#or like. more neutrality of information. rather than freedom.
soldier-poet-king · 2 months
Anyway fuck it, work emails sent I am logging tf out of GLAM sector optics and politics and donor relations for the weekend tyvm I am a creature who likes research and processing and finnicky metadata not front facing tasks
I'm putting popcorn chicken into a salad with mozz sticks and calling it dinner idgaf
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lc-holy · 4 months
Conférence Masterclass 808 (Translation)
I've taken the liberty of translating the conference that took place last year with the writing director of Miraculous (Sébastien Thibaudeau). It was only made public when someone posted a video of the conference a short while ago.
In this conference, Sébastien Thibaudeau will talk about the creation of Miraculous and his work on the series. He is joined by Chloé Paye, a new scriptwriter working on Miraculous season 6.
Sébastien talks a lot and repeats himself a bit, so the summary can be a bit confusing.
I strongly advise you to go and listen to the video if you understand French. There are a lot of details I'm going to leave out, and Sébastien is very funny.
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Photo belongs to mlbfanfr on twitter.
Please be respectful in comments or tags. If you want to debate on things related to this conference, please make your own post. I apologize if there are any mistakes, I'm French and I'm not fluent in English.
-12 years ago, Sébastien arrived at Zagtoon, a studio that was just starting out and had yet to produce and broadcast any series. The producer (Jérémy Zag) and Sébastien hit it off and decided to start working together. Zag decides to give Sébastien total freedom over his projects. Sébastien then decides to put the spotlight on scriptwriters, because in this profession they are unfortunately poorly paid and never stay on the same projects.
So they produced a cartoon called Kobushi. A little-known series that did rather well, even if it didn't stay on the "Gulli" channel for long. The scriptwriters and producer were happy with the end result, as it was produced in a very short time.
Jeremy Zag then proposed another project, which he thought was quite good, but which he was unable to sell to broadcasters. At the time, the project was called "Ladybug". No one was interested, as the project was aimed more at an adult audience than a children's audience. Sébastien had to make sure that the project could be broadcast on Disney and TF1.
There was only a "trailer" also called "Ladybug" (but you'll find the video under the title Ladybug PV) animated by Toei animation. At the time, Sébastien had not yet been hired by Zagtoon. It was Jérémy Zag who convinced Toei animation to work with them (no mean feat, since Toei animation doesn't work with anyone).
So Sébastien started working with Thomas Astruc (the man who wrote and created the "Ladybug" project). At first, he didn't want to work on this project because he found it complicated. Thomas wanted to make a series for adults, but at the time, it was very complicated to make a cartoon for adults. What's more, they didn't have enough money to take on such a project. Sébastien finally agreed, but there were some changes to be made, which Thomas accepted.
-What Sébastien appreciated most in this project was the romantic comedy, the love square between the two main characters.
To meet the requirements of the cartoon industry, "Ladybug" had to be set in a neutral universe, in other words, in an imaginary country or the USA, but Zag, who loves Paris, declared that the cartoon had to be set in Paris.
In the end, Thomas Astruc's entire project was discarded, leaving only the love story between the two heroes and the city of Paris, where the story was to take place.
-Sébastien explains how he writes Marinette's first dialogues: He says he talks a lot in real life, so he writes Marinette like him. She says out loud whatever she's thinking.
For Chat noir, he makes him tell his father's jokes. Something TF1 doesn't accept. The TV channel went so far as to refuse to validate the Bible (a collection of information on the series and episodes) until it had removed the sentence: “Chat noir makes jokes”. Sebastien has therefore removed the sentence, but will continue to make Chat noir tell jokes.
-The writing director's job is to get the producer, creator and broadcaster to agree. The series broadcast on TF1 and Disney are very different. TF1 wants series whose story can be told in a single episode, unlike Disney, which wants series whose story spans several episodes.
Sébastien and TF1 agree that Miraculous will be a series with one story per episode, a "Formula Show".
He cites the example of Dora the Explorer episodes, where every episode is the same: Dora goes on an adventure from point A to point B, she has to find 3 clues, then she meets Swiper, she sings a song to make Swiper go away, she uses the talking map to get from one place to another, then Dora manages to get to point B and the episode ends.
This episode format is used for children, to give them a reassuring framework, as they build themselves up through repetition. That's why series like Dora work so well with young children.
So Sebastien sold the Miraculous series to broadcasters as a formula show. A person gets angry, is akumatized, then marinette transforms into Ladybug then frees the person from the akumatization and… The End.
It's also for this reason that Marinette tries to confess her love for Adrien in every episode, but is unable to do so.
But he tried to go against what he had planned with TF1, by slipping little extra stories into certain episodes. Audiences were receptive to these slightly hidden stories. The TV channel even asked Sébastien if there really were hidden things in the series, but he denied everything. Thanks to the positive reception from the public, TF1 agreed to develop the characters of Marinette and Adrien and flesh out the universe a little more.
-Once the bible is written, they have to write a script. But first Sébastien, as writing director, needs to know the mood of the series, and to do this he calls on Thomas Astruc, the series creator. Thomas is a great fan of classical painting. A single painting can tell a complex scene with lots of detail. He wants the episodes of miraculous to be like these paintings, there will be very few shots, but in a single shot a lot will happen.
-Sébastien explains that one of the things Thomas wanted to convey in the series was emotion. They didn't want to do what a lot of children's cartoons do, which is to beat the bad guys and win at the end of the episode. They wanted to tell kids that it's normal to have negative emotions. We can also become better people, learn from our mistakes and so on. It also reassures TV channels by setting up scenes that are repeated in every episode: people get angry, people akumatize then people deakumatize, end of episode...
Once the TV channels had been reassured, they set about writing a script.
-Sébastien asks Thomas to write the ending, as they're not sure the series will work. They also wondered what the aim of the series was, and what they wanted to say to the children. The two of them sat down in an office and wrote the ending, which turned out to be just the end of an arc. He even adds that now that they've written a lot more, it's important for them to write in advance so that everything is clear to them.
-The first season was written by 19 authors, from home. He found it interesting that the series was written by several different authors, even if some of them didn't quite understand the premise of the series. One episode that Sébastien particularly appreciated was written by two “autrices” (I think it's weird to say “two female authors”, so I'll use the French word): the refletkta episode, with the story of Juleka who couldn't get into the photos. (Note that all the episodes were proofread by Sébastien and Thomas).
After that, they kept a few people on to work together on the scripts for subsequent seasons.
Sébastien explains that he keeps a close eye on the production of the episodes, to make sure that everything that goes into the picture is as faithful as possible to what they've written in the script.
-The kwamis exist thanks to Toei, who wanted funny little animals to sell plush toys. So the scriptwriters had to find a way to integrate kwamis into the story.
-(Again, Sébastien advises people to check out the Kobushi series if they can still watch it somewhere, or ask the leaker who leaked the whole of season 5 to give them the episodes (that's a joke, of course)).
-Sébastien talks about the Ikari gozen episode, which could have been a total failure because the storyboarder didn't fully understand the scenario. Sébastien asks Zag to redo the storyboard, which will add 10 weeks to the episode's deadline. The storyboarder admits that he's always done storyboards mechanically, without worrying whether the episode is good or not, whether the jokes are funny or not. Eventually, the episode was redone by the same storyboarder, resulting in the episode we all know today.
- They still have a lot to tell with Miraculous, to the point where they're wondering if they'll have enough seasons to tell everything they want to tell. Sebastien says there will be a season 6 and 7, and probably a season 8 and 9.
- Chloé Paye met Sébastien when she was looking for an internship. She had never worked in animation, and knew nothing about Miraculous. She tells us how the scriptwriting team works. Each time, all the scriptwriters in the room have to be convinced of the script. They can sometimes spend hours on details to get everyone to agree.
- The driving force behind the series is that there must always be a secret between Marinette and Adrien. The lovesquare can never be broken, otherwise there's no series. Sébastien knows that some people are worried about this. Will they continue the lovesquare for another 4 seasons or more? How will they evolve? Sébastien says not to worry, they know where they want to go.
-It takes them 14 to 16 months to produce an episode, but it's often much longer due to unforeseen circumstances. And they don't work on one episode at a time, but on several at the same time. One episode takes a long time because of the 3D animation.
One of the things that's complicated with Miraculous 3d animation is that they can only display 3 characters at a time on screen, whereas the series requires them to display many more characters. It's also very difficult to correct animation errors, as this takes a lot of time.
-The TV networks were very surprised by the success of miraculous. They didn't think adults and children alike would watch the series. The TV channels were a little confused because they usually make series for a specific age group, but since miraculous had people of all ages watching, they weren't sure what to do.
- Sébastien says he's very happy that miraculous inspires a lot of people to create things, like writing fanfiction, however he's not interested in it because he doesn't want to be influenced by certain fans who would love to see certain things in the series.
- Writing direction also means paying attention to how the characters speak. They all have their own way of speaking. For example, Adrien will never say "j’te parle", but rather "Je te parle".
- During the writing process, the writers sometimes act out scenes to make the dialogue more natural. This is what happened with the episode "Gang of secrets". They felt that, with the success of the show and the pressure it was generating, they needed to write something to relieve their stress. So they wrote about Marinette and the enormous pressure she was under to keep all her secrets. The final scene, in which Marinette tells Alya that she's Ladybug, came naturally when they performed it together.
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
Solomon, Nightbringer, and the Fight Over Humanity
(Not in that order)
So, we have plenty of things to discuss about Nightbringer.
It would be way too much to tackle it all in one post, so here we're going to focus on Lesson 9/10-A -- which provided an interesting insight on Solomon, angels and demons, and Nightbringer.
(We will, however, also be bringing up information in Lesson 11 normal mode as well, so, spoilers ahead!)
Let's start with Solomon, and his self-assigned role as a so-called protector of the human world.
Solomon, of course, is the sole human of the cast apart from MC. He is called the "Witty Sorcerer", as well as referred to as Solomon the Wise, and he's also known as the most powerful sorcerer ever to have lived. He received his Ring of Wisdom from Michael, and has pacts with 72 demons. In other words, he has ties to both realms, obtained power from both, and thus became the most powerful human magically ever to exist -- at least until MC came along. This is why he represented the human world when all the chaos was happening in Season 2, and why he is the representative for humanity now.
So, as the one who represents humans, in Lesson 9-A, he is asked to choose: Diavolo or Simeon? Demons or angels? Which road should humans follow? Protection or happiness?
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In 10-A, he responds by calling it an "impossible choice." So he chooses neither.
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This gives us a lot of context as to what he meant by "protector of the human world" -- someone who is trying to keep out those influencing forces. He wants the human world to be seen not as something "between" the two other realms, but as something capable of standing on its own and making its own choices. Rather than being something to be fought over between demons and angels, which have always been vastly more powerful than humans, but he wants humanity to be respected as its own neutral third party which should be left alone. Humans should be free to determine their own fates, not members of these other two realms.
(Interestingly, on a side note -- the line "I just want to be free, that's all" sounds a lot like something Thirteen would say! Perhaps that's one reason why, despite her frustrations with him and constant efforts to obtain his soul, she actually seems to understand him and be sort of close with him?)
Now, of course, this is a fake scenario, and Diavolo and Simeon themselves were not actually personally fighting over humanity this way. As he said, the place is "definitely strange" and, as he says soon after, is just a test of his convictions. Still, it effectively gets to the heart of what demons and angels have fought over since forever: control of humanity. Sure, Diavolo wants to establish peace and respect between the realms -- but outside of him, it gets at the heart of the bigger picture of the historical conflicts between the Devildom and Celestial Realm.
And that, then, brings us to Nightbringer, the character, and what their goals may be.
Solomon mentions that him wanting to be free is part of the agreement with 'him' -- and given the character he speaks to right after this scene is Nightbringer, we can assume that's probably who he's referring to. What exactly that agreement entails remains to be seen, but in their conversation we see that Nightbringer had wanted Solomon to choose a side.
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Nightbringer also brings up MC, wondering if our involvement will affect Solomon's convictions, but Solomon insists that MC would make the same choice.
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Nightbringer pushes the question, however, questioning whether Solomon can truly know how MC feels or what MC will do. It's no wonder then that in Lesson 11 Solomon tries to make MC promise that in the worst case scenario, MC would side with humanity. Whatever Solomon's agreement with Nightbringer is, it seems that it not only has to do with his freedom but humanity as a whole.
