#or is this a specific michigan thing ? shes in michigan
gokartkid · 1 year
is it true that when you go to college in america ur family will put out a sign on their front lawn with like where u r going
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I keep remembering that back in the congregation I most recently attended, there is an elder’s wife who is a rockhound for the scientific and aesthetic intrigue, but also believes in crystal healing… which, all things considered, is absolutely fucking bonkers.
#exjw#”I don’t believe in any of the spiritistic stuff but when I rubbed sodalite on my palm when I had a cold it took my sore throat away…#So I looked it up and I guess sodalite helps the throat… so I think crystal healing works on a physical level.”#My sister in christ… that is… that is literally one of the most spiritistic things you could possibly say without getting disfellowshipped#FOR THE LOVE OF GAIA AND CERNUNNOS GET OUT OF THIS CULT AND BE THE TREE HUGGING HIPPIE YOU TRULY ARE#BE FREE#For the record I have no opinion on crystal healing and genuinely do not care if you believe in it#so long as you are also primarily doing tangible things to help yourself and not damaging your health because you only use crystals#I believe that one psychiatric doctor from Michigan who founded an asylum and said that beauty can aid the healing process#and if you surround yourself with beauty and good things; you are creating an environment conducive to healing#I also am more inclined to believe in reflexology so perhaps she was rubbing the specific area of the hand which affects the throat?#And crystals and gemstones can be heavy so holding them in your hand can stimulate your need for deep pressure if you are a sensory seeker#Or if you’re stressed they can be soothing to look at; and reducing stress is good for your physical health#So… technically… crystals can help PROMOTE health under very specific conditions#but idk about anything else#Maybe they do something spiritually?#But I don’t think crystal healing is necessarily all spiritual or all placebo#I think it’s just natural for humans to soothe themselves with rocks#It’s our inner monkey brain coming out and that’s a good thing#Society is too technical these days. Return to monke
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kedreeva · 8 days
Okay so, I don't think I've spoken of the saga here yet but! Gather round. I shall tell you a long story about the bird I just acquired and why she is VERY IMPORTANT.
At the beginning of last fall, I started looking into quail genetics a little more, because I got tired of not being able to sex my Celadon quail by their feathers. Originally I thought I could kill 2 birds (ok maybe more) with 1 stone and order nice jumbo wild type (which MANY places advertised as wild type jumbo) hatching eggs, and this would help me put some size on the Celadons (jumbo) while also making them feather sexable (wild type). Perfect!
But then I come to find out that pretty much all jumbo lines are jumbo BROWNS, as in they all have the sex linked brown (SLB) gene. So, I was a little confused and a LOT annoyed because I wanted to work specifically with the wild type color/pattern. No mutations just straight, plain wild type.
And EVERYWHERE I looked - major production hatcheries, private breeders through websites, Facebook groups, local swaps, craigslist, e v e r y w h e r e -
People ONLY had SLB.
This spring I came across a video showing about the differences between SLB and wild type and I figured if the person who made it can tell, maybe she will have some. So I looked her up (not in a stalker way, her farm name was stamped on the video and took me to the website), and what luck! She was in Michigan! Upper Michigan, so still a hike, but not California, y'know?
So I shot her an email and explained that I was looking for WT and that her site said she bred them and that people could do local pickup. She responded yeah she's totally got a bunch! And I said great, I'm also in Michigan, albeit far away, but I don't mind driving 7+ hours each way, because I really need actual, trusted WT for sure birds for my celadon project, can I come pick them up?
Cue the most frankly bizarre email chain in my short life. As soon as I mentioned that I was going to drive, or perhaps that I had a genetics plan in place, she got super sketchy and started saying how she hadn't really paid as close attention to SLB vs. WT, that it mattered less than she thought it would when she started, that I shouldn't focus on that either, and also that "fawn celadon is practically unheard of" in the hobby and "you should focus on a clean Tibetan because it's hard to find without roux in it) implying that I should concentrate on those things instead. And concluded by telling me if I really want WT, to contact this other person (why happens to be someone I can't stand). It all sounded VERY much like she didn't have wild type males, after all, and had thought I didn't know the difference so it wouldn't actually matter. But, it does. It actually matters a lot to me.
So I messaged back to say, well, I don't want to do any of those things, I specifically want to work with this set of genetics and you said you have them so I shouldn't have to go to anyone else??
And then she went radio silent for a week. I kind of figured I'd called a bluff, and that she was one of dozens of people I'd contacted who'd said they had WT only to find out they had SLB. I get that it's difficult to see the difference, but this particular person was the president of the American Coturnix Breeders Association or whatever (found out it's actually just a club formed by her and her friends a year ago, so not as impressive as it sounds, considering they don't actually DO anything- no putting on shows, no newsletters, no certifications, no public breeder directory, no finished SOP, nada), so I kind of expected she should know what she's talking about, if anyone does.
Eventually, after a week, she responded that she had been judging at a county fair, but she had a few heterozygous males (WT het roux, which is fine) and she could set a hatch for me for more if I wanted to come at the end of the month, but she's in WI now, not MI. I said sure, since where she was in WI was actually closer than where she'd been in the UP, and we arranged date/time.
The day of, my neighbor friend, Jude, comes with me for company/keeping me awake through the 15 hours driving round trip. It's a pleasant enough drive. We arrived at a cutesy little house on the edge of town that looks like anyone's house in a neighborhood, with a spacious lawn. The person meets us and takes me around the side of the house to a 6x6x1.5 or so chicken tractor, where she's got some male coturnix. She pulls the available males for me to look through and... fam, they ALL looked SLB, to me.
Now, she swore to me up and down that they couldn't be anything except WT het for roux, because of the way she is breeding them. But I've put these birds next to my SLB males and if I didn't have my males banded, I would not ever have told the difference between them. I still picked up 4 of them, because I will give it a go- worst case, I can produce plain Roux hens/plain Roux males for use in breeding later, best case they do actually produce WT hens and they just LOOK SLB and I have to figure out what the differences are. I don't want to leave without seeing her hens, which she has told me are all WT (which is why the males HAVE to be het for it), and she takes me back. Now the hens, the hens are easy to see the difference. White bellies first of all, but the chest feathers are also wildly different! The shafts are white, the dot around the shaft is dark, ringed in red, ringed in white. On an SLB, the shafts aren't white, it's just a black dot surrounded in a red feather, and the belly is all red/buff/cream, not white.
This is what an SLB hen looks like:
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So I take a nice long look to memorize the color, and thank her for showing me and meeting, and we head back home.
I do fecals when I get home because all of the males are VERY thin, no meat on them at all, and since she said she'd been feeding Purina (garbage for fowl feeds), I figured that was why, but no- HUGE coccidia loads in all of them. So I treated them and got them on a better feed. They immediately began putting on meat, and they're find now.
The rest of this summer, I have spent going to local bird swaps and inspecting all of the quail I could find, hoping to find one (1) actual wild-type phenotype bird. Hundreds and hundreds of birds, I have pawed through them all, being super obnoxious to the owners I'm sure, holding and inspecting males. I found ONE suspected WT male (and this is a HUGE "suspected," he could very well be SLB with low red expression). I compared him when I got home and I'm doubting myself still, so I don't know if I will ever actually pair him with the SLB hens or if I'll just wait til I have a roux set.
Regardless, it's been a dry season for getting what I want. It's been a dry YEAR. Yesterday was another swap and more hundreds of quail and me pawing through all of them.
My eyes landed upon.... her.
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If you've only lived in an area that has american crows and not ravens, you find yourself wondering if crows are ravens. You see a big crow and you think wow! maybe that is a raven! It could be a crow, but it's seems bigger so maybe it's a raven. But, if you take a trip to a place with ravens, and you see one for the first time, you realize that there is no question, when you see a raven. When you see a raven in person, there's no question and not only is there no question, you wonder how you could ever have thought a crow was a raven. It's laughable, while looking at the raven.
That's how finding this bird felt. I'd been picking up every SLB hen and going maybe this is actually WT? It could be SLB but maybe it's WT? But the second I laid eyes on her in the middle of a pack of SLB with some mixed colors, I knew I was looking at WT hen, and I can't imagine how I ever thought maybe an SLB hen was WT.
Here's a better photo of her chest and belly (she's beat UP from her previous home, the back of her head and most of her rump are plucked clean from males). You can see the white shafts and the white belly.
