. They return to haunt us every single night, no matter what we do, don’t they? Why else do we cling desperately to the ones we love, in our little beds? So universal mothers and authoritarian fathers help allay and soothe our deepest, most terrible fears — our primal, existential ones. But they do it in different ways.
The authoritarian father says: if you can go out and be supreme, you will be immortal — at least symbolically, maybe even literally. Make America Great! Build a Reich that lasts a thousand years!! But of course to be supreme, to rise above all the other tribes, you must obey your own most violent man, too — he becomes a king. So the authoritarian father produces patriarchy, heirarchy, tribalism, precisely because he is a system, a form, of domination, control, power. All these things — domination, control, power, or their embodiments, money, possessions, sex, wealth — are just ways to deal with those deep, primal fears. But they don’t work very well, do they? No king has died a happy man. Wearing golden masks in temples haven’t saved anyone from turning into dust, have they?
Universal mothers, in contrast, teach us that if we nourish and transform and nurture, we give birth, and in that act of creativity, those terrible primal fears are transformed, too. Our grief becomes love. Our loneliness becomes intimacy. Our sense of being lost becomes laughter and joy at simply witnessing the miracle of life. Our powerlessness becomes our truest power — to see, to hold, to know.
It’s true that all these things come with a terrible price. If universal motherhood turns grief into love, it also turns that love into more grief — when the child grows up, when the day is done, when death comes. And yet that bargain is still a good one. Because in those moments we are engaging in this profound and delicate act of creation, when we are giving birth, when we are nourishing and nurturing, we are overwhelmed with joy, with beauty, with truth, with grace. Death will come, it’s true — and take everything away from us. In the end, it will do it as gently as a brother — not the way we fear, like a reaper. But at least we can now say we have lived.
(Incidentally, all this is why Jordan Peterson’s reading of women is so skewed. For him, the universal mother is a dangerous thing — a force of chaos. Sure, it can be. The spring melts the frozen ice — who can say which way it will thunder down the mountain. Birth, rebirth, creativity — these things are chaos, it’s true. But chaos is not some dark and terrible force — unless all you really want to begin with is an authoritarian father.)
And yet there are many societies in history which have been so patriarchal that the role of the universal mother was played by men — women were excluded even from this form of primal power, which is their own. Shamans and seers and oracles and priests, doctors and healers and psychologists — in many societies, these were always, and only, men. What happened to women who had any form of primal power — who could, for example, through the power of nurturing and nourishment, seem to attract whole societies, like AOC? They were castigated as witches, and burned at stakes, or condemned as heretics, and stoned, or nobody was allowed to marry them, and so on. All ways to limit the primal power of women, really.
In the paragraph above, I used the words “primal power.” To devalue the idea of the universal mother is a subtle, deeply internalized form of misogny. It’s not true that one must be a woman to have the power to nourish and transform and create and renew — nor that women must do any of that, or even should, or should want to, and especially not that they should ever need to. Please don’t make the unsubtle mistake of thinking that I am calling for an authoritarian father — which is what that is. It is simply that this act of being a woman place you in deep and I’d guess fairly profound communion with mysterious and beautiful and subtle and dangerous aspects of being. The pain, the agony, the heartache, of creating something — which is going to die, just like you are. Men will never really have that — not deep down, as a lived trial, in their very souls, the actual feeling of it, the raw undeniable experience of it, which is probably impossible to put into words. But who needs words when you can create life itself? We can pretend men can live all this — but we are just pretending.
Don’t you think it’s funny that we lionize Botticelli and Picasso as great painters — when it’s the women whom they were painting that still give birth every day? What’s worth more, a person — or a painting of one? So why do we say at this juncture in human history that women should deny the primal power of universal motherhood — if, at least, that’s what they want? Do you see what I mean by “subtly internalized misogyny?” Don’t you think it’s a little convenient even bros these days think women should be sexually liberated — but we are not allowed to celebrate or really respect motherhood? Virgins and whores — but no mothers, please. Feminism these days is too often still a bad bargain with patriarchy — women are only liberated in the precise ways which give it pleasure and strengthen it, and that’s hardly a coincidence.
(There are things only men will really experience, too, which are just as hard to put into words. The universal mother birthes — the authoritarian father must tend to her while she does. He must go out and make sure that no one is attacking her, wounding her, he must provide and protect and so on, all the usual masculine things. The man must compete with other men, not to mention time, dust, mortality, and the weather, to do all that — yet he will never know the agony and grace of life-creation. Again, that’s not to say that women don’t do those things, too, that they shouldn’t, or that they can’t. But it is to say that a female is obviously not a male, and we are a little more foolish these days for denying it — because unless we build societies which can take care of both psychologically, emotionally, relationally, we will build unhealthy ones, which are so single-mindedly devoted to turning everyone, male or female, into authoritarian fathers, they even lack, for example, maternity leave.)
You’d be very wrong to think I’m saying one has to therefore be all man or all woman. In fact, I’m saying the very opposite — mature adults are formed from syntheses of these primal powers. Creativity tempered with courage. Empathy infused with perseverance. Wisdom, which is the fusion of knowledge and one’s own ignorance. Strength, which is the gentleness to lift a broken, wounded thing up — not trample it down. Do you see what I mean? For us, personally, the route to growth is discovering the universal mother and the father within us each. It’s difficult enough — but it’s made all the more difficult when we’re told fathers and mothers are not things worth being at all. They are, my friends. They have always existed and always will.