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Which of course brings us to the big question: Who is Nightbringer?
All things so far have been pointing to Barbatos -- we see him in the opening animation and the prologue animation. We know Nightbringer has control over time, which has always been Barbatos' wheelhouse. Lesson 11 further seems to imply this, as we have an interesting link in conversations. In Lesson 10-A, Solomon says that Nightbringer "made him who he is today".
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In Lesson 11, we learn a bit more about Solomon and Barbatos' relationship thanks to Thirteen. She mentions that Barbatos is the one who brought Solomon to the Reaper's Cave, and more importantly to the Fountain of Knowledge within the cave. That was also when Barbatos tells Solomon he is the "Witty Sorcerer". Thirteen also says before this that she blames Barbatos for how Solomon is the way he is because he let Solomon experience "anything he wanted".
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This actually tracks with conversations all the way back in Season 3. We know that when Barbatos first met Solomon, the latter was on the verge of death after summoning Barbatos without a pact. We also know that Solomon was not known as Solomon the Wise/the Witty Sorcerer yet, but Barbatos knew he would be in the future.
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(Wow, Solmare actually being consistent on something for once? Amazing.)
With all of that information, we can easily see Barbatos "being who made Solomon who he is today", and thus being Nightbringer. What version of Barbatos though, we have no idea, because it certainly isn't the Barbatos we are familiar with. But considering time travel shenanigans, as well as the fact that Barbatos seems to even have power over alternate universes, there are just too many possibilities to even begin to guess.
Now, before Lesson 11 we actually were ready to post our theory that Nightbringer could possibly be Michael. Why?
Solomon makes a mention that Nightbringer "sounds like a demon" with the threat, which is a weird thing to say to a demon
We've heard characters mention that Lucifer and Michael were both the head angels and similar in many ways, but also were in a sense opposites. Lucifer, as a Latin name, translates to light-bringer -- so Michael could be the opposite, night-bringer
Michael has previously sent us back from the past, back in Lesson 44, suggesting some degree of power over time -- although with the caveat that MC had come there via a dream, not physically as we have this time
When talking with Adam in NB Lesson 8, he mentions that he heard trumpets before meeting Nightbringer, and trumpets are often associated with angels, though Adam believed it to be a demon
Michael is the one who gave Solomon the Ring of Wisdom, also "making him who he is" in a way. You also have to complete all of Lesson 10 to unlock 10-A, and the last scene we see is Lucifer recognizing the Ring of Light on MC -- an interesting parallel, to say the least, timing-wise
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However, there are plenty of holes in that theory, which Lesson 11 just seemed to amplify.
Us being us, of course, we actually would like to provide a third option for who Nightbringer could be. There just so happens to be another demon that Solomon has a pact with in the Ars Goetia that also has control over time, and is associated with the sounds of trumpets... :)
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Of course, we don't actually expect the game to have suddenly put Purson in as another character in the game, but it's a fun idea. After all, Nightbringer could potentially be someone else entirely and Barbatos is just a red herring!
We'll just have to wait and see for now, and we still have hard mode to finish getting through too, but damn are we ravenous for more Nightbringer content.
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lazulirus · 2 years
True Nature
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• Sometimes, after living among demons for months, laughing and crying with them, it’s easy to forget about they true, violent nature.
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• Pairing: Lucifer x reader (gender neutral) (established relationship) • Genre:  angst • Word Count: 2.3k • Warnings: demon tries to eat reader, description of physical assault (demon reciving), beating up (demon receiving), possessive Lucifer, yandere Lucifer (a bit?) • Note: Sometimes I like soft Lucifer, sometimes I like unhinged demon he supposed to be.
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The nights in Devildom had some type of charm to them. The darkness in its strongest state was not so scary in the city, where shops' lights, neons and shining decorations make it all seem like the human world. You never had a chance to see it all up close, to check that small shop with a cute bear on the corner or go into the bar that let out such delicious aroma. No matter who you went out with, one of the brothers always dragged you away to the places they liked or wanted to visit. Normally, you didn't mind, after all, all those places were new and fun to you, but sometimes you missed the freedom. 
You knew what you were doing would be met with consequences, the image of mad Lucifer already appearing in your mind, but could anyone be blamed for craving freedom? And it wasn't like only you sneaked out of the house! The rest of the brothers did that all the time… and it wasn't like you were in more danger than them! Excluding Lucifer's punishment, nothing else was a danger to you - no matter how many times they warn you of other demons, no one attacked you during the whole year. You grew to be bold, a bit reckless living in the safety and protection of the seven brothers, even though you wouldn't admit that to yourself. 
The consequences and punishments would be dealt with when you meet them, at that moment they were long forgotten as you enjoyed street food and window-shopping. 
"Isn’t that the human that lives with the Seven Rulers?" 
"I guess? I didn't see any of them around here, though."
"Do you think Mr Asmodeus is with them today?!" The two other demons shush the overexcited friend. 
You aren't oblivious to the conversation, but it quickly vanishes in the buzz of many others. Were you that noticeable? It was rather unnerving, but as long as you were in the main street, nothing bad should happen… but as you chew on the food, the nervousness starts to appear, nibbling at your confidence. Maybe you should at least inform one of the brothers where were you? For example, Beelzebub, Leviathan or Asmodeus were relatively easy-going, so they wouldn't ruin your fun. 
Ringing spooks you out of your thoughts. At first, you were happy, an easy solution to your worries, you'll just tell whoever is calling where you are - till you see Lucifer's name on the screen. Great. 
"Could you come to my room for a moment? I know it's late, but I need assistance with documents."
"Um, not really…" 
"Oh? And why is that?" 
The way he says your name so sternly makes you wince. "Where are you?" 
"Before anything, remember that you love me very much, okay? Enough to make me your—" He interrupts you by saying your name again, and you felt like a scolded puppy caught red-handed. "I'm in the town…" There was silence, then a sigh. 
"Where exactly? I'm coming for you immediately."
"Wait! You don't have to! Lucifer, listen, it's my first time without any of you and—" 
"And that's why I need to get you back home. Didn't I tell you how dangerous other demons are? Honestly, I expected more caution from you after being here for so long."
"Stop treating me like a child." Your voice was laced with growing annoyance. "I just want one evening without you all on my head and dragging me whenever you want to go. Is that so much to ask for?" 
"If you wanted to go somewhere, you could just ask." 
"And you would drag me away from stuff I'm interested in, or we would have to go back sooner if your brothers acted out again." The beautiful things behind the glasses lost their appeal, suddenly, everything became so dull when you had to deal with Lucifer's scolding. You knew he cared deeply about you, but why couldn't he trust you? 
"We can continue this conversation when we get back home, now—" 
You wish you had cut him off, said a witty remark or even yelled at him, no matter what consequences it would bring. But you didn't, you couldn't say anything even if you wanted to - the hand of an unknown demon stopping you from even a squeak. You didn't even have a chance to scream, to alarm anyone walking on the main street. In a second, you were already dragged into an alley, pressed into the wall. During your time in the human world, you forgot how it felt to be in such danger, to look right into the eyes of a hungry demon - frozen with fear, you couldn't move. 
The demon made a show out of hanging up with Lucifer right in front of your eyes, and you could only watch in horror as he pockets your D.D.D 
"Aren't I lucky?" His giddy voice makes your stomach turn. "To find this pretty, little soul away from all the brothers." The way his nails dig into your cheek makes you tear up. Why? Why from all the days you were in Devildom, when you got lost or separated from brothers for a moment, why today you had to meet a demon? 
"Hey, don't look at me like I'm the villain here." He wipes away your tears with his free hand - repulsing. "Anyone here would do it if they were quick enough." Both of your gazes go back to the main street, and your heart sinks. Some of the pedestrians saw you. You notice the few demons turning their heads towards you as they walk by, a pair by the shop points at you and then giggles. They saw, they all knew - no matter if you could scream or not, no one here would go to save you. For them, you weren't a friend, you weren't even an equal, for many you still were a meal.
You cursed everything - how weak you were, physically and magically, how unlucky you were and most importantly how dumb. It was awful to admit that Lucifer was right, but now, you would accept any punishment, listen to his lectures for hours - you were afraid you won't have a chance to experience that ever again. Such a pitiful end it would be, for the human that got all Seven Lords under their thumb, yet they were killed by a little rascal in a dark alley. Why didn't you tell Lucifer where were you? Why did you have to be so stubborn? 
No matter how many questions you asked, how passionately you blamed yourself, it couldn't stop the demon's teeth from approaching. Sharp canines gleamed in the dim light, reminding you of Beelzebub's smile you'll never see again. The unstable gleam in his eyes reminds you of all the times Satan got mad - now, even that seems like a sweet memory. How you wish you had Mammon here to hug you like he always does when you cry - uncontrollably, shaking and almost unable to breathe. 
You didn't want to die! You didn't! 
But your fate wasn't up to you, it wasn't even up to the demon. It all was in the hands of a man at the exit of the alley, his aura suffocating, paralyzing - your heart stops so suddenly you were unsure if you were still alive. 
"Dude, can't you see—" 
The choked noise that leaves your mouth wasn't human, it was more fitted for a small, caged animal, crazed with fear of death. You don't move when the demon falls to the side, a strong magic aura still hovering in the air. 
You recognised that magic, that aura of authority and black wings that catch the attention of anyone, demanding to focus on their owner. 
"Sam's Bar, the only place I didn't let you go to because it hosts such trash." His voice was void of emotions, and it scared you way more than his disappointment or anger. You don't even have a chance to marvel over how he knew you were heading that way, you had more confusing things to question - why wasn't he looking at you? 
Lucifer completely ignores you and walks past your scared form, not even sparing it a glance, his whole attention focused on the demon trying to get up. Before you can question it, before the demon can beg for mercy, Lucifer delivers a swift kick into his head. You don't let out a sound, unable to comprehend what you were seeing. You just look as the man you love kicks the demon in the stomach again and again, and again - the alley was filled with grunts of pain and frustration. 
"Wha…?" You weren't completely aware you were talking, it was merely a shocked mumble, more to yourself than Lucifer, but in the sudden silence, it was louder than any scream. 
"Didn't you say it yourself?” Lucifer finally looks at you, but your eyes are locked on the bleeding demon; Lucifer scoffs, but continues: “I love you very much, and so, I want to protect you." You slowly shake your head as he goes back to letting out his anger. No. No, it wasn't the man that loved you. Your Lucifer wasn't so violent, he didn't have a smile so wide, mouth slightly open, enough to see his fangs, so unhinged while kicking anyone. His eyes were never so wide open, deranged - now he was more like a wild beast, even something worse that hunts for pleasure. You refused to believe it was your Lucifer, that he was doing that to protect you, the ecstasy on his face told a different story. His shoe shining with blood, the disappointment crossing his face when the demon no longer whines nor begs - it wasn't for you, you refused to believe that.
"Disgusting…" Lucifer mumbles, wiping off the blood with the demon's clothes, treating a living being no better than a doormat. You shouldn't feel sorry for him, he tried to kill you and yet you can't stand behind Lucifer's actions. You can't support Lucifer when he puts his foot on the demon's arm, the noise of cracking bones making you nauseous, him - gleeful. You want to run away, you want to cry as you can't stand to see Lucifer being so calm when he does such unthinkable acts. 
"Lucifer, please…" Your voice was so pitiful, almost unhearable, scared of being the next target of the demon's wrath. "He learnt his lesson, don't—" the last word couldn't go through your throat. Demons threatened to kill you, one actually succeeded but to see someone getting killed, killed for your sake - it was different, way grimy, revolting. 
"Why?" The whines are unbearable as Lucifer's foot puts pressure on the demon's head. It was miserable to look at, but you were too afraid to look away in fear of meeting Lucifer's eyes. "He's getting what he deserves for hurting you, for touching what's mine." Usually, you found comfort in Lucifer's possessiveness - it was cute, constantly reminding you of an act of a spoiled child. He called you ‘mine’ when other brothers tried to steal your attention or time, when he wanted to remind you that he loves you the most of them all - that he adores you, cherishes you, that you were his treasure. 