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And some other pics of her, showing the grey-brown on her side and back- VERY different than the SLB hens
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I can't express how stoked I am about this bird. This is the first time after a LOT of effort and time, that I have felt confident I am holding the bird I want.
She's also the indicator that I have a LOT of work ahead of me.
My end goal is to have birds that look like her, weigh 12-14oz, and lay large, blue eggs. I have birds that lay large, blue eggs, I have birds that weigh 12-14oz live weigh, and now I have at least 1 bird that looks like her, which means I can make more that look like her. The first step is cleaning the color mutations out of the celadon line without losing the celadon eggs. This is going to be a bit of a nightmare, BUT, I have a friend helping me out with getting a few celadons that are either WT or SLB (I'm guessing SLB all things considered) to start the work with. I will work over the winter to get a few more actual WT birds here, and to start crossing out the celadons with the SLB jumbos to clean out the other feather color mutations. Once I'm down to just SLB and celadon for mutations, I can clean the SLB out with the WT and roux lines.
This project will likely take me a good 2 years, maybe 3, to complete and then test breed to ensure I haven't lost the celadon gene and I don't have any hidden recessives lingering about. But just having the fucking materials to do it all on hand now is a huge step forward from where I was when I decided to start the project.
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cerastes · 1 year
I’m glad AC6 has a memorable cast.
Handler “on my mother’s name, this is about a FRIEND not me” Walter, Cinder “names her custom made AC parts after food” Carla (who can get her bitcoin keys stolen in a mission if you take too long), Snail the single most hateable man in the world, Pater who yells “YAY PROMOTION FOR ME!” if you kill his caring superior in front of him, Iguazu the malding Yamcha, Rusty Your Buddy, Michigan who somehow manages to be incredibly military and yet likable by virtue of being a funny G.I. Joe ass dude (who knows EVERYONE under him by name), and the menagerie of usual Armored Core crooks and freaks that inhabit the Arena, and let’s not forget the utterly suspect ALL MIND who keeps saying very concerning shit and sort of acknowledges you’re in ng+ and wants your help in creating an ethically* sourced, community built Nineball. Even the playable character is an identity thief and the world’s okayest lobotomite, who gets attacked specifically for stealing an identity AND for being an okay lobotomite, separately and in different situations.
And here’s where I make a special mention to Ayre, the girl living in your head, who is… A normal ass person for the most part and just sort of hangs out with you and wants to spend time together. There’s also the voices of the legion, but otherwise, she’s just A Person, and even feels bad asking you to do things if she can’t pay you. In the middle of the big corpo war, Ayre is like “Raven, did you know? There’s lore :) I hope that was interesting”. When the voice possessing your hollow bloodless head is the most normal and well adjusted person in the setting, you know you have something good going on.
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historicalbeauties · 4 months
Amy Appelhans Gubser could see the Farallon Islands from her house on clear days, and would always joke with her husband that she could swim there.
5 years ago, the nurse and grandmother who lives in Pacifica started to work on this crazy idea. Gubser sought out open-water swimming mentors for guidance and even got resources through the Marathon Swimming Federation, yet things never lined up until this year.
On May 11, in 17 hours, 3 minutes, she finally made her vision come true and completed the 29.6-mile swim from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Farallon Islands.
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Gubser has been around the ocean since she was 10 years old. She became an ocean lifeguard in high school and college, and also swam at the University of Michigan, yet after graduation didn’t get back into the water for 24 years.
When Gubser finally did return, she was doing more open-water swimming, for instance, swims across Lake Tahoe and Monterey Bay. The woman would always see the Farallon Islands from her house and would dream about one day swimming there.
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The outbound route to the Farallon Islands is known for going against the currents, and only 5 people had previously completed the trek in the inbound direction, from the Farallons to the Golden Gate. According to the Marathon Swimmers Foundation, Gubser is the only one to complete that specific route without a wetsuit. Before her, two men successfully completed the swim in 2014, and there were also 3 recorded failures between 2012 and 2015.
The location is also known for white sharks. “The elephant in the room is white sharks, and they were in the back of my mind at all times during the swim. We didn’t take the shark thing lightly – I had a savvy crew that kept watch for them from a boat and kayak. They were ready to jump into the water to help me if I needed, but we had no shark sightings the whole time,” said Gubser. Fortunately, during the journey, she encountered several seals yet no sharks.
Another obstacle was the water temperature. She had trained to swim in cold water, but the water got as cold as 46 degrees Fahrenheit that day and it was something the woman didn’t expect and wasn’t ready for. A wetsuit probably would have helped here, but no matter the warmth and added buoyancy, she wasn’t wearing it.
“Wetsuits are a great piece of equipment, especially for people that are starting out in open water. But I follow the Marathon Swim Federation rules and the open water swim world rules that, for the last 150 years, have been the same. Which is a swimsuit, a cap, some form of goggles, earplugs and a nose clip,” explained Gubser. “When you wear a wetsuit your skin rubs against the material, and the last thing that I really wanted was for my skin to bleed near a shark island.”
The 55-year-old grandmother of two with a third on the way was very happy about her accomplishment when, no matter all the challenges, including intense fog in the Pacific Ocean all along the way, she finally reached the Farallon Islands at around 8:30 p.m. that night.
“For 17 hours, I had no idea where I was, what was going on. I had a thought bubble around me that only allowed us to see 100 meters in any direction. I went into a meditative state. There were some 30-minute time intervals that passed very quickly. Others seemed like they were 300 hours,” she explained.
“My whole family is so relieved, because I have been talking about this thing for five years, and my husband will be the first to tell you he’s just grateful it’s done,” shared Gubser. “I hope this story inspires somebody to not be challenged by a number [like] their age or their weight. I mean, all of my body got me across that. That’s pretty impressive.”
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absolutelyhugh3s · 1 year
michigan maize | ee73
ethan edwards x reader!
more loosely based song fics!! this one is tennessee orange by megan moroney
thank you guys so so much for all the love and support on forever and ever!!! y’all seriously don’t understand how much it means to me!! i love every single one of you <33
word count: 1.13k (not my gif!)
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“hi munchkin! how are you doing?” my mothers honey-like voice filled my ears as she answered my call.
oh god, i'm really doing this.
“hi mama” i smiled even though she couldn’t see me “im good”
“i've got some news” i said nervously, clenching the comforter of my bed in my fist.
“oh honey is everything alright?” her slight chicago accent peaking through.
“dont worry im doing okay, just please dont tell dad?” i pleaded with my mother.
“y/n did something happen?” she asked worriedly.
“yes mama. he’ll blow a fuse if he found out” my father wasn’t big on me going to the umich. being the coach of msu hockey, he wanted me to go there.
but when i received an amazing scholarship to play lacrosse, i had to take it.
the first thing he told me when i left for school was “don't run off with any of those hockey boys y/n, they are very bad news.”
well, he’s clearly never met ethan.
“i know you raised me to know right from wrong, but god he makes it so hard” i chuckle “he?” my mother questions.
“i met somebody mama, hes brunette, and he's got these big brown eyes, and he opens the door for me everywhere i go!” 
ethan and y/n go on small date’s every wednesday night. its an awkward time for some, but for them, its the only time in their busy schedules that they can be together.
today, their date night was dressing up super fancy (as barbie and ken of course) seeing the barbie movie, and eating at a small diner a few blocks from the movie theater.
ethan had planned out the entire thing and the couple had a blast. once ethan had driven her back to her on campus apartment, she thanked the older boy, kissed him goodbye and began to exit the car.
“WAIT” ethan yelled. he jumped up out of the drivers seat, exiting the car and running around to open his girlfriend’s car door. “ok now you can go” he smiled
the small action made the girl melt like a snowman in summer. the defenseman than sprinted to the main door of her apartment complex, opening that for her as well.
“m’lady” he held out a hand as y/n walked through the door a blushing mess. he than took her hand in his, interlocking their fingers, leading her up to her apartment.
though the action was so little, it made her fall in love with him more and more every day.
“he just makes me so happy! hes like perfectly perfect! god! i've never felt this way mama!” i ramble.
“hun” my mother chuckles. “whats his name?” i then realize i left out the most important part “ethan! ethan edwards! mama you would love him” i smiled.