Now. All that brings me back to AOC, you, and me. Why do our societies feel so out of control? So imbalanced? Like they’re collapsing and crumbling before our very eyes? The reason is very simple, in one way. Too many authoritarian fathers — not enough universal mothers. Societies like American and Britain have long histories of empire building, which reflect cultures of authoritarian fatherhood. It’s no surprise that as the world became a little more powerful, and they became a little less powerful — they retreated into a desperate search for authoritarian fathers. Reagan…Bush…Trump. But Theresa May is Britain’s authoritarian father — not it’s mother — sternly commanding it, threatening it with terrible punishment, cracking the whip over it.
The US and UK are collapsing in no small part because the authoritarian father killed the universal mother. The universal mother died. No one was allowed to mourn her, which was bad. No one was allowed to want to be her, which was worse. And everyone was told she didn’t matter, or never existed, and all we should be are authoritarian fathers, cruel, domineering, status-obsessed, controlling — even if we’re women (which is the criticism many minorities make of white feminism, essentially.) These were grave and fatal mistakes of social psychology. Anytime that you see a society’s allowing it’s authoritarian father to kill off its universal mother — look out to sea, my friends. There is a tsunami coming. Things will collapse, because authoritarian fathers cannot nourish a society — only discipline it. It will and must turn on itself.
America killed off all its universal mothers — whether JFK or MLK or Rosa Parks — and ended up left only with an authoritarian father. That last part happened literally, in Trumpism. Now we are turning on ourselves, aren’t we? Who is there to nourish us? The authoritarian father is literally starving the government as punishment. Do you see what I mean now? As predictable as the tides, my friends. Too many authoritarian fathers — and not enough universal mothers: figures who are focused on renewal, on creation, on nurturing, on nourishment. Hence, these societies have grown profoundly malnourished — emotionally, intellectually, psychologically, relationally. Contrast that with, say, Scandinavia, where universal mothers more or less rule the roost — or even Canada, where Justin Trudeau is basically the soothing, gentle universal mother, only in a suit.
But just because your culture only allows you to respect or want or admire authoritarian fathers doesn’t mean your primal need for a universal mother goes away. In fact, like all repressed needs, it only multiplies, grows, careens out of control. Now you’ll do anything to be nourished. You’ll sell your soul to the lowest bidder. lYou’ll lash out at all women, like incels, when you feel deprived. You’ll keep asking daddy to do something he can’t really do very well: you’re malnourished, remember? You need the most nourishing milk of all. But only the universal mother can really give that to you. Daddy can only punish you. That’s what America and Britain keep doing — and it is a big reason they are failing.
Hence, this strange, bizarre dynamic — conservatives being utterly seduced by AOC, unable to resist her, not quite able to understand why, or what to with her. We can all see how magnetically pulled they are to her — and yet it’s hardly sexual, like it is with the many peroxide blondes they keep on subordinate on Faux News, is it? It’s something entirely, weirdly off-kilter, genuinely different. So what is it? It’s that latent, buried need for a universal mother, which no one can escape — ever. Not matter how deeply they try to hide or bury it with macho fantasies of domination and control (which, incidentally, are all cries for the universal mother. What else do you think all these tough guys are really competing for? Nourishment, duh.)
AOC has turned the tables, seduced conservatives with their own most primal, buried desires — not with sex, not by being a pretty trophy, but by offering genuine nourishment, nurturing, dignity, respect, belonging, meaning, purpose. They can’t resist that — nobody can, in fact. And so they are just drawn to her as anyone else. She is the universal mother, beckoning all into her arms. And yet I’d bet even AOC is probably a little shocked at and overwhelmed by the sheer explosive might of her sudden, newfound powers. She’s being born, right now, too.
The lesson? The universal mother is the antidote to the authoritarian father. Think about it. Reflect on it. Remember it. Treat the bizarre and weird contradictions of post-modern gender theory with the skepticism they deserve — my gender is the most important thing in the world, but yours doesn’t matter at all!! Understand it’s just conservatism and patriarchy in disguise, all too often, all over again — a kind of weak liberation to be sexually desired, to be virgins and whores, but not really existentially valued, as mother-creators, spring-bringers, winter-melters.
Patriarchy can tell us that women don’t matter in many ways. Denying their intelligence, their sociality, their sexuality. Are we liberated because we reclaim just one? Of all these ways, to deny motherhood, I think, is the truest form of misogyny of all. And yet it’s still the one we’re the most comfortable with — isn’t it? Being a sexually liberated millennial: cool. Being a mom: uncool, LOL, mom jeans, mom pants, mom hair, mom car, mom, don’t you even know how to Instagram? God!
But God isn’t dead, mom is. That was the real problem of the 20th century, and it’s becoming an even bigger one in the 21st. The devaluation of motherhood — and all that comes with it, which is the murder of the universal mother — is so deeply ingrained into us we still can’t see it, and its catastrophic effects on our societies. Maybe it’s patriarchy’s final frontier.
Umair January 2019
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