Now, that word was like the screech of a fork on the plate, it made you wince - there was no adorable fondness in his voice, only sinister ownership.
"Will you listen to me next time?" You nod feverishly, without thinking, afraid to consider what would happen otherwise. The way the corners of his lips raise fills you both with relief and disgust - you knew he liked your obedience, but to cherish it even now? To not see it was born from fear, not love nor respect? 
But his mood sours quickly. Lucifer frowns at your reactions, how you flinch when he offers his hand to you, how your eyes flutter shut as if not wanting to see what comes next. Why? He saved you, didn't he?
"No need to be scared." There was a light chuckle. "You're safe now." Despite his warm tone, you don't move. His smile, which always made your knees weak, now does it again - this time from the knowledge of what hides underneath. 
Lucifer reaches for you, even if your body wants you to run, you could only press yourself into the wall even harder. The embrace was tight, suffocating, with one hand around your waist as he was crooning an unknown song. You loved his voice, how deep and melodic it was, always calm and thus calming you - you looked back with fondness on the rare times he sang to you in this beautiful, soothing tone. Perhaps that was why you were outraged, found the courage to writhe despite having no chance to win, to cry despite knowing even tears won't shake his resolve - how dare he destroy a memory so sweet? Tain it with this filth, with the smell of blood and fear of death, as his humming was nothing more than a grim, incongruous addition. 
But he doesn't budge, doesn't care for your tears and choked protests, his other hand presses your head into his chest, nails gently scraping your scalp. He only hums the song, softly petting your head as your tears wet his clothes, as your little nails try to dig into his skin. You were only a human, he realized, no wonder you were so scared, and though it was endearing, there was no reason to be afraid of your lover. You didn’t have to worry - Lucifer would always be there to protect you because he truly cared for you, even if sometimes he had to scare you into submission. Although he didn't mean to make you feel like it, your newfound compliance was appreciated. 
You would get over it, you would understand - Lucifer was sure of that, as he always knew the best. After all, he was the first to warn you of demons' true, violent nature.
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copperbadge · 1 year
I'm sure I'm not being original, but surely there is an au where the King and Queen Emeritus court Jes Demos together? Given that the Queen had, uh, gal pals in their shared bed.
I think you're the first to suggest it actually!
(Honestly if I knew how much I'd expand this universe I would possibly not have had Miranda die, but that would have changed the series a lot and it's a trouser leg of time we won't go down.)
I can definitely see an AU where Miranda never got sick, and Michaelis and Miranda retired similar to the time frame in the books but found themselves still a little at loose ends the way Michaelis did in canon. I think Miranda, who could be imperious at times, might have been rather offended that Jes didn't do them the courtesy of notifying the palace they were doing the podcast about the country; she might very well have marched down to the recording studio to give that Deimos a piece of her mind not because she didn't like the podcast but because she felt it would have been polite to inform them.
I think a fight between her and Jes would have been fucking epic ("It's common courtesy!" "Are you attempting to curtail the freedom of the press?" "Are you delusional??" etc) and also extremely hot. And then Miranda would vent to Michaelis, who as a diplomat would attempt to smooth things over by inviting Jes and Lachlan to dinner on neutral ground and negotiating the Pax Podcastrum.
After which Lachlan would undoubtedly be like "it's a good thing you're bi because they both want a turn" which Jes scoffs at but also finds intriguing, and we go from there. It does add some twists and turns since Miranda would probably be the one more overtly interested, and Michaelis might just be like "If you like them, that's enough for me," but take a while to warm up to Jes.
In the canon, and this will pop up at some point, Miranda and Michaelis didn't have an open marriage (not that I thought you implied that, just clarifying generally) -- they had one close, intimate friend who wasn't around very much but basically was their booty call when she visited. I plan to have her show up eventually and be delighted by Jes and the positive change they've made in Michaelis. In this possible AU scenario I can see Michaelis and Miranda discussing the idea of perhaps a more permanent and stable arrangement with Jes. It'd be an interesting story to write, I think. The Emeriti Take A Young Lover. :D (I mean Jes is younger than they are...)
Fascinating to consider what they might tell Gregory and Noah. Not to mention whether the press would eventually get wind of it. I remember listening to one of my regular podcasts and one of the hosts speaking openly, but somewhat suddenly, about her polyamory, and my eyebrows shooting up. Not in judgement, I have no problem with polyamory and a lot of poly friends, it was just unexpected to hear someone being that upfront about it in a public forum that wasn't explicitly about the topic. I suspect the general reaction of the populace would be a) what and b) yeah if I could take any two of those people to bed I would too.
Be especially funny if at first everyone thinks it's an affair but can't figure out which one of them is cheating. Miranda would enjoy herself hugely. "We can finally have a sex scandal after forty years of marriage, my love. Let me at least bask in it for a week or two."
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charliedawn · 3 months
part 8
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It was a surprise when the shuttle landed on a rather beautiful planet surrounded by water and the beach made of thin layers of white sand. It was a strange and unusual sight for a stormtrooper. JR-6025 looked around as she felt the sun gently heat up her skin under her armour…It wasn’t the kind of place she was thinking of. She even smiled as she saw men and women walk alongside the beachside with children laughing and smiling.
…It really wasn’t what she has been expecting.
JR-6025 gazed around the stunning alien coastline with quiet wonder. This idyllic scene was like nothing she had ever experienced during her stringent First Order training. Children playing without a care in the world, families spending leisure time together in the sun—it was a vision of peace and prosperity that stirred unfamiliar feelings within her. What must it be like, to grow up with such freedom and joy ?
Her hesitation must have shown, for General Hux addressed her calmly. "I see this place confuses you, Trooper. But make no mistake—the simplicity you see here hides rot at its core. This system's people grow complacent in their comfortable lives, blind to the true threats lurking just beyond."
He surveyed the beach with a cold eye. "Our spy has roots in this community. With care and discretion, we may move among them unnoticed and extract the knowledge we need. Then this façade will crack, and they will see why true order must be imposed from above."
JR-6025 nodded solemnly, pushing down her lingering doubts. The General knew best—his vision would save worlds like this from themselves. She had a role to play, and would see it through with focus and precision. JR-6025 walked ahead and it seemed all the locals were shocked to see soldiers wearing armour and carrying weapons within their place of peace. As soon as word spread, they all started surrounding the soldiers—children curiously observing them. Some even poked at their armour.
Once in the center of their village, a man approached them and greeted them.
"Greetings, First Order. We didn’t expect you to land on our shores. What can we do for you ?"
JR-6025 stepped forward calmly to address the village elder, despite the crowds of curious onlookers.
"We come in peace, seeking information vital to our efforts against those who would threaten stability across the galaxy. Your system is known to harbor collaborators with the traitorous Rebellion." She kept her voice level yet authoritative, hoping an open display of strength could give way to cooperation. Violence would only breed more rebellion here. "If you value the safety and freedom of your people, elder, help guide us to those who may darken your shores with war. A show of good faith could secure your system's protection under the First Order."
Glancing sidelong at General Hux, she sensed his approval of her diplomatic approach. These people were innocents—there were gentler ways to earn their trust than threats or shows of power. Compassion might unlock the answers they needed most.
The elder smiled and nodded.
"I know who you speak of, but I am in the regret of informing you that they have already left. Two days ago."
JR-6025 considered the elder's words carefully. "I see. And do you happen to know where they were headed when they left ?" She kept her tone neutral yet probing, observing the elder's reactions for any signs of deception. Much could be gleaned from what was said, as well as what remained unspoken.
A glance at General Hux found his keen eyes equally assessing the situation. His strategic mind was no doubt weighing options for ensuring they picked up the rebels' trail once more.
Turning back to the elder, JR-6025 pressed gently, "Any information you could provide to help us continue our pursuit could help secure lasting safety for your village and system. The First Order protects all under its banner—might we count your people among our allies going forward ?"
She waited quietly for the elder's reply, hoping wisdom would guide him toward peace. The elder bowed his head respectfully.
"We are a peaceful tribe, stormtrooper. We do not seek trouble, but our planet has been known to be a safe haven for those who wish to live peacefully. There is no war here. And we are neutral. We cannot aid your quest. I am truly sorry."
JR-6025 glanced back at General Hux, but his face left no trace of what he was thinking. She sighed and looked back at the elder.
"I understand. But, would you consider letting us stay within your tribe for a few days ? Just to rest. And then, we will go."
She hoped that by staying, they might make contact with their spy and collect more information on the whereabouts of the Rebellion.
The elder considered JR-6025's request thoughtfully. After a long moment, he nodded. "Very well. A few days' respite we can provide, so long as your people remain respectful guests. Violence will not be tolerated here."
She bowed her head in gratitude and respect. "You have our word, elder. The First Order seeks only peace and cooperation."
Stepping back, she signaled to General Hux that their temporary lodging request had been granted. His face remained stoically unreadable as always, but she believed this was the wisest approach—rush too forcefully, and their quarry might disappear forever into the stars. Patience and understanding had won them an opening here where force might have alienated these peaceful folks. In the coming days, discreet inquiries among the villagers may yet uncover a new lead. And if not, at least no blood would be shed where it need not.
For now, she would help her squad settle and blend in as inconspicuous guests. Calm waters often hid greater depths, and she had faith their spy's message would come to light in due time.
The village elder guided JR-6025 and her squad to simple yet comfortable lodgings on the edge of the small coastal settlement. She watched the locals move about their daily routines—cooking, cleaning, telling stories or playing music...
General watched the villagers with keen eyes behind an icy facade. But JR-6025 observed subtle signs his frigid countenance belied deeper wells of feeling, stirred by sights few knew he possessed capacity to understand. After the elder took leave, she turned to Hux quietly. "The people seem peaceful, though wary of outsiders as any isolated clan. With courtesy, I believe trust may bloom."
His stern mien cracked the barest hint, approving her diplomacy's fruits thus far. "Well done, trooper. Your insights continue proving...useful." Eyes flared with calculative designs behind cool appreciation.
"Maintain friendly relations while discretely inquiring our spy's whereabouts. With any fortune, villagers may yet prove cooperative without realizing." His smirk hinted darker purposes, should gentler means fail. But she sensed his bloodlust simmered, valuing order through stability over fear-fuelled chaos. Comprehension paved swifter roads to victory than violence alone.
"Consider it done, General." With a respectful nod, she turned to commence inquiries among the Atzerri folk, now mingling around evening fires. Patience and empathy were her tools this eve; through them, answers may surface without bloodshed staining these shores. Her way was not one of threat, but of understanding. And thus far, it bore promising results. With care and discretion, the mission's demands could be met while preserving peace here, for all people deserved security and joy. By dawn's light, she hoped to report their quarry's trail once more illuminated.
JR-6025 made her way through the bustling village center, catching glimpses of the blue-skinned Azterri folk going about peaceful routines as evening fell. Spying a group gathering shellfish along the tideline, she approached respectfully. "Greetings. I see you've had a fruitful gathering. Might I assist, and earn a chance to learn of your village in exchange ?"
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The Azterri eyed her warily but one elder waved a webbed hand. "Your help is welcome, outsider, if conducted in harmony."
She knelt to sort their harvest by size and type, taking care to understand each variety's name and purpose in their aquatic diets. Her companions soon joined. As time passed, the Azterri relaxed into easy company. Their history and culture flowed forth, alongside news of local happenings. Delicately, she inquired after recent visitors—had any outsiders passed through of late ?
One youth perked at this. "Ah, yes ! A most unusual pair, they were—a funny Wookiee and nervous pink Twi'lek. Spoke little our tongue but traded salvage for supplies two sun-cycles past. Said they fled some inland trouble, destined for the Correlian runs."
JR-6025 bowed her head in thanks, softly relaying the intel to Hux via hidden comm. Within moments a subtle signal confirmed his receipt and approval of her handling thus far.
Rising, she smiled at the Azterri. "You've been most gracious hosts. Perhaps another dusk we may share your evening meal and watch the sun embark beneath waves, as friends."
They chattered eagerly at this prospect, and she took leave with a lighter heart. Through compassion, answers emerged where force may have driven all into shadowy silence. Her way would see this mission through to helpful end.
"Wait ! You must wait until tonight ! We will have a celebration of the full moon with shellfish and fire camps and delicious food !" A young Azterri said with a smile. JR-6025 smiled behind her helmet at the Azterri youth's enthusiastic invitation. "A full moon celebration sounds most welcoming. We would be honored to join as honored guests, and experience your culture's rich traditions."