“but back home id be sinning” the smile fades slightly from my face. “why is that dear?” it seems as though she could hear what was going though my mind.
“mama, hes got me wearing maize and blue for him” i sarcastically laughed. 
“you should come to my game tomorrow” ethan said, running his hands through the ends of the y/h/c girls hair.
“the boys would love to see you, plus i get to have my own little good luck charm in the stands” the boy smiled like a small child at the girl laying on his chest.
“really?” she looked up at the brown haired boy with big doe eyes. “yes really” he grinned.
“here” he moved the smaller girl off of his chest to stand up from his bed.
he rummages through his closet, looking for a specific item of clothing.
suddenly a large yellow piece of fabric is thrown at her “you can even wear my jersey” he smiles.
the girl holds it up a large ‘edwards 73’ stares at her. “you know what e? i think i will”
“oh hes an athlete?” my mom says, surprised.
“yeah hekindasortamaybeplayshockey” i rush out, nervous of what my mother would say.
“im gonna need you to slow down y/n/n” she chuckles
“he plays hockey mama. he had me wearing his jersey at a msu game! of course i want the spartans to win but still! his smile! oh his smile! it makes me forget i look better in green!” i gush about my boyfriend.
“so thats why you didnt want your father to know” my mom teases, clearly finding enjoyment in this entire situation.
“oh please forgive me mama, i like him a lot” i beg “oh i think its a lot more than like sweetheart” my mom says. “what?”
“oh honey you are head over heels for ethan” she laughs “i've known for ten minutes and i can tell” 
“oh god im in love with a wolverine!” i exclaim.
“babygirl its ok! the worlds not gonna end! growing up in chicago i said i would never date a red wings fan, guess what? i married one!” she laughs.
“so you’re not mad?” i asked hesitantly.
“of course not y/n! its my job as your mother to always be supportive of you” i could tell she was smiling though the phone.
i talked with my mother for a while longer about random stuff for about another half hour. “mama i have to go, ethan should be here in a few minutes” i say.
“alright sweetie, invite him home would ya?” my mother asks. “of course mama, i love you” “i love you too sweet girl, bye bye”
i clean things up for about ten minutes when i hear a knock at my apartment door.
“you can come in e!” i shout. “ok!” he shouts back before walking in.
i put the last few dishes in the cabinet when i feel two muscular arms snake around my waist and a face bury into the crook of my neck.
“hi baby” he mumbles, tightening his hold on my waist.
“hi e” i giggled. “guess what i did today” i added.
“hmm climbed mount everest?” “nope” “slayed a dragon?” “nope” “killed someone?” “god no!”
“i told my mom about us” i smiled. ethans parents have known for a few weeks now about us, but he didnt wanna push me to tell mine. he wanted me to be comfortable with doing it myself.
ethan spins me around, his hands steading my hips. “you did?” he smiles.
“i did” i mirror his smile. the much larger boy then pulls me into the tightest hug possible.
“im so proud of you baby” he says, kissing the crown of my head.
“i have a question though” i place my chin on his sternum so im looking up at ethan. “whats up love?”
“what are you doing for spring break?”
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the past is best in the past - Quinn Hughes (CH 2)
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Word Count - 1.8k
Summary - Quinn wants answers, but all Y/N wants is to hope that two weeks ago when Quinn stumbled back into her life it was some type of nightmare and not a reality.
Warnings - I honestly don't know if anything is specifically a trigger. very agusty
Author's Note: Please read Chapter one before you read this and thank you for reading. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Chapter 1
It’s been exactly two weeks, thirteen nights and one day since Quintin Jerome Hughes walked back into her life and every single night since she’s been praying that he stays away. It wasn’t his fault Y/N left the lake, or left Michigan, hell she left the country. She just found herself continuing to run until she felt far enough away that no one could find her. All she wanted to do was to be far away enough from her past that she could forget what happened. But she knew that since he laid eyes on her two weeks ago he was probably blaming himself for not finding her sooner in Vancouver. But what can Y/N say she became a master at hiding, to the point of almost forgetting she was even in the same city as Quinn until she heard him call her by Y/N/N that night. 
Trying to shake her mind from her thoughts, Y/N tried focusing on getting ready for another shift at the bar. She already showered, but now she found herself lost in her own mind again standing in front of her closet. Her mind replaying past memories that brought a chill down her spine and her breath quickened rather than picking out her clothes. Her mind finally being pulled away from her thoughts when she heard her phone ring, frowning her eyebrows she went to her bathroom vanity where she left it to make sure that it wasn’t the bar trying to call her into work early. Immediately she felt her skin get hot, the hairs on her arms stand up in shock, her heart slightly drop to her stomach as if she was a rollercoaster, as she read the contact Jack Hughes on the caller ID, which only meant one thing Quinn told him Y/N was in Vancouver and that’s one step closer to people from back home - Michigan not home, home was Vancouver and has been for years - from finding out where she was, her breath quickening at the thought of having to leave Vann and start over again. The idea made her stomach tighten in nerves as she pressed the green button and held her phone to her ear. 
“Hey J” she squeaks, her eyes flinching closed waiting for the impact of his screams she knew were coming. 
“Y/N?” He sounds relieved that she answered him on the first try, a strong contrast to how she expected he would react when she answered the call. “Why didn’t you tell me?” his voice soft on the phone, it sounded almost weak, sad, the opposite of his normal cheerful light tone. 
“You know why.” simply stating, hoping that he understands her underline meaning at her words without her needing to be blunt. 
“That’s not a good enough reason and you know it. Quinn loved you, no fuck that, Quinn loves you Y/N!” Jack makes sure to put an emphasis on the word love. There it is, the anger she was waiting for, taking a deep breath and sitting on the edge of her small bed suddenly having an overwhelming feeling of needing to sit and giving up on finishing getting ready for work. 
“You know I had to leave, and you know he had to stay.” her voice breaking as the tears threaten to spill from her already tired eyes. 
“I know.” his voice softer than it was a few moments ago. “But I also know you never told me the whole story as to why you left the way you did. And for a long time I respected that but you also never told Quinn and that was fucked up. You didn’t see his face that day after you left…. I've never seen him look like that and I hope I never do again.He deserves to know why you left, the real reason, not some bullshit excuse, and he deserves to know why you hid from him for almost 7 years.” Jack lets out a sigh almost like he's tired of this conversation, or maybe he’s bored, or maybe he knows that the person he was talking to was one of the only people more stubborn than any of the Hughes brothers were, and despite his words she was going to do what she wanted. 
“Jacky?” she asks in a soft voice, almost sounding like she's underwear because she’s focusing so hard on not breaking down. As if she was testing if Jack was even still on the phone since all that could be heard was static for the last few minutes. After another moment of silence she decides whether he was on the phone or not. She couldn’t wait another minute without word vomiting her next question.  “Is he mad at me? What if he hates me?” her voice cracking like glass shattering on a piece of concrete. Softly admitting for the first time in her entire life a confession she has kept close to her chest for years. “I would hate myself if I was him.” Covering her mouth trying to not let Jack hear how upset she truly is at the idea that Quinn might hate her. 
“No Y/N/N. He could never hate you even if he wanted to. I think-” Sighing deeply again into the phone before he continued “I don’t know I’m not him, but I know he doesn’t hate you. And I know you say that you would hate him if the roles were reversed, but I know that’s a lie you're telling yourself to try and protect your heart. Both of you are just… hurt from the past, neither of you really moved on. I don’t know what he’s thinking besides being shocked, but I know he could never hate you Y/N. And I also know that there is no way he could stay away from you now that he knows where you work.” 
“I know” she whispers, finally admitting out loud what she has known since she saw the dark haired curly boy two weeks ago. Quinn Hughes was not going to leave Y/N alone nor disappear again whether she wanted to run or not. By the end of his speech Jack is actually chuckling on the phone. 
“What?” she asks, her voice light for the first time that night. 
“I just wish I could have seen his face seeing you in the bar.” Fully laughing now. Rolling your eyes at Jack’s words. 
“Goodbye Jack.” Y/N waits until she hears Jack bid his goodbye before hanging up and deciding it was time to finish getting ready for her shift. 
The phone with Jack earlier clouded Y/N’s mind whether it was conscious or not. She found herself glancing at the door every few moments, staring at the brunette boy she thought was Quinn a little too hard until he turned around and it was just a stranger. As she tried to push her anxious thoughts down as her stomach twisted in anticipation, Jack’s words from early ringing in her ears. 