As evening fell and villagers began lighting campfires along the shore, she helped her squad set up a respectful distance away—close enough to mingle, but giving space so the Azterri felt comfortable.
Soon the celebration was in full swing, with music, dancing and mouthwatering seafood delicacies. The Azterri freely shared their bounty and tales of ocean lore, drawing the troopers into easy conversation. JR-6025 noticed even the aloof General seemed momentarily charmed, questioning folk earnestly about aquatic flora and fauna in ways that betrayed a keen, thoughtful mind. Perhaps in such simple pleasures, all found their shared humanity.
As the gigantic orange moon rose majestically from waves, painting the ocean in dreamlike hues, she turned to the Azterri youth. "Thank you for including us in your festival. Your people possess a rich natural wisdom I fear is scarce in much of the galaxy."
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He beamed, offering a chunk of coconut cake. "All beings share this world. Through understanding each other, we walk together in peace."
Looking around at villagers and troops alike enjoying the magical seascape, JR-6025 hoped his words presaged a future where compassion prevailed over fear or hostility between species. For now, in this brief interlude, such a vision felt almost tangible beneath the moon's silvery glow. Pushing such unproductive thoughts aside, she discreetly began making quiet inquiries around the cooking fires. But villagers remained politely evasive, unwilling to endanger supposed "refugees"—or invite trouble to their shores by aiding outsiders.
As sunset painted the ocean ablaze, JR-6025 spotted a lone hooded figure in the surf, skipping colorful stones across the waves. Casually making her way over, she spoke in a friendly tone. "The surf looks especially calm tonight. Care if I join you?" The figure paused, then nodded slightly. A subtle invitation had been extended.
She sat down next to the man and looked up at the stars.
"Beautiful, isn’t it ?" The man followed JR's gaze upward, gazing appreciatively at the myriad stars twinkling against the night's velvet canvas.
"Aye, the view from here is something special," he replied in a soft brogue, skipping another stone across the gentle surf. "Gives a body perspective, you know ? We're but motes against the vastness."
JR-6025 nodded thoughtfully. Living each day rigidly within protocol and orders, she rarely contemplated such philosophical implications. But out here, under the galaxy's wheeling splendor, a strange sense of smallness and possibility seized her. After a beat of contemplative silence, she ventured casually, "It's peaceful here. I can see why some might wish to disappear among the islands." A subtle invitation for her new companion to speak freely.
He skipped another stone before replying just as delicately. "Aye, the folk know how to live quiet and let be. But some burdens can't shake so easy..."
A quiet understanding passed between them then. And in the stars' glimmering mirror, reflections of greater truths began to shine through.
She glanced at the man.
"So…May I ask how you found yourself on this planet ?"
The man tossed another stone,watched it skip thrice before sinking into the inky depths. "A long road brought me here, as such things often do." He turned his hooded face toward JR-6025, eyes glinting mysteriously in the low light.
"I used to crew on a transport, flittin' around the Outer Rim deliverin' goods as needed. Came across all sorts that way—scoundrels, dreamers, folk just tryin' to get by." He smiled wistfully. "And rebels, now and then. Willing to risk it all fightin' for what they believed."
JR-6025 listened raptly. This man had undoubtedly crossed paths with her targets, even if not part of their cause himself. Each nugget shared could unveil greater meaning. Could he be the spy they were looking for ?
"When things started heatin' up," he continued, "more folk took to fightin' or hidin'. So I found a quiet berth to wait it out, help where I'm needed. And these islands call a body to rest, don't they now?"
His eyes held an invitation, and a question. And in the darkness, truths began to emerge from the deep.
She smiled to herself.
"Yes. I found myself thinking that this planet would have been a perfect place for me to settle when the war is over…Maybe, would they accept a lowly stormtrooper like me ? Who knows ?"
The man considered JR's wistful words thoughtfully. "Ah, there's more to you than armor and duty, I'd wager. These folk see the soul, not the suit."
He gazed out across the surf, voice lowering confidentially. "Fact is, a certain band o' rebels I once ferried made mention o' seekin' safe harbor hereaways, once they'd shaken their pursuers. Said the islands' elder folk believe in shelterin' all mankind from the galaxy's storms."
JR-6025 listened intently, carefully schooling her reaction. At last, a tangible lead on her quarry's location—yet this peaceful place must not be disturbed further.
"You've given me much to ponder under the stars," she replied gently. "This life seems far removed from war. Perhaps there is wisdom to find off the beaten path, in time."
She smiled at her new friend, hoping a bond of understanding was forming beneath the surface. And that further truth might emerge, to end this conflict once and for all through compassion instead of force. The deep yet held many reflections, and in darkness hope could begin to shine through.
She then asked.
"Tell me, stranger. What is your name ?"
The man glanced sidelong at JR-6025, shadowed eyes glinting with quiet shrewdness. For a long moment he said nothing, contemplating the possibilities that came with revealing one's name. At last, he spoke softly:
"Finlay. And you, soldier...do stormtroopers take names, or only designations ?"
His tone held no judgment, only gentle curiosity. This woman who had come to their shore bearing arms yet shown him courtesy and care for understanding—there seemed more driving her than mere programming. JR-6025 pondered her response in turn, mulling the implications of crossing this threshold between duty-bound identity and undiscovered self. Something in Finlay's kindly aspect put her at ease, sensing she could trust him with a fragile truth underground for so long.
"JR-6025," she said finally. She turned to Finlay and offered a small smile. "That is the only name I’ve ever known."
Finlay returned her smile warmly. "Then by the stars above, it's fine to make your acquaintance...JR." JR-6025 chuckled at the nickname. And so in dark waters truth began to flow, as two souls found common ground and understanding beneath opposite sides.
"…Tell me, Finlay. You who has met a lot of people in your life. Do you have an opinion on how this war will end ?" She hesitated before adding. "Or who should win in a war such as ours ?"
Finlay weighed JR's question thoughtfully, gazing out at the moonlit surf. After a long moment, he replied in careful measure:
"War's always a mess, no matter the side. Good folks die while villains hide. As for who should win..."
He paused, giving voice to a wisdom forged over years bearing witness.
"I don't claim to know the right or wrong of grand designs. All I see is people—our hopes, fears, little triumphs against the dark. And how we treat each other, on a small scale...that's the deciding battle, in the end."
Turning to JR with gentle empathy, he continued, "That's why I take my rest with island folk who open their arms to all mankind. No questions about who's 'rebel' or 'loyalist' - just livin', lettin' live."
A small, calloused hand found hers beneath the starlight. "There's always hope, as long as compassion lasts in folk like you and I, lass. The rest will follow."
She looked down at his hand on hers and—to her greatest surprise—smiled.
"I think…If the world thought the same as you, then there would be no war. A funny thought coming from me who’s always ever lived in war."
Finlay's eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled in return, giving JR's hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
"Ah, but that's the beauty of it—there's always room for change, in hearts as well as galaxies, when folks join together in common cause. Doesn't matter where you've been. Only where you go from here." Releasing her hand, he tossed another stone, watching it skip and sink into the receding tide with a final plop. His next words were pitched low, just for her ears.
"These rebels you're chasing—if you found them, what would you do ?"
He raised a brow kindly, leaving the question—and the answer's implications—for her alone. But a glimmer of opportunity shone in his eyes, if she was willing to open her own. Beyond duty, a new future might emerge from dark waters, borne on a spirit of understanding between supposed adversaries. The deep yet held reflections that could end this conflict for good.
She laughed. She had never laughed before.
"If I find them…If I find them…" She seemed at a loss for words for a moment as uncertainty took a hold of her heart. She then looked straight at him. "…I would tell them to run."
Finlay's smile only widened at JR's musical laugh, the first flowering of mirth from a soul long held captive.
"Then may the wind be at their backs, lass," he said gently, giving her arm a caress of solidarity. Her eyes looked at him for a long while in silence…
"…You are not just any old man, are you ?" She smiled knowingly.
Finlay's eyes glinted with warm mirth. "Now see, you're catching on quick as anything !"
He gave a theatrical bow, casting back his cloak to reveal the ubiquitous orange flight suit and battered woven belt beneath. "I think you can put two and two together, dear JR."
Rising with a playful twinkle, he swept imaginary dust from his shoulders. "Let's just say when word got around of a certain First Order battalion heading our way, I offered to do a bit of...reconnaissance."
His smile softened as he took her hands once more, thumbs brushing her knuckles in reassurance. "And I'm right glad of it too, for it led me to a soul worth saving. The Force works in strange ways, but somehow I feel this meeting was meant to be." Gently lifting her chin, Finlay—no, Poe Dameron—met her gaze openly, trustingly.
She smiled.
"Very nice disguise by the way. Hologram ?"
Poe threw back his head and laughed heartily at that, a rich, throaty sound that seemed to lift some unseen weight from the air.
"Aren't you the sharp one ! Yes indeed, a simple hologram over the ol' flight suit does wonders for anonymity." His eyes danced with playful mirth. "Seems First Order scanners can recognize my face from here to Tatooine, so a stranger's visage helps in doing a spot of recon up close."
Sobering gently, he gave JR an appraising look. "But it was your own discernment that saw past the surface projection, into what—or who—lay beneath. Not many could have done the same in your boots, JR-6025."
He placed a hand on her armored shoulder, face open and sincere. "That says to me there's a discerning, caring soul growing strong—one more than capable of making her own choices now, free of imposed rules or designations. When Finn told me about you, I knew I simply had to come talk to you and see what he saw for myself."
With that, Poe stepped back amicably. The hologram disguise flickered and vanished, revealing himself in all his patched, lopsided glory, with an outstretched hand and invitation glowing in his eyes.
"What do you say—care to join this lost old smuggler, and see where the night may lead ?"
She hesitated.
"…General Hux would notice my absence. And you should probably run…before they catch you."
Poe merely chuckled at that, shaking his head good-naturedly. "Come now, friend—when have a few buckets of bolts and that powdered peacock Hux ever slowed down a Dameron ?"
He softened, taking JR by the shoulders to meet her apprehensive gaze squarely. "I understand you've reservations—change is daunting, as is leaping blind into the unknown. But you don't have to walk it alone. Follow me. And you will understand that there is MORE than just the First Order out there…"
Poe squeezed her hands in silent understanding, leaving final choice and timing safely in her care. But a spark of rebellious hope glimmered in his eyes, kindling flickers in her own soul with promises of what salvation and community could be.
"I…" She started, but then a voice boomed behind them.
"JR-6025 !"
They both turned around to find General Hux standing there—his brow furrowed and his teeth clenched. He had his pistol raised towards Poe.
"Step away from the Rebel scum."
Poe threw up his hands good-naturedly at the sight of Hux and his blaster. "Now Armitage, is that any way to greet an old friend ?"
"DO NOT CALL ME BY THAT NAME, YOU LOW-LIFE INSECT !" General Hux shouted and Poe flashed him a roguish grin.
"Right. Sorry, general Hugs. My bad…"
Hux's eye twitched ominously, finger tensing on the trigger. But Poe's carefree smile didn't falter as he slowly turned to JR. His eyes, however, held a steadying gravity.
"This is your moment of truth, my friend. But know that whatever path you choose, you'll never walk alone." He gave her hands a final, fleeting squeeze.
Then, with a jaunty salute, Poe pivoted on his heel and took off at a dead sprint down the shore, Hux's shouts and blaster bolts hot on his tail. In the chaos of the chase, a choice was left for one soul—to follow orders as before, or strike out towards her own destiny among the trees.
JR-6025 was left stunned as she then quickly hid a transmitter that Poe had placed into her hand before sprinting away. She then quickly put her helmet back on and looked back at General Hux who was glaring at her.
He then took her arm and seethed.
"Come here…soldier."
He dragged her towards the beach and JR-6025’s eyes widened as she saw that the Azterri folk had all been rounded up. Some were crying while stormtroopers were encircling them with blasters in their hands.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?!" She screamed and attempted to stand up—but general Hux forced her back on her knees and seethed in her ear.
"They LIED. They knew that Poe Dameron was hiding on the island. Now…watch. Watch what happens to TRAITORS."
"General, please !" JR-6025 cried desperately, struggling against his vise-like grip. General Hux then motioned to his storm troopers. They surrounded the refugees holding guns in their hands in a menacing manner.
"Fire," Hux commanded mercilessly and JR-6025’s eyes widened as she screamed. General Hux smiled as bullets were fired at the gathered Azterri. His eyes glimmered in satisfaction as people were being killed. JR-6025 trembled in fear and anger as he watched helplessly as they were being slaughtered. JR-6025 began to tremble. She struggled against Hux’s grip.
"GENERAL ! STOP…" She attempted to look away. General Hux gripped her arm tightly and forced her to watch.
"Look. Look at the consequences of YOUR actions."
The stormtroopers continued to fire their weapons at the gathered Azterri people and JR-6025 continued to struggle against General Hux’s grip, tears began to pour down her face. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to block out the horrible sight, but she was powerless to stop it. She continued to tremble, and General Hux smirked as he continued to force her to watch. She slowly looked up at him with tearful eyes and shivered as she recognised the same twisted satisfaction she had witnessed during the destruction of Hosnian Prime. General Hux continued to smirk as the Azterri were shot and killed. His eyes were blank and lifeless, devoid of any empathy or remorse. He continued to grip JR-6025’s arms, forcing her to watch.
After a few moments, General Hux finally spoke. "They were harboring a known rebel. They were complicit in his crimes, and therefore must be punished."
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She screamed and tried to fight against him.
"Let go ! Please ! Stop ! Make it stop !"
General Hux only clenched JR-6025’s arm harder as he continued to smirk and watch the massacre. He showed no ounce of remorse or mercy as the innocent refugees were shot dead. After a few more moments, the stormtroopers ceased firing. The gathered Azterri had all been killed. The beach was now silent, except for JR-6025’s sobbing breaths.
Once the beach was silent, general Hux released JR-6025 who fell to her knees and let out a gut-wrenching scream. She then glared up at general Hux—her teeth clenched.
"Is that really what the First Order stands for ? Is that what ORDER means to you, general ?!"
General Hux continued to stare back at her as if she were an insect. He did not blink nor move as he remained silent. Finally, he spoke…
"The First Order stands for the restoration of the Empire—a return to the ways of the past. Order, as I see it, is discipline and control—two necessities for success. These Azterri were obstacles to our goals, and therefore had to be eliminated. Their deaths will not hinder the First Order—they were insignificant."
Her breath hitched at his words and she looked at the hundreds of people—all dead. Was that really what they were ? Insignificant ? She raised up onto shaky legs and remained silent for a moment. However, from the corner of her eye she saw a blue blur run past the dunes of sand. She recognised the young Azterri who had invited them to stay for the moon celebration.
She pretended not to see him and sent a silent prayer for the young Azterri to forgive for agreeing to stay…She then looked back at general Hux and forced herself to remain impassive as she clasped her hands behind her back and replied.
"These people harboured no ill-intent—they simply wished to live in peace. Violence will only breed more hostility, not compliance. There are gentler paths to the truth. Do not make enemies of innocents when cooperation could serve us better.” For a long moment they faced off in tense silence, the other soldiers holding aloof as their commanding officers faced off. Then to her surprise, Hux released his hold with a derisive scoff.
"Your naivete borders on sedition, soldier." He accused and JR-6025 held back her rage by digging her nails in the palm of her hand. JR-6025 met Hux's cold glare unflinchingly through her visor, emboldened by new resolve. "I engaged peacefully with the rebel to glean intel that could aid our mission, General." She spoke calmly but firmly, revealing no trace of inner turmoil. "Violence would have compromised my covert effort. Through non-confrontation, I learned of his route and confederates."
Not entirely a lie—Poe had indeed revealed pieces of the greater puzzle in their talk. But she carefully omitted the true epiphany it had sparked in her soul, the glimpse of higher purpose beyond orders and programming.
"The fugitive evaded capture through tricks and gadgets, not due to any lack in my training or effort." She stood taller, projecting steadfast loyalty cloaking burgeoning independence. "I live to serve the First Order and its goals of order through stability. My actions tonight advanced that mission without compromise."
Hux regarded her silently, gleaming eyes probing for any hint of fracture or deception in her posture. At last he snorted derisively. "We shall see, traitor, if your claims hold weight. Return to your quarters—I expect a full report on my datapad by 0600."
He turned on his heel, stormtroopers trailing like feral hounds awaiting command. JR-6025 let out a small unseen breath before looking back at the Azterri young. She then uttered in a whisper:
"Find. Poe. Dameron." She was then brought by force to the shuttle which departed in a whirl of grit and fading engines. For now she had stalled further escalation through steadfast pragmatism and appeal to duty over malice. But the die was cast—there could be no return from the path she now walked towards freer horizons, only movements forward into the glowing dawn. The next day:
JR-6025 strode tall yet wary towards General Hux's private office, Poe's secreted transmitter weighing unseen in a hidden compartment beneath sleek armor. After their charged confrontation, she had spent a restless night drafting her report—omitting certain sensitive details while conveying enough strategic intel to appease Hux without compromising her burgeoning bond with the Resistance.
Now came the true test—would her words alone shield her from the General's penetrating suspicion, or was she courting more hostility in stubbornly clinging to her humanitarian facade ? Only frank yet carefully navigated conversation held hope of maintaining fragile cover. Tapping the access pad, she entered at Hux's beckon, coming to perfect attention. His desk displayed intel readouts, yet steely eyes remained fixed calculatingly upon her.
"General." JR greeted him levelly, revealing nothing.
Hux leaned back with an icy sneer. "You walk a dangerous line, 'trooper, toying with treason yet professing loyalty. Your report speaks of gaining the rebel's trust, yet yields tangible leads...how curious."
His probing gaze sliced like a vibroblade. But she stood resolute. "I believe in serving the Order's goals through steady progress, not inflamed conflict. Cooperation over force is often the surest path."
"Is that so ?" Hux slid her datapad across the desk, bringing up her written account. "Then enlighten me, soldier—fill in what 'strategic details' your report chose to...omit."
She paused only a beat before replying smoothly. "Sir, while the rebel revealed intel regarding fleet movements and outpost locations, betraying further confidences could compromise future intelligence gathering. I believe the information provided already advances our objectives."
Hux eyed her an icy, calculating moment more before throwing back his head and barking a harsh laugh. "You show potential, 'trooper—a deft hand for subterfuge alongside battlefield efficiency. Very well. Your...methods have borne fruit this time."
He rose, gesturing brusquely to the door. "Consider this a warning. Forget about your rebellious inclinations, and serve the Order without question or hesitation. Else the consequences will be...severe. Dismissed."
JR-6025 saluted crisply and departed, keeping emotions locked down until beyond hearing. Only then did she release a small, relieved breath. For now she had maintained a tenuous balance - but how long until her intricate dance on the knife's edge became too perilous to maintain ?
General Hux then added before she left.
"And I won’t be allowing you on diplomatic missions anymore, until you’ve proven yourself to me. You will be demoted to your old position as a shredder. You will be shredding and shredding until you are moulded into the perfect obedient soldier. A few months with Lieutenant Li will make you realise what it means to obey. Dismissed."
JR-6025 let out a harsh breath as she closed the door and leaned against it. She had dodged a bullet—for now. Her encounter with Hux had confirmed her suspicions. But it also left her with no doubt that her path was becoming increasingly precarious. She would need to find a way out of this tangled web before it caught her in its sticky strands and swallowed her whole.
JR-6025 took a deep breath and looked outside at the stars above. She hoped that the Azterri child had succeeded in finding Poe Dameron. She then looked down at the transmitter in her hand and held it against her chest. She held the transmitter close, knowing the danger it represented. She thought about what the next step should be…and what the consequences of this path might be…
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dragonflight203 · 3 months
Mass Effect 2 replay, Freedom’s Progress:
-How did TIM know about Freedom’s Progress?
The timing is very convenient – Shepard just woke up, and Cerberus is hoping to get there before official investigators, looters, or salvage teams.
No proof, but I wouldn’t be surprised if TIM sold out Freedom’s Progress like he does Horizon later on.
-I miss each character having unique lines per environment. It added a lot of flavor.
-On Horizon, we see one of the Collector swarms. The colonists have enough time to panic. You’d think that Freedom’s Progress would show some signs of that panic – a dinner tray tossed across a room, bullet sprays, etc.
-ME2 spends a lot of time downplaying ME1 Cerberus.
Shepard to Tali if you go renegade: I know Cerberus has a bad past, but they’re the only group investigating these missing colonies. The Council has turned its back on humanity. I haven’t.
Cerberus’ history is a bit more than “a bad past”. And Shepard, you only know what TIM has told you so far. How can you be so certain the Council has abandoned humanity?
-Shepard, if you investigate: Your people really don’t like Cerberus. What did I miss?
Hmm. I’ll let this one slide. They’re curious about why the Quarians dislike Cerberus. I’d think being a pro human terrorist organization is enough, but it’s not bad to ask for more information.
I do wish the game would give the full story about what went down between Cerberus and the Quarians. It just dances around it, and that’s irritating. How hard would it be to include a summary as an investigate option?
-Tali’s team disobeys her and rushes ahead.
I can’t recall – does something similar occur on Haestrom? If not, that’s good character development for her.
-Considering Veetor injures and kills several Quarians, the Flotilla forgives him very easily from what we see in Tali’s loyalty mission.
I do wonder how his pilgrimage, or lack thereof, turns out – does he ever finish it?
If not – well, I suppose he lives on Rannoch or dies with the other Quarians.
-I feel I cheated my first boss battle. I somehow got the Ymir mech stuck behind a stack of boxes and finished it off easily.
I’ll take it.
-Veetor says that the Collectors and their swarms are connected to dark energy.
If ME3 had stuck with the dark energy plot, this would have been excellent foreshadowing.
As it is, it feels like a plot thread that’s abandoned.
-If you go neutral when speaking with TIM, he thinks that the Collectors are connected to the Reapers because they became interested in humanity after humans destroyed Sovereign.
This feels like a weak justification. Any species could reasonably be interested in humanity after they defeat a major power like Sovereign. That doesn’t necessarily make them connected to the Reapers. They could just be curious about using humanity for their own ends, or preparing to defend themselves against humanity.
-If you go paragon, TIM says that the Council and the Alliance want to think the threat is dead with Sovereign but he and Shepard know better.
Again, Shepard already knows this is the official line. Shepard’s an officer – do they have no understanding that sometimes you keep knowledge under wraps to prevent panic or for security?
-Once again, if you choose any investigate options the paragon option disappears.
Damn it, learning all I can is not the same as agreeing to work with TIM.
-TIM says that Liara’s working for the Shadow Broker and therefore can’t be trusted.
Rather interesting, since Liara is actually hunting down the Shadow Broker.
Does TIM believe what he’s saying is or is he lying to Shepard so Shepard won’t try to recruit her?
-I saw a post that speculated that Joker and Chakwas joined Cerberus undercover at Hackett’s bequest, because Hackett had heard rumors that Cerberus had Shepard.
For the sake of my sanity, I will be working on that assumption. If Joker genuinely joined Cerberus after all of ME1 – well, that either says something about the writers or Joker’s character.
-Was EDI always planned to be the Luna AI?
If so, that explains why she’s so understanding if Shepard goes renegade when speaking to her. She knows Shepard has a very good reason to distrust her.
-Shepard hasn’t been awake for a day, and Anderson and Hackett both already have work for them.
Seriously, how do they know Shepard is awake? And how are they contacting them – is Shepard using their old email address?
I presume Shepard’s Alliance email was closed after they died; I can understand why Anderson would have Shepard’s personal email, but Hackett?
-Ascension Financial Services rather blatantly ripped Shepard off. “After deducting modest administration fees for closing the file…”
I was at 9,999,999 credits in ME1. In ME2, I have 100,000 credits left. That is beyond “modest administration fees”.
-Oof. Kelly Chambers fell hard for the Cerberus propaganda. Sweet girl, but not the best judgment.
-Edi says some of her databases are sealed, some of her hardware is shutdown. These might be released under the right conditions.
Is this ever revisited? Edi is freed later on, but what are those sealed databases and shutdown hardware?