There is no way he could stay away from you now that he knows where you work
Stay away from you…
Knows where you work 
It was only a matter of time before he showed up at Y/N’s work. But somehow she still gasped in shock when hours later she turned around and found Quinn sitting in the same bar stool he did two weeks ago. Now finally able to examine his features more than the last time he was sitting in that bar, he had a pretty decent beard on his face, his jaw tight and sharp, the bags under his eyes a little more prominent and darker than all those years ago. He looked older, wiser, he looked like a man and she felt her stomach sink at the realization of how much time has truly passed between them. Quinn turns his head, feeling someone's eyes on him. He has a soft smile on his face when he realizes it’s Y/N’s and she feels her stomach sinking suddenly she feels seventeen again with his gaze on her. Back when life was anything but simple but at least she had Quinn still. 
Y/N doesn’t know if it’s the magnetic pull she has always had when it came to Quinn but she finds herself excusing herself from her coworkers most recent story of her last hinge date fail. Finding herself walking towards the other side where Quinn was sitting neither of them were willing to break eye-contact as if they had a fear that if they did the other would disappear. 
Finally finding herself standing in front of the man who she used to know better than herself. Y/N sucks a breath in as she speaks, “Quinn.” coming out almost like a warning. “What do you want from me?” Her voice sounded annoyed but her eyes showed nothing but a softness for the man in front of her, as if he could never do anything wrong, even if he was showing up uninvited to her place of work. 
“We need to talk.” His words were heavy but his voice sounded unsteady as he stumbled the words out. “Why did you leave? Why are here?” he pleads, bringing his hands to rest on the bar. 
“We can’t talk here.” her voice was lighter than before, almost a whisper as if she didn’t want anyone to hear them, especially her noisy coworkers. 
“I know.” he states as if he was expecting that answer. “I can wait.” 
“It’s barely 9 and I don’t get off till 2 am.” she sheepishly admits, hoping that Quinn can’t notice the light blush forming on her neck. 
“That’s fine. I’ll wait, Y/N. Always.” Nodding at her words.
“You can’t just sit here and not order anything.” leaning in as her teeth started to grind together at Quinn’s actions, forgetting how the oldest boy could always push back. 
“I know. I’ll have ginger ale.” Slightly moving in his seat to grab his credit card out of his wallet. 
“No miller?” she can’t help herself from asking curious about the boy's actions. 
“I wanna be sober when we talk and 2 am is a long time away.” he states. Nodding at his words she swiftly starts his tab and gets him a ginger ale. But unlike Quinn who can’t wait for it to be the end of the night so they can talk, she is hoping time freezes. Because although you can cut the tension in the shitty lite bar with a knife, she knows when they do sit down and talk it will be worse, because she will have to tell the boy she was in love why even though it may have seemed like a selfish thing to leave how she did, all she was trying to do was protect him from herself. Protect him from her own inner demons, her own mind who liked to play tricks on her, because Quinn Hughes has always been destined to do bigger and better things then hold her like he did that night.
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rowanwritestoomuch · 18 days
How to Create Your Own Symbolism
with rowan
gather round children, I want to tell you about symbolism.
The wall isn't always blue, but when it is, what does it mean to you?
I often see young writers (and even some of us veterans) using symbolism in the most banal ways, simply because they believe they have to. The world said 'we think this thing means such and such' and the writer feels confined within that analysis.
But to be blunt, what if we weren't so anal about it?
What if we, the author, got to decide what exactly a certain motif, a certain quirk, a specific flower, a sound, a sensation, meant more than what it does and it meant exactly what we wanted it to?
We do this through research, as all good things are done. Recently when setting up a scene in my current work, I explored the symbology of flowers for my original plan, and I inserted flora that I was familiar with and felt right. Then I realized I live in Michigan and my characters are standing in a field in Georgia. Oh boy, what a mess. So it was that we must find out what exactly blooms in Georgia, in this particular month (being that of early August). I looked for a long while at various photos and descriptions, percipitation charts and spreadsheets about bloom patterns, and when it was that I found several flowers that aesthetically pleased me, I created a bouquet in my mind. I wanted this scene to encompass the characters in the somber beauty around them. But where to begin figuring out what these flowers mean?
We look first into the meanings that other people lend to these things. We ask the florist 'what does it say when I hand someone a frond of grey goldenrod? Is it different from early goldenrod?' and the answer may surprise you with its affirmative yes. We may consult the spiritualists, 'in what context of ritual do you place this flower on the altar of worship?' and we can consider the metaphor of their response in our own character's interactions. We look to the biologist and we say 'how does this flower exist within our world? What are its strengths--- its weaknesses?' and we ask our characters the same thing.
We then look into ourselves. Can this information we have collected be arranged and placed and fed to the reader in a way that describes what I want to portray? Will I remember to continue to weave those threads, that lasting impression, throughout the text? Does it speak to me with the same rich voice that a symbol should?
Bringing all of this together, before I choose the symbols I was going to use in finality, I reflected on my text. Did the appearance of this blossom fit the color language I have used so far? Will it remind the reader of earlier moments, of foreshadowing I have previously set down, of events that have brought our paths into this moment? Will it be jarring, in the revelation of what deeper meaning I have placed upon it? Will that shock be what I desire?
Often I think we don't ask enough questions, or perhaps, we are not guided to which questions should be asked in order to inspire us. Anything placed within a scene can be a symbol. Make it memorable, make it unique. The walls are blue because she is sad, and we see that throughout the entire body of the text, and never do we forget that those walls are closing in, they are weeping, they are longing, they are cold, they are solitude. The breadth of the text remembers that. And perhaps, in your own way, blue can be happiness, it can be light, it can be like the air, or the calm ocean, or the perwinkle opening its petals to dawn. If only you decide.
Always remember, write because it hurts if you don't.
until next time.
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parabiota · 2 months
Kaijuno has possibly been lying about being an astrophysicist for 8 years: a compilation
Abstract: Kaijuno made her initial claim to Tumblr fame in 2016 with the release of a few popular posts. In the 8 years which followed, she has been wearing the title of astrophysicist with pride. I call this title into question on behalf of all Tumblr users. All evidence has been gathered with legal and publicly available information. Posts will be screenshotted, as well as embedded with a link to prove I have sourced them publicly. While I cannot prove anything beyond a doubt, I hope this raises suspicion of her past, current, and future actions. I do not wish any harm on her. I just wish to inform people of her alleged lies since she has been taking emergency donations on her Tumblr blog for years.
1. Introduction Jessica Peck -- whose name is public and has been sourced through Paypal, Cashapp, and Venmo accounts linked to her Tumblr -- of Flint, Michigan (also publicly sourced via posts she made) has been running the blog Kaijuno since August 2014. She has been claiming to be an astrophysicist since at least August 2016, and continues to as of today (7.13.24). It is my firm belief that she is not an astrophysicist, but rather had dropped out of an undergraduate physics program during or after 2017. Additionally, I believe the art she has been posting since 2023 to have been made with AI. While I have not looked into her financial situation, I believe that if she is truly lying about her career and art, it is entirely plausible for her to lie about her finances as well.
2. Methods
2.1 Outside Research With a publicly sourced name and location, I was able to use a variety of public resources at my disposal to track any published papers or accounts on other websites. A quick search through Google Scholar yields no results of anybody named Jessica Peck publishing a paper on astrophysics. I have not searched through other databases -- I don't find it necessary but I do implore others to search if they wish.
The next place to check was Linkedin. A similar search yielded a public Linkedin page attributed to someone of the same name and state:
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This page has seemingly not been updated since 2017, during her undergrad. An important thing to note about Linkedin is that does say she graduated in 2020. However, when you link your university to Linkedin it lists your expected graduation year regardless of whether you've graduated or not. This does not prove graduation, but that she has gone for an undergraduate degree in physics at one point with an estimated graduation year of 2020.
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Everything else comes directly from her Tumblr blog. I'm embedding all screenshots with links, however I anticipate most of them being deleted.
2.2 Direct Quotes Jessica has claimed to have a graduate degree, specifically a Ph.D, on numerous occasions. These have generally been played off as jokes, though I do believe the intention of posting them has been to persuade people that she does have a degree.