I don’t think they’re the blocks she mentions if you question her about Cerberus – she’s very clear the blocks prevent her from saying what she knows. So what are the databases and the hardware?
-Jacob’s colder if you speak to him, especially if you go renegade. Not rejecting, but he keeps you at a distance.
Also, he agrees that Cerberus has been justifiably called terrorists. So why the hell is he with them?
Yes, if this succeeds Cerberus will be viewed in a better light, but why does Jacob care about that? Why does Jacob want Cerberus to be viewed better – isn’t he here because he thinks he can do good? So if he thinks Cerberus isn’t currently good, why isn’t he somewhere else?
-Miranda is much warmer to you than she was before. I suppose Freedom’s Progress impressed her.
-Miranda: We try not to get bogged down in bureaucracy or formality.
Girl, those are necessary for accountability. Do you ever wonder why there are so many “rogue cells”? It’s because there’s nothing to keep them in check.
-It’s brought up repeatedly that Shepard is being monitored. By Kelly, by Miranda, by monitoring devices on the ship… TIM makes it very clear that Shepard is being watched.
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bimboficationblues · 2 years
How would you define liberalism?
it's a few different things, because we're talking about both an ideology and a system of governance, but here's the big picture. the key category of liberalism is not freedom, nor is it equality. liberalism has formal versions of both but they're mostly to secure the existence of private property (equality in exchange, freedom to contract).
liberalism's key category is security. that is the common denominator running from Hobbes and Locke to Keynes and Hayek, a fundamental anxiety about the inherent insecurity of class society (or civilization, if you're nasty).
here are some of the things liberalism is.
charitably, it's a worldview and political system based on an idea of endless progress. Adam Smith and J.S. Mill conceptualized it as an eternal twin spire of accumulation - of truth and wealth. its purported values are using the self-interested pursuit of one's personal "Good" as a stabilizing social force; universal equality of moral personhood; consensual governance and the guarantee of certain rights; and efficient allocation of resources through a market system.
uncharitably, it's the organizational principles of global capitalism, the developed descendant of Smith and Ricardo's "science" of political economy. its actual values are security, property, aristocracy, and imperial chauvinism.
structurally, it's a legalistic form of aristocracy ("rule of the best"). instead of informal or arbitrary systems like honor and heredity, liberalism combines positive law (statutes, constitutions, judges) with markets, money, and state authority. this combination creates formalized, predictable results that guarantee the security of property, rather than relying on the arbitrary whims of a handful of egomaniacs who think God appointed them. the possibility for reform is built in to defuse instability. it is the tar pit in which we all reside, because we lack sufficient tools to avoid being ensnared; its dedication to procedural values (like formal equality), and its void of substantive content, means liberalism can consistently absorb parts of other political practices and patterns that would otherwise pose a threat, or force competing worldviews to fight them on liberal terrain.
economically, it's the political order that a nascent capitalism birthed to protect itself, the guarantor of private property. universal naked force for accumulating and hoarding wealth and power is ultimately inefficient because it paradoxically gives the repressed something to unify around hating. impersonal domination - more subtle forms of coercion by market forces, "invisible threads" rather than chains - and personal domination deployed primarily against internal or external enemies (of the nation, of the faith, of the social contract), is a lot more stable in the long term. meanwhile, constant expansion means there will always be new frontiers to exploit. the neutralization of class conflict is the ultimate goal here.
psychologically, it's a deep discomfort with the conflictual character of politics, and with the nature of power. fascists and other reactionaries resent liberalism because they think that wringing the blood out of the weak for the amusement and luxury of a ruling class can be achieved without the need for an impersonal bureaucratic machine [see the conservative-cum-Nazi Carl Schmitt's critique that liberals treat politics like it's a debate parlor]. ironically, this brutish desire to dominate is a lesson that fascists learned within capitalism's absorption and reproduction of preexisting hierarchies and values along the lines of gender, ethnicity, ability, and religion.
in the language of Tumblr, it's an enemies-to-lovers fic between the working class and the owning class.
personally, it's a whole heap of shit.
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jeannereames · 2 years
Good evening, Dr. Reames I wanted to ask you something, a long time ago I read that during the XIX century there was a lot of discussion about the veracity of the figure of Alexander, like: Did he really exist or is he a legendary character? What do you think about it? Thank you very much, I love your work very much.
Did Alexander the Great Actually Exist?
Skepticism about historical figures was part of a larger development in the discipline of history: the critical evaluation of our sources.
“Historiography,” or the history of history. Instead of just taking sources at face value, historians began to interrogate them: who wrote it, when, and what was that person’s perspective?
These are just the most basic questions. As time progressed, historiography became ever more refined. I’ve discussed some of these refinements before in my longer posts here. For instance, the difficulty in untangling imperial Roman tropes/themes overlying anecdotes about Alexander. We work for awareness of layering, narrative context, big-picture themes….
Yet sometimes the pendulum swings too far, at least IMO. Scholarly trends can get out of hand. Shiny new toys (ideas) are fun, but must be woven into the larger scholarly conversation, not suck all the air out of the room. History has fads just like anything else—including undue skepticism. Some things I warn my own students about:
Smoke does not always equal fire. That is, don’t assume the negative report is true over a neutral or positive one; especially the latter can be denigrated as whitewashing. Fact is, people love dirt and lie about or exaggerate bad things just as much as they polish up events or a person’s image.
Things can be exaggerated rather than invented out of whole cloth. Without solid evidence to support pure invention, I’ll tend to assume exaggeration. Layers of “truth” exist. It gets tricky.
Back to historiographic development….
The Enlightenment led to the questioning of much received truth. That’s the era of Darwin, of historical Biblical criticism, Reason over Faith, the birth of archaeology, etc. As part of the critical evaluation of ancient sources, scholars began to doubt the existence of heroes such as Agamemnon, Achilles, Theseus, and events too, such as the Trojan War. In fact, all events in Greek myth/history before 776 BCE—the date of the first Olympics—were regarded as fictional. As archaeology took over Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Levant, and Italy, Greece was fighting for freedom from Ottoman control, archaeology new there—bronze-age Greece yet uncovered.
In any case, as part of the new en vogue skepticism, some scholars questioned not only heroes and myths, but historical figures too, especially those further back in time. Did Solon exist? Cyrus? Croesus? Or even … Jesus? (Radical!)
Proposing Alexander as mythical falls into that same hyper-skeptical period. The fact all our biographies were written so long after he lived made it easier to hypothesize he was a myth!
Yet recall… archaeology was new, epigraphy (study of stone inscriptions) just starting. A lot of information we have now simply didn’t exist at that time.
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Today, trying to argue that Alexander wasn’t real is ridiculous. We have coins minted in his reign, epigraphical evidence from his own day naming him, oodles and oodles of images, archaeological evidence from Macedonia itself, etc. There’s no question Alexander of Macedon existed, and he conquered a hella lot of his known world. The basic outlines of his campaign are documented in hard evidence.
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We can, however, (and should!) question many of the stories and anecdotes about his campaign. Even the outlines of some battles. Two mutually-exclusive versions of the Battle of Granikos exist. Some famous events probably didn’t happen at all (the whole proskynesis affair). Others didn’t happen as they’re told. After all, we have competing stories in the original sources themselves—take the Gordion Knot episode. That’s where we apply our critical historiographic eye now.
But to return to our story of burgeoning historiography in the 19th and early 20th centuries….
In 1870, Heinrich Schliemann began to dig at Troy, which opened up the Greek bronze age and put a hard skid on the “it’s all fiction” trend. Now, that shithead Schliemann did boatloads of damage and has earned his rep as a lying little Colonialist weasel who’s roundly cursed by most modern archaeologists. But you gotta give him that small sliver: he reversed the trend that regarded Greek myth as entirely false.
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Then the pendulum swung the other way. If the Trojan War had really happened, was myth just barnacle-encrusted history? That notion wasn’t so different from what the ancients had believed about their own myths, in fact.
Many historians sought to “purify” myth: find the truth behind it. The trend remained popular well into the 20th century in both academic history as well as historical fiction (see Mary Renault’s The King Must Die and Bull from the Sea). It also encouraged periodic “searches” for mythical places. The seemingly never-ending “Search for Atlantis” is the most obvious example. (Newsflash: Plato made that shit up. It’s a philosophical metaphor, y’all.)
Today, most professional historians regard Greek heroes as fictional. Instead, we trace how myths and heroes morphed over time and across cultures. So, Greek Herakles translated into Etruscan Hercle, then into Roman Hercules, plus Greek Herakles’s probable antecedent in ancient near eastern myths of Gilgamesh, Marduk, Sampson, Melquart, etc.
We’re also interested in how myths/legends embed reality at the edges to make them realistic to their hearers. It’s not barnacle-encrusted history but may still convey reality…much as fiction does today. If you watch a TV show about, say, hospital emergency rooms, most people don’t assume the characters are actual doctors or the events real except in broad brushstrokes. Yet we do rate such shows for how well they approximate ER experience. World build. That’s how modern historians and Classicists tend to approach myths today.
Myths are the stories a culture tells itself about itself.
What a culture valued, emulated, and how it wanted to think about itself can be found in myths.
These are the same things reception studies consider, btw. They’re less about what actually happened in history, than what people later wanted to believe happened. That’s as interesting a question (to my mind) as the truth of the event itself.
So perhaps all those fads in history tell us as much about the historians who purvey them as what they were uncovering. 😉
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fallout4-reacts · 1 year
Could I request a fem/gender neutral soul who used to be a spy/special agent pre war? Thank you!!1!:))
Anonymous asked:
(* sole :))
I know you specifically asked F!Sole and gender neutral, but I must admit that for the sake of inspiration… I used M!Sole a little. I genuinely hope you will forgive me for allowing myself this freedom… And I hope you have fun!
Cait : "Kind of like what Deacon does?" Cait says.
Sole takes another swig of their whisky and smiles thinly.
"Just slightly. I had to enter the opposing ranks, pretend as one of them, and acquire information."
Cait whistles in surprise.
"But who were these sworn enemies?"
Sole's smile darkens significantly. They turn to Cait and drop the bottle with a dry movement.
"The United States of America."
Cait has little ideas about history and a culture based solely on survival. But what Sole just said sends shivers down her spine. She had always suspected that they were far more secretive than they let on, but to realise that their game is so much more filthy.
"What now?" she asks grimly.
"Now? It no longer matters. They've all been burned down. I'm sure those in charge are as well. So it's a beautiful story to tell around the fire, but it no longer means anything."
Sole ends up falling asleep drunk that night. Cait, on the other hand, remains awake for an extended period of time. Sole is not the person they claimed to be. They are not former citizens who have earned a spot in a vault. They are spies who infiltrated pre-war society in order to ruin this country. They may own some of the blame for where the world is now.
Cait is not a highly cultured individual; the majority of her knowledge is limited to her survival, but precisely... Isn't someone like this a menace even now?
Cait would rather not make a choice, but she is certain of one thing: she does not want to walk with them. Instead of lying down with Sole that night, she gets up quietly and puts the greatest distance between them and her. She's not sure if she'll have to regret it. She's not the brightest, but someone who can thoroughly create a life in the old world can lie to everyone in the new. She wouldn't want to find out what this twisted personality's worst flaw is.
Codsworth (f!Sole) : He can't believe Sole just told him that. She deceived, infiltrated Western society, and married an American soldier for the sake of international espionage? She's probably dehydrated or starving. There are no other possibilities. Sole could not be a spy.
"But, Mum, you seemed so happy with Sir!"
"I don't disagree with you, Cods. Nate was a wonderful man who deserved to be respected. However, orders are orders."
"But what about your son?"
"This is collateral damage. Nice damage. I have no regrets, especially given what happened next. It no longer matters, and I don't understand why I should feel remorse."
Codsworth shakes his circuits. No, Sole simply mocks him. But, as she pointed out, it no longer matters. So he'll simply disregard the facts he just heard.
It’s just bad coding. Yes, bad coding. Even General Atomic's pride can be damaged by 200 years of radiation and dust. It's simply a code error. This is not true.
Curie : "Oh! Like Mata Hari/James Bond! How wonderful!" Curie's smile broadens and brightens. She wants to know everything, down to the smallest detail, and about any assignments Sole may have completed abroad. She's curious about everything! Sole is delighted to please her, telling her about their most incredible exploits in the land of the rising sun.
Danse (M!Sole) : "Outstanding."
Danse believes he could do a lot for the Brotherhoods, but he's not sure he'd have the strength or capacity to do what Sole did.
"And your wife had no idea?"
"It had to be this way. Nobody had to know about my second identities, otherwise the entire operation would have been jeopardised."
"So she thought you were going to the front?"
Sole drops the bottle of whisky that Danse is rushing to catch, taking a big gulp while listening to his subordinate.
"I was always in the front. I was mostly on a plain army mission, and believe me, we needed it. But my fluency in languages occasionally took me beyond our borders. I appear to have a pleasant face that exudes confidence."
Danse gags on his sip. His expression changes to suspicious. Sole breaks in laughter.
"Eh! Don't even think about it. It was before the bombs drops. Even if I have some excellent stories to share, I acknowledge that I would not do it again for all of the resources in the world. Cheating is not something that comes naturally to me."
"I hope."
Danse, on the other hand, was a little more wary for a while. As time goes on, he realises that Sole is sincere. So he gets closer to him again, and sometimes, on the edge of a fire, Sole tells him about one of his exploits in the east.
Deacon : "No kidding! I knew you had it in you!"
Deacon is overjoyed to get that information. It's one more than the rest of the Commonwealth, and he enjoys it. He also doesn't mind learning a few more tricks from an expert, even if he considers himself to be rather accomplished at what he does. It actually reminds him...
"Did I ever tell you about the time I infiltrated a super-mutant clan and pretended to be one of them for three months?"
Dogmeat : He leans back, loving listening to Sole speak.
Elder Maxson (romanced)(F!Sole) : He examines the laying shape on his bed with caution. She flung it at him as if it were an amusing fact. He, on the other hand, does not take it lightly. On the opposite, it throws him into anguish she cannot understand.
"Special agent? Like a double life?"
"I was working for the US Army but ended up getting into the enemy's line. I had to try to get information regarding nuclear developments. Getting pregnant with Shaun threw a wrench in the works. I was dismissed with honor."
Maxson feels relieved all of a sudden. She worked for the army, so the organization from whose ashes the Brotherhood rose. 
"Do you believe in your own loyalty?"
"Sure. Even in enemy territory, I would have died for my country."
This time, Maxson is relieved. He has no idea how competent Sole was as a spy, but he has no doubts about her sincerity now that she has proven herself with strength and conviction. At last, he does not wish to be doubtful...
Hancock : "Wow. Seriously, you're twisted."
Hancock takes another strong whiff of Jet to get high on this information. When the effect brings him back to the present, he looks at Sole for a moment.
"But is lying so easy for you?"
"Don't be concerned. It's all behind me now. Nobody can be so at ease with lies. It was another era, and there was a lot on the line. It won't have changed anything in the end, you know. But for all the caps in the world, I wouldn't play that game again."
"Not even for the Railroad?"
Sole raises their head in surprise. They then slowly grinned.
"We're not doing it to you, are we?"
"No. Too many people believe this."
"I won't make that mistake."
"Are you aware... that... me neither?"
Sole lets out a small laugh.
"Hancock, I just told you. I mean, I could have just shut up forever."
The mayor sighs slightly and reaches for a new inhaler on the table.
"I hope you're serious. It doesn't survive much longer now, Double Agent, than it did before the bombs."
Sole was staring at the mayor, unsure whether this was a joke or a threat. They shrug, thinking that as long as they don't intend to betray Hancock, they have nothing to worry about.
Gage : "And you're going to double me right here and right now?"
Sole laughs out loud.
"No! Why would I do something like that?"
Porter points his weapon at Sole, who lifts an eyebrow in surprise.
"Do you think I have no idea who you are? Do you think I'm unaware that you're the Minutemen's General? And now you've just revealed to me that you've previously played it double."
Sole breathes deeply and moves closer to Porter, a hand on the barrel threatening to lower the weapon.
"Precisely. I have currently told you. Do you think I'm stupid enough to hand you all the cards if I'm going to betray you?"
The henchman pauses before lowering his gun. No. He has no reason to believe that Sole will double cross him. What would they stand to gain? In Nuka World, they poured their blood together. No one act like a brother/sister in blood to bretray them after. Porter does not believe Sole will turn on him.
MacCready : "I'm not surprised," he groans between his teeth, his gaze fixed on Sole.
They've been trapped in a cabin for several days due to especially bad weather. Torrential rains and strong radioactive winds subsequently followed each other, and MacCready's attitude was at an all-time low. Sole proposed discussing the pre-war period. The sniper isn't overjoyed to learn that his friend was a secret agent for the national security services; not at all. Sole isn't sure if it's because the subject doesn't interest him or because it's so bitter outside, but they're a little disappointed by his lack of reaction. Their friend appears to notice and raises his head, sighing.
"In another life, I was the mayor of a small town." He gives his boss a kind smile. "What was it like, spy?"
"Special Agent. Surprisingly, the most of the time it was dull. There was a lot of paperwork. But I had a couple of memorable missions."
"So tell me."
Nick : Nick comes to a halt, taken aback by what Sole has just said. He usually shows little or no reaction to Sole's references from the past since he doesn't want to give them the false hope of being able to converse with them as if he had actually experienced it. This is the other Nick who lived during this time, and he just has flashes and fragments of recollections to go on—nothing meaningful enough to discuss.
But spy? Who wouldn't be impressed by that?
"Really? I can't believe it!"
"I've rarely seen a spy who can't tell a lie."
Sole is aware that Nick is merely teasing them, yet they are still offended.
"First and foremost, I was an Special Agent, and I know how to lie!"
"Not from what I've seen so far."
Nick's joyously mocking tone has truly affected Sole this time, and they want to shut him but aren't sure how. As a result, they take the first thing that comes to mind.
"I managed to make a synth think I was his friend!"
When Nick stares into Sole's eyes, they realise what they have just uttered. They immediately become worried.
"No! Nick! It's not... I lied! I’m lying! Come on, Nick, I'm your friend!"
But Nick turned back and headed to the road, a gloomy expression on his face. For quite some time all we could hear was Sole pleading Nick to forgive them.
After a few streets, Nick sighs and returns his attention to his partner.
"It's clear you don't know how to lie. When you do it, you are unable to face it."
Piper : "Wow! An actual spy! Are you going to give me an interview about this?"
Uncomfortable, Sole rubs their neck. This one should have been kept. Why not, though? It will make an interesting story for Piper, but it won't affect anything in their current life. That's what they assumed. Mirna looks more menacing than ever the day the story is published, and Sole immediately realises that her prices have gone increased... just for them.
Preston (romanced) (F!Sole) : "A spy? Wow."
Preston slides into the bed next to her, and Sole makes way for him. She begins purring with delight as soon as the man's hands touch her. They had been overburdened with settlement work all week, and she was desperate to find him.
"You know what it was?"
"Somewhere, the trade is still going on. But I did read a few books on Russian spies when I was younger. Wow. It's uh...hm."
Even in the dark, despite his complexion, he’s obviously blushing. Sole can't help but giggle at the effect it has on her lovely Colonel.
"So let me submit you my way," she whispers to him, spreading her legs to ride him.
Strong : "Spy can be eat?"
"No, Strong, it was just a job."
"Job can be eat?"
"No, Strong, that's how folks lived. There are still jobs available here. And being a chef is a job elsewhere. So Fist had a job. And being a fighter is a job, so Strong has one."
"Oh. Strong get it. Spy does what?"
"He sneaks in quietly, listens, and learns about people."
X6-88 : Despite his sunglasses, Sole notices X6's hard gaze on them. They tried everything to make the atmosphere around the fire more relaxed because the Courser isn't the warmest guy in the world, and Sole badly wants to connect with him. For the time being, it's over.
"Eh eh. Eeeeh. That was, um, something like that back then. When you had a talent, the government would take use of it."
"Cheating, lying, and betraying were talents?"
Sole sighs with exasperation. No, confiding to such an indoctrinated Institute member was a horrible idea.
"Rather listen, understand, and find," they growl, completely scowling.
But, to their amazement, they came across what they were looking for—X6's curiosity.
"It readily apparent that the aspect becomes much more interesting from this perspective. Have you considered applying your expertise for the Institute?"
Sole shakes their head slowly, trying not to reveal their true feelings.
"No. It’s in the past. I'll never work as a spy again."
They bite their tongues as they think about the Railroad. Perhaps it wasn't such a smart idea to tell X6 about their spy past when they were spying on the Institute.
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kyogre-blue · 11 months
I huff about the Wrath of the Rock thing mostly bc if I started talking about how badly contracts were done in Liyue I'd never stop lol. What he did with Wanyan was the most in-your-face about it and had me FUMING, yes, but I honestly really want to know what the adepti are getting out of their contracts and why exactly they still had to hold up their end of the bargain when the contractor was supposed to be dead. Like? A contract really is supposed to benefit both parties? What service has Zhongli been providing? NOT kicking them out of Liyue's mountains or something? Is he a landowner? And Xiao's contract is just downright exploiting him - I'd think the translation mistook "contracts" for "oaths" somewhere but no, Yanfei exists.
And I was curious bc I distinctly recall a Liyue NPC praying to Barbatos....checked, her name's Chishui! And she says though it's tradition in Liyue to worship the Geo Archon the winds are what truly determine whether her sailor husband is safe, though she admits it's rare (unsure if she means liyue locals praying to Barbatos or locals praying to another god in general). She says any god will do as long as they keep her husband safe though, so maybe she just has either less patriotism or more common sense idk.
Gahhh unreliable information is so annoying. I remember thinking when I started playing that maybe humans already had their own "type" and their ruling archon just neutrally crystalised it, given it IS supposed to be their own ambitions and all. As it is, now I don't trust anything about vision lore bc I know it's going to get dashed later on rip
Hahaha................. yeah.
But yeah.
In general, one of Genshin's biggest missed opportunities is arguably doing nothing with their gods' supposed ideals.
Mondstadt is freedom town, so that's nice, but there's no actual commentary on freedom, even though there's potential for something juicy with how they walked themselves into the Aristocracy entirely on human free will. Liyue is uh contracts, but "contracts" can mean any of like three different things minimum, with no distinction or examination of any of them. Inazuma tried, but they did not connect Yoimiya's musings, Ei's misguided grief nonsense and then the uuuh revelations (?) she had when communing with her dead sister's spirit inside a magic that went back in time for some reason (???) particularly well. And Sumeru is just a joke, they don't even try.
These seem to be basically just buzzwords that exist for flavor, rather than any real meaning.
I feel like part of the supernatural contracts in Liyue might relate to the weird third party racism that archons engage in for the sake of humans. Like how the oni had to do some weird dance to live with humans and how Azhdaha basically has no rights because won't you think of the humans. Adepti originally start out with a flavor of being fairly alien in their thinking and don't interact with humans well at all, so them having a contract that forces them to prioritize humans is potentially meant to make sure they kill fewer people.
In that sense, the service Zhongli provides is that he doesn't execute all their asses for imprisoning random people in amber and shit like that, I guess?
But they really did not keep any of this consistent.
Which isn't surprising. Genshin never cares about consistency, which is why its lore might be cool but its worldbuilding is pretty awful.
In regard to worshipping foreign gods, its presumably possible. I do recall there's a Sumeru NPC who also prays to Barbatos, though other NPCs near him didn't seem thrilled with that. On the whole, Genshin is hardly going to ever create a tense enough situation where there's acknowledged religious or national fervor that could lead to people getting genuinely targeted for acting in a way that's not seen as socially acceptable. But logically speaking, it's not even just plain "following a minority religion" deal, these gods are also the government and immediately present divine rulers. Barbatos isn't around and Morax is pretty chill, but like imagine if you want to make a shrine to a different god next to your house. How is that going to go over? If you apply just basic "how humans act about things" from the real world.....
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7ban-sama · 2 years
if Nene tried to...?
often times, I’m so curious what would have happened if Nene had the willpower to “kill” Amane during the Picture Perfect arc. When Nene is proposed this concept, she doesn’t know if the Amane she is interacting with is any more real than the Aoi and Akane she saw get erased earlier that day. So, she doesn’t realize that Hanako is masquerading as one of the illusory classmates all around her. Nene doesn’t know that Hanako is fully cognizant of the circumstance — er, in fact, he’s likely more familiar with how Shijima-san’s world works than Nene is, as the leader of all the School Wonders....? — Anyhow...