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Here she claims shes going back to college (10.30.23):
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But here she claims she has '2 PhDs'(10.30.23). The following two screenshots single-handedly contain the bulk of my evidence.
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NOTE: The usernames and icons have been blocked out, as those people are not involved with this post.
The 'free college because I'm 26' appears to be from Michigan Reconnect, a scholarship program which pays for community college for students over the age of 25 who do not have a college degree. The only way Jessica would be benefiting from this program would be if she never completed her undergraduate degree in 2020. This appears to be the only way you can get free or discounted college tuition exclusively based on age in the state of Michigan. While she could get her tuition paid for her by FAFSA, that is income-based, NOT age-based.
If she is currently attending college and benefiting from this age-based aid program, she cannot possess the multitude of prior degrees she has otherwise attested to. This means that, effectively by her own admission/contradiction, she does not have any sort of degree in astrophysics, but rather used to be a physics student that never completed her degree.
This is all of the information I have collected on her academics. Again, every single part of this has been publicly sourced, and any person would have been able to find all of this information the same exact way that I have.
3. Results // AI Art and General Bitchery This is a collection of art she claims to be her own, and how I visually identified it as AI:
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(This is just Heroforge. Maybe with a filter over it. Anyone familiar with Heroforge knows this.)
I present one final screenshot:
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This doesn't prove anything about her academic, art, or financial state. I am simply including this to show people how she truly feels about those who have given her donations over the past several years.
4. Conclusion I'd like to close this out by saying: no, none of this is definitive proof. I have no desire to dig any deeper than the resources that are publicly available. If you've noticed, I have not stated anything about her financial situation. This is because I haven't seen anything she posted which contradicts her financial state, other than the fact that she has been lying about her other personal details for years. It is my opinion that she did not graduate college, but she does appear to be unemployed at the very least. I'd appreciate it if people formed their own beliefs based upon this post rather than taking my word as complete fact, and do their own research as well.
With that being said -- if you disagree with anything I have posted, by all means let me know. And feel free to add if there is something else I missed. I only ask that you take this post into consideration before you donate her money, as the person you're sending it to might not be who she advertises herself as.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 2 months
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Honey’s Tattoo Tour—
Au Masterlist!!
I was thinking a little bit about Honey, and I was like imagine how sick it would be if she just had all these cute tattoos littered all over her skin!!
So here’s a little tattoo tour for her!!
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For the most part, her tattoos all have important meanings to her, it started as just a little fun and cute thing, but the more she worked with artists in the Vancouver area the more she realized the sort of art behind it!!
A little added piece of information is that Quinn normally has a strong dislike for tattoos, but the look of Honey with tattoos has his knees weak! They are all just so pretty, and a little sexy, that he has no choice but to love them, plus some of them hold such importance in their relationship and he just adores them!
Her first ever tattoo was the lyric “Honey, there is no right way” from Hozier's song ‘Someone New’ that she got in her senior year of high school on the inside of her right arm just a few days before she graduated. The song is a reflection on the complexity of love and the human desire for connection, which at the time was something Honey was just out of reach of. It highlights the need to find a love that brings meaning to one's life and at this specific time in her life, she deeply resonated with wanting to find that one.
She didn't get her second tattoo until her final year of university, during a break with Quinn. The tattoo is a black and white depiction of Sir John Millais' "Ophelia." Being the angst teenager she was, she felt a deep connection with the character Ophelia from William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet". Ophelia's emotional vulnerability and her descent into madness felt very personal to Honey when she was at the ripe age of 16 (dramatic as shit... but she is so me), the character embodies the fear of losing oneself in the face of overwhelming emotions such as love and anger all the while dealing with external pressures. It was definitely an ode to her younger self but also resonated with the 20-year-old version of herself who was trying to navigate the break with the love of her life. aren't we all just a deeply disturbed teenage girl at heart :)  
Her third tattoo happened a few weeks into the summer of 2021, just after her University graduation. She had just gotten back together with Quinn and moved her entire life to Canada to be with him, and now she was beginning to build her media marketing portfolio by taking some shots for a tattoo and piercing shop in downtown Vancouver. The artist she had been doing shoots with and helping to manage their websites offered to do a tattoo for her at a discounted price if she ever wanted. She ended up getting leaves on her hip bones, it was her first really impulsive tattoo and one of the most painful, but she was obsessed with the outcome. They don't hold any significant meaning to her, but they really boosted her confidence and Quinn was absolutely obsessed with them when she surprised him with them, so she really loves them.
Her fourth tattoo was the big piece on her back, she reached out to an artist who specializes in floral and colour tattoos and commissioned a piece that was in homage to paintings her mother made when she was a child. Her mother used to paint these intricate floral pieces to hang up around the house, and eventually, every extended family member in her family had a signature piece in their home. Honey was gifted the one that hung in her grandmother's lake house just after she passed, and she hung it up in hers and Quinn's room at the Michigan Lake house. She got it tattooed on her back a year later (around Warren's first birthday) so she could always have a piece of her grandma and her mother at her at all times!
Her fifth tattoo was one she got during All-Star week a few years after both Hayden and Warren were born. It was the first time they were kid-free in a long while, and while he and the other all-stars were doing media for Bauer and other league activities, the girls went out for the day. One of the other wives suggested getting tattoos. Initially, she got a simple "43" on her sternum, following the trend of other wives and girlfriends getting their partner's numbers. However, she ended up really liking the artist's line work and asked if she could get a full piece done before flying back to Vancouver. The artist had availability the next day and managed to fit Honey into her schedule before the skills competition. She ended up getting a lunar moth just beneath the "43," starting on her sternum and dipping down to span her abdomen. The tattoo was an homage to their first summer as a married couple, a summer where everywhere they seemed to go lunar moths followed them. Quinn finds it incredibly sexy, thinking it makes her boobs look even more perfect (which he didn't know was humanly possible), and he couldn't stop kissing it once it healed.
Her final tattoo was one she got when Maeve was around 3, Hayden was 8, and Warren was 10. It was a collaborative piece by all her kids: Maeve drew the basic shapes of the flowers, Hayden added the details, and Warren contributed the fine lines. This tattoo is a little piece of her babies and their childhood, etched onto her forever. It's probably her favourite piece because it means the most to her.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Jack’s Birthday Edition
this is so short i’m sorry
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, and 8,643 others
yourusername happy our birthday to my soulmate, my ex husband, and most importantly— my other half! we’ve been stuck together like glue since the first day of kindergarten and i don’t know who i would be without you. growing up with you is obviously the best thing to ever happen to you, because you turned out to be a pretty sick ass human being (you’re welcome)!
i remember back in kindergarten when we first found out that we have the same birthday and were so excited because we were so close. we decided that it means we had to be best friends forever! sorry that i later upgraded my best friend to the better model (i’m not sorry)!
in all seriousness, howdy rowdy, i’m so thankful to have you in my life. you made our move to michigan less scary than i thought it would be, and i wouldn’t have survived if not for you. you’ve always been so special to me. i’m so proud of you! i’m so proud of what you did this season, and i’m proud to call you my brother.
part of jacky’s birthday present was some wonderful news, and he has kindly demanded that i share it with everyone! when i am changing my name after mine and trevy’s wedding, i will also be changing my middle name to rowden. it was mom’s idea! she said she loved the idea of twins having the same middle name, and since we do have the same birthday, and i’ve been inducted to the family, i asked her if i could change my middle name. to my delight, she said yes! (he cried when i told him, which made me cry, which made mom cry, which made quinn and luke cry, so the family was really a mess tonight!)
p.s happy birthday to my favorite rookie, wyatt johnson! please score on quinn next season <3
i love you with at least 90% of the atoms in my body❤️ happy birthday!
tagged jackhughes
view all 186 comments
jackhughes i love you, too soulmate❤️ your post won’t be as sentimental! (we didn’t cry!)
yourusername bitch <3
jackhughes yes <3
trevorzegras (yes they did)
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras (nobody asked)
_quinnhughes you choose some amazing pics, sissy
yourusername you should listen to the advice on the last one!