Let’s say Nene could bring herself to pick up that dagger. Would... Hanako... even let her kill Amane...? Perhaps, she could try and use the element of surprise to isolate Amane and make an attempt at stabbing him, but... I think, even if Nene worked herself up to do this, she could have a moment of hesitation, even just out of sheer anxiety of what she was about to do. And... if Amane saw her with a dagger in hand, wouldn’t he just...
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Catch her off guard, and react quickly to neutralize her...?
I think Shijima-san’s proposal to Nene and Kou was serious, but I also think that no one involved could factor in Hanako’s over-controlling nature. Nene didn’t expect that Hanako would lie to her like this, and Kou didn’t expect Hanako to not be on the same page about fleeing from this world... Even Shijima-san didn’t seem to expect that No. 7 would just lock someone up in her tower and command her to finish the world. It’s all a surprise...!
But you know, this isn’t actually the first time Hanako outright refused to let Nene make a decision for herself, with regards to her “freedom”... That was the crux of the whole conflict with Nene being invited by the envoys of the Mermaid. 
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It wasn’t that Nene herself chose to stay by Hanako’s side and honor their bond. In the end, Hanako intervened, because he doesn’t believe it is Nene’s choice to make.
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... and he’s willing to talk about it, as if it’s a matter of Nene belonging to him... Hm.
Regardless of, if this was the “right” decision, this is still Hanako overriding Nene’s agency. It means he trusts his own judgement over hers... which, tracks, considering how he proceeds to handle things in Picture Perfect / The Severance... Despite how self-aware Hanako seems to be about his capacity for harm, and despite how self-hating he can be, this doesn’t change the fact that Hanako refuses to relinquish control to others. We should remember that, if it was up to Hanako, Nene would have never even learned that he ever killed Tsukasa. Kou divulges that...
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It wasn’t even Hanako who told her his past name — Nene was breadcrumbed trailed towards the Bookstacks by Sakura (and thus, by Tsukasa) — none of it was Hanako willingly volunteering the information himself!! Nene only accidentally learned about her shortened lifespan, even... and so on...
At this point, Hanako is still so adamant about not letting Nene make decisions, that he won’t even approve of her becoming a kaii to be with him. As recent as chapter 91, he is refusing to permit Nene agency-! He really would prefer to do everything himself, wordlessly, and never explain himself or consult with anyone. This behavior is... er, at this point, so pathological it’s kind of morbidly amusing to me... It seems that being precious to Hanako comes with a cost, of never getting to choose what happens to your life...
Er, I suppose that’s a rather consistent problem, considering that the last thing Hanako did while alive was choose to end him and Tsukasa’s life, via shinjuu. That’s all on Hanako... (Er, a murder victim can’t exactly have agency, now, can they...? ^^;) Whatever this problem is... it was never resolved while he was alive, and it continues to be one that Nene has to constantly circumvent, to make any progress getting close to him. I feel as though Tsukasa is just doing his best to assist Nene along the way.... and boy does she need it. But of course, Tsukasa would know from firsthand experience, wouldn’t he? lol
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jay88de · 1 year
In an increasingly polarized society, I think an important skill to cultivate is the ability to hold or observe multiple viewpoints while restraining yourself from imposing your viewpoint. At every given moment, what you believe as your viewpoint on an issue is largely determined by your age, cultural heritage, history, race, family beliefs, personal value systems, peer group influences, religion, place of origin and the type of information you’re continuously exposed to. The last one is a double-edged sword; it could either work to reinforce a preexisting bias or challenge it. As such, your viewpoint is quite unique to you, as someone else’s is to them. In the face of opposition, it’s easy to want to view the opposing viewpoint as an enemy to take on. This is where to remember that you’re contending with a viewpoint, not the human being. Taking dabs on the person will only aggravate the matter and increase the perceived separation and animosity.
A good place to start would be to listen with the goal of finding common ground, rather than trying to dispute their logic. This requires you to always know that at any point in time, you don’t have a 360 view of the situation. You cannot go into a discussion from a place of superiority or inferiority, neutrality here is imperative.
However, discussing to find common ground gives you the opportunity to put your viewpoint to the test against other viewpoints, often what you’d come to find out is; most people don’t think through their perspectives on issues and asking questions can help them discover blindspots, treating someone with an opposing viewpoint with respect tends to lower their defences and make them more likely to negotiate/compromise, people typically want similar things and often the variations can be negotiated upon, when a  people’s freedom to exert their will is taken or stifled, whatever exists isn’t peace – it’s an outrage waiting to happen.
On the part of cultivation the ability to hold multiple viewpoints, aim to cast a wide net over the issue, listen to the arguments on as many sides as possible, while at this, observe the presiding powers pushing the narratives to help determine what their goals are. Unfortunately, some goals are plainly malignant and, in these cases, the best thing for everyone is to take it out, squash it or expose it, no negotiations.
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fuzzydreamin · 1 year
💢 🍧 🙊 📦 🔥 ☄️ 💙 💖
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
They're both strongwilled, and will do what they want if they feel like it, or that it might be beneficial in some way, so people need to get used to following their lead and not being too surprised. Also recklessly curious.
Nora is a smoker, so there's that too. And Al needs to keep their hands busy, so if they aren't working on their pip-boy or some techy thing then they will start tapping surfaces or something and that could get annoying.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Nora lost pretty much everything when the bombs fell, with not much having survived in her house, much less from her childhood. She wasn't much of a sentimental person before the bombs, so she didn't have much from then.
Al has their pip-boy, which they got as a kid in the vault, and the grognak comic Amata gave them. James' cross might count, since it's been around them their whole life, but she only received it herself as an adult. Al would be very upset to lose any of these items, since two of them were gotten from people they can't see anymore (exile/death), and the thought of losing or damaging their pip-boy causes them anxiety.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
They can both be pretty good at holding their tongue when they need to, but won't stay quiet about people making choices that will knowingly hurt others.
With Nora her staying quiet is usually an intentional effort to gather information by not rocking the boat until she feels the need, while Al just doesn't really care to debate people and will either walk away or start throwing insults or fists.
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to..." that can apply to them?
Uh, I'm not great at these ones but...
Nora: ... be a secret super hero. ... sleep with the enemy. ... be a parent, one way or another.
Al: ... eat food in bed (and be messy about it). ... get insulted by a child. ... know too much about [redacted].
Both: ... blow shit up. ... have multiple partners at a time. ... die a slow and agonizing death.
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Substance. They both drink more than they should, have brushes with too much chem use, and Nora smokes even more after the bombs.
Generally risky behaviour, from sleeping with strangers to taking chances with their own lives for the sake of others or furthering their goals.
Al also has a habit of pushing people away out of a false perception that that person is limiting them or their freedom in some way.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Nora: assume she's lost, confused, or generally unaware. More true at the very start of the story, less so after a few months in the wasteland. She tends to ask a lot of questions and keep her plans to herself until it's time to put them into action which makes people underestimate her.
Al: that they care less than they actually do. Al is very blasé about a lot of things and can come across as fairly neutral or lowkey. They actually care a lot, it's just exhausting.
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
Nora misses her partner/s in the way that she's very independent and fine on her own for a bit but looks forward to seeing them again, and if they are apart for a time, like weeks or months, then she will get more depressed about not seeing them until she can again.
Al swings between being totally independent and actually missing people rather deeply. They are a commitaphobe so they will miss someone while simultaneously running in the opposite direction from them.
Neither of them really acts any differently while apart from their s/o's, though they might be more reckless since they don't have to worry about a lecture or taking the other person's safety into account.
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
Both are generally subtle, but Nora can be more showy if she wants to put on a display.
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novumtimes · 1 month
Tips for embracing the art of minimalist travel
Would you like to experience more freedom with less baggage? If your answer is ‘yes’, then it is time to embrace the art of minimalist travel. The approach will help you to enjoy the simplicity and freedom of travel as you focus on the essentials and limit the unnecessary. You will also appreciate adventures and experiences with so much less. Picture: Holly Amanda rich / Unsplash Through minimalist travel, you can travel lighter, move more freely and have a richer and more deeply immersed travel experience. Here are a few tips to embrace the art of minimalist travel: Pack versatile clothing Selecting the right kind of clothing is a crucial part of minimalist travel. Packing multi-functional and versatile clothing items in neutral colours works best. This is because such items can be easily matched and styled to create different outfits. In packing versatile clothing, you will save plenty of space, thus resulting in less baggage. Your decision-making process each morning will also be more simplified. Plan to do laundry Doing laundry on your trip will reduce the amount of clothing which you pack. Some hotels offer laundry services at an extra cost. You can also hand wash clothes which are made from quick-drying fabrics. Bring a small amount of washing powder with you or purchase it at your destination. This is an effective way to ensure that you always have clean clothing even though you have packed light. Make wise footwear decisions Shoes can very easily be one of the bulkiest items in your luggage. As such, it is advisable to not pack more than two pairs of shoes. Make sure that the shoes you pack are comfortable, versatile and durable. Moreover, it is best to wear the bulkiest pair of shoes on the day when you are travelling. This will save you some space in your luggage. Choose travel-sized toiletries Embracing the compactness of travel-sized options can be a game changer. You can effortlessly save precious space in your luggage without compromising your personal hygiene and grooming routine. Be sure to pack mini bottles of products such as shampoo, conditioner and lotion. Go digital We live in a digital world, and using that to your advantage will help you to achieve your goal of minimalist travel. Instead of carrying physical books and maps, rather access these through your cellphone. This way, you can still access the information you need without having to carry unnecessary baggage. It is also important to ensure that you minimise the electronics you bring along. If you have a good smartphone that takes high-quality images, consider using it for photos on your trip instead of bringing a separate camera with you. Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter ALSO READ: Best Milkshake Spots in Johannesburg Source link via The Novum Times
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nensi6666 · 7 months
- (from the English mirror-mirror) character - an observer located inside mirrors, an inhabitant of mirrors or mirror reflections
known as: mirroring
nickname : mirror, zerk, distorted reflection Автор(ы): Pidorpyk696
Creation date: October 31, 2023 alignment: chaotic neutral appearance skeletal monster/reflection
gender: male
eye color: black/mirror
author : pidorpyk696
Finding himself in a mirror void, at first I did not understand where he was, but then I figured it out and began to create mirrors in this black space, with the help of which he observed alternative universes, and later he was able to move through mirrors to any point in the universes
he tends to get too carried away by watching one AU, which is why he can sit in front of the mirror for several hours
he is very passionate about studying different universes and writing them down in his notes, as well as collecting souvenirs from different universes or visiting them himself, but this rarely happens, he prefers to observe more
He is an individualist and values his own freedom, but does not worry too much about others'.
avoids those in power, rejects restrictions and challenges rules
usually he does not wage war against order, undermining the foundations - for this he lacks kindness (and the desire to free others) or anger (and the desire to cause suffering). so he usually watches it from the side as a reflection or observer
He may behave unpredictably, but he cannot be denied consistency. Usually he ends up crossing bridges rather than jumping off them. his chaotic neutral worldview speaks of his freedom from the demands of society and from the role of the “good guy”.
he has a really good memory, he can remember a lot of information, but sometimes he can forget where he put this or that thing
usually avoids fighting, if possible avoids it through a mirror or any glass objects that in some way resemble a mirror or have a reflection
rarely jokes about other AU characters in the form of a terrible reflection in the mirror
he writes a lot in a notebook and scribbles in the corners of the notebook
creates mirrors in a black space; in the 2nd room it is a workshop; in the 3rd room it is a resting place
he is afraid of too long silence and empty space, so he tries to surround himself with as many mirrors as possible
he has a whole collection of badges, which is replenished with new ones from different AU that he personally visited
reads comics
I like to follow the inventory, including the underverse
he has the same attacks as the original Sans, but he can create very durable glass attacks in the form of bones and gaster blasters and also become permeable
Interesting Facts
he can pass through mirrors and also sign from different AU like a wiretap
no one can pass into his black mirror space or appear in it since he is inside the mirrors
there are several old clocks in the room
Of all the locations in any universe, he prefers the waterfall
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