_quinnhughes jack is not a baddie
yourusername it’s our birthday! we’re baddies, you jurassic bitch
_quinnhughes best friend contract!
yourusername birthday clause!
jackhughes @_quinnhughes ✨suck it✨
njdevils we thank you for these jack photos🫡
yourusername anything for my fans <3
_alexturcotte hey um… y/n, our love, WHY WAS I CUT OUT OF THE SEVENTH PHOTO
yourusername you pissed me off last week
yourusername calm down, you big baby
jackhughes fight! fight! fight! fight!
colecaufield @_alexturcotte ✨suck it✨
user33 happy birthday!!!
user18 i always forget sissy is a stars fan
trevorzegras must be nice
jackhughes she doesn’t let us forget
_quinnhughes she doesn’t let me specifically forget
yourusername @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes @_quinnhughes cry. babies.
user09 i cry every time y/n reveals more childhood stories
lhughes_06 i’m offended i wasn’t in the childhood pictures
yourusername in my defense… you were infant so we weren’t cool like that yet
_quinnhughes yeah, moosey, gosh
jackhughes somebody’s self obsessive
lhughes_06 i hate all of you
yourusername those teenage hormones of yours are wildin
lhughes_06 @/yourusername i hate you most
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 don’t talk to your mother that way! it’s mother’s day!
user54 i want what y/n and jack have omg! happy birthday!
john.marino97 what? no photo creds on the first pic? (ps happy birthday hughesy!)
yourusername psa to everyone: johnny m wouldn’t leave jack and i alone one night at the hotel and he stalked us and took the first picture! but i love it, so no harm 0.5 foul!
john.marino97 0.5 foul?
jackhughes @/john.marino97 congrats, man! you got off easy!
john.marino97 thank you?
trevorzegras @/john.marino97 now you’re catching on!
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hugheses · 6 months
love your scholarship 🥸
do you know anything about their school/college days - ie if they liked school/had favourite subjects/took particular classes? if Quinn and Luke declared majors at mich?
also if they’ve ever said what they read? think I read that Jack says he likes to read (sports books maybe?) in his spare time and one in of Ellen’s interviews she talks about reading (to them?) and somewhere else about how she was super involved in their academics
The teacher in me is fascinated!
quinn was enrolled in the school of kinesiology and majoring in sports management.
in 2021 he said
If you weren’t a hockey player, what else might you be doing? — Veronica X. I don’t know, I love golf. I’d probably be golfing a lot. I’d be in school somewhere … I’d be a senior right now so I’d probably be getting my degree in the next couple of weeks. Maybe business or sport management? That’s what I was looking at at Michigan for two years.
luke's intended major was also sports management. he was taking a business management class and fumbled his part on a group project when he signed with the devils. he took a greek sports history class and talked about how he doesn't love school but he likes history here (worth listening to imo) and he also enjoyed history of college athletics. luke actually took an online college class before officially starting at umich
"I'm taking an online chemistry class to get it off my plate. I wake-up and do two hours of that and then I go and work out with [trainer] Brian Gallivan and then I skate and then just chill by the pool and hang out. It's been nice."
here's a snippet from quinn about books
Hughes has become an avid reader to expand his knowledge and make better use of downtime. He recently completed “The Boys in the Boat” historical epic that was made into a movie directed by George Clooney. “I buried it, it’s done,” Hughes proudly stated Tuesday after practice. “I finished it three weeks ago. Great book. Page turner. I’m reading ‘Moneyball’ now.” “Boys in the Boat” is a riveting and true account of how the Depression-era University of Washington junior varsity rowing team stunned the world by overcoming immense odds to capture gold at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Joe Rantz was a driving force for the eight-man crew. A strong rower with an unshakeable disposition sounds a lot like the driven Hughes. “I thought Joe was just a hard worker who did his job and was a quiet guy,” said Hughes. “He appreciated everything that came his way. He pretty much raised himself from the age of 10 and was a very outdoors person.”
he apparently is "reading a book almost weekly to try to improve his brain" and he also was spotted reading Stay Sane in an Insane World: How to Control the Controllables and Thrive
jack likes reading sports books as said here, specifically Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success and Three-Ring Circus: Kobe, Shaq, Phil, and the Crazy Years of the Lakers Dynasty. The Mamba Mentality: How I Play was on his reading list in high school. he also talks about books here
Craig: The other thing that (Williams) said was reading. He said you’re asking for book recs. We’re looking for book recs. We’re big readers. Jack: Yeah, you guys got any? I dunno. (I’m tired of) everything on my phone, social media, things like that — and I never went to college, so you gotta get smarter somehow. Craig: Are you a fiction guy? Are you a self-improvement guy? What do you find yourself gravitating towards? Jack: I read a lot of sports books. “Eleven Rings,” by Phil Jackson. Also, “Greenlights” by Matthew McConaughey. Those are my favorite ones I’ve read recently. It’s important. We’ve got a lot of down time on the road, so it’s good stuff.
as for ellen, she said this in the cammi & aj podcast
So for me, you do things that you enjoy or you- you teach them things that you feel like you can teach them, Right. So it's kind of a slight on me that I wasn't more worldly and wanting to take them to museums. Or maybe like I felt like I had do those things because like, ‘Oh my God, what am I teaching them?’ But you tend to do the things that you - you're trying to find activities. Jimmy was off coaching a lot, I had three young boys that were really close in age. So what do I know? What can I do to pass time and keep them active? It was kicking a soccer ball. It was throwing a ball, it was doing rollerblading, it was passing the puck, it was taking them skating. So for me, those were mommy and me activities, right? And then every once in a while I'd be like, you know, I'd be like, ‘uh, we got to do Kumon, we gotta do like - we gotta read.’ You know, academics was really important to me because I felt like I was so driven the other way that like, I didn’t want to miss out on the other. So for us, it was never this grandiose plan, and I'm sure you guys were the same way. It was more like, ‘be the best at whatever it is you're doing, work your hardest at whatever it is you're doing.’ Working the hardest didn't mean scoring the most goals. It was playing the right way, whatever it is, being a great teammate and working really, really hard and we always felt like the other would come.
other potentially interesting notes, jack was an honor roll student in 8th grade, and quinn agreed he was the best at school when they were younger, so it's funny he's the one who didn't end up going to college. ellen's brother is actually the president of denison university and they have some pretty academic cousins also.
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aliaology · 11 months
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summary: reader finds herself falling for the new jersey devil’s center even if her heart is supposed to lie with the new york rangers.
pairings: jack hughes x fem!reader
warnings: none..? just yn getting sappy as hell bc she fell for jack!! use of ‘daddy’ but not in a sexual way.
lowercase intended.
BASED ON “tennessee orange” by megan moroney
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living in new jersey wasn’t much of a difference than living in new york, at least, not to you. at times it just felt less chaotic, in a way that made you miss the chaotic streets of nyc. but moving to new jersey to become a media manager for the new jersey devils was a pro and a con.
growing up in new york city, meant you and your family were very big rangers fans. your father had seasonal tickets, every year. you went to every game with him that you could.
when your family heard you now worked for the new jersey devils, it felt like hell broke loose. working for the.. enemy? now thats foul play, you just betrayed your home team! but you didn’t regret it.
see, there was this boy. specifically number 86, a center for the new jersey devils. jack hughes. he was cute, scratch that— he was hot. you, like many other girls, fell right at his feet. of course you didn’t out right do so or show that.
but he as well— fell hard for you, maybe even harder.
not only did you work for the ‘enemy’ but now you were fraternizing with one?
you had the day off, sitting at your now shared apartment with your current boyfriend of nine months. you didn’t tell your family about him, he didn’t tell his about you. the media had no idea that the jack hughes had a girlfriend either.
your thumb hovers over the call button. the stool under you creaked as you shifted your weight. you clicked the bright green button.
it rang until it didn’t, “hello?” the sound of your mother’s voice filled the room.
“hi mama.” you spoke gently. “ive got some news for you” you told.
“finally! i havent heard from you in so long sweet girl, please tell me everything!” you could hear her smile from the other end of the phone.
you smile. “just don’t tell daddy, okay? he’ll blow a fuse.” you chuckle.
your fingers tap against the counter as you anxiously listen to her laugh. “okay, sweetie. are you okay?”
“dont worry— im doing okay. listen— i know you raised me to know right from wrong, it aint what you think, promise.” you start.
“honey, you’re kind of scaring me.” your mother nervously chuckles.
“listen, okay? i um— i never thought i’d honestly see this day, seeing how scared i was with my past relationships—“ you cut yourself off with a nervous laugh.
“i met somebody.” you told. you heard a quiet gasp on her end.
“really? honey thats amazing! tell me about him— about your relationship.”
you let out a breath. “hes got blue eyes, the prettiest eyes ive ever seen, mama. hes so good to me too, he always holds the door open, he never makes me cry. there has never been a moment where he’s made me upset.”
“oh honey..” she trailed off, sounding happy.
“im not done, mama. last weekend he took me to michigan, where his family lives. we watched a football game, a college one. his brothers used to go there. he let me wear his cap that has been on his dash forever— mama i swear i fell even more for him under those stadium lights. hes perfect.”
“but..” you trailed off.
“but? there’s a but? honey… whats wrong?” your mother sounded concerned.
“mama, you cannot tell daddy— he’s gonna think its a sin. but mama hes a player on the new jersey devils— but forgive me, i really like him, mom. hell, im learning how to golf for him mama. hes perfect, hes got a smile, mama his smile is killer. ive never seen one like it.”
“honey… you’re dad is right here, listening.” you clamped your mouth shut. just your luck.
“does he make you happy?” you heard your father ask.
“yes he does, daddy. i know hes a devil but god you would love him! i know he aint where we are from, but he feels like home. hes got me doing things ive never done. he makes my stomach burst into butterflies, he makes me blush, he makes me feel loved.” you explained.
“and you know i still want the rangers to win, daddy” you told.
you heard him chuckle. “as long as he makes you happy, sweetheart.”
you grin. you stay on the call for what felt like hours, talking about jack. when you finally end it, you feel arms wrap around your shoulders and your chest. a kiss is pressed to your temple.
“i hope you know how much i love you” jack mumbled, trailing small kisses from your forehead to your cheek and your jaw.
“and just so you know, you look better in new jersey red than new york blue.”
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i #hope this wasnt shit LMAO first time posting on tumblr 😻🤘
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voidvannie · 8 months
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┍                                      ┑
⋆✩⋆ ─── meet kaelyn
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kaelyn’s proflie ─── ⋆✩⋆
୨୧ Full Name ─── Kaelyn Jo-Anne Burrow ୨୧ Nicknames ─── Kae, KJ, Jojo, Little Burrow, Baby B ୨୧ Date of Birth ─── May 11, 2003 ୨୧ Hometown ─── Ames, Iowa ୨୧ Family ─── Joe Burrow ୨୧ Face Claim ─── Sabrina Carpenter
୨୧ Favorite Animal ─── Kittens ୨୧ Favorite Drink ─── Water, Mountain Dew ୨୧ Favorite Food ─── Chicken nuggets ୨୧ Favorite Celebrity ─── Ja'Marr Chase ୨୧ Favorite Movie ─── Legally Blonde ୨୧ Favorite Color ─── Red ୨୧ Favorite Season ─── Winter ୨୧ Favorite Holiday ─── Halloween
୨୧ she's super close with joe despite the seven-year age difference. ୨୧ joe is super proud of all of her hard work and dedication in everything that she does. ୨୧ the entire bangles team buys her merch and listens to her music in the locker room even if they don't admit it to anyone. ୨୧ growing up, she wanted to be famous so bad that she begged her parents to let her audition for acting gigs, and later she started putting out music. ୨୧ she lives on her own out in la, but she has her own bedroom at joe's house in cincinnati for when she visits or just wants to get away for a while. ୨୧ her and olivia are absolute best friends and it warms joe's heart to have two of the most important women in his life being so close to one another. ୨୧ even though her brother plays in the nfl, she's a huge nhl fan, but most specifically she's a jersey devil's fan. ୨୧ her best friend is joey king. ୨୧ she loves anything sweet, but she's a big sucker for donuts. ୨୧ she's not a real blonde but keeps up with dying her hair because she doesn't like her original hair color. ୨୧ she calls joe almost every day but she'll call him more than once when she's really missing her brother. ୨୧ she dated her girl meets world costar, tanner buchanan, in 2016 before the two split in 2018 on mutual terms. ୨୧ during the summer, when she's not on tour, she's spending time at the lake house with the boys, but she leaves early to make sure she sees her brother before their schedules get hectic. ୨୧ she will NOT eat mcdonald's, she's told herself that she can't have it and she's sticking to it. ୨୧ she prefers waffles over pancakes and cupcakes over cake. ୨୧ she's allergic to nuts and makes sure to keep her epipen with her at all times. ୨୧ joe is her emergency contact so the one time in the summer where she accidently eats something with nuts (the boys at the lake house freaking out during) he jumps on the first flight to michigan just to check on her. ୨୧ she doesn't keep in touch with any of her girl meets world co-stars, but she has kept in contact with corey (her closest male friend) and sometimes she's seen commenting on peyton meyers instagram. ୨୧ she hates her middle name and knows she's in trouble when her parents (and even joe) call her by her first and middle name. ୨୧ she has a small butterfly tattoo behind her ear that she got matching with olivia. ୨୧ she has a necklace that was given to her from ja'marr chase for her birthday with a diamond encrusted plaque of her name that she never takes off. ୨୧ to add to the necklace from ja'marr, she had a shorter necklace that has jacks' initials hanging from it that he gave her that she also hardly ever takes off.
୨୧ in 2021, she was on james cordan where she played 'spill your guts' and admitted to having a thing for new jersey devil's player, jack hughes. ୨୧ after the episode aired, everyone on the internet freaked out, making sure to tag the devil's center player in everything. ୨୧ jack was seen commenting on her instagram just a few days after the episode aired. ୨୧ joe, being the overprotective big brother that he is, made sure he did his research on the hockey plater before approving of them. ୨୧ their relationship was confirmed in june of 2021 when he posted pictures of her from a concert he went to while she was on tour with the caption, "my girl❤️". ୨୧ jack's family adores kaelyn, her and luke ending up being the best of friends due to being the same age.
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equallyshaw · 9 months
little lion | Luke hughes au! ↠ all about luke and liona. ↠ au Masterlist! ↠ also not in order, these are random thoughts!
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met in october 2023
they do not officially date until 11/04/2023
split time back and fourth between newark and greenwich village
the type of couple to wake up at sunrise, get a coffee and bagel from the corner truck and walk through central park
luke is for sure the one that runs into pigeons and acting like a fool
only to get kailey to laugh
life's mission of luke is to make kailey happy and laugh at all times
intimate touching instead of kissing in public, always having to hold hands or have a hand on a thigh, of their lower back. especially if they go out at night, luke makes sure they are glued to each other at all times
the most competitive board gamers (monoply- absolute feral and scene it harry potter- she will kill whoever- including luke to win. so will luke.)
kailey got luke into harry potter and made him read the books early on in their relationship
actually, she got him onto reading in general. will read anything now.
luke demands one broadway show a month from kailey, meaning they put on the cast album and she belts out the songs with him.
luke absolutely adores kaileys mom, helen. will constantly ask about her and shamelessly asks for home cooked meals from her.
kailey adores it and whenever he gets homesick, she brings him over to her mom's or invites her to hang out and he's grateful for the relationship
luke does not meet alex until July when she invites him out to Washington dc for a visit
one of their favorite dates is to go to painting or paint pottery
they also like to go to watch movies, because she is a movie fanatic and it's something simple to do
her first game that she goes to is the last home game before christmas break, with a win over detroit
nicknames for kailey: pretty girl, calls her by her middle name 'kai', my romashka - meaning my cammie or chamomile, and my lioness
nicknames for luke: pookie, lukey, my love, darling, and Mashunechka (an generic intimate nickname)
huge fans of ice cream and ice cream dates
huge sweettoothes in general
when summer comes around, kailey visits michigan as much as she can between working her nannying job and working at the local bookstore in georgtown.
once her dad finds out about him, kailey and him go to cape cod
around their 6 month mark, kailey see's something on social media and quickly feels like luke might be cheating on her based on the limited space between the two. she even calls her dad about it, but does not mention specifics.
their song is: say yes to heaven, by lana del ray
just like how people belt out to taylor swift and are obsessed with her? that's them with olivia rodrigo and tate mcrae. no hesitation.
when kailey's in a particular mood or stressed with school, luke will come over to her apartment or she will come to his and jacks and they will have a star wars marathon.
as a fashion major, she feels entitled to update his fashion. as well as jacks, because they both need it.
she researches curly hair routines, and the both of them continuously try new things to find out the perfect routine, for him.
she teaches him russian, dubbed "little lion lessons". she teaches him the basics and simple greetings and conversation words. he surprises her though about six months in when she is having a harder time with her mental health, and gives her a whole ass talk in russian and like she thought that she knew he was the one she wanted to marry. but she REALLY knew he was the one.
luke learns enough russian to have a basic conversation with kailey and alex. alex is pretty stunned to say the least. he goes, "you mean he didn't flunk out of highschool?" in old slavic to which luke didnt understand.
uncle geno is the BIGGEST fan of the two
she tells him before she tells her dad
when pittsburgh visits new jersey, he invites her out to dinner along with luke.
in summer of 2024, she joins the cast of hadestown at the off broadway theater for a limited time run as eurydice, for the month of august. luke comes to her first week of shows before heading to michigan to get some things settled, before pulling quinn, jack and his parents for the finale on the 29th. after a two-day staycation, her and luke head back up to nyc and jersey for the year.
cape cod is their place - they get a offseason house in 2028.
luke and kailey ended up going 4 times during their first summer being together
they have a very important talk one morning over coffee and croissants and just know that that is where they are meant to visit at least once an offseason.
some angsty thoughts:
once she graduates in 2026, she has a hard time figuring out what she wants to do. her dream is to open a boutique clothing store in manhattan somewhere or on the cape or georgetown, but doesn't know short term.
ends up going to Washington for about two months, and it just so happened to be when alex was moving from Washington to new york to get back together with kaileys mom once he retires at the age of 41, a year after kailey graduates, he and her mom decide to give things a go again after some really good years the past few.
but she's in Washington while he is back in michigan, and even though luke is trying his hardest to give her the space she needs and craves, its difficult. he is moody af and at times does NOT train.
kailey calls sent a text over in july, stating she needed a break for a bit and that she would reconnect with him once the season begins.
luke has such a shit show of a summer after that + the beginning of season.
kailey spends july through September in the hamptoms with her parents, after alex helping fulfill her mom's dream. summer in the hamptons. (for longer than a week)
luke gets hella jealous because andrei visits for a week in august before heading back to carolinas. he hates how close the two are now that they are on a break.
OH and he also does not like her bestie chris, and thinks he still is in love with her but we'll get a blurb for that at some point hehe
when kailey returns to nyc with her parents she does not expect to see luke in the city.
he always used to say he hated the city when he was not with her
that the reason he loved the city with her, was because she gave it life and energy. he loved seeing it through her eyes.
she was very shocked to see him and he was stunned too. he didn't expect to see her the first time he headed into the city.
but nico being the swiss princess that he is, has to come up and greet her when she goes to dinner with her parents at Soho house
and then the rest of the group comes up, and alex is NOT happy
he doesn't care for any of them, she whispers in russian "be nice dad."
but he see's luke and relaxes a bit.
he really likes luke and began to feel like maybe they could be the real deal before their break.
but anywho
alex talks some sense into his daughter (calls her a dummy) and literally drops her off at the train station to head down to jersey to talk to him. (will get blurb at some point!)
and she does
and yknow, they get back together and what not.
and ofcourse, not without luke promising that he's gonna marry her one day. even though they had talked about it many times, and their future together- she knew it to be soon.
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hope you all enjoyed!
please like and reblog if you did (:
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floridagirlboy · 4 months
go check out @nevgovhater's marching band headcanons. done with that? ok. good. time for orchestra headcanons.
gov is the conductor. i need not say anything else.
1. ALABAMA — second violin. just strikes me as the type. he doesn't like to sit in the front or back, he prefers middle of the section.
2. ALASKA — double bass. specifically 2nd chair. he has the skill to be principal bassist but he has zero interest in being a section leader.
3. ARIZONA — cello. not sure why. i think they started out as a violinist, decided it wasn't for them, and then switched over to cello. they sit in the second row. 3rd or 4th chair.
4. ARKANSAS — first violin. in the back. got put into this class on accident and just hasn't switched out. used to be a second violin but switched sections later on. his old sectionmates haven't forgiven him.
5. CALIFORNIA — started out playing the viola. could not get along with them (they play around too much for his taste). accidentally broke his shoulder rest and that was the crucible for him switching to cello. he's a cellist.
6. COLORADO — viola, middle of the section. half-asleep at most rehearsals. people outside of the viola section forget he's there. always has an unreasonable amount of pencils on his person, all his section borrows them. only time he is not stoned is at a concert.
7. CONNECTICUT — concertmaster/principal first violinist/first chair. the kind of guy who slowly turns and stares at you after a song during rehearsal if you fucked up a chord really bad. will get onto his sectionmates for not bringing their stuff and say something like "next time i'm just not letting you borrow it" but he always does. he's a provider to his section. he cares about them a lot. same with the rest of the orchestra. just wants everyone to do their best. also he has tiny erasers on him to chuck at florida when he won't pay attention.
8. DELAWARE — second violinist, second chair. not sure why. just is.
9. FLORIDA — ...principal violist. he is the bane of gov's existence. main guy who drove california out of the viola section by being too silly but keeps begging him to come back. he has referred to this incident as the "viola section divorce", much to california's irritation, but he's started playing into the joke as well. he's a really good player but cannot focus to save his life. takes the most incomprehensible sheet music notes you've ever seen. you can't read half the notes on his sheet music because he wrote over them in the process of marking it. really good teacher to his section outside of the joking around way too much.
10. GEORGIA — second viola, has been florida's stand partner throughout all of orchestra. one of three people who can decipher florida's music (the other two being florida and louisiana; louisiana isn't even in their section, but florida taught him viola for funsies). dozes off immediately after rehearsal ends, but not during it.
11. HAWAI'I — first violin, second chair. chats with delaware sometimes since they sit next to each other. the only person she trusts to borrow her tuner, rosin, or cloth is alaska (and, lately, rhode island).
12. IDAHO — second violin.
13. ILLINOIS — first violin. i think he plays cello at home though.
14. INDIANA — cello.
15. IOWA — ..cello. maybe.
16. KANSAS — second violin or cello.
17. KENTUCKY — second violin or viola.
18. LOUISIANA — viola, second chair. florida's stand partner. he holds onto everything except the sheet music (which is surprisingly the only thing florida does not lose). actually joined orchestra because florida kept pestering him to. he got really good really quick because he has prior music experience.
19. MAINE — back of the bass section.
20. MARYLAND — clarinet
21. MASSACHUSETTS — first violin.
22. MICHIGAN — second violin.
23. MINNESOTA — first violin.
24. MISSISSIPPI — viola or second violin.
25. MISSOURI — viola.
26. MONTANA — second violin.
27. NEBRASKA — cello.
28. NEVADA — cello or first violin.
29. NEW HAMPSHIRE — cello.
30. NEW JERSEY — second violin.
31. NEW MEXICO — viola.
32. NEW YORK — cellist. wishes he was a violinist or violist sometimes but you'd have to waterboard that information out of him because he makes fun of the upper strings all the time.
33. NORTH CAROLINA — second violin. used to be a viola but switched over because his brother kept pissing him off.
34. NORTH DAKOTA — first violin. also switched sections to escape his sibling (former second violinist).
35. OHIO — viola.
36. OKLAHOMA — viola.
37. OREGON — first violin.
38. PENNSYLVANIA — first violin.
39. RHODE ISLAND — principal bassist. first chair because alaska doesn't wanna be there. he is so much fucking smaller than his bass that it's outright comedic. he sits on the stool to play and his feet don't even come close to the ground. perfectly capable of carrying his bass strength-wise but the size of it makes it a bitch, so alaska helps him. sometimes hawai'i if alaska is busy.
40. SOUTH CAROLINA — viola.
41. SOUTH DAKOTA — second violin.
42. TENNESSEE — first violin.
43. TEXAS — second violin. picked up the violin and he is not a fan but he's been with it so long he just doesn't know how to switch instruments. wishes he was a cellist. stares longingly at the cello section. he is allergic to shifting.
44. UTAH — first violin.
45. VERMONT — second violin.
46. VIRGINIA — first violin.
47. WASHINGTON — first violin.
48. WEST VIRGINIA — viola.
49. WISCONSIN — first violin.
50. WYOMING — bass.
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